EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1915. -3 FOT.'ITNG ATROCmES QiARGEDTOBULGARS Accuse Invaders of Wnn- tm Murders Women and Children vic-ima IMS Oct ' uuignnnn troops are fAl . ', .ii-nntrheit from Athens unit LTrest of committing revoltlnn Rtrocl- EmA 6rii They nre cnnrnwi with M " . l..iniHn 1,Mh1 nHmiian U" "" k.i women Blml ar brutnli ". charged to the Gorman troops . aa grrvln from the north. K ...natch to tho Petit Journnl atntes t'J, gerb Minister nt Bucharest prt- M ine " A-..rlrit Sllnl.ter th.ro !.- the ntrocltlca of tho Gorman '.' ., renuested the United States rT . fo ioln In tho protest. KVkl male population of Belgrade was IP.?" . i t.rml not ,1 hv Ihn fl.r. spree tncs.nirn from Tnrlw "' .' ,,1-llrr,,. nf h mnal hi. romfn w """--- vt.u .,. :. violence """" . ....... .. ,,... were carried oft prisoners Into Aus- iRnliirlun troops systematically mas- .,! and cities of Servla," says nn T ",.- committed In tho Tlmok reclon EK in New Servla Hundreds of men ... l,in--nri nr hlirneil nllvp. Phil. -'mutilated In n most abominable ner or butchered with refinements of Jnr Women and younR girls wore dellTercd - soldiers by the officers to do with ifthey willed, nnd after being outraged , msiorlty of them were shot or feed. HOSPITALS GET BEQUESTS fill of JHa Baedler Gives Money to Homo and Church Also rhIUdelplila hospitals benefit to the ex S. I15.MW under provisions ot the will 5f Julia BAedlor, of IMS North Broad "it. admitted to probate today. The Issrtate U valued at more than $100,000, and lEtttrs testamentary were granted to tho "L, .1. j-t-hl- Tnitt Pnmnnnv nit Wllllnm sjinauci.'"" .o- ..., j ., UXOrange. ) tflll leaves JSOOO to the Polyclinic iltal, to establish a free bed as a orlat to Charles P. Baedler: $3000 to LLuke's Hospital: $5000 to the North cm Home for Friendless Children, nnd m to the Church of tho Incarnation, Jroad and Jefferson streets. The remain der of the estate goes to relatives. fX bcq'Jest of $300 to St. Vincent's Or Lttni' Asylum Is Included In the will 3(Annle Dlllard, late of 2502 East Oak Mi street, who left an estate valued W173. iTut will ot Cdwln A. Landall. former jtttldent of the Kensington National lank and one of the original members ttto Union League, oequeaths nn estate wtetd at $75,000 to the widow. Mario K. hftdill; a son, George A. Landall, and to imidchlldren. lOther wills probated today were those I' Walter Ellis, 245S North 17th street, 101; William Allmondlnger, who for para was head of the Vagrant Division, CKy Detective Bureau, 2339 North 10th street, $7200; J. Ernest Galvan, Bay Head, V.'J., $2300; Mary E. Wire, 1910 West slumbla avenue, $2250, and Bcgina Fltz, m North Dover street, $2200. Tho per lial effects of the estate of Ernest fcrltlgh have been appraised at $1203.65. I HORACE G. WILLIAMS Mred Business Man and Prominent Mason Horace G. Williams, tnr m-nu ,,, thetilied with the coal and lumber busl attf In the South, died th'ls morning, after asllflnjss of almost two years, at his BM9 in St. David's. ITn wax M vifra nlrt ilXr, Williams was born in Mlnersvlllc, set, ana came to tnis city 22 ears ago. If luilness circles ho was widely known frthla large interest In Southern corpora fHU. lie was nresldcnt nf n atrut raii- mr company of Portsmouth, Va and ,ll? "uu"""' " nam wu receiver oi ine PTer Creek Railroad and the Beaver WMk Lumber Companv. He wan a mm. f of the Union League 'and a 32d do ne Mason. BHU widow was formerly Miss Edith Mrii. daughter of the late Robert L. Lfcli ."" eiiBineer oi ine uniteo, IWNUta NaVV. Ha In nlftn snrvlv hxt n wii Dr. Edward Mercer Williams, and a rwusnwr, wrs. H. . stllwell, Mass for Countess de Sibour l8olemn Requiem Mass for the repose of i ovui oi iuumess ae MiDOur waB cele ed today at St. Patrick's Church. 20th wi sireeis. xne countess re ar died at Cambridge, England, after a unless, one was rormerly Miss Kath- I BallfeV. dfltirhtar nf TAeAn, 1 ti.ii... D Lancey plac this city. JBeatljg ItU.KV A T I- -, M . fr , uiiiwvou, utiawftr, wouniy. jE2T-' I IT0" " h lat Hannah n. i lmrtJ to attend funtral wrvlc. on Sat- ii a l ner ainr residence. j- .-i4. unci iiisin i wwn CTOit ueme- MO)) On October SO, 1015, no NA. Wlfe.of th late John J. Anderson. Sm'&JK" .''"' Wnd.: Lt mjl ,z.. M" T?u? ine oacra T. ""iiou. on juonaay. octolwr IB, r k. "AofH h&1 .''? 08. WH- rch .h- H.rr-"'...",.u'"'2. Iy. lnttrm-n ifniu r.. - " mpfctU YiiniVaT." v""" -""- r.HiiKn ..-, . ... j TnuwiVi tiiX" UW " 10- JOHN w nTVI ,miiiiu ooaa, avia ana r "- ". AuivrjucnK ai jorinwooa &ZTZ'; .Vi'.r .-". ."Ani,ES, A...1 . .... 5'J- n.lUiv.. and friend., also Bfuecher at SnT,?,. ""ncJal boelity. ar, TlnyU.5 a 'fSl h 'unerar, on Saturday, at 8-30 Bera,K, B.V fetf" 9"". l"od. KIU funeral v'""' Au- ijisv;-"u'nix1 on ucioter is, ISIB, ISmti.I?.. "'J"!..110 Qorjt and Chrts- ImtiT i .,..'j "'"""a ana rrtendt are In law .T iVi"11 ,h '"neral service, on Frt lEtir ? t; m- at h realdanca of hi. l5r.1S5t-.Mr. ?"?'""'..." south. Md Br ' .-.. k mhuiii .aqfiaa uemeiery. I FLIP AND FLOP HEATHS nh,M' .n .P'tober $5, it. nuoiT'rr. rjJJ rt "'.""Ham O. riojl (nee Mte) 52..1I. 7,-. ",;,l' nd friend., also Chmlf t?If.A5,7,, 1'K,l 11 nd 2S1, are Invited l2.ii,Vd jntl. on Friday, at A0 a. ii... from his lata rreldtncs. lztr UHTe tt. Bol mn Ttequlem Ms at the Church ot the As sumption at 10 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. f.,;.Hi-', .?' Pr A . "ur,- ne'atlvea anJ riJiVhl!' .tJytiXt,J.",n' "oelailon -of I'hlla TirnrtAihS4f.n.'tn ny,w,l r Invited to fil-?di.i'.hr .funM1!!i on Sstnnfcy, m s a. m., 2l ?,' '! rlne, join IpMr t. Sol n1'.n. iVT&m M,M. " th Church ot the "'"," 6 M a. m. Interment at Holy Cross cemetery. nf?tM?;r-n October IS, lto, JAMES '!rxliK- husband of Julia Ilurke (ne .,?r 'i'.v "'atlves and friends are Invited to attend tho runcral, on Friday ,at 8:30 a. m.. from his late residence. ISrtu Coral st. (cor ner or lluntlntdon St.). llequiem Vats at tho Churth of the Visitation at 10 a. m. interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. ".WfS-- 0n ob 1. lOlS. MAtt PAl,fcT; ,wl.'1w ot Peter IJyrnes Inee Mir riey). llelathes and friends are InMted to at tend funeral, on Saturday, at S a. m.. from her lain rerfdence, lTlfl tambert st. Mass of Tlequlem at the Church of ift. Thomas Aquinas at 0.30 a. m. Interment Holy Croes Cemetery CIlAWrpitl). On October IB, 1915. BAHAlt K.. wlfa of nobert Crawford (nee Allen). Itelatlres and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serviceea on Friday, at 2 p m., . . n,'v4 i-Kiuriii.-c., i.-iji tni tiasara ft Interment private, at Oreenmount Ceme tery Kemulns may be viewed on Thursday ONenlns;. Automobile funeral. CltEinilTON. In Philadelphia, suddenly, on dM? hter of the late John and Ultabeth CrotKhton rtels lives and friends ar lnltd to attend funeral pcrvlces. on Friday, at 2 30 o clock, at the residence of her brother, f!d ward Crelnhton, 234 West Till street. Chester, Ha. Interment private. CI.'5V!?;, "-. n October 1. 1915. MAIIT AUCS, wife of Henry Cross, aaed 02 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the rubers) services, on Friday, at 11 a. m., at her late residence. 8501 Hunter ave. In terment prlxate. nALTON. On October 18. 1013, JOHN, son of the late l'hlllp and Ann Dalton, aied 4U T'". pelnthea and friends are Invited to attend thy funeral, on Friday at R 30 a. m , from hla lite residence, 1120 South Uroad st. Hlh Mats nt St. Theresa's Church, at 10 a, tn. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DKVUItKUX. On October 20, 1015. MI C1IAUL,, husband of Frances l)efreux. nelatlea and friends are InMted to attend funeral, nn Saturday, at 0 a. m., from his lte. residence. 43.1 ktarket at , Gloucester. N. J, High nvqutem Mass at St. Mary's Church at 10 a. m Interment Old Cathedral Ceme tery. IMHtniNH At New York, on October 20, IMS. Mrs. CATHARINE DODDINS. aged CO years. Interment private. DUMI'IIIUIl. On October 10. 1915, MAHY J., widow of Frnncls C. Dumphler. aged 72 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Friday, at 7.30 n. m.. from her son's residence, Thomas J. Dunn. 445 Car. ,ci at. v.niuui'11, it, u, uign Aiass at tno Cnurch of the Immaculate Conception at 0 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. KAKIN8. On October 20, 1915, SAMUEL 1.. husband of. Anna 8 Esklns. aged SJ ears. Due npllce of the funeral will be glen from his lata residence, 4014 Osage ao FASSITT-On October 10, 1015, EDWARD &.IiA31.TT aeniS' at his late residence, 823 5th St., Ocean City, N. J., on Thursday, at 8 p. in Interment at North Laurel Hill Ccmotery on Friday, at 10 a. m. FITZSIMMONS. On October 18, 1915. HANNAH DEAN, widow ot Thomas Fill flmmons and daughter of late George and Hannah Dean. ltelatUes and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 o'clock, from late residence. 12J Wharton st. Interment at Fernnood Ceme tery. Remains may bs viewed Thursday evening. FOSTER. On October 20. 1016, ELMIRA II., wife of Thomhs L. Foster (nee Redner), aged 33 years. Relatives and friends are In Mted (o attend the funeral services, on Satur day, nt 3:30 p. m.. at her late residence, 4! Tuckitwonni at., Frankford. Interment Oak land Cemetery. FRENCH. At her residence, 117 Delaware st., Woodbury, N. J., October 20, 1015. SARAH FRANCES llOBEKTS FRENCH, aged S3 jcars. daughter of the late Joseph Lowrey Roberta and widow of John U. FVench. late of San Antonio. Funeral eerMces at the residence, on Saturday, October 23, at 2 n. m. Durlal private. In the Roberta family vault, at Laurel Hill Cemetery. Philadelphia. FRF.TZ. Suddenly, on October 18, 1016, RUBEN FRETZ, husband of the late Josephine Frets, In his 74th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 1 p. m at hla late residence, 103T Master st. Interment private. Remains may be Mewed on Thursday, after 8 p. m MUCKER. JACOB D. FniCKER. aged 75 years 11 months 30 days. Funeral from his late residence, 214 North 0th at., Reading, Pa., on Friday, at 1 p. m. To proceed to St. Paul's Memorial Reformed Church. Serv Icea will be held at 1.30 p. m. Interment at Charles Rvans Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. OKKIKR. In Warrington, on October 10, 1015, JACOB F. D. OEIGER, late of 4820 North 12th at., Philadelphia. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday at 1.30 p. m. precisely, at Amltyville Church, Derks County, Pa. In-te-ment In adjoining cemetery. 1IAINEH. Suddenly, on October 18, 1916, WILLIAM M. HAINES, aged 02 ears. Rela tuea and friends, also oth District. Highway Department, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at H p. m , at the resl dtnee of bis brother-in-law. F. W. Sutton, 218 East Brlnghur.t St., Germantown. In terment at Sharptown, N. J on Saturday, at 1 p. m. HARDY. On October 20. 1015. ANNIE LEE HARDY, beloved daughterof ot Carleton 8. and Mary Lowry Hardy. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Friday evening, at 0 o'clock, at her late residence, 227 Virginia ave , Audubon, N. J. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. I1KINTZELMAN. On October 10. 1015. Dr. JOSEPH A. HEINTZELMAN. in his 82.1 year. Relatives and friends also Solomon's Lodge. No. 114. F, and A. M.; Columbia R. A. Chapter, No. 01; German Society of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia Turngemelnde: Philadelphia Council, No. 298, R. A., and all other organizations of which he was member, ar Invited to attend the funeral rervtces, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at the apart ments of Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. Please omit flowers. IIOI'KINB On October 20, 1915, WEST LEY P. HOPKINS, son of the late George and Msrr J. Hopkins, aged 28 years. Rela tives and friends ar Invited to attend the fvuieral services, on Saturday, at 2 30 p. m., at the residence of hla uncle. Oeorge K. Hopkins. 135 Krams ae Manayunk. Inter ment private, at Westminster Cemetery. liUOHKS. On October 10, 1015. CATH ERINE C HUOIIES. beloved wife of Thomas Hughes, Sr. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funetal, on Saturday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from her late resi dence, Nyack and Wycombe aves., I-n-downe, Delaware County, Pa. Solemn Mass of Itequl.m at St. Phllomena's .Church at 10 o'clock Interment at St. Charles' Cemetery, Kellyvllle. Automobile funeral, JKftlCO. On October 30, 1915, THOMAS II., son of the late Michael and Mary Jerlco. Rlatles and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8.80 a. m.. from the residence of his sister. Mrs. Caroline Qulnn, 68D0 Tulip st.. Tacony, High mass at St. Leo- Church at 10 a. m. Interment private. KINO, On October 20, 1815. LUCY TERRY, daughter of Walter C. and Sarah J. King (n Carr), In her Slat year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Sat urday, at 1.30 p. m., from her parents' resi dence. Andalusia, Pa. Services at the Chapel of the Redeemer at 2:30 p. m. Interment All Balnta' P. E. f'hurch grounds, Remains may be viewed on Friday, aftej- T p. m. KOPrKK. On October IB. 1815, MARY, wife of John W Kojper, aged 41 years. Relatives and friend are Invited to attend th funeral, on Friday, at 8 30 a. m , from her lat residence, 2047 West York st. ftolemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Co lumba'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Bepulchre Cemetery, LAUFKH On October 18, 1818, AONES, widow of John E. Laufor. Relatives and friends ar InMted to attend the funeral, on t..4.4w . !l n. m.. from th re.tdnc. nf I her son-in-law, James Dorsey, 2215 McClel- DF.ATHH Ian si Interment at Mount Morlah Ceme tery Remain may b viewed Thursday evening. LKtirnl.I). Buddenir, on October 20, 1915, OKOHOU c, son of the late Frederick W, and Marie Ortmm lnpold, aged txt rears, of Llchtenuerg, Bavaria. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the funeral jrvlee. on Hatuntay. at 2 p. m , at his late residence, 131 East llorgae lane, Mt. Airy, Interment private LOL'OIIMN, On October IK, 1915, DAVID. husband or Anna Loughlln. aged TO year, formerly of Frankford ave. and Clearfield st. Relatives and friends are Invited to. attend funeral, on Friday, at 1 p. m , from hi late residence, 112 8 Hist st Interment private. North Cedar Hilt Cemetery. Me!KNOCllf. On October 18. ISIS, ELIZABETH MoDONOUtlll (nee Armbrus. ter), widow ot John I. McDonough. aged w year Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, en Frldsy, at 2 30 p. m , at her late residence, 104 N. 3Mh at . Camden N J. Interment at Bethel Cemetery Remains rosy b viewed Thurs dsy evening McKKOWN. On October 20. 11B, WILL IAM J. McKEOWN, brother of Marv Tully Due notice ef the funeral will be Riven. McINTillA. On October 20. 1015. D. JAMES MclNTYRA. husband of Mary ide Intyra (nee Cash and son of Dennis and the late Mary Mclntvra. Relatliea and friends, also DIMalnn Nn. (I, A. O, H , are Invited to attend funeral, on Monday, at 8 3o a. m., from his tat residence, 0fil I.lrlngatone st. Solemn Requiem mass at the Church of NatlMty, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery- Mr.UKl.IMiKR. On October 20. 1915. LENA, wife ot Jacob Merkllnger, In her 03th year Relatives and friends ar Invited to at tend funeral, on Saturday, at 7 30 a m., from her late residence, 1050 N. Orlanna st. Requiem Msss at St. Bonlfaclua' Church at 0 am, Interment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. MOON. On October 10. 1915. JOHN R. MOON. 3d, beloved son ot Rebecca O. and John It. Moon, Jr. Relative, and friends ot the family r Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, precisely at 2 o'clock, at his 1st residence. 1021 Parrlah St. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. He nalna may be viewed on Friday evening, be tween ine nours or f ana u o ciock. MUI.MN. On October 10. 1915, MARY, daughter of the late James and Ann Mullln. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 a. m., from her late residence. 1712 Olrard ave. Solemn Requiem Mass at th Church ot the Oeau. at 0 l.i a m. Automobile funeral. Intermen'. private. OliKIUIKIDT. Suddenly, on October 18. 1013 HERMAN V., husband Of Magdalena Oberheldt, aged 03 years. Relatlvea and friends, alto Parker Norrls Lodge, No. 431, I. O .O. F.: Lennl Lena re Tribe, No. 3. 1. O R. M.: employes of Mldvate Steel Com pany, and lodges ot which Mr. Oberheldt Is a member, are livlted lo attend th fu neral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m at hi late residence, 3730 North Grata st. In terment at Northwood Cemetery. OSTKUMAIER On October 18, 1915, MAH GARTHA OSTERMAIER. Relatives and friend are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 11 a. m., at the apart menta of William II. Rnttersby, 3310 North Rroad at. Interment private. " PERKINS. At Beverly. N. J., on October 20. 1015. B. FRANKLIN PERKIN8. hu. band ot Kate Perklna, In hla 73.1 year. Rela tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral aervlres, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at hs late residence, corner Van Resun ave. and Chestnut St., deverly, N. J. Interment nt Monument Cemetery, PINKBTON. On October 18, lntp. ROB ERT, huslnl of Mary Plnkslonlnee Oil Ian), Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday morning, at 7-30 o'clock, from his late residence, 204 St. James st. Requiem Mass at St Joseph's Church nt 0 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. nANDOLril On October 20. 1915, ELIZA BETH F., beloved wife of Joseph M. Ran dolph. Sr. Relatives and friends are InMted to attend funeral services, Saturday, at 2 E. m.. at residence of her son-in-law, F. F. nyder, 2304 S. Bancroft st. READ. On October 19. 1915, LOUISA READ (nee Vogt), wife or George Read. Rel atlvea nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Saturday, at 1:30 d. m.. at her late residence. 21st st, and Penrose Ferry ave. and the P. R. R. Interment at Relvue Cemetery. Remains may be viewed or. Friday evening. RF.II.LY. On October 19. lOift. MARY JO SEPHINE, daughter of Mary and the late Francis John Rellly. Relatives and friends are tnvitea to attena ine runerni. on Friday, nt 8.30 a. m., from her late residence, 240l Nicholas st. High Mass at St. Elisabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KUSSKI.L. On October 20, 1015, MAR GARET RUSSELL, aged 75 yeara. Funeral services on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her eon-ln-law, Albert It. Spencer, 5130 N. 11th . .Logan. Interment private, nt Mt. Vernon Cemetery. SCHAEFrEK. On October 18, 1013. BRID GET SCHAEFFBR. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Friday morntng. at 8 o'clock, from th residence, 231 De Lancey st. Mass of Requiem at St. Joseph's Church at 0.30 a. m. precisely. In terment Holy Cross Cemetery. Auto cor tege. SCHONFELI). On October 19. 1015. MOR RIS, husband of the late Amelia Sehonteld. aged 07 years. Relatlvea nnd friends are In vited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 10 a. n., from hi late residence, 2810 North loth st. Interment private. Kindly omit flowers. SHAUFLER On October 19. 1015. JACOB O., hasband ot the lat Mary C. Schaufler. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at hla lata residence, 18T2 E. Schiller st. In terment private, at Oakland Cemetery. 8IIINN. Suddenly, at Mount Holly, N. J., on October 20. 1013. ISAAC L. SHINN. aged 82 year. Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral, from hla late residence, lit) lit. Hclly ave.. Mt. Holly, N. J on Satur day. October 23. at 2 p. m. Interment St. Andrew' Cemetery. STILES. Near Mount Holly. N. J on October 20, 101.1. JOSEPH R. STILES. In his 52d year. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to ?J.,eIV! funeral, from tils late residence, near Mt. Holly. N. J., on Seventh-day. 2.1d. at 11 a. m. Interment Mt. Holly Cemetery. Auto mobiles will meet train leaving Market at. ferry. Philadelphia, at 8:32 a. m.. at mL Holly, N J. THOMPSON, On October 10, 1015, WILL IAM, husband of Isabella Thompson (nee Brown). Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on Saturday, at 1 p. m . at hla late residence, 2029 E. Adams at. Interment private, Chestervlew Ceme tery, VOUTE. Suddenly, on October 20. 1015 LOUIS H. VOUTE. Funeral service st his late residence, COO North 16th st.. on Satur day, at 2 p. m.. to which relatives and friends are Invited. Interment private. Kind ly omit flowers. WALKER. At his late resldsnce, 3701 N. Percy st., October 20. 1016, WILLIAM K.. beloved husband of Kate M. Walker (nee Gatbe). Due notice of funeral will be given. WALSH. On October 19, 1016, RICHARD T husband of Frances E. Walsh (nee Brady) and son of Thomaa and the late Mary Walsh. Relatlvea and friends, also Holy Nam So ciety, Court Laurel Hill, F. of A., and Gran ite Cutters' Association, are Invited to at tend funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m from hla late residence. 4300 Fleming St.. Roxborough, High Mas at St. John's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepul chre Cemetery, WANNOP. On October 18. 1915. ANNA. wife of Thomas W. Wannop and daughter of Catharine and the late Henry Rowan. Rela. tlie. and friends are Invited to attend fu neral. Friday, at 8.30 a. m., from the resi dence of her mother. 1118 Leopard st. High Requiem Mass at Church of the Immaculate Conception at 10 a, m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. VVIUTTINGTON. On October 19. 1915, BENJAMIN F. WHITTINOTON, In hla Slat vear. Funeral services at his lat residence, 3117 North Taylor st., on Saturday, at 2 p. m. Interment private, WILLIAMS. At his residence, 800 Midland ve.. St. David's. Pa., on October 21, 1815. HOHACD G. WILLIAMS. Due nolle of the funeral will appear. WILSON On October 18. 1015, JANE A., widow ot Eugene Wilson. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Thursday, at 8 p. m at the residence of her son, Harry R. Wilson. 2148 North 3d st. Interment private, on Friday, at Elizabeth, N. J. Train leave Columbia Ave. at 8 a. m. By KEMBLE Copyright, 1015, E. W. Ksmbls. DEATHS WOOD -On October 18. 1818. JAMES ELMER, son of John and Mary , V ..Wooil and grandson of Hugh and fee 11 la McCat ferty, aged 15 years and 10 months. Rela tives and frlenda, also employes uf Gill i Co , Elan manufacturers, are Invited to at tend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 do a m.. from th residence nf hi Braiidnarenta. 204(1 Almond St., lath Ward Requiem Mas at Ht Ann' Church at lo a. m Interment at Pt. Ann's Cemetery WHH1IIT. On October 20, 1015, SAnAH C, wire ot Walter S Wright and daughter of the late Thomas and Naomi Clark Rela tive and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral rervlee nn Saturday morning, Octo ber 23. at 11 o'clock, from her husband a rerdence 12 Mansion ave., Haddonfleld, N J. Intfrment private. YOUNG, -on October 20, 1918, WALT Hit F , husband of Mabel Young (net Beeeroft) Due notice of the funeral will be given, from his lat residence, 402 West Huntingdon st. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAJES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like tMs) One time 15c. Three time one week , 12Hc. Bis times one week 10c Slturllvns Wanted, three times one week 10 cent per line. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in tfie daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Etkmko Lccaia and Puslio Lidoir combined la IB cent per lln with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which la 13 cents pr 11ns. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Kelp and Situations Wanted. Lost and Fun", Pertonala, Boarding and Rooma. add FIVE CENTS PER L1NETO ANY OF ABOVE RATFa There Is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT In office to pack Christmas cards Mclntlre S. Co.. lllll Chestnut st, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted, accurate at ngures, age about 22, must have references steady position, from 8 30 to 0. L 14S. ledger Central. BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS AND STENOG RAPHERS seeking Ksltlons will receive val Ha.b.le.."irorma,lon end exceptlonelly helpful 8I.RMCE by consulting Miss Dean. Led gcr Central, by personal Interview or let ter She. will aid ou with our ad., list WJJr..?.'iH.,!I"?."on",'n ,he COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT and uso every effort to lo cate a position for ou. During tho month of September M lOL'NO LADIES SECURED POSITIONS through thia SERVICE, which la free to Ledger advertisers. CHAMBERMAID and waitress White girl. Apply 4 323 Locust st. tiiUUi weavers wanted. Apply . James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's lane, Falls of Schuylkill, COOK wanted If competent woman wishes employment In family of two In Lancaster, address 43 North Lino street, Lancaster, COOK 1 oung Protestant girl for Chestnut Hill Meet lady. Room WO, Public Ledger, Thurs day at 12 o'clock. COOK, white, Protestant, reference required. Phone Germantown 2U23. COOKI NG and downstairs work wanted: white Protestant girl; two In ramlly. Call Thura- day after 1 o'clock, 0214 Wavne ave., Ger- m-ntown. COOKING and washing; white girl; gooB home! Auurrad jmx -n, -tnrucrin, i a. GIRL wanted, neat, capable, Protestant, for chambermaid and chlldnurse: reference. Call u uencom lane, merion. carfare paid. GIRL, young, assistant housework, small family; sleep home. First apartment, SU N. Rroad. Tioga 7511 J. GIRLS (2), white, Protestants; cook and down stairs work: upatalra girl to assist with In fant, rcferen-e. Box 07, Ambler, Pa. HOSIERY Loopers wanted on white work; learners taken, paid while learning. Thomas Ruck Hosiery Co.. Jasper and York. HOUbt'.KEEPER (working). Chestnut Hill, for one person; must come from high-class place and bu an extra competent waitress and chambermaid- state name, address, wages wanted A 130. Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK (general) Colored, sleep out: no washing or Ironing; Weat Phlla, Meet employer. Room 230, Public Ledger, Friday, 11 a. m. HOUSEWORK Young white Protestant girl wanted In Germantown: assist cooking. Meet lady, Room 230, Public Ledger, Friday, 11 o HOCK, HuUSEWORK Two girls wanted In suburbs; no laundry. M 832, Ledger Office. LADY'S MAID, Protestant, take care of el derly lady: aome sewing; must have refer ence. M 821. Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS Wanted In private family, capable colored girl; best reference required; wages 7, Call or address 131 E. Mount Alrv ave,, Germantown, or phone Chestnut Hill ou. UAUNDRESSi white, wanted, Monday ana Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday, 811. Mldvale ave., Otn , or phone Otn. '-15T. LAUNDRESS Mondays and Tuesdays: experi enced; white. Apply before 11 a. m 18---Spruce st. MAID, competent, wanted for downstair work In family of nve, four of whom are away after breakfast until 3 o'clock In the evening: eight miles from Philadelphia, on the Main Line of the Pennsylvania Railroad; nn w.hlne'! must ba rood conk wiiirea uvlll be progressive, beginning at 18, no one need apply wno is nov c.ijaoie una witling, Ad- aress v ui, .-usg -cmi.. MANAGER CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Large dreesmaklng establishment requires experienced woman to take full chaue of chil dren's department. Good fitter and saleswom an. Reply, giving references and salary ix pected. confidential. L 332 ledger Central. NURSE or nursery governess for care of child one - -ir auu .B,av win, iwu umrr cniioren; food seamstress: German or French preferred. 1. 828 Ledger Office. OPERATORS, EXPERIENCED All parte or Is dies' shirtwaists. HANEY. KUTTNER & RAAR 1320-3,! Vine street. SALESLADY. Gentile, German-sneaking, exp., for dry goods store. 2726 Olrard ave. ' sa'les'women A number of posltlona are open to women who have had experience In storea and who can work part time. Apply Ilureau nf Em ployment, 4W floor, before 11 a. m , 8TRAW- lild U'h, a 1-uuti.ib.ii APPLICANTS 18 TO 22 YEARS TO LEARN M'l'MlANIH 1 TELEPHONE TKi.isniu.-vi, urivnAiinu, sAi,ai(i r WHILE LBARNINO. POSITION ASSURED WHEN COl'RHIl IB COMPLETED. APPLY IN PERSON. HELL TEL CO., -HM MARKET UOOKKEHPEIl and stenographer: must have good appearance, ref , stesdy position. Apply all week. D, D, Bempllner, N. W. cor, lith and Bancom sts. liOYH. 17 vears old, to learn machlnest trade with company In northern part of city He plyP.0. Ilox loud, Philadelphia. Pa. CHAUFFEUR Whits, Plerce-Arrow car, hon , sober and obliging, good ref Q 432, Led. Cent. HKLP WANTED MALE CLOTH WEAVERS wanted Applv John A Jme I obeon, Ine , Blanket Mills, Scott a lne. Falls ofJfehU)lklll CRANE OPERATORS. Apply 4300 Wlesa hlehon ate DRU08 Young man, three vear' esperlent. state age, reference and salary. Cuskaden, Atlantic City. N. J. HAND MACHINE- vvanted for fashion work and shaker operators, steady work, good '. , Apply personally or by letter to Monarch Knitting Co., Buffalo, N. Y. KNITTER W ante, a man who thoroughly understands double ribs, to take charge. Ap ply the Hrglenlc Fleeced Undtrvtear Cem- pany, J415 Northlloward. LATHE HANDS wanted ror engine lathes. Fay, Jone A 1-amson, Cleveland and Uudlsy SMtomntlo operators, flrst-elasa men only, highest wages paid. Apply Standard Roller Rearing Co.. 40th and Merlon ave. LATHE., planer, grinder hands. Apply 4800 . vv Issahlekon ave MACHINE HAND-Ftrrt-ciass" man on A. Smith double-end tenoner. no other need ap ft. Lincoln Furniture Company, loth and Lehigh ave. 8A"D!sMA.N-HlRh class specfalty man" on commlaslon basis O 350, Ledger Central. SALESMEN Flrst-clssa specialty salesmen to call nn merchants and factorlea, Al reterence rqulred. P W3. Ledger Office, SALESMAN- Wanted, two htatlera, to "work rrm wagon, aatarv and commission Apply 5137 Msrktt at, ater 8 a m. STOCK SALES .MANAQBTt wanted for the eastern hilt of Pennn and entire State of Delaware, merltorlmia proposition, appllcnnt must furnish references and state experience. 1' O. Box 1431. Washington. D. O. TRACTION ENTfltN"iS!li. exp.. competent". r radical, wanted, tn hustle snd operate gas ractor, perm, position for right man, state qualifications, exp , refs Address A. McDon ald, care I'nlted Farms Corporation, Irwin, Ooochland County, Va, WANTED. Teacher, an experienced male grammar school teacher; aalary ISO per month; nine months' term, alt applications, stating quai-Ifl'-atlona and experience, to be In the hande or thi undersigned on or befcre Friday, Oc tober 22, 1013, Geo, II. Biusum, secretary, St. Clair, Schu)lklll County. Ph. WANTED Hand and automatic screw machine operators 4S-hour shop; no labor troubles. Apply Emplojment Agent, American Oraphophone Company, Bridgeport, conn. YOUNG. MAN wanted, about 18 yeara. with general office experience, knowledge of book work and good penman A 131. Ledger Office. General WHY NOT have n manufacturing business ot your own? Very smsll capital required. Write us tor particulars. Fireproof, 1U4 6th avenue. New York, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BAUY NURSE First-class, experienced, train ed baby nurse from New York Raby Hos pital wishes situation, sick or well baby; best of city references, u 147, Ledger Central UILL CLERK Thoroughly experienced; prefer manufact. bus., operate any billing machine, kiio ledge or stenography. Q 447,Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER and atenographcr, first cla,sT desire Immediate change; full charge or assist. $12 to start, references A 121, Led ger Of dec. UOOICKEEPER Expert, thoroughly e"xp , cap able of handling all details for large con cent, responsible G 3U. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER and cashier: thoroughly ex perlenced and responsible; beat references. F 37, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Knowledge of stenography", thoroutfhly experienced and capable. F 430, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER and clerk, 5 years' exp.: ca- pablo nnd efficient. Fj33, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER and "clerk, recentgradT: neat. w lUlnc.accuratc. GWa. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID OR WAITRESSA family Hems ui ii.u-m.iju!b ucsires position tor a faithful girl In Its employ t years; state put tlculara and salary paid, a C35, Ledger Cent. CHAM11DR.MA1D Assist with Infant: German Protestant, good reference. Room I'M, Public Ledger, between 10 and 11 a. m., Thursday CHAMBERMAID and sewing Willing, obllg Ing; assist waiting, adult family, lo'-'l San som st CHAMBERMAID Experienced Protestant girl; highest reference. M Ml, Ledger Office. CHAMBERWORK or waiting Young girl. 7 years' reference from last place. Call S'2 -iranuywine st. CHAMBERWORK, assist Ironing; sew; light colored; ref. Call 600 B. -Jd. Ph. Spruce 3421. CHAMBERWORK Colored girl; good seam stress. Anglena, 1711 FlUwater st. CHILDNURSE Exn'd American girl dTstres Pos.. give particulars. 5707 Helmar terrace. CLERK Young lady, knowledge of stenog- rapliy, desires position. F 34l. Ledger Cent. COMPANION or light housework Protestant"; no wash; Oermsntown. ref. M 820, Led. Off. COOK Experienced Swedish Protestant, 4yr7 ref., oung. See Miss Reed, Publls Ledger. COOK and downstairs work Assist wash and Ironing; city: reference. M K13. Ledger Off. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, sisters, vvlshpos.togethen ref a. GJ!60, Led. Cent. COOK Experienced and competent; city "or suburbs: reference. M 830, Ledger Office. COOK Young Swedish girl; experienced; city i-icr-.n-c. crq qi.g ngea, f UP1IC AeagC., COOK, experienced, white: good reference; cuy, aec jaiss iveea. r'UDiic Logger. COOK Experienced Swedish Protestant: young. ow ,a i,M . u m.- ucuftn. COOK Good baker; country preferred; refer ence. M 814, Ledger Office. COOK German, first class, 3 yeara' reference. 1(123 N. 11th at. DICTAPHONE operator, rapid ayplat, thor oughly experienced; knowledge of stenogra- pny. u ash, i-eager yjentrat. DRESSMAKER wlahes engagement In family: 38 a week and carfare; latest models; refer ence. 5033 N. 3th at. GOVERNESS Situation wanted for refined North German. Mr John Rheln, 1732 Pine. HOUSEKEEPER, managing and working Po sition wanttd by competent, exn'd Protestant woman ot refinement. M 833, Led ger Office. HOUSEKEEPEH.managlng; Prot,; exp. with hotel or apartment: ref. D 418. Ld. Office. HOUSEKEEPER, exp'd. wants refined position or attendant for Invalid lady. 2135 Master. HOUSEWORK Neat colored girl wishes place In apartments; good reference; also laundresa ror Monday and Tuesday. 3B20 Locust st. HOUS2WORKor chamberwork and waiting Neat col. girl! W.rhlla. pref. 4(130 Hasel ave. HOUSEWORK, colored, no laundry, no housed clea nlng. Call or w rite 2040 Turner at. LADY desires position as companion, man aging housekeeper or similar position of trust; evpable of taking entire charge It mother's cars be missing; or with aged couple; anxlou to find vocation where ab. solute Integrity and trustworthiness would be appreciated pleasant personality; exp. with Mml-lnvallda: Prot.; mod. salary: would traveli Bnest credentlsls. F 038. Led. Cent. LADY'S MAIH and amstress;no objections to light chamberwork. Prot.; ref, Room 230. Public J.edger,12 to ojclock. LADY'S MAID and seamstress;" no postals? 2320 Catharine t. NURSE, practical wishes engagementa: term reasonal.ls C 12, Ledger Branch, 228 Ger mantown ave. Nt'RSE Practical joung "woman, witling to asslst light household duties. M 827fLed.J)ft, NlTnPE, practical, desire position: lady or child. Protestant M Sin. jLedger Office. PRIVATE hECRKTARY of vvld experience? having thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, shorthand and secretarial dutlea generally, offers her services by the hour nr day, best reference furnished, F 841, Ledger Central. PROOFREADING Medical, revlalon of manu script, research work, charts, Indexing, ret U440, Ledget Central. BHiIIBTARYT stenographer and bookkeeper, fitted by edutntlon and experience (or a ion n'lent.al pos.) mod sal, F 287, Led. Cent THERE ARE .. SITUATIONS WANTED rEMALE SECRETARY Expert etenog take chafa fnee. excellent ref. F 431, I-edger Central STENOGRAPHER, 8 jears experience, ex pert typist and clerical work, etc , would ex ehtng service for mll recompense, wjtn privilege of taking In public work office hldg.or hotel preferrd.FJI47, Id r'n:- STENOORAPHER-Capable young hualness woman, thor'ly exp., rapid, accurate, gooa . cerr. oapabl of respon'y F 843. Ld. Lent. STENOGRAPHER Capable. rld joung ladv. 4H leara exp., accustomed lo handling technical work. F 845, Jedger Central. STENOORAPHKR, typewriter, aaslstant book keeper, exp. and capable of taking dictation njpanlsh Kng.andmnclia, LedCM. HTENOOHAPHBR-Rapld and accurate, good correspondent, trained by experlenc and eau cation for secretarial poa.. F J1, LedjCent. STENOGRAPHER and clerk; exrellent exp. as correspondent accustomed to follow n talis. capable of respon F 847. Idgerceni. STENOGRAPHER, neat and. accurate, eight months' experience, good references, u ts. Ledger Central. . 8TENOORAPHFR, asslstsnt bookkeeper, cen n.lrntlsl clerk, thoroughly experienced in mnrg , possssh executive ability, Al corre spondent F 3, Ldaer Central. StiWOvTrapITeiI, competent and accurate j would consider moderate aalsry with oppor tunity reference. P 018, Ledger Office, STENOTTRaTTiRU a"nTboVKeeper. Wh acTjool and business college graduate, some experl tn, trial solicited. O 454, Ledger Central. STLNOGRAPHER-Depend., willing, energetic, accur. tranecrlp assured. O 837 Lea uent. sri-'NORAPHER. S years'" exp, des. perma. pos , will exchange ref. O J247. Led Cent. BTEiVoGRAPHER and bookkeep., exp.. thor. reliable, best ref Q 347. Ledger Central. STUN'OJRaI'IuTr and bookkeeper, recent grHd..wltn 4 months' exp. O 6411. I.ed. Cent. 3TENOORAP1IEK 5 years'" experlenc. com mercial or resident pos. O 44, Ledger Cent. 8TKNOORAPHER-Wm. Penn graduate., exp. clerk, trial solicited. IS. G 553. Led. Cent 8TENl5aRA"PiiKR and clerk. 8 years' exper., accurate; moderate aviary. V 441, Lea, lent. STENOQRAl'HF.R -TFuTly experienced, .also bookkeeper; bestjref. O 230, Ledger Central. fKNOaRAPIIEM nnd"-cierk-3 vear' experi ence; capable, ambltlou. F 248. I.ed, Cent, ST I STENOGRAPHERS. BOOK KBB P B n 8 , CLERKS and oince help of all kind can be secured through our COMMERCIAL DE PARTMENT at Ledger Central. rite o? telephone your requirement to Mis Dean. Walnut 3(J ane win put you in i-uvi, - ., i young ladles qualified by education, ability J ana experience 10 mm juui ..r..-. ..... Is a free service to Ledger advertisers. unique, valuable, convenient and very satis factory. TYl'IST-CLERK. rapid, accurate and experi enced, knowledge of stenography. O 152, L-cuger central. WIDOW, keeping house, wants 3 houra dally with Invalid or as mother's helper. 0i20 Iirchwood ave YOrNOLA"DY. cultured and refined, wants w,iinn .iiiin-r tn le.m nnv business: wages no object, best of rererences; no previous business experience. U34. Ledger Cen traL MLLliT -ERTHE. 1117 Walnut, desires school work md private pupils In conversational method, - General WOMEN wnnted. Gov clerks. 170 mo. Phlla. exams, coming. List position obtained free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 715 II, Rochester, N Y, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-Flrst-class D. E. bookkeeper, 13 yearn' experience, manufacturing, whole si!e and fHctoty cost accounting, construc tlve methods; Al rererences. 31-12 Arch St. AtCOL'Nl'ANT. .12, sales and executive "experi ence, desires office or management poitlon with established firm. Q 244. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT (junior) and bkFr.; Ihor. capa ble and responsible: 10 rs business exp.; mod, s.vlary. vvlth pros. O IH0, LedgerCent. ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly exper. bookkeeper des. rms. with reliable conFll. Led. Cent. ADVERTISING ACC'T General office man, ago 33, mar.; exp. with Initiative and exec, ablllti; high ref.; mod. salary. O 1(52, Led. Off. AUDITING and accounting, balance sheets and analytical 'state., exp. serv. uiai, mn. v-env. HiiiiKi.KF.I'Klt.riTKNOURAPHER desires po sltlon; 3 yrs." exp.; take full charge of set of bouks; best refs. F 248, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, llerk, typist, high school grad.. exp.. desires posit.; best refs. F 348, Ledger Central. , BOOKKEEPER, reliable, wanta o"hlce work; present employer's ret. L 31 u. Ledger Office. BOOK.KEEPER - CASHIER " desires change; best references. A 107. Ledger Office. BUILDING construction superintendent, estl matvr. engineer, 0 Iters' experience, office, field, wishes to make change: 4 vears with present firm. F 840. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic exp.; best prlv, family refs . does own repairing: licensed, wishes pos. with prlv. fam. 'A 118. Led Off. CHALFFEI'R. white. 3 year with last "party; Al rererenre; strictly temperate; will car ror heaters. O 557. Ledger Central. CHALFFEI'R Pretent employer wishes post - tlon for absolutely rellablo man; excellent mecnanic: cwreiui oriver. . x-;.i, Lgqpr w. CHA'l'FFEL'R Good, careful driver, .first-class mechanic; capable any car: salary. fnO per month and ooard. O .33. I-edger Central. CHAUFFEUR, colored man. wlahes a posH tlon; 8 yeir experience; strictly sober! good reference. A 12S, Ledger Orflce. CHAUFFEUR wishes position of any kind: fair mechanic: good refs. D 427. Ledger Off. CHAUFFEUR for Ford car: handy man around place; Al reference. G 655 Ledger Central. CLERK-TYPIST, knowTe3ge of stenography; 5 yeara' experience In office work; age 24; also knowledge of butter and egg business. O (I3T. Ledger central, CLERK-CHAUFFEUR, high school grad.; Al refs.. want either posltlon.L 315, Ledger Off. CLERK General office work, 3 yeara' experi ence; nign ecnooi exp. t at- i-eoger lent. CLERK and stenographer, experienced, dealres poltlonwlthfuture,age23. Jl 441, Led. Cen. CLERK AND-CASHIER, experienced, desires work: age 22. Q 444. Ledger Central. CONFIDENTIAL MAN Capable, well educated, good personality, 14 yeara' managerial experience In Phila delphia and New York city, desire new connection with progressive house; aggres sive, energetic and thoroughly capable of aasumlng responsibility, O 554, Led. Cent CONFIDENTIAL CLERIC OR ASSISTANT Young man. married, with 4 years' man agerial experience desires connection nheie brains, energy and personality will be an as set pest reference, u vt. .-eager central, GARDENER, first-class refs . three In family, 20 yeara' exp,, wishes position on private place. M 623, Ledger Office. GARDENER and coachman, disengaged Nov. '-. wtshe posl , subs, of Plilla. L4l2.Led.Oft. HOUSEMAN or chauffeur, colored: exp,; rLi general repairs M Ml Ledger Office. HOUSEMAN Exp, capable, Scotch Protestant; ref.: country pref. M Jlljl Ledger Office. MAN. ,C, desires position! has executive ex perience around manufacturing plant, office, shipping room etc wants to lesrn business with a future Add. J. 11. R . 010 N. 13th st. MAN 'AND WIFE, English, butler and cook; reference. 110-1 Green st. SALESMAN Young man. single, 23yar"of age, with good elllng ability and good edu cation, wishes losltlon with a first-class house on salary and commission, urn travel If desired kindly give full details In first letter, nothing but Al proposition need .BnkWerCJrt3l, Ledger Centrsl. SALEhMAN. 10 leafs' iteTiTng exp.. des. good connec where ability counts. (1 254,Lcd.(3cnt. SALESMAN Experience in auto accessories, printing and stationery U 443. Ledger Cent. (MIII'I'Kii AND PACKER Energetic and ia- pable, inn furnish rererences or security. A 110. Ledner Office. DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF KICKERS SITUATIONSANTBfoj-WAX SHOF. SALKSMAN-Young "mkn'trUhe por sli Ion In retail she Jw,Ledser orflce mi Ion in retail shoe store, exprienceo. a STENOORAI'HEn-BKCrtETAnY -21, years ola; T.year' experience In bond brokerage capa ble ind good references. A 12i, Ledger Offc 8TENfKlRAIER-Young man Will, -i type- writing nr lerlcal work evenlhgk, either out rr at nome.jBJ.", Ledger Central. BTE.V(3fllUPIlEn-OOKKKiTKIt, lO, rapid. ar-otirate In I err lew requested. O 40,LedXnt. STKNOQRAl'HElt- willing, Industrlou. refa." . any typawrnerT tfiSaTsalarv F 834. Ud.CnL BTKNOORAntER or clerk -4 yr.' exp., naak": ln or brokerage pref , rer. 6 245, led. Cent. WATi II MAN-SeberT honest man wants rx sJtlon. good reference. A, 108, I-edger Offlc! YOL'UO" GENTLEMAN, well acquainted lo Philadelphia, dealres a responsible connec tion 0 year' business exp., last yeara p rreentattv of a leading banking house xprd in handling dllfleuli situation diplomatically! therougbly versed on Investments, capable f handlinr In.tbe entirety nnanclal affairs of an Individual or firm O 184- Ledjef Central. YOtTNO MAN,83 years old. w)tb executive and selling ability and successful record in build In; a manufacturing: bualhea. -rbu7 Itks ptf sltlonj moderate salary until ability hai been shown Jk'a4r tWir.1, T" YOJfLNQ MA. SaTwltn 8 yeamT tstnlrlhf ?p. " deslro position, outsjd. clerlcjil preferred: ! Jer5.- ; Ledger CenU! ' VO-?1 HAV ,$K,r" annographre pOsttTonl t?yn ot. no,,,; '" exp.. Temper!, Arner, triT ' rngda'ary. d IMW LdgehT3ent, YOl'NCJ MAN. 28 yeara. dealres position -witS, good future 8 years' clerical and sale exp.. bvst leferenre. O. 84. Leader Central. Tpl NO MAN dealrea position with manufactsr-r I . J1,, "holtsal hoys, previous exp., capsbl handling outside busln.mC OM4, Led Cent. YOlNrO MAN. a years or age. -4elrtobiM vu,,,v tuiinvrieM wnn in auiomonue concern OENIU8 but a competent;, clear-headed young man, with ui usual ability and a con vincing personality, now employed, but oeslrea change, where thoroughness and results ar the chief requirements. An Interview would be appreciated. F 754, le-dcer Central. COLLEGE ilA.M wtshe position as clerk or as salesman' 3 years' tetllntr experlenc! references (t M0. Ledger Central. JAPANESE want rants position as -6ok or general housework. A 114. Ledger Office.. n,i i. .nn um pweinesa. ir zot, tage uemrai, vniTVn . iFJ" -""... . . . . C """.:.' '"" nur i ana massaerr wishe position as companion; can give flrsit cls referenteaj o bh4. Ledger Central. ' J. . " ' 'l 1 B I NOT A I 40' ;r rr- j T'li'- "ar EMPLbYMENT EHCli- n MRS. NICHOLLS. ,026 Balnbrtdrs sL, MS' competent butlers, second men, heossmen. Swedish, rterman, French. English couplea, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, Swedish rooka snd waitresses, parlormaids, gov. ernesses, ladles' maids, nurses, etc. Wanted Cocks. $7 to $10; French Protestant cook, tO; French ladles' maids, waitresses, house maids; also male help; references required. Phone Lncust 21SO. MRS. KANE. 611 S. ltith street, wishes' ttua". tlons for first-class Protsstant and Cattxolhi r . S cooks, several trained waitresses1, chamber- " malda anratatosttese. paHortrrrWsMbirt--'J J." lers. Mcqnd men, while couples, first-class' laundresses, chlldrtUrMs. "iOrtiin nvlrter I S.T' governesses. . Kiicnenmain-i aqq nquaeworlt Soil). .iris, vai iiianiy reconnmcrraeu. ino hon LOcusr MRS. KANE. 611 s. loth, baa several Eagllsrv couplea from 33 to $100 per monthr first an second butlers, housemen, footmen, chauf- (f""' gardeners, etc., best of references. Phone itltin. CARLISLE BUREAU, the dependable office lor Investigated and guaranteed. 4QQ S. list st, first-class male and female help; references EDUCATIONAL and Domestic ruBloyment" Ctub. 223 S.. Sydenham (lnth edWilnul Wanted. German governess,French roaliLProT- estant waltreia..,hitUr.n.a,q-Rrnl, ylfe. nurse. COOKS," eharnhetmaldg arid, waitresses wane, work on ,malh; line, warfted cooler. ehlluT i)ur.ea, in.ius. n npusewora gins, uts Rose Dougherty lUTtliranrT ave. ' IUI Lll! f A T A f T7 A R l " WVsvhh T4-nrvt,lsrh-- Tn ., 1333 Christian St. Reltnble help supplied ana wanted; allnatlonalltlee. ProL and Cath. 51188 MARY T. MCCARTHY." 2107 Christian (Loc. 18!IJ), supplies Ao want lst-cls-a ProL, Cat.h.,male & female help; all natlonalltUa. HOWARD'S SELECT BUREAU. 2121 Locus, supplies and wants young women, all nation alities, (or prt. house service. Sprue 3780, AUTOMOBILES For Sale LOCOMOBILE. 1014, 0-38. special 7-pe.li-nier touring car; rebuilt,- repainted and-'guatan-teed same a new; an excellent car for city nd suburban work on account of slxe and lliflit upkeep. Price $2300. LOCOMOBILE 231 Market St., Locust 430 H. A. JENK3, Mgr, Eacfhange Car Dept- CADILIsAC, 1013, touring car, overhauled and repainted ,XuU waulpmsnt. nrlce $Sou. AU1t SALEs? -CORTOflATION. 142 N. Broad It. .uick, . inn. s pass., ilk nw. with extras. 37-n. M. Hexter, 1453 E. Montgomery; Ken. 1016 BRAND-NEW "Chevrolet Touring' Car. wRIl self-starters, $330: r3n0 down. bal. ti monin, jvuixj TKAKHIT CO , J201 Chest- nut. Room 1U2. MILTON STERN. sENiTFRjBimpTm- uft.uabu i.Aitp QORBONA UTPEXC.IANO g, 238 N. BROAP. COLE rol3 1'MOTJsTRATOnS sLiaicrcr used, ron sal. L. 8. BOWiR3 qp 243-47 NDROAP-ST. . WHITE. 1012, 0-cvIlnder, i-paSssnger Jourlna tar; gooa conamon. t I. a MOSER. 218 N Uroad st. . 1013 CADILLAC with 3 bodies, electric lights and starter In good condition; will demon- trat F 886, Ledger Central. CADILLAC, 1014, pertect con. and lust revarv nlshed. complete equip. N.Bcott. 1215 FllberL AtTOM(niLfet bought) any condition, MOBHRLE'S OARAOE. 2613-31 N 2Stl) st. tocCliSBTCl. Touring Csr. stream line body: j l "'an top slip 9vrs; $1200. 2034. Keo'ton ay - , .j ARROTT-DETROIT. fl, passenger, tyUnrJeer,' 1 i oodfondUlon.- I, 14.V Lerlaer. Central,, 't Jhuf uu.-x.- i'ai storage-rnen car ror casn. : iryur; Bza P-7$F?7' Q;'ii' '.-3 1 Utiabodta. tourlnf aiif nt& WO USED rars for sals, rb fh. trucks. B0 Nv 11 road Hit IV. LU4 7-tiass.- 4-cyllnde r. tires aimosr now: gooa conai.ion. u ihj. A-eager uenrrau AUTO at, bargain: rexfd Phone Belmont 8742. new; quick sals. AUTO LIVEBYJ-IJD GARAGES. - TAXI SERVICE AT ItEAbONTuLK RATS rf TAXffiKRVICE COMPANY VTi i 118 N. 'BROAb ST. ' J BPRUCZ itS3Zi r 'KnAteEMat aerl TO HIRE-Brsnd new 5;pamengerteAirfnif,carrh.C J with robes. $r.2a hoar. Pherfei Poplar lMT.Wi. '0 0. TO HIRB-Llmouslne. McClemaht, at tV-Thtlao:... Garaga. 5123.0 Ransom at. Rptmont 3V10. r, AUTO REPAIKINQ BPEEDOMF.TEn TROUHLB t ? T SEE nntLY-318 N RROAT. CYL1VDFRS HEBORRU, new Visions M ring furnished, wsldlnrs snd hratlng. If B. Underwo-I A Cp- IKf Hamilton st.. Phtta AUTO SUPPLIES BALL AND ROLLER REAl)N08, OWILL IAM ca. 1314 Arch. Phon Walnut 84W. AUT6 'TIRES pulLman tikes Guaranteed ,H0tfi miles Ompsra prlcss. Gasoline. 13c. per aallorr. , 4 ORlM'fl. 38 North Broad t. ' or - j -- t -1 :xa -. a-"vat i Other ClasalAed Ada ti Next I'ite e U A '-- A A A ' ... A t . . ....... . . a 1 -. . 1. . 1 1 - ..... - I I ..,- iiMs.ss-fMsM,.1.sFs I '"" - " a. "TTT maatammmmmmmmmmmmmma!S:S'?'r "!''" ' ' '" ' 1 ,tl. THAT CHAP 6VCR -TtjEt -? j I VHMT V6Q To IjggT HlK( ( t".B THE HOCST KICipl IN TMC LtTate ?. ) I IVVE Ho Ljroxa- ) JTH6 UMtgrttstTV S ' - J-, use for y ft aAuurvTN "k MAOyi9. :i 1 1 . I I II II 1 .1 ,1 I ii, t, 1 1 1 I I 1111,11 1 n I Ms sSSaS-SSXSSSSSSMSSJ