' I I 1 1 Igl I 1 1 ofS . WEDNESDAY October 20, 1916 Suenmn mexnire VIEWS OF THE PERSONS AND PLACES WHO FIGURE IN THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DA" i I-1. ... - ' bybbbhbiHbwbbIIbIbvsHI 1wabbbsII1bkBvHIB f Afi bb1 bbbbIbbbbBhM bbybsbc9bybbbEbxz. bvbv fty&il" kv & tVj sT i BSjKg1Ij'LBBiBBw3BBBSESBBS5MWfcfe jb m ft $t?HlHK ' iBrTiiiii?rMtiwBBB BBtfl' !$ "' B BWBBIBWR.'BBBImHPbI II fll BbBEK'I25w0''''stj'W bbBIB BBtBww3B w aB 1 m BSfiC-l'fcjfvi B KlMikdHdfiUHiMIIBBlKHiHHIHHIIBui JHcliIBIBSBSwsVvvQBhHIH BaawtBawawaaMB?BaawaawawawawBfiKiTBsBPiyBrBBwfc. KBIHKHxriHiMiLtoHiHHrVv (w 1bibBbiI! j-j jtf iJk &. tfB9Hr iklkferfK TUE Pfcs'a!Li5lwn!l!l a fa i I88?J bbbbH Jft'V T' B'JWS'" " w fMfljBHCBKB''.. -'s 1 BR9Ik9BJHIHH "tvHWHEnXBB&IKteiijkM k-t4LSl dHb I'h m t 1 1 1 J t XMR iiii'' iwl rniHtticT IIbBkS. .bBi bYbibibibibbih a ?" 1 MfeiT bibibbm ,IffflBBBBiniB?vBBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiP . TBi' jHbbYbybtbikt t ' t 3B rBYBiViflBiBSB iaDMM4Mtf2flHHIHHHIIHBHHteB ..& 1 mjpHmmmmDE BiBiBBiBBiBinBVisLBiBiBV 5 W syy ( VIbibibibibibibibibvbb nYsLa'IBBiSBYBiflHBBBu. 1 &v'' ! BEflHBaBHBviBVBtQHBalaBHBBBBBBiBiKBBiBiBm t ' .BEBiBiBiBiB'lBiBiflHBBBBiBii aYaiBiBWh btbibYbi lHVSfflsHiBBHIBflllBBBIHPllHEV' .ffiyfcjBixJR bBB? flJHBBHBIPSr BaRM&w1' dBIIB!8IHQEHBBVlK -i NBHHftiiABwIBtiulMlaQIIIIHIIIHHHV BnBflflBSBBnflBaBBYBBi I Bwp&iJIMHiStjUjBHiHH ' jHHIhHhHBBl 1 BlMMJWwfflnBB jBpi .BYaBBYflYBattlBYflBBiflYl MMMjMjMjMjMjfMFJpjBBjAMMMMHMMnpBMMjMTMHPfjMBj jmw" BBHDHBHBHHHBHBHBHBHBHBHBHHHHHUHHHBflHHHHHHBDHDHHH 4bbhu hHubVt ..aa 'CBBlEflBlBwMBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBWBW& bVvbY I t flBvBWBVBWBWBWBB B9MHKJBIHKIBBnHHBHBBww .. BBHflHBHP'vBBIBBr bbbbbbbbbw B aa" "WWIEiraf ir aw MinffljHBHHmBirMfi1BH 11 .-" .rwN BBVBwBwBwaBwBwBwBBBwBwBwBwBwBvBwBVi aaBwJBBwBwHBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBVBW bVbvbvbw WaVaVaVa tW 'v ' iB- .41 t"-,r.5j .s-s-r . RAISING A HALF MILLION FOR iHE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Hero is one of the teams now combine the city with the aim of collecting this sum in ten days. Left to right, in front, are tho Misses Caroline D. Bache and Lydia Turner; rear, Miss Rachel M. Ash, Mrs. Dr. W. H. Walsh and Miss Mary Harley Mulford, of Wyncotc. k. I -AH it r T Hm " "a. r J?- . "" -, j. rj 1 "T "" L tL -, i'?5'' -, --' "' " - . . i K 11 i irTTTJr " Tbr T iBBir wh 'niBBBh r bHIBmBBBBkMkKL z1 JHBlBBKf i -RsMHV9BBKBHBVBnBKnHBv iW m?:&'j?- &' &:. ?.'' y J i-. ;: - -. i' 'L x I BBHBBHWEBBW-BfflBBQHB '" j 2 BBBBi6K!SiSwjfeiihwBiaBBB i X f i Sa HAT MAKERS LISTENING TO FRANKLIN PARTY ORATOR The speaker is C. 0. Pratt, who is outlining tho principles for which the ticket headed by Gcorrn p. , Porter stands in tho present municipal campaign. Several hundred of tho workers at Stetson's heart $ J 3 him at noon yesterday. BBBBBBKvBatt & v f '"t'R SraHBavaBaRaBlBflMfttK4? Av&HBHHaBSxflBs9Prv $ BaaaaaaaaafVBaaKsBaanaasa'alBBflS0BaaflMaaaaaM ajaaaiHaaBBaBaaMMKjjWHat -EfeaitjAiBj'!. llaiMHttvj-jLy(LwMa i'Jk BBSuwSpiajBn BSBaaaaA&iir t BalRHaS SiRSBSLffiSiHV-i-1 nHQacflavTwRSBIHaaBaKflHSaaalaBi aaaaaaKalMU'waaHHuHanvBp9BnA BBKgUBSSmSLSZtiBSHBiSKKlSBStSmWBKM BaaaaaaaaHKaB9iBBx i MaaaaaaaviaHfl0!2nA?hsiciA9H9KavtaviPrArw aaaaaaaBaavBagAgaaaaaaadPjigBEgw BBBpWBjswS aril, fMwagBEowrfE&ffjBpfPBMWMwy aBBKwHHab!?Ajg. ESHaBBBl&fiflRawK&ASctSHaBBFTlBBBYaZK Baaaaaa7'TiA)aaaaaaaamHfeaaasaKK9BaaapKaBat9aa Photo by Medm Bervlc AMERICAN-BUILT SUBMARINE CHASERS FOR THE BRITISH NAVY These gasoline, 100-horscpower launches were constructed at South Boston, Mass., at a prico of $4000 each. They will carry a three-inch gun forward and make about 25 knots an hour. They require only two man to man them. CAUGHT IN FRANKFORD J. A. Edgar, as the picture shows, is a businesslike young man. He's an officer in one of the healthiest grocery firms in the city. mL , ,. NEW. OASIS FOR LOVERS OF GOOD FOOD The Arcadia, nestling under the Widener Building, opens its doors today, handsome main d'ning room, which will seat 500 persons. There will be both This is a view of the day and evening service. ii MaH mmm'i " WRmsffiffi&BfmM lBi! Jl rjBBEi. ' Jt I iPifcpwj)Bt?fflffiBaaBPil bbbbHBIHHBHIBkhBBBHu. CaV -? fr,,,gj,gt "WrtyaBMBBBjKAjfiiGrijfS aalBaVR ''al UuuimKSM " MaBBBVaalBMBwBBlHIIBBBaMMflaS fifjwMsM .if&Hi l-53H'5bB'' ? B Bt $ 'iiffi"4 LbbbbbbLV fl vmKK Till CHESTNUT BLIGHT HAS LAID ITS r-riVASTATIKG HAND ti, ,t -, -". -, ,. umii, rn t'e cT.l road from "Washington .-.t i -r., ,i.. i i Va. . V-j-Jfi1, sliowjj Jiow; the dises 14 Ii.J.U. spiruilij Itki.devMiw0 a'1 tiud vkiiiUy, ,' SAD END FOR ONE-TIME kONARCHS OF THE OUEST it ChcUvwt polea cohered ia the yards of an electric company In North Philadelphia. Thia melancholy faU ' yiwatta virtually ull the chestnut trees or juie &roufiJ uule th blight is ci.ck, ,THIS WAS A SNAPSHOT ita whbt Pim.AnELPHIA S Vfc ? 1IJ,K .. wal Mt ikalar. of 5936 Market street, BuilnL iT- rM?t tha 60th and Market BtrMW Jutnn Akaocuition, in conversation with Ir, Thae4 Faaaa, of choa iinij,iMM. rial 1