16 I-VENING EDaER-PHllJADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OOTOBfiE 20, 1915. Sell that attic XEAX. ESTATE FOR BAM OERMANTOWN . km KArVT cTTELTEN AVE. Xlodem S.atory porch rront home; term to suit, exceptional opportunity for homeseeker. LEWIS A. TAU , LANE, UOU Walnut lit. GERMANTOWN MANSION Cut hrottristone mansion; IS rooms; all pol ished hardwood floor, electric grates, beau tirul Allures nil stum heat, light and heat tree for the first jwr to the purchaser; lawn 13 feet by 300 feet deep, 7 feet above the roadway, covered with cedar shade, fruit trees . nd shrubbery, located 73a Enilen su, litrmantown. 1 block mit of Lincoln drive: H blot k eotith ot Carpenter St. Station, Penn sylvania, r It Apply on premises. 7 to 0 a. tn and B to 8 p. m. Terms to suit. BTENTON - Ne detached dwellings, with large lota and Ideal surroundings, open dally and Sundavs trains to Stenton Station, Read ing Hallway, or drive out Stenton are. to Vernon roa.f (0S0O Ncrth). FRANK MAl'KAN. Sill Land Title Bldg. BEND FOR NKW BOOKLET SOMETI11NO SPECIAL . OLYNDON PR1K8TMAN 55rw OTN. AVE. srsii for our fall sale list MANY DESIRABLE HOME LISTED J UlSSriL MNOBK.JlM0 WAVNEAVE. IF TOt ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME IN Oermantown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill con sult me. A h Meehan. B747 Oermantown ave. IiESlDb.Ni-1: SITEJPOround In best section of lermantown and Chestnut Hill. B. B. LISTIR & BON5fll2 Oermantown ave. l- i av Assisr ou to nnd that house you sre looking tor Uermantown Trust Co.. c helten and Oermantown aves. Chestnut IIIU " I NFl HNISHKD ANiTFURNlSHED Reslden cs fum lw to $ per month. HERKNESS & STETSON land Title Building:. NEW SALI. AND RENT LAST READY Pelham, Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM THLsT CO.. B74U Oermantown ave. St. Martin's REOl'TD TRICE on a handsome stone real ign' e tn the hist eetllon of St. Martina: 14 Petri anl I 'aths. Wamock A Emlen, Com mercial Trust llutldlns, . TIOGA 1012 It IS W ONTARIO ST., 3350 N. 10th St. - Four 2-story brick dwellings, 8 rooms each, rent $18 and $20, also lot. northeast corner 10th and Ontario ats., 46x75 feet, to close an estate, make offer. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erie ave. VEdTMnRLLAND ST., 1211 Desirable porch front dwg,, good condition: reasonable price, HARKi O C WILLIAMS, 822 Walnut St. TIOOA Very well built, mod. 3-aty. dwg llr. and bath. Including hot-water heat, every mod, conv.: lot 16x100 ft.: cost $8500; offered at a bargain and on easy terms to close an account. YOCUM A POWERS CO.. 2 8. lath at. TIOOA, BEST SECTION Beautiful residence, owner leaving city: would make fine apts.j 7 bedrooms. 2 baths, 3 toilets. Address M iill. ea ger i-cntrai. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR U)Un KENNEDY A RAMBO. 3740 OERMANTOWN Logan STORES, DWELLINGS AND, APARTMENTS For Sale or Rent In Best Sections of Logan, WM. D. CHAMBERS, 4933 N. Broad at. LOGAN REAL E8TATM SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad St.. epp. Logan Station. TWIN HOt'SE, B rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electricity; vtlll sacrifice, owing to busl neH changes. F 614, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE, mortgages snd convey nnrlng. WM. D. CHAMBERS, 4033 N, Broad at. Olney. FOR SALE MARSHALL ST. Between 6th and 7th Sts. SOUTH OF OLNEY AVENUE One and one-half blocks to Tabor Station, P. & R 11. It, and excellent trolley ten Ice. Built In pairs on lot 20.0 and -0. by SU.0. Etreet la M leet wide between house fronts. Public Sewer and Paved Street. Contain eight extra-large rooms, ten-foot porches, cement steps to porches, parquetry Moors in living hall and dining room, fireplace In living hall, laundry tuba In basement with entrance from yard, shower baths, hot-water beat, cub and electric lighting. Woodwork Flnlnhed as It Should Be. Without doubt the best value In the city at the prices, $3830 and $.tr,00. Two corner houses at $4500 each. A. B. St, C. "P. MILLETT . BUILDERS ON PREMISES Oak Lane DESIRABLE single house on a large lot: main street, price $5500: this price la - reduction and makes the property a decided bargain. For Information apply VvlllUui Barr. 8lh and Oak lane. BUHUHHAN FERN ROCK 42d Ward. $1000. with lot 20x168 feet deep to rear street. Room for garage, garden, etc. Coun try life, with every city convenience. Cor. 11th and Champlost sts. Fle cents fare. Take York road trolley to Nedro ave. or Read ing Rwy. to Fom Rock Sta. The greatest value everorfered In a high-class neighborhood. F & L. DAVIS. Builders. Lllh A edro ave. STONE FARMHOUSE Hot-water heat, electric light, all accommo dations, stable, greenhouse, poultry house and IS acres of land, high elevation: old shade, fruit, truck garden; running stream and lake, near station. In Huntingdon Valley; convenient to golf and hunt clubs; price S.-0.00O. HEHKNESS& STETSON, Land Title Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE It E 8 I DENCES and country seats In the Old York road cectlon. In the Huntingdon Valley and In Chettnut Hill and the Whltemarxh Val ley. Advise ua jour requirements and we will send you a selected Hat. HERKNEbS A STETSON LAND TITLE PL'LIDINQ HEWET f ESTATE Development Between Jenktntown and Glenslde; 33 acres; acreage at the price of building- loti. MAURICE J. HOOVER $$ INSTITUTION OR SANATORIUM, close to city, convenient to transportation, 10 acres, southern exposure, high elevation, fine build ings, woods, spring, fruit; will be sold at ground value, easy terms. IU A. Neely. owner, 1011 Chestnut st. RYDAL, PA. STONE COLONIAL RE8IDENCE Thoroughly modern, on Cleverly lane, overlooking- the Huntingdon Valley; 2U acres, HERKNESS & STETSOJT LAND TITLE BUILDINO OLNEY. 6413 N Front, offered by estate at $3000. Well worth $3500. Lot 40x112. 8 large rooms, bath, heater; sewer connections. J T JACKSON CO., Oak Lane. FINE COUNTRY SEAT, 8 acres. $6000; mod ern 14-room stone house, beautiful grounds) near station, 24 miles out, mnv others. QR08S MINQLE. B21D Market at. CHOICE BUILDINO SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P.. TOWNBEND. Langhorne, Pa. HOMES for sale or rent. Wendell A Master, Real Estate Trust Building. SALE, cheap, or take exchange, CO acres of ground a miles from Broad St. Station. Mer shon, 335 Land Title Building. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, firms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE 60N;Jl41i So. Penn sq. FOUNDED 18J8. LAIIOE LIST OF SUBURBAN'HOMES. sal ei rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM li wiljujn Ac chj morns iiuuaing. BUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. Main Line, Oer mantown, farms. Reading R. R Send forllsU. CHARLES JIIOOD & CO.. Morris Bldg. Ambler, I'a. (END FOR LIST of suDurDan homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc. I have a large and varied Hat tn Montgomery and Hucka Counties. If you are looking' for any tklng In the way of country real estate. 00 sot fall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler, pa. FAMatll, country tucea and suburban home Can i in neaaing-s ueinienem ana uayiestowD anehes. H. J. Pater. Ine.. Ambler. Pa. Bala. r. TTONB HOUSE AND OARAOEtLOT 85x2M; house has 13 rooms. 2 baths (7 bedrooms); Crage haa man's room) high ground, close station, LOWER MARION BBALTT Ca LIAND TITLD'BUILDINa. CwmwjiTm. SHINGLE nOTTU!. 11 werl. Evrv madam Mn. ood ", oen AreplAO In 78xl5e). Convenient tm ata. ciiw ana etc, rrico moaerata. MERION HKALTY CO. D TITLE BUILDINO. spataaapB 0 tost i - & uiMafcVtKw ihrair raaaa. 1M UengW k accumulation, valueless to KEAL ESTATE FOR BALK Elklne ratk. Tit. OGONTZ HILL CN TOHtC HOAD NEAR KLKINB PARK STATION OVERLOOKING CHELTEN HILLS Handsome new homes Just completedl every one different style architec ture, and containing everything to appeal to discriminating good taste. Conveniently situated; York road trolleya pass door; Reading Railway, Elklna Park Station nearby: clote to Huntingdon Valley and Old York Road Country Cluba. See theae Sropertles. Send for our booklet en 'gontx Hill, giving photo, plans and full descriptions of every house. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Bldg. Both rhenet. ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE Beautiful stone and halt-timber house near-Ine- completion. High location, with fine view. e.!1.' -tMem?nt.. window. Open terrace Tiont. The o,ily house for the money in the Jork road section Terms to suit. RHOADS & PAUL 135 s- th st. ivimriUJ Qfc I rtUL AELKINSPARK WESTVIEW fiwl lPA.nKBSa!;tlf.,l, "Ha"' tract.: 51 MuJnlU 'ften't'd view over (Ine homes Kriiklnonrar1 rMr .,raln an5 trolley. I rices $1100 and upward. Our automobile bv appointment. Phone Melrose 1374 RHnAn?ftPAIH 135S.BTHBT. " "" & ELKINS PARK C?L1? PV'it'Pv r"'r compleled; JPom,.i batn,s: high ground; 3 minutes from station, price reasonable; open. Mo vn?&i McCormlck. 1011 Chestnut at.. . Philadelphia, nnd Elklns Park. ' S2inS..'VV-!l,I1 SGLilt CJIEAP-New single .iv eU.I ft ""J'WS" ,fro,m lon; built about ...... ...B. , fc,Ut ieuger central. DI5.?!JlADL'. larK.e rner lot, 3 minutes from station; will rell cheap. M 248, Ledger Cent. filenslde, r. ASfiifiiCEN Btone "d shingle residence, S2SiainlnK .,2 roms. bath, all modern con yenlences; large ot, with stable: convenient i...Kaln ." ln ey- h"1 location; property wm11..10.tb,ni'lP1Jcated.frr lr.B ,han ooo: ,T l.f,a,'fe-ii0,?H ,'..r 1ulck " several other unusual opportunities. RE.VNINOEIt A RENNINGER Qlenslde, Pa., and Broad and Walnut sts.. j. iiimMBitum, in MODERN HOMES, best location: building lots f.nd- '"S"- mVy rare ofsrs. Call at Olenslde office today. Rennlnger Ren- Jilnger, Glenslde, and Broad and Walnut. $5000 WILL BUY a semidetached-10-room So? house In Olenslde. Pa. Easy terms. F 451, Ledger Central. Media, To, 33-ACRE FARM, near Roee Tree Inn. Media Modern stone house, all conveniences, Includ ing hot-water heat, electric light, open fire places, etc.; new barn; plenty of water. Arplv JOHN B MILLER. 415 Land Title Bldg. Swarlhmore, I'a. ON THE HILL, near Baltimore pike, attrac tive building site, 5H acres: adjacent to good Improvements; must be sold to close an account; an Inexpensive bungalow Included with the land: price $4000. YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 16 S. 18th L - Wynneflcld. r. ONE OF THE FINEST CORNER FROPER fles In Wjnnefleld. consisting of one-acre lot: stone house, 12 rooms, 2 baths and nil lard room. Modern appointments with hard wood floors and paneling, all In excellent condition: stone garage, accommodating 3 cars, with man's quarters: shade snd fruit trees; convenient to train or trolley. Apply only to LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO 1P00 SPRUCE ST.. 22 rooms. 5 batha: good condition; hardwood floora; many open fire places; gaa and electricity; lot 42x100. For rent, unfurnished, one year or longer, or for sale at attractive price. Further particulars upon application to LOWER MERION REALTY COMPANT Laad lltle Building. HANDSOME STONE AND STUCCO HOU8E, 14 rooms, 3 baths (8 chambers); modern ap- &D'V.mnts: fine location, near atatlon: lot Vxlbt. worth Investigation. LOWER MERION I.KALTY CO.. LAND "TTLU El 1LDINQ. MAIN LINE. TA. H. R. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place aa3 building altea to suit all requirements; Mats Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Orerbrook WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF HOUSES for sale in this moat desirable suburb. List with full details will be ent upon applica tion. Communicate with us. Price or de tached houses ranges from $11,000 up, LOWER MERION REALTY CO; LAND TITLE BUILDIFO Merlon WH HA.VE SEVERAL FINE NEW PLACES In th.a most deaiiable suburb. They arn complete In every detail. Inside and out. Fine garages and grounds. Let us show you around. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND VITLB BUlLDINfl IVarberth NO. 2 BROOKHUffsT AVE 7-room aton'e house, lot 80x200: $3750. Walter Basset Smith. Wynnewood. Pa. Ardmoro WILL SACRIFICE Having moved my residence, will sell my former house; B mlnutee from station, north aide; large grounda and garage. Address Owner, 717 N. 6th st Reading. a. 'auu" I Au OrAO -tm ft rw-is. - SFT VV fl AHaBJ-niti Tr TrT ALOUf tjfTA)nM .. w. vrr :.i7'.r,r-,' """1 pPN HCtvlAVlV V CX. V l w.iiH woKKaJv- N. ' Z2S, v. r.ni e- - , , - 'A "& N.- t'LU START m J VNBJ a ; Ait.,B"l "72? Vrs itT Vr2L Jt ) 1 S P VHT -i V7 McmJ ysrA&j Infert your Want REAL ESTATE TOR BAM NKW JERSEY Audubon, N. J r2ili5At'E10"ro,m .house, all modern con Ifin..nto'J.Ar"r ,raln and trolley stations; tTifr...2?00!, '""' ' ult- Take, lladdon t 'W.5 ,rJJUy.".Jn.Brr"Pe ' Audubon, N. We.raV;.r.RPHn,I-ANGE. spruce-and Weat Atlantic ave , Audubon, N. j; Haddonnrld. N. 3. ni?;.. 9Sf,au. '. ,on b'oeK north of the i?VS?-.a.'",?aJl0C' Jc- ,ar; nous contains "iXSESSp r.hirfflhoAPRpW co,d w,uri city INTERURI1AN REALTY CO. 4510 Frankforri ave, lladdon llclthl.. N. J. UPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HAtDON HEHIHTS, N. J. VV1L.I.KT iLirPINCOTT Mt. Ephralm, N. 3. . t ONE-ACRE FARMS HV-J5,nr "' .N" J"-RdJ: '""Jon Helghtsi fi1.1?..B.,m,".e8.j!Sm Camdeni 3 statlona on tract: $300 to $000 per acre; title Insured, free deeditio taxes for 1MB, Camden County Oar den Farms Co.. 1203 Broadway, Camden, N, J, Wnoillmry, N. J. - . . J24CO ff r ai.J?0.rt ilm . can b"1'1! yx a stucco or pebbledash single houae, 8 rooms and b.4S' all conveniences. INCLUDING AN ACRE OF FERTILE FARM LAND, on tro ley to Philadelphia and close to clectrlo trains, $2400 TERMS TO 8UIT TOU. . JOHN ABRAMSON 21 N, Broad St., Woodbury, N, J, J2100 FARMS. ACREAGE AND MODERN HOMES FOR SALE Terms to suit buyer. Anply to W. EARL JESSUP 188 Maple ave., Woodbury, N. BUILDINO LOTS in the best residential sec tion of Woodbury; rnved, graded, gas, elec tricity and sewera; short walk from station: 80 trains dally; price $450 up; easy terrrs. Theo. Schalllol, American and Delaware eta., Woodbury. N. J. SEASHORE Capo May. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attractive plana submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNBEND. Ocean City, N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWN-SEND, Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 12 ACRES of fertile, hlgh-lylng ground in Norrlstown dIMrlct, near Oermantown pike; 2-story frame dwelling, hot and cold water; hot-water heat; barn, etc.. artesian well; lust the thing for truck and poultry; this !?2 ot Property Is scarce at the figure of $4500, JOHN A. JOHNSON 311 Swede st. Norrlstown, Pa. F2P SALB--One of the most fertile farms In Chester Valley, beautifully located on tho Main Line of Pennsylvania R. R. on Lincoln Highway and Philadelphia trolley; fine meadows, two running brooks. 215 acres No expenslie buildings to buy. Price reason able. Ideal for country home, country club o.1-, dairy , or stock farm. Address E. B. RIDOWAY. Coatcsvllle, Pa. 145 ACRES 3-story stone dwelling; 25 acres woods; new frame barn, crops and machinery Included In price, also household goods; bar gain for immediate. Bale. It. a. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut at.. Philadelphia. Appointments by nhone. Walnut 4218. MEDIA FARM, 42 ACRES Farmhouse, barn, etc.; old shade: spring, running stream; convenient train and trolley and the Rose Tree Hunt Club. HERKNESS A STETSON LAND TITLE BUILriNG 8 ACRES, COLLEOEVILLE MODERN HOME --0-room stone house, barn, garage, hen house, 30 fruit trees, old shade; price $1200; ono-thlrd cash. JACK'S FARM AGENCY 215 Stephen O Irani Bldg.. Phlla. 132 ACRES. 3 miles West Cherter; old stone mansion, 13 rooms and bath; lawn, old shade, stream, woods; large barn; surrounding farms owned by Phlladelphlans. Price and terms n application to OEOROE 8. TURNER, 1'ab4 tKk.- Tin 08 ACUES-$r500. worth $0500; 4 mile Brad ford Hills, Main Line, Pa A. u. HEAL.U. Weat Chester, Pa, 25. ACRES, STOCK. CHOrs, good buildings; $2500; half cash. HUNSBUROER'S FARM AUCJNjjr. Qreen Lane. Pa. LARGE AND SMALL FARMS for sale; trana- hci your bUKtness direct with the ownera. W. F. HOflflKNTINE. 5310 Oermantown ave. LANSDALE mushroom plant. 2 large build ings; hot-water beat; 2 ncrea ground; sell very rlKaf. a. H. Tyson, Lanndale, Pa. 12 ACRES Easy commuting distance of Phlla.; mile to station: $4500. J. B. THOMPSON. Vest Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS DELAWARE RIVER FARM Few miles from ferry; 00 acres; good build ings; fine trucking land, fruit, etc. Sell low; Immediate possession. Apply for catalogue. C. P. PETERS & SON. tfa CHESTNUT ST. BURLINGTON COUNTY FARMS, all sizes, all purposes, established 1808. A. W. DRESSER. Rurllngton, N. J. REATj ESTATE SALE OB RENT BUY A HOME FROM US-Monthly payments $17 to $50: N Phlla. and Oermantown; prices $1800 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 715-710 Chestnut st. OERMANTOWN HOMES Let me know what price you want. T. MITCHELL. 6200 Oermantown ave. Suburban HUNTINGDON VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB house for sale or to rent, furnished: lust renovated; garnge; Immediate posseaslon; owner has business change. L 311, Ledger Office. Bala-Cynwyd. r. LARGE LI8T HOUSES, sale or rent, at all prices. SAMUEL C. WAGNER. Jr., Commer cial Trust Bldg., 15th and Market sts. R. E. S AXiE OR EXCHANGE $8500 EQUITY, subject one mortgage, In wen rented suburban property for small city houses or clear land; send full particulars. Owner. F 658, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANT INVESTMENT HOUSES, clear or one mortgage, for store and dwelling, or will accept vacant ground at Olney, g.jir.mL. vnmi judge. FIRST-CLASS picture theatres to exchange for good Investment properties; all locations. rni. rfn iv oin. otn pnonea. SEVERAL small dwellings; rents, $7 lo $33; subject to first mortgages only; net Income $000 per year. Livingstone, Broad & Walnut. SALE OR EXCHANGE Buslnesa building Oth and Arch sts. ' MERHHON. ,135 Lsnd Title Bldg. Tlog LOGAN PROPERTIES for exchange-Examln'e' 5023 or 5012 N. Smedley St., 2-story porch front up-to-date houses. Make offer of ex change to SWARTLEY, 352 Drexel Bldr. Main 412L 3 minutes' walk Logan Station, Maple Shade. N. J. TiK.?nT?ST..P.r,v,"' ot th SOt" f'ntury lhi! own. "UIS one-acre farm clo.a to Phlla., and remember, $5 down buys one. $1 monthly paa for.it. For a square deal call on or write BARLOW & CO.. Maple Bhadi. PETEY As an Inventive Genius, m m m mt h r X " - f . . V . . "v 1 r 111 1 A ftuijf n Ti I fWAtn To ICE J I . h j cr-,. -r .VT. 1 TVllUtt fl'-V 1 I Mmiim a'.. --V 1 "" AWV OP V 1 J ,iTrtMVI,: V aho'thvi':hc:pwv"J 'b-Avwy,c al,mc s: ) I' w-SSZ !&.. -J4a-- Ad for a week. It is the you, but very REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED-Buy pr rent, Overbrook sectloni SncJed.ior. twln house; ownera or agents! ?inHS,r$,lf!i,"S' rlc. "nd location or no at tentlon paid. F 845, Ledger Central. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort- K- "u iiiw insurance piacea quickly, oee ane for prompt results. 2528 Tssker at. L-lTr. i-njiiii'i muni, a.:ft leaner si. t--yKlLl.'u- F442jgerCentral. WAP,??i..,,0UB TN CHEStNtfTHILL" OR WAITED House, Glrard ave., east of 20th ....cy (lilv. jJt ieqger mnce. Suburban HHiVB5 er bunlow, furnished or unfurnished, till May or year; central plant or hot-water heat, electricity, 4 or more bedrooms; with 5-r.'.",'' ara8ei reference, o 242, Ledger centra r M ED1UM-8IZED unfurn. detached house, Gtn. or Chut. II 111, rent about $33 F 45S.Led.Cent. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITV HJTjTf20T7r8T , 9 room $25 00 1843 Lambert St., B rooms 10.00 ki. i: lAiBAiiu 50qthandJefferaonsts HROAD ST., 802S, N Modern porch-front Hi?.'.lUnj " rooms: moderate rentsl. CIIAB, U BROWN A CO.. 217 8. Broad st. 848 SOUTH 15TH STREET ,4 ivtiiiiB ana natns. MgARSjfe RRQWN, 202 8. 16th street. 1822 CHESTNUT ST.. 26x238 feet to Sansom VAiBi',fVll,on" to u,t tenant. Apply """ " wiuiLiii to iann Title mm, 1021 RACE Desirable for npartments; re ?.1n.aU.r,.nt' J' Ti JACKSON, 13th and 20.12 BRANDYWINU ST.-Three-stpry dwell- 1 -A.01- ,v'ilcu.J,lu painieu inrougnvui. rent $25. TAULANE. OOfJ Walnut St. 205-207 CHESTNUT ST. Five-story olflco and nnit'uuune, Ripply JOHN R. MIL1 .L.CII, 41B Land Title Bldg. 80ft 8. 11TH. 12 rooms nnd 2 baths; steam neat: Just renovatea throughout. ,ClIAjLJ.llROWN A. CO., 217 S. Broad st. 2015 NORTH PARK AVE. 12-room dwelling, complete order, all conveniences. Key 2202 NJUtlijaR.WiLloyd14yvjmit 1715 ARLINGTON ST.-o rooms and bath; iit-t$3 iriiuiatcu; i; open. $18-2127 WALDEN (above 21st and Arch), 7 rooms, conveniences; side alley. $142003 CEDAR ST., 7 rms convs. north east. $10 to $12 5 and 8-rm. houses; northeast: convs ABBOTT, N. E. cor. Broad and Race sts. J, A. PATTERSON CO. . 110 8. JOTH ST. REAL ESTATE BROKERS We give special attention to the manage ment ot properties for absentee owners; lm mediate remittancee. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMllkt, T. mix a rn. S. E. cor, lith and Callow hill. $45 002128 ARCH, 12 rooms nnd bath, porce lain tub, washstand. 8 toilets, many closets: good repair, ABBOTT, N. E. cor. Broad and Race. REAL ESTATE OFFICE FOR RENT. S. W. cor. B8th nnd Whitby ave.. with plenty of business ; open for Inspection. $30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Send for list. Continental-Equitable Trust Co . 21 8. 12th st. RENTS REDUCED, one week free 1712' Wal lace, 12 rooms: 1014 Mt. Vernon; 016 N. 17th. .iiAiisiiAi.i. ii. siurii, ion chestnut st. REAL ESTATE OFKICB FOR RENT, 8. v cor. 5Sth and Whitby ave., with Plenty of uumiirm; jn-n lur u f'fcuon. THE LAND TITLE AND TRU8T COMPANY, Broad & Chestnut atB. Send for our rent list, $10-5549 CROWSON ST., 7 rooms; also-$18 new houses. DROWN. BlOO York road. nnslness Properties and Blores 1422 COLUMBIA AVE. Has been an uphol sterer's office and shop for 17 J ears; suitable for any buslneaa; $35 per month. 122 SOUTH 11TH STREET SUITABLE FOR TAILOR, OCULIST OR OTHER BUSINESS. R. W. LLOYD, 714 WALNUT ST. NO. 8 SOUTH 18TH STREET Modern store and basement, 16x45 ft.; high celling, dry basement, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; nult any high-grade business. . J. C FULLER, 10 S. 18th st. 1808 CHESTNUT ST. New store; 14x44; under apartment house; high celling: reflected lighting system: steam heat: special Inducements to any high-class bulness. J.A. PATTERSON CO., 130 S. 13th. 10S MARKET ST.-3 stories and basement; steam heat; will alter to suit tenant; reason able rent, J. C. FULLER. 10 B. 18th St. MARKET STREET, 525 Entile building tn rear street: lot 23.3x200: Immediate possession. Apply Penna. Co., 517 niFEinui st. ro9kll MARKET ST. Desirable double-bulk stfre and basement, 80x130; possession Jan uary 1, CHAS.U BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad st. 41 AND 43 8. 8D ST. Large store and base ment. D. M. ELLIS. 701 Brown Broa. Bldg., 4th and Chestnut sts. STORE FOR RENT, first floor. 020 Race Ft.: slzo approximately 22x08 ft.: large show win dow, heat and Janitor service furnished: also small cellar. 20x22 ft., suitable for printing, plumbing or carpenter business. Apply on premises. Stores and Dwellings STORE 20x3Sxl2; 10 rooms; basement, cellar, side yard: 020S I,ansdowne av. P 120.Led.Off. Factories, Warehouses. Mfg. Floors 317 DE LANCEY ST. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 floora and basement; good light from street to Btreef, 20x100. "SED TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. 01 II AND SPRUCE STS. Entire floor, 60x03: light on all sides; elevators; low Insurance; central location. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO., 217 S. Broad st. MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 11.000 Square Feet. N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS, Steam nnd electric power. 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatto sprinkler, watchman. R. R sidings, extra-large windows and hlgn ceilings. Owner management. Apply O. P. FILLING & SON CO. On premises. CFNTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Steam heat, electric elevators, modern build ings. 214 N. 22d st., 68-132, communicating rooms, 40x132. 1522 Ludlow st., 26x100. 3 floors and basement 228-230 N. 22i St., 2 floors. 50x00. elO Sansom t 4 floors, 20x100, 1315 Wood st., garage, 31x72. Reasonable rentals. HARRY T. SAUNDERS, a dl SOUTH 18TH 8T. LOW RENT Broad above Cumberland, manu facturing space In the Wright modern, fire proof building, near North Phlla., Hunting don St. Station and freight yards. WOR RELL & CO., 353 N 17th. CENTRAL WAREHOUSE Six floora and basement, 20,000 square feet! high ceilings, elevator, good light, rear out let: stable or garage If desired. Taulane, boo Walnut at. 5 CENTS PER SQ. FT. for 13,000 ft. space, Rings. centrally located corner bldg,; ault any mfg. or storage; ample llgh gm, nign My era as iiartn, ma ge ave. Myeri ana iutn, FLOOR SPACE. H.tOO square feet at corner 11th and Washington avenue. C. J. Milne & Bona. N. B. Apply MERCHANTS' BUILDINtl 41 NORTH 4TH ST. DEB1RAHLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT METROPOLITAN BUILDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace; rooms 8000 to 40,000 square feet on a floor. Apply to Q. F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th. Oarages 602-4-6 CHANCELLOR (St. Jamea) ST.-S-story central garage, 30x40; now In course of erection, reasonable rent, exceptional quar ters for corporation, L. A. TAULANE; 000 Walnut st. - He Deserves a Place on tho . valuable to REAL ESTATE TOR RENT RENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY,,, For Insurances on Uvea A Granting Annuities, 517 Chestnut t uom pnones, 218 8. 18th. 15r$208.84 806 8. Uth. 1W.$150.00 263 8. 22d, 20r.150.UO 1310 Pine, I6r. ..108.31 420 8 Broad. 16rlOO 00 2020 Locust. 13r...MJ 34 14.10 Pine, lBr.,..!" 1426 N. 10th, 17r. 80 W 1B15 Green, IBr. .. i.o0 80S Pine, llr.... 70 00 133 8. 23d. 13r... BMW 1828 Green, 13r... M-W 132loirard, 14r.. 50.00 1213 8. Broad. 16r BO.uo 423 8 8th, lTr. . M 00 1708 Wallace, 13r. 45.00 1513 N. 17th. llr. 4J.IW 1534 Master, 13r.. 41 U7 1140 Lombard, lr. 40.00 1730 N. 10th, 12r. 35 00 BVlM FVln.. 12r 30.00 130Z pine. isr. . . 7.v.ou 161 N. 18th, 18r. 7B 00 1618 Pine, lOr... 68,87 3 S. 21st, 12r, 53.00 911 N. 16th, 14r BO.00 1001 Poplar, 13r.. BO 00 818 S. 3d, 16r. .. BO.UO B06S. 11th. llr. 45 00 823 Race, iBr. .. 45.00 827 N .lSth. IBr 4181 1733 N. 16th, 18r. 40.00 1714 Oxford, llr. 40.00 828 8. 4th, llr , 32.00 2622 N. 11th, llr 80.00 1418 Wharton, Or 28 00 020 Falrm't, 8r, 28.00 25,11 Columbla.llr 28.UO 1010 Fairnvi, or., ij."" 823 N. th, fir.. 27.00 1441 N. 6th, 10r.. 20.00 1720 N 26th, Or,. 28 00 2411 Master, Pr. . 2J.00 120 N. Fkln., Or. SJU) i.)h Piaster, llr, 27.VU 117 W.Shsrpnack, llr 1615 N, 8th. Or .. 23.00 1438 a 13th. IT. 25.00 70S N. 10th. Br 25 (XI 2141 N. 11th. Dr.. 23 00 2130 N. Uber, Or. 23.00 720 New Mkt..Ur 21 no 541 N. 10th, Pr,. 25.00 026 N. 10th, lOr. 24 00 1311 Wharton, Or. 22.00 .ISO N. Or'na. lOr 21.00 2014 N. Jessup.nr 21 W 2233 Balnbr'ge, Or 21.00 oil ljitlmer, lOr. 20.00 2002 Turner, Or... 20.00 2322 Wallace, fir.. 18.00 17.19 N. Uber. llr. 18.00 iui,t jtonman, llr u.uu 1426 stiles, 7r.,, 20 00 1418 N. CamacOr 10.00 B14 Parrl'b, Br,. 18.00 16.11 N. Marv0r ls.ou 1800 N Rlng'Id.Or 16.00 1012 Carlton, dr.. 15.00 3 Leyd'a ct.,6r 18.00 103.1 Spring, 8r.. lS.Oti 2027 Page. 7r.. 1B.CO mi N. Amer., ur ""; 217 Fltxwater, 8r 16.00 013 Nectarine, Br 13 00 1820 Olive. 6r..... 13 00 413 W Hew'n, 7r 1S.IX) 1001 Lemon, "r... 1300 RTfiin-n avi' DWKL.L-INUS 221 R. 10th, 12r.$70.(i 1000 Poplar, lor. Ml-f-J. 12 N. 2d. 8r... 41. HJ aoi .-a. itr. . 1012 Oxford, llr.. 30.00 318 N. 3d, 8r.... 23.00 818 W. Norrls, Or 25 00 417 0reen, 7r.... 22 00 1126 8. 2d, Or.... 20.00 2561 Amber. 7r.. 20.00 1204-6 S. 2d, 7r.. 20.00 1141 Pldge, 12r.. 37.B0 724 N. Front.llr 23.00 2313 Ridge avltr 23.00 1005 Falrm't. Or.. 23 00 123 W.Oxford.Or 21.00 120 South, 4r 20.00 023 8. 2d, 8r... 20 00 .204 Wharton, 6r 10.00 MYERS BARTH. .lldge Acnue nnd 10th Street. Business Properties, Floors. Etc 032 Race, 4-tory, 17 by 00. Elevator, 1428 Callow hill, floors, KOI sq. ft. .Elevators, loot Rate, stote fc business rooms. H10 Cherry, floors. 18 by 50. Elevator. 331 N, 11th at.. 3-story. 18 by SO. 153 N. 3d, 4-stoty. Elevator. 10th and Ridge, second floor, 101.1-13 Ridge, store and floors. 100 N. Front, upper floors, 14 by 40. 1007 Spring Garden, store and upper floors. biuitr.a. N. W. 8th & Race.$150 1004 Race 00 1004 Ridge ave 20 450 N. Mh 16 21!) N. 8th .... ...$80 .42.50 ... 15 ... 12 2(U N. Oth 1015 Ridge ave. 1001 Callowhlll STORES AND DWELLINGS. 2002 Tlo$a 75 840 N. 5th .11 72.1 N. 10th 30 1533 Rldao ave 20 311 N, nth 40 317 N. Franklin... 40 024 Callowhlll .... 33 M)2 Oreen 20 .. DWEL Lings. .is. iwtn ven-go.l(i 10.18 N. 12th, 13r. . m 1317 N. 12th, 13r... 38 238 N. Bth. llr.... 31 1017 Callowhlll, llr. SO 1520 N. Bouvler, 12r 28 2014 Tioga, 13r CO 347 N, Oth. Pr 35 152 N. 11th. 12r.,,, 30 8.10 N. 11th, lOr... 30 530 N. 10th, lOr... SO loon Falrm't ave, 8r 2 2110 N. 20th, Or.... 23 2130 N. College, lOr. 2.1 in, intn, ur. n 1240 N. 11th. Or... 22 1101 Buttons ood, 7r 20 1310 Melon. Sr. .'0 18 18 10 in 13 15 14 14 12 12 12 n 1024 Olive. 7r.. 17 HBO 8. 16th. Pr... 16 1001 Brandywlne,8r 10 022 N. 10th. 7r... 15 IROil Woodstock. 8r 1223 Sartaln, 6r. ... 337 N. 10th. 6r 1231 Wood, Or 1710 Olive, 6r 1153 S. 16th. fir. .. 21.1 Ludlow. 7r. .. 1140 Sedgley, 5r. ... 221 8. Jcssup, 3r. . 202(1 New comb, 4r . 15 1017 Thompson. Br. n Ni N. Taney, ,r. ., 14 l.TOT E. Oxford, fir. 14 024 Nectarine, fir. 12 2127 Stewart, 4r. .., 121 r,m Brown. 3r 12lt?11 'averlv. 3r 1210 N. uarlen, or. 2)31 N.Lelthgow, 5r llllR-V) Sheridan, Rr.., T. F. NEALIS, 010 S. 12TH ST. Office open Saturday night until 10 o'clock. 2024 Fine. 12r. $601 .111V4 Cypress, llr.. .125 izm unneuan, itr. njiuj i.arnenier, vr.., z.f 1316 Carpenter, 8r.. 20 1410 N. Warnock, Cr IB 2652 S. Watts, 7r.. 14 1(128 Latona. Or 14 1742 8. Mole, 6r.... 13 714 Race, rear, 4r, 11 241 8. Clifton. 4r.. 10 lil UTemon av..ir. m 740 8. Clarion, 3r.. 12 2326 Manton. 6r.... 11 1438 N. Alder, 3r... 0 1440 N. Alder. 3r... 9 5TUIIE8 AND DWELLINGS 784 Race, storo and 12 rooms; con,.., $00 00 027 8. 12th st itore and 8 rooms.... 30.00 N. E. cor. 10th and Noble, store and Or, 28 00 ,707 S. 11th st., store and 8 rooms. ... 2100 1024 S. 12th St., cor. store and 8r.; con, 23 00 8436 NORTH 21ST. $I2..M) ...$12 II 8. J'M at .$20 041 N. 42d ,721 8. Mole ...I flQ Spencer ter. 1021 lngersoll st. 041 N. 42d ..... 2(2 Helen 20I2W1 Orlanna St.. 11 17 1012 Wlllard st. 10 111 (I 8 14 1.1 r?221 Orlanna st... 26.'7 Titan st 2616 Catharine St.. 1.1 sou t-amorla 121 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut at. , Coal Tarda 910 TIOOA ST. Stable, office and siding; good location; rent very low. Walter Oabell, Broad and Erie ave. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. 17TH ABOVE CHESTNUT (Middle City Bldg.) Desirable offices and 'studios: some with ti9i!5.nUV. WILLIS.WINCHESTBR COM PANY, 1001 Chostnut. 124 S. 8TH ST. (BOWES BUILD1NG)-3D FLOOR, 2 ELEVATORS; $45.83. O. ;. SEIDEL & CO. 4TH AND CALLOWHILL STS. CHESTNUT, 1728-2 very desirable communt eating rooms, suitable for studio or profession. CHESTNUT, 1782-Offlces for doctor, dentist. studio or other bus.;, running water; elec OFFICES AND STUDIOS FULLER BLDG., 10 S. lKth st. WALL BLDO., 1716 Chestnut St. SMITH BLDO., S.E. cor. 18th & Chestnut sts. No. 20 S. 18th st. OMces. business rooms and studios, large and email rooms, singly and en suite; ele a.l..r "rvlce and all modern appointments. Will suit architects, dentists, artists, musi cians and other purposes. Rent $15 per month upward. Write or apply for list. J. C. FULLER, 10 S. 18th at, DeLONO BUILDINO 1.1th & Chestnut. 1520 Chestnut. 13.CI Chestnut. 1020 Chestnut. Professional Building, 18.li-:i3 Chestnut. J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut & 13th,S E.cor. ENTIRE 2d floor, 131S Chestnut, opposite Wanamaker's: suitable for any high-class rental line: show cae and sign privilege at J. T. Jackson Co. S. E. Cor. Chestnut and 13th. Brignt Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & BROWN 20H2 'S" DREXEL BLDO. OFFICES, Annual Rentals. Single roomf, $100, $120, $1M. $20u. $273 $156 Suites, 2 mis.. $150, $175, 1200, $225! $240' F75 Suites, 3 rms.. $160, $275. $400, $450. $50o! $650 Corner sult.s, 2 lo 8 rooms, $500 to $1050 ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. SCO Drexel Building. DESIRABLE second-floor corner suite 3 large rooms. N. E. corner 15th and Walnut ats.: also single or communicating offices; elevator and all convenlcncea. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad st. Floors (s Studios. Greble Bldg . 1708-10 Chestnut J. B. JARDELLA lo3s bc""'stian STREET MERCHANTS' BUILDINO ' ,, ... 44 North 4th st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. PL A ZA BUILDINO Offlcea Single and En Suits. Aouo-ui-uu Alien BT. HSF.D.DL?." 11 V18 Filbert at,-CentralIy located; all conveniences: offices, both small and large, atverymoderate rentals. S?.!?.1?' .J'Pt', 'nce nt" Broad and S4MihC,dnerfa..,ypeWr,,er an1 """ Professional Offlcea WALNUT. 1433 Prof eaalonaf offlcea and apart menta, hot and cold water and batha, very dJinr Le'.,,tc1la. T!5f' .p.hon Spruce . , . -.,,, yimui, lllj UMinUl loTH B.".8.'..3l7T3 roon"' Physician or den tlst, electricity, hot water, liardwood floors: newly papered) good light. ' I Navy Board By C. A. VOIGHT cheapest and others. A Want Ad will dol REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Professional Offlcea SPRUCE ST., 1529-Offlcee for physician or dentists; light, heat, service; running water: reierrncrw. , BROAD, 8., 2429 - Office for physician, fur nished or unfurnished. CHESTNUT 2026-2 large pnjslclsn's offices: steam heat, elec.; newly renova'd, lonfjl".!: WALNUT 2203-Sulte of 2 large rms., 1st flr.t hot and cold running water, electricity. references, Desk Room FOR RENT Desk room In law office; street front Room BB, 1318 Arch at. WEST rHILADKLriltA CHESTER AVE., BI02-10R., MODERN IN EVERY WAY, TWO BATHS. RE DUCK D RENT. qUlCK ABROlNC..8 S.40TH. 2003 8. 68TH-Tiodern two-story b0-op- TOTil' Overtaking FAIRMOUNT t'AIXH. ESTATE $28 to l00.rrr,7J,,Pl.nf,-r. APTS. & Apply to A. J. P. HAIjnA i-Jl HOUSES 4210 rarkslde ave. Ph. Bel 4.J3. DWELLINGS, STORES AND WM. II. W. QUICK BRO., IN& a 0...ih Jfiti. at AlAiwiB,nn O CUU1II 1V1II POTTS A T0WN8END. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES fiwj.l liiuil ui tn - - $28 THREE STORY, 11 room;, hard wood fin Ish! others $17 to $42.BO. E. It. APSLEY, B8th and Springfield ave. $20 B22I Chancellor et.. 8 large rms.l all conveniences; near 52d st. I OERMANTOWN 7009 CRESHEIM ROAD-0 rooms and bath: large yard. rent. $27.50 per month. J. T, JACKBON, 13thnndChestnutst. G ERrA NTOWN-Brlnton .. near Chw. ""J Johnson sts.: only a few left. 11-room semi detached houses; wide yards: newly "no vated: will rent to desirable tenants nt ri diculously low figure. Olyndon Prlestmon, 6506 Oermantown ave. - Chestnut IIIU DETACHED DWELLINO at Mermaid Station: 0 rooms, hot-water heat, garden, chickens, f'MLtiA'-.2j?':'AAl,0-7Kc-e'.... rKUHAM 'iituar -w , ni-iu v,ciiiih.v,iv DWELLINO8-$20 to $150 month: get list. Pelham Trust Company. 6740 Oermantown. Tioga 1300 W. ERIE AVE. Owner'n besutlful resi dence, most modern and . finest home, ti rooms, 2 baths; large yard; porch; terrace front; open today: make offer. Wayne Junction $25-MODERN and moat desirable three-story porch-front house at Wayne Junction: all conveniences: 2 minutes' walk from station. 4443 N. 20th St., above Oermantown nve. SUBURBAN WAYNE. IB rooms. 2 baths, steam heat.... $50 BT. DAVID'S. 10 rooms, large lot, conva. 30 COLLINODALE, 0 rooms, nil convs 23 DARBY. 7 rooms, all convs 10 d M. AMAN. 1201 Chestnut st. nala-Cynwyil, Pa. BALA-CYNWYD 8 bedrooms, 8 bedrooms, 7 bearooms, C bedrooms, Q bedrooms, 6 bedrooms, 6 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 0 bedrooms, B bedrooms, S bedrooms, B bedrooms, S bedrooms, B bedrooms. 2 baths, garage,. 3 baths 2 baths 3 baths .'I baths 2 baths 2 baths 2 baths 2 baths 3 baths.. 2 baths 1 bath 1 bath 1 bath 1 bath ...$125.00 ...$100.00 ... $R3.00 ... $S3.3.1 ... $80,00 ... $7.1.00 ... $03.00 ... $02.50 ... $00.00 ... $31,00 ... $30.00 ... $45.00 ,.. $42.BO ... $17.B0 ... $15 00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 829 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. 201 Bala ave.. Cynwyd. Pa. Darby, Fa. 2 FINE NEW STORES. 873 Main; very mod ern: moderate rent; also (1-room apartment, 2d floor. Swope A Sons. Darby. Olenslde. Pa. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to date In every detail, $23. $30. $3,-i, $10. $30. $00 upward to $150 per month. Call at Olenslde office to day. RENNINGER & RENNINGER. Glen side, and Broad and Walnut sts. Jenklntmvn, Pa. WTNCOTE One square from Jenkintown Sta tion, 0 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, elec tric light and gas. open fireplace; lot 50x100; $10 per month. HERKNESS A STETSON . LJlJld'?lu.J?yMd,n: MODERN residence, In excellent condition, 14 rooms. 2 baths; garage: $70. D. B. Cham- . hers, 710 Commercial TrUBt Building. Xansdowne. Pa A1TilA.7TIV?' oId U"8sh Btyle, 6 bedrooms una an modern Improvements; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply to owner, corner Baltimore and Wlndemere aves. JUdJeyPark1Pa. ir L.AJPQB BUNOAI.OW HOME ALL MODERN IMPTS.: HOT-WATER 'CAT, BATH. LAUNDRY; OPEN FIRE PLACES, PORCHES TEN icitM will f.Vr0'0!;0,' HTABLES"h?HESTER .!&!? NJAll MORTON AVE.: NEAR STA JION ; TROLLEY PASSES DOOR: HIGH. EST LOCATION IN RIDI CY WnK T A VOGLER. 622"cHESTNUT BT.rDKFliOl1- Sharon IIIU. Pa. convTSiI0? . and.Vat,: large lot. old shade; A BUKTiMn 8,l?!, a"d trolley. JAMES A. MUisriNG. 56J Drexel Building. MAIN UNE. TA. 1L B, MPRIPIM 8 bedrooms, 2 bathn garage lino 7 bedrooms. 2 bath? ......... "" " 7? WYMrvJBXf-irSrv T5 7 bedrooms. 2 baths , 0 bedrooms, 3 batha ...""!!" B bedrooms. 3 baths 0 beJrooms, 2 baths ........ ARDMORE g bedrooms, .'( baths 7 bedrooms, 3 baths 8 becrooms, batha ........... 8 bedrooms, 3 baths ........... 7 bedrooms, 3 baths ..""I"" 7 bedrooms. 3 baths ..."I""! 7 Lediooms. 3 baths .II"!!!!! 7 bedrooms. 1 bath !"". 7 bedrooms, 3 bjths .......III" 0 bediooma, 1 bath; garage III! r HAVERFORD 5 oeafSorn.; 2 ttlfc 5.""" - 7 bedrooms, a baths; garage!!! 6 bedrooms, 1 bath "" 8 bedrooms. 2 hnlh. ...$125 ... IO ... 75 .:. 63 $208.33 1W.W1 150.00.. , 13.1.:i3 . 110 0O . 105.00 80.00 75.00 . 6100 07.50 $208.33 123.00 inn vt 10000 100.00 4 bedrooms. 2 batlis Dearooms. s batlis .,.: X SAMUEL C. WAGNERV'jr 70.00 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO BTH AND MARKET HTH"LBP.Vr ATTRACTIVE unncco IVynntfleld, IIr 2 baths rata.. Tt .. Qmbrook. lor.. 2 hTh. " !I5mo' overbrook 111 i':m. ..t.'" i mo " n. 17r.. 3 bathi. gaFagl Narberth, 11 rooms. 2 baths 1 ynuewood, 17r., 3 baths, stable' Wynnewood. lOr. 1 hath" Aram Ardmore. is rooms. 3 baths Ardmore, 15 rooms, 3 baths Haverford, IBr., 3 baths VaraVi Haverford 11 rooms. 1 bath .' ' lfaverford, 11 rooms, 2 baths ' ' Iryn Mavvr. 12r . 2 baths, garage" Bryn llawr, 21r. 4 bathi ftabi- 125 mo. 200 mo. S3 mo. 125 mo. 63 mo. 105 mo, 63 mo. 133 mo. 73 mo, loo mo. 250 mo. -ii M..L ior.. A batha statu o.A il ' Rosemont. ii room. 9 'CJ'.ifi'' : 2 mo, VIM.nova. 13 roomi 2 ?, SSJ, If! JD?' pro?erK? ffff"?, "i HIRST & McMULLIN WLNJLIRUST BUILDINQ MODERN HOU8ES$8dtnifrvi - various station , lend for pew&l'ill. mo,7thi bert Claghorn. 204 1 nSn.V niV."'' Hr- most effective REAL ESTATE Ton ti MAIN UNE. PA. It, n. Narber1h BRAND-NEW HOU0ES.-7 room. T. J convenience., electrlo llgh !i-" .'"teal month; others at $21 Bo ' e'I.'l 21 ward. HARRIS REAL' Es?:ri.8.M l slstlon, Narberth. pi E8TAIE. opn-tl T.iifVlM ll(SHiai .,1 . . J ?-y ; ---.wmw, mi mnn inr '.vin r rt,An ...:.. I., nttn .... ii8sia TER BABS: Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS ANvr HOUSn NO. 46 Min. . "4- "wrNNEWOOD. PA. 3 nr.'78n.?"anro7Mco"'i.J pom. has iher.i i. IlV'Lr.0"ns tM1!;?! ."J&M? JJfjrtft - h.rr0etdi. ? ssa Automobile storage. $3 Mr moallL 1 ,yaVvnVeawhSSST I-U ln??'fBpTTxVrrl-,,isi Jss&h',,usarg5 SevFTT-- -J'-W . .SLIJavltl'i ftt7Wi. ?HjSL?iS. S uc5,.r.urn - " "", wavne. p. w. ch,. . vnyne -1 de.lrable hemi" Md"cinW,T2. JSfc NEW Jnrm-- Andulion. N. j7 " anh'oof.17 8lEvWri?'t!rimti -!?Aib5. e . ... linn 41 ,1 12S TO tin 7a-.T--r; - Rlverton. " "' la "PPlncottaViJ f " " ?( rOB IyENT-runNiBTJjp- M nuumtPAN $55 MONTH LANSDOWNB - 11-room mnilern linnu ...,."vi""t'- C V PETERS A SON. 601 ElYrV - NEW JERSEY A V ERY comfortable, modern suburban 1. J-J furnished, for winter season flrsli?.!SS and garace. O ar.i 1 .. 5"?Ia.udi!eiS ntianuc city. N. J. FINELY furnUhed houso. 7 beo7oom k..v- hot-waler hent: monthly 0? SSSSr enSSjl lighthouse. Apylj 555 x. 17th at. PhK4' MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIAITT3 $500,000 TO INVEST IN FIRST MORTGAGES In the City of Philadelphia LOWEST MARKET RATES .. . . dnr,1y to HAZLETT A M0S3 BIS WALNUT RT. Main 175. . Lombard y LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS ivn 4 titoi. uuniUAUH IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACB H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. $50 TO $5000 MORTGAGE OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITY Payable In Instalments If desired. Settlements same day If desire! BUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS DEMPSEY & CO. li S. 10TH ST MONEY FOR "MORTGAGES S500 S1000 1200 $1500 $1600 S5000 yW. H. HOOD. 812 NORRIS ST. f CCo Clnh coaa 1 jtr-- ?l-lli v.ww, Vvw w k MB.7. Mortgage or note, real estate security! ptKal able easy terms; settlement rame day.' ",- LEWIS & CO J"7 W GIRARDi!; fcTlsKTi-- -ri a-i . ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE M LOWEST RATES. QUICK DECISION ? "U UU1L.UINU ASS'N MONEI J. J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut Stgy j TO IXJAN ON REAL ESTATE aai- ..J? il 5 immeaiate settlement, pajiiu u (2000 desired. w ... EDW. M. MOLU '' 18.1 BOUTH 12TH STREET. .. FIRST AND SECOND. ANY "AMOUNT.. Private or trust funds for 1st raortfiavJ Building association for 2d mortgage!; tW or suburbs. Quick service. 'ti JAMES C. 8IMPSON. 1120 CHESTNUT ' . J.R MAS3EY A SONS UTH AND OREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES umi.DI.-vu ASSOCIATION FUAW LARGE building and loan assoclatloa cat .1 uiiimctiiur.i ior gooil 1st and Zd nortpMii,', no premium charges. Apply Secretary, FlK ALL AMOUNTS. 1KT AND in MnRIYl J Quick answer. Vi' MAURICE II. MATSINQER A .vcai i.iiais -irusi lllQg. MORTGAOES IN AMOUNTS Of $1600 and $2000 at 6b per cent, j .. -'AMES D. WINCHELL i . vv. cor. 17th and Sansom an. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES HENRY 8. nEED tlflfl iifDaniit.tin o'T.il'lW .w .iii,oi,iiUi a i FIRST AND SECOND MORTUAUHI ' J DPI j . JOHN a. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDN l.l walnut st. WANT well. secured first mnrtrares In I of $5000 to $10,000 or over, hate ready f CHARLES L. DROWN & CO. 01 T a unnin OT IF YOUR MORTQAOE has "been" called h 1 iiace it in a uunaing association ; ""an cent, lntereat: new aeries lust starttoi- 1 uiiii uin ana iork. llfNi imn tii iMvi'eii nn .I..,,. In from $1000 lips also building aasoelai money for lecond mortgages. O, C. I l - r r c 1 1 -m& NORTH lfj vv j l l n L, L, STREET FIRST AND SECONDMORTaAQIss PRIVATE AND TRUST FiTnM 18T MORTOAOES-2D M0RTOA0EI DEEDS DRAWN. $lT MORTOAOES. H?l wai lace 1112 Llnrnln TliilMlnir. 'hath nhOneB. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOW0J POTTS A THOMSON. 2521 Franxjoirfjawj LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTAT- JOHN A. BARRY, 607 LAND TITLBW31 TRUST FUND8 FOR FIRST "MOKTOAO-S KENNBDY IIAUUU 3740 Oermamown ave. FUNDS WOll IHT 1MI) 51 j MOHTOiV MORTOAOES FOR SALE u3j THEO. E, N1CKLE8, 2.11S QliimAjNTSjg TRUST FUNDS for nrst mortgage. HERKNESS & STE'ISON. LAND TITLE niMLDINU. OWNERS-If your mortgsge has fceea I will take It upi alno 2d mortgais m CHKSTH1I D. RQTTNER. '4-U!l FUNDS FOR FIRST "and second nwr! rents and Intercut ooile-tel In any I city. Cameron. 2811 Kensington av Xi"mi"kV 'tnr- In n,l A mnrtragea, amounta; bldg asm, latlon funda.any ""j Plnno - Tayfor. HOB FrankilnBankP! liOO.OOO FOR FIRST SECOND "OB mortgages, "See ua first." ApernewJi norm 0111. 10,1 bouin l-in. MORTOAaEa PLACiriS, BuliaTng As0vn Reai Estate sold, Rents collected. . u. it. III1UADH, loin above bvh"xt lLtrn.iv v, -it . . .....11, tnortU "v iwr nrsv, rvuuuu bmu ei!.-;rin building Hiaoclatlon funds. HOWARD J1VIL8ON - CO., 2122 Gennantown ;- FIRB'-' and 2d ratga. or on nots. nj low rates; Immediate answer, K. a. i 1112 Lincoln 111,1 r. llroail and Penn I FUNTlS FOlt Flif8Tana "second rriorWJfl rants and lntereat collected 111 any P ' clly. 4,'ameron. 2S11 Kenalngton uvenus. HEADY FUNDS for good firat ro"1 titHtitr tin units u nnllnitlnn CHAS. t, UROrtnrJ U CO.", 217 8. Br iinvirv i" 'il,"' ' ' i K,.i mortf M iu ui'4 y - - -i 1 i--y Coward Co. 30th andjanet-w,"-j lllVail 1T MlYiw'""" ffin Ilrn-rl and t a. i cowwa ca, eoth aii way