Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1915, Final, Page 15, Image 15
P15 A directory of the leading Apartment Houses will be furnished free on the balcony at Ledger Central EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEB 20, 1915: i "SATXOMB WANTED-MALE . -5wrNTANT-efnee m aneger, 15 mti E'tv..7r.Murlnf ana corporation experience, lsVS it Initiative executive ability; i PKI! ! as to charaetar and exp., bond; !. Ktt moderate salary M US, Led, Cent. ?7itMTANT--Young mm, 22, would Ilka po ACCi? aa junior In public accountant's otflca; imv" - f p A evening eiluriii, iwiririn.ru, ffjl'-SsrlencV O 154. Wer Ctmrtl, rni-NTANT 82. salts na "Olive expetl A00? desires 'office or immiemml position .?.Vi.?.h. Arm O 244. Ledger Central. with tmiTANT, bookkeeper and general office ACCOUJJTAJi. yearaT experience; J'S'SoVt mn will accept combination poet- ,nt "'KS'UjBr office ion. ---, "cr-NT MANAGER. 41. IT ,? ex ATr. " PO'H'on "" reliable firm; Klt'cre'dentulV aw. Ledger Central. iKEKrEn-Mla' Protelent; execu- 'ggyrarir,.0t - BUSINESS MANAOER ,. tn wishes position, where ability T,u! .v.ncment. . year." general buei 0I.!irt!5c.i excellent reference. O 255. SW ?'. V.-tIl. h' MM," ZTiiiTrt-KMR. white, age so. ten years re- Fwante position October M; rierco '.'??'! ..Packard car preferred; first-class K.. fiEKmV. wTlh reterenco. 15U Springfield F . an, -'jnuHlll,. Ph. cnsinutjijiiooiu. AuiUTFEUR. nine yeara" experience an nine yssrs experience driving JeSSUp street, T.. .-r-rTT-n single, aober, white: 7 yeara' CHAUjTsuWvJSSiinilla. Pierce or Cadlllae . . rrV.d"'hllhe.iJr.v.Vet0 514. Led. Cent. U uiit??EtJR 10 years' experience. Glmplex. E CPic. rackard, Cadillac; careful driver: l, rood rtf . hon'at.' eober,oblfg.J) 5ll.Led.Cen. I CHAUFFEUR and mechanic, exp.; beet prlv. "' ikmlly refs.; docs own repairing, licensed; 1 wisnls PO. with prlv. am:AU&iJ.ed. Oft. ' ruitirrEUR Good, careful driver. first-class mtehtnlc, capable any ear; salary, C0 per P k SJnth inJ board. Q 455,LedgerjjentraK month rHitirPEUR. lnile. B y?' exDtrlence: ti.t.. ..wm ri-iit-: I wkY Un.rir.trai open W 1. Prominent Vile reieiciitw. w -". --o-. rurrEUR wlshea position of. any kind: .5Eir nechinle: good rofa. D 427. LeJger Oft. ' "UitrrFEUR. Col., thor. reltab., temperate: do .?riSlln : private fam. O 448, Lel. Cent. fMAUTfEUR Young man. 24 yeara old: 7 yra." exBer'i beat reterencea. P 85T. Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR, white, temperate, doea own r Mlrlnt. wlehea poa.: prlv. fam. 30M N. 23d. CHBMIBT. 27, European college and Interna tional Correi. School graduate, dealrea poll Son Kldrni W. U. 444 N. Uarlcn et. , COACHMAN and Plain gardener, middle-aged, ilsjle man. wanfaplace: reliable and Indua trtoua; can be highly recom. O 431. Led. Cen. CLERICAL POSITION Middle-aged man. good ctar.. wlihea po.; can give beat of ref . aa to hantitr and aobrlety. G 458, Ledger Central, CLERK-Toung man, thoroughly reliable, de lra Inalde pocltlon whero honest pfforts would be appreciated. O i)48, Ledger Central. CLERK and stenographer, experienced, desire Million with future; age 23. O 441. Led. Cent. 'CLERK AND CA8HIER, experienced, deetres ji'. worK. age 22. O 444. Ledger Central. QARCENER, ftrst-clata refa., three In family. T?" . ..ik .il h rlt(ata plict M fi2S. Ledger Office. h HOUSEMAN or chauffeur, colored: exp.. ref.; CVDrrBl RIWIIB. ' on, uug" v.... I HOUSEMAN, exp.; capable Scotch Protestant; E. rtf : country pre. M 812. Ledger Office. iMAN. J2t dealres position: has executive ex- ptrKnC erouna manuiaciui-iiis ytaui. w.v, thrclng room, etc.: wants to learn business with a future. Add. J. B. R.. Oil) N. 15th st. BAN AND WIFE, first-class, thor'ly exper.. -ctp., laiiniui, willing: nne uuiier; "no r- pert cook: excepiionai . ior tuiiiixituij, entity and fidelity. F 6H. Ledger Central. . vv 1ND WIFE. Enallah. vouner. experienced K lutler and cook: beat ret. Q 54S. Led. Cent. MAN AND WIFE. English, butler and cook; references, lioz ureen . KURSE, gradutte, registered, deetrea night cim, now studying. F 458. Ledger Otflce. 'SALESMAN. 10 yeara' aelltng exp.. des. good connec. where ability counta. Q,2.M, Led. Cent. SALESMAN Experience In auto accessories. mnting ana stationery, u . ieuger eni. y, 8H1FPER AND rCKER Energetic and ea- Mie, can rurniEU reierencei or oecuriiy, . 10. Ledger Office. jfHOE SALEfiMAN-Young man wishes po iltlon In retail shoe store! experienced. A ", sTENOORAPHER Young man will do type- wnimg or clerical worx evening, eunrr uwv or at home. O 338. Ledger Central. STENOORAPHER or clerk, 4 yra. exp.: bank lager brokerage pref.; rets. Q 215. Led ,Cen U ATCHMAN Sober, honest man wanta pol tlen, good reference. A 105. Ledger Office. IOUNO MAN. EXPERT CORRESPONDENT; CAPABI.B OF COMP08INO ORIOINAL ANDATTRACTIVE LETTERS: EXPEItl ENCED IN PRACTICAL SELLING IDEAS: BEST OF REFERENCE. D 400. .LEDGER OFFICE. T0UN0 MAN. age 22. high school and bust ntn college graduate, Froteatant, deslrea booking position: reterencea. F 054. Led.Cent. T0UNO MAN. age 20, high school gradusteT dtalres werk of any kind with good firm premising advancement. F 056, Ledger Cent. "OUNO MAN, ability,"' good education, bus" xp., dea. poa,; hustler, anxious to succeed; tp. handling outside bus. O 146. Led. Cnt. I0UNO MAN. 21 years of age. deslrea to he come connected with an automobile concern and learn the business. F 254. Led. Ce.it. VpUNO MAN. 18, neat, good education, de tlres position with opportunities for advance aint, excellent reterencea. O 344. Led. Cent. OUNO MAN, 24, quick. aecu7ate, wishes po MUon with an accountant; night student of V- of P-; best references. O 145, Led. Cent. Ssi" MAN desires office position; haB sev. rai yeara experience and can give beat ref. -.-..vy. j nn. meager uince. owno MAN, 2 yra. civil eng, college educ, ,deilrta poa.. Inside or nut. Q 356. Led. Cent. COLLEGE MAN wishes position as clerk cr as salesman ; 2 yeara' Belling experience; ref--" ""' Bfa Ledger Central. .APANESt, long exp. cook, butler, housewk; prlv. fam Cty- country. Wau, 1034 Vine. 'iANEBE wants position as cook or general heunwork. A 114, Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES lA.tt 10 T1.I.W.U.. .i .- .-. tentlmu;.V.""I"IJ.u '""' .i'"KV J!0,"' Frsmch, English, Oerman governesses hVki!f .1"'.' inrant ni'fies. waitreme. Mmbrmalds, Including English and French, ii;,rjtn cooks- waitresses and chambermalda. ii i2 'SU'' hyusemslds TVsnted Irish .-oohs, JL? l!i stresses. French nurses and la. PhJ n,,l5, Inexperienced girls, houaemalda. gfaone Locuat 21 jo. t?f;.K.AN5' B 8- 70th streetTwIshrs" sltuX: cocks I. nrVCI" Protestant and Cathollo jwds and aeamstresars, jiarmr malna. but K.:..?,cntl men, white couplea. first-class IX . ;.;;:'. fhlldnursea. German nursery Jgji highly recommended. Phone LocusC S to?.7Co.Ils. chsmbermaTda. chltdnurses, 7 l?!iwo',, .Irla and young girls for Instl- It w,r?.r,K Al Mna ot first-class help ft.'JLfO'l'lons. Miss Rose Douaherty. 1818 mmmj ava. - - S5vNJ5' Blt B- le'n " several Etigllsh slvfii Lro.m M o 1100 per month; flrat and econd butlers housemen, footmen, ehauf J'hone sftii itn' et0" b,t of reterencea. rvFn?.!?'l,1't'le Employment Bureau Cooks. it sU,.l5,k5hln,b"JS' Uundresses.nurse. ILS255? " f'rls to go together, butlers. Mrn "Vy coupies wian eiiuaiions nignsc r:' "yiuoneiiijBii ooum umeaiey at JpNAL and ' Dorrestto Employment wed, Oerman rovrn.s-r.nr-h mil.l Prnt. ant ui .r.;. -T-- wv" lvr'Ti:':: -- T;IT D"w, n,in ano win, nurse. JAMB ASil7recn Employment" DuroauT akti. ""'.rM rfc. wiMuie nrip auppuau ana 2td! alt natlonalltlu. Prat. mnA rath. Cie.'ixy'' ScCARTHf. 2l6T Chrlaflan 1-. male A female help, all natlonalltlea. KtSFB JsEWBCT URBAU. 2121 Locust, ""and wanta young women, all nation 4. for nri. hntlsA atrvlra. Hntuta AlWi. rmp)oyroent Agency.' 1M4 Red at, help sup.. white or colored. Ph.Dlek.1400. AUTOMOBIIiKB For fUI. Ill" ibtjt i.i : ,ir-----wws i. o-, epeciai i-paaavnser i" r: rebuilt, repainted andfuaran- Er.",.u" uri ""?? ? r- ?? SJ-VPkeep. pr ea 12300. Locuet 450 Ktxchangs Car De.pt. ir, orernauwo ana price & AUTO n. nroaa . MV fiffl "tour.niT. lt.15: run tiiaa TiiisKa raeariii tssivaei ni . - i-'t r-. --- .- .--- perfect con. liMOO." FLV(tae'cenlraL F'w'MJ'" pass.. I lite new, with extras,' 'j. Heater, UK) f, alpetgoineryi Keos. . viet out of your rut and upon AUTOM0BILE8 Per Rale 1010 nrtAjri.Mc-ur n..ui.. w...i.. n.a. Willi felt-starteni, tft.V). tittd down, Bl. ii month AUTO TRANSIT CO ,1201 Chest jut. Room 1202. MILTON BTERN. mgr. SEND FOR FRTJH BULLETIN xjp L'KKIJ C A tin OORSON AUTO RXriiANQB. 29 N. BROAP. 9,9k?..Ln.,R. DEMONSTRATORB niauii'rir USED, FOR SALE U B. UQWERB CO.. 24SUT N l'ROAD ST. WHITE. 1012, 6-cyllnder. 1-paasenger touring car, good condition. 1 C MOSER, 21 N Broad St. PACKARD THAETON. 6-crl.,4 II P., elec-J ...v .Hina. on man top. nickel trimming". J extra tires. MOO", o 4I. Ledger Central. is'2,,rora HARTFORD. 2 bodies, fully equipped, all new tires, will demonstrate. - P V.W. Ledger Central. cA"lt.t-AC. 1014, perfect con. and lut revar ..nlahed, complete enuln. N. Scott, 1J15 Filbert. AVtTSAj,n,i;H-s l,oht, any condition. """'""i. n uur. bi.i-;ii n. rain si. LOCCMOniLE Touring Car. stream line body; i B12J!I' !!? covera; 11200. 2i4 Kenton av. ARBOTT-DETnoiT, 7 passenger. 0cyllnder, good condition. L 143, Ledger Central. AUTO LIVERY AND GARA0.ES TAXI SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES. QUICK BERVICB. STANDS IN ALL PARTS OF CITT. DIRECT WIRES TO OUR OFFICE. DAT OR NIGHT. TAXI SERVICE COMPANY 138 N. BROAD BT. SPRUCE 4252.' RACE 138. " TO HIRE Fierce-Arrows. Packsrdr, Ford Touring Care, LOWEST RATES IN CITY Autos for Weddlnra and Funersls. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411 Locust St. Race 245. Spruce 8140. TO HIRE Brsnd new B-paesenger touring car, with robes. 81.25 hour. Phone Poplar 18-17, W. TO HIRE-Llmoustne. McClement. at W.Phlla uarnge. 5123-D Ssnsom st. Belmont 23-10. AUTO REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE t ? T SEE BILLY 818 N. BROAD CYLINDERS MEnORED. new pistons and rlnga furnished, weldlncs and brazing. II. II. TJnderwoM A Co.. 102s Hamilton St.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES ,BALT. AND ROLLER BEARINGS. OW1LL IAM CO.. 1314 Arch. Phone Walnut S47. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES. Guaranteed 1000 miles. Compare prices. Gssollne. 13c per gallon. GRIM'S. 238 North Broad st. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 101S BIO TWIN INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Only run 2000 miles; Al condition; no agenta need apply. U457. Ledger Central. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENT Owing to the continuous Increase In our business t offer for sale a portion of our capital stock for the purpose of raising the additional capital necessary to take care of the aame. Our producta have been on the market for several years and are used by, many of the largest business concerns throughout the United States. This stock Is now paying over 10 per ctnt. and we believe will pay 15 to 20 per cent, next year. L 147, Ledger Central, FOR SALE A wrought Iron and steel washer plant at North Lnnsdsle: building 40x60; one story, railroad siding; acre ground and fully equipped with machinery; to stamp ing machines, one 18-Inch new Rahn lathe, new drill preas and shears and other neces sary machines. H. A. Rosenberger, 421 York ave.. Lansdale, Fa. WANT man to Join my son In buying a busl nesa that 1b and haa been extremely profit ab'i for 25 sears; my son can largely in crease present profits through superior buy ing connections; will furnish 17500 and high est references tor character and ability; man joining hlin must have reference for char acter undJTSOO. D 410. Ledger Office. INVENTIONS WANTED. IDEAS Write us for list of Inven tions wanted by manufacturers and prlaea offered for lnventlona. Our four booka aent free. Patents secured or fee refunded. Victor J. Evana & Co., 721 Oth at.. Washington. D. C. Phlla. office, 1429 Chestnut St. Hours 1 to 6; Monday. U p. m Tel, 8pruce 0)3, INDOOR BASEBALL Opportunity for huntler to come In on ground floor Indoor bneeball will be the rage thla winter: $300 will equip you; machine now operating 50nrt C.ermantown ave. THHO. ORUENBAUM. 2110 North Dover. PATENTS Arthur E. Page. 714 Walnut rt., 1'hlla., mechanical ano electrical engineer; registered patent attorney: established here SO years; Inventions developed; patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and litigated any. where: rejected applications prosecuted; pre llminary adlce free. BUSINESS? PATENTS.? SECURITIES? BOUGHT! SOLD! EXClfANQED! JAMES I GARFIELD, 1011 Chestnut at. N. B. No charge for listing. STATIONERY BUSINESS Central location; unusual stand for first-class stationery atore; no good will to buy; reason able rent; owner will alter front to ault en'"j. C. FULLER. 10 8. 18th at. I HAVE a number of good bualnesa opportunl. Ilea for sale In thriving country towns, rang lng In price from 81800 to J25.O00. If you are looking for a business, write me I msv have juet v. hit you want. Address I. Y. Barlnger. Perks sle. Pa. OWNER OF large corner property, with stable, offera to right person with experience In mov. lng and storage business opportunity to use aame to mvtual advantage. Ideal location. Aaaured aucceaa to hustler. F 841. Led. Cen. WANTED-Partner with from $3000 to 16000 to put In an established machinists' small tool business, a splendid opportunity for a oung man with mechanical trend. D 324, Ledger Office. FOR 8ALE OR RENT A new three-story, fac tory building, 40 by 100 feet; In one ot the moat thriving towna ot eastern Pennsylvania; an opportunity for a manufacturer. Addreaa I. Y. llarlnger. PorRasle, Penna. A LONO-E8TABLICIHED mill and machinist supply business; central and convenient lo cation; buslners capable of expanaloni good Ieaaon for aelllng by present owner, D 823, .edger Office. PROPEPLY-CARED-FOR ORCHARDS pay sure end large returns; join local business men with small monthly payments In ac qulrlnr one, Harry Dsrllngton. 1420 Chestnut. LAUNDRY" for sale or rent, completely equip. fed; ready for operation; excellent oppor unity; reasonable terms, M 249, Ledger Cent. A FULLY protected moving picture monopoly needs Immediate working capital), ground. Poor propoalllon. Allan Turner, l'hlladelphla. FOR BALEIce cream, confectionery and oyster atore; excellent business. Apply 028 unnnti t., .f, -., m. F6"R BALE The patent for a motion device for advertising K 1833 Spruce et. BUSINESS PERSONALS BUPKRl'LUOUB HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way, Eyebrowa arched. tn M108 BUIT1I, 402 Keith Bidr. Mlsa Iloppe. hairdresslng and facial maaaage, formerly Mint Arcade, wllh Mlsa Bmlth. ' "" FliCl DRESS tfOl'TB"" Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Butte To hire and made to order, NEUBAUEK, THH TAILOR, 10 Yl. Oth st. Bell Phone. Walnut MIS. ' " DR. W LAWHTNcb Chiropodist! formerly at the Ballavue-Btrat ford for 11 yeara. now at Wldener Did., m...lnnl ani4 .TiinlrtJtr ftta . ffMim A1B " FURB RENOVATED at reasonable prices. Mrs. U C Staunton. 1833 Arch, ' tW.H'H, w5 .,-p - . ......... .,. OARFJCT CLEANINQ Year s fle. HD WR8' KiT PIIH-A. 8870-71 LANCA8TEK AVaf. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL your old jewelry Into the lat est deilgni at factory prices. MARTIN W. ABRAMS. 711 Bansam St.. Philadelphia, DRES3MAKINQ AND MILLINERY. HEMBT11CHINO. 10 cehts a ard, all mate rials. A. RUCHARD, 1113 Cllr.HTMJT UT. PICTORIAL IlEVlBW l'ATTS.HN9 DRESSMAKING taught, ahort. practical, Inex- ensue couiset, pattetns cut 50c Mac )owell, S07 Denckfa Bldg 11th and Market HEMSTITCHING. 5. vd.i pleatg.. but. eovg.. emb P Temasuii no, inn-cnestnut. Brruce aua. GOWNS remodeled, Thone Spruce 2223. high-grade work only TOR SALE blilAHL) AMJ 1'UCKh.T TABLES Alae burning alleys, easy paymenta. URUNa WlCK-HALKfc-COI.LfcNUER CO., 1002 Arch BILLIARD 'and 'pocket tables, ahuftleboard. new and slightly used: liberal terma; renting. TepMMng U supplies Hocatto Co.. .22 3 ath, bli.t-lARD, puckst, Id-hand taMts, repairing, auppues. wiara-iierq iig. sjo.. zm r rnni. blLLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought! sold, rented, exen a. ivvairr. aictf itirarn avv. CAI11 REGIBTERS, new and second. handl to. tsl adders as low aa 830, on easy monthly payments; all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Reglaler Co., 738 Chestnut st. COAT Monto Madeira lamb fur, worth 810OO. excellent condition; will sell for 100. d 545, Ledger Central. DESKS usE55 DE SKS Typewriter, bookkeeper, roll-ton desks, filing cabinets, telephone boothr, safes, household furniture. Dullng Central 2d-ltand Furnl- ture Co., COI-OOU-lt Callowhlll. Filbert 41B8. DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures ot every de scription; used, but In fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. HU0HF8, 11T1I AND BUTTONWOOD. DHSKS. large assortment: also household fur niture Dullng Central Second-hand Furni ture Company. 001-06-14 Callowhlll st. EDISON Dlamond-PoInt rhonograph: cost $00 new, Thla outfit Is comrlete with rocords snd will be sold for 438, payable 75c. weekly. Cell or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated rataloguea. HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES Corner 8th and Thompson sta., Philadelphia, Pa. LIBRARY and bedroom furniture, mahogany fumed oak dining room set, china, cut Class, ruga and curtains, rreston 2361. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS 12 ANr TIP RIEDER'B LOAN OFFICE, 128 Market st. 8ILVER TOILET 8ET8 Bend lOe. for Vi-01. can U-KAN-PLATE all er polish (blue label), and make old aet look new. A. R. JUSTICE CO.. 612 Chestnut. Phlla. Virf nr R-cords bought, sold, exchanged.. Paul, vinui 292 Kensington ave. Open evga. 134.00-VlCTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 aelectlona (12 lo-lnch D. F. records); an ex cellent machine In every way; can ba paid for at the rate of 75c. weekly. Call or write tor complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues HEI'PE'S UPTOWN STORE3 Corner Oth and Thompson sts., Philadelphia. Fa. 110 50-VICTOR VICTROLA IV and 12 -elections (8 10-lnch D. F. records); an excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good mschlne at a reasonable price; payable 50c. weekly. Call or write for complete descrip tions and large Illustrated cataloguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 6th and Thompson ate., Philadelphia. Pa. WE PAY 40c, 50c, 60c for Victor Double-Face Records, We Exchange All, 60 Open 7 A M to 11 P M. 2336JUDOEA VENUE, ABOVECOLUMBIA $10 LADY'S Tiffany" diamond ngagement ring, pure white stnn. value 825. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market et. HEATING MAHE-0 HUMIDIFIER Insures healthful and economical heating, can bo attached to pres ent system. Makln-Kelaey. 6 N. 18th st. INSTRUCTION MuOrnl SOPRANOS wanted for chonia choir In Episco pal church: expeneea paid; opportunity for experience In a high class of music. Apply to Mr. Welsh. 47 S 17th et. Thursday, be tween 11 and 1 o'clock. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SOMETIME YOU'LL FIND It of greatest im portance to engage or disengage shafting or machines inantly. YOCOM FRICTION CLUTCH pulleya or FRICTION CUT-OFF couplings will do thla without Jarring. SHAFTING and MACHINE WORKS. 143 North Beeond. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER.PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMDY. INC., 12T N 3D ST. DYNAMOS, motors and maclilnery bought, aold snd rented: armatures repaired. Main 91: JUarket 3005. YEARSLEY .CO.. 224 N. 3d st! JIG SAWS "SENECA FALLS." FOOT POW. ER: TILTING TABLE; GOOD AS NEW. SEYFERT'S, 437 N. 3D ST. SHAFTINO, HANGERS. PULLEYS. BELT ING AND MILL SUPPLIES. CHAS. BOND CO.. 520 AR CH ST, SECOND-HAND-PIPE Cut and threaded to aketch; large quantity of altelzes In stock. Griffith. 416-20 Moyer st. S00 WOODWORKING MACHINES, modern makes all kinds; sticker-cutters, shaving ex haustera, etc. J. Nuttall. 1718 N 5th. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 105-CHICKERING upright plsno; cost I860 new; la others from (75 to (200. (395 Aeolian player-piano; several others at large reductions; slightly used; terms, (8 monthly and upward. f00 new pianos at all prlcea; terms, (5 monthly and upward. Call or write for Illustrated catalogues and lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN 8TORE3 Corner 6th and Thompaon eta., Philadelphia. Pa. (ITS STF.INWAY UPRIGHT, (5 monthly (165 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT. ELEGANT 88-NOTE PLAYERS, (350; (8 MONTHLY. Fine used uprights. (63. (85, (128, (195, Practice pianos. (35, (45. Organs, (10 and (23. HUOHE8 BROTHERS 532 N. IQTH 8T LESTER PLAYER, very cheap; nearly new; beautiful tone; 24 rolls; will consldor small cash payments. F. A. North Co. branch, 3.44 Kensington ave.; Kensington 021. Other bar gains; send tor list and catalogue. (IB VIOTHOLA. (1 CASH BALANCE EASY PAYMENTS. BELLAK. 1120 CHESTNUT BT. (85-CHICKEK1NO UPRIOHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 6th. 15 NEW (800 Mahogany upright pianos, pfloa (175. II weekly, Todd & Mlchener, 1003 Columbia ave. OLD GOLD HIGHEST PRICES In the city paid for old gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, old coins Bought and sold. Jewelry Exchange, 204 8. 8th st. OLD OOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, eld. styls Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est, 18T0. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Bansom. CASH PAID FOR DIAm6nDS. PREOIOUs tones, gold, silver, platinum, falae teeth. i-niia. omening at uei. uo., iza u. ntn at. OLD GOLD," silver, platinum, broken Jewelry bought, highest prices paid, send postal; will call. 48 N. 10th st. . Phlla. ' OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, all ver. ?n.ti,'u,r,SJ2,cif,!,,r!.fi t8"...!?"1 Phons. Locust 1210 ROGERS 27 B 17th PRINTINO 6NOW.WHITE CARDS, NAME, 89c; 800 business cards, (1.00, 600 business cards, (1.25; 1000 buslntss cards. 11.75; 6000 busi ness csrds, (8.00. Card cere with order Open evenings. Card Fhop, 1004 Chestnut at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS 1 1 1 11 . WE cost leaky roots at small cost and guaran tee them 10 years; let ue estimate. American Jtocfllig Co., 1535 Ridge ate. KOOFINO CANVak, guaranteed quality; R. A. HUMPHREY'S BONIS lMl Callowhlll at. STORAGE riDEUTT KlnEpROF WAREHOUSES Ull.JJlU MARKET BTr MILLER North RroaJ Btoragt Co.. Broad ab. Lehigh ave. -New fireproof addilioui rooms fireproof) packing for ail points; auto vans; estimates fret. Bejl phone Tioga 4760. ' ' ' y - " , lli" i 1 the road to success through Ledger Help Wanted and Situations Wanted Ao.' STORAGE GUARANTEE HTOHAOE COMPANY of Phlla. inc. ESTABLISHED 1872 Packing, moving, shipping, storing , ALL WORK DONE BY ACTO VANS Roving any distance storing eepntate rooms; let tie estimate, work gusranteed. 1317-lft BHOWN JitPhone I'oplsr 2154 CONTINENTAL m'OHAGtC WAHEHOUSE 20TH HT ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO, MOVING. SHIPPING Rugs, rarrets rlcnned. scoured, stored. Bell, locust irwo-Phones Key., Rate 4160. WEST PIIILA. WEST PHII.A. WE8T I'llU-A MONARCH STORAGE CO. Auto, packing and shipping. MTrt LANCASTER AVE. ATLAB STORAGE WAREHOUSE - Storage, molng, packing, shipping, esrpet cleaning. Ph.Psrlng 732 for esumate. 2!?r!8tJ"",,'- OIRARD STORAGE CO 018 Glrard ave. Moving bv auto, packing, storngo, separate rooms, carpet cleaning Bell Phone Pop, 2t)3, M1LLBOURNR BTOnAOE CO.. 22 N, 52D, Belmont 6825. Carpet cleaning. West 421. Auto vans any time, anywhere. MeCANN'8 STORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th at.; moving, packing, shipping; auto van a. WANTED ANTIQUE turn, feather beds, broken Jewelry. false teeth, Me -2 set; gold, sliver, dla. bought.TI5JValnut.Ph. Wal.70-20. Bet. 'M. BROKEN JEWELRY, raise teeth, pistols. coins. Coin book. with price- 1 pay,rnlld, XJ-. J UMIrJPcopleJsStore)flJS.lJh Wsl,44sd CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED On account of the large demand we have for cast-off clothing, we are compelled to pay you, more than any denier tn the city for men's clothing, full drets and Tuxedo ?ti"..' Remember, no one can meet our prices. Write, call or phone Bell, Walnut 086J Our buyer will oall promptly. SCHULTZ. 227 and 2(1 N. Oth et. , CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED We positively pay the highest cath prices for gentlemen's summer and winter dlscsrdel clothing; also ladles' suits, street dresses, eienlng gowns, opera cloaks, etc. Our bujer cails dav or evening, city or suburbs. Write, call or rhone Market 2000. SELIOSOHN'B. Sth and Spring Garden. CA.SV.0FF clothing, we pay 50 more, genta' clothing, shoes, eond postal, we call day. eve. Friedman Bros. 1441 South Ph. Dick. 5120. MEN'S CLOTHING WANTED Highest cash prices paid for cast-oft clothing, hate, ahoee. etc. Our buyer calla. day or evening, city or suburbs. Send postal. HIRSCHBERG. 523 Callowhlll st. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter bow large. J. BERNSTEIN. 1354 Ridge ave. ROOMS TOR RENT JUST THE) ROOM YOU WANT Can iery likely be located In a few minutes by examining the photographa and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on (lie for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an ew era 10 every question you would aak are here, so you can decide Intelligently, free service, tst It. ARCH. 1520 (Tho Pelwyn) Clean, sanitary rooma, rate reasonable Phone Lo-ust 31S6. ARCH, 1012-Attractlve rooms, braes beds. etedm neat, running water, table board. CIIEHTNUT. 2UU7 -Detlrabte single and douole tooms. permanent or transient CHESTNUT. 2a Beautifully turn. room. adj. bath; prof, off.. 1st floor, unob. light. CHESTNUT ST.. 210(1 Newly furnished rooma, single or en suite. us of hath. CHESTNUT. 3200 (Kmlbn) Attractive rms.. adj. bath hot-water heatj Preston 6337 W. CHESTNUT. 2005 'herf ill rooma. single and en suite, baths, hot water; reference. CHESTNUT. 11101 Desirable single" or double rooms for business gentlemen, private baths. CHESTNUT, 2028 AND" IPO2" SUITE-OF ItUDaia, 13ATII. ALPO SINGLE ROOMS. CLINTON ST. 020 Attracthely furn.. sunny rooms; open fireplaces, conva ; refined Bur. GREEN, 1827 Nicely furnished and"- unfur- nlshed rooms, refined surroundings; phone. LOCL'hT. 122y (Morton Apts.) Splendidly furn. rooms: excel, bath; accom.. rf fined, phone. MASTER, ltiOO Attractively turn. rms.. elngla or en aulte. all convs Poplar4M6 W MONTGOMERY AVE.. 1527 Nicely furnished . front rooms, with running water; reasonable; southern exposure. Phono JDinmond 5347 J, PINE), 1624 Well-furnlshed" rooms,"" front and Daca, moderate, rnone iocust (vmt it. PINE. H12 Dfslrable-communicating rooms, with bathweference, POWELTON AVE , 3307-Welf-furn . bright. airy rooms, single or en suite, private batha; all comenlences; porch; near L and subway: references exchanged. Thone Baring 7621 Y. FO'VELTON. 3410 Nicely "furriTi single or doiT ble room, good neighborhood, gentlemen. RITTENHOUSE SQ. (210 8. 19th at.) Large, olry rooms and apts. ; beautifully fur ; 1 or 2 rooms; private batha; hot water heat; first class In a ppolntmenta and service. Spruce 8093 SPRUCE. 1117 WELL-FURNISHED ROOM!., SINGLE OR EN SUITE; NEAR BATH. SPRUCE. N E. cor. 12th Rooms, furnlshod and unfurnished 'Phone Walnut 8119 SPRUCE ST.. 1103 - Nicely furnished room, running water, suitable for two gentlemen. SPRUCE, 2022 - Attractively furn. fachelor apt.. 2 rooms andbath. fireplace; phone. SPRUCE. 120S Newly renovated front" roomsj single or communicating, well heated, phone. SPRUCE, 1115 Lnrge 2d-floor room, running water, beautifully furnlshed;ejectrlc Ughta. SPRUCE. 1130--.Well-fiirnlshed rooms," hot water Jieat,gentlemen, reference; SPRTCE, HOO Large" well-furnlshed rooma, single or en suite; phone Locust 1694 W. SPRUCE, 1827 Bachelor's apartment, 2 rooms ana pjtn, nacneior s private nouse. SPRUCE. 1337 Rooms, alngle or en suite; prl. Hatha; pror oriii-es, steam neat, electricity. WALLACE. 1620 Large, well-furnlshed rooms. (2 50 up, refined people only WALNUT, 3003 Newly furnlshod front rooma; near L; electr,c light; hot-water heat. 12TH, S , 111 Large front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Ap. 2d floor. Walnut 7036, IijTH, N , 2202 'Attracthely furnished com municating 3d-tloor room In email, refined fam.; home comf'ta; bus, people pref,, refs, TnTH, Ni 1401 3 rooms, first floor, house keeping. (5. elng'e room, $1..i0 pTth, S , 108 Desirable rooma, well furnished; running water , private bath: kitchenette lbTII. 6.. 124 Desirable furnished suite; alio attractive large room; southern exp.; corner. 18TH. 8., 129 Two large unfurnished rooms; open fireplace; bath, 18TH, N. 1606 Attractively furn. alngle or cum.; large unfur. sltVg rm,: call evening. 22D. N.. 2100 Attractive room, refined gentle. men nr coupie: un. optional, uiamonq injr j. S3D. N., 417 Nicely furnished rooma; corner house no Housekeeping; pnone. GENTLEMAN OF REFINEMENT can have room with bath In strictly private family; breakfast If desired, vicinity of 40th and Walnut sts M 838. Ledger Central. HANDSOMELY" furnished front room In large, modern, private home; electric llghta; In mlnutea to City Hall. Telephone Bar! ng 41 5. BACHELOR apartments. 1 or 2 rooms and bath, private family Phone Baring 1513 J. TWO communicating furnished rooms for husl neea men; 1 square from L, Preston 4127 V. ROOMS WANTED COUPLE with baby desire room and board In private home, strictly high class and mod ern, fl 81, Ledger Central. BOARDING ARCH, 1822 Choice vacancies, with and with, out hath, meals and all pertaining to house strictly first class, at present address many )tHrs CHEbTNUT, 3612-14 Large front room; wit able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; electric lights, ateam heat: will furnish to suit tenant; finest residential section, excel, table. Preston 6081. Lehigh ave . i3 ls-n-amirui rooms, good table, new management Phone Tioga 6221. SPTtUCE 8T KYJ2 TW'O ROOMS, ALSO TABLE BOARD Bl'llUCL, 12SO flecoud-no'or' aulte, also single looms, table board, BPRt'CE, 102835 Beautiful 2d-atory aulte,' turn or un I urn., to per, couple, choice table, SPRUCE. 122i-AttractTe rooma, single or en aulte private name taoie ooara SPRUCE, 1224-26 CBrismonde) Furn. rooms. single, en suite privets baths; tsbls board, 8PHUCELYN. 305 South 41st St. Mlsa B. Zt. HANLEY, formerly of Chestnut st 50TH. N . 121 Refined surroundings, all mod em eonvenlencea; good table; near "L." ONE OR" TWO can board In private family) Overbrook location; (iC Belmont 4318 W. Suburhan L . BPRINGFIELD INN Bt. Martin Station. 6 mlnutea' walk to train and trolley: good table, and pleaaant rooma. Phone Chestnut 111)1 320. QBUMANTOWN. 235 W. Rlttanhouae af. (be tween Wayne and Oreenel Comfortable furn. rooma: good tablel conv. phone Gtn 1(73 X. BOARD WANTED WIDOW with 2 children wlshea 2 rooms, with board, or small furnished apartment for light housekeeping: place with large yard pre larred. V 631, Jdger Offtce. v LADY" (teacher) dcslree'jd-floor room: board', refined Froteatant family 768 Led Cent. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER I7TH AND WALNUT OT8. This 13-stery concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of devel opment -a yet attained In apartment con struction and may be properly etyled a per teet place of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose first con sideration Is net tn count the rest alone, but to procure that which they dealre; where there Is only perfection, the site and char acter of which may be 'elected and shaped according to tho distinctive requirements of the Individual. Unites are arranged from two rooms and one bath to sven rooms and three baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to the huelne and shopping centres ami yet not too near. All things considered, the rentala are mod ern tr, Building will he formally opened November 15, 1015 Further Information may be obtained and reiervatlona made through NORMAN B. SHHRWOOD 1411 Walnut street. WALNUT AND 11TH 8TS (S W Cor.l Mod piltes; exceptionally sttrsrtlve, large high ceilings, abundantly lighted on three sides also 206 8. 11th rt . suitable for housekeeping, If desired, rentals, (10 and (75. Janitor on corner I remises. Barber, Hart mnn : Co . 1201 Chestnut St. 103 8. 11TH ST. Bachelor apartments; excep tionally desirable 2d. floor aulte. 2 large rooms and bath: every modern Improvement: Janitor on premises, steam heat Included. BAHBEn. HARTMAN ft CO.. 1201 Chestnut, MER10N APARTMENTS iiwu pmtrR ht Two rooms, bath and private hall, bachelor apartments. 2 rooms Rnd bath. Apply, on pr-mlees. M188 FARLEY. 1403 N 18TH ST! Second floor, 4 rooms and bath Including best (23. also third Moor. 4 rooma nnd bath. Including hath. 1S C. P COWARD CO.. 20th and Jefferson sts. WALNUT, 1431-33 - Very attractive apts.. 2 rms.. Imth, also single room and bath. furn. or unfurn , excellent location. Ist-rlass serv. I.e. Phone Spruce 4830. or apply to Janitor. ERIE AVE.. 722-35. INCLUDING HEAT and Janitor service, beautiful -room suite of unfurnished arartmenta. windows on all sides. 11. E. Smith, 724 Erie ave, DIAMOND ST.. 1825 Five rooms and uath. Open for Inspection. First and second floors. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut St. OXFORD. W.. 2008 (nearPark 4 rooma an. bath, (18; hot-wator heat. Abernethy, 2724 N. Sth at. BBOAD 8T. S., 210O Charming outside rms?, electrlc lights, all conveniences; reasonable. CHESTNUT. 1827 Desirable bachelor apts . unfurn . with private btth. newly renovated. bPHINO GARDEN. 1817-Excellent apta. In 8 dlnrent houses, some furn. kitchenettes. 115 S20TH ST. Beaut'!" turn. apta. en suite, private baths, desirable location, owner. DESIRABLE APARTMENTS 1 or 2 Rooms & Private Baths Centrally Located MEARS & BROWN .Ieet" the kenninoton pine, below bro.d New apartmnte. Open for Inspection. Y'ARROW VAN PELT 17th and Chestnut sts NEW BUITITS of 0 rooms, corner. 16th and Rrandywin-, others, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, on Green, Mount Vernon, Wallace sts.; plenty hot-watr hat. WORRELL & CO.. 555 N. 17th St. HANDSOMEST a'pte uptown, all southern ex posure, 2 and 3 rooma nnd bath, newly deco rated and aPDOlnted. oren for inspection. prices reasonable Apply Janitor, 1437 N. 15th, APARTMENTS for rent. (2.1 to (50 month. SHOWAKER'g Office, 8033 North Broad. West Philadelphia GREY GABLES 312-14 N. 3Sd 3 TO 7 ROOMS Some furnished All outside rooms. Reas. 40TH ST.. S., 303 Attractive apts.: 3 rms. and bath. S. w expos., Janitor serv.; bd. conv. Ilnverford LANCASTER APTS. Apartment occupying whole second floor; near station; beautifully finished. SUTTON. 801 Franklin Bldg. Lnnselowne, Pa. APARTMT3NTS All outside rooms; conven iences; (22 to (13 per month. John Nacey. 33 N. Highland ave., Lanadowne, Pa. FURNISHED APARTMENTS West Philadelphia WELL-FURNISHED, 7 rooms, corner apt.: 4th floor; elevator; Immediate pos. Baring l7f7 APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Small unfurn. apartment, west of Broad, n. of Bp. Garden. Add.G 24B.Led.Cent. Suburban FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping apartment Immediately. 3 bedrooms, flrat or second floor; corner preferred; near city or West Philadelphia, referencea; till May or longer. G 243, Ledger Central. APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL MAJESTIC APARTMENTS ONLY A FEW CHOICE SUITES LEFT Under new ownerahlp. 18,000.000 property. Jow booking for fall occupancy. vlth)ut any exception the greatest noma value and highest hotel elevation In Phila delphia for the leaat expenditure. MONTHLY RENTAL SCHEDULE-Slnglo rooma. without bath, but running water, with bath adjoining, and each room suitable ror two persons, (Jc to (10, single rooms. In. eluding large, attra-tlve bath. (40 to (50; two-rojm sullen, including targe, attractive baht, (65 to (100; three-room suites. Includ ing Urge, attrsctive bath. (85 to (150. All rooms and suites fuly furnished. Also four magnificent, bright, high-celling cor-ner suites, fronting on Broad at., recently refitted for Immediate reservation; kitchens cafes, storerooms: all baths and the entire hotel most sanitary. Inviting and open to In spection, These prtes Include heat, light, maid and ronm service, floor and bellboy attendanta, with telephone for each suite and elevatora for 24 hour. The servant problem la a thing of the paat here. An Ideal apartment homo with hotel conveniences Several suites are now ready for occupancy or reservation, with term or yearly contracts, aa dealred, Hlgh-clas French kltchene at reasonable prices, with an additional dis count of 25 per cent, for a la carte charges to regulsr gueats. The kitchen supplies from the big markets every morning purchased per sonsllv by the management. Cheaper than housekeeping. Write or telephone. JAMES 8. MCCARTNEY, General Manager, MOTEL MAJESTIC ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES) One or more well-furnlshed rooma with batb. UNEXCELLED TABLlf. WHITE SERVICE, THE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (ElevatedStatlon) PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh atreet. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT. Centre of everything and jutt away from the nol.e. CUIBINB AND SERVICE OF THE HIGHEST CLASS. VM P. KENNEY. Manager. THE CLINTON TENHTHtucBBUw 800 ROOMS. BVERY CONVENIENCE, rurnlahed or unfurnished; either by leaae or transiently; suites of one to lour rooms, with bath. THE PARKS1DE 4otuAni?nuerard OPPOSITE FA1RMOUNT I'ARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com plete hotel service. Phone Baring 221, THE NEWPORT H,1,f,B 18T" APARTMENT HOTELS "THEN YOU'LL COMB BACK TO US" Thla first var we come with our raesssge to you, the second and third and all the other yeara the remembrance of this yesr will bring you back again and again. Once In a lifetime "MINE HOST' la born, nil made. J Warren Friar, for 20 years of the lMel Walton and way baek before that of the Old Lsfayette, haa taken the Lincoln a new nnd glorified Lincoln, reflnlshed and refurnished throughout and will welcome you for say a day or so, or for all the winter season. Wllh elevator service, runnlnr water In every room snd the hind of dining room you didn't think could be. You will find all your living ttoublea rrr and yoMr problems solved If you will lust call and talk things over and then make your reservation with Mr. Friar at THE LINCOLN, 1STII AND LOCUST 8T8. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel," NORMAN 8. SHEHWOOD, 1411 WALNUT BT. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" THE DELMAR-MORR1B IMANTOWN AVE. STATION PENNA- AT C11ELTE RAILROAD. 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD tsi. rjHJuiAi. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURN18IIJP SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APAKTML"NT8. HRMINAL. THE GLADSTONE 11th and Pine sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND B E COR 12TH AND SrRUCE STB. Deelrable suitea with private baths. NFWPflRT SPRUCE AND HVTH STB. '"'',IUIU 3-room suite to sublet for balance of season Germantnwn GREYSTONE 125 WEST SCHOOL HOUSE LANE GERMANTOWN Desirable suites, also other vacanclea. Porches, Tei'nle. Putting Green and Croquet HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS JUNIPER AND SPRUCE STS. 2 ROOMS AND BATH 13TH AND PINE Three suites,. 7 rooms and bath, first floor, suitable for physician. One suite. McILVAIN & CO. 1518 Land Title Building. Phlla, Chestnut and 2 2d Streets CORONADO A FEW VACANCIES (70 TO (123 PER MONTH WALNUT, 2012 VERY FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT; SIX ROOMS. THREE BATHS; UP TO DATE. 536 N. 10TH STREET (CORNER) . Entire third lloor, live rooma and bath, (30. Southern exposure, excellent condition. Steam heat and Janitor service, A. HEATON MINNICK, 1802 Glrard ave. OXFORD ST.. 1512-Beautlful apartment, two living rooms, two bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, maid's bedroom and toilet. Inquire Janitor. 1STH. N.. 105S Fully furnished first-floor apartment, with private bath and kitchen; 27; suit two per-ens: reference required. 117 N. lflTH 2d-floor, 2 bedrooms, bath, llv-lng-dlnlng room, kitchenette; corner; light 4 sides. It. W. OLHAUSEN, 1505 Arch St. COLUMBIA AVE., 1S11; 3 ROOMS, WITH PH1AATC BAT! I . ALL CONVENIENCES. DIAMOND. 2112 Three rooms, bath, kitchen, hot-water heat and hot water, (25. POPLAR, 1522 Ground floor, 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette. 1004 Land Title Bldg. WALLACE, 171S Five rooms and bath, hot water heat, hardwood floor; gas & electricity. 20TH. N., 734-6-ROOM APARTMENT, PRI VATE BATH. HOT-WATER HEAT. N. E. COR. 10TH AND MASTER-Room and bath. $5 up. THE WARWICK 1000-08-10 Sansom atreet, A modern 7-story, fireproof building, con taining suites of apartmenta having 4 to 0 rooma with all conveniences for housekeeping Tho entire water supply In the building Is filtered. There will be 2 or 3 desirable va cancies at the opening ot the tall season one suite on the 5th floor, containing 0 rooms, at $53 per month, and one on the Oth floor, having southern and western expoaure, at (50 per month. There Is a caterer tn the building who will serve meala when wanted, either In the public dUIng room or In the apartmenta. WHITBSIDE & McLANAHAN. N. W. cor. 15th and Pine ate. THE MARIE FLATS 254-264 South 16th BACHELOR SUITES. (25 TO (75 HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. (35 TO (100 PHYSICIANS' OFFICES. (25 TO (100 1712 Walnut St. Business and Professional Offices. THE MONTEVISTA. 63d and Oxford sts. In the exclusive Overbrook section. An ideal location, high and healthy, and within 25 mlnutea of City Hall via the Mar ket at. Elevated and the 00th St. crow-town line, which runs direct to tild and Oxford sts. Ihe new building Is now ready for your In spection, having suites of 5 ro ms and bath, ranging In price from (40 to (S3, We have a few email suite remaining: Ono room, kitchenette nnd bath at (25. Two rooms, kitchenette nnd bath at (30. Dining room located In building. Agent on premises or phone. Overbrook 47-08. INFORMATION RELATIVE TO AND THE renting of nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia may be conducted through this office. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE Automobile service to Inspect apartmenta If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut t. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" THE ENOLEWOOD. 820 B. 11th st.-Ideal central housekeeping apartments; suites, 8 rooms, kitchenette and bath; also 2 rooma, with bath Apply Janitor, on premlrea, or Lewla A Taul-me. IKjO Walnutit THE GABLEB 4C00 old Y'ork road; a few choice 6-room housekeeping apartmenta, oil eonvenlencea, (40 per month. Apply to Israel Hecht, 1218 Chestnut st or Janitor on premises PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Eatate Truat Bldg. Walnut 113. MIFFLIN APARTMENTS 1H.0-.UIB B. 1ITII BT. 6-rm. hskpg, apta,, alt outalde rooms; heat, hot water & Jan. aervlcea. Apply on premlaea. " NORFOLK APARTMENTS: Desirable 4 and 5-rooni apartmenta; near Park; Janitor service, reasonable rentala. BBCHTEL, 1212 Ridge ave. HOUSEKEEPING" APTS., all parts of city. Rents V to (70 per ino. Call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Btern, 1201 Chestnut. POPLAR APTS.."l61S-20 Poplsr; suites. furTT unfur.: hot-water heat, prl baths, hot water. WEST PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE AVE., 4(03 Attract, mod. apt. 6 fine outslds rms. . op. Clark Pk. Baring 7625 J. "StJnderLand MOUSE- N, E, cor 85th and Powelton ave. n rooms and bath. HAMPTON COURT 03-11 North 85th at 5 rooma and bath Apply at buildings or FREDERICK WEBBER. 403 Morris Bldg. DREXEL APAKTMENTB OVERBROOK STATION One first-floor aulte. t rooms and bath; ele vator; publlo dining room; root garden) epaclQ'ia lawn Phone Overbrook 6528. Til- Jlfl" RUTLAND. APTS.. JU8T COMPLE. Locust- ar.. 54fii to ssth bt. LAND APTS., JU8T COMPLETED C and 7 room apartments, with all the latest eonvenlencea, (37 60 to J45 per month. ROBERT A. PITTS, AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4433. B443 Locust et. I OFFER a large variety of apartmsnt at varied prices nyto meet almost any re quirement. CaliqM send for list Automo. W&,tt7lc V0yJ SKk,WXJ',,2 .? JJ J1-!""?- uv.f- " ..;iiv wj . jail vta,inui, ft, ' AtAnuE.rt?B a orrsciAivrY'" kPARTMENTS A HEADQUARTEBA FOR W, PHIlX" APARTMENTS KERBHAW - CROWL, 5215 Chestnut st I5NOri APARTMKNTS; B404 1ott& Chfit.r ave -Furn. and. unfurn. housekeeping a art. tnente. Bee Janitor or ph. Woodland 2079 j. EhHEX. 3ith and Chestnut. Monterey. a-d".n3 Cheater: Belmont, 34lh and Spring Garden. Inquire Janitor, or Cresse, 808 Hale Bldg. tla54O0 walnuF at . Ist'Hoor. corner, 0 large rooms, porch, modern Improvements, Janitor service Dakln A Kllpatrtck. (US Ma-fit at IjTJFURNTET. ED'APX RTMTfrirorn7Tna bath. I so., from "L " Phone Preston 41.7 W HOUSEKEEPING A-PARTMEXT Oerman town SCHUYLER BT, R2J2 Second floor. 5 roMM nu iwiiii an rnoaern conveniences, neai tur ntshed. rent, t Oueen Lane 81 i, vvti vcMiYiivva, lira, ihi- 40 per month, minute walk ta ration Bee tanttor. on preiei lsea, or communicate wllh owner, F. U. 6cheld, Bth and Snyder ave., phone Dick. 618. LOCHSLEY HALL 41i to 814 West Mldvale avenue. Queen La M Station. Oermantown. Ideal homes: large lawn and porch. Haverford . .. HAVERFOnr, PA. Near station and club, new apartment, 1 poems, 2 bstha (70 to ( per montlM south em exposure, beautiful outlook, large duple apartment (2 additional rooma), (100 per month. McILVAIN A CO. 1SU Land Title Building. Phlla. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITX (000 CASH buy; three modern brick dwellinga, U..1.roomhfe.etrvbth- porch; ail rented, aia'.'i-I? V20" f"ch- Pr,c 15W nt I?,!.r' bargalna to cloae an estate cost ;LaVI?i.,.M,J. S' Wm p' -"lnfer. Oth and Market. Camden 1711 B. BROAD BT. Corner Castle ave , lot 30x124 to back atreet. ?;.v op2,rci,-froSt. Jlw,"nfi containing li J00,!.'. --mPl5rn olhs. would suit physklan, and MoSrla Jm" K "" Ut& wiYfty1!.. ST- .. -H-Large 8-atory lot 20x100, suit for apartments. Wm. L. CriveiTa Sons. 1348 N. 7th at . 1500 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownatone dwell ing. Especially fitted for profeealonal offices. Low price a nijt ay Jerma for quick sale. 22.1..00.DE-V 6T-.2 "orlee. 8 rooms, modem hii?,S?cV'-lncluln! not-water teat M l"tf Rld " PPy ' A" MiNNtCK. N. E. COR 1TK AND HOFFMAN STS.-3-ZlXPvJ.L"1. B.,0I? ana dwelling. 10 rooma ?5d rV?.,l!'..1.nc,u.?.ln.?.l ta,bla '" tn- "r CHAS. W. MILLER. 401.407 Commonwealth Bldg. 1S10 N. lBTH-ll rooma; assessed (4000. mort TUU Bldg. Columbia ave..'loo-01 Laid 8,r,.,C0Jl.v.,?rH nd Catharine-Magnificent cSr,J?rt.wl,n nou, on Catharine st,; In heart of Italian aectlon. Hurevlti. 831 N. stnT i N" "P ST.-Dealrable porch-front dwell ing; good condition, reaaonable price. HARRY Q, c. WILLIAM8. 522 Walnut et. 002 d( W. DATTPHrv BT--.... . . awg 7 room, all convs.: no reasonable o(r refused. waldman. mo w. Qlrard ave. SFkI &: .-912-Thre-slory brick dwelllnr, wlhl laundry, splendid condition; large yard: price reaaonable; occupied by owner. MA?Y1NB,S.T ABOVE NORRIS ST.-3-atorr Sf.1,0." dv.J1."PrV rooms and bath Chis. V; Miller. 401-40TCommonwealth Building OAKDALE ST. west of 13th sL--Two 2-story fr.lel5..a.,.el."nB,l 6 rooms each. CHARLES W. MILLJR. 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg A PAIR of large slde-ysrd dwellings; a rood and convenient part of West Phlla.. I will sell very -heap. would raske a fine apartment house, sanitarium or Institution, real -una brokers take notice. They are especlal'y wr,'!.your attention. Apply by letter to ADAMS, owner. 1330 w. Alleg! egheny ave. (4200-0 ROOMS, side yard; (560 below build er'a price; never occupied, 632 Chew at.. Tabor; large lot: hot-water heat, electric light; terma arranged, 2 trolleys, block from station: 4 bedrooms. ABERNETHY. 2724 N. Sth. 133 B. 12th. PARK-FRONT RESIDENCE, . No. 1311 NORTH a3D STREET. ueiow uxrrra Porch front, 14 rooma. 2 baths; modem; targaln at price asked. PLMBERTON ESTATES, m- narriaon uuuqing. BEAUTIFUL LOGAN HOMES. Ruscomb at. i.a.". "th of Logan Station; aample house 15J4; deep lots; (3V)0, with private garage (brick) and lot of 120 feet, (4200; absolutely unequaled; eee ad under Logan. Abernethy, 2724 N. Sth St., 133 8. 12th St. GOT AN AUTO or a FORD? Private garages with out- beautiful Ruscomb atreet homes (Just west ot Logan Station); gat this: (4200 for home, garage and 120 ft, lot. without garage, (3eX0. Abernethy) 2724 N. Sth., 15th and Ruscomb. SPECIAL BARGAINS Only (200 to (500 caah. 1712 Wallace: an (SOOO house for (5800. 21st Wallace, cor. : aasess ("000; price (6200. 1M4 Mt. Vernon, make offer. MARSHALL H. SMITH. 1011 Chestnut at CENTRAL PRPERTIES lor sale rent. Send ua your requlrementa. YARROW & VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut ats. Phone 31S8 Spruce or 2679 Race. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure, "SEE TAfLANE ABOUT IT.' 000 Walnut at. FINE CORNER PROPERTY to cloae an ee taxe, 12 rooms, large store. 2-story brick sta ble; Ideal location ror antiques, moving and storage. F 840. Ledger Central. ALBRECHT-S Realty and Insurance Brokers. 373 Drexel Bldg. 2414 W. Lehlgh WARD'S" PARK-FRONT HOUSES ARE WORTH INSPECTION OFFICE 4231 N BTH STREET (2200 17.-I1 THOMPSON ST.. 3 atory, 7 rooma. eonvenlencea, assessed (2400. rent (10. P. A. MINNICK. 183B Ridge ave. MAKE OFFER for 3438 North 21st; sell on easy terms. A, If, WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut st (3100-1337 N. 2DTH ST., 7 rooms, all conven iences. AUGUSTINE H. MINNICK. 184T Ridge. FOR SOUTH PHILA, REAL ESTATE. A. F. RUSSELL, N E. cor. 15th and Taaker eta. MVE8TMENTB pajtng up to 2 per cent; good locations. CARNEY. Ml E. Allegheny. nulldlng Lots. Factory Sites. Etc. SITES, RAIIJVOaD. for sale, Pennsylvania and Reading, (2000 per acre and up, accord ing to location Inquire for terma. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut. 7000 SQUARE FEET of ground, centrally lo cated; suitable for storage purposes, price teasOnable. WILLIAM C. BENKERT. 1500 ARCH ST. VALUABLE) central site, 150x100. 8 meets: good building; sale to close eatate: easy terms. J. A. Frlta. 523 Land Title Bldg. RIPE TRACTS, LARGE AND 8MALL; CAN arrsnge advances, severs! gsn tracts; right prlcea. Abernethy, 2724 N. Bth. 1 Garage. FACTORY OR GARAGE, POCO sq. ft.. 2 floors. 25037 U. Thompsou st., new building front lng on two streets: very good light from three sides; high ceilings; cement floor; easy terms. ABBOTT, N. E. cor. Broad snd Rsce. WEST PHILADELPHIA Sfltl BARING 8TRE ET Lot 37.8x108; a tine residence, hot-water heat electric llghta, hardwood floors and in A No. 1 condition, garage privilege OPEN TO AN OFFER WM. H. W. QUICK ft BR.O.. INC , 8 a 40TH . A SNAP (3400, beautiful 2-story, o-room residence, lo cated tn the finest residential aectlon of West I'nua. mo r iin or, upen tor inspection, E. A T :OYLE CO.. 5S1B Master at 2015 B. 58TH ST. 2-atory porch front brick dwelling. CHAS, W. MILLER, 4(51-407 Corn. monwealth Bldg. BEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA UNEQUALED HOMES BOTH BT ABOVE LAN8DOWNE AVE. West Bids. (4000 Every' Known Convenience. Hardwood Floors Throughout J A H. C. ENBURO, BUILDER BEAUTIFUL SHERWOOD" ATTRACTIVE) houses of msny styles, designs and number of rooms, terms of sale meat sstlefsrtory to purchaser PEMBERTON ESTATE8. 1103 Harrlaon Building. (81008 ROOMS, hot-water lest, gaa and also trie ugni, parquetry poors, anower batns, gas kltch-ns and all othsr roodsrn appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR., BUILDER nam anq itaaneiq sis. sin rii.ui,nj o... .'iiuit pure dwelling. CHAS. W MILLER. 401.407 Con. monweslth Building. 6-ROOM se.nl-detachsd house, lot 20x123 eonk condition, convenient location, wilt sell at Its aasessed value, (4500. good reasons for selling. K 155, Ledger Central (6J0 CASH: tat mortgage (5000, assessed. (7000, a beautiful home on bouih 4 tli st, near Springfield art,; a bargain. Taylor Son. 21 I'O Bouth 40th at. ' V WHELAN'B HOMES. 'i 68THAND PASCHALL AVE. APPLT 1011. CHESTNUT Bt. BEND FOR LIST, SALB)RRENT T JOB. M BAKER B2d and Baltimore ave. BARti AtM-Ti; WeeTaeeount, BtWlruca eti B rooms. ISM"), 0e I nsdowne ave.. rooraa. steam hsat" G. M. A man, jiaol ChoetauT aT SEE MlTCHCLlya HOMES, .felleii t7V tween Ciram and Haverfcrd aa. east ma, jaa. , Mitcneii. puii-er, wa 'Mp VP-TO-DATE KSBjff- room i Osageave REUARKABLB bersaln; irDt mrit 23x115. assessed GO price wBo-m cash. Marsnsu n. cmitn, mi cnesti fttOWB IWisl SbtW4-1I 8827 HAVEHFOKD AVE.-3-ssaw ateee w dwalllag, taken for morit. JM fag lee- ae.su ajfj." m i mr t Tir'.iTJSTilnia '! rriTT-. i ,T77X,il)SSHij.lll .,!.. Oiks Css-s As Mswf ! t k