Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 20, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14
u BEWITCHED MARRIAGE LICENSE MAKES MAID CALL OFF WEDDING Chapter of Accidents Follows Gittio's Purchase of Pre cious Permit Sweetheart, Full of Doubts and i Fears, Spurns Him as "Bad Luck" "Wedding bells will not ring tonight for OIUlo Cnlcnno and lS-yearold Elliabeth I'lccolo at the Italian church at 61th and Caltowhlll streets. OIUlo Is wandering about the city somewhere with a mar riage license, which will never be used and at her home, S6JS Vine street, Kllza beth Is looking mournfully with aching heart at a wedding gown that has been made In vain. Trouble has pursued Glttlo ever slnco he obtained the license yesterday nt City Hall. He said he began to feel "funny" S soon as ho put It In his pocket, and, although the brldc-to-be's father assured him that all would be well as they laughed over their spaghetti, the prospec tive bridegroom could not chase away the gathering gloom. Then the persevering Nemesis started Its work. Glttlo fell down the stairs In the restaurant where ho and Piccolo dined While crossing Broad street ho was struck by a taxlcab, which Ignored Piccolo. He helped Glttlo, and later they met tho pretty Elizabeth. Bho had been waiting long and launched into a tirade against the man sho was to wed. Glttlo pulled the license out of his poket and looked at It dubiously. So did Elizabeth. When they reached the home of tho MEN FLOCK TO EDDYSTONE Remington Arms Company Starts Work on 3,000,000 Rifle Contract Mobilization of tho 20,000 workmen who will turn out the 2.000.000 rifles for the Al lies at the big 20-acre Remington Arms plant Is now In full swing and the men are arriving at Eddystone on every train. '' Machinery Is being received by the car load. As fast as it is installed and con nected with the power system workmen aro assigned to It. Automobiles hired Ty the company meet every train and lodge the newly arrived workmen In boarding houses at Chester and Eddystone, listed and en gaged four months ago. The Remington Employment Bureau Is sending cjt hun dreds of notices each day to men who have been on the payroll for that period. A board fence, seven feet high, sur mounted by three rows of barbed wire, surrounds the big plant. Fifty special policemen have been -mployed to keep out Intruders. The Pennsylvania Rail road Company has added another track to Its four-track system through Eddy stone to handle the Increased traffic Says Faulty Paving Caused Death Faulty paving on the Chestnut Btreet bridge Indirectly caused the death of John J. McDevltt, a teamster, of 226 Spruce street, according to a verdict given by the coroner's Jury at an Inquest Into McDeVltt's death today. McDevltt was thrown from a wagon on October 9, when his wagon struck & rut on the bridge. He died In the Polyclinic Hospital. Inspector AlcCormlck, of the Highway Bureau, who is In charge of the work In West Phila delphia, said that the defect in the paving had not been reported by the Inspector assigned to that district. The paving on the bridge was Inspected last in August. Funeral of Mrs. Hosea Townsend Funeral services for Mrs. Hosea Towns end, mother of John B. Townsend, secre tary and treasurer of the Philadelphia Press, were held yesterday at Norwalk, O, Mrs. Townsend died last Sunday. She was tho widow of Judge Hosea Towns end, of the United States Circuit Court of Ohio. Hugh Brecn The funeral of Hugh Breen, father of the Rev. Francis A. Breen, S. J., was held this morning from his late residence. 270t Brown Btreet. Solemn Mass of Requiem, was celebrated at St. Francis' Church. The Interment was In Now Cathedral Cemetery. Mary Smucker The funeral of Mrs. Mary Smucker, wife of Solomon Smucker. and daughter of the late James M. de Waele, will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. There will be services at her husband's home, 226 West Logan square. Mrs. Bmucker died on Monday. Henry Smith Arrangements are being made for the funeral of Henry Smith, formerly a wide ly known musician of this city, who Is dead at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter J. Stones, 64 East 31th street. New York. Mr. Smith was 75 years old. He formerly had a studio at 2023 Glrard ave-w nue, this city, and he also was a cnoir znastcr here. Dr. J. A. neintzelman Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon from an undertaking establish went for Dr. Jos.ph A. Helntzelman, 81 years old, of 2007 North College avenue, who died at that address yesterday after noon. Doctor Helntzelman was one of "the oldest medical men In mis city. He and his son conducted a drug store at tRldge and North College avenues. OBITUARIES Charles A. Bennett CHESTER, Pa.. Oct. 20. Charles A. Bennett, for many years proprietor of the Bennett Cafe, at 508 Market street, died yesterday at the Crozer Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past week. Mr Bennett was operated upon last week and failed to rally and died after a sudden relapse. He was an active member of Chester Lodge, No. 488, B. P. O, E , and the Moyamenelng Hook and Ladder Company. FLIP AND FLOP FT 6ALL IS qD ,CLfAM qAle- WrtN TJ 4 fl.rYCP ,.tiT jr-yzS yruVTuwr "" ' -T7 ' ' HvT' i ri""! .Jl I I WM nT-i y"lVvr- f ,-, t , ; sj, iyLJvX 1 EVENING bride-to-be tho Nemesis was still on their trail. Tho sunshine had fled and gloom lurked In every window. There wa no respons to Glttlo'a cheerful good nUht rind his brlde-to-bo gazed at the window In deep thought. Today Glttlo was found cut and bleed ing lit the bottom of the stairway nt Elizabeth's home, where ho waa tho only boarder. When some one asked him what made htm fall he pulled tho license from his pocket and murmured Incoherently. He was hurried to tho West Philadelphia Homeopathic Hospital, "Dccsa ting make all tie troub," ho told Doctor Ksposlto, as he shook the license, which was stained with blood. Hlj Injuries were attended and he re turned to see his brlde-to-bc. She met him with a look of scorn. "I never marry you!" she shouted. "You aro bad luck." Glttlo left with a heavy heart. She did not relent when he stopped and looked back, and ho continued on up tho street. When questioned about her trouble Elizabeth, who Is regarded as a belle of "Llttlo Italy," flashed her candid black eyes. "It's not so bad," sho said; "I marry someone else In a few day." WOULD HONOR OLD SOLDIERS Congressman Butler Outlines Memo rial Plan to Chester G. A. R. CHESTER. Pa., Oct. 20. A plan to perpetuate the names of Chester County sollders who fought In the Civil War was outlined by Congressman Thomas S. Butler, at a reception tendered him last night by tho members of Wilde Post, No. 25, Grand Army of the Republic, here. The Congressman suggested that each congressional district should have n list of all Its soldiers who served In the Civil War. Five Accused of Highway Robbery Five Italians, who were arrested early today by Patrolman Condcco for alleged highway robbery, were held under $000 ball for a further hearing by Magistrate MacFarland In tho 2d and Christian streets station. They were John Avano, 1027 South 6th street; Dominic Elto, 1212 Montrose street; Tatsy Young, 263 South 8th street; Joseph Tallarto, 627 Christian street, and Felix Coldollls, 657 Christian street. They were suspected of taking $30 from Joseph Carlso while he was asleep on a bench. Carlso told the police ho had Just come from Italy and had not found a home as yet. He was held as a material witness. IN MF.MORIAU DUUHEK In loving remembrance of my wife, ELLA LOUIBA niTRHEE. who entered Into rest October '.'0. lfO.V CUAKl.CS LEWIS DUDREE. Beatljs ADAMS. On October in, 1015. SAMUEL II.. son ot little and late Samuel R. Adams. Relatives una iiirnai. uisu acuuhii Lounc i, IT, F. P. A.. Llout. John T. Grebte Camp. No. ln. Bona of Veterans; Charles Klein New Year's AvBO'atton. are Invited to at tend the runeral services, on Thursday after noon, nt 2 o'clock, at mother's rci"li'cnce. 819 S. Front it. Interment private, at Fern, wood Cemetery. Friends may caU Wednes day evening. 8 to 10 o'clock. ADAMS. On October III. 1015, SARAH ELSIi; ADAMS, wife ot Theodore Adama, at Uordcntown, N. J. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from her lata residence. 420 Frlnce ot., on Thursday, at 3 p. m. Interment at Uordentown Cemetery. ANDERSON. On October IT, 1915, MARTHA A. ANDERSON, wife of Alexander Anderson. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 11 a. m.. at the residence of her husband, IW52 Pennscrove st. Interment at Fcrnwood Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. AKMEHI.INO. On October 18. 1015. JOHN C. RMERLlNO. agei 00 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at -' p. m., at the par lors ot 8. P. Frankennrld Sons, .Itth and Spring Garden sts. Interment at North" oo J Cemetery. UAHATELT.E. On October 10, 1015, ELE ANOR DARATELLE, daughter of Andrew and Louisa Daratelle, aged HI jears. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a. m from her late residence, 033 Mountain st. High Maij at St Mary Magdalen de Paul Church at 0 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery llAnilETT. At Grenloch. N. J., on October IS, 11(15. MARY E. IJARRETT. Relatives and friends. also Dlackwood Grunice, are in vited to attend tho funeral, from the resi dence ot her husband, George W. Harrett, on Thursduy. at 1 P. m. Services In Chew's M. E. Church at 2-45 p. m. Interment at Chew's Cemetery. Train leaves Chestnut st. ferry at 11 a. m. for Grenloch. N. J. Carriages will meet train. Remains may be viewed Wednes day, 7 to 0 p. m. IlfKJAN. At Drlstol. Pa., on October 18. 1015. MARY ROGAN fnee Walsh), beloved wife of John Bogan. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs day. October 21. from her late residency, Bath road, at 8 a. m. High Mass at St. Mark's Church nt 10 a. m. Interment at 8t. Mark's Cemetery. IIOYI.K. On October 18, 1015, HUGH P., husband of Margaret G. Iloyle (nee Magee) and son of Patrick and Margaret Doyle, aged no year. Relatives and friends, also Chauf feurs' Union, Locals 477 and 2N1, are Invited to attend funeral, on Friday, at s",o a. n... from his late residence, 1237 Olive st. Sol emn Requiem Mass at the Church of the As sumption at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. nltOWN. On October 18. IDtri, MARY T., wife of Mitchell Brown, aged 81 years. ReU. tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral servlc f'l 'l""r' a m Freclsely, at her late residence 2732 East ndlana ave. Interment at Hillside Ceine trry, via funeral car. Friends may call Wednesday, after 7 p. m. HL't'K. On October 10, 1015, HENJAMIN. husband of Mary A llurk. Relatives and filends also Veterans' Asportation of Phila delphia and Reading Railway, are Invlled to HtUnd the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 a. m., from his late residence, IBM Poplar st. Sol. emn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Oesu at 0-30 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. DEHOMANN. On October IT. 1015, JOHN, huatand of the late Dorothy Uergmann, aged 76 years. Relatives and friends, alio Ken sington Yearly Reneflclal Society. No. 1, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, V(oW YU TACr.B. Mt- ANC- U SHOW TU f fiiD CUtflri ucMtNSE. SHOW VU f . --' APm. ? j ' - 'vj 1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER DEATH B at 2 p. m.. from the residence ef his son, Frederick Uergmann. IR12 B. Clementine st. Interrnfnt at Ileivu Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday evening. Ill) It K II on October 18, 1015, JAMES HUHKR. husband ot Julia Rurke (nee Moran) Relatives and friends sre Invited to attend the funeral, -en Friday ,at 8:TO a. m., from his late residence, 25im Coral st. (cor ner nr Ittilitrngrion st ). Requiem Mass at the Church n( the Visitation at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. COItltETT On October 18, HUB, PAT RICK F. COHlIETT. Relatives and friends, also St. Patrick T. A. It. Society, of Norrls town Pa., are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a. m , from the resldsnco or his nephew, Patrick F. Somers, 1715 N. Wilton St. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Gregory's Church, 52d and Warren sts., at 0:S0 o'clock precisely. Interment at Nor ilstown, Pa. COTT.MAN. On October IT, 191B, JACOB 11 , husband of Josephine II. Cottman, Funeral Bervlces will be held at the Cott man home, ltustlrtnn ave.. abovo Coltnwin St.. tfandlford, Philadelphia, on Thursday aftcrnion, at 2 o'clock precisely. Relative and friend, also sll societies nf whit h ha was a member, are Invited to attend. Inter. mnt private. Carriages will bo at Urldse st and Krankford ave., from 1 to 1.30 o'clock. CRAWFORD. On October 10, 1015. SARAH IT., wife of Robert Crawford (nee Allen). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral servlcees, on Friday, at 2 p. m., nt her husbnnd's residence, 1 .127 East Hazard st. Interment private, at Oreenmount Ceme tery. Remains may be viewed on Thursday evening. Automobile funeral. CROSS. On October 10, 1015, MARY ALIPK. wife of Henry Cross, aged 02 years. R.'latlvrs and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 11 a, m., at her late residence, 5501 Hunter ave. In terment private, DAI.TO.V At his residence, 1120 South Rroad st., on October !, 1PI5, JOHN, ton of the late Philip and Ann Datton, nged 60 jevrs. Notice of the funeral later. DOUGHERTY. On October 18. 1015, HELEN C. DOfOHERTY Ineo Carty). be loved wife of John J. DouRherty. Relatives and friends arc invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8.00 n. rr... from her late icsldence. liw North 5Tlh St., West Philadel phia. Solemn Mats of Requiem at tha Church of Our Lady of Victory, at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Denis" Cemetery. EGLOM On October IT, 1015. ELIZABETH EULOS. wire of Daniel. Eglos. Sr mil daughter ot the late John and Ellen Smith, nged ') years. Relatives and friends, ulso Excelsior Pride Circle, No. 300. F. of A., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursdav, at 2 p. m., at her late resi dence, 234 East Cambria st. Interment pri vate, at Greenmount Cemetery. ENGERT. Suddenly, on October IT, 1015, JOHN, husband ot Catherine Ensert (nee Llghtkep), aged T3 J ears. Relatives and friends. bIho Kenderton Lodge, No. 2GO, I. O. O. I'., and Philadelphia Lodge. No. 1, A. O. or Planters, art Invited to attend funeral services, Thursday, 1! p. m., at tho parlors of C. It. Hartraiift. 1021 Germantonn ave. In terment North ood Cemetery TERRY On October 18. 1015. HUGH, son of M chael and Mnry Ferry (nee Carrlck). aged 3 years and 10 months. Relatives und lrlenda ttre Invited to attend the tuncinl. on Thursday, Ht 2 p. m., from his parents' residences 72(10 Tulip st., Tacony. Interment at St. Dominic's Cemetery. riT7.slM.MONH. On October 18, 1015, HANNAH DEAN, widow of Thomas Fill Simmons and daughter ot late George and Hannah Dean. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the runeral services, on Friday, at - o'cl ck. from late residence, 125 Wharton st. Interment at Fern wood Ceme tery. Remains may bo viewed Thursday evening. FLAKE. On October IT, JAMES FLAKE. Jr. Relatives and frlendi aro Invited to at terd the funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m., at the residence of his brother-in-law, William K Cunningham, 2102 E, Monmouth st. Interment strictly private, at Green Mount Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday, T to 10 p. m. l'HETZ. Suddenly, on October 18, 1015, RUUEN FRETZ, husband of the late Josephine Fret, In his 74th year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 1 p. m., at his late residence, 1H1T Mnstcr st. Interment private Remains may be viewed on Thursday, after 8 p. m FRICKEK JACOI1 n. FRICKEn, aged T5 J cars ! mouths ."0 days. Funeral from his late residence, 214 North 0th et.. Reading, Pa., on Friday, at 1 p. m. To proceed to St. Paul's Memorial Reformed Church. Serv ices will be held at 1:10 p. m. Interment at Charles Evans Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. GALLAGHER. On October IT, 1015, ED WARD GALLAGHER, nged 82 years. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 8 a, ni , from the residence of lilts son, Andrew F. Gallagher, MOO Lansdowne nve,. West Phila delphia. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Col man's Church. Ardmore. at 10 a. m. Inter ment at St. Denis' Cemetery. UEIGER. ln Warrington, on October 10, 11115, JACOB F. D. GKIGER, late of 4S20 North 12th St.. Philadelphia. Relatives am! friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday at 1:30 p. m. precisely, at Amityvllle Church, Herks County, Pa. In terment In adjoining cemetery. GOODAI.L. At Wlldwood, N. J., on Oc tober IT. 101.1. RODBRT. Infant son of Will iam M. and Elizabeth Goodall. Relatives and friends may view the remains at the home ot his parents. 4(118 Pacific ave.. Wlldwood. N. J., on Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. Inter ment Thursdav, at Holy Crosa Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. IIANKELL At her residence. 4545 Say brook ave,, on October 17. 11115, EMMA II.. widow of John S. Hanscll and daughter of Jacob and MAry Matslnger, aged ti3 years. Relatives and friends, alio employes of tho Hell Telephone Company, are lnv Ited to at tend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at St. Philip's Church. 42d st. and Baltimore nve. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Friends may view remains Wed nesday, from T to 10 p. m. HANSON. Suddenly, at Pottsvllle, Pa., on October IT, 1013. WILLIAM HANSON. Rela tives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at -o'clock, at his late residence, 4'121 Haverford ave. Interment private. HHINT7.RI.MAN On net,... if) jniR, nr. JOSEPH A. HEINTZELMAN. In his 821 yiar. Relatives and friend also Solomon's Lodge. No. 114. F. and A. M.: CnlumhU R. A. Chapter. No. 01: German 8oc!cty of i-rnnyivHnia; i-niiaaeinnid Turngemetnae; Philadelphia Council, So. 203, R. A., an I all other organizations of which he wan member, are Invited to attend the funrr.il services, on Friday, at 2 p. in., at the apart ments of Oliver If. Ila r. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. Please omit flowers. IIKIHI.EK. On October IT, 1015, ANNIE 8.. wife of Walter 8. Helsler, ln her 42d year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. ni., at her late residence. 802 South Allison st. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery, KOPPER On October 10, 1015, MARY, wife of John W. Korper, aged 41 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8.30 a. m., from her late residence, 201T West York st. Solemn High Mass ot Requiem at St. Co lumba's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, IAl'KEK. On October 10. 1015, AONES, wISow of John E. Lauren Relatives and f i tends are Invited to attend the runeral, on Friday, at. 2 p. m.. from the residence of her son-in-law, James Horsey, 2213 MeClel Ian st. Interment at Mount Morlah Ceme tery Remains may be viewed Thursday evening. LAWKLL. On October 19, 1015. ELIZA I1BTH LAWKLL. formerly of 5 W. llerka st., widow of Joseph Lawell, aged 112 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at the apartments of Oliver H, Hair, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private. LEEDOM. On October IT, 1015. at the na tavla, New York, ANNIE E., wife of George F. Lcedom, In her 05th year Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, without further notice, on Thurs day, at 1.30 p. m., at the residence or hs son, Arthur CI Leedom. 1020 North Felton st.. West Philadelphia. LEVI. On October 18, 1915, OAHRIEL, husband of Mlna Levi and father of Mrs Julia I.uclis and Mrs. II. iloyemdorfer, in his 00th year Relatives and friends, also Joshua Lodge. No. 23, I. O, 11. II., iinoih juethurun Lodge, No. 2, are Invited to at tend tha funeral, on Thursday, at IO:::o a, m , from his late residence, 2040 N. 18th st. Interment Mt Stnil. By KEMBLE Copyright, 1015, E. W. Kembls. r ' Wtoa CLEAN UEFEN5E DEATHS LtrriNCOTT On October 18, l91B. SAM UEL PARRY LIPPINCOTT. aged 40. Fu neral from his residence, at Cheltetl Hill, on Thursday, at 2 43 p. m. Interment private. llF.INtKf,MAN.-On October 10. 1915. JOSEPH A. HEINTZELMAN. In his 82(1 year. Relatives and friends, also Holomon's r I omer organisations or wnicn n was A i mem ber, ure Imliel to altet-.ci the funeral serv ices, on. Friday, at 2 n. m., at the apart ments of Oliv-r II. Ualr, 1820 Chestnut at, Intei ment prlnte. I'.ease omit flowers. .MAII.I,ARIM)KT. On October 18, 1916. at !51". .r!!ie.nc' .':oon Oermantown ave, ELIZABETH, wife of Charles Malllarddet and daughter of Phoebe A. and the late Ben jamin S. Mann, aged Itl years. Relative and friends aro Invited to attend runeral firvlce. at the rtslcH-me ether brother-in-law, lamer F. Hat kiiiin. iKoii North nth St., on Thursday, at 2 p. in precisely. In terment at Glennood Cemetery. .McBRIDE On Octoher 18, 1918, 8ARAH T widow of Dennis McBrlde. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, at S 30 o'clock, from tho residence of her sister, Mrs, Roto Mcllugh, 4115 Fleming St., Manayunk, Solemn Requiem Mass at Holy Family Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at West minster Cemetery. MeOANDI.KSS Suddenly, on October 18, 11(13. JENNIE, wife of John McCandless. Relatives and friends, also members of the Fifth Reformed Presbyterian Church, are In vited to attend funeral services, on Thurs day, nt 1:30 p. m.t nt her late residence, 524 E. Clearfield st. Interment private at West laurel Hill Cemetery. JlrCAHTIIY. On October IT, 1015, CATH ERINE, widow or Patrick McCarthy and daughter of the late James and Susan Mc Dermott. Relatives and friends, also the League of tho Sacred Heart, are Invited to attend the funeral, Thursday morning, nt 8 o'clock, from tho residence of her niece, Mrs. Andrew T. Gallagher. 1820 Mirftln st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas, at 0:30 o'clock praclsely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MrDEVlTT. On October IT, 1013. PAT RICK F,. son of the lata Hugh and Mar garet McDevltt. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 8:"0 a. m at his late resi dence, 2334 Broad at. Solemn Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 10 r "i. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. McDONOCOH. On October 18, 1915, ELIZABETH McDONOtJOH (nee Armbrue. Icr), widow of John I. McDonough. aged 0(1 years, ltelativea and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, nt 2:30 p. ni.. at her late residence, 104 N. 35th st., Camden. N. J. Interment at Bethel Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Thurs day evening. MeGOVKl'tN. On Octoher 18. 1015. MI CHAEL D son of the late Peter and Mary R. McGovern. Funeral on Thursday nt 8.30 . m., from the residence of his sister, Mrs. James F. Curran. 2031 East Allegheny ave. Solemn R?qulcm Mass at the Church of tile Aacenslon nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Mrl.EAN. At his mother's residence, Atco, N. J., on October 18, 1015, WILLIAM J., husband of Sarah A. McLean (nee Hughes) and eon of Patrick and Catharine McLean. In his 31at year. Relatives and friends, also B. V. M. Sodality. Holy Name Society, I.eaguo of the Sacred Heart and emplovra of John Gay 1 Sons and tho Tapestrv Carpet Weavers' Union. No. 2, are Invited to at tend funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from his Into residence. 2IM3 Ella st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Visita tion, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Ml'I.l.IN. On October 10, 1015, MARY, davghter of the late James and Ann Mullln. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8 a, m.. from her late residence, 1713 Glrard ave. Solemn Requiem Mas at tho Church of the Gesu. at (i:1.i n. m. Automobile funeral. Interment private, MYKR8. On October IT, 1015. MARY E.. daughter of Frederick and Mary Mvers (nee Croke). Relatives and friends are Invited to attehd funeral, on Thursday, at T:30 a. m., from her parents' residence 183d East Lehigh ave. High Requiem Mass at the Church of the Visitation, at 0 a. m. Inter ment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. O'CONNOR. On October 18j 1015, JOHN F., eon of James ahd the late Annie T. O'Con. nor (nee llot-an), formerly of 2225 North 18t,i at. Relatives and friends, also St. Aloyslus Society of Our Lady of Mercy Church, and the International Photo Engravers' Union. I.o. cal No. . are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from his father's residence, Ml 7 .North inth st. Solemn Hlth Requiem Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Holy Souls nt 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. OSTER.MAIEIt. On October 18, 1015, MAR C.ARETHA OSTERMAIER, aged 65 ytars. Due notice of the funeral will bo given, from tho npaitmenta of William H. Batteraby. 111(1 N. Broad. PINKSTON. On October 18, 1015, ROB ERT, husband of Mary Pinkston (nee Oil Ian). hineral from his lalo residence. 201 St. James st., due notice of which will ba given. REII.I.Y. On October 10. lOio, MARY JO SEPHINE, daughter of Mary and the late FrHiuls John Rcllly. Relatives and frlerd are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8.30a. m.. from her late residence, 210(1 Nicholas st. High Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Croai Cemetery, ItlI.EY. On Octoher. 18. 1915. DOROTHY, wife of William Riley (nea Mathleon). Rel atives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Thursdav, at 2 p. m., from iter late residence, 1245 South Guenther st. (28th and Wharton sts.). Interment at Mcunt M rlah Cemetery. ROIVAND. On October 18, 1915, SOPHIA (nee Gartal), widow of Dr. John Randolph Ron and. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral jervlcesThursday, 2 p. m , at the rraldence of her son-in-law, John E. Klckler, 738 Park ave., Colllngsnood, N. J. Interment private at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. Friends may call Wednesday, after 7 p. m. SCIIAEFKR On October 18, 1016, JOHN C. SCHAEFER. Relatives and friends, also Perkins I.odh'e, No. 402, F. and A. M.; Vet eran Flremen'a Association and members of the Diligent Engine Co. and all other so cieties of which he was a member, are in vited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, October 21, at 11 a. m., at his late resident e. 404 S. 0th st. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. KCHAEFFKIt. On October 18. 1915. BRID GET, SCHAEFFBR. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Fr'day morning, at 8 o'clock, from the residence. 231 De Lancey st. Mass of Requiem at St. Joseph's Church at 0.3O a m. precisely. In terment Holy Crosa Cemetery. Auto cor tege. SHAUFLEIl. On October 10. 1016. JACOB a., husband of the late Mary C. Schaufler, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 1872 El Schiller st. In terment private, at Oakland Cemetery. BCIIONFKI.D. On Octobe 10. 1015. MOR. RIS, husband of the late Amelia Scbonfeld. aged 117 years. Relatives and friends aro In vited to attend the funeral, on Friday, nt 10 a. in., from his late residence, 2318 North mill st. Interment private. Kindly omit Mowers. bCinVKHING. On October 18, 1015, FRANK aEORQE. son of George L. and the late Josephine Schwerlng. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlces, on Thursday, at 2 p. m , at his father's residence. 1810 Dudley st. Inter.nent at Glenwood Cemetery, SHARP. On October 11, 1916, NANCY, wire of Henry II Sharp. Relatives and frlenCs are Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law, John Smith, 2311 8. Broad st. Friends may view the re mains on Wednesday, after 7 p. m, Inter ment at Fernwood Cemetery. SIllOl'R. Solemn Requiem Mass In Bt. Fat trlik's Church. 20(h- and Locust sts. on Thursday, at 10 a. m.. for the repose of the soul of. the Comtess de BIbour, who died In England. October IT. SMUCKKK- On Monday. October 18, 1018, MARY, wife of Solomon Smucker and daugh ter ot the late James M. de Waele, of liilU delphta, Funersl services at the residents, '.20 West Logan square, on Thursday, Octo ber 21 at 11 a. m. precisely. Interment pri vate. r TAYLOR. On October 18, 1915, REBECCA J., wife of John It. Taylor. Relatives 'and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at the residence of her husband, 1810 B. Broad st. Interment noutn ijiurei (.emetery. jrrtenas mey call Wednesday, from S to 10 p. m. is the Re MvitWrtCf wxy AfiUT Trti& . ... A, chapter. No. 01, German Society e 'ennavnanis, rnuaaeipnia Turngemelnde Ph ladelnhla Council. Nn. 'Jul. it. a mH i DEATHS WAT.M8LEY.-(-On dcldber 18.. 1918, MART MILNOn. wlddw ef Morris Walmslsy Itrta. tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at son-ln-taw, 8. lfarry Wllsen's residence, southeast corner Morris and Hans berry st. Oermantown. Interment private. WALSH. On October 19, 101B, RICHARD To husband of Frances K Walsh (nee. Brady) and eon of Thomas and the lateMsry Walsh. Relatives and friend, alio Holy Name So ciety, Court Laurel Hill, F. of A., and Gran lie Cutters' Association, are Invited to at tend funeral, on saturdsy, at 8.30 a. m., from his late res dence." 4300 Fleming St., H??borouh. High Mass at fit. Johns Church, at 10 a, m. Interment at Holy Bepul ehro Cemetery. AVANNOr. On October 19, 1015, ANNA, wifo of Thomas W. Wannop and daughter of Catharine and tho late Henry Rowan. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend fu neral, Friday, st 8 30 a m.. from the resi dence cf her mother, 1118 Leopard it. High Requiem Mass at Church of tho Immaculate Conception at 10 a. m. Interment New CHinenrai wmnj. WEHEK. On October IT, 1018, MARIE V., daughter of Frederick and Rose Weber. Rela tives and friends, also B. V. I. Sodality and 1 eague ef the Sacred Heart of St. Stephen's rhurch. are Invited to attend the funeral. From hir lata residence. 3013 North ISlh st., on Thursday, at 8 80 a. rn. Bolemn Requiem Mass at St. Stephen's Church ad 10 a. m. interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. vnnn On October 18, 1015, JAMES FtMElt. on of John and, Mary. V. Wood ami grandson of Hugh and Cecilia McCaf f.riv aged 15 years snd 10 months. Rela-tfv-cs and I frlenus. also employes of Gill & rn glass monufacturers, are Invited to at tend the funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a m., frorn the residence of his arandparents. 2(1411 AhiTond St.. INth Ward. Requiem Mass at fit Ann's ChuMi at 10 a. m. Interment at ptl Ann's Cemetery. voUNO. Suddenly, on October 17. 1913. THOMAS R. YOUNG, aged OS years. Rela lives and friends, also the Franklin Castle. Kntuhts nf the Mystic Chain, and the Co. luii bus Reneflclal Association, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 3 F" m from the residence of his niece, Mrs. lerbert White. 8311 North Arbor at. Inter ment at Greenmount Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday at 8 p. m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER " This STYLE TYPE (or like tfcls) One time t He Three times one week .............. 12Hc Blx times one week 10a. Sltiirtl-ins Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per line. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Etimko Lxcoxa and Pcbuo Ledges combined Is 10 cents per lino with the exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which Is 15 cents psr line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Kelp and Situations Wanted, Lost and FunC, Penonals, Boarding and Rooms, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATFa There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS HEIRS WANTED of Mtss Belle R. Hamilton If interested write and give address to E. C. 1-OOMIS. administrator, Ottumwa, Iowa. Un derstand one ot these heirs la a blind man. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and 'stenographer wanted, accurate at figures, age about 22; must have reference; steady position; from 8:30 to 0. L 148, i-edger Central. rOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS AND STENOG RAPHERS seeking positions will receive val uable Information and exceptionally helpful 8K11VICB. by consulting 'VMIss Dean." Led ger Central, by personal Intervlow or letter. She will aid you win your ad., list your quuliil.Mtlons in the COMMERCIAL DE PARTMENT and use every effort to locate a position for you. During the month of Sep tember M YOUNG LADIES SECURED POSITIONS through this SERVICE, -which Is free to Ledger advertisers.. CHAMBERMAID and waitress wanted; white; assist small wash; very small family; refer cmea required. Apply 4011 Pine st. CHAMBERMAID, German or Swedish; one willing to assist with children. Meet lady Room 2JU, Public Ledger, 11 o'clock. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white, rella- mc. v.,.n m .i . i.iiceii ave., utrmani n OHAMBERWORK and sewing (white). Apply this morning. 1S20 Pine. CHILDNURSE, young Protestant, for baby 4 months old. Meet lady Room 23U, Publlo Ledger, Wednesday, 11 o'clock. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's lane, ram ot pciiuyiaui. COOK, chambermaid and waitress Two rcllai ble and clean women; permanent homo In Germa-itown. Meet lady Wednesday, between I0::t0and,12. HoomJS.10, Public Ledger. COOK, either German orSwedlsh orNorwe glan, Protestant, not over 30; reference re- nillfsail nloln rinnllns Hf ,. i nm Public Lodger. Wednesday, lljclock. ' COOK and waitress and chambermaid: at ,in vtic.ici, Hermans preierrea. uaii and. see employer at 12 o'clock Wednesday at 1031 Spruce St., Philadelphia. COOK and chambermaid and waitress, 2 girls! Protestants; West Philadelphia. Meet lady Itoomao. Publlo Ledger. Wednesday, 10:30. COOK and downstairs work White; plain cooking; three In family; good home; suburbs Apply Wednesday morning. 1717 ap. Garden. COOK, plaln.'to do light housework, no laund dry, no waiting; suburbs; reference required. c-p wim ihtu, i-uuuc i.eager. COOK and chambermaid Two girls for small family, neighborhood 41st and Walnut sts. M 82(1. ledger Office. COOK, white, competent, wanted; assist small wash; very small family: references reauird Apply Y 4011 Pln st. ' COOK, aerninn, for city. Meet lady. Room JOVabWc IdgerWnjesdalfciock. COOK, white, Protestant; reference required Phone Oermantown 2023. "Huireo. COOKING and downstairs work Wanted' vvhtle .Protestant girl; two In family, call Thursday after 1 o'clock. 62J4 wSl-oa ave Oermantown. ' " GIRL wanted, neat, capable, Protestant for Chambermaid and chlldnurserrcference. Call 31H Ileacom lane. Merlon. Carfare paid. GinU young, assistant housework, small rl.Tryoad,'CfT'tog;n711.y'r,t """""" 813 GIRL wanted for general housework. Annlv , HK Erie ave.. Apt. A "PP'y GIRLS 12), white, Protestants; cook and down stalls work, upstairs girl to assist with In. fant; references. Box 07. Ambler. PaT HOSIERY Loopers wanted on white work" learners taken, paid white learning. Thomas Bjck Hosiery Co., Jasper and York I t ASK"V(i is 20. 1915: HEM? WANTED FEMALB HOUSEWORK (gen) wash Md 'ron . 1UM colored. sleep.ouV. reference Meet employer. Room .K'P. I'uniic uwiurr, r"""" - HOU8F.WORK-Onerl Housework, wj family 2 adults; good home for reliable rron, F Bin. Ledger Centralr HOUSKWORK-Glrl. Protestant, small '"""J.1 two In family. Phone "Wednesday morning. Chestnut Hill 007. !...-.....A.... ' .J- ,.....'.v" "tfrSK; Vnt.ll Hr?r'fa8JSiri"J& HOUSEWORK-Mald, family of S. small apart jnent, no washing. FhoneBarlng 74B .J. HOUSEWORK (general) White grl; must be good cook. 4243 Sansomst;i LADY'S A! Alp, "Protestant, take ear of el derlr ladv, some sewing, must have refer ence. M Ml. Ledger Office. - LAUNDRESS, white, wanted, Mon. and Tues. or Tues. and Wed. 311S Mldvale ave., Gtn.i or phene Oermantown 2187. ftUn8CMATDKngllah lady, living In German .own. desires English nursemaid for child of IS months; write full particulars and refer ences, F mo, Ledger Central, OPERATORS. EXPERIENCItD All parts of ladles' shirtwaists. HANE1. KUTTNER & nAAB 1320-34 Vine street. OPERATOR wanted on curtains, w'lllcox s Gtbba high-speed machines. Apply John Bromley & Son, Front and Lehigh. SALFSLADY, Gentite, German-speaking, exp.. for dry goods store. 2725 Glrard ave. SALESWOMAN to sell high-grade candy In a first-class store In Atlantic Cltyi pleasing personality and selling ability re quired, A good, permanent position for a young womsn with energy and , Initiative, A 117, Ledger Of flee. , SALESWOMEN A number of positions are cpen to women who have had experience In stores and who can work part time. Apply Bureau of Em plovment, 4U floor, before 11 a. m., STRAW BRIDGE & CLOTHIER. STENOGRAPHER, some experience; moderate salary. Laurence Pub. Co., 201 B. 3d St. WANTED A thorougTify experienced woman In manufacture of women's flannelet and muslin underwear to take charge of small factory; prospect. Apply J. Reed, N, E. cor. 7th and Lombardsts. WOMAf, competent, housework, country; 4 chlldn; no washing. Apnlv Wednesday aft ernoon. O. H. Jenkins, 020 Chestnut. REFINED WOMAN TO TAKE TRAINING IN PROFESSIONAL CORSETRY THAT SHE MAY BE ABLE TO SERVE THE CLIENT IN THE PRIVACY OF HER HOME: SATISFIED TO EARN ll OR x?(l A WEEK FOR THE FIRST THREE MONTHS. ADDRESS F 240. LEDGER CEN TRAL. GIVING TELEPHONE NUMBER. General WOMEN wanted, Government clerks, S70 month. Phlla. examinations coming. List fositlon obtained free. Franklin Institute, ept. 7U1 H. Rochester. N. Y. COOK8 who desire better positions; high-class French cooking school. (V133 Race st. HELP WANTED MALE BOY wanted for work In office: must be 10 years or over; neat and willing to work; chance for advancement. L 1SS3, Ledger Branch. 7th and Oxford. BOY to run errands and make himself useful ln shipping room; state age. when last em ployed and references. A IIP. Ledger Office. BOY, experienced, wanted to cut ordera In wholesale cloth house. L 310, Ledger Cent. BOYS, 10 or over, to work In wall paper fac tory. Apply at once. Becker, Smith & Page. Water and Snyder. CARD FEEDERS and cleaners. Apply John & James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. CHAUFFEUR White. Fierce-Arrow car; hon., sober and obliging; good ref. O 432, Led.Cen. COLLECTING Young man for collecting; must be well recom. r salary to weekly; ad vancement. Rex Sales Corporation. 1332 Arch. DRIVER Man. colored, who understands driv ing ho-ses. Apply personally. University Hos Pltal. .'UCX' Spruce. HOSIERY BOARDER, experienced, op hot hand press for infants' socks. Apply Gcr manla Hosiery Mills, 3211 Kentlngton ave. HOUSEMAN, In family of one; reference re- quirca. iia vvainut ave.. vvayne, a. KNITTER Wanted, a man who thoroughly understands double ribs, to take charge. Apply the Hvglenlc Fleeced Underwear Com pany, 2410 North Howard LATHE HANDS wanted for engine lathes. Fay, Jones & Lamson; Cleveland and Gudley automatic operators; first-class men only; highest wages paid. Apply standard Roller Bearing Co.. 40th and Merlon ave. MACHINE HAND First-class man on A. Smith double-end tenoner: no other need ap- Ely. Lincoln Furniture Company, 10th and .ehlghave. SALESMAN Wanted, exper. outside salesman to sell finest groceries to family trade: state experience and salary. A 120. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Young man, willing to work. O 54'i. Ledger Central. SALESMEN Young men of good edu cation, appearance, energy and ambi tion, who 'are desirous of making a permanent good future ln a fast-grow. ins business; men ot undeveloped sell ing ability who will eventually develop Into district sales managers that will pay better than $2Soo annually. Prefer young men who can finance themselves during the training period (about 2 weeks). This Is a high-grade proposi tion ot a meritorious line, and only men of the above calibre will receive an Interview. No Investment Is required in the company, which Is firmly established and of national reputation. Address P IIS, Ledger Office. SALESMEN-Flrst-clasa specialty salesmen to Si'?.1JmernhSn.t" ?n factories; Al reference .v.,...m . o.-,, ..cugcr uince. SALESM BN Wanted, two hustlers, to work K2m.Tia?cni M'ary and commission. Apply 3137 Market at., after 8 a. m. ''" SCREW MACHINE OPERATOR wanted; must bo tlrst-class man on Brown & Sharpe auto, matlc screw mnchlnes. Apply 8 o'clock Wed nesday, Atwater-Kent Manufacturing Worka Stentpn ave. and E. Logan St., near Wayne Junction. SHOEMAKER wanted at once. S. 11th st. Apply 613 SOLICITORS-HIgh schoolor collego men; good talkers; 'able to meet society men; high-class proposition; lesds turn. Q (153. Led. Cent STOCK SALES MANAGER-'wanted for -t'h7 eastern half of Penna, and entire State of Delaware: meritorious proposition: annlicanV .nust furnish references and state axpcrlence P. O. Box 1451. Washington. D, c. p WANTED .Me-ach'er; SffV p.? Ui.5RBT: of the undersigned on or before Frldav JvT tober 22, I0in. Geo. II. Bauaum K. Bt. Clair, Schuylkill County Pa. ecreUry. WAKTI'n Hand and automatic screw machine rr..ni. 48-hour shop; no Ubot tiSubuS.10" Apply Kmplovment Agent. American Graphoplione Comoanv Bridgeport. ConnT p Y' TOUNQ MAN, high school student a7Kur teally Inclined, wanted In charitable' Ins Itu" Hon near centra of city ,1 afternoons anU -i evenings a wetk; $.1, Pjga. Ledg?? 6fn?e roi'NO MAN to act as thauffiimindca7 for furnace, prefer nun living at hSn. fJ or city 3 evening. 'a week;' 13.' P? &?g!2l Office. FOOTBALL IS NOT QUITE AS THElE ? I AsftOUT Too SITUATIONS WANTEdIJs - -I I-l,- Mill U'F . " . l&"&!!y$SCn& '" rnr "r imourrii M Mi T.;i .SPffJllf Bn .TTM .rriMhiiliv: "rari Index U&?1fT,M,Mt fl J.V Le.lgerCrnt?al " nl,n 'Weni;' BOOKKEEPER and s..... . -j3 desires Immediate chinas t.TiV "P M ass IMi t)2 to .ice. ,.?".' full. chinS? jerjofflce. ' """". A 12i -jjj nooKi.nPi5R.cAairiat.cn.rnr?- flclent and exp.. oper tynewMil? W. .jpon. and manaementrl?TOfr ,P. ef.J IlOfiKkKlroen ...i ... . ' ' ' rlenced In all kinds ol i fcrlraVlW1'' -In hotel, a 1M. i.d r-LJ.' TW. Ihm BOOKKEEPER and cashier it. -2S re. lencexl and resnon. b t bV.?"aS BOOKKEEPER, rlerk tel.t... " - S capable, with 7 years' .xn,elt2?. rrtwi BOOKKEEPER and typist ..-Li. -& reference, ralarvla jS Vo fg ?ut ULKHK-TYTIBT. evn, ,n ia . permanent position o ain " -A"' otUi CHAMBERMAID and s.wlnr wTn, r2! CHAMBERMAID, exp'd. wishlTL. ,.7 -Jl ,rcf. mo n. ookiyV .trwUt'Ejriil CHAMBERMAID and waitress "n ,'23KtJ wishes n nr. t r.m. " ?i",s ColorM IT? 1 ' : """' "nn uarnet st, ""I CIIAMBERWORK. or waltlnr.lv" ' 4 Jyc0U"dJfy CHAMHERWORK, assist lromr -3 colored: ref. Can' nflf VP1 ". ta CLERK A. .!.!.,. .,.,., -1 glR. credits; good ,tnS."TIl,' Le&J'&f COOK, good, experienced, prlvatTf.TrJ . si8. PhMhiar -.h"iwfaisaii COOK Experienced Swedish Prole...-. r"S -SCiunjSea M..alneed. SbHill!a COOK and downstairs an,,. .-..r-MI lrojijomryreference. 822 ijHj ,f COOK, experienced, white- rod'ZrS; II city. See Miss need L PiIAhF?! . ',. 41 coK-$THrltncc& Swedish Preee.TIXt ' II Bee Miss Reed, Puhlln iggt'!lt..J COOKING nr hn...'i;r..-r-rrJ!1-i m Westmlnsfer ave. v"' n0 """. nnt5NKt wr -' j - e-fgagemenT'by "ffi? ? aV'S . at home. Phone Preston 0837 w "."H DRESSMAKER, bv day or wk 7mT -i engetV.'JVOrT1 GIRLS want positions, chamberoorlc JtS .1 nrigoc2lferenceAppimbiIo,r?1'fl OIRL vvanta place at housework iS: J niApljf2038Nomr F?ont' R A G1RL8. tWO. rnalanaJ .i-T. . . J wages. Call 22. North rad poM,'0Bi M ( exnnrleno in L.flSy 2l..-.n,10n, 10 Mrf I try: speaks French: i5sLLi?i i ssaff' ff!.rSi!?:"iw TtofibrSi ffiBCT- T.f'-''S!!g: 1 I iniT"r-i,-i-r . -i-wger Leiiuil 1 SWSBBM hotel or apajrtjmcnt. ref. p 4iq Led, (ft. " lirvfTOL-LTl.-c-'rrTr. .T ! . . LQ. or RttenclanV eiV .V.P.ft.'J?"" ?"PSi5s3 "ffi&f'-viwSH.&Sk i H08f?W-n,K-T3,irm'an rToteitrflrT pos. 110 Nectarine (h.inm Spring fiuS i, z --'. .... iMciuwr ftprinr tiirdenl . housework, colored. noTTundrv-nTi,.;ii ii .Jeanlng. call or write. SwoTaSS, ? S LADY'S maid ni-i..... .V.?- f LADY'S MAlft nn ...' . .' " ' ---V 320 Catharine, at. -"'"". WIU "reJ' Vafve.H'llJS0" ? fl ref. iS65 s.MiritSnnS,Shi JfS : con. TS- -- .-w iEaa ulii nr. nrunsw "NliTS,S?n.lili5aV '"""""on experience. ,i'l ' like invalid or nrvnua .,.., ,.! -."". ...i. iii..r.ir,n,'i,.'.,:''.'.i -.-.-. j?"-y .uil r csrl'ils &. Pract'Pal- desires positlonTearnj I NUnSE. practical, wishes ensagemenUMenM f rSantSwb,eav.C 12' Wr irsiflj &W; - j NURSE I'rac. exp. with Invalids, or inouil'i i helper, light dutlca. O 440. ledger "Sansl XTlTtur. .... j. ' ': . . r- : -n I.VL;"v''iatl,tll u.res position; liflr child! Prntf-stunt t fitn t a. rt-' . j PIllVATfi SECRETART of nldrcjpcrimjl having thorough knowledge of bookkefpfic ll aliorthffxKiiiii secretarial duties j,ne8y, ffl Oil era her IPrV CM hv tha rinnr as J-I ' rofr-rsannaaa riirniuViib 1. Kit t .. rJ.i SM , ; " - " ""'"' ' t iicuurr iwwiusi t" rnwupi,twm.u-ilea., revision of UfcSrt- i ..uw, nuiR, L-uurLB, uiuexing, rei, u sv Ledger Central. v SECRETARY. nhlM n rlira MnL.v 'rt xL tall, exp., refers., stenographer, deilrn if f nimiiiiuie. poauion. t fwij. imager cemrsL r ainnK-njiiAi-tiKH, assistant book Keeper, osv fldeutlal clerk; thoroughly experience! mfg,; possess executive ability, Al cirri spondent. V 0,8. Ledger Central, I STfNOORAI'HER Expert typist, hrtare machine. d( sires any kind of work tt hour. day or piece: plays and stories solicited. F 3.VI. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER-rFlrst class, accustomed - rapid dictation; good correspondent, fimllltt wtliteclinlcal work. T 7d2. Ledger ;atiA STENOGRAPHEn. competent and sccunts would consider moderate salary with eppor tunlty; reference. P OlS. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and IwokkeeperThTrh scs' and business collego graduute some nva ence. trial Bollclte.1. G 4M Idgerfntm' STENOGRAPHER, cap.'and efficient, etwft excel, refs,. des. position. O 355, 'Ledjer Ceet 3TT?n'rnY .DiiirD V... h ..tp.t.l I cellent train, and exp. F Mi. LedierCeit . STBVOGRAPHER, depend.;wllllng. enertslK accur, trsnscrip. assurea. u ai, lh. i (tTPWftfiniPllir.n .xnnrl thoroughly iti rapid: acurata on details. F W9. Ud, reliable: best ref. Q 34 T.jfdger CtntsitgB BTENOORATHER. 6 years' expenena;j merclal or resident pos. STBNOGRAPHEJt-Law or real est. oal ferred: exp.: references. G 442, Ltd. 1 STENOGRAPHER, aged 20; 7 te'stsrl. Ledger Mrancp, loin ana iauyim BrnNOGnAPHERH. llOOKKESPIl ?Ji?fB.??i,,c.1BcK.xWx.rUL PARTMI5XT at Ledcer Central , lb nM liinpiiLnir uui numiciinini T7 v i Walnut 3fKI-she will put you In i ty .... i.i.. ni, Rwi i,v education, ssj and experlenco to meet your n'';, is a free service to i.roin -" inilnue valuable, convenient and veri-1 factnrv. A'A TEACHER wishes afternoon ;jST ......i a.i tn invalids, tutor younc cuiasnjd or aeslit with their lessons best "'"""H ..li.... mi., t. Rinn pawelton avs. i. WAF.TF.D-Youtig woman desires PJ'-.fgZ keeper, seamstress or companion, 1U cJT3a WOMAN. Herman, aesires any "- gsj llv wash to take hom. bert wfertne Elmwoodave. Phone Woodland 8SLW WOMAN, wants, washing an-'S' nnni. o rj. Asiiiucau --.-- WOMAN wishes ateadv cleanlnff. C(ior all weeks 222 B. Qulnca st . MLeUU. HKUT11B. il nan"", -"- work and prlvata pupils ln Cfinverw meinoa. DIRTY AS MUD A CLErSM qANE riEY- H Trie MUq-TrtAT -s HfcY ?P- 2gstMgtiiu fearjxy " hgS' tfite A jHftflMfUfssll'l 1 1 .-,sr,. ..-jit. u-'jlt tm. ,li'r. -. .. . ,. rt.Mnn.iMi ---..- .- 4iit ..nf. ,1 -- i r taiy ,.,. i: ,, ... .. . -' ' i i rM hi ill i i r - - - '- ' ii ii sj! -ia.iitisi .- 'rn i ' -'- ' - ' ' ;