12 EVENING XiJ3pgEIl--p3;iAEX'I!gi2C WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEB 2j)u 1915, FINANCIAL NEWS United states doing greatest export business in history Present Yearly Basis Is $3,500,000,000 Bethlehem Steel Led Specialties in Stock Market by Advancing Nearly 39 Points l NEW YOItK. Oct. 20. Figures of the foreign trade of the United States havo always had a large brlng on the stock market and Investment conditions, but they aro of very much more Importance at the moment than they havo been at any time In the history of the country. Thus tho business done by Americans with nations 'broad Is watched with a great deal of Interest by every one. Wo aro doing the greatest business that we havo ever done, and tho Indication Is that wo Mill contlnuo to do more. Tho war has played a very Important part In tho development of our foreign trade. It Is true, but business men In this country havo been gradually reaching out to extend their different lines of trade. Every week the Department of Commerce Issues figures of exports and Im ports of the country, and they Invariably show heavy increases In outgoing busi ness, while the incoming falls off. Last week, for Instance, tho exports totnled $73,694,653 and the Imports $29,782,055, which gives a favorable trade balance of $,912,608. The yearly rate of exports are on tho basis of $3,600,000,000 and , tho balance of trade more than $2,000,000,000. It Is true that a large amount of , the outgoing business represents tho exports of war munitions, but, then, con sldenulon must be given to tho fact that tho movement of wheat and cotton Abroad Is again becoming large. For the moment a setback of some force Is under way In the stock market bi Tho Wholo list Is down a point or two, with Steel In the lead. Tho market. 'however, Is described as reactionary rather than weak. Excellent support has i developed on each recession. There Is no sign pf extreme weakness anywhere. Tho pace of tho advance In tho last few days has plainly been very rapid even tor a community which has become thoroughly used to tho characteristics of a war market The rise in Steel was qulto a remarkable performance. Steel In the last few days has been responsible for a much larger volume of the dally total of business than has been the case for somo time. So far ns the Street Itself Is concerned tho activity and strength found n specific explana tion In the approach of tho day for the publication of the quarterly earnings which will be made next week. Street sentiment In regard to the stock may bo best Illustrated by the report going from mouth to mouth that tho corporation Is earning at the rate of no less than 25 per cent, on tho common stock. Hut tho real strength of the position of this issue Is the attitude of tho general public that Is revealed In tho present prlco level. Tho market for Steel, because of tho vast amount of tho stock outstand lAg, always bears a close relation to tho sentiment of the outside public It Is doubtful whether tho outside public has any really tangible Idea in regard to the amount of business being, done by the Steel Corporation. Neverthe less. It Is obvious that the general public has no desire to sell Its Steel. On the contrary. It is buying It continuously at constantly higher prices. Tho public if It has1 anything in mind. Is speculating blindly on the general out look for the corporation and the country. Aside from the war specialties, somo of which Bcored sharp advances, the stock market was irregular today. Bethlehem Steel bounded up to a new high mark of 530, up 38 points from the flnnl of yesterday. It was said that tho company is now shipping Bhells at the rate of 20.000 a day, and this will soon be Increased to 25,000. Orders booked now are understood to total $300,000,000, of Which the profit to tho company will be about $100,000,000. Crucible Steel was up over 6 points. For tho most part the railroad share's were lower, while the coppers showed fractional strength. The closing was Irregular. Talk of Mergers of Sugar Companies There was considerable talk In Wall street today that promoters are making efforts to merge sugar-producing properties In Porto Rico and Cuba. Tho first step, the gossip has It, was the union of tho South Porto Klco Sugar Company and the Guantanamo Sugar Company. It was said that lr this deal went through other companies would be taken over later. The American Sugar Refining Com pany was also said to be interested. Color was lent to this by the fact that Horace Havemeyer, whoso family has always been known to be interested In the latter company, has acquired an interest in the South Porto Rico Sugar Company. GRAINS DECLINED; ARRIVALS LARGE Good Weather and Easier Out side Markets Factors in Reaction CHICAGO. Oct. 20. After opening with prices comparing favorably with yester day's rlpslng quotations, the grain mar ket todaV assumed an easier tone In sym pathy with the lack of strength shown by outside markets. A favorable weather map, showing conditions clear and season able In the principal grain-growing dis tricts and a continuity of increased ar rivals in the Northwest, were other fac tors In keeping back an upward move ment in the early hours. Throughout the afternoon the tone re mained depressed and the close showed declines of nearly two centB from Tues day's final levels. Bulls appear satisfied with the reac tion of the last few days and say that it tends to strengthen the market. The buy ing aide is advocated by some on the breaks. A rumor prevailed that the Grecian Government has announced that that country will require 6,000,000 more bushels this yenr than last The situation in the Balkans is alto expected to Improve the foreign demand, which has been far from satisfactory, as Canadian wheat ap pears to have the majority call. Exports reported totaled 750,000 bushels of wheat, chiefly Manltobas and durums; 200,090 bushels of oats and 40.000 bushels of rye. Chicago cash houses sold 10,000 bushels of wheat, 60.000 bushels of corn and 40d.OOO bushels of oats, of which 250, $60 bushels were for seaboard delivery. Liverpool was quiet, with light arrivals offsetting any adverse reports. Spot and cargoes continued Irregular. Leading futures ranged aa follows: , vai. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close, close, See ','.'.'.'.'.'. to 'Mk i'o4k L'oiji L'6 May ".. " l.OTK l.OVi 1.0S LOCK tl.07 "T. ""M 4R 04 .4 ,. .. rtsy, aji 7 ssu t3, LOAN tl.071 Corn maw aellvenri Oct . .. M ? Bee ., May, DT 30 S9J4 3SJi 38H 37'i Kay ....... 404 0 30 .. M'i Lard Oct. 8.82 t9.27 Nov. " M.'tlMT 9.12 8.7S 8.82 fO.27 Jan. 0.07 D.OT 8.05 '8.05 0.12 Oct.b"I.... 19B0 9.3S D.SO Jan. . .. ,. . tt.OS 0.OT .03 8.92 0,12 Pork- 1JJ5 0 13c. 14 .2T 14.21 U.75 MOO 14.RS Jan. , 10.50 10.25 10.73 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearing today compare with cor re.pondln, day. U two year., fhlladelphla 113,.. ITT 2TT,1S4 34.09l.48 oston 82,000.111 29.044,537 ai.837,W9 eir Tor .S19.328.fcOS 23t.ft52.410 327,616.007 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time. rblUdelphla f. ...... 3 fl 8W4 Kew York , 1M&2 Kft&iK baste 3 3M4 CMcaso MJB4 4 &4H Commercial paper, 3 to 0 months, Phtladol Wa, SVitt per cent. -" MINING STOCK .QUOTATIONS New York Bond Sales 8.IU ... IISV4 ...1W ... 61 '" m . IW'i 10OT4 . Kl fill . 88i -.Sri 70 83 15000 Alaska Cold cv Os...l"jh' JSxi Amer Agr ev Ds lul'A 1000 do deb 5a lie 2?,5 Amer Cot OH Bs .... lw4 lX AmeF IIU & u Oa..ia XinK'Er 5s w ' u8 IfjOfl A mot- amu c .. 5wV. V1L'" S.'".'".c ""1' yvv. oilier ici CIL , low do conv 4s , 33000 do cvt 4Hs ....! KXX Amer Writ Tap 5a 2iHnt ArmnitP i' Juu 12U00 Atchison adj 4s.... 20000 do cv 4s 11)35.... 5CW0 do I960 ,l?X A,lan Co L'n lt 4 15000 do clt 4s. SOU) do 4 .... uuuu no cv 44s D2S 7000 Beth Steel 1st 5s.... 101? 20OO do rtd 5s ...100 JOOO Bklyn It Tr 3s '18....100yi S5JJ " rem " 8000 C C C gen 4s... .... 741 120UO Cent Leather 1st 0. ,10Hi 2000 Cent I'aclttc 314s... su! OOO0O do 1st 4s ......I... h74 1!KK S5" W c.v',v" S A ',-"fr viiiu inn..., b& wu v-ni Ac Alton 3Vi.. 6000 Chi East 111 5s... 8000 Chi Ot West 4s.... 4-J000 Chi 11 & Q joint 4s! 17000 Chi H & reg 4s. inoo rrhi ti jt, it in aic. 20OO Chi M ! Ht ! f " 4Us S3 13000 Chi Mil i St r dlv 4s 88' "acuta fi,i ni j. t. .. .. T .x? 3JWO Chi M & St I gen 4& wit wvw uvit una wv um, .,..,, ,ilH 000 Cumberland Tl n... iti S Sfi SJ'i ft..9.J. H Su,I'nt fder 4-vi;:i01V4 11000 Krle conv 4s 8er A., tisii 2iooo Kla & hUat Colin. toM 9000 Oreen Hay iU lis... ..105 X)0 Hud & Man In 6a... . ai 80oo Hud & Man rfd 6s... 72 21000 111 steel deb 4Ws.: 87 6000 Indiana steel 3s " loi8 1000 loa Central ref 4s... 48 1300O III Chi Jt 5s ...;.;!" H014 tlrXS ;n" PPr CV Us 1010.181 117000 lna Copper cv Ua 18214 83000 Interb Met Wa,...". ?3 21000 Interb It T ret 5s 9014 102000 Inter Mer Mar 414s 771, 8000 Internl Kaper cvt R. ' H)'1 6000 Jap new tier ata 4Us. 74'4 1H) Kan City So 6a 940OO Lacka Steel Sa III50. JO0O Lie Bh deb 4s 1931.. 2000 Lis & M T 5a.....; 5000 lMtte Island rid 4,, 10000 LouHf & Nash 4a.... 1000 Mich Cent 1 4a 1920 6000 Milwaukee (las 4a.. 2000 Minn & St L. U 60 6000 Minn Bt V B S M 4s,. 8!i joou Jlo Kan & T 2d 4a.. 64 60o0 do 4s 7tl 2000 Mo Pao 4s 40 WOO Mo I'ae cv 6s 3U1 S(0 Mont rower fs. ...... 011 2W-0 Nut Tube Bs, ...... t B0 lowio N V C It 4 8!i( 14000 do :ilii TOlJ 187000 do ret 108 4ZK do 414s mi 1MJ N Y City 4s 1058. 03 lOOii N Y City 4 1951) ... 03 llnOO N Y City 4V?a 10113 . I02 1000 NYC 4'4a May 1051 103 7000 N Y N 11 & II cv 3J4s. 71 22000 N Y N II & II 6s .115K "W 4 X J1WJT HUJ US..... S Low. Close. 132 132 lOlH 101 102 102 O-IS .1H 103 1UJH 8 US 100 100 SU'i WIJ l& U8ls 101 104 Bli 014 1S 01S 81 81. 03 H 03 108l4 10llt NJ bU 83H 4 i 88 881, -' 921i 100 100 10014 10014 87 87 74i 4'i 101 lOll, M 8(1 . 87V, 8i 81 84i 88 88 4414 44J1 Ulf. 01 ' Wl!4 0..J 0I 07(1 83 8J 88V 88T. H KftU Rflli 104H 101)i iii vn liuij tr.it, 118 118 07 0714 103H 103 U 701i 71 101Z 10114 82(5 822 lid u 104 103 2tl ill 7114 72 S74 87 101(1 101V4 48 4S 8J Kl 177(5 181 178 1WI4 761 70 9J 0UV4 77 77(5 so so T4"A 7414 boL tnitj 91I 01(1 02$ ia7 looji lOUfl 84(4 81(4 lli wfi 84 84 01 91 60 60 hjU wK 70 7o 30 H9U 301 39Vx IllK 91 OOlI WltJ io?L ioS11 MIMi KO r)0 N Y Tel gen 414s im w"w i y u wt i -tvia. . iuui xorr ac west is. TONOPAH BTOCKB. MM! tail MfaaMtft(a,Mft aST Vof(tftcTH iur '........... .10 T.uoph jrMmoiii .,,..,......, VjL Ttmopth KictanMtoK ..t. .,.... 'J ToiMipaii lfrar 4t4sat- if Wtt aVlW m as)''taf -M OOLPTtiltB aWOCKK. ID 4 a) Da BjIaWlMt a - "P c frW -.J- .). yt4 Hid. Aakad. May "C .. . eeaeaeaeaeaeasi taaaaa laMHaVBH ... itMai T t V-. ... .IT 4M fl..fi ' ....... PUh . ....... ,r,, .. .... W my am 1HI tlijj H 1 i.U. .80 .18 .28 .8.1 .12 8t .2T 414 ". Jm ,83 5i .IS I i ,...., .... ...... ,fc v '"- '" M . t.;-i-4.aa9 J pa i"" J'uri fw itriv .1 W Sort ft t cv 4s. looo Nor Vae prior 4a. . . 18000 Nor I'M sen 3a. 610 PacMo Tef 5 3000 Pennil gen rt 4 Ha.. SODm Fenna en 4Via . . . . 3000 Public Berv N J 6s rOOO Iteadlny: gen 4s 6000 Iteadlni!-Jer Ccn 4s 2000 Itepub Cut 6s 1004 600(1 Rep Ir at 8 Sa ... i.iM) kock island 4a , .y I" 6000 Hock Island rtd 4a Jt U4 UuUO Hock Island 5s . , . ... 451, KiOO St L It 8 K con rfd'os. 70 1000 8 L & 8 F rf rt sU 4 65 1060 Ht L S K gen 6s... luU 3680 Bland M 5 Olil 9atrfi a.ii. ti.n r.u tyw7 817800 South I'ao ov'ia.".' ' 80 86098 So Pao cv ret I p 6a. .10514 U5'I 0.1V, (4 9314 9514 90 00 102 102 1I2 102 71 71 113 115 48 48 9CK IW1 BO 80 92 02 1 .115 US IIS . 9It4 01 0114 M lit All! 0T7 MM '( . 9814 08( 98(4 10314 IMli JOCItZ 9814 118 9814 0314 03 93 . 03 112 93 02 92 92 . 04H II H 944 ki fa m 8.1 SI, 4114 70 70 OS 83 IrtHi 99K niu on: New York Stock Sales Adams Birrcsi Altikt) ooid M .ai AllU-Chalmen Mfj . . Ml Allls-Chslm Mfg. pf .. 7.i)f Am At Chemical. . . . fMi Am licet Sunt (Vl'I Am Brakes V prtrlOJ Am Can ai Laatclos. High. lxw. CXni: 103 10214 02H 1021 :! 32H 32! 44!4 42H 4AH 75 74 74 M 70 G8? C9II Wl'f COM 0014 105 195 195 OIK 03 OJK Am Can nf. . . Am i,ar ft Foundrr. . . hm n Am Car A Kdy pf ... .1 10H HO Am Coal Product!.,,. ifio), 15C14 Am Cotton Oil 00 00H Am Hide A Leather... 1U4 nj nm inuo a u pi con 62 ui co sccuiiues 24t Am Llnwd 20U Am Linseed pf 37 Am Locomotive ..... ojv Am tiromotlve pf pg Am Malt .... c'4 Am Smelt A Uef. 94h Am Jm A lief pf .....109 Am f-'meltcrs pf A .... 80 Am Smelten pf D 82 Am htcol Koundrlei... 72' 100)4 100!, 100H 103H 81 110 87 110 15514 ISO 24 22J4 39 4 7214 OH 05)4 IM 80)4 82)4 74 00 1W 51)4 23)4 20)4 37 70)4 DOW 05 9IJ4 109 80M 82)4 71)4 0054 im 5M 23)4 22)4 39)1 71)4 09 V4 C?4 r3)4 109 804 82)4 7J)4 111 m Sugar Kef rjf imw nn nn nn AmTelATel 121 12H4 124)4 124M Am Tobacco.... 233 232)4 230 232)4 r,'" vi I1CW..IIJIIJ, no 108)4 110 m 11 uotB,, O0N 67l AmWoolcntrr 63)4 60 Am Woolen pf 03 084 Anaconda Copper .... 70 70J4 i 11.11 1 w a r, Atch TASK Df UaldKln Loco 13214 uaiumn uxo pi 10D llalllmore A Ohio 0254 Ilaltlmoro A Ohb nf.. 7fl Datopllas Mlnlnc 1)4 Am Sugar Itcflnlnt ...112)4 11254 111)4 50 64)4 08)4 76W 100)4 lOO'l 100)4 lOTW 10J 100)4 100)4 100)4 Wo I30H 13214 60 64 08)4 75)4 10!f 109V4 10J!4 02)4 U2)4 02)4 74J4 74)1 n Hi "ciiiiciiEin 01001 4B1K 520 gQj. Ucthlehem Steel pf.... 108 100 185 Brooklyn Rap Tr 8754 87)4 87 Burns Urothcrt 01)4 02)4 01 ituuo superior 00)4 00'f COW 4)4 154 529 105 87 02 00)4 IStttU flouth I'an iM i 609 So laq Term As. 3000 Bo Kwy 4 . lama do toil 6a 6006 Teias Co w 140W. Third Ae ad) fis 1MM.U H Ttubuer 0a , 34a0 IT, Steel 6j llnoo Union I'ao 1st 4i. 1U0O H cv 4a Mm do rfd 4a ..... 1760 V Itwy 6e MM Wabash 1st . . :..- . -. - . 'it.'j eueu ao zq da . . , , , . , , , iwu 40000 IVab E el at 4a 1st f p SAU 1000 dulilp Oil MC IV la CV 18M4 M0 West Mil lt ta . . . T214 Vm W E A M cv 6a w 1.14 aa West Shore rer 4s. . 8TU 8a Wtst Ualoa 4!4a . Kl .1iK do 6a , WH 300 W. Cent gen 4e . 8314 07 97 85( 80 104 lOIJI so; sMI 6014 Ml, 07 67 0 OlHi 102K 102S 7n(J 7911 103 103U 103 103(4 ai Hsu my. on! 86(4 m( U41i 0414 102l! 10244 SS 8S 0.1 03 T2 72 14-2 it14 aUtJAA. Abm aMgrfeai aaaal ?JfjMtk lgl Ml gaaM 'vsajnaflB aaaaaaataaat FW aafaaaapy rwv ajBapaBBanarvapiVf 49)4 1J54 34 128 02 49)4 13)4 34)4 128 02)4 60 77 10 77K 110 67H 34)4 103 144'4 18)4 024 60 77 19)4 70H 110 68!4 35 109 142)4 144)4 184 18)4 03)4 04)4 107)4 108 1J0J4 120 210 1714 0)4 0)4 0)4 0)4 .125W 125H 125)4 125)s o9.'4 4214 40 41)4 22 22 22 35)4 34J4 35. 64)4 63)4 63)4 4414 44)4 4414 179)4 170'4 17S) 170 H 331U4 314 340H 341 49 77 1854 77)4 110 57)4 34)4 108 141 18)4 02 107)4 10S U9W 119)4 212)4 212)4 212)4 17)4 17'4 1714 21!4 35 &1'4 44)4 0!i" 77)4 112)4 111 .122 . 49)4 4014 . 6754 .108 . 53 .110)4 HI 117 117 22H . 70 2254 78)4 . 43J4 . 10)4 .201 27J4 . 83 .198)4 199 .. 80 87 .. 10)4 10 75)4 75H 122)4 49)4 41)4 0S)i 107 53)4 224 82)4 22)4 70)4 40)4 10)4 203 28 83 75)4 70 11054 110)4 121U 1214 lluMetlck Co 3154 31'H 30u 30u Cal 1 ctroleum l4t 18)4 18)4 18'4 Cal Petroleum pf 42)4 42)4 42 42 v-anauian i-acmc 1C754 I07Jt ie6'4 1C7 Cent Leather Co 5114 55J4 55)4 55H Cent Leather Co pf... 107)4 107)4 107)4 107)4 Chcsapcako A Ohio.... Mir k?u uit r.r r iiimu vupper 6(j 50 Chicago Great West... 13H 13)4 Clilcago Ot West pf... 34)4 35 Chi A Northwest 129 130 Chi Mil A St Paul.... on ti CM A St Paul pf.....l27M 127M 127i4 127)4 j j j a 01 L, 45 C C C A St L pf 70 Chi Rl APac 19)4 Cluett Pea A Co 78 Cluett Pea A Co pf...l08 Colorado Fuel A 1.... 5714 Col A Southern 35 continental Can 100 consolidated uas Corn Products Kef.... Crucible Steel Crucible Steel pf Cuban-Am Sugar Del Lack" A Wcit Ucn & itlo Onndo pf. Des M A Fort Dodco Detroit Kdlson Distillers Securities..., Domo Mines Krle Krie 1st pf Erle.2d pf (Jen Electric Hen Motors Goodrich U K Co Goodrich B F Co pf. Great Northern pf . . . Gt N cfs for ore prop, G reene-Cananea Guggenheim L'tpl'n.. Illinois Cent Int Agricultural pf. .., lnt Harv N J Int Harv N J pf Inter-Met vot t c Inter-Mct pf. Inter Con Corp'n Inter Con Cor pf Inspiration Copper... International Paper. . Int Nickel tr r Kan City Southern. .. Kayser Julius A Co.. Kreto S S Co Lack Steel..; , Lake Erie A West.... Lehigh Valley Liggett A Myers Long Island Mackay Cos Maiell Motors Max Motors 1st pf... Max Motors 2d pf... Mexican Petroleum. . M St P AS8M Miami Copper Mo Kan A Texas pf . Missouri Pacific Montana Power; National Biscuit Nat Enamel AS Nat Enamel A S pf.. Nat Lead..... Nev Con Cop New York Air Brake, N Y N U A H New York Central.... NYC A St L N Y O A West Norfolk A Western.. . Norfolk Southern North American. 48 4 4034 1)7)1 107 5354 110 117 22)4 82)4 22)4 79 44W 10 48'4 4 IN 67'4 107 53)4 110 117 22)4 82)4 2254 70 45)4 10 250 25 . 78 62)4 00)4 61J4 0154 198)4 108)4 274 27)4 83 83 199 199 85)4 bO 10 10 75)4 76)4 245 245 245 24'4 2414 24'4 77H 01)4 00)4 5014 00)4 77J4 e2)4 00)4 51)4 01)4 77J4 U2W OOW 50)4 00)4 121h 12154 121)4 12154 Hi ;4 33)1 34 15)4 15H 5)4 4)4 00 -S8 128 128 15Ji 5 58 128 30)4 01)4 09 15 152 83)4 30 01 07)4 15 30)4 01 09 15)4 152W 150 .2;i e2 100)4 100)4 911)4 4154 42)4 42)4 30 30 30 .115)4 115)4 114 .20 20 20 73)4 72 72 15)4 5)4 59J, 128 30)4 01 t7M 15 160 82)4 00)4 4254 30 115)4 2J 72 Northern Pacific 112)4 112)4 111)4 111J4 Nat Ily of M 2d pf... 0)4 Paclllc Mall 30)4 Pacific Tel A Tel 40)4 Penn K It 6754 Peoples Gas Chi 118 Philadelphia Co 4754 Pittsburgh Coal. 39)4 Pittsburgh Coat pf....lll) Pitts C C A St L 78 Pressed Steel Car 72V4 Quicksilver 3 Ity Steel Spg 60 Ray Con Copper 2554 Reading 70 Rep Iron A Steel 55)4 Rep Iron A Steel pf.,.101 Rumely M Co 4)4 Rumely M Co pf 0 St Louis ASF 6)4 St L ASF 1st pf 10)4 St LAS F 2d pf 7)4 Seaboard Air L pf 39)4 Sears ICoe A co bloss-Shel 8 A I Co, So Porto R Sugar... Southern Pacific Southern Ry. , Southern Ry pf Southern Pac t c... Standard Milling pf Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pf... Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas A Pacific... Third Are eiJi Under Typew'r ...... 8454 Union Bag A Paper... 654 United Cigar Stores.... 10)4 United Dry Goods pf., 74)4 union I'acuic. Union Pacific pf. . . U S Cast I I A F.. USO I P A V pf., U S Ind Alcohol... U S Ind Alcohol pf. United Ryt Invest. . United Rys inv pf. . U 0 Rubber Wi 0)4 0)4 31 30) 30J4 40 45 40 58 67H 58 118)4 118H 118)4 4754 40)4 4054 40)4 3U)4 40 110 107)4 109 80 80 80 73 72 72 3 3 3 60)4 49)4 49) 25)4 78)4 64)4 25)4 7054 5554 2554 78)4 64H 104)4 101)4 104)4 4)4 4)4 4)4 85f 854 fc)4 0)4 5)4 0)4 11 10)4 11 854 7)4 8)4 39 39 39 165)4 150)4 150)4 150)4 03 e2)4 01 01 141 141 135)4 137 08)4 084 08 08 20)4 20 4 10J4 20)4 69 00)4 69V4 60 115)4 11454 11454 114)4 83 81 S3 8'J 109 17054 107)4 170 110)4 111)4 111 111)4 004 U74 Xit 160)4 105 13)4 13)4 .108 13)4 02)4 85 4 10)4 75 0154 84 OH 10)4 74)4 07 105 13)4 015i 85 OH 10)4 75 136W 135)4 13454 135)4 . 81)4 81H 81)4 81)4 26)4 2054 20 20 40 45)4 45)4 45)4 110 112 11U 111)4 105 105 10 10 25)4 20 25H 25 43)4 43 42)4 424 64 64 KIM Kl U H Rubber 1st pf.... 100)4 100)4 100 100)4 UHSteel 85J4 b054 855 85H V 8 Steel pf . 115)4 115)4 115)4 115)4 United Cigar Mfti 69)4 69)4 69 t 69)4 Utah Copper 70H 71)4 69J4 60J4 a-vru uaaai,. 40t 4B, 44)4 46i va-iron uoi a u..... CO Wabash wl 13)4 Wabash pf A w I...... 45)4 Wabash pf B w I. 3u wtlis raro Kip. ...,,119 Western Union 1'el.,.. 78)4 WestK4W..,w 71H Western Marylaaa. v 38)4 Willys uveriaaj ,37 Woolaorth F W C9...IW Vr'oolorm ft., 1'22 GB4 1354 45)4 27 WH 45 26)4 G3J4 13)4 44)4 2014 11S)4 118)4 118)4 704 78 70)4 72)4 71 71 3)4 32)4 32(4 250 255 258 HI 111 IU 122)4 122)4 132)4 Total 1m M,M stwee; eaiwrc4 wM4 I,8M4 yeatantafi 44mm 1 ac HOa wk tMl.T fa mm rt4 Ut w4c ,?ft,M mwh, r j Mod FamiaWiM Get Wf Ot4r new ygK. oct. ao. Th. American lfaundrlea Cowisany haa luat &ini a '1. wJtb . ' ""?? . c. for ao,oWjM of high epIoive snails for delivery to tko British Government, coverlag a period .exle iiui nnn jvv fu tuw iv in next rt&rr FOREIGN EXCHANQE Vea. Slerllnr High. IyOir. Close. Clow. Demand ., 4.08V, 4,AVi 4.08M rabiea . . . 4.60 4,8H 4.60 iM Francs. Demand . 8.8014 l.54 B88V4 B-" Cables . . flSli 0.85 B.8SH -8 Marka. Demand , ! ji M Rt( Cables . st'i. , it tn Sales in Philadelphia BRITAIN'S DEFICIT $6,000,000,000 AND LEAPING UPWARD Expert Estimates Figures Will Be Increased to $7,000,000,000 "Next Year WHY CARSON RESIGNED. By FRANCIS W. HIRST Editor The Economist. London. Special Cable to the Evening Ltiatr. LONDON, Oct M. The deficit for thff current financial year la moro than 1, 200,000.000 16,000.000,000), and It la estimated that the deficit for the next financial year, Btartlns next April will be mow than 1. 400.000,000 ($7,000,000,000), supposing tho war to continue on Its present increasing scale. To say that these sums will have to be borrowed mainly at homes docs not make tho problem any easier to solve, but rather makes It moro difficult. In hta sensational speech last week tho Hon. E. S Montocu, representing the official Treasury view, declared all people of tho United Kingdom must surrender half their Incomo lo the State, either In loans or In taxes. Very rich men arc already sur rendering one-third of their income In taxe, but It Is clear that the smnll wage earners cannot aparo much without a loss of efficiency In production. Lord Kitchener realizes the importance of maintaining the industrial output; hence tha new recruiting activities of the Government are moro sclcntlflo than tho last, and proceeds on the theory that the single man can be spared from shop keeping and the luxury trade's. The best economists hold that we must rely mainly upon- economy, and that If the army is enlarged the' support of our allies finan cially and Industrially must be corres pondingly diminished. Tho Treasury has estimated, as I men tioned last week, that Great Britain is supporting 3,000,000 foreign soldiers as well as our. own 3,000,000. These financial con siderations constitute undoubtedly, from the Cabinet's point of view, the chief obstacle to conscription. Sir Edward Carson's resignation is con nected with both Ulster nnd the Balkan expedition. Ho refuses his consent to conscription if it Involves the exclusion of Ireland, because that would be a step toward Home Rule. The military argument against the new expedition Is the cost of transport. Un doubtedly opinion Is much divided as to the advisability of the step, but I see a growing perception of the fact, that henceforth the Government's main con sideration' In policy will be finance, be cause we are the bankers and the pro viders to the allied combination, and must therefore avoid commitments that could Imperil our gold standard or the stability of our commercial position. Stock Exchange business Is very small, but the war loan, Americans, Japanese nnd Mexicans are very firm, and money remains abundant. Financial Briefs Regular dividend on Reading first pre ferred stock. Sime wide changes In prices of stocks were made at the nuction sale of securi ties today. Aldlne Trust Company shares advanced 11 from the last pre vious sale. Keystone Watch Case HYt, Pennsylvania .Fire Insurance 8, Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank 2, Thir teenth and Fifteenth Streets Passenger Railway dropped 9. Spruce and Pino Streets Passenger Railway 6 and Bergner & Engel Brewing1 Company 9. A movement Is on foot to have the Union Traction Company mako Its divi dend payments quarterly Instead of semi annually. The Lehigh Valley Railroad directors, at their regular monthly meeting today, transacted routine business. II. R. Bond and F. D. Porter were elected directors of the General Ordnance Company. Cluett, Peabody & Co. controlling inter ests have sold 60,000 shares of the com pany's common stock to New York bankers. The New York banks gained $72,000 from the Subtreasury 'yesterday, and $5,417,000 since last Friday, Trading was again active in Mldvale stock on the New York curb, The first quotation was 93V4, after which the prlco rose to 95, later going off to 93)4094. In the afternoon the price was 9H4Q95. The Mlnnequa plant of the- Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, at Pueblo, has received an orde for i,000 tons of .shrap nel steel to be delivered at a Gulf port for the French Government. The Mlnne qua plant Is aUo filling an order for' 20, 000 tons of wlro and nails to be shipped to China. AUJ ll company eo , an oUon on a furtw -very lUrtantUI aaraer tor sfcelia vhlcb ll'kir dee la the u.u uTaeai. 'sS'lsilhlT' " Fancy Prices for Steel ..PITTSBURGH, Oct. 20. A sale of 9000 tons of open-hearth billets for rolling Into large rounds for war purposes has been made at JBO, Youngstown, against $40 and $45 done a week or two earlier, and there are rumors that $55 could be ob tained. The steel commanding these fancy prices Is not especially difficult to manufacture, Involving an expense of only a very few dollars a ton above ordi nary soft steel, apart from the reduction of say 30 per cent, in weekly output, due to the heavy cropping of Ingots required. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOItK. Oct. , BO. I1UTTER.Market. unsettled i receipts, S740 packages: extra. C8e.: Illlher scoring, 2314020c. 1 State dairy, 27W3 E8c.: Imitation creamery, 28&24c KOa8. Market, Irregular; receipts, MOO packages, extra Arete. 83ifS4c. ; firsts, Snip 32c; nearby whites, MGr$2c.j mtied color, Sttu 86c.': refrigerator firsts, S4025Vic.; nearby brown, 88840c DIVIDENDS DECLARED Heading Company, regular quarterly 1 per rent, on nrat preferred, (arable December B to stork of recorA November 23. Elgin Watch Company, regular quarterly 3 per cent., payable Noemter 1 to stock of record' October 23. LMltnan Company, regular Quarterly, f3 per slwFepejurtle November IS to stock of record ortB. 'American Company, regular quarterly ,1U per rest, payable January 3 to stock. of record December IS, D1V1DKNDS 'TH AMBHICAN Wttt WasJdutaai fWli Vt a Av'ejMu4r!y Hvl4 of. Car MM C afcfcliel m; it. mi riAJtf coul-ivv FtMuMr aeWWa.- ?.. afJ : ben aetlMed oa l-uw.eawiteay, BavyaMe awiaer m rem MIC Ctee TOfVMiWN Immiu ......., .,, u.uu f Mllldelihl, October M. IMS. Th Directors have this day 4eclae4 a 4y(4o ot a(att jm cst. (), free' a tax, jaayablt yaea4ig let, Wl, is tscblwin M record at tke close of bus.lne .October lid. Checks will be mailed. " . , CUAKLEM U, 'AM4TCN. Yea. close. High. 1a. Close. 000 Altla-Chalm 4414 43 41V4 800 Am Car A Fdy . . 814 M14 W 0 Am Oss 117 117 117 117 13 Am Rwys SM4 2T 27 27 H do pret OS PS 05 I'S 2100 Am Loco TIN T2H 70H 72U SO ltaldwln txxo..l33 1314 IM M- 10 do pref , lew 109 log loo 40 Duff & Sua t 0 .. 11 11 1 A7 do pret 4.1 4411 42 4114 000 J. Q. Brill 64 67 01 67 100 Cam Iron ....43 41 43 43' 037a Cam Steel .... 67M 07H 67U 67H 10 Col Kuel fiOH M M 5K 2.V) Chi Tt t & P. . 101i 1SH 16 18K 40 Catattlssa 1st pf M M MH o-J 113 Glee Rtor 72 72 71, 72 4S Lake Sup Corp 0" l DH ti 100 Lehigh Nnr .... 7814 7814 7814 1814 .VI Lehigh Val ... 7S 76U 7B14 76H 55 Leh V Tr pf... 31 37 3714 8714 1 Mlnehlll 57 MH 5014 &"!? 100 Maxnelt Motor. .. 02 ' 02 02 20 MInml Corp C8U 83!4 3314 17S Nevada cons IS IS IS 770 l'enna ltallroad. 67H 58 B74 5S 281 Tenna Bait Mfg. 102 10114 1014 101H 243 l'enna Steel ... 83 80 83 80 75 do pret 80 81 81 81 10 rhlla Co pfd 87H 874 S7H 8S08 Thlla Eleo 20 27 2014 27 ItS P It T 144 14H H 14 00 do tr ctfa ... 14 144 14 1414 05 Phlla True .... 70 70 70 70 20 luy con 2(1 25V4 254 2'ii 3 Ton I!l 8'4 4 8"n 3"i 80S Ton Mln 5 B'4 5 5 100 Utah Cop 71 71 71 80 Un Trac 42 42 41 42 210 U Q 1 8014 80 80 801, 10.1 Un Cos N Jl.,222 222 222 222 8357 U S Steel 80 8014 8514 85h 10 do pret 113 115 UK1 8.1 War Ir & 8.... 1014 1014 1014 loy 270 TV Cramp & S. 80 88 87 88 Totnl sales 502,107 shares, compared with 40,810 shares yesterday! tha far this week 07,034 shares I same period Inst week 88,677 shares. BONDS. Last prev sale. High. Low. Close. 4100 Am One A K 6s 8714 88 87 88 0 Cam Stl se 1010.101 100 100 100 8 do Feb 1017 ..100 80 80 80 47 do May ion.. 100 100 00 100 600 City 4s 1011... 101 102 102 102 800 do 4a 1043 reg .. 102 102 102 BOO do 1844 reg .. .. 102 102 102 0000 El F Tr ll, 75 70 75 70 8000 Equ III Oas 6a. 105 105 103 105 3000 Int Ttwya 4a... CO 68 68 60 1000 L. Nar cons 4s.l00 100 100 100 2000 Leh V gen 4s. 89 SO SO 89 2000 do gen 4a.. 80 08 08 88 40000 Penna gen 4a 08 08 P8 08 18000 do cona 4s ..10.1 10.1 103 103 8000 Thlla Co loni 5s 80 80 80 80 2000 Phlla Elcc 4s.. 70, 70 70 70 1200 do r.s i.,102 102 102 102 1000 Bead gen 4s reg. .. 02 82 82 1000 Un Itwy Inv Ss 7.1 7.1 73 73 Total sales ,$103,005, compared ltli $88, S44 yesterday) thus far this week $380,802; Mime period last week 8242,304. Local Bid and Asked Brill J O Hall win do pret Cambria Steel Ulectrlc Storago .... Uencral Asphalt . ... do pret Keyatono Telephone do t c 1 do pret Lako Sup Corp Lehigh Nav Lehigh Valley Lehigh. Valley Tr.... do pref Pennsylvania Phlla Electric Phlla Co do B per lent, pref, do 0 per cent. pref. l'hll.i lUpld Transit. do t c Reading Tonopah Belmont . . Ton Mining ....;. .. Union Trac , I! U I II H Steel York Ry , do pref IVm Cramp t c Ox. dltldend, - Today Yesterday Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. . Oil i8 VI IM 1.12 132 13.1 U2 . . . 111 . . Ill .. 07 0714 07 B7 .. 71 72is 71 72 .. 32 33 32 :W .. 6U 71 0J 71 .. 14 14 It 14 .. 13 14 13 H ..OS 'ttf 05 M ,. 0 11 ai ,. 78 78)4 78 78 .. 75 73 75 7d ,. 18 18 18 18Hi ,. 37 37t .17 37 ,. 67 5S 0i, 01., ,. 27 27 20 2HV .. 47 47 47 4SV, .. 37 .18 .111 38 ..41 41 4i 4.1 .. 14 11 14 U1 ,. 14 14 14 11 .. 78 78 7!) 7V .. 3 3'l 3 3i ,.5 0-10 5 11-10 511.10 rift .. 41 42 41 42 .. 80 Mil; 80 SU'I .. 851 8.1 Wlfi bl; .. 7 8 7 8 .. 2U 30 211 30 .. 88 8S 87 8J NEW YORK CURB llraden Copper British-American Tobacco, old Brlttiih-Amerlcan Tobacco, new Car Light Chill Copper Cold Held Consolidated llendce Copper Int Marine Int Marine pref Kenc't Copper I-ehliih Valley Coal Bales Magma Copper Mldvule ..., Nlpleslng Otu Elevator , Otis Kleator pref ltlker-llegeman Merlins Gum Submarine ..., Tobacco Products . united Profit Sharing, new.... World Film Yukon Gold Bid. Asked. H 15 HI 10 17 . U 10 s?.v 2J So'fi 3!g "7S iiOVi au . D2 IM . 77 82 . 14 IB . W . 0 7 . 73 7.1 . 0.1 03 " u'i 2 2 . 41 43 . 45 44 : H . 2U 2 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOBK, Oct. 20. Further advances were scored In the market for cotlee futures early today. On sales of 2C00 bags at the opening icalr.i, or 2 to 0 points were shown. Trading becat.ne acthe during tho remaining session, Mlth prlcea continuing upnardC They closed 7 to 10 points nl-fve eerday'a final. louaya "roiiaya lesterdaya opening. October .. November Pecerjber January . 1 ebruary March ... April ,. . June .... May July August .,, flentember uiu, pmerea. Totul nalev, 40,250 bags, close. close. B 4160.44 0.41fi 11.44 .... n 4530.40 II5.VH0.66 6 47A0.4S n.58aNi fl.5nf1u.31 OOlflOOS 0.524R0 34 ftlUVflOOO 0.580.fill 0.7rViifl.7 OfiSiill.CO o.7oae.7l a.K&n o (IHOrRRRI AnA.., 0.7280.73 a8V60.8il 0.'7Mfl;78 O.M U.IOOU.01 O.S3fiO.Rl a 48 a47 coo .to. 07 ,11.70 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Oct, 20. IIOOR. Receipts 2ROno market lB825e. lower: mixed and bufcha' $7,70845: gopd heavy. 7.R18 40 rougri heavy. J7.25W7.80, light. t7.B5atL4$: Dls 0.15i7 3Sj bulk. $808.30. -"". Pa. CATTLE. Receipts, 17.000! market steady IOC. lower: beeves ' 4.50io.5O: cows VnJ Juaifriof2, 6S 351 "an' -5od8.B0,W !al?e.T BHEEP.-necelpte, 10.000; market weak, lftc lods-ooV"" ""' Wttern- w1' limS: BAR SILVER LONDON. Oct. 2p.-The quotation fr com. mcrclal bar silver today was 21?,d., off l.ftJd, In New York the price waa 40 cents. Offer for Mechanics Insurance Stock An offer' has been made by circular to atoek. holdera of the Mechanics' Fire Insurance Com: pany to purchase their atoclc at $C0 a ehare Kl$'8.hTh.bp.riri2D.,h" mnth at ,UC,,0'; PUBLIC SALE IN PARTITION Oct 26, 1915, at 12 Noon. , Public Salesroom, PhUa. Bourse4. "HOTEL, THEATRE, SKYSCRAPER SITE" Sale Without Reserve and with a Good and "Marketable Title, and not Subject to Approval of Court VALUABLE CENTRAL 'v CORNER LOCATION MKTW'KKX MAKKET AND OMKTNUT AND OYKKLOOKIKG BOIJTK 1'ENN S0UAH8 Noa, 20-22 an4 24-M-38 SQ. 15TH STREET Noa. 20.22 U 40x84 ft Noa. 2420-28 Lot i ft. Tbeaa properties are wHMn halt a, block ot City Itall. Broad Street Station, 18th and Market Subway Station, new central elation for .M Ha.IW. Sibway iJSi. ,5 S comer probity tea an outloe acroai Pn " ?,.iL. u WaBinker tHore. For (nil veecrliKieei and pa-rkulara m. hWI. , r BARNK8 k LOCLAND AVtTfWHaatB, ii MjQ. TH BTHBsW i..ii. 11 m n 1 iiiui aga ; ItUttaCTOsty or A-COfJMTANV CaHlasa ffjMla . 7&&'L&t1ftlf A,- MONliJY PLENTIFUL IN THIS CITY DESPITE TRADE EXPANSloI Offered on Call as Low as 3 Per CentBusiness Condi! i! ni..J.'1.. Tmnvintniv T .nvrrn Tnnnl T . m uona oiuuun iiuiniri6 "bc "wni JLniana for Philadelphia Electric Philadelphia broker received offora ot ubBtBntlal nmounts of money on call at 3 per cent, today. To bo sure, these were characterlied as special nrranito ment. but the supply of funds at the low quotation was said to bo large. The ofTlclal rates, however, remained nreund 3H per cent, to 4 per cent. That money should be so easy at a period of the year when the demand la heavy and rates are apt to advance Is attributed to the new banking system and to the record-breaking; excess of exports over Imports, Hven the large expansion In Industrial activity, coming together with nn Unprecedented crop movement and violent speculation on the Stock Ex change, has failed to stiffen rates, and the financial district Is now Inclined to the belief that money will remain easy through the balance of tho year. The announcement that the Lehigh Val ley has to expend more than $2,500,000 on new equipment of various kinds was only nnother illustration of the steadily expanding business of the country. In fact, the president of the road. In giving out tho news, explained that such was tho case. Incidentally It became known that the immense order for ordnance and shells placed by the British Government with tho Mldvale Steel Company would require several years to nil. The Nice town plant Is now working two shifts night and day on domestic orders nlono. Tho stock was actively traded In by Phll adelphlans today, the orders being exe cuted on tho New York Curb. Business was brisk on the local ex change, with good demand for the va rious steel Issues, Brill. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Electric and Tonopah Bel mont. Prlcfl changes were not very wido during the morning. There was qulto a little trading locally In American Car and Foundry and American Locomotive. Cramp Shipbuilding fell 2V4 points on small offerings. Philadelphia Llectrlo made a new top price for the year when it crossed 27. The recent activity at advancing prices In Philadelphia Electric has naturally given rise to rumors of readiuatm.....-! the company's affairs, but It ordthi'l essarv tu non V. .i.-.i. . . y nee- future prospecta of the cornnanv. .'"4 eral business to account fS?L.'n4 provement. Evrm without any Incri..i7- mo uiviuena or stock d strlbullnn .v" shares yield a substantial return at J quotations. Some of the sales todnv iB "buyer 30 days." i the late de'alThS Brill moved up rapidly a point t a tlm rt ft? am nrtaiHal CJ li . . ' n L Unit did not hold 'the entlreamnl,V',.eA . PAYMENTS NEXT MONTH 'J WILL TOTAT. ooo ha.I " T-WlUV.Wi Investors Will Rcccivo flG.659,622 iuuro innn wist Year . The sum of f22ft.iinniit n .--.' by Investors next month in the .forms dlv Menrta nrt Int.. u.. " STM! just $1,665.622 above the payment.T vembcr of last year. According to thV Journal of Commerce, dividends will ? H2,610,tl6 and Interest 8o,600,ooo toli The dividend payments for the rnowk ,iii i. lioimtn i .i " raonirt ..... .- t..,.w.v.- mivr man in 1514 inl Ua nl..l..l.llfAIMA B " bllV lllltlCDV V'.uvv.wia COTTON NEW l'OIlK. Oct. SO. - Cotton operiSI steady this morning, with prices 1 point! higher to 4 points lower. Conl(lers.Mal rain was reported In tho Eastern h.wJ ,t.ll Im . Wn.l h ......I . ' uc'4l ..in.- ,., ..... ..-a., m- "turner was gentr ally clear, with no Blgn of lower UmDeVja ..... ru thr, rn rl.. ....111-. fin "" .... ." .-.. imviB i.tiuca on RooIH buying, but the rise was shortlived siflH tho market eased oft again In the afterlS noon to n level from 11 to IS points unovJS last night, vl Tes.close. Open. High. Low r2 January 12.S.1 14.82 1ZR4 izeVieJI December 12.0T 12.01 12.70 lisj US October 12.M 12.38 1211 153, If-J! J!.ych,.:::::-.::::&3 as jj.g $i M uav. -.- ... . w - it, ,,i PHILADELPHIA MARKETS J GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Heccltts. 211.117 bushels. The mixKet declined V. '?, ".Effing Car lou West and ruled quiet. Quotations, tar " In exiwrt elutorlNo. 2 red spot and October. SI 12ViJil.ll'.'''. No. 2 Southern yen. n.i2 1.12$ Vtea'riter No. 2 rod. f :ii''Vl-;?'. 3 red. 1 UKWl.lVM rejected A. $1.0781.09. re jected 1J. JI.0.1Hlf.07V4. .rt.i CORN.-necelpts. 1000 bushels. Tlie market rule"".leady. but trade was QUlt-SSSV..t' Car lota for local trade, aa to location jai emNo'. Tellow'TriMwioHc.: Western steamer yellow. 74yJ'H7XHc;: Western -NCT7:,1U(,e,l0W, .2,7.1Uci ' Delaware jellow. 72V4iiJ74V4c. OAl-S.-Itecelpte. 41,181 ''eliol?mnnd was lair and prlcea were well maintained. Quotations: No. 2 white i?e:L W.J' white. 44T45c : No. a white. 4142c: No. 4 white: .l3a&.i eample oats. 33830c.. purified oats, ftrnded, 425144c. ,, ... FLOUIl-Itecelnts. 2135 bbls. and 2.233,.Ji lbs in sacks. There was little d'jnfntl, and prices were weak. We quote per 1011 lbs. In wood-Winter clear. 5eM: .. '."''Bj' SIV.2O35.40: do., patent. I.V.rflflr75; "" sacks. e;i'(o.vi uv.. """7"," UO pHVCUl, jm.d 4.VUf weighing 1MB2 lbs. apiece. 10820c! tiorthen Illinois, fancy yellow chickens. w.Mirl IM. nnil oer. iniR2Ue : northern illlnoi ;:?., ifi. it. i,n.- ; ---., ....v., .""tci oiner cii. .i-lKlllHK ..l.iw, DB., II ern. welshing 4 lbs. and ern. neiRmnn 4 lbs. and over, ISc.i do. di v weighing 2J,93 lbs.. 1S10c.V inferto?' !&' 10trl2C: nilAbs. n1 An-wmn 1VI.I.- .".v"ii 11 to 12 lbs. nor doien. $l.l8B4 00i hu. 1 welghlnn n to 10 lbs. per doien; i?4(jSW h te. weighing 8 lbs. r 5o"en ijIsSai wh e. neighing 7 lbs. per dole" 12 jlfl? to?M " 5e. weighing OflOH lbs. per doieH. H wil 1-85: dark. SI.SOMI.SJ! umall mZXiSZ 'l"3l Ql.10. " . rl.nr. lute 1,,. ..rt. a.?r,T.i.ri: .-.I,. K rIAR IKt anrlnff. first Clear. k .n. f ' .i...i.i,i -. iiHRiui! do.. Datent, 5.46flB.llO: do.. faorlto brands. $5.750.2.V city mills, choice and fancy patent. .'.7-W 6 2S: city mills, regular grades W inter, clear, J.iaB.20: do., straight, $5.2085.40; do., patent ItYE FLOUR Supplies were small and the market ruled steady, but trade waa quiet. Wa quote at $595.25 per bbl., as to quality. PROVISIONS There was a fair demand and prices of some klndb were slightly higher. Following are the quotntlona: City beet. In ets, wnoked nnd air-JrleJ, 24f2.r.c; Western V"'1, .,n cets. amoked, 24fl2Tc.: city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. 25i.ic.i Western beef, knuckles Hnd tenders, smoked, 2ini27c; beef hams, $2Sfl30; Pork, family. K2.3W23: hams. S. P. cured, loose. 12ei3c; i'o., skinned, loose, 12ei.1c.: d0 d0' mo,,ei5' l.liJfil.'I'Vic.; other hams, smoked, city cured, as smoked. Western cureo, 15y.iDlc: do.. bo'ledlJJ2"-1 cantaloupes. Colorado, per flst-cratt: lntless, 22c: picnic shoulders, 8. I. , cured7T6Hiuoc.; d0( d0 ( per ,tan(jar(j cratej ugjj loojc, lie; 00., m.ioKtu, j.v.i "'"" , '" iilrkle. according to aeruge. loose. ISMiBllc; breakfast bacon as to brand and Rerage, city cu.cd. 17R18c; btcakfast bacon. Weet rn cured. 1718c: lard. Western, refined, tle-cea. lH5c: do., do., do., tuba, HHc: lard, purn city, kettle rmdered. In tlerceH. 11 He.; iard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs, HVsc. FRESH FRUITS Apples and quinces of fine quality i.l fair renuca- and u hnH. n.:. Ai "T? !1 Of frUlt Wprc Olll.t on, 1 ..,. . ..?.. ?1MJ ere en.ler. Quo at one' Apple, mJ bbTl Crab 3ff5: Jonathan, fancy. $J.fS4- jl fair to good. 2.R0H8; Mcintosh. f39JS(3 S5l,.en?le'.n- $2-7563.80; Tnenty-ounce. JiBftfi'! So ;AV;or,nwcslern ureontng, $2 Mfl8: hlu.iv J I2$2i Wyayhy. tZKfia; OrlS 'God fc r:-553?: Summer Hamho. JliidasY pffi J jh..J!B.i fcmokchousc. $2 M3. Duchess. IS a..3j York Imperial, fancy, 2 BOAS' s Daj s. fancy. tenoaS: other vahetles-'ll S AgSf -J, SSfc SE.ffl. 'bn'uinS 1 jSffi pNcr bette,." per bush-basket Fancy. 7Kc fiil? fir tk ZZ2 J.- .J.p'!.r rr hbl. Seckel, 1538: Sn.i don. $4!7r.: rieurre d'AnJou ,mtiBn"i, i.. 1..I3.B0B4: do.. No. 2. J5?Kft. ..? New ork, per 4-lb. bnsket-DV vew Wl 11&: Niagara, lowllr ., nnrn.r o.iJT!, 35840c.: lemons, per box. 2fi3. diKmiiiSmSI per crate-Porto ITllco. 3W47S. cranbejSetS iim.' eJ:.i?a Jeraty, per crate, I1.M0H hrsiel . --""( aiiieuii. JCl i-lU, DrllKfUSB plums. Vtrg nla. Dimun . "o.it, ri,:.i,..'tl aKfffjr.. nixK.- x. .-!. - r. "' y.-.v. SKctjsX """ t01' lorK, per -jj-0. Haiku 2!ff40c.; plums. New York, per 8-lb. bmkt. tSSV'''XLS!Sr.S5P- "'". .afc: REFINED SUGARS nEFINED. The market ruled firm and 10 points higher. We quote extra One granulated, A.2.H.; atondard granulated, 8.30c.: powdered, 5.3.V.: confectioners' A, 5.15c.; soft grades, 4.40$ 5c. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTEn. Demand waa sufficient to ab sorb the limited recelpta of fine goods, nrlces of which ruled steady. Quo tations: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, .tic; extras. ;-uc; extra nrsis, .ngy 28M,c.; firsts. 27S27yc.: seconds. 24025c: thirds. 22V4ft23Hc.; nearby prints, fancy, 32: : do., average extras, :;S'llc.; do., firsts. 270 29c: do., seconds 25820c.; jobbing aalca of fancy prints, 30Q30C EUQS. Choice fresh eggs were scarce and 30c. per case higher. We quote aa follows: Free cases, nearby extras, 34c per dozen! Ursts. $11.30 per standard case; nearby current receipts, $8.70 per case; Western extra firsts, $0.30 per caBp; firsts, $8.70 per case; fancy se lected candled eggs were Jobbing at 3b&3Sc. per dozen. CHEESE. Demand waa good and the market ruled ery firm with supplies well under con trol. Quotations: New York. full-cream, fancy, new, lMiWlOc: "speclsls" higher; do., do, fair to kood, new, 15Q15Hc; do,, part skims, C812C POULTRY LIVE. The market mled steady under niod erate offerings, but trade was quiet. Quota tions. Fowls, as to size and quality. preicrrcQ. pigeons. 01a. IUUIIH, '.i im.ii. lluinc, DP.ESSED.r.Deslrable ,t0ck waa In fair re quest and steady under moderate ofTerlnxs We quote: Fresh-kllled-Kowls. 12 to box VEGETABLES The general market waa quiet and bard Steady. Ollntntlnn.. U hli. nA,.i.u u ' aylvanla. per bushel Choice. flfi7Se . filr m good. roao.-ie. White potHtoes, Jersey, MtJH .2Ike.t.-No.,1..n"ci 4SB50C. No. 1 olherB varieties. 4G6i4Zt - Vn oo b.mi M..aai iPi.JSP'y' JPV tasket No. 1 30O3.V.: ,Na5 r." '20c; Onions, per ICO-lb. bag. $1 23.i (nbbagn. domestic, per ton, $46.1.50. Celfrr.1 New lnrk, per bunch. l.'.50c. Lettuce. N, 1 ork, per 2-doren rrate. $1H1 2Vj do., do.. Mom crate. i.25i 75. Mushrooms, ptr 4-H et. tlQi. flm 3-doxen lb. batik 20c: weighing 45 Ids. apiece. 10c: wetiS: Ing 3HH4 lip. apiece 18SC.I weighing 7l lb. ffle.cl; ?18,C-S weighing upder 3 lbs apiece juu.vw, i", iyc-at;itsu n citern. I, b. and over apiece, 10c; do., smaller sizes. I3ni 18f.t old roosters, dry-plclted. l3V4ci chickens -Jersey 'fancy broilers. 2ie2ttc: other nearby fancy broilers. 22624c 1 wis em . bronen A dependable income is the direct result of conservative bond buying. We offer for conservative investment First Mortgage R. R. Bond to yield 4.08 to 5.65 Fre4j Penna. State Tax and Normal Federal Income Tax Et.wARo lw Smith &o Bstiiusbco 1J03 Baoip ins Chmtmot to Pin. h P.UgL,Bu ",vvr 14N ASSURED INCOME for FUTURE YEARS can be secured by pur chasing the h i g h -grade American rail road bonds which we are daily obtaining at bargain prices from' abroad. Write for circular 104. Suggestion! How to Invei for both large and hwW investors will be giTfil those who write for Circular No. L-I43. A.B.Leach&Cil Investment Securiri J 115 South Fourth StfM VlllladelphU New TorK Chicago Boston . Hat. Half Brown Brothers & Cal FMIW.eClW17neTafrIWBT IHlbABltCIHIA , Trayellerg Letter. of Owiit AmTrlcaT" 4l,r ri Nci ni South t i ., f b
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers