Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9
'MORE PLANS ARE MADE DAILY FOR THE DEBUTANTE SET Hr. and Mrs. J. Bertram Lippincott Will Entertain for to Give Party . -. mHTn i t in- IM. PINCOTT, of 1710 Spruce street, have lisiurf Invitation for a theatre party, to I: i.it..1 bv nuDcer nnd dancing, on ItuchS November SO, In honor of Mlis PCarOllne H. l'cranenun, uuuHincr ui .hb. I.,..,, Pemberton, Jr. The guests will kit from the debutante set ..... . ItTrtcrhft him Issued lnvltn- i 2 for a dinner nnd danoc to be given 1 Wednesday. December 8, at the I'hlla- ''enrPPer.' daughter of Mr. J Ewr. George Wharton repper, ana -uiss F - w Heoll. daughter of Mrs. J. hklllon scott. ,.. runrr Stnwart Wurln fcmele ft small dance on Tuesday eve- 'Inf. T UC Tnr f "ill., InnhM fSS.? diuJhW of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ElMini Fitltr, Invitation liavo been Issued by Mr. Fand Mrs. Bhlppen ww. ".-" "" !.. Germantown, for ft dinner at the lMk and WlK Clubhouse, to be followed fcJL', theatre party. In honor of Miss C. Ijleanor Pepper. ..UffA nt Mlsa Marie A. Mac- k,,,y of B327 Lena street, and Mr. May f'Jy m. Smith, of East Pcnn Btreet, 'will take place tomorrow at 11 o'plock 'h St. Vlnccnfn Catholic Church. Tlie :'jtev Father Lappln will officiate. . .nri Mrs Henry Dixon, of 32d street ana Mill Creek road, will give a Hal loween party on Saturday, October 30, in 'honor of their daughter, Miss Katharine kWelsh. v TVIlllam F. Dreer, of Wentworth, IRowmont, accompanied by Mr. Wllllnm ilcLean, of Queni lane, left Sunday by motor for the Blooming Grove Hunting maVFIshlng Club. Glen Eyre, where they will remain for several days. i. .. (.a tn t :rtvtn tomorroA after noon by Dr. and Mrs. Uadrllffo Cheslon 'to Introduco their daughter, Mlsa Char 'lotte M. Chcston. thew will lip no .'c Mlvlng party. Mrs. Chcston will bo ns 'lilted by several ladles, who will preside at the tea tames. T An T Ivlnn-fttnn Rlllllvnn hflH rC- p Alias w w. ....".. - -- turn', from the Hot Springs, Va., whero . roe spent pare oi inu uuiumu. ... . f.. Timt'nll TCvnim nnd Miss .Anita M. Evans, who have been spend- ttet the early autumn at their home In Devon, are occupying their new town some, mi Locust Btreet. for the winter. 1 The Monday morning claBS. which BitU at the New Century Club, with Miss Jane Campbell, of School lane, aa 1..J.- .ltl t.lc ennann tnkn nn studies In United States history. At the Inst meeting the president or mo ciuo, airs. IL S. Trentlss Nichols, of Pelham road. spoke on "The Lnet Frontier." '. m.- uA.tAt. rt Arta nnrt T.Mtlrft will hae Its first meeting of the reason on Wednesday In the New Century Drawing Boom, 124 South 12th street. Among those who will take part are Aladlno A. Autilio, who will read "An Encounter With a Panther," by James Fennlmore Otrmantown Branch of the Philadelphia llujlcal Academy, win piay me pianu part In Arthur Footc's Trio In C Minor. r.l&H-..M MMrl nrt In Vaw Ynrlr kAW Jeisey, New England and the Middle JYrat States win Do tne suDjects lor ais enulon during the winter months. 'General and Mrs. Wendell P. Bowman Iiptnt the week-end at the Traymore, At lantic City. KMr. and Mrs. M. R. Stroud are In At lantic City for several weeks. They will fttop at the Traymore. "Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Veazey Wether- Illl, formerly of Dudley avenue, Narberth, Pa., but now of Astoria, Ore., are visiting Ltha Fair In San Francisco. Mrs. Wetherlll "Will ha remembered as Miss Alice Bea- I'trjce Nash. Along the Main Line OVEP.BrtOOK.-MM. Edward A. Wall. tot the Arches, hns Issued Invitations for iiiarse luncheon and bridge on Thursday. October 28, at her home. rA meeting of the .Needle work Guild will tba. held on Tuesday, October 26, in tho rtrlsh house of the Memorial Church of lalnt Paul, when Interesting talks will given, followed by luncheon. ARDMORE. Mrs. Jnalah S. Pearce and Iter daughter. Miss Helen Pearce, of Lln- IVOOd avenue, have been vlnltlnc- nt At. ilenttc City. If. and Mrs. Dayton Voorhees are re- FealYlng congratulations upon tho birth of l IrVisnter, Elsa Voorhees. HAVERFORD. Minn Tmihol Beckurts. Iaughter of Major and Mrs. C. L. Beck- rt. gave a dinner Saturday night at her wie on nose lane. 'BRTN UAvn.n. -nrinion, Tn..tt ir . tr. George Noblet, Mr. George Moore a wr. j. Morton Warner motored to dlng. Wilkes . Barre. II a z 1 e t o n. OUdaburcr and Fnittnn over the week y. "KTATMr? Um TrAM.. T)n..... nrwm IHrlce Bchoch and Mrs. A. A. H. Canl- Went to Wllkes.Bnrrn venterdnv to PeMeSenl thm. O.Hinlau rl.,K at th DIaI. weratlon of Women's Clubs. r. and Mrs. M. A. Ward gave a email Jner jast evening at their home on JuelU avenue. Among the guests -were VT. and Mrn .Tnhn TaIiti.mi nf tVilla- Jj'PW, Mr. and Mrs. William Shumate, f.Ohlo. and Mr. Carleton S. Wagner, of lUn Bethlehem, a nephew of Charles HWBD, Mart, j Bertram Mitchell will entertain uesaay Bridge Club today nt her mt On UraarlnniKfnili- awsxiia C3 lavMg Among the members are Mrs. E . Aiuuord. Mrs. John Dunlap, Jr., f. Hubert Treat. Mrs. John Barnes, j . 4 ration, Mrs. luls II. Watt, . t. ward. Mrs. Kobert Elmer, Humbert B. Powell. Mrs. G. Wfn. i Coffin, Mrs. n. C. Ware. Mrs. V-...IHB, Mrs. m. F. D. Bcanlan and i "ertna Ball. IVpN-Mr. and Mrs. Powell Evana - intir young daughter, Miss Anita ,vana, will cloao Errollton the end of noiunt ana return to their town ' locust street C Emory XfrMlrhnel. of Knoll e, DeVOn. hnn rin. tn Xlrtl Clnrlncrsi Mor a fortnight's stay. . v, uoward Clark, Jr., of Chestnut- firm. UnA 1,1m ...... Va TnliN elllngSWOrth. of tSA nnil Jntuca f. have gone to Virginia Hot Springs ore weeka SP- 'V?!11,am Baker Whelen and her ' r. winfield Scott Arter, have SAa tn ClnVllr Bfl.K .ruflillm. n A rfJn.N.w YorkV ' " pjm Edward Buchanan Cassatt and i v-aasatt, of Clieaterbrook Farm, ars 'ng the week oh I,on Island, wher V gone for the race. Along the Reading tn Mrs. J, B, Beaman, of 637 North ,, birth of a eUughter, Ml Grace 4k ""n, pn Tuesday, October 12, birthday o Mrs. Seanwit, YJ wd Mrs. J0m xiylatWpiwM CrMf Other Notes and Miss Christiana W. Craig have Is S, 5nr,1 for a tea. to be given on Thursday, November 11, from 4 until ,?' ftl -thclr honie Cheltcn ave nue. The Bachelor Girls' Club of Willow Ft.1".0 wl" J"f l l,dBy at th home of the Misses Roberts. This club expects to bo foremost In all social frivolities of the coming season. Mr. Henry H. Roelofs and his sister, formerly of Ithyllon, Ogonti, who have recently returned from a trip to tho orient, will occupy their new home in Rydal some time this month. Mrs. Spencer Mulford, of Church road, yncotc, will entertain at luncheon to day at 1 o'clock at the Philadelphia Lountry Club, In honor of her guest, Miss Dolly Ln Montagne. Miss Katherlno Rogers, of 2201 St. Jame Place, spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Marlon Sharplcss at Wyncote, Pa. Mrs. Henry H. G. Sharplcss, of Lnbrunums, Chelten Hills, has as her guest for several days Miss Kato Bar ber, of Buffalo, N. Y. Germantown Mr. Gordon Mills, of 125 School lane, will leave shortly for the Panama Ex position. Dr. and Mrs. William V. Clark, of 630 East Chelten avenue, have returned from their cottage at Chelsea. (Mrs. John Courtney, of Chew strebt, Is spending a week In Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Charles Y. Scully, of 6333 Wayne avenue, has Just returned from a fishing trip at Fprtcscue Beach. Mr. Chnrles II. Super, of 438 Harvey street, returned from several days' trip to Reading, Pa., where he attended the annual convention of the Stato Board of Charities. Miss May Hlbel, of 6603 Stenton avenue, will leave shortly for a trip to Norfolk, Va., where she will be the guest of friends for eeverat weeks. t,MIr- lvlnfiston Jones, of Manhelm nnd Wlssahlckon avenues, has returned from a trip to Canada. iJlT" .?nd MrSl Wllb"r Plsk Rose, of 6710 McCallum street, have taken apartments at the Colonial. H3 West Coulter street, for tho winter. The Germantown Literary Club, com posed of 23 women, began Its 17th year Lf activity this morning nt the home of Mrs. Frederic W. Tunncll. 250 West Tulpo hocken street. Russia and current topics will bo studied at the weekly meetings thla year. President, Miss Katherine AVelsh; vice president, Mrs. F. W. Tun nell; secrctnry and treasurer, Mrs. Charles Heycr: recording secretary, Mrs. H. Lester Glover. Mr. James Williamson, accompnpled by his daughter, Miss E. May Williamson, of K West Johnson street, has returned home from a six wcekc' trip through the West. While in Paiarlann Hal V.n ,-. the guests of Mrs. John W. Cramer, for merly of Germantown. Miss Edith C. Brooks, of Church lane, has aa her guests Miss Elsie R. Fisher and Mr. William 8. Wllletta. Cards of Invitation have been issued by the directors of the Germantown Conser vatory of Music, 109 West Chelten avenue, """the first of a series of faculty recitals, which will take place on Tuesday, October 19. The soloists of the evening will be Mr. John Thompson, pianist, and Mr. Paul Volkmann, tenor. The first meeting of tho Current Topics Class, under the direction of Miss Kath arine Locke, will take place at the Ger mantown Automobile Club on Tuesday. October 26. The annual meeting of the Site and Relic Society for the election of officers, directors and the transaction of other business will be held on Friday evening, at 8 o clock, at the'Museum In Vernon Park. At the conclusion of the business meeting Mr. E. Sydney Prlchard will read a paper entitled "Colonial Furniture in Germantown." An Informal reception will follow. Miss Jane Harmer, of Greene street. Is In Pittsburgh, visiting friends for a fort night. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Carroll, of Consnohocken. who have been the guests ?., Mr;..lm1 Mr"' A,r"el Martin, of 119 West Washington lane, have returned to their home. Mr. James McMahon, of 705 Locust avenue, and Mr. Frank Dunlap have re turned from a short stay In New York. Mrs. Charles Henry Volgt, of West Walnut lane, will leave this week for a short stay in New York. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Weatherly, Miss Elizabeth Smith and Miss Caryl Smith have, returned from Lake Bunapee, K. H., where they spent the summer, to their home, 8319 Chestnut street, Mrs. Winthrop B. Greene and her mother, Mrs. Parsons, who spent the summer at South Poland, Me., have re opened their apartment at Hamilton Court, 39th and Chestnut streets. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Stoddart, of S03 Mnrth 3Xth afreet ho... ..... 1 .. .. .. . .. .., ihuiiicu irura Canada, where they spent' the summer. The Misses Landell, who spent tho sum mer at Mount Pocono, are now at At lantic City, They will return shortly to Hamilton Court. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Thompson, of 4332 Plna street, are receiving congratu lations on the birth of a son, George T Thompson, Jr., on Thursday, October 14. South Philadelphia Mr. Harry C. Black, of South 13th street, has returned, after touring Can ada the West and Mexico. Miss Margaretta Kane, of 1230 Wolf street, and Ml. Helen Clarke, of 2231 South 13th street, have returned after a pleasant vacation spent at the Delaware Water Gap and Atlantic City,! Mr. and Mr. B. J, Sllber gave, a dinner-dance last vveek at their home In honor of their nlws, Mis Helen 8fren. of Winnipeg,' Can. ( ""' After an absence of about six months. Miss Mary Norden, of 1220 Durfor street, ha returned from a pleaaant. vacation spent at Newport News, Va. Congratulation are being received by Mr. and Mr. Cabot, of, 12$ Rimer (treat, on the birth of a son. Captain George D. 8tlman, U. 8. A.. retired, I vlaltlrg hta son, Mr. George V. Spllman, of 1218 Wolf street. Captain Bullman .will remain about two week, when he will return to the National boWler' Home, in HtmfHwt Ko4, V., of wMek k U rv'lor. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, ETJESPAY. OCTOBER WEDDINGS KENNEDY-HUTCHINSON. A quiet wedding will take place tonight, when Mli,s Agnes n. Hutchinson will be come the bride of Mr Carl lf. Kennedy at the home of the bride, 231 West Rltten house street The Rev. Charles F. Hendricks, of St. Paul's Reformed Epls cet.nl Church, will perform the ceremony. Miss Ethel Hutchinson, n sister of the bride, will act as maid of honor. She will wear a frock of pink taffeta covered With sliver net and garlands of rose. Tho bride will wear duchess satin covered with lace. A court train will fall from the shoulders, and she will wear a tullo veil fastened with orange blossoms. Tlve bridal bouquet will consist of lilies of the valley and white roses. Mr. Kennedy will have as best man Mr. Wlllard K. Roas. A small reception will follow for tho families and a few Intimate friends. raims. ferns and pink roses will be used as decoration. After a wedding Journey Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will live at 42IT North Sth street, Logan, Pa, MYERS-CARNEY. Miss Etta Carney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac N. Carney, of 819 East Tulpe hocken street, wbm married to Mr. C. Al fred Myers, of Hnmmonton, N. J., on Saturday evunlng at tho homo of tho bride's parents. The Rev. Edwin For rest Hahn, of tho Cookman Methodist Church, performed tho ceremony. Miss Elslo Jones, of Spring City, Pa., was maid of honor, nnd the best man was Mr. Joteph Stoughtcr, of Philadelphia. B,USCHER-REANEi The marriage of Miss Alice Reanoy, daughter of Mrs. A. M. Enklns, to Mr. Edgar W. Buacher will tnko place this arternoon at 4 o'clock In the Church of tho Holy Trinity. Rlttenhouse Sfiunie Tho ceremony will be performed by tho Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomklns, the rector. The bride, who wilt be given In marrtago by Colonel John S Mm.kln ,in ,.,., .. navy blue traveling gown. Following the ceremony Mr. nnd Mrs. Buscher will leive Immediately for a trip through New England. They will be at homo at Tho Gables, 4C04 Old York road, after December 1. McCLOSKEY-FURLONG. The marriage 'of Miss Helen Cecilia Furlong, daughter of Mrs. James Fur long, ot 4528 Walnut street, to Mr. Joreplt I. MoCloikcy, son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam J. McCloskcy, ns solemnized this morning at 9 o'clock In the Church of St Francis de Sales. 47th street and Springfield avenue The Rev. John J. Wheeler officiated. The bride woro .a traveling gown of mauve cloth, trimmed In beaver, and carried a bounuet of orchids and llllea of the valley. Her only atli-udnnt was her sister, Miss May Fur long. Mr. Bernard Druedlng nctcd as best man. A wedding breakfast at tho Bellevue-Stratford followed the ceremony, after which Mr. nnd Mrs. McCloskey left for their wedding trip. They will be at home after December 1 at 5305 Overbrook avenue. Wynnelleld. HOISINGTON BOYSEN. Tho wedding of Miss Alice M. Boysen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John William Boysen. to Mr. Ned P. Holslngton, took place thla morning at 9 o'clock at the home of tho bride's parents, E236 Sansom street. The Rev. Rlchaid Radcllffe, pas tor of St. Matthew'B Molhodlst Episcopal Church, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white taffeta and Georgette crepe, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and Bride rones. There were no attendants. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Holslngton left for Columbus, O., where their honeymoon will be spent. They will live nt tho Mariuorough Apartments, West Philadel phia, after November 15. McCUTCHEON-STEINHILBER. A very attractive autumn wedding will be solemnized tonight at 8 oclock at the home of Mrs. Emma S. Stelnhllber, G71 Preston street, when her daughter, Miss Kathryn H. Stelnhllber, will be given In marriage by her brother, Dr. E. A. Steln hllber. to Dr. John H. McCutcheon, of Tioga. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. J. Milton Twecdale, of Cal vary Lutheran Church, 41st street and Mantua avenue. The bride will be beau tifully gowned In white crepe de chine and point lace ornamented with pearl trimmings. Her veil ot tulle, arranged with orange blossoms, will fall to the hem of tho court train. Lilies of tho valley and Bride roses will be carried. Miss Florence Angstadt, the maid of hon or, will wear a frock of pink crepe de chine veiled with pink chiffon and will carry pink roses. Mr. James McCutcheon, of Tioga, will be his brother's beBt man. Tlie ceremony will be followed by a reception. Doctor and Mrs. McCutcheon, upon their return from their honeymoon trip, will live at 4405 North 9th street, where they will re ceive after December 1. VANDERSLICE-LARZELERE. Amc-ng the Interesting October weddings will be that of Miss Edith Everton Larze lero, daughter of Mr. Alfred Larzelere, to Mr. Stanley Brown Vandersllce, wklch will take place on Wednesday, October 27, at noon, In the Oak Lane Presbyterian Church. Miss Larzelere ha selected Miss Gladys De Camp as maid of honor, and Mr. Vandersllco will have Mr. Jack Pe terman for best man. The ceremony will bo followed by a breakfast at the Bellevue-Stratford. HBALD-BTORY. Prominent among tonight's wcddlngc will be that of Miss Mary F. Story, daughter of Mrs. H, N. Story, of 1533 Pod- lar street,, to Mr. Albert E. Heald, of MISS ANNA WEWSTEIN Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. M. Weinateln, of 6443 West Chester road, Millbourne, whose betrothal to Mr. Maurice Garftnkk has beea .pXpXpXpXpXpXpXpXpXpxW inivl wwtmmWiWWw WLw mtW HPpXpZpxV i X'"- Bait!i Vpftfil WJtmSiW' jMtSMLw,:s 1ppXpXp-- sasaapMamrAjea1 pxpZw W$ tKaBMmmBKfKmWMJMif fPv PPPPPPPL. !PPPJPJBaaMnwwMau - imBJKgn TKi ppppppMIp pppppppHpjlJp9pBJawJpM mf wmmmmm"cm'mmtZLji'' pppHHPppp ppHpKflpB .BBpBK f, ''zwtg&sr Kbw kC i li 'vJDjjKfc B5"7r STbHbHHbY " 'vjbbbh ' ' in i aft """" PH pbpBpBpbm, kiWWWv iiWWm i''yttLttttttttttttttttttttttW iHBBBBBBBBHBBBBBH mtt' SHP! IbpHHbbbbb xW abbbbMF,! IbbbbbbbbhHbbbS 3&F js saMj ifcJL- l-V?iPBW VtBLBBBH I'ftoto by ilry Carnell. MRS. CHARLES McHENRY STEESE Who, before her marriage yesterday to Captain Steese, of tho Ord nance Department, United States Army, was Miss Hazel Adams Speirs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Speirs, of Ardmore. Mcthucn, Mass. The ceremony will take place at the Aldlne Hotel at 7 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. John B. Gough Pldge, of the Fourth Baptist Church, officiating. The bride will be given In marriage by Mr. Samuel Howell, a close friend of her father's. Her only nttendant will be the matron of honor, Mrs. Herbert Drake, Doctor Pidgc's daughter. Mr. Drake w.li be the bridegroom's best man. The serv ice wilt be followed by a reception. Upon their return from an extended trip Mr and Mrs. Hcnld will live nt Mcthuen. Northeast Philadelphia Miss Roso M. Dolan nnd Miss Cath arlne Dolan entertained at their home, 2601 East Lehigh avenue, last week. In honor of Miss Alice M. Craln, of Mercer. Pa. The guests were Miss Reglna Mc Cormlck, Miss Marie Zleger, Miss Nellie Donohoe, Miss Margaret Bradley and MIbb Helen Donohoe. A Koffoo Klatch was held at the home of Mr. Peter Gillln. G75 North 15th street, by the L. B. S. Dramatic Society. The committee in charge were Miss Margaret Curley, Miss Margaret McElvaney, Miss Agnes Htgglns, Mr. Howard Graham. Mr. Peter Gillln and Mr. William Rooney. The Four 8prlng Maids of the North east will give a minstrel and dance for the beneJlt of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, of West Berlin, N. J at Stan ley's. Casino,, Kenslngtou avenue and Cumberland street, on Thursday evening, October 28. Mr. Philip Hlrsch Is dlrec tor of the minstrel, and will be assisted by Miss Ella Brooks. Others who will take part are Miss Marie O'Rourke, Miss Ida Donahue, Mr. Arthur Graham, Mr. James Casey and Mr. George WachS. Mrs. William Ferguson will entertain the members of her sewing circle at her home, 272S North 6th Btreet, when thoso present will be Mrs. Arthur Daufflnee, Mrs. William Alexander, Mrs. Clifford Jones, Mrs. W. Schrufer, Miss Bess Con over, Miss Lillian Nevell, Miss Bess Sln namon, Miss Ray Renshaw and Miss Mar garet McCandless. Miss Marlon Sloane, of North 5th street. Is visiting her cousin, Miss Nettle Jan sen, of Steubenvllle, O. On Friday, October 29, the Oaks Club will hold Its 21st grand annual ball, at tho Philadelphia Quartet Hall. German town avenue, above Lehigh avenue. Mrs. Mary Kldwell, ot 2332 Coral street, is spending some time in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, of Mansfield, O., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heatherstone, of 2308 Emerald street. On November 19 the Germanla Concer tina Orchestra will hold its 14th grand annual ball at Columbia Hall, 2d and Norrls streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edelman, of 1329 North 7th street, have returned from their wed ding trip to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Max Myers and Miss Floiine Myers, of 1337 North Franklin street, have returned home after having spent some time in Atlantic City. At the last meeting of St. Cecilia's T. A. B. Society the Play Committee re ported that the coming performance would be held on Thursday evening, November IL In St. Edwards' Hall, when "The Man ot the Hour" will bo produced by the Society's Dramatic Troupe, under the direction of Mr, Mart Hogan. Mem ber of the cast Include Miss Marge Daly, Mtas Madellno Conahan, Mr. Simon Rhodes, Mr. J, Francis Masterson. Miss Claire Welsbaum and Mis Blanche Lange, two popular glrla of the Northeast, will pend the next two weeka in Pitts burgh, Pa. Mrs. Thomas Morrison, of 2038 East York street, is taking a trip to Niagara Falls. Dr. J. J. Halpern, of 1200 North 7th street, has returned from the Pocono Mountains, Delaware County The cornerstone of Highland Park' new public school was laid on Saturday afternoon. Professor Huff, of the Oak mont High School, gave the address, and the Rev. C. II, Shirk, of Llanerch, gave the benediction. The member of the Folk Mote, ot Moylan and Hose Valley, will ctvo a masquerade dance in their clubhouse on December SO. Mr. Edward N, Wright and Mr, Alfred Porter have charge of the arrangement. q KettcM for the SecUtr pa wtU ba accet4 asd prlaUa la tee Ktb4 Ledgrr, but H mch notices aiMt be wtlttta tm obb tide ef tba paper, mutt be pltned la fttU, with fuH mA4tt, sad hrn poatiUe telepbea nuubar must b Wen. gnd H audi commanlratiaa to Society Editor," Kvtaio Ltdier. MS Clieatnat street, Unlets requirement, are carried out that vorUkatian may ba BoetlaU, tba a N not b publMiaa, ; Debutante Doings The Main Line will nttract tho tea goers this nfternoon, when Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Carmalt Scull will glvo a large affair nt their homo In Bryn Mnwr to lntioduce their charming daughter. Miss Mary L. Scull. Miss Scull will wear a lovely frock of white tnffcta nnd tulle effectively trimmed with little rosebuds. Tho largo rooms nnd ball arc beautifully decorated with graceful palms and ferns which form n colorful background for tho exquisite blooms which have been sent to tho little debutante. The receiving party today will Include Miss Sarah Sergeant Myers, Miss Mar- naaVaJ?1XOn,JIy!rB' Ml8S s- Uytendale Balrd. Miss Barbnra Mifflin Boyd, Miss Mary Norrls Cerbonl. Miss Rachel Fit ter, Miss Louise 8. Grey, Miss Josephine t. S. Foster. Miss Christine H. Stnck ton, Miss Connnc B. Freeman. Jliua ?..,. M' deD' Gaam, Miss Theodora K Llllle and Miss Ethel Hastln, Later in the season Mr. and Mm. Scull will entertain again In honor of their daughter, when tho affair will be a dinner dance. Tioga Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry W. Moser, of 4521 North 13th street, will give an at-home today. Mrs. Moser. who was a summer onde, will be membered as Miss Louise Carroll Vogan, daughter ot Mrs. John C. ogan. of 42 Gowcn avenue. Assisting in lecelvlng will bo Mrs. Moser's bridal attendants. Miss Alberta O. Haldeman, Miss Katharine H. Buzby. Miss Florence v. Ahite. Miss Luella M. Conover and Miss Florence M. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sellg, who have been touring tho New England coast, have returned to their home, 1417 West Erie avenue. Mrs. Thomas Seward, of North Broad street, entertained at luncheon and bridge today. Her guests were members of her card club, and included Mrs. William V. Sautcr. Mrs. Le Roy I. Walker. Mrs. Clarence Palmer. Mrs. William Jarden. M,ri!' ,w,,"nn J- Campbell, Mrs. William right, Mrs. William Reeve. Mrs. Walter Peterson. Mrs. Francis Veterlein, Mrs. Herbert Stoer. Miss Katharine Schoflold. Mrs. W. N. Lynch, Mrs. William Datz. Mrs. Norman I. Elnwechter. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Voss. Roxborough Mr. finrt Ifra Tk.h Tri-j,. . .... .... .. ... ,,, ulull) 0j lM Manayunk avenue, gave a dinner last eve ning in celebration of the birthday anni versary of Mrs. Hindle's sister, Miss Anna ivu uuii. i-ina roses ana maidenhair ferns were combined in tho decorations. Among other guests were Miss Marian Stout. Mr. Calvin Haln and Mr. William Pass. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of Queen lane, Falls of Schuylkill, nre spending some time in Holyoke, Mass., where they are the guests of their son, Mr. Frank Brown. Miss Marian Wickersham, of Washing ton, D. a, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Wickersham, of Hermit lane. Lansdowne Mrs. W. G. Nelson, Jr., of ISO North Wycombe avenue, entertained her sister, Miss Anna E. Barnard, of Bryn Mawr over the week-end. Mrs. L. Force, of Camden, N. J.. Is vis iting Mrs. George Nelsser, of North Lans downe avenue. Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. Paul Lacken mever nnd Miss Ethel Shrlgtey will rep resent the Lansdowno Suffrage League at the State Federation, which Is being held In Wilkes-Barre this week. The De La Salle Council of the Knights of Columbus Is making plans for a coun try fair, which will be held in the school hall on the evenings of October 28, 29 and SO. Mr. Thomas Culllnan 1 chairman of the committees. AUTUMN BESOMS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. S2&' I TO (hbh(, ftSfrU Hdrtt M m WWuV QDariwrouannfiieniKun ATLANTIC) CITY, N. J. m'f" WHTf of Sturm) Westminster K' v or, ucJi. tsiar, to ., ' ". Prtv bath., run. watar. 1.69 up Oly., fa up wklr. Csas. Vukr. Superior location with an I unobstructed view of beach I and, boardwalk Areconize4I standard of excellence I Ccy 600. H'ATXJ. JgCZgKJ "I KKJOKT MU1KL U tWartS El 19. 191S. ANNUAL BENEFIT TO BE HELD FOR FRIENDLESS CHILDREN Preliminary Registration Held Last NightV-The Affair Will Be Held in the Bellevue-Stratford on Decem- ber 14 and 15 Other Affairs A PRELIMINARY registration of tal ent for the annual mustcnt extrava gnnaa to be given for tho Northern Home for Friendless Children wa held last night, In the rehearsal hall, WIS Walnut street. The affair is under the . direction of Mrs. George W. Urquhart, ! president of the board of managers of i tho home. Mr. Leon W, Downing, who Is writ ing the production. Is arranging for some especially spectacular effect and In venting many new dance steps for this play. Thoso who last year witnessed the production of the "Countess of Tubs" and tho previous year "The Princo of Al bania" will be more than Bind to learn thnt the play this year will be more elabornto than either ot tho others, and that a number of novel effects will be Introduced It will be given In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford on the evenings of n,lAmtiap 11 n.,.4 it -...t i .,. - ...... , n(l Ui ,ulu u iung na ot patronesses from the most prominent I wom?n of f"" society Is being arranged. At the meeting last evening no parts were assigned, but n general resumo of I the work was given, and groups ar- ranged for the various dnnocs. Most I of the young people who took part last year have agreed to give their services I ngaln this year, and nre already urging j Mrs. Urquhart to consent to a dance fol lowing me production on tho second night for the talent and their friends. Tho Immaculate Conception Catholic Phil. rt )! I1I.U . . ... j - ., w. ,, iiii-iuuuua mrcei,, will con- duct Its first Ladles' Literary and Social .ikiu lomgm. iTominent speakers will nddress tho guests nnd In addition there will bo several first class entertainers present to render their specialties. Re freshments will be served during tho course of tho evening The bctrothnl of Miss Anna Welnstcln. daughter ot Mr. nnd Mrs M Welnsteln. of 6113 West Chester road, and Mr. Maurice Garllnklc was announced nt a reception on Sunday night. Sup'pcr was served, followed by music nnd dancing. Among thoso present were Mr. and Mrs. Oarflnkle, Mr. and Mrs. Meltlrelch. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thiol, Miss Clara Thlel, Mrs. Jaffe, Mr Wllllnm Jaffre, Mr. and Mrs. Jnckson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Llchcnateln, Miss Minerva Blller, North Philadelphia Mr. Horace R. Aarons. of 1D09 North Park nvenue, entertained a number of friends nt his bungalow near the Nesham lny Falls. The guests Included Mr. Har old T. Antrim. Mr. William Mann, Mr. James MacNnmarn and a number of Boy Scouts of Senior Troop No. 32. Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Rosenau, of 2253 North 33d street, gave a dinner Saturday night at the Mercantile Club In celebra tion of Mr. Rosenau's 80th birthday. Tho guests Included their children and grand children. Mrs. Perry Frankel, of Saranac, N Y., a daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Rose nau, who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee S Harris, of 193J North 33d street, was present. The marriage of Miss Madellno Geiscl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gclsel, of Cotllngdale, nnd Mr. Frank Uhrmann, 2S23 Jefferson street, was solemnized at the homft ot the bride's parents Satur day evening. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Ho IT. of Holmes burg, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Marguerite K. Hoff, to Mr. Harold W. Shallcross, of Tacony. Miss Hoff spent some time last week with her aunt. Mrs. B. F. Yeagle, of Sit! Hellcrman street, Lawndale. Tho regular October meeting of the Ol ney Home and School Association will be held In the school building. Tabor road nnd Water street, tomorrow, at 3 p. m. Dr. Albert F. Money will speak and an excellent musical program has been ar ranged. A surprise party was given Mrs. Wal ter M. Stokes nt her home In Torresdale en Saturday evening, upon her return from the Thousand Islands, where she has been spending the last six weeks. Those present were Mrs. Mundy, Mrs. Frank Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas, Miss Mary Maclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. George Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bayne, Miss Fanny Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Atkins. Mr. and Sirs. George Louden. Miss Ida Bidding, Mr, and Mrs. John Stackhouse, Mr. and Mrs. George Rosenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Flske, and Mr. and Mrs. John Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Raffell, formerly of 1024 Robblns avenue, are occupying their new home In Tioga. Mr. and Mrs. William A. noberts, of 1022 Church street, are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son. New S. S. BuildinB for St. Matthew Many up-to-date Improvements will bo Included In tho new Sunday school build ing of St. Matthew's Methodist Episcopal Church, 03d and Chestnut streets. It will be 59 by SI feet,-one story high. Including a gallery, and will cost 330,000. Alex ander Chambley is the builder. i A New Education i that not only instruct the mind, but strengthens all function of mind, per sonality and character, I the most neces sary preparation for any situation or vocation. Over four hundred ttudenta registered thla year. The course may be taken In conjunction with Publlo Speak ing, Elocution, English, Salesmanship, or separately. Doctor NefTa booklet. "Edu cation and Success," on application. Call, or phone Spruce 8218. NEFF COLLEGE Cbe.tn"mrMt ItKLIUIOVS DIFFICULTIES Thinking men and women enroll now. Course on "20th Century Religious Problems" Leader, Robert IUgnell, Ph.D., Columbia. 10 Monday evenings, beginning Oct. 11. Fee. . Central Ilrsnch Y.M.C.A .Utl Arch Bt Bend for booklet of other course. School for Backward ChiWren WEST I'JIILADKI.l'HIA School Branch, s. Mr.nul Training tSewing, Fainting, Cly Modeling. Basketry, Wood work), Nature Study. Outdoor Walk. Experienced teachers. Address M IBS. Ledger Central. "Country Day School for Beys" Wynntvood. tPa. Rev, Olbson Bell, Head Master, Phone Ardmore 122. Stray Bwhwh CoMit 1.M7 Ckwatairt ., Mttia, Practical courses. Moderate price. FaaMeaa ruatantsed. Day a anrttt sessions. KnreJI . Fiiih.SckMl f DmIr (r Wmm BKOAD AND MABTsMt Tg. LKAKN kew to fveak M.e Vmrt HTAUAN to a week. Orlctaa laetlm. Ci) m lormiug. micmcm roam i si. tan FRENCH I lbs pur farlalan THE KintsciiiuiM school or LANaUAoeai :i Cbeeuiut at. ( Welahtaoaa tU9) KM, UM. 0 Mr. and Mr. Levy, Mr. Welsman, Jttv Edward Welnsteln, Mr. B. Weinateln. Mt. Nathan Zelu, Mr. William Odell, Ml Elva LaurU and Mr. and Mr, Weln steln. A masquerade party wa given on Saturday night by Miss Esther Israel at her home, 172S North Paxon street. Ml Henrietta Porter won tho first prise for the prettiest rostume Among those present wero Miss Anna Hlrsh. Miss Ida Bade, Miss Henrietta Portce, Miss Cecilia Greenberg, Miss Dora Sharf, Mis Lena Latrow, Miss Eva Freedmnn, Miss Ida Rubin, Miss Sarah Strlckler, Miss Esther Ginsberg, Miss Helen Greenfield, Mis Fnnnle Green, Miss Fannie Snyder, Mis G. Katz, Miss Mathilda Israel, Mr Albert Davidson, Mr. David Bade, Mr. H. Island, Mr Joseph Herman, Mr. Jack Fried, Mr. Loul Wclntrob, Mr. Louis Berger, Mr. Meyer Freed. Mr. Max Rosen, Mr. Benja min Dabloff, Mr Louis Shrayer, Mr. Allen Rubin, Mr. Jacob Speelman. Mr. Jack Brommlck nnd Mr. Louis Shefrln. The Adath Jeshurun Assembly gave a musical Inst night In the assembly rooms of tho synagogue. Broad and Dlamona streets. The program Included: 1. Piano (a) 1'reludlum ...lUntet jbjpoetica :..:.:.::..::BtiinbVr tc) Staccato Caprice. .Vogrleh Mia Dorothy Goldsmith 2. Tenor solos (a) "Dcr Lena" ..Ulldach (b) "Helmllche Aurtoerteranr' ..ft BtrauwJ - ,. Doctor John C. Hirst u. I lano Ballade A (Ut Choput , . Mr. Clarence Fuhrman t. soprano polos !! vit rSrf'i1" -Vi'L ....Schubert Shi ,A"e1Scb.BUudchen Brahma ,(S! . Jvf..80 imJ.e.(1 Brahms (d) "Wlegenlled" Brahm Mlsa Mildred Faaa 5. Piano (a) I'relude ChoBln IK 8.d.e.?7!,,or """ Chop n (c) leE Minor Chop n . MIm Dorothy Goldsmith 6. Tenor polna !2J !!!!' '?T".nul Day".. II. II. A. Beach lb) "The Year at the Sprlnr." , . Doctor John C Hirst 7. riano !-? SScJ.1rS1 F."harp Chopin (c) "Polllchlnelle" Rachmaninoff Mr. Clarence Fuhrman 8. Soprano loloa (a) "Song of the Shepherd Lehl." ... , . . ., .. nimky Roruakow 5b? ,.&.8not ?nl"..nimky KorMakow (c) "Faery fong" Schladler Mlas Mildred Faaa Wilmington The Wilmington High School Alumnae Association held a tea dansant In tho green room of the Hotel du Pont on Sat urday aftcrnon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The committee having charge of the affair was composed of Miss Helen Brown, chairman; Miss Lola Parsons, Miss Ethel Macklcm, Miss Ruth Lackey, Miss Nellie Allen, Miss Constance Wynands, Miss Dorothy Grammar. Miss Nclllo Kennedy. Miss Ellen Mearns, Miss Mary Proctor, Miss Mary Doherty and Mls3 Alice Jeff ries. Mr. and Mrs. A. Felix du Pont enter tained about 60 guests, at a dance on Sat urday night at their home, given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Bersland. who are moving to New Brunswick. N. J. JJIrs- Charles Rupert entertained about 100 guests Saturday afternoon at a party at Sedgley, given In honor of Miss Amy Rupert's birthday anniversary. What's Doing Tonight .,.t.n.,,-aB,1, ventlonr ken.tngton Methodist Episcopal Church. 8 o'clock. Kree. i?.iepe.n',en, mrlaTi meeting. 17th and I c$o?k"eFrce!' Sprtn,C "" Republican campaign meeting, 6th street and airard aenue. S o'tlock. Free. o'SSck" C1Ub' "" 8pruce "'": 8 Address. "Cost of War In Phyelcal Vigor." fT0: V- Lewl Abbott, Frlendi' Community CIjm. Lanadonne; 8 o'clock. " ,t, Lef.'unf'"i,e!'nt. Imprelon of Ireland." iH,ev,.D' J' OSulman. Epiphany Ilall, nth and Jackeon atrect. 8 o'clock. anueIWrre.BU"lne U''n, 2M8 Co,umbl nln"S?ve?tn . strt Improvement Aaaocla tlon. 60th trcet and Glrard avenue. Tne oi?e .EJSX!. DulnM Men- 3S3 i- tauIrann'tl'8gono?ioc"kt"y """ KUSl"'' Be" Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FHANCIIISE SOCIETY. 8 p. m. Meeting at Kensington avenue and Venango atreet; apeaker. Mlas Bertha Sapo- ft .in tl m jTratn-ala .... j. . . avenue and 13th ;reet; speaker. Samuel Moy. erman. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY. 4 n. m. Meeting at 1Z1 South .17th street: "rbfe.e'a0, ?orJ JS SIPrTM,,,l?"Sr.Arlith:- We"' M,M J .JL1' m Meeting ut Germantown avenue and 18th treet. speaker. Mra. M. D. OrlDTItk. Ml Anna MacFarland and Mlsa Jane Mrer 8 pv.m, Open-air meeting at 2d street pike and Pine road. Fox Chase, speakers Miaa H'Fl'lIurni' "'" M' C-"--" Mr" 8 p. m -Meeting at 1318 North Marshall J,'" f.pc?!ier;' Mfa. Marlon Holme and Mra. Philip U. Hughe. 8.30 p. m. Meeting at Umbria, and IlermH age street, Manayunk; speaker. Mrs. RarrV l'hllllpa and Mlsa F. D. BtewartT MRVB LEAQUE FOR WOMAN 8UFERACJK. Noon-SIcetlijg at the Cretaon factory. 17th "Jrf.ef and Allegheny avenue, speaker. Harry l'nllllps. llirrVhimp.Unr 0" C"y ,UU ptala! ' 6:s6p.mdptn-ilr meeting at Front street and Glrard avenue; speaker, Harry Phillip. Montessori BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL PRE8TON 4432. 4311 WALNUT VT. nifnl", rt're.e'" of NORMAL CIIIL. Supervised outdoor game. .rffi? COURSE on tb direction of Children of pre-achool at. Including the ytudy of their phyalcal deVelopmenf nutrition and mental activities, wtll fca given during the chool year wio-l!. II ' DRAMATIC ART " " ' The National School Elocution and Oratorr D A. BllOEMAKEn. I'arkwaAllag. " - Mill NOVO "20 CHESTNUT STKBJsT rrii iRit V. "HAO'Nq : STAQE wohk . ENQLIBlt Call. ;ltgrphone. Locust 620 W. L- Mt'MCAL PIANO LESSONS, woman teacher: atat oar- ' tlculara. Q 315. Ldr CantraL " , j P I i AMiriwTUa W I M 1 r.