TsvEsriarq lkdgbr Philadelphia, ttjebday ootcJbek 10, 191s. KISSES AND KISSING; MOONLIGHT AND MOONSHINE jisconcerting Action on the Lead to the Cessation of Love's Young Dream By ELLEN .urE UDon a time thre w a charm- U) ln little maiden. She wan joung nnd r and pretty, ana ane naa 101a or Blrrr. u Bn Rei'1 ; mucn in tneir piaco. In fnct, ahe was "unnpproncliablo " There wna one, hownver, who really was nlngularly at tractive He, too, was -ounff, and, though neither "tluf ty" nor "pretty," like the little lady of IiIb heart, was yet very good to look uoon. Wullss to av, he was altoRether In iM,rlUl mo nuiiy iuiiiucii, " ; " kMtfabty ahy Hvcr so often tho nmoroua lTL that he longed to pour into her d.lnk ear stuck right on the end of STtonUe, and all that he could do was Ji 'corners of speech, and look silly an ttr but not a charming accomplishment, J one calculated to raise admiration In bM feminine heart. Z!T FiLaravfr. the fluffy maiden was not so terj.heartcd as people thought. Sho was nfy conventional ocsperRiciy conven- MMHII. Aim 811V jcauy uo '!" mice- Wtrtera way in loe with her bashful "'" . . . 9m evening, when hi wj seeing her imt from a party, he paused on her Innt porch and mado a foolish remark teeut the moon. tie. was very inr gone e the gentle passion, you see. All lovers tMc foolishly, and this ono was no ex- Mftlon. Just as she was turning her tjlHle face upward to view the planets. I (he baanlul lover whs inspired suaaeniy fc Imprint a chaste salute upon her rosy And what did that self-same maiden do? 'A moat tad and disconcerting thing! Sho tented right around and smacked her ;i4 and foolish Romeo with quite tin MMenly vigor! And why? Because she Olwa8 read In books that that was tfea correct method of counter-attack In utf uch situation. Because she had onco heard her maiden aunt say that nuy sclf retpeetlng girl would act similarly! More over, ahe expected that the voting man wwld beseech her forgiveness, declare his MWmrloe In the same breath, and that ike, after due consideration, would con Mcend to overlook tho first lapse In the Joys of the second. i ... kHewever, the result of her .Amazon-like Ktlen was very different from what sho Ma anucipaicu. tor me uasiuui lover wts so thunderstruck at the turn of Vtanta that he literally fled from the kwe' Perhaps ho thought he had of fended her Irrevocably? Perhaps he felt that ahe had offended him Irrevocably? Freo&Diy no was so overcome at the Reddy Squirrel IpEDDY SQUIRREL raced down the 'lVlongest branch of the tall beech tree. affile drooping limb -of tho adjoining Sal and found himself a comfortable Stifling place close to the trunk of a Mf old oak. ""Well!" exclaimed Billy Robin, who llyptned to be on the oak tree himself. LYpu had a long time running around Ifttn' tree to tree before you finally ntsseed! What's the matter?" f-Xofhlng at all." laughed Reddv Saulr- (Mitopd-naturedly. "I Just like to run lsM's all. I can eat many more nuts gatwn r run a lot. vnd the nuts are so fftti this year." "Mitt good?" asked Billy. "I thought fait ma and I'll thow iou how 4a done." were never any good till after the bad ODenAri thftm Anil T Mm milt W there has not been enough frost to any nuts this fall! Tho weathor I beta BO Warm ttim tAn T hn niivhl .have ktarted south a week ago, have ,vne yew v way Squirrel looked at Billy with hla TP black eyes and then he renlled: was wondering about that this very n. i thought I heard your call ?ou came Into the park. So I 1 Bluey Blackbird vou know he left momlnc nn lila .a.Iam Iaii...u. L ,iT ht thought you had not gone yet, "t ii you didn't go soon tho cold would surely get you!" And bright " miuujt looKed anxiously at his Rai he hoped nothlnsr wnuM harm Hy. - ftver fear about me," answered Billy - many, -una of these mornings gone You remember I make the much quicker than Bluey does-he I 10 StOn flf VnrlnllH ntnu.a .n th fi While I go rfnht Rtrnluht thrnnch In Comh!and ijut about the nuts, - . -- jwu cm mem now; mf0 be sure I can." r.nll1 Il.ddv MILLIE AND HER MILLIONS HPHaETLwcArttTOiE ") IriWANTYOUTOLOOrT) (- J J MYHUSOANDiyjuyrJ -r-wI - i . . . ( ftl IIIU WKJ V,u ' nr DEAK'I iwitTftDUi inM i iiowui) fcrrzr--? a k. c, IS. WatKrVoNLv fcuz? tv. L r niM. Triii -n. ii r i aaaaaaaaaaaik. y . inf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakiaaar y i aa mumui -. laaakaaaaaaaa i.m-niiit&t i Part of Some Damsels May ADAIR ,'0"1nl ' 1I own boldness that he was InS nei' t0 dtath? Monody knows. But njhow ho vanlshed-ncver to return! ... .J!lj5t.m!nlhs ter-lt took exactly six 5I?Hii for h,m t0 ct over the first af- I. T!& wn" MCe,ng another girl home, .Jkuf e.moon Wna "hlnlng I'own on another front porch In the same old way ino second girl was not nearly as pretty L;. n.r?1 Bul "no "ok'd l "t "' moon-wlthout any Invitation to do so this timeand the bashful lover kissed ..? ?.hc dld not turn Bnd ren,l ''l"1 upon lhB contrary, sho kissed him back They nre mnrrUA , j ..... .. A 1 of which goes to prove that thcro is !Mt 1","? ?' "tupld Prudery on the subject of kissing and being kissed I There aro kisses and kisses, of course," declared a certain oll-wlso lady very de cidedly. "There Is tho kiss proper, tho kiss Improper, the perfect klss-whlch by some People, perhaps, would be labelled the Im'-pcrfect-tho dull as dltchwater kiss and tho hearty smack. ... "There are also different kinds of kiss ers and klssees. One depends very much upon the other. I mean, jou jrgulate jour kiss accordingly. For Instance, if you were Solomon kissing jour eleven hundredth wife, jou would probably kiss her with tho lips of experience, which is what a woman likes, but with a due re gard to her own Inexperience, which Is what she ha tea. ... "Tho most vloletty of maidens likes a J"n" to love her as If she knew all about It She may bo a simple dairymaid, but she knows enough about love to know that It should not bo a kind of milky way. Every woman expects lovo to be as heady as a good strong burgundy, or the best brand of 'boy.' " ... In a recent and very clever novel, the heroine la loved by a wondrous gentle man, who at all times, In season and out Of season, "kisses her soul." How he ac complishes this feat up one knows, ap parently not even tho author himself, for lie docsn t give us tho slightest clue. We are all left wondering. It must be a strange ex perience. On the subject of kissing and kisses, tt all depends on tho kisser and the klssce. Speaking of mascu line pertldj, a young woman rema'ked epl grammatlcally, "To be kissed nowadajs that Is easy; but to sUy kissed that Is the question!" Ul uf mump. It all depends on whither one wants to stay kissed or, like the faithless lover of the fairy talcs, to ride off alone into the wood. Talks to Billy Squirrel. "Watch me and I'll show you how It Is done." Blfly watched while Reddy ran down to an oak tree branch, hopped quickly over to a hickory tree which grew next to the oak and scrambled up to where the nuts grew thick and green. lift Innkod thorn nil over nnd selected one which seemed to Billy to be the very greenest of the lot This he carefully put In his, cheek pouch so he qould use all his feet In running quickly back to where Billy sat watching. "Now watch and you'll see how I fool Jack Frost." said Reddy. He tackled the green hull with his sharp teeth and quicker than Billy would have believed possible he stripped oft all the green hull, gnawed away half the shell and began eating the moist nut Inside. "Too bad jou don't like nuts, too," he said laughingly, as he saw Billy regard ing him with wondering eyes. "They aro the best eating to be had!" And away ho ran for another. Copyright Clara Ingram Judaon. EDISON MAY SPEAK HERE May Observe Incandescent Anniver sary at Electrical Vehicle Meeting Tbomaa A. Edison Is expected to attend the three-day annual convention of the Electric Vehicle Association of Amcrki which opened today at tho Bellevue Stratford Hotel. The "Wizard of Eleo trlclty" Invented the Incandescent lamp J5 years ago, the exact anniversary fall ing on the closing day of the convention, October 21. This afternoon the wives of the dele gates and frlendswlll be taken on an electric vehicle tour to the WanamaUer store and the Curtis Building. Another tour through tho north suburban section, with a stop at the Manhelm Cricket Club for lunch, will be made tomorrow, A mo tion picture show tonight will portray the purchasing of electric vehicles. Tomor row there wilt be a vaudeville show nt the Bellcvue-Stratford, followed by a dance, Wednesday morning- a trip wilt be made to the Navy Yard and to his torlo spots in the city. An exhibition of electric parts n the red room la a fea ture. Dr. Splller Goes to U. of P. Dr. William O, Splller, who won the alumni medal for the highest average when he was graduated from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania in the class of 1892, has been elected professor of neurology In the Medical School there, to succeed Dr. Charles K. Mills, who resigned last month. Doctor Mills has been elected professor emeritus Doctor Splller spent about three years In hospitals of London, Berlin, Vienna and Paris, and since 1900 has been connected with the University In various capacities. THE DAILY STORY The Wrong Address Itosina looked around doubtfully, scru tlnlxlng tho houses along tho street "White, with h buckeye tree to the left of the front porch," Aunt Ina had said. Tho one before hef answered the descrip tion. Hob Nevis, with his feet comfortably elevated on the porsh .'all, sat reading the morning paper. Noticing a lady turn In Ht the gate, he sprang up and stood waiting "I've brought the tatting for Mrs Men delheim," Roslna began, dtmdently. "Will jou please glvo It to her and tell her that Aunt Ina, I mean Miss Rldgeway, la sick today nnd won't bo able to help with the fnncjwork booth She's very sorry and hope- Mrs Mcndelhelm will be able to mnnngo without her " She hold out a small paper parcel, which the j'oung mnn accepted with thanks. "Thank you very much for your trouble, Good morning'" Roslna said, as she turned to go. And then the young man found hla tongue. "I'm sorry about your aunt I hopo she'll bo better very soon," solicit ouslv. t "That's very kind. It Is not serious, and I'm suro she'll be all right tomor row." Another "Good morning!" and she wna gone Bob stood looking after her "Hm! Who tho deuco Is she, I wondcri Don't remember having even seen her before. By Hnrrvt -she's a craekerjack for looks. Isn't she? When she smiles It's. Just heaven Will you please tell me what's tatting? I think that's what she said. And who under the canopy Is Mrs. Men dclbelm. nnd why should I give Mrs. Mcnlclhclm some tatting? Whoo-eel Help!" Hu tossed the package up and caught It with one hand. "Hold on, maybe It will break, since jou don't know what It Ii " Bob grinned, "It's pretty soft Peels like cotton " Poctor Nevis stood smiling Inside the scieen door nnd Bob spied him. "Then jou heard, dad!" ITes. couldn't help It and can't say that I blame j'ou much. Mighty pretty Voung lady! But If I were you I believe I'd lnve told tho truth, that Mrs. Men delhelm does not live here, and. Inci dentally, suggested showing her the way to tho right house. "Bonchead! But say, dad. I don't know where she lives. I've been away from home so long I don't know where nnv one lives Fcarcelj" "Vomlelhrlm's houc Is the mate of this ono on South Poplar street, same number, too. Your fair friend made a mlstnke of eight blocks. This Is North Poplar." Bob considered the matter. He didn't relish a walk of eight blocks-alone when he had an Interesting book and good cigars. No use wasting the precious moments of his vocation hunting up Krltzenbaums or Schweldcrbergs or whoever In the world it vvas who would have to look after tho fancy work bpothnow that Aunt Ina vvas sick. Aunt Inn's nleco was a different matter. So ho ended Sammy Croop, next door, and gave him a nickel and the bundle of tatting, telling him where to go. Sammy Croop stuffed the small bundle Into his pocket and started on his way. At the corner of Crlssmore street he met Jimmy' and David Harrowdale on their wny to tho swimming hole. Sammy jlelded without much coaxing and agreed to ro along, deciding that the return trip would bo time enough to make his de livery. But Sammy got a cramp In the deep water, and Jimmy managed to hold him up In a way while David j-ellcd for help to some men In a nearby field. The re sult was that Sammy, weak and sub dued from his sousing, was brought home on a partly loaded hav wacon and de livered to his mother with no more cloth ing than a few wisps of timothy, while his outfit of one Indian suit, much soiled nnd crumpled lay on a rock beside the distant strenm. All day, Mrs. Aaron Mendelhelm worked at the church. She draped yards of bunting over the fancywork booth, won dering why Miss Rldgeway did not como to help. The church had no telephone, and at noon she had no time to go home, but lunched on a box of ham sandwiches sho had brought along. The annual bazaar of the Ladles' Light Bearer So ciety must be a success! "If she can't como she might hava sent word," she soliloquized Indignantly. "1 corild have gotten some ono to help. And how about that 2tattlng she has been working on for months? She says there's f20 worth. And now where Is she? Does nnybody know anything about Miss Rldgeway?" But nobody did. At 6 o'clock Mrs. Mendelhelm left the completed yel low and lavender booth and dragged her weary way homeward. Her cup of tea failqd to revive her and sho went to bed with a splitting headache. Bob Nevis' troubles were beginning. One of the Mendelheims telephoned to tho Kldgeways and tho result was that Roslna went to take charge f the proprletorless booth, puzzled about the miscarriage of her message. Mrs. Nevis, leaving the house that night, asked Bob to go along, and ho found himself with his mother at tho Methodist Church bazaar. His heart leaped. There was a faint chance of seeing his fair visitor of tho morning. Mrs. Nevis wanted some aprons, so In a minute Bob found himself facing Ros lna! But Roslna's eyes had never a glance for htm. He might have been so much thin air. She had a disconcerting way of looking directly through him that made him feel decidedly Insignificant. "I hear that I can get some of Miss Rldgeway'a beautiful tatting," said his mother. "I'm sorry, but wo have none. It was sent, but through some error has not reached tho church." "That Is too bad!" returned Mro Nevis, moving away, "Come, Robert." Robert discovered the Indian suit and the tatting next morning, both drenched with rain. He took the tatting home to his mother J ana siariea out to nunt me Kldgeways to turn In 20 to Miss Ina. Roslna came to the door. "I've como to confess I" began Bob, humbly "Yes?" "I'm'a liar and a thief!" In spite of herself Roslna laughed. "How dreadful! lou look contrite enough to be a murderer also. We may as well be comfortable while having this awful n n QUEER ORNAMENTS ADORN THE NEWEST WINTER HATS m? rmr3zm i.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHi.llllllllHif W a4QsLsLsHr jjLsLslisHsE9H 1 BBaULsHHHasaKllr lasaisisH9iflafl 16F Mm A SMART WINTER SAILOR 1ATE fall hats are still making their ap J pearance, and tho dissimilarity of the styles In general makes It practically im possible to say what aro the predominat ing features of th autumn hat styles. One sees an attractive hat. and buys it that Is nbout the best way to establish a vogue. Puritan hats made a very good showing early In the season. Hatter's iiUS Vnnd Bkln bover are very good In nil shapes. Trlcomes also established themselves for the time being, yielding their place In the fastidious . woman's favor to tho nl ways-popular toque. Now tho pendulum of fashion has swung again. Tho large hat is "In" again. It comes in stunning black qr all-white Gainsborough shapes, or In sailor hats for street wear. Tho pretty part of these confession! Won't you sit down? Now tell me why jou let mo talk to you yes terday when jou knew I was at the wrong house?" "Because because, jou were so lovely nnd I was afraid you'd go. I wanted to have you stay and-ond-say I'm a stupid donkey, and here's the money for the whatever jou call that stuff. The little boy I sent with It went swimming Instead. You must think mo a muddle head!" Roslna laughed again "Oh, don't go! Here you have a chance to talk to me and now you ore running away." Bob needed no second Invitation, (Copyright, low.) Shopping Hints Genuine peltry Ib selling In ono largo departmentr?tOreat reduced -rates? Real beaver, which ordinarily costs tt a yard. seSa''ilnst' at present for U50. Skunk opossum banding, that dark lus trous fur which is bo popular on cloth suits, sells lor JJ.25. Civet cat banding, In one-inch wide banding, sells Just now for l.i9 a yard. Fine black-wlth-whlte and whlte-wlth-black pique gloves, with heavy embroid ery and two-clasp model, sell In another store for 95 cents. Nightgowns of flesh colored batiste, with touches of smocking and laced with ribbon at the front, sell In a Chest nut street Bhop for $1. Halloween novelties are seen In an other Chestnut street shop from 10 cents apiece up to J2. Given Damages for Loss of Trunk A suit to collect damages for the loss of a trunk belonging to the Consolidated Dental Company, which was destroyed by fire In a wayside station of tbo Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, resulted to day In a verdict for the defendant. The case was heard before Judge Bregy In Common Pleas Court He Instructed the Jury to determine whether the trunk could have been removed before the fife oc curred The Jury decided in the affirmative. ceiery, ouves or witnout finings. 10c to $1.00 a bottle E. Bradford Clarke Co. importers 1520 Chestnut Street grocer. PHONE 8PRUCE (Copyright, 1015.) fOH'YeSVoesiMPLY? MUST HAVEIT , T,vcri5. T$& ArSHHHHHHMHHP tailor hats Is that they are uniquely trim med, and have Just enough turns ands twists In the brim to depart from the eternal stiffness of the real sailor hat. Embroideries of all kinds aro seen on velvet hats, especially the wool embroid eries. Metallic trimming of this kind Is used, but Uie wool Is seen moro fre quently. The odd hat shown In today's Illustra tion Is made of pcnrl gray velvet It has a queer velvet rooiter at the front, with touches of colored embroidery. The up turned brim Is Instructive. A smart bow tlo and Jabot wont with a black satin stock with neat little turnovers with Bolld embroidery. These little accessories ore straws which show decisively what tho fashionably gowned woman will adopt for her ow n this season. ganlzntlon having been a teparate body with branches In Cleveland, Rochester. Buualo nnd Detroit. He will return to Philadelphia noct June for tho conven tion of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, at which the Poor Richard Club will act ns host. OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Codman Journey Here From Maine for Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John E Codman Jour-nej-ed all the way from Camden, Me., to this city to celebrate tho nnnlversary of their golden wedding. Children, grand children and hosts of friends attended tho celebration, which was held last night nt the home of their son and f"s!. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Codman, 4116 Spruce street Mrv nnd Mrs. Codman weing fnarried October 18, 1861. After spending more than 40 j ears' service In the Bureau of Water, this city, Mr. Cddman went fo Maine. He drew up the plans for the present high-pressure fire service and also superintended Jts installation. Baptist Delegates Off to Scranton Many Phlladelphlans left today for Scranton to attend the animal Pennsyl vania Baptist General Convention, whlQh begins Its sessions In tho Immanuel Bap tist Church, that city, this afternoon. During tho convention, which is to con tinue through Friday, the annual meet ings of the Pennsylvania Baptist Mis sion Board, the Pennsylvania Baptist Education Board, the Pennsylvania Bap tist Young People's Board and tho Wom an's Baptist Home Mission Society will be held. Modish women have their suits made by J.PRAGER Fqihlonable Ladiet' Tailor Moderate Trices Fit Guaranteed 928 Chestnut St. Olives Spanish French American California ripe, French Crescents and Span- isn yucens. Filled with anchovies, Spanish pimentos, 29S RACE 1457 ajjg n n VERVwtLL' iw&Veoot.six MADAM WE'LL ,WK5 NOW. SUFFHA8E BLACK CAT SAVED GOOD OMEN, WOMEN DECLARE Restaurant Keeper Rescues Ebony Feline Marooned by "Antl" Tho fact that a black cat took a paw In a suffragist argument at Gretn's Hotel, lh and Chestnut streets, caused many advocates of the causeio believe that good luck will crown the efforts of their sisters today In their battle across the river. Tom happened along Just as a rather attractive suffragist was nrgulng with an antlsuffrnglst Sho had Just fin ished telling her that woman had taught man how to live nnd walk nnd Incidental ly had taught him manners, when the cat arrived. Ho stared Tiard at tho "antl" and meowed approval every time the "auft" scored a point. To show his contempt for the "antl," Tom brushed against the woman as though to push her out tho door. This caused a slight laugh from onlookers, "Why don't ou put the cat out' said the 'antl,' "Instead of looking on?" "No use putting It out," said one by stander. "If jou put it out It will only como back again." "And you would havo to kill It nine times," ventured a youth who was strong for the "suffs." At this the "nntl" lost her temper com pletely, and, dragging the cat outside, put it on top of a barrel on 8th street Sho procured a piece of board somewhere and scrawled a sign which read, "This Is an nntlsuffraglst." Puss had been there but a few moments when the proprietor of a restaurant saw him and took him for a mascot. Many of the suffragists heard of the cat's experience and declared today that It will be the samo way with the cause: "Somo one will nhns como to the rescue when things look black." Building Near Chester Park Work has been star(ed nt Chester on a large number of fine new homes, to be erected under tho management of 'Wil liam R. Brlckcr. of this city, on a 60 acre tract adjoining Chester Pari: Each house is to be of distinctive design The lots have a 40 to GO-foot frontage and are 120 feet deep. Three minutes r nu iiRscoca for the table. The cost but a cent a cup Buy Cocoa in tins and always with the manufacturer's label not the dealer's. H. 0. WILBUR & SONS, Inc. fJA?'Al.lJLaaia "What Do You Know About The Milk YOU'RE Using?" Think a moment! Milk is a really important part of your diet yet you seldom know where it comes from. Abbotts "A" Milk is from clean, healthy herds that are mostly Jersey and Guernsey cows; it has a daily bacteriological test in the country and is carefully pas teurized in the city. If your milk is not protected in this way, it is not as good as our "A" milk. A ni'LLuJ ttBNB "iiiiili1 Abbotts Alderney Dairies 31st and Chestnut Streets LUIGI RIENZI 1714 Walnut Street Importer and Ladies' Tailor Gowns and Wraps , Original Models Designed to Express Your Individuality For Immediate Wear Stylish and Beautifully Tailored Suits, Coats and Dress Very Moderately Priced Millinery and Furs French Hats and Original Rienzi Models New and Fashionable Furs n lu( aireiloa FIDO LEADS A DOGS jgffiSa "-701 jrr lB.lJ,r HE'D weVeoot.six r-J l-ro-MitfRiM's- av , ' I SUFHU6JS18 OPEN 0FT1CE FOR PARADE Inf ormntion Regarding: Pftfttnt Will Bo Given ReirItl Will Be Sold The Equal Franchise Society toay opened headquarters for thr cuttac parade nt 27 South 9th street There alt details of the parade nnd "festival of light" will be looked after Miss Elizabeth McShane will b In charge She will bo assisted by a er of olunteers who expect to work atmoart unceasingly Until after the parade, If nt until after election day Arrangements for the new headquarter wcro made yesterday by Miss Carolina) Katzenstcln, executive secretary ot tho society. Owing to tho rush of buslMM and the enthusiasm shown by many suf frage sympathizers, the society headquar ters at 33 South 8th street have been crowded to capacity for several weeks; Glmbel Brothers promptly accepted tHo suggestion that the society use tho vacant store at 27 South 9th street. Parado regalia, Including pennant, suffrage posters and sashes, will be veld at reasonable prices All Information regarding the parade will be suppMed, The rooms have been decorated with suffrage flags and signs Suffragists were elated today over the whirlwind hlndup campaign In which they took part In Camden last night. Mlsa Anna McCuo struck a popular note tn addressing the Camden street meetings Inst night when she said: "Vote with the first citizen of the land President Wilson, who will vote "Yes for suffrage tomorrow," Cholera Among: Austrian Treepa LONDON, Ott 19 A Central News dis patch from Amsterdam reports a serious outbreak of cholera among the Austrian troops at Brodj, Galtcla. to prepare a fraction of It us start errinr you with this goad, pure milk at once. Call Barinc 08. or write. at Popular Prices T8T. A.l CI1IL. -auto Mrvtc. -Jn tba dlroetlea --FIOOS Birth day at i - m-rC LIKE TO HAV-fco! Elocution and Oratory. mm UIKKII iaailr l.a Y.VlVi CHESTNUT BTKBlcf HrfjBBaniaiuaBaBaBaBaBjK a ti0$ffHtUtjJff' eJ 'J gNG HERE FOR ?)) ' Sk Y 1 aMWWPr tB SAYING Aj KK 0wj - ' ' " -5 -VhJKtaaV wist urimpn. JUOCUS! 8X9 W. r j iiiiiiiFk. r- j- aW "74 , ff j MUWCAL V y y L!r Central ' : -HSrrrz LJd
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers