Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1915, Final, Page 6, Image 6
ka.MLW' m IHHHUMIBMHia EVENING tlED(BBPHIIDirpHTy. TUESDAY. OOTOB-EB 19, 1815? V I; FARRAR TRIDMPHS W FIJI "CARMET ITt Stanly Displays a Bril liant Impersonation in a Beau tifully Staged Production Br the rhetoplar Editor If anybody nts further proof of what Wty and emotion a photoplay can rte, he hss It In "Carmen." There h been longer; more elaborate and ptefeabty mora txautlful productlona than tha Lasky Aim which came to the Stanley tat nljtht But this "Carmen" la evi dence enough that the photoplay la an art-form of exceptional possibilities. "Carmen" developes two of those pos Hsllltlea to the full actinic and produc tion. In the latter muat be Included not only glorious wild mountainous setting. u( the skilful posing of the human ele tnenta axalnst them, Invariably the drama t made to jrnln by the contrast of the Ktrnisn and the natural. It Includes not atlly Ingenious "business." rapid, effective featuring, but the llBhtlnff of all thla In a way that heighten the action above anything we sec In the theatre The use ef direct and only mildly suffused light lit almost every picture emphasizes the fgUrcs and0 the play of facial muscles, fetid creates a quality nkln to the tone of oil painting. The significance of Very bit of action In "Carmen" Is height ened by the masterly handling and light Jog of Cecil do Slllla nnd his directors. As for acting that la Oeraldlno Far tr' part. There Is good playing beside her, though the Don Jose of Wallace Reld never becomes more than a hand come bay, even In the final murder. Miss J'arrar overshadows It nil as Is generally the case when a trained actress of pic torial quality Invades the screen. Her Carmen is not to bo described. It Is beauty, neither Innocent nor evil, Just free, spontaneous, natural, colored to tragedy by the life about her. The slow Dilnc charm of eyes and lips are the rare halt of this Carmen, It lured the audience last night quite as easily as Don Jose. And It was backed by tech nique, good, hard, dependable technique which registered on the screen quite Just aa welt as on the opera house stage. Aa for the story, William C. Do Mllle has made his own set of Incidents, his own plot, to carry the characters nnd their relations as Mcrrln-a prescribed them. It Is neither the stngc story nor the book story; but It Is effective. It drives on with singular force from the moment Carmen first sets her snares for Son Jose till he has slain a fellow sol dier in & flght over her. Rapidly, from a retreat to the mountains. It leaps to the final catastrophe at the bull ring. The whole is admirable. The third bill of Triangle plays at the Chettnut Street Opera House this week has a little bit of everything. Some of the bits are very good and some aro not o good. One bit is Intolerably bad. "A Game Old Knight." The usual Keystone coarseness Is unrelieved by the usual Keystone ability for getting hearty laughs possibly because Dick Jones In stead of Mack Sennctt directed It. and the actors were negligible. Anyway, a break In the film which saved the audi ence from the concluding scenes at the matinee was a veritable salvation. The other Keystone, also directed by Dick Jones, was only average. Ab "Her Painted Hero," Hate Hamilton, who knows a lot about good farce acting, hardly had a look in. The rest of a Keystone cast knocked themselves about In the usual manner. The really good bits were divided be tween "The Martyra of the Alamo," pro duced by W. C. Cabnnne, under the su pervision of Mr. Grimth, and "The Dis ciple." by Ince. The Grimth film was practically one long and excellent battle, revolving about 7 the historic Alamo In Ban Antonio. The cast, almost entirely of film players, carried the historical parts well and gave Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Santa Anna nnd James Bowie quite a semblance of reality. The Ince contribution to the program. "The Disciple." turned W. S. Hart from ft "bad man" t,t the West Into a "shootln Iron'' parson, who goes out to get his congregation when It doesn't come to him. The frontier town and the frontier life, which Mr,, Ince haa always done so well, made a. striking background to the con ventions.!, story of the "eternal triangle" given a .novel close. Last night the Metropolitan began Its third week as a glorified photoplay house w)th "The Better Woman," a five-part feature, in which Leonora Ulrlch plays the leading part. With the photoplay go ft number of one-reelers of Jlghter weight and a variegated musical entertainment It Includes grand opera selections by Ar thur Aldrldge, Mary Casael and chorus in costume. "A Bit of Topular Melody," with Louise Beaman, Harry Luckstona and chorus, and a medley of old and new Irish songs. The program nt the Arcadia this week tar Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 'The, Botil of Broadway." with Valeaka Buratt and William B. Bhay. a William Fox production, and Thursday. Friday ! uukurunT. xne final jnnarnpnt ' IK "v AtfssBBaBaBaBBBBBBaBBaBBaBaBBBaY aW' .'"rtBaaaaaaaaHaaaaai saaaaaaaaaalllaanFliiaaK, ' ' aaaaaaaaaaaOp C em aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBK TaBBa ssaaaaaaaaaiBaaaft - T"am laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaft tam v 1 isbbbbbbbbbbbbV bk. saaaaaaaaaaaT sS'- : " bbbbbbbbbF ,jnB bbbbbbT jsbHssB1 BBBBBW Jfj JaBBBBBBBBft.' saaf Mi IsKsaaaHi: GERALDINE FARRAR Seen at the Stanley last night, in "Carmen." the McGlnncsa Brothers, presented "The Dance of the Carnival" nmld gorgeous surroundings. There were a dozen dnnc ers and musicians In the cast, who set the pace for speed nnd ability In their espe cial lines The Seven Colonial Belles wore all thnt the names Implied, and wero greeted cordially. Other acts which scored Included Billy Lloyd and George Brltt, the Morln Sis ters and Rose Schmettnn and Brother. Views of the world series games wero shown among tho pictures. Here and There GLOBE. Something to ault nearly every taste is offered In thq show nt the Globe this week. Ten Sons of the Desert present nn net of tho whirlwind type, which was re wnrded with en abundance of npplnusc, nnd the Black and White Minstrels proved to be equally entertaining. Other ncta on tho bill Included James Wllllama nnd company. Jules and Francis, In "Over tho Counter": Charles Glbbs. mimic: Clifford nnd Douglass, Hanlom nnd Clifford, Norton nnd West and the Threo Mnrconl Brothers. Mnny new Ideas were shown In the pictures. NIXON'S GRAND. "A Night With the Foots," which Is re garded ns one of the most artistic acts in vaudeville Is the hendllner nt tho Nixon Grand. A poet's qunrtet helped to add romance to the occasion nnd tho act was given a warm reception. It Is pre sented under the direction of W. B. Mc Callum. who hns given close attention to details. Honors were about divided In tho remainder of tho bill which Included Thomas Potter Dunne, story teller; Lucan and Lucille, Powder and Cnpmann. .the Namba Brothers and the Musical Chef. Interesting views are shown In the pictures. NIXON'S COLONIAL. Singer's 25 talented midgets, who pre sent nn act which Includes opera, circus and a whole vaudeville show, are the hendllners at Nixon's Colonial. The little artists believe In giving good measure In tho quickest possible time, nnd they do not slight their work In the operation. An abundance of applause rewarded their efforts. Five other acta of merit rounded out tho bill, which was varied to suit all tastes. Tho pictures are worthy of special praise, CROSS KEYS John E. Murphy's minstrels top the bill at the Cross Keys. This Is nn all-Phlla-dolphla act, and among the artists are a number who have won considerable fame In minstrelsy. Vic Richards and Ed Goldrlsk aro among those who figured prominently. Applause wns also received by Holmes and Rellly, Brown and Purrow, Schrodo and Mulvey, Richards and Montrose anJ the Musical Kralls. The pictures were high class. AMERICAN There Is plenty of novelty In the show at the American. Lois Clark and com pany present a muslcnl comedy which abounds with snappy lines and funny situations. Hockey, Pains and Harklns won laughs and applause with a funny piano act, which gives Al Hockey an opportunity to be a comedian as well as a musician. Other acts In the bill were Carrie Llllle, the" Personality Girl; Cam eron DeVItt and company and The Atlas Trio. Many Interesting views were shown in tho pictures. ", Eg! EUwI B". Metro produc Man FrQm RomQ Y'lYSt Monday and Tuesday at the Regent i this week are devoted to "Emmy f Btork's Nest." by J. Breckenrldge Ellis. with Mary Miles Mlnter, a Metro produc . Hon; Wednesday and Thursday, to "Sal- vatlon Nell." with Beatrice Mlchela, a , World production, and "Shanghaied," with Charley Chaplin, and Friday and Saturday, to "Divorced," with Hilda t Spong. - Yesterday the Palace shewed "Sin " with Theda Bara. William E. Shay and Henri Leonl. a William Fox production j based on the well-known opera, "The Jewels of the Madonna." The rest of the - .eek. '.""J1 '0ws: Tuesday, "John Olayde' Honor." with C. Aubrey Smith: Wednesday and Thursday, "The Soul of Broadway." with Valeska Suratt. a Fox production: Friday and Saturday. "A Voice In the Fog," with Donald Brian. t Vaudeville KEITH'S. "I am the horse radish." said Henry Lewis at Keith's last night. But he proved to ba not only the sea soning but a very Urge portion of the weal which was served to the vaudeville epicures present. Hla "vaudeville cock tall" wu more palatable than ever, de spite the fact that Fhtladelphlans tasted much of It when he was here recently There seems to be mpre punch In It now which wai due to some effervescent wit and extra flavoring. In addition to being foolish, Mr. Lewis proved that he was a Mai honeat-tc-Roodness vocalist by his fferjng of "Araby" In ft substantial barl- tone voice. Following what seemed to be Hke a million l!ar' worth of sets, he held the stage until he felt like going Play Under Laferty Dan'l Voorhees Pike, of Kokomo, In diana, appeared again before a Philadel phia audience last night, and although William Hodge, the original "Man from Home," was playing In another theatre, Dan'l drawled his way to victory In a manner reminiscent of tho "longest runs on record" days of "The Man from Home." The Booth Tarklngton-Harry Leon Wilson play Is at the Walnut Street Theatre thla week. In the, hnd of the Pmjh Player, especially supplemented by Mlsa Irene Oshler, Carl Btow and Ed ward Evertt Morton, Jr. -arl Stowe was the man who played the part 6f the big, simple, honest-hearted lawyer from Indiana, and he realized all the opportunities of the amusing melo-drama-melodrama, not of tho usual 6rder, but still melodrama, with a hero who Is good and a villain wtho la bad and In which, true to the formula, right triumphs and wrong la crushed. Bight's road to victory lies over a pathway of many laughs and some stirring situations, nnd the audience leaves the theatre convinced thnt deep down under tho akin ,the plain American Is Just as fine aa tho foreigner with a title and nothing more. "The Man from Home" Is the first pro duction under the new management ef Grant Laferty, formerly manager of the Orpheum stock company. Easily the most popular actor fn tho cast was Mr. Mor ton, who played with Mr. Laferty nt the Chestnut Street Theatre and who has Just returned to lh)s city. His role was the Hon. Almerlc St Aybyn, and he re ceived a Justly deserved ovation for his work Miss Oshler played the leading feminine rote, that of Ethel Granger Simpson. "Hands Vp" to Continue "Hands Up" Is doing so nicely at tho Lyric that the Bhubcrts have decided to extent? th local engagement of the Mau rice nnd Walton show a week. Theatrical Baedeker OAltRlCK "Under Cover." with Itockllfff Kellowsa. A melodrama with laughs, excite ment snd a ltectlrs guesstnir contest. AI)i:i.rilI "The noad to Hnpplness." with WIIMsm Hodff. A cotnedv.drama of rural living iir. Mouse n more yomnrui out nimsicai purieyor or provincial hc Tne no less whimsical nuneyor of prtnlncial ac cent than his Daniel Voorhees rlke, of vnn From Horn LTHIC "Hands Up!" with Maurice and Flor ence Walton nrt Osors Ilssffll. A Joyous retua of th fashions now current In dancing and mualcal comedy. Laat week. 7ini,l "Daddy I.ona; I.ei," lth Henry Miller and nuth Chatterton. Jean Webster's noel of tho "Orphan's Progress" mado Into a sweet, sugary, but well-acted success. niOTOPLAYS FOnnEST "The Mirth of a Nation." with Henry I' Walthal, Mae Marsh and Spottls wood Altken. D. W. Griffith's mammoth photoplay ot the Chll War and Reconstruc tion, founded In part on Thomas Dixon's "Clansman." A marvelous entertainment. STANLEY "Carmen," with Geraldlne Farra.', Wallace Reld and Pedro de Cordoba. The prima donna's first spprarance on the screen, made In the Lasky production of a scenario based on Merrlmee's famous story and 111 refs even more famous opera. CHESTNUT BTnEET orERA HOUSE Third week of Triangle nlm plays, with "Martyrs of the Alamo," supervised tiy V. W Orlf nth: "Tho Disciple." supervised by Thomas H. Ince, with W. 8. Hart, nnd two Keystone romedles from Mack Pennett. "Her Painted Hero" with Hale Hamilton, a"d "The Gams Old Knight." with Harry Booker. METROPOLITAN "The Hetter Woman," with Leonoro Ulrlch. a five-part feature; grand opera selections by Arthur Aldrldge, Miry Cassel and chorus: "A Hit of Popular Melo dy," with Louise Peamnn. Harry Luckstone and chorus, a medley of old and new Irish songs, and travel and comedy (Urns. ARCADIA "The Soul of Hroadway." with Va. leska Suratt and William E. Shay, a William Fox production. REGENT "Emmv of Stork's Nest." by J. Urrrkenrldge Ellis, with Mary Miles Mlnter, a Metro production. PAI.AOE Fln," with Theda Dara, William E. 8hay nnd Henrt Leonl. a William Fox production bated on the well-known opera, "The Jewels ot the Madonna." STOCK. WALNUT "The Man From Home." with Carl Blows and the Penn Players. The familiar and amusing comedy of the American abroad, by Henry Leon Wilson and Booth Tarking. ton. KNICKERBOCKER "The Lion nnd tha Mouse." with the Knickerbocker Players. Charles Klein's drama of the millionaire and girl who humbles him. Familiar, but still likable. VAUDEVILLE. , KEITH'S William Courtlelgh & Co. In aeorge V. Hobart's "Peaches": "A Vaudeville Cock tail," mixed by Aaron Horrman and served by Henry Lewis: George East and company In "The Dance of the Carnival" and "The Futurist Whirl": George McKay and Ottle Ardlne In "On Broadway": Violet Dale, tha Seven Colonial Belles; the Morln Sisters; Billy Lloyd and George F. Brltt: the Sche- wettanfc and the jfetrst-Strfc netorlal OUHilii-'Trn gone of the Jert"t Mrk and While Mltiatrelsi James Williams -and com pany In "Oetllng ICren"! Jules and Francis in "uver in i counter"! Charles Olbhs. mimic. osnienj cunerd and Douglass; Clifford. Nortin and West, and Tirvft aiirrnni iipnttitra r,!&N'!l'onANDr"A Night Wllh the IVieta, wun inr i uonnt Ji and Rose HnlTi and Clifford. Norton and West, and inw tiirww inr(rni xrmn-rs. the Poets' Quarteti Thomas Potter Mean and Lucille! Powder and Can- tnanni the Nsmba Brothers; the Musical -nn, ntHJ motlOTT pictures, NIXON'S COLONIAL - Singer's 25 Midgets, minims, oinrr arts ana rthotopisys. WILLIAM PENN-"Ft Beauties a .Al I'ttTdN "ITU ItoaMllAB ftA m Srot." with Jsck nussell and Lntta Bakeri nnany, t BUnler Spot.' Ifrmi Ifrmsn Adler and rnmnsnv. riaiM finMen. rastano hnd Nslson, Btanley and LaBine. the need Brother. In "The Beeentrlo Walter. ' CROSS KEVS-Flrst half of week. Murphy's Minstrels, Holmes and Rsllly, Brown and tlirrow. In '"The Girl and the Pearl" i Frhrods and Muleev, In "Fun In a Vaudrf 7 .-A atyn cjr . Richards and Montrose and tho Miislcal Kralls. NIJCON'flrDnree Opera .Company, In "Big Mo ments From Grand OP'ra"i Cooper and Fmi,hu '"rry Tlllhert, Edwin Hawley, In The. rtandlb' '; Dale and Boyle, Flm, Blgelow and Muan, AMERIQAN-Flrat half of week. Lois Clark nnd eombany, ta a musical comedv. rarrle Llllle, the "Personality' Girl": "Ths Groom ForgofW presented by Cameron DeVItt and rains and Harklns and nmrmNiNa. .&- 'In Old Kentucky." with Louis it umiunr ravonie, za years oia. cnmpanyj Hockey ino Aiiaa. xrio. .3 PEOPLK'S- Murray, BURLESQUE. DUMONTS-.totimont's Minstrels in burlesque and travesties. Kith selections from "II Tro vatore ' thrown In, . ' " U-Boat Captures Swedish Ship COPEKHAGE.V, Oct, .-Tho Nordlands Posten states that the Swedish steamship Mkc was captured by an English sub marine while carrying Iron ore to Stettin, Germany, nnd wna taken to the Russian port of rtcvel. OBITUARIES William E. Millard William H. Mlllnrd, ex-presldont of the Millard Construction Company, which for many years handled a number of city contracts, died last night 'at his home, I2th street and City Line. Oak Lane. He was 111 but n short time, and his dctth came a? n, shock to his friends nnd relatives. Mr. Millard was a member of tho Mellta Lodgo of Mnsons. The funeral will take place tomorrow after noon from his home. Mrs. Jane Starn Mrs. Jono Stam, one of tho oldest resi dents of Camden, died yesterday nt the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Anna L. Head, 4238 Pine street. She was 83 years old, and retained nil her faculties until her death. Mrs. Starn waa the mother of George Starn, Sealer of Weights and Measures of Camden County. Samuel P. Lippincott After a short Illness, Samuel Parry Llpplhcott, a well-known member of the Society of Friends, died yesterday at the Bellevue-Stratford, where ho lived for tho last three months. His death was due, It Is said, to a complication of diseases. He was a member of the Lippincott fam ily, which came from New Jersey. Mr. Lippincott was a member of the Art Club anil several local organizations. He was unmarried. Funeral of Mrs. M. D. Howe The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dcnckla Howe, wife of Arthur Whitney Howe, of 2032 De Lancey place, who died on Saturday In New York, of ptomaine poisoning, will take place today from the Howo summer home at Bristol, P.. I. Mrs. Howo was born In this city and was a daughter of tho late C. Paul Dcnckla and Mary Will iamson Denckla, She was a sister of Herman A. Denckla, of Chestnut Hill. Her husband Is the son of the late Bishop Howe, of Central Pennsylvania. Death Notices on rages 12 and 13. Wijr WI'H'n $ fRrtii imp ,i, iSVi, ill,.' W 'WjG'Jii ,-s , "r v 'vl H"'fr Jife&Jrl !S3p,:l,i 5 -," r-K . vi: imiii - h k r :arafc iftrii rYttrJij.."ifJHL. i imv&mmL.wmnt;iP. Hr WMUJli 'In 'if nl ill IBM MMlaMWV laaaWiSsssaaaasiii " i 4SjusBKaSa7aaBKVis9aaBKBuUa.kwBBgjBf n pftB. H" TaPa. a mt T ine Exposition Crowds'-' attest the surpassing beauty and inter est of San Francisco's great spectacle. Western Union Day Letters and Night Letters make it possible for you to enjoy the inspiration of this wonderful achieve ment yet keep in daily touch with home. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE dUKMANTOWN REAL ESTATE 70R SALE GEHMANTOWN REAL ESTATE EOB SALE QEItMANTOWN ' "Peach." ft sketch with ft flavoring of Mx race jMNtelc a4 the stock market. ! pewf tvs a. very digestible af JWr, XtoajrtU tii fact that It has been at here mW, It waa given a very 'WW wilnwn. It was presented, by WMMsmm Cfssrttolgit and company Mr Casisrtkeisjfc tsanowstrated that he waa swarthy ef all tt commendable things arfclefe have. si ald about him and he waa i caHsmt support by David TMsnc, Mlsa lMa. Conroy, and' Dick ClMss. A mbtftiHr yyu4evtHe ahow waa offered tr VMstot AftU. wew convinced the audi M aaadat I4 a ballet and incident air keassjs yrs Alnne If she so de intal Mkf sjava imy Jlfe-llke Irolutiona f Mvrs4 wH-swsw.7 Mars and her ef 1nd Mwftrasasl with pro!Qne4 a- .m i-w KeKfty aad OHle Ardlna were i. ihe 4p ef the. bill tor the jspplausr r urd ( m would so lenr way before !. b.iUf youbia" in vauaevUJt, uig h.i s&J compduy, ftMUtd by 1 gTjiS Elra mWwm BSaKvyBattafiaBBKaaM OaW aBaaaBr 4 JMHMQmMCFBlBH LAFAYETTE GREETS DISTINGUISHED MEN AS HONORED GUESTS Gnln Occasion at the College in Celebration of Inauguration of Dr. McCracken as President A NOTABLE ASSEMBLAGE ICASTON, Pa., Oct. 19. Two hundred delegates from various universities nnd colleges and other learning societies are at Easton to celebrate with Lafayette Collego tho Inauguration of the 9th presi dent of that Institution, Dr. John II. Mc Cracken. In honor of the event tho city Is In gafa attire, with flags afloat a" colors of tho college, maroon and white, festooned from tho various buildings In, tho business section. All of tho hotel are crowded to capacity and hospitable residents of the city have thrown open their homes to tho reception of many of the guests. All exercises at tl e college ceased at noon and the entire community has started to make the occasion memor able. It was announced this morning that honorary degrees will be conferred upon 19 men prominent In various walka of life Those to recelvo tho degree aro: For the honorary degree of doctor of letters: Martin Grovo Hrumbaugh, Hnr rlsburg, Pa., Oovcrnor of Pennsylvania! Ernest Gottlieb Slhlcr, New Tork, pro fessor of Irfitln In New York University, ISthclbert Dudley Wnrflcld, Chambers burg, Ta., eighth president of Lafayette College, and now president of Wilson College. For the honorary degree of doctor of science! Frank Henry Constant, Prince ton, N. J., professor of civil engineering In Princeton University: Henry Fay, 'S9. Cambridge, Mass., professor of analytical chemistry In the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Itlchnrd Mills Pcarco, Jr.. Philadelphia, professor of research medl- s" . ;n.y"i? t WIWIHO tffs.1 ftlM JsHshV. IVm . " chief engineer of the DelalJlJr wanna and Western VMxiilV For the honor..?..(?!ro. Laws, presented by David n I of the board of trusTec' ie"n?j Drown. Phlladelnhla I.Tliclt i Pennsylvania! Winston ChXH nlsh, N. H . author. 5Ahl. uuyier. Philadelphia, fawyl" Henry Gary, New Tork iif ' Of the United States fiLV'fc e Kdward Kidder Graham pV. , ? C . president of ih- t,m.LCn.Pl Carolina: Thomas natlTl'N!il city, architect: Albert nB. J Dia, mo., president bt the rrii.' ' Missouri: Cyrus ir.ii V.n'Ver cago, president of tho ImerV,V?ickf 1 vester Compi Tork city, secretary :nt of tho Interna, i ."T any; ltobm ffck& scretary of the ,&. i tVta TV--..U..a- ",0 -OIUO' 1 a.;:: :;" ""5n fch in ti,v3 Jfthn A, -USJ States of America: Hlalrstown, N. J., headm.... Academy! Joseph Ross wT!!!' ton, N. J., president of Ph;" .D 1 logical Beminary, moderator of .?if eral ABsembry of tho rresbvtsH.,hi' Gafrison Villard, New Yo?v 1 ana journalist, president o? ?i f1 Tork Evening Post Comp.n0 ' LIMGOLN DRIVE HOMES -' These homes are located at Lincoln Drive and Carpenter Lane, u. t' WhOlcI Shade, 40 TeafsA-FurnisK Beautiful Setting "' r 4 ri Aiciusive vjermantown oituauon. -. 91 Lpts 400 Fftt Dep ;;, j;t McCUtcKy Lincoln Drie Horn, $fy&o upward JOHN H. McCLATCHY, iv Oflfc., LW Title eUg. cwOvMM Sfe. m I mi yyy!yuujyyibT9d9ijH.b ' ,yi JBLEIJEUB rJriTi' iitStmri -e. " ? ew LEHIGH VALLEY TICKET OFFICES LAND TITLE BUILDING BROAD" STREET AT CHESTNUT 6 SANSOM The most conveniently located and test equipped ticket office in Pkiladelpnia. All travel information. Prompt service ty telephone and messenger. Buffalo Chicago The West LelUgli Valley Railroad "THE.ROUTE.orTHE.DLACK DIAMOND- : ' o TTI r ES352I (rfe -&mswmm p ' - fciZn ammiwif PROMINENT WEST nilLADELTJIIA M PHOTOPUy PRESENTATIONS W LOCUST 82D LOCUST STREETS f7. , . . KIMUALL onaAN Mats. 1:80 and 3 P. M. Evgs.. 0:30 to 11 J. L. Lasky Presents CHAnLOTTE WALKEIt .1'0UT av DAHKNEBS" Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Hooking Co. SHERWOOD "T" LTIMOUH WM. FOX Presents DARA "THE TWO ORPHANS" Performances 0.30. 8 and 0.30 GRAND B2D AND MAHKET STREETS MAT, DAILY, 2 P. M S cts. "THE BROKEN COIN," No. 16 OTHERS EU R F K A 0T" AND - l t. IV rt. MAUKET BTHEETS WOULD FILM COHP. Presents VIVIAN MAItTIN In 'THE LITTLE MADEMOISELLE' IMPERIAL 00TI1 and UV.rn.IUAL, WALNUT BTnEETS PARAMOUNT PICTURE CORP. Presents INA CLAIRE A CARLYLK IILACKWELL In "THE PUPPET QROWN" GLOBE B0TH AND MARKET BTS. Dally Mat., 2 il5. Eves. 7 A 0. RICHARD J. JOSE In "Silver Threads Among the Gold" Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Dooklnc Co. E&LAR CEDAR "'CEDAB "Diamond From the Sky," No. 6 TUB WOMAN. THE LION AND THE MAN' "COR8ICAN 11ROTHERS UP TO DATE" HAVFRFORH 00T" BT and nrivcnrunu haverfqrd ave. cJouff in'WEST WINDS" "RUE, BIXTl'-TIIRBE" Kssanay Feature ALSO COMEDY ra. HAMILTON 00th ft IstDtdown At Pvnlnss .a """," . IUMUN BJfJUiJIl in "MASTER OF THE HOUSE" FIVE REELS. OTHERS ORIENT Theatre e2'0ASAND CLARA KIMRALL YOUNG I In IN THE HEART OF THE BLUE UIDOE" "Tha Cavs on Thunder Cloud" "Mike's Children Elope" PARKWAY ""Jft, I'OPLAR RTnUiwro W A 1nn lmn -- "WINNING THE FUTURITY" FOUR AOT8 Franklin Thatr " -avenub010 MIRIAM NESIHTT 1 "THE WAY BACK" OTHER MATINKB DAILY GARDEN ffTSW "CHALICE OF COURAGE" OTHERS .OVKHMMKMC OVstKBKOOK.- HAVMRKOMD AV. BROADWAY FKATURsVi. "TW rawpttlli Am Cmmjbc'' Fa4ttrli Otms Crd 4 Fr.nU Fm. NORTH BLUEBIRD BROAD AND SUS QUEHANNA AVB. Li'SiWS8 "The Ivory Snuff Box" ANNIVERSARY WEEK PARAMOUNT Great Nnrtrirr nnoAD st.. erib a H' oVi"?."1 OERMANT-N AVE8. DAILY. 8 :30 P M. EVENINOS. 7 and 0. "THE REGENERATION" S Parts Featuring Rockcllfte Fellowes lc Anna Nllsson Broad Street Casino BR0IH3EU ,.JFVENINOS 7 AND 0 RICHARD TRAVER8 In "AFFINITIES" "HAZARDS OF HELEN" COMEDIES HEAR8T-SELIQ NEWS TIVOLI Thpatl-P FAIRMOUNT AVE.1 "THE BROKEN COIN," NO. 11 baggot i"THE ONLY CHILD" OTHERS CENTRAL tfl A J VicforJa ' Ab. 9tb. S VltlOna o. a. M Contlmiotls'il.UI Photoplays ot OlstlnctloBV'J, rj-.. r . r-j" Jsl i uuy, iriiss v-iciavia ratnons Will Review Herself In Person In heVl ricturlzatlort, Entitled iT "THE GREAT RUBY' Will Appear on the-Btsgo at i30 f,i Market St. Theatre m "Blood of Forefatl 219 N0BTS EIGHTH NORTHWEST JEFFERSON 20T" ATNRDEEflUPIUN BLANCHE SWEETJn P,.y."Sb5nyhrrB'tTn';.Ti?oyk'iB. C PARK nIDaE AVE. AND DAUPHIN Hear Our J. P. ,..&& bn "MEC?,UALVN,EFELOBEL'lUr,n' Plays Obtained Thro StanUy Boklnr Co. ba'ra "THE TWO ORPHANS" SALISBURY'S WILD ANIMAL PICTURES Cumberland theatre. 2oth and . CUMBERLAND BTB. "THE GODDESS," Chap. 7. "A SPECIE OF MEXICAN MAN" DRIVEN BY FATE" LEHIGH Theatre 28TU and CHARLIE ClfAPLlW" AVa "UNDEB TWO FLAOS" Washington Palace b3r5wan8T8. "Daughter X the Jungle" Ni1 FAILURE" " "ONE ON MOTHER" LOGAN LOGAN THEATRE "'eLgfg MARY WOKFOnni. 'Ttm of the Storm Country" LoK" Auditorium S," vrgan AfCitot "Pott and PtaianF" BICKEL iirvSiK.WJLJ .'THB FIXBiV' "tlAiTnr."iif .TA-WOMAN" ........... ine mimiw wutm ywuimPHu FRAUfcTf lid d .. "CAPTAIN affiSKSJS? HIS ELUDGIOW" MARrr.Ni uis-iw south AUDITORIUM "The Silent Chor C A 17 i-i V 1211 MABICJt " U 1 STRBETj fit Highwayman's H DARBY riADuv TurTDr dJLr "PAIirUTIt A Drama oil vnvulu In 8 RmM "Bin. JARR AND THE SOCIETI ; "THF1 DOtTflltNl'T VENU1 NORTHEAST GIRARD auWd". WM, FOX Presents WILLIAM FAB! "The Wnsuferful AdvMltl 8PECIAL AMATEUR CONTStt; STRAND "Til AND OIRARD HIIXMMJ MATINEE J ' BETTY NANSEN ia "SHOULD A MOTHER KENSINGTON nm ir a wm nuthnini! BT DHI-UKAJLJC TOANWWKJ SPECIAL QREAT NORTHERN - "The LLrhlliruuA Kfteotr'l Featuring- CHARLES BA'i JUMBO ynOOTBT'0&l "The Brand Blottwfi" 2 1 "KVEnYHRlUT" I'fMIP OS ! AND A COMEDY RE- Bruntwick PaUce iS? "PROPATRIA" 6R in Real Colors aaesssBKaess OKKMANTOWN T..l-Ll OaWMANToWKj ussffsvll.BHt TUL1' "Volunteer Org WW V Itlis nwu & a rmWK niLLJlArVl fSVTms iupKa LEAK BAIRD it MAUR1CB COST! "DOROTHY" t "THIll BROKEN CQW V n.M.ntrii a.M Huniiw -s WayMPake CImh. CUtt- In "Work',' 1 'KEAMTC ABLAZE." 8 r, AN A OOOO COMEDY . J ! "' Weekly Program mur in i Picture Chaii