Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1915, Final, Page 3, Image 3
EVOKING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBEB 19, 1915. , DBFECTS IN POLICIES OF WARRING NATIONS MAY BE GOOD LESSON f Advantage to Be Gained by Studying and uorrcctjng rnem Pointed Out in Address at Safety Congress ENGLAND AND GERMANY ..- jtMn hf the nntlonal policies of ;.), blllKrents, ns exposed by the war, '!, nrovo to be a valuable Ickiion to this ..untry according to unanccuor u. tfnrmlck. of tho Unh orally of Pllla I ,h In An B.ldreM on "Tho Develop mnt of "he Safety Mea" to the Safety Conltress In oeulon here -In the main," snld Chancellor Mc-mi-mlck. ' KiiRland atHnda for th aolu Jim of the ilshts and privileges of In airlduata. Whereas every Uerman Is r'".Ki from the cradlo up that the Btato I. iunreme, and that collective action Is E.i ' He then added Hint the MendlnjT ', ih..n two siBtoms. with tli vicious .fMtuics of each eliminated, would help the American peujuv m mv in nrinl and economic problems. The "rank carelessness'' of the general t 'V. . l..t W n WMinn nt the Delaware, Lackawanna and western IB lUllroad. "Three times as muiiy iiwtiuDDuj) ilb employes and passengers are killed by the railroads," he said. "Outsiders cause n per cent, of the fatnlltles charged igtlnst railways. Tho public should be tlUlly Interested In the problem of edu cating Itself to excrclso BrCater care. Co operation Is necessary." Other speakers this afternoon were Ste phen V Turner, of tho American Steel nd Wire Company, of Cleveland; Charles E Meek, president of the National Fire Protection Association; Miss Florence ' Irishes and Carl M. Hansen. The safety nrsi laca os a strong rac tor In making for worldwide peace was tuggnted by It. W. Campbell, president of tho Safety Council; this morning in his K lait address as president. He will be suc ceeded tonight dv a. t. Morey, of the Commonwealth Steel Company, of St. Louts. Dr. Francis D. Patterson, president of ,,the local Safety Council, welcomed the delegates anu imer umuu nn uuuress ill which he advocated tho abolishment of red as a color to signify danger. Ills ,,,reaon for this, he said, was tho fact that a rea sign cannui wiuibuiiiu ine ai Uck of the elements and also the fact that It blends reidlly with other colors In dim light and does not contrast itronsly with other colors at all times. II. W. Forster, of the National Protect- Association, was the only Philadel phia!! to be elected to the board of di rectors of the council this morning. That dumber also Included tho number of Tennslvinlans Included on tho board, George T. Fonda, of the Bethlehem Steel Compan, being chosen by the delegates The Council this jnornlng wired tho Safety First Federation of America, now In session at Detroit, and asked that they appoint a conferece committee; so that greater co-operation between the two bodies will result. y MEXICAN BANDITS KILL AMERICANS ON TRAIN I Continued from Fare One , rear still on the track and becan nhont- Jtng Three United States soldiers near "the" door were the tlrst victims. Corporal SHcBec was instantly killed. McCain and. valllo ran Into a toilet, but were, dragged tmt arid shot. Mtraln" "Was wounded In tho abdomen and died later. Wallls was wounded In tho left arm and his left hand shot aWay. i More Mexicans piled Into the car and Iran through the train shouting. "Death to ithe grlngoes! Kill the soldiers!" l Caasengers were told to hand over their valuables and any show of resistance was Instantly met by clubbed revolvers. Sev eral passengers were forced to remove their shoes and outer clothing. t. Mexican passengers were not molested. U6 la Kosa's connection with the hold -up nas established by the cheers of the (i&anaits, who shouted "Viva don Luis!" "Vlva Luis do la Rosal" while they adorned. The bandits were all armed with carbines of exactly the same pattern as ithos6 supplied to Constitutionalist sol- Idler.. MACKEY'S TRICK FAILS Prevents Independents From Using Party Name, But Is Defeated Himself There will be no Franklin party Canal s'1 dattll fnr tha lAntlnn n-A In Ua 1CU dlYlaton of the 46th Ward. As a reiult Of & letTfll tephnlnnlltv nn nnmlnoaa will yt permitted to run under that name. Tli nll .- r ... luuuwcro ui ueorge v. roncr were ao described, but Harry Mackev. chair man of the Workmen's Compensation fBoard and Organization leader of tho fcth Ward, pre-empted tho title. When Jbe Porter candidates sought to use the I same name, Mr. Macktjy filed objections Jto Common Pleas Court No. 1. A hearing in ms petition was granted today but . H Was Shown that tin tori fllnrl hi. nh. j,Jctlon one day too late. In consequence, y tWO Sets Of PAnillHn'tn wurn rllnnlnt nn lthe "Franklin party" ticket Counsel rr me bounty Commissioners advised, .however, that neither hn nrrmlttorf n Hue the term. All nominees will, there- . 5 enrolled in the Washington party ?w Republican columns. Funeral pi Taylor McBrlde T&ylor Mrnrtitn nfflMnl linnffmnhai- ef the Orphans' Court, who died suddenly IJaat SatUrdav mnrnlnir warn hurlH thlv r!f,ternoon from his summer home at kityncote. Narcissus These are hardy and will tlnwr almnnt anywhere without anrrinl at. tenlion. Have a garden full f flowers at small cost. , Single mixed Narcissus, 20c J".; $1 00 per 100. j vuuic mixea isarcissus, ape oj., $1 00 per 100 complete stock of Hyacinth?, iflipSi Crocus, etp. Bulb Catalotr free. WILUELL S house f 18 MARKET ST. ?REE ItfvERs MADE VHK NIID ... R ul.. ii.Ja. a. .lb 'Wpliolitcrrdl n- DiiDM R ntt&ri. ira met rfcoo teo polUM 111 n, Wcovfan. i xa EA0X. t Pfprnllt( phOQI IXMi rcorape (1 Ur m Kmlrir. ISIMMU DOG-KILLER NOT UKPKRER Woman Owner of Slain Pet Loses Suit to Slayer 't Isn't murder If Jott pick tip a bulldog by the tall and kill him If you think the dog lg R0ng to bite joUr wife, eVen If tho aog has had all Its tetth detracted And, Inasmuch as It n't legally murder, It is ethically wr6ng lo call such h rnan a murdwer an to encourge the children In tho neighborhood to yell nt him. , 1So Magistrate Kmely ruled today In his ofute at Front street and Susque hanna avenue, When he held Miss Mr fnrAt Colter. Pf 1H North Uth street, in poo h t ,p tn) ,K.uce The corti Itlalnnnt was William Wnlton, of 83S North Sjdenham utreet. a neighbor, who kll.rd her dog, Lord Kitchener, recently when It attacked his wife. Wotton. who wns discharged by Magistrate Belcher a few d ago on Miss "Colter's complaint, accused Mlsi Colter of calling him omur drrcr. Miss Collcr maintained that Lord Kitchener was harmless becauso he had no teeth. $125,775 COLLECTED IN HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN Executive Committee and Teams Seeking to Raise $500,- 000 Report at Luncheon A grand total of 1123,775 has been col lected or pledged In the campaign to raise 1500.0UO for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. This was learned at the first dally luncheon, at the ilbtel Adel phla, of the Executive Comhilttie and tjie men's and women's teams whlih ale collecting the money. The banners, which w'lll bo awarded dilly to the teams obtaining the hlghost total in each 21 hours, were presented to Mrs. Edward Illslcy, captain of the suc cessful women's team, nnd J. -Norman Henry, captain of the successful men's team. The totals for men's teams until noon today amounted to $5421. The women's teams collected M553. The ExccutUo Com mittee reported collecting $5031. Theso collections brought the grand total up to li:5.775. $25,000,000 IN GOLD TAKEN' THROUGH STREETS Twenty-three Express Trucks Bear ing Sovereigns Closely Guarded NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Closely guarded by a small nrmy of special watchmen, armed with rifles, 23 huge express trucks, hearing $25,000,000 In gold sovereigns, rolled through the streets today from firnnd Central station to tho United States assay ofllcc. Curious groups of persons were kept at a distance by spe cial police. , The gdld was Ih 1000 small wooden boxes, each containing approximately $25,000. The sovorcIsn,s will be melted here.' then shipped to the Philadelphia Mint for Vtcolnage. The gold was from England and consigned to J. P. Morgan & Co. AGED JERSEYMEN HOLD DIVERSE VIEWS OF SUFFRAGE One, 97 Years Old, favors Votes for Women; Another, 102, Says "No" NEWARK, 21. J . Oct. 19. General Louis Hajes, of Vrroha, N. J., a cousin of the late ltuthcrford B. llajcs, president of the United States, who Is 97 ears of age, went to tho polls today and vcrtcd for woman suffrage. On the other., hand, Captain Dennett Erlttin, 102 years old, of PlalnDeld, voted with the nntls. "I don't believe," said Captain Brit tin, "that women will get tpc vote In tho next 102 vcjrs to come." Guests Escape From Burning Hotel SOMERSET. Ky Oct. t The New. tonla Hotel waa destrojed by fire early today with a loss of $125,000. The guests escaped. RICHMOND LAWYER BEGINS HIS DMNSE Calls Women Witnesses to Say Rector of St. John's Was Sat isfactory Alleges Plot The attorney for tho defense In the trial of tho Rev. Oeorge Chalmers Richmond, accused of conduct unbecoming a, clergy man and violation of his ordination vows, began hi argument before the ecclesias tical court In the Church of St Luke and the Ephlphany this nftcrnoon. He called two witnesses and then asked for a postponement until Thursday, say ing that owing to tho sudden announce ment that tho prosecution would rest he had not had time to prepare his defense Chancellor Henry Iludd granted tho postponement Edgar N. Black, attorney for the accused rector of St. John's, said In his opening speech that Mr, Rjchmond would make no denial of tho fact that he had written 'he letters to Bishop Rhlnelandcr which nre part of tho evi dence. Ho would prove, however, ho said, that ow Ing to n plot In the congrega tion against hlni tho clergyman had been goaded and driven to write In a manner far different than that ho would have used if there had been no such plot: and that there had been sdeh 0 plot tho at torney proposed to prove. Clnrle A. Bnjwn tnd William T. Il-imllton, said Mr. Black, wcro members of the "curbstone vestry," and had con spired to get rid of Mr. Richmond for a long time. Mr. Brown had written to tho Bishop over the rector's hend, ho declared. Mr. Brown lived at Glenilde and rnrelj attrnded tho cHiurch, accord ing to the attorney, who said h would prove this, and that when the vestrjman did come It was usually to make trouble. A Witness, Mrs. Mary A. C. Patton. was called, and said that Mrs. John Brown, the mother of Mr. Brown, had not paid her dues in the Willing Hand So ciety, of which she (the witness) was also a member. Another witness was Mrs. Lillian Elkert, who had been n member of the church for 25 jears, and said that Mr, Richmond was entirely satisfactory as a clergyman. VETERAN OFFICIAL DEMOTED E. W. Alexander, 50 Years in Postal Service, Yields $2700 Post for One Paying $1800 Edward W. Alexander, for SI rars superintendent of malls at the Philadel phia PostofTlce and 60 ears In the postal service, was demoted todav from as sistant auperlntendent to chief clerk, with a salary decrease from $2700 to $1SOO a year. Mr. Alexander, who Is 73 years old, was appointed superintendent here In 1SS0 and held that position until 15 months ago, when the two-division plan went Into effect. At the time his offer of resigna tion was tefused, as he Is considered too, valuable a man to lose. John J, Mor rlssey, formerly chief clerk and more lately superintendent of malls, is his successor. We Sell Only EDISON Diamond Ditc PHONOGRAPHS - . and RECORDS RAMSDELL&SON J30S WALNUT t'lione Fllbrrt 4873 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Orthopaedic Bracrs for deformities. Eltitlc 8tocklnt. Abdominal Supporter!, eta. Purchase direct from factory. ITLAVELL'S srniNo garden st. LE.Caldwell&Co. f ANNOUNCE' AN EXHIBITION OF f ' 1 1 Pearls I Pearl ' : Necklaces .and Jewels . j 1 ' -. .... -? cmo ' 'lowisolc "1 ' ''.. dp foremost importance to those interested in gems and mount ings of superlative distinction. 902 CHESTNUT STREET "faultless" Bedding The .Guarantor of Faultless Rest Hw" MsttretM Luxurieu Bx $frit AttfMtirc A tingle nightVilesp upon our M&ttressej epBex Spring wll convince you that they are required to complete the luxury of your bed fOM, Their superiority in all individual lJwt i what ha made then o unfailingly wt choke f thoK who will have only the DoUfchftiV "Faultiest" Bedding 1U CWJTMUT STWUET ROGERS MOST PACE i OPPONENTS AT POLLS Court Rules Agninst Attorney General's Decision In Pri mary Law Tangle Assistant District Attorney Joseph I. Rogers will not bo the sole candidate on tho nonpartisan ticket for Judge of Com mon Pleas Court No I nt this November election, according to an opinion handed irotvn by tho Dauphin CoUilty Court to dnv, which overturned Attorney General Krnncls Hhunk lironn's opinion with ref erence to tho SO per cent, clause of the nonpartisan Judicial law. Attorney General Brown, Jn Interpret ing thi clause, held that candidates re ceding more than BO per lent, of tho tntn votes cast were entitled to the sole positions on tho ticket Frederick S Drake appealed from tho opinion of the Attorney Qeneial. The court decided to day In Ms favor and ruled that the names of the four candidates who received tho highest number of otcs for the Judge ship of Court of Common Pleas No 2 bo placed on the ticket In November. The court also ruled In favor of Stephen if. Husclton, of Pittsburgh, who anked tlmt the tinmen of all six candidates for Superior Court Judge be placed on tho ticket. ly the ruling of the Attorney General the nnmes of Hend, Orlady nnd Williams only would have appeared on the bnllot. The court ruled against Uriah P. lto sltcr. candidate for Judge In Drio County, who naked that his name be placed alono on tho ticket. Above all, tested herds FAIRMOUNT Farms Milk is a product that first of all comes from tested herds. There is but one way by which you may be as sured that the cows are sound and that is the tuberculin - test. Every herd from which comes Fairmount Farms Milk is tuberculin-tested. After that every pre caution that science can give cleanliness, inspec tion and bacteria tests on the farm, and scrupulous Supplee methods until the milk is in your home. We know of no milk selling in Philadelphia at the price except Fair mount Farms Milk of which all this may be said. Are you as sure of your supply? The Supplee Alderney Dairy Milk Cream Ice Cream Eight Gold Medals P 9 VALIDITY OF LEGISLATIVE ACT CI1ALLEX0ED IN COURT Propriety of Appcnl From Public Service Commission Questioned The constitutionality of the act of June, 181S. permitting direct nppcal to the Su perior Court on the finding of tho Pub lic Service Commission wns questioned today In the Superior Court The net was nn amendment to the law of July. 1913, and waa passed by n largo majority nt the last session of the Legls luture Its validity whs questioned today during nrgumrnt On nn appeal filed by tho West Virginia Pulp nnd Paper Com pHtiy, tho New York nnd Pennsylvania Compnn, the D M Hare Paper Com pany and ho York lfaven Paper Com pany Litigation begun today Is tho ro suit of tho establishment of railroad charges on the shipment of paper by tho commission, which tho plaintiffs declare to be "excessive, discriminatory, unrea sonable and unjust." Tho carriers Involved In the caso are tho Pennsjlvanla Railroad Company, the Hal tlmoro nnd Washington Railroad Com pany and the West Jersey nnd Scashoie Railroad Company. Caruso and Other Oncra Stars Arrive NEW YORK. Oct 19. The Italian llnor ' Dantr Allghlerl, with many grand opcr.i slurs, Including Knrlco Caruso, arrived here today. "You Had Better Go To Bedford And Drink The'Healing Waters' " When the doctor of one hundred years ago advised his patients to go to the "Carlsbad of America," it meant that he had absolute faith in the healing powers of the mineral water from Bedford Springs. People did not mind the tedious journey by stage coach, because restored health awaited them at its end. But all you need do is to telephone your druggist and BEDFORD MINERS WATER! Nature's Remedy for the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach is delivered to you in lets time than it took the health seelceri of former generations to pack their grip. Bedford Mineral Water is bottled at those same Springs and the propeities that make it such a pleating magnesia laxative ana remarkable remedy for kidney, uver and stomach troubles remain tmchaaged. Cta be obtiiaed from ledui druggiU snd groceri, or phone or write to our Philsdelphia oJEce, 1407 Widener Bulldog, ud we will tee that you no tupplied. There aro thrt kind of water from famous Bedford Springs 1 Bedford Mineral Water, for medicinal wta (white label), Bedford Springs Natural Table Water, noR-maoVcino (preea UbeJ), and Bedford Soring. Spark Hng Table Water, hob mtjicinal (yellow label). WHITE LABEL ) Ell I in PI BedfomI BEDFORD SPRINGS CO, IIH BEOf ORO SPfUNCS, PA. Ytllo LaUl Ctn SPARKLING NATURAL WhlfUUl TABLE WATW TABLE WATER MINERAL WATER (en-aliUD (Beo-tnteicieAl) (atflrUtl) At U U cM Im1i ud ubt Two sausages. a baked potato. cup of Saltdo and a roll That's what the doctor ordered precisely. Good old doc! He knows what it is. that puts the snap and go into a man when the Autumn chill gets into his bones in the morning. Sausage of the Martin dale kind, of course. Just try them and know why better sausage isn't pos sible. Our sausage is made with scrupulous care all pork from young porkers, deliciously seasoned. More readily digestible than ordi nary sausage and far, far better to the taste. 25c lb. Scrapple of the real Phila. sort This is again a scrupulously prepared farm product with just the right balancing of in gredients and seasoning to make it a delightful breakfast dish. 13c lb.; 2 lbs., 25c Crown Batter 36c the pound This butter saves you at least four cents on the pound. It's a very high quality creamery butter which we buy.direct'frbm the creamery! " This saves you the middleman's profits. Thos. Martindale & Co. J Oth & Market IXnlillnliril In 1800 t tlrll Phoneii Klllicrt 2WO. I'llliert 2S7I i Kerntonr Itace BOO, llace SD1 MM Iff RPr u It's Bound to be a Whirl of Enthusiasm This One Week of Intensified Value in Perry Suits at $15 C You know the Why and the Wherefore of it Several weeks of quick, quiet, efficient buying of cloth in quantities from the mills at such price concessions that we are giving you for This Week, and for This One Week Only Suits at $15 for Which You'd Ordinarily Pay $5 to $7 More! C They're blue serges, silk-mixed and fancy worsteds in stripes, in tartan plaids, in large over plaids; plain and fancy cassimeres and cheviots made up to sell this One Week Only for $15 the Suit ! C Nothing like it has ever been done before! No J other Men's Clothing store has ever presented a Week of such value opportunity as are the intensified Values of this One Week at Perry's! C The bell rings on this Event Saturday at six, and if you've not got yours before then you won't get it next week, nor next, nor next, to such advantage. The Values, at $15, are unequaled and beyond the Pale of Competition! j C It's no time for procrastination! -5, v "i. Perry & Gq. "N.B.t." 16th & Ghestnut Streets " - ! 4l 1 1 . yr -t . ' i & i i- - k" r& ! M, S, CROWN, JE Mgt. wmmmmmmmmmmm