Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14
1 ' J M!wP- v 14 EVENING laEDGER-OnLADEEPHIA', TUESDAY, OOTOBEB 19, 191S? sa- -J ' . . . . . - - aS esar "How to Finance the Building of a little Home" is a free booklet awaiting you at Ledger Central? "JW CATTLE TOH 8At.Iv- Heril of registered Holttln cr.UI. 82. all under T years, bred In the purple, totw with official recorda. IK) lbs. of mllK per day, M lb, of butter per week. 2 stock bulla) farm (old, 'eattls mutt g." C. F BEAUMONT Doylestown. Pa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ale..TArt1iur . l"alge, 711 Walnut st., 1-hlts-, mechanical nj electrical engineer, regiatereu patent attorney, established hers SI leare; tnvantlone dersloped, itenis. trade marks, copyrights secured and litigated any where, rejected applications proaecuted; pre llmlnaty advice fiee. , HUSINF88EST PATENTS? SECURITIES! UOdUHTt BUND' EXCHANGED! JAMES L. OARFIE1.D. 1011 Chestnut at N, I) No charge for Hating .rgpeply rnHn-Koit orchards pay sure mil large return". Join local business men with email monthly tamrnts-ln ac-ijulrlne- on, llarrr Oarlinaton. H2t)hetmii Cl.li-KHTAHI-IHIIhl) credit houro (40 yeara) retiring, reeks a buyer at a bargain long lease, rent reasonable fno.000 required Ad dress owner, Pllli, ledger Cential. JvFl LLY ptotected moving picture monopoly needs Immediate working capital, ground' Poor proportion. Al.an Tiirrsr rhllart-lputa. VICTOR J. EVANS" A CO. ralent Atlornea. Washington, D. O. Write for d crimim booklet Wanted WANTED, equipped garage or auto repair hon where rent la not too hlah 'ocatlon. Philadelphia or nearby town, state particu lars In first letter. G 141, I-edger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS BUPBRTLUOUB HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only pirmanent way. Eebrowa arched. MISS SMITH. 492 Keith Bids. Mlaa Hoppe, halrdresstng and facial massage, formerly Mint Arcade, with MlssSmUh. FULL DI1E83 SUITS ' Cutaways, Tuxedoa and Sack Sulta To hire and made to order. NEUllAUErt, THE TAILOR. 10 N. Oth at. Bell Phone. Walnut SMS. Dn. W S I, A WHENCE Chiropodist, formerly at the nellevue-Strat-ford for 11 yeara, now at Wldener Bldg , Cheatnut and Juniper ats., Hoom Hit CARPET CLEANINQ Thirtieth Tear THE JOHN H1IOAU3 CO. 73 N. Holly at.. West Phlla. CARPET BEATINO, 1c. YAHD CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE I0T1I ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone. Locust 1000. EST PHILA MONARCH 8TORAC1E CO. TRr 1'HfT.A. -tC. PEn TARD. XVKtT PHILA M70-72 LANCASTER AV. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL" your old Jewelry Into the lat. eat designs at factory prices. MARTIN W. ABRAMS. 711 Sansom at., Philadelphia. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY MoTriC!!l.U, 10 cents a lard, all mate Hals. A. HluICHAHD. 1113 CH-.STNU1' S 'lCTUKIAL MI-VIEW rATHB bltESSMAKlNG taught, short, practical. trie, pensive couiree, patterna cut, 30c. Mac Dowell. SC7 Denckla Uldg . 11th and Market. OH. SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TAULE3 Alae bowling alleys, easy payments. HHUNd- WICK-HAL. K-COLLNUK CO.. I0U2 BILLIARD and pocket tables, ahuffleboard, new and allghtly used; liberal terms, renting. repilrlng At sup pllea. Rocatto Co.. 222 3 -th. bli. IAHD, pocket, Sd-hand tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2421 N. Front. DILLIAKD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought? anM. rente!, exrh'd. Keafer. 320 Olrard ave. CA.tl RBOISTERS, new and second-hand; to tal ffrtdera us low as S,o. on easy monthly paytiienta. all reclstera sold by us fully Guar anteed. Tha National Cash Register Co., 7-0 Cheatnut it, DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of eery de scription; uaed. but In fine condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere. lilTOHES. 11TH AND UUTTONWOOD DCHK8. large assortment; alao household fur nlture. Dullng Central Second-hnd Furnl ture Company, 004-OU-U Callowhlll st. EDISON DIamcnd-PoInt Phonograph; coat S60 naw. Thla outfit Is complete with records and will be aold for !8. payable 75c. weekly. Call or write for complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE UPTOWN STORES Corner 6th and Thompeon ata, Philadelphia, Pa. CJENTS' FUR-LINED OVERCOATS $12 AND UP IUEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. 128 Market at. MSI1 lunfflll.vpn.nr.iTpn Bend 15c. for H-oa. can U-KAN-PLATE Polish (rd label) (extra atrength). and make old bat; look new. A. R. JUSTICE CO., 012 Cheatnut. Phlla. OVERCOATS OVEnCOATS OVKRCOATS VI AND UP niEDER'B IX)AN OFFICE. 128 .Market at. SAFES, fireproof, slightly uaed, all elzea; bar gains; special terms, repairing; opening; all -; iow pri-cB. j-iai Tanaiora ave. Victi nr Records bought, aold, exchanged, Paul, - .. ..n..w " '. .... Wlil TO. 131.00 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 selections (12 10-Inch D. F. records); an ex cellent machine In every way; can be paid for at the rata of 7.V. weekly. Call or write tor complete descriptions and large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson ate.. Philadelphia. Pa, 19 BO-VICTOR VICTROLA IV and 12 aelec tlona (fl 10-lnch D. F. recorda); an excellent outfit for cne who la looking for a good machine at a reasonable price; payable SOc. weekly. Call or write for complete descrlp- tlona and large Illustrated cataloguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 6th and Thompeon ata.. Philadelphia. Pa. rC 40c. BOc, OOo for Victor "1-' Double-Faco Recorda. PAV -We Exchange Ail, Bo - Open 7 A. M to 11 P, M. ?338 RIDOE AVENUE. ABOVE COLUM1IIA OLD PHILADELPHIA FAMILYleavlngciry j- wlahea to dispose of contents of handsome home. Apply beveen 1 and B p. m . all week, 2407 North Hroad. Thla la a legitimate sale; positively no dealers need apply. FOR SALE About 40 Iba. pure gren crystals? What am I bid for It? Addreas F 74U, Ledger Office. HEATING UAHECO HUMIDIFIER Inaurea healthful and economical heating, can be attached to pres ent ayatem. Makln-Kelaey. 0 N. 18th at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IN EVEnV CASE TTOU-LL SAVE wear and waate by using YOCOM ANTI-FIUCTION METAL for lining your machine bearlnga. IRON and UUAS3 FOUNDRY. I4S North Second. JAMjSH TOCOM BON. f,OWErt-PA-r orriPMi-j'r Oynamos. molora. bollera, steam and oil ea glnra, pumps, air compressors. THANK TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 8D BT. PIPE AND FITTINGS STEAM TllAPAINJECTORS.LUHniCATOns CHAR HOND CO . 52U ARCH BT. PYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, aold and rented: armatures repaired. Main St; , Market 806S. YEAITSLEY CO., 221 N. 8d at. M.fKKI FT. PINOLE and double uaed leather belting, all widths, alao lot new shopworn leather belt. J Nutiall, 1748 NBthat. KOTOllR-NEW "ALLIB CHALMERS." 3 ll.F. AND UI'WAnP; ALSO I'BKD MOTOns. IN STOCK TOV. BEYFEItTfl. 4-Tf N. 3D BT. MUSICAL INSTftUMENTS ftst-CHtrKERINO upright plane; . sassy r 13 otbera from m a io s-aw t. $ Aeolian player-piano; sereral others at , reductions! slightly used; terms, $4 Mr a4 upward. mw. s4oa at all prices; terms, K "T5t r wrtta for jilwatratsd catalogue' aad Mtcpf sra uptown stork) gsi ir tli aud .Tbompsoo sta., PW4a4pa4a. Pa. .edger Want Ads Hnf .rLAYKK. very cheap; marly new: ' 1.7 V )U-W sM V 4sr S -1 if Br R- l f WMiM. M- to; 24 roll: will cWlder small - JIHK.T E V ' isr VaV aS H "". f. n n V I ViHr J amWatMis. jr. a. North CjSiwanch, 3244 JM SAUtny t I THW I M N, IF ) ' tr 1 sOlki--' A 3iiM sPH J Pst e.) Ke-lnstoii,$pi.'Jt4r bar. Tgr Afnaa NVVsssr HP5 ! !Baf nT - R4HMMiUKHj 4SMlPVsaSK7iasasssl r PWAItO VLNp!! east ft. 0k ' 1' I i.."lsss-lsf W , WTI - , . , 7lfTsW T ,.,-,, ,J "l "--JjStHkylIt " ,;i Ml I L I I .' m I I . M ! II fl I I I Nil I I I ! ! !. i , , t I II II I I. U .1 ,H). ! .t 1 ,1.1. Ill I . I TSS T OLD GOLD HUIllKRT PRICK8 In the city paid far old gold, silver, platinum, I alae teeth, old coins bought and aold. Jewelry Exchange, 204 8. 8th at. OLD aOl.t). silver, platinum, plated ware, oU at)le Jewelrs, teeth platen bought for cash. Eet. laTO. L Clark, rerlner. 807 Bansom CASH PAID FOn DIAMONDS. PRKCIOUa atonea, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla Smelting A Iter. Co., IB. Jlhst. OLD nOl.D Tah nnld for old gold, silver, antique cloika, will mil. Pell phone. Locust . 121ft RCH1KRS. 27 B. 17th OLD flOI.Ii. aller. platinum, broken Jewelry boiighi highest prices raid send postal, will rail 4S N 10th at . Phlla ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS Nh coat lraky roofs at email cost and guaran tee them It) yeara, let ua estimate. American Hoofing Co., 1M5 nidge ave. HOOF1NO OANVaH, guaranteed quality. R. A. ItUMPIIItlSY'S SONS 1021 Callowhlll at STORAGE GLAIIANTKb srOKAUE COMPANY or Phlla. inc. I'.STAIILISHKD 1ST2 Packlnc, molnu. shipping, storing ALL WORK DONE IIY AV'tO VANS Mot lug any dlstanco storing separate roomi; let us eatlniatu, work guaranteed. 1317-ln IIHOWN BT. 1'none Poplar 21B4 L II N f I N l; N 1 A 1. STOHAUu; WAREHOUSE I0TII HT. AROVH CHESTNUT TACKINU. MOVING, HHIPPINO Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Rell. Locust lrsst-piiones-ICey.. Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 181I-181U MARKET ST. WEST PHII.A. WEST PHII.A. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. Auto, packing and shipping. SS7I1 LANCASTER AVE. ATLAR STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, mo(ng, picking, shipping, carpet cleaning. . Ph. Paring 752 for estimate. Market and 37th. MILLnOURNE STORAOE CO.. 22 N. B2D. Belmont R82S. Carpet cleaning. West 421. . Auto vana anytime, anywhere. MrCASN'B STORAOE "lIOfPR. 1748 N. nth at.; moMng, par'tlng, shipping; auto tana. WALKER'S Storage: separate locked rooma; auto vana for molng. 2112 N. ISth. WANTED ANTIQUE furn. feather beda. broken Jewelry. false teeth. r,0e..$2 act, gold. sller, dla. bought, 73.1 Walnut. Ph. Wal. 70-20. Eat. 'W. BROKEN JEWELRY. falro teeth, plstnla. coins. Coin bonk. with prices I pay.malled, l.V. J.U.Hoss (People'a Store).2GijLS.llth. Wa1.44Sit CAST-OFF CLOTIIINO WANTED On account of the large demand we have ror caat-nn clothlnff, we are compelled to pay oti more than any dealer In the city for men a clothing, full dress and Tuxedo !S .? Hcmember. no one can meet our prices. rlte, call or phono Hell, Walnut CS65. Our buyer will call promptly, SCHULTZ. 227 and 211 N. Dth at. PARTeOFP rt.nnnvn wa r JVe osltIely pay ths hlehpst cash prlc ! ". e...iMrii i.uuiiii?r anu winter aiscarued clothing, also ladles' suits, street dresses, eienlng gowna, opera cloaks, etc. Our bujer .wrlte. call or phone Market 201K)' . SELIOSOHN'S. Sth rind Spring Gar -.,. ' l rr"nR. ciiy or suourDS, rden. nw.ThHhh 5'olhlng. we pay SO more, gents' clotnlnff. shoes, send postal, we call day, eie. Irledman Rros , 1444 South. Ph. Dick. 342" MEN'S CLOTHING "WANTED Hlgheat cash prices paid for cast-off clothing, hats, ahoea. etc. Our tirVer calls day or evening, city or suburban Send postal. itiitBCHHnRO. Birl Callowhlll st. e UHN1TURE. pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part hotieea bought for cash, no matter how large. J. BERNSTEIN. VOi Ridge av ROOMS FOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT can very likely be located In a few minutes By examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooma with and without board which arn on tile for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An interior photograph and an awcra to every question you would ask are here, so you can decide Intelligently; free service; test It. ARCH. 2021 (The Diamond) Juat papered and painted; ery nicely lurnlshed; hot and cold running water; single and double rooma. J2.23 to 4 per week: Investigate. ARCH. B20 (The Selwn) - Clean.' eahltary rooms; rates reasonable. Phone Locust 3ls ARCH, 1012 Attractive rooma, brass beds, steam heat, running water: table board. CHESTNUT. 2tM)7-Deslrable alngts and double .ww.nn. ycimanBn or iranBient. CUE.ST:N'L"r' 'KS AND 1002-SUITE OF ROOMS. HATH. ALSO SINGLE ROOMS. CHESTNUT. 2C33-Heautlfully furn. room, adj. hath' nrrtf ntf it- i.. .. t. ' ' . ..... w.n, t nvt , uimu. HjllU CHESTNUT ST., 2100 Newly furnished rooma, single or en suite; use of bath. CHESTNUT. 3200 (EmlljnTAttractUe rma;," adj. bath hot-wafer heat. Preston C33T-W. CHESTNUT. 200A-Chcerfui rooma. single and en suite, baths: hot water: reference. CHESTNUT. 1IP04 Desirable alngle or doublb rooma for buslneea gentlemen; private baths. LOCUST, 1229 (Morton Apts.) Sp"endidfy"fui; rooms: excel, bath; accom.: refined: phone. MASTER, 1800 Attractively furn. rms.. single or en eulte. all corns. Poplar 4266 W. PARK AVE.. N.. 2007-Rooms. single, en """ uamn. electric ngnt. Litamond 3S00. PINE, 1020 Well-furnlahed rooms, frontand back; moderate. Phone Locust OS37 L. POWELTON AVE.. 3307-Welt-furn.. bright. airy rooms, single or en suite; private baths; all conveniences; porch, near L and subway; ejerenceaexchanged. Phone Uarlng 7021 Y. PO'VELTON. 3410-Nlceiy turn., elngleir dSiST ble room, good neighborhood: gentlemen. lUTTENHOUSU HQ. (210 8. 10th at.) Large, airy rooma and apta. ; beautifully fur. ; 1 or 2 rooma: Drlvate baths; hot water hnt a claaa In appointments and service. Spruce 3I10J SPRUCE. 1117 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, BIPULh u .-N LH'r; iSiflAlt IIAT1 1. SPRUCE. N. E. cor. 12th Rooms, furnlshod anu uniurnisneq. -x-nons walnut BUB, SPRUCE ST...A10S Nicely furnished room, running watdr; suitable for two gentlemen. bt-HUCK. iitKS Attractively furn. bachelor apt., 2 rooma and bath, fireplace; phone. SPRUCE. 1208-Newly renovated front rooma, alngle or communicating, well heated; phone. SPRUCE. lll.V-Large 2d-3oor room, running water; beJUtlfully Jurnlihed; electric lights. SPRUCE. 1130 Well-furnlahed rooma- hot- water heat, gentlemen; reference. SPIU'CK; ll6o-Irge well-furnlahed rooms, alngle or en suite; phone, 1-ocuit 1001 W. SPRUCE. 1S:I7 Rooms, single or en suite; prl. baths; prof, offices; ateam heat, electricity. itlTII, N., 14013 rooma, flrat floor, house" keeping. 13. alng'e room, ll.50; VALNirr, SOOjNewly furnished front rooma; near L. electr.o light, hot-waterheat. 12TII, B., 114 Large "front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. A p. 2d floor. Walnut 7036. 1BT1L Si. 320-THIRD-FLOOR FRONT, FUR? NISHED. ALSO SINGLE ROOM. lsTH. H., 124 Desirable furnished suite; also attractive large room , aouthern exp. , corner 22D. N , 2300-Attractive room, refined gentled men or couple bd. opt lonal Diamond 1327 J. S3D. N., 417-Nlcely furnished roorris; corner imu , iiw wuacna3;iiiaj , fHUIIOr 46TH, letween Spruce and Locust On or two rooma. private adult family, gentlemen, ref erences. 1'huie Itarlng 1083 XV. . lrANDSOiiKLY" furnished front' room In largeT modern, prlwte home: electric lights; 10 rrlnutea to City Hall. Telephone Daring 41. ROOMS WANTED COUPLE with baby deslra room and board In private home, strictly high claaa and mod ern. Q 61, Ledger Central. -.TVl'rtvriJ.pwir lurautir ai TUe OTV4CK TuUTv.a c Maks ' ' FlPlV 1)eTAM I CAU PUT Bawu I VBIT VsTBK Y VHBXT I HTeVHeV4Hr TrWrH TblTy IH0 CAUBUt'TWNJ, r-VH I ttueif iVt. .J v.ONtvw , A MTjym VlflBflH " . r5r x U2yw HiV iUrs ) 4xt psHNQeW sL'i iVH 9 riXCf,lk( s A V WC '.MfvV I -st rr wiU sell or secure KOARDINQ lIAniNO, 4011-Adult family; choice 2d-flo6r front and torn , well heated: aouthern exp.i exreptlonal home table. ltajrfna; 1735 Y. OHKSTUT. MlOT- Irge front room; milt able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; electric lights, atearn heat, will furnlah to suit tenant; finest residential section, excel table. Preston Will. LEilIfill AVE . ni3-lB--DeautltuI rooms, rood table, new management Phone Tioga 8221. HI'llllrT- o tMT rHi"-t.r5ila lTuT TAllI.E HOARD. BI'HUCK t:W Hecnd-noor suite: also single 'ooma, tall loard sFlWciT IrrtCib - tleautlful 2d -story suite, furn. or unlurn.. to per. couple; choice table BPIU'CE. 1220 Attractive rooma, single or en i"ll.nt!,Sb,,n" f10' hoard. Bl'ItltClij 1224-20 (flrlsmondf)-Furn. rooms. Mngle. en suite, private baths; table board. lOTII ST., B., :I1S (Craienhurst) BuiTe of sin gle rooms; hlgh-claaa cuisine; table board. 17TII, ST, 18N-I)ealrab1e rooms;" board for married eouHe or gentlemen: references, SPRUCElTnI 303 South 4lat at. Mlaa B. M. 1IANLHY. formetlv of Cbrstnut at. OSB Olt TWO can board In private family; Overbmok location. $B. rtelmont 4318 W. Suburban SPRINGFIELD INN 8t. Martln'a Station; S minutes' walk to train and trolley; good table and pleasant rooma. Phone Chestnut Hill 329. JKHMANTOWN, 4.Y11 Pulaski ave. Room and board for gentlemen; close to train, trolley Mldvale Steel Worlta. Phone Ott.. B2VS J. OK'sMANTOWN, 2TS W. Illttenhouae at. tbe tween Wavne and Oreenei Comfortable furn. rm: good table; conv Phone Otn 1373 X, BOARD WANTED LADY (teacher) di sires 2d floor room; board; rehneJ Protestant family. F 738, Led. Cent. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT BTS. This 13-atcry concrete and steel fireproof structure reachea the hlgheat point of deel opment ua yet attained In apartment con struction and may be properly atyled a per fect place of abode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose first con sideration Is not to count the coat alone, but to procure that which they desire: where there la only perfection, the alxe and char acter of which may be selected and shaped acrordlnr to tho distinctive requirements of the Individual. Sultea are arranged from two rooma and one bath to seven rooms and three baths. The location la excellent, being comenlent to the business and shopping centres and et not too near. , All things considered, the rentals art) mod erate. llulldlng will be formally opened November IB. 1013. Further Information may be obtained and reservations made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (S. XV. Cor.) Mod. railtes; exceptionally attractive; large high ceilings: abundantly lighted on three sides' alo 20 B. , 11th at. eultaLle for housekeeping, It desired; rentals, XI0 and 173. Janitor on corner tremUee. Harbor. Hart man Co , 1201 Cheatnut at. 103 S. 11T1I ST. Hachelor apartments: excep tionally desirable 2d-floor suite. 2 large -Tonttn and bath: every modern Improvement: lanltor on nremlaee: ateam neat included. nARRKR. IIARTMAN ft CO.. 1?01 Chestnut. SPRING GARDEN, 1817-Excetlent apts. In 8 different houses, some furn.: kitchenettes. 115 B. 20TII ST. neaut'y furn. apts.. en suite, private baths: desirable location; owner. DKSIltADLr. apartments for bachelors: terms mod.: meals optional. L 132. Ledger Cent. West Philadelphia GREY 'GABLES 312-14 N. 33d 3 TO 7 ROOMS Borne furnished. All outalde rooma. Reas. FURNISHED APARTMENTS IIROAD. N 833 Ideal suite. 3 rms. and bath, furnished; modern Improvements. West Philadelphia WELL-FURNISHED. 7 rooms, corner apt.; 4th floor; elevator; Immediate pos. Daring 1"7. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED-nmir-unfurn. apartment, west of Drorid. n.'of Sp.;Garden. Add.O 24D.Led.Cent. Suburban FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping aiiartment Immediately. 3 bedrooms, first or second floor: corner preferred; near city or West Philadelphia: references; till May or longer. G 243. Ledger Centrsl. APARTMENT HOTELS "THEN YOU'LL COME BACK TO US" This first vear we come with our meesage to you; the second and third and all the other yeara the remembrance or this year will bring you back again and again. Once In a lifetime "MINE HOST" Is born, not made. J. Warren Friar, for 20 yeara of the Hotel Walton and way back before that of the Old Lafayette, has taken tho Lincoln a new and glorified Lincoln, reflnlshed and refurnished throughout and will welcome you for say a day or so, or for all the winter season. With elevator service, running water In every room and the kind of dining room you didn't think could be. You will find all your living troubles over and yoir problema solved If you will Just call and talk things over and then make your reservation with Mr. Friar at THE LINCOLN. 13TH AND LOCUST STB. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel," NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 WALNUT ST. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" ALDINE HOTEL CnEBTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES: One or mora well-furntahed rooma with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. HOTEL COLONIAL 8pruce at Eleventh atreet. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT. Centre of everything and Just away from the noise CUISINE AND SERVICE OF THE maiiEST class. WM. P. KENNEY, Manager. THE DELMAK -liORRIB UHKMANTUVVW AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION PENNA. ItAILKOAD. .20 MINUTES FROM BROAD bT. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHBD SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING A PA HTM IJNTS. THE CLINTON TENHlVtucB"w 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE, "urnlshad or unfurnished) either by lease or transiently; suites of one to tour rooms, with bath. THE PARKSIDE ANKNunA,lD OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com. plete hotel service. Phone Uarlng 221. M ' THE TRACT " 86th and Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families snd seekers for wu ouiwtmtauiHUB THE GLADS TON E llth and Pine sts. ABSOLUTELT FIREPROOF . PETEY He Almost lVJadc rni RIMt I4, "1 !--; -- ' I! 'J -1 S. e tuIh" - Sfe iMyLj' c.;)ra- J r .v " wais -v coin i-mmt -. - - v -- v - i y x l --. - i , .r'.""rixi J U i.S2r? Hr9- ckm ,o J j W V " J aW V rr?p BiB ry for you-ja cash register, safe, typewriter, billiard table, deskjliacj- APARTMENT HOTELS NEWPORT PnucE and ioth bts. " -"' 3-room suite lo sublet for balance of season flermantnvrn GREYSTONE 123 WEST SCHOOL HOUSE LANE . .. OERMANTOWN Desirable suites, alao other vacancies. Porches. Tennis, Putting Green and Croquet HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WALNUT, 20U - VJ4RY FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT, SIX ROOMS. THREL IIAT11H, UP TO DATE. OXFOIID ST., 1312-lleautlful apartment, two living rooms, two bedrooms, bath, dlnltu room, kitchen, maid's bedroom and toilet. Inquire Jan I tor. ' . ISfH. N., luJe, Fully furnished rlrat-rioor apartment, with private bath and kitchen; fill suit two personal reference required, Ii7N"j 1BTI1 2d-floor, 2 beTrooms, V.nth, TTv- Ing-dlnlng room, kitchenette; corner; light 4 sides. It. XV. OLHAUSEN. IMS Arch st. COLUMUIA. AVE, 1811;"3"ltdOMB7 WITH tnt!AATKJlATH,AJ1LTON.mENCKS DIAMOND. 2ll2-fhree rooms, bslh. kitchen, hot-water hfat and hot water, $23. POPLAll, 1322 Ground floor, .1 rooma, bath, kltchenelte, 1001 LandTltle Uldg. 20TII, r7Tr734-0-noOM" APARTMENT, Till- VATE MATH, HtjT-WATKU HEAT; NT E. do It 10TH AND MASTER-Room and bath, 3 up. THE M0NTEV1STA. 03d and Oxford sts. In the exclusive Overbrook section. An ideal location;, hlfrti and healthy, and within 23 minutes of City Hall via the Mar ket st. Elevated and the fiOth St. croaM-town line, which runs direct to (Eld and Oxford sts. The new building Is now ready for your In spection, haMng sultea of 3 looms and bath, ranging In prlco Irom X40 to 433. We havo u few small suites remaining: One room, kitchenette and bath at 23. Two tooms. kltchenetto nnd lath at 30. Dining room located In building. Agent on premises or phone. Overbrook 47-fi. INFORMATION RELATIVE TO AND THC renting of nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia may be conducted through this otnee. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired.. TJORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Eatate Trust Bldg. Walnut 143. CORONADO. 22d and Chestnut sta. A few desirable vacancies, large andsmall. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.." all parts of city, ltcnts 23 lo 470 per mo. Call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. WEST PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE AVE., 4303 Attrac. mod. apt., 0 fine outalde rms.: op. Clark Pk. Paring 7023 J. THE MARLUOROUail MTH AND CHESTNUT STS.-Most conven ient location obtainable; hot-water heat, elec tric light: In fact, the character of service and comfort which makes a vacancy In any one of these apnrtmcnts a rare occurrence; two or three dtslfable apartments are offered now where tenant" are leaving the city; rentals. $27.80 to $13. THE PARKWOOD 4STH AT WOODLAND AVE. (one block south of Cnester ave.), facing Clark Park To those who desire trees, grass and open air surroundings, these apartmenta will make a particular appeal. Tennis courta on tho grounds. Two desirable apartments for rent, one vacant and one to be vacated. LB BLANC APARTMENTS BSTH AND WALNUT STS. Housekeeping apartmenta. with B rooms and bath, with every modern convenience and with the sort of. services which will make you glad to live In an apartment thla winter: ono flrat-floor at $33, two second floors at $37. THE PLOEYDEN 40TH AND LOCUST STS. Two, suites of B rooms and bath each may now be obtained In thla particularly desirable 4-story fireproof apartment house. T aln nffpr A Inrir vnrlntv nt annrfmenfa at varied prices and to meet nlmost any re quirement. Call or send for list Automo bile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. "Al'Al'-TMBNTS A SPECIALTY" DREXEL APARTMENTB OVERBROOK STATION One first-floor suite. 0 robmif and bath etp- vator: nubile dining room: roof garden; spacloua lawn. rnone uverDrook ttKS. THld RUTLAND APTS., JUST COMPLETED . LOCUST ST.. B4TII TO 33TH ST. 0 and 7 room apartmenta, with all the latest conveniences, $.17.30 to $15 per month. ItOBERT A. PITTS. AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 413.1. 3443 Locust st. HEADQUARTERS FOR W. PHILA. ., APARTMENTS KERSHAW ft CROWL, S215 Chestnut sL LENOX APARTMENTS" 8401 to BIOS Chester ave. Furn. and unfurn. housekeeping apart- menta. See janitor or Dh. Woodland 261D J. HSEX. :tth and Cherlnut; Monterey. 43d and Chester: Belmont. 34th and Spring Garden. H'luirn janitor, or urrsse. us Hale liiag, $40 310O WAI.VttT RT lr clu..- large rooms, porch, modern Imp'ts.; janitor service. Dakln ft Kllpatrlck, B135 Market st. Gcrmantown SCHUYLEiR ST., 3228 AND 52.12 Second floor, S rooms and bath, all modern conveniences, heat furnished; rent, $10 per month. See Janitor, on premises, or communicate with owner, F. C. Scheld, Bth and Snyder ave.; phone Dickinson 018. LOCH SLEY HALL 418 to B14 West Mldvale avenue. Queen Lane Station. Gcrmantown. Ideal homes: larga lawn and porch. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY . , 1509 LOCUST ST. : Handsome, modern 4-story brdwnston dwell ing. Especially fitted for professional offlcea. uw yni-Mj im easy verms lor quick sals. 2213 OUDEN ST. 2 stories. 0 rooms, modern conveniences. Including hot-water heat and ir?wo.0.d fl00"' APPl D, A. MINNICK, I4I 1lif-A sua " PARK-FItONT ItI5SinKNniC . Kp. 1311 NORTH 33D STREET. Below Oxford Porch front, 14 rooms, 2 baths; modern; largaln at price asked. PEMBEKTON ESTATES, 1102 Hsrrlton Building. 8,,'S?IAil'iVAIiaAI,isSn' 200 to 500 "h" 1712 Wallace; an 1000 house for $3600. 21st 4- Wallace, cor.; asaeas $7000; price $0200. 1H14 ill. ernon: maka off.?. e-w. MARSHALL II. SMITH, lull Cheatnut at, fFYOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy! sell, exchange or tnaure, "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT.' 000 Walnut at. CENTRAL,. PROPERTIES for rale or renu YARROW ft VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Cheatnut. SALES-RENTS EXCHANGES ... . . A-UKClirH 73 Drexel BHg. 2414 W, Lehigh ave. GROUND ALONG N. E. BOULEVARD" .fujif u. vyiuitiAMo. in vvainut su Successor Lewis II. Redner. INVESTORS. SEE WARD'S HOUSES AT 42(i N. nAfitKM ht OFFICH-4231 N W ST. F2tt,a?.VT" JPJ7La. heal estate, a. v1: RUBSELL, N K. cor. 13th snd Tasker sts' llulldlng I-ls. Factory Bites. Etc. VA LU A 11 LH central site, 130x100: 3 streets; good building, sals to close estate; easy pterins. J A. Frits. B23 Land Title Bldg. Aldan. Pa. KXECUTOR'S BALE 23 acres; ready for de velopment trolley, ateam frontage: 10 mln utea 00th at.; 17 minutes Broad nl 3 4J$. Ledger Centra,!, " a Fatal Mistake That Time REAL ESTATE TOR SALE WEST rillLADKI.I'JIlA BEAUTIFUL SHERWOOD" ATTRACTIVE houses of many at) les, designs and number of rooma; terms of sale most satisfactory to purclilistrs. PBMHERTON ESTATES, 1102 Harrison Uulldlng. , $31008 ROOMS, hot-water hea"t, Jtas and eles- trlo light, parquetry floors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR., HUlLDEll BSlh and Hadfleld sts. B-ItOOlt se.Ttl-detached house, lot 30x123, food condition, convenient location, will sell at Its assessed vslue, $4.VO, good reasons for relllng. F 133. Ledger Central. OWN YOUR HOME Cheaper than renting; 8 modern porch dvvtlllngs, 10 rooms: 20 minutes from Public llulldlngs, $200 cash, balanoi mortgage. Address P. O. Box 821 WHI5LAN ft HOMES, HUTU AND PAHCIIAl.l. AVE. APPLY !01l CHESTNUT BT. HOMES, STORES sND AI'AnTMENTS. sal or rent. GROSS MINGLE, 331 B Market st. 8E"n1TF0RT.I8T, HALE OH RENT JOS. M. HAKER 62l and Baltimore ave. SEE MITOHELTT'rPilOMKS. Felton at., be tween Glrairt and llaverford aves., east ot ICld. Jas. N. Mitchell, builder, 4th ft. Market, CORNER 3 looms on second floor; every con veulence, could bo altered Into store. 818 S. B7th st. flKRMANTOWN STENTON New detached dwellings, with Urge lots an I Ideal surroundings; open dally and Sundays; trains to Strnton Station, Reading Hallway, or drive out Slenton ave. to Vernon road (liMxi North). Frank Mauran, 2J0 Land Title Building. fK YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A ilOMElN Gcrmantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill con sult me. A. It Mcenan. uhi ucrmaniownavr. RESIDENCE SITES-Ground In best section of (lermatitnwn and Chestnut Hill. U. B. LISTER ft SON. SU12 Oermantown ave. SEND FOR NEW BOOKLET KUMlil itirsti srr.uiA . . .. GLYNDON PR1ESTMAN 330(1 OTN. AVE. WE CAN ASSIST you lo find that house you are looking for. Oermantown Truat Co., Cueltcn and Oermantown avea. TIOGA 1012-14-18 XV. ONTARIO ST., 3330 N. 10th at. Four 2-story brick dwellings, 8 rooms each, rent $18 and $2u; also lot, northeast corner 10th und Ontnrlo sts., 40x73 feet, to close an estate; make offer. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erie ave TIOGA-Very well built, mod. 3-aty, dwg llr. and bath. Including hot-water heat, every mod. conv.: lot 10x100 ft.: coat $S300; offered at a bargain and on eaay terma to close an account. YOCUM ft POWERS CO., 20 S. 13tU st. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOUA OR LOGAN KENNEDY ft RAM BO. 3740 OERMANTOWN Cheatnut Hill NEW SALi; AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO., 074U Oermantown ave. ligan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, Broad at., opp. Logan Station. fwiNHOt'SETo rooma andbath, hot-water he.it, vlectrlclty; will sacrifice owing to bust nesH changes. !' IU4. Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE, mortgages and convey ancing. WM. D. CHAMBERS. 4933 N. Broad at, Oak Lane BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, 100x230. high location; near tmln and trolley; at right price; line homes surrounding; only lot lei t In neighborhood worth having, Miarpless ave., near Mountain ave. Consult jour broker. XV. K. SMITH, .Id and Lehigh ave. DESIRABLE single houso on a large lot; main street; price $3oO0; this price Is a reduction and makes the property a decided bargain. For Information apply Wllll'..i Burr, 8th and Oak lane SUBURBAN CHOICE BUILDING 8ITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, Iiighorne. Pa. HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT imci;ui(ii;k. MOUUIlMIUli, 1011 Chestnut, and Elklns Park. bELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, rarms. Llat orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE SON;J414 So. Penn sq. FOUNDED 1S7B. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale oi rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. WM. H. WILSON ft co.. Morris llulldlng. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES tor sale or rent; attractive locations: priccB right. Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust Bldg. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE; Main Line. Ger mantnwn; farms: Reading R. H.Kond for lists. CHARLES J. HQQD.&CO., Morris Bldg. L Ambler i rwioTTu'Dut: Jf"-. SEND FOR LIST-of suburban,' horrtea. farms, country seats', building ground, etc I have a large and varied Hat in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. It you are looking for any thing In the way of country real estate, da sot (all to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. KA11M3, country places and suburban homes' 2.inS Beading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. H. J. Pager. Inc. Ambler. Pa. Darby, Ta. JT irK.P KOOO-Wlth lot 33x209; sub. dwell.. 0 1 rms.. hot-water heat; fruit; chicken house. Bwone Hon.. n..hv' "' -nlcKen JKIklns Park, Fa. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location near train and trolley, at decided bargalS; all Improvements. Box P 106. Ledger Office Glenalde, !, HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. RENNINGER A RENNINGER Broad and Walnut ata. JIAIN I.INE, PA. It. It. BEST LIST OF MAIN LINE HOUSES , Either for sale 6r rent, at all prices IIIRST A McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg SUBURBAN HOMES, country p!acoanJ building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. H. c HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. NEW MERSEY Audubon, N. J. $3000 NEW 2V4-story home, containing 7 rooms and bath, all improvements laundry pantry, hardwood finish, gas and electric? lo! Sly tirrnX.""Cnt l0Catl0n' (50Q "b&nce 'eldred imnns 220 Merchant st.. Audubon. N. J. lladdon llelgnts, N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES- HABIION HEIGHTS, N. j7 W1LLET UPP1NCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. THE ORBATEST privilege of the 20tb century t?Hi? 0," " "u,f one-acra farm clou to .? n(1 re,5em,br, $3 down buys one, $1 mnnthlv nays for It. For a square deal call on or write BARLOW CO., Uipli Shad" Mt. Ephralm, N. J, . t ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephra m. N. J., adj. Haddon Heights: only S miles from Camden: 2 stations on tract; $300 to $000 per acre, title Insured, free deed, no taxes for 1018. Camden County Gar. den Farms Co.. J.203 Broadway. Camden N. J. Woodbury, S. J. $.400-FOn SHORT TIME can build you ft atuccu home. 8 rooms and bath; all convenl. ePc". l. cre ground, close to trolley and ;i,trl0lr"Ji termB. ,0 "ult- John Abramson. 21 N. Broad st , Woodbury. N. J. ""m' BKAHHOItB Cape May N. J. COTTAaE erected by a reliable builder Is s aatUfactlon; attractive plans submitted free OTIS M. TOWNSEND. 'pcean City. N, J. Ocean City. N. J. :oTrAOB erected by a reliable builder la a satltfartlon; attractive plans submitted free OT1B M. TOWNBEND, Ocean City, N, 5 By C. A. V0IGHT REAL ESTATE FOR SALB rKNNSYI.VANIA KAKMB I ACnKS. COLLEOKVlLt,E MODERN HOME -0-room stone house, barn, garage, hen house. 30 fruit trees, old shade, prlco $1200; on...nlrdjAe.,.Kh.fl pAmf AOBKCT 213 Stephen Olrard Uldg., Phlla. 08 ACRES $3300, wortrTloflOO; M mile Bratl ford Hills, Main Line, Pa. A. u. 11A LS. vvesv mumtri . 23 ACRES, STOCK. CRO'PB, good I building ji $2300; half cash HUNSUunUER'B FARM -ifKr "lf-j.n t.n Ya " FARMS AND COUNTRY 8rUT8 t a nin . Antvlv fiM PfllAlOaT. 6. P. PET ERS A PON. nos fcllKSTNUT ST r.ii.ii- inii mi,m.i. farms for sale: trans act your business direct with the owners. vv. r itoutii'.tt i irKi -.n eniiwii"". .-, 12 ACRES Easy commuting distance of Phlla.; n mile, to station. 4ws .,... . J. II. HIUflll'ntIiy orm .uc.p., ". B. ft I. Bargain-Mod. dwell.. J3 rms., 2 hatha, stable, etc ; 14 acres, fruit, woods, extended views: $14,000. G. M Aman. 1201 Chestnut. LvSSRATT-Siroom. newErlck house: cost 32i)0; all convenlenreist H ers arouna: $tt', $.iO0 casliA II Tvson. Lanadale, 1'a. NEW .1KRSKY FAT1M8 BUnLlNOTON COUNTY FARMS, all sixes, alt purposes; established 1808. A. W. DRESSER, nurllngton. N. J. , REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT BUY A HOME FROM US Monthly payments $17 to $30: N Phlla. and Oermantown: prices $1800 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Co., 713-711) Chestnut st. suiiunnAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent Lower Merlon Realty Co., Land Title Building. Philadelphia, Ta. Ilala-Cynwyil. I's. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at all i,rlces. SAMUEL C. WAGNER. Jr., Commer cial Trust Bldg., lf.th and Market sts. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE iuOHOt'SES. everywhere, sale. rent, exchange. C. HARRY BHOWAKER. 3033 N. Broad. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS picture thcatrea to exchange for good Inveatmcnt properties; all locations. Harriet. 214 N. Sth. iloth phonea. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and fire Ineurance placed quickly. Sea uane tor prompx rcauiiH. im - WANT Hating of country seats and farms II. II. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut St. pcjnjmentsjljy phone. Walnut 4213. DEBfRE TO PURCHASE Investment prop erties renting under $23. west of B2d, south of Market St. F 442 Ledger Central. Suburban HOUSE or bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, till May or year; central plant or hot-water heat: electricity; or hiqih :u,"laj v iaj wiiu Ledger or near garage; reference, u n. Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 14 IX 'NORTH FAWN ST.-4 ROOMS, BAT at IN UliMltrv lv iiim-h . ,v. WALDMAN, 11 IP 'OIRArtD AVE. 318 SOUTH ISTH STREET 11 moras and x batns. MBARS & BROWN, 202 S. 13th street. JEFFERSON. W 1018-0 rooms, porcelain tub and sinks: 2311 Gratz, 7 rooms, porcelain tub; 2432 N.Clarlon, 3 rooms: all In good condition. !12!t E. SUSQUEHANNA AVE.-3 story. I rooms, good order; key 2121; low rent. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1310 N. 7th St. 1713 ARLINGTON ST. 0 rooms and bath: newly renovated; $10; open. STOKES AND DWELLINGS In all rectlons of city. Bee our lift In the Ledger Saturday, SAMUKL T. FOX t CO. S. E. ror. nth and Callowhlll $30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS fcena lor list. Continental-Equitable Trust Co., 21 8. 12th st. $18 PER MONTH Coxy. 2-story, 8-room porch dwelling; all conveniences; 23.J0 W. Firth at. (near 23d and Cumberland star); key 2337. KENT Liar We will gladly send ou a llat upon application. WM. O. GLENN. 300-01 Ijtnd Title Uldg., 1317 Columbia ave THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Hi pad & Chestnut sts. Send for our rent list. ItKNTAL LISTS T. V. NEALIS. 010 S. 12TH BT. Office orjen Saturday night until 10 o'clock. 20 ritiB, 12r $(H) ;n:iu cypress. llrv..$2S4 rii9vtvr'&vla''. ur... ufiu uarpenier, ur... .i !lS03Sv,Watts, 7r.. 14 ww. ..ftui.i, r.,, .v -, ,, ,., ,a(iiui;K, vr 10 1028 Latotia. Or... IKfiT Trenton av.,7r. 13 7411 S. Clarion. 3r.. 12 2.1 Mahton, Or.... 11 1438 N. Alder. 3r... 0 1742, S. Mole. dr.... 734 Race, rear, 4r, 243 S. Clifton, 4r.. 1440 N. Alder. 3r.., STORES AND mVRLLlNnst 131 Itace, storo and 12 rooms; con.... $00.00 1)27 8. 12th St., More and 8 rooms.... 30.00 74, B. cbr. 10th and Noble, store and llr. 2S.00 707 S. llth St.. stnrn ntid 8 rnnma y.'V nn V1024 B12th st.. cor, store and 8r.: con. 23 00 3I31INOKTII 21ST $12 30 I) S. 43d st $20 (143 N. 42d 721 S. Mole 20j 2801 Orlanna st.... 3210 Spencer ter..., 17 1U21 Insersoll st.... 14 l32Wlllard st..,. 2221 Orlanna st (141 N. 42d 18 2027 Titan st 2052 Helen 13' 2Uiu Catharine at.. auti uamnna i ALFRED II. WILLIAMS. 822 Walnut at Business Properties nnd Stores t. W. COR. MARKET AND 10TH STS. . I.irgo store, subway front. J. fli PATTERSON CO.. 130 S. 15th. BTORB FOR RENT, first floor. (120 Race at.: size approximately 22x08 ft.; large show win dow, heat and Janl or tervlre furnished, also small cellar. )x'! ft., suitable for printing, plumhlrg or carpenter business. Apply en premises. TWO DESIRABLE stores In New Knicker bocker Theitre Building (40th and Market sts.), adjoining U. S. Postofflce; excellent op portunity for druggist or confectionery. TAYLOR & BON, 24 and 20 S. 40th st. Stores and Dwellings 1422 COLUMBIA AVEHas been an uphold sterers office and shop for 17 yeara; suitable . an .., ,,j pCr montn. ojuiiu-iuxasxi.; 10 rooms; basement, cellar, aide yard: 0208 Lansdowne av. P 120.Led.Off. Factories, Warehouses, 31 fg. Floors 14.000 SQ. FT. IN MODERN FACTORY N. EL cor. 23d and Arch sts.; steam and electrlo power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatlo sprinklers, watchman, It. R. sidings, extra large windows; owner management. AddIy O. P. PILLING (tSONCO.. on oremlse.PP B CENTb PER SQ. FT. for 13.000ftT7entrTv luvavcu in. euu llgni ample llxhtt hlch celllns suit light mtg. or Btoraeet lllnira - ' MYERB & BARTH, Ridge ave. 10th. 4TH ST.. N., 11I)U2S7 Manufacturing floors, steam heat and power. Apply 1'enna Co.. 817 .Chestnut at. lm)Ii aiiintn .i 1 1-. ," . !' AW" VJ,.?WW, 'Ww. iuro leei at N, la. rWrSronSr"WD,,OB VenUe' A" MERCHANTS' BUILDING : 44 NORTH 4TII ST tAEB9PMs. pqwer'and UGHT WET'jC-l'OLITAN IlOiLDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace' rooma ftneo t jo n. :..'.? nq a floor. "Apply to q F. La.r?147 V-Tot-1 HAVE PARTY who will erect bulldlnr. ,.. 2d?""n.' f wVlnuV. r",lau IZLV ' o HARRY T. SAUNDEnS. 31 8. 18th st. OFFICES.J1U81NE88 ItOOMS. wrn ciassNei.i7Mff"inibi, eating rooms, ultablafor tudto o, "SSS.' Brignt Attractive omces io-u liiNllT ST MEARS & BROWN J" tii BTREET EALMTATE J?0R ?SMNww RoowiT; l.-Virt. tit Trt .H... ' J EL IS D.' wiLT.tWi "SPi'lS MERCf?, !silvr. "-"' """ Wtxti Very desirable M.ornt,fcVe.'t.M fLAZA BUIL nfe Omces-ainrt. an7 - -?- 3 1B08-O7.QB ARC1I BT """ IlEEp HLbO.. lin-lS trK? locatedi all conveniences offlee."Tcl and large,atvery moderat. A7l.i?Si rtintr-iM-ftw - -r ""Mil. "&iri5,p7 JProfesslonal Offlcea i2Tii a 8rnycn.8Ts.. s. ."?r nrsi-noor suite, 2 rooms A bit!:r'irD . elec lights; suitable fer phf.icft'!'"! T" BT.,.B... aiT-r rooms. !a usw electricity, n0t water i; "lt,u W newly paperea! arjdhri''f oi-uuu Hi., 1020 Offices fir dentists: light, heat. . ..2f.( ..? references. ruunisg BROAD, B., 2428 - OfflcTT- 2 nlshed or unfurnished for PSrabHSaTl CHESTNUT, 2028-lar7e rhv.,,. r steam heat', eleo., n.wlyVnoVWSl" WAt.NtIT 99n.h.T. Ix-r J hot and'cold '"nnlngwat.?,rtrhj rnuriiasiuHAIj "UILDINaTlMrrt V'- ft "' for Phy.fc!.H -: co. Chestnut tH jySTJpiULAnELrMIA -POTII Overtooktne FAInMottvT A!ts-T Annlv2.5 J0. " jffiBl Uj8KS2lrk?Jda i P,ALfl nw if i ' "- 1 tl w ... Jra,Ti?.ABn JL.8oujhotlTsL A' .VJ,-.? bro., vmM POTTS ft TOWNSEvrT- vvht PHILADELPHIA nn vH JTs03 JJALTIMORE AVRM1 OERMANTOWN ci23 noss ST, tJAIIKI.L Hroad ana r-., MlPTt r-rt. rt.i. . . -i "." .. WLU"'i' HTONE Dv7a larga corner lot; 7 chamber. souaro from station. ;?...?- Trr'" o Stenton Station, iteaain? ."lrtVB Put Stenton evi. i wLi twtici north). Frank Mauran. i iiuiinmrr. - Chestnut 1IIU !aSNnS5, . onth: . .... ..,u jinpanr. B7I0 Oei Tlora 1300 W. ERIE AVE.OwneFs" uence. mm modern ana .. rooms, 2 baths, large yard. Berckl . front: open today; make offer. "i ' ' r " SUBURBAN Cynwyd. Pa. 42b7.,shT.AJEnPAPr.J"n tiJ-T', MAIN LINK. TA. H. B. MODERN HOUSKs l.-fTt -r various stations. Send for specialSst? bert A Claghorn. 201 Ballev HMrll Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES.-7 rooms. aMl rnnvanlanrod 1fvs-i .ia ..'J month: others at 2l Mi 9f.ru. It ard. IIAnniS nGAL ESTATE Wynneweed FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AfJ HOUSE NO. 48 MANOR R0i WYNNEWOOD, PA. It Is modern, with all necessary cenreal Contains 13 rooms. 2 hathrMm ih.m: ha8-llbral lot of ground. tsl -...... nllll nunrrF, -ana toe rent ti Ms- 10-room city houae. 7l Automobile storage. $3 per nuntk. i WALTER BASSETT 8MITH M WYNNEWOOD, PA. Harerford TJUICK A-FRAME liOUSE. NEAR'l - iuviiib, uHiiis, xaran, ... , . .Lot 113x203; $60 month. ComerqUl Trust Bulling, EAL OLD COWNfAlT HOUSE". Te Places; n romsrSiTOtha. garage: eldi "" suwn,ii(. sni Fraoxlia i JiK,Y JERSEY niverton. N. .1. $23 TO $10 A 'MONTH-0 lo mora 1 largo lots. A. E. IMce. 410 Djplncott I ivi.oriun. FOR RENT FURNISHX.fl Atlantic City. N. J. FINELY furnished house. 7 bedrooms, 1 1 noi-water nnt; montnty or aeaaon; ugninouse. Appij r..v. n, litn sl, i MORTOAQE3 LARGE AMOUNT TRUST 1 FOR FIRST MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE A.TTENTIC HORACE H. FRITZ 1U WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 $1000 $l2fll SI 500 S1600 SS0 W. H. HOOD, 812 NOnillS BT 4o0 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAT to icy: immeaiate settlement; $2000 desired. BDW. M. MOLL, 4f IH80UT1I I-'TIl BiJlsat. J. R. MAS8EY A S0N8 t.tTir avii nnRKN bth. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOiJ BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUM LAJtGE building and loan aacUUntj anDllc lona for frond lat and 2d Baas no premium charges. Apply Secretarrs cuter vjince. ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D Oiiifai- nnwr. MAURICE II, MATSINGM nasi ami Trust uiag.. MORTGAGES IN AMOUNT $iou and $2000 at o', per s JAMES D. WINCHELL N. W. cor 17th and Sanaorai $100,000 TO INVEST on morua$ i from ftonn um alan hulldlnl ss money for i econd mortgages. O. & . CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sta. r r o ' i I8J1 NO vv I I C gx F1RBT AND BECOND M0HT0; $100, $200 TO $300 W LEWlri 4 CO- $So 1227 W airara . DEEDS DIIAWNTH. MORTGAaK W AT T.f-R. 1112 Lincoln Bu Idlng bolh rJfl FUNDS FOR FIRST and second rents and Interest collected In vy. uameron, ssn iensinsiu "- HEADY FUNDS for good flrat lirlna lla vnnr antillnllnn CHA8. L. BROWN A CO 217 8. 1 ' AlTV HUM. ANY AMOUNT riaceci at unce, "mi ivh F. X. DELANY. 1112 Lincoln, a 7r7n7pu. ixm tiiiTHT ri)N 1BT MORTGAOIt 2D MOIrTO UnHHV tnw l.f anit QA morl-Tffl J. KIIVVAICIJ l.L'IZ. iU "1 " amounts, bldg. au oclatlon funda,aa, Plnno II Taylor, llotl Franklin BaalJ $100,000 FOB FIRST, SECOND mortgages. "Bee us first " Atl worm -in, isi Houtn u'tn. Vtl(U.V A ' J. T mnA anllt .,.,,,.. .it me. .nun'. ... -.- , li.illHln. -."...... .... IEU WILSON 4- CO.. 2122.Germariti FUNDS F.OH 1ST ANIJ 2D MOST ANI AS4UUC POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Fraol LOANS ON INTEREST 112 JOHN A. MAHRY. SOT LAND T1TJ 'rUjmJB'FOIt 1BTAND Sl"SVa ".- Artvi'a i.n flAL-l TH-aO. It. MICKLF.H. VBiaOEHM i,!ai&&t,M sfgfsa? UND TITI.K mLDlia 1 n- APtu'secoMi. anv aj liniiV tAr'mrmt 'unrt Mr-ftnri-b(Ul incuj-4i' apt! taUlmvnt roortM iJnA Wf Li"-L".. iiiiall Ulnl Oil jTuteMMt aetw w jnortsvtes. tfV tux mt. iH-mpucy ec w.. rit . k r.i",aJ '.-.( morl ?J4lSwCommpnw'al0i OwAli--f vailr srt;8SS 1 UMfl, til- L it !: alao Sd tnortaal btJMtfm h. '(ottni-r. m T or rec . tvli Single room, IW). ii iYtnA55Si Suites, 2 rms.. 30 I f,' fl. JV, R JS! : Wl lm: IS- i i'-if