Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13
DEATHS s.na October IT. 1015. 8ALLIB A., rc ..... nt Peter K. 1'. Atklfie. In 25S' wir of her age. Relative and -StIm Invited to attend funeral service. .V at 8 P. " tne residence or M.laV. Julius It. Primrose, 4010 " TJ west Philadelphia. Interment on !,? In the M. E. .Cemetery, Mlltonr Oil "V. JrT-iS' rn i-I.I.K. On October 10, mio, elb iTrJARATELLE, daughter of Andre w Tul Harateiie. ageo. mi " J""'? WJ friends Invited to attend the ii en Thursday, at 8 a. m.. from her ""M-nce, law Mountain n iass I-T Mary Mmien ne ru unurcn at F.t inUrmtnl l Holy Crns Cemetery iLJr'Jon October IB. 1015, ANNIE K. Kr.r beloved wife of Arthur u. iiodav, or "Si' v. Funeral Wednesday. October Vt mt at the. residence of Robert W. Jteaeyi Ttutherfofd N. J. m von oetoner i. . u( nw Trflbi Wta Mary A. and father of Rev :.7. a. Ureen. J. i iiir.i win Sac on Wednesday morning rnlnv. nt 8: JO - from mi ieuucnw, iui .!! "it--- nt HtM.ulAf.1 fit Hi. I ,":"?"'".; nVAi Ilrown Francis1 JK Ti 10 o'clock treci1y. IttUtlvts L?ffi.tyTnd 5.1 societies of which ha FI Member. t Invited to attend. Inter- rbtnedral Cemetery. mmjmmOn uctoDar iu. uuu, i.ia- .Ali.nta td frlcnda are Invited TuSnt funeral services, on Wednesday, at '??:. it her lata resident. 625 N. 6?d et. JLfient JI 'or:ah Cerretery. Remains be viewed Tursaay svcnui. --orin nrloher 18. 101R. ELSIE Trirli of T. Howard Burrows. In her 8t.i --Relative! and friends ara Invited to It tht funeral services, on Wednesday, n m.. at ncr im n.uti., u.nu ...1,-,-1 '".' Lumini at Westminster Citni. j .. 1.. mm n,nti lit tntr. bLES F, UAI.U husband of Jennie Celt iiDNitnton) and eon o Mary and the johh tll. late of Chester. tV Itela. JTj ,tnAm- ntn einnloea of lennsvl. Sa Boiar IlennlnR Company, arc Invited tttnd funeral, Wedneeday ' rnotnlnaj, at T ESa hie late renldenca. S710 1:. clear- I . n n'rloek Interment Et Ann's '. .,.M 111 Malt t Nal 1 Iw rtiry. Cbetter rapera pleasa topy. jv. On October 10, 1015, MAItJOniR. of Andrew Carl In. ltelatlea and CjnTiasy mornlnic. at 7:30 o'clock, frorn the ESnce of rer lon-ln-law. John Dixon, BtiJ i rosa. Tacony. iwquwm iiian Aiasa at Leis Church at 0 o'clock. Interment St. li-us" Cemetery. Mahanoy City, l'a., on ; rival of It os n. m. train irom iiroad nation. rotuUUe (Ts.) rapera pleaaer rr'f)n October 18. 1015. ELIZA- K widow of l'atrlck Clarke. Itelatlvca 1 friends, aiso no Aiinr cocieiy or me i,aniate Conception Church, are Invited iattaad funeral, on w edncsday mornlnn, at LoSaocVi-froni her late renldchcc. tell N at'tha Church of the Immaculate Con 111 at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Scpul- iNRT COLLINSON, sited 00 years. Kela- Im and rrienas, ibo aioioh xmqkv, ,o. l.t, f St. 0.. and employee of W. D. Fellers r. Invited to attend the funeral serv- on Wednesday, at 8:S0 a. m., at his rMldence, GOTO Oiwgo ava. Services Ht Owrte's P. 17. Church, at 0:30 a, m. IM on Tuesday, after 7 p. m. JlWfW VU wv.uuc. l 1V.V, AA.I,A Kill, wiuon- ui ucuiii o. miuqr. iicmuiei d frluids are InMtcd to nttend the luneral ascvlcM. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at her C retldence. 740 S. Martin at. (VOth and fcewiter Its.). Interment at Fernnood 4Wwnr. TT. On October 18, 1015, PAT 8. CORDETT. llelatUes and friends. DU lllVM a a. r. ,. uvlvjr ui tOT iwn. a., are Invited to attend the fu- at ft..l..1f. T- A 1, UnMln... . .' n'tlie relldence of his nephew, Patrick gemntrs. 1715 X. Wilton st. Solemn Re- r lists at St. Gregory'a Church. 52d Wirren sts., at 0:30 o'clock precisely. pmui,wk .-.., . rBnU". un wtiuuw 41, 1U1D, JAUUli SV husband of Josephlfte. H. Cottman. laWtml services will be held at thn rmt. 11 - knm. Iliifttlton ohm.a r-A,,.H Sandlford, Philadelphia, on Thursday IMlu uwn, v w huvr i'ic-uibcij-. iteiaiivcs sb4 irltnds also all societies of whtih ha aas a member, are Invited to attend. Inter k&l nrlvatn. CarriatifK ivilt I.a a, llln. ITand Frankford ave., from 1 to 1:30 leclKk. HtrKAQU. On October 15. 1015., MART EMeTpd wife of Mlch-iel Darrign and daugh liar et h late Patrick and Catharine Mc MHtimi. The relatives and friends tof the liaUy. art respectfully InMted to attend tho rai, en weanesuay, uctoher JO, at H:3U lork,. from her lata residence, T;i3 De Kalb tilth It. and Falrmount ave.. West Phlla- nil tt CATaertti Xy AjiitljkwH ?jff a av ,thA' Church at 10 a, m. ireclelr. In nrnt at Holy Crora Cemeterv. H'LVA, On October 10, 1015, PEARL , Jl,.rhlr ftt lata. lllo-llata an Qb.a (. ivt, tttt 54. Remains may be viewed, at t lutf residence. ISO N. Edgewood st. all frnm ft T h -n llt-k .VApifs' Church, West Che iter. Pa., Octb r 3ft 0 tn. Interrnent strictly trlvaU. ailaai4,r,imiwtaftf' -ti-- BfBR-Ort October- in, 1015. JOHN, aon Alter and the lata.-ames plover. Rela fcf ("A i1111 JlvJUcl to nttend fceral, Wednesday mornlpr. at 8:30 o'clock, era his mother's residence, 200fl Melvale Ki .rH. ,n ...""' vnurcn or tna fcUrlty at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Ann's KHERTT. On October 18. 1015. r mends arc Invited lo ."ttmcTth. finVro" miursdij, st 8:30 a. ro.. from her late BLle"l!n,,nNo-?h 07lh. W West PhUadel! IKStv s9'??,n Mass of Ittqulcm at the Worchof Our Lady of Vlctortr. nt in o ? ferment at St. Denla' Cemetery. 'ti fl 'i 0fi Annle M Doyle, llelattves I JHu.1 140. 1. J1T InvllaftH trt Btlan .h- 1 I IWrJnesdsy, at 8 a. m.. from hla lata re. 1 lC2.;T.f8-0?7t? 'L' "P1"1 "'Kh Mass of I iii.. ,"? vnurcn at u:3u a. m. laUrment New Cathedral Cemetery. ..t m. ST ",' "" ''AURA D., t?i.i Inilted lo attend funeral aerv- ID.. ,A7'-.' " " t nr Parents' pMzionC.mete,V, """ lmern"nt aA. on October 15, 1015, BRIDGET Cr 1 ? William L. Dunn, aged W i ti ?"'." "''" are inviiea to liJTi2!S?iJPsHlta! &-55'1?! ?.- yedVlrjln Mary t 10 a. ra. Interment t cresi Cemetery. CV .r,"n .N; J- on October 17, .lral":.EE.ir"n,.' 'n"?.a ? itS-.'-; .h.W residence, Uerlln. ivssa -su v.5Sr.t s sr sr- mm .f""tDerJJl..18 ?'. "UZABBTH .f .1. t..ri"! f "t. or., ant if vtt i.ii..ionn ana 121len qmlth, wlrySS. ft,'a,"v;, n3 'rtend.7. also S.1' ?? h '-rale?vlct.: u ... t .m" .l .ner lata real- rar.enmotnt,c,.V.Vry?,ennen,pr'' uxinou2,5.l:'J .i p.bor ".. . IshJakii;'.! "Hi.1..."'. "'7 Jsmnger ritli- n vva"' ana irienas, also . early Beneficial Rai.v ..j 'i. gt.SXS'?!nctal. "os'W No. J. afa m J'nd funeral, on Wednesday at Iaulii -- T7 fc iUO -cn 01 ,ina konFrcI.0.,,,r 10. OEonan MseriTwiTi k i y"'?' ue notice ol l5S NoVh.Vrom h" '" rt"' IN M.k.u,7nlV on October 17. 1016, Np hh ? Catherine Kngcrt (nea CTTv't fed 73 years. itiuiiv. ami lirrannr.:nn5e,rt2P lf No. 206, I. O. KBrnitra. art invited in ,n Vn.r.i 7lialSS!l,'&-5.P-w-. t a parloraof nniUJJ.T Suddenly on Ootobar IB. HoTham" u,S..wri!.. hU'.band of .Imogens tires Tand f,i.-i"r,inA'' ""ed 08 years. , " sna friends of tha ftmiin i.n r,. - ....,, n..v V,M PUP AND FLOP I Wih 1 counj K.K 7We Way I Jw Hahti at- i ir' T: -' PL 0aLBa. AMr r---H---H-f ruBiBiJL t l AnTF NT .)o rirH Slr-vBT; I mtWAm mm . V-&&mG f j t--Tiir v-tJjp cnr vc :-. k 'iT--r or . s . ' uvi i aj H QW2r i &)y vt3a W - ? . v 8o&m7 l i x,f s ) y w w Agxt&sx v uumi ti- i W i ?iLF&r A J ."AuieV 7, if jn z . h "uM , - mJ ..' Ncf& f vvH -i "' i"- ff kBir ---M - t"-. aBi 1 . K -- TJL ml w vAu, I -.C,., .yZZ. '"-i- ..V iste P4 DKATtia tCamnN'IfV.0' "' wShin ton cimn 'Jfn r,'.' " ' A-. Washlnit- evVnini .. ,ifnl. ,r,nral eervlrea, Tuesday lie oJ.i!nifi ?Lclock "l " late tasldence, ivl2l LVtf ". Attdulwn, N J.i atao ffii "rnn,.in.,er,,,fn, ,l1 rol' Spring Pres Camden Cn.Sl,-)n"7.l,,1 of. U" '"vine a. m. ' n"d,n,r n,l"ay, Wedneiday, tt "lUNNt'i'rAv nM clob" HANNAH UEAN, widow of Thomas Flla. lUn'nah S2i, ""',!h,,.ri ' o5Jw.n Fridar ffiri"1,' funeral servltes, on Wharton . i infflLi'?"1 .'",, reMlcnce 125 Wharton ft interment at Fcrnwood Ceme- evinlni. T v'"'l Thursday ,wVdowNo7rnn:.,0,ierJ0'.,0,a- "AWT A.. of ihl Ii.niil5rt J' ?ou'on and daughter 01 I51r r.0i?ra mni Ann J'ul'net, aged to 2...-i ,n'ln,ly" nd friends are Invltad at 5M ""!' r.vl"a. on Wednesday. "rti iLu." "t.r! afnce " n'r n. nob North iJ?,Vi2,,trn,.s Unln.n Interment at be ? i.lJI)irei "'i1 cmtry' "'mains may o'clock. Tuesday tuning from 7 to S HWAnnUarlt7S?,w?.c,0Dr " ". ED-U,..yA!:'A?ltKn-.HK 8I years. Reln !iIL.?n, ,r.l"l re Invited to attend tha fun-ral services, on Thurrday. at 8 a m OMT.,hhe"r VfflST 5' "'?". "Andrew "f mjRhi"r.?Jl!:mn. ?ulem SlV.'s at Bt" Cot EIn. VnSrch. Ardmoro. at 10 a. m. Inter ment at St. Dtnla' Cemetery. ,'il.ll.KI-lr-Al h" ,aU residence, 1044 ANN! P gOAVt!in'!?r.Oct0tf ,01' " flneVaV wlll'b'g'lV.'nl1 DUe """ ' ,ht GKIt"NKiTvn J.nnb"t".'. 101B- NK1-UK f.1;" . KI'I' . Mdow of Harrv J nhrf JWVlt" "n'l frlcnda ara lmlUd to attfni the funeral, on Wednerday. at 2 n m .from rrUate. u""ii interment Opoi).t.n At Wlldwootl. N. J., on Oo- werv",J,!,?.i.n0iIfi.nJ' ""' ron of Will t .m-V" "ni1 EllaoWth Qoodnll. Itelatlica and frlcnda may view tha remains at the home of 5" JSf 'Win-ni!.1? 1'!clna ve". Wlldwood. N - n Jednjeday, from 7 to 0 p. m. iriterl p,hIiL.:eT?n,.r.".d. at "0,y C- C.S. OltKEN. On October 10, 1015. JOHN A. lulilati,v..'tl,,Aetf!inan,n' u,e William OreeH IUlatlves and ttlends aro Invited to ntltn tha funeral, on Wednesday, nt 8:30 o'clock " lTlnJ.arat "ilii1"',1.' f hlimbthe?. la H.hlin"a .,L'mn. Vn"'" of llenulem at St wtehhen a Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at prenV.ehy.dral Ctm,"'- Scrantonnlp;pe?,, IIAN8BLI, At her residence, 4545 Say b'ooko ave., on October 17 luifi. ruin i. JV.1ran0WtnJSj,n S' ".". IndVauahtVor iISS?.1"1 !?', Mtlnger. aged (Jj years J5!tiya and trlende. also employe? of the Jini lcShn Company, art Invfted to at tend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 P. m.. at St. rhlllp'a Church, V.'d and Raftl more a.ve. Intcnncnt at Mounl Morlah ren - ria'r'-"."" iSay Uew "mains Wedn?s nay, from . lo 10 p. m. llKISl.KH . On October 17, 1015. ANNIE H. wife of Walter 8. Helsler. In her 42d year Relatives and friends are Invited to aitond the funeral aervlces, Thursday, at 2 5. m nt her late resldenco. M)2 South Allison at Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. IN G LIS. On October 10. 1015, ROBERT n . r'nM? ofrf,,n,.,lau Catharine India in". Gcddes). Relatives and friends, nlra em ployes of Hnrdwlclc . Mauee Ui? Houid membera of the Scottish Border Club ami Kfn'lnnton Quoit, Club, nro Invited to at Lc.n2 onUn?ral "ervlces, on Tuesday evening, nt 8:30 o'clock, .it -he resldtnre of his son-n-law. Ilarold 1. Mullltran. 252B N. loth T st corner Oermantown avo.). Interment prl "tho fam"ly y' "' tna-unvenlcnco of KS.,H'y:T.s.Ulldenl'' on October 17. 1015. fYiinh,AiJ ?' .. '5ELUY- "etatlvea unit ;lJin". "I" iSvi"'1 to attcnJ tho funeral tfllicJ:";A0n Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at hla "JS,1,icnii?! P" rth " interment SLi. rel Hill Cemetery. Friends will please VHJ. .florV orr(Lrtnt,' Friends may call on Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. K?tENii,,7TAtu hl residence. 3824 Market "inn0", ?f,ober '7: ,UI5' JACOll F hus vr. ofr,th.e .lale Margaret Koenlg, aged 77 ?n n' n"?tlves and friends, also Lieut. J. . Qreble PoBt. No. 10. Q. A. It.- Pioneer rh,??..otnlhe Phlu' Turngemelnde Society; ;?fi PJ111?- Turngemelnde; the niucher Hcnefl till or't': I',ennylvanla Bottlers' Protec Vhnn ??',l.a,l5 Singing Society, and lh f.-nfJ1?" nulllP Asso., aro Invited to attend runeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at tho npartments of Oliver II. Balr. 182U Chestnut st. Interment at tha German Lu theran Cemetery. tAfN"Pn October 17. 1015. MART, wife of the late John K. Lane. RelatUes and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, nt 8:30 a. m.. from her lata real. Hence. 1204 8. 22d st. Holemn High Mnaa cf Requiem at St. Charles' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. LEEi)OM,On October 17. 1015, at the Ba tavla. New York, ANNIE E.. wife of George F. Lcedom. In her 05th year. Itelatlvca aiil rnenda ara Invited to attend the funeral serlces, without further notice, on Thura day' at .1 30 P" Ht the residence of he.- .?.? AeriruPhfiaan'l 1C2 Nnrth FeU0" LEVI. On October 18, 1915, GABRIEL husbahd" of Mlha'Levl and fatheV of Mrs' Julia Lucha and Mrs. II. BoyewdorferV iii hla 00th year Relatives and frlendsJ alao' Joshua Lodge. No. 23. I. O. B. B.' Bnoth Jutthurun Lodge, No. 2, aro Invited to at tend the funeral, on Thursday, at 10::'0 a m., from his late residence, 2040 N. 18th st Interment Mt. SJnal. w '' Ul'I'INCOTT Suddenly, on VDcloben 18 1015, SAMUEL P. UPP1NCOTT. In tM 50th' year of his Age. Due notice of the luneral will be gien. . M'AILT.AUDKT. On October 18, 1015. at her late roildence, 20CX1 Germantown ava.. KL1ZA1IETH. ife of Charles MallUrdet and daughter of Phoebe A. and the late Uenlamln 8. Mann, aged Ki years. Due notice of tho funeral will bo given, SIAKTIN. On October 17, 1015, WILLIAM husband of Margaret Martin (nee Beltteu Miller), In his 77th year. Services on Wed nesday, at 1:30 p. m at his late residence. 1000 North 6th st. Interment strictly pri vate. Auto service. MrnniBE. On October 18. 1015, SARAH T widow of Dennla Mcllrlde. Rela tlvea and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, at 8:30 o'clock, from tho residence of her sister. Mrs. Roto McIIugh. 4413 Fleming at., Manayunk. Solemn Requiem Mors at Holy Family Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at Westt minster Cemetery, MCCARTHY. On October IT, 1015, CATH ERINE, widow of Patrick McCarthy and daughter of the late James and Susan Mc Dermott. Relatives and friends, also the Lcsgue of the Sacred Heart, are Invited to attend the funeral, Thursday morning, ut 8 o'clock, from the residence of her nleoo, Mrs. Andrew T. Gallagher, 1820 Mifflin st. Polemn Requiem Mass at the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas, at 0:30 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. McUEVlTT. On October 17. 1015. PAT RICK F., son of the lata Hugh and Mar garet McDevltt. Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral aervlces, on Thursday at 8.30 a. m., at his lste resi dence, 2354 N. Broad at. Solemn Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. McDONALD. On October 10, 1015, MART, widow of John McDonald, aged 50 years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence, 1210 S. Napa st. (31st and Wharton), High Msss of Requiem at St, Gabriel's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MeFILLlN. Suddenly, on October 10, 1015, IDA L., wife of the late Eugene McFIUIn, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a, m., from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Wlljlatn II. Garvin, 3551 Webster st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Rita's Church at 10 a. m. Interment private. McOUATII. at New York city, on October 17, 1U15, HOWARD WILSON McfJRATH. son of the lata John and Anne Asqulth He. Grain, in the 78tli year of his age. Funeral ..,. i.t In.arman n.lusl. ...... SGr.llv n.i4 ,, .111 p,,...vi from her lata residence, 4002 N. Marshall at. MILLARD. Suddsnly, on October 10, 1015, WILLIAM H. MILLARD, aged, 60 years Ilelatlte and friends, also Mellta Lodge, No, 2U9, F. and A. M . are Invited to attend the funeral servlcea. on Wednesday, at 11 a. m., nt hla lata residence. 12th st. and City Line, Oak Lane. Interment private. - SAY !- SHE.KJ.-- - r V-UUT3 fotl MlMlI.. ( EVBNIffO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER DEATHS MIJBnAY-oVclobir lflTioiB. NELL Ml RRAY daughter of the late John and Maria Murray. Relatives and friends, also the 1. V. M. Rodallty end tha Lesgue of the. Sacred Heart of the Church of tha Oesu and all other societies of which she was a member, are Invited to attena funeral, en Wednesday morning, at 8-30 o'clock, from Mr late residence, 1024 Swain St. Solemn Requiem at the Church or the Oesu at 10 o'clock. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. NELSON. Of typhoid fever, on October 10, 1016, CECELIA G., daughter of Peter and Mary Nelaon, aged 21 years. Relatives and friends, also St. Raphael's it, V. M. Sodall'y and employes of the Belt Telephone Co. (Jlth and Woodland ave), ara Invited to at tend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 'MO a. m from her parents' residence, 8500 Dicks ava.. West Phlla Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Raphael' Church, at 10 a. m, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Automobile funeral. NICHOLS. On October 18. 1015, Mrs. AGNES NICHOLS, wife of Charles Nichols (nee .Wallace), Due notice of the funeral will be given. O'CONNOR On October 18, 1015, JOHN P.. son of James and the late Annie T. O'Con nor (nee Hogan). formerly of 2223 North 18th , st. Relatives arid friends, also St. Aloyslui Society of Our Lady ol : Mercy Church, and the International Photo Enfcraera' t nlon. Lo ctl No. I, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from his father's residence, 8317 North 10th ,t. Solemn Utah Requiem Msss at the Church of Our Lady of Holy Soula nt 10 a, m. . Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. O'NEILL. On October. 17. 1015, MARY C wife of James J. O'Neill. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m at her lale residence, 8830 llrandywlne at. Inter- ipciu ui f i-innwu v.emciery. REF.HK. On October 17, 1015. KATIE, wife of Robert Reese And daughter of Rose U. s. 0. llarger. Relatives and friends are in vlled to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her parents residence, Still Janney at. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday evening, after 8 o clock. Interment at Belvue Cemetery. nil-EY. on October, 18, 1015, DOROTHY, wife of William Riley (neo Mathlson). Rel-?,,!.-.iand ,il?n,5,J "a Invltid to attend tn runeral, on Thursdav. at s p. ni.. from her 't? residence, 1215 South Guenther st. (28t1 amL i barton sts.). Interment at Mount 11). rlah Cemetery. RONNE. Suddenly, on October 16. 1016, at Hruf1,hH "f'Klum. C. EMIL RONNE, late of Philadelphia, ROWAND. On October 18. 1015, SOPHIA (nee Gartal), widow of Dr. John Randolph Ron and. Relatlvea and frlenda are InMted to attend funeral rcrvlcrs, Thursday, 2 p. m , V. J!" r",ye.nce.ot her son-in-law. John E. Klckler. i3S Park ave, Colllngawoort. N. J. rS.Hlmfint.,,rtvSi8 nt I-l"'l "III Cemetery. PhllMlelpliln. Friends msy call Wednesday, after 1 p. m. SCHAi.r-En, Relatives and friends, also Perkins Lodge, No. 4112. F. and A. M.; Vet ?an ..K.'.r!men'.8. Association and members of the Diligent Engine Co. and all other so 1. i" .of h'fb be waa a member, are In Mted to attend the funeral services, on Thursday. October 21, at II a. m at his late If"1,dJ.nce'.40' s- 0,h . Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. SLA,K!fF,:n n October IS. 1013. BRID OET SCHAEFFER. Itelatl and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Fr'day morning, at 8 o'clock, from the resldenre. ?ii U& I'?nc'JV"t' Mn! of Requiem at St! Joseph's Church at 0:10 a, m. precisely. In terment Holy Cross Cemetery. SSH.ViM7rn October 18. 1015. i2LAItK 9.HnaE.' Bon of George L. and tho tii e .Jose,,h1". Schwerlng. Relatives and .L.".i are Lilted, to attend the funeral services, on 1 hurrdny, at 2 p. m.. at his father a residence. ISfO Dudley st. Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. (SKIDMANN. On- October 18, 1015., DAVID, husband of Kether Seldmann, aged 05 leara. Relatives and friends, also Liberty Lodge, No. p. O. B. A., ara Invited to attend the runeral services, on Wedneday after noon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his late resi dence, 230 N. 2d st. Interment at.Mt. Car mel Cemetery. SHARP. On October 11, 1015. NANCY. lfe of Henrj' H 8harp. Relatives and "''"il nre Invited to. attend the funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence of her aon-ln-law, John Smith, 2541 8. Broad st. Friends may view the re mains on Wednesday, niter 7 p. m. Inter ment Ht Fernnood Cemetery. 8I1IOUH. On October 17. at Cambridge, England, Countess KATIIRYN DE SinoUH wife of Count Louis De Slbour and daughte of Joseph T. Barley, of Philadelphia. SMITH. In New York city, on October 17. 1015. HENRY SMITH, aged 75 years, hue band of Josephine Smith. Interment In Northwood Cemetery, Philadelphia, on Wed nesday, at 3.30 p. m. SMITH. On October 10, 1015, THOMAS D. CROVER SMITH, husband of tha late Re becca A. Smith, aged GO years. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 0 p. m.. at his lata residence. 1412 Rltner at. Interment nt Christ Church Cemetery. Dover, Del., on Wednea day, at 1:30 p. m. SMl'CKKH. On Monday, October 18, 1015. MARY, wife of Solomon Smucker and daugh ter of the late James M. de Waele. of Phila delphia. Funeral services at the residence. 220 West Logan square, on Thursday. Octo ber 21, at 11' a. m. precisely. Interment prtJ vate. ' " - . 8TARN. On October 18. 1015, JANE ANN. widow of Charles iW. Starn. aged 02 years. Funeral private. STOCKTON. On , September 10. 1015. at Leamington. England, ALICE CON8TANCH KATHLEEN, nldoW of Lieut. Henry -T. Stockton, U. S. N., and youngest daughter of the late- MaJ, Sir Mnthew Onslow. Hart. Ilengal Cnv or Hengar, Cornwall and Chit terne, Wilts. TAYLOR. On October 18. 1015. REBECCA J., wife of John R. Taylor. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 P. m.. at tha residence or her husband, 1810 S. Broad st. Interment South Laurel Ccmeterv, I-rlcnda mry call Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. WADDELL. On October 17, 1015, LEWIS WADDELL, ngel 70 years. Relatlvea and friends, also Naval Post, No. 400, O. A. R.; Ivy Lodge, No. 2!5, I. O. O. F., and Coliock sink Tribe. No. 126. Imp, O. I. M., are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesday, at I '30 p. ni., at the residence of his nephew, Leon II Fclch, 14 South 30th St., Camden. N. J. Interment at Mount MorliS Cemetery, Philadelphia. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday evening. WAFER. On October '10. 1015, ELIZA BETH, wife of Richard Wafer. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funera1 services, on Wednesday morning, at her lata residence, 1531 S, 13th st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at the Church of St. Thomaa Aquinas at 0:30 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemeetry. WALMHI.EY. On October 18. 1015, MARY MILNOR, widow of Morris Walmiley. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at son-in-law, S. Harry Wilson's residence, southeast corner Morris snd Hans berry ots Oermantown. Interment private. WKHEH. On October 17, 1815, MARIE V.. daughter of Frederick and Rose Weber. Rela tives and friends, also B. V. M. Sodality and League of the Sacred Heart of St. Stephen's Church, aro Invited to attend the funeral, from her lata residence, 8013 North 13th st.! on Thursday, at 8 SO a, m. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Stephen a Church at) 10 a. m. Interment at Hply Cross Cemetery. WKLI.8. On October 17, 1016, WILLIAM II. H. WELLS, In his 7oth year. Relative, and friends, also Phoenix Lodge, No. 02 1. O. O. F.. of Burlington. N. J are In. vlttd to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., from the residence of his son-in-law, William H. Rougher, Masonvllle, N. J. Interment at Colestown Cemetery, WILSON, Suddenly, on October 15, 1018. ALEXANDER WILSON, n of the lato Thomas and Mary Wilson, of Oertmesson EnnlsWIllen, Ire and, Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at the residence, 1710 South 10th st. Interment at Mt. Morlah Ceme tery. WOOD. On October 18. 1015, at Hotel Nor mandle, ELIZABETH II. Wood. Du. notice if tha funeral will be given. vollNti. Suddenly, on October J7. 1015 THOMAS RYOIINO. aged 8 years, ileu: tlvea and frlemls, also the Franklin Castla. Knights of the Mystic Chain, and (he (& lunivus Beneficial Association, ara 'invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at a u. m.. from tha residence of hla niece. Mrs Herbert White. 8341 North Arbor eL Inter ment at Greenmount Cemetery. Remains msy be viewed Wednesday at a p. m. By Copyright, frti s CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER Thla BTTLE TYrB for like Ms) One tlma 18c Three times one week ..., l2Vic Six limes one week ,..,, 100. Slturiltni Wanted, three time one week 10 cents per line. Place your order for three or more times and It will be inserted in the dally Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Etixiio Lmx and Fpauo LiDora combined Is 10 cents per Una with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which Is 15 cents pir line. Fon TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) whlth Is permitted In all claaslflcatlona ex cept help and Situations Wanted, Lost and I-ound, Pereonala, Boarding and Rooms, add FIVE CENTS TER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RAT IT 3, 1 ' There fs a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS for Rld ley 1 ark, Pa Meet lady for Interview, Room 210, Public Lodger, Wednesday, 11 o'clock. CH1LDNURSE to take care of 8 children, 4, 0 and 8 yeara old: white Protestant; willing to go to suburbs, state full par- th ulars. O 160. Ledger Central. CHILDNl'RriE, young Protestant, for bnby 4 months old. Meet lady Room 230, lHlbllc Ledaer, Wednesday. II o'clock. CI.OTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John" & Jnnus Dobron. Inc., lllsnkct Mills. Scott's . lane. Falls of Schuylkill. CuOK and waitress and chambermaid: at West Chester. Pa.) 2 Oermans preferred. Call and see employer at 12 o'clock Wednesday at 1034 Spruce at., Phlla. COOK WhIU. German preferred! must be ex perienced; no laundry; city, See Miss Heed, Room 2W. Public Ledger, .'I o'clock. COOK Experienced Swedish cook; high wagea; must, havo reference; city. Sea Idles Reed, Public Ledger. . COOK. CHAMDERMAID AND WAITRESS 2 girls. Apply 6011 Overbrook ave., bot. 12 and 1 o'clock. GIRL to do rhamberu ork and waiting. Ap ply Tuesday, between 0 and 11 o'clock, at 2223 De l.an'-ev place. GIRLS (2). white. Protestants; cook and down stairs work; upstairs girl to assist with In- fant;reference. Box 07,Amblrr, Pa, HOUSEWORK "Woman of middle "age. "Ger man Catholics preferred; cooking and wash Ing also; $5 and good home. A 108, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK (general), wash and Iron: white. Prot.; suburb': reference. Meet etn- ployer. Room 230, Public Ledger, 12:80 Wed. ilOUSEWORIx unite. Protest in' juung gltl for housework, plain cooking. Call after 10 a, m., 400 8. L.nruowne ave., Lansdoune, HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework: must be good cook. Apply today, from 10 to . 8 o'clock, at 421(1 Spruce- st. HOUSEWORK Reliable girl." family 8. coun try. Meet lady. Room 230, Public Ledger. Wednesday, 10:30 o'clock. HOUSEWORK (general); wash and Iron; good cook; small family; reference. Phone Oer mantown 6513. HOUSE WORlT (general), good coolc7"r7feTe"nce" See MIsa Reqd. Room 280. Public Ledger. HOUSEWORK (general), cook, wash and iron" German or Jewish. Call (ion Snyder avo. HOUSEWORK'-Experlenceil white glrT. "famiTv 8.1cverly. N. J. M 815. Ledge? Offlce. LADY'S MAID. "Protestant: take care of "elt derly lady; rome'aewlng: must have refer ence. M 821. Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS, assist downstairs work: no cooking: Ridley Park. Meet lady, Room 280. Public Lodger. Wednesday. 11 o'clock. EaUNDRESS. "white, wsnled. Mon. andTueT or Tues. and Wed. 811.1 Mldvale ave., Ger mantown. or phone Oermantown 2157, MAID, competent, wanted for downstairs work In family of live, four of whom are away after breakfast until 5 o'clock In the evening; eight miles from Philadelphia, on the Main Line of the Pennsylvania Rail road: no washing; must he good cook; wares will be progressive beginning at $8; no one .n.Sn,,"Eptf,,0 ,!."! J?''? nd wl'n. ..nmvop y jus, astrmci WCl'irUI, MOTHER'S HELPER-Glrl wanted 5327 N. I " ! "T NURSE wanted to take care of a child 2U years old; must coma well recommended; German or French preferred. Apply Mon day, between 10 and 3, at 4522 Spruce st. OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED All part of ladles' shirtwaists. HANKY. KUTTNER RAAB 1320-34 Vine street. PAPER BOXES Exner. girls on top papering machlnes.Apply Schoettle.3iq Florist. SALESLADY. Gentile, Oerman-speaking". xr for dry goods store. 2723 Olrard ave. SALESWOMEN A number or positions are open to women who have had experience In-stores and who can work part time. Apply Bureau of Em. V.n,r','i,'i??C;'bt.fSre " STRAW- WAITRESS Experienced, white, fore 11 o'clock, 1822 Spruce at. Apply be- WOMAN wanted at once, well bred . w-.... ..a.,.,:., u. MIIVO, Wr DrCQ. Well groomed, well Informed, not under 30. for .. ...... . ,,u.,, ,,,, tumo concern; must furnlm very best references: only those will. Ins to work hard to learn new business need apply; aahvry to start b0 monthly, A 111. Ledger Office. ' WOMAN, mlddleagea, assist housework and cooking. See Mlra Reed, Publlo Ledger, Wednesday. 12 o'clock. ' WOMAN, young, white, for general housed work: reference, mo Oxford st. EDUCATED, ambitious lady required; must be willing- to work; 00 per month; references. M 804. Ledger Office. General WOMEN wanted, Government clerks, 170 month. Phlla. examination comlnr. List position obtained free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 713 H. Rochester. N. Y. ""Em. COOKS who desire better positions; high-class French cooking school, nro Usee st. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTORS. Apply 0:80 a. m . 200 N. Front at. BOY. 10 yeara of age. wanted to run errands and do office duties; must be neat. Intelli gent and corne well recommended. Address P 824. Ledger Office. wre" BOYS. 10 or over, to work In wall paper fae tory. .Apply at once. Becker, Bmlth & Page, Water and Snyder. CARD FEEDERS and cleaners. Apply John" James Dobson, Inc , Blanket l Mills, Scott's lane, fans ot ncnuyixuw CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's lane, Falls ot Schuylkill, COOK AND HOUSEWORK-Man and wife for small family on Main Line: best referi ences required. F 041. Ledger Central. COUPLE, good, wanted for general house work, three rdulta In family: good refer ences required, 67. Ledger Branch, 4604 Bal. timors wve lRAU6flT3MAN. experienced, on machine tool. The Bartlett Hsyward Co., Hal to., Md, HOUSEMAN and" "butler romblned, white, wanted) must hav personal city reference. L 53, Ledger Central, KEMDLE 1015, E. W. Kemble. a Miwurr 9... - W A, s v ';? . lU,k', t, HELP WANTED MALE LA.T,IE. HANDS wanted for engln lathes. ray, Jone A Lamton, flrtt-class men only. y.h,t weM.J,l,,,, triply standard Roller , Hearing Co. 4nth and Merlon ave. M.,!,NK "AND - First-class man on C Htnlln ilouble-tnd tenoner. no olher need ap ply. Lincoln Furniture Company, loth and l.ehlgh ave MACHINIBTfl-Beneh he ndi experienced on tirrihllna anl ! -. n a.i --.". """ .i"ani iwr man ma c nine pAHi; stt&dr work, K. It. rlumb. Inc.. Tuck- yi.-i nU "vin, r , i. I turn gr and Jamyiju.. J'rankford. OFFICK HOY, brlxht. unitHJous boy: $5, with I ' "f "' "-asas,viilirill, isnj i.fSfICiH t)U( RALEHMEN-Fltst-rlAM specialty salesmen to call im merchants and faUarlea; Al referenca raulred nwi, Ledger Offlce, 8ION PAINTER, plain work. Drown Decorat . ing Co.. 1812 Cuthbert at. TAPE BALESMAN-One having knowledge of the textile and euttlng-up trade throughout tha country. F 550, Ledger Central. . WANTED Teacher, an exnerlenred male Jtrammar school teaeher, aalary ) per month: nine months' term, all applications, stating quali fications and experience, to be In the hands ot tha undersigned on or before Friday, Oc tober 22, 1M5. Oro. H. llaunum, secretary. St. Clair, achuylklll County, Pa, .. . . WANTED. Hand and automatic screw machine operators. 48-hour shop: no labor troubles. Apply Emplojment Agent. Amerlcsn Orsphophone Company, Ilrldegport, Lonu. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper and typist, general of ncswork; accurate. E 742, Ledger Central. DILL CLERK Young lady with 4 years' ex perience, excellent references, desires perma nent position. G 2lfl. Ledger Central. BILL CLERK and bookkeeper, 3 years' expert ence In hardware line, r .11, Ledger Central BOOKKKEPER-CASHIER-TYPIST - 7 vears with ono company, thoroughly capable of re sponsibility; card Index tiling systems. F 7:.p, Ledger Central, IllHJKkKEPER Knowfedge" of stenography, thoroughly experienced and capable. F 450, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER and clerk, 3 years' exp.; ca pable and efficient. F 753, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp."" in cdura tlonalwork:good ref. F 243, I.edger Central. BOOKKEBIElt. typist: thor. exp.: good corre spondent: capable sec'y. F 242. Ledger Cent. licoKKhl HKIt nnd etenographer, some expr bllllng, nilng.jiayroll. J 2.W, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, clerk, typist: high school graduate: bright beginner. FSSl, Led. Cent. CHAMIIERMAID. exper." voung woman; flrst class city rer. See Miss Rcod, Public Ledger. (.IIA.MIH'.I'.MAIK wlrhes pos., plain sewing or light wash. Call ltoi Ranstead st. No postals. CHAMIIERWORK'or waiting; "oung" girl, 7 years' reference from last place. Call .2232 llrandywlne st. CHAMRKRWORK nnd waiting, exper. colored girl: city preferred. 332S. Chadwlck St. CLE UK Young ld"y, knowledge "or stenog raphy, desires poltlon1 F 3l,Ledger Cent. CLERK, four years' experience: rapid" typli', knowledge ot stenography. G IW. Led. Cent COMPANION to seml-lnvalldT oldeffy lady, or suprrvlslni; housekeeper: thorough'y capable. refined. S4. ledger Branch, U3U German- town ave. COOK Protestant, middle-aged woman wishes rooking, no washing: no objection to country. written references. Apply 100 B. 10th, COOK Experienced Swedish Protestant: 4 rs." ref.: oung. See MIsa Reed, IdgerOfflce. COOK, chambermaid "and w'altress. sisters, wish pos. together; refs. G 250, Ledger Cent. COOK, experienced white girl; Main Line pre- ferred. 2.18 Edgemont ave,. Ardmore. COOK and waitress desires position; good ref- erence, G 232. ledger Central. COOK Experienced" Swedish "Protestant; young. See MIsa Reed, Ledger Office. COOK, first class, wishes position; good refer ence, zuii . unamvicK si. COOK wlhe"posltlon In small family; beat reference. 2018 Sansom. COOK wants position; has good reference. 1T3T rnomiison jst, COOK, white, wishes place; good reference. sin a. lutn st. DAY'S WORK, colored, cleaning, laundress; Juliorhalftlmejref.JW0.1 S.. Colorado sL DICTAPHONE operator, rapid" typist, thor oughly experienced: knowledgo of stenogra- pny. u l-r.i, i.eoger uemrai DRESSMAKER, good cutter and ntter. wishes engagement by the day, 2 and carfare, or at home, pnone l'resion ui-u v. DRESSMAKER, by day or wk.j children's & ladles': ref.; $1.73 day. M 811. Ledger Off. GIRL, colored, wants place, housework In email family, or waltrces or chamberwork In boarding house, competent and experi enced; ref.;- sleep in or out. Call or wilte, 12.11) Wood st. Carfare paid If call to see you. GOVERNESS, German, excellent teacher! di ploma from University of 'London;-10 years" experience In England, 2' years In this coun try; speak French; very good sewer desires resident position with Phils, family; fOO month. F 4i. Ledger Central. GOVERNESS (visiting), desires engagement, music, kindergarten, elementary bntn-rhea. 5 earsexp4 refs.G -42, Ledger Central. , GOVERNESS, exp., visiting, tea'chlng Ger man, French. English, primary branches, wishes morning nase'mt. F 841, Led. Cent. HOUSEKEEPER, working, widow, boy 7: good cook; lty or suburbs. L 4'tl, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEEPER, (managing): Prot.; exp. wlih hotel or apartment: ref. D 410. Led. Off. HOUSEKEEPER or com. nurse to ellerly couplo: exp. Prot. MJ11, Ledger Offlc HOUSEWORK, gencralT elderly couple; settled German woman. Vi. a. mtn st. l.Anv dralrea Dosltlon as comDanlon. man aging housekeeping or similar position or trust; capable ot taking entire charge If mother' care be missing; or with aged couple; anxious to find vocation where abso lute Integrity and trustworthiness would be appreciated; pleasant personality; exp. with seml-lnvallda; Prot.. rood, stlary, would travel ;flnest credentlala. F 05Sj Led. Cent. LAHY'R MAID and seamstress, no postals. SI20 Catharlno st. MOTHER'S HELPER Capable young" glrX good sewer, assist light duties, wishes pos'n Inrefined family, ref; M 810, Ledger Office. SIOTHER and" daughter wish pfaces together, chambermaid nnd cook, 758 South 18th. NURSE Flrst-cias""experenced trained baby nurse from New York Ilaby Hospital, wishes situation, sick or well baby; best of city reference, O 147. Ledger Central. NURSE, middle aged, cheerful disposition, de sires position as companion or practical nurse to Invalid lady or child. 470 Winona ave., Oermantown. . NURSE, practical, wishes engagements: terms reasonable. O 12, Ledger Branch. 0228 Oer mantown av. , NURSE, experienced, wants position : grown children; best references. 1723 Wolf st. SECRETARY, stenographer and bookkeeper, fitted by education and experience for a con Adenttal pos.mod. salary, F 257, Led. Cent. SECRETARY, expert " stenog., take charge of nee; excellent refs. F 454, Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHER, 8 yeara' experience, ex. pert typist and clerical work, etc., would ex change services for small recompense, with privilege of taking In publlo work; office bldg. orhotel preferred. F 317. Ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER Capable young " business woman, thor'ly exp., rapid, accurate, goou corr.t capable of respona y. F 848, Led. Cent. Stenographer - cnpabie. rapid youn lady. 4',4 yeara' exp.. accustomed to handling technical work. F 845. I-edger Central. STENOGRAPHER, neat, quick, accurate.'ex perlenced; will demonstrate ability a 148, Ledger Central. gTENOGRAPHERr typewriter, assistant booki keeper, exp. and capable of taking dictation In Spanish, English and French, o 43,Led.Cen. STENOGRAPHER, . rapid and accurate, good correspondent, trained by experience and edu cation for secretarial pos. v 051, Led, Cent Stenographer, knowledge of bookkeeping 7 yeara experience, wishes position. Q 841, M'asrr v.rmini STENOGRAPHER well eduoated, last 2 years in secretariat work, 3 years commercial; thor oughly capable. E 745. Ledger Central. OUST FoR OKE. UiTTLE Nil mute OUST FoR OKE. UiTTLE HUMirre? I r tt I ivt ti- - i A &aj uet-r St'j -cr itfi'jr fT- j. - s?. . xsiLXWw v -r n v ' TmivnjT u 'c&- fCf Vtf L J s ii " Jitlk rIII7 .J"A -7 - JK, t ! y V i "' auivca,lJjl.l.u.vTiv .,.TH75"i .17 19, 1915. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER and clerk; excellent exp. aa correspondent, accustomed to following up d- tallscapahlejif respon. F 847. Let. Cent STENOGRAPHER, neat and accurate, eight months' experience, good references. O 21, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, com pel en t and accurate, would consider moderate salary with oppor tunity, reference. P018, .Ledger Office. STflN'OOnAPltRK-Faat. accurate; I yr.a ey- Per. , wim demonstrate ahll. F M,J.ed. .Cent. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, Pelrea graduafa. w8 esrs' experience, capahle. (J 131; Led. Cent.. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, 5 years' exper., accurate, moderate salary. F 441. !.& CanL STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, S. years' exp ; high school graduate. F Ja, Led. ;ent. STENOGRAPHER Fully experienced; also bookkpr,j best ref. O 250, LedgerCcnlral. STENOGRAPHER and asst. lokkeeir; exp., moderate salary; reference. K7S2, Id.Cent. STENOGRAPHER-Neat, rapid, accurate; ex celleiu train, andxper F 043, Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER and elerk- years' axMrJ ence; capable ambitious F24, Led. Cel. TEACHER, visiting, wlshea engagements: Kng llsh branches. French, Germen, literature, history, University of Pa., foreign study; refs.- terms mod- Miss Lynch, JJ08 8pruca. TKACHEIt wishes afternoon employment, would read to Invalids, tutor oung children or assist with their lesons: best references. Address Mies U, .l40tPowellon ave. . TYP1ST.CI.EHK," rapid, accur'ateand exierl enced, knowledge or stenography. O 162, ledger Central . . WOMAN wanta situation, small family, or downstairs work or rooking, no washing, reference Apply 1723 Wolf st. WOMAN, colored, wsnts cooking or houso wnrk, sleep home. Call 1748 N. Camac. WOMAN, retlned, vvlhes position ss mother's helper, references. 2545 N. Mole St. WOMAN, Protestant, wants day's work or by t .weak Lanenroth,472N. 5th. WOMEN i2), "colored, wish positions, cook or housework. 113 Mountain st. YOUNG WOMAN, colored, wants rooking or general housework. 3202 Chancellor St. AMERICAN PROTESTANT" of executive abll Ity desires position n matron or house mother In n hospital or school i would cars for a family or rhlldrrn nt the bst class. A. F. If.. Kfcl W. louden st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT - office manager. 15 yeara' manufacturing and corporation experience; possessed of initiative and executive ability; highest refs. aa to character and exp.; bond; married; moderate salary. M 142, Led. Cnt, ACCOUNTANT First-class D E. bookkeeper. 15 years' experience, manufacturing, whole sale and factory cost accounting, construc tive methods: Al references. R192 Arrh -I ACCOUNTANT Young man. 22. would like po- I sttlon as Junior In public accountant's office;. I capable: C. P. A. evening student; refer- j puvun, tuin.-c .-xpcrirnce. u in-t, t-ecger vjent. ACCOUNTANT, 32. sales and executive experi ence, desires office or management position1 with rstabllsheirnrm. Q 244. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly exper. bookkeeper dea. pos. with reliable con. F 741, Led. Cent. ASL!,IiSTANT MANAGER. 41. 17 years' ex K.l 17'. '.'.kr Pltlon with reliable film; i't,teIlntlals!F8.V). Ledger Central. AT3i?.inAN.T.,0J0,,k,l,,,r "nan or uoy who Is oTth",lYe,,;!deliJ,.,J,0,pltal Perie"- "" uinEJ!PKn8TBNWTw'rrERdTeirM"?o"- Sf "Mil. yS'- ""2-: '"k fu'l charge of set ..of books; best refs. F 248. Ledger Central. ?uCllvKEP,p-YounB nvan.-i5" yeaTs' cxp .hiiTfvS'K d"' p?"' wh'r honesty and .QIIltyvvlll be appreciated, a 842. Led. Cent. n0,5.linr,nn. Rnrt general clerkr"wlth"8 Jn Xn.'.xn'' "l5es position: highest refs. na tocharact-r and atlllty. F 842. Led. Cent. II2ra'iKF;?n,EIi' lcrk' tTpf.7."" high " school Le"'Ecrcc1ra"lrea pe,,i bf" r'f' F ai"- f-FA'RH.CARmini cfesfreTI cTiiKie"; best references. A 107, Ledger Office. ,'IVSP eonatrurtlon superintendent, rstl- flMn -fni,'5,n''.er' MJ'T.' experience, 'office. new, w-lshea to make change: 4 years with prerent flrm.F 8411, Ledge? Central. Dnftllnf JaPnee. flrst-claes valet, take care JncR" IlTSb N?lS,h'.t.','0ni -'- r-ffI- .m.?' hl.1'' ingie".do not drink mm.oke; 7 years experience on all leadlns "JS.n!" .f ,c,ar?: careful driver; best refer ences. A 14. Ledger Office. " CHAUFFEUR, white. wlshes"oTuion:eT perlenced on Cadillac. Plerce-Arrow, Pack Smce "1 referenc- A 100. Ledger nilr7ES"H!ri-. "" OS" ..,-" ,t.. ... --. t'-'tii'ciK.e; Hny car, I'll. ,1IW or lm K. Chelten ave.. Gin. Mrii. Vl married, can do own repalra: iW t. " ."' ""'Vu,lni reierence. uau at liOT Race storphnneLoeust 2405 W, C!i,AHE'F?Un.' ,0 rs' exp.," Mber." carelul SSAUrr t," JW"- -4I1 Clifford st. Bell ....u.m. ., V VV CHAUFFEUR, married. 0 years' experience; Sl.?iB f.r - 1 1 ca r a. best references; slate partlcularsF 031, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants position, private j"yj good references. 1010 8. 10th. CHAUFFEUR, white, single, riesU-erposltlnn In . prlv. fnmlly; highest refa. F (.62. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR wishes position of any kind: fnlr mechanic good refs. D 427. Ledger Off. CHAUFFEUR Young inarir24yfsroid":"7Tr? exper.: best references. F 057, Led. Cent. CLERK Chief clerk, now employed w here ' oppor tunities nre limited, seeks connection with a manufacturing concern where the experience of distributing and classifying costs of ma terlnls. purchasing, etc.. would be of value. G 47. ledger Central, CLERK General office man. operate compto meter, wishes position. F 042. Ledger Cent. CLERK General office work: .1 years' expert ence: high school exp. O 248, Led. Central. GARDENER and "coachman, disengaged Nov. 20, wishes pos., subs, of Phlla. L 432. I.ed.Off. HOUSEMAN, exp.; capable Scotch Protestant; ?! r5unrjoLM.812. Ledger Office. HOUSEMAN or chauffeur, colored: exp.", ref.. Krurmi iriimrn. .i mi, i,enger umce. JANITOR, porter or houseman, colored; exp'd; Bvm, i.nnii.c. a"u . v an i-eit at MAN, 32, desires position; has executive ex perience around manufacturing plant, office, shipping room, etc.; wants to learn business "mi w imuir. aiiq. j, ii. .. qui x. inth at. MAN AND WIFE, first class, thor. exper.! cap., faithful, willing: flno butler; wife ex- Krrt cook: exceptional refa. for competency. onesty nnd fldelty. 41Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE. Japanese, want positions", cook and housework: small family. Address 20. Ledger Branch. 20th and rCherry. "ufc" MAN AND WIFE, colored, cook and house- jnanctty country. 800 8. lflth. MAN AND WIFE. English! butler and cook: references. 1102 Green st. SALESMAN, outside; practical toolmakrr. good personality: for steel, metnls. hardware, any -- - '."v.. "; nst. SALESMAN. 10 vears' selllnr extTTTes. good connee. wheia ability count. O 234. Led CJent SHIPPER AND PAtKER-KiergTtlea"Hdrcrl pable: can furnish references or security A 110. ledger Office. ' A SHOE HALErfMAN-Young man""" wishes p0: !Jion. ,n el?,,J..,h ,torc'' Perlenced. A 101). Ledger Office. STENOanAPHER.HOOKKKEPERrifl.f.Dld"" accurate; Interview requested. O 40.Led.Cent STENOORAPHBR or clerk 4 vrsV;n.T-bVJik Ing or brokerage praf.t refs. O 245. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, willing. Industrious". iii any typewriter: mod, salary. F854 id.Cent. VA LET Attendant. wfth.nuTsIng experience highest references. F . .Tj4edir Central, WATCHMAN-Bober, honest man wants" no sltloni good reference. A 105, ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. married, weTf educated," spea"k Ing several languages, with bonking and general office work exper., desires position; excel, refsi mod. salary. FH. Led. Cent, YOU"NO MAN. 1st -class stenographer "and "eoK respondent, good executive ability. 0 years' exp. In purchasing general supplies, desires Dosltlon with future ooihliith ..I.. U- partment preferred F 141, Ledger Central I FLIP'S MODESTY IS TOO MUCH Otf VERY Jlc,S,mRti ur r 4 JA MrMVfl1 AZT I I lr.iOrV . -rziJHi',7: ' .. j&? v-ir $ if Ju. ' VJTtlT n it nr m "13 SITUATIONS WANT!D XALX YOIMG GENTLEMAN, Welt acquaint! In PhlMdelphla, desires a reensrulhla conneo tlon. 9 ears' business xp., last 0 year rep resentative of a leading banking housa. exit' A In handling difficult situations dlplomatlcaliyt thoroughly versed on Investments, rapaUe nf Iwndllug, in the entirety, flnancl '1 nfi'alrs, Of an Individual or Him. l.vt, Ledger Cc nils' yoi'K'o Han eIcpert ronTrffsr'oTnJKSfJ CAPABLK OF COMPOSING ORIGINAL AS'V.ATTnArrriVE lettehk, expehn SJf!,i,N ITIACTICAL SELLING IDEAS. OFFICE KKF'PnENC:' D eOf-T-EDGEn TCPS0-MANT5.T"yeaFilJdT wTtTrM5tTva"iirTS selling ability and successful record In build ing a manufacturing buatner, would Ilka r 'It Ion, moderate salsry until ability baa been -J:0 W0Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, age. 22, high achool ancTousT ness college, graduate, Protestant, delf booklngposltlon. references. F 054, Led. Cent. VOUNO MAlf, age 20, nigh school graduate! ""Ire work o? any kind with good firm pmmlslng advancement F 050. Ledger Cent. YOinfcTXlAN. 33. with i year' hanking exp.". desires position .outside clerical preferred; Jg!lt-lZrn''e. F t4n, ledger Central. 'SinUVAt!?" year, desires position wTtTi good future, 0 years' clerical and sales exp.j -jQ't referenca. a 54. Ledger Central. ' 10UNO MAN, ability, good education, bus. .cap, handling putelde bus. O 140. Lad. Can 10UNG MAN, 21 yeara "of age, dealreg""toI.ir- n.'' . ul ' "'JV'er, anxious to succeeq. come connected with an automobile concern and learn thn huainsM. oi. r n-- r--..r Vt7nJMAN. competent, age 24. now em Li.t" J! salesman (city), desires change, wlthjvM,jvert. F 8.VL JdgeCent.ral. Vpl'Nrt MAN wlrhes position as night" cferk '." .h.4el.or,lmU". work- ttentrva, reference. , A 112, Ledger Office MEXICO .Swiss, 85. experienced, for five years In bualnrra In Mexico, now In position Irt if. 8. A., wants to return and seeks, position aa representative of American business or other interests In Mexico: good app.aianca, thor ough knowledgo of country and good connee Uon". lh foreigners and natlvea of Mexico English, Spanish, French. Grrman. best references, 1'. O. Box 1597, Philadelphia, . . NOT A GENIUR hut a competent, clear-headed young man, with unusual ability and a con vincing personality; now employed, but delres change, where thofdughnees and results are the chief requirements. An Interview would be appreciated. F 764, Ledger Central. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA senior In Wharton School of Finance and Commerce,. v w th executive nnd managerial abllltr wishes afternoon .and SatuM'v emnlovment i with view toward futur frllstlons; remu neration not essential, a 251, Ledger Cen- "" tral. JAPANESE wanta position as cook or general housework. A 114 Luuxer ofntt. "A EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHULLH. 1028 Ualnbrldge street, has com' petent butlers. second-men. houremen, couples, rooks, French, English, German gov ernesses and ladles' maids; Infant ndrsss. walmssrs. chambermaids. Including Engltsh and French, German cooks, waitresses and rhamhermalda, laundrerses. housemaids. Wanted Irish cooks, $7 to $1(); waitresses, French nurses and ladles' maids. Inexpert enced girls, housemaids. Phone Locust 2130. MRS. KANE. 311 8. lnth street, wishes situa tions far flrst-clsKS Protestant and Catholla cooks, rev era! trained wattrrsrea, chamber maids and seams.resses, parlor maids, but lers, second men. white couples, flrst-clssi laundreases, chlldnurses, German nursery governesses, kitchen maids and housework girls; all highly recommended. Phon Locust :min. MRS. KANE, 511 ft. I nth street, wants; this morning, French und Gcrmnn idles' maids. Infant nursrs. Protestant rook and chamber maid for Wajne; while couple for Ardmore; housework girls; roust have reference. CARLISLE BUREAU, the dependable office for hrrt-rlass male and female help: references .Investigated andguaranteed. 400 8. 2tst tSL. WANTED "cooks, chamber ma Ids," chlldnurrea nnd housework girls; woman for laundry work In Irstltutlon, Miss Rose Dougherty, lilt Glrard avenue. MADAME ASH. French Employment Rureau. 1333 Chrlstltn at. Reliable help supplied ami wantediallnatlonalttles. Prot, and Cnth. 53ISS MARY T MCCARTHY. 2107 ChrlstlaTi (Loc. 13U.1), supplies & wsnta Isl-class Prot., Cath.. male & lemtla help; all nationalities. HOWARD'S SELE"CTIIUREAtTrSl2l"lcu"st. supplies and wanta young women, all nation alities, tor prl. haure service. Spruce 3780. AUTOMOBILES Far Balr LOCOMOBILE. 1014, 08, special 7-passenger tourlpg car; rebuilt, repainted and guaran teed samo as new, an excellent car for city nmo as new. an excellent car for city suburban work on account --Of slxe, and upkeep. Price 250. 3M011II.K 2114 Market st . f.oruit 450 -inn sui ,g.it ui LOCOM II. A. JE.VKS. Mgr. Excliang Car Dept. 1010 RHANTj.NEW Chevrolet Touring Cars, wltll eelf-stRrirn. 85.V): 200 down, bal. 21 B month. AUTO TRANSIT CO.. 1201 Chet nut Room 1202. MILTON STERN, mgr. SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS GORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 218 N. BROAD; COLE 1015"""nnMON8TRATOR8 HI.IOHTI.V UBED, FOR SALE L. S. BOWERS CO., 245-47 N BROAD BT. 1011 .VPAPSENQER OVERLAND In fin snape, win demonstrate. F 010, Ledger Central. WHITE, 1012, n-cyUndrr, -pasienger tuuilng car; good condition, I. C. MOSER. 210 N Broad st. CADILIAC, 1013, touring car. overhauled sn3 repainted full equipment, price IMKl. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad st. BUICK, 1014. 5 psss.. uke niw. vvltli extras." 3711. M. Ilexter, 1453 E. Montgomery; Kens. Ljy AiinOTT-IlETROlfTT-pars , fUcyl. i good con edition. I. 115. Ledger Central. CAD1L1AC 1014. perfect ron. and lust revnr- nlshed. complete equip. N. Scott. 1215 FllberL Al'TOilfTnfLFft bought, any condition. MOF.HRLE'S CARAOE, 2(1I3-,1l N JSth et.. LOCCMODILr Touring Car. stresrs line- bodV; 1 man top slln covers! 1200. 2054 Ken'ton kt. DON'T PAY storage when you can "eelTYbur car lor caan. yrtar uz:i jf. uroaq. 200 USED esrs for sale, runabouts, touring anil trucks. 020 N. nroad. AUTO XIVERY AND OARAGES TAXI SERVICE .AT HIJAfeONABLE BATES TAXI SERVICE COMPANY 118 N. BROAD BT. SPRUCE 4252. RACE 138. TO HIR17 Ilrand hew 6-passenger touring car, with robes. 8V.25 hour. -Phona PolariO-17 Wj. TO HIRE Limousine. McCIement, at W.Phjia Garage. 8121-0 Ranrom st. Belmont 2.1.10, AUTO 3EPAIBINO t BPEEDOMETER TROVBLH t 1 J T 7 BEE BILLY-618 N. BROAP CYLINDERS HEDORED, new putona InT rings furnished, weldlnrs and bracing. 11. R. Urderwnl Cn 102' Hamilton st Phil. AUTO SUPPLIES Ball and roller rearing"!! owTCEi iam ro., iai4 Aren. Phona walnut 4T. AUTO TIBES "RJLLMAN TlIlKS Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compara pries. Gasoline. 13c. per gallon. GRIU'B. 230 North Broad at HOUSES FIRST-CLASS double team of gray horses and truck wagon, will sail together or separate- zr! ": '" lIJi Mcrinaivun sysi Other t'lasslflril Ada on .Next .'age WtUU TrltM - ILL fit )F lV ;oiH, Ta UrNt-feJ THii l.- V j T tm I M tirt t -tH ill ;- t -I . "ir Dill ,7IA iitC -V. J T in I A A 'Iflf A. 4 -r v I J T t ivf f I A Wf Ills. 'f 'MT rx Vr rr mt at eol tf j liI n- ij -' a, T '-V, w tmt i;ji i rnj"i ' c M . Vj ,' W - --" --T , ii i I f" ln' J ' ii.i-i ii ,i ii ! . 1 1l n ' i i i 'r ii.-i n , f n II , n