tLWBjasam "WWypw" WT V" w EVENING LEDGER-PHILADEIiPHIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 3)015? - I" FINANCIAL NEWS f HADING CENTRED IN SPECIALTIES; BETHLEHEM STEEL TOUCHED 500 United States Steel Soared to Highest Mark Since 1910. Belief Growing of a Dividend Declaration Soon NEW YOHK, Oct. 19. With thcf resumption of trading on the 8tock Exchange today there wnn a ewal of demand for tho war specialties', and beforo the day wnn very old M-ny of them had scored substantial advances. Gains ranged around two and kre points, while In some cases they were even larger. Hethlehom Steel, for Issuance, came within one point of hitting 00, n prlco talked of for that stock tfyr some time past. At tho top price of tho morning the stock showed a gain C six points, thereby establishing another new high mark. In tho afternoon k hit 600. Covering by shorts was chiefly responsible for a further uplift In tho prlco f United States Steel common ncross 87, tho highest price nt which tho stock hs sold since 1910. Another reason for tho advance In this Issuo Is tho fact that tho steel trade Is showing Improvement day by day, and then, too, tho belief hi growing that the directors of tho corporation, when they hold their next meet ing on Tuesday next, will dcclaro a dividend. It Is held that tho earnings aro Mowtng up well enough to warrant some sort of distribution. It was said hi well-Informed quarters that tho directors of tho corporation hnvo not con sidered a dividend. Estimates of earnings for the September quarter wilt ran between $40,000,000 and $00,000,000, with tho more conservative gucssers adhering to the former figure. ' On the whole, the market was much more actlvo than yesterday and the tickers supplying the quotations soon dropped tho first figures when sending out prices, and oven then they had some difficulty In keeping up with sales. As Mated above, tho principal demand was for the war stocks, and there was very Hole done In tho railroad and other standard Issues, although they were strong. Among the wide advances In the specialties was a five-point gain In General Motor?. The closing was irregular. Selling was on a large scale In the last few minutes, and It wan heaviest In United States Steel. Ralls were weak. Gold Still Flowing in From Abroad In addition to tho $25,000,000 In British sovereigns deposited at the Assay Office today for the account of J. P. Morgan & Co., It Is understood that a Bec-e-nd consignment of the same amount will be shipped to the firm from Ottawa en Thursday. There was also received today $3,000,000 from London by tho Guaranty Trust Company, and the National Bank of Cuba received $1,200,000 gold coin from Havana. Another Jump in Steel Prices An advance of a dollar a ton was announced by the Carnegie Steel Com pany In the price of steel bands. Financial Briefs A New York Stock Exchange scat sold fOr $72,000. a gain of $XKM over the lust previous sale. Leigh Best, vice president of the Ameri can Locomotlvo Company, was elected a director to succeed M Barnum. The Utah Power and Light, the operat ing subsidiary of the Utah Securities Corporation, has sold $2,500.&X) 30-year Iirat Mortgage S per cent, gold bonds. Albert N. Hogg, who has had charge ef the credit department of the Corn Exchange National Bank, was elected an assistant cashier at the directors meet ing today Mr. Hogg has been connected with the bank for IS ears. At tho annual meeting of tho stock holders of the East Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company today President Rob erts and the retiring directors were re elected Tho number of shares voted was 13.120 out of 13,774. The Land Title and Trust Company an nounces the opening of railway and steamship ticket offices under the direc tion of Charles S. Knowlson, manager of the travelers' department. In addition to the Lehigh Valley Railroad ticket of fices, the department represents yarlous water lines. An Initial quarterly dividend of $2 50 per share was declared by the Ahmeek Min ing Company on the present capital stock of 200,000 shares. The previous dividend was $t0, paid July 1, 1915, on the old capi tal stock of 50,000 shares. Trading in Midvale stock was active on the New York Curb today. The closing price last night was 91, and sales were reported to have been made In the Street b( 92. The highest point reached today was 97, and later it fell back to 94 bid and 95 asked. At tho top mark It was Ii above the opening on Saturday. The American Hide and Leather report for the quarter ending September 30 showed a surplus of $47,357 compared with a deficit of $JU5,3I9 for the corresponding period of 1914. On the New York Exchange $6500 Anglo French 5 per cent bonds, when Issued, wen- sold today. The high was 9SU. low WX and the last 98; The Seaboard Air Line Railway stock holders wilt hold a special meeting at Petersburg, Va.. on November 15, to ratify the merger with the Carolina, At lantic and Western Railway and also to approve a mortgage for $300,000,000. The annual report of tho New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad shows surplus of $2,307,971, against $263,663 in U.- This la equal to 1.46 per cent- on tfce capital stocks. J. J. B. McKennan and W. B. Dickson were elected directors of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. Tho Governing Committee of the Phila delphia Stock Exchange at Its meeting late yesterday elected Robert Cherry, Jr , to membership on the exchange, and ap proved the transfer to him of the seat which he purchased. The New York Stock Exchange has ad mitted to the list Tennessee Copper Com pany first mortgage 10-year convertible 6 per cent, bonds, due 1925, "when issued." Tennessee Copper Company "rights" have also been admitted to dealings. Notice has been received of a proposed Increase In Philadelphia Company com mon stock by $2,500,000. The copper Visible supply In England and France, and afloat thereto, has de creased 5166 ton from October 1 to Octo r 15, being 23,7(7 tons on the latter date, BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compare with eorre mmmmMnr day last two years lUlb. Jtfl. ivio. .SSa.OM.MS. l2K.nOg.1T! 133 83.1.23. ihia i.u..c'.atti i5,7j,isi i.i.m.'iio JOCK, vi .-u.M.i i,(iiM.nin tiu.llif7 rp.OTV.avs ut,oivii uv,uitf,uej XATBS FOR MONEY Call. a ............... JJ4 .f.. ..... .. n 5.. .-... ? HWIU, ton 93c a? Tim. m Phll4o! iqnr YOHK BUTTWt AND EGGS NOW f QttaC, . pot . . -. HVTTKH Market aaaa araiaea lasu vaciu taiHn, Kiira anaa. JNMiMc rerrUaratar testa. WiiWt law. JCttra. m'i'-j K-t dairy, '., V Wb 4c Hecalpti ,: itrsis. sad color. ; iwarojr crowna, PI. I 114 , 3SHe.j , .-Wie Micuta 1 wi.-ihi ai MtU. Wmv Mmuti XftroUyi .4te KfliUultar froasj atmtlnf Ot lb MM waafarpi JtaMway were at la tmt ceK. ovar and U Urt of any lmh h u, hlalofy of th X. Ki, i,.' Jiii r.aa jre fat., r4 the n. j.i-nth was fW,U7, a gain , c -iiU For tf nine months . s,m,,lu pycr all cJm at .... .d U! unly tXkklt t $be ,u . aj a Sri-lu. lu New York Bond Sales fCOOO Adama Emrni J 2UX( AlaskH tjoid cv Ua ltOi Amir Agi cv la Itmo (mer Cot OH 5a .Vo Anglo-Kr Cs I . . 1WO Amer Hide & I, Us liKJO Anurr binclt Seo Us K Amer Tel clt 4s .... 2I(10 Amer Tel ct 4Wa . 11HX) Amer Tobac new 4s 410") Armour Co 4V4i lilKM Atchison H1J 4S . i'mnjit Atchlbon c 4s lUVi 41WKI Atchison cv 4a 1I)IJ UKI Atihtson cv Ss 11)17 nsooo Allan Co Line lat 4s MjI AtlHi Co Line clt 4s 4UM) Halt & Ohio .'1H. ltoo Unit & Oh reg in . ltiKO Unit & Ohio 4a.. 1'l.VX) Lkilt & Oh cv 4Ua 1DO lleth Steel 1st Is.. .ann! in-in Fleet ria oa 7, 11J 10-' JUS llkl xl8i l81 til'4 aft 1117 lot H M , w ssv4 Ifct ion. IltO Low 1IJ 10-' i i 101 liu;, ioU; in n. SI 10 louw 101'i H.I S". Hi JfJ K7, U2Vi l(lt)' 1() 10) lal'i ?o Close. 77 1IJ li 1 1 VH 1U.I "Mi 1V 1)4 111'! HI 101 1, Ml 8 , B.S lt-ii; 10 UK) lOUj 4.1 H0io nrkn Ilap Tr os l'HS HiO'4 70iK) llrook Un Clas 1st &a 10:1 i'"i UI( ec OUB IT OS 1U.U K.I -mi i- u u gen 4 s .'w w w v; Ac i n,i,iA rni . ...... int js OC Mt'C OB ... Uli U 3IO00 Cent Leather 1st Sa 101 101 luls, ?i5! Cent ,,R- "t 4a ., . 87 87V '! 10fO Cent 1'ac Sh L 4s . S3 S". ST. nwi ueni it it j; j ;n 4s .. . 74V 74V. 741 St L 4s . .. 7S 78 7NH & nice rs ... 01 U44 WH '4s. M S8A 4H 44J KI7T4 G II? .. .,, 4,JiO Chill Copper 7s .. l'OOO Ches & Ohio cv 41 MX Lhes & Ohio 4Vis lUTO Chi & Alton Is . ... woo Chi & -Alton 1V4s .... awo Chl East 111 ct 4s 11000 Chl at West 4s .... I"") Chl -nn .IVis 22000 chl Ii A Q Joint 4a 75000 Chl H A Q gen 4s. . VK C M & St P 4s . . .J'-OOO C M 4 St ! fd 4a. . HOOT) C M & St P en Ss ., 4000 CMkSl V c 4V4s 4VKK) Clev bh Lino 4V3S.... 10U Cot & bouth 1st 4s... 1000 Col & bouth 4Vfc .iOO Con Pbc cv lis.... . .",0o Del & Hud conv 4s '10 S0OO Del & Hud rM 4a... WO Del & Hud ret its... HOOD Den & nio Gr 4s .. 1000 Detroit Edison 1st Ss 2HiOO) Dla becur Corp "la . irooo Du l'ont rond 4V.s . 1000 1-Ylo gen 4s . . . lltXH) Erie lonv 4s Her A NOOO Erie eonv 4s Ser I ... 7si 2IOO 1-jrle prior 4s... . ,. Ki 4000 Oreen Hay Sta 0s ...104 li'iOO Hud & Man In 5a.... 2V IHX10 do rfd 5a 7H' 1C000 III btcel deb 4Ha. .. R7V( 4000 Indiana Steel Ss. ...101'. 4000 III Central rfd 4 M 24000 Ins Copper cv (Is ...177 20T00 Intern Met 4V$a ... . 7 60000 Interb It T ret .'is.. . llty 140110 Inter Mer Mar 4Vis. . 78 100) Jap new e a 4Vis ... 74 ;ioi do 4Hs nv 1000 K C Ft 8 & M 4s.., GOV 2000 Kan City So 5a. ... mi, .'1OU11 Lacka Steel 5b 1023 .. 01 84000 do 1050 04 8OO0 Lk 8h deb 4a 1011.. , 02J 1000 Llg & M T 5s . .. 101 SOTO do 7s 122 UK) Long Island gen 4s . Sil 1001 Louis & Nash gen 5a.. Ill 21(100 do 4a 04 1000 Minn & St L Ba HI 10000 11 St 1' 8 8 M 4s ... 8.) 11UO0 Mo Iac 4 41 (WOOD do cv Bs 40 NOW) do col Bs 1017 ... S.SVi 1.1000 do cons Oa 04 5000 Nat Tubo Bs 00V lroo N Y C L 8 3V4a ... 71li 11000 N Y C & II SH 70Vi 104OO0 do 4Vis SOV 124000 do 61 ret .. .10Si 72000 do 4c h-Hj 1000 N Y C & 8t L. 4a.. .77V 4000 N Y City 4a 1050 ., 711V 4O0O do 4a 1010 m 15000 do 4V4 lt)0 .,, , noli 400O do 4V4 10(15 ... 102 2CO0O N Y Gaa II & P 4a R2V 2000 N Y N II & II 4s 1050 70 0000 do Ga 115 1000 N Y O & W lat 4s . 7R lOOil N Y Rwy ret 4a 70 UOOO do ad 5a .... 48V 30OO N Y Tel gen 4 Via . O0T; 11000 Nprf & West 4a ,. 02 1000 do cv 4s . ,115V 42000 North Tac prior 4s (11? 22'.TO do sen 3s ... BU no Ohio It 1st Bs. , 102? imoo Ore Short L ref 4s . 01 r0 Ore Hwy N 4b , . si luno or V 11 & N 4a on fOCO Pacific Tel Bs 07! 1000 Prnna 4a 1048 KVKrfK) do gen ct 4Vis , 08! 4000 Tenna en 4V4s lltli 1000 People's flas Ba 100' 42000 Hay Con Copper 0a tin" lnrro Ittadlng gen 4s ot toon Tleadlng Jer Cent 4s '? ?or0 Hepub Cul 4Hs HO 1000 Hep Ir & B Ss 041 com Itock Island 4a M' roi-O do rfd 4s a.v 10il do Ba 4V 4000 fit 1. B F gen Bs 00! 1000 do rfd ct st 4s (14 noon do gen rt sta Is (7! 1 ono Rt Louis Bwn 1st 4s T4 5000 Bt I. & S F rfd Ba 70 1 Rt Paul M M (Hi 10l 2T0O Reatioard A L adj 5s AAt ri nouin iiffll ns him, iii innro Eouta Pac 4s 8.H4 mU P4nOO do CV 4a . 8V RVVi aimoo do cv ret t p Bs jovh irui! TIW) do rfd 4a MU, WliS inno Pouth Pac Term Bs " MM Rooo Bouth Rwy gen 4s . US (17 U inoo Routh Hwy con Ba cnVj f" 7ino Texas Co cv 0a 103 102U lnon Third Ave ref 4a K2i m(J Jtvxi Third Ave adj Bs 70M invl Bono Tol Fen & W 8Vis . 7(1 7(1 ' innno Tenn, Cop cv (la w 1 131V4 1JW tttono tl 8 Rubber Ha 108 10.1 18?w, it it J4tsel Ba . toaij ins WnS Steel rer a 4 102)4 102 ". union f ac lai w. lit tT fort ITnlon Pas cv 4a. "ono Union Pac rfd 4s 87000 V tia Dmwn Ilroa jnoo Va, Car Chm 0a 2000 vn nwv re R a 04 inon Wash T 8H . Rt si gi noon Wabash lat Ba , lO'Vl Jni ini, ?Bnn whih 2d Bs. .07 M M lioon w Bo ct sta 1st 4a f p 84 82 81 VfiO Wah-P T 1at rt 4s r 1 2 J fcnan West Md UK 4s . ,, 72 71U 71V 44X Weat B ft M cv Ba w I 145 142H 14B Te4l taies 4.4M,, ctapsn, WMh t.TWO lfUii I4iim Ur tW week f,M.s. s4Me HriM UM vieatt y si saaasi. timiaj Fwi VMt Ca4 HvMeml DETROIT Oct 19 -Tb Ford Motor Con, panr, it Canada, has declared a .ah divl awl .f J!" .?', K0 "V0 on h com iwar'a M.tM capital u)abla to stock ot record October 18. The company previously dtiaVared two 10 per cent dividends this year. SaSr a 1 "UI distribution of f00 00 ra Wir tkaM far tm 181B by tarat, 108 sioctMMsir. Hear? V swns a naanir sa lt H) M 01 01 8SIA 101', II7JT 4 ! h0 US 100H iuu 10-S IkS 78 8?s 101 .'Sti au 101U 81 17I1H 7v?f iwu 7014 74 7t4 W l)0i M Olti 112 U 101 TZ 81 11.1 8SH .10 sow 88 1)4 00 v; T1V4 78H 88V. 107 nil T7V 70 05) ll'.l 101 R2V4 711 78 70 47T4 D61. OIV4 115V? MU, ins' 102 00 SO 81 07 08: (18: 10.T 1O0! m Vi 04V, 82 10114 101 u IWW4 Bftii BftvJ MV, rm oat New York Stock Sales 1 Last close 33 mi 74 07 07 04)1 AUsVa Gold M AlllvChslmen Mf( AlllJ-Chalm Mfr pf Am Ar Chemical Am Bret Sugar Am Can Am Can pf Am Car A Foundry Am Coal Products . Am Cotton Oil Am Hide & Leather Am llkle A L pf Am Ice Securities Am Linseed Am Llixced pf Am Locomotive , . , Am Malt pf Am Smelt A lief. Am 8m A Hef pf , Am t-melters pf A . , Am Smelters pf II ,. Am Snuff Am bteel Foundries Am lUflnln; Am Sugar Kef pf Am Tel A Tel . . ., Am Tobacco Am Woolen Uf Am Woolen tt r. 6214 High. Low, Close. 33f 41K 7., 08), 07H 05)4 33 424 73 07 CO'f XI 42)( 73)( 08)4 CO'i 03't 100)4 100H 100H 10fl)i 8S'f 8') 155 l&CH OTJf 01 11U 40)i 23W 21 . 37) 08 29 109 81 155 00 11)4. 24 20)1 37) 7IJ 20 05( 109 b0)4 81 109 74)4 85' 85f 155 160)4 5954 00 11)4 49)4 23)4 20)4 37 03)X 29 04)4 109 bO Rt 155 71 im 60 24)- 20)4 37 09f 29 1)4)4 100 feO 8J 155 72U 11D4 113)4 1UU 113'a" 115)4 1104 115)4 110)4 1J4)4 121)4 1204 124)4 Wi 235H 233 233 65 51 54 53 55)4 63H 08 0 Am woolen pf ....... B7Jf 08 07 Anaconda Copper 75)4 70)f 70 A'l TASK. 107 107)4 100)4 10f)4 Atcn i sarpi iooj 100)4 100 100 Atlantic Coast Line. ..114 113 1124 IWi IialdlnLoco 13J 135 130)4 132)4 Ilaldnln Loco pf loy 109 108)4 109 Haltlmore A Ohio 0J)4 93 02)4 92H llaltlmore A Ohio pf . . 74 75 74JJ 76 liatopilas Mlnlnz...... 1) lit lji 1)4 llethlehcm steel .. ..49J 600 491U 491U llcthlchem Steel pf.... 100 100 100 100 llrookljn HapTr 87(4 87)4 87)4 87)4 li runs lck Term 0)4 0)X 0)4 0)4 Ilurns Brothers 03 04)4 01 01)4 Uutto A Superior GO'4 0H4 00)4 C054 Cai rctroleura 18)4 194 18'f 1&4 Cal Petroleum pf 42 43 42'f 42)4 Canadian Pacific lesVi 109 167h 1C7)4 Cent Leather Co 5t) 5314 5W 54J4 107'4 107H 58M 58)4 50 13)4 31)4 0JU 127 130 20)4 SOM U'i 35 OHi 107H 67)4 50 13U 3IH 91)4 Cent Leather Co pf. Chesapeake A Ohio. Chlno Copper Chlcaco Orcat West thlcaco Ut West pf, Chl Mil A St Paul.. C M A St Paul pf.. Chl A Northwest. . . Chl It I A Pac. .. Cluett Pea A Co 74)4 Colorado Fuel A I.... 67H Col A Southern., 34 continental Can 110V4 111 108 Consolidated Oa 145 145)4 142 Corn Products Iter , . . 18)4 18)4 1854 Crucible Steel 91 9fl"4 03)4 Crucible Steel pf . ...10QK 10914 107U 107K Cuban-Am Sugar . 119'f 121)4 120 120J4 Delaware A Hudson. .147,' 148 14S 148 Uen A Mo Grande pf. 17)5 17)4 17)4 17)4 107 67'4 49'i 13)4 34)4 93 127)4 127H 127)4 129H 129 129 21)4 19H 78 74)4 69H S7H 35 35 19)4 78 67J4 35 110)4 142)4 184 93)4 Detroit Kdison Distillers Securities Dcme Mines Klec Storaeu bat . trie 1 tie 1st pf rrlu 2d pf Gen Chemical lien Kiectric den Motors Goodrich U F Co ... Goodrich 0 F Co pf. Great Northern pf... Gt N cfs for ore prop Greene-Cananea . .. Gugcenhelm Kxpl'n Hav El Hy LAP Illinois Cent Int Agricultural . . lnt Acrlcultural pf .. Int llarv N J . . . Int Harv N J pf ... Inter-Met vot t c ... Inter-Met pf Inter Con Corp'n.... Inter Con Cor pf ... Inspiration Copper. -lnt Nickel tr r.. . . Int Nickel pf fr r. . International Paper. Kan City bouthern 125)4 125)4 125H 125)4 30)j . 22)4 7 34)4 54)4 , 434 340 40 22 73)4 35)4 54)4 44)4 310 37 22 71 35 634 44 3 iO 179 39)4 22 71 35 63i 44)4 340 179)4 1S0H ISO .335 340)4 339)4 339J4 . 77H 78 70)4 70)4 .110 1124 112'4 112)4 .122)4 122)4 12P4 122 . 49)4 50)4 4954 49)4 . 39J4 41'4 40 40)4 .. 07'4 08)4 C74 f)7Ji pf 100)4 100)4 100)4 100H . -107H 108 108 108 25)4 25H 25)4 25H 53J4 63 53 114 110)4 110)4 117 117 117 22X 79 23)4 79H 444 64 111 117 23 83 . 23 79'4 . 43)5 200'4 20 1 110 10H 28)4 IK 79 2254 78H 43)5 01 Kan City Southern pf. 02)4 Lack Steel 851 Laclede, uas Lake Erie A West. . Lehigh alley ... Licectt A Miers ... Loose-Wiles Ulicult .. Mackay Cos Mackay Cos pf Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf... Max Motors 2d pf... Mexican Petroleum. ... Mex Petroleum pf. ... M St P A SS M Mo Kan A Texas Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Montana Power National lilscult Nat CAS pf Nat Enamel AS.. . Nat Enamel A S pf.., Nat Lead Nat Lead pf Ill Nev Con Cop ...... 15)4 New York Air urate.. 147 22)5 79 22)4 78)4 I34 2C0 103)4 105)4 105H 10)4 10'4 10)4 28)4 27)5 03 e2)4 87'f 80 .105)4 105 105 .11 10M 10H , 75)4 7UI 75)4 .245 250 29 29 78 05)4 07 62H 93 87 78 oa 03 97 52 02 SO 121 5)4 34)4 6 57)4 123 27)4 02)4 bO 105 10H 75)4 240 250 28)4 2854 78 78 05)4 (15)4, G2)4 02J4 U0H UGH 61)4 51i 01)4 0154 87 87 121H 121H 121H 0 34)4 6'4 5S 129 0 34)4 109H 1095 31 01)4 U9'4 6 34M 4)4 57)5 6S 128 123 109)4 109)4 30)5 30)4 91)4 91H 09 09 110)4 110)4 110)4 15i4 15 lo 163)4 147 152 X5H 83)4 83)4 101)4 100 100M ami ao 30 115H 115M 20 20 3154 01)4 TO54 .112)4 11))4 112)4 112H . 73)4 73)4 72)4 72)4 .101 105 105 105 10S 110 110 11J .104)4 104)4 104 11J4 . 49 514 40)4 60 2554 25J4 25)5 25)4 80 43 60)4 , 79 . 42 . 64)4 .104 . M . 5 . 0)4 . 10 . 33 . 30H .165 . 01 01 79 42H 64)4 H 6)4 7)4 10 32 39)4 79 43 65)4 104 H 554 7)4 10 32 3954 )4 6H 7 ie 32 39)4 160)4 165)4 16554 63)4 01)4 03 03 03 03 141)4 143 140 141 08)4 09H 08)4 08)4 115)4 115)4 115)4 20)4 20)4 20)4 82)4 81 81 83 83 8) 170 107)4 109 110)4 11054 110)4 07M 004 00K 108 107 103 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Yes. Sterling High. Low. Close, Close. Demand 4 4 M4 4.A9V4 Cable . 4 60 4.60'X, 4 fl 4.007, Franca Demand . 8.80 S 5V4 " B.85V4 Cables . 8.R3 6 81V, 8.(5 B.BtVi Marks Demand .. BJV4 Kt'it 'i H Cables ... 82',, 82 82 82 GRAINS SAGGED; , SELLING HEAVY Absorption Was Steady Bet ter Export Demand for Oats Expected to Help Prices CHICAGO. Oct. 19 -Prices Bcnerally were easier at the opening of the grain market today. Heavy receipts of wheat, chiefly Canadian, disseminated a bcnrlsh sentiment. Enrly declines of any note were held back by the Btrensth dlsptajed by outaldo markets. Wlnncpcg:, at the opening, was sIlRhtly higher. In the early hours selling was heavy, with a steady absorption. Shorts covered. Cash houses were steady sellers. Profits to be made on the Importation of Canadian, even with the duty paid, has diverted considerable business to the King's domain, hilo exporting continues fairly brisk, It Is disappointing that most of It ts Canadian. In tho afternoon prices rallied fairly well all around and the close was steady, only fractionally under jester day's final figures. Corn and outs cased off In sjmpatny with wheat, but tho undertone was a trifle stronger. The damage 'to the corn crop was not ns severe as first reported. A better export demand for oats Is ex pected to strengthen prices, as It is estt. mated that Em ope will not be nblo to surply tho coming demands from the United Kingdom and France. Exports reported aggregated 1,250 000 bushels of wheat, chiefly Manltobas. ana 750,000 bushels of oats. Chicago cash deal ers sold 15.000 bushels of wheat. 13o,000 buKhels of corn and 305,000 bushels of oats, of which 100,000 bushels were for sea board delivery. Milwaukee sold 50,(100 bunhelr ot old corn for export. Liverpool cajed oft upon receipt of American cables. Political conditions con tlnue to cause apprehension. Spot was Irregular, but firm and cargoes lower. Leading tutu-ea ranged as follows: ..M-g Wheat Open. High. Low. Close, close. December .. 1 Oil 1 o?Vi 1 ("H l.MJ, UW. May 1 OT 1 OS 1 0H tl 07 1 074 corn (new aemeryj October lecomber JIhj . . .. OMta October l'ecember May .. .. fard October . . No ember Jamiar) .. Kll October .. Jf.nuarv . . I'ork Octoter . . 'Dei ember January (U niivt All 40 S8& 3(1 .mi r r.SH 6y? B4 tSMi toy, S8H 3U4 n 33 0.35 0 12 0 43 1(111 17 23 0 42 012 Hid tAaked. I, ro 17.25 14 40 10.75 31lt 0 27 t27 0 12 080 0 12 14 40 14 53 tr,!) :iy, twu to -to fo.-io 0 37 tow TO 45 14 00 l-i 10 10.b0 -17.J0 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS 10NOPA1I STOCKS. Bid Asked Jim Dutler 78 .J0 MaeNamara 01 0 Mldwa) 11 Mlipah Extension 20 .21 Montana .27 ..10 Isorth Star .10 ..12 Tonorah Itelmont 3 3 n-10 Tonopah Kxten-lon H 214 Tonomh Merger Tonoih Mining BV. OH liexue Hula 01 In West End 50 & GOLDF1ELD STOCKS. :o N V N II 4 II M)4 fiew York central 101 KVOJ West 30 Norfolk & Western ...115)4 -110 Norfolk Southern '0 20 Northern 1'aclflc Nat Hy of M 1st pf... 17 2J 2J 2J Nat Ky of M lid pf .. 9)4 0)4 0)4 0)4 renn It II 67)4 68)4 67)4 67)4 Peoples Gas Chl 118)4 118 117H 118 Philadelphia Co 47)4 48 47H 4754 Pittsburgh Conl 40)4 41 39)4 30)4 Pittsburgh Coal pf.... 112 112)4 110 110 P Lorlllard Co 175 176 175 175 Pressed Meel Car Pressed Steel Car pf . . Pub b Corp N J , Pullman Co Ity Steel Spg Ray Con Copper heading .. Reading 1st pf i Itep Iron & Steel.. .. Rep Iron & Steel pf...l01 104)t 101 Rock Island Co pr... St Louls&SP , St L &S P2d pf ,. St Louis Southwest.. St L Southwest pf . Seaboard, Air L pf . bears Hoe& Co . . hlo-s-Shet S & I Co Sloss-3 S & I Co pf bo Porto It Sugar , Southern Pacific ... Southern Pac t c. . Southern Ry Standard Milling Standard Milling pf btudebaker Co btudebaker Co pf Tenn Copper . Texas Co Teias & Paciric .. 13V4 13)4 Third Are ... 02)4 02)4 Toledo St L 4 W .6)4 4)4 Union Bag & Paper .. 6)4 C)4 Union Dag P pf 20H 26 Under Typew'r . 8J 84)4 United Cigar Stores. . 10H 10)4 United Cigar Stores pf. 11H 11)4 United Dry Qoods Pf. . 72 74)4 Union Pacific 136)4 130H 134 14 135)4 Union Pacific pf . .. . 814 U1H 8IH 81S U 8 Cast I P & F. ... 2014 20! 4 20)4 U 8 CI P & F pf.... 45)4 40)4 40 U 8 Ind Alcohol 100)4 11J 105 U 8 Ind Alcohol Df... 100 103 105 United Ryl Invest 20)4 20)4 25)4 United y Inr pf.. ., 43 43H w UB Rubber 64)4 61)4 61 U B Kubber 1st Bf.... 100)4 100)4 100)1 106)4 US bteel ...85)4 87)4 85)4 86)4 U B Steel pf 1HJ4 116U 116 U B Kik-ms,. .,,..,.. 65)4 &5H 66 Unkid Qlgar Mfri ..., M 80 60)4 Utah Copper ....70 70)470 Va-Cro Cbeia 45)4 45)4 44H Va-Cara Chem ft 108 108 V-Iron Col O...,. tA 70 Wabash vl, 12)4 Wabishj A wl , 46H Wabash p4B v I. 36)4 'Western Ualon Tel. . , . 79 Wt KAM, 71W WertNrhotMe W ft .. 70)4 Western Mary mm . .. dJ 115 . 20)4 . 81)4 . 81)4 . .107 ..110 ... 60)4 .. 109 Atlanta Hue Hull Hooth llulldog C O 1) Combination Fraction Dlamondtleld I) 11 Daisy rioitnce (loldAeld Consolidated Uoldfleld Mercer Jumbo Extension Kenatias ... oro Band Ken Stler PUk .. .01 .. .41 .. .(XI .. .0.1 .. .07 .. 0.1 .. .04 .. .41 .. i .. .17 ..ISO .. .34 .. .0(1 .. .IO .. .03 MISCELLANEOUS. Klmberly Kevada Hill .... Nevada Wonder .01 01 .17 .....1.J8 .27 .01 .41 04 03 ,0!) .01 ,(XI .4, 1 .10 13.! .311 .OS .11 .oo .01 04 .111 140 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TOIIK. Oct 10 The market for coffee futures opened steady, with trading moderately Hthe At the start slight advances vera numeroua throughout the list, hales up to the afternoon call apiounted to .(.00 bags Closing n cures showed gains ot 4 to B points. Prices follow: . , ..,..., Today's Today a Yesterday's opening. cioso October .,.., .... Xnmtwp .... .... , (I .Ira'' -ID 0.-01711 411 .. (14Wrll 41 (I47f)il48 ,, 0 41Q0.50 OBOflOU ..40 12 0.52610 64 .. M0.58 HB8QRB0 O.MSiO.51 .li"l OluaOOt 0Vl(IIW December January , February .. April . .. May . . . , June .... July .... AUgusl A 106 ti -18 01(MU38 (.-.(71(141 (I 42RII 4 I (141130 4(1 insiiiiro . m ..'(107 0 7300.74 1(170 beptcmber .... B7MW.7D 0 SJQ0 84 Total sales, in 500 bags. Bid. tOfTered NEW YORK CURB nraden llr-Am Tobacco old ... do new Car Light Chill Copper Oold Cons Ilendee Copper International Marine . do preferred ..,,.. Kene't Copper I. V CI Sales Magma Copper MMvale MplssInK Otis Elevator do preferred Illker-Ifegeman bterllng Gum Hubmartne Tobacco Products United Profit Sharing new World Film Yukon Oold (1.(1.110(1.04 (1 (Will. 70 0 7100 74 0.7846 80 Bid. AskeJ. ,? . H lit ? "W JBH U 10 22 riyt 3V ;.. 7K u 34 0 , B2 5.1 78 HI 14 14 i 00 07 IT4 I 71 73 , 03 UJ B'i 0V1 2H 2)4 ZVt 411 40 41 ,. 2K IV, ,,..,... 4 , 4U 2U 2 EXPORT RECORDS SMASHED 13)4 01)4 4)4 0)4 10K 11)4 74)4 13)4 61)4 4)4 6)4 25 84)4 10, HH 74)4 20H ' 40 110 105 25)4 43)4 64 108 tfcf)4 13 46 241)4 78)4 71)4 SO 30)4 WUirs 0wlBd 26G)t 254) 257 "Wiwonrta i'sotral ... 36 35 ii Wcoloorlh W .. 123 12 2i 45)4 27 79) 73 80)4 32)4 115H 6.5)4 69)4 70)4 44)4 108 69 H 13)4 45)4 20)4 78H 71)4 W 30)4 257 36 122' Toisl soles l.M, shares, coa4eal ttHfc Mt.saM stusreai thus far this wafc I1,M atwwa, mhsm wa4 ls Wk 1JMM Total Last Week From U. S. Was $73,694,653 WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. All records for exports from the United States were smaBlied during the week ending October 16, according to figures given out today by tho Department ot Commerce, In that week the exports from the 13 principal customs districts of the United States totaled J73.694.e53. The best previous record was $69,840,719, established the week ending March 13, this year. The favor able trade balance last week -was (13,912, 198, also a new record The Imports amounted to 129,782,055, Cot ton exported during the week amounted to 146,061 bales, making a total since August 1 of approximately 938,143 bales. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Glrard National Hank, regular semiannual 8 per cant., payable November 1 to stock of record October 22. Osceola Consolidated Mining Company, quar ter 3 a share. The previous dividend was 18. Warwick Iron and Bteel Company, regular aemlannual SVJ per cant., payable November 16 to stock of record October HO. Books cloa October 80 "reopen November 10. Aldlns Trust Company, regular quarterly 2 per cent , payable November 1 to stock ot reur October 23. UIVII1ENMI TkK OIKAHD NATIONAL BANK I'hlladelDhla, October IB. 101K Th Directors have this day f1lr..i dividend of t4aht jer ceaX fa), free of tax, payable No reader lat, Hit, to Stockholders of record at th closa of business October 22d. Cback will bs mailed. CHAHLEB ls AaWTPN. 0k4ar. WatCiAL KjyHCeM j2Kr? ALL l'WWONIs AIHC MMMU CAU- - tloned asalnst barborlnc or truatlnsT .W..oti,h J"" .D,..WfHwh ateamslilp Cllftonlan, from Gibraltar, J O. Knos. Master, s no atbts ef their contrsctlna wlll be paid by ths Maaur. Consltnes, or by K-rn Una 8taamk4a Oouwtvay, Aceola. Sales in Philadelphia Yes close, lllah Uoit. CToa 30 Alliance Insur 17)4 US 1TH liH S4 Am Ots . 116H 1IT 11T 11T 100 Am Car. rdr Mtt 8n 89)4 B1 Am llwye pfd. 03 03 0.1 08 00 Amer loco . . 67K 7IH 6H 71H 200 Atchison 107 107 107 400 IJnld Loco 133 133)1 132H 133 15 do pref 100 100 109 011 Duff. A 6 t o pf 42 4-1 42 43 411 rtrlll J O 07 t-0H OlVi 04 31 Cam Iron ... .41 4.1H 0203 Cambria Stx!,. nS B0 B7VI 07)4 S3 Catawlsm 1st pf . M 63 M BOO Col Fuel BOH BOH 68 80)4 100 Chlno Copper ... 80 60 W 220 Chl n I A P 20 10V4 10V4 10 Dlit Beeur 3SH 38H 3SH 510 Kite Ltorae... 72)1 73)4 72 72 1170 l.rle 33V4 34 33V4 100 Ot Nor Ore 80 30 BO KpO Ins Co N Am.. 23H 21H 23V4 23)4 60 Key Tele Co... 14V4 14 14 14 13 Key Tel t c pfd ti6 b0 00 WJ CS3 IJike gup Corp. 0V4 0"n 0!4 "it 01 Lehigh Nav . . 78 78V4 78 78V, 07 LehUh Valley.. 70V4 70H 7.1 73 121 Leh Vat Tr pfd 37 37 37 87 10 Mlnehlll B7 67 B7 10 North Cent .... 8.1 83 83 8.1 Ml Penna It It ... 87 MV4 B7H M'4 67 Tenna Salt Mfs;.102Vi 102 lOlVi 102 3 Tenna Steel ... 83 83 81 83 141 do pfd 03 1)0 10 0 130 I'hlla Co cm pfd 43V4 41 43 4.1 3118 I'hlla Klec .... 20 27 S04 20 100 P lUT 14 U 14 14'4 10U2 do tr ctfs .... 13 14 It 11 20 Phlla Trac .... 70 70 70 70 30 Ity Steel Springs .. 60 fO 80 120 llay Cons 20 23 20 Kl lleadlnu 70 70 7IH 70VS 100 So Pacific 03 n 09 00 200 So Ilwy 20 20 20 1700 Tonopah Pel ... 3" .1 3 3 i:0 Tonopah Mln ... B 5 B'i B 701 Union Trao .... 42 42 42 42 '"fill 8B 80 M 80 60 Un Coa N J ...222 222 222 222 1S7O0 u S Steel .... Ril 87 83 8(1 80 War Ir A St. . 10 10 10 10 J2.1 York llwy ss 7 7 7 00 do pfd 2TI rjvj -21) 20 Total sales 40,810 shares, compared with 28,041 shares yesterday. DO.VD3. Last prev. sale. High. Low. Close. 200 Am Gas & El Ba 88 87 87 87 1000 Beth S 1st ref 6s .. 100 100 100 t0 Cam S scrip '10.101 101 101 101 003 do Feb 1017.. 00 100 09 100 71B do May 1017.. 00 100 09 100 8000 Con Trac N J 6a .. 100 100 100 6000 Leh N cons 4s 100 100 100 100 2000 Leh Val gen 4s 88 89 80 89 2000 Uo gen 4a... 09 09 00 09' 1000 do cona 0s 110 110 110 6000 do Coal 6 101 104 104 104 1000 do Tr 1st ref 8s .. 87 87 87 (1000 Teop Tass t c 4s 70 70 70 70VH 1000 Penna gen 4s. 08 08 08 08 10000 Penna cona 4e 103 103 403 103 1000 Phlla Co 1st Bs 100 100 100 100 87 do scrip 1010,, 100 100 100 100 87 do 1018 03 08 03 03 21100 PhlH Elea 4s... 70 81 70 7B 12000 (tending gen 4s. 03 03 92 OJh 2000 Span-Am I 0s ..101 101 101 101 1000 U 8 Stiel Ba.. .. 103 103 103 10000 Un Rys lnv Ss 73 78 73 73 1000 V NY&P gen 4s 74 75 75 75 Total sales $88,544, compared with $92,593 yesterday. Local Bid and Asked J.O Drill Ualftw In do pi of Cambria Steel Electric Storage General Asphalt do pref Ke stone Tel .. do t c fto pref Lake Sup Corp Lehigh .Nav ... Lchlch Valley . Lehigh Valley do pref 1 , , . Pennslan(a I'hlla Kiectric I'hlla Co do B per cent, do G her cent. J'nlla II T do t c Reading Tonopah Belmont Tonopah Mining Union Traction . U. a. I U. S. Steel York Hallway .. do pref Wm. Cramp t c. Today Yesterday Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. .' . ' (KS (17 132 1TI L12 lit HI .. Ill 7 07 s no ... . 71 72 72 Tl 32 V4 .12 13 (11 71 (11 71 " U'i H 14 ? " 14 (" b(l t1 (,11 0 .0 0 0 78 78V-, 77. 7(I 7.1 7l2 7V(1 Thil Tr 18 18 18 18 .'7 . J7 .nil B7J, B7' B7t 68 - 2llg 20 2.,y Myt .. 47 4S 4Sl! 48 pref. . .16 .18 .18 38 pref... 41 41 41 44 .... 14 14 11 14 .... 14 14 11 14 .... 70 70 70 711 ' 6'',. StS 0 .... 4144. 42 414 4J .... 86ti 8(1 Miji titm .... SB 8(!J 81 8.'.i5 .... 7 8 7 7 .... 20 80 2S 211 .... 87 80 87 89 COTTON NEW YORK. Oct. 19 -Business on the Cotton Exchange at the opening today was smaller than It had been for some tlrrie. The tone at the start was steady, with prices 6 points higher to 9 points lower. Liverpool and New Orleans in terests sold, but there was no great pres sure on the market. The demand, how ever, was equal to the supply. After the call there was a readjustment and ot tho end of the first IS minutes' trading the list was about unchanged. Prices ruled steady throughout the day and cjoscd from 3 to 9 points above yes terday, with a 15-polnt Jump In spot cotton. Yes. close Open High. Low. Clos a January 12 77 1277 12 81 12 72 12 8.1 December 12 03 12 (VI 1201) 12 B7 12 87 October 12 41 12 47 12 M 12 41 12.B3 March 1100 1208 1108 1204 it.nS May 1115 1111 1122 n 00 n 20 July 1122 1111 n.28 11,18 112a Spot ...1260 1203 ..:.. .,. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Oil. 10. HOOS. Receipts. 12 . 00ft head, market, steady to Bs. lower Mixed and butchers. $SaS05; good heavy. 8 78 H8I-0: rough htavy, 7 RS8 10, light. 17.00 C8tK) pigs. 0 1767 BO; bulk, I8.40ffl8 (15 CATTLE. Receipts. 7000 head; market, steady. Iioevea, ft BOS10B0, cows and heifers 2 71B8. Teians. 6 5008 40. calves, nll BO SHEnr.-Recelpts. IB 000 head: market, steady to 10c. lower. Native and Western! 8307; lambs, (l 8Sfl8 00. l Harvester Passes Dividend NEW, YORK, Oct. 10 -The dlrectora of the International Harvester Corporation and the foreign Hsrvester Company have again paswd the quarterly mramen dlvldenifof per cent . due October 15. Cyrus II McCormlck presll dent of the tompan), Issued the following statement to atockholdera As European con ditions have not Improved and resulting errett on this corporation export trade Is still un faorahts. the dlrectora Iiava 1m.((-h .... - quarterly dividend on their stock will be paid for October IB quarter v " RAILROAD EARNINGS WESTERN MARYLAND. 2d week October ....... 4202.2(10 881.620 From Julv 1 S 035,121 601,410 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO. 24 week October 1831,185 142 119 From July I 18,009.982 1.803.BS1 Decrease, RECENT FOREIGN DEVELOPMENTS MADE TRADERS CONSERVATIVE Disinclination to Enlarge Commitments Until Outlotj is jiearur uiurwd uuowihsio j.. casing, Philadelphia Electric Buoyant BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE PREFERRED Is among the fifteen Important preferred stocks compared as to income yield and recent price advance in a table we have just compiled. Accompanying this table are suggestions of inter est to persons who hold pre ferred stocks purchased at the low prices of early in the year. Beni for PartotuUr Wftt P. lMbrifb,& Ct., I. MOHRIS WISTAR ST ROUS, Jr, W CilKOTNUT aVFKMK Ilecent developments In Europe have put a check upon speculation, according to local brokers, and tho volume of this class of business has shown a tendenej to shrink. On the other hand, so far no great amount of selling has occurred, traders being content to hold what com mitment they have pending ft fearer outline of Just what tho cnanR-ej In tho English and French hlh official circles mean, to say nothing of the war Jt? In the Balkans. Bond dealers stated that although tho, public was taking a f ft r proportion of tho allied loan, It was their opinion that tho great bulk of It would remain In the hands of Institutions. A decisive allied victory, however, -would doubtless be ft fresh stimulus to buying bv the general public. One useful side Issue of tho Anglo-rrtnch bond flotation, brokers siy, la the Influx of new custom ers It has created. Ono firm received eomethlng like 100 letters of Inquiry (.on coming the loan, many from persons with whom It never before had business rela tions. Two favorable local developments this week have had an encouraging Influence on sentiment. Ono was the awarding b the Government of the contracts lor two destroyers to the Cramp Shipbuilding Company, the total sum Involved being $1,690,000 Tho other was the really nulto surprisingly good earnings reported by the Itnpld Transit Company for Septem ber. This ts the first month to show an increase In gross as compared with Ia car Blnco March. The September gross gain was 311 per cent, over the cor responding period of 1914. Tho great .n crease In omplovcd labor In local in dustrial establishments and tho practical elimination of Jitney competition were the causes of tho improvement. Tho months of October. November nnd December are nlso usually good business periods for the traction company, nnd the present Im proved traffic conditions would seem to Indicate ravorable results for the last quarter of 1915. Cramp shares maao no reopuimo . ..... Transit hardened fractionally 0 )UJ purchases, .and so did Union T...?. weakness in Brill ivaa said to b7- to manipulation Th v, . time in this Issue has been for N W account nnd said to bo genulni i!L. Istlon, the purchasers being cont.nt ? nick ud tho stock on ...!-- "lePl ' willing to follow It up on the 1?"' rcnnavlvnnla Steel preferred alSS w., nr.ij 1.1. 1 offi. " """ was. def .....-..., ..... w,c,,iiHa were small m. 11 common ruled tinchftnciM t ' .fl Steel nnd United Statos Steel wr. .!! the most active spots on the rhiiaoVinMl list, and their fliic...ti! ""acIW3 and Irregular. Trading broadVhVoin sorrlowhat as the dnv ari....V 'ra etit ' win common moved Un. when... . ",s ; fcrrcd fell 6 points. Of course, thrf rfiT ' ket for the latter Is narrow. eiJJX.' ' Storage Battery was a strong spot 3 As the election draws near the ii ' ....kll. ...III... 1...... . . . '"' 'OCMj j.u.iv """'j ' a oemnning to 4sr"! velon activity and strenirth t. ?'! sides tho tractions Philadelphia Elect!S turned buoyant, advancing to a new hla' price for tho year on the purchaw T! som 2T.00 shares. Lucrative new cob tracts were also a stimulating influenced It was announced today that the new forge of the Pennsylvania Steel Como nt Steelton Is now ready to turn outlZ first shrapnel castings and that ona nlsht. Tho shells will not be flnUfclxfl hut flh!t1lfrl In thA rrtlltrK ihsna. '""Jl " : ,T-vl. :": -- (, uonsiaeraDie irnuing was done In tMtn city In Midvale Steel and Ordnance certM J catei "when Issued." The transactleas 1 "tin. iiiiuuBi, .,., iiuuBtn Having C0nif.1 tlons with the New Tork curb n.Tj During the morning the quotation ruUjl "tmti.11 " iuue a numbsei! of sales at 96. Later the quotatkal reatit-u ounivmiio. BAR SILVER -"XHSIS' .?ck AB:,7C!P"?'' ?? .i-l nam uww - - " -ss.o, uiitnanria. uramp snares mauu nu .toK... -- ---- , In NcMP TorK Mlver w quetsd at iaT good news above mentioned, but Rapid wUn Mexican dollars at 38VJ cents. "r PHILADELPHIA MARKETS " GRAIN AND FLOUR VVlinAT.-necelpts, 1M.727 bushels There nss a steady Inquiry rrom exporters and mll leis and prlcea were well m ilntalned 9,u?iV tlons' Car lots. In export elevator-No. . . , rcu. spot and October. I.U1.1n: No. 2 Southern rel. XI.1.'I1.14, steamer No. 2 red. Jl ll 1 11! No. n red. 1 111 ": rejected A. SLOSH Ol.lOVii rejected H, 1 07B1 00. fOKN.-necelpts, BJ5i bushels. ifP'' were moderalo and the market was quiet at uiicliatigc.1 p-lces. Quotations: Car lots for lo cal trade, as to location V estern No. -yellow. 75H7(,'4c; do. steamer yellow. i440 7V4C.. do N" 1 yellow. 72V473Vic: Delaware c!io. 72H714c OAT3.-Reieirte. W) 488 bushels Trade waa oulet. but prices were well maintained. Quo tations. No. 2 white. 45040c.: standard wrh Ue. 44R41I..: No. a white. 4142c, No 4 white. 1711H.: rampie oats. 3.183c.l purified oats. graded. 42a44c. FLOUR Receipts. 24M bbls and 3.BC0.48J lbs. in sacks. There was little demand and alues showed no Important chance We quote per lM lbs In wood-VV Inter clear. J..W . -W. SS, straight. 1 208.140: do. patent. S3 SO S-i. Kansas, clear. Jute sacks 1 I 'B3 20. do , straight, Jute sacks. 5 21B.1 50f do . patent, lute sacks, $1MVH175. spring, first clear. II Ss 20- do itralght. 5 t": -l .K''"'; 1(V35 81: Co. favorite brands, g: J JJ mills, choice nnd fancy patent. jaflOM.. city mills, regular (trades Winter, clear, JO. do. straight. $5 2O3J.40: do., patent. 5 609 8 TB- RVn FLOUR was quiet but steady, under small supplies. We quote at S3S3.25 Per bbl , as to quality. PROVISIONS fair Jobbing Inquiry and val- roiiowinK u.b m.lntfllnrf. City beef. In sets, smoked 21ft21e.: vVestein beef, in Iflllc.: city beef, KnucKics Thsre was ues were well the quotatlona, and alr.drled. sets, smoKea, itra.ic.i cny "'i W.:,y. and tendera. smoked and alr-drled, 2tvirJ7c , Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 2r27cr; beef hams, 28fto, pork, family, til,sn22: hams. 8. P. cured, loose. 12s4llc: do, skinned, loose, 12",013c.; do, do., smoked, H81iV4e.: other hams, smoked, city cured, as (o brand and average. l.iaiSVic.; nam;, smoked. Western cured. lBfilSVic: do. boiled, boneless. 22c: picnic shoulders. S. P. cured, loofe. lie : do , smoked, 12c; bellies. In pickle, accordlne to average, loose, 12V4S1 1c : breakfast baron, as to brand and average, city cured, lftVVBlMic.: breakfast bacon. West ern cured. 15tt16Wc.; lard. Western, refined, tierces, lie: do, do, do, tubs, lie: lard, pura city, kettle rendered. In tierces, lie; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs. lie. REFINED SUGARS The market was firm, but trade was quiet a' list prices oianaara granuiaiea, extra fine granulated. & 13c cranulate . rjowaereo. soft grades. Refiners' 11 "oc 8 2le : confectioners' A. 0 03c. 4 30Q4 voc DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. There was a fair demand for fine grades and prices were well maintained. Quo tations: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, 31c; extras, 20c; extra firsts, 28 28Vie.; firsts, 27027Hc : seconds, 243-!5e; thirds. 22V4fi2JV4c: nearby prints, fancy, 3Jc ; do, averago extras, .tofillc. ; do, firsts, 270 2uc: do , seconds. 23S26c ; Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 3(Wjinc. EOOS The limited receipts of strictly fine rggs were promptly cleaned, up at firm prices. We quote as follows. Free cases, nearby extras, .Uc. per doien; firsts, tn per standard case, nearby current receipts, (8 40 per caau: Western extra firsts, to per case: firsts, (8.40 per ease: fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at 3MJ 17c per dosen. CHEESE. The market ruled firm and higher under moderate offerings, a good demand and strong outside advlcea Quotations: New York full-cream, fancy, new, lSViSlOc, "apeclals" higher, do, do, fair to good, new, 14U15c,: do, part skims, Ci12c. ' POULTRY LIVE. Trade was quiet, but offerings of de sirable stock were moderate and values were steadily held Quotatlona. Fowls, as to alia and quality, 14fil5c , roosters, ll12c: spring chickens, according to quality, lieiSe.: ducks as to size and quality, llfllOc ; large sites preferred, pigeon;, old. per pair, 18y20c; do. young, per pair 17ft lRc. " DRESSED Offerings of desirable stock were moderate and values of this descrlD. Hon ruled steady with trade fair. YVo quote: Fresh-killed Fowls, 12 to box dry-licked and dry-packed, fancy selected' joe; weighing 4W3 lb. apiece. lUUc.t welsl.: lng WMIIy. apiece lRH...welgn,lrii'b.: atlece, 17618c. weighing under 3 lbs. apleca I616e: fowls. lce-packel-Weitrn, U lbs and over apiece, 19c; do , smaller sizes, isri 18e t old roosters, dry-plclfed, 13Hc. chickens Jersey fancy broilers, SieSDc; other near fancy, broilers. 22S21c: Western brolSZ' weighing 1V4B2 lbs. apiece. 10a20c! northS Illinois, fancy yellow chickens, welghlii 1 wel.h .it" aCsrtit th.' ""iVVt": """.? "". cm. weighing 4 lbs. and oier, tc; do.. 5i weighing 2M3V4 lbs., lMfMc.'j InferlerTlIt,' WU?! ducks, nearby, 10817c ; do, Wwttn 10312c: squabs, per down-White,' welthS 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. $1.1381 00. hu weighing l t? i0lbs. per dozeii 3 401 white, weighing T lbs. per doien. 43ls!l white weighing eH lbs. per doten. fteeS! 1J3: dark. I1.A01.83; small and Ho. ijj IUAAU. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and values generate! welLe "J.1. ut'n'J. with peaches aid rn 1 ennteln. 2 .Kffj'l .-in T..w...r-' .A .J.Ji'.lI Northwestern Greening, K Mai, Bluth. ll.'Asi J. uea tn, w&offi, Orlmes' Golden, Km ; "sa niirr, wJ"i 1 Alexander, KSOdlfj uui.ii.., a.aim.u, txiri: I'lpmn. X2.5(H7S t t.i,'SiWto'i.::.'."vs.jk-s .'" Twig 1fH25, Wlneaap, 2 3081 237 Tork in perlal, fancy, 2COt1. Hen Davis, fuScr Sjnrxbl: other arltlr. itsmiin ..','' in bulk, per 100 lbs , JUfl.20: crsb applei pj1 bush., 75c fill : quinces, per bbl -No 1. Ill 74: No. 2. J2SO&1: peaches, New YorVTa.! ticrus, per basket Double extras, 408e,;( iir 10 Kooa, jij.i.m- . neaenrs, oolo, serf 4OgJ0c.j pears, per bbl, Seckel. 1fl8, SheWt ftffl: Reurre df Anjou. S.1S1&0. Dartlett. "faS 1, $.1.8034; do. No. 2. 2g2 W: grapes. S York, per 4-lb. basket Delaware. KXJllol ". ivwuc, .qncora, uioi'ic., grxpeaffl New York, per 20-lb basket Concord. a38c4f iruiuiie, per wjx, -'p , pineapples, per crtte rorto Rico 14 2190 21, cranberries. Cape Cal 1 per bbl , $16; do.. Cape Cod. per erate, C8j -; do, jersey, per crate, si.dwx;:; ptoass Southern, per bush.. $1 2181 30 plums. VS- gmia, uaitnon, per .-o-lb baskat, xtS4H.: Plums. New York, nor 20-lb. basket. 13HI3J plums. New York, per 8-lb basket Brsdalnw ana iMtagara, io20o.j Relne Claude, ivtamr rtntaloupea, Colorado, per flat rrate, G03J5C.: uo , ap , per sianaara crate, sitrioo. VEGETABLES , Tho general market waa quiet and wlthwfi Important chance. Quotations VV hlte rotiiMiJ Pennsylvania, ner bush. Choice. 7ia7V.. W"J 10 aooa, iiuraiKc : wniie potatoes, jersey. lasket No. 1 Rose, 4S7.V)c uc.-; basket No 1 other iif retiea. 40W43C-: No. 2 ,2032V , saeet po't"M.l 1, hhjhih-.; ao. i, ma Jersey, ner basket No. 20c . onions, per 100-lb. Inc. il 2302 rafcbssi.1 domestic, per ton, MfllM. celery, Kew Tei per bunch. lfiftSOe.; lettuce. New York, twl 2-doz. crate, tigi 21. do, do, per.l-wtl rrate, ii.230l.73; mushrooms, per 4-lb. UrtKi itj-. IN MKMOniASI XIIOIINTON. In lovlnt remembrascs all our beloved wife and daughter, CEUA 11 THORNTON, who departed this life October! in. mis. KUBirAMU ahu Miintitt eatljg ADAJia On October 16, 1913, 8AHUj It., son of Lottie and late Samuel R. Aitaasf Relstlves and friends, also Aeolian CouMU it, r. i'. A., Lieut. John T. areola .cat No. 10. Sons of Veterans' Charles XJ New Yenr'a AsRA..atlnn mr (nv(td ta I tend the funeral services, on Thursday sfM nuoii. at 2 ociocK, ai motners rwiws 810 8. Front st. Interment private, at tn wooa wemeiery, rrienas may can ns day evening-. 8 to 10 o'clock. ADA1I8. On October 111. 1D1B. SAB ELSIE ADAMS, wife ot Theodore Adusa t lioruentown, N. J. itelatlves and ineoH 1 ln.llH tn attmnA Ih. innw.1 .wmm hr U residence. 426 Prince st . on 'Thursday. "I ?. m. Interment at llordentown CemeterM .l.KN. At the Hahnemann HessjW 1'i.naaeipnia, on (jctooer 10, iiAititi ui nana or ary vv. Allen (nee itoagersi. lives and friends, also Red Cross CastH v, .. (J. K , ot Medford, N, J., are 10 aitena tne tunerai, irom nis lata 1. Ilnlnn m . tAtnrn N. J.. An VV Ted) mt w, lnl., a I O A. P. I tery, Bedford. N, J. Frlenda may vUal mums on Tuesday, from 1 to v p. ro. ANnicitunv hn n.iAh.r 17. MAltTllA a lunvnonM wllm of Aleu Anderson. Relatives and frlenda are tafl iu .iciiu uia lunerai sarvrccs, u. '"-'.' at 11 a. m., at the residence ot ner su !tftK2 I'MinivMu. T.OTnant at FeT Cemetery, Friends may call Wednesday, I iu u p. m. 4 tnsni tZat WlUia'hllUlsst XlKf fl stonbriaht Bo. WKHCTOKV OK ACCOVNTAMTa) im&mwijgbm Our Broad Street Office For the convenience of our customers we maintain an office at 1415 Chestnut street, luily prepared to render efficient Trust Com pany service to firms, corporations and indi- SongSS baDkinS faCiliUcS iD thC nSr.tuqvpnffnt e0flhls office includes Safe 2SrlVnVaU,t8 ,?fr th(J mSt 0dern C0 fnSfn. r. well-furnshed apartment for mJii?;-. d 5ommodation3 fof cqmmittee meetings and business conferences. mXnrf Sit glad.t0 3 iv.e any Jther infor- SofouSidall Per80naI ipterViw Witb Philadelphia Trnit Company Mala Cm J 415 QwUhK SiMoi '9m 4wo,e ?o,o mtWtA'mU Ottr 141IClMttwtSlMt i Surplui '- .HOOO.000,00 s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers