BBINta ElilDGEI PHlEADBUpill, IVLWDAY, OOTOBEB 18, 1915: in 0 .THEATRE PARTIES, AND INFORMAL Hany Affairs Arc Being Arranged for the Buds in No vember mr. una mrs. i Party Miss Fisher Honor .... .n tTAtlT.TrtV VAT1- M jjaMj have '"ue'1 Invitations for a nrtic November 9, In honor of KfM Martha Thornton McAllister, (laugh- SfJJr of Mr and Mrs J. numeric ic- Hliltr fr'itr and Mrs Thomas McKean will Rive l small d nnor-aance i uiciiiuu """" IvSnor of their niece. Miss Bllaabeth Iwntrton Downs, daughter of Dr. and Mri. Norton Downs. ... ti...mnmU Fisher, daughter of l-Miss w- .Viuon Fisher, of Am- l?;!; will be guest of honor at an Infor Kll' dinner dance which Mr. and Mrs Kimcs W. Cooke, of Chestnut Hill, will November , at their home. The enRnsre Noyemu i . ,-,.. brother. Mr. Clar- Cce V Fisher, to Miss Josephlno Cooke, was recently announced. I ? Mrs Thomas C. Foster has Issued Invi tations for a black-and-white dance to I Thursday, November 18. In honor of her Maughter, miss jwqiuius . n v jjrs. Max Livingston, of Lochtel Farms, li entertaining at juncneon, luuuwcu uy music, tomorrow. uiub ner be Mrs. Robert Emott Hare, Mrs. Ed ward Buxton, 01 rroviaence, i. i.. airs. WInfleld Scott Arter. Mrs. John Dlckoy, Mrs. William i. ureeno, mm. kiiiiuiu . Whelen ana miss .uarie ajii, ui hub- burgh. Miss Madeleine Carey, of Tuxedo, who has been visiting Miss Agnes M. Brockle, will return to Tuxedo tomorrow. i. -J -Kfrrn T.owln Tllll. of lHaVer- ford, will give a small dance on Decem ber 15, s.t ho Merlon Cricket Club, In honor of their daughter. Miss Theodora 'Keith Llllle, and Miss Edith Earle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Earle, Jr. r t. TTAhoi flmlth and Miss Smith, who are spending tho autumn at their farm near Heading. Pa., will not open .l.i. ., knn.A 'ail Walnut street, until No ember. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mac- Donald Bmiin, wno sincu ww i'ii' l.. kn tivinir In Lancaster, will short ly occupy their new home on tho Main Line. Mrs Thomas D. Flnletter is spending part of tho autumn at Buck Hill Falls, n. .. nninitr tlIHi .Turiira Flnletter , and their eon, Mr. Thomas D. Flnletter. f-jr.j recently returned irom nowunu, J Me., where they spent the summer. T l.l..o., TVIlHnm Wnndn Smvth. U. '? 8. N., and Mrs. Smyth are spendlrig sev eral days In town, and are registered at tths Bellevue-stratrora. utr nnrcr r. Widener. of Lvnnewood f Hall. Elklns Park, has as his guests foyer the week-end Mr. ana Mrs. Hamil ton Wilkes Cary. of New York, who camo fon to attend the races on Saturday. , .nil Mm Hnonrcr K. MulfOrd. of fchureh road, "Wyncote. have as their tfiruests for several days Miss uouy ua. nr Vo Vnrlt Minn La Mon- ,tagne came on to attend the Lynnewood i Farm races, held Saturday. MIm Helen Van Duscn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Van Dusen. of Jin Morris street, left yesterday for Ann PArbor, Mich., where she will be the guest loj Miss Gertrude Patterson for a fort- bljht Th annual business moetlng and elec- ptlon of omcers of the John Bartram Asso ciation, Bartram Garden, will bo hem on Saturday, October 23, at 2:30 p. m. Dr. Adolph TV. Miller will make an address, and his topic will be "Philadelphia Ex cosltion and Interesting Things En Route." Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. Miss Alice B. Bartram Is corresponding secretary of tho association. Mln Alice Mcllwee. daughter of Mr; ( and Mrs. Thomas Mcllwee. will entertain at luncheon today at the Bellevue-Strat- ''ford. Her guests will Include Mrs. Henry Hooker Forbes, of Pittsburgh: Mrs. Ed- Stward Legge. of Boston, Mrs. Chester tvampbcll. Miss Marlon Dumeid ana miss JJean De Haven. An informal supper lor the bridal Darty of Miss Mcllweo and r.Mr. Henry C. Legge will be given tomor- p, row night. Mr. and Mrs. Armltt Brown, whoso wed ding took place last month In California, have taken a house in St Davids, which they will occupy next week. Mrs. J. Dtrripn TTnfTTnnn. ftf Tlhftn Per- tayn. Radnor, has taken apartments at , the Drexel. 23d and Pine streets, for the winter, which she will occupy next week. The Saturdav afternoon dansants at r the Bellevue-Stratford will commence this booming Saturday, when tho gueBts will EM entertained hv tho rtnnrlni? nt Mon. ;teur Maurice and Miss Florence Walton m ihe ballroom of the hotel. There will IS? dan,an,s every Saturday throughout fwie Winter. nnrlA,. th hfinirnnnirn of tMrs. May Temple, who had charge of tho tj'raneements last year, and who gavo the teas a social aspect which made gtpem extremelv nonular to all. both (young and old. Chestnut Hill iTMr. AnA fa tn ll.t.H.... utiiIaw 9 I last Mount Airy avenue, will leave short- for a motor trip to Werneravllle. Pa. Mft. Phnrttta A !). n Ua Inrrlnnnr lv,rrn and Prospect avenue, has RSwaln Oriranlzod n HAwlntr rlftnu to mnt B'n, Thursday mornings from 10 until 1 11 ", to sew for the Ited Cross Society. Along the Main Line -J "ifcv.v.jv -tfir, Uliu liirn. ouniit j. 'lit vtt and turned to Ito-Arden. ih. I1 Tnmas Y England, accompanied fy her daughter, Mrs. Edwin A. Landell, 'k S' M" Droxel road, has returned to lfr. ?mo 'rom a summer spent In Call fjprnla, They visited the Panama-Pacific "SMlllon and other points of Interest. VVNMVIirAnn w m r 6Mleston and family, of 217 Kent road, g gone to Buffalo, N. Y., fpr several KJ where they are stopping at the tDMOIXE-Mrs. Albert L. neglster w debutants daughter. Miss Kath- register, returned to Ardmora last ' from Hoaton and will aDenit nart of (wtater with Mrs. I, Lyto Register nomt, urays aim mui ctscx Walter -T. Ifallnlian nf Hlddvn i has returned from a few days' stay w York. r. and Mrs. Willis Musser and family. pnt the summer at' Ew' Mere, Pn their Ardmore home te4ay. KJ,KMfNT-Mr. and Mrs. James I. r .7,or' 3r-i who have eon spending- sev- fir " vh Jrs wisr pwents, Lr, and vir w w ruri rJ - ta... -T Y-"-. , "t W .., --r.. open thlr town Kevee, Met feet, the (M o Octefeer, e B. Dmn, daughter of Mr. Clarence Delaa. of Xeeeenont. n a few days In WeettHMy. I. 1 ii Mrs, Henry Dleston, w-ho are k the. autumn at t)u old Boberte fliava Issued cards for a, ooetusM tn Halloween, UNOVA-Mr, and Mr WMMaai" DINNERS DANCES PLANNED arnan to Give Theatre Guest at Dinner-Dance W. Bodlne have! returned from Maine . ,1r.? occupying Stonelelgh, their home in Vlllanova Mrs Bodlne's parents, "r"fftdler Genernl James Forney nnd Mrs. Forney, who have been spending the summer at Montgomery Inn, havo returned to their town house, 2221 Spruco street. Lieutenant Charles T. Blackburn, V. B. A., and Mrs. Blackburn and their two daughters. Miss Mary Worthlngton Blackburn and Miss Nancy Blackburn, who have been spending tho summer at viiianova, have returned to their town house, 2516 South Lambert street. WAYNE-Mr. Edward Hurst has re turned from Fomeroy, where he visited his sister, Mrs. George W. Rtttew. Germantown Dr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of School house lane and Greene street, spent the week-end In Annapolis, Md., where they attended the Pennsylvania-Navy football game on Saturday. Mrs. Francis Butler Beeves, Jr., of Ab bottsford avenue, will entertain at lunch eon Informally on Tuesday, October 19, In honor of her niece. Miss Josephlno Prim rose, of Baltimore, who will be Mrs. Beoves' guest for several weeks. Tho Rev. Stuart P. Keeling, of Bt. Peters rectory: Mrs. Keeling and Miss Margaret Keeling have returned home from Atlantic City, where they spent sev eral weeks at tho seaside. Mrs. George P. Clap, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who has been the guest of Mrs. Ralph Sullivan, of 6D01 Greene street, has returned to her home. Mrs. Richard Tull, of 221 East Price street, announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Mildred Tull, to Mr. Will iam Wrlglcy, 3d, formerly of Philadel phia. ' Mrs. William Judge, of 4706 Wayne ave nue, has returned from a lengthy stay In Atlantlo City. Miss' Edwin A. McCaulley, of 812 West Horttcr street, will give a series of small informal luncheons, to be followed by bridge. The first will take place on Wednesday, October 20; the second on Thursday, October 21. Mrs. Elisabeth Ewlng, of 6957 Norwood street, announces tho marriage of her daughter. Miss Mary A. Ewlng, and Mr. Elliot F. Reed, which took place at 1 o'clock, Saturday, October 9. In the Mar ket Square Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Harold McAfee Robinson. Miss Ewlng was given in marriage by her brother. Mr. Earl Ewlng, nnd waa unattended. After a wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Reed left on nn extended wedding trip, and will bo at home after December 1 at 6057 Norwood street. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Dutton. of Wash ington lane, Jenklntown, Pa., who have been spending the last month at their apartment at Ventnor, N. J havo re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cummlngs, of North 12th street, Logan, are receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son. Mrs. Cummlngs was Miss Virginia Car roll, of Logan. Miss Virginia Graham, of Oak Lane, will entertnln the members of the Adarlan Quartet this evening, which will Include Miss Marian Tyre, Miss Margaret Goll, Miss Juno Hornier. Mr. Harry Griffith and Mr. Joseph Barnes. West Philadelphia Mrs. Chester M. Campbell, of 4327 Bal timore avenue, will entertain the bridal party of Mlsa Alice Hazel Mcllwee and nnd Mr. Henry Crltchley Legge on Tues day evening, October 19. Mrs. Campbell will be remembered as Miss Irene Eliz abeth Brown, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. Henry Brown, of 4327 Baltimore ave nue. Miss Nina F. Lewis and Miss Margaret L. Bodlne havo returned to Hamilton Court' after spending the summer at Brown's Camps, Onke Lovell, Me., and Stockbrldge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Newcomb, who spent the summer In Chelsea, havo reopened their apartment, 45th and Walnut streets. Mrs. Arthur E. Pew, of Hamilton' Court, Is spending a month at Denver. Miss Helen Grlesel entertained Infor mally at her home, 4008 GIrard avenue, on Saturday night. Frankford Miss Florence Reecc, of Penn street, was hostess at luncheon and cards Sat urday. Her guests Included Miss Matilda Young, Miss Helen McKlnley, Miss Paul ine Foy, Miss Evelyn Cully, Miss Jane Cully, Miss Margaret Bltz, Miss Martha Alloway, Miss Frances Graham, Miss Ethel Tyson, Miss Grace Walton, and Miss Mario Bloxom. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoyt. of Vincent street, entertained at dinner Saturday night at the home of Mrs. Hoyt's sister, Mrs. Walt Phillips, of Academy road. Their honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harris Morgan, of 119 Queen Lane, Ger mantown, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kirk, of Greene street, Germantown, who have Just returned from a six weeks' trip to the Paclflo coast. Covers were laid for 12 guests and the decorations were pink and yellow. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Glass have returned to their home after spending a month with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Harper, of Fillmore street, Mrs, Harvey and her sister. Miss Law rence, of Elberon avenue. Fox Chase, are visiting their sister In Norrlutown. Miss Lawrence expects to remain a week or so there, Miss Margaret Lawlor, MIbs Catherine Lawlor, of 2304 Rhawn, street) Miss Elisa beth Heart and Miss Louise Heart will act as hostesses at the euchre to be 'given at St. Dominic's School Hall Wednesday evening, In aid of the school fund. Miss Eleanor Gallagher, of 2606 Rhawn street, spent the week-end at the Dela ware Water Gap. where she attended the reunion at the Glenwopd. Miss Ellen Patterson, of Holmeaburg, has had as her guest for some time Miss Ella Murray, of Falls; of Schuylkill. Rehearsals Are being- held, every week for tli sketch to be given on Wednesday at All Saints' Hall, Torres4a!e. xrg Franklin Carlledge, of 3182 Decatur tree!, to coaching the play, and the prin cipal include Mies Carrie Curtis, Miss KJerence Helfles. Mies Ann peveneon, Mies Rachel Cartledge, Mrs. Albert Nixon,, Mr, Jtenjemln Clark. Mr. Henry Weed, Mr, Harvey Haines, Mr. Arthur Saw and Mr, Joeepfc MeMlnf. Mrs. Mary Gallagher, of 2606 Rhawn street, has returned from Eaeton, where she has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Carlos Del Mar mot Miss Loretts McCann, of 7014) Tulip street, has had as fctr guests for several liay-i Mies Hilda Dougherty and Miu As nee McCancu Of K8twi, P. Ulai Du rty wiX to ker home today, WEDDINGS BTEESE-SPEIRS. A pretty but quiet wedding took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, when Miss Hazel Adams Spelra, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John C Spelrs, of Ardmore, became the bride of Captain Charles MoHenry Stcese, of tho Ordnance Department, United States army. Tho wedding, which was witnessed only by tho members of both families, was solemnized at the bride's home on Blmp son road. Clustors of yellow chrysan themums decorated the window sills and mantel of the drnwlng room, and the bride, who was given In marriage by her (father, wore a charming frock of whlto taffeta effectively combined with beaded Georgette crepe. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley. Tho Rev. Edmund Raweon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Ardmore, officiated. After a wedding trip, Captain Steese and his brldo will live at' tho Frankford Arsenal, whero they will be at home after January 1. SEGAL LICHTIO. At the wedding of Miss Goldle Llchtlg to Mr. Morris Segal, which took place on Sunday evening, October 10, at the new Central Hnll, 6w South 3d street, the fol lowing guests of Philadelphia and Read ing were present: Mr. Benjamin Llchtlg and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Llchtlg, Miss E. Ful ton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Morgensteln, Mr. Max Morgensteln, Miss Esther Morgen steln, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Lonker, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Friedman and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Langendorf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Flnnel and family, Messrs. Friedman, Miss Esther Llchtlg, Mr. Harry Llchtlg and Mr. Samuel Llchtlg, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Iscovltz, Mrs. F. Lewis, Mrs. M. Goldberg, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lewis, Miss Mildred Mendelsohn, Miss Rosa Is covltz, Miss Cecilia Lewis, Mr. Oscar Mendelsohn, Mr. Thomas Iscovltz, Mr. Oscar Lewis. Mr. Harry Lewis, Mr. Myer Quartner, Mr. S. Sacks. Mr. I. Isldaner, Miss Leah Hnrtz, Mr. Harry Cohn, Mr. Bert Glyn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Diamond, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Hartz, Miss Sarah Krohn, Miss Mary Krohn, Mr. Herman Krohn and Mr. Na than Cohn. Lebanon, Pa. Northeast Philadelphia A "600" was given on Saturday after noon at the homo of Miss Florence Cramps, of East Dauphin and Cedar streets. Those present were Miss Florence Scanlln, Miss Mary Crouse, Miss Nan Mc Garvey, Mrs. Craig, Mr. Victor Frld, Mr. Edward Gregg, Mr. Henry Sparks and Mr. John Squires. Mrs. Sol Grlnsfelder and daughter. Miss Flora Grlnsfelder, of Baltimore, Md., spent the week-end In Philadelphia as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loeb, of 957 North 8th street. They attended the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Iavld Simon. The La Salle Club will give a dance on Wednesday evening in the Visitation Audi torium. Tho Memorial Women's Christian Tem perance Union will hold Its meeting to day In the Frankford Avenue Baptist Church. Mrs. Anna Fellman Greenwald. of New York. Is visiting her mother. Mrs. Wil liam Fellman, of 2356 North Front street. The Palmetto Country Club closed Us summer season at its bungalow In Clem enton yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Bergman, of E08 North 5th street, held a reception In honor of the betrothal of their daughter. Miss Ida Bergman, to Mr. Charles Stchel, of At lantic City. N. J., yesterday from .2 to 6 o'clock. Thoso who assisted In receiving were Miss Henrietta Bergman, Miss Leah Slchel, Mrs. ,M. L. Goldlch and Mrs. Ben jamin Jaffc. Tioga Miss Florence Gelklor, of 1536 West Erie avenue, entertained at cards on Saturday afternoon. The gamo was followed by a buffet luncheon. The guests, who are members of her card club, were Miss Marian Jones, Mss Bessie Doak, Miss Charlotte Fleming, Miss Alice McFadden, Miss Edna McFadden, Miss Violet Carson, Miss Adaltno Froellch, Miss Edna Scull, Miss Helen Hells, Mrs. Custer and Mrs. W. P. Jones. Mr. Charles Klein, of 1908 West Venango street, will spend the remainder of the autumn In Bermuda. Mrs. Emma Floss has returned to her home, 1815 West Erie avenue, after spend ing tho early autumn in Atlantic City. Mr. Louis Sommer, ,of New York, was tho guest over last week-end, of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones, of 2207 West Tioga street. Mrs, B. I. Isenberg and Miss M. 81m ifun have returned from a tour through the West to California, and are at home at 3524 North 16th street. The first of tho autumn and winter series of very enjoyable entertainments of the Tioga Sewing Club will be held on Wednesday, October 20. Mrs. John Martin, of 18th and Atlantic streets, will be hostess. The members Include Mrs. CharleB M. Sandt. Mrs. Charles Wahl, Mrs. J. Chantry Hoffman. Mrs. Harry Boyer, Mrs. John Meek. Mrs. James M. Snyder, Mrs. Harry B. AVood, Mrs. Emma Moore, Mrs. Harry Markley, Mrs. Walter Hoyer, Mrs. Helster S. Hunter and Mrs. Ellas Bare. Helen Tuft Seeks Honor at Yale NEW HAVEN, Oct. 18.-M!as Helen Taft, daughter of the ex-President, Is another member of the Taft family to be come oonnected with Yale University. She has announced her intention of taking a doctor's degree, and has joined the first-year students in the Yale graduate school. Miss Taft received her B. A- from Bryn Mawr last June. During her college course she displayed a talent for writing, and she probably will take her degree from Yale In literature or history. MISS HELEN SOPREN Who is at present the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrg. B. J. SilUr. Mlsa Sofren'a horn is In WumijKsg, Canada, Ktf "j iMiglgflglglHRbfl li gigiiBsssBgisssssssl h ' JgslllllllIIIBP - "' aLLgSBBBBBSmV ''mIb V sVgssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssm BrV JgigigigigigiBiBssn 'fW ' CiSgSBBBBBBBBBBBl- TligSBB - ''M ' WHgl,..'"' irir " ''" it 1 IsBBBsMiSBBHL f , 's 'Vsj,ii&f .':m ' . , K jg.....gBgW ' i--L--LE...HIB SLLgSBBBBBBBBBsW LsgSLsLlllllHlgsM "" SBBBBBBBBBgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVxjgSBBIgSBBBBgSBBBBBBBBBBgSSBSBBl JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsTs-algsHgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS 'aLgSBBBBBBBBBLHgSLLSiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH :-' SgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBsllBBBBBBkSBSgSBBBBBBBBBMSagflt H AHHBlBsssssssssiissssssssssssssssssHRI MISS ALICE REANEY Daughter of Mrs. A. M. Eakins, who will bo married tomorrow in Holy Trinity IChurch to Mr. Edgar W. Buscher. South Philadelphia Friends of Mrs. Harry Blddle, 1728 Sny der avenue, will be glnd to hear she Is recovering from a recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hurd, 2129 Rltner Btrcet, havo as their guest Mrs. Kurd's mother, Mrs. Marie Soulc, of St. Paul, Minn., who Is here for about three weeks. Miss Alice McCaulley, of 1523 McKean Btrcet, entertained the members of her card club on Friday evening at her home. The meeting was tho first held this sea son, and the members present wero Miss Anna M. Fleming, Miss Jane Hill, Miss Frances Hill, Mlas Alice McDonald, Miss Margaret McDonald, Miss May McKcever, Miss Anna McCaulley, Miss Alice Me gendy, Miss Mae Mcgendy, Miss Mar garet Shcr and Miss Mae S. Taylor. Mrs. H. Hlrd. of 1722 South 17th street, has returned home after a lengthy stay at Capo May. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Young, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Welld, who spent tho summer months at their cottage In Chel Bea, returned to the city last week and opened their home at 2316 South Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McDevitt, of 2231 South 20th street, entertained on Thurs day evening at a freedom party In honor of Sir. James W. McDevitt. The house was "artistically decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, the prevailing color EChcmo being black nnd yellow. Supper was served at midnight. The guests were Miss Catherine Kelly, Miss Irene McCunney, Miss Agnes Gorman, Miss Helen Collins, Miss Louisa Lawn, Mr. Karl Ltndberg, Mr. Edward Gorman, Mr, George McDevitt, Miss Bessie Barrett, Mr. John Pcrsley, Mr. John McDevitt, Mr. Robert Kane and Mr. Francis Mc Donald. The O. T. G. Club, a recently organ ized girls' club of South Philadelphia, entertained at a theatre party, followed by dinner. Those present were Miss Sarah Love. Miss Margaret Gllmore, Miss Madeline Moran, Miss Agnes Mohan, Miss Marie Mohan and Miss Evelyn Sut ton. Miss Madeline Moran, of 48th and Parrlsh streets, will be hostess this eve ning to the club, when it Is expected that Miss Margaret Harley and Miss Cather ine McGarry will also bo present. Miss Nevada Benolt, of 2009 Snyder ave nue, and Miss Mary Merry, of 1726 South l!th street, spent the week-end at Wild wood. Mr. Norman Gasklll, 2129 Wharton, Btreet, entertained several friends at his homo last week. Wilmington The marriage of Mr, William Newell Bannard, Jr., of New York, son of Mr. and MrB. William N. Bannard, of this city, and Miss Emily Markle, of Hazle ton. Pa., took place at the Presbyterian Church at Hazleton on Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock, followed by a recep tion at tho home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Markle. Miss Markle was attended by Miss Marguerite Bright, of Hazleton, as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Gladys Jones nnd Miss Gladys Pardee, of Hazclton: Miss Ruth Abbott, of Coburg, Can., and Miss Louise Taylor, of Rochester, N. Y. The bridegroom's best man was Mr. Clifford W. Baker, of Plalnfleld, N, J and tho ushers were Congressman Thomas W. Miller and Mr. W. Poyntell Johnston, of this city: Mr. Harold D. Baker, of De troit, Mich.; Mr. Howard Corllea and Mr, Marshall Trontlss, of Now York; Mr. Frank W. Hamilton, of Croton, Conn.; Mr, Charles Heath Bannard, Jr of Phil adelphia, and the bride's three brothers, Mr. Alvan Markle, Jr., Mr. Donald Markle and Mr. Ackley B. Coxe Markle, of Hazle ton. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Bannard will be at home December 1 at 114 East 8tth street, New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. Felix du Pont gave a dance at their home Saturday night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berg land, who will move to New Brunswick, N, J., next week. The dance Included the younger married set and a number of young men from Carney's Point. Mr. and Mrs. du Pont entertained at luncheon recently for Mr. and Mrs. William Wat erman and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vant singer, of Chestnut Hill, and Mr. and Mrs, Eugene du Pont. Jr. Mrs. Richard Bond entertained at luncheon last week for Miss Helen Rile, whose marriage will take place tomorrow night, to Mr. Walter Robinson. The other luncheon guests were Mrs. Cecil Weaver, Mrs, Edmund G. Robinson, Mrs. William V Bond, Mrs. Alfred Feeney, Mrs. Leon Bryan and Mrs, Lee Melvln. Mr- and Mrs. Leonard A. Yerkes re turned pn Saturday from a Western trip of six weeks' duration, They visited both expositions and returned by way of the Grand Canyon. Pellets for the Society pace will be cct4 and printed la lh Kvtnlua Vtiftr, but all such notices snuit l written on one ld of the paver, must be tiied U fuU, with full , and Hhra possible ttlepkoue awatber must bt flrca. Send all such conttnunlcMloas to ''Society Editor," KvcaJa Ledgor, Ckotnut street. l! thrfe requbeiaeBt are carried out se that iflca4t way M wwOM, the mUm wlllsrtW suhHi-ts. Debutante Doings Miss Barbara Mifflin Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Knlckerbacker Boyd, of 217 Aberdeen avenue, St. Davids, will mako her debut this afternoon at a tea to bo given by her parents at tho Merlon Cricket Club. The receiving party will Include Miss Mnrgnrctta Dixon Myers, Miss Sarah Sergeant Myers, MIbs C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Theodora Keith Llllle, Miss Margaret Onderdunk Remak, Miss Martha Thornton McAllister, Miss Christine H. Stockton, Miss Eleanor H. Vomer, Miss A. Marjory Taylor. Miss Gertrude L. Pancoast and Miss M. Claire Spencer. Mrs. George B. Mifflin. Mrs. Boyd's mothor, will also assist In receiving. Miss Bojd will wear a charming frock of white tulle over soft white satin. A dinner and dance will, follow for the receiving party, at which there will be 101 guests present. Roxborough Plans have been completed by tho Young Peoples' Society of the Ebenezer M. E. Church, Green lane, for an All Halloween party, to be held on the eve ning of October 23. On the same evening the young folk of the Grace Lutheran Church, Ridge and Roxborough avenues, will conduct a similar affair. Miss Mildred Mack and Miss Elsie Mack, 471 Lyceum avenue, left on Friday with a large party on a visit to Gettys burg. They will return today. Mr. Guy Cooper, of Pottsvllle, is the guest of his uncle, Mr. Walter Goett man, of 4557 Main street, Manayunk. Mr. Jules Falk, the noted violinist, will give a recital In Talmage Memorial Church on Thursday. He will be assisted by Miss Mary Josephine Comerford, con tralto. Miss Estello Marvll, of Ridge avenue, Wlssahickon, has returned from an ex tended visit to Chalfonte, Pa. Mr. William Lanlgan, Jr., of 2409 Smlck Btreet, Is spending a vacation with friends In York. Roxborough residents arc enthused by tho formation of a new musical organ ization, the Ebenezer Concert Band. Mr. William Kester has been secured as teacher. Other ofllcers elected are: Mr, Edward Picket, president; Mr. Harry Flanagan, secretary and treasurer; Mr. Charles Pcnsyl, financial secretary; Mr. James Picket, leader. The Roxborough Knitting Club, which was formed last fall at the home of Mrs. A. L. Phillips, 6429 Ridge avenue, and which contributed 200 articles to tho Queen Mary Needlework Guild In London for distribution to the hospitals and soldiers of the Allies an well as tho Belgian refugees, has been reorganized. This season It will bo known as the Rox borough Section, Pennsylvania Division, United States Branch of the Queen Mary's Needlework Guild. The meetings will be held at the home of Mrs. Phillips every Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. As there Is urgent need of great quanti ties of garments nnd hospital supplies for the sufferers, an Invitation Is extended to all Roxborough women who would like to help. Among the members are Mrs. James Halsey, Mrs. William Barras, Mrs. Charles Eastwood, Mrs. Fltzroy, Miss Sarah Wise, Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Arthur Marsden, Miss Hannah Bcardwood, Mrs. William Robinson, Mrs. Thomas Phrlng, Mrs. Alfred Patchctt, Mrs. Schofleld, Mrs, L. A, Stirling, Miss Bishop, Mrs. A. G. Fulton, Mrs. O. J. Fulton, Mrs. C. S. Phillips and Miss Jean Phillips. Mrs. Joseph C. Henderson, of 318 Ro chelle avenue, has as her guests Mrs, Frank Lelth and Mrs. R, Corby, of Bal timore, Md. Mr. A. W. Lees, of Wlssahickon, has returned to the Auburn Theological Sem inary. AUTUMN HESORTS ATLANTIC ant. Superior location with an I unobstructodviewof beachl and boardwalk A recognized I standard of excellence I C.MCUV600. WALTEXJ.BVZSYA m UAtiNi tmT mm m wm ATLANTIU CITY. N. J. OWNMSMIP MSNSSSMIMT mSP ft i-AKUKsr riKKPi 3S EWIKJt MU1KL, HWd'r ltmurni Trymor Westminster K v nr S3,v to ' ug dalljr , 18 up WMkly t'HAS. 11UHHE. PHILUI MlHWSH .IPS HOUSE HsMMtts Ave. Btensi. . . MOtUs. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. LANSDOWNE CLUB SERIES OF Members of Twentieth Century Club Taking rAjctlve Interest in Addresses on the "Woman in Business" Other Affairs THE first of a series of talks on "Womnn In Business" will be given at tho 20th Century Club of Lansdowne to morrow afternoon when Miss Eleanor MoDonell, of the Evskino LEOOEn, will speak on "Woman In Journalism." Mrs. Frank O, Burrows has charge of the "vocational" series and Mrs. Henry E. Johnson, vice president of the club, will preside at tho meeting. Vocal and instru mental music by the Misses Conway, of Lansdowne, has been provided for the mooting by Mrs. Theodore Evans, chair man of music. A meeting' Of thn Alutnnl AnMftlnn of tho Hebrew Education Society was held In the school auditorium, northwest corner of 10th nnd Carpenter streets, on Wednesday evening. Mr. Samuel J. uci-Krr, cnnirmnn or tne alumni, pre sided. The Entertainment Committee Prepared a VPrv !ntnrntlnir lltftmro nrn. gram. Which nermintJl far tVin nmUalnn of tho business meeting. A vocal solo was rendered Dy Mlsa Reba Babltsky, a pupil of tho school. Miss Frances Lenctt was at tho piano. A rather unique num ber on the program was offered by Miss Rose Hoffmann, who was Justly ap- (jkiuucu ior ner aancing. Mr. T. A. II. Mawhlnney. professor of languages. Southern Illch Rehnnl. riollvara. nn. nt hli well-known and much-appreciated Illustrated lecturm. "HUlnrln Pari" Tho next regular meeting of the Alumni .Association win be held on Wednesday evening, November 3, In the school audi torium, when very Important business will be discussed. Anotner interesting program will be arranged by tho com mltttce in charge. A nartv In hnnnr nf MIm rAll nnvft of Trenton, N. J., was held at the home oi -miss Keoa Konn. lira North 40th street, ThoflA nrftRAnt wnr. (! ra.t. -tirl. Mlss Leona Colbert, Miss Sarah Stein, Miss Frances Smith, Miss Dora Fevls, Miss Emma Fine, Mr. Barry Weiss, Mr. Louis C. Stratt. Mr. C. Caplan. Mr. Albert Wpttfl Mr HatniiAl TC atfntt r M,llllnM Rosen. Mr. Samuel Sombcrg, Mr. Abra- nam a. nonn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gertscnfeld, of E246 Rodman Delaware County Miss Etta Fries, principal of the Aldan High School, Is seriously 111 at her home. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Boyt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Boyt. of South avenue, Secane, to Mr. Walter W. Clarke, of New Jersey, will take place at her home this evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. William McOulre, of Clif ton Heights, aro being congratulated on tho birth of a son Mrs. E. D. Howell and Mrs. Leslie Flounders, of Drexel Hill, are arranging for a harvest party for the benefit of the new Presbyterian church. It will be held on October 21 at Miss Howell's home. What's Doing Tonight Wnlnut Strett Buslnen Association, Bellevue-Stratford; 8 o'clock. Frre. West Philadelphia Bualncis and Improve ment League, 5200 Market street; 8 o'clock. Free. Northwrat Business Men, 2330 Columbia avenue; 8 o'clock. Free. Weat Susquehanna Avenue Bualnua Men, 107 Vt Susquehanna avenue; 8 o clock. Free. Children's Itoapltal campaign dinner, Hotel Adclphla; 0.30 p. m. Mayor Blankcnburg addresses Franklin party rally. Town Hall. Germantown; 8 p. m. Surfrace discussion. Economic Club, Belle-vue-stratford; 7 p. m. Carnival, Haddington Improvement Associa tion; 8 p. m. Banquet, West Susquehanna Avenue Business Association, Mosebach'a; 7 p. m. Carnival, South 11th Street Business As sociation; 8 p. m. Republican campaign meetings. 12th street and GIrard avenue. 628 North 18th street. 22d Ward Executive Committee rooms. Qerman town; 8 p. m. Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FBANCHISE SOCIETY. Noon Meeting at Gil Pino street. Speaker, Miss llettha SapovlU. 8 p. m. Orn-alr meeting at 7th and Moore streets. Speaker, Mlsa Bertha Sapovlts. 8..10 p. m. Meeting In Camden. Speaker, Samuel Moyerman. WOMAN SUFFBAQE PAHTT. 8 p. m. Meeting at &028 Klngsetslng avenue. Speakers, Mrs Morton Holmes and A. M. Olmsiead. 8 p. m. 0n-a!r meeting at Qermantown avenue and Tioga street. Speakers, Mrs. Scott Noarlng, Mlsa Jano Myer and Ferdinand Oraser, 8 p. m. Meeting at 26th street and nidge avenue. Speakers, Mrs. William Uerr and Mrs, Ucclmnt 8 15 m Meeting at 218 South S2d street. Speakers, Mrs J. C. Dowell, Miss F. P. Bern hclnicr snd ltalph Cheney. MEN'S I.EAOUE FOIl WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Noon Meeting ot the Amber Mills, Amber and Westmoreland streets. Speaker, Hariy 4 p. ni Meeting on City Hall plaza. Speaker, Harry PMIIIp. 8:30 p. m Meeting at Mldvale and Ridge, avenues. Speaker, Harry Fhllllpa. SPANISH FRENCH All Languages. Superior natlv teachers. Terms Reasonable, Trial letison free. The Ilcat Method, HFRMAN Day & Evening Sessions VJi-rvmAH Classes and Private. TTAI TAN Ftr Bend for catalogue. Irtl-lrUf -lw THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, 10TII AND CHESTNUT STREETS Loder Blilr. (over the Hiker Pharmacy) Hr.W CLASSES CONSTANTLY l'ORMINO. ilerllts School Jes tont art not lectures, tut conversations rnlirtlv In the foreign language Mwttn Irachsrs pud Jludentl. SPANISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, GERMAN Most rapid of conversational msthoda. Grad uate and competent natlvo tsaebsrs. AU IDIOMATIC translators. 8peclal arranged courses for children. Tho Technical Teachers and Trans lators Association 8M-S1 Perry Bldg. Telephone Spruca 42SS. School for Backward Children WEST PHILADELPHIA School BrsncUts, Manual Training (Bewlng. Painting. Clay Modeling, Baskstry, Wood work). Mature Study. Outdoor Walks. ISxptlUnced teachers. Address M 103. Ledger CsntraL U Salle College BKgAAK1?v Englnurlnr, Arts, t'rs-Uedlcal and Jsuatesw Courses. High lichool and department for Httls havtf. urmnasiiun soq supsrvisaa tviaieues, gcholarshlps offsred. .yening ciasMa. UHO. DENIS KDWAHD. Prslat. PHILADKU'HIA TUKNGEMKINBK School now opon (or (all and -winter torts. Ws teach gymnastics, Oirmtn, drawtag. MosUowerk and swimming to chlldrt-c. T t It years, (or 8 per ysar. Enroll ysw oMi Area pew. Broad and Columbia, ava. PALMS NIGHTsCHdOL Thirty years at 17th and Cbostaut 8trt. Business. Shorthand and rrtrl4 Courns. li NoVM 1T:0 CHKaTNUT BTREBT ITS lUfiADJNO BTAOE WOBJC ENOUBIl, Calif writ nr nhons, Locust OH W, E$rllM10NANU IIKAMATtO Jk.Xt ILLIMSeTK lVsWDIta EMMIUNsMt iiiTcEssW at. msm1m mW, mffimmi&i TO GIVE TALKS THIS WINTER street, entertained In honor of the birth day of their daughtor, Miss Dorothy Ro man. Mrs, Gertsenfeld was assisted bjr Mrs. Qulnn in entertaining the little ones, and Mr. B. Butler, of Atlantlo City, ren dered violin selections. Among those present were Miss Winifred Baxter, Mist Amy Baxter, Miss Gertrude, Miss Eleanor' and Miss Dorothy Stnrllper, Miss Helen Johnson, Miss Mildred Davis, Miss Flor ence Wagner. Miss Katherine White, Miss Frances White, Miss Gertrude Lapper, Miss Katherine Lnpper, Miss Helen Qulnn, Master Charles Qulnn, Master Thomas Bakely. Miss Katherine Bakely, Master William Bradley, Master James Kembrey, Miss Anna Brophy, Miss Mar guerite Brophy, Miss Mary Tankan, Mlsa Mary Byrnes, Master James MoAdoo, Miss Helen McAdoo, Mr James McAdoo, Mr. and Mrs. Quay, Miss Marlon Quay and Mr. and Mrs. T Gertsenfeld. The monster parade, tho opening feature of Tioga's Industrial exhibition, which was to havo taken place last Thursday, was postponed on account of the weather until tonight. A holiday appearance Is given to the locality by the decorations of many stores, nnd adds much to the attractiveness of the neighborhood during the exhibition, which will continue until October 23. A number of merchants show the method of manu facturing the goods they sell. A beautiful silver loving cup will bo presented to the merchant having the best-decorated store. On Saturday evening a pretty party wns given by Mr. and Mrs, Qulllman, la honor of the birthday of their daugh ter. Miss Winifred. Among the guests present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Illlngworth, of Fort Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ayres. of Now York; Mr. Jerre Sherrln, of Allcntown; Mrs. Ausby, Miss Beatrice Ausby, Miss Marie Kelly. Miss Helen Plunkett, Miss Reglna McAnally, Miss Flora Shoyke, Miss Mary Hoffman, Miss Nan Klllilea, Miss Mary Storm, Mr. Elmer Rea, Mr. John McNabb, Mr. Bruco Anderson, Mr. William Mo Donald, Mr. Frank Beester, Mr. Harry Maylan and Mr. Joseph Moray. Piano selections were given by Miss Beatrice Ausby and Miss Grace gave several vocal selections, assisted by Miss Winifred Qulllman on tho violin. North Philadelphia Miss Ella V. Abbott, of 2305 North lDth street, entertained the Needle and Thread Club last week at her home. Those present were Miss Virginia Hume. Miss Mlna Newlands, Miss Edith C. Clarke, Miss Violet Williams, Miss Edna M. Lindner, Miss Irene E. Blake. Mlsfl Miriam Hume, Miss Clara C. Abbott and Mrs. Howard N. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. John Llndauer, Jr.. of 736 North 20th street, gave a dinner Sat urday night at their home for their niece. Miss Jane Beverldgs Cunningham, and Mr. Herbert Haines Bode, whose mar riage will take place on October 20. Pink and white roses and lilies of the valley were used In the decorations, the color scheme being pink and white. The guests were the bridal attendants. Miss Emily Engeler, maid of honor: Miss Eleanor Pancoast, Miss Mabel Drew, Miss Emily Smith, Miss Bessie Bode, Miss Evelyn Bode, Miss Mildred Gates, bridesmaids; Mr. Frederick Bode, best man; Mr. Frank Ellis, Mr. Frank Schrenk. Mr. John Eckels. Mr. Lewis T. Matlack, Mr. Earl Schruffer and Mr. Chester McCoy, urbors. Mrs. P. S. Smith, of U13 Nortlt 12th street, gave a delightfully appvll.ted luncheon Saturday at her home In honor of her daughter. Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith, whose marriage to Mr. Otto J, Fuchs will take place on October 23. The guests Included Mrs. John Mullery, Mrs. B, D. Abel, Mrs. Mark Arnold. Mrs. William Roylo, Mrs. Joseph P. Smith, Mrs. William .Burns, Miss Elsa Sosna, MIbs Irene Shepherd, Miss Anna Stoeckle, Miss Marian Kloctz, Miss Helen Yorke, Miss Helen Dougherty, Miss Marie Zleg ler. Miss Stella Laughlln, Miss Rena Duffy, Miss Helen Duffy, Miss Helen Fierceson, Mies Laura, Darnell, Miss Emily Rock, Miss Delia Schoonover, Miss Pauline Schlag, Miss Luretta Shute, Miss Marian Smedley and Miss Margaretta, P. Smith. Miss Marie Ahern. of 1216 North ISth street, will entertain at cards this eve ning in honor of her guest. Miss Nancy Costello. of Hazleton. Pa. Those expected to be present are Miss Rose Dugan, Miss Eleanor Gllmore, Miss May O'Loughlln. Miss May Laley, Miss Sarah Ahern. Miss Julienne Hartnett, Mr. George Barton, air. Aiirea menaras. Mr. James Moloney. Mr. George K. Kelly, Mr. Jack Chambers, Air. JacK MCFadaen, Mr. John KeaUKh and Mr. Edward Dreudling. DANOINQ C. Elhrood Carpenter Studio, 1123 Chestnut st. The school "exceptional." private and class teutons dally. Basin's class, forming. SPECIAL KATES. 0 strictly private lessons. SB. In separate Rooms. Day & Evgs.; phone. 11120 Chestnut. THE COBTISSOZ SCHOOL. A New Education that not only Instructs the mind, but strengthens alt (unctions of mind, per sonality and character, la the most neces sary preparation (or any situation or vocation. Over (our hundred students registered this year The course rnay bo taken In conjunction with Public Speak ing, Elocution, English, Salesmanship, or separately Doctor Nefra booklet. 'Edu cation and Success." on application. Call, or phone Spruce 8218, NEFF COLLEGE Ch,.,ls,B,r..t BANKS gt BUSINESS iicL't''r COLLEGE Shoo?"" Positions Positively Guaranteed. I Lafayette Bldg., Philadelphia. TUB PHILADELPHIA TRAINING BCHOC (or PERSONAL and COMMUNITY BEKVJt Practical courses la various branches trail,-' ing men and women (or leadership in RecrM tlonal. Physical. Social and Industrial WoiftK Work 14 courses given by well-known 'tnM Send (or booklet Central Branch, X. U, O. A. 111 Arch Street, '""' Stray' Bwhmm Cel!t MI-MI CbMfcwt lit., MsMa, Practical coursM. Mo4ru mxsm. Peebles! tuaranl 4. By It a4at ssssiss. , sVwflsSw. "CftMmtry Day Sobol for ByaM Knsinrf, U, t Hev Gibson. Btl, Mead Jur. Pbon ArdBior 13x3. iiiui mnharzzL nslfiMs crs i iat v fri JLl GERMAN! MM.! w& THE KIHfWMNA 1UI Cbsstnul MAkHsK Pints'. M MUM. Colics, Law. Moa. l;OlV UI mmo Y, M, C, A. School of M. Opa t aoMl, v,ouii: tnlkl... 1 1 i,ii Snd UymOmi CsusM (or Tseu-lxia. anlaT MutejSU low Ai. ii ..L rhhUasTswitt, Ssas, Affft