EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1915; 13 tpniLADELPllIA fx MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR R- PiT rteoelpts, ra, ''" i.m mar BMfi,iA ilMily with n '". demand from ex- I'IIm and ml ert wuntsuons i arrets, in wrt'J? i.Ttor No. 2 red. spot and October, pFii iju No 3 Mouinein ren ( . iu rJ.?t.imff No 2 'A 12HJ1.14. No? 3 rim. .V.Will. ic US a. II loaf.ia. r. rAjya"! it IrTirf rterelbts. flood bih. . Trade wti cu''-, ,- were well sustained, Uuota- uilei, ?5LViot for local trade, as to location ifl? erllow. NtifltSHe.! Western No. 3 &, 72HlW Delaware yellow. 72V1S KJiVa Re pt 52.006 hush Demand was PY"V.tl eri'M mien sieaay. quotations fi,r.'ihii 4 Mrlft standard while, 44tf45i , K .mi 4lf42c- No 4 while, Tp. Is. 3 Jiijl.l.. mif fled Ants. rrmAA U2& ' IP".. ... i-... Jfm bhl. unit 1 751 ftlO i , MrM Iher little trading, but ff-B, ere well maintained. Quotatlona " ,QA , n noon 11 unci urr, .uti.u, ! '.'.riiht t2uflSlO, 1o., PtenL f5 50 o -jj-ii... !nr. lute hacks. wo.?u. ao . I'L" V,.i. neks. I5 25S5.00, do., patent. "" -1V.V. HWtiTS. spring, flrat clear. IS rt sacks ;'iht XS26H5 50. do., patent. IrisKtA ,o lavortte brands, fngA.Nl. city t !' riiar grades -Winter, clear. -.vao, L, straight S OSJ o. ao., patent, 3 ou StTvm FLOt R was In amall supply $ lii m let We Quote at 53.2 nnd 3 per K"; toiuvity B PROVISIONS . market ruled rteftdy. with demand S Quotation C ity beef. In aet... amoked I sir-drled 2125e , Westetn jwet. In ,f .7,Tr"ed 2lV2Sc " e.i i Vmoked. 2iV,cv. city. I beef. Knuckles Xa fender, smoked nnd alr-drled. 2iH27c : ffitJrn beef, knueklta and tender, .moked, 'SSjtT b'ef ham., I2SB30. pork, lamlly, Pi I,Vb22 hams S. P cured, oose. 12t1.le.t - .". 1 iab i,mir. . no., uo.. smoKea. tvue other name, smoked, city cured, na l.J"'i """I .v.rotfe I.Vtrl.VUi- 1 lum. &e.ked Western cured, loSlSttc . tin., boiled. aricss 22 P' "" "houldera, S. P .cured. itta. 1W do., amoked. 12c. belllep. In iuiie. accordlnB to Rerane, wow, isr Ckiaat bacon, aa to brand nnd averaire, K-rufld 19W!Vje., hreakrnat Imcon. Weat r"!!S' y?,tnSr . lard. Weatern. renne.;. Mil CUTCU, Wei, He n cujc", "'-.--- l- rtn. tiih.. tie. lard. lr. city. city, kettle rendered, In tlercca, lie; pure clt kettle rendered. In tuba, lie. r4, pure clt) j JCEMINlliU BUuAlia M57 niera waa little trading but alue ruled MjUrfr OUOl lions Diaiium KiHiiuiiru, fSr extra fine granulated, 4,10c . pondered, k eonfectlonera1 A. 4Wc. aolt gradca. 4.05 R DAIRY l'liou-ugis ROTTER -Demand was aufflclent to abaorb i moderate oneringa 01 oeairaoio block. EW T of which ruled ateady. Quotations! fSem eolld-rtcked creamery, fancy apeclala. Ml K;LiX!r",.t. JCT9!Vo , ll.lr.l. noilfi, CZiV.C. trvui".", ,-,. ....., - 2V 3t nearby prima, fancy, a2c.; do, aeranu ...". "v .jeer..- r.iV. ;- .i.i Mile. ?BGJS. Fine netv-lald caga aold falrlr and LiTf wtll cleaned up at full figures. We quote ifollowi Free coaea, ncamy extras, .tic jier ts.- flrata. fB ler standard case, rrcarby Krwiit re'elrta. IS 40 per case. Western extm ilirt'4 fcandlel gga were jobbing at JSgjIc. rinum t-Mf.fcBfe -Offerings ero moderate and tho Blttrket raled firm with demand fair for de- B.Ct. w.t. CliiAtfll nnt V Yftrlc. full lrim f3cy.' new, i:if(luKc. , specials hlgh- larlo. do,, fair to gpoa, new, miiiiot.; ao., ljkrtklm, C312e. POULTRY ,1VE The market ruled tteady under med- lKtor(erlng.,but trade jvaj Is. na to else and amy, imi,, exceptional lota higher: MitM-i. 11H12C.. anrlne chickens, accordlntf qujlltv. 14B15c s ducka, as to alte and Ballty. 13S10C, large sixes preierreu; Ltana, old, er pair. 18fi20e,; do., young. r pair, Uffllfc BKESSED - There was a lair demand tor ue Irible jnick and values of this deriptlon keil ateady unaer moderate otierings, le auote- Kresh-kllled-Fowla. 12 to box. ff-rlcked end i'r -packed, tnncy eeieciea. &' neighing 4Vi' lt. apiece. lUHci Hljli 5.404 lbs. apiece, lSVkc, weighing S lbs. Blere. neiSc , weighing under 3 lbs, apiece. B16c.i fowls, lr-e-packeil Veilim, Vi lha. over apiece, jyc., ao . smaner eizcs, uv fiM mnntprs. drv-nlelted. 130.: chlCkcilB !r.v fancv hrnllcrs. 24S26C.! other ncaiby fccy brolleis, 22021c; Western brollerc. 1 I ilinlnif VkUi lbs. apiece, iwalCi norin-u llaolj, fancy sellow chickens, weighing 4 i and over, lWfli'Oc ; northern. Illinois, lancy, Irttr ViVW, lbs. llWl7c . other wcat- efm. aelahlnx 4 lbs. and over. 18c; do., do., ffbeKhlng SHi lbs., IStTtnc.; Inferior. 14c; apnng cuckb, nearoy. jtranc ; o,, urmeiu, 14A12C. , souaba. ner dozen White, weighing; i,u. 12 lbs. tirr dozen. $I.151I0: white. mvellhlng ft to 10 lbs. per dozen. .1.4u0UK): Wt. wel.hlna T lba. ner dozen. S2.2332.K0: Mte, weighing OBflH lbs. per dozen. $1 00W )... dark. 1 MJl.83; small and No. 2, 11 tllO. f FRESH FRUITS yRecelpta were only moderate and valuea gen krallf ere well sustained under a fair demand, fetches and cantaloupes of fine quality ruled I ihade firmer. Quotatlona: Apples, per bbl. pib. $384.50. Jonathan, fancy, $ I .VMJ4 : Uo , pirtovood. $2V)8'J, Mcintosh. $333 50. Orav ;teln, t2.f&e;V.X; Twenty-ounce. $2 SOat.M; Kwthweitern Oreenlng, SJ.VSfl.l, lilush, 2.n0 23, Wealthy, J2Jrf)V, Urlmes' Golden. $2..-i0 P3; Wolf Rlier, $203, Alexander, J2.50J.1; fammer Rambo, (2 SliBI; Pippin, $J.M)v.1. jjnolcehouse, 2.S09t, Duchess, 1202.60: Black " itad.o, xorK imperial, tancy, fci.oua NnDals, fancy, J2.S0'rr3; other varieties zl Hrtt. per crate, 75c fill; peachea. West Vlr- i ana rennsyivama, KiDerta, per DasKei, f)50c peaches. New York. Blberta, per ket-Double extras. 30910a.; fair to good. Ifr bbl. Sfeckel, (M8, Sheldon. $te4. licurre Aujuu. ovi'Ai, uariieii, jo. i, t-i.auvH No. !.&, grapes. New York, per lb. baiket-Delaware. loeile . Nlaaara. 10a Kit -wr"vvu. irUiu(;,, Kiavo. ow i urn, ivr r-lb. baiket Concord, 35940c ; lemons, per I?l.i2i Pineapples, per crate, l'orto Rico, Z38ft25f cranberrleB, Cape Cod, ier bbl.. fv: do., Cape Cod, per crate. I1.75&2: do., C?r" Jrcrate. II.J0H2. pluma. Southern, K buh..tl.25ai 50; pluma. Virginia. Lam. E1vIr 22-'b- baaker, 35ti45c; plums. New iff.? v,,.n. n7,. t H.,: r. per iu-id. casket. 3va45c ; pluma. New OTIC. rMF K.lh Kala U...l.. nn VI...... Pf20c.f Heine Claude, 15lft!0c.; cantaloupen. WlOnflO TkitP flat fratm. PJiT.m Ha , r, J4r4 crate. Hei.SO. J VEGETABLES KJ w". '?,r nd prlcea generally ruled wuuiaiiona wnita DOtatoea. i'ennevu per buh. Choice, 75g7Sc,; fair to good. tew, per lOO-lb.'hae. ll'!.'nthi,.': Mr rt- -.. t,o?' :,"""..."... ' "T' hn-J'SlWc.; lettuce. New York, per 2-doz. K. I1B1.25, do., do.! per MJ; mushrooms, per 4-lb. ii-aoz. crate, si.-o basket, 1Q2, Express Comnnnlps V.am Mnrn lSaAfnHii?T0' .9etl J8.-Dolng less bualnesa a i ,r " "'"f year, me express com- . - f " ,""-.T V.VH..,,DJVW V.W(U,llla!UIl, net earnlnas for th ., nrfin- in- un ?!3J1l.eai.7v3 For the year ending It mi. Tvi?.' ,h Mi earnings were U.ftvi.rmi. V1T 'rl., l"5 isi ear werja tio.f.'Hi. ia against 178,652,1)14 the previous i ear.' It TWO New Munition rnmno.ln. fcvY".Ku9cK.'8-th Drlgg. Fuse Hi ii A ": un" uronance uompany feh iinnhrtrel t Albany, the former lk aiS' Vh. 7iSmon ana ioo.uou preferred p,,'.''" Ordnance Company with I0t. s" common ,tt"1' Th" "-- r-T. .. rofdnan'!..m?.ni,facture na load "ea and fciUf."ncJ Company will make firearms. iJtaa liirtin. . "rlgga, of 120 Dioadway. S ""big Interest In the two companies. FLIP AND FLOP TOItt OP PIIILA11ELFNIA. i . Vessels ArrIvlnp; Today lognood, Arnerlcan tnewood Company. nvSi BilSrA" Nw Ve-rk, merehandl.e, ? g'rnshlp Company. v?.ii .iu,Nor)' lort Anlenlo. fruit. Vnlted rrult company, son'tln'"' ,or)' N,w Yorkl tll'. Mun .J'. JTtBn, .Jacksonville, etc., passengers "n!2...,n.iriJ,."nJ ? Mrchants and Miners' lianfpertatlon Company. mlTi Si'i"!!.- .Cyd. Norfolk, merebapdlse, Clyde meaniihlp Company. lF.i'.i. ?? " .nlbn. PMngers and mer chtmiiae, Merehanta and Mlncta' Transporta tion Company Steamships to Arrivo rilKlOHT. .,"'" . J'rom. Balled. Mimm". iUn fcept.lS Vi!,.t 0r',n kept, i-i "' k...Arendl Sept. 27 .,;... Norrkoplnr .Bept. ss v'..r.?Ln Honolulu Mpt.2 l""' NaiMk Ot- 3 a,,ev irtw;::-!!SSi!::g ;::$ J iiMt.loln?i l)ndon Oct. 5 Hlo Colorado . . . , , Santos ujt. a Algcrlana Kindon Oct. B &.n"d I lilaek niver, Ja.oit. 7 Tn Hllo .....pet. 8 lntnrf en Hotterdam . . . .Oct. 10 ?'nnota Cardiff Oct. 14 ?,i?i!.i- bondsn Oct. 12 Mir.ni?in Liverpool .....Oct. 14 nh!?'a Mlragoane Oct. 14 Ulbao Tela Oct. 14 23cat.jtf AT1AMB. On October 10, 1018. SARAH ELEID AUAMB, wife of TheodoreAdams. al Ilordcntown, N. J. lleutltes and frlenda are i'iii1 t0 A,i'?.,ithe '"n'"'. rom her late resldcm c, 42b Prince at , on Thursday, at 5 P m Interment at Iloraentown Cemetery. ' oTft? O?!obr .l,U 11B. CHARLOTTE JA.lJ.Kiwl'1oWi ?. 5" K- A,e nelatlvca and friends are lnlted to attend the luneral services, on Tuesday, at 2 u, m , at her late residence, 42 West ihate at.: Trenton? N J Interment at Hlvervlew Lemetcry, Trenton, 'V.'J'.Pfrrr1 the Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, on October 1. HARRY C, hus band of Mary W. Allen tnee Itodgera), Rela .'.h'.? "JV1 Xlenu."'.?lto Ktri trosa Castle, No. It, K. E . of Medford. N. J., are Invited to attend the funeral, train hit I.Ke residence. 31 Union st , Medford, N. J on Wednesday, ?' 2 p.. m; Jntcrment at 1. O. O K. Ceme tery, Medford, N, J. Friends may lew re malna on Tuenlay, trom 7 to 0 p, m. AMllClt.sON. on October 17. 1015. MARTHA A. ANDERSON, wife of Alexander Anderson. Relatives and frlenda ore Invited to attend the funeral servlcea, on Thursday, at 11 a. m at the residence of her husband, 3U52 Pennscroto at. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. AKNOl.1. On .October IB. 101B, HANNAH C , widow of Bamuel W. Arnold. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral amices, Monday, at 8 p. m., at her late teildence, 1011 Wallace su Interment New Huffalo, Pa on Tuesday. ATKINH. On October 17. 1015. SALLIE A.. ATKINS, widow of Peter E. P. Atkins. In the 85th year of her age. Relatives and frlenda are Imltrd to attend funeral services, on Tuesday at 8 p. m., at the rcaldence of her fon-ln-law, Julius R. Primrose, 41110 CYdar e West Philadelphia. Interment on Wednead.iy In tha M. E. Cemetery. Milton. Del., on arrival of train leaving Broad St. Station at 7.25 n. m. llltAWV. On October IB, 1015. FRANCI9 1'.. husbanl of Uarbnrn Urady, late of County Armagh, Ireland Relatives ami friends are Invited to attend funeral, Tuesday morning, at S3i) o'clock, from his late reslden'e. 409 N. Stlllman st. High HequHm Mass at St. Francis Xav let's Church, at 10 o'clock. Auto mobile funeral. nilEEN. On October 10, 1015. HUGH, nun band of the late Mary A. and father of llev. tmncla A. Ureen, S. J. The luneral will tako place on Wednesday morning, at 8..10 o'clock, from Ills late teildence. 2701 llrown st. Solemn Mars of Requiem at St. Francis' Church at 10 o'clock precisely. Relatives nnd friends, alao the It. V. 51. Sodality, llolv Name Society and all aocletles of which he was a member, ure invited to attend. Inter ment New Cathedral Cemetery. nilEJIEJt. On October 10, 1015, ELIZA UET1I A (nee Pilling), wife of Harry J. liremer. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral eerv lcea. on Wednesday, at 2 p, rr.. at her late residence, 52.1 N. 52d st. Interment Mt Morlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday evening. CAM.. Suddenly, on October 10. lOlrf, CHARLES P. CALL, husband of Jennie Call tnee Hopklnton) and eon of Mary and tho laie John Call, late of Chester, Pa. Rela tives and friends, also employee of Pennsyl vania Sugar Kenning Company, are Invited to. attend funeral, Wednesday motnlng, at "nil, from hla late residence, 2710 U. Cle-ir-fleld st. Solemn High Mass at Nativity Church at 0 o'clock. Interment St. Ann'a Cemetery. Chetter papers please cope. CAHI.IN. On October 10. 101S, MARJORIE. widow of Andrew Carlln. Relatives and frltnda are invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 7.30o'clock. from the reildence of -er ton-ln-law. John Dixon, 0445 State road, Tacony. 'Requiem High Mass at M. Leo a Church at 0 o'clock. Interment St Cm.lcua' Cemetery, Mahanoy City. Pa , on the arrival uf 11 08 a. m. train Irom Uroad St .Station. Pottsvllle (Pa.) papers please copy. CLARKE. On October 18. 1010, ELI2A B::TH, widow of Patrick Clarke. Relatives and friends, also the Altar Society of the Immaculate Conception Church, are Invited to atte.id funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 0 ',0 o'clock, from her late residence, 0314 N 21st at r Gemiantowm Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Con ception at 10 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepul chre Cemetery. COLIINSON. On October 10. 1015. THOS. HENRY COLLINSON. aged 00 years. Rela tives and friends, also Albion Lodge, No. 15, S. of St. G and employes of W. D. Fellers Co., are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Wednreday, nt fl.SO a. m.. at his late residence, 00111 Osage ave. Services at St. George's P. E. Church, at 0.30 a. m. Interment private. Friends may ylew the remains on Tuesday, after 7 p. m. COI.I.IEIt. On October 17, 1D1B, ELIZA lir.TIl. widow of George 8. Collier. Relatives and frlmds are Invited to attend the luneral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. st her late retldence. 740 8. Martin at. 120th and Fltzwater its.). Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. COTTMAX. On October IT, 1015. JACOB I). COTTMAN. Due l.otlce of the funeral will be given, from residence, Cottman and H bavin Us. DAKUAG1I. On October 15. 1015, MARY beloved wife of Michael Darragn and daugh ter of the late Patrick and Catharine Mc Williams. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, October 20, at 8 li'J o'clock, from her late residence, 735 De Kalb at. (37th st. and Falrmount ave . West 1 hi a delphlal. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Agatha's Church at 10 a. m. precisely. In terment at Holy Cross Cemetery. I)E hYLVA. On October 10. 1015. PEARL M., daughter of late Augusta and Sara De Sylva, aged 24. Remains may be viewed, at her luto residence, 120 N, Edgevvood at,, Tuesday, from 0 to 7 p. m. High Mats at St. Agnea' Church, West Chester, Pa.. Octb ber 20. 0:30 a. m. Interment strictly private, Oakland Cemetery. DEVEIL On October 10. 1018. JOHN, son of Alice and the late Jamea Dover. Rela tives and friends are Invited )o attend funeral. Wednesday morning, at 8 80 o'clock, from hla mother's realdence, 2000 Melvale st Requiem Maas at the Church of the Nativity at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Ann'a Cemetery. I1KVI.IK. Buddenly. on October IB, 101B, PATRICK A son of the late Peter and Annie Devlin, aged 73 years. Relatives and friends, also St. Michael's T. A. D. Society, employes of Clark Urol Ion, bookbinders, and all other societies of which he was a mem ber, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.30 a. m., from the residence of his niece, Mrs. R J. Smith, C047 Greenway ave. Solemn Uequlem High Mass st the Church of the Most lllessed Sacrament, at 10 a. in. Interment private, at Holy Cross Cemetery. I DOYI.IS. Oh October 17, 1015, MARTIN J. husband of Annie M, Doyle, Relatives and friends, also Journeymen Drtcklaiers' Asso,. No, 1, are invited to attend funeral, Wedneaduy, at 8 a. m. from hla late resi dence. 017 S. 27th st. Solemn High Mats of Requiem at St. Anthony's Church at 0.30 a. m Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. UOYLK. On October IT, loin. I.AUHA D, wife of John E. Doyle and daughter of 13. R, and Henrietta Crane. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral serv- JIEATU.", less. Wedneoria at tn m. m.. at her ca rents' residence 1030 Pine it.. Darby. Interment at MoOnt felon Cemetery riUNN. On October 10, 101.1, MARGARET, wife of Thomaa Dunn, aged 71 jeafi. Rela tive and friends are Invited to attend fu neral aervleea, Tuesday, at 9 13 p. m.. at her late residence, ton least Chelten ave , Germantown Interment private at Chelten Hills Cemetery. Ill'dGAN On October IB, 1015, nitlDGET ANN, wife of William L Duggan, aged Bl years Relatives and frlenda are Invited la attend funeral. Wedneeday, S 30 a. m., from late residence, 705 Walnut at.. Darby. Pa. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of th lllessed Virgin Mary at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Crt-ts Cemetery EDMANDS. At his late residence. 1818 Green t . on October 17. 1015, JOHN BD MANDS, aged IB ears. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 4 p. m.. In Central Congrega tional Church. 18th and Green sis. Kindly omit dowers EOOIK. At Herlln, N. J... on October 17, CLARA F., wife of Jacob Egglei aged 57 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral servlcee, on Wednesday, at 10.30 a, m , at her late residence, llerlln. N. J. Interment Berlin Cemetery. Train leaves Market St. Ferry at S a m. EIRINnr.lt. Suddenly, on October IT, 101S. WILLIAM J . husband or jiary A ttisinger (nee Schlckllng). Relatives i H11IIKJ. ItC AIITCB BUM lll.'l" B.- ami in friends, also Pelfer Yearly Henenciai society ana Jien slngton Yearly Ueneflclal Society, No. 2, arc inviten to attena run.rai, on v runepu. uw H 30 a m . fiom hit late residence, 148 Pol lard st, High Mats at the Church rf the Immaculate Conception at 10 a. m. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery. EANS. On October 10. 1018. ANNA 8., daughter of the late Charles G. and Rebecca 8. Evuns, aged Od J ears. Relatives and frlenda are Invltsd to attend the funeral am ices, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m , at her into residence, 80 Walnut st.. HaddonOeld, N. J, Interment private. Friends may call Mon day evening r.tr.niNOH AM. Suddenly, on October 10, 1015, GKORan W . husband of Imogens Kverln.ham (nee Bvvnlne), aged 08 ear. Relatives and men. Is of the family, also Iota Council, No. 12H, Jr. O. U. A. M.; Washing, ton Camp, No. 73, P. O. 8. of A., Washing ton Camp. No. 10, P. O. S. of A., are In vited to attend funeral servlcea, Tueaday evening, at 8 o'clock, at his late retldence, 210 Q'klund ave , Audubon, N J ; also services nnd Interment nt Cold Spring Prea bvterlnn Church on arrival of train lenvlng Camden, Reading Railway, Wednesday, u a m, FINN. On October IB, 1015, RICHARD A.. husband of the late Mary A Finn (nee Mc Menus) lelntlvea and frlenda, also cm plojes of ' Vllllam H Horn & Uro,, are In vited to a. tend funeral, en Tuesdny morn ing, nt 8 SO o'clo'k, from his brother's rerl denee, 610 North Aniericsn at. Solemn Requiem Maea at Church of the Immaculate gonceptlon, at 10 o'clotft. Interment at athedral Cemetery. FLAHERTY. On October IB, 101S, MAR GARET. widow of Patrick Flaherty. Rela tWca and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 a. in., from her late residence. 015 Gray's Ferry ave. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Anthony'a Church at 0.30 a. m. Interment nt Old Cathedral Ceme tery. Automobile service. FOLEY. On October 15, 1015, JAMES W., ton of tho late James and Mary Foley, aged f.2 yeara Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral. Tueaday morning at 8 SO o'clock, from the apartmenta of Oliver II. Pair. 1S20 Cheatnut at. High Man nt Ft. John a Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holv Cross Cemetery. FOULON. On October IB. 1015. MARY" A., widow of Robert J. Foulon and daughter of the late George and Ann Futmer, aged 01 leara. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral servlcea. on Wednesday, at 2 30 p. m , at residence of her son, Rob ert J. Foulon. 012 Union at. Interment at North Laurel Hill Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday evening from 7 to J o'clock. FItANKEL. On October 17. 1015, ISAAC FKANKEL. hulband of Jeanette Frankel, aeed 0 years Relatives and trlends arc in Mtud to attend the funeral servlcea. on Tues day, at Id a. m.. at his late residence. Espln-n-iile Apcrtments. t'tnh Place, lialtlmore, Md. Interment private. GALI.AGEU. On October 17. 1015. ED WARD G'ALLAOER. Due notice of the fu neral will bo given, from the residence of his son. Andrew F. GallagCr. 5000 Lantdov.no ave., West Phlla. GAI.I.ANA On October 15, 1015, MAR GARET GALLANA, widow of Patrick P. Gallana. Relatives and friends are Invited tu attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 30 a, in., from her late residence, 2037 South st. High Mass of Requiem at St. Patrick's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathelral Cemetery. GAULT. At Spring Mills, Montgomery County, Pi. on October 14, 1015, RUTH, daughter of Matilda and late James Oiult, aged 15 yeara. Relatives and friends, also pupils of Spring Mills Public School, invited to services, Tuesday, at 1.30 p. m at real- , ilence. 810 Spring Mill ave.. Conshohoeken. Interment private. North Cedar Hill Ceme tery. The body may be viewed Monday eve nlng GKEEN. On October 10. 1015, JOHN A. son of Bridget and the. late William Green. Relatives and frlenda are invited to attend the funeral, pn Wednesday, at 8.30 o'clock ?.'. "1:1 from the residence of his mother. 1245 v. V5?u Solemn Maes of Requiem at St K'-"?- rj"irel3 5.' ,0 a- m- Interment at New Cath-dral Cemetery. Scranton papers please copy. GREEN. On October 10, 1015, JOHN A., son of Urldget and the late William Green, llelatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral, Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m from the residence of his mother, 1215 AV. Tioga St. Solemn Mats of Requiem at St. Stephen's Church at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathe dral Cometery. GREEK. On October 10. 1015, REBECCA, daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Greer, and sister of Mrs. M. K. Bleber. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at Schuyler's, Iiroad and Diamond ata. Interment private. 1IANSELU On October 17, 1015. EMMA It., widow of John S. Hansell and daughter of Jacob and Mary Matatnger, aged 05 years. Relatives and fi.'ends, also employes of the Uell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. nt her late residence. 4545 Saybrook ave. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. HANSON On October 10. 1015, MARY HANSON tnee Murray), widow of John Han son. Relatives and friends, also all societies of which she was a member, are Invited to attend funeral. Tuesday morning, at 8.30 o'cloik. from her late residence, usi Cooper st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church, Camden, at 10 a, m. pre cisely. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. I1AUX. On October 16. 1015, CHARLES 1IAUX. br., ut his residence, 4024 North (Ith at. Due notice of the funeral will be given. HF.IA E8TON. At Cranston Heights, Dela were, on October 15, 1015. ALLUN IJ, HEL-VE-SION, Jn his 75th eari Relatives anl friends are Invited to attend the funeral services. In the Chspel of Hillside Cemeiery. Montgomery. County, Pa., on Tuesday, ut 2 10 p. m. Funeral trolley car leavea 15th and Market els. Philadelphia, at 12-45 n. m HIKItDAHL. At Bremerton. Wash., on Oc tober 8, 1015. LILLIAN, wife of Charles Hlerdahl and daughter of the late David G. and Louis D. Fury, formerly ofiOJO Grays Ferry road Due notice of the funeral will be given, from her sister's residence, 5217 Relnhard St., West Philadelphia. ' HOFFMAN. Near Doylestown. Pa, on Oc tober 18. 1015, ROSALIA VIEREGO HOFF. MAN. In the With year of her age. Relative, and friends are Invited to attend the funeral frcm the residence of her daughter, Mrs' Wilhelmlna Rodrock, on Tueaday, at 2 p. In Intirment at lteulah Cemetery. New Britain. 1IOHK Suddenly. In New York, on Octo bcr 1. 1015. MARY DENCKLA HOWE, wife of Arthur Whitney Howe and daughter of the late C Paul Denckla and Mary Will lamson. Funeral servlcea at Bristol, n. I on Tuesday, at 11 30 a. m. ' HUT MAN, On October 14, 1018. JOHN V,. husband of Eunice Hutrran (nee Knlcker' bocktr) and son of Robert and Edith T. Hutman, aged 37 yeara. Relatives and friends, also Engine Company, No. 53, Phlla delohla Fire Department In General: Phlla. delphla Fire Department. Relief Association, iiulted to attend the funeral services, at his late residence. Kit West Venango st., on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. Friends may view remalna on Monday, at 8 p. ra. By Togyrlght, insuiance i-airoi nanaun castle. No, 241 A. O, K. of M. C; Puneamh Tribe. No. ZJo! I. O R. M General Harry E Egbert Camp! Ka 42. United bnanlah War Wrernnu a; DEATHS INOLIB.-.On October 10, 1015. nODERT bT, husband of the late Catharine Inglls (nee Geildes). Relatives and trtendi, also em. ployes of Hard wick A Magee Dye House, members of tha Scottish Border Club and Kensington Quoit Club, are Invited to at tend funeral services, on Tueedsy evening, at 8 flo o cloik .it he retldtnee c-f his son-In-law, Harold II. Mulligan. 2W N. 10th at. (corner Germantown ave.). Interment pri vate, on Wedneeday, at the convenience of the family. KEM-EY Suddenly, on October 17, 1918, at hla residence, 800 South 00th at , WILLIAM M. KELLUY. Due notice of the funeral will be given. KOKNIO. At hla residence. 8524 Market et , on October 17, IMS, JACOB F.. hus band of the late Margaret Koenlg, aged 77 year Relatives and friends, also Lieut. J. T. Oreble Poet. No. 10, O. A. II., Pioneer Section of the Phlla. Turngemelnde Boclety. the PhlU. Turngemelnde. the Blucher Benefi cial Sonet). Pennsylvania Bottlers' Protec tive Aso . Seldello Singing 8nletv, and the y harten Building Asso , are Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m . at the apartments of Oliver It. Balr, 182U Cheatnut st Interment at the German Lu theran Cemetery. LAMIHRTH-On October 15. 1015, HENRY W., husband of Sallle Stewart Lamblrtn, aged 04 years. Relatives and friends ata Invited to attend funeral services, Tuesday, at S p m , at hie late realdence, 1838 Ureen et. Interment private. LANE On October IT, 1015, MART, wife or the late John K. Lane. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 30 a m., from her late resi dence, 1204 8 22d St. Solemn High Maas cf Requiem at St. Charles' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Crota Cemetery. LAZARE. At Strafford, Pa., nn October 15, 11115, MATHILDE II. LAZARE, widow nf Adolphe It. Lnzare, In her 83d year. Intel ment private In Greenwood Cemeiery, Brook lyn, N. J., on Tuesday, October 10, LENNY. At Cheater. Pa., on October 16, 1015, CHARLE8 E. LENNY. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tucsdty, at 8 30 a. m., from his late resi dence, 401 Market -t Chester, Pa. High Mass at St. Michael's Church, at 10 a m. Interment at St. Michael's Cemetery, Chester, Pa. LUFKIN. On October 14. 1015, ANNA, widow of Lawson Lufkln, aged 85 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services. Monday, at 8 p. m at her late residence, 6501 N. 12th at. Interment private, on Tuesday morning. MAHDOCIC On October 10. 101B. EME LINE, widow of John B. Maddock. FunerAl servlcea at the residence or Dr D. N. Mc Qultlen, Drexel mid, Ovtrbrook, on Tuesday, at 3 p. m Conveyances will meet train leaving Broad Street Station at 2.45 p. m. Interment private. MrllHIDE. Suddenly, on October 16, 1015, TAYLOR McBRIDE. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at hla late residence, 110 Greenwood nvo., Wyncote, Pa. Inter ment private. McIlEVlTTt On October 17, 1015, PAT HICK F.. son of the late Hugh and Mar paret Jicbevltt. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral Bervtces, on Thuraday. at 8.30 a. m.. at his late resl deuce, 2354 Broad st. Solemn Requiem Mast at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. McDONALD On October 10, 1015. MARY. widow of John McDonald, aged 50 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend luneral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a m., from her late residence. 12111 S Napa at. (list and Wharton). High Mass of Requiem at St. ?.a wil1'", chuISh' ?' ,0 a' " Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. McFILI.IN. Suddenly, on October 10, 1015, ADiA..1'" w,f? ?'. ,h lata Eugene McFlllin. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8-30 a. m from the residence of her daughter Mri William H tiarvln. M51 Webster Sf Solemn Requiem Masa at fit. Rita's Church at 10 a. m. Interment private. Mrll.HANEY. On October 15, 1015, MARY widow of James Mcllhaney, aged DO years. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Monday eve nlng. at S.30 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Robertson. 2154 N Vsn Pelt St. Interment at Easton. Pa. Easton papera please copy. MCQUILLAN. On October IT. 1015. ANNA M., wife of Francla J. McQuillan (nee Met zlnger). Due notice of funeral will be clven from her late residence, 4002 N. Marshall et MILLARD. Suddenly, on October 16. 1013 WILLIAM H. .MILLARD, aged (8),,,' Relatives and friends, also Mellta Lodae No. 215, F. and A. M.I are, invited to anVnd the funeral services, on Wednesday, at it n. m . at his late residence, 12th st. and Cltv Line, Oak Lane. Interment private. MO) I It. On October 10, 1015, JIARGA. RKTHA MOHIt (nee Stubaus), widow of Anton Mohr. Relatives and frlenda are In. vtted to attend the funeral servlcea on Tuesday, at I p. m . nt her late residence 2003 Mercy st. Interment at Holy Crosu Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on Mon day, at 8 p. m. MONTIETII. On October 16. 1015. JOHN. Jr., husband, of Margaret A. Montleth Rela Uvea nnd friends, also Federal Council, No 120, O. I A : MaHilaa W. Baldwin Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of the World, and Asbes tos Local Union. No. 14, are Invited to it tend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m , at his late residence, 2020 South Nor wood st. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. Remalna mav be viewed on Monday, be tween 8 and 10 p. m, MUllllAY. On October 10, 1015. NELL MURRAY, daughter oT the late John and Marlah Murray. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8.30 a. m., from her lite residence, 16J4 Swain at. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the Gcsu, at 10 a. m. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. NELSON. Of typhoid fever, on October 10. 1018, CECELIA G daughter of Peter and Mary Nelson, aged 21 years. Relatives and friends, also St. Haphacl'a B. V. M. fcodall'y and emploves of the Bell Telephone Co (51th and Woodland ave.), are Invited to at tend funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 30 a. m., from her parents' residence, 8500 Dicks, ave.. West Phlla. Solemn Requiem Masa at St. Raphael's Church, at 10 a m. Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery. Automobile funeral. NOONE. On October 15, 1015, JAMES, husband of Annie C. Noone and son of the late James and Winifred Noone. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at 7 30 a m., from his late resi dence, 1010 Callow hill st. Mass at the Ca thedral at 0 a. m, Interment New Ca thedral Cemetery. O'NEILL. On October 10. 1015, CATH ARINE O'NEILL, wife of Felix O'Neill and daughter of the late Edward and Mary Tool. Relatives and friends are Invited to attena funeral en Tuesday, at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence, 2011 E. Boston ave. High lleaulem Mass at the Church of the lelta tlon. at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. O'NEIL. At her residence. 8830 Brandy wine St.. on October 17, 1010. MARY C.. . wire of James J. O'Nell. Duo notice of fu neral will be given. ItK P. At Bordentown, N. J., on October 10 1015. MARY B. REAP (nee Bennett), widow of John neap, Sr.. In her SSth year. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law, Frank Carty. 25 Spring St., Borden town N. n Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Inter ment at Bordentown Cemetery. IlEYNOLUS On October 14, 1015, MARY M wife of Howell Reynolds and daughter of the late William and Catharine Stott. Relatives and friends, alto Reserve Council, No 01. D. of L, are Invited to attend the funeral services. Mondav evening at 8 o'clock, ut her late residence, 3610 Aspen st. Inter ment at Reading. Pa., on Tuesday. Reading papers please copy. ltiiltRINK Near Woodttown, N. J., On Oc tober 10. William Bobbins, aged 41 years, ltelutlvcs and frlenda of the family, also "vood'town Lodge No. 032. L. p. O Si. ate invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, near Woodstown, Tuesday morn .iiB October 10. Services at the house at 5o jn. Interment In Daretown Presbyterian Cemetery. Automobile funeral. HOOKMTOOL. Suddenly, on October IS, 1U15. WILLIAM 11. ROOKHTOOL. aged 70 vears. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Tuesday, at 2 p. m precisely at Hla late residence, 1713 Diamond st. In. terment private. SHARP. On October 17. 1018. NANCY, wife of Henry II. Sharp, Due notice of the funeral will be given, from the residence of her son-in-law, John Smith, 2311 8. Iiroad, KEMBLE 1015, E. W. Kemble, DEATHS BCOTT-McKINKEV.- On October 16, 1015. J-LORENCB. O.. wlfs ef Cecil Rcott and ?auf.ht.,r of Margaret J and the late James (I. McKlnney. aged 25 years. Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend the funeral eryiees. on Tuesday, at 2 p m , at her late residence, Chllda. Md. Interment at Provi dence. Md. .Conveyances will meet treln arriving at Blngerly, Md , Tuesday, at 8 S3 a m. SMITH. On October lfl. 1818. THOMAS D, OROVER SMITH, husband of the late Re becca A Smith, aged fl years. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 0 p. m., at his late residence, 1412 Rltner st Interment at Christ Church Cemetery, Dover, Del., on Wednes day, at 1 30 p. m, , TEAT. On October 16, 1015, GEORGE, husband of Mary Teat Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 n, m , at her late residence JM3 Grlscom st , Frankford. Interment at K. of P. Cemetery, TllinAUl.T. On October 16. 1018, MARY A , widow of Eugene Thlbault. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at the resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. William Collins, 87T N. 23d st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Auto service. M'ADDEI.n On October IT, 101B. LEWIS WADDELL. agel T6 years. Relatives and frlenda, also Naval Post, No. 400, O. A. R t Ivy Lodge, No 205. I O. O. Fi, and Cohock sink Trine. No. 120, Imp. O It. M., are In vited to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesday, at 1 30 p. m , at the realdence of his nephew, Leon II Felch, It South 36th st Camden, N. J. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, Philadelphia Remains may bo viewed on Tuesday evening. WAFER. On October 16, 1018, ELIZA BETH, wife of Richard Wafer. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday morning, at her late residence, 1531 8. 15th st, Solemn Mass of Requiem at the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas at 0 30 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemeetry. VA1U. Suddenly, on October 10, 1015, MAR) ALICE, daughter of tho late Dr. Ciurles and Mary E'velyn Word, In her Mitti year Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the fureral services, on Tuesday, at 3 p m . at her late residence, 508 East Wash ington lane, Germantown. Interment private WILKON. Suddenly, on October 15, 1015. ALEXANDER WILBON', son of the lato Thomaa and. Maty Wilson, of Gertmeson Ennlaklllen, Ireland. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. at the residence, 1710 South loth st. Remains may be Mewed m Monday evening. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. ZURN. Suddenly, on October 17, 1013. RU DOLPH ZURN, at his residence. 020 West Montgomery ave. Due notbe of the funeral will bo given. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this) One time 15c. Three times one week 12Hc Six times one week 10c Slturtlons Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per line. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Evening Lkdoxr and Pt'BLto LCDdCB combined la 10 cents per lino with the exreptlon or Help Wanted and Sltuatlona Wanted, which Is 15 tents per line. , FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Sltuatlona Wanted. Lost nnd P-MinC, Pertonala. Boarding nnd Rooms, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATF3. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and waitress, white, for a small family. Apply Monday, with refer ences, 2121 Do Lancey place. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Annlv John & james uobson. Inc., Bl lane. Falls of Schuylkill. James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott'B COOK vv&Mted, experienced, Swedish; wages H5 per month Apply 2000 Walnut st DRESSMAKER and finisher on ladles' and mj'svvork:Uu02 Germantown ave. DRESSJIAKING Expert "sklrtand waist drap ers, only those from the most fashionable es tablishments considered; good pay, short fours, long seasona. Apply all week, before 10 a. m., French Dressmaking Shop, third floor. STHAWBRIDGE A CLOTHIER. GENERAL HOITSEW'OJIK. good cook, no washing, small family. Tellable; with refer- ence.M Sod. Ledger Off . or phone Pop, 2538 J. GIRL wanted, assist with housework and baby; reaaonableOlj Ledger Central. JIRL for general housework; good pay. Bill Springfield ave, West Philadelphia. HOUSEWORK Neat colored woman: family of two; suburbs; nuiet bo good cook, laundry Included. Meet employer. Room 210, Public Ledger.Mondjy, atllo'clock. HOUSEWORK." general Good cook, no wasti Ing, small family; reliable; with reference, M MHI. LedgerOfflce, orphonapoplar 253S J. HOUSEWORK, general Settled woman, good cook; no washing. Apply Bll Woodland ter race. near 41st and Baltimore ave. HOUSEWORK Young settled white woman for general housework, plain cooking; Ameri can family. BIO W. Oxford at. MAIDS, two. Protestant; one for housework, the other for light chimberwork and to as sist with Infant. Phone Monday before 1 o'clock. Chestnut Hill 007. MOTHER'S HELPER Girl wanted. 13th st 3327 N. NURSE wanted to take care of child 2Vj yeara old. must come well recommended; German or French preferred. Apply Monday, between 10 and 3, at 4522 Spruce st. NURSE. German, to take care of 2 children: thoroughly experienced; best reference re- qulred.M 8077I.gcrOfnce. NURSE for Infant; hospital training preferred; reference required. A 102. Ledger Office. OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED All parts of ladles' shirtwaists. HANEY, KUTTNER A RAAB 1326-31 Vine street. OPERATO'nSilemstltchers on ladies' shirt waists. Haney, Kuttner & Raab, 1J26-31 Vine st. PAPER BOXES Exper. girls on top papering machines. Apply Srhoettle. 310 Florist. ULLEVERS on Union Special. Haney, KuiH ner & Raab, 1320-34 Vine st STENOGRAPHER and genersl o"fflce assistant, wlih Knowledge of bookkeeping preferred: good chance for advancement. Apply 405-0 Mariners and Merchants' Bldg. WAITRESS wsr.ted, white, comp.. ref. Call Monday, morning or evening. 11128 Spruce st. WOMEN wanted, capable, to sell hlgh-clats commodity In dally ui.es salary and commls Mon, immediate application by letter only received, D. B, Hastier, 3847 Hamilton t. HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING DISTRIBUTORS. Arply U.30 a.m. 2W North .Front jit ! BOY. about 16 years, wanted In stock broker's J!LC-: A H. Ledger Office. BOYS. 10 or over, to work In wall paper fac tory. Apply at once, Becker, Bmlth &. Page, Water nnd Snyder ave. HELP WANTEDA-KALE CARD FEEDERS and cleaners. Apply JoTinA James Dobson. Inr , Blanket Mills, Scott s lane. Falls of Schuylkill. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Anoly John et james uooson, Inc , III lane. Falls of Schuylkill Blanket Mills, Bcott'a COOK AND HOUSEWORK Man and wife, for small family on Main Line best refer- ences required. F 617. Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN, experienced, on machine tooli The Hartlett Wayward Co., Ualto., Md. HOSIF.RY 8trlng workers wanted pn standard machines. Thomas Buck Hosiery Company, . Jasper and York. MACHINISTfTBeneh hands, experienced on assembling and fitting, for small machine parts, steady work. F It, Plumb, Inc., Tuck er and lames sts.. Frankford MECHANIC A young man for electrleal and scientific instrument work, opportunity" fer advancement; state age and salary expected. A 103. Ledger Office CnrESMNonMnTOiVgrade profitable commodities, stats experience ana references In first letter. F 241 Ledger ''entrsl TA 1 LOn S-t5n womer?s fanrv coat's, references from the moat fashionable establishments! necessary. Apply neiore iv a m., rrencn Drnamaklni- Whop, Third Floor, STRAW- HRIlXlB&CLOTHIER. WANTE'D " " Hand and automatic screw machine operators. 48-hour thep, no labor troubles. Apply Employment Agent, American Oraphophone Company, Bridgeport. Conn , SEVERAL DRAUGHTSMEN, designers and detallera wanted on power plant and general engineering work by a steel com pany in Pittsburgh. Apply by letter only, stating all details. Confidential treatment of all letters assured. Ad dress P 823, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE HOOKKLLPr.lt, clerk. typist-High school graduate, bright beginner, r 281. Led. Cent. OH AMRnrTMAl8,exper. young woman, first- class vlty ref. See Miss Reed, Public Ledger. CHAMREHWOHK and waiting. exper."colored glri. city preferred. 732 S t hadvvti-k Bl. tOuK and chambermaid de a re position to gether,goodtefcrcnces 140 South 16Jh st. COOK, first class, "city preferred. See Miss Rtod, Room ISO. Public Ledger OIRLd. two. Swedish, wish positions together aa cook and rhimbermnid nnd waitress. Call Monday. 237 N W atiamaker t GOV ERNKSS, exn. visiting teaching GeP man, French. Engllah, primary branches, vvHriea morning engagein't. F M4, Led Cent HOUSKKEEPElOmanaglng), Prot.; exp. with hotel or apartrwnt. ref D 410. Led. Oft. LAUNDRESS, cohered, wants work, at home or by the lay. 1.133 8. Opal St. MOTHER'S HELPER-Capable young girl. frood rewcr, assist light duties, wishes pos'n n refined family; ref M 810. Ledger Office NURSE OR WAITRESS A family giving up housekeeping desires position for a faithful girl lr Its employ 8 years; state particulars nnc Hilary pain u hi, i.eoger central. SEAAISTRESS A refined woman would like plain sewing by the day or to assist drers maker, terms moderate A101 Jdger Office SECRETARY experienced, desires work part of eacn day or part or week, chaigea rrod- erote D 421, Ledger Office STENOGRAPHER, competent and accurate; would consider moderate salary with oppor tunlty, references p rii. Ledger Office. WASHING Hamper or bundle washing, all convs. , goo.1 var.1. 1020 Lllsworth st. lOI'NG WOMAN refined, capable, wiahen po sition companion to Invalid or children; charge or housekeeping whero servants are Kept. Address I 4. Ledger unice. YC'l'NO GIRL, colored, wishes porltlon of any klid except cooking. Ph. Dickinson 3424 W. General COOKS who desire better positions, high-class Kronen conning scnooi ukci trace st WOMEN wanted, Government clerks, 7D month. Phlla. examinations coming List position obtained free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 715 II Rochester, N. Y SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, thoroughly familiar with office management, ssstemattztng and audits, open for engagements. E 852, Ledger Central ACCOUNTANT-OFFICE MANAGER. 15 yeara' manufacturing and corporation experience; posaessed of Initiative and executive ability; hlgheet refs. as to character and exp., bond; married; moderate salary. M 142. Led.Cent. ACCOUNTANT. 40. qualified In audita. "general accounting and cost systems, books written up. balanced, closed, either permanent or tesiporary engagement. F 51, Ledger Cent. AD WRITER Creative writer bf-fdnefuT.-ln- lerest-noiding copv. nave pad technical train ing in creative writing nnd adbertlslng, also newspaper staff experience, office manager and store man. will accept combination posi tion D 426. Ledger Office. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW desires position where executive ability is required, or responsible position with large mercantile establishment familiar with German language; age as, refeences. F 44S. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER young man, 7 years' office experience, capable, willing, desires change wiicre merit win do com a. r iHX l-ea. cen. BOOKKEEPER and general clerk, with 8 year exp., wishes position, highest refs aa to charactet and ability F 812, LedgerJent. BUTLER. Japanese, first-class valet, take cafe of gentleman, wanta position, best refer ences 11 3(1 N. 18th st. CHAUFFEURWhite. single, do not drink or smoke; 7 years' experience on all leading makea of cars, careful driver; best refer ences, A 14,J.,cdgeilifl1ce. CHAUFFEUR, white. 27 years, wishes posi tlon; thoroughly experienced Plat. Pierce Ar row, Packard cara, bBt references; can make own repairs. .,' I34I N. 5th st CHAUFFEUR U years' exp . Simplex. Pierce. Packard nnd other cars; good ref.; careful . driver, Jioneat tober. obllg. F 344. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, married, can do own repairs, experienced In gardening, reference. Call at JtiOi Raco at., cr phone Locust 2105 W. CHAUFFEUR 8 yeara' exper.. can make own repairs, beat ref.. temperate, any car. Ph. qi, 1741 W. or 1038 E. Chelten ave.. Otn. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position, private family; .1 yeara last place; first clasa refer- ercea. Address F 345. Lelger Central. CHAUFFEUR. 10 years' experience, sober. careful driver, wants position. 2421 Clifford . st. Bell phone JD2R2W CHAUFFEUR, married. 0 years' experience, make repali. all cars, best references, state particulars. F 051. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR wanta position; young man. sin. gle. white, careful driver, best private ref.; canjlo ownrepairlng F 444,Led.Central CHAUFFEUR, colored, want position, private fi.mlly, good references. 1010 S. loth. CHAUFFEUR, white, wants position! lo'yeaTa ln present position. F 453, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, white, single, desires posltlonTn prlv family, highest refs F 02. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR wishes position nf any kind; fair mechanic; good refs. D 427. Led. Office. CLERK Chief clerk, now employed where oppor tunities are limited, seeks connection with a manulacturlng concern where the experience ot distributing and classifying costs of ma terials, purchasing, etc., would be valuable. G 47, Ledger Central. CLERK Situation desired by young married man as general office clerk or assistant book keeper, experienced, F 51 8. Ledger Central CLERK, general officem-in. operate compto meter, wishea position. F 042, Ledger Cent. HOUSEWORK Japanese, honest, gen. house worlt 111 small fain ; bet refs Y IIW4 Vine st. JANITOR, jiorter or houseman, colored, oxp'd; goodrefsreiiee. J&02 N. Van Pelt st MAN, 32. desires position, has executive ex perience around manufacturing plant, office, shipping room, etc , wants to learn business with a future. Add. J 11. R., 010 N. 15th t. FLOP MADE SURE FLIP GOT IT SITUATIONS WANTED MALE MANAXD VIFrt, Jspatieit want IO.IUJ f rrtosT and honseivork small fsmiiv A0. r. , 20, '.edg.r Drawn, JOttr and Cheirr MAN AND WITE, butter and ooV wht, middle age wish petition t yen ft le' v enres Patrlrk Gavin 810 H I8th ft MAN AI'D Win? Jspane.., wish rrltl' man as cook, wife, wa I trees rtferencen N. V., 308 N l.th st rf MAN AND WIFE. Fngllsh. butler and etyd'j , jryerence. hib ureen n. nf BALHSMVlN, outside practical toolmaker, g I'crsQTiniivy. lor sieei, meiaie, naruware, i legitimate meehanleal article 401 N 4th VALET Attendant, with nursing experience . highest references F 741. Ledger Central YOUNG MAN. married well educated, speak. Ing several languages with banking and general office work exper, desires position i excel, refs . mod salary F 44 Ledger Cent YOUNG MAS', studying efficiency, wants io" sltlon In cost department of mfg plant good references F 440. Ledger renlral YOUNG MAN," ability gofilf education, Tina" exp. de poe , hustler, anxious to succeed! vS,ipJ5,n?i,alt 8?'m bu l,i1' Led Cent. lOUNG MAN, 21 years of age, desires to be come connected with an automobile concern and leant the business F 254, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 24. quick accurate. wisKet Kaltiorl with an accountant, night student of . of P.. best referents O ll Led Cent. YQUyn MAN. competent age 24, now em ployed aa salesman .(city), desires change. wun prpspects f wa, Ledger Central, MEXICO Swiss, 35. experienced, for five years In huslness In Mexico, now In position In U, 8. A., wsnti to return and seeks position as representative of American business or other Interests In Mexico good appearance, thor ough knowledge of country and good connec tions with foreigners and natives of Mexico: English. Spanlah, French, German beat references. P. O. Box lJOT, Philadelphia, EXPERIENCED Japanese withes position, buN ler or houseman, with reference. Ken J I, 312 St 4vtn 8t. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES J,.An.AM.E. A8!I. French Employment BureauT 1533 Christian t Reliable help supplied and wanted,8M nationalities, Prot. and Cath. Mfs3MARY "T MCCARTHY" 210T ChrlslTan iLoc. 13111). supplies. a; wants lst-class Prot, Cath ,male el female help nllnatlnnalltlet. HOWARDS SELECT BUREAU 2121 LocuatT supplies and wants young women, all nation nlltles, for prl. house service. Spruco 3780. AUTOMOBILES For Hale LOCOMOBILE. 1014, 6-3S. special 7-passenger touring car. rebuilt, repainted and guaran teed nrno as new; an excellent car for city jnd suburban work on account of size and licit upkeep. Price 12500. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market St.. Locust 450. -. n. ...na, .ki -uaizmuuko uir tn 1010 BRAND-NEW Chevrolet Touring arst with self-starters, 3.V). 200 down, bal. 121 a month AUTO TRANSIT CO . 1201 Chest nut. Room 1202 MILTON STERN, mgr. bEND FOR FREC BULLETIN Uf UKBU CARS CORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N BROAD. COLE" 1013 DEMONSTRATORS SLIGHTLY USED, FOR SALE L. S. BOWERS CO. 245-47 N BROAD 8T WHITE. 1112. 0-cs Under, i-pastenger touring car, good condlt'on 1 C MOSER. 216 N Broad st 5-PASSENOER Pope-Hartrord. 'perfect run ning order Just overhauled, no reasonable offer refused, l'hone Poplar 321 CAD1LI.AC. 1013. touring car, ovefHauieefanil repainted full equipment, price I01. Al'lO SALESCORPC.RATION.JI2 N. Broadst 1013 37" II. "P HUDSON roadster, electric lights, fully equipped, looks like new. F 053. Ledger Central BUICK, 1011. 5 pass., "like new. wltiiextras, 2-B.,M. Hextcr. 1133 E Montgomery. Kens. 1013 CADILLAC Roadster, perfect condition; self starter; elec lights. 453 E. Walnut lane. Germantown. AHBOTT-DETROIT. 7-pars,, 6-cyl.; good con- dltlon L 145, Ledger Central COLE tobTrlrig'car. 1013 model, 730. excellent condition. 5141 N 15th st CADILLAC 10t4. perfect con and Just revnr- nlBhed. completeequjlN. Scott. 1215 Filbert. AUTOMOnnTpJS bought anv condition. " " MCEHRLE'SGARAGE. 2613-31 N 2th at LOCCMOBILE Touring Car stream line body; man top sup covers si-mi. -nw Ken ton av. Wanted WANTED Lato model rtadsteY, Bulek. Over land or other good make, state price, age ana -oulpment. F 446, Ledger Central. AUTO LIVERY AND GABAQES TAXI SERVICE AT RnAfcONABLr ItATz.8 TAXI SERVICE COMPANY m N BROAD ST SrRUCE 4252. RACE 136. TO HIRE Brand new B-passenger touring car with robes, 11.23 hour. Phone Poplar 16-17 5V. TO HIRE Limousine, McClement7atW Phlla Garage. 5123-tl Sanrom st Blmcnt 25-10. AUTO BEPAIBINO T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE T t ? T T SEE BILLY 518 N BROAD T CVLINDKRS HEBORED. new pistons and "rings furnished, neld'ncs nd brazing. H H. ttrderwo"! Co. in" Hnmllton st.. Phlla. AUTO SUPPLIES BALI. AND ROLLER BEARINGS. itWILL IA.M CO.. 1314 Arch. Thone Walnut fiiOT. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 1000 miles. Compare prices. Gasoline, lie. per gallon. GRIM'S. 236 North Broad au HORSES FOR SALE At Nlchola' Bazaar. October 10. one hlgh-claa bay mare, 15,2 fund. 7 years old. a very showy mare, splendid rider and driver has been shown in one show six classes, one ilbbon In each class FIRST-CLASS double team of gray'Ttorses an3 truck ujigon. win s-ll together or se par a te ll. Apply 71-51 Germantown ave. CATTLE FOR SALE Herd of registered Hol.teln cattle. 32, all under 7 yeara. bred In th purple, some with official records. W lbs. of milk per day, 2 lbs or butter per vveek, 2 ttock bulls: farm sold, cattle must go." C. F. BEAUMONT Doylestown Pa BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ,100,00 LIQUID CAPITAL TO FINANCK current contracts We med liquid laplial not a permanent lnvetmont up to a total of IlialtOO. Wo get orders, plate them un der contract with factories, flname them and shop. The profit margin is known before a.iptlng order Have no fact ry or other i permanent Investment , our own capital Is always lluuld, profits very mple, and we can pay liberally for flnam mi business per manent, substantial manulu. tuilng and ex panding. Reply In confldem e, F 450, Ledger Central. I ATli.STS Arthur E. Paige, 714 Walnut -t.. Phlla. ., mechanical and electrical engmesr: registered iMtent attorney, established here 31 years, Inventions developed, patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and lltlgattd any- , where, rejected applications prosecuted, prvt Umlrmry advice flee. UUSINE6SEST PATENTS SECURITIES! BOUGHT! SOLD' EXCHANGED! JAMES L. GARFIELD. 1011 chestnut sL N. B No charge for listing Other Classified, Ails on Next I'uro Rw Ball WHy D0NT Y0U LtT J 6AHe v-x Wr EveftYTt,mcJ .. L say! cheese vt- wr LftST, 1AyRf ,IIJCT wa,Tim, f CjAME nVoUfeS SO AULFiRsia 7" W I f- ZL-LJJ LL I lj -j J--j rf To SET AMD U qoT ItJ ,r? ' ' , "nmnr 1 VW 4.W , , ., I r . Hr ; -' - -j f a