EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915; & )RBCAST FOR NEXT WEEK PREDICTS UAY TIME FOR BUDS Greas, Luncheons and Small Dinner-Dances Will Keep K !, Qnninl "Rail Rollinnr TliVTMin.V. mUJ.a wiw www.. Week of BUuNdEn. members of society are kVT .1.1.. forward to another week of EhVost uninterrupted Kaloty. Teas. l'n ii ji.n.i. Annre. Informal hmeneons, """ " , " . RanefS na ""' " l "- IE..! ..-ii much more fun than the after " ""'" " bRm which will come later, and . . . xir amount of dUmlty is fchfr " the weeK ... - ; L,":, '1,1 n Knlckerbacker Boyd, ixt tho Mer- Mf. W. "n'-"" ... , Intmrtiirn their F'iLhter Miss Barbara Mimin Doyd, and Swnien wm i im gussts. Knit evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. ierore. of dermantown, will irlvo a din- l Lewis Bargent, of New Haven. ff. ... r- M.i nr.a vlllUm sfM Tuesday . ...... ., tt MIm Mary l. Scull, at a tea which ItMy Wi B'TD - SHtwr. ...-. .111 h three debutantes Intro- rJLt on Wednesday. In Chestnut Hill, W" - . rH.--!.. tl TVi-lnkf ..rill " .- .-- .IikI ha.ibIh HflsM rlvs a tea w presum. mvu vuuom, ..ioo jury Eleanor uonien, aausnier 01 airs. WoodTille-Bohlen, and Dr. and Mrs. Rad .,. nt,mtnn have, selected this day also to Introduce their daughter, Miss Char lotte M. Cheiton, at their homo In Chest But Hill. At St. Davids Mr. and Mrs. WUllird Spenser will give a tea for their daughter. Miss M. Claire Spenser. Wednesday also will be the first day of the annual wnuemarsn race meet, cet at Erdenhclm. Chestnut Hill. M!m Theodora Keith LUIIe. daughter t Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lllllo, will make her formal bow to society on Thursday, it a tea which her parents will olvo at iiiir country homo In Haverfonl, and on Thursday the autumn luncheons at Btdgeloy WIUD, in r airmouni inrn, .win commence. Vritnv will be n busy day for the de- tuitintea. the two most popular ones of h season Judging from the number of lUttltt to which they have boon Invited to receive Miss Aiargarciia Dixon Myers and Miss oaran Bcrgenni wyers, aaugn ten of Mr. and Mrs. "W. Heyward Myers, e( St. Davids,, will mako their debut tad In the evenlne Mr. and Mrs. R. II. 'Bayard Bowie will give a dance In honor Of Hiss Charlotte M. inesion ana .Mies Miry Eleanor Bohlen. That same eve ulnr Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alexander Blair will give a dinner for Miss Edith Kelson Page, another debutante. Mrs 'Charles Winter Bally will give a luncheon Zu the Bellevue-Stratford on Friday also. Miss A. Marjorle Taylor will bo Intro- dated on Saturday by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Taylor, at a tea Kirhlch they will give at tho Germantown cncKet uiuo., mat evening Air. ana Mrs. Archibald Barkllc will entertain at a dinner-dance at their home, Inver House, near Wayne, In honor of Mlsa Jfirlana W. Qowen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. Gowen, and Miss Ger trude Pancoast, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wk Howard Pancoast. . A wedding which will Interest Phlla- dtlphlans will take place in Coopersfown. K. T., on Saturday, that of Miss Emily Borie Ryerson and Mr. George Hyde Dark. The second meet at Whltemarsh will take place on Saturday also. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur Paddock KUdd nd family have returned from Snrlnir Jake, their country home, where they pssed the early autumn, and havo opened their house, 1716 Spruce street. ,?hlr daughter, Miss Elsie P. Klapp, vho will be a. debutnntn nf na-rt fiHnn b at schoo in Peeksklll, N. T. EIudffH Ani Mm T WalidlAK T..kAf, iTe rented their house, 2123 Spruce street, and will pass the winter at tho ?Uti-Carlton. UMrs. Marlon W. Dougherty will also spend the winter there. Vr.. TVnnV Tnina nA tr Yrrllll.. ti iHCLaUKhlln hllVft rAtllt-nnrt fnm TnnUln. I SfltOWIl tA th1. nnaMittn Jli Dj.1I. T)...1 UteL Hies Anna Thompson and her aunt. JIM. William Al.m.j o. !.. '. LMrmerly lived In Germantown, but who Ufttre ben living in nMHn .-i I.. - ---.. ...e .a i aoouciio, VUI., lor U nut voar knn. .,... a L m - -r-- ., ... iuiiii:u vu iuvvn lor l.' "1 have- tokejj an apartment' H.Tnik T.hinfiln HrS. R Prv.r A1l. .-J 1 j . . liTvi,M'' Ml Agnes Allen have left rtsr AHantlo CMv nhr ft,., .m .. 5enU days In their cottage at Ventnor. . Ulss Tn VB. if t-i,. al . - PJjSjL ifi , w """""i aaugnier W j-l ---.. iui juuno, oi owi rino IETjIJ1" w'thdrawn her name from lr,dnlftnt Hat and postponed her U'wnjr-out until next year. UDr. tx Vmklh. v. .- ... . Lt.v """" ."unnicK ana Mr. John ,mann were hoBts at a dinner party nbTf erenlng at the nittenhouse. i.. -"'u'"'1 oi tne tamo were In JMg with th fall season. PW guesta were- Miss Edna HUden- 5SCf v tfs Aneles, Cal.; Mr. and ?" ionn Nestor. f tvinin.o., . . 4 Mrs. L. BIddle Duffleld and Miss IMDI 11 1-lsa. - 'UmCdTit i n ' Hwartnmore, ha fcwij , menmona, wnere she at- 'kBrjJ I"ncneon mven this week In Mrs. William Mumford Bills. MMlon was the unvelllntr of a mon- CTX . v. waent Tyler and many mem Tw. k1' Including: Mrs. Grif . were present G firm n n f rvam Irlenrla r f'WiT f.- . ' "dge rtnnock, ssow th.t .u . Dlrcel wui do giaa to Wess, e U WC0V,riW rm a. recent ITht first of tha rinnrlnr ln.... V,j U. Tn'nton CountT Club, with Mrs. rrn.. ii 1 "tuns; ns patronesses, I 5Ji ti,Iw,ir anioon. The danq 5LT.L'nh,u2!,Br. direction pf Mis. ,... u, layior. Alonp1 tin Mo t; flSnfnhH !ere hiv. T""7 . yunBer set of Ard stott4.il en, king forward with a mt aa "sure to an entertatn h Jwllin fe ihey havo' wranced for im w" i" ",n?n ""' Mr. v "on win t heard In a uto S?:."K-""0B ha? ri( . - ,uo ra,1So ana sweet !?" nd her singing always jn Tv D',T, ioiman Miller wm tlv. iaudlenM b' B,vln two ,n- ; i. .'"" xcepuonaj grace v7S 8hB hM lu"t returned from lOrlC. Whr. .V,. ...- i.it.i,i. Fia7 w ""trand under the patronage r' " " vanaerhjit. mVZ. . v?te Wa Won." a humor- i. THZ-sZ'ri ?. jx 5? I bu.i. "-" uivuum win turn l" for dancing. ?fciZ.y,,"M wu' b Mr- Clement ifcf?.M Jol" A. La Fore. Mrs. idi m r" " J' U Spurr' " t iii 7pckmn Mr Wlnthrop Sar- "fl Mrs. J. Hno.H n,r. IUmj Adams Spelrs, daughter of IIS .V,ohn C- PIm, of l imp- tsT Hii WrrlMj to Captain ""fr BTfaM, ox tn urdnaac! bi'uuujju Aiiiru October Department, United States army, will r..t, la?8 on M"0iiy. has been tho rn.ni. 5 h?nor at ft number of entertain ments during tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Kurt, of 119 vuuLlZi havo rtu"e 'rom n. short r2t.,W,th M- WUlmm Kurti, of Wash ington avenue, Downlngtown. vlr; nndJMr- Orval Eprlght,-of Glad wynno road, are receiving congratulations Eprlght, Jr.th f a Bon' Ma8tor 0rVRl Along the Reading M,.Mr- a' " Beardmore, of 6m nnd Mrs. H. Etherldge, of Heading. Miss Amelia Kirk, of Wagner nvenuo. MI..1?. er ,RueBts over thls weok-end ?VIyn Uuyr and Miss Ilea Hughes, Si mK J,,me p,nce- Atlantic City, ney will bo honor guests at a supper to b given by Miss Kirk's uncle. Mr. Walter Smith, this evening at the Hotel Walton. Mr. and Mrs. George Harlan McCall, of 66th and 11th avenues, Oak Lane, aro spending this week-end at tho Hotel du Pont, Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Nelson W. Brown, of Oak Lane, win entertain the members of the Brown ing Club nt her home Monday afternoon, alius Eleanor KcrncnBtle will read n paper on Drowning and his Influence on modern literature. Tho following Wednesday the usual business of tho organization will be dis pensed with and It will hold Its an nual theatre matinee, followed by a din ner at the St. James. Tho members In cludo Mrs. George DUks, Mrs. Samuel v niters, Miss Isabell Fronofield, Miss Sarah Grimth, Miss Juno Hammond, Miss Evelyn Cartledgc, Mrs. Thomas I otts, Mrs.. George Herdfellcr, Mrs. Harry Horgcshclmer, Miss Ada Willing, Mrs. Joseph Pn.ulk. Mrs. Thomas Young, Mrs. David Megill. Mrs. Leonard Prlco and Mrs. Kenneth Lewis. Mrs. Lyle II. Rlckard, of 4910 North Broad street. Is spending some time with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn, nt their residence, 11 Oakdale avenue, Glcn sldo. Mrs. Rlckard will be remembered as Miss Henrietta Van Horn. West Philadelphia The Bona DIa Club, of West Philadel phia, will hold a reception on Friday evening, October 29, at tho homo of Miss Adele Gardner and Miss Graco Gardner, of 6025 Pino street. Miss Doris Keenan will give a Hal loween party at her home, 123 North Both street, on Saturday evening, October 23. The Misses Adla and Beatrice Hark ness, of 5S24 Race street, gave a fare well party to Miss Dorothy Itobotham, of 113 North 61st street, last night. Miss Itobotham has entered the training school of the Jefferson Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of West Philadelphia, are Informally at home this afternoon and tonight in celebration of their wooden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Smith was Miss Marlon R. Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil liams Owen, prior to her marriage In St. Paul's Protestant Episocpal Church, of Ovcrbrook, five years ago. North Philadelphia Miss Gertrude Kelly will give a lunch eon and bridge on Thursday, October 23, at her home, 2127 North 15th street, in honor of Miss Beatrice Banks Zellner, whose marriage to Mr. Harry B. Miller will take place In November. Mrs. Oscar P. Hey, of 3255 North Philip ntrAnt and Af ma A 1IA T aaI n-m .. -, .u S0U .lD MUU1IUIA, ut ?OJ North 7th street, with Miss Alverda Schwerer, of 1313 East Berks street, and Mr. Robert Andrews, of 218 East Wlldey street, visited friends in Washington, D. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitch, who had been the suest of Mrs. Mary E. Mitchell, of 2512 Frankford avenue, have returned to their home In Bellevue, N. J. General D. B. Blrney Camp No 13, Sons of Veterans, has juBt organized a Junior Order of Pons of Veterans, In conjunc tion with Us many other interests. The next meeting will take place tomorrow evening at the D. B. Blrney Camp hall at 2149 North 7th street. Tioga Miss Bertye Wlnslow, of 1321 Erie, ave nue, will give a luncheon and bridge at tho Adolphla Hotel on November 3, In honor of Miss Beatrice Banks Zellner. Miss Wlnslow will be a member of Miss Zellner's bridal party at her wedding to Mr. Harry B Miller on November 10. Miss Elsie M. Whittle, of 831 East On tario street, Is entertaining her cousin, Mr. Thomas S. Barron, and his fiancee, Miss Edna Schellenger, both of Avalon, this week. Miss Charlotte Amelia Muenrh, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Muench, of 3733 North Carllsla street, whose engage ment to Mr. James Stott, of Roxborough, was announced during the week, wilt give, a tea this afternoon at her home, which will be decorated with autumn leaves and golden autumn flowers. Among the guests wilt be Miss Emily Rock, Miss Helen Roggenborger, Miss Dorothy Roberts, Miss Cornelia Tlmmons, Miss! Bertha Bennett, Miss Elva Smith, Mrs. Philip Cooke, Mrs. Bradley Ellis, Miss Ada Battersby, Miss Lllllo James and Miss Jean McKencIe, of Trenton, N. J. The Sigma Beta Phi Sorority will give a theatre party this afternoon to see "Daddy Long Legs." The members In clude Miss Edna Munech, Miss Helen Millard, Miss Martha Lupton, Miss Helen Brown, of Tioga; Miss Kathryn Ennls, of Woodbury, N. J., formerly of this suburb) Miss Edith Larxelore, Miss Helen Huff, Mlsa Emily MacBurney, Miss Louise Ruckdeschell, Mrs. Anthony Cal lanan and Miss Gertrude Lee. Lansdowne Mr. and Mrs. John W. Loughney, of La Crosse avenue, who are visiting Bal timore, will leave today for the Hot Springs In Virginia Mrs. Lucy Blddlo Lewis, of South Lansdowne avenue, entertained the meet ing of the First-day school at her home last evening. Mrs. Lewis, who attended the peace conference ,at The Hague In April and traveled through the war sone In France, England and Belgium, gave a delightful Illustrated talk on her expe. rlonces. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hays, of Lincoln avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Mrs. Hays will be remembered as Miss Sue Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M, Rosekrans, of West Plumstead avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter. Under the auspice of the Wonien's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church, a delightful musical will be given on Octo ber n by puptls from, the Overbrook BchoU for the Wind. Mrs. William V. Willis 1 chairman tto cwsHfa, Debutante Doings Miss Agnes Morgan Brockle will be Presented today at a tea to be given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William O. JVarden, at their home. Red Gate, School house lane, Germantown. Tho receiving Party wilt Include Mrs. William C. Mor gan, Mrs. William Brocklo, Mrs. William Gray Warden, Miss C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Theodora IC Llllle, Miss Sarah C. Neliaon, Miss Mariano W. Gowen. Miss . bctn Norrls, Miss Madeline Carey, of Tuxedo i Miss Elizabeth W. Downs, Mlf" Sarah Franklin and Miss Elisabeth Griffiths. Miss Brocklo will wear an at tractive frock of white tullo over white s. jinnd lrlmmcd with silver. A dlnner-danco for the receiving party and a few additional guests will follow. Roxborough Miss Lucy Fox, daughter of Mr. and M.rs- Adnm Fox, of 233 Rocholle avenuo. wiBsnhlckon, gave a luncheon on Thurs day for her sister, Miss Chrletlno Eliza bcth Fox, whoso marriage to Mr. Frank Sumner Whltcomb, of Lowell, Mass., will tako placo on October 25. Autumn leaves were combined effectively with golden and white chrysnntnemums In tho decorations. The guests, who were from Wilmington, Del., Included Mrs Clarence Buck, Mrs. llllam White. Mrs. William Evans. Miss Florence Sasso, Miss Elslo Beck nnd Miss Jnno White. Another delightfully ap pointed luncheon for Miss' Fox was given on Wednesday by Mrs. James Dobson Schofleld, at her homo on Hcrmltago street. The color scheme of the decora tions was yellow. Among tho guests wero Miss Lucy Fox. Mrs. Joseph Thomas, Mrs. Adam Fox, Miss Bock and Miss Fox. Mrs. Edward Fancourt nnd her daugh ter. Miss Helen Fancourt, of Lcvorlng ton avenue, aro upending tho autumn In Washington, D. C. The Misses Emma and Helen Rehfus, of 7330 Rldgc avenue, gave a delightfully appointed luncheon Wednesday, which was followed by cards. Their guests were Mrs. Orlando Petty. Mrs. Robert Hays, Mrs. Albert Hoo.l, Mrs. Charles Wcln, Mrs. N. Claire Rorabaugh, Mrs. Roy A. Robinson, Mrs. John A. Struse, Mrs. Frank Kenworthy, Mrs. Frederick Stott nnd Mrs. Frank Weger. The Young Men's Bible Class of the Falls of Schuylkill Bnptlst Church, Rev. Charles Scnsholes, teacher, gave a large ly attended reception nnd social enter tainment on Tuesday night in the lecture auditorium. Mrs. Alexander M. Patton nnd her daughter. Miss Edna Patton, havo closed their Roxborough house for tho winter, and will bo at home at Coulter Inn, Germantown avenue nnd Coulter street. Delaware County Miss Marlon Bechtcl, of Sharon Hill. Is spending a couplo of days with Miss Mary Taylor, of Chelten avenuo nnd 21st street. Miss Marie May, of Darby, who Is a student nt the Normal School, West Chester, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry L. May, of 712 Pino street, Darby, on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Bertha Sapowlts will address on outdoor suffrage meeting nt Providence Road and Clifton avenue, Aldan, this evening. Colonel and Mrs. Edward Clyde, of Chester, nro entertaining Mr. and Mrs.. G. W. Clyde, of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Sirs. Clyde camo over to attend the wed ding of the Colonel's daughter. Miss Mildred Clyde, and Mr. Laurenco M. Mil ler, which took placo last Friday. The marriage of Miss Lillian G. Foley, of Pascnll, to Mr. Leonard J. Dee, of Darby, will take placo in. St. Clement's Church on October 20. Miss Mary Lange, of Media, is visiting relatives in Washington. Miss Anna Rowland, of Media, returned yesterday from a short visit to Wil mington. The "Barnstormers," the dramatic club of Ridley Park, will produce "Cupid nnd tho Styx" on October 29. Mrs. J. Howard Reber will be stage director. The Highland Park Fire Company will hold a progressive "500" in the clubhouse today. Miss Marlon Chessboro nnd her mother, Mrs. L. B. Chessboro, of Ridley Park, are visiting In East Orange, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedom, of Media, aro traveling through the South for Mr. Leedom's health. Mrs. William Stewart, of Glenoldcn, will return the latter part of the week from, a visit to East Orange. Announcement Is made of tho marriage of Miss Mario Hayes, of Darby, to Mr. Robert Montgomery, also of Darby, on October 4, at the home of the bride, 21 South 7th street. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Wood ward to Mr. James Pearson, both of Marcus Hook, will take plao at the bride's homo on Friday nfternuon, Octo ber 22, at 4 o'clock. Invitations have been Issued for the marriage of Miss Sue R. Honey, of Ches ter, to Mr. A. Wlllsbrock, of Carbondale. The wedding will take place In the Im maculate Heart Church on October 27, Frankford Miss Helen L. Cook, of Frankford ave nue, Holmesburg, gave a shower followed by a dinner on Saturday last, In honor of Miss Emma S. Pugh, of West Philadel phia, whose marriage to Mr, Harry Hall will tako place soon. Covers were laid for twelve. Those present were Miss Emma S. Pugh, Miss Hannah E. Owens, Miss H, Frances Ellis, Miss Clara A. Wallace, Miss Roberta Hartnack, Miss Catharine A. Shellem, Miss Mary P. Inkster, Miss Martha F. Merchant, Miss Amelia Perrlm, Miss Ida Hartley, Miss Mildred B. Cook and Miss Helen L. Cook. Mr, and Mrs. Harry S. Adams upon their return from their wedding Journey will reBldn at 1000 Foulkrod street. Mrs. Adams was Miss Mary W. Pollard, of 1715 West Morris street, before her marriage. Mlba ROSE KAUFMAN Whosa marrlasrc to Mr. Albert G. Rubin will talc place tomorrpw In Mowbaeh'a drawing- rooms, BBBBBBBBBBft BBB .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBstH f J L.4$E ,9fe. rjr iff irrniniWMijBi m i . i ij L m muiJ MISS KATHARINE ASHHURST BOWIE Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II. Bayard Bowie, who made her debut last year. Mr. and Mrs. Bowie will givo a dance for Miss Mary Eleanor Bohlen and Miss Charlotte Cheston, debutantes of this year, on October 22. AUTUMN WEDDINGS TODAY WILL ATTRACT SOCIETY FOLK Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Fox Becomes Bride of Mr. Sidney Errington Martin Miss Glodean Smith Marries Dr. C. C. Eves Other Nuptials ONE of the most attractive of the autumn weddings took placo today, when Miss Margaret Crozler Fox, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Fox, of Bcrthcllyn, York road, Ogontz, becamo tho bride of Mr. Sydney Errington Mar tin. The ceremony took place In 'St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Elklns Park, and was performed by tho rector, tho Rev. Thompson J. Cole. The brldo was attended by her sister, Mrs. George W. Elklns, Jr., as matron of honor, nnd Mrs. Elklns' little daughter. Miss Stella Elklns, as flower girl. Mr. Martin had as his best man his brother, Mr. Carl Nledhard Martin, and his ushers were Mr. Hamilton Dlss ton, Mr. John Hugh McQulllen Carter, Mr. John Browning Clement, Jr., Mr. John C. Gilpin, Mr. John Gilbert, Mr. Van Antwerp Lea, Mr. J. Elliot Newlln, Mr. Caleb F. Fox. Jr., Mr. Donald Klrk patrlck, Mr. Edward B. Roblnette, Mr. Frederick Lyman Ballard and Mr. John Shipley Dixon. Only the members of tho families and a few Intimate friends attended the cere mony. A largo reception followed at tho home of tho bride. The bride wore an exquisite gown of white satin, with a long court train, over which the soft tullo veil, held In place with a small bunch of orange blossoms, fell in graceful folds. She carried a large shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Tho matron of honor was gowned In cream-colored chiffon, trimmed with a brown sash; tho skirt was mado short and full; bronze shoes and stockings were worn. Her hat was of brown velvet, and she carried a large bouquet of Ward roses. Tho flower girl was dressed in a white muslin frock, nnd carried a basket of Ward roses. EVES-SMITH A very pretty home wedding will take place this evening at 7:30 o'clock when Miss Glodean Smith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aloert C. Smith, of 2410 North 19th street, will become the bride of Dr. Curtis Clyde Eves, of 1700 Walnut street The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. John G. Wilson, of the Union Metho dist Episcopal Church, of 20th and Dia mond strcetB. The bride, who will be given In mar riage by her father, will wear a gown of white silk tulle over whlto satin. The sMrt will bo short with a series of pointed tunics trimmed with folds of white satin and lilies of the valley. She will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and bride roses. Miss Smith will bo attended by Miss Hazel Haldeman as maid of honor, Mrs. LoRoy Smith as matron of honor and Miss Mae B. Kves, a sister of the bride groom, as bridesmaid. Miss Haldeman will wear a frock of ecru lace. The skirt will have a tunic of ecru net with a wid fold of pink satin, a deep pink satin girdle, finished at the back with a bow, and two long panel ends complete this costume. She will carry an arm bouquet of pink chrys anthemums, Mrs. Smith nnd Miss Eves will be dressed alike In dainty white lingerie frocks of chiffon voile and lace, with charming pointed pale blue taffeta coatees. They will also carry arm bou quets of pink chrysanthemums. Doctor Eves has selected Mr. Pennock M. Way as best man. A small reception will follow the cere mony, after which Dr. and Mrs. Eves will leave for a wedding trip. They wilt be at home after November 19, at the Avondale, 39th and Locust streets, RUBIN-KAUFMAN, The marriage of Miss Rosa Kaufman, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Kaufman, of 2013 North Franklin street, to Mr. Al bert G. Rubin will take place at o'clock on Sunday evening at Mose bach's Drawing Rooms. The bride, who will be given In marriage by her uncle, will bo attended by Miss Pauline Jauer as maid of honor and her bridesmaids will be Miss Anna Pomcrantz, Miss Bes sie Goldsmith, Miss Pearl Roth and Miss Mollle Abrams. Mr, Jack Rabtnowlts will act as best man and the ushers will be Mr, David Rubin, Mr. Joseph D. Notices for the Society pace will be accepted and printed lo the Kvtnlns Ledger, but all such notices mutt be written on one ldo oftbe paper, must be klined In full, wllli full address, and when posklUo telephone number must ! git en. Bend all such communications to "Society Editor," Eeeolag Ledger, 60S Chestnut street. Unless theeo requirements are carried out so that verification mar bo bewlblo, lb notice will not bo putiH4t, Cohen, Mr. Julius Shapiro and Mr. Her mon Abrams. Tho Rev. Doctor Klein will otnclate. A reception and supper will follow tho ceremony, after which the young couple will leave for their wedding journey. Upon their return they will live at 2013 North Franklin street. EBERLT-FITZGERALD. A very pretty wedding will tako place this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mis. Anna E Fitzgerald. IMS North 12th street, when her daughter. Miss Susan Furman Fitzgerald, becomes tho bride of Mr Normnn K Kborlv. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. William Halloway, pastor of the Memo rial Baptist Church. The bride, who will bo unattended, will wear a white gown of exquisite hand-embroidered net, draped over crepo de chine, and will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley and Bride roses. Mr. Eberly will havo for his best man Mr. Lester L. Byers. The bridegroom nnd bride upon their return from an ex tended Journey will live at the Shervlc. -33'J North Broad street, where they will receive after December 1. SPATOLA-GROGAN. A wedding of interest to many South Phlladelphlans took place on Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock In the Church of St. Monica, 17th and Rltner streets, when Miss Elsie Grogan, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Grogan, of 2017 South Cleveland avenue, becamo the bride or ?elix Spatola, Jr., of 4004 Baltimore ave nue. The ceremony was performed by tho Rev. Peter McGnrrity. The bride, who wail attended by Miss Julienne Spa tola, a sister of the bridegroom, wore a stunning tnllleur of black velvet, trimmed with moleskin and gold braid. A smart velvet hat was worn, nnd a hugo corsage bouquet of orchids completed the cos tume. Miss Spatola's suit was of brown broadcloth and Fkunk fur, with which she wore a small hat of black velvet and n corsage bouquet of pink rosebuds. Tho best man was Mr. Edward Munns. After the ceremony a small reception fol lowed nt tho homo of the bridegroom's parents, after which the couple left for a trip through New York State and Washington. They will be at homo after December 1 at 6121 Klngsesslng avenue. HEYDORN STACKHOUSE. Mrs. J. S. Stackhouso announces the marriage of ner daughter, Miss Marjory Stackhousc. to Mr. Walton Powell Hey dorn on Wednesday. October 13. at 7:30 o'clock. In St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 60th street and Baltimore avenue. The Rev William J. Miller officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Heydorn will be at home, at 4321 Sansom street, after November 15. The marriage or Mr. William Eves 3d, of this city, and Miss Julia Dorman Thorn will take place at Sandy Spring, Md this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the homo of the bride's grandparent!, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin II. Miller. Mt Airy. The marriage will be under the caro cf Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting and tho Friends who will net as overseers are Alban G. Thomas. Thomas J. Lea, Ellen Farquhar and Anna Thomas Nesblt The bride will be attended by her sisters. Miss Emmn M. Thorn and MU-Lucy Lewis Thnm, of Sandy Spring, Md.; Miss Elisa beth Kves, tho bridegroom's sister, and Miss Bessie M. Pearson, of Germantown, Pa, Tha other bridesmaids will be Miss Hilda Holmes, of Baltimore, and Miss Rachel T. Hoopcs, of Bynam, Md. The ushers will be Mr, Joseph H. Shaw, of this city; Mr, Olln B. Fellows, of Middle town. N. Y.; Mr. William Taylor Thorn, Jr., of Baltimore, thOrlde's brother, and Mr. William Plummer, Jr., of Qulnton, N, J. Mr. Kves Is a graduate of Prince ton, class of 1911, and a son of Dr. and Mrs. Hiram P. Eyeji. After a wedding trip Mr, and Mrs. Kves will reside at 2302 Monroe street, this city. Wilmington Mrs. Edmund P. Moody left this week for Washington, where she will attend the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the National Society Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, of which she Is one of the vice presidents. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur La Motto returned lost week from Massachusetts, where they had been spending several weeks. Mrs. John W. Causey returned last week from Mount Klnco, where she had been for two months. Miss S. Cornelia Bowman entertained In formally at auction bridge Friday after noon In honor of Mrs. Bowman Bird, of Lake Hopatcong, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Clement W. Miller, who were married last Saturday, are camping at Freedom, N. H. Mr. John Bateman, of 845 Locust ave nuw. has closed his cottage In Wild wood and rotumed to his Mom. NUMEROUS ENTERTAINMENTS HAVE THEIR GAY FOLLOWERS Miss TiUye Nefsky Guest of Honor at Surprise Party. House Parties Are of Interest Amia Club Is Formed I A niRTHDAY surprise party was gUen XJL In honor of Miss Tlllye Nefsky, at her home, 3232 Monument amenue, by her mother and friends. The rooms wero beautifully decorated In green and white. Thoso present were Miss Badye Green blatt, Miss Sadie Levlck, Mlsa Esther Rot ter, Miss Dolly Blerns, Miss Jean Gold berg, Miss Ruth Marks, Miss Hannah Zukcrman, Mlsa Ida Green, Miss Sara Harris, Miss Dorothy Moskowltz, -Miss L. Lenard, Miss Rose Silverman, Miss Esther Kenteln, Miss Evelyn Levlck, Miss Sara Nefsky, Miss Tlllye Nefsky. Mr. Robert Cacscr, Mr. Thomas Miller, Mr. Samuel Shevltn, Mr. Harvey Shevlln, Mr. Conrad Lubcr, Mr. William Rotter, Mr. Benjamin Froedman, Mr. Harold Snow, Mr. Samuel Elllck, Mr. William Levlck, Mr. Benjamin Levlck, Mr. Charles Daroff, Mr. Nathan Hammer, Mr. Nathan Harris, Mr. Jack Cracmer, Mr. Jack Keas ler, Mr. Harry Becker, Mr. Alfred Con hagen, Mr. Harry Rosensteln, Mr. Arthur B. Freed man. A house party was given nt Pitman, N. J., on October 8, 9 and 10. The guests of honor were Miss Irene Moore, of At lantic City, and Mr. Irvln Crane Garver Ick, Jr., of New York. Those present were Miss Bcatrico Mario Kltson, Miss Navy Yard Affairs With the return of many of the naval set from their seashore and mountain trips, things seem to be brightening up all around, and many delightful parties are being given despite the fact that so many of tho officers are out of the city. Among the several affairs given this week was that of Mrs. A. A. Vandegrlft, wlfo of Lieutenant Vandegrlft, U. S. M. C, who entertained on Wednesday after noon at bridge In honor of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Smith, of East Orange, N. J. The guests Included Mrs. L. W. T Waller. Mrs. Frank Halford. Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Walter Hill, Mrs. W. E. Parker, Mrs. E. D. nyan, Mrs. Raymond B. Sul livan. Mrs. E. A. Ostermann. Mrs. C. D. Long, Mrs Alfred Toulorl, Mrs. Smedley D. Butler, Mrs. John Marston, Mrs. Fred erick R. Harris, Mrs. Kllgore and Mrs. Nelson Vulto. Mrs. Raymond B. Sullivan, wife of Cap tain Sullivan, U. S. M. C, entertained at a bridge party of four tables on Thurs day afternoon. Her guests included Mrs. C. G. Long, Mrs. L. J. Maglll, Mrs. E. D. Ryan, Mrs. Smedley D, Butler, Mrs. Charles A Lutz and her mother: Mrs. H. Seelye, of Atlantic Beach, Fla.; Mrs. Raymond S Keycs, Mrs. Samuel Bogan, Mrs. Toulon, Mrs. W. N. Hill and her guest, Mrs. W. E. Parker; Mrs. A. A. Vandegrlft and her sister, Mrs. W. R. Smith; Mrs. E. A. Osterman, Mrs. F. Halford and Mrs. Sullivan's mother-in-law. Mrs. R. B. Sullivan. Mrs. W. N. Hill, wife of Captain Hill, U. B. M. C.. has as her guest Mrs. W. E. Parker, wlfo of Captain Parker. U. H. M. C, who Is at present In Haiti. Mrs. Parker Is on-her way from Buffalo to Cuba, where she expects to make her homo. She nnd Mrs. Hill will spend the week-end visiting friends in the Now York Navy Yard, returning to the city on Tuesday, where Mrs. Parker will re main for a few weeks. Mrs. Hill enter tained In her honor last week. Girard Farms Mr. and Mrs. McIIugh, of 2132 Passyunk avenue, will entertain this evening at a small dinner In honor of their guests from New York, who aro as fallows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and their lit tle daughter. Miss Marie Carlton, Mr. Eugene Brady, Mr. William LeCompte, Mr. Albert Engle. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Latrd, of Narberth, will also be present The dinner will be followed by bridge and dancing. Captain S. R. Gleaves, V. 8. A., and Mrs. Gleaves, with their two little daugh ters, Miss Julie Gleaves and Miss Anne Gleaves, of 2331 South 21st street, will leave about the end of this month for Washington, D. C where they will make their future home. Captain Gleaves has recently been appointed to the War Office there, nnd will take up his new duties about November t Captain Alexander S. Williams, U. S. M. C. and Mrs. Williams, with their little son and Mrs. Williams' mother, Mrs. Mor ris, who have spent the summer months at their cottage on Long Island, have re turned this week and reopened their home at 2322 South 21st street. Mrs, A. B. Court, wife of Naval Con structor Court, U. S. N., entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club this week at her home, 2530 South Lambert street. Her guests Included Mrs. W. F. Cochrane, Mrs. R. C. GIITen, Mrs. William Lee Pryor, Mrs. Harry Thompson, Mrs. David Ducey, Mrs. T. Ashby Blythe, Mrs. Nelson Vultc, Mrs. H. H. Norton, Mrs. Joseph Lamb, Mrs. J. R. Scott, of Omaha; Mrs. A. J. Chantry, Jr.. Mrs. W. H. Al len. Naval Constructor and Mrs. Court spent a very pleasant summer In the White Mountains and In Eaglesmcre. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, of 110 North Mount Airy avenue, Mount Airy,- Is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Laura Mitchell, In San Francisco, Cal. CF.NTItAl, KDUCATIONAI, INHTITUTK SCHOOL, OF HUILDINO CONHTIIUCTION Evening Term Just Starting Hundreds of men high In contract- V Ins- and construction circles havo been prepared by our HUILDINO CON STRUCTION COURSE. Th complete course Includes Architectural Draw ing, Plan Reading, Estimating, Rein forced Concrete Construction and Ar chitectural Engineering. It may be taken In two or three years. Other t.ihnlikl e ours Industrial Chemls- M. C. A. 1421 Arch try. Mechanical Drawing, Vehicle , Drawing, Principles of Engineering oW Applied Electricity. 100 other courses. Magnificent drawing room and class room equipment. Positions secured. Send for catalog, stating your Interest. A GOOD SCHOOL for you. Established 80 years. Denn Pitman Shorthand. Double Entry Bookkeeping. Touch Typewriting. 9 teachers. Palmer Method Pan. mansblp. Day and nlgbt sessions. Now open. Send for catalog now. PALMER BUSINESS SCHOOL, Mercantile Library Bids-., 10th above Chestnut. School for Backward Children WF.8T PHILAUKI.PMIA School Orancuta. Manual Tralulng Bswng, Painting. Clay Modeling. Basketry, Wood, work). Nature Study, Outdoor Walks. Experienced teachere. Address M US. Ledger Central. " PHYSICAL TRAINING " The National School of Elocution and Oratory p. A. Shoemaker. Parkway Building f vVeeS ItUaUelphla Cosnnerckal eoih and Qlrard ae Buslnesa courses thai wl bust. hess approval. Day msVil Ktarbt MM LKAKN sow to nms Ut re ITALIAN an a weeas. insjisjsji na"Si, a. . W 'Mffjyyg . MHHsas J 111 in. MU flifssl. Elizabeth Frlcke, Miss Dorothy Bell Olbb, Miss Mary H. Jones, Mlsa Kathnrln Gertrude Gaunt. Mr. Myron White, Mr. Russell E. Swalm, Mr. Herbert Hlggtns, Mr. George B. Brown and Mr. H. Herbert Longaker. Tho party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Richards. Announcement Is made of the organi zation of the Amla Club, with a member ship of 25, which took place on Bunday, October 10. Tho officers are as follows: Mr. Albert C. Miller, president; Mr. Nat Helman, vice president; Mr. Maurlc Markles, secretary: Miss Sadie E. Freed man, treasurer; Mr. H. Turner, financial secretary: Mr. Ben Horwitz, trustee. The club was formed for the purpose of looking after the needy poor. A Halloween party will be held by the B. B. 8. C, South Philadelphia's promi nent sewing clrclo of the younger set October 23, at the home of Miss Badle Jarre, secretary of the organization, IMS South 9th street Members of the circle have decided to Invito a number of their friends, nnd It Is expected that the par ty's attendance will bo 20. The circle's officers and members follow: Miss Dora Weiner, president; Miss Lillian Rubin, vice president: Miss Sadie Jaffe, secre tary; Miss Mollle Lonndy, treasurer; Miss Gertrude Krouth and Miss Eliza beth Lattls. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. F. N. Powelson, of Colllngswood, entertained her reading club on Thursday afternoon. A luncheon was followed by a program. Mrs. Miriam Lee Early Llpplncott, of 5th and Cooper Btreets, gave a reading of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" Thursday evening for the benefit of the Young Women's Christian Assocutlon. Judge W. T. Boyle and family, of Had donfleld, have returned from Chelsea, where they remained several months. Mr. nnd Mrs. James R. Carrow have moved from Merchantvllle to Cape May, Mrs. H. A. Magoun, of Haddonfleld, has returned from a visit to Baltimore. Mrs. William D. Welkel, of East Maple avenue, Merchantvllle, Is entertaining Mrs. MacMlllan from Dayton, O. The Misses Sharp, of 728 Cooper street, entertained the first fall meeting of the reading club at their home Wednesday afternoon. The study for this winter Will be "Egypt" Mr. and Mrs. O. G. White, of 325 Penn street, are at Atlantic City for a short time. What's Doing Tonight Lecture. "Production of Electricity by Ani mals." Dr. Ulrlc Dahlgren, Franklin Institute; 8 o'clock. Free. Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FHANCHISE SOCIETY. 8 p. in. Meeting at Lansdowne; speakers Mrs L. D. Harris and Mlsa Bertha Sapovlts. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY. 7:4T p. m. Meeting; at 2020 Columbia avenue; speakers, Mlm Eslelle Russet. Mrs. Brimmer and Mlsa F. V. Etewart. 8 r. m. Open-air meeting at 18th street and Germantown avenue; speakers. Mrs. II. B. Hurlontc nnd Graham Woodward. 8 p. m. Meeting at llth Btreet and Lehigh avenue; speaker. Mrs. Marlon Holmes. 8 v. n. Meeting at Broad stieet and Ger mantown aenue; kpeakers. Miss Helen Magee and Mra Wllllnni B. Derr. S p. m. Open-air meeting at Chelten and Germantown avenues; speaker, Mrs. M. C Dowel!. 8 p. m. Meeting at 12t! North S2d street: sneaker'. Mrs. M. D. Grtttlth and Miss Florence Uernhelmer. 8:1.1 p. m. Meeting nt Broad street and 8us nuoh.inna avenue; snenkers, Mra. J. O. M1 llps and Ferdinand Graser. :"n p. m. Meeting at I'd and Poplar atreeta; speakers, Mrs. George A. Pltrsol, Mr. Moag and Miss Grace HUlls. 8UIO p. m. MtctlnK at Broad and Rockland streets; speakers, MI'S Dllle Hastings. Mrs. Phillip E. Hughes and Mrs. J. F. Cechant, men's li:aoi'e for woman's suffraoh 8:10 p. m. Meeting nt Frankford and Alle gheny avenue; speaker, Harry Phillips. . AUTUMN BESOBTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. rlS ATLANTIC CITY, Superior location with an I unobstructed view of b$achl and boardwalk A recognized ! standard of excellence C.o.y600. WALTER J.BVZBY.X Inf. LEADING RESORT MOItl Qf THE WOXtft snarit)oroi)gtii5iemtiiR ATLANTIC! CITY, N. J, OWNCRSHIP MANtOtUCNT JOStAH WHITt A SOWS COMEAHV iTRAYMORl Ai LAI 1JU L1TT 7II1C LAItUKST FlKKPUOOr IKSOIIT HOTEL In Ik Wari.i nlearg uf urant Tr ymor. gMBMA)Ht CWftg Westminster Ky v' nr Dcn- Ele st. VYlMllllUMCI priv, bths.. run water. $1.08 up dally.. $8 up weekly. C1IAB. UUIHIE. PHILLIPS HOUSE Massachusetts Ave. A Uaach. r.P. PMHta. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Philadelphia's Best nd largest NIGHT SCHOOL Is as good as any day school, and Its graduates stand as high In tha esti mation of prominent business men. Seise its opportunities and rile. Positions Positively Guaranteed Telepbonei Lombard lito-iitl I.AKAYKTTK MPIMJING 6th and Chestnut Streets Afler Nov. I, Penn Mutual H'4m. THE PHILADELPHIA TRAININO SCHOOL for PERSONAL, and COMMUNITY SfchVJOg - Practical couraea In various branch trass Ing men and women for leadership tn KeenS, tlonal. Physical, Social and Industrial Welfar Work It courses given by weJI-known leaxf Bend for booklet Central Branch, V. , O. 1421 Arch Street ' " "Country Day School for lnyV Wjrnnawoosr, fm, Rev. Gibson .Dell. Ht4 Mesne Phone Ardjsiore IMr Strayora Ml-Mt Cheats 1st. , rncitcii cvviom. aaeasr.jsr UrftnUX MSu Nmsm nM CH30TNUV TlB ENGLISH, Call, wrjle or asioMVliti., jsflT Instnic for Aiinii-BV.,..IJty 'ti4iisiisa MAHKK tKr. W-ITMUHsilooV in ,H. College, Law. Med, pay, jBv i h , MAKY MtlKtAKIt XOHICItTk lies 7,t . IttecuUee, Vutiej day i.n) .t,. . fTgaflfr I feff I i i Hi J n . . V U ji -V,