in? - "j' rw',,' "tjf WVHWnS ISHBiffAIS tt -i".' 14 EVENING I?EDGE-PHIL,ADErprA statttetvay, OCTOBER T6, TOTE: I Now is the time XXJkXi ESTATE j?OR BALE iA.n LOOAN REAL eAT n ALK, RENT ANO KXCMANaB M. a. Smith, Bioad St.. odd. Uon button. Olney. FOR SALE MARSHALL ST. Between 6th and 7th St. SOUTH OF OLNEY AVENUb On nd on.-h.lf block' to Tabor 8l P A It H. it., and excellent trolley service. Built In pair, on lot 20.0 ana rail by u. treat 1.M feet wld. between house front, rubllo Sewer ana mved Street. Contain eight mi. tn-foot E?r.'ln "Sw toll land dining room flrwtocj tn living hall. '"w.'r'SUhl hot-wa ter itrnc. from yard, shower baths. n01 w""r beat, gas and electric l-slMI"' ., woodwork Finished as It 1u,,'1ih. city ,. Without doubt the be vjl ' lne c"y " the. price. 3M0 and Kfc h Two comer housja at 45O0 "gi,- A. B. & C F. MILLETT builders onrmmises Oak Lane Tnd maV the Prrty "ie'.jd.d .ml For Information apply Willie DtT. bin ana Oak Ian; BCntlKltAN NEW STONE HOUSE Pe.lrably located, near Merlon Oolf Club. , at Haverfordi 18 loom. 4 hath, .1 cnamDer.. hat.water heat, electric light, aeveral open BrspUceV; beautiful outlook; about - acre, ot grounda: prlca moderate. HIRST & McMULLIN West End Trait Building. - ttir.tai.? iim ,...r hf ltrlo light, all accommo. oMIon?- .Ubl.: fwnhoi.? poultry houi. and IB acres of land; high elevation; old fhade fruit truck garden; running stream nd l.kiT nearstatlon. In """"""Hce convenient to golf and hunt cluba, price JKSS&JBTCTSpS1l-ndTltIeJldg. FXCEPnONALLY ATTRACTIVE R E 8 I tiKNCKS and I country eata In the. I .Id ork roadeJtlon. hi the Huntingdon Valley and R uheatnut Hill and the WhltemnrKh ol- A-?UM "a ou? rciulrcmcnta and we wfu "ERkVeM STETSON "and TiTi.Rmimsti TONK COLONIAL RESIDENCE Thoroughly mSjnf. on Cleverly .Ijnt ; -looking the lnnunritm &, "i:ii:.;. . nun titvii Hi - .... OLNEY. 5413 N. Front, offered by estate at W0. Well worth W500. Lot 4i".- s larg? rooms; bath: healer: .ewer connection.. J. T. JACKSON. CO..Oak Lane. CHOICE BU1LD1NO SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P.TOWNBEND. Langhorne. Pa. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Main Line. Oar. mantown: farm.: ReadlngR.R.Send for list.. CHARLES J. IIOOp cq.MorrlsBldg. Select pnoPERTiEs-cyun,rv -f''i List order, now. LEWIS T.mtOOK- SON. 1414 So. Penn sj. FOUNDED 1878. BALrcheap. or take exchange. 50 acre of ground II miles from Hroad St. Station. Mer alicn. Xir. LandTttIe Building. AmMer, IMs , IKNU FOH LIST of suburban homes, farm, iountry eata. building ground, etc. 1 have a large and varied list in Montgomery na Bucks Counties. If you are looking lor any thing In tha way of country real estate. . sot tall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. f AltMS. country iices and suburban homes on th Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestoan branches. H. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Darby. P.. REDUCED to J3D00 With lot 33X2TC): aub. dwell.. 0 rm... hot-aatcr heat; fruit; chicken house. Swope A Pons. Darby. Drexrl Hill. Pa. ONE OF TUB MOST attractive residences on tha Hill- 11 rooms, bath, hot.waier heat; lot TSxlou; 'i minute, to trolley; price right tor quick sale: also several desirably located lots at attractive prices. C. EDWIN HUNTER North American Building. F.lkln. Park. P.. O G O N T Z H.-LL L CN YORK PAD NEAR ELKINS PARK STATION. OVERLOOKING CHELTEN HILLS Handsome new homes Just completed: eery one different atyle architec ture, and containing everything to appeal to discriminating good ta.te. Conveniently situated; York road trolley, paea door: Reading Railway. Kiktnsi Park Station nearby: close to Huntingdon Valley and Old York Road Country Clubs. See these properties. Send for our booklet on Oiontz Hill, giving photo, plans and full description, of every house. HERKNESS & STETSON Land ; Title Bldg. lorn rhonet. ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE" Beautiful atone and halMlmber hou. near. Ing completion. High location, with tine view. Iench caeeraetit windows. Open terrace front. The o.ily nous for tba money tn tha York road section. Terma to suit. RHOADS&PAUL ,a&w.fgw W R S T V I P l ELKINS building tracts: !rii tAmfVh nr .t,!L n,i froii.y. RHOADS&PAUL JA3agw CkKSSH' PyZkPj. "centTTToTiSpUted: J5,iS?li!l.biJ'.,: Wl roua; 3 minute, from sut Ion; price reasonable; open. Me. ttVlf Mccormick. 1011 Chestnut ml. Philadelphia, and Elklns Park. 0iVJi!?,,J.'VY.,LV ?BHL CHEAP-N7w-.lngr. dwelling: S minute, from station, built about six month.. M ma. LedgerCentral. PV.t,i.Aul'Yi, ''.'! "' jot. S mlnuterfroS stallon; will sell rheap" M J48. Ledger Cent. filenslde. Pa. MAONIFICENT stona and shingle residence, con alnlng 13 rooms, bath, all modern con! renlences: larre lat. with ataKlA. . to train and trolley: best location; property eauld not be duplicated for lea. than 1IW00: will Uke IIO.OOO for quick sal.; several other unusual opportunities. , IlENNINQER tc RENNINQER (llenslde, J'a.. and Broad and Walnut St... Philadelphia. Pa. ' fm HILL HUy perfect home. S 'room.' bath'. ,ieater. sewer, water: lot 50x150; ea.y term.: a lifetime chnnce. Call today. Rennlnger A JlnnU;ger Glen.lde. and Broad and Walnut. rifeMNIOME3. best location- building lots o acieage. many rare offer.. Call at leiwld office today. Rennlnger ic Ren Inter. QJenslde. and Broad and Walnut. WILL Birraiatached " 10-room gje." " OInte, i'u. Easy term.. M. Leder Ctl. fjUaaAamasl yfjyTg Ml Psi. SJB Md rM9it dw)nt J at! mod' "- - '- -- iea.Lt an1 i.rJUuf id tot; JSSw.sjBI; for this and other. c r,nwi. Mi-r-iTKii North Alrlc atuMlng. r-i-xqUK rAKU, Mtr Rows ,-lnn. Media-J!;- i .'.ooa hou. all ca.14r4avl.ncer. Jnclud IIU kit-watr beat.a4rtrtoaiM-Apcit ( "c-', K,' ntif L.ri); plny' of uattr, ?jyf-., -mU.y.R. 415 iMnil Tltto BIJg. KelkfHore, P.. .. -. -j- - - - . - TH! WII.U near llalklmore pike, atlrar ( 'ItHte Hr nuts- adjacent ta d hPliiniitf . inu( be aold In om an u..i.f art lnrxfinlvr. (juiigMlow Indudid tilSjwtaftJ prlci- HtlHl. 'V V ltlWlSRH CO. 2d H, J 5th at- 'hotographs and to buy or rent XEAi ESTATE FOR 8AXE suiitmitAN Ulllnw drove. P.. ELEOANT COUNTRY HOME York road, ln-rtxim Mono dwelling, conveni ences: large rorrhes: nno lot: fruit and old .hade: to clone nn estate, will sacrifice for IIO.SOO; liberal terms. JOHN 8. MASON. Hatboro, Pa. Wynrote, Vm, SEVERAL HtOH-CLAFS suburban re.ldences; atttactlve locations; prices right. MAURICE J. HOOVER JrrutEy,5tr MAIN LINK. PA. It. R. IVILI. SACItmCE at .Merlon Handsome alone house, garage, one acre of ground: excellent location; 3 mlnutea from station; an opportunity. WBNIJBLL MASSF.Y Real EstateTru Building. tiUUUHllAN HOjiiiS, country "pTaH in3 building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wayne. F. Orrrbrook COST. I1I.0OO-PRICE. 0CO0. Six minutes' walk from sutlon, 2 mlnutea' walk from trolieir. This unusually attractive residence. 11 rooms, 2 hatha, steam heat from central plant, gas and cleotrl- light. Over Brook arteslsn water, hanlnoo.l floor., open fireplace., nnlrhed throughout In white aid mahogany, modern and up to date; old shade and shrubbery, surrounded by beautiful home, and located on a wide avenue: ready for occupancy. This house Is offered at a bona.flde sacrifice, if ,old within the next no daya. Small amount of cajh required. , , CHARI.E.4 J. HOOD CO. (Morris Building). 1421 Chestnut t. , , OVERBROOK HOMES A large and tomplete list of properties In Oerhrook for rale at price, from fs.VX) up. ward; several bargain.; alto complete rent fxi..i Ci''Vi,'-E? J' "oor CO. (Morrl. Building). mi Chestnut st. Nnrberth 0. 2 BROOKHURST AVnT-ronm stolTs house, ot HOiVlK); -l7.-,0. Walter F.A..!. Smith. Wvnneood. Pa. "ll,r Ardmore WILL SACRIFICU Haling moved my residence, will Pcll mv former houro: " minutes from station, north aide: large g rounds and garage. Address Owner. 717 N. .".Hi at.. Reading, Pa. NEW JERSEY Audubon, N, ,1 OPEN FOR new, 8 rooms and bath, stucco bungalow.. m.Cj,c,e J? vV.y detail; prices. Including lot MrxlSO. sidewalk., curb and gutter. Jt-'IWV houses and bungalows built to order on lots 150 up: location to rult: rnrh or easy terms! J. T. CLNLIFI;2 .Hid . .M'antlj- avr.. Auduhon. X. .1 FOR SALE Ifl-rocm house, all modern rnn Jnn.';,nn'?r ,ral.n an1 trollev stat'o..: r.rlfcu.2-.00i. ,erms tn "" Tke Haddori Heights trollev. to spruce t.. Audubon N ii- S1 FHEDEniCK LANUi: Spru?e'and Wcst Atlantic ave.. Audubon, N. J, llaildon Height., N. J. LIPPl.Nl.llTT LOTS AND HOMEfJ HA I. HON HEIGHTS. N. I. WILI.ET LIPPINCOTT JLaurel Springs, X. J, LA.VnE!.'iiSI!1U'VO'i' l0r- Laur' '"! Maples aves. Ji.4 tory atone and frame residence. 10 rooms and bath, sVab'e and outbuildings: e. ceftlonal opportunity. Cha. W. Miller. 401 40, Commonwealth Bldg. ' ' Maple Sliailc. N. J. THE ORBATEST privilege of the 20th century '."w.J own. UMt one-acre farm close to PhllM., and remember, S3 down buya one, tl mnnthlv niy. for It. For a squire deal call on or write BARLOW C CO.. Mapl. Shsda, Mt. Ephraliu. N. J. ONE-ACRE FARMS Ut. Ephralm, N. J., adj. Haddon Heights: only 5 mile, from Camden; 2 stations on tract: i.100 to $000 per acre: title Insured; free deed: no taxta for It) 13. Camder County Gar d.n Farm. Co.. 520 Market St.. Camden. N. J. Woodbury, N. J. J240O ior a short time I can build you a stucco or pebbledash single house, 8 rooms and bath, all conveniences, INCLUDING AN ACRE OF FERTILE FARM LAND, on trolley to Philadelphia and close to electric trains. TERMS TO SUIT TOU. ' ' JOHN ABRAMSON 21 N. Broad St., Woodbury, N. J. FARMS, ACREAGE AND MODERN HOMES FOR SALE Terma to suit buyer. w. earWessup 13S Maple ave., Woodbury, N. J. BUILDING LOTS In the best reeldentlafsec tlon of Woodbury: paved, graded, gas. elec tricity and sewers: short walk from station; 80 trains dally; price 1450 up: easy terms. Theo. Schalllol, American and Delaware at.., . Woodbury. N. J. SEASHORE Cape May, X. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder I. a Atlatactlon: attractive plana aubmltted tree, OTla M. TOWN3END. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. COTTAUE erected by a reliable builder la a atl-fartlon; attractive plan, aubmltted free. OT1B M. TOWNBBND. Ocean City. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 2 5 -ACRE FARM on macadam road, 18 7, ?., t.jr"e- from Reading Terminal. U-MILB FROM STATION; U-ltM. HoLSE. STEAM HEAT: BARN. SPRINQHOUSU AND OTHER BUILDINJS. MANY Ol'HERS, ALL SIZES. SEE CATA- C. Pi PETERS A SON. C08 CHESTNUT ST, J ACRES. COLLKOEV1LLE MODERN HOME v-room atone house, barn, garage, hen house, 30 fruit trees, old shade: price 14200; one-third cash. JACK'8 FARM AGENCY 215 Stephen Glrard Bldg.. Phlla. MKDIA t-ATtM -J2 Jkl'nt-S Farmhou.e, barn, etc: old shade: spring, running stream; convenient train and trolley and the Rose Tree Hunt Club. HERKNESS & STETSON UND TITLE BUILL1NG 132 ACRES, 3 miles West Chester; old stone mansion, 15 rooms and bath; lawn, old shade, stream, woods: large barn; surrounding larms owned by Phlladeiphlana. Prlca ana terms on application to UKORGE 8. TURNER, West Chester. Pa. , I HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT of farma and town property for aale In-and near I-ans. dale. Write or call, A. II. TYSON, Lansdale, Penna. 10 ACRES, Delaware County special; anug lit tle horn.: 14000. J. a. THOMPSON. Cheater, Pa. iSAC7lES, STOCK, CROPE. good buildings; 12500; half cash. HUNSBEItHER'H FARM AGENCY. Ora.n Lana. Pa. 184 ACRES.iOOOO Two and a halt mile. Main Lin. Peruia. p.. R. Bargain. Get our cata. legue. A. D. Haald. Weat Chester. Pa. CLASSY FARM8 FOR GENTLEMEN, A list that will appeal to you, GROSS MINQLE. B219 Market at. NEW JERSEY FARMS BURLINQTON COUNTY N. J.) farms, near Mooreatown, Pemberton, Medford, Delanro, Beverly, Hartford. Lumberton, Mt. Holly, Co. lumbua. Crosawtcks, Itordentown. Birming ham, Florence, Trenton and Burlington; dairy, stock, fruit, potato and poultry farms; country homes; country seats. List Of Bur lington County farma free. Established 198. ALBERT W- DRESSER, Burlington, N. J. PETEY He's Training to Be a Soldir i vcttodu is. ooimo Tl SCHP7 I up sauotiwo J dimk UMtr I L' fA" -3C w descriptions of comfortably furnished that home. Many attractive offerings in these columns today. Read and insp REAL ESTATE 3AI.E OR BENT 44piiTntC? RT'AlK,yf- fcr' Wlraahlckon). i;ti2:K.a;!!orjr .,7."n ndatable. over j20klS?J,rni,unt Pork. 10 8PRI CE 81'.. 42xiai. 4-.tery double house, containing So room, and .1 balh.. u.itAi.i. nil ni LUMI'Al. nAUK OPPORTUNITY-Sale or rent, winter S?"J .?." Mrglnla ave., ntar the leech ond Steel Pier; Wi room., Hilly furnished, 7 bsths, i,TO.ta.t:-tnU1 HOOO.year. Apply MYERtl MlTjJLLER, Mill Atlantlo ave., Allantlo UV, .A .'IPHP noM US-Monthly payment. !.Li.,.,50.viirIll,'.nd Osrmantown; price. J180O to 17000. Merchant.' Union Trust Co., 71A.7I1I Pheatnllt at . CCRMANTOWN. HOMES Let me know what price ou want, n. T. MITCHELL. C208 Oerm.ntown ave. Germanloren OERMANTOWN HOMES Let me know what price you want. R. T. MITCHELL. (120(1 Qermantown ava. HtmURBAN Bala- Cynvryil, l'. LAIlflE LIST house, .ale or rent, at all iirlcea. Samuel C. Wagner. Jr., CommtrcUl Trust Building. 1.1th and Market ats. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE LOOAN PROPERTIES for exchange-Examine 0U2:i or 0012 N, Smedley at., 2-story porch, front up-to-date houses. iake offer of ex change to SWARTLEY, a.12 Urcxct Bldg. Main it'll. :i minutes' walk Logan Station. OWNER will exchange "00l equity In semi detached West Philadelphia home, value 71ki, for Investment properties, M 211, iuKrr uince. WILL EXCIIAN'CIE equity In .1 desirable ln ctment house, lor properties In Herman, town (ML Airy preferred); value $7510. M 24u, Ledtier Oiflce. WANT INVESTMENT HOUSES, clear or one mortgage lor (tore and duelling, or will accept vacant ground nt Olncv. HICCHTEL. .12.12 Rldge. SALE OR EXCHANOB-Business bulMIng, Pth und Arch eta. MEIlSliqN, .T1S Land Title. Bldg. SEVERAL .mall dnclllnas: rent. 17 to tt.v aiibjcct to Ural mortgage, only; net Income '. o per year. Ll Ingslone. Broad ei Walnut. Jll.(W) DWELLING. 43th and Spruce, for dwelling In (lermantoan, nccr station. Ihrge grounds. WORRELL & CO.. .V.." N. 17th. oOO HOl'SEH. everywhere, sale, rent, exchange. C. HARRY SHOAVAKER, .'IKKl N. Broad. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Buy or rent. Ovcrbrook section; detached or twin house; ownei. or agents; givo partliular.. price and location or no at tentlun paid. V Mb, Ledger Central. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, morf gage, .ind fire Insurance placed quickly, see Kane lor prompt results. 232s lasker st. WANT RESIDENCE ON NORTH BROAD ST. south ot Columbia ave. WORRELL, 533 N. 17th. DESIRE purchaso" "Investment propertle. renting under $2.1; west o." 52d. south of Mar kct st. F 442. Ledger Central. Suburban MEDIPM-SIZED unfurn, detached house, !tn. or Chest. 11111; rent about -"3. V 433, Led. Cent. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 2005 ARCH ST. 17 rooms, :: baths, oppor- tunl y for boarding or rurnlshed rouni house. YARROW VAN PELT 17th and Chtstnut ms. .140 S. 13T1I S'E .. 11 room, and 2 baths. MCAn8&nngWX,-;oa S. 13th at. I,ROAf? ST't :l0-s -v' - Modern porch-front dwelling, 12 rooms: m.iUeratc rental. CHAH. I BltOWNATO.,B17 S. Broad. 27.10-2743-2767 N. HOPE ST. 2-etory dwelling 4 rooms, low rents. Kcya 27.17. . WM. U CltAVEN'S SONS. IMH N. lthstJ 1N22 CHliSTNUTST., 20x215 feet to Sansom st.: alterations to suit tenant. Apply 'JOHN 11. MILLER. 41B Und Title Bldg. 143S NORTH FAWN ST. I ROOMS. BATH IN CENTRE; LOW RENT. WALDMAN. 111!) GIRARD AVE. 11124 RACE Desirable for apartments: rea aonaM. rent. J. T. JACKSON, 13th and Che-tnut .t. 20.12 llRANDVwiNE ST. Three-story dwell ing: lust jwwnd and painted throughout; rent S23. TAULANi:, 000 Walnut st. 305 S. 11TH 12 rooms and 2baths: steam heat; Just renovated throughout. CHA.L. BROWN ic CO.. 217 S. Broad St. 2C3-207 CHESTNUT ST. Five-story ofHce'and warehouse. Apply JOHN B. MILLER, 415 Land Title Bldg. JEFFERSON, W"l01(l n roomr, porcelain tub and .Inks: 2111 Grjtx, 7 rooms, porcelain tub; 24.12 N.Clarion. 5 rooms: all In good, condlt Ion. COLUMBIA AVE.. 101312 roomr, 2 mo3ern bath.: newly papered and painted; 33. FOR RENT-LARGE AND SMALL DWELIr IXOS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; AUSO STORES AND DWELLINGS. MANU FACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS, FI.OOIIS. ETC FOH INFORMATION CALI PHONE OR. IF DESIRED. OUR PRINTED LIST WILL BE MAILED FREE TO ANY AD DRESS. WE HAVE MONEY TO INVEST OX 18T MORTGAGES. ALSO BUILDING ASSOCIATION MONEY ON 2D MORT GAGE. 1, C. SEIDEL CO. i 4TH & CALIX1WIIILL STS. ESTABLISHED 1805. SIS 2127 Walden (above 21st and Arch). rooms, corns., side alley. $18 2035 Federal, store and 6 rooms. NORTHEAST $10 to 115 5 and 0 rooms,! conveniences. ABBOTT. X. B. cor. Broad andRace. J. A.' PATTEn80N CO. 110 S. ISTH ST. REAL ESTATE BROKERS We, give apeclal attention to the manage ment of properties for abaentee owners; lm- mejllate remlttancea. PARK-FRONT RE8IDEXCE. XO. 1511 N. 33D STREET 14 rooms. 2 baths, modern: tin to desirable tenant. PEMBERTON ESTATKH. U02 Harrison Building. : FlNEHOME. with elevator aultable for In valid; 3 story; rent low: 21st near Diamond. Owner. Lloyd. 11315 N. 8th; phone. LARGE HALL. !SxM: suHabl. for lodge., dunring club or business offices; reasonable rent. ARMSTRONG, 4233 Qermantown ave. Blores and Dwellings LARGE STORE. WITH DWELLING PRI VATE. BEST LOCATION B8th and Whitby, on crosstown line. PEMBERTON ESTATES, 1102 Harrison Building. STORE 20x38x12; 10 rooms; basement, cellar, aide yardt 0208 Lansdowne av. P HO.Led.Off. Factories, Warehouses. Mfg. Floor. 317 DB LANCET 8T. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 floor, und basement; good light from atreet to atreet: 20x100. "SEE TAULAXE ABOUT IT 000 Walnut L 014-24 X. DELAWARE AVE., fireproof build. ing, 77x142 ft.: entire building or will divide. J. A. PATTKJWON CO. 130 BouthlSth. OTH AND PPRUCE STS. Entire floor, 00x08; light on allt.ldra; elevator.; low Insurance, central location. , CIAS. L. BROWN It CO.. 217 B. Broad at. FLOOR 8PXcia lI'MO square feet at ' "N. E. corner llth and Washington avenue. Apply C J. Milne Son. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT rsirUileaUjeboii.ei, Mfg. floor. modern Factory floors 11.000 8qusr. Feet nieam and electric cower, a tlitunr, insurance automatic .prinkler, watchman. I &iii:.Mlssi.5,i;:;l':!s."i." na "'H O. P. lyLLINO A SON CO. on premise.. Cn.'TRAL MANUFACTIJR1NO OR 8TORAOE "'"""inga1, l'c,rl ltvtor, modern build 214 ?46x:i32,t' ns'iM communicating rooms, 'i-iaS?7ba'e,n,nt .5i2 SSI!"0"1 ." 4 floor., 20x100. 731.1 Wood st., range. Jlx72. Reasonable rental.. ' HARRY T. SAUNDKns t Ji SOUTH lsrn ST. rnJtiininNT.7?roa.d n.tov' CumberlahdrmamP pfrif htfniK1.." .'" ,h5. Wright modern.' nre. ffsi Li.HnH"?-ri -North Phlla.. Hunting- .lOULIaca'.0333N ,r7e,lhthl '"'i'' ,VOn' Six- flnoef E?J1.A,; WARWIIOITSE h .h ?iu5. bR"n"'n, S'-00" square feetj i.t- ti,..'BS' elv"lr. Kood light, rear out- . boo' Walnut "st. "raSC " d"lrcd' TuUn- M E RCI 1 A NTS'" bCIldino" dejirahle ooms.1 powkiT'and lioht .3!5lApplytoo. K. Lasher. 147 N. ldth. Building 1,(,. lector,, Mlf,. Ktg, 7(SitcdU.A.!iliiif'U,1!T .f Kround: c.ntrallFlo ?JSonnlT" atorago purpose.; price . WILLIAM- C. BENKERTiro ARCH ST. (larngra S02-4-0 OHANOELI.Olf "(St. Jamesj"ST2: JrHLnn,r.'i,nn5i',i0 :10x40 nov"" "" fi ivn.,J,,'on.B.u,a rtn'i cPtlonal .;uar. Wnlnut a ''" U A' TAL'LA.NE. WO OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. tl. :. rEtrKI. A ("o' 4T1IAND CALLOIVHILL STS. tllhhTM.IT, 172M-2 y des'rabTe communN Mtlngrooms!.ullttble tor studl" or p ofoUom 1M1I I vi?nVS3 AND" STUDIOS 1 III. LEU BLDG.. 10 H lMlh l SMITH ill-SB" iV Cncatnut"... No "J. i ! lKm'.f ,D- COr' ,Sln & Chestnut sts. a.;!iCa',n,.,hU8r1oo.T.: TSFJy e'niuTie-'X cla'.,!.,nlntdarot,,,,1'e ''purtose'."."' J&Wl month uunard. '"ee. Kent lla per Write or apply for list. J. 3. FULLER I0S. JRth st. DC-LONG BUILDING ' Chestnut, 1320 Cliestnut, 13.TI Chestnut. 10211 chestnut. l'rofisslomil Building. . , Wll-3.1 Chestnut. J. T. JACKSON CO..Clieatnnt A Mth.S.E cor. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES-Annualrentals' Single room. J100. 20. I3(I. K200. is, tiV Sulio 2 rms., XI30. 17r.. S200 jkj' !', !,' Suite 3 rm... I1S.0. 27.'.: llCO lM. Irm. J30' Kr.nJJ!lt,'s' - t0 -s room.. 300 to X1U30 .JjLLISy.JvlLLlAjlS. BOO Drexel Building do,or1,r,iaJab?eVrcHnte a"d ,"K! J. T. Jackson Co. ? E- Cor' . Chestnut ami 1.1th. Klooraft Stuillni. nrehle Bldg.. 1708-10 Chestnut! J. D. JARDELLA ,MB christian Bright" ATtractive "Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & BROWN - s- ism . .' . str eet DEHIRMILE second-floor corner suite. .1 large rooms. N. 11 corner 13th and Walnut bt..; ah.r Mingle or communicating of flees; elevator ami all conveniences. CHAS. L. BROWXjr-ri 217 S. Broad st. MERCHANTS' BurLDINfl 41 TCnrth ilh , Very desirable office Heat and light. FLAZA BUILDINO 0fnces single and En Suit. ...vtf-v.-ui, Antii r. BUSINESS ROOMS-Flne suite for dressmak ing. tailoring or other purpos. Apply oil premise. 1atsnn & Watson. 1211 Walnut t. Professional Office.. WALNLT. 14J.:-Profc.slonal offices and apart ments, hot and cold water and baths: very rtS"irab,e; ist-claea scrvl.e. Phone Spruce 4H10. or apply janitor. 1411 Walnut. "JJU.i87" ?".3.MrT1,r?e .room.. phy."l7ianor dentist: electricity; hot water, hardwood floor. ;jnowlypapered i good light. 12JH" SPRUCXSTS".. 3. Brcor.-De.lrable first-floor suite. 2 rooms & buth: .team heat. . clcc. lights; .ultablo for phyalclan or dentist. hPRUCE ST.. lB20-omce. for phy.lclan or dentists; light, heat, service; running water: references. BROAD. 8.. 2420-Offlce for pny.tclan nlshed or unfurn shed. fur- CHESTNUT. ............ .u. . mrise pnysician. omces; 1 fc c":s iiwwiy rciiova a; loriB ie&Be. WALNOTrsWMulto of2 largermsl.t"flr hot and cold running water: electricity. Desk Room FOR RENT Desk room In law office. Room ..,, j..i. jrcn. lluslness Prope rtles and Store. NO. 8 SOUTH ISTH STREETModern store and basement. 10x15 ft.; high celling, dry basement, steam heat, electric lights, etc. : suit any high-grade bdslnces, !.- KijLLKR. 10 8. 18th st. IMS rilRSTNMlT htT b.'? Bt.?.re: K!: under apartment house; high celling: reflected lighting ay.tem: .team hear: special Inducement, to nny high-class business. J.A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 15th. 2021 FRANKFORD AVE. j ' CONTINISXTAL-EQUITABLE TnUST CO. I STORES, floors, garages, buildings, etc., etc". j ARTHUR BOBWBLL 233 N. 13th st. Both phone.. 1S0S MARK17T ST.-.1 stories and "basement": gleam heat; will alter to skit tenant; reason able rent. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. ISth st. 42 NORTH 4TH STREET Electric light; 130. Apply 44 N. 4lh st.. ifintvm es.r.t-W .,"- Entire building tn rear street; lot 25.3x200: Immediate possession. Apply Penna. Co., 317 Chestnut st. N. W. COR. MARKET AND 10TH STS; I-arge .tore, subway front. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 15th; 1912 CHESTNUT" STREET ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. APPLY PENNA. CO.. 517 Chestnut st. RENTAL LISTS 84S'l North 31st $12.50 OS. 43d at $20 043 N. 4 2d T..$I2 7218. Mole ...,,. 20 280i Orlanna at 11 $210 Spencer Ur.... 17 2801 Orlanna at 11 1021 Ingersoll at..,, 14 1032 Wlllard at.,,,. 10 041 N. 42d , IS 2221 OrUnna st..!!. 10 2032 Helen 1312027 Titan at 0 SOOCambrla 12IM1II Catharine at.... 8 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut St. 511.10 N. BROAD, store and upper floor.. 107-700 Arch st , store ttnd basement. 707-7HO Arch st., .tore and basement. 410 Walnut at., ground-floor offices. 214 N. Delaware ave.. store. 210 Market at., entire building. Apply LEA ESTATES. 700 Sanaom at. The Inspecting Officefa Wrist Rooms in refined REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA. COMPANY lnturan'c. on Live. & Oramlng Annuities, 17 Chestnut St. Both phone.. .... For 24S 263 mo 420 1.102 1.11 101H .1 BI2 1IW1 .118 nuu RZI 327 iTa.i 1714 S. tilth. lir.l)!l.t 30(18. lllth, ll'r.sjjw.uu 8. M, -U Pine, IBr. 8. 22d. I0r..l50.W)2U201xcust. 13r...lW.J4 I'ine, iBr..i.lva.astw i-ine, ".,'?,,, K.Uroad. 16rli"UOIU(lN. 10th, 17r. go.00 Pine. 13r.... 7i.OUiH)I3 Green, l5r... 00 N. ISth. 18r. 74.0UI ot)8 Pine. llr. ... 70.W) Pine, lOr... mj.uj, 132 8. 2;Id, 1.1 r. . . M.po 8. 21st, 12r. R3.t)Ull2SOreen, ljr... 60.1J) N. luth, llr. r.u.0U132l (llrard, Ut. . JOJW Poplar, tar., oo.ooiisio s. Broad. 16r bo.w H. 8d,.10r... O0.uo h' Mf," KUJ 8. 11th, llr. 43.UI 1709 Wall.ce, I3r, 43.00 Rate. ljr. ., 43.00 ir.KlN. inn, iir. .;.w N. 13th, 15r. 41.BT 1531 Master, 13r.. 417 N. IMh, lllr. 40.0U 1140 Lombard, r. 40.pu Oxford, llr, N. lth. l!r. 33.00 H. 4th, llr.. :i2.oo hSON. Fkln., 12r ao.00 rat 2381 141.1 2S 1441 117 1H1.1 14 IN 70S 2141 2iaa 720 21)14 101.1 1 1211 14111 314 1(114 1M) 247 1U12 .1 lavi .VJ7 .t.oiunioia.iir si.uui2iiuxv.iiin, .ir. " Hharton, Or 28.WI1010 Falrm't. Sr. N. mh, r., 27.WM (i2uF.triii t. Or. N, Oth, JOr. 20.00 2l;w Master, llr. W.Srtarpnack, Hnl72a N. 20th, r. N. fttli. lir.. 23.001'jin llai.ur. Or.. 2. 00 2X.0O 27.00 '.'Ct'O 23.00 3.00 H, 13th, Or, N. loth. llr. ..ou. lru w. rain., vr nil N. lfiih. dr. 3.00 N. llth. Dr., 25.001 020 N. 10th. lOr. 24.00 ! 1.111 W'h.rton. Or. 22.00 ?. LDer, ur. vtt. iibt ti n ihii r.ui isr. dt'ni. lor 21.00 N. Jessup.Vr 2l!oui22.W llalnbr'ge. Or 21.00 ltodnun, llr 20.00 hit Ijitlmcr. lOr. W.W piles, .r... i.i.uur."iA i urner. - N. Camac.ur 1U.0U 2.122 Wallace, Dr.. 1K.00 Parrlsh, Cr., 18.00 l.OT is. UDcr sv.. f;."" 100 N. Carl'le, Or 17.00 Ml .N. Atntr.i (ir HUH U33 Nectarine, Cr 15.00 ll Olive. Or.... 18.00 413 W. Hew'n, 7r lS.oo 100 1 Lemon, 7r... 13.00 N. M.rv.. or 1S.W) N.Rlng'Id.Or 10.00 Fltiwater.fir 10.00 Carlton, Or.. l.Vuo Leyd'. ct.,0r 13.00 Spring, 3r.. 13.00 1'ugc, 7r.... 13.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS 8. 10th, 12r.$70.OO 1(100 Poplar, 10r..f41.6T N. 2d. Jr.... 41.07i 231 N. 2d, ISr... 40.00 Ridge. 12r.. .17.30 1IU2 Oxford, llr.. IW.OO N. Front, llr 23.00 318 N. 3d, Jr.... 23.00 ltldge av..llr 23.oo Ms W. Nprrl., Or 23.00 Falrm't. Or.. 23.001 "417 Green. 7r.... 22.00 221 12 1141 724 2313 1U03 1120 1211 IC:i 204 8. 2d. Or.... 2o.00 123 W.Oxford, Ur 21.00 South, 4r... lUUUiSVCI Amber. 7r... 20.00 8. 2d, 8r... 20.tl0 1204-0 S. 2d, 7r.. 10. tO Wliarlon, Or 111.00 J. It. MASSEY & SON S. E. COR. ISTH AND GREEN STS. .12.1 X. Mar., nr.143.00 02rt X. 12th, 12r. 48.00 M2 X. 10th. llr. 40.00 1702 Mt. Vn. 14r.43.0O 041 X, llth, 15r. 4.1.00 1120 Wallace, 13r. 42.00 473 X. 6tll, llr.. 35.00 008 X. llth. lor.. 33.00 1111 Green, llr... 32.30 12.14 Fmt. avc.lOr 28.00 112!) Wallace, lOr 40.(0 Mty.ave.JOr 37.30 FJ'.'O N. 15th. llr. 33.00 S2SX. llth, llr. 32.50 1222 WHllaie. 10 .32. 32..VI 1327 Molon, lOr... 30.00 10!0 Green, llr.30. 00 1120 lirecn. lor... :ii.iki s.12 N. llth. Jin-. ::ii.itn UIUX. Front, llr 2.".(,i) 13.11 Ml, V'li, 12r "0.(1011307 Parrlsh, 8r... 25.00 1128 Mt V'll. llr 30.(H)1 MSN. 10th. Or.. '.'5.(0 1(3 K. 12th, dr.. .10.001 S12 N. 20th. Or.. 23.00 13.10 Mnrsh'I. lOr. 28.00 1022 York. 10r.... 211.00 338 N. Mth, Or... 28.001 113.1 Falrm't. tsr.. 22.50 r,73 N. 13th. lOr. rs.oni 002 X.Carllsle.lOr 22.00 inilllronn. 10r.. 23.00 1222 Brown. Ur... 22.00 11117 Parrlsh, Or.. 20.0H S.E. IZth&Fin t.,!r 20.0.1 loont,4 Lemon, 8r 20.110 1214 Green at., Or 20.00 Mil Ogdcn. Sr... 20.00 1WO Melon, dr.... 20.(KI 421 N. 20th. Or.. 20.0HI 1705 N. 3d. 7r.... 17.01 1322 Mt. Vn, Or. 20.(0' 1132 Ogden, Or... 17.00 loir.oilve, 7r.... 17.(1"! 1100 Olive. 7r..... 10.00 140S Melon St.. Cr lfl.fO 1(113 Seybert. Si.. 10.00 llOOOxdcn. Br... 1n.(l 121111 Wood. Or.... 13.00 1021 Olive rt.. Or 10.011 873 N. loth. Cr.. 15.00 2710 Park av.. Or. li.oui 1112 North. r,r.... 13,(ii 1100 Myrtle, ,'.r. . U.dol 1214 Pott.. Or.... 14.00 02.1 French, 5r.. 14.001 S14 Nectarine. Or II oi 130(1 Carlisle, Br. 14.00' 230 niPhll-El.,7r.. 14.00 1011 Lemon. 7r.. 14.001 430 E. Wlldoy. 7r 1.1.00 2432 Perot. Sr.... 13.iOi230n E. Fletc'er.Cr 12.(0 021 Camac. dr.. 13.001S33 N. tilth. 3r... 12.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS. 1400-10 Fmt.,2r.$' lo-no nidge.3fl.Jlsn.nn 01(1 Walnut,..d R3..14I 22!i X. nth. store 22.5 1300 Ridge BV..3ft 70.00 810 But'wood. 7r. 18.00 1367 Ridge. 1st fl. 20.001 1303-05 Rldge.2A3f 35.00 SAMUEL T. FOX CO. S. E. COR. UTII AND CALLOWHILL STS. STORES 252 N. nth st., large store. II N. Oth St., store and floors. 1000 Rice st 25.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS 231 X. Oth, 0 room, and store, convs. ...$70.00 130 N. 7th. 11 rooms, conveniences 00.C0 1407 Cumberland, Or. and store, convs... 30.00 S. W. cor. Warnock and Thompson 30.00 2301 Perot, II room. .10.00 OS Buttonwnod, 8 rooms and store...., 20.00 409 X. Oth, 2 rooms and store 15.00 DWELLINGS. 252 S. 10th. 15 rooms. 2 baths ..artn.VO 714 X. Franklin. 13 rooms, all convs.... 33.ISI 1715 Master. 12 rooms, conveniences..... 50.00 3120 X. Broad, 12 rooms, convenience... 30.00 112(1 Callnwhlll. 12 room. 45.(i 3.11.1 N. Broad. 12 rooms 40.00 101!) Xorrls, 11 rooms, conveniences .'S.oo 710 Buttnnwiind. . ""1102(1 Thompson, fcr..2u 2-mci Kalrmount. Or. '-'011201 X. llth. Or.... 18 N33 Butw'd,cor.,Or 2312517 Meredith. 7r. . . 17 003 Wood 2312513 Perot, 7r 17 1815 Mnrvlne. Sr... 2221:1 E. Hunt'n. 8r... 1H 1407 Park ave.. Sr.. 221IG3 Sharswood .... Id 1110 Olive. Sr 201013 Melon, 8r. ...... 10 315 Darlen, 7r 2011743 X. Alder, 7r... 13 B07 X. Perth 11112830 Reese. Or. Id TIOGA. S. E. ISth A. Tioga, 0 rms.. apartments.. JfM.lKl 3440 N. I8ih, fl-room apartment. 45.00 1NIS Ontario. 12 rooms 40.110 3410 X, Smedley. 8 rooms 18.00 J. EDWARD LUTZ. 210 N. 17TH ST. DWELLINGS. 857 N. Broad. 13r.U00 110 s. 10th. 12r. $100 . i . 55 . 40 1708 Vine. llr. 00,1720 Vine. 15r. 7I15N. Broad, Or., 802 N. Watts. 8r. . 020 Wnsh'n av.. Or, 2021 Summer, Sr. .. 15.10 Winter. 7r. ... 1324 Addison. Or. .. 10.15 Carlton. Or. ... 1300 Addleon, Br. . , It. 1738 Carlton. 3r, It. 1300 Carlton, 3r. 3713 Walnut, llr. .114 N. llith, 12r. . v "in. ur.... ;;. 1215 Button'od. llr.. "n 2103 IXChelten a.,10r 23 ave., or... 20 jn n. larusie. ir. 414 Diamond, ,r... 302 Master. 7r.... R. 221H Summer, 3r f1?l Lpaini,. nr... in 13 15 10 a 11. ioju spring, :r. 1704 Race .4r. ...... 2.i 240 N. 17th. fir STORKS A'n nwni.lTvna Ai.iitidi.n m. ..$35 ..$73 .. 10 .. 18 T.14 S. 3d J75I (114 8. 3d ....'. "VV'n bjlT20 Callowhlll .... 2122 Race 3012212 Race ,.,,., STORES. 1525 Vine 4V.'3l23d and Summer sts. 32 MT. PLEASANT AVE.. 3-story. brick. .- Porch, 11 rooms, 2 baths 12. N. oth st.. 2d. 3d and 4th floors, 12r. 1U8 Mt. Vernon st..3-sty.brlck. 12r..all cv. :' Ionic st.. 2d, 3d and 4th floor ' "rvJ'J J!n".!Br Bt- - story, Sr. and bath.... ,!?.! Jl,tn "' 3-story brick. l()r. & bath .u)?. Montgomery ave., 3 atory, 10 rooms. KOM N. Lawrence st.. 2.Htv.. r x. $50 40 30 30 tH 23 211 J7 17 17 HI 10 12 10 13 1"?J ? Vamock rt 3-.ty. brick, Or.&bath 2301 E. York St.. 2-storv frame nhnu, ti 2H27 X. Van Felt st., 2-story brick. 7r. I (132 N. 40th nt., 3 sty., porch. 8r.... 2:117 Harlan St.. 2-story brlk. 4r. & bath 2J28 N. i'alethorp st., 2-sty. brick' 4". ... . . '20 S. 21st st.. 4-story brick, 18r...""! THE LAND TITLE AND TIM'ST CO Broad and Chestnut Ha., Philadelphia Trust Department, DWELLINGS 228 N. 10th at. $100.00 2432 N. Mar.h.ll,$27.00 Wi n. cm at.... isoii 1BJ7 Kater at 20.00 lltfin flm t 05.00 1327 N. 17th at. 113.00 n.tW M.Hh.ll AK ,hTt X2 ;. ' -""". T'V: "T oir .1.,., 131,00 np neuxer St.... 20.00 u o. sum (.. w.w ki n, van Pelt. 1fm iil'J l.r,fiiat al 40.00 112(1 Melon st, ... 10.00 233 8. 45tll St.. 4M8 Walton nve 40.00 83.00 33.00 Kill V. Thnmn IR .1. :i4j n. at. ihi-j m BM.r.vrj i';.w U32 8.S. Bern'd. 32!f0 ntiitt k i.i i-' C7."'Zy - !'A-'" '7S.rT rCMK.".7V."""iu " '"-"U U.dl.lAi.lUIIA. 5231 Ijurens nt.. $83.00:523(1 Archer st....ROOO continental-equitabLe trust co 21 south 12th st. T. F, NEALI8. 010 8. 12TH BT. Offlc. open Saturday night until 10 o'clock. 2024 Pine; 12r $601 81314 Cyprus llr"; 25 1218 Chrlstlsn. Or... 20 1.-02 Carpenter. Or. Is? 13U1 Carpenter, 8r.. 201411) N, Warnock. Or Ti 2632 8. Watts,' 7r 1411(128 Latona. 6r..... 14 1807 Trenton av.,7r, 13 1742 8. Mole. Br.!!! 13 740 8. Clarion, dr.. 12 734 Race, rear; 4r. 11 252B Manton. Or.... Ill 241 8. Clifton, 4r. 10 1438 N. Alder. Sr,., B11440 X. Alder? 3. ! u mM STORES AND DWBLLINOS 734 Race, store and 12 rooms; con.... $00 00 027 8. 12th St., More and 8 rooms. . . . "lo.OO N. It cor. 10th and Noble, store and Or. 28.00 707 P. 11th st., store and N room. 25 oo 1024 8. 12th t.. cor, store and 8r.; con. 23I00 WF.ST PHILADELPHIA 2005 S. B8TH Modern two-story house, on. posit, large open grounds; reasonable rent , . . . w.... .... . v .j, .g. ., a A . 3210 W1NTER-$17-NKWLY PAPBRED. A. II. (WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut ' ...... 1'OTII Ovrtoklnc PAinMOHNT PA ARK ssm . n. 4), 9-m , as a w av fl Jywll(Ut APTS. ft Apply to A J. P. GALLAGHER HOUSES 4210 ParkslJ. uva. I'll. Bel. 4VJJ. Watch Jarred His Nerves -- homes are shown REAL ESTATE EOK BENT west pHirnKi.rHiA DWKLL1NU8. STORES AND APARTMENTS WM. II. W. OUICK & BRO.. INC 8 South so'h st. POTTS & TOWN8ENDa WEST ruILADBLPHIA HOMES 4lrV0 JAlJ.JJi-iB. " ttt-Urira houi nr 40th and BflHImor ml 2 bath; lrch front; temldetached. Apply Viu irrrKm "?.?.8TonTu1l,IhydTe0?.,Bs?h laiia uiiirii $ W ..-it -- --sr and 8prlnirneldjiT . QKnMANTOWN, KW4 SCHUTLKn ST.-Twelve-room twin dwettlnf ; two batha; rent re&Mnabl. UHIa"! "tw ----- - 7000 CItllailEIM ROAD-0 rooms and bath; large yard: rent, $27.30 per month. "l JACKSON. 13th gnJLChcstnut stv XE1V COLONIAL STONE DWELLING on largo corner lot: 7 chambers; 2 bathe: on. rqusre from station: open dally and SufWi. Train, to Stenton Station, nftt;,"l,J or drive out stenton ave. to Vernon road (fttoo north). Frank Mauran, 230 Land ritl. Building. . j UNUSUAL twin Colonial house. 10 room, and bath; near station: $13. Warnock At Emlen, Commercial Trust Bldg. $45-Wayne ave. near Queen J.". ta.: 12 rooms, 2 baths. Warnock & bmlen, Com merclal Trust Building. Clirstnnt Hill DETACHED DWELLING at MemM SUtlon: 0 rooms, hot-water heat, garden, chickens, fruit? ri-durcd to $40: 40x2.Vi: auto Pce. PELtlAM TRUST CO.. 11740J3ermntownj;. DWELLINOS-$20 to $150 .month; get list. Pelh.m Trust Company. fl740 Qermantown. Tlog 1332 LYCOMINO ST. Two-story porch-front house. 0 rooms, all modern Improvements, hot-water heat, reception hall: "". wo-.jftP-plv 1344 Lycoming at. JOHN LOUGHRAN. Wayne Junction $23-MODERN and most desirable three-story porch-front house at Wayne Junction: all conveniences, 2 minutes' walk from station. 444.1 N. 20th St.. nbove Qermantown nve. SUBURBAN WAYNE. 13 rooms, 2 baths, .team heat... $30 ST. DAVID'S, 10 room., large lot, conv... .10 COLLINGDALE. 0 room., all convs -j DARBY, 7 rooms, all conv. 10 G. M. AMAN. 1201 Chestnut at. llnln COLONIAL, llolmesburg granite. 15-room house: best location In Bala; Bryn Mawr ave. and Upland tcr.; all mod. Impmts.: owner: 208 Bala nve. :ient03. JOHN HAUBERT. TEN ROOMS AND BATH, $JI5 PHILADELPHIA AND SUBURBAN .REAL. TY COMPANY. Penn Square Bldg.. Phlla. Hala-Cynwyd. P.. BALA-CYNWYD bedrooms, 2 bathe, garage,.. bedrooms, 3 .bath. bedroom., 2 baths bedrooms, 3 baths bedrooms, 3 hath. bedrooms. 2 batha bedrooms. 2 bath. bedroom?, 2 baths bedrooms. 2 luths bedrooms, 3 baths bedrooms, 2 baths bedrooms. 1 bath bedrooms. 1 hath betlrooms. 1 bath bedrooms. 1 bath ...$123.00 ...$100.00 ... SS3.00 ... $83.33 ... SSII.OO ... $73.00 . .. JlS.OO . . . (H.r,o . . . JWO.OO . . . k:,.do- ... S30.00 . .. $45.00 . . . 42.r.) ... 37.fi0 ... $33.00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 201 Bala nve.. Cynwyd. Pa. (llennlile. Pa. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up lo date in every detail, $25. $30, $35, $40. $30, tt upward to $130 per mouth. Call at Olensldo office to day. PENNINGER ii RENNINGLR, aien slJe. and Bioad ami Walnut sts. Jenklnlovrn. Pa. WYNCOTE One square from Jenklntown Sta tion, a rooms and bath, hot-water heat, elec tric light and gas. open fireplace; lot 50x100; $30 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON I.and Title Building. MODERN residence. In excellent condition, 14 rooms, 2 baths: garage: $70. D. H. Cham bers, 710 Commercial Trmt Building. Ridley Park, Pn. LARGE BUXGALOW HOME ftV.'i- MODERX 1MPTS.: HOT-WATDR !,,,B;T''Duyi 0PK Flnr:- !.LAK1fi' I'pRCHES. TEN. ACRES WELI,. BA',i,lH,an0UNi)s, stables: chteii PIKE XDAR MORTON AVE.: XEAR STA- T-iEN.:o.T.uSW-Ky passes door: iiiaii- EST LOCATION' IN RIDLEY PARK. J. (. VOQLER. 022 CHESTNUT ST.. 2D FLOOR. Srcnnr, Pn. FOR RENT Brick and frame dwelling house. In perfect order, with all conveniences: 10 rooms and pantry: bath and linen iloset: with hair ;icro of ground: old ehado; Provi dence road, near Ashland ale.: 5 minutes' walk from- Secane Station, Central Division SV E' .'!nd VV " ll'l " m'a fin Broad ni,HMi?Mon:i,iiJ"nic"k.A' Uuni'"B. 0 Drexel Building. Philadelphia. Sharon Hill. Pa. F?,'Vr-W E. WOODLAND AVE.. Sharon Hlll-S rooms und bath; large lot, old shade; convenient to atatlon and trolley. JAMES A. BUNTING, aig Drexel Building. MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. MERION 8 bedrooms, 2 baths; garage 7 bedrooms. 2 hatha WYNNEWOOD 7 bedrooms, 2 bath. 0 bedrooms, .1 hatha 5 bedrooms, .1 bath. 0 bcdiooma, 2 bathe .$100 ...$125 " ' 11 . . 73 ... 05 ARDMORE 0 bedrooms, ! baths 7 bedrooms, 3 bath. N bedrooms, 3 bath 8 bedrooms. 3 ImiI'.i. 7 bedrooms, .1 bath 7 bedrooms, 3 lath. 7 bcdiooma. 3 bath. 7 bedrooms, t ImIIi ?20.S.33 hulim; .... 150.00.. 133.33 llo.oo 11.5.00 . .,.. O.Il 73.(1) II3.UI 07.30 oeurooms, .1 tjdth 0 bediooms, 1 bith: gar'aVe""! HAVERFORIi R bedrooms, 4 baths; guiaze "0i -ft I bediooms, 2 bth. ! ! . ! i-Von bedrooms, 3 uatlii; garage .. ... iilYnc (I bedroom.. 1 bath ........ ...... .ntioa 8 bedrooms, 2 hatha . ' 1 Ii is) 4 bedrooms. 2 baths !...!.! 70 In SAMUEL C. WAGNER. JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST UI.DG 15TH AND MARKET STS. PHILA narIPerth ;:;:.:....... fZ'Z $-,,.'121 ARVD?(F0D -' - ' I" - ?' 2 t( AfnOTI?glVs AT-VARIOUSTTTfoVs0 lW HARBERT A CLAOHOItX? 204 Bailey Bid.. Merlon ATfRACTIVE COIXNIATrRESIDEVr tvithln 0 minutes' walk of the Nation' whit, plastered Colonial house. Ii wrn!. a'balhi hall In centre; Urge living room with ". fireplace, dining room. Iwg. clow". .ft,D" Ing porch; ga. and electric light; garage tor 1 car; old shade and shrubbery; far, grounds; offered at reduced rent for tffi month. Unusually de.lrabl. property ana one of the most exceptional properties being ottered for rent. Investltate using CHARLHB J HOOD A CO. MoiTlsBldg.. 1421 Chestnut at Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUBE8.-7 rooms, all modern' TTfi". UntiOM .. . . Ii aSS'Src . w- ,, ,, irniiQlVOOQ, I'm, By C. A. VOIGHT at Ledger Central BEAL ESTATE FOR a tj .. " ' .0.'222NK.VA. H, n7 Wynnewaa. FOR TUB MAN WHO na ... .' " HOCSB NO. ., UMQJ 'imaivoom PA. It la modsrn, wllh all ,e.. -uiimms is room, a i..ii. 5 conn! . room.: ha. liberal l? b,lnrms i7T3 ah.da and flower. Ii .L found, wii." 10-room tuflSSiJSr th' r,nt ''Teif "AWYi?NnEAvSgDTi?jli" rtrnmw.. ARDMORE. Pa.. rU,rZl ; - room,. -JtUibi:. SffJ I?!3-Thrl wSiSVErft&Bicr: l--. jigpi Harerforil BRICK A : FRAM.T5 HOUSrTwTT -JI 13 room., a batl HAn STATWiJi Lot 11.1x20.17 tfVn' S!?J. l Suilfg. Sr::; '""" lr"st nuiimn. condition, b.1 , ihJ-ggtjrni $32-' SJgn nHAE9raOLONTALniO, SsSrSl joct! suttono.'m Hryn aiawr i-'R siyiej house, 17 tatml iU 8 bedrooms; all modern Hl?-t tai ?...i''ar?onil RB modern roni.-r.i'" i dance of .bade Sn'd shf Sbby R,t"d,i 'bSl hkndsomc estates; thla pronVi? irWn'TJI rterlrable and one of th.p0Prir' J .urmmJE! errSnso"b-n?.?cd."c,,b.c?3 ParihvesriVaie'4 flgur rSJS ,.t.. CHAItLES J, HOOD tm 4 tu.. unjg, M cfiShu- - ' T room,. eeeryTgM" FGt--- Vlllanov. ' 71 BARGAIN. $00; 12rnom. -ci.i :; S 2. Tffiffl?--. -Sr neacS. ..... .,. St. Davlil'a SEVERAL wrll-located prcrtTer".,"r-T3 for lent at $.17.50. $43. $S .,, f, re ml ft Jouple furnished at $70 Bnr.l,l month. Full partlcularJ un ,R"d lLaJ .11. Davis. Wayne. Pa. ' '"'""' lJ W.yn. STONE AXD FRAMERESIDENCE lf1 KZ W.y? ". f. locatedf'o'n5,"! desirable "heme Undaan be'red .t ru2l new .initsnr Anilnhon. N. J. S ROOMS. S17 ner month; ncartnUn7h5cl and school. rREDEUIrir r.iin!?' l1"! and W. Atlantic nA . jii,rti... iV"2 wwil .. ..,,, . Jt ItlTertnn, N. 4. $23 TO $10 A MONTH- lo 12 room r.n.-'J large ots. A. E. Prlre llrtVl? "S"J niv.rton -IIU FORBENT FURNISHED SUBURBAN 1-STORY detached dwelling, IT-rwrnTTti 00x100; shade u:id fruit; near city- its a ' ' H. B." McCOLLUM, . 1314 Whlnut t., Philadelphia. Appuimmcni. bypnone. Walnut 4213. j j .. HUNTINabbNVALLET" "M 14 r., 3 baths; s open fire.: water hesti C. IV PETERS & SON. 0(18 CHESTNUT frr! iiriMiiui Jim .-m 1.1111.1. .hal.t n . . .-"-.,.. , .. flM gar.; pos. Nov. 20; fi mos. F 540. Led. CsntW MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALT $500,000 TO INVEST IN FIRST MORTGAGES In the City of Phlladelphl AT IX1WEST MARKET RATES Apply to HAZLUTT & MOSS 31S WALNUT ST. Main 175. Lombard 32 ll'l LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS! FOR FIRST MORTOAUE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACE- II. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST 550 $100, $200 TO ?S0Q9 Mortgage or note, real estate security, P;J able easy terms; settlement rime osy. s I PWIQ & m 1227 W OHtARDl AVENUE MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 S1000 S1200 S1500 $1600 $5000 W. II. HOOD. 612 NORH1S ST. .MOXEV f(l"i.OAN" ON 1ST AND 2I MORTOAOE . LOWEST RATES. QUICK DECISION also nmi.inNn aks'N money J. J.TURNER, t201:hestputSt,i FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT. jaj Bi'lldlng Hssoilatlon lor 2d mortgaici; cnJ JAMF.H (". SIMPSON. I420 CHI-.8TNFTJH . u TO t.nsj'll.V HKAI. lISIATIi IKK'J to lly; Inunedlaio Mttleinant. 'a.Ms UJ 1.1.01 desired. K'DU'. M. MOLL. 1SI SOUTH ISTH STREET ALL AMOUNTJfcTlKT AND 2D MOHTUAda- Wuii-K Hiibwer. MAURICE It, MATS1NOEH Ileal Estate Tiust Bldg. g1(lO.IH)(1 TO 1W'rUT ,.n mirlMrPH In SW frnm KinnO nn. ..I.n l,ll,llnir a.sOCUtl inonty fur Tecoud mortgagos, U. C. SEIUsI X- in.. 41li qnd Callow lllll sts. r Mo'lITUAOEH IN AMOUNTS OF HMO mid X2C00 at 5", irr cent. JAMES D. U'lNCllELL N. W. cor. 17th and tjansom sts. J. II, MASSEV A 8ON 13TH AND HREEN STS. , I'IRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES Ulllf riiNTn 1 uunm .n-fnM wirvna t'IRST AND SECOND MORTOAOB KOkW JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II, REDNER 727 Walnut st. MONEY KOlt FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES HENRV S. IIBED 1420 CHESTNUT STREET KOR SALE TlinRR nrtOIIND RENTS. K BACH, bearing 0 per cent. Interest, freej in. male iox. rKMUliiriun miis ii"-- narnson Building. WANT well HMuref1 flt-at mnrtt-area In am. of fAOOO lo 10.000 or over, have ready us U BROWN i W. . 217 8. BROAD BT. LAROE hulMlnv nn.l ln.V7aaaoelatlon des4 applli-.itlon. for good 1st and 2d mortr no premium unarcef. Apply nocreiary, r l.euat-r tnln-e fr"yo"UR Mf5nTaAOE "linisen caTTed Ut J place It In a building association at 5 I 1 em inierest: new aeries just siariios KAC.-LZ., lain ann xorg. WORRELL ' mjrxnirm .Dl'Vf FIRST AND SECOND MOHTfJAGlM Kt'NDU I'plt lai'.AND 2D MORTUAa AMV AllOIlNT" POTTS A THOMSON. 2521 Frankfort Wj LOANB ON INTEREST IN ESTATa" REAslONABLE OIIAHOS JflllK A 11A1111V Ml T.AWn T1TLJ2 D KU.ND8 KOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAlV-P Alllit JUAUJ-.EI l'Ul DAWt.. THEO. E. NICKLK8. 2518 OERMANTN.. unii-MAfltcr Have funds. Dsalr. j Albrecht'., 373 Drexel Bldg.. 2414 w. TRUST FUNDS for flr.t morlaax.. HEKKNES3 & STETSON. LAND TITLE BUILDINO. 100,COOFOR FIRST, second or aplK gages, '-aea ua nrac AllKRNi!rriiv. 21-!1 V. luh. lag 8. MONEYfor l.t and 2,1 ino.4g.gef. " amountaj bMg.assocl(itlon funds, any at4 i'ipiio -j-ayior, iiua rranaun a . MONEY for first, second and split inortl building and loan association fund.. H' H. Wilson ft Co.. 2122 Oermaiitown; wllltak. If upi also 2d tnorlgaco nfiffiu tiilr-llULNCY FUNDS ulaced",rii"iivj aum; liupiedlgl. ansner' lowest rales., ft J ueiany. 1113 uncoln, Broad ana 4"'" Mpf(T0A(TE8PLAC EljTBulldTng "As-tJ itsai cstHie koid. ll.nts lollociea. C Il RHOADa. 15th Hbov. KusdUe fa'KEDM Xwi,TaTrTT....l.&67" ...rr .;.-" -'. - .-,-.;:r- ---.-.- . nanae., vi. nuildingi o" 1 J , At your service If-