" ' "'ll M' ' UW II BJ WIHH 16 EVENING LEDgERPHILADELPHIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER ;L5, 1915: A difectory of the leading Apartment Houses will be furnished free on the balcony at Ledger Central . . . i i ! t0' V.V a fl - r: n Ml 1 .3VUXX9S OrrOXTUNlTlXS WO MAN. WITH $1500 CASH-Havs the srtunity to mane money ana coniroi.gr. iflMrrlal htifclnes.1. honest, strictly leclll- it! particular by personal Interview only) Bsuet M man with, cash lin casn ina laitivuw. F -HI. Ledger Central, bHJKINKSSEST PATENTS SECURITIES! MOUUHT1 BOUl' EXCHANOEDI JAMES L. GARFIELD. 1011 Chestnut St. N. B.-No charge for Bating A rULLT protected moving picture monopoly seeds Immediate working capital: around" Boor proposition. Allan Turner Philadelphia, FICTURETItEATRE. $3SO0; earns flOO-flSO weakly, guaranteed, trial, refined patronage; qaiiy matinees, eacnnce. i i in, uwigcr mt CAfi TRUST CERTIFICATK-$300U. prlncl pat duo 1010; tearing 0 ptr cant. Interest maaapeii oner if., .. sjoie-mnn iiiny..i-nii. VICTOR J. EVANS A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C Write tor descriptive booklet. , SEAT MAIIKET, S30rt'Frankforrave., to be old on account of leaving- city. CARPET CLEANING hlrtTetn" YeaF Till!: JtlllN RIIOAU3 CO. 738 N. Holly, at.. Well l'hlla. . carpet beAting Westi'iuCa. est run. rear I'hii MONARCH STORAGE CO. w ILA. He. PER TARD. writ phila. s:o-72 Lancaster avr. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WIS REMODEL yourold Jewelry Into tha lateat designs at factory prices. Martin W. Abrama. Til Saneom ft., l'hlla. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY UKWelUCHl.su, 10 cent a yard; all mate rials. A. HfcJCHARD. 1113 C11K8TNUT ST. PICTORIAL HEVH..V FATThHNB brtb'bSMAKlNG tausht, anort. practical, Inex Pensive coursea. ihittern cut. Mc Mac IsTf bonell. Rlli Dcnrlila Hide. 11th and Market. HEMSTITCHING. Sc. yd., pleatg., but. eovg., emb. 1 Tomahulo, lOn! Chestnut, Spruce 1TJ0J. FOR SALE BtLUAKU AMU PocKKT TABLES Alio bowllnz allava. easy uavmema. TIlttl?ri WICK-BALKK-COLLENbt.RCO.. 1002 Arch. BILLIARD and pocket tablei. ehuffleboard. new and allghtly used: liberal terms, renting. VTiilAKD, pVcket. 2d-htnd tables, repairing? rwirwring ec.guppnrs. iiocmio wo., -..'.: 3 am, aurpllea. -Hard Mfg. Co.. 2421 N. Front. BILLIARD.' pool, combination, 2d-hand boug.it, aold. rea.tejr-aich'd. .Keafcr. 322 Glrurd ava. CA.1H REGIBTEns, new and aecond-band; to Ul adderi aa low aa Mu, on eaay monthly paymenta; all regletera aold. by ua fully guar anteed. Tha National Caah Ileglater Co.. 7J0 Chettnut tt. DESKS, filing ctroineta. aafes. telepnon booth and office furniture and fixtures or eery de acrlptlon. uaed. but in fine condition, and very cheap: free delivery anywhere. H110HE3. 11TH AND BITTTONWOOD IJESKB, large aaaortment. also houeehold fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Irnl ture Company. D01.oa.ll Callowhlll -t. KDISON Dlamond-rolbt Phonograpli: coat JGO n,w- ..TV Vint la'vcomplata with recorda and will ha aod for W. payable T5c. weekly. Call or wrltn for conlplete deacriptiona and large Uluatrated cataloguea. HEPPE'fi UPTOWN ST0IIE3 Corner 6th and Thompeon ata, PhlUdclphla, Pa. GENTS' FUR.LINED OVERCOATS $12 AND UP RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE. IIS Market at. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS $2 AND UP ' niEDER'S LOAN OFFICE,, 128 Market at. BAFES-Flrcproof. (lightly' jiaed. all tlzea. Barsalni. Special terms. Repairing. Open ing, all makes; Jowprlcea. 1131 Frank's ave. BAFES. nreproofTcloslng oufeu. allghtly used: big bargain. 21Q N. Fourth at. SIL.VKK TOILET SETS Bend 10c. for V4-ot. can UKAN-PLATE all ver polish iblu label), and make old art look new. A. R. JUSTICE CO.. 012 Chestnut, l'hlla. Virtfir Records bought, sold, exchanged. Paul, T -"' g8a2 Kensington ave. Open evga. ISl.OO VICTOR V1CTROLA VI. Including 24 aelectlona (12 10-Inch D. F. recorda); an ex cellent machine In every way; can be paid for at the rate ot 75c. woekly. Call or write for complete deacriptiona and largo Illustrated cataloguea. Hfel'PE-S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompaon ata. Philadelphia, Pa. ,.1SOyI9IOR.v,,fT5LOI'A IV "d 12 aelec tiona (fl 10-Inch D. F. records); an excellent outfit for cno who Is looking for a good machine ft a reasonable price; payable 00c. weekly. Call or write for complete deacrip tiona and large Illustrated cataloguea. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORE3 Corner 6th and Thompron ata., Philadelphia Pa. WR ' 40c- MC- 0c 'or VICTOR DOUBLE-FACE RECORDS PAY WE EXCHANGE ALL 5c. OPJJN 7 A. M TO 11 P. M, 2330 RIDGE AVE. ABOVE COLUMBIA HEATING MAHEO JIUMIDIFIER Inaurea healthful and economical heating, can be attached to prea ent ayalem. Makin-Kelaey. n N. ISth at. MACHINERY AND. TOOLS IrOR WHAT LINING for MACHINE BEAR. INOM can your money bo laid out to best l?Zn? .S "l ANTI-FRICTION METAL may bo Ibo correct answer. IRON and BRASS FOtJNDRY. US North Second .AWli.3 IQL-UM Sc SON. PntVRH.Pr.ih' nltlPMWv- Synamoa. motors, bolters, ateam and oil aa gfnea, pumps, air compressors. FRANK" TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N, ST. .' 2. 20 30. 30. 42. 48 INCH extractore. laundry washers. TX), 110 Inch laundry man glca.NutUIl.lT48 J.8th. BOND'S BABBITT METALS-Imperlal. Victor. Royal. Monitor. Vincent. Grades for every m fvmv, W.Q. W..U WJ.. tiU ArCn 81. GUILLOTINE. 8HEARS. 14 IN, -AND 30 InJ buai'co, AMiu rj. & T ItUxltltSrORD ' DOUBLE END. SEYFERT-B. T N. 3d ST. DYNAMOS, motore and -machinery bought sold and rented; armatures repaired. Main (11 Market 8003. YEARSLEY CO.. 524 N. Sd at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ftW-CHICKERINO upright piano; coat IMO Raw; 19 othera from $T8 to $300. 39ft AeolUn player-piano; aaveral othera at tarc?i..,',oucJtlon: 'lhtly uae4; terms, U monthly and upward. . 1 000 new pianos at all prices! vterma. (3 monthly and upward. Call or writs for Illustrated catalogues and HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Omar Oth and Thompaon ata., Philadelphia, Pa. BPECIAE Vlctrola Outfit, $41.ta Vlctrola VI.. $24.00, 13 Salectlona. $4.60. Cabinet (special price), $12 00, f-pedel Terms. Call or write HENRICKS TALKING MACHINE CO. lTtb. and Venango ata. tf BTElt PLAYER, very cheap; nearly new; beautiful tons; 24 rolls, win consider small caah payments. F. A. North Co. branch, 3244 Kensington ava., Kenalngton 021. Other bar galna; aend fjr list and caulogua. piano liAnn.iNa $00 Hurrlngton piano, walnut case 1S5 playtr piano, S note MBLLAK. 11M Chestnut at. IW-CHICKKRINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. SM N. th. PIANO I1CH1: handsome Lester mahogany up rtaTM aaaiid, guaranteed, coat $1&0; caah or ., tjsae. IfUtt sicbaner. J6J Columbia ave. LD SOLD Miu LlUafKsW MKldM In tha tlty Paul for old awU. aller, pfatlaum, fala Ueth. old coins v?i muh asaa, wm. jewsiry jscjuib, -aw h. I.U -GOL ' OLD s-ltw, j4allnua. stated wars, U SS' .teE'IKffiff FC'aEStin; WT cZTT rTim'T iUKTHjkftl, anmu f wnlture. featkw kete. broaea. Jewelry, falsa la-etti. goUl, sUvtr, osja. Bt-b" UCX'aiMfor olj meiST'sffySr. antique ciocu, win can. saeu paone, i2i wxmfik,3i a. nttT T Ol flOKO. salver (.UWeiusn, broken jawalry .,.. (ht ntflx-at urkea ka4, send peeUl; will i i r, .mi pi rsw aa.- .sx.n j.jit ,, ,j wpietagejBsgssajt hOOllHO ATD. IkOM AWMrXWM hi " iaakX !' M saswll caM Had m ie. it i i" jaaiw. let I ' laaaaiis. . eriraaavaasaajAua,, l Jt jneyas iiHiir, '- i OlllaIa . r a) I '1 I U.S.. u How to STORAGE OUARANTEE HTORAOB COMPANT of l'hlla., inc. ESTAIH.ISHP.n 1KT3 racMnr moving, ahlt'plng, storing ,AUi WORK DONE BY ACTO VANS WoMng any distance storing separate roomn ' ,rKi1.i,Hr"'oi work guaranteed. J3lT-lo BROWN ST Phone Poplar 2164 DO NT !"n . T A I." frOHAOt, A11EI10USB 20T1I T. AHOVK CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVINO. SHirPINO Ruga, carpets cleaned, acourrd, atorad. . Pell, Locust lOHO-Phonea-Key.. Race 4100. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1S11-1SIU MARKET ST. WEST PH1I.A. JVKKT PHILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. Auln, packing and shipping. fl-Wl IMMJAHlblt AVIS. ATLAS H1'ORTfGT.7ri'EllOSIf-t6fMfE; rnovfn-!, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, Pn. Paring 782 for estimate. Market and 3Tth. lllLLHoUAN'rl STORAaF. CO., 22 N. 82D. Belmont MM, Carpet cleaning. West 421. Auto vans anr time, anywhere. V'.?AN'TS STORAOE HOUSE. 1T4S N. 11th at. moving, packing, ahlpplng; auto van a. WANTED BOOKS and libraries bought, all kinds: aend Addreaa; will call. DICKENS, 109 N. 13th eit. Bno'lfENJEWELRY, -ue teeth, pistols, jolsit, -oln book, with prices I iwy, mailed lSc. J. B. Boss (People's Store), 2M S. 11th. Phone Malnut41$0. .CASi"-01F CLOTHING WANfED e pn-lltvely pay the highest caah prices for gentlemen's summer and winter. discarded clothing; nlso ladles- suits, atreet dresses, evening gonna, opera cloaks, etc. Our buyer "lis day or evening, city or suburbs. ArUe. call or phone Market 2000. BELIUHOHNS.Sth and Spring Garden. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Ce nay Off per rent, more for gentleman's clothing, ahoea; aend postal; we call day or evening. Friedman Bros.. 144 South tt. Phone Dlcklliaon IM20. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash, no matter how large. J. BERNSTEIN. ISM Rldce ave MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING rANTED Beat price-; we call anywhere, any time. Phono Wal. S(W. J. Schultt. 227 N. Oth at. ROOMS FOR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a few mtnutea by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on Me for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an awera to every question you would aak are here, to ou can decldo Intelligently; free ten ice; lest II. AUCH, Lvfi rrtie Selwn) Clean, sanitary looms, rates reasonable. Phone Locust aiatt. CHUSTNUT. 2iH)T Desfrable single and double tooma; permanent or tranaltr.t. CHESTNUT, inoi Desirable single or double rooma tor business gentlemen; prlvnte baths. CHESTNUT. 2fl28 AND llVC-SUITE OF nviviAia. HATH, AL.SO 8INGI.C ROOMS. CHESTNUT, .liiV-Ueautlfully turn, room, aa). i-a.ti. uui. uu.. iti iioor; unoo. iignr. CHESTNUT ST.. 2100 Newly furnished rooms. , single or en aulte: use of bath. CLINTON ST. Opportunity to rent desirable 2d-floor room, en aulte, or single, with or without rtrltate, hath. film, nr .lnftira.. .n. tral fashionable location. Ph. Filbert 31D9 W. DIAMUNll. 1SJ7 Ijirio. nli-elv furnished 2d. floor front rooma: sleeping room, anting room and bath; for gentlemen. LOCUST, ISIS Very attractive front room, ele. gantly turn.; alio other single and double rme : first class In appolntmenta and service. References. Phone Walnut TttOJ. MASTER, 1S09 Attractively furn. rms., alngle or en suite, all convs. Poplar 4208 W. PARK AVE.. N.. . 2007-Rooms. single, en anlto. baths, electric light. Diamond 3808. MM! 1.11.1 Nicely furnished 2d-story front: wuintm cposuro; also nacK parlor. PINE HT. J.Vin Double and slnglo rooms, Willi or wl,hout bath, for gentlemen. POWELTON AVE.. 3307 Well-turn., bright, airy rooms, single or en aulte; private baths; all conveniences; porch; near L and subway; references exchanged. Baring 7021 Y. I1'VELT(5n, -14I0 K'lcely furn.. single ordou- .'-rooraigooaeignoornooa; gentlemen. QUEEN LANE STATION 2 squares; desirable; '.mi.w iu Di.ui. plenum nuiionK; private rani lly; gentlemen pref. P 82T Ledger Office. R1TTENHOUSE SQ. (210 8. lth st.) Large, airy rooma and apts. ; beautifully fur.; 1 or 3 rooma; private baths; hot water heat; first class In appolntmenta and aervlce. Spruce 3002 SANSOM, 4.-.St Private family have one or two nicely furnished rooma; modern Improvement: convenient to "L." Phone Preston 2723 J. SPRUCE. 1117 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, BlV'rtr p rtr r-xr uttite. vct, ti t SPRUCE. 1127 Large 2d floor front: running water: other vacanclea. Walnut 7 HIS W. SPRUCE. N. E. cor. 12th Rooms, furnished and unfurnished. 'Phone Walnut 81 in. SPRITE ST.. 110.-. Nicely furnished room. runnmir water. suuaDie lor two gentlemen. bl-RUCE, Staa Attrncttvely furn. bachelor apt., 2 rooms and bath; fireplace; phone. SPRUCE. 1130 Wcll-furnlshed rooma; hot- -aier ne..t; gentlemen; reierence. SPRUCE, 111.'- Large IM-floor room, running water; beautifully furnished; clectrlcltghta. SPRUCE. 1400Largo well.furnlahed rooms, single or en suite; phone. Locust 1034 W. SPRUCE, 1208 Newly renovated front rooms, single or commun. ; well heated; phone. SPRUCE. IS.'IT Rooms, single or en aulte; prl. baths; prof, offices; ateam heat, electricity. SPRUCE, lid Large 1st and 2d floor apart menta. with bath: single rooms. SPULCrJ. W.K-Furnlshed rooma, adjoining bath: ateam heat: rets, exchanged: telephone. WALNirr, VXO Newly furnished front rooms; near L: electric light; hot-water heat. ' WERSTKh ST., WHO Frontfsouthern exp.; clcc light, hot-water heat; private family. J5TH. 8., 320-THIRD-FLOOR FRONT, FUR MBIIED; ALSO SINGLE ROOM. 16TI1. S., 124 Desirable furnished aulte; also attractive large room: southern exp.; corner. 46TH. between Spruce? and Locust One ortwo rooma; private adult family; gentlemen; ref erencea. Phuiie l!arlng1083 W. NORTH BOTH'STTiBle Dealrable, Urge front room, light and cheerful, for business gentle man; home comforta; adjoining bath; break fast It desired. REFINED GENTLEMAN can have room In private family on Allegheny ave. near Oth at. Apply O 632. Ledger Branch. 718 W. Allegheny. HANDSOMELY (urnlahed front room In large, modern, private home: electric lights: 10 rrtnutea to City Hall. Telephone Baring 41$. DESIRABLE apartments for light housekeep Ing, heat and light, at very moderate rent. 211 B. utn st. UNFURNISHED front room near Broad -and Columbia ave. E 241, Ledger Central. THREE 'ROOMS, first floor, housekeeping, 13: single room, $1.60. 1401 N. 16th. ROOMS' WANTED GENTLEMAN, refined, desires room and board with private family; Market to Pine. tSth st. to 22d. preferred; state terms; references sx chsnged. E 044, Ledger Central. BUSINESS WOMAN wants room and bath: central; prlv. fam. pref. F 244. Ledger Cent. BOARDING ARCH. 1012 Large double rooma, single or en en suits; steam heat; running water. BARING, 4041 Adult family; choice Id-floor front and com. well heated) southern exp.; exceptional home table. Baring 1785 Y. LEHiail AVE., 1313-lS-Beautlful rooma, rooa Uble: new management phone Tioga 822L SPRUCE. 1020-30 -Beauilful 2d-story suite", turn, or unfurn., to per., couple; choice table. SPRUCE. 122WAttractlve rooms, single or en suite: private bsths. table board. SPRUCE ST.. 1032--.TWO ROOMS'; aCBO TABLB BOARD. BPRlfCE. 1224-2" (Brlamonde)-Furn, rooma, n. en lte frtvate bathaj table board. suiwci l-Ae oevoiia-nuvr suite; ato aiugio ONI. OH TWO can board In private family; Overbrook location; 0. Bflmont 431S W, PETEY He's Training to Be a Spldidr 39m Tb g-r a ,V . 7 J&Eftrlml Wd Jfv. - mJJctW SL" S- c-r- M ffl jpff (jtejutHKH.j J&EfoVy'L. tt&mimm mr ..irf'HLtBirN. If -atSsWffla !!i"Hr l t mUmMi m 1MI1 a r?) if iiiii " """nr - - i-ff r !nr k-vr-.ij m inn J9H Ad vl K3fi tES2fcipKr ' g jlhl m WmWTS e-C 9Wkj -ittN IV !kiaV- . R? s v 1- n1L0 w tfflK$RidSK JL-&mLWLm3rM mm,, kX0 aa . lmwmm mmStMFSSmmmi V ill JjmlS'. Jt- KrxWmY nmxv KV k r ,WOJBr !tCu3MffO : WKK li mmm ) r M n. 'IsmHw- !!lsR!!j " amVsZf:: sPS$i?:lwv 8 QLSt I WLr recall VVI If J r ikJy WL m Brll 4lslisBlKsrL 'l H S"""illtT -mlmWmiPr a1--!jBB "PV ' 13P ssP-BBflrBWfcjTS LZlTmmmWmW VHl HHHHIkARHHI' (T.sa,"HQ(iMdAuvlJv 4Ji ftfiJ'sffHrP-sasBtB I VsLi IJi I . RHMKMHL JSLwkWWn lBa "in I TrwtaefcSlgB5aWB? C A VlJ4-l "" mWW -SsKgBljM ' ' ' I !'" I I II II I I I I I - I . I I ' , Finance the BOARDING 8Sl.1?.B.IJTMi 8M "O""1 4,,t t Mist 8. M, 11ANLRY. formerly ot Chestnut st. Suburban UKRMANTOWN. 2W W. Rlttenhouaa at. .(be. i"1 Wayna and Greene) Comfortably urn, rooms; good table; conva. Phn. Otn. 1678 X, GERMANTOWN.Ml Pufaskl ave.-Room and i;7Y".,or g'ntiemen; close to train, trolley a. Mldvale Steel Works. Phone Otn. JttlS J. HOARD WANTED OUNO LADY wishes to mske home with muslclovlng, refined family; German pre ferred: present location north between 13th and 20th: slate particulars. 1 154, Led. Cent, APARTMENTS N. E. CORNEn 17TH AND WAI-NUT ST3. This 1.7-ttory concrete and steel fireproof structure reaches the highest point of develop Jt'tnt as yet attained In apartment construe tlin and may be properly styled a perfect place of abode. An tamest effort has been made to offer n.matchleaa home to those whose first con sideration la not to count the cost alone, but ; procure that which they desire; where there Is only perfection, the else and char acter of which may be selected and shaped "rdlng to the distinctive requirements of th Individual. Bultea are arranged from two rooms and ono bath to seven rooms and three batha. Tha location la excellent, being convenient to the biistnras and shopping centres and yet not'loo mar. All things cons dered, the rentals are mod erate. Building will be formally opened November Further Information may be obtained and reservations made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. LOCUST ST., 2001-2 rooms, bath, kitchenette. utirurnisnea; icrond noor; phone. SPRING OABbliN. 1817-Uxcellent apta. In S qu.ereni nouses, some turn.; mtencnettes, US ri. 20TH ST. Benu'ly furn. apts , en suite, private baths: desirable location, owner. ?OR furnished or unfurnished apartments N. V. Phllidelphla and Tioga, aee ua first. choeppyjtCo., 1517 Montgomery ave. DESlHABLE'apartments for bachelors: 'terms mod.; meals optional. I. 152, Ledger Cent, West llilladelphls CHESTNUT ST, 3612-3614-Elegant apartment, entire second floor, constating ot two bed rooma, large sitting room and porch; private bath; furn. or unfurn.: finest residential section: dining room, rhone Preston Ofiltj GREY GABLES 312-14 N. 33d n TO 7 ROOMS Some furnished. All outside rooms. Reas. APARTMENTS WANTED Furnished THREE or four room apartment: modern con veniences' central part of city: atate full par tlculara when anawerlng. E 032. Ledger Cent. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WALNUT, 2012 VERY FINE HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT; SIX ROOMS, THRUM BATHS: UP TO DATE. N. E. COR. 10TH AND MASTER Two or three rooms, bath, kitchenette. ONE ROOM. PRIVATE BATH. $3.00. ISTH. X7. 1038 Fully furnl-hed first-floor apartment, with private bath and kitchen; $27: suit two persons: reference required. DIAMOND, 2112 Three rooms, bath, kitchen, hot-water heat and hot water: $25, OXFORD ST.. 1512 Beautiful apartment, two living rooms, twp bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, maid's bedroom and toilet. inquire janitor. 1811 COLUMBIA AVE.. 8 ROOMS. WITH PRIVATE BATH: ALL CONVENIENCES. WALLACE. 1T10 Fine room andbath: hot water heat; hardwood flour: gag & electricity. THE MONTEVISTA ftlD AND OXFORD STS. IN THE EXCLUSIVE OVERBROOK SEC TION AN IDEAL LOCATION, HIGH AND HEALTHY and within 20 minutes of City Hall, via the Market at. elevated and the COth at. cross town line, which runs direct to G3d and Oxford rts. The new building Is now- ready for your Inspection, having aultes ot 5 rooms and bath, ranging In price from $40 to $55. We have a few small aultes remaining: Ono room, kitchenette and bath at $25. Two rooms, kitchenette and bath at $30. Dining room located In building. Agent-on 1 remises, or phone Overbrook 4708, INFORMATION RELATIVE TO AND THE renting of nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia may be conducted through this office. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE. Automobile servlco to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTT." THF TIOGA ioth and 1 nc 1 ivvjrt. TIOGA STREETS Few desirable vacancies, G rooms 'and bath, porches, electric light; all conveniences; ap ply to janitor, on premises. PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS neal Estate Trust Bldg Walnut 143. TUP NAC.H 1S27-20 SPRUCE STREET I nc I'ftjn HOU8EKEEPINO APART MENTS and PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. CORONADO. 22d and Chestnut ata. A few desirable vacancies, large and small. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. all parte of city. Rent $2.1 to $70 per mo. Call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut. TWO and three room apartments, bath and kitchenette: heat snd hot water; rent $15 to $25. ApplyWaldman, 1110 W. Glrard ave. HANDSOME2and S-foom apta. wlthbaths. heat, electric tights. 1500 aft. Vernon. WEST PHILADELPHIA DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION One first. floor suite, 0 rooms and bath; ele vator; public dining room; root garden: spaclo'is lawn, rhone Overbrook 6328. THE MARLBOROUGH MTH AND CHESTNUT STS. Moat conven ient location obtainable; hot-water heat, elec tric light: In fact, tha character ot service and comfort which makes a vcaancy In any one of theae apartments a rare occurrence; two or tlree dtalrable apartmenta are offered now where tenanta are leaving tha city; rentala, $27,50 to $15. THE PAnKWOOP 45TH AT WOODLAND AVE. (one block south of Cheater ave.), facing Clark Park To thoas who desire trees, graas and open air surroundings, these apartments will make a particular appeal. Tennis courts on the grounds. Two desirable apartments for rent, one vacant and one to be vacated. LE BLANC APARTMENTS MTH AND WALNUT STS. Housekeeping apartments, with C rooms and bath, with very modern convenience and with tha sort ot servlt.es which will make you glad to live In an apartment thla winter: one first-floor at $33, two aecond floora at $37, THE PLOEYDEN 40TH AND LOCUST STS. Two suites of 5 f corns and bath each may now be obtained n this particularly desirable 4-story fireproof apartment bouse. I also offer a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list Automo bile service to inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN & SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st, "APAT.TMENT8 A SPECIALTY" J mm ssssaass I. ssass T ' I M -T lWm. f 44tV , 1 V5a KrLS Jt Tt. aa... ' ZJ!LOMrr) WL m ( J mt&fe&zJHwZ! fr aw-vmat ovo kiWv 1111 T tARU "R KtibK. A --w k. X I iVt My'Ac v--Zi--' IrKfVioli. C POOR JXXOIBKJt W40is.II HHI Building of a Dttle HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WEST PHILADELPHIA HEADQUARTERS FOR W. PHILA. KERSHAW A CROWL, 8218 Chestnut at. LENOX APARTMENTS. 8101 to BIOS- Chester ave. Furn. and unfurn. housekeeping apart menta. Bee janitor or ph. Woodland 2ll J. ESSEX, 31th and Chestnut! Monterey, 43d and Chester: Belmont, 34th and Spring Garden. InqulreJanltor, orCresae,308 Hslejlldg. $105 WO Walnut St., 1st floor, corner, 8 large noma, porch, modern Improvements; Janitor c. -up. uamii ac fiupairiCK, Old., Aiarxet st, THB RyTLAND APTS.. JU8T COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. 84TH TO B3TH ST, 0 and 7 room apartmenta, with all tha lateat convenlencea, $J7.60 to $18 per month. ROBERT A. PITTS. AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4433. 8443 Locust st. nrrmanton-n LOC1ISLEY HALL 418 to M4 West Mldvale ave,. Queen Lane Station, Germantown. Ideal homes: large lawn and porch. APARTMENT HOTELS 'THEN YOU'LL COME BACK TO US" Thla' first year we come with our meaaage to )ou; the socond and third and all the other years the remembrance of this year will bring ou back again and again. Once In a lifetime "MINE HOST" Is born, ot made. J. Warren Friar, for 20 years ot the Hotel Walton, and way back before that of the Old Lafayette, has taken the Lincoln a new and glorified Lincoln, reflnlsbed and rerurnlshed throughout and will welcome you for say a day or to, or for all the winter season. With elevator service, running waler In every room and the kind of dining room you didn't think tould be. You will find all our living troubles over and your problema solved If you will Just tall and talk thlnga over and then make your reservations with Mr. Friar at THE. LINCOLN. 13TH AND LOCUST STS. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel." NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 WALNUT ST. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY' THE MORRIS ISTH STREET BELOW SPRUCE IDEALLY RESIDENTIAL Situated In the heart ot FhltadelphlaX aristocratic residential aectlon. Within walking distance of the shopping, the atrical and buslnesa district. SUITKS .lrranged according to your needs, from 2 ROOMS and BATH to T ROOMS and 3 BATHS. J. H. HAWKINS. Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE IOTH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTABLE SUITES: One or more well-furnished rooma with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. "THE FRONTENAC" BROAD AND OXFORD BTS. Offers 2 delightful 3-room suites, with every convenience; also a very attractive bachelor apartment, with private bath. The most beautiful location on Broad street; select and refined environment with moat excellent cuisine. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at 11th at. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT Centre of everything and Just away from the noise. CUISINE AND SERVICE OF THE HIGHEST CLASS WM. P. KENNEY, Manager. THE DELMAR-MORRIS GBRMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION PBNNA. RAILROAD, 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD bT. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHBD SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. THE CLINTON tenstJAubcbLOW 200 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE, rurnlshed or unfurnished; either by lease or transiently; . aultes ot ono to tour rooms, with bath. THE PARKSIDE 40TH AnenueRABD OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com plete hotel service. Phone Baring 221. .,... . -.TEE TRACY 36th and Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families and seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE 11th and Pine sts. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Germantown GREYSTONE 125 WEST SCHOOL HOUSE LANE . GERMANTOWN Desirable suites, also other vacancies. Porches, Tennis, putting Green and Croquet. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY , 1500 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstone dwell Ing. Especially fitted for professional offices. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. T40 S. 1UTH ST. Or., bath, range, heater.tollet: i rent $2T, price $2S00. Farrell. TIP 8. 20th! SPECIAL BARGAINS Only $200 to $500 caah. 1T12 Wallace; an $8000 house for $5800. 072 N. 13th; reduced. $.'1700 to $3100. 21at & Wallace, cor.; assess. $7000: price $6200. 1614 Mt. Vernon; mako offer. ---. aiARSHALLH. SMITH, 1011 Chestnut st. IF YOU'WANT TO MORTG'AOE, rent, tiuyt isell. exchange or Insure, "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. BARGAIN. $3700-3132 Clifford st: Clifford St.; 3 ntnrv. 10 rooms, porch, modern; assd. $3900; lot 16.2x90 to Holllngsworth st. D. A. Mlnnlck, 1S36 mage ave. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Flvo dwellings and one store and dwelling. Hope and Cam bria; good location: total rental, $0l: make offer. CAMERON. 2811 Kensington ava. RDAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT" 1201 Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent. YARROW & VAN PELT "N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. GROUND ALONG N. E. BOULEVARD ' JOHN G. WILLIAMS. T2T Walnut at. Buwriwr i.ewia is, tteaner. $2200-1731 THOMPSON ST.-3 etory, 7 rooma. v.Mviiijiivcai cmoti fs$UU rtQL sltf. D. A. MINNICK. 1836 Ridge ave." WARD'8 PARK-FRuNT HOUSES ARE WORTH INSPKfrrtnN OFFICE 4231 N. OTH STREET INVESTORS. SEE WARD'S HOUSES AT 4200 N. DARIEN ST. OFFICP-4231 V. PTHjjT. HOMES and Investments, northwest. Send for my list before purchasing in thla aectlon. JAMES D. WINCHELL. 2640 N. 29th. $200 BUYS NEW HOME-fclectrlo lights atone porches, laundry, Carney, B31 E Allegheny! Building tots. Factory Sites. Elo. LEVEL PIECE OF GROUND, COTTMAN BT. ;.,. u. iuiiui pui lane, near trains and trol. lXv,K.i0.rSSu"a'n-f Prtlon. PEMBER TON ESTATE8. 1102 Harrison Bldg. VALUABLE; central site, 150x100; 3 streets: euvu wuiiuiua, saio to close estate: eaay t terms. J. A. Frltx. 625 Lend Title Bldg Aldan. Pa, ' EXECUTOR'S BALE 23 acres; ready for ds vjloproent; trolley, steam frontage: 10 mlo utea 69th at.; IT minutes Broad Ct, J 43$, Ledger Central, If a a Safe Bet He Doesn't Belong in the Cavalry Home" is a REAL ERlCATE P0R SALE WF.ST rlHLADKLriUA $1100-8 nOOMS. hot-water heat, gas i snd elee trie light, parquetry floors, shower batha, gas kitchens and all modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD, JR.. BUILDER S8lh and Hadfleld stfc "BEAUTIFUL 8HERWOOD',-ATTRACTIVE HOUSES OF MANY styles, designs snd num ber of rooms Terms of sale most satisfactory to purchasers. PBMDERTON ESTATES, 1102 Harrison Bldg ; 0-ROOJ.I se.nl-delached house, lot 20x123; food condition, convenient location, will sell at Its assessed valuo, $4W. good reasons for selling, F 1.13, Ledger Cintijj. . A BARGAIN . . $5500, assessed $T50o. lot ;il.13 ft.; front and side porch; owner must sell; 40th st. seetlon. TAYLOR SON, 24 and 26 Boulh 40tn st, WHBLAN'8 HOMES ., 66TH AND FASCHAI.L AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. $8800 TO $1000 A few left. Snnsom st. east of 03d. Jas N. Mitchell, builder and owner, 40th and Market. SEND FOR LI8T, SALE On RENT JOS. M. BAKER. 62d and Baltimore ave. CORNER-B looms on aecond floor; every con venlcnce; could be altered Into store. 616 B. B7th st. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES W. EDWIN BLAI R. 207 8. 00th. OEKMANTOWN BTENTON New detached dwellings, with large lots and Ideal aurroundlnga. open dally and feundaya: trains to Stcnton Station, Read Ing Railway, or drive out Rtenton ave. to Vernon road (ISS00 North). FRANK MAU RAN, 230 Land Title Hldg IF YOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME IN Germnnlown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill con sult me. A. II Meehan. 0747 Germantown ave. RESIDENCE SITES-Oround In best section ot Germantown and Chestnut Hill. B. B. LISTER & BON. 5012 Germantown ave. OLD STONE HOUSE, lot 31x239, on main street, west side; near train and trolley; price $4500, J '132. Ledger Central. SEND FOR NEW BOOKLET SOMETHING SPECIAL OLYNDON PRIESTMAN B50I) GTN. AVE. WE CAN ASSIST you to And that houae you are looking for. Germantown Trust Co., Chelten and Germantown qvea. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READT Pelham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Germantown ave. TIOGA 1012-14-18 W. ONTARIO St, 3350 N. 10th at. Four 2-story brlc't dwellings, 8 rooms each, rent $18 and $20; also lot, northeaBt corner 10th and Ontario sts.. 48x75 feet, to close an estate; make offer. North Phlla. Trust Co.. Broad and Erie ave. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KENNEDY & RAMBO. .1740 GERMANTOWN Logan LOGAN REAL ESTAT1S SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, Broad St.. opp. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, mortgages and convey ancing. WM. D. CHAMBERS, 4933 N. Broad at. Oak Lane DESIRABLE single house on a large lot: main street; price $5500; thla price is reduction and makes the property a decided bargain. For Information apply w!lli-.,i Barr, 8th and Oak lane. SUBURBAN CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorne. Pa. homes for sale or rent Mccormick & Mccormick. 1011 Chestnut, and Elkina Park. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, aale oi rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R. vi. ri. 1VA1.SUIM a: uu . morria nuuaing. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES tor sale or rent; attractive locations: prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust Bldg. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Main Line, Ger mantown : farms; Reading R.R.Send for lists. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.. Morris Bldg. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKE 4s SON. 1414 So. Penn sq. FOUNDED 1876. Ambler, Pa. SEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, country aeats, building ground, etc. I have a large and varied list in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing In the way of country real estate, do not tall to get my list before you buy, THOMAS ATKINSON . Ambler, Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. H. J. Pager. Inc.. Ambler. Pa, Colwyn, Pa. .wXS1-Ccrn" Property. 0 rooms, bath and outkltchen; modern convenlencea; lot 20x80 vA,Xp.,c.e f?100: bulldera' price. $2500. YOCUM & POWERS CO.. 26 S. 15th atreet. 0910 Woodland ave. Darby, Pa. n?PV.CEP t0 2800-Wtth lot 35x200; sub. dwell., a rms., hot-ater heat; fruit: chicken house. Swope & Sons. Darhv ' ""cl"" Elkina Park, fa. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, near train and trolley, at decided bJrgsln: all Improvements. Box P 100. Ledger Office. fllenalde, Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description, RENNINGER tc RENNINGER , Broad nnd Walnut sts. MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. BEST LIST OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, at all prices. HIRST& McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. BUBURBAN HOMES, country place" and building sites to suit all requirements: Main Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Wayne OWNER moving South will sell 12-room house NEW JERSEY Bdgewater 1'ark. N. 4. HANDSOME residences, all conveniences, sub urban and river bank. Edgewater Park and A. W. DRESSER, Burlington. N. J. Haddon Heights. N. J, LIPPINCOTT LOT8 AND HOMES HAL DON HEIGHTS, N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. twn8?;.?.1"" o ,h9 century fe.it? ?Ja ? UMIS onJ;r farm close to Phlla., and remember, $5 down buys one. $3 monthly nays for it. 'For a square dial call on or write BARLOW & CO.. Maple fihadi lt. Eiiliralm. N. J. w. - v ONE-ACRE FARMS rlV rkphi,a. ?' ,K' '; Haddon Heights! ?n'K l.!"." 'rom Camden, 2 stations on tract; $100 to $000 per acre, title Insured; free deed; no taxea for 101 8. Camden County Gar den Farms Co.. 620 Market at.. Camden! N.J. National Park. N. J. "I? AiSw?' W00 c,,h' 10 monthly; lots 28 xl50; near trolley; couv. to river: National Park. Get off Red Bank ave.. aee agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co.. 33 B. 16th. Woodbury, N. J. $24O0-FqR SHORT TIME 1 can build yo"u" a trtuccu home, 8 rooms and bath; all convenl- new 1 acre ground: close to trolley and a' vr,cn.'S: l.e&t0iu,t- lohn Abramson. 21 N. Broad st , Woodbury, -N. J- free booklet awaiting you atUdcer Centra(l REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEASHORE Cape) Mar. N. J. COTTAGE erscted by a "liable bulder Is satisfaction; attractive plana "lttf1 j. OTIS M. TOWNBENP. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J COTTAGE erected by a reliable bu der Is satl.factlon; attractive plans submitted rts. OTIS M. TOWNBENP. Ocean City. N. . i-itVNSVI.VANIA FA1.M8 Jack's Farm Agency. 215 8tepnen Glrard Bldg., Phils. 10 ACRES, Delaware County special; snug lit TVf l4OMrSON,WsetChester, Pa, 55 ACRES, BTOCK. .CnOTS, goo "'"""jR. $2500; half cash. HUN8BERGER B rAii- . ; ata. -a T -Pisa T AVtJCiiX. m" -" ""' "- J34 ACRES. $9Xl0-Two and iiatf rnllej Main Line 1'en.ia. R. R. Bargain. Get our cata logue. A. r. "n..M w.t Chester. Ts, SMALL COUNTRY HOME "" kg1 worth $3000. can $ r 32 ACRES, stock, crops and toots; good build ings: a bargain; $3000; terms. GROSS MINGLE. B210 Market st. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT BUY A HOME FROM US-Monthly paymenta $17 to $50: N Phlla. and Germantown: prlcei $1800 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Co., T1B-T18 Chestnut st. SUBURBAN CITY AND BUBURBAN Properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Co., Land Title Building. Philadelphia. Ta. Bala- Cynwyd. I'a. LARGE LIST houses, sale or rent, sat, salt prices. Ssmuel C. Wagner, Jr., Commercial Trust Building, 18th and Market sts. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE 300 HOUSES, everywhere, sale. rent, exchange. C. HARRY SHOWAKER, 3033 N. Broad. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SEND ME DESCRIPTION of the property that jou have to exchange; atate what you want, I will make ou an offer at once. QUIN. 201 8. 10th at. $3000 EQUITY In 5 2-story 7-room dwellings! porch fronts: fine condition: practically new; for clear or lightly encumbered property. P 112, Ledger Office ' ALBRECHTS . Exchanges: what have you to offer! Drexel Bldg., 2414 W. Lehigh ave. 873 REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gagee and fire Insurance placed quickly. Set Kane for prompt results. 2528 Tasker at. WANT listing of country seats and farms H. B. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut st. Appointments by phone, Walnut 4215j REAL ESTATE POR RENT . CITY 1112-14 WALNUT ST. Fine large floor for dance atudlo. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 13th at. 318 B. ISTH ST. 11 rooms and 2 baths. MEARS & BROWN. 202 B. 18th st. 2052 N. MARVINE ST. 3-story. 11 rooms; conveniences; low rent. Keys 1B15 N. 12th. WM. I.. CRAVEN'S SONS, 1540 N. Tth st. JEFFERSON. W.. 10100 rooms, porcelain tub and slnka: 2311 Gratz, T rooms, porcelain tub; 2432 N. Clarion. 5 rooma: all In good condition. COLUMBIA AVE., 1615-12 rooms. 2 modern baths; newly papered and painted: $35. WILINGTON. 1803 (16th nnd Berka)-3-atory modern: good condition; fine location; $28. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all aectlons of city. See our lut In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. . S. E. cor. Oth nnd Callowhlll. PARK-FRONT RESIDENCE, NO. 1511 N. 33D STREET 14 rooms. 2 baths, modern: $40 to desirable tenant. PEMBERTON ESTATES, 1102 Harrison Building. JUST RENOVATED 13 large, sunny rooms; large tront. side and back lawn; 1036 N. 12th. MYERS & BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th. $30-DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Send for list. Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 8. 12th St. RENT LIST We will gladly send you a list upon application. WM. G. GLENN, 300-O1 Land Title Bldg., 1517 Columbia ave: $18 PER MONTH Cozy, 2-story, S-room porch dwelling; all conveniences; 2U0 W. Firth st. (near 21d nnd Cumberland ats.): key 2.137. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. Broad & Chestnut sts. Send for our rent list. Stores and Dwellings LARGE STORE. WITH DWELLING PRI VATE. BEST LOCATION-58th and Whitby, on crosstown line. PEMBERTON ESTATES. 1102 Harrison Building. nENTAL LISTS 3436 North 21at $42.00 D S. 43d at $20 613 N. 42d $12 T21 S. Mole 2012860 Orlanna st. .... 11 8210 Spencer ter. .. 1TI2S61 Orlanna at. ... 11 1921 Ingeraoll st. .. lt1032 Wlllard 10 041 N. 42d 13i22l Orlanna at. ... JO 2052 Helen i:i 1 2(127 Titan u 300 Cambria 12120111 Catharine 8 ALFRED II. WILLIAMS 622 Walnut st. Factories, Warehouses. Mfg. Floors 4TH ST.. N.. 119-23 Manufacturing floora: ateam heat and power. "fr'' .-. ..., .... w.,cn.,,u,. bi. 14,000 SQ. FT. IN MODERN FACTORY N. E-. cor. 23d and Arch sts.; steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatto sprinklers, watchman, R. R. sidings, extra large wlndowa; owner management. Apply G. P. PILLING & SONJJO.. on premise. MERCHANTS' BUILDfNCl ' 41 NORTH 4TH ST DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT HAVE PARTY who will erect hullrilne- ,: tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. PIETI.B1CH. 737 Walnut at. METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor. Broad and Wallice; rooms 8000 to 4O.0U0 square feet on a Cnor. Apply to O. F. Lather. 14T N. 10th. FACTORY FLOORS and varerooma, large and HARRY T. BAUNDRns !t a te.v. .. FLOOR SPACE.' ll.iOO square feet at NE corner 11th and Washington avenue: AddIV 'ashlngton avenue. Apply u. j. Mime & Bona, Garage 802-4.6 CHANCELLOR (St. James) 8T.-2 story central garage, 36x40; nowlncouraa St erection; reaaonable rent; exceptional quar WaVut" ,ctorpora,lon' u A. TAULANE, MO OFFICEB, BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. CHESTNUT. 172? v.- .. .!....- .' eating rooma. ault. for studio or profusion! DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES--Annual r.ni.i.1 Single rooms. $100. $12or$itso, uu.wa.'xjau' suite 2 rms., $180. tin, $200 $225' m-S JJ?.' Suits 3 rm. Stan I"7k' ITS.' If. if;?' I?!?- .?, !. to I .roo.m7j500 to65fc .,...., xx, wmjamii, quo Drexel Building. Bright Attractive Offices uio-u L.HfcSTNUT ST MEARS & BROWN 202 -sth liKrinriMTHo.' iiAtr .. x aAtD,tui: .. . ....a1 aw UUiUUinJIi fc liAI tr . H North 4th st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. PL A Z A BUILOI NO" emces single and En Bulls. 100S-OT-09 ARCH ST. ByC. A.V0IGHT - REAL ESTATE gQR KEWr JINK88OOM8rCTrt r.T-x(.ti t ' CENTRAL OFFICES BTrtt.e. ANP BUSINESS PrtOPElStSS J. C. FULLER. 10 e. lafPSP - - - -"- -. Professional Otflcea. 18T7I ST., B.. 817 Three r.. ... . - dentist; electricity, hot wat.e "V"1 . floors; newly papered; good light! BtMl3 12TH RPnumri oxa o -" : first-floor suite. 2 rooms bathf st.?t,rt' elec lights; suitable for phv.i?i.'ynW' fcPRUCB BT., lS20-Oft1cea for r,h..i . 2:? dentists: ttaht. h-..if-.,0L.bhrlcUui i-ri references. -. running wateHtl BROAD, a. 2426 Office for m,i.i . nlshed or unfurnlsned, -"Wetta, tot,; CHESTNUT. S026-S large physlclan'n-i steam heat, elec; newly nova'dTle,-T,?tl -At.virr fn- d,.i., . e. .. - . ,, hot and cold running water. electriM.f" '$ rnuruniuNAU UUILDINO, 1831.93 ,-. , -& t."... Hi!? 'or physlclana t? Tuitl' J. T. . JAtnauH c-u.. Chestnut ana ViT. 1 M,- WEST riULADKLriTT ATTRACTIVE HOUSES Apartments and SiWe. IN EXCLUSIVE LOCATIONS Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro.. It. 8 BOUTH 40TII BTREET. ' " POTII Overrooklnc FAIRMOUNT iJ3 HCU8K3 42.01Wrk.?d.-';vl- gAWjPl . POTTS & TOWN8END WESTPIHLADnLPHIA HO IIOUBg tfvi. i3AiiiiuitB AVE, - ,. . . n . -,. iuuiul nil fr in 0 A. 1111.K. 1-. HITHIV -1 v.... .. . nnian; otnera $1T to $42.60. E. A. apstWJ 59th and Springfield ave. AraLn;g GERMANTOWN COLONIAL MANSION, with over aa .."!: 21 ground: old shade; combined ; stablf -? M rsge; 10 chambers. 8 bath. iKtSi ? sy brary, hall, lavatory, dining room.Bai'.-3 kitchen and servants' dining room m S3 floor: unusually large rooms throughout. .X21 fireplaces, olecttio lighting. hirdiXT'.??? rartlculars by mall. FRANK MAimiw 1 1ind Title Building. "AUKAN. I.. Chestnnt BUI DWELLINaS--$20 to $160 raonlhl git lutJ Pelham Truat Company. 6T40 O.rrnVit.'iS'l SUBURBAN MODERN DWELLING. IB rooms, 3 baTJaS steam heat: largo lot. old shade near St!? non; rent sou, u. ju. Amitp 1201 Chestnut Tl FALL list of strnnnn.vr umi..1 $10 to $200 per tnonth. """ C. P. PETERS & BON. 008 CHESTNUT BT. Hi Bala, Fa, COLONIAI Holmesburg. granite. lB-rae house: bt location In Bala; Bryn MaVr ar? and Unlnnrt ter.: all mnA imnmirT.ii!i 208 Bala ave.; rent $05. JOHN HATTBTiWJ Secane. Fa. FOR RENT Brick and frame dwelling house:" in perfect order, with all conveniences: "3 rooms and pantry; bath and linen closet:! with fcftlf i.m nr mwnri .14 .k. a.. SrTT.' n dence road, near Ashland ave.. 5 minutes'. walk from Secane Station. Central Division. P., B. and W. R. R,; o miles from Broal! St. Station. James A. Bunting, 062 Dreull Tlsill j41 lv Dlil1ttn1.la 1 MAINLINE. TA, R. B. Narberth a BRAND-NEW HOUSES.! rooms, all mooeri conveniencos. eiectria ngnta. etc., $iq pesi monin; otnera at szi.oo, $20.50, $23.50 w-1, ward. HARRIS REAL ESTATE. oppostUg station, jxarpertn. i'a. 5? 2 8 room. bath, electricity and gas, hot. J v water heat: lot 40x128. Garden, hlrtj fruuiiu. jiiiineuiaie possession. IARBERT & CLAGHORN, 204 Bailey BUf. Wynnerrood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBIti , HOUSE NO. 46. MANOR ROAD WYNNEWOOD. PA. It Is modern, with all necessary convenlssest:'' contains 13 rooma, 2 bathrooms an4 itors-'i .joorna; has liberal lot of ground, wlta nlesi i """ nowers, ana tne, rent is less l.iir w-room city nouse. Automobile storage, $5 per montb. WALTER BASSETT SMITH WYNNEWOOD. PA. Haverford STONE HOUSE. NEAR STATION. 12 rooms. 2 baths, garage. Lot 113x265. $00 month. WARNOCK & EMI.ra Commercial Trust Building. REAL OLD COLONIAL IIOUSET open trs-l places: 11 roms. 3 hatha, srnrnre- old shade:! near station. SUTTON. 301 Franklin Bldf.Vj NEW JERSEY Rlrerton. N. .1. $23 TO $10 A MONTH a to 12 room r.om( large lots. A. E. Price, 410 Llpplncott ats. jti.enon. MORTGAGES LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDSj FOR FIRST MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACE H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES JS500 $1000 S1200J 51300 S1G00 S5000 W. H. HOOD. 512 NORRIS ST. ,J0 TO LOAN O.V REAL ESTATE SSCWll to Ity: Immediate settlement, pay-l -J I.WV UCairOU. KDW. M. MOLL. .Al KUUTIt 12TH STREET. rt ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND JO MOKTOAUnJi Quick Hnswer. MAliniiTK ir iifTsiKr.Rii ' Real Estate Trust Bids. ''" MORTGAGES IN AMOUNTS OF $1SOO and ,2000 at M'j per cent. JAMES D. WIN0IIELL N. W. -cor. 17th and Sanaom ats. 3. R. MASSL'Y SON 13TII AND GIIKRN RTS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES -H uil,mrl. AHriLUJlATiUM M'PUS $100,000 TO INVEST on mnilurn In from $1000 up; also building assoclstf money tor second mortgagea, O, C. Bill c .w., its ana uaiiownui ata. FOR SALE Tlliucn nnntiNn URNTS. I EACH, bearing U per cent. Interest, IntJ the State tax. PEMBBTON EST-Ue. ,mj Harrison uuuqing. LARGE building and loan association di a dsrtesjl appucjtiona tor good 1st and 2d mortg no premium charges. Apply Secretary, Ledirep ortir-M w, n n n p i i bbb north ini .. w .n w k STREET kirbt ANn BPtrriMn mnnTriAnrca $100, $200 TO $6000 lOXOA"! $S0 LEWIS A CO. 1227 W Glrard Ave. PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 1ST MORTGAGES 2D MORTGAGES j. Rnwinn t.itt nin w it.ii mt. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOBTOAOsa", AMY AMOUNT POTTS & THOMSON. 2521 Frankford are. ; FUNDS FOR J8T AND 2D MOKTOAUt itnnTnimra wnn rii.t: THEO. E. NICKLES. 251S QERMANTW.Aj TRUST FUNDS for first m"nrlr..r HEKKNESS & 8TET80N, lvAl.ll -UlLta UUIL.UIPJU, LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATaW, , .. REASONABLE CHARGE , 10HN A. BARRY. R07 LAND TITLE BLM .mm . WV1W.1., -ATTU FIRST AND SECOND, ANY AMOUN ..-" or suDuroa; quicK service. JAMES C. SIMPSON. 1420 Cbestnuts $100,000 FOR FIRST, second or split B.Wr ss nee us nrst." ABERNETHY, 2724 N. 6th. 183 a 12ta. money for. 1st and, 2d mortgages. B Arnfilintss; lAar atBLBAr I ra ttnrs fiinrla aaliv .tllOl Plnno & Tayior. 1106 Tl-snklln Bank BU MONEY for flrat. urnnd mnA onlll mnrtsajl building and loan association funds. H 11, Wilson at Co. 2138 Qarmantown ava. MONEY for first an Mrnni4 mnrlnsu. Ing asa'n and Instalment mortgagea Wtl Wlnchestsr Company. 1001 Chsatnut at. ;Fwl '.vr.fc,KBif your sisttswi has be 1RR1 MnA Oa utu Am ,. ,., nw k hIl ; nwi-wt. hsstnuti FIRBV and M tntas. or on not, any stnoDi low rates; ImmedUte answer. F. X. Dell 1112 Lincoln Hid.. Rioait -.nit Venn SOU LOANS Large or small sums on real ssiwi lUdament notsa nr nvirtriau lAatifl ah uassj tied estates. Ptropsey & fla.. 27 8. lgth-'n wiwo m m. ena secgna morigases,.jn amount, quick answers CHAS. W MB ysiw. ui-4117 Commonwealth Bldg v ...a hi C1IA8. I. KiXF'J000 Jor "gooTfirs". ; moTTsl n 40T, Ledger Off c. DKiJhB 'iirJivTnr .-jn'rriTTsr waila-e, 1 Lincoln BulMIng- botli pm"! H lOBKKR