It IP DANCES AND VARIOUS AFFAIRS , ( ARE PLANNED FOR THE WINTER bailee to Be Given in Honor of the Misses Myers Miss t Eleanor Verner iPlans for &er Receiving ' ;Iv Party Halloween Party . niyrti. and Mns. noxiu HAimisoN 'JLYJ. SMITH will bIvo a smMl dnnce on Monday evening, October 28, In honor of Miss Marcnretia Dixon Myers and Miss Sarah Scrcennt Myers, debutante dnugh ten of Mr and Mr William Jlcyward Mayers. !m1ss Eleanor Hampton Vomer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Vorncr, .of Wayne, will be Introduced at a tea which her parents will Rive nt their town vh6use, 20 Spruco street, on Monday, No vfmber 22, Instead of on November 2( at the Acorn Club, which was at first planned. iChn receiving party will Include Miss Margaret Davis, Miss Margarctta Dixon, Mlts Sarah Sergeant Myers, Miss Chris tine II. Btockton, Miss Margaret Onder donk Remak, Miss Martha Thornton Mc Allister, Miss C. Eloanor Pepper, atlas Caroline Shcppard, Miss Mildred Shcp pard, Miss Barbara Mifflin Doyd, Miss I targaret M. Perot, Miss Helen I Mar shall, Miss Mary I Scull, Miss Theodora Keith Llllle, Miss Oertrudo L.. PnnconBt, Miss A. Marjory Taylor, Miss Frances W. Scott, Miss Corlnno B. Freeman, Mlsa Helen Qleason, Miss Esther Bochman, .Miss Louise S. Grey, Miss M. Claire 'Spemser and Miss Marion Button. A supper and Informal danco will follow (or the receiving party and additional men guests. Mr. and Mrs. Verner will give a small dance on Monday, December 20, at tho Acorn Club. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Fltler will kdve a Halloween dance at Gutphmont. rtuelr country homo In Vlllanovn, In honor 'of their daughter. Miss Rachel Fltler, ' who Is a debutante of this season. i Mr. and Mrs. James H. Emack, of Ovcr torook, will glvo a dinner on Monday, October 25, for Miss Lenore de Prunay Rousscl and her bridal party. The guests will include Miss Dorothy Tremalne' and Miss Annetto Gladlng, or New York; Miss Margaret Yardlcy, Miss Anna B. Wetherlll. Miss Gladys Hether ington. Miss Eleanor Edmonds, Mrs. Thomas Wallace, of Louisville, Ky.: Mrs. Plerson Cummlrs, Dayton, O.: Sir. Morris Kempton, Mr. Philip Bliss, of Boston; Mr. Joseph Ewlng, Mr. Clayton French, Mr. 'Albert E. Roussel, Jr., and Mr. Ralph Burton, of Charleston, S. C, and Mr. George H. Earlc, 3d. Mrs. Harold Roberts, of Overbrook, Will give a luncheon and brldgo on Wed nesday. October 20, In honor of Mrs. Isaac H. Shelly, who was Miss Jean Conrad before her marriage. Tho addi tional guests Include Mrs. Poxson Dceter, Mrs. E. Ross Carter, Miss Helen Austin, Mlsri Miriam Clark Kane, Miss Audrey Kane, Miss Mary Potter, Miss L. M. Wright, Miss Edith Evans and Miss Elizabeth Cryer. It Is Interesting to know that Mr. Paul Kurtz, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. William 'B. Kurtz, of Manhelm street, Germantown, Is ditvlng one of the American Hospital nmoulances In Paris. Mr. Kurtz, who has not finished his medical course at the Ha-vard Medical School, Is so Infatuated with his work and so keenly feels the crying need of the French people that he Is Reluctant to return to America. Mr. end Mrs. Howard Wood, Jr., of Conshohocken, are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, born Tues day, October 12. Mrs. Wood was Mlsa Phebe Ingersoll Wllmer before her mar riage. Miss Eleanor Longstreth, of 1B04 Locust street, will spend the week-end in Anna polls, Md., attending the Pennsylvania Navy football game and also the hop which will follow It on Saturday night Mrs. Conrad S. Grove, of 6601 Qnlncy street, will also motor to Annapolis to attend the game. She will be tho guest of Mrs. George Louis Thomas. Mrs. Thomas' other guests will be Miss Elsie Darby and Miss Mariorle Thomas. Miss Madeleine Dahlgren, daughter of Mrs. Urexel Dahlgren, of New York, has been visiting her aunt and uncle. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bingham Penrose. Miss Dahlgren came -with Miss Sarah Penrose when sho returned from visiting Mrs. Dahlgren at Lenox, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Putnam and the MlBsea Putnam have left Watcryllle, N. Y., and opened their home, 1D26 Spruce street, for the winter. Mr. Alfred Putnam will return to Harvard. Parking spaces have been well taken for the 11th annual race meeting of the Whltemarsh Valley Hunt Club, to be run October 20 and 23 over the famous old Erdenhelm track near Chestnut Hill. This Is alwayB one of the smartest out door affairs of the fall, and society will be well represented. Among those who have already engaged parking spaces are Mr. Edward B Smith, Mr. Henry B. Coxe, Captain Edward B. Cassatt, Mr. J, Stanley Reeve, Mr. Richard M. Cad walader. Jr., Mr. Benjamin Chew, Mr. Jesse Williamson, 2d, Mr. W. fitandley Stokes. Mr. Edward Ingersoll, Miss Emily Barclay, Mr. William H. Ellis, Mr. Wil liam G. Warden, Mr. Richard V. Mam son, Jr., Mr. Howard H. Henry, Mr. F, Wilson Prlchett, Mr. II. Frazer Harris. Mr, E. N. Benson, Jr., Mr. R. Nelson Buckley. Mr. Clement N. WilllamB, Mr. C. Bradford Fraley, Mr. Stevenson Croth ers, Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle. Mr. M. R. Jackson, Mrs. I. T. Btarr, Mr. James G. Lelper, Jr., and Mr. Ralph B. Strass burger. Along the Main Linex BRYN MAWR-Mr. and Mrs. John R. Valentine, who have been spending a few days as the guests of Mr, end Mrs. Eugeno Levering, Jr., In the Green Spring Valley, Baltimore, are expected to return to Highland Farm on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Stockton Townsend returned to her home on Orchard lane yesterday from Providence, R. I., where sho had been visiting Mrs. Llppett, who will bo remem bered as Miss Marlon S. Almy, of Phila delphia. VILLANOVA Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crozer have given up Rose Garland, the house they had in Vlllanova, and returned to 631 Locust street, their homo In Phila delphia, Mrs, Joseph Slnnott, of Rathalla, will entertain Mrs. Thomas Burke and daugh ters, of Atlanta, Ga., for sevoral weeks. ST. DAVIDS. -Mrs Isabel H Mc Henry has rented hor house on Midland avenue and .taken apartments at the Coronado, SH'snd Chestnut streets, PhlN adelpWa, for ho winter. Mrs, T T. Watsoq entertained the mem be of her dance committee for the 'Harvest Home Fete" at her home on" Pembroke avenuo Tuesday. They de cide to have a "Lucky Number Dance," wheat etch couple draws a number, and the lady, of the lucky number wins pair of itln slippers There will also be competition dances, when two prises will be given for the beat dancing, Among those present were Mis. Isaac H Clo thier, Jr Mrs 3, Gardner Cassatt, Mrs, Theodore Weldershelm, Miss Mergaretta X Myers. Miss Sarah T Myers, Miss Gertrude Hearne, Miss Mary Scull, Miss Marlon Mulford, Mlsa Eugenia Law Mis Adellno L F Pepper, Mlsu Louise Twad dell, Mies Hilda Januson, Miss France ClySo Brodhead. Mis JIance Montgom ery an Miss Genevieve Qlbb RADNOH.-rMr. a4 Mrs, Isaac H. EVENING Stehll, of Now York, over the Harvest iiomo Feto and week-end, at Sunnybrook. their homo In Radnor. Mrs W. Lawrence Lewis has gone to New York to spend a few days, where she Is staying at the Woloott Hotel. Mrs. Horace Blnney Haro will dose Harford about tho 1st or December, and move Into her town house, 120 South 22d street. Chestnut Hill An Interesting meeting was held on Tuesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Thomas Potter, Jr., to discuss plana for the bazaar to be held on November S In the ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford under tho auspices of tho Philadelphia Auxiliary of the Southern Industrial Ed ucational Association." Mrs. Louis Lewis, the president, presided. Chairmen of the various .committees told of the prog ress made, and much enthusiasm Is be ing displayed by the various members. A social hour was enjoyed after the meeting, at which time tea was served. Those who presided at tho tea table were Mrs. Wyle Wilson and Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw. Germantown Mr, and Mrs. Henry S. Grove, of 25S West Tulpchocken streot, who have been visiting friends In Washington, D. C. during the last week, will return home tomorrow. Mrs. Clifton Bull, of 62 Maplewood ave nue, and Mrs. George Reinhart. of 23 East Slocum street, have recently re turned from an extended tour through the Southern States, having stopped en route at Winchester, Va as the guest of sev eral friends. Mr. Joseph McCadden, of New York, spent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Llpplncott Cassard. 336 Pol ham road. Mrs. Walter D. Banes, of 319 West Price street, entertained the members of her brldgo club Tuesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Walter McFar lan, Mrs. Robert Boltz, MrB. Lorlng llffany Swain. Mrs. Herbert Tlmanus, Mrs. Clinton Beagary, Mrs. Mervln Graham, Miss Blanche Chauveau. Miss Edith McMurtrle. Miss Margaret Tatters field, Miss Anna Thompson. Mrs. Banes will leavo on Friday on a motor trip along the Hudson. She will also chap crone a house party for a week. Along the Reading Mr. William T. Weir. Jr., of Logan, entertained a group of his associates at a chicken waffle dinner In Smith's Hall, Marvin and Rockland streetB, last week. About 200 guests were present. The guests of honor were Mr. W. Froeland Kendrlck. Mr. William H. Wilson, Mr. Joseph P. Rodgers, Mr. A. C. Keeley and Mr. Wil liam G. Carroll. Mrv and Mrs. Charles Jannlsh, of Chel ten avenue, Oak Lane, will entertain their "BOO" club this evening. There wltl bo music and dancing during the evening. Among their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foulk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ty son, Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chalk, Mr. ahd Mrs. Frederick Price. Mr. and Mrs. George McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cully, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conly. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Downs, Mr. and Mrs. George Everltt. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Mr. and Mrs. William Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. James Mugford and their daughter, Miss Mary E. Mugford, have returned from their summer home at Margate City to thelrNvlpter residence, 4211 Leldy avenue. Miss Margaret McCausland entertained Informally last evening at her home, 3309 Powelton avenue. Miss MIna Gallagher, of Feabody, Mass , is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James McGold rlck, of 6115 Callowhlll st. Miss Tessle McGoldrick has Just returned from a four weeks' stay at Sheepshead Bay, L. I. South Philadelphia Mr. Baynard F. Easley, of 12th and Mc Kcan streetB, spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Wllllmor, of Hazleton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs, Atwood Dourfold, of 10th and Porter streets, have left for a shoit stay at the home of Mr. and MrB. Haro'd Yamall, of Cape May, N. J. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Boise, of 127 League street, recently entertained a number of friends at their summer home in National Park, N. J, Mlsa Elizabeth Frtedllng, of 4th and Reed streets, has returned after a short stay In Atlantic City, North Philadelphia Miss Anna Kern will entertain tho mem bers of the Ford Sewing Circle at her home, 2111 North Woodstock street, to morrow. Among tho guests will bo Miss Anna Berenback, Miss Florenco Helme, Miss Edna Kern, Miss Blanche helme, Miss Mary Buckley, Miss Ida Sprlgel and Miss Marie Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and their daughters Reba and Beatrice have re turned to the city after being at Wild wood, N. J During tho winter they will entertain at their new home, 4218 North Franklin street. Northeast Philadelphia A party of young folk gathered last Thursday evening at the home of Miss Bella Backert. 2233 North Hancock street, to celebrate the ltth anniversary cf her birth. The guests were Miss Rose Sarrnt, Miss Irene Walker, Miss Delia Fisher, Miss Mary Gall, Mr, Herbert Wals, Mr. William McGrann, Mr. John Graham, Mr. William Smith, Mr. Otto Llndeman. Mrs. Walter Emely, of 4313 North Franklin street, gave an Informal dinner Sunday evening, In honor of MUs Laura Dorothy 8-toll, of Bandusky, O. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sow den, Mrs. Elisabeth Short, Mr. and Mr. Sidney Sheets, Mr and Mrs. Lee Eastwood, Matter Charlton Emely and Miss Elaine Emely " Mr, Emely has returned to the city, after spending Mversj weeks n New Orlean and other frauttorn points. 'o4Im for H Itedetf ps W be accepted a4 trit4 b Me Kvenlng lAOftt, tm a siKH tMMoes atwt b yttmen on 4 Hm ff, swt b n Itii il -jj - --j MM T. jtoofet M CfcM l'alM out m that V1 to Mkhw a '1., Mfe f wsnl(inMi t t-.i'T,T Pn Mr.HfW.,'u ta tj , a.inliyr I. SBBBWdiVrMXnLJNBIsBBBBBB. I StJBSS. ATLANTIC CITT B II LWl ti e-rrlM iri T.fioiffl VSS. "!? UJ I MBsatiH tear kt - , Hl A'.i.TlZX TJH,TT..TC ! I LEPGEft-PHILAPELPHiA, THUBSDAY, OCTOBER BaBsaBsaBsaBsaBsaseflBaBSBBV VAeflBBBBsKssBBBBsm JBBBBBBBBBBBBBffMsBBBBBBBsf jesBBBBBBBBBMsssBBBBBBBBBBi sASBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBfeBBBBBBIHt JbsHbSSS BSBBEeeaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS ssssssssssssssssssssHVssssssHrassiP flsssBsssssssssssssssH ssssssssssflssssssoHflBHssssss IbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssH SSSSSSSSSSSkiBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSsHsftKHBBSsP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai bbbbbbbbHmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHr9 TEHb w ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi B as"" jS-V-vHHf- rSJMBHpeaejifc,. jsssBBBep sbbbbbbbI II J? .BBBBBBBBBBReBf v'V jf bBbbbbbbbsw sbbbbbsbI It ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbSI . "& ubbbbbbbbbbbbbT IbsbbsbbsI Hbl! i '" Mr' mmmmWMmmwF I flsasBBBBBsl BBBBBJ- ' jmWmWmmVmmmW flSsH a. . SU. ajJ25JSBBSBPJBBBBJSBJr VXE1BSBSS. MISS MARIANA W. GOWEN Dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnncis I. Gowcn, who will make her formal bow to society todny. CHARITY FETE ARRANGED BY MAIN LINE FOLK IS HELD TODAY Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Walton in St. Davids Given Over to Harvest Home Enter r tainment Other Affairs THE palatial grounds of Walmarthon, the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Walton, In St. Davids, were completely turned over today to the pub lic for the sake of charity, when tho Harvest Home Fete was held for the Neighborhood League. A large number of socially prominent women are actively engaged In the affair. A baby rest tent Is the weapon selected by the BUffragists, of whom It has been Bald neglect of home and children Is up permost, and they hope by their brave handling of the question of caring for tho children and the charm of their "salesladies" to kill once and for all the accusation that Interest In votes for women robs a woman of her love for children and her charm of manner. In addition they ran an up-to-date grocery storo to show that they carry their methods boyond the home, and Insist that places from which their com modities come shall be above reproach. The women who arranged this novel cam paign Included Mrs. Ferree Brlnton, Mrs. J. S. C. Harvey, Mrs. George H. Wilson, Mrs. Charles B. Martin. Mrs. M. L. Hum rlchouse. Miss Anna Atkinson, Mrs. E. Lewis Burnham aid Charles S. Harvey. To rival this the antl-suffraglsts de cided upon a practical booth Just to show "those mean things, the surfs," that they are not tho Huffy butterflies of fashion their opponents claim. Prom inent In this faction are Mrs. 'James Francis Sullivan, Mrs. J. Gardner Cas satt, Mrs. Charles Bingham Penrose, Miss Florence R. Hall, Mrs. T. H. Gull ford and Mrs. J. Donaldson Paxton. At the way-down-east table, in chargo of the women of Berwyn, there were brown bread and baked beans, flshballs and doughnuts, mince pies and crnb apple Jellies. The committee Includes Mrs. William Paul Morris, Mrs. Charles Aiken, Mrs. J. P. Lamborn, Miss Mar garetta Atkinson, Miss Agnes Okie and Mrs. Hugh deC. Hamilton. It would not bo an up-to-date fete without dancing, so Mrs. Walton In vited all guests who wished to trip the light fantastic to como to her porch be tween 4 and 6 o'clock and 7;30 and 10:30 o'clock. An orchestra discoursed sweet strains while the right hand of wel come was offered by a member of the Dancing Committee The committee Included Mrs. William Townsend Wright, Mrs. Rene Gulllou Hare, Mrs. William Carmalt Scull, Mrs. Theodge E. Wleder shelm. Miss Genevieve Glbbs. Miss Mont gomery, the Misses Myers, Miss Martha Walton, Miss Eugenia Carter Law, Miss Mary Scull, Miss Gladys Jameson, Miss Hilda Jameson, Miss Marlon Mulford and Miss Pepper. A genuine clam bake was conducted In the little log cabin on the grounds, and there was also a movlng-plcturo exhibition, this latter In charge of the various men's organizations of Wayne, who have combined for the good of the cause. A gipsy camp was another feature of this fete. Friends of Miss Kathryn Brautlgam, of 3159 Emerald street, gave a surprise party at her home In her honor last Saturday evening. The occasion proved a complete surprise In every respect. Miss Brautlgam received a ring as a mark of esteem from her friends. The table, which was very artistically decorated In autumn colors, corresponding with the decorations pf the room, was especially marked by a huge fruit column In the centre, and was brilliantly Illum inated by a largo number of candelabrum. The guests were Miss Francis Sanwald, Miss Ethel Sowers. Miss Ida Yeager, Mlsa Emma Masheroach, Mlsa Elsie Lee, Miss Frieda Meerbach, Mr. Ralph Sllbert, Mr. Charles Lee, Mr. Charles Stelner, Mr. Howard Sowers, Mr. Harry Brautlgam, Mr. Fred Schwab, Mr. William Schltnskt and Mr. Harry Klpp. The Fraternal League, a literary organization of South Philadelphia, held a meeting on Sunday at the College Set tlement, fth and Christian streets. An entertainment will be given on Saturday, October 23, in the auditorium of the Col lege Settlement. Mr Joseph II. Jennings Is secretary of the club. The Isaac M. Wise Club held Its second annual literary evening last night, at the Adath Jeshurun assembly rooms, Broad street above Diamond. The first annual literary evening proved such a succei that the club de- AUTUMN RESORTS ATLANTIC CITV, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY 3uror location witu an U4structd view of bfach vta atx)KnaifV Arecoowa TBtJ.MV, ZZ&tltf, elded to make It an annual affair, and the program wan well prepared. Professor Mawhlnney. of Southern High School, ie..n? PS llls "cll-known nnd much appreciated lectures. Rabbi Max D Klein made an address. The program follows: Piano solo. "Lucln." Miss Lillian Ros enzwelg; Introduction, chairman of the evening. Mr. Bertram A Beuben; ad dress of welcome. Mr. Maurice Goodkln, of tho Isaac M. Wise. Club; vocal solo, Carlsslma," Mrs Bertram A. Reuben, sic companled by Mrs Roland Ersklne; ad dress, the Rev. Max D Klein; recitntion. seeded. Miss Fay Burger; illustrated talk, "Historic Paris," Mr. T A. H. Maw hinney, professor of languages. South ern High School; piano bolo, "La Bal lerina," Miss Ella Wile. On Sunday, October 10, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Leute, of 4916 North Broad street, celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding. Among those present were their sons, Mr. Joseph, Jr. Mr. Emll and Mr. Harry and Mr. William Lente; their daughters. Miss Bertha, Miss Emma Lente, Mrs. Francis Hesslcr and family, Mrs. Ernestine Morris, of Glenslde; Mrs. Frederick Besscy and daughter, of Per- Of all tho Interesting meetings that was eer held by tho Unique Club the most Interesting was held Monday night nt the home of Miss Jean and Miss Rae kasle; Mr. Charles Medor and family, Mrs. Mary Florence Costello Leute, Mr. Joseph Leute and Mr. Alonzo Davis. ACTIVE WORKERS FOR CHARITY MISS IDA BAROT AUTUMN RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Atlantic CitaM Thcunght btavof Seashore Resorts.' Suoh was the Enthusiastic Verd.'Kr? a ffMO I Hotel art) an Marlborough-Blenhelm On the Ocean Front American and European Plane Joalah Wblta &. Sona Company Motel Dennis On the Ocean Front Walter J. liuiby Galen Hall Hotel and Sanatorium t. L. Young. Msr. Only one hour Wa l'enna. sffnS S faking a tkt eontrttl tonttruttion a tht !nAioi, TAomai A. Kiln tali. It tt eomiti J comlrutlion tr all sr tat tmildlHgt. (won't i4nd, it won't iriaJt, ana couldn't turn It vol. Iritd " ORarlbotougbJSlenbeim, ATIANTIC CITY, N. J. THE LEADING RESORT HOUSE OF THE WORLD Capacity tJOO American and Kuropean Plana The great cuentul ol ictort hotel, u dittinguiihed from a city hotel, ii ample public tptce devofd to the ute ol Hi gueiti, in the form ol bright sod airy Exchange!, Lobbiet, Pailon, Caltenef and Solariurni, affording pleating iiti sad beautiful promenadei, the whole combining Into an haimonioui viuoo ol grandeur and Kesutjr, which, while replete with the coir group tecluuoai ol home, ssord lull vkmi of the pleating panorama ol the ictoit life, la thit tuential the 4UrlbarsMnhBlrnt,rl itiodj without an equal in Atlantic Civ or tltcwhere, ha "Ownetthip Management," while accounting lot Ut unique icputabon, it a guaranty of thj high character ol lit patronage and the unexcelled quality o it acrvice and cuuinc It emploji only white aetrice b both Americas and U carte dining loomt. k nuke a apedally ol ill high. elan miwic every evening throughout the year, with apecial Suadey night tolo feature, which, thit year, with tuck attiato M Romaai, ManoUe, Rote and Glenville, hac been moat tucceatful, Atlantic Ckr, with 1U only real competitor (Europe) thU rear Impoaafble. it Onarlnz unuuaa attraction! and enlei talnmt nt Two ftyuur boat arc dally aourcea pf " Twoarolf courtea. tha Yacht Club, the flfhfnx fleet and the wondecf ul bathlns aa at attract their rrapeetive darotces. while the pier amoK mecta, the theatre tna Bsrdwalk. the fin motor roads and thaaplendlihtela.elrata. rants. aw4 njetnent to all Tbr la only one Atlantis City anTd! yea Kts par ticoWh atraillve. Writ for tlluatratad booklet and tee. eOUAH WHITK frOKg CUMTANY Baron, 500 South 8th street Bereral amendments were made to the constitu tion It was finally agreed that the main object of the club shall be charity After the meeting surpr was srved, which was followed by dancing Those present were Mis Tearl Burn stlne, Miss Fannie Cohen. Miss Esslo Deutsrh. Miss Sarah rjerunn MIm Helen ( Abrahams, Miss Rose Krnkovltt, Miss I Milba Buxbaum, Miss Helen Leblang, I Miss Gertrude Silvers and Miss Helen Mnrgolls j Miss Gussle Steinberg, of 633 South street, was entertained as a visitor, Mr. , Larry Gerson and Mr, Harry Steinberg helped to rewlvo and entertain. The next meeting will bo held nt the homo of Miss Pearl Burnstlne, 127 North 10th street. A birthday party was held nt the home of Mr and Mrs Myers, of 2103 Stella ave nue, in honor of their dauuhtrr, Miss Margaret Myers Thoso present were Miss Madeline 8cller, Miss Emily Denecke, Miss Esther Harrison, Miss Ella Mae Stlllwngncr, Tlnloy McKlohan, Senior VllMn. William Lodge, John Rhelm. Trod Davis, Mrs. Gressner, Mrs. Foss, Mrs. William Seller, Miss Florence Pow ers, Mr. Joseph Foss, Miss Sarah Witten berg, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lelthold and Mr and Mrs. Myers. Tioga The Bachelor Girls of Tioga will be entertained nt luncheon on Tuesday, Oc tober 19, by Mrs. Frederick Schaufler at her home In Olnoy In honor of her sister, Miss Anna Commers, ft member of the club. Bronze-hucd nutumn leaves and autumn flowers will be combined effect ively In the attractive decorations. Other ucMs will be Miss Maude Harrison, Miss "mlly Stnufftr, Miss Cora Rudolph, Miss Inno Mitchell, Miss Edith Murfett, Miss Knthnrlne Gordon, Miss Catherine Beck, MIm Ida latin, Miss Margaret Stnpleford, Miss Lena Strauh, Miss Katharine Hau bert. Miss Clara Gyeer and Miss Elsie Steotpsler. Lansdowne Mrs. nnd Mrs. William J. Hicks, of West Baltimore avenue, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daugh ter. The Rev. Floyd W. Tomklns. S T. D. Is conducting the mission which Is being held this week at St. John's Church. Mr. William Hnmllton Jeffcrles, M. D., a med ical missionary from China, Is giving the opening and closing addresses. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. Jnmcs Clarke, of Merchantvllle, N. J., Is the guest of Mrs. William H. Stelwngon, at Dingman's Ferry, Ta. Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. Craig and Miss Crnlg have returned to their Mer chantvllle home after being In Ventnor. Debutante Doings A charming debutante who will be Introduced today Is Miss Mariana W. Gowen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis I Gowen. who will give a tea In her honor nt their home, Dcepdale, Chest nut Hill. Miss Gowen Is n sister of Mrs. W Frazler Harrison, who was Miss Alli son Gowen. Tho little debutante will wet r an exquisite frock of soft satin and tulle. Tho receiving party will Include Miss Elizabeth Wharton Downs, Miss Batbara Benson, Miss Margaretta D. Mers. Miss Maria Thayer Graham, Miss Mary E. Bohlen, Miss Agnes Brockle, Mlsa Sarah S. Franklin, Miss Sarah C. Nollson. Miss Emtle Posey Kennedy, Miss Gertrude Lewis Pnncoast, Miss Sarah N. B. Penrose. Miss C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Hannah C. Wright. Miss S. Valentine Mitchell. Miss Elizabeth Wllmer Griffith, Miss Christine H. Stockton, Mtss Dorothy L. Norrls, Miss Alfreda C. Lewis, Miss Mary Dixon Thayer and Miss Amy Rob inson, of Baltimore, a cousin of Miss Gowen, who is her guest. MISS SOPHIE LANGMAN AUTUMN RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Popular Theatrical MagrJjv after visiting Atlantic City during tho Fail season, when Naturj wears her loveliest garb, and when. fashionable America forefathers on the famous wooden way, to enjoy the many varied attractions that Atlantic City offers. Golf, Rolling Chairs, Horseback Rldlno, Aviation, Theatres, Flshlno, Eto. THE LEADING HOUSES ARE ALWAYS OPEN And will furnUh full informitlon, rates, etc, on application American run, unieas omerwue noieu.j Hotel Strand Seaside House On the Ocean Front F, B. Oft and II. C. Edward. The Shelburne On the Ocean Front Kuropean Flan J. Weikcl, War. Hotel St. Charles On the Ocean Front Newlln Balnea Co. On the Ocean Front F. P. Cook's Sona The Itolmhurst Central : Near Beach Henry Darnell The Wiltshire Central: Near Pitch Samuel Ellla Hotel Chelsea On the Ocean Front J. D. Thompson & Co l'requent trains from riillttdeljilila. II. It. or l'lilla. & Reading By. 14, 1&15; WEDDINGS OP NOTEWdftTHY INTEREST TO BE SOLEMNIZED ' " i ".. . i i i a. ,h. The Marriage of Miss Bertinia Hallowell Aubrey C. Dickson o'clock Other Nuptials AN INTEItESTINQ wedding; tonight - will be that of Miss Bertinia Hallo well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wal lace Hallowell, of ail North Droad street, to Mr. Aubrov C Dlekson, of Wayne, which will take place at (.30 o'clock at the home of tho bride's parents, Tho cere mony will bo performed by tho Iter John Wlle Francis, of tho Oxford Presbyterian Church. A beautiful gown of white satin ttlmmed with net. hand-embroidered with pearls, will be worn by the bride Her veil of tulle, edRed with ducheas laco and ar ranged with a cap, will extend to the hem of the court train of sliver striped satin. Orchids and lilies of the valley will be carried. Mrs. Frederick W. Btnngcr, of Merlon, will attend her slater as matron of honor, and Mr. D. Kenneth Dickson, of Wayne, Ttlll be his brother's best man. Tho service will bo followed by a recep tion for tho families and close friends of the bridegroom and bride. Mr and Mrs. Dlckaon upon their return from an ox tended Journey will live at the Maidstone, 3727 Spruco street, where they will re ceive after December 1. KNIGHT-JACKSON. A wedding of Interest to society In this city took place In Dover, Del., at 1 o'clock today, when Miss Mabel Jack eon, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gilder Davis Jnckson. became the bride of Mr. Richard C. Knight, son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Harry C. Knight, of 3313 Walnut street. Tha marrlago was solemnized at the bride's home, tho1 pastor of tho Dover Methodist Church officiating. The larco drawlns room wan decorated with autumn leaves and yellow chrysan themums, and the bride, who was given In marriage by her father, wore an ex quisite white satin gown effectively trimmed with lace. Her veil was caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white orchids and gar denias. The matron of honor was Mrs. M. Roy Jackson, of Moylan, Ta., a slater- In-law of the bride. Tho other attendants were Mrs. Charles P. Jackson, another sister-in-law, and Miss Loulso Cole, of Dover, Del. Miss Jane Jackson, a niece of tho bride, was the little flower girl. Mr. Knight had Mr. S. Carle Haines, of Merlon, for his best man, and the ushers from Philadel phia included Mr. Charles Johnson, Mr. Wayne Vetterleln and Mr. Clifford Dando, 3d. Among the Philadclphlans at the wed ding and reception were Mr. and Mrs Harry C. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. S. Earle Haines, Miss Lenoro Jackson and Miss Helen Knight. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Knight will live at 6128 Nassau street, Overbrook, where they will be at home on tho second Thursday of December from 4 until 10 o'clock. REIF-TURNBR. The marriage of Miss Jennie G. Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, of 802 West Lehigh avenue, to Mr. Harry A. Relf, of Tioga, will be solemnized at 4 o'clock this afternoon. In St. Simeon's Protestant Episcopal Church, 9th street and Lehigh avenue. Tho rector, the Rev. George John Walenta, will officiate at the ceremony. Mr. Turner will give his daughter In marriage. The bride's gown of white crcpo meteor, draped with ex quisite lace. Is made with a short skirt, and she will wear a picturesque hat of white lace. Bride's roBes nnd lilies of tho valley will be combined In her bouquet. The bride's only attendant will be Miss Minnie A. Relf. the bridegroom's sister. Her quaint frock of white crepe de chine is trimmed .with pink satin and chanttlly lace. She will carry1 pink loses. Mr. Ilelf will have for best man Mr. Alfred Turner, tha bride's brother, and for ushers Mr. Joseph Turner nnd M Robert McMIchael. The ceremony wi be followed by a family reception. M and Mrs. Relf will leave for an extended honeymoon trip. They will be at home after December 1. at 4513 North 12th street CLARK-WALSH. 4 A pretty wedding took place 'Aiesday afternoon In the Church of the Epiphany, Utn and Jackson streets, when Miss Helen Marie Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Walsh, of 2331 South 11th street, became the bride of Mr. James Edward Clark. The bride, who was at Montessori BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL PRESTON 4432. 4311 WALNUT ST. Scientific direction of NORMAL CHIL DREN from 3 to 8 yeara. Auto aervlce. Supervlaed outdoor camee. A LECTURE- COURSE on the direction of Children ot pre-achool ace, lncludlnr the study ot their physical development, nutrition and mental activities, will be given during the echool year lBlS-Xtiia. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE haa trained and placed In positions many atudenta whose names are now on tha executive list of prominent business houses We can alao edu cate you ao thoroughly In bualness methods that your rlae In life will be rapid and profitable. Telephone t Lombard 1J98-1I97 LAFAYETTE DUIT.DINU fith and Chestnut btrneta After Nov. 1st, Penn Mutual Bldg. How to Study. Children's Class The Saturday Morning Class for Chit, dren la a relaxation and a radical change from school work. It taachea children how to study, thus enabling tbam to pre pare lessons without nervous utrsln and with correspondingly greater benefit! Call, write or phone Spruce 3218. NEFF COLLEGE chcllfstreet Pbila. ScM ef Design far Wewei BIIOAJD AND MASTER STREETS Full courses In Art and Industrial Art, Practical Dtslrrtnc In all Its branctus. Illustration, Costume Illustration. Normal Art Course. Educational Psychology. r. A. 11. W FELLOWblUr TO EUHOPK FOR DK8MN RELIGIOUS DIFFICULTIKS Thinking man and women enroll now. Course on "20th Century Rsliiious PrehUms" Leader. Robert Ilagnell, 1'h.D. Columbia. 10 Monday evenings, beginning Oct. IL Fee, fl. Central Branch Y.M.C.A.,1U Arnk St. Bend for booklet of other courses. Strays! gusutsts CoIUm Ml-MT CtvestsMtt H.. YUU. Practical courses, Moderata rices. " tusrameea Day aV BtaM seaetons. stares Bw. Palmsr Shorthand, Typawr day and pwht aeercanllle Ltarary W iW esl(BsfJHaT f rU Rev, attiaoa sMl. Head khutsr. lmMm r Das Mhhm Ar4saoe tj. ITALIAN the 1, urusa of Dants. saSMSM Ushool rrwsssj. Mitjikylsj. shtsitek. yMpr Ma s oiaSaast HOOLOrLANOOAFB to Take Place at 6?M tended hf vu a,.u maid, wore a striking grown '4 CrAftA AM ftllnA -mm,.. akAkIm. m hi Veil. IIAM In rtl.. .f,L .. m. OritlPA hlAk.nm. a .. ..t . shower bouquet of bride roes. Mi i.u mr nis nest man lr J. W Mlfta nitwit wnA lMi,.iw .b e taffeta, a large black lace pletttr anu i-nrnea nn arm oouquet of mi!. Aft,, iv. .... .- , ....... o voiviiiuiij r. eesani Clark left for an extended waMttt ' ..u nicy win oo at noma axtar De x iouj ooutn win street, PHILLIPS-JATIKX This evening- at I o'clock felt A Jatho, daughter of Mr. and Mj dore P. Jatho, of 28 Apuley streaak be married to Mr H Albert Phejjl tne waneneld Presbyter an Chw mantown avenue and Louden tr the Rev, Hugh B, McCron. ' Miss Jatho will havo her sluts.' Edna R. Jatho, ai maid of honor; Margaret winter and Miss M, Kr win be bridesmaids. The flower bo Miss Bertha Flack. Mr. Phllll havo as best man Mr. William ley, 3d. The ushers will Include Jatr. H. Hartranft, Mr, Walter H. Mr. Henry J. Claus, Mr. J. Howard holder. A reception for a few friend ' Bfl neia iiiimeuiavieiy alter ine cre at the bride's home. KIRKPATRICK-IFILU The marrlaee of Mlas Martak I H11. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jiu mil, of 1103 South 46th street, t Hugh Houston Klrkpatrlck wlt" piace mis aitemoon at o ciooa Philip's Protestant Episcopal 42d street and Baltimore avenue. presence of the Immediate famine ; few intimate friends. The ceretnotDr - be performed by the Rev. Clarerac wji Blspham, rector of the church, ,'r"- who will be given In mamaf father, will wear a dark greer) , J sown irimmea wiiu iur wim match. She will be unattenf Frank K. Green will act as t Mr. and Mrs Klrkpatrlck, aft' ding Journey, will live at E Court What's Doing Toni, Franklin party City Committee, "SlJ uroaa aireet, o p. m. Halatlon Armr Conrreas. Cnamb cnurcn; 7.3U p. m. Carnival, mth, and Market Streets Men a Association, 8 p. m. Lecture. "Production of Electricity, ' mala," Prof. Ulrtc Dahtxren. Frank 11 tute; a p. m. l Homeopathia MedlcjtIiety('' I-" Coliese, 8 30 p.m. Tioga nualneaa carnival, nermann, nue, Venango and 17th atreta. L a etHW am.4 Kf a M aXWAe DAaftAtAA A e-WHIjr OllU tint BUIWAUi M UatUHIVL i Democratic Club, election of dlr o ClOCK. nny-recond Street and Lncatr' jiuainesa Men. Mn sireei ana laqbqov nue: 8 o clock. Free. Haddliurton J3or(1 f Trafl. flOth rta uirara avenue; h o ciocx. rree. y I AA-an Imnrnvamint T A fit. foeA Germantown Iniproiement Atsocutlw liren erytnwn Dullness Men's At 2Yi Olrard avenue; S o'clock. Fr. Vocational Conference. Bel1vu-Btru Suffrage Events Toe EQIUL FRANCHISE BOClETJ Noon Meeting at Atlantic Cc3 npeaKers, susa mary 1 insnAmr iwi CM. II. JTJ M p. m. -Open-Rlr meeting at Qrava ana urmsmown avenue, epeiKere. M Fhenxrd nnd Mlsa licrtha. saporlti 8 '10 p. m Ueotlns at lTth n4 atreeta, apeakcr, FOrUMcn 'WOMAN Bl'FFKAOB PARTvl T 4.1 r. m Meeting: at 203) Column nue apenkera. Or. Kate W Baldwin ol cmra LAaney 8 p. m Open-air meeting at 5028 ltlia Helen Masee and Mini Eatetle Re 8 p. m. Meeting- at MS South 3il apeaKera. ra itiiip il iiuanea., ." Mumer ana urnntim nownira. f.f- niu p. m vpeq-air rneetinr sk , Xlttrwtm ... ,P..b. Mm 1klin and litis M. C. Encard,' itJ'E MEN'S LEAGUE FOR WOMAN" tj Noon Meeting at Cratnpa if eueaker Harrv PhllllDa. 1 RIA d. m. Oren.alr meetinar ml Kt avenue and Norrls atreet, !peaker. rjiiiu. o, i s PHILADELPHIA SUFFRAGE LRA O n. m Meetlnr of fit. Cecelln'a Bth Parkway Bulldlnc. Droad and Cherry 'i - II riULADELPIII.V SCHOOL llfj COJIMEKCE AND ACCOUNT Evening Term Juat Oriental-. Higher Accounting course pr ior position as expert ccrporau countanta or Certltted Publli countants. Y. M. C. A. Sclentino Management And VsJ cost Accounting a course fori agers, foremen, superintend! accountants In manufacture cerns, Science ot Merchandleina 1J91 Using, Salesmanship. Buatkrwl i1 Bpanlah, Commercial Rngltosv j Arch ruDiic BpeaKing course r. .I,i:li llivil 1BUSIII UJf Ifflt (H Otreetmost speech specialists of t 100 other courses. Send for statins- your Interest. " CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL IN Learn to Think- Thinking Is the most valuable and rarest numan asset, All people greatly increase thlnklna- ability hence their success. Training- in thfc Ing eonstttutni a necessary WmIs . an courses, public Speaking. Kloruii r.nensn. uaiesmananip. Authorhn, terestlng literature on appllchtlnn. Classes now opening Call or pho cpruce asio. NEFF COLLEGE chestinTsJ School for Backward WE8T lllllDKLPUIA School liranchn. Manual Training ftl rainnnr. nay Moaaiing. akeir-j -work). Nature Btudy. Outdoor M'slVsT Experienced teachers. ,( Address M 1CS, LedgerlHent AFTERNOON I'tlHUO WIAKlM. The National School ot Elocution . nn UUIIAJV DUUAMAIVEiH, l-ftrKW Y By Mil Noves 1T20 ciiKSTNvr hi mill raoyee, nEADlNa , trtxnw ENQL18H. Call, write or phone, 'I oest LEARN bow to s.rk the pa In 6 weeks. OrteissJ stluJ formlstg. Mlchets feostoeJt. ml MCSICAI, Y. M. C A. School of upen to men. wossen. rhlldreav All ta and Special Course r Teachers- 6am i evening. Moeras fee. Catst. lefl j V OVl ' V fe 1 -) Ato.t(tjmm4i RsBMKHRv riiiiinimTKii UViBApc-m lomorxom T? Wl Kmt, '-Jitt m " ' ' '" m mmJr