ORDIXAXCWS AN ORDINANCE TOMAKB APPROFRIA- lion tp tn various Bureaus In th Depart ment of labile" Safty, Public Works. Sup plies, Board of, Recreation, County Prisons, and City Commissioner!, out cf tha four mil lion lhr4 hundred and twenly-nro thousand H,.i3&.Ato) dollar loan, authorised to b bor rowed by ordinance approved May 6, 1B1. Section 1 Th Select and Common Council of th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That in lollowlng appitDration ar hrby raid out of th four million thre hundred and " twenty-five thousand (4.823,010) dollar loan, aothnrlird to to borrowed by ordinance ap proved Xr . 116. D8PAHTMKNT OK Pt'DMC aAFETT. Bureau of Poltca Hem 1T0. rurehas of tuen property, erection of building and Improve ment of existing, police Stallone aa mr b designated by Councils, flttr thousand dollara , . . $50,000 Bureau of Fire. Item 1T0. Purchas of ueh property, erection of building and improve- ment of enlittng (Ire atatlona aa may be olgnatd by Council!, fifty thou- Mod dollar . 50,000 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOtlK8. Uureau of Highway item UO. Improvement of uch coun try roada aa may. be designated by Council', one hundred thousand dol lar! f .1100,000 Item 171. Grading street!, four hun- 1AAWl dred thouaand dollar 400,000 Item 172. pavlnf Intersections, two hundred thousand dollar 200,000 Uuraau of tturveys. Item 170. Construction ot such main sewen aa may be designated by Council. flv hundred thouaand dol- ,, bug .. . 1500,000 Item 171 dcnitruetlort of intercepting aewera along rrankford creek, ftv hundred thouaand dollara 600.000 Itm 172. Construction of branch, ew- era, three hundred thouaand dollara . 300,000 Item 173. Conttruotlon of euch . new bridge aa may be decimated by Council, four hundred thousand dol- tara 400,000 Item 174. Removal of grad crcslngi on the line of the Chestnut 11111 Branch of the Connecting- Railway, three hundred and fifty thouaand dol tare .,,..., 8&o,ow Item 175. Removal of grade crossing at Green lane, over the North Penney vanla Railroad by the opening ot Ood frer avenue and the construction of a bridge under eald Railroad, seventy- eve thouaand dollar 75,000 Uureau of Water. Item 170. For uch Improvement and al teration to the water eunply as may be authorized by Counclla, five hun dred thouaand dollara , .1 500,000 Bureau of City Property, Item 170. Acquiring uoh property and Improvement of email parka a may be designated by Council, two hundred thouaand dollar OO,000 DEPARTMENT OP SUPPLIES. Bureau of Water, Item 170. Purchase of water pipe, one hundred thousand dollar $100,000 Uureau of Fire. Item 170. Purchaee or fire equipment. one hundred (thousand dollar., t $100,000 Bcird of Recreation. Item 170. Acquiring' auch property and Improvement of recreation centre aa hall be authoriied by Counclla. two., hundred and fifty thouaand dollara. ..$250,000 Inapectors of the County Priaone. Item 173. Conatructlon ot new building, alterations and repair to old build ing. Installation of water supply and plumbing; tem for new buildings, addltione and alteration! to power plant, heating, electrical and ventllat fng cysteine and the appurtenance thereto, the employment of an archi tect to prepare plan and specifica tion for and auperlntend such work: alio, the employment of necessary watchmen, the purchase of furniture, equipment, etc., two hundred thou- iand dollar $200,000 City Commlealonera Item 170 Improvement of property Twenty-flret and Race atreeta, taken for Municipal Court purposes, and the employment of an architect to pre--pare plan and pecincatlonii for uch work, fifty thousand dollar $50 000 I hereby approve this Ordinance, excepting th following Item. CITY COMMISSIONERS. Item 170 Improvement of property Twenty-first and Race street, taken for Municipal Court purposes, and the emijlo) l.ient ot an architect to pre pare p.oruv and apeclflcatlons for auch woik. fifty thousand dollara $50,000 Thtrely reducing the amount appropriated by Ibis Ordinance from four million three hun dred and twenty-live thousand (4.32TO00) dol lar to four million two hundred and seventy me thouaand (4 278 000) dollars. Approed tho d day of June, A. n. 1015. PI ' RUDOLPH ni,ANKENHURO. No. 077. Mayor of Philadelphia. JIN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE Director of the Department of Public Worka to draw, and the City Controller to countersign a -warrant In payment of bills of the McNlchol Paving and Con struction Company, for extra work In con nection with the grading of Fisher' ave nue, between Mascher atreet and Second street. Section 1. The Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Director of the Department of Public Works be, and he Is hereby author ized and directed to draw, and the City Controller to countaralgn, a warrant In favor of the McNlchol ravine and Construction Company for rieven hundred and eighty-two (782) dpllars, for extra work done'ln con nection 'with the grading of Flatter' avenue, between Mascher street and Second street, aa per certified bill On file In the office of the Bureau of Highway, said warrant to be charged to Item 101 (loan) In tho appro priation to the Department of Public Work (Bureau of Highways) for grading street Approved the 17th day of June. A. D, 1915. RUDOLPH TlLANKKNnUrta. No. 1027, Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THrJ opening of Woodbine avenue, from Sixty sixth to Arch atreet, excepting that portion hlch extendi through Morris Park. Section 1. The 6elect and Common Councils ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Department of Public Works be authorized and directed tq notify tho owner of property oer and through which Woodbine avenue, from Blity-slxth to Arch atreet, excepting that por tion which extend through Morri Park will pass, that at tha expiration of three months from the dute of ald notice 'sAld (treet will be required for publlo ue: Provided, That the following owners ot ground In the bed of the aid street shall first dedicate aald ground to the City of Philadelphia or file with the City Solicitor agreementa waiving any claim for damages by reason of said opening, viz.: 01 rard Trust Company, Trustee! estate of Will lam welghlman, deceased, The Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Company, Joseph II. Rhosds, William h. JUndreth et al Frank 'Elliott et al. Section 2 Upon the filing of the agreement required In Section 1, the Mayor of the City Is hereby authorised and directed tn enter secur ity, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for the payment ot any damages which may be as sessed by reason of the opening of said atreet; upon the tiling of sild bond, and at the ex piration ot the said throe months, tha Director ef the Department of Publlo Work shall forth with proceed to opn aald street. Approved tha 10th day of June, A. D. 1015. RUDOLPH BLANKKNUURO, Tfo. 091. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE opening of Mifflin atreet. from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-eighth street. .Section 1. The Select and Common Counclla ?C ' C" ' Philadelphia do ordain. That the Department of Publlo Worka be authorized and directed to notify tha owner of property over and through which Mifflin street, from Twenty-fourth to Twenty-eighth atreet, will Mss, that at th expiration of three months irom the date of said notice aald atreet will be required for publlo ue. Section 3. The Mayor of tha City I hereby authorized and directed to enter security on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for th payment of any damage which may be as SK.?' ""PO of the opening of said street; upon the filing of aald bond and at the ex Plratlpn, of the said three months, tho Director H Iprtina)iit of Publlo Work shall "rtnwlth proceed to open aald atreet, OFPJCE OF CLERKS OF COUNCILS -, , Philadelphia, June 4th. J0J5. Thl Is tq certify that th bill entitled "An Ordinance to authorize the opening of Mifflin a reetj from Twenty-fpurth to Twenty-eighth !f" wm returned by the Major to Com mon Council on th third day of June. 10J5, Without hla approval, and ld ordinance hav. 2m Jn "i!:a,, onaldered, wa passed on tha " day by a vote of yea. SSi nay. 10, i4Mi,:, ?e,,,saa. !: vb m;.0?; Council, wa again considered and SSJi4. blr hat tody on th same day by a 4h.0' tf ' W. 1. uf "IJ ordinance having been passed by ooih select and Common Council by a vote Sliir I"5ftna ef ,ha nnbr tlerted, agree Wy to tha provisions of the Act of Aserably approved May 2, J874, dividing cltlea of tha Jtat Into three classes, eto , It ha become a, tftectlvo a If the Mayor had elgned It. WM, II FELTON. CpUf Clerk of Common Council, CHARLES B, HALL, . Chief Clerk of Select Council. AN ORDINANCE PIHECTINO. THE DE- iiiuirni oi i-utiiio works to require owners ' property abutting on certain portions of front, Mantor, Courtland, Ruscomb. A. fldh. Seventh and Second atresia. Rising un and Slity.fttth avfnue. to set curbs J ly footway pavements, jetton J, pn, select and Common Council tha city of Philadelphia do ordain That tha TlAn.-M&Hf U..LII. W..L. m .'JJed to require owners of property abutting on both, side of Front tieet, from Wyoming vou to Wlngobocklng street, and from Lou JJ. street o th Boulevardj Mentor atreet, iv" (M. roiu sireei I uoumana eireei, trOm JL llrut .A Ul.ln- CI..H aUAH.lA. IlllUMIlh treet, from; Rising Bun avenue to A street 1 Mraet, from Wyoming avenue to Courtland trett end from Rockland to Ruscomb street: S- "iivvi, ironi Dixiy-tounn atrnu . xty.teventh avenue Seventh, street, from aty-aaventh avenue to Oak lanei Second wu to the jSoulevordi sisty-flfth avenue. roan Sixth tn Twifih t,i. to Mt curb M Ujr footway pavement) and If th aald wnera of projxrty shall fall to lay auch fjotwaya and set curbs a rrqiilrecl after antf daya' prevtou notlc in writing to do ld work th aald Department I hereby wected to cause said woik to be done, tha 'ft thereof to be uskassed upon property ewaere o n default - Approved the loth rtav of June. A n luli. i VWI.f aJIMNKENBUKQ, W, &4, lr, t W(lj"Ul. BTBHIffG ORDINANCES ANvtnDm.ANCB TO TttRMlT THE PENH Jr Laundry Company to Initall nd maintain a raaollno tank Irf Wallace street, Si . P.0,n, s"y-lht feet east of tha east houw line of Thlrty-thlrd atreet "fctlon I The Belect and Common Counclla Vi.h. cu' f Philadelphia do ordain i mat permission be and la hereby granted to the Pennsylvania Laundry Company to Install Ml m"""i a gasoline tank of galvanised Lni '"" shell and head, with welded w.T,'.Th r."",e,,J' of said tank to b Mv hundred and fifty gallon, length nine feet an nine Inches, diameter three feet and three in. '." J? be. located In eouth Md of Wallace '"' fifty-eight feet from th eait house line of Thlrty-thlrd street The said tank to rest on a foundation of stone concrete eight Inche ". . tni wven feet below th present treet ISMi ,,,n ! ,rom lh building Un and laid parallel with th building tins Provided. That before exercising any privilege under thl ordi nance, the sM Pennsylvania Laundry Com pany shall enter Into an agreement aatlafac tory to the City Solicitor protecting the City from all damages by reason of tha construction and maintenance of said tank, and agreeing to remove the same and restore the atreet to it proper condition upon the passage of an ordl nance to that effect, and shall pay Into the City Treasury the sum of fifty (?0) dollar for the publication of thl ordinance Approved th 18th day ot June, A. D. 1015. . .. RUDOLPH BLANKENUURtt. No 098 Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZINC! THE DI reclpra of tha Department of Wharve, Docka and terries and Public safety r pectlvely, ta sell th boat Eunomla.' In spector" and "Visitor " Section I. The Relect and Common Council o lhe City of Philadelphia do ordain t -That the Directors of th Department of Wharves, Dock and Ferries and Public Safety respectliely, are hereby authorized and di rected to sell at publlo sal to the highest bid der th Inspection and survey boat Eunomia" and "Inspector" and tho police boat "Visitor." Approved the 8th day of June A. D. 1015. -. RUDOLPH BLANKKNHURO, No. 803. Major of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE RE paving of sixth atreet, from Pike to Luzerne atreet. Section 1. The Select and Common Counclla of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: TV!at lh Director of the Department of l'ublle Work be authorized to enter Into con tract for repavlng Sixth atreet, from Pike to Luzerne street, with asphalt. The coit of said repavlng to be paid out ot Item 101 (loan) 'A J.? TProprlatlon to the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Highway. Approved the 10th day of June, A. D. 1015. ... .. RUDOLPH BLANKUNUURO, No. 004. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE opening of Haverford atreet, from 81xty- eighth atreet to City avenue. Section 1. The Select and Common Council of th City of Philadelphia do ordain: That the Department of Publlo Work be authorised and directed to notify the owners of property oer and through which llaxerford street, from Sixty-eighth street to City avenue, will pass, that at the expiration of three montha from the date ot said notice said street will be required for publlo use; Provided, That the following owncra ot ground In the bed of said street shall first, dedicate said ground to the City of Phila delphia or file with the City Solicitor agree ments waving any claim for damagea by rea son of said opening, viz.: The Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Company, Continental-Equitable Title and Trust Company, Wm. L Landreth, Benjamin R. Hoffman, Prank Elliot et al., Robert W. and Joseph Fltzell. Section 2. Upon the filing of the agreement required In Section 1 the Mayor of the City la hereby authorized and directed to enter se curity, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for the pa j ment of any damage which may be assessed by reason of the opening of said street; upon the filing of said bond, and at the expiration of the said three months the Director of the Department ot Public Worka shall forthwith proceed to open said atreet. Approved the 10th day of June, A. D. 1015. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 007. Maor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE opening of the unopened portion of Beutah atreet, from Shunk street to Oregon atenue. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That the Department ot Publlo Worka be authorised and directed to notify the owners of property over and through which the unopened portion ot Beulah street, from Shunk street to Ore gon avenue, will paes, that at the expiration of three month from the date of said notlco said street will be required for public use Section 2. The Mayor of tho City Is hereby authorized and directed to enter security, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for the pay ment ot any damagea which may be assessed by reason of the opening ot said street; upon the filing ot said bond, and at the expiration ot the said three months, th Director of tho Department ot Public Work shall forthwith proceed to open said street. Approved the 10th day ot June, A. D 1015. RUDOLP1I BLANKENBURO. No. 60S. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO PERMIT OEOROE Woodward to construct and maintain a tape under and across Willow Orove avenue, west of Lincoln avenue. Section 1. The Hclect and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That permission be granted to aeorgo Woodward to construct and maintain a pipe under and across Willow Orove avenue, at a point about fifteen feet west of the westerly ae of Lincoln ave nue, aald pipe to have an Inside measurement of not over six Inches, and shall be used ex clusively tt conduct water from a spring on tho property of the said Cleorge Woodward to and under and across Willow Orove avenue to other property of the said Oeorge Wood ward, between Springfield avenue and Willow Grove avenue, west of Lincoln avenue, for the purpose of feeding a fountsln to be erected by tlie sail George Woodward on the said premises. Said pip to be laid under the su pervision and to the satisfaction of the De partment of Public Works. Uefor exercising any privilege under thl ordinance, the (aid Oeoree Woodward shall first enter Into an agreement, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, protecting the City from any damagea by reason of the laying and maintenance ot said pipe and agreeing to remove the same and re store the street to It present condition upon the pasiage of an ordinance to that effect, and shall pay Into tha City Treasury the sum of fifty (50) dollara for the publication of this Approved the 10th day of June, D 1018. Vi RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 000. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDI- nance approved November 28, 1014, authoriz ing the placing on the City plan ot Qlcuvlew street, from Algard avenue to Frankford avenue, . . Section 1. The Select snd Common Coun cil of the City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That ths ordinance approed November 28, 1014. au thorizing the placing on the City plan of Olen vlew street, trom Algard avenue to Frankford avenue, to tho width of forty feet, be altered and amended by placing said Qlemlerv street on the Plan to th -width ot fifty feet, between the points named Aburoved the 10th day of June, A. D. 1015. v RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1000. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO RDV1SE THE X,INE8 and grades' of Plans No. 18 and 15(1, tn ter ritory bounded by Indlai-a, Bornerset, Front und 11 stretti , A . Section 1. Tho Select and Common Coun cils of the City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That tha Department ot Public Work (Board of Bur veiors) be authorized to revise the line and grades of City Plana No. 18 and 150, In the territory bounded by Indiana, Somerset, Front and U street. In the Thlrty-thlrd Ward: Pro lded, That before tho said plans sre confirmed the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Corn- any snail aeoicaie iiw ttruuiia required tor he widening of Ourney etrret. Approved the 10th fay of June, A. D. 1015. 1 RUDOLI 11 ULANKENUUHC1, No. 3001. Mayor oi i-niiaaeipma. AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE AN APPRO- frlatlon to the Commissioners of Fulrmouut 'ark of th Park Fund received in 1011, and now in the City Treasury. Seitlon 1. The Select and Common Coun cils of th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the sum of right thousand and ntae (60010 dollars and seventy-three (7S cents paid Into the City Treasury In accordance with Section 21 of the Act ot April 14, 1808, during the year 1014, lie, and Is heteby appropriated to the Commlsshners of Palrmount Park, the war rant therefor to be drown by said Commls- lADProved the Sth day of June. A D. 101S. APP RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1002, Maior ot Philadelphia. JlbBOLUTION AX'THORIZUVg THE EXECU tlon ct a lease of th Police Station at Twen tieth and Jefferson street to the Board of Public Education of the School District of Philadelphia, at a nominal consideration and In exchange for the leas by said Board to tho City Commissioner of th Richard Vaux School Building for the ua of the Municipal Court, and authorizing th Clerk ef Council to present tbl Resolution to th Mayor for hi Pproval or disapproval Resolved, By th Select and Common Coun cil of tho City of Philadelphia that th p rtctor of the Department of Publlo Safety be. un ." ? ".'"' v"rc. vzr. ". :ti,"Kr. ""j enter Into lea on bob h. i. vi ttiv w.ijr Ul l'hllidelphla to tn woaro or i-uoiie raurallon of the School District of Philadelphia for a period of rive year of the Police 8tatlon situ. fctcA at Twentieth and Jefferson streets, being tn property w. in. . wv v. ..vusreuu itreel about 12B fJ west of Twentieth street, having a frontage ot 02 feet 2 Inches ou Jeffer son street, UK feet H Inch on the .east boundary, 8T fstt fH Inches on the southerly boundary und 04 feet 2V4 Inches on th westerly bound ary the consideration, to be mentioned In said eaw to be nomliut Concurrently with and. In exchange for th entering Into an execution of aald leas the City Commissioner ar brby authorised to nter Into and accept a ! from th Board of Public Education ot the School District of Philadelphia for a term of five yjar of the HUhard Vaux Sohwl Building for tha use ot the Municipal Court, said school building being situate on lb north ld of Wood tre about U3 fret TH inch east of Twalfth street, ex- tenultig to vanum ""'. iuiviu a. irontsge 01 M feet 4V Inches ort Carlton tret OT ,,, i inche onMh eattsrly boundary, ISO feat 5H '.!.: n WanA ilr.kt 13 fait IfUi ln-hV. ZZ the weaterll on the tout tvi v - .--.. - .-. -r - ., a V . lease to oe vne v? ". ora or iTiunq l.aucatlon of th School District of Pblldl ,bU of the Police Station above dcrlkd, and r.ih.. nnintnal eanhl.lera.tlAn frWaolvid, 'that the Clerk of Counclla be dl reayd to present this Resolution to tha Mayor Apwoviii the th day it June, A D, 1015, . . KVDOtpk BLANKBNBUKU, NO. 1,W. Ifayor Of ?Ma4JlfU LEDGERPHILADELPHIA', THURSDA, OCTOBER OXDINAXCES AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company to lay and maintain a railroad aiding or track on Front atreet, south of Laurel street, and ta Increase th radlu of th curve of their ex isting track nt th Intersection ot German town avenue and Second street. In th Six leenth Ward Section 1 The Select and Common Council of th City of Philadelphia do ordain I That th Philadelphia and Reading Rallnay Com pany ba, and I hereby, authorised to lay and maintain a railroad elding or track from their easternmost track at th intersection of Front and Laurel streets, into and upon the property of Morris Wheeler and Company, and to In creaae the radlu ot th curv of their exist ing track at the Intersection of Oermantown avenue and Second street, from on hundred and fifty (150) feet to on hundred and seventy-five (17(1) feet, a shown on plan on file In the (Bureau of Survey) Department ot Public Work Provided, That the work herein authorized shell be don under the upervliton and direction of th Department of Public Worka (Board of Highway Super Maori), and that th ildlng herein authoriied hall be removed at any time upon the pig of an ordinance to that effect, without any txpenie to the City of Philadelphia, and with out any recourse for damage against said City, either property, personal or other la, and that th sum of fifty (50) dollara shall first b paid Into the City Treasury for the publication of thl ordinance. Section 2. It li hereby understood and agreed that neither the purpose nor Intent, nor th obligation of thla contract. It and when approved by the Publlo Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, la such aa to Impair or In any wise affect th exer cise by said Commission of any of the power vested In It by the Public Service Company Law, approved July 20th, 101$. Approved the 17th day of June, A D. 1015. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1,004. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO CONDEMN THE premises situate at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Race atreet for th use of th Juvenile and Domestlo Relations Di visions ot the Municipal Court. Section 1. The Select and Common Coun cil of th City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That by virtue ot the authority vetted In them by an Act of Assembly, they do select and appropriate for th ua of th' Juvenile Court, Domeitlo Relation Division of th Municipal Court: All that certain lot or piece ot ground situate In Tenth Ward ot the City of Philadelphia, bounded and described a follow, to wltt Beginning at th Intersec tion of the north eld of Race atreot with th west side ot Twentieth street, thence extend ing westwardly along the north side ot eald Race atreet two hundred and forty-eeven (247) feet lx (0) Inches to ground of "Th Magdalen Society", thence northwardly along the same two hundred and twenty four (224) feet to a point; thence west wardly still along th cam two hundred and forty-eeven (247) feet lx (6) Inche to tha eaatwardly ld of Twenty-first atreet; thence northwardly along the earn soventy (70) feet to the southerly side of Hummer treat) thenc eaatwardly along the south side of the said Summer street four hun dred and ninety-five (405) feet to the weft wardly elde of the aald Twentieth street, and thence southwardly along the same two hun dred and ninety-three (203) feet to the place of beginning. Section 2. The City Solicitor Is hereby directed to file In the proper Court a petition on behalf of the City of Philadel phia, eettlng forth that the ground herein described 1 hereby appropriated so aa to provide for the taking of the eald property for the purpose aforesaid. Section S The Mayor of the City of Philadelphia I hereby authorized and directed to enter security In the name of the City of Philadelphia for the payment of any damage that may arlsa by reason of the taking of the said ground. OFFICE CLERICS OF COUNCILS Philadelphia, June 24, 1015 This I to certify that the bill entitled "An Ordinance to condemn the premise situate at the northwest corner of Twentieth and Race streets for the use of the Juvenile and Domestic Relation! Divisions of the Munici pal Court," was returned by the Mayor to Common Council on th twenty-third day of June. 1010. without hla approval, and aald ordinance having been again conaldered, was passed on th amo day by a vote of yeas, SS; nays, 14. The said ordinance together with the ob jection of the Mayor having been sent to Select Council wae again considered and passed by that body on the same day by a vote of yea, 30; nay. 7. Th said ordinance having been passed by both Select and Common Councils by a vote of three-fifths of the members elected, agree ably to the provision of th Act of As sembly approved May 23, 1S74, dividing the cltlea of the State Into three classes, etc , It has become as effective aa It the Mayor had signed it. WM H. FELTON, Chief Clerk of Common Council. CHARLES 11 HALL, Chief Clerk of Select Council. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE opening ot Oxford avenue to Its full width, trom D street to Pine road and the Intersec tion of Oxford avenue, Borne and Loney streets. Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City ot Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Public Works be authorized and directed to notify the owners of property over and through which Oxford avenue to Its full confirmed width ot seventy feet, from D to Pine road, and the Intersection of Oxford avenue. Barnes and Loney streets, will pas that at the expiration of three montha from the date of said notice, said streets will bs required for public use. Section 2. The Mayor ot the City li hereby authorized and directed to enter security on behalf ot the City of Philadelphia for the pay ment ot any damages which may be ssseised bv reason of the opening of eald streets, upon the filing of aald bond and at the expiration of the aald three months the Director ot tha Department of Public Work shall forthwlta proceed to open said streets. Approved tho 2lst dnv of June A. n 1015. RUDOLFH BLANKENBUIlCr. No. 1,008. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE erection of garages facing on alleys or drive way ten feet or more In width. Section 1 The Select and Common Councils of the City ot Philadelphia do ordain! That a garage may be erected on tha rear of any 1st in tha City of Philadelphia, on story In height and not exceeding sixteen by twenty feet Interior dimension, on any alley or drive v,ay not lesi than ten feet wide; such garage to be of brick, stone or hollow tile conatruc tlon, subject to the approval of th Bureau of Building Inspection, according to th Act of Assembly governing the erection ot building in th cltlea of tha first clan in tha State ot Pennsylvania. Approved the 21st day of Jun. A. D. 1013, RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1007. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE surety on th official bond ot John Meigs, Di rector of th Department of Wharves, Dock and Ferries, and William II. Murphy, Chief of th Bureau of Fire. Section 1. The Select and Common Council of the City of Philadelphia do ordain: That the American Surety Company of New York be, and is hereby approved aa the surety of John Meigs, Director of tha Department of Wharves, Dock and Ferries, In tho sum of twanty-flve thousand (25,000) dollars, for th faithful performance cf his duties. That the American Surety Company of New York be, and Is herrby approved ss the surety of William II. Murphy. Chief of the Bureau of fire. In the sum of ten thousand (10,000) dol lars, fur the faithful performance of hla duties. Approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1015, lV RUDOLPH ULANKKNUURU, No. 1000, Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE BETTINO ASIDE A CER taln amount of money to grade Castor ave nue. Section 1, Th Select and Common Council pf tha City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Director of the Department of Publlo Works, Bureau of Highways, be authorised and direct ed to expend the sum of thirty thousand (JO, 000) dollara for grading Castor avenua to It full width, from Oxford Circle to Cottman treet. Slid amount te bo charged against Item 171 (loan) for grading. In thj annual appro priation to th Department ot Publlo Works. Bureau of Highways, for the ear 1UI5. Approved the 17th dai of June, A. I), 1015. RUDOLPH BLANKKNUURO, No. 1010. S'ayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND Di recting th construction ot sewer In Cath arine and Tenth streets. In th Third Ward, Section 1, The Select and Common Council of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That tl Director of the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Surveys, be authorised sod 01 rented to expend the sum of twenty thousand (20,000) dollars for the construction ot a sewer n Catharine atreet, from Delaware avenue to Third street i and ten thousand (10,000) dollara for tha construction of a sewer In Tenth street, from Kltiweter to Christian street, and charge th ame to Item 172 (loan) In th an nual approprlatlcn to th Department of Public Works. Bureau of Survey, for th year 1015, Approved th loth day of June, A. D. HUB. VP RUDOLPH BLANkES-BURO, No. 1011. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTUdRIZINO THE CITY ot Philadelphia to enter Into a certain agree ment with the Schuylkill River East Sid Railroad Company and th Baltlrnor and Ohio Railroad Company, for th free and un restricted uso by th City for municipal de velopment ot th water front, within the lim itation staled In th agreement of March &. 1U14 (ordluane approved February 14, 11)14), of rartaln real estate north of th north line of Snyder avnu. along the Delaware River, .providing tor an appraisement of property so taken, and authorising th sxcutlcn of a leas for th southern half of pier ta be con structed on property referred to, and author ising the Department ot Wharve. Dock rrt Farrlea 1A construct a nler tn feAnt Af the property so acquired, and providing tor th costs of such construction nMtnn 1 Th Select and Co of th City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That th Mayor of the City of Philadelphia be, and h I hvretr authorized, on behalf of the City of (Philadelphia, to enter into tha following agree ment between the CMy of Philadelphia and the Schuylkill River East aid. Railroad Company audtne ItaiUwora sodhj kallroaoi Compauyt AORXrjRiENX. This Agreement, mad thl - day of , lOlfi. by and between th City of Philadelphia, herein referred tq as the city, and th Schuyl kill River East Hid Railroad Company and th JJaltimor end Ohio Railroad Company herein called the Baltimore Companies, VvltnMth Whereas, Under an agreement dated Maren !J. 11)11. the execution of which wai authorised lay oniija,u HMWiel FiaVeuajT M, 114. th 0 City -7 PbUadilpiU r4 (JaW alia) to pur- ORDINANOES Jhas nd th Baltlrnor Companies agreed to ,., iut municipal acveiopmeni or in wsier front, th real estate. Pier, terminal facllltie and appurtenance dtuat between MeKeen street sndJackron itret and between the east Un of Dlr avenue and th pierhead Un. jnd that (her should b paid and rcelvd therefor tha appraised value ot th atd rel ";., Jo be determined as therein provided And Whereas it I claimed by the Baltlrnor vornpanle that they ar not bound to perform fld agreement of sale until tter Iher lhall hv.?..!ln Provided new real eeute and yard forllltie i equal to those abandoned. And Whereas, Tha present plans of th City I "' rnunlcli-al development at this point can ba ea-rled out without substantial Interference with auch part ot said real estate a Is now In f-Ji"". u.f uy "Id Baltimore Companies, and aald Ilaltlrror Companies are desirous of co operating tn said plan of municipal develop. I"!?'..'". Ry nd to the extent hereinafter stated) Now, therefor. A a eomrromls Bat tlement It Is hereby agreed a follow Flret Th Baltlrnor Companies hereby ,wal,2 fy and ah objection to the free and Ji"1""' td. js by the City for purpose of muiiltlpal development of th water front, within the limitation stated in ssld agree ment or March 2.1, lull, ot o much of eald real ostrte agreed to be purchased and aold as Ilea north of the north line of Snyder avenue, tha front thereof along the bulkhead being approximately three hundred and seventy fiet. Including all riparian and other rlghta ap. purunaut thereto, said tract being herein after referred to aa "Tract A. Second. Whuii an appraisement shall her after be made of said real estate ot the Haiti moro companies, aa krovlaed In said agree ment of March a Ud4, there ahali be made a separate appraisement of the ptetent value of said '-iract A.' aim Interest uon the value of aald "Trait A " at tho rate ot six per cint. per annum trom the oat of this agiee ment to th date of the payment of said award shall be added to th amount thereof, and paid by the said City, 'third. It I the Intention cf the City to con. atruut on said siti, and other lana adjoining on th north, a double decked pier planned tu be approximately two hundred and ntty leet In wiutn and nin hundred leet in length, am to located that the southerly sue thereof snail be at least two hunared ana twemy-nv leet .norm ot the northerly sloe of t'ler bo. Lpori the completion ot said pier the City will executs and deliver to the Baltimore Com panle. on their request, a lease. In torm at tached hereto and mad part hereof, ot tn southern half thereof, the rental therefor not to excraad twenty thouaand llO.ooO) dollat per annum, with a reduction In proportion ss th area of the pier may be less than IAiox2uU leet, said lease shall b for tha term of five ) from date ot completion of said pier, with suih further extcnalon of the term from ar to ear aa the lessee may desire, until the provision of the new real estate, plori and arn facilities and the occupation and opera tion thtreot by tha Baltlrnor Companies pro vided tor in tald agreerrunt ot llanh 23. li)14, but If said pew teal estate, piers and ard facilities are provided and become ready for occupation and o(rstlon by ths lessee before the exrlratlon ot aald period of five jesrs. tie lrtaor shall have the right to terminate this lease upon them giving to the lessee writ ten notlie of such termination at a dtte suf ficiently In the future as will enable the lee-ce to remove from the demised premises to aald nan facilities without Interference with the performance by the lesteo of Its corporate junctions and duties to tho public The City may at any time after the completion of the pier require the Baltimore Companies to slg ntfy their dee Ire of eald leare. and In caeo they fall to do en Klthtn sixty day after auch request In writing, all right to desire such Rose shall cease. Fourth. If the Baltimore Companies desire to Improve Tier HO for their own purposes. In stead of taking a lease from the City under the preceding paragraph, tho City hereby egrets that such improvement may be made by sild companies, without prejudice to the rights of the parties respectively to claim and to oppose payment ot tho cost ot euch agreement ot March 21, 1U14. Fifth. It is hereby understood and ngreed that neither the purpose nor Intent, nor the obligation of thl contract. It and when ap proved by the Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Is such a to imp-vlr, or In any wise effect, the exercsle by said Commission of any ot tho power eated In It hy the Public Service law, approved July 20. ion. signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of: . Mayor of Philadelphia. S-hiilklll River East Side Railroad Company. 11) President Attest Secretary. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. By President. Attest Secretary. Section 2. That the Department of Wharves, Pocks and Ferries be authorized and directed to construct a double-decked pier to be ap proximately two hundred and fifty feet in width and nine hundred feet In length. In front of and on property so acquired, payment for which shall be charged against appropriation to raid Department, Item ISO (loan), appro priation of July 14, 1D14, and Item 1G0 (loan), appropriation of January 25. 1015, or any other funds hereafter mado available for this pur pose. Approved the 14th day of June. A D 1013. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO. No. 1012. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE CERTAIN transfers In the nnnual appropriations to the Departments of Mayor, Civil Service Com mission, City Controller, Clerks of Councils, District Attorney and City Treasurer, for th year 1015, Section 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Phlladelrhla do ordain: That the City Controller be authorized and directed to make the following transfers In the annual appropriations, for the year 1015, City Treasurer. From Item 4 (c). Sinking Fund on new loans, twenty-six thoussnd five hundred (20,500) dollars. To the following: MAYOR. Item 4. Official entertaining, three thou sand dollars . $3,000 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Item 2 (c). Communication service, four hundred dollar 400 Item 2 (d). Advertising, one hundred dollars 100 CITY CONTROLLER. Item 3 (b) Printing warrant, five hun dred dollars - SOD CLERICS OF COUNCILS. Item 5 (c). Toward defraying expenses of convention ot Firemen's Association of Pennsylvania In October, 1013, two thousand five hundred dollar ... . 2,500 Said appropriation to be expended un der the supervision ot the Commute on Finance. DIBTR,CT ATTOnNEY. Item 1 (b). Extra help, one thousand . dollara . 1,000 Item 1 (c). Expert for testimony, twelve thousand five hundred dollara . 12.B00 Provided, The District Attorney li hereby authorized to draw, and the City Controller to countersign, war rants In payment of experts engaged tn tho case of Commonwealth vs. Henry Clay et al. Item 1 (d). Wltnes fees, one thousand flv hundred dollars 1,600 Item 2. Miscellaneous supplies and x- ponses, flvo thousand dollar J.oop Approved the 17th day of June, A. p. 1015. m RUDOLPH BLANKKNHURO. No. 1003. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DI rectlng the City Solicitor to exaralno tha title to property located along the Delaware River, at th toot ot McKean street, and to take title thereto In the name of the City of Philadelphia and authorizing and directing the expenditure for auch purpose ot tha sum ot one hundred and eighty thouaand (UW.OOu) dollars out ot th money appropriated to th Department of Wharves, Dock and Ferries of the City of Philadelphia by Act of Aam. bly approved July 25. 1013. Where, The Director of the Department of Wharves, Dock and Ferrle ha entered Into an agreement with Marriott O. Morris and Asa S. Wing, executors ot the estate of Elus ion P. Morrli t al. to purcha all that cer tain lot or place of ground situate In the Thirty-ninth Ward of th City of Philadelphia, located along th Delaware River at the foot of McKean struct, for tho price or sum ot cite hundred and eighty thousand (180,000) dollar, which la at th rata of approximately sixty cent per quare foot, and which 1 to Include and cover all claim against th City for damages to said premise! by reason of th widening of Delaware avsnus to the full width of 200 fact, aa now upon tha continued Plan ot th City ot Philadelphia; the said premises to be conveyed clear of all Incum brance; possession to be glvtn at th tlms of settlement, taxes, water rent and rent. It any, to be apportioned to the date of settle ment, title to be good end tnarkeUbla. and such a will b Insured by any title and trust company 04 x-uuaueipuiai And Wneieaa, The Act ot Assembly ap proved July 23. 1913, provided that tha money! appropriated by said Act for th improvement of th mat-ltlm port facllltie of th state of Pennsylvania at Phlladslphla, should only bo emended a authorised and directed by the Council of th City ot Phtladilnhlai therefore. Section 1. The Select and Common Coun cils ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That th City Solicitor 1 hereby authoriied and directed to examine the titles to all that certain lot or niece of ground, situate in tho Thirty ninth Ward of the. City of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Delaware avenue, 200 feet wide, a 1 now laid out on the City plan and legally opened, and In th centre lln of McKean afreet M feet wide, a 1 now laid out on th Cltr plan but not legally opened; thence extending eaatward along th aald cen tra lln of McKean trt lag 408 feet, thenc extending northward 25 feet to the north aide of said McKoan street 60 feet wide, thenc extending eastward along th northerly aids of said McKean street A888S0 feet to a point; thenc extending northward at right angles to McKean street 170.133 feet to a polnti tbanca exWndlng eastward on a lln psurallil with Me Kean strost 207 785 feet to the bulkhead lln establlihad by th Secretary of War August 0. IMS), thenc extending along th said bulknead lln In a (outherly direction 208.B23 feet to a point, tbeno westward I on a Una parallel with McKean street 137 521 feet to th centra lln ef old Delawgr avenue, now vacated, thenrj southwardly along th contra Una of aald oil Delaware avtnu 400 337 fet to th centre line of Snyder avenue, theuo westward along th csntr lln ot Snyder , avtnu 68 753 feet to th westerly tide of ld old Delaware avenue: thenc northward along th westerly ld of eald old Delawar avinu 41. SIT feet to tha northerly ld of Snyder avsnuaj thane wast ward along th northerly ld of finydir avenu 2M)0A feet to a polnti tnene northwestward 1131.180 feet to a point! thenc westward abvag a lln parallel with McKean tre eot 123 feet to a point on tha northeasterly aid of said Delaware avenue 300 feel wldei thenc north westward along th northeasterly d of said Delaware avenu 200 feet wld 114.434 feet to the flrt mentioned point " viae of beginning including all wharve dock and bulkhead, and every and all riparian or other rights ap purtenant or incident to th saJd land, and in cludtag alio apy a4 U cirea wbljti tay ORDINANCE !-iul? art". br h opening of Delaware a.Sni ,B ,h u" "'d'h of 200 test a I now !.m d n on.tn City plan, to uch extent S. "." ' opened or Is to b opened In K'v0' mi trlp of ground for th length of ,i4 V 't along the earn, not Intending. 1.T'f' toa na'fb to th City or to walv SllI?-Ior.,1mai 'or t hy reason of th opening of auM avenu through or over any iii.t.of.a5'r..cthr. property belonging to the I.l5i,,.?M.u " ,hll approve the title to the ?" .,nt? " a conveyance thereof to b made to the City of Philadelphia In fe almpl. section a. fiie Department of Wharves, ilk nd Ferrle ot th city of Philadelphia i',.w.br "-hlhorued nd directed to expend th "? 2f .?" h"drd and eighty thousand (ISO, WW) dollars and the Director of said Depart JV? .,..u,nor,,,' draw a requisition upon th Auditor General of th Slate ot Pnntva. rKi..ror.,h?.,uni on hunlred and eighty thousand liW.Ouo) dollar against th appro priation mad by the Stat of Pennsylvania to th Department of Whsrvee, Dock nd Fer inft H,',,h S'y of Philadelphia by aald Act of ,( L '?!. Men tuna he shall deposit S'l" "I CU)r. Treasurer and the said Director if "JC1'' authorised and dltected to draw, and I5wC!y Controller to countersign, a warrant ".I""! In favor of Marriott C Morrl and . S 'n outor of the estate of Kllli 5S2 i Mo"' 'l l for tb purchase prlc of the property above mentioned. Approved the 14th day of June, A. D 1013. w tn,. 11UDOLPH BLANKENHURO, Q' U. Major of Philadelphia. AL..?RmNA.NCE TO AUTHORIZE THE K, of "kwthorne atreet, trom Meadow to Plum street. Section 1. The Select and Common Council fk.'tl' c'"' of 1'hlladelphla do ordain, That i-. Department of Publlo Works be authorized J... Slric.,iP1 notify th owner of property over and through which Hawthorn treet. from ilrP.T ,0 ,u!" lrt. will pass, that at the expiration of three months from the date of 5,?.v?.i.n?tlcs uii tret will ba required for public use. SeSJifL. The Mayor of the City Is hereby authorized and diiected to enter security on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for the pav- ment of any damagea which may be assessed .1 rSa.'"m 1 tha opening of said street: upon tho tiling of said bond, and at the expiration of the said three months, the Director of the r!!EartJnnl of uollo Work ihall forthwith proceed to open aald atreet. Approved the 21st day of June. A. D. 1918. v ... nVJDOLPlI BLANKtNDURO, fro 1013. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE construction of bridges on th lines of Anns hury "treet. BensaTem avenue. Fifty-fourth street. Front itreet, Orthodox itreet, Iiland avenue and Torreadale avenu; to uthorite investigations, etc., preliminary to the con struction of a bridge on line of Henry ave nu, providing tor earning into ffect euch authority, and BUthArlvlmr Iha Xfavni In enter security for damages to private prop erty. Section 1. The Select and Common Council! ?l tb City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Director of th Department of Public Work b, and la hereby authorized and dl rooted to enter Into contract! for tho conitruc tion of new bridges. Including th work ap purtenant thereto, a follows: On th line of Annabury itreet under the North Penntylvnla Railroad; on th line of Bensalem avenue over Pennypack creek; on tho line of Plfty-tourtn '"'. over the Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington Railroad. Provided, That the Pcnnslvanla Railroad Company shall Join In the contract and contribute a lump sum of fifteen thousand (15,000) dollar toward th cost, on th Una of Front street over a drlv connecting tho severed portions of the Phila delphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases; on line of Orthodox street over Knnkford creek (In present location), on lln of Island avenu tinder tho Philadelphia, Baltlrnor and Waah Ington Railroad. Provided, That th Pennsyl vania Railroad Company ahali enter an agree ment satisfactory to the City Solicitor to pay one-half the cost of tho bridge and It appur tenant work and to waive all claims for dam ages occasioned by the widening of Island avenue to seventy 170) feet, on line of Tor resdale avenue over Frankford creek. Section 2. That the following sums be set aside In Item 173 (loan) of the appropriation to the Department of Public Works (Bureau of Surveis) for new bridges for the ear 1915: For the bridge on line of Annsbury street un der the North Pennsjtvanla Railroad, forty eight thousand (48,000) dollars, for the bridge on line of Bensalem avenue over Pennypack creek, two hundred thousand (200,000) dollars; for the bridge on line of Fifty-fourth street over the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash ington Railroad, twenty-five thousand (23,000) dollara; for the bridge on line ot Front street er a drive connecting the severed portions of the Philadelphia Hospital for Contagtoua Diseases, twelve thousand (U.OOO) dollars, for the bridge on line of Orthodox atreet over Frankford creek, twenty-live thousand (25. 000) dollars; for the bridge on line of Island avenue under the Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington railroad, forty-three thousand (43 000) dollars; for the bridge on line of Torresdale avenue over Frankford creek, forty five thousand (45,000) dollars; for Investiga tion, plans, model and test preliminary to the construction of a bridge on line of Henry avenue over Wlssahlcknn creek, two thousand i-,uwj usnars; i-roMaea. Tnat In the event of any of the said bridges costing less than the sum herein set aside for Its construction, the Director of the Department of Public Works Is hereby authorized, at hi discretion, to use the balance, or any part thereof, for the completion of any of the bridges named herein for which the sum set aside is Insuffi cient. Section .1. That th Director of the De partment of Publlo Works be. and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for pro posals, and to award contracts, as provided In existing ordinance and laws, for th con struction of the said bridges and the work appurtenant thereto, and for the investiga tion, plans, models and testi prellmlniry to bridge on line of Henry avenue. In accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by th Department of Public Works (Buresu of Surveys), and I also authorized to appoint assistants and Inspectors ss may be requisite, and to pay all expenses for salaries, sound ings, inspection, teBts. transportation and In cidental eipenses not otherwise provided for out of the appropriation for the cost of said bridges, and Is authorized to join In contract with any persons or corporation! In the con atructlon of any of laid bridges for which said persons or corporations shall contribute a portion of the cost. Section 4. That tho Mayor of the City I hereby authorized and directed to enter secur ity on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, for the payment of any damages which may ba assessed by reason of the construction ot said bridges and the work appurtenant thereto. Approved the 16th day of June A. D 1018. . RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO. No. 1018. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZINO THE CON structlon of main sewers In Adams avenu, Cobb' Creek Intercepting sewer, Gunners Run relief sewer. Indian Creek sewer, Lard ner atreet, Lincoln avenue. North Mt, Pleas ant avenue. Rock Run sewer, Snyder avenue, Venango street and Wlngohocklng sewer In Howard street. Section 1, The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain; That th Director of th Department ot Pub llo Work be authorized to enter Into contract for ths construction ot th following main sewen : Adams avenue, from the present sewer northwest of Rsjnona itreet to the Boulevard and Summerdale avenue) Cobbs Creek Inter cepting eewer In Cobbi Creek Park, from the present terminus at Sixty-eighth itreet to Sixty-ninth itreet: the uncompleted part ot Ounner Run relief sewer In Indiana street, be tween Third street nd Twelfth street; Indian Creek sewer In Sixty-ninth streets, between Cobbs Creek and Malvern avenue; Lardner street, from the Delaware River to Tacony atreet and across private property to th pres ent tewer northwest of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad; Lincoln avenue, from th present sewer northwest of Ablngton avenu to llartwell lane; North Mt. Pleasant avenue, from Kitchen ln to Wlssahlckon avenue; Rock Run sewer In Seventh street, from the firosent sewer south ot Nedro street to Champ oat atreet; In Champlost street, from Seventh treet to Ninth street, and In Ninth street, from Champlost (treet to Oodfrey avenu 1 Snyder avenu, between present sewer cast of Delaware avenu and th Delawar river; Ve nango atreet, from Casper street to Balfour strest; Wlngohocklng sewer In Howard street, from sixty-five feet northwest ot Front street to sixty-five feet southeast of Front strest. Section 2. Th Director of th Department of Publlo Worka shall advertise for proposal and award contracts In accordance with exist ing law and ordinances, and plans and speci fication prepared by the Department of Public Works. Any excess over assessment of prop erty for the construction of said sewers shall be charged to Item 170 (loan) for tha construc tion of main sewers, in the appropriation to the Department of Public Works (Bureau of Sal veys) Provided, No such assessment shall b charged for th sewers authorized by this ordi nance where the same are built upon undedt cated streets, and where th properties ar not assessed at full city rat, but no permit shall be Issued for the drainer of properties on th lln of said sewer until th regular frontag charge shall have been paid And th follow ing sums ar hereby set aslds for th construc tion of th main tewer herein authorized I Adam avenue, twenty thousand (20,000) dol lar 1 Cobb Creek Intercepting uwer, twenty flv thousand (23,000) dollar j th uncom pleted part of Gunners Run relief sewer, sev enty thousand (70.000) dollars! Indian Creek sewer, forty-fiv thousand (43,000) dollar) Lardner (treet, eighty thousand (30,000) dol lar l Lincoln avenu, ten thouaand (10.000) dollar! I North Mt Pleasant avenue, thirty thousand (30,000) dollar I Rock Run aewer, eighty thousand (80.000) dollars, Snyder ave nua, twenty thousand (20.000) dollars; Venan go street, thirty thousand (30,000) dollars Wlngohocklng sewer In Howard street, twenty. flv thousand (23,000) dollar 1 Provided, That n th event of any of th aforesaid sewer posting less than tn sura set aside for it construction, th Director of th Department ot Publlo Work I hereby authorized, at hi discretion, tq us any balance of th foregoing mount, or any part thereof, for th comple tion of ny of th main sewers herein named for which th sums set astd ar Insufficient. Provided also, That th Director ot th Depart ment ot Publlo Work Is authoriied to appoint assistants and inspector a may b requisite, and pay H eipenses for salaries, inspection, boring, transportation and eipenses Incidental to th work from th aforesaid Item. Section S. That th Myor Is hereby author ised to enter security on behalf ot lbs City of Philadelphia for th payment of any damages by reason of th construction oi any of th hsrtln authorized sewer through private prop erty Approved the lth day of June, A. D ltltj, RUDOLPH J4LANKKNBURO. No. 1017, Mayor erf JrJl4Jf hi. 14. 1915; ORDXXAMOM AN ORDINANCE TO PLACE ON THE CITJf pln Addison, Alter Bambry, Boniit, Buck nll. uowson, klla, Usrfleld. Royal, Oarratt, Uray, Hop. Kingston, Latona, Wanton, Mar shall, Marston, Norwood, Pacific.. Pickwick, Pulaski, Russell, Sparks, Seventieth, Tulpe hocken, Victoria and Wlshart atreeta, llazel. Osage and Overbrook avenues and Church road, Seition 1 Tha Select and Common Council of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Depattment of l'ublle Works (board of Sur veyor!) be authorized to plic upon th City Plan Addison itreet, ef the width of forty ft, Irom BUtr-eecond itreet to Cobb Creek Park way, Alter street, of th width of thirty feet, from TweMy-slxth trt eaatward, Bmbry treet, of the width of forty feet, from West moreland to Fox etreeti Honaall street, of th width of forty feet, and Bucknell strt, of th width of thirty feet, from Jt'sdersl to Oakford street, Crowson itreet, of the width of fifty feet, from Woodlswn street bs Locust avenue. Klla street, of th width of forty feet, from Allegheny avenue to Ltpplncott itreet Oarfleld atreet, of th width of thirty feet, trom Oreen street to about .UO feet nortreett. lvoyal street, of th width ot eleven Met. from 0rfleld tq Seymour street, Qarrett street, of th width ot forty feet, from iUss to Croweon street. Uray street, of the width of thirty-eight nd forty feet, from Croweon to Chaw street. Hop treet, of th width ot thirty leet, from Lou den to Rockland street! Kingston street, ot the wialh ot torty feet, trom Frunkiord avenue to Amber street; Latona (treet, of th width of thirty fet, and Manton trt, of th width of forty feet, from Twenty-eecond to Twenty third street, Marshall street, of the width ot forty feet, from Chew to Orange street. Mar (ton tret, of th width of forty feet, trom Wetmorelnd to Fox street: Norwood street, ot th width ot twenty-five feet, from Dickin son street southward. Pacltlo and Pickwick treet, each of the width of forty feet, from 1 ranktord avenue td Amber street, Pulaski street, uf tha width of twenty-five feet, from Walnut lane to Tulpehocken (treet, Russell street, of the width of forty feat, from Seventh to blghth street, Srarks street, of the width ot tlity feet, from Ogont avenue to Twentieth strost. Seventieth street, of th width of titty fret, trom Sherwood road to Overbrook avenue; Tulpehocken street, of the width of forty fet, from Pulaski street to Wayne avenu. Victoria tieet, of the width of forty feet, from l"rnk lord avenu to Amber street; Wlshart atreet. of the width of forty feet, from A to Ella street. a.niL.? ,h width of forty feet, from Twenty eighth to Twenty-ninth strest. llazel and Osage avenues, ot the width of forty feet, from Sixty-second sUeet to Cobb's Creek Parkway, Overbrook avenue, of the width of ntty feet, from city, avenue to Seventy first street, Church road, of the width of forty feet, from Lancaster avenue to City avenue' Provided, That befire laid Addison, Rambrey, Crowaon, fc.Ha, Garrett. Klnciton. Marshall, Marston, Pacific. Pickwick, pulaakl, Russvll. Hparks. Tulpehocken and Victoria street!, and Wlihart itreet, from Twenty-eighth to Twenty-ninth street, Hazel and Orage avenues shall be placed ii m pian uie owners or property wttnin tne line thereof shall, within one year from th approval of thts ordinance, dedicate the bed of the same to th City, on the line and grade a (.onfirmed by tbe Board of Surveyor or hall Indemnity th City against all damagea or claims for damages which may arise from placing th said street on the plan and their subsequent opening to the confirmed lines and Rr.".de,-( niS before said Alter. Bonsall. Buck nell, Garfield, Royal, Hope, Latona, Manton ; norwoM street nq uray street, irom Chew street to a point aboue ISO feet south west, shall be 1 laced on the plan, satisfactory evidence ahali be furnished within one year Irom the approval ot thla ordinance, that aald streets have been open and In public use for a period of at least twenty-one years; and he ro ro Gray street, from a point about ISO feet southwest of Chew street to Crowson street, shall be pltced on the plan the owners ot property within the lines thereof shall, within one yoar from tie approval of thli ordinance, dedicate tho bed ot the same to the City, end before said Ella itreet and said Wlshart street, from A to Ella street, ahali be placed on the plan the owners of property abutting on rata streets shall, in addition to dedication, file a bond, satisfactory to tho City Solicitor, agree ing to pay the entire cost for building a sewer and curbing and paving aald street In "a man ner satisfactory to the Department of Public Works, and for the faithful completion of the said atreet improvementa within one year from the upproval of thla ordinance. All ordlnancea or parte ot ordinance Incon sistent herewith be, and the earn are hereby repealed. Approved the 21et day ot June, A. D. IBIS. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1018. Ma) or ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO REVISE THE CURB lines of Ablngton avenue, from Crefeld street to Roanoke street Section 1. The Select and Common Council of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Department of Public Worka (Board of Sur vejors). be authorized to revise the curb lines ot Ablngton avenue, from Crefeld atreet to Roanoke itreet. in the Twenty-second Ward Approved the 21st day of June A. D. 1R13. RUDOLPH BLANKKNBURO, No. 1010. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO STRIKE FROM THE City plan and vacate Ddmund. Fillmore, Foulkrod, Tucker and Olenlock streets, and to Elace upon the City plan Herbert street, ectlon 1. The Select and Common Councils ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That til Department of Public Work (Board of starve) -era), be authorised to strike from th City plan and vacate Kdmund street, from a point about HIT feet northeast of Margaret atreet to Wake ling street; riltmor street, from Edmund treet to Jickson atreet; Foulkrod atreet. Irom alley strict to Tucker atreet. Tucker street, from Foulkrod street to Worth street: and Olenlock itreet, from Tucker street to Wake ling atreet, und to place upon the City plan lleibert street, at the width of fifty feet, from Torresdale avenue to Worth street. Approved the 21st day of June. A. D 1013. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO. No. 1020. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO STRIKE FROM THE City plan I.lwyn atreet, from Kennedy to Fraly atreet, Fraley atreet, from Eadom to fc-lwyn street; and Kennedy street, from 1.1 wyn atreet southwest ot Kennedy street to blityn street northeaat of Kennedy street, bectlon 1. The Select and Common Councils or th City of Philadelphia do ordain. That tho Department of Public Works (Board of Sur veyors), be authorized to strike from the City plan tilwyn street, from Kennedy to Fraley street; Fraley strost, from Eadom to Elwyn street, and Kennedy street, from the northwest sld.) of Elwyn street (30 feet wide), running south est from Kennedy street to Eiwin street (40 feet wide), running northeast from Kennedy atreet: Provided, That an agreement satisfactory to th City bollcltor. be filed with in one jenr from the approval of this ordl. tunce. lndunnlfylng tho city from all damages by reason of the striking ot the said treet from th plan Approved tho 21st day of June, A. D 1013. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1021. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE striking from the City plan of West Springer atreet, from Wayne avenue to Wlssahlckon avenue. Section 1. The delect and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain. That the Department of Public Work (Board of Surveyor) b authorized to strike from th City plan Weit Springer itreet, from Wayne avenue to Wlssahlckon avenue, in the Twenty second Ward. Provided, That an agreement, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, b filed with In one year trom the approval of thla ordi nance, indemnifying th City from all dam age by reason of th striking ot th aald treet from the plan. Approved th 21st dy of Jun, A. D. 1015. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1022. Mayor ot Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO REVIHE'THE LtND ot Harrison street, between Lelper street and Oxford avenu and the north Intersection ot Oxford avenue and Harrison street. Section L Tha Select and Common Council ot th City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That the Deipartment ot Public Worka I Board ot Survoyori) be authorized to revise the north eaat lln of Harrison street, between Lelper street snd Oxford avenue, also to revise the lines of the northerly comer of Oxford avenue and Harrison street so a to curv th Inter section, and to make th necessary adjustment of grades. Approved tha 21st day of June, A. D. 1013. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1023. Mayor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE NAMES of certain atreet. Bectlon 1. Th Select and Common Counclla of th City ot Philadelphia do ordain. That th Department of Publlo Work (Board of Bur vsors) be authoriied and directed to Chang the name of th following etrsetsi Cambrldg treat, from Lewi itreet to Wakellng atreet. to Mllnor street, Fisher avenue, southeast of BustUton avenue, to Kohl street (In Bustle ton); Harvey atreet, front Creason atreet to Ridge avenu; and from Rlghter street to "air mount Park, to Balatgnao strseti Jefferson treet, from Lincoln avenue to Pelham road, to Westvlew atreet; Jefferson itreet, from Washington lane to West Hortter street, and from Ellet street to Oowen avenue, to Conrad street, Tucker street, from Olenlock street to Bermuda street, to Bucklu street. Walnut lane, from Main street to Ridge avenue, ta Bhur lane; Carpenter itreet, from Otrman town avinu to Wlssahlckon avenue, to Car penter lane, Ludlow street, from Fifty-first to Fifty-second (treet. to Ludlow Terrace, Approved th 21 st dy of Jun. A. D. IBIS. RUDOLPH BLANKENBURO, No. 1024. Mayor of Phlladelphli AN ORDINANCE ALLOTTINO TUB APPR( prlatlon to the Depirtment ot Publlo Works, Bursau of Water, out of loan approved May 6, 1013, and authorizing th letting ot con tract and th employment of necessary as sistant engineers and Inspector. Section I. Th Select and Common Councils of th City of Phlladslphla do ordain. That out or th flv hundred thoussnd (300.000) dolls rs In th loan approved May 8. 1018, appropriated to Item 170 In th appropriation to th De partment ot Public Works, -ureau ot Water. the following xpndltur are hereby author lied) For coat storage and etoker qutpmnt and appliance Queen Lon Pumping tftatton. Including th purcha of land for accea from th Reading Railway, eighty thouaand dollar . 360.00Q For th renewal and replacing of pumping station squlpmsni at fahaw mont Pumptrg Station at Roxbor oueh High Bsrvlc Pumping Button, at Roxborough Auxiliary Station, and at Mt. Airy Button, and for th !urchas of an automobile truck not 0 xced t,o thousand. (2,000) del. ar. on hundred ana ninety -fly tbeueend dollar . . 104,060 Yot purchase of a combination locemo tlva crana an1 dredge, eight thou sand (4I000) dollar i and Improve ment jt Lardner Point pumping Mutton, evsnteen thousand (17.U0OJ dollar, total, twsnty-Dv thousand dollar . , ,!. IfcOOQ For construction of four culverts un. dr track of th New York Division at the pnnsylvanu Railroad, at a poiul wwst ot Thlrty-thlrd street. U protect City water main, twenty hv thouaand dollar , , , 3COM Piovl4d- That th Director of the Dpartwnt ( PislsWa Work -may enter ioto a cyctr, within Mrsrtlasaa;, 17 5 tULBXXMOm with th Pennsylvania lUllread Oeea- -lny for tha comunecttM of Jd enli vens. For Improvement at Terras sail Filtr fO, For replacing wooden srsctk water malm with permanent strut- . turn, fifteen thousand delhtr. ....... IsVasM For a Purvy Offlc in Frankfor, J- .uuiue iut xrurcnas 91 jane Brew thousand dollars ,,, ,. . For laying water main Is follow! aenin street, irom Diamond to Ox ford street, Oxford street, from Tenh treet to Bread itreeti Cambrh , itreet, from Second itreet to Slttsf j treet, Kavorford avenue, from Sixty- j Ighth itreet to City Un: Byberry 1 ana Bensalem turnpike, from Rus. ' 1 Utoo avenu to Bybarryj Hustle) and vlelnltv. Mt.nit.sv. tt.AMa-Mj dollar . FOr retllnln Viall In mnnHnn M-ltfc fish hatchery at Torrdl. frra thou and dollar , MM -,Tn Director of th Department of Publlo Work Is hereby authorized to let contracts) nd mplftr th necessary nrlneer and in spector snd Jy th urn out of th foregoing At 101 flit tltS. Approvswl tlim IClh (Jar tf Jut, A. I). UlS, nt'lrtf Tift a aetstssiMtib j RUDOLPH BLANKRNBt'strt. No. 1023. wayor or i-nusaemiia. A??ilD.,1.ANCE .TP MAKB ADDITIONAL appropriation to th vsrlous bureau la tn rSKa.rtmtn!v.of ?"&! 8',i 1ub'1l Weeks. Public Health and Charities, Supplies, saayor. PKtwl . 5er.atlol!i c,t7 Commuter, art. Clerks of Councils, Recorder of Deed 1 Register of Willi l for thV year 1815. , e .t,09L TheJI".:.t ,aPd Common CoitncU J..-!b,21!. of. Fhltodelphla do ordain. That !iT-.tt.,ortr-,1.5.SilouaRn1 "v hundred and Sn,'"vn 0,S27) dollar and nlnety.five 25!. I"!1 ? d th sam la herby apftr. Eri;!d .0l,!.Yrtou hureau in th Dpp it".6' 'J6 Bifety, Public Worka. Publte iMJJLi'fl Charltle. Supplle. Mayor. Board ?v...,i!ff"'ti0,, 9'" wmmllonr. Clerk ef S?n,1c"J'i-R.tcor'1"' of Deed and Register f Will, for th year 1018, vl.t DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. t. .. Electrical Bureau. 1 !?iL9,)i Wa'- two thouaand five hundred dollara ..,.8.tSO0 a t. , . 1'ureau ot Correction. Item 8 (e). Fpr Installing boiler, two thousand dollar ...... ?,... 2 009 8 t. DEpA.nMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. Item 1H To pay th Cunningham Pav ing and Conatructlon Company the following! For Installing curb In Hutchinson. Eleventh and Warnoelc ,iKt, .four hundred and seventeen (417) dollars and forty.atx (40) cnt; A for paving In Front street. 223 feet i outh of Fisher' avenue. In front of I .ot 60 feet In front, 103 feet 8H tnche .1 In depth In the bed of Wellena ar- " ?.UA. one hundred and evnty.four (174) dollar and fifty-seven tBI) cents; to refund money paid In rror .?I-t".-. on hundred nd seven ty-slx (ITS) dollar and ten (10) cents; and to nay James A. Mullen for extra work done In filling Qreenway ave nue and Upland atreet. one hundred and fifty-three rifuti riniiar. tAtt nine hundred and twenty-on dollars and thirteen cent M1JS Item 11 (1). Repairs, alteration and general Improvement of North Sec ond Street Market, alx thousand dol- iiSi'ea'Viv VS':V"I"'iI.Vi.--iA . i.1 m '' . " ,cer at smaing m band concert, two hundred dollar.. .. ... Bureau of Survey. Item 1U, To pay Frederick T. Bucklu. Jr.. for construction ot sewer In Che! ten avenue, from Anderson street southwest, fifty-four dollar and elgh- tV.Av rani, 906.69 84.M Bureau nf Wit.r. Item 1W pany fc To cay II. J. Gloeka Cjim. or damage caused by a break n water main at Market and Straw. berry atreet. on October 15. 1B14. one hundred and twenty-nine (129) 1 dollar, to pay Oeorge P. Nlcklea for I damagea caused by a break In water main at Second and Market stretts. 1 five hundred and fourteen (314) dol- 1 Ian and thirty-five (83) centi: to 1 pay Rlker & liegeman for damages J",!1.ed. hy break in water main at 1210 Market atreet, two hundred and forty-nine (240) dollar and twenty two (22) cent; total, eight hundred and nicety-two dollar and Atty-saven (Si) cents , ,,.. , MV.3H DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC HEALTH AND CHARITIES. .. ... Bureau of Health. Item 2 b). Postage, five hundred dol lar . soe eo Item 2 (c). Mlsctllsneous, three hun. dred doJara Mu,Gt Item 3. bupplles, three hundred dol- .'"s ...., .,, 300.IX) Item S (b) Car of animals, etc., two .hundred dollar ... 360.00 Item 12 (b). Carfare, etc, five hundred dollara 000.00 Rem 12 (c). Maintenance of automo bile, two hundred dollar 200.00 Item 14H ta). Carfare, etc.. two hun- dred dollar .... , .,. .. .... J00.9U Item 14 (b). Maintenance of automo bile of chief milk Inspector and chief meat Inspector, two hundred and fifty (2.vi) dollara each; total flv hundred dollars 600.00 JJureu of Charities. Item 30 (g) For the care and mainten ance of the Insane, two thouaand ftv hundred dollars .. 9SM)fiA DEPARTMENT OF WHARVES, DOCKS AND FERRIES. Item 3. Rent of additional offices In 1 lour so Building from July, two hun dred and seventy dollars 270.00 DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLIES. Item 7H. For furnishing and equipping new nnrsei' home and the new ob servation building at the Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Dlsesses, flv thousand dollar ,8,006.60 . BOARD OF RECREATION, Item 1 (a) Salaries, so as to provtd for 23 bsth house matrons, 38 days, at $2 per day each, one thoussnd, . eight hundred dollar ...... ,7 l.SQO'.OO Item 2 (0). Miscellaneous, five hundred dollar! , 560.00 . - MATOR. Kern IS For the purchaie ot a por trait ot th Mayor, on thousand . dollars , . . 1,000.00 city couMiRRiriNitnn Item 14. To pay assessors, eight bun dred Had twenty-five dollars . Item 10 tb). To pay registrars, on thousand two hundred dollars .. . Item ID For lent of rooms, on hun- 823 06 1,200.00 150.00 Item 20 (a). To pay Judge. Inspectors and clerki of primiry election, three hundred and fifty dollar . .... . , Item 23. For rent of room, two hun- 830.00 230.00 drsd and fifty dollars Item 24 (a), la puy Judges. Inspector ana cierit ot general election, thrc hundred and fifty dollar . ,. ... 830.00 Item 27. For rent of room, two hun. drl and fifty dollar . . ... , ., . 230 00 Item 33 (I) Toward defraying expense of lending battalion of th Second Reglmont, N. (1. P., to the Panama Pacific Exhibition during July, flv thouacd dollar .. . . ... . ... 5,(09.00 CLERKS OF COUNCILS. Item 10 To pay bill of tne Bellevue Strati rd Hotel tor dinner on the an niversary of the State Fenclbles. May 23, 1913. one thousand eight hundred and clnety-elt-ht dollars and forty ceut .,.,.....,.............. ., v.. l.ttes. RECORDER OF DEEDB. Item 1 (c). For extra clerk hire, on ' thousand dollara ,,.. 1,000,90 lUm 2 (b). Miscellaneous expense!, on thouiand dollar! .v ... 1,0941. 06 REGISTER OF WILLS, Item 6. For fitting up room, furnl ture. furnishings, etc. three thou and dollar 8.006,00 C1TT TREASURER. Item 2 (c). Communication service. postage, telephone, etc, four hun dred aousri 400.06 Item J (d). Printing, engavlng, bind Inr, lc., one hundred and fifty dol lar .......,...,..,......, .... Item 2 (f). Special and mlecellansou service, cleaning windows, extra watchman, etc , on hundred dollar Item 2 (g). Alteration and fitting up 150 00 106,66 room, on thousand two hundred, aoiiars 1,20.00 Item (a). Stationery, two hundred aouars ...... ., .. ,. , Item S (b) Cleaning and toilet sup plies, fifty dollar ... , . . Item S (0). Special and miscellaneoue supplies, seven hundred dollar ... Item A. For alteration and repairs. 300.00 SO 06 700.06 furniture, furnishings, etc., two thousand dollar . . ,, . . , , 2,000,00 Item T. To reimburse Emory Freed A Company for warrant, dated Sep tember 80, J680, drawn by th Fir Commissioner! to th order of A. J Kllpatrlck or bearer, twenty (20) dollar 1 and to refund Rachael D. Wolff money paid In error a per. sonal property Ux, ninety-six (86) dollars; total, on hundred and sixteen dollars ...... . 116.00 I hereby approv this ordinance txeeptleur the following Ittm "CLERKS OF COUNCILS Item 10. To pay bill of the Bltvu.sKratford Hotel for dinner on th anniversary pf tb Stat Fenclbles. May 23d, 1013, on thousand lgbt hundred and nlnety-clght, dolUr aad forty csntg (11,103 40) Thereby reducing th total amount appro priated cV thl ordinance from fortv-rlx thnti. sand flv hundred and twn,ty.evn j(a.lV7) .tnllara anil nlnetv.flva fBSV m-i. i.u.u' four thousand alx hundred and iweaty iaa,o-vj oouar ana. tuty-nv too) cm Approved th 21st day of Jun, A. D. KUUUbl'H CJlNKENs)l No, ivm. & wayor of ph RESOLUTION PLAC1NO THIS CUriTnLrt and control of asd authorUfng the Cii Conirollonr to Immediately tr upon take posulon af prainissw wtuaU at ng in count northeast corner of Twssaty.Br fhYi.rp7Hh.,fM.,s and other , purpose i&sasr If prov pin sd HtDtSKXr ntfaiits. HtsaVr sersawVtsirth, In hundred sdur (114) ng lbs Case, 0 Ceaarti to pi teVolutlMist si Maywr tm hW al disapproved. J 4y a4 paetrol fa,cJBSTUa m situate 61 at 1 I comer or l rtrwet, rleetas) 1 of h lfualciiaal oval Sepiroisasr Ars tutei i aitwpflaiajl far 1 lit un lar Orshssti UllJ 1(4 be 11M sums as hieassy plaoM w J. 1 th XKinty Crf inHslen tfs, Jul Issvy ate hr-euy uilu.itsjs) n 1 lisinacUatfly nun wai. d tm directed to pUSSVMlm Of HU ,t tx Resolved. Thkt f'u. tltsk uf ffflSJSHSVJBSSi.'