EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1915. LA PIAZZA DIGORIZIA STAPERCADERENELLE MANI PEGU ITALIANI Notizie da Brescia Dicono Che : Contro Quella Fortezza Sono Stati Portati Altri Nimer- osi Grossi Cannoni ATTACCHI SU TOLMINO 1,0 Forze dl Cadorna Avanzano Ancho Sul Difllcilo o Insldioso, Altoplano Carsico IIOMA. 13 Ottobre. Bebbene I'uHtmo comuntcato ufllclats pubbllcato lert sera dal Mlntstero della Guerra non accennl affatto nd una rlnno rata azlone dl artlsllerla contro le (or tlflcazlonl dl Gorilla, cho e' la chlave 11 Trieste, corrono perslstentl le vocl sc condo cut Gorlzla sta iter cadera nelle manl degll Itallanl. In fattl un telegram tna da Brescia annuncla che contro Goriz U sono atatl portati numcrosl nuovo groa 1 pezzl dl artlgllerla e la fartezza vlene era bombardata da cinque latl. U comuntcato ufltclale parla Inceve In rece dl nuovl attaochl contro le dlfese In terne dl Tolmlno e dt plccole nranzate itgtt Itallanl sutl'altoplano del Carso, Bientre le operazlonl nelle Atpl Gimlche sono reae dlffldll dalta neve che vl ' gla' alta. IIj COMUNICATO UFFICIAI.E. Eoco II testo del comuntcato ufllclale: "Un'avanzata del nemtco su Margar rard, a nord del Monte Coston, nella nattlna del' 11 Ottobre, e atata resplnta. "Nell'alta vallo dell" Area nol at blamo fatto ulterlorl progress!. "Lungo II resto del fronte apeclalmenta celta regtone delle Alpt Carnlche, si eono arutl I solttt ducltl dl artlgllerla. "SuH'altoplano del Carso nelle sera dell' 11 Ottobre II nemtco, dopo una vlgorosa prcparaztone dl artlgllerla e dt fucllerla, nttacco' lo nostro ponlzlont ad est dt Vermlgllano e quelle dt Monte Set BusL L'attacco fu rrontamento resplnto ti 11 nemlco dovette rlplegare dopo aver ublto gravt perdlte." UN AIVTRO COMUNICATO. Nelle prime ore della tnattlna dt lert 11 Jtlnlstero della Guerra aveva pubbllcato 11 seguente comuntcato ufllclale: "Nella zona tra la valle dell'Adtge e quella del Brenta, e speclalmente alia testa della Valtarsa, alcunt repartl dl nostre truppe fecero audacl attacchl eullo difese del nemlco, aprendo breccle net retlcolatl dt (erro, dlstruggendo alcunl lavort dt dlfesa a dannegglandone altrl, e resptngendo gruppl dl forze nemlche. Not facemmo anche del priglonterl, fra cut un uftlclate. "II nemlco dal canto suo attacco' du rante la notte dal 10 all 11 le nostre posl ilonl dl Monte Maronla, a Malga Poverna td Alta, sull'altoplano a nord-ovest dl , Arstero, ma fu resplnto e aubl pedtte. "Sull'altoplano del Carso si sono avute plccole avanzate delle nostre truppe, par tlcolarmente nelle vlclnanze della locallta' cblamata Ferro dl Cavallo." ALCORN SIGNS PLEDGE; CONNELLY SCORNFUL Continued from Pare One Ijogan, serving the Oermontown district Included?" In answer to this Mr. Alcorn wrote: "Yes. I am not familiar with the engineering problems and am not com mitted to anv particular method of ac complishing rapid transit" Tho clause continues: "Second. The Frankfort elevated line, extending from Front and Arch streets over Front street, Kensington avenue and Frankford ave nue through Frankford?" Mr. Alcorn wrote "Yes" without quali fication. "Third. A Woodland avenue elevated line extending from 30th and Market streets over the private right of way and Woodland avenue to Darby?" Answer. "Yes. Not familiar with any particular route." 'Fourth. A northwest subway-elevated line beginning at City Hall station on the delivery loop and extending northwest- wardtr beneath the Parkway to the Green street entrance of Falrmount Tark, elevated structure over North 9th street to Allegheny avenue, and thence from Henry avenue to Hoxbor ough?" Answer. "Yes. With some qualifica tions." nErivr to opehatinq clauses. The next two clauses the operating clauses also received Mr. Alcorn's ap proval, although to the first of them he ndded "If practicable." Question. "Will you Insist that the program for rapid transit development with free transfers' arranged by the De partment of City Transit and the omcers of tho Philadelphia Itnptd Transit Com pany be carried out substantially as pro mulgated, to the end that frco transfers snail be given between the high-speed llnea and between tho surface lines and the high-speed lines, so that passengers may travel by tho ute of the high-speed lines between nil Important sections of the city with the privilege of transferring in a forward direction on Intersecting surface lines at each end of tho high speed Jeurncy for ono B-cent fare?" Answer. "Ye: If practicable." Question. "Will you oppose and use every effort to prevent tho consumma tion of any contract between the city and Philadelphia IUpld Transit Company which will require tho city to mako any contribution toward the protection of tho net Income of the existing system out of tho earnings of the high-speed lines or otherwise, greater than such amounts as aro required to pay a reasonable return on the capital actually patd tn on Union Traction Company stock and on the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company stock, Including such additional capital as may be invested In tho property by those companies, or greater than such amounts as may be necessary to reim burse the existing company for the actual loss to lta net Income resulting solely from Its co-operation with the city, as eet forth In the program?" In answer to this Mr. Alcorn wrote: "I would allow actual loss due to com petition." FREE TRANSFER CLAUSE. Question. "Will you Insist upon the elimination of the discriminatory ex change tickets forthwith and tho sub stitution of free transfers therefor sub stantially as set forth In the program, or otherwise by due process of law as recommended?" Answer. "Yes; If practicable and not unjust to the company." .Question. "Will you oppose to the limit of your ability any such plan as was proposed tn March, 1914, whereby This lather really soothes your face WHEN you use Reslnol 8hTing Stick there are no tense, smarting after-effects, no annoying shaving rashes to fear. That is because its creamy lather is full of the same soothing, healing, antiseptic balsam that make Resinol Ointment and Re- Inol Soap, so effective In the treatment of akin affections. Sold by all good drurchta. For trUI lza stick free, write to Dept. B-M, ReslnoU Baltimore, HI Resinol Shaving Stick s the city would have relinquished pay ments which the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company Is now obligated by law to make to the City Treasurer, aggre gating upwards of IO.OOO,000, In consider ation of the elimination of the exchange tickets?" Answer. "If it be practicable or fair to abolish exchange tickets, no consider ation should be allowed to the company for doing It." Question. "Do you favor and will you every effort to have a special election called and held as soon as the constitu tional amendment relating to city loans Is adopted, for the purpose of authorizing a sufficient Increase In the city's indebted ness to provide the money for the con struction of nil the facilities which have been recommended?" Answer. "Yes: if tho necessity Is so UTffent flN tn lll.flfv tlm .n,nM nf n speclat election. JAMES ALCORN." Sewer Work at a Standstill Construction work on branch sewers In many sections of tho city Is at a stand still because of Councils' refusal to pro vide the $300,000 needed by tho Depart ment of Public Works to continue the work this fall. As a remit of the fail ure of Councils to pay any regard to the frequent demands made for the money theso badly needed public Improvements will not bo completed during the present season. In most countries of the civilized world, The Delineator is the leading magazine for women. In France, Germany and England a veritable Delineator (with translations and modifications) more than holds its own with the native publications. These publi cations are not simply the American Delineator for foreign subscribers they are separate and distinct publications issued in and for their respective countries. In Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, South America and Russia publications are issued from Delineator ma terial and while these publi cations are not actually Delineators, they carry a Delineator message and are dependent for their success upon Delineator methods. This world wide popu larity demonstrates that the success of The Delineator is not due to any local condi tion but is based on our universal feminine appeal. The Buttcrlck Publishing Company New York 5253 Delineator is one of the three magazines called by advertising men The .Buttcrlck Trio and bought as an adver f Using unit. The other members of the Trio are The Designer and The Woman's Maga zine. The average monthly net circula tion of The Buttcrlck Trio is guaranteed to be in excess of 1,400,000. nalin ( IWI, I V fitiSiiitiil- J HWMHNK If!!i8&ii:ii&y:5! II OLs. iJffi: :JSk UI; : H i( i 1 1 : 1:' H W !!? BTSUSMe jBT fcVtelln i ltf3gJBBBZBr.BSSSSP If" "nljr iTr'- LllT ifTHttJsBiTrW B iBElreMBSttlil II Hr 3saBH 0 I RBHIPtj mBBKmt' Ivins Purity Laws are Stricter than Those of State or Nation There's nothing uncertain about Ivins Baking; nothing false; nothing artificial. Every Ivins product is up to the standard established by the Ivins Specific Guarantee of Purity. If you want your children and grown-ups to have this kind of baking specify r" dfawnA Cakes and Crackers The many varieties could not be more tasty if you baked them yourself; your kitchen cannot rival the oaKing emciency of our im mense ovens, and you could never equal our purity standard. Every ingredient we use must be accom panied by an affidavit regarding purity and our expert food chemist mases tests to prove inis purity. Even, in the way we fake, the idea is "cleanliness and purity first." Ivirw products Ustt good and are good. Your grocer should sell Ivins see tint he does. tj I 3EM5ES21 C Z. E c . C I s. c 5 : A New LESTER Player This new special style No. 15 was designed particularly for those discriminating persons who desire the full Lester Quality at a popular price and terms within easy reach. It is in every way fully up to the famoys Lester standard. In order to allow every home in Philadelphia to own a T THOU1 L1 U JLiJlJto X UjJlv i LjxxX JtLiJrt PIANO and to obtain a wider distribution of our product more quickly we offer this special style No. 15 Lester Player Piano at $650 ! TERMS, $ 1 2 MONTHLY f c5 & . z c 5 : C C a s z. 5S 5 This is absolutely the greatest Player Piano value ever offered in Phila delphia. Compare it with any other high grade make, no matter what the price. Your own good judgment will quickly tell you which player to buy. Every Piano and Player Piano bearing the Lester name is made entire in the great Lester factories. This new style 15 Player is no exception to the rule. The piano and player action are full Lester made and Lester guar anteed, just the same as all the Lester products. The case is Colonial in design. The celebrated Lester workmanshho assures a maximum of tone quality, with great durability, as the rjiano itself 1 1 J L 1 '.LI 1 . .'l J 1 ' . nas Deen constructed wren a view to its continued use as a player-piano. Extra heavy back posts of spruce finely finished; extra heavy metal irame; extra, heavy hammers; extra reiniorced action; continuous hinges; all hardware of solid brass, heavily lacquered. Remember, you have no middlemen's profits to pay. This player is sold to you at direct factory prices. We will gladly demonstrate it at your convenience. F. A. NOHTH 1306 Chestnut Street Branch Stores Open Evenings TEAR OUT THIS COUPON ON DOTTED LINE. KENSINGTON 3244 Kensington Ave. CAMDEN, N. J. 820 Broadway TRENTON, N. J. 209 East State St. WILKES-BAItRE, PA. 170 South Main St. NORRISTOWN, PA. 228 West Main St. WEST PHILA. 302 S. 52d St. READING, PA. 15 Nerth 5th St. SCRANTON, PA. 526 Spruce St. CO. J? ' JT .tl F.A. NORTH COMPANY 1306 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia Please send ma a tompl.U Jaaarij lort of your M4al atari Laatar Player-Piano, No. IS; ate ditafla of casy-MtyBawt was. wHlwwt hiifaat or extras. "" Nam Addrtst , - .Ttt tX lmJj $ 1 5 3 7 c S iff n m Hi J & i.-.-i nm - w H 'V - f T. H' fl L j. n KB i I A, rJi In J