Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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1 Jay flo; lrnd me
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Believed to Bo Members of Ju
venile Band That Has Looted
Many Houses
The capture today of two boy robbers
after a chase of several blocks brought
to light the existence of a Juvenile band
of thieves, which Is accused of looting
houses in all sections of the city. They
were also responsible, the police say, for
the desecration of the Church of the Holy
Sacrament, Broad street above Ridge
Following clues obtained several days
ago. District Detectives Kelly and Aubel.
of the 20th and Buttonwood streets sta
tion, attempted to arrest James 'Williams,
a 17-year-old negro, and his youthful pal,
LeRoy Green, at 15th and Cuthbert
streets. They were planning another rob
bery, the police say, ,when they saw the
detectives approach. The boys ran down
15th street to Market. Several shots were
fired at the youths, but they ran close to
the walls of houses and laughed at their
pursuers. The chase led to 16th and Arch
streets, when the boys accidentally ran
Into the arms of District Detectives Ma
lone and McCulIough, of the 15th and
Vine streets station.
When searched at the 20th and But
tonwood streets station several pieces of
silver and gold were found on them, the
police say. In addition to various other
kinds of booty. The metal la said to be
parts of fixtures In the Church of the
Holy Sacrament. The prisoners con
fessed. It Is said, to looting the church
and destroying what they could not
They also admitted robbing the Bethel
Pharmacy, 18th street and Falrmount
avenue, the police say, and a number of
houses near 13th and Brown streets, 12th
and South streets and other places.
Detectives say Green told them Wll-
Hams was the leader of the burglar band,
which, he said, held regular meetings
and planned robberies many days In ad
vance, switching from one section of the
-city to another.
Alter putting the boys through a gruel
ing examination, the detectives learned
that fflsnv nifnilur, r ... .-... i ,
plevances against the leader. They said
he cheated them in sharing the loot.
Green said Williams always entered a
house first and gathered up the best
stuff, and then made a "getaway," leav
ing the worst "swag" for the boys who
came after him.
Williams, who the police say is remark
ably shrewd for his age. refused to talk.
He gave his address as 1612 Seybert street.
Green said he lived at 18th and Shars
wood streets.
The prisoners were held in J100O ball by
Magistrate Beaton for a further hearing
next Wednesday.
Taxleab Driver Freed by Court
WILMINGTON, Del., Oct U-In City
Court today Benjamin Bennett, a taxi
cab driver, whose machine collided with
the automobile of Hay R. Hammlll, of
Kennett Square, near this city, in which
two people were hurt, was dismissed. Evl
dence showed that both machines held
the centre of the road and collided head
on. Judge Churchman declared he would
not fine Bennett unless the other driver
was prosecuted.
Vessels Arriving Today
Btr. New Bwden (Swed.), Chrlstlanla. roer
ehamdlse. Sweden-Norway Line.
. .SlZZZL-" To -"- Clyde
ShnSSSJfSh ana- uitasu
SUV Arminolia I
Charles M. Taylor's bon.
Steamships to Arrive
Vu .
.Sept. 11
.Be tit. 13
.Sept. 14
.Sept. 22
.Bept. 23
.Sept. S3
.Bept. 24
..Sept. 24
.Bept. 24
.Bept. 23
Sept. 28
Sept. 2T
Sept. 28
.Sept. 28
Sept. 28
.Beat. 29
vTl fjoorbotten Narvik
'MWannlngtry bum ,
uyrdal ...Mlddleabor'gn
ueutta ,Oran ,. .....
oapoll Lelth
racersand -Port da Patx ,
Peotoporoei Liverpool .....
Kelbergen . Rotterdam ...
George Pre n Barcelona ....
Povlfa . Huelv. ...,,.,
nessbask Valencia .....
rtuin Arendal ...
Hammyrsbuus Balboa
Ayraerlo Alslera
ueorglan .... Honolulu ,..,.
Blr Ernest Caaiel Narvik
Guato Manchester ,.
Corolahman ......... ..Liverpool
Manchester Miller Manchester ..
&lSLuS?. . " ' London
north Point .. ....London ,
West Point ...........London ..
Rio Colorado ..Santos
Fredne Havana
Santuro ,,, Turk's Island..
..oct. 1
Steamships Due Today
Kara. From. Balled.
Verona , Genoa . , Sept. 29
California, , .Uverpool ......Oct. 3
at. Louts ...Liverpool ......Oct. B
Steamships to Leave
Nam. For. Data.
Halls; Olav Copenhagen Oat. 14
Bt. Louts ..., .,.. Liverpool ......Oct, 18
Verona ... ...Genoa .Oct. 18
srcetisfjord ....... ...Bergen ........ .Oct. 18
Chlcaro ..Bordeaux . . .Oct. IS
Mtwet of Vessel
X. OHw, uvnr bars Ceuwnauf b.
far r i jutout. was H Bum
-4 s Ml l4Mhlp at noon Oo-
rwk w
aW aTfle VrBf3sp Mt m Jpv Jew
. fl-b aUWsja Ur rafeMB.-. was t
i aSSk f JNswsnl Wllle-lil sx T
'S: Oifiajl-t, Pert 4iur tor rWiasMa-la.
S?.rW- i?XZ
am wuwraa tw-i, nvm nnsaeMSua,
arrived at
arrived at
' III. '
Skrbl li...-I
S tittti I t
Hchr ri. &.- r.
firsd at .
Sir. J
ml riiiwr
OtIwb WW.. istelW tue 8ck
aHus (IrX. ssr'"JairYk. steamed
Lfveracii noisesr u.
(S-trk.t rTL.
fnm rW,ils-li.
- Iulr UL 1
rd flvasi
a five spot)
' .
About 2000 Voters of All Par
ties Expected to Take Ad
vantage of Loophole
About 200 electors, who took advan
tage of a trick amendment to the elec
tion laws made by the Republican
Organization leaders In the State Legis
lature permit tins citizens who have
failed to register on the three regular
days, even though they have been in the
city, to pay their taxes and be placed on
the lists after the last fall registration
day, appeared before the Doord of Regis
tration Commissioners In City Hall today
to obtain the right to vote at the Novem
ber election.
A rush of perhaps 2000 forgetful electors
was anticipated on this, the only remain
ing, registration day, but scarcely mora
than one-tenth of that number. It Is esti
mated, will havo taken advantage of the
amendment by the time tho books close.
About one out of three applicants was of
the careless, forgetful kind.
The amendment to the election laws,
which allows forgetful and careless citi
zens to be registered after the three legal
das, provides that they must pay their
taxes botween the last registration day
and 30 days before election day. It also
provides that they may file their petitions
to be registered with the commissioners
until 21 days before the election, but that
they must all be registered on the 21st
day before the fall election.
The law was first brought to light at a
meeting of the Republican City Commit
tee two weeks ago, when the word lead
ers were told that they still had another
opportunity to get their men qualified
for the November election. Independents,
determined not to be outdone by the Or
ganization, also took advantage of the
change In the law.
In the week and a half that the com
mission has been sitting, approximately
1S00 voters who were out of the city or
sick on the three registration days have
oeen registered. These electors filed their
petitions to register on white and blue
sheets. Special pink slips were provided,
however, for those who wish to take
advantage of the chango in the law
Medico-Chirurgical College Names
Committee to Consider Plans
The proposition to merge the medical
school of the University of Pennsylvania
and the Medlco-Chlrurglcal College has
proceeded so far that it Is believed the
plans for the consolidation will be com
pleted before the end of the present col
legiate year and that by the time college
reopens next year the merger will be an
accomplished fact A committee repre
senting the Interests of Medlco-Chl will
meet next Monday to act on the proposal
to merge. A committee of tho trustees of
the university has already been appointed
and Is expected to make Its report to the
trustees soon.
The plans, as outlined tentatively, call
for the transfer of undergraduate stu
dents of Medlco-Chl to the university and
the construction on the Parkway of a
great graduate school of medicine, to be
known, In all probability, as the Medlco
Chirurgical Graduate School of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. The question of
financing the graduate school is now giv
ing those Interested in the plan great con
cern. A hospital will be maintained In con
nection with the graduate school and a
large sum of money will be needed for
this. It Is said that the maintenance cost
will amount to at least 1100,000 a year, and
that this would require a permanent fund
of $1000,000.
Increase of ?4,896,672 in September
Foreign Trade
While the exports from the port of
Philadelphia for the month of September
showed an Increase of I4,898,(OT, as com
pared with the same month of last year,
the imports fell off S645,S. The trade
balance, that is, the excess of exports
over imports, was Jt.908.06i
The total exports In September were
I3.720.SOI, against 1,824.3 last year, and
the Imports reached a total of 14,814,752.
against $5,300,074. The exports for the
first nlnA mnntha nt thn pai.mi... A.
were 160,335.418', compared with $44,616,804
n mo same period or me previous year,
while the imports were $81,947,123, against
Shifting Engines Good Fire Fighters'
Pennsylvania ItAllroad uhlftinrr ii.in..
have become Invaluable as fire fighters. A
report Just Issued by the company shows
that the little engines have been of ex
ceptional service since they have been
equipped, as fire extinguishers. This
method of Increasing the flre-ftghtlng ef
ficiency of the Pennsylvania Railroad
volunteers is only one of many improve
ments that have been Introduced to de
crease the fire losses of the organization.
Ist year, although there were more
fires than the company has had to cope
with nretvloualv. th 1n - -nii-
h PennylvanU Railroad now assumes
we ana marine nsK. through Its own
k-Tce fund, of more than $400,000,000.
Fraakfenl Cewpk M Vears Wedded
Mr. and Mr. John Warbrlck, of Frank
ford, are observing their golden wedding
anniversary at their home at Pierce and
Orthodox streets. They were married W
years ago In Old Trinity Church, Ox
ford, and have been living In this city
most of their lives. More than 0 of
their relatives and friends assembled at
the aged couple's home last night and
celebrated the anniversary and ook them
many valuable gifts. Mr. Warbrlck Is
a veteran of the Civil War and a former
member of tht old Franklin Volunteer
Hgm Company. He and Mrs, Warbrlck
are proud ot four children, two grand
c and one great-sr-ndcklld.
irARRISDURO. Oct. 13.-Dr. John C.
Trice, Chief of the Division of Hygiene,
Department of Labor and Industry, died
this morning at his residence In Camp
Hill after a brief lllnoss.
Doctor Prloo's homo was In Bcranton.
A. P. Dodge
NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Arthur Pillsbury
Dodge, lawyer, Inventor, publisher and
member of tho bars of New Tork, New
Hampshire, Illinois aud Massachusetts,
died yesterday at his home In Froeport.
L. I., in his 6Cth year. He was born In
Enfield, N. H.i and was a direct descend
ant of Simon Dodge, who came to this
country from England In 1630.
Mr. Dodge was admitted to the bar of
Massachusetts In 1879, and for a time was
attorney for Mary Baker Q. Eddy.
ZOL In lovlnc remembrance of our
father, GEORGE W. ZOLL, who died Octo
ber 18. 1P14.
We shall find In some far, bright tomorrow
Loved ones He has taken, Hun? yet.
ZOLL. In loving remembrance of our
brother, GEORGE W. ZOLL, who dlrd Oc
tober 18. 1914. SISTERS.
ADAMS. On October 10, 1B15, IDA MAT
ADAMS, wlfo of John J. Adams and daugh
ter ot William and Sunan Mills, need 37
years. Relatives and friends, also William
Reynolds Circle. No. 137. L. of O. A. II.,
and St. Elizabeth ReneHclal Society, are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday.
at 2 p. m., from her late residence, 1925
South 2d at. Remains may be viewed on
Wednesday evening. Interment at Slxtn
Street Union Vault.
AT.LMENDINGER. On October 11. 1915.
WILLIAM, husband of Mary M. Allmendln
ger (nee Rtsley). Rclathes and friends, also
members of the Old Veterans' Fire Associa
tion, Orion Club and the Detective Depart
ment of Philadelphia, are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Friday, at 1:80 n.m
at his late residence. 1339 North 10th st. In
terment private, at Monument Cemetery, Re
mains may be lewed on Thursday evening.
Automobile serlce,
DAKnElt. Suddenly, nt her residence, 1808
North Broad St., on October 10, 191B. JU
LIA, widow of Charles D. Baeder and daugh
ter of the lato Charles and Amanda Thacher,
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Thursday, at 10 a. m., from
her late residence, 1808 North Broad
Services at the Church of the Incarceration?
Droad and Jefferson sts., at 11 a. m. Inter
ment private.
BAltTIf. On October 10, 1918, MARIE M
widow of John J. Barth. Relatives and
friends are lmlted to attend th. ri,n.oi
services, on Thursday, at 3 p. m at .he
residence of her son, William Barth SSI1
Glrard ate. Interment at Mt. Vernon Cemetery-
I1AUERS. On rvtnh.r in. mm rsrira
husband of the late Margaret Bauers end
son of the late Charlea and Elisabeth Bauers
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
th funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p.
m at the residence of Jamea Kelly. 148
Pegs St. Interment at Greenmount Ceme
tery. 1IAUMAN -On October 10, 1915, WALLEN
husband of Arvella B. Bauman (ne White
house), aged 60 years. Relatives and
friends, also Camp, No. Ill, r. O. S. of A
Commandery No. 61, P. O. S. of A., and
Keystone Council, No. 11, o of I. A., are
Invited to ncrvlces, on Thursday, at 2 p
m , at his late residence, 4678 Umbrla st '
Manayunk. Services will be held In Mount
Vernon Baptist Church, at 3 p. m. Inter
ment at Westminster Cemetery,
BAUMGARDNEIt. On October 11, 1916
PHILIP, husband of the late Sarah Baum
gardner. Relatives and friends, also Rlr
ney Post, No. 03; Mozart Fishing Club,
and Lafayette Hose Company, are Invited
to attend the funeral services, on Thurs
day, at 2 p. m at his late residence, 1224
N. nutchlnson nt. Interment strictly pri
vate, at Northwood Cemetery,
HECK. On October 11, 1915, ALEXANDER
HECK, husband of Mamie O'Hey Beck, aaed
42 years. Relatives and friends are Invlled
to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 3
p. m from his late residence, 6R32 Bloyd
st , Germantown. Remains may be viewed
Wednesday evening. Interment at Ivy Hill
niNNIO. On October 12, 1916, EDWARD
husband of Crecentla Illnnlc (neo Krato
mlller). born In Degmarn Ob. Nekarsulm
Wurteroberg. aged 04 years. Relatives ani
friends, also the Inquirer Relief and em-
gloyei. the Fred Fell and George Essllnger
enenclal Societies, are invited to attend the
funeral, on Friday, at 8 80 a. m., from his
late residence, 1148 North 3d st. Requiem
Mass at 10 a. m. at Bt. Peter's Church. In
terment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery,
BROAnilELT. On October 12, 1916. HENRT
BROADBELT, In his 80th year. Relative,
and friends are Invited to attend funeral
Friday, at 1 p m.. from his lste residence.
Village Green, Delaware County, Pa. Inter
ment at Media Cemetery, Carriages will
met Mlddletown trolley at Basin road, from
11 to 12 a. m.
BUTUIOUOIt. On October 12, 1916. MART
EMMA BURROUOH. Relative and friends
are Invited to attend funeral services. Thura.
No5rrls!:sP' '"" SWUt "ome- "th Tind
CHESTNUT On October 11. 1915. JAMES
II. CHESTNUT. IlelatlTM and frlendsTlSo
all organizations of which he was a member!
are invited to attend the funeral services!
on Thursday) at 2 p. m., at the anartmenta
of Oliver If. Balr, Isao Chestnut at. Inter!
ment private.
COLrKIt On October 9, 1915, LAWRENCE
M . husband of Elizabeth Golfer (nee Kane)
and son of Matthew and Mary OoUar. It Ha.
lives and friends, also the AlUr Society, Holy
Nama Society of the Epiphany Church and
Court General Lawton, No. 232, F. of A..
are invited to attend funeral, Thursday, at
8 SO a. m., from his Ista residence. 1929 8.
Bartaln at, Solemn Mass of Requiem at ths
Epiphany Church at 10 a, in. Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery.
CONNORS. On October lz, 1918, EDWARD
A husband of Barbara A. Connors (nes
(Hosier) and son of ths lata Margaret and
Edward Connors. Relative! and friends, slso
the 8d and 8th District Police, Flnletter Its
publican Club and ths 630 Club, are invited
to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8 a.
. """- .-."..... oiv eouin Amer
ican st. Solemn Requiem Mas at Bt. Joseph's
Church at 9.80 a. m. Interment Holy Crow
CORSON. On October It. 1915. HARRIET
JlcKEKVEIt. widow ef Thomas A. Corson.
Relsttvss and friends are Invited to attend
funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her
late residence, 64(2 Woodland eve. later
ment Arlington Cemetery.
CHESTNUT On October 11, 1916. JAMES
H. CHESTNUT. Relatives and friends, also
all organizations of which he was a member,
are Invited to attend tht funeral services,
D 3Sur,1;J' f.a Vr.XH-i lh apartments
of Oliver H. Ilslr, 1820 Chestnut st. Inter,
ment private,
DAVIS. On October 10, 1916, MINNIE O..
wits of Harry Davis and daughter or tbs
late Peter and ElUabeth O. Campbell, italic
lives and friends are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m. pre
cisely, at her late residence, 2348 West Cum
berland st. Interment private. Auto service.
BULL. On October 10 1916, WILLIAM,
husband of tbs late Elizabeth Dull, Rela
tives and friends, also Delta Castle, No. 0,
K. Q. E.i Independence Council, No, 1, U.
8. A., of Philadelphia, Pa., and employes of
the Pavonla 1". R, H. Car Shops, we Invite
to attend funeral services, on Thursday, at
his late reeldenoe. 1206 North 20tb st.. Cam
den. N, J, Interment private, at Arlington
Cemetery. Vh may vie the retails
on JWiilsilir from 7 to 9 p. sv.
KWS-. Set M4 Month 11th, 1916. MART
rear. Fs-aeaJ' so th reelilenca of
aoa. ssi ntjfMif. et8 Varna avs.,'
MWSi 9mk -ekr saarulnf, laUri
w w-nea m .fK jwoen jse. aged sx
yssasM-Hwa w reeisenca of her
r .;
A -- .!
-O looo; Hooiy
Copyright, 1015, E. W, Keroble.
"' ' . r
""oTTMisirNDESTooD Me. i saio J?;J:2p)(xvnM any I (he's offT? w"k',3m.
"T W " V-O MAKES 'ME j aJNYK I HE Mi ;
ERNKT. At the residence ot his son. Dr.
E, 8. Erney, 5002 Lansdow ne avs., on Octo
ber 12, 11)18, Dr. ALUERT S. BRNEY, In
his 01st year. Relatives and friends, also
Phoenix Lo-lgn, No. 130. F. and A, M.t
Palestine Chapter, No. 240, R, A. M., and
Mary Commandery. No. 80, K. T are In
vited to attend the funeral aervlces, on
Thursday, at 1 80 p. m., at the apartments
ot Oliver II. Balr, 1820 Chestnut st. Inter
ment at Kern wood Cemetery.
EVANS -On October 11, 1015, MART A,
widow of Charlea Evans, Relatives and
friends, slso Mystic Temple, No. 28, O. U. A..
and Atnelstan Temple, No, 59, I. O. E., an
Invited to attend the funeral services, at her
late residence, 1031 Marlborough at., on
Thursday, at 2 p. m. Interment at North
wood Cemetery.
FENSTEItMACHEa -Suddenly, at nalnes
port, N. J , October 10, 1915, JOHN J, FEN-STHRMAC-UElt,
aged 00. Relatlvee and
friends aro Invited to attend funeral, from
his late residence, Halnesport, N. J., on
Thursday, at 2 p. m., without further no
tice. Interment private. Friends may call
Wednesday, from 7:30 to 9 p. m.
FLOOD. On Octobor 10, 1915, MART
FLOOD. Relatives and friends, also Altar
Society of the Church of the Nativity, are
invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday,
at 8 80 a. m , from her late residence, 215
Almond st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the
Church ot the Nativity at 10 a. m. Inter
ment at Bt. Ann's Cemetery.
OAKTmVAITE. On October 10, 1916
ANN1K. widow of William Oarthwaite, aged
M. Relatives and friends are Invited to at
tend the funeral services, on Wednesday
ut 8 p. m., at her son-lnlnw'a residence
Thomas W. Dodds. 6016 Erdrtck St.. Wlol
slnomlng. Interment private. t Mount Hods
Cemntery, Chester, Pa.
GIRAKI). At Lancaster, Pa., on October 10.
1U15. HONORINE. wife of Joseph a Glrard
Relatives and friends, also the Culinary
llenenclal Assoslatlon, are invited to attend
the funeral., Friday, at 2 p. m.. from the
residence of her son-in-law, Charles D
Downes, 5018 Broomall ave. (fifth and
Whitby ave.). Interment at Fernwood Ceme
tery. Friends may call Thursday evening.
GI.EESON. On October 11. 1916, JOHN a
husband of Elsie M. Gleeson, aged 35 years
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Thursday, at 8.30 a. m.. from
his lato residence, 1812 N. Marston at. Hlrn
Mass at the Church of the Most Precious
Blood at 10 a. m. Interment strictly private,
at Westminster Cemetery. fr.vaio,
GORMAN. At Mount Holly, N. J on Octo
r 11. ,1915, DANIEL A. GORMAN, hue
ban ot late Mary. A. Rock, aged OJ. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend fu
neral, from his late residence, 142 Water
Bi,, w ..u.,jr, ... u.j uu inurscay, at v
n. m. High Mass of Requiem at Sacred
Heart Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at St,
Mary's Cemetery.
GHAIIER. On October 12, 1915, MAI1T E.
daughter ot Frank F. and Katie C. Graber.
In her 12th year. Relatives and friends aro
Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
i.rJ- X.' aA2.R: "1" aX her parents' residence,
2537 North 4th at. Remains may bo viewed
"? T.1?r.5,avl ,ro.m 8 i 10 P- " Interment
at Hillside Cemetery, by way of trolley.
GRIMES. On October 11, 1018, HANNAH
J., daughter of Edward W. and Margaret
Grimes, In her 10th year. Relatives and
friends, also school children of St. John'a
Parochial School, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Thursday, at 8 30 a. m . from
her paremtB' rcsiance. 127 Kalos at.. WIs
sahlckon. High Mass of Requiem at St.
John'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy
rl 'Tn-ir
GROFF. On October 11. 1915, HAMILTON
T., husband of the late Emma M. Groff. aged
8.1 years. Relatives and friends are Invited
to attend funeral services, on Wednesday,
at 8 p. m., nt tho residence of his eon.
Hsrry L. Groff, 2821 N. Marston St.. Phila
delphia. Pa. Interment private Thursday, at
South Dennis. Cape May County. N. J.
IIAGSTOZ Suddenly, on October 11. 1915.
year. Relatives and friends also Vaux
Lodge. No. 303. F. and A. M., and Veteran
Corps., 1st Regt.. N. O. P.. aro Invited to
a!,tnA the funeral services, on Thursday.
at 1:30 p. m., at his lata residence, Delanco.
S- i- I?,e.rni?!Lt. at Harlelgh Cemetery,
Camdtn. N J. Friends may call on Wednes
day, from 7 to ft p. m. Trains leave Market
st, wharf, lhlladelphla. for Delanco nt 12:40.
1IANCE. On October 11,. 1015. JOHN P.,
on of Joseph c and the late Mary E.
H.1PCu' in,.n(" 17,h "" I'uneral services
will be held on Thursday, at 2.SO p. m,, at
his late residence. Wyncote. Pa. Interment
private. Auto will meet train at Jenklntown
leaving Reading Terminal at 2 p. m.
HART. On October 11, 1016, ANNA II
wife of Percy A. E, Hart and daughter of
Emma and the late Michael Murphy, aged
?8;. "S1" and Mend, are invited to at
tend the funeral on Thursday, at 8 a. m...
from her late residence. 000 Federal St., Cami
e2'.NJ' J'ljU' ! "I Requiem at si
John's Church, 13th and Chestnut sts., Phlla.
delphla, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross
,t?a,.A,?U Suay. n October 10.
TJtOMAS, Jr , son of Frances and the late
Thomas Hasenmaler. In his 27th ear. Rela
tives and friends, also Loyal Order of Moosa
Lodge, No. 54; Germanla Maennerchor, of
Marlburg, and all societies of which he was
a rnember, are Invited to attend the funeral,
on pursday, at 2 p. m from hi mother1
residence, elio J st.. Lawndale, Philadelphia!
Interment at Hillside Cemetery via funeral
evenlnfl- '""wi vn eaneeaay
IIEAVNEIt, At his resldsnce, 1818 South
53d st, on October 18, 1915, LOUIS WELLS
IIEAVNEIt. Notice of funeral later.
IIERST -On October 11. 1915. HARRY n.
HEHST. Relatives and flienas, also Court
Vf,tP"rk'.No- 8.1' F'.of A- "" Invited to
attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at
8 p. m.. at his late residence. 771 North
Taylor st. Interment prlvsts In Fernwood
Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednes
day, from 7 to 9 p. ra,
ninns. Suddenly, on October 11, 1816.
J?llN,..K" son of Jonathan K. and Anna
W. Hlbbs. Relative and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral services, on
Thursday, at 2 p. m., at the residence or his
parents, 24 East Mount Pleasant ave.. Mount
Airy. Interment private.
HOIJ.INGSIIF.AD. On October 11, 1918.
ANNIE FRENCH, daughter of tie lite
Anna H, and Charles F Holllngshead, Br!
Relatlvee and friends are invited to attend
the funeral service., on Friday, at 11 a. m.
precisely, at her late residence, the Wlllard
1921 Arch st. Interment private, at Moored
town. N.J. Friends may. call on Thursday
between the hours of 7 and 0 p. m,
HUTCHINSON,--On October 12. 1916. at her
late residenoe. 85 Cast Halnea at., German- I
..,v..-, .,... ., ,Ml(w ,T. xtutcninson.
Services and interment at convenience of the
JACKSON'-On October 10. 1916. NORMAN
L., husband of Catharine B. Jackson and son
ot Sarah and the lste John Jackson, aged U
yf?"i ivslstlvee and friends are Invlled to
attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 1 n m..
from his late residence, 201 S. oth St.. Darby.
Pa Interment at Oreen Mount Cemetery!
Remains may be viewed on Wedneaday, from
JON1E8 On October 12, ELIZABETH,
wtdo- of Meredith T. JoneV. Relatives i"a
friends, slso the member of the Susquehanna
A?ttUPnMbyluUn Church, are Invited to
attend the funeral services, on Saturday at
2.t' J? .' h'r u, residence, 2531 Nrrth 4th
S1. R ins may be viewed on Friday, from
8 to 10 p. m. InUrment private, at Green
mount K. of r. Cemetery.
KES8LER -On October 10, 1916. MART T.
wit. of WlUlaro M. Kes.ler and dsujhte;
of th late James and. Catherine Mullen
Heuuiv.. and friend, a? Invited I to attend
the funeral, on Thureday, mornlnr, at 8 $0
fibber, 'IT HTghU-.T1.dfnBt.- gt-beU'..
groaVtSenJetlrV W """ -?o.y
KIKK -On October 11 1915. FRANKLIN
II. KIRK. p of Frankllp M. and $.
Kirk, ln jh 8Mh year. Funeral service
Thursday, at 8 p. m.. at 8000 Jeffersoo st.
Intennent strictly privets. Friend may view
remains -Wednesday yenlng. f
KNAUBH. Suddenly, on October 11. loin
DOUGLAS STANLBT." sii of CtariM ol
and Blanch Brown Kaauss. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the fu
neral services, en Thursday, at lo a. ,
at bis late residence, 6801 Hadflsld st
Intsrment at Bethlehem, PaH
LAKBCLIm At the Majestlo Hotel. October
1L 1916. EDWIN A. lNDBI;aiid f
Ke-tlve and friends an Invited to tte
the funeral serkes. .Thuredayi at 8 p. m..
ai in uwriinenu oj uuver M. Balr, law I
Chestnut t. Intsrment private. Kindly oraK I
Tk tV4 at, ea. OoWc (V fK
JOHN J., husband of Mary A. Lawl.r. Rela
tives and friends, also the Holy Nam (So
ciety, are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Thursday, at 7.80 a. m., from hla lata resi
dence, 2410 South Percy st. High Requiem
Mass st the Epiphany Church at 9 a. m. In
terment Holy Cross Csmetery.
I.OVK. On October 11, 1916, THOMAS, eon
of James and Jennie Love, In his 18th year.
Relatives and friends, also employes of Hast
ings & Co., are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Thursday, at 2.30 p. m from his late
residence 1033 S. 24th st. Interment at
Mount Morlah Cemetery.
LUKKN8. On October 10, 1915, BENJA
MIN, husband ot Johanna Lukena. Relatives
and friends, also Washington Camp, No. 93,
P. O. a ot A.: Local Union No, 850, United
Brotherhood ot Carpenters and Joiners of
America; Progressive and Fox T. B. a, are
Invited to attend funeral services. Thursday,
at 2,30 p. m. precisely, at hla late residence,
13S1 Marlborough at. Interment private.
Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may call
Wednesday between 8 and 10 p. m.
MAIIER. On October 12, 1016. TIMOTHT
A., husband of Brldxst Lennon Mab.tr and
son ot the late Thomas and Ann Maher. Due
notice of the funeral will be given, rrom his
late residence, 2212 N. 16th st.
MAIirLE. At his residence. 5415 Walnut
at.. Philadelphia. Dr. J. ORIER MARPLE.
Services and Interment at Woodward Hill
Cemetery, Lancaster. Pa., on Thursday, at 3
p. m. Lancaster. Pa., and liarrlsburg. Pa.,
papers please copy.
MARTIN. On Octobsr 12, 1915, at Wild
wood, N. J., WILLIAM B. MARTIN. In
terment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, Philadel
phia, notice of time of which will be given.
McUOVEHN. On October 11. 1915, MART
AGNES, wife of Peter F. McOovern and
daughter of late John and Mary Cummlskey.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m., from
her late residence, 2S76 Almond et. Solemn
Requiem Mass at fit. Ann's Church at 10 a.
m. Interment at St. Ann's Cemetery.
MEARS. On October 12. 1916, MART
ALICE, wife ot Jamee W. Mears. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the fu
neral, on Friday, at 10 a. m., from 3909
Germantown ave. Interment private, at
Greenmount Cemetery.
MURRAY. On October, 10, 1916, JO
SEPHINE M daughter of Anna M. and the
late Charles P. Murray. Funeral, to which
relatives and friends are Invited, on Thura
3a'at.:S0. - .from her late residence.
549 South S8d st. Mass of Requiem at the
Church of the Transfiguration at 10 a. m.
Interment private,
NASH. On October 12, 1916. IDA U,, widow
of Edmund II. Nash, Funeral services and
Interment private.
PYI.K On Octobor 12, 1916, R. WATKIN
PTI.E. In his 05th year. Relatives and
friends sire Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at his late
residence, 321 Penn et , Camden, N. J. In
torment private. Friends may call on Thurs-
HAY. At her resldencs, 1082 Pine st, on
October 12. 1916. MART A. RAT, Due no
tice of the funeral will be given.
noilKKTS. On October 12, 1915, ANNIE M
wlfo of Joseph W. Roberts. Rslatlves and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral, Fri
day aIternoT. at 1 o'clock precelely, from
her husban residence. 814 W. Somerset et
Interment private, at Greenmount Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Thursday evening.
Automobile service.
HOSH. On October 11. 1916, JOSEPH A,
son of the late George and Alary Ross, aged
00. Relatives and friends aro Invited to at
tend tho funeral services, Friday, at 2 p.
m., at the residence of his son, Ilarry M.
Rose, of Marllon, N. J. Interment at Ever
green Cemetery, Camden, N. J., Train leaves
Market Street Ferry 10 30 a. m. Remains
may be viewed Thursday evening at the
house, also at the cemetery.
SANKKY. On October 11, 1916. ROBERT
L., husband of Mary J Sankey, In his 51th
year. Relatives and friends, also Court
Paasyunk. No. 31. F. of A., and employee of
Crew, Levlck & Co., Invited to services, Fri
day, 2 p. m at residence, 1808 S. Front et
Interment private, Mt Morlah Cemetery.
Remains may be viewed Thursday, from 8
to io p. ra.
BHELDON On Tuesday, October 12. 1915
at South Bethlehem. KITCIIEL HARVEY"
SHELDON. Funeral' Thursdy, B S
from his late residence. -,
SMITH. On October 10, 1916. ROSANNA
widow of John Smith. Relatives and friends'
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs
day, at 7.30 a. m from the residence of J.
P. Connors, 231 Green st. Mass at the
Church of the Immaculate Conception at 0 a.
m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery
"'S0" 5ter, 10D' 1B WILLIAM IL
?1''t1VR aon.f Carrie 8. and the late Robert
t,Bsr,,,an,T, ;anlI,on of Rebeoca and the
late Samuel R. Payne, aged 21 years. Rela
&? "J"1. -'?Js, also membefa of Payne
Point Social, II. O. Stone Men's Club and
employes ol Philadelphia "ife Insurance
mp.a,.nyV or PfUsdelphla.ar? Invited "at
,e.ndcth.? "I.nera! services. Wednesday evening.
SJm0 &Zlot- at..,n9 residence of hTs
mother. 810 Howard St., Camden. N. J
berv ices also on Thursday, at 2 p mV. at
' "Jry? a4lJ", ""rment at Arlington Cem"
TONER. On October 10, 1015, MICHAEL,
son of the late Michael and Rose Toner.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Friday morning, at TOO
Sic,0wl Lrom hl" 1" residence. 601 Jackson
fi lh Itequlem Mass at the Church of
,,l'oVLcV?o.h?nc;mBett.0ry.O'C,OCk- InUran a'
VONDKIISMITH. On October 12 1B1B
MART J., widow of Joseph UVondersmlth'
aged 84 years. Relatives and friends ari
invited to attend the funeral eervlces. o'
Friday, at 8 p. m., at the residence of he?
son-ln-lsw, C. J. Van Horn. 6227 Cathirini
Vfte,tJlh,'as,Phla' "Kterment private
at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may be
wiTHSffwr 8 " nS-
IVHEATLEr -On October 12. 1016 uv.
RANNA WHEATLEY (ne Bushnell), nil.
dence 8215 Benner st, Wlsslnomlnsr Du
notles of funeral will hi, iv.n ra,n' wua
uiv irum t in m is. tti
TiTDMEIL On October 13. 1918. MART
widow of Frederlok WtdmeT, aged" 71 rVearT:
IteUtlves and friends, also 'members of the
.'.7ya2.Lu,.hra.n ?.n,irc Clesrfleldind Em
erald sts., are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 8 p. m.. at her St
r?"ie n & Ambr at- Interment private
at Northwood cemetery. Remains may bi
funeral. 0" Thur,da)r nlng. Autom'obll.
This BTTLH TTPP (or like this)
n tuns , 15a.
Three times on week j-
Six times one week ,, 30(lt
centsU?e'r"llnJ!r'nt"J' th UmM ona " 10
Place your order for three or
more times and It will be Inserted
In the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One .or two time rate for Evsmso Lxnoia
and rnsiM X-Don combined Is 19 cents Mr
Una with the exception of Help Wanted d
Bituatlon Wanted, which U 15 cent p u
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
Found, Personals, Boardlny and Rooms S3
There is a drujr store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads. at office rates.
CWTDaw bhoshs, to .order; meal
&ue,.,1Li5-irNC.nTrVLk,",Wfe, ""M?
y wijfT-- -ir
75CBiHS-idaie-aed wonnnorTiW5
tore; one with shoe experience wVf.rri
x ldL-'cSJii &
13, 1915:
RAPHERS seeking positions will receive val
uable Information and exceptionally helpful
SERVICE- by consulting Miss Dean. Led.
iter Central, by personal Interview or letter,
fihe will aid you with your ad, list your qual
ifications In the COMMERCIAL DEPART
MENT and use every effort to locate a po
sition for you. During the month of Sep
rough this SERVICE,
which Is free to
acer Aavemsers.
CHAMBERMAID and laundress, whltsj Prot
estant preferred. Fhone Chestnut Hill 1165 W
or apply 812 South JBroad at. between 10
apply 812 South JBroad at, between
u xi. vt eanesqay mominr.
. Apply 813 Oowen ave.. Mt Airy.
CHAMBERWORK and waitlnr. white, Frot,
wanted; help with sewing: adult family; ref
erence required. Phone 208 W Darby,
jamesuobson. inc., Blanket
lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
s, scot l s
COOK, German or Swedish Protestantyoung;
must. have first-class reference. Call Wednes
day, 18th. between 10 and 11 o'clock, 0418
Overbrook ave.. Overbrook.
COOK wanted, competent colored! beet refer
ences required; no washing. Apply Mrs.
Henry J. Doyle. Wlster road. Ardmoro. ra.
COOK, experienced, capable: reference. Meet
employer. Room 230, Ptfbllo Ledger, Wednes
day, between 11 and 12.
COOKActlve, experienced white woman. Call
ptv. iu ana n vveanesaay, isi Boruoe St.
COOK wanted, Irish preferred! reference re
qulred. 2006 Spring Garden at
COOKING and downstairs work! 3 tn family t
reference. 4111 Looust t
EDUCATIONAL WORK Two young ladle.
nigh school graduates or former teachers pre-
ferred. P 701, Ledger Office.
EXAMINERS, exp. on ladlee' shirtwaist
Haney, Kuttner A Raab. 1820-84 Vine st
OpNERAZ, HOUSEWORK White gtrl for ram
lly of two. Meet employer. Room 230, Pub
. Ho Ledger. Thursday. 11:30 a. m.
GIRL, white, for general housework or young
flrl to assist: small family; good waes.
hone Cynwyd 890 or call 122 Birch ave.,
GIRL, about 18, for temporary position In art
needlework house; 84.50 per week. 1027
Arch St.. Oth floor.
GIRL wanted as chlldnurse; good home, good
wages. 2241 North Park ave.
GIRLS (two), white, experienced, good refer
eni.es. for entire work of home for small fam
lly, suburbs. M 719. Ledger Otflce.
GOVERNESS -wanted, German or Trench, who
can speak both languages. Ajpp. 1732 Pine irt
HOUSEWORK (general) German, one who can
speak English; reference. 122S W. Lehigh av.
HOUSEWORK (gen ), ssslst wash.: white Prot
Ger. pref.; ref. req. Ph. Germantown 2128 W.
HOUSEWORK Woman with child to go to
suburbs: modern house. L 407, Ledger Office.
LADY, college bred, educated or social woman,
for special university extension courss work;
one able to speak fluently and Impart Ideas
end having some executive ability preferred;
for permanent position paying iU monthly.
D 328, Ledger Office.
LAUNDRESS, first clsss. colored; by tho day;
best references required. F 703. Ledger Off.
A'i.RHl" ' ladles' shtrwalsta.
1328-34 Vine street
PAPER BOXES Experienced girls on tumlnr
ln work: good position, with chance for ad
vancement. Miller's, 452 York ave. (between
4th and 5th and Noble and Willow ets.).
SALESLADIES, pleasing personality: no ex
perience necessary; fine opportunity. The
Way Co.. 0 B. 39th st
STENOGRAPHER, experienced dictaphone op
erator; Protestant preferred; state age. ex
patience and salary expected. E 954, Led.Cen.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for light
outlea tn an apartment, one hour in the
morning and to prepare dinner in the evening-
forMwo; would prefer some on living
n or near Logan; no washing; reference re
nulred. D 320. Ledger Office.
YOUNG LADY, good penman, experienced,
knowledge of bookkeeolnc. tnr ,-iM.tr.i ...!
tlon with a good concern: one who Is desirous
of learning to operate the comptometer: ex
??llDt opportunity. For Information .
mi as
nir.iM t .- (-
Ledger Central.
INCREASE your husband's Income A large
firm can offer an unusual opportunity. E 618.
Ledger Central. "
WOMEN wanted, Gov. clerks. I7p mo. Phlla.
exams, coming. List position obtslned free!
Franklin Ina.. Dept 715 H, Rochester, N. Y.
BLACKSMITH snd hardener on carbon and
high-speed tools and Irregular shaped punches
and dlea; good pay and stesdy work fo aafis.
Btatlon r?0"' AMTttm r' - Box 8500,
BLACKSMITHSTV o flrstlaaa blacksmltha.
accustomed to working on general foriini
mh ?rf w"! i, two Vs&iass 'SlioK
mlths' helpers. American Engineering Co..
Aramlngo and Cumberland ate" " " v
BUTLER wanted, white, unmarried, with r
from last employer. Address Mrs? William'
Round Top, near Weet CheeterTPa. Ph.eg?'
s5u.B.J,l. onergetlo men can earn
9 u il dai1t commissions crew work.
efor 10,, 1215 Filbert . ' VJI?!
from .oo to
Apply before
' -.""". u,
CHAUFFEUR Wanted, single youn,
man for nadlllu llmmi.ii-, . Jl?"'
man for Cadillac limousine
Sf-pAS "mu,.tU't.mUptar.i.'o
rets. 'Address, giving age. exrT rZt .1
salary expected. 41. EIitZPXZ!- -1
CHAUFFEUR-Uaeful man. single, on r.n.!
Ee'd'ge? CenYrsY '&&?h l?
ence required; beet wsgea.
rtASSHtis mi'
ucipr i m., yi rtea
CHEMISTS Wanted, on er two rr.. .
chemlsu for work in organ lo iJZW,ltli
replying, state ., experfenci dufiJ',.in
saUry Seslred. ddreslTp Tit? LedJe?Offlfi?
Clxjlll 'WtJAVEHri wanlei, XT ir. S
James Dobeon, lna. Blanket Ifi T. Jhn..f
lane. Falls of Schuylkill. 1Ulla' Scott's
CUTTER and designer of men's necirw. r
EL13VATOH MAK, colored, wllti llr... k -Ply
University Il'o.jtg"c- Api
""Nwja two eacbTTnTiuirjrr-
-(.-uii auiu nuriBOOMl tonnr mill -; "ir "
on. p aner hand. America ? EnglneSrbff 'S.1
Aramlngo and Cumbwlan " fi'Juserlna; Co.,
MACHU4iaTS-Apply "a00wissi;
MAN AND WIFE a houseman and L-r
m.t01Sn"mitUC l.MrS!?pi
mum imn ivini imiiu
Chestnut HIU. thSi. CheetnuTii.ffV.'A t
ST, VK a ,,ro I MU betwS'iAU wj
Wsdnesdsy mornlnlr T"niea 10 ejid It
MANAOER for Surety Department 7o ""!
-Ur!e wi!a.. surety buHB'"i?t
wieag or PhlUd.inhi. ."".1 "C llnae.
"" - vs bb snri bjiiii.111 i. 1
oommlaelon with M.ViJi.t.u! Oalury
in. Fuu details bv iT3 R'l.ser. right
fiUm , T ...., illt j
. .. . . . i
preferred. Cal
D WIFE, butler and jsaaU. . .
preferred. Call, between 10 and 'xvc-.
day and Thursday. 124 B. 19th st
Ttiuridsr. lz H. infh .
MAN wanted to feed band resaw. Rh.t.
. Vandegrlft. 814 N, Lawrence. ' BneI,
Men. Vandegrifi;
sii N. Lawrence st
RAt.PRlAM en- .ll...,.l.ll.l..i -.
permanent position to right mVn"?12;?i
Ledger Central.
- 851.
SOLICITOR for modern printing ehesi must
have experience; reference required! iu
and commission. D 82R. IdrV rv.,LlarT
yard dron.bottom warnna tettt. ... .Tr"J
haul ashes, 5 60 per day. Darlen aid wM
Ing Park ave. Phone Tioga 5509. "yj
TENOR. lth experience, for suburban eV
Toolroakers Experienced men
work on lire and eTtnri
Lathe Hands Must have experience
work and be accurate workers. ""i 5
Milling Machine Hands Must have einart. 6
ence on tool work, ability to work Uest t3
Instrument Makers Exceptional aDllltv" i. '
mechanical line for all-around expertminul '
work on, electrical appliances; expertence
must Include bench, lalhe and mlllfnc !
cnlne work j
rtroublr0rk,n" " h0UT" week- No ""t S
Stats age. natlenallty. erperlencA what t.(
sltlon best fltteil fn n4.vtlTr.F?aSJ
P. O. Box V, rialnfleld, N. J,
WAN'l'lCn TT-S .flt..a -tka -A ..
nana and power hammers; also automobile ii
body panelers. Apply Louis Budlck. cars il
Bprfngfleld Metal Body Co.. BprlnrfleldT Masi! j
TOUNO MAN wanted to start la ealea departs,!
"t exPrienc unneoeasary' commlssloar
vaviiButn (raue. r .ca, meager J
TOUNO MAN to pack small parcel poet pack. ,"
ages: statu experience end salary. P TW. ,
tAarmv rvert. "
OPPORTUNITY for a ytmnc man, college or
hlghaohool graduate preferred. Address D.
. j .yy. ojs wa, epnngneia, n, j.
ATTENDANT Experienced 'woman dee Ire po-
'"? w" lyrwQwiT uvay or grown ohuar
good eewer. Call or address B. B 413 N. t8d. '
OOKKERMm rua.tatan.t .'!.. -ti- !-'
BOOKKEEPER (assistant), typist clerk. BrU"
vo orancn operator, a years' experience; 1
best references. Phone Narbrth Mxv ' J
BOOKKEEPER Lady, thoroughly experienced
good penman, accurate, rapid, .dealre poili
tlon; references. D 816, Ledger Of dee.
BOOKKEEPER, clerk, typist High cW"Ji
High ecboeTT
familiar witn J
I,, uuumoi a j earn experience; ran
coal business. F 43. Ledger Office.
capapie. witn 7 years' exp. B 957. Led. Cent.
CASHIER and assistant bookkeeper; excellent
-k- ... wen.., wrurjL. jj to, imager jjentrat
CHAMBERMAID and aeamstress: good refer
ence. See at preeent place, 822 Clinton st
CHAMBERMAID Young Scotch woman wants "4
ri a -vi aPs.caPm.sg, tsoif j , TriOr.
uubunuKnu-iounr Swedish rTot, Otn. ef
y.nCTwm urn prci. u ei, Aqger wnoe. M
wnuinuitou assiBc cnajnDerwork; Tot; J
CIJSRK 5 years' experience in every Una ot
clerical work. E 441, Ledger Central.
COOK. German, Protestant experienced? I
wishes situation; reference; wages, 17 to H. a
TV if T.4,... nfA,. ' M
COOK rnlnrri. .yn.rlMnr.rt nnrt MMn.n.n,, a
years' ref last place. L 422, Ledger Office', a
COOK, chambermaid and waitress Two sisters m
wish position together. L 421. Ledger Off. -1
COOK and chambermaid, or waitress, 2 sisters; J
swju rota, a. tiu, meager uinc.
COOK or housekeeper Etxpd. Prot women:
country preferred. L 420, Ledger Office.
COOK, colored, expd., best ref , or laundress '
py wee, city, u iib, imager mnoe.
COOK, first class, good laundress; good re!
erence, city or country, z-wu nne st
COOK Up-State woman, capable and experj
COOK or housework, colored woman; best rel j
erence 2Q13 Lombard st j
DRESSMAKER, French, exp., for ladles and j
- luiuioii, iuB.nio IB,,, wudch en, IIBI
Balnbrldge st Phone Loc. 2198 J after 8 p. nvg
DRESSMAKER, competent, from New YorkS
uesires engagements: nign-ciaa trade; evs-
runs gowns a, epeciauy. walnut iHaa.
DRESSMAKER, good cutter and titter, wishes
engagement by the day, $3 and carfare, of.
av noma, .rnono tm vv.
per day; references. M 651, Ledger Central. J
GIRL, German, wishes position at houseworK
and cooking. Martha Pells, 1519 Cottmsnl
st.. trox cnase. 1'nnaneipnia, i
GIRLS (2) wish positions, one as chambermaid j
ana otner as waitress: best city references.
-ui, nrancp eqger, ictst ana 1'ine.
GIRLS (2) wish places tosether. one ss coox '
and chambermaid. Call 225 North 62 d sU 41
west 1'niiaqeipnia. t
HOUSBKEEPKR Colored woman want pou
tlon, gentleman's home, or cooking.
1945 N.
LADY acoustomed to organlilDg and exeouttv .
work desirea position where a knowledge J
catering and experience in directing a num- i
ber of servants would be useful, references
p- ei, meager central.
MOTHER'S HEU'ER. exper. with chlldrenl '
semi. Invalid or elderly ladv. H 11A. Led. Cent :
NURSE wlshesposltlon: willing to help with J
light duties. D183. Ledger Central.
6FFICE woman, 19 yra,' xp.,accountaatbMU-.
apr.. payroll, time oienc. oes. open g wne
merit is appreo t pest reis. a 7e, jtat v.cou '
SECRETARY Expert stenographer and corre- :
sponrtent, 7 years' exp. on technical dttsu
and confidential worki US', in iin r-rf. CtnUi
exp. In secretarial and mfg. work; famlllsti
with auto bualness. B 851, Ledger Central. J
BTENOGRAPUER. bookkeeper, recent r
te, 2 month experlnc Aoour-t. Addr- j
V Mitt 'A IIP III p OII aw
BTENoaUAPHER-Compeient."wl 16 y
thorough exp.; good correspondent ;
clerk; Interview solicited. J 867, Led., Q
STEb'OGRAPHER and bookkeeper, hlgh'sc!
and business collea srraduatat idmi ex&
ence; trial solicited. 48, Ledger Central. "
STENOGRAPHER, competent and xure I
would consider moderate Hilary with Psw
BTENOORAl'irER -Capable' youa- busdaej
jvomantexpcrw.poid.F42, Ld. C
BTENOaRAl'llER and dark; eventT miW
experience; neat, careful, g 848, Ledger O eV i
t171 rwiertmca. r oio. ijeager uinc.
srinuuiiu-atuti, neat, nidus.; trainea te i
good work; exn. B 844. Ida- ritrl.
Ij ' r T
BiMuuKAriiEs, tnorourhlr ap oe
change, under, hookkpg. K 787, I dfor '
sn-jSNUUHAPllBK,. neat accurate:
montns- exp.; moq. salary. B 968, Led.
t)Tnuut(Ai'iiiSK capable young lady.
WANT U Position companion or roansf
m year Pp. i wllllBf. g- q. Iflfr CS:
housekpr. or mother's helper. K 849. Led.
,n.. . .j ' . .i ii
an. young, reanea. capable, wishes i
of invalid or oonvaleacant: iilfntf to
aJf. S"d assist with general houseksepiw
u 11. J.eager Branch, skoh nrmaninwn av
WOMAN, educated, young, married, whop
husband Is employed evenings, desires nigh
worki competent tenograpjier and priv
branch operator. V 45. T..r rvnt.al.
WOMAN, German, exp., want cook's, d'i
wk.:no waah.lsuba. ilia Knnvf., Vnn sa
TOUNO LADY, wllb experience In buylngTSIi
?"lf li ,t,t-. "sire posit on of trfsv ,
K 860, Ldger Central.
YpUNO LADYr-rench teaeher7 wtsWs pupSl1
literature, translation. B U53, Idger Cenirsl.
OKltMAN "gov
th car of
governess, speaks English, wished
At sTna 4F lA jakllrtrsi tnr1j lt
. years. Apply to Mrs. Ilarry Blddla. I'aelfc ?
- I
5r- English governs, ex. mune. ducal
Bthi ra, er vis, tw, Udgr Csolrel.