Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 12, 1915, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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3ity Stirred by Accusations
Made by Reformers Against
Republican Organiza
tion Workers
Tb buMllnff city of Ohestar was alined
today over ncctnatlonii of election fraud
tbt have been discussed for ca.rs. tic
formers profess to Bee ahead a house
eltanlns Mmliar to that at Terre Haute,
llnd., where many omcchotilcrs were con
ylctod and sent to prison. They believe It
Will he a ;ood tlilnR for the town The
epubllcan Organization men nre Ignor
ing the harccs
I'ltv Commissioner Car U Mould, no
:uscd In three nlUdavits of paying 1 SO J
or t each for voles, llrst declined to ills-
cuss the, affair today and then offered n
refer to "any hank president or ensmer
In tho city" to lock Into his iccord.
i "M books are open, nc pniu. i u
If nothing to conceal. I have beeu In pub
Lllfl life nine vears as city clerk and City
I Commissioner, Tins xnmg nns wen i
started by soreheads. There's nothing to i
11 My record is clean.
Assistant Street Commissioner Charles
McClellind. known to his associates In
the Organization as "Hutch," could not
be seen today. He Is accused of par
ticipating In paying J1.&0 for a vole. A
man named Plggott, an cx-pollccman.
ff'llkewlso accused, could not he found, nor
could Charles Longbolhiim. me muer is
tho man to whom. It Is alleged, McClel
land brought a voter
Another Investigation Is now under way
J In Chester It Involves alleged rrnud at
. the 1015 primaries. Tho cases called to
tho attention of the Federal authorities
! Involve the 1914 primaries, when a Con-
it itrcssman was elected. The Democratic
City Committee, of Chester, lias appouueu
a commission to investigate cnarges
ipAwlti nut tf 1. m-lmnrv tliln nnr.
,' Wllllim T Fowden, Independent candl
, date frr Maor last year, who was In-
: Birumeniai in urinKiiig m nunmim iu
the attention of Francis Fisher Kane,
trilled StnteH District Attorney, said to-
! day th-U there nre between 2000 and 23W
"votes for sale In Chester. He added that
the Hepuhllcan organization generally
wins by that figure.
According to Mr Fowden the Grand
Jury's nttcntlon wns called to the nfll-
j, davits some time ago. It ngreed to In-
vestlgate by one dissenting vote, Mr.
Fowden says, but Judge Isaac Johnson
I ruled that nothing could be done unless
a Juror had personal knowledge of the
alleged fraud. Mr. Fowden. who was a
member of the Jury, had the aflldavlts.
but no personal knowledge, so no action
v was taken. Judge Johnson was not In
r Chester today.
S In ordinary municipal or State election
, frauds the Federal Government has no
Ir jurisdiction. Investigation must be con-
ducted by Stnte or municipal authorities,
but In this instance n Congressman was to
f be nominated at tho primary election.
' t'nder the nrecedent first established at
f Terre I'aute, Ind., the Government may
A act In the Chester case
The Terre Haute caso was fully re
sorted bv the IJvenino Ledger. Astound-
Hf Ing revelations of municipal fraud and
i corruption were made In the Indiana city.
'jf The vnst resources of the Government
proved successful where mun'Mpal re-
ti formers failed. The corrupt Terre Haute
i machine found It impossible to curb tho
!f activities of Federal officials, and the ex
posure that followed was one of the most
.-. sensational In the history of civic graft
!i I.. ,1.1-
ii hub i-uuiiiry.
Since the Terre Haute nrd Indianapolis
W exposures reformers of other cities liave
beenthreatenlng the corrupt bosses with
-wovernmeniai investigation. in purely
municipal and State affairs It Is nearly
alwnj-3 Impossible to probe election and
other frnllrts thnrnn'rhlv for thn rpnsnll
f that the machinery of tho law Is gener-
t any in tne imnns or tne accusea men. uy
I" brtntrlnir In the Federal ofllnlalR thin con
trol Is made useless.
The affidavits at Chester were filed by
James It. nankin, a lawjer; Mr. Fow-
V den and Thomas H. Hlgglns, In be
t half of two-seoro Independent voters.
t They are directed against the "mailed
? Ant" rlllA nf lhn ni.nilhlli.nn Orrranlvolr.
In Chester, and specifically charge cor
ruption In the Sixth Ward of that city.
" Should a conviction be obtained In this
r ward, where the Initial prosecution will
take nlacc. similar chaices of election
law violations will be made and investi
gated In other wards of the city. A
continuous or endless chain ballot. It Is
It alleged In the affidavits, was used freely
tt In this TvnrY
Five men have sworn In the Gth "Ward
case that they got $1.00 each to "vote
right," according to the reformers. They
are John Dennlson. Isaac Keal, John
O'Donnell, John Nash and Llnwood
Brown. The other men are said to
have sworn that they voted on the
marked official ballots handed to them,
and returned the blank ballots received at
the polls to the "worker" who asked for
Under this scheme It was necessary
for the alleged corruptlonlsts to obtain
but one ofTlclal ballot. The man who
voted this then returned his blank bal
lot, which was marked and turned over
to another man. establishing the so
called "endless chain" system of vote
Official Forecast
For Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair to-
' .nlKht. warmer In northern portion: Wed-
.(', Tuesday partly cloudy; moderate south
High barometric pressure continues In
the eastern portion of the country, but
there has been a slight reaction to warm
er weather to the eastward of the Missis
sippi River and In the Western cotton
belt The skies are clear In the Atlantic
States, while cloudiness prevails in the
central valleys under the influence of the
trough of low pressure that extended from
the upper lakes to New Mexico yesterday
morning and that moved but little during
the liuit 21 hours. Its resultant precipita
tion has been light and confined to a nar
row belt from upper Michigan to New
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Obtmatlon taken at 8 a. m.. Eastern time.
ft last rtln- Valoc
Station, a rn. n't. tall, Wind, tty. Weather.
Abilene. Tex . on J . NW .. titmay
Atlantis Cltv . . 80 54
i &?.. D' 5? S
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8W 12 Cloudy
HV 84 Cloud r
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A lnrnc number of funs who were locked out at the centre-fielo bleachers rfatc fooled the authorities by scaling
on telegraph poles which surrounded the field. After the first inning tho guards could not resist the lure
This scene, taken during tho second inning, shows what followed.
Nessun Annuncio Positivo ed
Ufliciale Si Ha Ancorn, Ma
l'Intervento dell' Italia
Sembra Dcciso
ROMA, 12 Ottobie
fii dlspacclo da I.ondra dice che II
TlmeM pubbllca mi telcgramtna da Atcne
nel miale c dctto che lc forze bulgaic
hnnno pusato 11 confine della Serbia, at
tacc.indo 1 serbl nelle vlcinanze dl Knlas
hevatz. In vlclnanza dl nuella locallla"
I bulgarl erano andatl c-oncentrondosi per
paiecchl glorni nel loro tcrrltorlo. Oia
essl hnnno lanclato verso Nlsh duo loro
division!. Nlsh e' a 30 mlglla dl dlstanza
dal punto dove 1 bulgarl hanno passato 11
confine Nlsh e' sulla fenovla che gll
alleatl devono usaro per alutare la Serbia
cort--o gll nustto-tedeschl.
Notlzie da Uarl dicono che agentl aus
triacl o tedeschl ccrcano dl lndurrc la lc
trlbu' abbancsl ad attaccare la Serbia, c
che II prlnclpo dl Wled. che per breve
tempo fu nncho prlnclpo dl Albania, o
con le truppe tedesche operantl sul fronto
t'n telcgramma da Nlsh dice che gll
austro-tedeschi non hanno hanno pro
gredlto oggl assendo statl aircstatl da
un'attlva ed efflcace dlfcsa delle forze
serbe. In un tettore tra Flawa e le fori
della Morava I serbl hanno opernto una
controffenslva ed hanno costrctto I teu
tonlcl n rlpassare II Danublo cd hanno
preso loro 4 grossl oblcl o quattro can
nonl a tiro rapldo. Un eltro reparto aus
trlaca cho era glunto a Smederevo e'
stato dlslrutto. ed II vlllagglo dl Dedl
Joiite, che era stato preso dal tedeschl, e'
stato rlconqulstato dal serbl.
Flno nd ora la notlzla dell'apertura delle
ostlllta' bulgaie contro la Scrbln non o"
confermatn ufflclalmente, ed un altro tele
gramma da Atene dice che cela' si pensa
che 1 bulgarl non aglranno prima che le
forze dl von Mackensen slano sulla buona
strnda verso Nlsh.
Mentre U Mlnlstero della Guerra non
oubllco' leri sera II sollto comunlcato
mxUi sulla altunzlone sul fronte ttol-
lano, do' cho fa supporre che non vl
blano novlta", nulla dl positivo e' stato
ancore annunclato circa la partecipazlone
dell' Italia alia campagna che gll alleato
faranno In Serbia e nel Balcanl per nr
restare la marcla delle forze nustro
tedesche verso Costanrtnopoll. inlzlata
con l'occupazlone dl Belgrado e l'avan
zata. verso sud. lungo la fcrrovia della
valle della Morava Orlentale.
Un telegramma da Udlne, dice che la
parteclpazlone dell'Italla In altrl teatri
deila guerra e' certa ed Immlnente. K
da notnre che II presldente del Conslgllo,
on. Salandra, si trova al quartler gen
erale Itallano per sottoporre al re 11 piano
dl una campagna ltallana nel Balcanl.
Egll ha gla' conferlto lungamente con H
re e con 11 generaic uanorna, souopo
nendo loro dlversl plant dl Intervento, e
si ta che una dcclslone o' stata raggluntn.
Prima dl partlre alia volta del quartler
generate Ton. Salandrn presledetto un
lungo conslgllo dl mlnlstrl cho si occupo'
escluslvamente della qulstlone della parte
clpazlone dell'Italla nlla campagna nella
Tenlsola ISalcanlca.
Occupandosi dl questa qulstlone, l'Idea
Nazionale esprlme 1'oplnlone che le po
tenze della Quadrupllce Intesa hanno
completato I planl per un'azlone coneera
lata nel Balcanl, ed altrl glornall che
sono ordlanarlamente bene Informati
eaprimono l'lstessa oplnlone.
Nondlmeno le notlzie da Salonlcco, cht
danno come aBsolutomcnte Insufflclcnte il
numero delle truppe sbarcate daall al
leatl In quel porto per soccorrero la Ser
bia ed II fatto che per qualche temps non
vl saranno altrl rlnforzl, sono vlvamento
commentati. Pero' le ultlme notlzie da
Salonlcco dicono cho lo sbarco delle
truppe francesl ed Ingles! continua glorno
e notte e che enorml quantlta dl rlfornl
mentl dl ognl genere vengono Invlatl in
fretta verso la Serbia.
Intanto un telegramma da Paris! dice
che si e' appreso cola' che l'ltatla ha
deciso dl non parteclpare alia campagna
degll alleatl nella Penlsola Balcanlca,
glacche' lo Stato Magglore Itallano crede
dl non poter rlsparmlare uomlnl per questa
parteolpazlone. Kvidentemente st trntta
dl pure Ipotcsl, glacche' tutto fa credere
lnvece che la parteclpazlone dell'Italla e'
asslcunata e che Ton. Salandra ha otten
uto dal re Vapprovazlone su questo punto
lmportantlsslino. Come potrebbe 1'Italla
astenersl da questa parteclpazlone senza
mettere in forso 11 suo prestlgio ed il
suo avvanlre nella Penlsola vlclna?
Notlzie da Nish dicono che la colonna
prlncipale austro-tedesca ha avanzato da
Weak Ankln, Swollen Igs.Kte
CerUst Laced Stoking
SANITAKT. u tbty may k
washed or boiled.
Comfortable, mad to maarara.
HO KI-ASTIOi Adjustable; lacaa
Ilka a Unlnfi light A durable.
KOONOMKiAU Coot (MS oacb
or two for tba same limb. HjN,
?cMtpald. Call and bo measured
rra or writ for aalf-maaauro-meat
Blank No. 1.
"Wa also maka non-alaatlo Ab
dominal nlti to order
Ifanra S t S dallr Rot. to 4.
f MM.CrM IM Specialty C
4u Head iil'l fhona Walnut M.
uu-iMi rfifciH mH i-hUa. ra.
k vK
' vv . ; M&mK&mZiiimXMU!K; . j jsLJjiiSd
ilelgrndo verso sud ed ha occupato lo
colllne dl Importanz' stratcglca IM
Zarkowo e Mlrljevo. Questa colonna
prlncipale ha gla' completato II pnssngglo
del Danubio, secondo Informazionl glunts
da Beillno con una grnndlsslma quantlta'
dl artigllerla In inodo da fonnnro una
fnlniiKO come quella iuvlata contro le
forze russe sul San al priml dcllo Storso
magglo. Inveco lo forze che attraversano
la Drlna. eioe la sinistra degll esscrcltl
teutonlcl, lncontrnnc grnndo reslstenza
da parto del seibl e non hanno potuto
l"n telegramma da Bucarcst dice cho
Take Jonescu, l'lllustre uomo ill Stato
rumeno. dice cho la Rumania deve neccs
sarlamente unlrsl nlla Quadrupllce Intesa
e questa parteclpazlone e' slcurn.
Uumnni I'Evenino I.EDnEn. die scguo
coil grande slmpatla tuttl gll avvenimcntl
che intercssano In colonla ltallana dl Phil
adelphia, pubblichera' nella sua ultima
pagina magnlfi-he fotografle delle teste
che gll Itallunl dl questa cltta' hanno fatto
oggl In onore dl Crlstoforo Colombo
o dcllo scoprlmcnto della statua a Colom
bo In Camden. N. J. Tutta Intera l'ultlma
pagina del glornnlo Barn' dedicata a foto
grafle dl queste fest- Itallauc nella nostra
c nella vlclna cltta'. Gll Itallanl non
devono dimenticarlo, e domanl si provvc
dano deU'EvENiNQ I.EDOt.n per tencre un
rlcordo delle feste colomblanc.
Superintendent Killed When Arm Is
Caught in Machinery
A circular saw literally hacked to pieces
John K. Hlbbs. of 21 East Mount Pleas
ant avenue, Germnntown, at Walnut Hill,
two miles from Fox Chase, where he
was superintending the sawing of some
chestnut trees, late yesterday.
Hlbbs, who was 2 years old. was a.
timber expert employed bij Fronds &
Eahlemann, n lumber firm of Audubon,
N. J., and with two companions was cut
ting the trees Into marketable lengths.
They used a saw running at 200) revo
lutions per minute.
As Hibbs was taking away a piece of
lumber he lost his footing nnd fell against
tho saw. His arm was torn from his
shoulder by the teeth, which were an
Inch long, and the suction of the ma
chine drew his body Inwards. He was
nearly beheaded and dismembered before
workmen could shut tho power oft.
John Fcnton, who was working with
Hlbbs, carried the body to his brother's
home at Walnut Hill to await the action
of the Montgomery County Coroner.
Hlbbs, who was said to be wealthy.
was tne son or Jonathan lv. hidds, a
memner oi ine iirm oi jvenneuy, wuunK
& Co., manufacturers of horse blankets,
at f26 Arch street.
He was educated at the George School
and spent a year at tho University of
Pennsylvania. He studied forestry and
aided In fighting the chestnut blight a
couple of years ago. According to his
parents, ho was a timber expert and
fond of outdoor life. His mother Is a
well-known charity worker and a di
rector of the Presbyterian Home for
Aged at Bala.
Conference of Steel Magnates Hero
Causes Report to Arise
Rumors that new war orders had been
booked by the Mldvalc Steel and Ord
nance Company were heard In the financial
district todny, following a conference held
last nlsht by Wlllnm E. Corey, president
of the company, and Alva C. Dlnkiy,
president of the Mldvale Steel Company,
Sir. Corey camo to this city from New
York to see Mr. Dinkey at the Bellevuc
Stratford. und It was declared he
brought with him a large munitions con
tract, "What we have in the way of war
orders Is a company matter we cannot
very well disclose to the public," said
Mr. Dinkey, when asked about the
3 Diamonds
oy $45.
Each one is a full-cut, fine white
stone, giving a dazzling burst of
light and sparkle. Very attractive
setting. Must be seen to be really
appreciated. One of Mitchell s
big value offers. Guaranteed ab
solutely as represented in quality
and value.
A small deposit reserves it for
you until Christmas.
Some" exceptionally beautiful
Ladies.' Gipsy Rings, $10 to $100.
Established 1878
Diamond Stores
56 North Stk 37 South 8th
Awnings Taken Down
Repairing Free
Awnlnfe atotad. repaired during- wlatar
fer rahanalntr la aprlovi nominal c a aria.
Benuu-d McCurcV
lit MMtlK 1M HUM
. . vS.-krfS. a - ... v uwj
Organization Mayoralty Candi
date Fails to Make Definite
Statement on Taylor Plan
for High-Speed Lines
The failure of Thomas It. Smith, Re
publican Organization "harmony" candi
date for Mayor, to mention n. universal
G-ccnt trolley faro In the Indefinite tran
sit p.ledge which was one of the principal
planks In his platform, and the liberality
with which the head of tho Organization
slate made other pledges, were pointed
out today by lenders of the Independent
Mr. Smith Issued his platform last
night, after he had read It before tho
Republican City Committee earlier In
the day. It had the indorsement of the
His trinslt pledge did not specify
whether he favored the Taylor plans or
not and mad" no mention of the rate of
fare. It was:
The new Constitutional amendment,
if adopted In November, will provide
nmplc funds for transit and port de
velopment. In the case of transit,
the new high-speed, lines can be In
stalled and virtually completed dur-
Inr, Ihn f fnni" vnan -
Mr. Smith also declared himself In favor
of the early construction of the Conven
tion Hall, but did not mention his prefer
ence as to location.
The principal schemes embodied In the
Organization candidate's platform were:
Tin :irst duty of tho next adminis
tration should be to make every possi
ble exertion to complete tho public
works now under way, irrespective of
Hvhero they may be.
Increase of revenue can be found by
adjusting the various forms of taxa
tion rather than by the Imposition of
new ones.
Tho Delaware River can be made a
great harbor, and the money neces
sary for this improvement will soon
be at hand.
Large sums of money will have to
be spent on our hlghwnys, and our
Time and
both saved
It takes three minutes to prepare
and a Ml quarter pound
costs but 10 cents
Wilbur's U
Big-hearted men and
women of Philadelphia
We appeal to you in behalf of the just and noble
cause of uplift and betterment for all the women of our
State. We ask for your help in putting before the
voters the facts and truth about equal suffrage,
We need money for this work. We need it quickly.
Will you not send us a contribution today?
We have no source of revenue from any interest
which profits by unjust laws or evil conditions. 'Every
thing evil is Bolidly against us. We rely ,on you who
prize, above all else, justice and fair play. We ask you
to help us 1 And please help us now. Send your con
tribution large or small to
MRS. GEO. A. DUNNING, Committee Chairman
Woman Suffrage Party of Philadelphia
1723 CkMtmit Street
--. ....nwAMMto.jj&.y.W'v' "36Ts
im&m!Mw3m. - "
- i.'
tho concrete wall and by perching
of the game and entered the held.
water sfltem must be perfected.
Building operations must be encour
aged and new sewers nnd bridges
must bo built.
Tho ngltation of the advisability of
erecting a convention hall is now
uppermost In the minds of our people.
I deem it absolutely essential for the
city to provide a suitable site at tho
earliest posslblo moment, and to erect
thereon a building of substantial char
acter and nrtlstlc design for conven
tion purposes. If I am elected, this
convention hall shall have my early
and determined attention, and I shall
co-operate with the trado bodies to tho
end that this Important feature of our
city government and the advantages
of our city shall have the widest
Sewage disposal plants will have to be
constructed. A modern sewage dis
posal planl Is Imperative, and the
city cannot much longer postpone Its
Tho many other Improvements,
such as Kalrmount Park, Municipal
Hospital, police and fire stations and
the completion of public worka to
which the city has heretofore pledged
Itself, must be Intelligently worked
New police stations must be built.
Police protection must at all times be
adequate and, with this thought In
mind, my best efforts will be devoted
to have the police force largely In
creased, so that all sections of Phila
delphia will be amply protecica.
"New flro stations must be built."
Mr. Smith also pledged himself to work
In harmony with Councils. Speaking of
the vast sums to be spent for Improve
ments during the next four years, he
said, "With the advent of tho next
Mayor there must bo harmony with all
administrative heads, as well as with
Former Congressman Will Succeed
Secretary Critchfield
HARRISBUna, P., Oct 12. Former
Congressman Charles H. Patton, of Cur-
wensvllle. today waa appointed Secretary
of Agriculture toy Governor Brumbaugh.
Mr. Patton will assume his new duties
October 15, He Is the first to servo under
the new act reorganizing the Department
of Arlculture and placing It under the
direction of a board of agricultural com
missioners The salary Is $5000 a year.
N. B. Critchfield, whose term expired
last spring, but who has been serving
until his successor under the new act was
appointed, was not a candidate for tho
Cocoa tn Tins.
Never Sold In Bulk.
12, 1915.
Almost Complete Ticket Nomi
nated by Independents Un
der New Party's Banner
The Franklin party last night filed
nomination papers for an almost com
plete councllmantc ticket, following the
nomination of the successful Washington
party candidates for Mayor, tho row
offices and Magistrate by the new in
dependent party.
No nominations were filed In the M,
.Id. Mh, Ctlt. 8th. 8th. 11th. Ui. Hth,
llth, 2Mb. 2th, 3Sth nnd 4ith Wards.
Most of them are small downtown wards
which are completely dominated by the
Republican Organization.
The nominees of the Franklin party
for Councils are: .
Klrnt Warrt Common, Frank Cruo ana
Jtweph II. Harris. .. ., .
Fourth Ward-Common. Harry M. Levy-
Seventh Ward !lect. Henry B, Tattont
Common. Kdward Montgomery. n.-i.
Hirtfcnth WHrd-Coinmon, Alexander Davis
ami lUrry Hleldle. . .,, n...n
Klxtfditn Warrt-Pelect. William . nertrand.
Somtenth WsrU-OommTO, Richard F.
HlRhtVentb Wsrd-Efltet. Joh J. Dllworth;
Common. OeorRe C. Yesger
Nineteenth Ward-Common, Samuel A. Me
riay and Andrew J. Collar. n..
Twentieth Ward-Select, J'Ph A'J,J.nf
Common, frank Halprr, Joseph r. Tygh and
Tenty-nrt Want Common, John u. Oram
mer and Howard K. White. ,, .,,-
Twenty-second vvara-cwieci, join u...
Harris; Common, Prlngle Ilerthwtck. James
!tf Fox, Robert E. Lamberton and Josepnus
'Twenty-third Ward-Common, Frederick A.
Mrehert and John A. Lh!a.
Twenty-fourth Ward-Select. Oeorns IJ. D
l. Common. J. Henry Scattergood. Joseph
I,. Caialdy and Samuel William Harrison.
Tncnty-flfth Ward Common. O. W. Hughes
aril II. f . Evans. .
Tnenty-elchth Wsrd-CBmmem. w E. nell.
J. Henry Hrbec and Ed Trimmel.
Tnenty-nltith Ward Common, acorge w.
CaniT.te.il and II. n. Relnhart.
Thirtieth Ward Common, John M. Clark aaa
Robert J. learner. ,
Thirty-first Ward Common, John Flnnoy.
Thirty-second Ward Common. Julius O,
Goortnln and Charles F. Byrne.
Thirty-third Ward Common, Osorge SA.
Mitchell, C. O. rratt and JohnGarllng.
Thirty-fourth Ward-Select. Charles B. Gill i
Common, Dr. J. Melvln Smith and Frapk
Thirty-fifth Ward Common, Eaard Casey.
Thirty-alxth Ward Select. William Marsh:
Common. Chester A. Anderson and Samuel C
Thlrty-Mventh Ward-Select, William Shlmw;
Common. William II. Brill.
Thirty-ninth Ward Select. George. Ree:
Common. Oeorso C. Ferry, Charles T. llaaa
and Half Itrandon.
Fortieth Ward Select, ntchard II. Hoy: Com
mon, W. Warren Weaver. Edward II. Apsley
and Walter U. Duncan. -,,,.
Korty-aecond Ward-Select, George C. ulrichi
Common, William P. Selgert and Michael S.
Bennett. ,
Forty-thlrd Ward Common, William T.
Scargle, Matthew Kenney and Joseph Bcholes,
Forty-fourth Ward Common, John B. Demp
ater and C. Wesley F. Robinson.
Forty-fifth Ward Common, Edward W.
Foster. ..
Forty-sixth Ward Select. Ira D. Garman;
Common, 1. Walter Thompson. Franklin A.
Smith and Alonzo V. Iambert.
Benson Guest of Honor at Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 12. Rear Admiral
William S. Benson, chief of operations or
the navy, is to be tho honor KUest to
night at Pittsburgh's Columbus ray cele
bration. -3626
residents of Philadel
phia registered at Hotel
Astor during the past
Single Room, without bath,
2.00 to 3.00
Double 3.00 to 4.00
Single Rooms, with bath,
$3.00 to 6.00
Double 4.00 to 7.00
Parlor, Bedroom and bath,
10.00 to 14.00
At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets
the center of New York s social and
business activities. In close proximity to
all railway terminals.
World's Series Scores Announced
by Evening Ledger
Bulletin Boards and Score Sheets
The EVENING LEDGER'S electric bulle
tin board machines will be in direct tele
graphic communication with the Press
Box at the Boston Ball Park, and will give
each play of the World's Series in detail.
The six machines are located as follows:
Broadway Theatre, Broad street and
Snyder avenue.
Peacock's Pharmacy, Broad street and
Erie avenue.
Colonial Theatre, Germantown and
Maplewood avenues.
Nixon Theatre, 52d and Market streets.
Ledger Central, Broad and Chestnut
Ledger Office, 6th and Chestnut streets.
EVENING LEDGER Score Sheets will
also be displayed in the windows of the
following stores:
Greenbaum's Indoor Baseball Alleys,
6906 Germantown avenue.
nlt Cfe tore s w- corner of
19th and Oxford streets.
Metzgar's Candy Store, 1338 North 52d
Pereyra's Cigar Store, 59 North 3d
Tenner's Drug Store, Broad street and
Columbia avenue.
RwB0fW!fChcFlay SLai5 be telephoned to
& Tnn1? Stre'8? Broadway, Camden,
N. J., and Lawson's Clothing Store, 4701 Frank
bymSaepholePhlladelphia' d nSSSl
Use the Evening Ledfr Service , If, Swift and Sur
Evening as& ffie&get
Routo of Councilmania Janketl
to ue unangect m view
of Requests
An extra day' Junketing- -with the tjv
crty Dell, because of tho request of a
number of cities In New Turk state to
tho Bell on its way home, Is promised tha
Councllmon who Intend putting up the r
nsfrcasment of $100 for the entertainment
fund nnd following tho fortunes of h
rello in Its zlgta route across tho coun
try from the Panama-Pacific Exposition,
it present plana do not miscarry ,
Liberty Bell will be taken to Buffalo n
that stops can be made at Syracuia!
Rochester, Albany and Poughketnila
This morel) changes the return Touta
from Pittsburgh on, and gives the Junkat.
Ing party an excellent opportunity
make their way homo by leisurely su.
through the neighboring State rather than
by tho more direct route from Pittsburgh
and Harrlsburg to Philadelphia,
Tho membora of tho Itinerary Cornrnlu
tee are known to favor the. New Tor
plan, and it has practically been agreed
upon. Discussion of route plans hag iM.
taken up with the railroad officials, aoj It
Is understood that $S0O will cover the aaaj
tlonal outlay. Thla sum can easily be c
talned by a transfer from soma unex
pected; item oi city maintenance.
Wife Wins Appealed Divorce Salt
A divorce was granted to Sirs. Henrietta '
Rosenthal today by Judgo Orlady, of (h
Superior Court, tn an opinion reversal
tbo decision oi ino ocnuyiiau county
Court, which uphold tho husband. Leopold
Ilosenthal. Mrs. Rosenthal accused her
husband of -violence and threats. She lott
tho decision in tho lower court becaate of
a technical error in -tho prodcedlnBs,
The Milk
You Get
in the
WHAT do you know
about tho bottle that
is left on your door
step in the "wee sma' hours"?
Is it, like "iA" milk, mostly
from Jersey and Guernsey
cows? Has it a daily bac
teriological test in tho coun
try and is it carefully pas
teurized? Is its bacteria
count lower than required by
That's how we take care
of "A" milk, which, at its
price, is as puro and nour
ishinp; a milk as can be had
All Abbotts milk is pas
teurized except our certified
"What do you know about
the milk YOU'RE using?"
Let us start serving you
Alderney Dairies
31st and Chestnut Sts.