fl EVENING LEDGEBPHILADETJPHIA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913. $1000 PER MINUTE COST OF MOVIE SCENE Triangle People Plan Pacific Ocean Naval Battle With a Real Steamer Sunk By the Photoplay Editor A thousand dollars a minute I And JO to SO minutes o !t: That la the newest photoplay stunt The Ince corner of the Triangle Corporation Is going to pull oft this newest hlgh-cost-of-reollnff opera tion In a naval battle In the Pacific, The scenes made will call for the Pa clfto fleet, a flock of aeroplanes and a commercial steamer. The steamer has been bought by the Inco forces and dressed up In war pnlnt and guns. When the battle Is at Its height one or two of t'nelo Sam's cruisers will drop somo high explosive shells through her wnlls, and down she'll go. The pholographor prom ises some "clone-ups" ot the shells at work. Tho whole thing Is going to cost In the neighborhood of $20,000, and It will bo all over In half an hour, Tho audiences at the Chestnut Street Opera House will probably get nbout 10 minutes' worth out of tho wholo nfTnlr. Mo less a sum than 1250,000 h been paid for the rights of "The Birth at a. Nation" west of the Mississippi. The Purchaser Is H. A. Sherman, general manager of tho Elliott Sherman Film Company, of Minneapolis. '- : said to be the largest transaction of Its kind ever consummated The deal was closed by President H. B Altken for the Epoch Producing Corporation. Oniric to tho trcmc iou'i labor of handling the tours of ten com panies presenting thc picture, the exec utives decided to release 'the Western territory to one person. Thero Is a fight between a detective and a fugitive on the ijp of n rapidly moving frelsht train In the Hellancc child feature "The Dollhousp Mystery," which enlists tho services of Carmen Do Iluo nnd Ueoit'c Stone,Wfepl S and 6, respec tively When the scene was being made Charles tiorman, who Is the fugitive, was exceed ingly car' ful -if Georgle Stone, who. In the. photopla .. Is his so... Tho scenario called for Gntnan to leap from tho train with Cleors.j- in his arms after the de tective has been stunned. So careful was Gorman with Geori-'o that tho small "leading man" been mo Irritated. "What do jou think thli scene Is going to look like?" he demanded. "It's too tame. You've got to put more ginger Into your leap. ' And so the scene was made all over again to meet the objections ot the lead ing man What may prove to be the most notable star and film of the year Is promised at the Stai4e-r In about a month. It Is Geraldlne irarrar In the Lasky production of "Carmen." Jack Plckford has Joined the Sellg Polyscope Company, and was In Chicago, III., recently en route to the Pacific coast, where he will be engaged with the Sellg Pacific coast companies. Although only 19 years of age. Jack Plckford has been engaged as a motion picture actor for the last seven years. He started In the work when he was In knee breeches. He has played Important role with the stock companies of Blograph, Pathe, Reliance and Famous Players. Among tho famous productions In whlo he has appeared can be named "Wild Flower," "The Love Route," "The Pretty Sister of Jose," "A Girl of Yesterday," etc. IB """ X SlllllllllllllllllllllV MARGARET PRUSSING With tho Edison Company. Theatrical Baedeker OAIUUCrc "Undsr raver." with Rocxllfl Fllowe. A melodrama by Hoy Cooper Me tros and Walter Hackett, which run out Urt season and the iruon before In Nrtv York ana Boston, respectively, opening to night. ADELPHI "Th Road to TeBtsrday," with William Hodfe. A comedy-drama, ot rural lite, giving Mr, Hodge a more youthful hut no lee nnlmrlcal purveyor ot prolnclal ac cent than his Daniel Voorheci Plko or "The Man I"rom Home." Opening tonight. LYRIC "Handi up!" with Irene Franklin, Maurice and Walton, Uert Green. An elab orate muclcnt production of tho rovue order, Mth 12 scenes and proper number of chorus Klrls. Opening tonight. IHIOAD "Daddy Lome Lr," with Henry Illllcr and lluth Chnttprton. Jean Webster'e noel ot the ' Orphan's Progress" made Into a sweet, sugary but vtell-ncted success. riroTarivYs CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOt'SE-Second week ot Triangle productions. 'The Cow nrd, ' with Frank Keenan. an lnce-super-led production, "Old Heidelberg," with Dorothy Ilsh, n Ctrirtlth-supenlsetl produc tion. ' A l'aorlle Fool." with Eddie Foy. nnd "Stolen Mait'c," with Haymond Hltch toclc, both frorr Mack Scnnett. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE "The IJIIndness of Vlrtuo"; a condensed version ot Tho Chime ot Normandy", grand opera se lections by Arthur Aldrldgo and others, a patriotic tableau, smphony orchestra and travel nnd comedy lllms. roilHKST-'-The lllrth of a Nation," with Henry It. Wultlml. Mae Marsh and Spottls wood Akin. D. W. Griffith' mammoth photoplay of tho C1U1 War nnd Ileconstruc llon, founded In fart on Thomas Dixon's "Clansman." A marvelous entertainment. STANLEY "The htto 1'earl ' with Mario Doio, a Paramount feature. ARCADIA-"The Uludceon,' with Kathryn Otermann. an Equitable feature. HGt.NT "The Song of the Wage 8Ue." with Edmund Hrecse. u Metro feature. STOCK. KNICKLRHOCKER "llutterny on the Wheel. with the Knickerbocker l'lajera Tho English -nma of a nighty but inno cent wile, Ih only Just escapes ruin In a dlvjrce court. ALNl'T 'The Vampire." with Irene Osier, Robert Hi am and the Walnut Players, A drama In which a girl, ruined by a man much older than herself seeks revenge an other males vaudeville. KEITH'S A Gilbert and Sullivan Retue. Oertle Vanderbllt and 'Seorge Moore, Charley Qrapewln In Poughkeepsle," Al Golem troupe, Hyan and Tierney, Webb and Burns, Albert C. Cutler, Fred and Adele Astalre and tho Hearst-SeUg news pactures. NIXON'S GRAND "The School Playgrounds," Arnaud Ilrotherst, Castano and Nelson, Stan ley and Lambert, Miss Wlllo, Jack Onrl. GLOBE "Pier 23." Cardo and Nolls, "Follies of the Day." Whitney's Operatic Dolls, Fred Weber, Oalloway and Iloberts, In "A Study In riack and White"; tho Lamplnes. the Koundlrg Tramps. Cameron and DeWitt. in "The Groom Forgot," and Colonel Jack Georgo. CROSS KEYS First half of week. "Every body." Cook, Lafferty and Hummell, Me. Clellan and Carson, Mott and Mansneld, in The Manicure and tho Sports"; Hairier and Hawley and Hob Anderson and his trained pony. AMERICAN First half ot week, "Four Jacks and a Queen," Burroughs and company. Ma- rUArTllls, Silver and Duval ana Buck and ...L. ...UnTtmNINO. PEOPLE'S ''Uncle Tom's Cabin,11 Earl Burgess' revival ot the old elisilo. ,. burlesque. DUMONTS-pumont's Minstrels In "Ladr NECK WOULD SAVE CITY "Besieging Enemy" No Doubt Would Bo Asphyxiated Crossing tho Deadly Marshes Philadelphia may not have enough soldiers and battleships to protect her self, as tho "war game" has shown, but sho has one thing more formidable than anything ns yet taken by tho "besieging cnemy"-that Is the Neck. Acccordlng to naval oltlcors and the "war game umpire," tho Atlantic fleet, which wns protecting tho shores of the Atlantic coast and Incidentally Philadelphia, has been destroyed. The Red fleet, by superior strategy, outgeneraled tho At lantic fleet's commander and after de stroying It, landed troops on tho coast, which now nro marching on Philadel phia from tho South. Philadelphia, on the other hand, say they should worry. Although, theoreti cally Bpeaklng, tho navy yard has fallen, desplto the resistance of tho 100 men, and tho enemy practically has possession of tho lower part of tho yard and meadows surrounding It, officials con nected with City Hall, who would have to make- the formal surrender In case the city should fall, say there Is no cause for nlarm. It was pointed out that on the march to Philadelphia the enemy would have to cross the Neck. "We should worry about defense," said a city official today. "W haven't any soldiers, that Is true, nor are the forts below the city worth a rap. We have no gas bombs, either, but wo have on Impreg nable defense the Neck. If the enemy ran get across the Neck without becom ing asphyxiated he's welcome to the city." WALKS 30 MILES TO SEE GAME CATHOLICS HERE HONOR PRIEST, FOE OF LIQUOR Observe 125th Birthday Anni versary of Founder of Ab- stinence Movement Boy Gets Hungry on Way nnd Spends Price of Admission A K-ycar-old boy who walked to this city from Trenton to see today's world's series gamo will be returned to his parents today. Little William Rhodes Is poorer nnd wiser poorer because while on his way he listened to tho call of tho stomach and spent the dollar he had saved for the game to buy food; wiser because he has learned that even had ho not spent his money ho could not have seen a. world's series game In Philadel phia today. This Is Boston's turn to bo hospitable. William turned up at the Front and Master streets police station last night, broke. He made no effort to control his emotions and wept openly. Sergeant Dehner, who can feel with any one who wants to attend a ball game and can't, was particularly nice to tho young prisoner. Awards Contract for 160,000 Rifles A contract for 100,000 rlflo stocks for tho Swedish Government has been awarded to a Des Moines, Ia firm, by Major Charles Machold, of tho Machold Agency, 6th street above Chestnut, despite his desire to place tho order In Philadelphia. Major Machold said that the cost of walnut wood has been driven skyward by tho big demand for It from the nations of Europe, and that It was Imposlble to And a local Arm wilting to make the stocks at a figure low enough. Tho price Quoted by manufacturers of this city was 100 per cent, abovo the market price of a year ago, he sold. The local markets are short on walnut wood because repre sentatives of tho warring nations have been huylng it up whenever they found an opportunity. Father Mathew, founder In Cathollo churches of the movement for total ab stinence from Intoxicating liquors, Is being honored by Catholics throughout the city this week In recognition of the 126th anniversary of his birth. The ob servances were begun yesterday after noon by nn elaborate religious service In the Cathedral, Logan square, following a parade of about 400 representatives of the Cathollo Total Abstinence Union of the Diocese of Philadelphia, from Ca thedral Hall, 16th and Vine streets, to the church. Many of tho marchers wore uniforms. Archbishop Prendergast conducted the vespers, and a sermon on the life and work of Father Mathew was preached by the Itov. Dr. Walter J. Shanlcy, of Danbury, Conn., formerly president of the Cathollo Total Abstlneneo Union of America. The Very Rev. rcter J. Calla han, of Washington, D. C, assisted th Archbishop. The nudlenco taxed the ca pacity of the big auditorium of the Ca thedral. Other speakers at the service wero Michael F. Kearney, John A. Oor man, Miss Sophie Ferris, Miss Sallln Moore, James A. Dougherty, president of the Philadelphia Union, and W. J. O'Mal ley, vlco president. Tho observance will close with a ban quet In tho Girls' Cathollo High School Wednesday night. Speakers at the ban quet will lncludo tho Rev. John E. Mc Cann, of East on, Pa., find tho Rov. R. F. Hannagan, of St. Gregory's Philadelphia, both ex-presidents of the Philadelphia Union; Monslgnor P. R. McDcvitt, super intendent of the parochial schools of the diocese; ox-Congressman J. Washington Log-ae, formerly a president of tho local union; the Rev. Dennis J. Kane, ot Scranton, vlco president of the National Catholic Total Abstinence Union; Thomas V. McCloslcey, of Danbury, Conn., na tional secretary; John W. Spcckman, president of tho Catholic Federation So cieties of Philadelphia, and John Rea, president of tho State Council. ELECTRIC COMPANY COWED Retreats When Sisters Object to Polo in Front of Home Fear that the Philadelphia Electric Company might raise a 30-foot pole In front of 1S08 South 22d street drew Char lotto and Elizabeth Halgh from their home at the dawn of a new week today, and any designs the electric company may havo had upon the spot wero blocked. After the Halgh sisters first showed their sentiment as to the construction of pole lines, the company withdrew a crew and according to tho Electrical Bureau abandoned the Idea of placing a polo In front of the Halgh home. But the sis ters, still suspicious, aro still on guard. Probing Death of .Motorcyclist Detectives from the Coroner's office and the police are making an Investigation to day to try to learn how Thomas Haffen aler received Injuries which caused his death In St Luke's Hospital last night. Haffenaler, who was 30 years old, lived at 6110 J street. He was found uncon scious beside his motorcycle on the Northeast boulevard, near Old Tork road, on Saturday and ho never regained consciousness. TIGER KILLS MALTESE CAT Pcnco of Zoo Greatly Disturbed by Murderous Act of Hector, Who Slew Tix ' A domestic tragedy has stirred the cat family In the carnlvora- house In the Zoo. The cats, big and little, are Usually peaceful among themselves, at any rate. Hector, a big African tiger, de cided not to live up to tho family tradi tions of domestic petc. "nd as a con sequence Tlx, a beautiful Maltese cat, the pet of the big Inhabitants of the cat fam ily cages, la dead. Hector was tho slayer. Tlx was free to come and go ns she liked among tho lions and tigers and leop ards. In comparison to them she seemed so small that they cruld not be cowardly enough to harm her. So now tho tigers and the lions and the leopards will have to kill the rats that Infest their cages themselves or else get another cat to do It. And Tlx was so beautiful that they feel-so the keepers who know how to tell the feelings of dumb animals say that no common cat could really take her place, no matter how expert In killing rats and mice It might be. Hector was the only one not friendly with the little cousin, and Tlx usually avoided him. This tlmo she must havo forgotten. She strolled gracefully along outside the tiger's lair. A big, powerful paw stretched ltfeeK between thi tM There was a cry of pain and th.." was dead, "'"- Will Build noma fox v.. A linmo ior nut-an la - .. . ., ;J mediately adjoining the Ablnstoi 53 morlal Hospital. Old York road i ?"! incton. Announcement h. . ' " Vil of the purchase of the property nf 11am .Howard by Georgo W. Elkin. !? founded tho hnsnllnl an i.i.A"n ..;t , .!-:;,::."." wn home on the Howard grounds nroenrtr. comcrlslnsr nun .. ' acres, fronts on Tork road, and ... 1 depth of several hundrod feet to nTM land nvpnuo. " UV1 Four New Triangle - Sensations Today . This afternoon, yo-trfl hwre year first jgnrofwtt n the second series of TRIAHPOIE PLATO "THE COWAIU;" wMi Flranfc Keenan. "OLD HEIDELBERG," -with Dorotby Gbh; "STOLEN MAGIC," with Raymond Hftcfcwrcfc "A FAVORITE FOOL," with Eddie Foy. There you have DRAMA ROMANCE COM. EDY, all in one afternoon or evening "which, of course, is the TRIANGLE PLAN. As for quality, you've never seen more enthralling dramatic action than in "The Coward." Jb the sort that drag9 a gasp from you; you'll never anywhere sec more cap tivating romance the kind that draws the tear unbidden than "Old Heidelberg"; and as for comedy there's Hitch cock and Foy. What more could be said, save that there's excellent music? Chestnut 'Street Opera House Chestnut Street Between 10th nd 11th -V ri i Two performances, a day 250 Good Seats, 25c 300 Good Seats, 50c Aftanroona at2. Everrfn-rt tr Many others at 7Bo Better ones tl nd $2 EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR SUBJECT TO CTIANGE AUDITORIUM BLUEBIRD BROAD ST. CASINO BRUNSWICK PALACE BROADWAY CEDAR COLUMBIA CUMBERLAND DARBY EUREKA FAIRMOUNT FIFTY-EIGHTH ST. FRANKLIN, W. PHILA. MONDAY Nick Winter Masked Thieves Blanche Sweet, in The Secret Orchard Jose Collins, In The Im postor. Ham Comedy, &c. Ntal ot the Navy, No. J Uzzle & beauty Contest Martruerlte Clark, In The Crucible A Disciple o( NleUche Iter Burled I'ast The Test of Man Chaplin In the Prop Man Ella Ilall, In Jewel Neal or the Navy, No. 4 .nvfcocu urcujueni Island of Itegeneratlon Robert Warwick, In Alias Jimmy Valentine Diamond From Sky, 2 New Jitney In Town FRANKLIN, S. PHILA. GARDEN GIRARD GLOBE GRAND GREAT NORTHERN HAMILTON TTr4t fl-m.tA In 'Neath Calvary's fehadow JunA Vrlrtnv Diamond j?'rom the Sky Pauline Frederick, In The Eternal city Betty Nansen, In The Sons ot Hate Nat Goodwin In The Master Hand Betty Nansen, In The Celebrated Scandal "Win. Fox presents Betty iiviKQ, Bong- ot Hate IIAVERFORD IMPERIAL JEFFERSON LEHIGH LOCUST LOGAN LOGAN AUDITORIUM MARCONI MARKET STREET ORIENT 0VERBR00K PARK WHAM FtJPLAR HJTTENHOUSE AVtY SpBtWOOD flAND The IJroken Coin Others Marie Dressier. In Til lie's Punctured nomance Dorothy Donnelly, in Sealed Valley F.X. Bushman, Margaret snow, ine client voice The Revolutionist Disappearing Necklace Edith Wynne Mathlson. In The Governor's Lady Edmund Breese, In The Master Mind Helen Ware, In The l'rlce Scandal Others Wilton Lackaye, In The Man ot Shams Jno Emerson lu The Failure Elala Jants, In Betty in oearcn oi a unrui Marguerite Clark, Seven Bisters In Nell Craig, The Crucible rue woman woo uea Robert Warwick, In Alias Jimmy Valentin Js'ance CNell, Princess Uomanolt, The Castles Rebecca Jesse !askey presents Blanche Sweet, The Clue Gertrude McCoy, la Thro Turbulent Waters 55?. jUKHW'kXV JLTOBJA 'A8nTOtf7ALACE VUSK PALAoT "I iiXkgmenv "' HI 1 J4SS A Kdrrlgani In For Cash Tile JJrlJge Destroyers Bessie DarrUcaU, In The CUP ot Utm Regeneration A Powerful Play Neal ot the Navy J1U Mother' Portrait Neal ot Navy KM Cave en Thunder Cloud TUESDAY Hearts That Knew Lillian Tucker, Evidence In His Golden Coin Hazards ot Helen Spendthrifts Others, Neal of the Navy Diamond From the Bky S Queen of the Jungle The Surrender Princess Pat The Goddess, No. 8 Leah tho Forsaken, The Runaway Wife Prima Donna's Mother Lillian Tucker, In Evidence Terror of tho Air, 4 pts, Cleo Madison The Garden ot Lies The Whirlpool Myrtle Fannehlll, In The Barnstormers Louisa Glauman, In Toast ot Death Always In the Way With Mary Mlnter Jose Collins, In The Impostor Robert Warwick In The Stolen Voice The Broken Coin Others Same as Monday Nat Goodwin, In The Master Hand His Crucible Dawn ot Understanding Lnore Ulrlch, KUmeny In Blanche Sweet, In Stolen Goods Thou Shalt Not. Clause In the Constitution John Barrymore. in Tho Incorrigible Dukane Mary Fuller, In Under Southern Skies Eugene O'Brien, In Just Out of College Francesea dl Rlmlnl Civil War Dan Vivian Preacott, In The Unwelcome Wife Robt Warwick in The Flash of an Emerald Holbrook Bllnn, In The Ivory Snuff Box Robert Edeson. In Motormsn A niehsrd Travers. Tlah'a Spy. Broken Colo. No. 10 Terror ot thu Air, 4 part Others Viola Allen, In The White Slater, 8 aota Tom TerrUs, In Pearl of the Antilles Lasky presents Charlotte Walker, In Kindling Mrs. Leslie Carter, In Du Barry Broken Coin, 10. Rose and Thorns. Others Tom Terries, In The Pursuing Bbadow Regeneration A Powerful Play In Shadow of Big Ben Charles Chaplin (TCJi akln Cawaln Malk Thai at tH flftYf I has ChaiU, 3 !)' tttvcx, A raau Chaplin In The Woman Heart and Rose Frederick Perry. In Dr. Kanveau WEDNESDAY Dawn ot Freedom Helen Ware, In Tho Price Thro Troubled Water Think, Mothers Harry D. Carey, In Just Jim The Cub. When the Call Cams "Bathhouse Tragedy. Oth. The Pine's Revenge No Flirting Allowed Jeanne o" the Northland Hearts and Roses Blanche Sweet, In The Clue J, Rufus Walllngtord Mr. and Mrs. Castle. Oth, Fascination of Liz, 4 pts. Broken Coin, No. 13 .Daughter of the Jungle Mta jrrora Mexico Nell Craig, In His Crucible Teddy Sampson, In The Fox Woman Bong ot Hate with Uetty Nansen Jose Collins, In The Impostor Edwin August In Evidence William Fox present Wormwood Rufu Walllngford Other Rene Haggard Journey On Rotoert Warwick, In Tho f aco in mo juoonugni Wm. Fox presents Anna iMiiion, in regeneration Paramount, Heine Keif, In All for a Otrl Diamond From Sky, 21 The Tides ot Tim Hsxel Dawn. In The Heart of Jennifer Dustln Farnum, n Th Virginian Mrs. Flske, In Vanity Fair Betty's Bondage Chas, Chaplin, A Dre Florence La, Uadle The Price of Her BUence Margarita Fischer In Quest John Barrymore, In Are You a Mason f Flash ot an Emerald The Idol of the Screen Hobart Bosworth, in Th Scarlet Sin Cleo Madison Fascination of Lis, 4 pts. Robt. Edeson. Wm. 8. Hart, On the Night Stage Mothering Heart. Beast at Bay, Massacre, Oth, Maud Allan, In Th Rugmakei" Daughter Romano of Elaine, V'o. V Path to tba lUlnbow Paulina , Bush, In An Idyll of tit Hills, Oth', Robert Edeson, Mary Alden, In Man' Progress Regeneration A Powerful Play Tools of Providence Bound oo th Wheel Oodse No. T Her Ketnrn PawMBQW't. Frttsl aol Piitty Mil, ral lh 7b SwrjenW AtttM m, -Tsj Fine's Keveni , M mirtla AUewed, r 'TIItJKSDAY The Monopolist Gale Kane, In Her Great Match Nell Craig. In The Whirl pool. Bronco Billy Misled Broken Coin, No. 12 Victors at Seven The Goddess The Tigress Broken Coin, No. IT The Protest The Broken Coin No. 14 It Almost Happened Mind Over Motor A Cigarette, That's All Oet-Rlch-Qulck Walling, ford. Little Lost On Julius Sieger, in The Master Hand Other Features Theda Bara Her Wonderful Day Daughter ot Earth Special Feature Attractions Mae Marsh, in Her Shattered Idol Sunday with Reins Davles Ann Murdoch, In A Royal Family Holbrook Bllnn In Tho Boss Wm. Fox present Wm. Farnum, In Samson Richard Travers, In The Man Trail Marie Tempest, In Mrs. Plum' Pudding Special Feature Play and Comedy Vivian Martin. In The Little Mademoiselle Paramount, Hazel Dawn lnvNlob Hearts and Flowers The Call of Yesterday Same a Wednesday FRIDAY Th In grate Marguerite Clark, In Seven Sisters Broad-way Feature Tho Vanderhoff Affair Special Feature Attraction Charles Chaplin, In Shanghaied Girl of the Dance Hall The Road to Fame Scandal Jn the Family Not a Lamb Shall Stray Broken Coin, No. 8 The Social La-nr Nat C. Goodwin. In The Master Hand William Fox presents Doctor Rameau Devil's Daughter, 6 parts Neal of the Navy, No. 3 Broken Coin, 7. Life's Yesterday, iiorn & Bud Special Feature Attractions Henry Walthall, in Avenging Conscience Henry Woodruff, in A Man and His Mate Holbrook Bllnn, in Th Ivory Snuff Box Holbrook DUnn In Th Ivory Bnuft Box WT,,.,.u.mrx prnu Life Shop Window Came a Tuesday Walker Whiteside, in .. jue-iing lot. Diamond From th Sly Destiny Skein l l!e Crewe, in The Fighting Hopo Ann Murdock, In A Royal Family MJM Bolty Nansen, In Heart of Lady Alain Marguerite Clark, in Helene ot the North Robert Warwick, In Flash ot an Emerald Broken Coin No. 8 Little Lease. Judith of Bethulla. Diving Girl Edwin Arden In Simon the Jester Bosworth, In Fatherhood Broken Coin, No. 17 Bred In th Bon Featuring Dorothy Olsh Mary Fuller, In Circus Mary Broken Coin, No. IB Other Feature Betty Nansen, In Should a Mother TellT VeniJett Lasky presents Dustln Farnum, in Cameo Klrby Th Naked Truth Mary Fuller, in. Th Olrl Who Had a Soul. Elaine. Rita Bacehetto, In Without a Country Vengeance ot th Wild Broken Cln. Ne. The Tale of tWpaat Feature Attraction Jos Colli, la Th lastwetor Broken Coin. Hh8&S Louts Meredith, in An Enemy to Society Nat C. Goodwin, in Business Is Business ESnroiy Wehlen, In when a Woman Loves Th Refug Italian.Austrlan War Th Wolf Man, with West and Ralph Lewi nenry Walthal In Th Ghost Richard J. Jose, In Bllvsr Threads Jjs Lasky present Th Puppet Crown Under Southern Biles Th Ooddss, No. IS Theda Bora J3vir Daughur, 6 part Janet .Beecher, In Fin Feather Th Man From Oregon SATURDAY Toller ot the Sea Mary Plckford, In Rags Helen Eddy, Her Slight Mistake. Red Virgin Special Feature Attraction William Farnum. In The Sign of tho Cross The Barren Gain Tho Kiss of Dishonor The Homecoming Animated Weekly No. 185 Theda Bara, In Lady Audley's Secret Charlotte Walker. Kin dling. Kom'co of Elaine Mons. Lecoq Diamond From the Sky Neal of the Navy, No. U Animated Weekly Plckford, Mistress Nell . Special Feature Attractions Charles Chaplin, In Bhanghalod Katbl; ilyn Williams, m The Rosary Robert I la iron and Ma Marsh, in The Outcast Francis X. Bushman In Th Second in Command Dorothy Donnelly, in The Thief Edwin Arden, In Simon the Jester Neal of the Navy, No. 0 Other ? Fox present Wm. Farnum. 'file Plunderer Helen War, in Th Price Helen Ware, In The Price S.eal SL th Navy, No. 4 Eye. That Set Not Oth. IFnl kvA,1. itn The Family Cupboard Th.Ma-jfy-o-f"t,ht.'aw Howard Eetabrook, In -". ..w.in et nK ,.. T.Vi, ";'ue. otners Italian-Austrian War Kathlvn Williams, In The Rosary Helen War in 'M Price - rjcarora, in Pawn ot a Tomorrow Th Bpender Featuring Geo. Probert ..wuMiuu ox jsialn Queen of Junglo Land ""itf-fts-".. -- ". IF v-eji.iy Paulln Frederick, In .". -viiii vity Wilton Lackare, In Th Man ot fihame Daniel Frohman present TheMoJh and th Flam Broken Coin, No. 1 The Octopu Marl Cahllli In Judy Forgot. Other God' Witness. Th Fall, ur. Caust in th Rain Wilton Lackaye. In Th Man of Shame Mountain Mary Mm, Blanch, Beauty Doctor Eye That Sea Not A Day of Havoc Always to Ui War forainount Travl pie. Soandal la th' Family MM, a. Lou Moll Mrar Daniel Frohman present Mary Plckford. Llttl.Pal Woman Who Dared Broncho jJiliy Chaplin, In Th Bank. King Bagot. Other Claw of Greed Diamond From th Sky Th Ma lay Ward, in Continental Olrt Headliner. Jay 1-henom New Jitney in Town Silver Thread Among th Oold Blanch Bwsat, Wama of V Htln Louis Heal of Ik Navy, AnU nu. i,snp) r wwm S-35T PROMINENT fossj m PHOIPPLAy PRESEMfflnONS If j& NORTH HI f TPRTDTt BROAD AND BUB DliJJliUlrVjLI QUEHANNA AVE. ft 2 to 11 P. M. BLANCHE SWEET in "THE SECRET ORCHARD" Great Northern qermant'n aves. DAILY. 2 :S0 P. M. EVENINGS. 7 & 0. WM. FOX. Presents BETTY NANSEN In "THE SONG OF HATE" Broad Street Casino BR0Igel0,r MATINEE, 2 :30. EVENING, 7 4 9. JOSE COLLINS In THE IMPOSTOR" 6 Parts. "HAM" COMEDY. OTHERB. .NORTHWEST JErrfc.K5UIN dauphin streets Francis X. BUSHMAN Z Marguerite SNOW "THE SILENT VOICE" Play Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. PA Die" RIDGE AVE. AND DAUPHIN rKTW MAT.. 2:15. EVG 8:80. Uear Our J. P. Seeburo- Orcheitral Pips Orpon "SEVEN SISTERS" A Paramount Picture Featuring MARGUERITE CLARK Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. LEHIGH Theatre lehioh avr. "THE REVOLUTIONIST" THE DISAPPEARING NECKLACE" "HE'S IN AGAIN" Columbia Theatre Columbia ave. "DESTINY" 3 Reels. CHAS. CHAPLIN in "THE PROPERTY MAN" 2 Reels. THE TEST OF MAN" 2 Reels. A JOKER COMEDY YORK, i ALALfci tork street CHAS. CHAPLIN 2 Reels "REVENGE "2 Reels Washington Palace bi'ownbts. "Neal of the Navy" SJS'd. "HOMAGE" 'THE FORTIFICATION PLANB" I ' i nr.,i Allpotionv 28th Allegheny At. west uegneny Mat..3iis. Evgs..eao MUTUAL MASTER PICTURES Present LILLIAN oisii k "Cantaln Macktin" JACK CONWAY In -Pln ITmCKHn "NEAL OF THE NAVY" PATHE-B WEEKLY 2STII AND CUMBERLAND Cumberland ""ggSg Broadway Features Present ELLA HALL in "JEWEL" CENTRAL Market St. Theatre 88S ASSS WILTON LACKAYE In "THE MAN OF SHAME" VICTORIA "REGENERATION" MARKET ST. AUUVB NINTH A POWERFUL PLAY AUDITORIUM "EIGHTBTREET "NICK WINTER'S MASKED THIEVES" SAVOY "REBECCA" tail markbt TTKKafT WMkly Preg-miM MatMn . CUrt Jh-ti-y Monday la U XYJCMINU LJUXUm WEST "PHILADELPHIA LOfIIT Z2D AND lOCUBT BTS. M.V , .? m - KIMDALL ORGAN Mats., 1:30 and 8 P. M. Evgs , 0:30 to 11. EDITH WYNNE MATIUSON "TUB GOVERNOR'S LADY" Play Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. GRAND i0 AND MARKET STREETS hVT Matinee Dally. 2 P. M.. So present BETTY NANSEN in "The Celebrated Scandal" s Reel EUREKA 0THAND mOTnrVL,,.MARKI!T STREETS REVEREND CTRUS TOWN8END BRADY'S "ISLAND OF REGENERATION" i Yl-t?.,KaP.1i.P.'ua Klbbon Feature. Also "THE GODDESS" Last Chapter. I. T . 60TH WALNUT STREETS corVrop.VnU,r.9 Dorothy Donnelly in "SEALED VALLEY" GLOBE SJf1 " MARKET BTB. Ub-wCUb Dally Matf 2.,0 Eygl 7 4 , NAT GOODWIN in " T HE MASTER HAND" Plays Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. Pof?rtr a CEDAR THEATRE POPULAR -i-ClVVK 00TII 4 CEDAR "A Disciple of Nietsche" 8Part "HER BURIED PASP'"0""7 SHERWOOD MTnANi Blanche Sweet in "THE CLUE" Ferformances 6:80. 8 and 0:30. RITTENHOUSE haverford WM. FOX Present. EnTOnD n n t m NA.Ni- O'NEIL In P R.J NCE88 ROMANOFF" MR. and MRS. VERNON CASTr-m V NORTHEAST P.IDADn AVENUE THEATRE vtruvis tth ANp oiRARD AY BETTY NANSEN in "THE SONG OF HATE" STRAND 12TH GIRARD AVE. " v"1-' MATINEE AND NIGHT GERTRUDE McCOY in "Through Turbulent Water" TIVOLI Theatre SSffiTiMS J.Warren Kerrigan in "For Cash" "A TALE OP Twwwnv crnnTWH THE BIUDOB DESTtOYERS,, OTIIER8 POPLAR FAIRMOUNT ROBERT WAnttnm VALENTINE" B Parts. OTH AND POPLAR FRANKLIN AND V1 11frTTM 1VR Tmnnnn. ... . . .f rfc""w' ..t . ;:vf,I,-A vAAtwicic in i . T T . a TTirXfT vrirKB.L '1 KENSINGTON FRANKLIN B2D AND nARD ave. VSFb fflSSS?1 ,n "oVhes- GARDEN m?d,5ansdownb ave. . MATINEE 2, EVENINO 0 :S. PAULINE FREDERICK in inc. citKJNAL, CITY" HAVERFORD wrn " a.tri:Jl HAVERFORD AVE. MARIE DRESSLER in "TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE"' 8 ACTS HAMILTON coth A, L4own. xy. "THE BROKEN COIN"8' JVaturln, ORACH CUNARD .d fANcIb vtlUSHB, Broadway Theatre "Vt0 MARGUERITE CLARK ij inc. uuuuiBLt." S8th St. Theatre MT fwS9.'- " MATINEB.2P.it EVEKmSJ?0. W- "DIAMOND FROM THE SKYSSi.'PiS,"- ...ANIMATED WEEKr.v" CnPtr. "NEW JITNEY IN TOWN" ORIENT Tlwatre "VSSSS55 uS m "THE FAILURE" "ROAD TO piuh.. UWIUi "LOVE Ml'MPB AND BITlfpa-. OVKKBKOOK ?K. um Janu " "OmHv ;H eats a MOL'NT Search of Thrill" i Brunswick Palace mi forvb. "weai ot the Navy" 3d Series ... . PATHS .DAILY "LIZZIE AND BEAUTY CONTEST" LOOAN T nmn A..J!a : BROAD ST. AV "u6''' riuuiluriUlH ROCKLAND HELEN WARE in "THE PRICE" LOGAN THEATRE "$" EDMUND BREESE in "THE MASTER MIND" ? ' ?; GKRMANTQWN "ssslll TulDehnrlron oermantown ave. a uipenocKen tuu-ehocken bt. "THE CUP OF LIFE" With Bestie Barucale and Enid Marker PFI HAM oermantown ave. akb --l BHARPNACK STREBT KELL ORAIG sHJ8 Crucible fuller , "The Woman Who LietT Wayne Palace a.UT..Avd' "NEAL OF THE NAVY" "gfi. ..T'JB CAVE ON THTINDER CLOUD" . UWB OOQD COMEDY, g CTB. 8 SHOW . DABBY t DARBY THEATRE VA?ZT "NEAL OF THE NAVY" No. 4j "TATTERED PARCHMENT' BQHTlt PHILADELPHIA FRANKI IN 8D "trbbt. ; '"rwl-ll FIT WATER BTRsW ' "DIAMOND FROM SKY" MARCONI - SOUTH iPi, X5?V ll EIQHTK BTRSsW . "ouanual " 5 Reels AND OTHERS OLYMPIA BROAD AND -3 LnilO, . BAINURIDGH 8TREETj jyt-cyiAL. rEAl UK-ATTRACTIONS CMiUl WmUv Progrmra . OT IlWM IHMtTM AMr ItllMMM oolOBU at lh VC0 Utoam snrir lOna) J H c