Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 11, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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flip And flop
uufc hRoq SUITS '.VvC'Lt
jjKBk) " w2) ( SUTTINUV I
Vessels Arriving Today
Fir. Ranvlk (Nor), Aalborg, ballast, I
rtVealergaard A Co.
Sir I'ort Antonio (Nor,), Tort Antonio, fruit.
t nltod Fruit Company,
Sir Pawnee. Now York, merchandise Clyde
Steamship Company.
Sir, lluantlco. Jacksonville, paswngera ami
merchandise. Merchant and Miners' Trans
portation Comtany.
Sir. Chippewa. Norfolk, merchandise, Clyde
Sleamahlp Company.
Sir. Grecian. Boston, passengers and mer
chandise, Morchanta and Miners' Transporta
tion Company,
Str. Orklld (Dan.). Now York, ballast. Ber-wind-white
Coal Mining Company.
Str. Charlols (Dutch), Rotterdam, ballast.
Joseph C. Gabriel.
sir. Erella (l!r.), Oran. merchandise, L.
RubelUs Bona.
Schr. I'crry Seller. New York, ballast, 'A. 1)
Cummins & Co.
Steamships to Arrive
Koorbotten . , .
ktyrdal . . .
Annapolis . .. .
lilt r Araxes .
I'ontoporos .
(leurgc Pyman
New Sweden
Sir Ernest Cassel
Manchester Miller
North Point
West 1'olnt
Itlo Colorado
From, Hailed.
.Narvik Sept. 11
.Suez tjept. 12
.Mlddlrsbor'gh..Sept. 14
.(ran Sept. as
. Lcttli Sept. 12
Ornn Sept. 21
rort ili rain... Sept. SI
. . .Llvernonl
.Sept. 21
.Sept. 21
..Kept. 21
Sept. 23
Sept. 20
Sept. 27
..Sept. 2S
.Sept. 28
. fept. 2S
. . Sept. 2S
. .Sept. 2'l
. .Oct. 1
...Oct. a
...Oct. :i
..Oct. 4
..Oct. 4
. Oct. r.
.. Oct. 5
. .ItntterUuin .
. . .Harreloni
..Hurlvn .
. . .Arcndal
. . .('hrlstlnnla
..Narvik . .
.. .Manchester
...Liverpool ..
. .Manchester
..linndon . ..
..London . .
. . ..Santos . .
Oldest Graduate of the University of
Dr. Henry W. HIM, a widely known
physician of Gerniantovvn, tiled at his
home, 6320 Uurbritlge street, Saturday. Ho
was 91 years old and was said to be
the oldest graduato of the -University of
Doctor Itllil wns born In Philadelphia
and graduated from the University In
1S, receiving the degree' of A.U. and
A.M. Ho received his degree of M.D.
from Jefferson College. Ho was engaged
in active practice for nearly CO years,
retiring from professional life In 1905. He
Is survived by a daughter, Mrs, Henry
Russell AVray, of Colorado Springs, Col.
The funeral will take 'place Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from his late home.
AKCHAMHACLT. Entered Into rest Sat
urday evening, October u, 11113, PHEHCILLA
MNU AHCHAMBAULT. widow of Napoleon
II. Archambault Relatives, and friends are
Imlted to nttend the funeral services, on
Tuesday, 2 p. n( at her late residence, 124t
N. Oith at. Interment private at Odd Fel
lows Cemetery
DAISDKIt Suddenly, at her retddence, 1308
Noith llroad St., on October 10, 1915,
JL'LIA, wife of tho late Charles U. Baeder
and daughter of the Into Charles and
Amanda Thacker. Notke of tho funeral
,. later
M sIAII-KV. On October 8, 1915, ANNA M..
Is. widow of William It. Bailey. Relatives
K'f. ftnrl frl.ti.t. .. 1 ... Vnlk... ll.l. rf.i
- ..., aiaw Hainan liam tll.Mtr, lU,
J I. O. or r A., and Auxiliary, No. 17, to
Pennsylvania Htscrve Cump No. T, are In
vited to attend tho funeral services on Mon
day, at 8 p. m., at her lata residence, 740
Bouth 22d st. Interment private, at Mt.
Morlah Cemetery.
BiB!J9.n.. October 10, 1015, SAMUEL
UAltlt. Notice of funeral will be glwn, from
ms late residence, 4417 Fatrmount ave.
BAItlll, At her late residence, 2821 Drown
at on October 10. HUB, MARIL M., wife
of the late John J. llarth, Due notice of
the funeral will be Riven.
Ur "m-illVrnP," ,c,tober 8. 1915. LILLIAN
PH'-O.ORD. .ylduw of I-ambert J. IloI
J$ "'., 1au8ler of . the late Joseph J'.
and Catherine Mays. ltelatlves and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral services.
on i Tuesday, at 1 80 u. in. precisely, at her
LVk. lll"iS' l?.50 Nrth 11th st. Interment
private at Northwood Cemetery,
tfuv2f 8uaunVv on October 0. 1915.
Si ."T.V- " at Joh nd ilargaiet (nea
i il7! ' e""""' "! '3 years. Itelatlires
ii 'J,?.,ld".' nl, " Simeon's Sunday School
and 5,h Urade II of Simon Mulr 1'ublio
thool are Invited to attend the funeral, un
'"Bd'l a' - P. nr. from the residence
i Iki ?' Hu Simeon' Church, Dth st and
,.'ts,'.Ae" al !l K ' m' Precisely. Inter
Si ' ii.SrnSoun5 c'cne'ery. Itemalns may
oe viewed on Tuesday evening,
BPT"-rrS.n 0'r, 0. 1015. ELIS5A
Fa.5"lnW,lllOW f, U,e ,a'8 Ulrsaes lllaker,
Wn4i, ,i?!ar?' Du1 no,lr.e o' Ihel funeral
In .i K :v". 'iS"V "'" Si"'". . l"er son
... - a.w it-iuvuvw ui uitr tun
John LVOUB. 2(1.111 Vnrt). lTtt.
In rtthK fa mtK smum..
in,, v. :.-"-..: ' ."'" yvr' A..
frienn. Vi. . v .." . ,"a- Jieistlveii and
tricniis, hIm) Y M L. 1 Jlrotharhooit or f.
d0.rkt,,v '"pen and EnginSraeMd Ph U-Sl,Ph'"-u"d
Heading Itetler A.ao.. and tha
uneral Wednesday, at 8 n. m, from th
t?.1id'np." h' !', MU N, 35th it
Ji. f' B'huylkllt lligT, Mass al gt.Brld
it fhurih at B.S0 a. in. Interment Bt.
Mary's ucmeterr. noaborough. "'"rmcnv
WIOJVN On October 0. 1016. JOHN N
husband ol lata Mary J. Drown inea Volav'
W Itelltlvsa T anj frleJdJ, iVo
lbanon Idge, No. T. N W nnn.i VjSt.2
iIo?a,U, l7"dinc "l hr DlT, "ri Mry
CAHl.KKu,nt!r.m!nt '" CemeUrVr
fit" f U LrPu- Notlc. tSJ2?sU
CAUU -On Oetobsr 9. '1810. ANNA n
Wear?' iSSSU.,q' "d "a tali 05.
tuurt Ueneral
iu Yn.Y.,.w f?"Vnl..N ..' I', of A.
srrfi iffr"i..i" ..v ra t
1 S-'oA' irSW.N. J.on T,hlh
Mow they'll
Cv!vlA.5tr2 "cl;r . 1HI. WILLIAM
INCBNT, husband of Cecelia Colgan and
Jun of Mary U. and the late Alfred K Col
rin, iJRed 44 years, ltelatlves and friends.
HL"? Pf,,nJen. I-0"1-. No. 15. 1 and A M
and Alpha Camp. No. ll.ftul. M. W. of A.
of Camden, are Invltnl to attend tho funeral
servient, on Wednesday, at 2 p, m, at his
l?.'.8 ""I'lcnce. 327 Cumberland at., Ulouceater
."' ,N' Interment private, at Kvergrean
Cemetery. Camden. N. J. Itemalns may be
viewed on Tueaday, between 7 (ind 10 p. m.
C!,M,KT,ON;Ti.,,'iU"bur,:h' ,'n- n October
V.?8lB AWMl "co Coverdlll). widow of
William 11. Compton. ltelatlves and rrlenda
are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Tuesday, nt 2 P. m., from tho residence of
William Coverdlll, 4l7 Chestnut St.. Darbs.
Pa. Itemalns may bo viewed Monday even
ing between 7 and l o'clock. The services
of EIslo tlobtkah Lodgo .104. Monday evening
at H o'clock. Interment private.
CONXKI.L On October 0. 1015, MAIl
(JAUET CONNELL, wife of Joseph Connell
and mother or tho lato Michael Connell, aged
57 rara. Helatlvra and friends are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at N'lO
a. m.. from her l.vto residence, 2700 c st
Solemn High Mass at tho Visitation Church
at 10 a. in. Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme
tery. CHKSHE. On October 0. 1915. MAIIT H.
widow of Benjamin 8. Cresse, aged 81 years
ltelatlves and friends are Invited to attend
tho funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 11 a m.
at the Cold Spring Presbyterian Church, Cold
Snrlnst, N. J. Itemalns may be viewed on
Mond.iv evening, nt 441 Chambers we., Cam
den. N ,1.
Cl'NNIMIIIAM. On October R. 1015, MAR
OAUKT CUNNINGHAM, wife or Michael
Cunningham, aged 05 years, ltelatlves and
'rlcnds are Invited to attend funeral, on
Tuesday, at M.;to a. m trom her lalo resi
dence. 132:1 Carpenter st. Rolemn Mass of
iicquipm ni nt. iciesas cnurcli at 10 a. m.
creclsely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery
DAVIS. On October 10. 1015, MINNIE Q.,
wire or Hurry Davis and daughter of the Into
Peter and Kllzabetr Campbell. Duo notice
or tho runeral will be given, from her late
residence, 2318 V. Cumberland st.
Down. On October 8. 1015, MARTHA,
widow of David Donb. ltelatlves and friends
oro Invited to attend the runeral services on
Tuesday, at 2 p. m. preclaely. at sort I'erklo
mrn st. Interment prlvuto. Klmlly ondt
flowers. Itemalns may bo viewed Monday, be
tween t and 0 p. in. Automobile service.
DOWLIMi. At his residence, 1002 Mont
gomery ave., on October It, 1015, FltANK I'
huhlinnd of Henrietta Doullng. ltelatlves
and friends, also Welcome Lodge, No. 451, F.
and A. M . and Philadelphia Lodge, No. a,
II. I. O. i: are invited to atttnd the funeral
services, Tuesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at
tho apartments of Oliver II. Hair, ISL'O
Chestnut st Interment at Mount Morion
Cemcter'. Automobile funeral.
DKLSS. On October 10. 1015. ANTHONY,
busland of Saiah I". Dress, aged Gil veara.
ltelatlves Bnd friends, also employes of
Henry Dtsston &. Bonn, aro Invited to attend
funeral servlcts, on Tuesday, at 8 p. m., at
bis lato residence, 0817 Edmund St.. Tacony.
Headline friends may view remains nt the
Charles Evans Cemetery Chapel, Reading,
Pa., on Wednesday at 12 m.
DCNI.AIV On October 8, 1015. ELLA J .
daughter of John and the lato Kllen Dunlap.
Relatives and friends, also Hcllman Council,
No. 140, li. of L.. and Northwest Deputies'
Association, are Invited to attend tho funeril.
on Tuesday, at 2 p. in., from the residence
of her father, 3t0i) Westmoreland st.. Falls
of Schuviklll. Interment at North Laurel
Hill Cemetery. Friends may view remains
Monday, after 7 P. m.
ENDY. On October 8, 1015, DANIEL OIL
lliiltT, husband of Irene Scfiell Endy. Itola
tivea and Irlenda nro Invited to attend the
funeral, on Tuisday. at 8.30 a. in., from his
Into residence, 3314 N. 10th st. Solemn High
Mass of Requiem at Church of Our Lady of
the Holy Souls nt 10 a. m. Interment prl-
,vate at New Cathedral Cemetery.
l'UKCH. On October 0, 1016, JOHN, hus
bsuu of Kutharlne Freeh (nee Ilulder), aged
44 years. Relatives and friends, also mem
bers or Labor Manufacturing Company llene
fUlal Society. Workmen' Sick andv Death
ilcnetlt Fund, Herman Machinist lleheflclal
Society and Falrmount Ltedertofel, are In
vited to attend the funeral, Wednesday at 2
p. n. from 2700 Cambridge st. Interment at
Ureenmount Cemetery. Itemalns may bt
'viewed Tuesday, after 7 p. m,
1'I.OOD. On October 10, 1015, MARY
FLOOD, Relatives and friends, also Altar
Society of the Church of the Nativity, are
Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday,
at 8.30 a. m. from his late residence, 913
Almond st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the
Church of tho Nativity at 10 a. m. Inter
ment at St. Ann's Ccmotery,
FLOOD. On October 0. 1015. SARAH ANNA.
wifo of John E. Flood, In her 07th year.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m..
at her late residence, (1233 Catharine st.
Interment it Arlington Cemetery, Remains
may be viewed on Monday, from 8 to 10 p. m,
THICK. On October 8, 1915, QEOIIOE W
husband of Matilda Frlck, Relatives and
frionds, also (liberal W. F. Hancock Coun
cil, No. MH. O. of 1, A.; 42d Ward Repub
1 1 tun Club (6th st. and Allegheny ave.), and
Rising Sun Social, are Invited to attend the
funerul, on Tuesday afternoon, at 0 o'clock,
fiom his late tesldtnce, 1123 West Tioga St.
Interment strictly private, at Mt. Vernon
Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Mon
day evening at R o'clock.
1'IIITX. On October 0, 1916, REQINA
F1UTZ. daughter of tho late Adam and Eva
Fritz. Tho relatives and friends of the fam
ily arc Invited to attend the funeral, on
Wednesday morning, at 8.30 o'clock, from
the residence of her sister. No. 2123 North
Dover St., near 20th and Diamond sts.
Solemn High Mass In the Church of the
Mntt Precious lllnod, at 10 o'clock precisely.
Interment private.
GRAH. At Riverside, N. J., on October 9.
1U13. MARTHA M. (nee Dewson), wife of
Conrad Oiab. Relatives and friends are In
.vlld to attend the funeral services, on Wed
nesday atternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her hus.
bund's residence 131 I'alrvtew at , Riverside,
N J. Internum at Monument Cemetery,
lleverly, N. J
GIIEEN- At her residence, 2223 South Ran
oroft St., on October 9, 1015, MARGARET,
wire of John A. Ureen, In her S4tli vear.
Relatives and friends aro invited to attend
runeral services, on Tuesday, at U..TO a. m ,
at St. Michael's Chapel, 10th and Lombard
sts. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery
Friends may view remains Monday evening.
GUHNKNMYKIt. On October 8. 1915. at his
rrsldince, 0150 Chestnut St.. WALTER J
husband of Mary A. Oiissenmyer (nee Mona
lian) Relatives and friend art Invited to
attend High Mass at the Church of Our
Lady of the Rosary, on Tuesday, at 10 a. m.
Interment private
HAMILTON On October 8, 1015, MARGA
RET M., wife of James Hamilton. Relatives
and friends aie Invited to attend the fu
neral, on Tuesday, at 2 p. in., from her late
residence, 313 llarrett ave., Audubon, N. J,
Interment at Harleigh Cemetery.
IIARRIHON. Suddenly, on October 0, 1916,
KRM5ST J HARRISON, of 1402 N 30th st
Relative and friends and members of the
l'aschel Reneflclal Society aro invited to
attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at
2 p. in-, at the apartments of Oliver II. Ralr,
1820 Chestnut at. Interment at Fernwood
IIEAIIN. At Berlin N J , on Oetober 0,
1K15. MARY MARGARET, widow of Captain
Thomas llturn. Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral servioas, on
Tuesday, at 11 a. in., at the Port Norrls
lUptlst Church. Interment at Port Norrls
Cemetery. N, J.
HENDERSON. On October 10, 1618. JESSE
1', HENDERSON. Relative and friends,
also Williamson Lodge. No. SG9. V and A.
M. . Vulcan Assembly of Philadelphia, Mel
ville (larrlson. No, 120, A- and N. U,, and
Isaao C. Underdown Assembly, No. 35, A.
O. M. P.. are Invited to attend the funeral
services on Wednesday afternoon, at 2
n'tloek, at his lata residence i N-irlh
Sydenham at Interment private at Soldiers'
National Cemetery. . . .
IIIIIHS.-Oii October . 181S, KldMALINB,
widow of Joseph b, lllbbs. Relatives and
friends are invited to attend the funsral serv
Ins. at her late residence, prar tlleii Ijks
Station. Hucks Cojnty. Pa., on Tuesday, at
11 a ni. Train for (lien Lake Station leave
Reading Terminal at U IT . ro. and Trenton
at Ci nt. Inttrmtlit It DChwood Cenia-
MfeBH- Qitttir 0, . WILLIAM,
husband of Rose F. llpdgtk, fd ai years.
Du notks of 1h funeral will be given (rem
iiu late residence. 8435 JJorth 19lh t.
HORN.- -Hudonly. en October o, jjia, MAnr
V. HORN wife ef Iwrle W. Hum. aged 74
)Cuis. Relative nd friends also member
nt U" Red ('res of Philadelphia, are Invited
to attend the f""' ' iwrtlcas, on Tnesd
t j p. ro , at the residents of her son,
t liar Ire I. llnrn, HOOT Well Field ave Cam
dee. N. J, Interment prtvats, lieiualo rosy
N v lowed Monday vU-f
Copyright 1918, F W Kembl
Knows us as
Am rejoiced)
lENNINOS. On October 8, 1916. THOMAS,
son of the 'ate Samuel and Phoebe Jennings,
In his 04th year. Relatives and friends, also
mmbcrs of Local No. 7. A. F. of M. : Phlla.
Muakal Asso., and Phlla Lodge. No. 31.
I O o. M., aro lnvllcd to nttend funeral
servlc-s. on Tuesday, nt 1 p. ni.. at imrlors
of Mrs. Otto Ilurbeck, 1011 N. 4th st. Inter
ment private, Fernwood Cemetery. Friends
may call on Monday, from 7 until 0 p. m.
KEMHI.EIt. On October 10, 1016, MARY T,
vtlie of William M. Kestler and daughter
or the late James and Catherine Mullen.
Relatives and frlend ate Invited to nttend
tho runeral, on Thursday morning, at 8 30
o'clock, from her lato residence, 1730 North
Lambert st High Mass nt St. Elisabeth's
Church at 10 o'clock. Interment nt Holy
Cross Cemetery
KIHI.V. On October 8, 1915, CATHARINE,
laughter of Edvvnrd and the late Annio
Mely. Relatlvea and trlinds. also the ein
ployes of tho General Processing Co., are In
vited to attenrt funeral, on Tuesdny, at S .'Hi
a. m., from her late residence, 3148 Cedar
st.. 25th Ward Solemn Requiem Mass at the
cnureh of the Nativity H. V. M. nt 10 a. m.
Interment a. Holy Cross Cemetery.
KIM III.!:. On October 9, 1015, MARY- A.
KIMIILE, wire of Miller Kimble (nea Cad
dcn). Relatives and friends aro Invited to
attend funeral, on Tuesday, nt 7.30 a. m..
from th resldenco of her brother-in-law,
James Humphreys, 2131 Jefferson st. Solemn
High Muss at St Elizabeth's Church nt I)
a m. Internum nt Holy Cross Cemetery
KINO -On October 8, 1915. FRANK
KINO. Relatives and friends and all or
ganizations to which ha was attached are
invited tp attend the funeral services, on
Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his late
residence, 2557 E Clearfield st. Friends may
view tho body on Tuesday evening. Inter
ment at North Cedar Hill
KROi;.SE. On October 10, 1913, WILLIAM
II , husband of Annie M. Krouse nnd son of
the late Captain William and Magdalene
Kroune. Relatives and friends, also all soci
eties of which he was a member, are Invited
to nttend tho funeral services, on Wednes
day, at 2 p. m.. nt his late residence, 122
Noble st. Interment prlvnte, at Ureenmount
l.E FEVER Suddenly, nt Paradise, Lancas
ter County. Pa., October 8, NATHANIEL
J LI! FEVER,aged 02 years. Relatives and
friends of tho family nro Invited to nttend
funeral services, at Paradise Presbyterian
Church, on Tuesday, at 2.30 p. m. Inter
ment In adjoining cemetery.
I.OGI'K. On October 0. 1915. MARIE
LOUTJE, daughter of tho late John J, ana
Catharii.e Lngue. Relatives and friends aro
Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, nt
8:30 a. m., from her late residence, 2220 Car
penter street. Solemn Requiem Mas at St.
Charles Church, at 10 a. m. Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery
LIKENS. On October 10 1913, at his late
residence, 1331 Marlborough st , UENJAMIN,
hueband or Johanna Lukens. Due notice of
the funeral will be given.
LYNCH. On October 7, 1015, EMMA IDA,
wife of Thomas It, Lynch and tlnuahtcr of
the late Frank nnd Catharine Schwelzer.
Relatives and friends are tnvlted to attend
the funeral services, on Tuesday nt 1M0
p. m., at her late residence, 3167 North nth
st. Remains may bn viewed on Monday eve
ning. Interment private.
McCUI.LKY. On October 0, 1918, SARAH,
wife of John J. McCulley. Relatives and
(rlenda. also the Altar and Rosary Societies,
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday,
at 8:30 a. m from her late residence. 1617
Point Rreeze ave. Solemn High Requiem
Mass at St. Ddmond' Church at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
McEI.KOY. On October 7, 1015. LUCT E
wife of Matthew R. McElroy. Relatives and
ftlends are Invited to attend the funorai. on
Tuesday, at 8 'to a. in., from her husband's
residence, 114 N. 54th st. Solemn Requiem
Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Victory,
at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme
tery. Mc1I1:NUY. On October 10, 1916. KLLEN
McHIiNRY. Relative and friends, also H
V. M Sodality of the Immaculate Concep
tion Church, aro Invited to attend the funeral
on Wednesday, at 8.IO a. ni . from her late
residence, 5322 Spraguo ave., (Jennantown
Solemn Requiem Mass at the Immaculate
conception Church, at 10 a, m. Interment
at New Cathedral Cemetery.
MetuVVI.KTV. On October 9, 1916. LUCY
CECELIA, wire of Alexander McLaverty
ltelatlves und friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8.30 n. m
from her late residence, 782 North 20th st
Solemn High Requiem Mass at St. Francis
Xuvler's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at
Old Cathedral Cemetery.
Mc.SIIKKKY. On October T, 1915, SUSAN,
wife of the iate Edward McSherry. Relatives
ana inenus, u, v. ai, ooubiiix, Attar society,
Veronica League and Icague of the Sacred
Heart of St, Malachy's church, are Invited
to attend funeral, on Tuesday morning, at
8'30 o'clock, from ber late residence, 1018
Master st. Solemn High Requiem Mass at
St. Malachy's church at 10 o'clock. Inter
ment Holy Cross Cemetery,
MILL. On October T, 1015, JACOB II, MILL,
husband of Matilda Mill (nee Fritz), aged 41
tears. Due notice of the funeral will be
given, front his late residence, 20.10 South
10th t.
MITCHI.I.1-- At Colmar, Pa., on October 8.
pjlS. CHARLES EDWARD, husband of jjer-th-v
H. Mitchell (nee Shade), aged 63 years
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral, from his late residence, at Col
mar. on Tuesday, at 2.30 p. m. Services at
Montgomery Baptist Church, at 3 p. m. Taks
1 02 train at Reading Terminal. Interment
ut Montgomery liaptlst Cemetery.
MOLKTON. At Atlantic City, on October 9.
1015. NELLIE MOLETON. wife of Charles
Molcton and darghter of Emma (1. and the
lato Ueorgn Walters, aged 38 jcars. Rela
tives and friends aie Invited to nttend the
runeral rervlces, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m.,
from her late residence. No 1113 South 2d
st Interment private at Westminster Corne
ll ry. Remains may be viewed Tueaday eve
ning. NUGENT. On October 10, 1915, HRIDQET
A., wife of Jamea II. Nugent Relatives and
friends, also St. Gabriel s 11, V. M. Sodality,
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes
day, at 8..I0 a, m., from htr late residence,
154a South Ilambrey st (2tllh and Taskeri.
Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St
(labilrr Church, at 10 a ni. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery.
VICKpr. On October 0, 1915, CHARLES R.,
eon of Elizabeth A, and the late John Piokup,
sued Ss yeare. Relatives and friends, also
the member of Gratltudo Counoil, No. OS'.',
F P. A , Oxford Lodge. No. 14. I. O, O, F.:
the Diamond Wheelmen and the employe of
Frankford Arsenal, are Invited to nttend the
funeral service, on Wednesday at 2 p. in.,
at his late residence, 1410 Adam ave.,
Frankford, Interment at Oakland Cemetery
P1IKNDEKUAHT. Suddenly, on October 0.
HARTLEY, husband of the late Delia Pren
dergaat (nee Murphy). Relative and friends,
also employes ef the Atlantic Refining Co.,
are invited to attend the funeral, on Wed
nesday, at 8.30 a. m., from the residence of
his daughter. Mrs, Anthony O'llrlen. JetKi
Tulip st Solemn High Mass of Requiem
at St. Ann's Church, at 10 o'clock. Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery,
ritlClM At Rig Stone aap, Virginia, on Oc
l Id. infant daughter of Clara II. and Harry
H. Price. Jr.i d H months.
(jTIKN. Suddenly, on Oetober 8. 1016. n.
RUTTA qUINN, formerly ot Ulraidvllle,
l'u. Relatives and friends, also the Sodality
of the Ulessed Virgin Mary and the League
or tho Sacred Heart of St. . Colutnba'a
on Wednesday, t 8j30 a. nt., from her, late
residence. 3113 W. Cumberland at. Solemn
Requiem Mass at hi. i:oiumi.a's church, at
10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme
tery. ItlllL On Oetober 10 1910, HENRY
WASHINGTON WW. M. 33.. In lit Jd
year. Funeral service at hi 1st residence,
(1120 Surbrldge St.. Oermantown, Wednesday,
October 13, at 4 p. m. Interment prltats.
Kindly omit flowers.
bCHNAIIKL After a long Illness, on Oc.
tuber H, 1919, OTTO, husband of Emilia
Bihnabel (nee Hcrder),son of the late Edward
and Emm Btnnabe! Relatives and friends
are invited to nttend the funeral services, en
Tuesday at 2 p ni.. at his late residence,
18.15 North Catuao st. Interment private, at
Mount Vernon Cemetery Remain may I
viewed on Monday evening. -
SILLMAN. On October 8. 1916, MATTHEW
V husband ef alary (Hitman (nee Wallers).
ReUtlve and friend, also Oriental Iodga.
No 889. F and A M Bvhnell Uensll.lal
Society Ontario Raneflrtal Society and em
clove of N Snellenburg & Co are Invited
la Attend funeral on Tuesday at 2 v oi
from hi late reslden. IKO Vest Hunting
don al Interment at Hillside cemetery by
runeral car,
'S 1 CiPB II? lJT UA5 CrnnAe I troe -t-ii.V I ' ,'wr"
irrviy c-C "::..' 1 tCV
SMITH. On October li. 1915. MARY A.,
widow; of Horace Smith. ltelatlves and
frlinds am Invited to attend the runeral
service on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock
Ijtedse.y, at her late lealueurc, 177 West
Kevmour st , (leimantown. Interment pri
vate. STEER. On October 10, 1913. WILLIAM II.
nil.lill, ton of Carrie . and the late Robert
li. hteer and grandson or Rabeceu and the
late Samuel It. I'avne ai-d 21 veers. Reia
:... nl"'. friends, also members or Paine
Point Social, II. C Stone Men's Club and
uni,lojes of Philadelphia Lire Insurance
Company or PI lladelMUa, no invited to nt
tend the luneral services. Wednesday evening,
at Kit) i.eloik nt the tesldtnce of his
tnotner, 810 Howard hi , Camden, N. J.
Services also on Thursday at 2 p m , nt
sumo address. Interment at Arlington Ccme
tery HTllICKI.EII- On October R. 1015. HESTER,
widow of ('liarloB Stikkler, In her 04lh )ear.
Relatives nnd friends aie Invited to nttend
the funeial services, on Wednesday, at 2:30
p. m.. at her late residence, 20S.1 Margaret
St., Frankrord. Remains mav bo viewed
Tuesday c cuing. Interment private.
THORNTON. At rest, on October 0. 1915,
JOHN T., son of James and Mary J. Thorn
tin. Relatives and friends nre Invited to
attend tho funu.il services, on Tuesday, nt
2:30 p. m ircclaeiv, at the residence of hii
parents, No. aayi M. Allan's place. In
terment it Miunt Morlah Cemetery. Friends
may call Monday evening trum S to 10
o' cluck
TRIERELH. Suddenly, on October 8. 1915,
'JHAItl.ES II. It., nm of Peter W. and the
late Isabella Trlebels, In hlx 38th venr. Rela
tives nnd irienrte, ulro Wapasch Tribe. No
520. I. O. R. M : Rainmakers, No. M'lH.
and Willow drove Pirn company, aro In
vited to nttend funeral, Tuesday, at 2 p. m,
from the resident e of his lather, Davlsvllla
road. Willow Grove. Pa. Interment at Hat
tioro Cemetery.
Tl'RNER. On October II. 1915, FLORENCE
J.. Bister of Emily P. Gaston and daughter
of tho late Robert and Jano U'aggstaff Tur
ner. Friends aro Invited to attend tho fu
neral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m,,
at her into residence, 4301 Walnut at. Inter
ment private.
WKSI.KY. At her residence. 4017 Spring
Harden st.. on October 10, 1913, SARAH J ,
wire of John S. Wesley. Notice of funeral
VtHITE. On October 10. 1015, MARY J.,
widow of the late Moses White, aged 73
years. Relatives mid frlenda aro Invited to
uttend the lumral services, on Tuesday after
noon, at 2 o'clock, from the residence or her
son. William M. White, 303 Hroadway, Cam
den, N. J. Intcrrrent prlvnte at Arlington
cemetery. Rcmnlns may be viewed Monday
WIN8I.OW. On October 0, 1915, JOHN
WINSLOW, In the 67th ear of his age.
Relatives and friends, also Hamilton Lodge,
No. 274. F. and A. M. Oriental It. A. Chap
ter, No. 183; Assembly No. 18. Artisans Or
der of Mutual Protection. Tabor llenellclal
As'oelttlon, Master Plumbers' Association
and all other orgnnlratlons of which ho was
a member, are Invited to attend the funeral
Bcrvlces, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at his
into residence. 837 S. Cecil st. (57th nnd Ral
tlmoro ave.). Interment nt Mount Morlah
Cemeterj. Remains can be viewed on Tues
day, between 7 and 9 p. m.
WOOD. At Hooslrk Tails, N. T , on Oc
tober 8, 1915, WALTER A. WOOD, Jr., in
the 45th year of his age. Funeral private.
Please .omit flowers..
This STYLE TYPE (or like this)
One time , ,,,,, 16e.
Three time one week 12Kc
Six times one week 10c
Situations Wanted, three times one week 10
cent per line.
Place your order for three or
more times and It will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rate for Etshino Lsoaii
and Pdbuo Lidukb combined Is 19 cent per
line with the exception of Help Wanted and
bltuatlon Wanted, which la 15 cent per line.
TYPO LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Is permitted in all classifications ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and
Found, Pergonals, Hoarding and Rooms, add
There is a drup; store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
TO MOSES It. UYRD, Anna Hill, Florence
Wood, Mrs. A. C. Fatterall, Mrs. Knthrlne
Davis, Mrs. J. Heffermaii, you are heieby
not I fie J that there are due U, It. Lenhert,
trading as Monarch Storage Company, at
3870 Lancaster ave., Phlla., storage charge on
household goods stored by lou and thst de
mand was duly made for payment, and nit
having paid said charges said property will be
sold at the auction rooms of Samuel T. Free
man & Co., 1519 Chestnut st , Philadelphia,
oil October 20th and 21at, sale to begin at
10 o'cloik a. m. And to Mary F. Keely,
Mr. K. Raker, Mrs. Anna Pullet. Mr. Ed
win Clinch, 27th and 28th, 1916. Sale to be
gin at 10 o'clock a. in.
AFTER THIS DATE I will not be reponslble
for any debt utiles contracted by my
self. Daniel Heslor.
RAPHURH seeking rawltlan will receive val
uable Information and exceptionally helpful
8BRVICK uy oonaultlng "Miss Dean,'' Led
gar Central, by ieronl Interview or let
ter. 8he will aid ou with your ad, Hat
tour qualifications In the COMMKKCiAL
DEPARTMENT and use every effort to lo.
rate a position for you. During- the month
of September
through this HHRVICI3. widen I free to
Ledger Advertiser.
ClIAMlTrJltMAlD and waitress combined, ex
perienced; good references required. Phone
Merchantville 51, or call tlOd E, Maple ave..
Monday, 10 to a u'clotk.
cTSTll WnXVlfRS wonted. Apply JomTS
James Dobson. Inc.. Blanket Mill. Scott'
lane, Falls of Schuylkill.
COOk 'and ithanibermald and " waitress-Two
girl, sisters or friends, Wilmington. M 703,
Ledger Office.
COOIt Wanted, white 1 references requlreufi
smalt adult family 0407 Wayne ave.
COOK, tfp-Htate woman, capable and' caper-
enoed. it 7V1. 1-edger Ortlce
D1(B8MAKEH wants tailor on French seats,
Apply 1617 Spruce at
OIRL3 (two), white, experienced, good refer
ences, tor eutlre w ork of hume for small fam
ily, suburbs M 719, Ledger OKice.
QIRLti Young girla wanted, over ill years el
age. to learn examining. Thomas Buck Ho
siery I'jinpany Jaaper and York,
HbdIKIlY Looper and "mender wanted on
whit work Thomas Dm k Hosiery Co. Jaa
per and York
HOSIERY Traiiefer topper wanted on J.i
gauge fashioned wot Thomas Ruck Hosiery
Co., Jasper and York,
i. u.r n - x. rwoRiMiiMc, i i vv-arr
) A- r v ' r- z 1 l(r',,nv
m i
. ....,, ,M ouicnciv CftLLED FOR THE COOK
J I m I. M 1U r-l E W-t --1 tf . nMnM M&. I I'
- - - ' -" !- i'iii iia -r--i i i rirLi-r
HorSEWOKK -Girl for general housework,
downstairs work and cooking, also to assist
with washing nnd Ironing: go to Jenklnlown.
Call 9 to 11, 15IOGlrard ave.
HOWrtrWORKloirl wanted for general house!
work; Protestant, good ref. , exptr : per
vveek.Ph. Ardmore 903, Tuesdny morning.
HOUSEWORK, gen.; small fam. ; good wages";
mshojixiiroojrcfsreo;. 2513 S. 21st st.
NI'RHERY GOVERNESS or Thlldnurse."" with
het ief vv anted for 3 children. Apply 232,1
Spruce St.. Monday morning nrter In.
SEAMST1U3SS. Protestant capable assist light
du t lea : re r.A dd li Whelen.Torresda le. Ph I la .
SPOOLERS and cop winders, extier.. wanted.
Apply John A- James Dobson, Inc., Rlanket
Mills, Scott's lane. Falls of Schulklll.
WAITING Wanted, colored girl for downstairs
work, must sleep in; reference required.
Apply Monday, between 10 and 12, 8. n.
corner 22d and Pine sts
WAITRESS, romp., Prot.. wanted, 2 days a
week elmmbcrwork. Call Chestnut If 111 1752
W at once.
WAITRESS, with best reference. Apply 2029
Wslnut st.
WANTED A girl as chamliermnld and seam
stiess; no washing and Ironing; city refer
ences required. Apply, before 11, 1510 Gl
ard ave.
WEAVERS Wanted, exp. weavers an nnrrnw
Knnwles looms. Apply John Mawson Ilalr
t!oth Co.. Kensington and Olenwood nve
grown daughter acceptable; capable and ex
perienced; family nf two in suburbs: highest
reference required. E 741. Ledger Central.
INCREASE vour husband's income A large
firm can offer nil unusual opportunity. E 0IR,
ledger Central.
ADVERTISING distributers, men wlthTxpcrT
encn. Apply tl.30 a. m.. Monday 20U N
Front st.
BOY with grammar or high school education
Is wanted by Chestnut street corporation for
clerical work In Its advertising department.
ddress In own handwriting, stating age and
nearest telephone number, I, 300. Ledger
CASHIERS for restaurant Wanted, two young
men of good character and ability as cash
iers and cigar sellers for largo restaurant,
stnto ago and employers' references, which
will be strictly investigated; good salary,
permanent position and no Sunday work.
I, lit, ijTUKCf riiirai.
CHASER, must be experienced on brass rat
tern ana repair work Apply 427 N. llroad st.
CHAUFFEUR Competent white chauffeur:
prlvnte family. Oermantown; personal refer
ence required; best wages. Address or apply
before 12 m.. 214 Real Estato Trust llldg.
CHEMISTS Wanted, one or two graduated
chomlste for work In organic chemistry; In
replying state age. experience, education and
salary desired. Address P 719. Ledger Offlce.
Apply John
James Dobson, Inc.. Rlanket
lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
CUTTER and designer of men'n neckwear, ex
perienced! must know the manufacturing end
of the buelness thorpugbly; references. Hop
kins Susp. Mrg.Co., 20 8. Howard at.
FITTERS, steam and hot wafer. Apply 15th
end Llndley ave.. Logan.
UOSfEIlY HELPER -wanted on 33-gaure rull
fashloncd footer. Thomas Ruck Hosiery
i.UHIJts' J Man'ci in 4Uin,
HOSIERY Round framo hands on lace work.
Thomas Duels Hosiery Co.. Jasper and York
HUSTLER owning Ford can make profitable
connection, auto necessities; bright future;
energy not exp. neceeaary. H743, Led. Cent.
IRON RAILING MAKER, alio efrong boy"
wanted, natt N. luthat. '
JANITOR a'nd wife, without children, for apt,
house: must understand hot-water boiler,
sober and Industrious. L 141 Ledger Central.
JUABORERSanted. 3103N. 1 5thst.
PLUMIIEH'S HELPER wanted; must be
strong and
N. 13th at.
come well recommended. 3103
STENOGRAPHER, exper., competent! perma
nent pos.: sawmill. South. I 301. Ledger Off.
Toolmakers Experienced men for bench
work on Jigs and fixtures,
Lathe Hands Must have experience on tool
W'ork and be accurate worker.
Milling Machine Hands Must have experi
ence on tool work, ability to work close.
Instrument Makers Exceptional ability In
mochanlcal line for all-around experimental
work on electrical appliances; experience
must include bench, latbe and milling rjiJ
ihlne work.
Factory working 48 hours a week. No labor
State age, nationality, experience, what po
sition best fitted for and wage wanted to
P. O. Uox V, Plalnfleld, N. J.
WANThJD Hxpetleneed elothing salesmen.
I'HRHV & CO,, 10th and Chestnut sts
WEAVSSiS Vv anted, exp. weaver on narrow
Knowles looms. Apply John Mawson Hulr
elnth Co , Kensington and Olenwood ayes.
YOUNG MAN, about 16 years nf age, wanted
at once for clerical work In large publishing
eompuny: state full detail a to age, educa
tion, experience, references, etc., in our
letter and, also give telephone number where
ou may be reached thte morning. P 781,
Ledger Office.
YOUNO MAN wanted at soda fountain) must
have reference, 1020 Chestnut st,
CHAMBERMAID or-companlon"exp., " wisTfes
situation! sal. 17. Call or writ 50 N. Stltti at.
C'flAMUERMAID and waitress, experienced,
references. Call lMt) Ilrown St.
ClilLDNURSE or chamberwork and waiting)
exp. colored girl : illy pref. Ph. ltn. 1212J.
COOK, chambermaid, kltchenmald, can he seen
at present afldrwa Monday and Tuesday be
tween 10 and 12. excellent reference. 212J
Spruce at.
COOK Middle-aged colored woman, good plain
cook, small fam., will wash. 20S1 Turner St.
COOK, flrst class, German Protestant, wishes
pftailtan. reference. 2600 N. Warnock st.
COOiC, experienced) city or suburb; good ref
erences. M 710. Ledger Office.
COOK, flrst class, no" washing; good VeferenceT
4270 Viola st.
fillBBSMAKL'R-Exp. young 8cotohglrl: ref.":
rood.; dty engagements, M 732, Ledger Office.
DRESSMAKER, French, wishes eng'ts for la
dies and children. 2110 Dainbrldge t. Phone.
aiRL want place chambermaid or wait
ress; good references. Mn Line preferred,
Phone Ilryn Mawr. Hii D.
OIliC colored, wants liouaework or "day' a
work Writ or tall. 1U27 Halr.brldge st.
HlllLS (2), chambermaid and waitress, wish
situations. 1818 De Lauceyjdace
URa'DI'ATE NlltHL desires position In dot
tor's offle, offlce and hospital exp,, best ref.
ddre Mis l 1113 Euclid sve . J
VioDfeLKLEPKR. worklng7 settled Genns'iT
ProtMtsut elderly couple or gentleman, M
71U 1-odetr Office
OySlJKEEl'ER. working no washing, ama'li
11 raniiyeiiy ai 701 logger uinte.
BW(5itK Settled white "woman f launlrv
II mu ismuy av is ioger LKiice.
iTADV of exM'utt ability seven years in
handling deartment of account, supervising
help tor department store doing quarter mil
lion "oiiars open for position aiter January
j new wmi live conoeril uiga'tae r1
r HI. Uttt Offlce.
ll! 1915.
MOT1IRIV8 HEt.PLR-Reflned oung
Protestant, reference. I. 4114, .edger
NURHE or nursery governess. Swiss, able to
teach foreign languages! exp., best refer
ences O80 B. Woodlswn ate, GrrmantoAii.
NI'ltHE, graduate, for maternity cases or chll
dten's diseases. M 72. Ledger Office
SECRETARY Young woman. Normal School
and buslnees college graduate, wishes secrc
tnrlil or steregraphle position with life In
surance company or broker, thorough knowl
edge of this work, Is now employed, but
management If changing hands; desires per
manent position with opportunity for ad-
v ancrmeiu . beat of ler. D 112. ld. orflce.
HTENOORAPHIiR, competent nnd accurate;
would consider moderate salary with oppor
t unllv refcrei.ee P CIS. Ledger Office.
T-TOUING -Oermsn, French, lMin, KnglTsh!
muslc, cldld'njv spoc'ty refs, D 22, Led Off.
ISITINO GOVFRNESS-Kducated yoiinjTisdy
desires primary teaching for .'I hours dally,
svburbs or city. L 401. Ledger Office.
YOUNG WOMAN. REFINED, well educated,
mu.iical and embroiderer, experienced and
highly recommended, successful nnd rond or
children, wishes to take charge of one or two
Between 2 nnd 0 years, or will coach older
backward children, city or country; JM.
.1 754, Ledger Central.
YOt'NO LADY desires to amuse and take care
nf children by the day or hour. Phone
Diamond 31m W after 0 p. m or write
I. L. P.. 1901 N. Park ave., Philadelphia,
l "
YOLNG I, VDY 5 years' experience In all kinds
ef clerical work, assisting bookkeeper, fol
lnwlng up details. J 7CQ, Ledger Central.
JAPANESE rook; wife chambermaid; wish
positions; small family; city or country; best
reference, licit Vine st.
Service Is a Necessity as
well aj a convenience.
PARTMENT at Ledger Central competent,
AGERS and CLERKS of all kinds can be
secured by communicating your requirements
to Miss Denn by letter or phone Walnut
3000. This is a FREE SERVICE to adver
tise and very convenient. Prompt and In
telligent attention will be given to your re
quest. General
GOVERNFSS or companion, engaged, seeks
position; young, competent Swiss lady, know
ing German and French perfectly; some
music. 2033 W. Olrard ave.
WOMEN wanted. Gov. clerks. $70 mo. Phlla.
exams, coming. List position obtained free.
Franklin Ina., Dept. 713 II, Rochester, N. Y.
ACCOUNTANT wishes rets of books to audit
or keen evenings' moderato rales, highest
ciedentlals. D 223. Ledger Office.
BOOKKEEPER. 22. experienced good at
figures, desire position with reliable concern.
BOOKKEEPER. 21, desires position with ad
vaucement; one month's exp.: knowledge
stenography; good refs. K 541, Led. Cent.
BOOKKEEPER, 18, willing and Industrious"
Try me. K 258. Ledger central.
CHAUFFEUR 8 years' exp.; can make own
rejulrs; best ref.; temperate; any car. Ph
Jtn. 1714 W. or II8 E. Cheltenjtye.. Otnl
CHAUFFEUR Married; with a nve-year flrst
class reference from last employer: drive any
make car. K 447. Ledger Centraj.
CHAUFFEUR, white, single, 7caTs'i
total abstainer, unquestionable references'
willing and obliging. D 2rj. Ledger Office.'
CHAUFFEUR Must have work, best refeH
,.. , ... .i.e..,. , .,.,.,. uer central
enees, w yra. op. v nauneur, tj.nu Master St.
CHAUFFEUR. White. Single. 24. 7 vear"V
perlence; best reference. E 348, Ledger Cent
CHAUFFEUR Young man, a years' expTi2
years Inst plare D rn. Ledger Office,
CIRK Young msn, 4 years' ex"periencYin
clerical wotk can operate typewriter, K
I1if, irui , riniai,
DRAUGHTSMAN end designer, with 0 year'
practical experience in structural work, de
slics position best rets. E 460, Led. Cent.
HOUSEMAN. 18; general housework; walFon
lame, rfim nyrum c
MAN, 32, desires position; has executive ex
perience around manufacturing plant, office
shipping room, etc.; wants to learn buslnesa
with a futute. Add. J.B.n.,. 1)10 N. 16th t.
MAN, 30, N years' experience In real estate
business; reliable; convincing talker and cor-
Respondents desires position, D 23GLed. Off,
MAN AND WIFE, colored, cook and butler;
cltyorsuburbs M 728. Ledger Offlce.
PRIVATE" LIBRARIAN to individual forming
K collection of books and prints on a large
scale; purcnuses inaue, indexing ana arrang
ing done; salaryby agreement. P 24, Led. Off.
PURCHASING "AGENT, machine and "engf
neerlng supplies. D 134, Ledger Office.
WAITER, Japanese, general houseworkTTn
mall family; beat ref. leoe. 1U31 Vine st.
Versatile young man, 28, graduate Wharton
School, seven years' business training (now
employed), desires executive or sales position
with a future; salary secondary consideration
until ability la proven. Interview solicited,
ll 452, Ledger Central.
Y'OUNO MANT-STs yeara' bualneaaexpertencei
desires position; will try anything. M 160,
ijwucr central.
Y'OUNO MAN, colored, houseman, butler, eook ;
reference. Stalllngs. 2313 Ellsworth.
JAPANESE butler, valet, wants position;
take care of gentleman, best references. Ad-
dress "11," 308 N 18th sL
COLORED man wishes position as Janitor or
attending fires. 228 N. ISthjst.
JAPANESE wants position, housework; best
references; houseman, Tatney, 308 N, 18th,
MRS. NICHOLLB. 1920 Balnbrldg Bl. has
competent butlers; 2d men cooks. Including
Swedish and Protestant! English and other
waitresses, chambermaids: French, Otrman,
Knglleh governeaaea and lady maid. Infant
nurses. 0 ) cars' ref. 1 German cooks, laun
dresses and chambermaids.
Wanted German butler. English 2d men,
couple additional rooks; girls for chamber,
work, waiting; housemaid for apartments.
Pbone locust 2130.
IIOVVXltD'8 SELECT. 2121 Locust IlutleriT
housemen, cook, chambermaid, chlldnurie,
laundresses, waitresses wanted; reference re
quired. Three girl. Swedish. English or
French cook, chambermaid, waitress, meet
aqy aiuiiuay. -ww ocucs -iou.
ArVIP Attlf VcrMnch Pmlnv n t ....
1538 Christian st Reliable help supplied ani
wanted, all natlonalltiea, Protestant & Calh.
For Kale
deliver mere for the price
than a new car
2814-2323 Market St.. Phlla.
3fiALMEllS.--p.es. tour, car. 30 ll. P.'hJiU.
niuat be sold at once) UIOl Knox 40 II. P.
tai ertp..h a5'tf6is,.,,5Sr
aoiteori ai'to exchanJie 2ss n broad
BAKER brougham. like riew; etpaasenger.
new Ironvlad pxlde, batterl.e; 8050) wtl Uein
onatrate L 142, Ledger Central.
esnri wfflMStim'zz:--'
t. 8. B0WKR8
.v.V.M:mJI.-V.d,., SCF RACK
ic. a:4o-4T w. uroad at,
4 at ,lt-" i'--
fvMIX tOT-I. ruy'
i,i. ruy avi4 vauiiiac. o-raassriBMr.
elertrle lights and starter, good condition.
will aementtraie. r. ooj i.siitx Central,
TlFPMOTIIi! 20 runtloirt. nn "shape, wlh
runabout and reaps body cheap, Call (ler-
tnautown Site.
iADtidAt lull touring ear overTieuleA en
For Sale
PRIVATE owner wishes to sell King car, with
touring car and coupe bodies. 1. 143, Led-
jrer Central.
1911 WHITE TOt-RING, 40 ll. r, 7-passengtr,
good condition.
I. O. MOSER, 218 N. Prcyast.t
REBUILT Packard roadster for sals', can be
seen at garage, Crsmp's Shipyard Kene.3120
11)12- KNOX touring car, also limousine oody.
T. HAI.TON. Allegheny and C st.
UL'ICK, 1915, at sacrifice: run oniy 600 rotlea;
will guarantee. MJ762, Ledger Central.
CADILLAC," ltilC perfect con. anTJustTrevar.
ldshed; romplete equip. N.6cott, 1216 Filbert.
10"0 t HKD AUTOS, every make, from 8150 vi,
Homnn Auto Company 20.1 Nv Broad jst.
DOjf'-pny storsgewhen ou can sell your
car for cash. Frier's. U20 N. Broad,
200 used cars for sale; runabouts, touring and
trucks. 029 N. Broad.
GOOD, clean cars, careful drivers; prompt
service for shopping, dances, funerals, wed
dlncs and pleasure, t- flrst bour, 11.60 suc
ceeding hours; expert repairing. Motor Serv.
Ice Co.. 28 N. 63th st. Phone Belmont B742.
-- . ,lM ' BROAD ST.
. PrWJCB 4232 RACE 188
TO HIRE Brand-new 5-passenger touring
car, with robes, 81 23 hour. Poplar 1017W,
TO HIRF. Limousine. McClement. at W. PhUa.
Oarage. 1123-9 Sanaom at. Belmont 2310.
7 7 7
CYLINDERS r'EBORED, new pistons ana
rings furnished, weldings nnd brazing. II. B.
Underwood & Co.. 1023 Hamilton et., Phil.
Ball and roller hearings, owill-
IAM CO.. 1314 Arch. Phone Walnut S407.
Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices.
Gasoline. 12c. per gallon,
oniM'S. 2:10 North Broad St.
Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suit
To hire and made to order.
NEUBAtlElt, THE TAILOH. 10 N, 9th St.
ueu rnonB. walnut zuis.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed toy electrolysis"
tho only permanent way. Eyebrow arched.
MIS3 SMITH. 40i Keith Bids.
Miss Iloppe, hatrdreaslng and racial massage,
formerly Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith.
Your elx exposure films developed and
printed for 20c. Rogers' Studio, Thur-
mont, mu.
I am a thorough commercial man, can devise
and develop a means to bring to a successful
head any project, from a church organisation
to engineering field, can furnish legitimate
ideas for earning money, so If you have some
money and wish to co-opereje with clean.
live brains arrange for an Interview. J 951.
Ledger Central.
PATENTS Arthur B. Paige, 714 Walnut
Fhlia.. mechanical and electrical engineer:
registered patent attorney; established ber 80
ears; Inventions developed: patent, trade
marks, copyrights secured and litigated any
where; rejected applications prosscuted; pre
llmlnary advice free.
OPTIONEE of rich Jlno leaae, Joplin, wants
few more to Join In taking overs fully devel
oped; 100-ton concentrator; right at Thome
Station, Frisco Railroad; very high-grade
soft dirt: located between Olive-Cherokee and
Ronnie Bell mine: richest nrodueee . A
Westney, 1607 Arch St.
JAMES L. GARFIELD, 10U Chestnut at.
N. B. No charge for listing
A FULLY protected moving picture monopoly
neede Immediate working capital: ground
floor proposition. Allan Turner. Philadelphia.
PICTURE) THEATRE, 83800; earn 8100-8160
weekly, guaranteed; trial; refined patronage,
dally matinee ; sacrifice. P 115, Ledger Off.
ial due 1919: bearlnr 0 ner cent. intra,
make best offer. R.. 3113 Coleman BIdg..Phllsi
OARAUE and machine shop tor rent for heavy
work; garage will hold 25 cars; will aiso rent
storej or accessories. 1018 W. Olrard ave.
VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Patent Aottrney.
Washington, D. C. Writ for descriptive
Thirtieth Tear
N. Holly at. West Phlla.
v ,1.0 t 1 niun, oc iii XAU '
WK REMODEL your old jewelry
lateat designs at factory prices. M
Abrama. 711 Bansora art., Phlla.
HEMSTITCHING, 10 cents , yard, all mate
ErdSSMAKINQ taughti ahortTproxitrcIf. Inex-
Esnslve courses, pattern cut, GOo. Mac
'owell. 807 Denckla Bldg.. 11th and Market
bowling alios 1 easy cavmants. nntlJjM.
JCtBALKK30LLtoNbER tXlvlOOa Aroh.
K..p.?fJ ..if"?-. ."""leboard.
CAJH REOIBTERS, new and seoond-bait te
tal adders as low as ISu, on easy muutia
paymentei all.regieters sold by usYully1sAr.
snieed. The National Cash Register Co.. ft
CisMtnU. it- wrw
DU8KB. nllnr ciintt. Mrc. Ultptu
nfl ntHp. fii.nl,,... m. m I.. ...
ecrlptlon; used, but In fine condlts
vtry cheap, free delivery anvwh...
DESKS, lar
tur Company. 90l-t)ti-14callowiTl ec,
KDIBON niamend-Point Phonerpki Mt
new. This outfit 1 complete wftk t!m
nd will h sold far 83s, payaU 7& wm!
Call or writ. or eJmilitV &?S&2T
largo lllusirated latalpfuts.
Con"r p'hK.ete' -
, "iS5Jl?iiU"l tokt .
J,J?2.l''Ji?n yy'H, J( Marh .
good condition. Apply t rrl, k ,,
den, N J
ilANUK-Mer VMchsnW U
nven, woateheed iay
1 a.
tlaaf BtArl uilv
rearing & .iipplls. Roatto Ci., ? tf'.tR'
BllVH5. pocket, 2d-hedrtbl, repsdring'
supplies. . qirk-Hrd" Mfg. Co., ii2l N. yroisC
B1I.1.IARD, pool, combination, id-hand bougb.iT
told, rented, exch'd. Keafer, 820 Ulram vI