Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 07, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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    -- 1
Idebutante parties main
iMiss Scull Selects Receiving
to Entertain at Luncheon Dinners and
Various Other Affairs
fyx BCULti will give a. tea on Tuesday,
I October 19. from 4 until ( o'clock, In
Honor of their daughter, Mlaa Mar? I
Boult. The receiving party will Include
Minn Sarah sergeant Myers, Miss Mar-
garetta Dixon Myers, Miss S. Uytendala
"Balrd Miss Barbara Mifflin Doyd, Miss
MtryNorrls Cerbonl, Miss Rachel nt
. itr Miss Louise S. Grey, Miss Josephine
c'b. Poster, Miss Christine II, Stock
' ton, Miss Corlnne n. Freeman, Miss
Olivia M. deD. Oaczam, Miss Theodora
K. Mile and Miss Kthel Hastings.
, Later in me season wr, ana Mm, tjcuu
i!l entertain again In honor of tholr
K'daughter, -when the affair will bo a dinner
S dance.
Mm. Robert Emott Hare will give a
("luncheon and musloale at her home,
Egtonyhurst, Strafford, In honor of her
Truest, Mrs. Edwin Buxton, of Trovldence,
fcR I., on Wednesday, October 13.
Byr, and Mrs. James M, Reed, of St.
j DlVld S, gave a uuuiui mih iiiaui. ii, iiuiiui
fet Ml" Virginia Ranson, of Baltlmo.-e.
who Is tne guesi oi -urs. rrcucncn juui-
t. Rmblck at her country home. Road-
iialde Cottage, Devon. Covers were laid
for ten guests, wno inciuaeu r, ana jure.
SAlfred Ilanselt, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman
'm.i-n Drown. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon
r Hutchinson. Mrs. Emblck, Dr. Alexander
! ivk-.m anil Mr. Edmund Trotter.
,, v .,..
Mr. John Wanamaker, Jr., will glvo a
luncheon today at the Huntingdon Valley
Country Club In honor of the bridal party
of Mlv Edwlna Elklns Bruner and Mr.
C A. Hecksher "WctherM. whose wedding
will take place on Saturday at St. James'
Episcopal Church, this city. Mr. Wethcr
U will give an informal dance to the
bridal party this evening, ana jura, wn-
, Ham. Caner Weldersclm, mother of the
v-ij,. ,.,im elvA n ilnnco for ISO trues hi nt
. .enuc, "... - - " --
her home tomorrow evening.
' r , Mr, .Tnhn Woodtaridire Patton.
of 39th and Spruce streets, have sent out
' Invitations for the marriage of their
c.i v.,-.- MU MIMrcd Onuld Patton. to
5Mr. Henry R. Cartwrlght, Jr., on Wed
nesday. October 27, at iz ociock, in uie
Arch Street Presbyterian Church. A
If small reception will follow the ceremony
at the home of the bride's cousin, Miss
Bruen, 122 South 19th street, Philadelphia.
, onrl m. Archibald A. Dlnsmore,
H of 12 West Chclten avenue, havo Issued
taritatlons for a tea, irom a unm 1
A).,Knir An QafitrHnv. Or.tohftr 30. at their
Ahome, In honor of their, daughter, Miss
Dorotny Dinsmorc. iiw ctciift ".,.
..ill L.lMjii Xflaa Hnnliv TMflrthnTn. MlsS
fiJUrtha Shoemaker. Miss Eleanor Baker,
'Miss Margaretta uispnam. juiss ii,iuiso
Orme, of Washington, u. u., wno win oe
Miss Dlnsmore's guest lor several nays;
Miss Sidney Scar, Miss Marjorle Thomas.
Mies Elizabeth Dlnsmore. A dinner nnd
,...,.... nm-v. fnllnwd hv Runner, will
"follow for the receiving party and tho
following guests: miss uoromy ai
iu Mr Arrhlhald A. Dlnsmore. Jr..
Mr. Walter Mellor, Mr. Howard Dunn,
, t.,u.. VtMUn my Alnrrm llAlieinna
C Mr. James De Wolf Perry. Mr. Paul
Sutro, Mr. Charles nama, air. ie uarre
Williams, Mr. jbcod itiegei, or., air. iai
vln Satterfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald
A. Dlnsmore.
A innnl, tournament began yesterday
at the Episcopal Do Lancey School ath
letic crounds. at 2d and Valnut streets.
Brit Is called the fall novice tennis tour
jRnaracnt, and Is being managed by Mr.
Eawara. U. uassara, wno hub wun a, iiaiuo
Jor himself among the younger tennla
players at tne vanous ciuds.
"Miss Caroline Holllngsworth Pomber-
ton, daughter of Mrs. Henry Pemberton.i
Jr., will be guest of honor at a luncheon
to be given today by Mrs. J. Bertram
Llpplncott at her home Melmar, Beth
tyres. There will be 100 guests present
from this and last season's debutante set
Mrs. James Large will give a 5 o'clock
r tea this afternoon at Summercrest, Chest
nut Hill, in honor of her niece. Miss
'Edith Nelson Page, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Wurts Pago. Mrs. Large
will be assisted In receiving by Mrs.
Howard W.urts Page, Mrs. John Lyman
Cox. Mrs. William Wurts Harmar. Miss
' Henrietta Meade Largo. Mrs. Joseph
Harrison. Mrs. Charles P. Fox, Miss
"caran t. u. 1'enrose, on an jiacnei
iMIss Frances W. Scott, Miss Maria
JiThayer Graham. Mlsa Elizabeth W.
;Downs, Mies Caroline Holllngsworth
fPemberton. Mies Hilda Tunis, Miss C.
nEleanor Pepptr, Miss Marlanna W.
LGowen, Miss A. Marjorle Taylor, Miss
fAnne B. Merrick, Miss S. Worthington
Mjtchell, Miss Lydia Taylor, of Prlnce-
. wn.
Mrs. Frederick Chaffee and her young
son, George Keen Chaffee, of Rutland,
Vt, have arrived to be the guests of Mrs.
Chaffee's father. Mr. Horace Keen. In
i Woodbury, N, J., for several weeks.
Mrs. J. P. TruItL who has been at the
iTraymore all summer, has returned to
Philadelphia, where she will occupy her
apartments at the Dellevue-Btraiiora
5ter a short trip.
Mr, and Mrs. John Kendrick Bangs are
iunong the guests at the Traymore.
The Enurnnrv Relief 'B'und. of Jen-
SWeitown, will hold Us regutar meeting at
k residence of Mrs. Henry Mlddleton
hr on Meeting House road, Jenkln
tn, Pa,, on Thursday, October 7, at
M0 o'clock 'til lunch time. The meet-
will continue to be held at Mrs.
few's throughout the winter. Won-
fat work has been accomplished
i jrougn the summer and several hun
H garments) have been ent to the dlf-
IJSfMit Red Cross branches, both in Bnr
, nd France, Many of the younger
ft of Jenktntown are regular attend
, jats at the meetings and are working
mra maKlng bandages for the wounded
Jwrd Lewis, of Washington lane. El
IJm Park, has left for Ogontx School,
Jere she will resume her studies for
The nT stuart IV. Jtoussel, B, A.,
Ci B, D., of Paris, France, will
on "Tne French Huguenots, Al
and the War" at the home of Mr.
Mrs, Alba Boardman Johnson, in
ni, at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Along the Main Line
JDA.VID'g-Jars. H. X. Mulford en-
' . - iv tiwnsv vs -
m avuiue Te4y aftemooru Among
JCrNrt A, TrwUMrf, H. John
L,l" and Mrs. M. R. Ward.
mnirrea H. Btllwell and family
rented their hotwe on Wlnderaere
tta anil ,.(, .nK. .,. - .n,u
klUn'fT. It"" . -?Tl""rv" .v.nf ' "
lJ" " "" wmr jar, piuweii is
f tof research work.
f'1"11 Hrcla Rollnson, who
iA r r""jm ww9 vtntti win wet
TS:. ? Hi J. Patton, has returned
wer heme 1st TotasJo, OI M'a Robin-
"iMwi wm recently an
ted tt tM IH .-- A Kttl-M -
S11 wH ' SIMM .. vo, n
& spring. " wlu W "aee
JV; fii?r..b'f .!!
'i follow t,v . .,. . fL
Party for Tea Mrs. Hare
rlne Halnnafln and Miss Gertrude Brom
ley, of Wayne. Among those present
were Miss Agnes Smalley, Miss Edith
Watts, Mr. Clarence Gordon, Mr. James
Bromley, Mr. Walter Frltx, of Nc York,
and Mr. Canby K. Kutter, of Allen
town, Pa.
RADNOR,-Mrs. F. O. Bennett has gone
to Pittsburgh, where she will Jotn her
sister. Mrs. J. C. Haymaker, and go to
California, where they expect to stay for
threo months.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Drexet Paul are
occupying their now home In Rndnor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Bell have closed
Blythewold. their place In Radnor, and
returned to their home nt 22d and Locust
DBVON.-Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton
Barnes, of West Acres, have been enter
taining Mrs. Robert L. etevens, of Ber
nardsvllle, N. J.
Along the Reading
The Jenklntown Choral has already
started In to make arrangements for
their musical tea which will be held In
the Jenklntown Auditorium In the early
part of November. They will hold their
meotings every Monday afternoon In
October at 2 o'clock In the parish house
of tho Church of Our Saviour, -Jenklntown.
The choral Is being directed by
Mrs. Bessie KUlls Slaugh, and many new
members have been elocted this year.
Owing to 111 health the president, Mrs.
M. O. Smith, has had to resign, nnd Mrs.
John Eccleson, of Tioga. Pa,, has taken
her place.
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gelger, of
Ashbourne, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel B. Landls, also of Ashbourne,
have left on a motor trip through the
Catsklll Monutalns nnd the Adlrondacks,
expecting to be away for several weeks.
Mrs. George T. Mundy and her two
children, Edward Mundy and Charles
Mundy, returned to their home Monday
from Dark Harbor, Me., where they have
been spending the summer. Mr. Mundy,
who has been spending several weeks In
camp nt Plattsburg. N. Y will return
the latter part of this week.
Mrs. Howard R. Levlck will return this
week to Whltewood, her home In Ogontz.
She has been spending tho summer at
Ventnor, N, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles von Stokes, of
Wyncotc, have had as their guest over
the last week-end Dr. Frank Clavey, of
415 Concord avenue, Wilmington, Del.
Doctor Clavey was honor guest at a din
ner Saturday evening given by Mr. and
Mrs. von Stokes at the Bellevue-Strat-ford.
Miss Anna M. Johnson, of 6316 German
town avenue, has returned to her home
from tho Catsklll Mountains.
The Athletic Association of Christ
Church. Tulpehockcn and McCallum
streets, Is planning for a masquerade
party, to be held In tho pariah house on
the evening of Friday, October 29, nt 8
o'clock. There will be all sorts of hls
torlo Halloween amusements. Refresh
ments will be served. Admission will be
by ticket only.
The Valley Green Canoe Club will give
a bal masque at the Belfleld Country
Club Monday evening, November 1. The
committee In charge of affairs are Mr.
Harry MacDonald (chairman), Mr. Her
man G. Kauffman and Mr. Henry H.
Colonel and Mrs. Henry Lee, of 12S
East Price street, returned from a short
trip to Erie, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sauter. of 113
West Nippon street, are receiving con
gratulations on tho birth of a daughter.
Mrs. Washington Van Dusen, of 113
West Washington lane, and her children
have returned from an extended stay In
Miss Beatrice Lucille MacDonald, of
South Philadelphia, will be the guest of
Miss Mary M. McCarthy, of 6121 Baynton
street, for a week.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Walter Wood Ness,
who have been the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Small, of Wayne avenue,
have returned to the barracks at Fortress
Monroe, Va.
Mrs. Charles Henry Volgt, of West
Walnut lane, will close her cottage In
Sea Isle City next week and return to
Germantown for the winter. Mr. Charles
Henry Volgt, Jr., has left for Nazareth,
Pa., to attend school.
Friends of Mrs. Philip Man f re. of 119
West Washington lane, will be glad to
learn that her little son, Philip Mnnfre,
Jr., has recovered from an attack of
Miss Elizabeth A. Keens, of Camden,
N. J., who has been the guest of Miss
Ethel Helena V. O'Reilly, of 104 East
Washington lane, has returned to her
Mr. and Mrs. John CCallahan. former
ly of East Washington lane, have taken
apartments In West Philadelphia, wljere
they will reside permanently.
West Philadelphia
Mr and Mrs. Walter Peterson, who
have been at the Traymore for a num
ber of weeks, have returned to town.
The first meeting of the Bachelor Girls'
Club was held on Tuesday, at the home
of Miss Mabel Luccarenl, 4944 Hazel ave
nue. The members Include Miss Helen
Grant, Miss Dorothy Bumbarger, Miss
Marlon Grant. Miss Beatrice Hawkins,
Miss Mildred Hawkins, Miss Elsa Gross,
Miss Helen Hugo, Miss Mildred Conway.
Mlsa Gladys Maine, Miss Ruth Diamond
and Miss Mary Vogdes.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin English, of 607
South Mth street, entertained this week
in honor of their daughter, Miss Margaret
English. The guests Included Miss Jessie
English, Mr. Dixey English, Mr, Martin
English, Jr., Miss Margaret Sullivan, Mr.
Eugene Sullivan and Miss Ella Glllln.
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Whose marriage took place yesterday in the Wnyland Memorial
Baptist Church. Mrs. Zmk was Miss Edith Green Piper.
Country Fair to Hold a Second Day at Darby on
Saturday Harvest Home Fete on Main Line of
Decided Interest Takes Place October 14
SOCIETY maids and matrons will mo
tor out to Darby again this Saturday
afternoon, when tho Woman's Auxiliary
of St Francis' Country House for Con
valescents will repeat the alphabetical
country fair which was given last Sat
urday In the house.
Nearly nil the booths will be featured
again. The flag raising, the vaude
vlllo show nnd tho Irish cottage life,
withheld last week because of the In
clement weather, will be given this Sat
urday, the first at 3:30 In the afternoon
and the latter every hour throughout the
afternoon. A baby show will also be
another of the Interesting features of
tho afternoon, when children from all
over Delaware County will be among the
youthful contestants.
Whllo the principal shows will be held
after 1 o'clock, followed by afternoon
tea, several of the booths will be ar
ranged on the grounds as corly as 10
o'clock. Among these will be the flower
Btand, where, in a rose-laden bower,
with birds singing in rustic cages. Miss
Marguerlto Eagan and her assistants
will sell all kinds of exquisite flowers
and plants; the little French booth, dec
orated with the arms and tho flags of
France, where Mrs. A. N. Burke and
her aides will exhibit very Parisian nov
elties: tho doll booth, where Miss Daddy
Long Legs and Miss Goose Girl dolls
will vlo with character dolls and wooden
dolls, and the patients' table, where use
ful and fancy articles made by the pa
tients will be sold under the direction
of Miss Brooke and Miss Dean.
Among other Interesting tables will bo
the Red Cross booth, under the direction
of well-known hospital nurses. A nov
elty at this table will have dolls dressed
In the uniforms of all the large hos
pitals. A real little brown paper house with
the cutest of Utile green dcrs that actu
ally open Into the shop and a window
shaded by a black-and-white awning
edged with red fringe forms the garden
shop, where' the lady of tho garden, in
tho person of Mrs. Lytton Patterson,
and her aids will sell all kinds of hand
made baskets fnshloned by an old Vir
ginia darky, and also every conceivable
garden novelty, from little colored racks,
garden buckets, watering pots to those
quaint little colored birds that stuck In
the ground are a help to tie up rose
The baby booth. In charge of Mrs. A.
J. Ball, Mrs. II. Berkley- Hackett and Miss
Rosalia Oliver, promises to attract much
attention. The dearest Httlo hand-made
dresses with Insets of real lace, exquisite
baby eacques, ltttlp quilts and all the
newest that a clever world brings out
each year, In honor of "the baby," will
be exhibited and sold by young matrons
who know the value of each new Idea
whloh will enable baiy to live more com
fortably. They are busy preparing datatlea out In
Berwyn for the wonderful Harvest Hpme
Fete that Is to delight the entire Main
Line on October 14, and the Berwyn table
Is to have no small share In the entertain
ment since at Its graceful board New
England dlsbes dear to the heart of
any one who has been "way down East,"
aro to be dispensed.
One member of the committee Is to
fry fllhballs for consumption at once,
and is also to prepare the same edible
for frying at home, and so noted Is the
matron In the gentle art of flshball fry
ing that a groat many families have
planned to have flshball breakfasts on
tho day after the feto.
Alio a number of baked beans and
brown-bread breakfasts have been ar
ranged for the day after the fete, since
it has been noised about that a member
of the committee who halls from the Hub
has promised a great number of dainty
llttlo pots of beans and a quantity of
loaves of brown bread. Still another
n.ember has promised doughnuts, the
puffy kind, with holes so smnll that they
can bo slipped over one finger as the vis
itor nibbles the edges.
" 'Tls Mlnco nnd 'Taint Mince" pies
havo been promised, while the glasses
of crabapple Jelly that are even now
awaiting purchasers would make any
one's mouth water.
On this committee ore Mrs. William
Paul Morris, Mrs. Charles Aiken, Mrs. J.
P. Lamborn, Miss Margaretta Atkinson,
Mls3 Agnes Okie and Mrs. Hugh deC.
Others interested In tho fete Include
Mrs. F. Hutchinson Galloney, Mrs. John'
E. Cope Morton. Mrs. W. S. Arter. Mrs.
Coleman Peace Brown. Mrs. William
Baker Whelen, Miss Margaret Handy
Burton, Miss Christine Rowley Baker,
Miss Anna M. Walthour. Miss Virginia
Ransom, Mrs. Frederick B. Emblck. Mrs.
Mahlon Hutohlnson, Mrs. C. Howard
Clark, Jr.. Mrs. Robert Benedict, Mrs. T.
M. Rogers, Mrs. Galloway C. Morris,
Mrs. T. F. Watson, Miss Bessie Wlck
ham, Sllss Anne Hampton Barnes, Miss
Mary Wood Bally and Miss Charlotte
Arrangements are being made for tho
elnborate bazaar and dance which will be
given on Saturday. November 6, In the
ballroom of the Bellevue-Stratford, under
the auspices of the Philadelphia Auxiliary
of tho Southern Industrial Educational
Association, of which "Mrs. Louis Lewis,
formerly of Virginia and now a resident
of Philadelphia, Is president. Mrs.
Thomas Potter. Jr., of Montgomery ave
nue, Chestnut Hill, Is vice president. The
bazaar will last all day and everything
may be bought, from art needlework to
home-mado cookies. Of course, there will
be the fancy goods table, the Infants'
wear booth, a flower table, a counter
where the "best sellers" may be bought
at a reasonable price: also there will be
on exhibition and for sale the work of
the 2T Industrial schols in the Appalachian
Mountains, which schools are supported
by the association. Just like the Reading
trains, every hour on the hour, there will
be entertainment of some sort, either a
song, a good story or a recitation by
carefully chosen talent.
The crowning event, however, and one
which spells pleasure to the debutantes
and dancing men, will be the dancing
contest, which will take place In the eve
ning. Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw has this
affair In charge, which promises to be no
end of fun.
North Philadelphia
Mrs. S. Oxenfeldt. of 7th street and
Columbia avenue, held a reception last
Sunday evening In honor of the betrothal
of her daughter. Miss Marian Oxenfeldt,
to Mr. Benjamin B. Kauffman, 1822 North
7th street The 'ate of the wedding was
not announced.
Mr. and Mr. Joseph D. Aahworth have
returned from their wedding Journey, and
will receive today at their home, 3903
Pechln street. Mrs. Aahworth, who was
Miss Zeta O. Davis, will be assisted by
her mother, Mrs. William U, Davis, and
Miss Hettle Hinckle. Mr. and Mrs. Ash
worth will be at home on Tuesdays and
Thursdays through the early winter.
Mr. and Mrs. William J, Butler, of 803
Leverlngton avenue, are receiving con
gratulations on the birth of a daughter,
Elsa Marie, on Sunday, October 3, the
birthday onnlvorsary of Mrs. Ilutler, who
was Miss Elsa Enderleln, daughter of
Mrs. Frank Enderleln, of Roxborough.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert a Pyle. of 114
Rochelle avenue, and their family have
closed their summer home In Chelsea and
have, returned to Wlasahtckon,
Mrs. Clarence C Reeves, of Harmon
road and Ridge avenue, will give a de
lightful autumn luncheon tomorrow for
the members of her sewing club. Autumn
leaves, autumn flowers and fern will be
combined In the decorations. The guests
will include Mrs. Benjamin Johnson, Miss
Anne Burwell, Mrs. William Patton and
Mrs. John Warrington.
Notice for the Belety page will b
accepted and printed In tho Events!
Ledger, but all such notice mutt S
written on one tiit ef tti paper, miut be
Ignad ia fall, wH4i iuH adth-eu, sd
wben volbl telephone number tnut b
fli nil weti eommJonI to
Society M!tor,M -teal Loo,
Cheetnut atreot,
C-Um ibM M4lrU n-rfe-
Mt so N-U vsft-nMan ntr M ssU.
South Philadelphia
Mr, nnd Mrs. Joseph Maglll, of 718
South Eth street have announced the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss Roso
lone Maglll, to Mr. Oscar O. Bender, a
young attorney, of this city.
The Unique Club resumed Its regular
meeting Monday evening at the home of
Miss Helen Margolls, president of the
club, 230 Greenwich street Those pres
ent were Miss Jean Baron, sponsor of the
club: Miss Rae Baron, secretary nnd
treasurer; Mias Pearl Burnstlne, vice
president; Miss Fannie Cohen, Miss Es
sie Deutsch, Miss Sarah Gerson, Miss
Rose Krakovltz, Miss Helen Leblang,
Miss Melba Buxbaum and Mlaa Gertrude
A buffet supper was served which was
followed by an Informal dance. The dec
orations consisted of autumn flowers and
foliage, also the colors of the club, green
nnd yellow.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Jean Baron and Miss Rae
Baron, (00 South Eth street
Miss Mary T. Bowen, of 1122 Snyder
avenue. Is spending tho week-end In
Coatesvllle, where she Is tho guest of
Miss N. A. Moran. She Is accompanied
by Miss Anna Haye,
Mr. and Mrs. John Drew, of 2237 South
20th street, have Just returned from a
month's trip through the Western States,
where they visited the San Francisco Ex
position, returning by way of the Grand
Canyon of Colorado.
Miss Mary Mallon, of IC43 Mooro street
has lust returned from her summer vaca
tion nt Wlldwood, N. J.
Miss Rose Jnckaon, of 1116 McKean
street, entertained last evening at a small
bridge party, followed by supper nnd
dancing. Her guests Included Miss Alice
Wagner, MIbs Anna Garvey, Miss Mar
garet Crosson, Miss Allco Martin, Miss
Amelia Miller, Miss Anna Miller, Miss
Catherine Jackson, Miss Regina Jackson,
Mr. John Cleary, Mr. John Conran, Mr.
Walter Carr, Mr. John Hartley and Dr.
"William Qulndoltvan.
Considerable interest is being manifest
ed In the street carnival which opens
tonight on Jackson and Wlnton streets,
between 11th and 12th streets, the pro
ceeds of which will be donated to the
Church of the Epiphany, 11th and Wolf
streets. Among those who aro taking an
active part In tho affair are Mrs. Richard
Bums, Mrs. William Jackson, the Misses
Qulnn, Mr. William O'Neill and Mr.
Walter Meyers. Both the Corley Cathollo
Club and the Girls' Qui Vivo Club are
represented among the workers, each
having charge of a booth.
Cards have been Issued by the Aqulnaa
Club for an informal "ladies' night," to
be held tonight In the clubrooms, 18th
and Morris streets. An attractive enter
tainment has been arranged by the com
mittee In charge, and dancing will follow.
. Frankford
Mrs. Maurice Eells, of Arrott street,
gave a luncheon yesterday, followed by
bridge. The tables were decorated with
white baskets, filled with pink nnd whlto
flowers. Those present were Mrs. Harry
Parry, Mrs. Joseph Llttlo, Mrs. Harry
Thomas, Mrs. Jack Berry, Mrs. Alfred
Dunlap. Mrs. Cornelius Allen, Mrs. Hugh
McCarthy, Mrs. Bertls Endow and Mrs.
George Cully.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Daubert will
be at home after October 15. at 5503 Falr
hlll street. Mrs. Daubert before her mar
riage, September 25, was Miss Anna D.
Murray, of 6434 North Mascher street
Mr. II. J. C. "Werner will entertain the
Northeast PI Club this evening at his
home, 3270 Frankford avenue.
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. William O'Connell who
have Just returned from their wedding
trip at Atlantlo City, are now at home,
2823 Wllmot street.
The Columbia Country Club of the
Northeast will hold Its closing exercises
this Saturday nnd Sunday at Newport
vllle, Pa. A party of about 50 will leave
In automobiles and will start from the
All-Philadelphia Club at 2421 Frankford
avenue. On the committee for arrange
ments are Mr. Samuel Sachs, chairman;
Mr. Benjamin McCandless, Mr. Joseph
Carpenter and Mr. John Crozler.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dugan, of New
ark, N. J., aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Fields, of 1937 Clementine street
Miss Adele Wlllard of North 3d street,
will glvo a musicals and tea on Saturday
afternoon In honor of her guest Miss
Marjorle Smith, of Charlottesville, Va.
On Friday evening, November 12, the
Clan Gordon, No. 130, O. S. C. will give
their 7th annual concert and dance at
Clayton's Dancing Academy, 8th street
and Glrard avenue.
Mrs. Ralph C. 8tewart, of South Lans
downe avenue, has Issued Invitations for
u luncheon and bridge on October 14.
Mr. Pennington Whltmer, of Linden
avenue, has entered St. Luke's School,
Delaware County
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle, of Glen
Riddle will give their annual farmers'
hunt breakfast today.
Mr. C. Edwtn Bartlett of Ridley Park,
has returned from a Ashing trip to Maine.
.Mr. and Mr- R. M. Hirst of Brookllne.
have returned from a week-end motor trip
to Island Heights.
Mrs Percdval Johnson, of Llanerch, U
entertaining her sister, Mrs. William
Munns. of Syracuse, N. Y.
What's Doing Tonight
niuatratlon of the ChemUtry anil Phrelc
r.t MfMI.rn Hlrh Exploitve." by Henry Letter
Ken Wanier Free Inilltute of Bclence. Mont
5on?iiT iwenue and 17th .treeti 8 o'clock.
West Philadelphia BusIntM Men. lUltlmore
aenue and Wth tret: 8 o'clock. Free.
Central Oermantown Avenue Uuslnria Men.
2M0 Qermantown avenue! 8 o'clock. FYeo.
TIoka Cuelnea Men, SS43 Germantown ave
nue I 8 o'clock. Free.
Cohockilnk Buelnee Men. Qermantown av
nue anil 7th atreet: 8 o'clock. Free,
"street carnival, fepli-hany Cathollo Church,
Uth and Jackoon street. ,
Schuyler Circle, lirotherhood of America, 1720
North Broad etreet
Flower Obaervatory, Darbri open until 10
o'clock. Free.
Suffrage Events Today
Noon-Filbert utreet below lsth. Bertha
8 r. m. lTth andJBouth street. Bertha fiapo.
vita and Mary H Jnt-haro.
b:30 p. m. Broad and Boutb street. Samuel
- m. 258 South B2d atreet. Mr. J. n
I runup and J. Hoag.
8 d m. 1th and Carpenter atreet, Ettelle
nweael. Mr, l'hll B. lluthe and Mr. J. c.
. I kltt ftlL
H p. m. Glrard and Columbia 'avenue, May
Maeken and J. Iloag.
8 p. m. -Gtrmantown and Lehtrti arenuta.
Mr. William Albert Wood, One llllle.
Chestnut atreet and numerous oraachea.
Prttat leasona day and evening. ClaesM for
adult ana children. Competent and easert
enced Instructor alway ready to balp yea,
jjX"X? juXiX.
7, 1915;
Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Dulles to Becom
Bride of Mr. Henry Tatnall Gayley Other
Marriages to Be Celebrated
THE marriage of Miss Caroline Dulles,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Dulles, nnd Mr. Henry Tatnall Gayley
will take plaoe this evening at 6 o'clock
at the home of the bride's parents, 4101
Walnut street The ceremony will be
performed by the Rev. Allen Dulles, of
Auburn, N. Y an uncle of the bride.
Miss Dulles wilt be attended by Miss
Sibyl 1C Stone, of Brookllne, Mass., aa
maid of honor. Miss Elizabeth Tatnall,
a cousin of the bridegroom, and Mlsa
Elizabeth Elliott will act as bridesmaids,
and the best man will be Mr. W. Dirk
von Ingen, of New York. Only tho mem
bers of the Immediate families and a few
Intimate friends will be present at the
ceremony, and at the very small recep
tion which will follow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. Woodall an
nounce the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Norma Barker Woodall, to Mr. Eu
gene A. Bishop, of Connellsvlllo, Fa., on
Tuesday, October 6. Tho ceremony, which
took place nt 7:30 o'clock In tho evening,
was performed by tho Rev. George Venn
Daniels, pastor of the Wnyland Memo
rial Baptist Church, at the home of the
bride's parents, 6637 Carpenter street West
Philadelphia. The bride was attended by
her sister. Miss Joy Woodall, as maid of
honor, and by little Miss Dorothy Wood
all, another sister, as flower girl. Mr.
Blshon had his brother. Mr. Milton
Bishop, as his best man.
The bride wore an exquisite gown of
Ivory white crepe meteor with nn ao
cordlon plaited skirt veiled In net Hor
long court train was of satin, and her
veil of tulle arranged with orange blos
soms. She carried n shower bouquet of
lilies of the valley nnd bride's roses.
The maid of honor wore white em
broidered net and carried nn arm bouquet
of pink roses, whllo the flower girl wore
a dainty white lingerie frock and carried
an old-fashioned basket of flowers sus
pended from her shoulders with ribbons.
Miss Zlegler, of Doylestown. played the
wedding march. The house was beauti
fully decorated with palms and pink nnd
white asters, dahlias, cosmos and smllax.
A reception followed the ceremony,
after which Mr. and Mrs. Bishop left for
their wedding trip. They will live In
Connellsvllle after October 15. Among
fii ciiAata from out of town were Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Bishop, the parents of
h hrldeirroom. and Mrs. Reuben Miller,
his grandmother, of Connellsvllle; Miss
Mario Zlegler. of Doylestown, nnd Mr.
Eugene Rossclloff, of Bordentown, N. J.
Miss Vera Mabel de Sanno, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul de Sanno, of 11th
avenue and 69th avenue. Oak Lane, will be
come the bride of Mr. Everett L. Hosklns
tonight at 7 o'clock. The ceremony, which
will take place at home, will be performed
by the Rev. Harvey Chollar, of Blngham
ton. N, Y.. assisted by the Rev. William
Catlott Mr. Ralph Kinder will play tho
wedding march. Miss de Sanno will
havo her slstcr-In-law, Mrs. Albert do
Sanno, as matron of honor, and the fol
lowing bridesmaids: Miss Esther Landls,
Miss Catharine Gage, Miss Lille Ben
bow, Miss Dorothy Pimm and Mrs. Earl
Breeding. The best man will be Mr.
Chapln Hosklns. and the ushers will be
Mr. Albert de Sanno, Jr., Mr. Harvey
de Sanno, Mr. Earl Breeding and Mr.
Robinson Bosler. A reception will Im
mediately follow the ceremony. After
nn extended wedding Journey Mr. and
Mrs. Hosklns will be at home at 6806
Lawnton avenue.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. May announce
the marriage of their daughter. Mis
Charlotte Anna May. to Mr. Wallace B.
Caum. on Tuesday, October 6. at their
home, '6027 Christian street The cere
mony, which took place at noon, was fol
lowed by a breakfast for the immediate
families. The Rev. S. C. Enck, pastor of
the Second United Brethren Church, 69th
nnd Catharine streets, officiated. Mr. and
Mrs. Caum, after a wedding trip to New
York and Boston, will live In Altoona,
A pretty home wedding will take place
this evening at 7:15 o'clock, when Miss
Alice L. Funk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry N. Funk, of 6224 Baynton street,
will become the bride of Mr. Walter H.
Hundred" of men high in contract
or and conatructlon clrclea have bean
V prepared by our nOILDINO CON-
BTnUCTION COUItSE. The complete
M course Include Architectural Draw-
In, rian Jleadlnr. Estimating. Iteln
C. forced Concrete Construction "dAr
A chltectural Engineering, it may be
A. taken In two or three year. Other
U91 tMhnlcal cmirse-lndu.trtal Chemla
1421 '"""'ieh.nical Drawing-. Vehicle
Arch Swing. Principle of Enaineerlnc.
StrCCtAppUed Electricity. 100 other eeunaa.
Macnlflcent drawing room and ola.a
"Sm equipment. Poaltlona aaourod.
Send tor catalog .tatlng your lntre.t
sM.ntlflo direction of NORMAL OHJL.
DnEN from a to 8 year.. Auto a.rvfc.
Supervised outdoor game.
I LECTURE COURSE on th direction
f Children of pro-achool age. Including
fh.Jtudv of their phyalcal development.
Mon'anY mVnf..ctlvltt... will b.
given during the cpool yar llo-HH.
V Day and Evening Now Open.
! Coure prepare for all college.
M Technical and Profeaslonal Bchoola
' ind Huatnea Puraulta. Bookkeeping.
0. Bhortland and Allied Bubject pro
r vld a practical training.
A. certificate la recognlied by lead
1 ini Inc College, Civil Service. Elementary
ii2 and Grammar Bchoot courae.
Arch fluperb gymnasium and awtmmlng
Streetoooi. r,n.TtnwAt. institute
CWl ..-..
Phila. Sckoel ef Design for Woaei
Beopena September ST. MIS.
Full couraea In Art and Industrial Art.
Prutlcml Designing In all Ita branches.
mSSrSion. Coituino Illustration.
,uu,1, i B. WIHKNEK raLLowsnr
an oituni'K VYIU I1KHK1N
a .w----- z
" Straycr's BiwineM College
801-807 Chestnut. Bt.. l'hlla.
Practical coureea. aaoaerai I
Guaranteed. Day night e.l
Enroll nsw.
Palmer B-bm School
Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Kntll.h.
day and night aetetona. Bend for catalog
Mercantile Library Bldg . 10th above Chestnut.
Pacttcal Training In Correct English, Elo
cution, Public 8peklnv, Stage Work.
THB KIK8CHBAUM jatiiiil of Lanafu-gte
1H4 Cheataut Bt, (fElgJUaaaai MtLgJj
Beta. UtfW. Mens Mjr.na. rriaveeML
X.KAKN tow to apeak the pauwtt ITALIAN
Troyer. The ceremony will be perform
by the Rer. Charles Wesley Burns'.
The bride, who will be given In r
rlage by her father, will wear a gown
of white satin, trimmed with silver lace,
nnd having a court train which will fall
from the shoulders. Her tulle veil Witt
be edged with orange blossoms, nnd she
will carry lilies of the valley nnd orchids.
Miss Helen Funk, who will act as maid
of honor, will wear light blue taffeta
trimmed with black mallne, and will
carry pink chrysanthemums. Mr. Troyer
will have as best man Mr. Edwin Funk,
a brother of the bride. A wedding re
ception for 100 guests will follow the cere
mony. Pink chrysanthemums and palms
will be used In profusion about the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Troyer will bo at home
after November 15 at Kenwood avenue,
Parkslde, N, J.
An attractive wedding took place last
evening at 7 o'clock at the Oak Lane
Presbyterian Church when Miss Valeria
Walton became the bride of Mr. Charle
Morgan Woods. The Rev. Edward Hum
eston, pastor of the church, performed
the ceremony.
Tho bride, who wna given In marriage
by her brother, Mr. William C. Walton,
wore a gown of white satin en train with
an overdress of tulle trimmed with silver
and pearls. Her veil won of tulle caught
with orange blossoms and pearls, and she
carried a shower bouquet of bride rose,
sweet-heart roses and lilies of tho valley,
Mrs. Edward Irwin Phillips and Mrs.
Albert J. Dando attended as matrons of
honor. Their gowns were of tulle In the
rainbow shades, Mrs. Phillips' being made
over pink silk and Mrs. Dandy's over
bluo silk. They both wore large black
velvet hats, and carried large muffs of
chrysanthemums In the rainbow shades,
Mr. Woods had as his best man his
brother, Mr. Henry C. Woods, and the
ushers included Mr. William Howard,
Mr. Eugene Walton and Mr. Edward E.
After an extended wedding Journey Mr.
and Mrs. Walton will live at Mt. Ver
nori. N. T. They will be at home after
November IB at The Chatsworth.
Announcement Is made of the marriage
of Miss Caroline Paves, daughter of Mrs.
B. T. Paves, of 878 North th street, tq
Mr. Joshua Welngarten, on Sunday night
at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother. The ceremony was performed by
Rabbi B. L. Levinthal and was followed
by a dinner for the families of the bride
groom and bride. Miss Emily Paves was
ner sisters maid of honor, and Mr.
Albert Friedlander was Mr. Welngarten'a
best man. Upon their return from Wash
ington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Welngarten
will live at 4122 Parkslde avenue.
The marriage of Miss Tessle L. West
fleld, daughter of Mr. Jonas Westfleld. of
Moutrdale. Pa., to Mr. Sylvan D. Hof
helmer, of this city, took place on Mon
day, October 4, at 6 o'clock, at tho resi
dence of the bride's grandmcther, Mrs.
Lena Lebach, of 153 East Market street
the Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf ofllctatlng.
Little Miss Lenore Lebach attended as
flower girl, and Mr. Max Berkowltz was
best man. On their return from their
wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hofhelmer
will live in this city.
Cards have been received from Mr. and
Mrs. Joshua Turner, of 69 East Logan
street for the wedding and reception of
their daughter. Miss Grace Winifred
Turner, to Mr. J. Harris Tyre, of 671
North 8th street Oak Lane, Wednesday
evening, October 20, at 8:30. They will
be at home after January 1 at 64M North
Camao street. Oak Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. MacBrlde,
3636 North Percy street, announced the en
gagement of their daughter. Miss Mary
MacBrlde. to Mr. Harold Bruce Ensden,
of Cambridge, England, and Philadelphia,
at the birthday party given In her honor
on Monday evening. The wedding will oc
cur during tho coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Ehrllch have closed
their summer home In Atlantic City and
are occupying their winter residence, 2233
West Venango street
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peet of 1225 West
Erie avenue, will spend the week-end in
an automobile trip to Maryland.
Offer Unexcelled Conraes
It ahould be your choice If you really
want a thorough and absolutely flrat
claa commercial education. Tele
phone! Lombard 1186-1107.
roltlon Positively Guaranteed
8th and Chestnut Streets
After Nov. 1st, Perm Mutual Bldg.
Thinking nun and woman enroll new.
Coure on
"20th Century Religious Problem."
Leader, Robert Darnell, Ph.R, Columbia.
10 Monday evenlnrs. bea-lnnln rw i
k Contral Branch T.M.a.'A..liH Areas
- -" --- . w vw.i WIUfKI,
"Country Day School for Bays"
Wynntwod, fa.
nv. Olbeon Bell. Head Muter.
Phone Ardmore 1822.
The "William Pcnn Charter Sohool
227U1 Tear Opena Beptember 2St
The National Bchool of Elocution Orelor.
DORA A. SHOEMAKER. Parkway Butldl!
Boy KcscbU
"-- -w . uM. vvvniaaT
aea w. wauiut LJLNK, QERMJ
nirong, usnarai courae, Doaeatta
Dept Boarding Depu opeae Best. JaWft
-,.,. wwua MV,. WIM
AciBrtifrtni f 04m
School and rm
Appaaxl m TVif Pi.
mm vr M 4asaf Akin
! vr M 4asaf Akin I
Mim, , " " - XI. T r.
am wa. unnw laeuiea. ii
v.u, ia Mpar M WM VMB-
amtete mwrnitnn, w