Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 07, 1915, Final, Page 3, Image 3

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    f&JJ!- :
Canvass to Purge Registra
tion Lists of "Phan
toms" Pushed
Th police canvaaa to purfto the rtgls-
Sjtlon Data of the names of thousands
5 phantom voiera mi ciumica 10
PlVarUa of the city today, following the
jj&lpt by Director of Public Safety
Robert D. Drlppa of a letter from Cllnlon
Eitcr Woodrun, cnairman 01 me uoaru
! jteglJtratlon Commissioners, In which
tfje commlssloncra aanctloned the can-
H- ... ....
'Policemen in uniform arc 'inning 10
jSrob thoroughly every division In the
'JltJ' for "phantoms," and prosecutions
Till be brought in eery case wncro
thtflnd "aU(J-
She e'vldencc of registration frauds that
yTbtlng unearthed by the police Is being
turned oer to the Commltte of Seventy.
.. ynmmlttee will make application to
W 'be fraudulent names stricken from
ttt '
1 Wholesale enses or registration rrnuus
bare been found In the SO divisions In
- i.i, ii, rnnvass Was first undei taken.
nd eldence that will probably lead to
ttrlWnK off the names of many phan
toms" baa been turned over tot the com
silttee by the police.
RThe police are paInc special attention
to'the downtown and McNIchol warda.
Host of th6 complaints, of fraud hae
i.r.n r.rplvMl from theso wards. Soma
-intnints have betin received, however.
Hfrom ekry ward In the city. They nil
film h Investigated, said Director DHdds
xhe canvass is thp first undertaken by
"7": it... n nltv.utfln BUnln ,tnn. 1fl19
U6 DOMIC WH .-" .u.w c.i.o .u.u.
ihen Ihc nam?s of more than WOO "phan
toms" were stricken from the lists. Mem
bers of the Committee of Seventy have
iimnipH that the lists have been nadded
, the extent of 23,000 names this jeftr,
f ind that the comfrilttee expects to strike
off a majority of them.
fc-The tieadquarters for the cam ass hae
jfbten remnd from the ofHcps of th
Utv Hail to the ith district police sta
tion, 20th and Buttonwodd streets Lleu
nnt Van Horn has been placed In
vile pnisttiiiiuii ui iiic jiuuus is an
Wxpected blow to the Republican Or
finlzfttion. Orsanlratlon followers havo
Jbttn found to be Identified -with most of
.tne cases inai navo Deen investigated
During the last session of the Legisla
ture, the Organisation bosses slipped a
bill through the General Assembly re-
QUinng inai mo persons unnging tne
'thartfes In election crimes cases must pay
the Witness fees and other 'costs. This
amounts (o ?L50 per day at the least
for each witness.
I The'coU Is apparently exorbitant, and
In,, the opinion or tho Organization spnn
on f the new law would tend to block.
any plan ror a wnoicsaio prosecution of
registration frauds or other election
'I'OfllriaJs of the Committee of Seventy
I4 today that a fund large enough lo
Ijproeecute all cases of fraud unearthed
Iby the police has been pledged, and that
I faction will be taken by the committee n
'Ifaat as the results of tho police canvass
fare known.
H -t
Wore Than a Billion Bushels of
Ej Wheat Estimated
EjVASHINaTON. Oct. 7,-For the first
fijmln Its history tho United States this
mar will yield more than a billion-bushel
pjhtat crop, according to estimates of
fiE Agriculture Department todav. Bumn.
Rr, crops of tho cereal "BIr 3" wheat,
ijpnfand coats wer- predicted. The corn
:!erop "will greatly exceed 3,000,000,000 bush
es ana a billion and u half bushels of
Rata is. estimated.
lliKj'eads ln 'ts 'w,th more "'an
99.1X0.006 himViAla Tnrth nn,Mn lH --i
- . ...u, .,..., vnnwM ill sijiiiik
Wat, nearly 113,000,000 bushels; Illinois
laicorn, 372,000,000 bushels; Minnesota In
iir " "ww ousneis; KentucKy In
L "-""v. iimic innn ji5.wu.wu pounas.
ifj ITbe department announces a Brent im-
'"vlra"i i torn prospects as well as
Jarger production of minor cereafs, "but
TM DOtfttn pmn lint. A .. f-, ...
jwe. The corn crdd exceeds the pieUous
w-ear average by 300,000,000.
KThe spring wheat estimate shows a
i-m oi nearly iw,oog,DW bushels over estl-
lMtPa hta tlm. l-t. . .. . ..
r-v . " ii j car, ana tne total
leat production in 1915 Is expected to
CSiVf ,l earB crop by 100,000,000
tTne oats crop also hangs up a new
Jjeow ln production, with a 400,000,000 In-
Wtir Three Days Accused Slayer
uives Himself Up
ba ordii nt h.. H. 1.1 .
auLi ? !?u for Pntrlclc Patton, ac-
aw T.i .. "" u,a ""ten," a wander
air ..& mw!dw"' "8 Rava himself
Linn ?..ihia!nB.,1. the K''0""'" of the
r?n, Cricket Club, at Ilaverford. sinco
y. He Is now locked up Jn the Jill
Xi .0 ,r?, adniltted having killed
3 1? i '? 3?ilce' flay but declares he
SMI in aelf-defense.i
iatal0!!'!!1 ,0wa 8tpre at "anerch yes
SaV,bKUKnt a ple- "6 'tattled the
STaiin1 K. an.nuP;lnT that he was
Mi wanted to give himself up 'to tho
New NitMlerman
They are Marvels of Shoe
frying and Materials. No
wwnvi, ever imagined in her
rt anything so beautiful,
only the very .highest.
t 2iji wKunsr ana ihhkiii
I4 wild have produced them.
in .nll.t.. 1 .. f
IS lmlZA"Zl' "BW- Qi. Xi
vii vTr. ..flz anu raau
ftW-. .While thjs boot is of
fWkkg Character h is
wwjdwfully Comfortable. Its
wtactton can only be ap
,mciatd vten you see ft.
93$ ClkttfjtHt
Ten Shares of P. R. n. Bequeathed to
Friends' Yearly Meeting
Ten shares of stock of (he Tennsjlvanla
itanroad Company are left In trust to the
Friends' Yearly Meeting, for the educa
tion of worthy bos at the Westtown
Boarding School, by the will of George
P. Matoney, late of 4809 Springfield ave
n"" admitted to probate today.
The will wna executed In 1911, and ac
cording to the petition of the executrix,
Mary Mnlone, the decedent left an es
tate valued at but $700. The residue of
tho estate la left to the widow and a
Other wills probated were those of
David Mulr, late of 184S Franklin street,
which disposes, In private bequests, of
effects alutd at S50O, Charles Fox. 91
Levlck street, 2S,691. Annie W. Uojd,
6300 Oreeno street, Oermantown. 126 000.
and Benjamin "W. Oarrett, 40S0 Towetton
avenue, 15,000.
The personalty of the estate of Thomas
J Dunn has been appraised at $7048 83,
Sherborne W, Dougherty. 11895 40; Clara
Gordon, IH85, Eliza . MeCullough,
$3408.70, and Lalnla Keel, $61.
Lad Shot Accidentally While
Playing With Weapon in
Friend's Presence
The accidental explosion of a rcoher
caused the death of lG-year-old Karl
Elliott, of S53J Elliott street, while Matt
ing at the home of Miss Mildred TUIcy,
12:8 Conesloga street. Miss Illley Is also
16 jears old. The two were sitting ln
the parlor. Ten minutes nftcr his arrival
the boy flashed a revolver.
"I am going to shoot at tho clock," he
snld, pointing the weapon at the face of
tho timepiece. The girl let out a low
Bcienm and forbade him to do It, tie
smiled as If he had only been teasing
her and lowered the revolver. He was
about to return It to his pocket when
there was an explosion. Elliott dropped
to the floor.
In the next room sat Mildred's parents,
Mr. and "Mrs. Charles 1. Hl'.sy. Mr. Blley
carried the bov, who nlready was dead,
to the 'West rhllhtlclphla Homeopathic
Members of the families of 'joth tho
.boy and the girl are nlmost prostrated
today as a result of the accident. Sirs.
nil6,lt. Part's mother. Is an Invalid, and
It was said at her homo today that sho
ai In an extremely serious condition.
Earl and Mildred had been filends for
several enrs. Once they were neighbors,
and it had been the boy's custom to
visit tho Illley home frequently.
Miss Itllcy was taken to the 61st and
Thompson streets police station. There
district detectives examined her, and
after satlsflng themselves that the
shooting was accidental they permitted
her to go. The boy's father also visited
the station house, and collapsed while
there. He said that he had taken a re
volver from his son's possession two
weeks before, and didn't know h6w h
managed to get hold of it again.
Explosions Attend Blaze in Grocery
and Mrs. Rowe, 72 Years .Old, Is
Carried From House Next Door
The rescue of an aged woman, a scries
of small explosions and revolver shots In
quick succession were features of a Arc
.which damaired the store of Bo'blnson &
Crawford, 2W North 63d street, to the
extent of $1000 early today.
The blaze was discovered by Policeman
lllduleton. of the Clat and Thompson
streets station, who fired his revolver to
awaken the neighbors and attract his
brother officers. Tho fire assumed some
what serious proportions, and Mrs. Ita
chel Rove, 72 ears old, was carried from
her umoke-tllled home nexf door. The
miniature explosions camo from bottles
of liquid Insect killer, which popped with
battery-like regularity.
Two firemen. Lieutenant Wirth and
Hosetnan Joseph Blackburoe. of Engine
Company No. 41. were slightly overcome
by smoke and had to be led from the
Boy Hurt "When Truck Hits Bicycle
John W. Baker, of 5'."02 Marston street,
driver of a motortruck which collided
with n blcvclo ridden by Barney Gross,
16 ears old. of 3119 South 9th street, seri
ously injuring the lad, was held under
$600 bail for n further hearing by Magis
trate Slorrls, In the 19th and Oxford
strrets police station, pending the out
come of the hoy's Injuries. Gross is at
St. Joseph's Hospital In a serious condi
tion with probable Internal Injuries. Ac
cording to the police, 'Gross was riding
his blcjcle south on Broad street Inst
night and was struck by the truck driven
by Baker as he attempted to turn cast
at Oxford street.
Luncheon, 50c
Business Men's
Luncheon, 40c
1024-26 Chestnut St.
Assistant City Solicitor Lowen-
grund Declares It (a Sfiam
and a Fraud"
A aham and a fraud" was the way
Assistant City Solicitor L-owcngrund
characterised tho People's Motor Club,
which has headquarters at 1463 Filbert
street, and a book containing the names
of 1000 Thlladelphlans. who, It Is claimed,
arc members of tho club, at a hearing In
Court of Common Pleas No. 4 today on
tho bill In equltj for a prcllmlnar In
junction to restrain Director Drlpps from
Interfering with the operation of the
club's automobiles ln carrjlng Its mem
bers about tho clt).
According to the testimony of Paul
Ilnndotph, Its president, the club was or
ganized by IS business men in the Park
way Building on September 21. Us pui
poie, he said. Is to provide a safe and
convenient means of transportation to
members of tho club over the city stnels
To become a member It Is only nccesar
to apply at the club hendquartcrs or to
one of the in or 12 bianch offices totaled
In drug Hnd cigar stores along Itroad
The applicant's name Is taken and upon
pament of 23 cents a membership card
and strip of five tickets are handed to
the applicant, the latter good for as many
rides In any one of the 37 automobiles
of the club upon prcentitlon of the
membership card.
It was explained that the drivers of
tho cars tccelve 4'4 cents In exchange
for every ticket received from the mem
bers The club tetalns the other half
cent, which "goes Into the trcaur.v."
Active members of the club nvcrrcd that
their intention was not to cvnde the ilt
ney ordinance, but to accommodate tho
members of the club Among those who
testified were Dr. C S Schwonk. 2001
North Broad street; Harry J. Clelnman,
Paul Bandolph and several drivers, who
were arrested and fined last week.
Judge Audcnrled said that the whole
question was whether or not the club Is
operating under false pretenses and Is n
cloak p evade the ordinance. He reserved
his decision.
The rlt was represented bv Mr Lowen
grund and Attorney M. Berkowltz repre
sented the club.
'Woman Dies of Lockjaw
Lockjaw, which developed two weeks
after Florence Parker, 28 jears old, of
402 Walloce street, had been discharged
from the University Hospital, caused her
death early today at the same Institution.
Tho Avoman was Injured during an alley
fight on September 7 when struck by a
brick. Garfield Wright, of the same ad
dress, surrendered himself today at the
4th and rnlrmount avenue jfollce station
He told detectives he had thrown tho
brick In self-defense Wright will have
a hearing tomorrow morning.
The present season will
be remembered among
car owners chiefly for
the introduction of the
With the advent of this TWELVE
CYLINPER CAlt, new standards of
motor car performance, design and
value were created, and a neW
measure of ability in on automobile
was realized.
In a motor of vastly smoother
power, and surer response in arfy
situation, the PACKARD COMPANY
has paid its perennial debt to its
leadership and to progress.
An experience with this car in
action will revise your present
ideas of motor car sufficiency.
The 1.35tr'heelbase 135 inchei. Price
uith any open body, f, o. b. Detroit, $3,150
The J'25 Theelbaie IS5 inches. Priie.
with any open body,, o. b. Detroit, t'2,750
of PHILADELPHIA, 319 N. Broad St.
HellV-Wnlnut 4800 Kef alone Race 3300
Men Accused of Selling Tickets Held
in $G00 Ball
Two men. accused of selling baseball
lottery tickets, were held In KO0 ball each
by Magistrate Beaton In the Central To
lid Station .today. They nie Alfred
Merit, HOI North 28th street, and Augus
tave Moppcrt, 1K8 North 28th street.
Following the receipt at the Hth and
Oxford streets police station of many
complaints that baseball "pool" tickets
were being sold In the Mclnlty, Detective
Palmer, of the Vice Squad, bought one
from Mertx for 25 cents, he testified.
Must Spend Rest of Today and
Tonight in Jail at Norris-
town Bail Refused
Orovcr Clovcland Bcigdoll. wcalthv
Phlladclphlan and motor-speed fiend, will
slum! the rest of the day and tonight in
the MontKomcr County Jail, because of
the refusal of Judge Swartz to admit him
to ball, when Bcrgdoll was brought be
fore him, at the Norrlstown Courthouse
toda, on tho charge of speeding.
Bergdoll's lawvor at first tried to get
a postponement, but when ho teamed that
his client would be held without ball until
the trial came off, he hurriedly requested
n trlil this afternoon This, the Dlstilct
Attorney said, was Impossible.
Hergdoll wore shackles and heavy hand
cuffs when he annenrnl In mnrt .i.e.
morning. Ho still woro them when ho dl-
uppeai-a in tne direction of tho Jail. He
has escaped many t'mes from tho Juris
diction of the Montgomery County nuthoi
Itles. L-vst night detectives caught him in
tho city after a hard tussle and brought
him to Norrlstown
Jiidge Swnrtz Issued n bench warrant
when oung Beigdoll, who is an amateur
aviator as well as a lover of fast auto
moblllng, failed repeatedly to appear to
anrwer tho charge of violating the speed
law In Montgomery County Bcrgdoll.
who recently came into possession of
more than J'W.OOO left him by his father,
served a term In Jail at Norrlstown sev
eral j.cais dgo. When he failed to appear
for a hearing In Juno this ear his mother
promlcd his appearance on September 23,
but this time he again failed to como to
When the detectives arrested him here
lost night they also served on him a
summons to appear In tho local courts on
October 18 to contest an action by his
brother. Charles Bcrgdoll, who has peti
tioned for the appointment of a commis
sion to examine Orover's sanity.
Mrs. Kmma Bcrgdoll, tho oung man's
mother, went to Norrlstown with her
- r ,
May Travel All the Way From
Boston to This City
by Motor
Preparations were mad? at Lynnwood
Ha1!, Ogontx, today for the reception M
Dr. and Mrs Alexander Hamilton Illee.
who were married jestcroay at Hmman
uel Church, Boston. Mm Rice, who wai
Mrs. Oeorge II. Wldenoi, has been prom
inent In Philadelphia nt.d Newport social
The ceremony was performed by the
nt. Itev. William Lawrence, Bishop of
Massachusetts. Kvery effort was made
to keep the wedding as private as pos
sible and reporters were not admitted to
tho church,
Scarcely more than a doien persons
were In the wedding party. These In
cluded Mrs. Wldcners daughter and son-In-law.
Mr. and Mrs r K. Dixon of
Philadelphia. Mr. and .Vis. T. Suffern
Taller, of Newport, and their children,
and John C. Itlce, a prominent attorney
of Boston, who was best man.
The bride wore a string of pearls which
she saed from the Titanic disaster, In
which Oeorge D Wltlener met his death.
,iTi"i bM1Ic "u1 brllcS''oom entered the
church through a side door, preceded by
thtf Bishop and the Bev Dr. Kllwood Wor
lester. rector of Hmmanucl Church and
former rector of St. Stephen's Church, this
citj. After the ceremonv the couple were
uxhercd Into Doctor Worcester's study,
where nn Informal reception was held.
Air nnd Mrs. Bice then left the church
through n renr door and took an auto It
was reported that they would spend their
honevmoon on the jncht Josephine be
longing to Joseph li Wldener. but as It
had sailed for this city on Tuesday this
was Impossible. It Is highly probable
that the bride and bridegroom will reach
I.nnwood Hall late today. Many be
lieve that they will motor here all the
way from the sccno of tho wedding.
The tuberculin
test is
WHAT matters it
to you how thor
ough the precau
tions are that surround
your milk after itcomes
from the herd, if the
herd itself is diseased.
Your one means of
knowing that the milk
comes from healthy
herds is the tuberculin
test. And every herd from
which comes Fair
mount Farms Milk is
Then pasteurized and
safeguarded to your
door by the perfect
Supplee method "of
preparation and distri
bution. Do you know
any milk selling at the
price of Fairmount
Farms Milk that is all
thus safeguarded back
to its origin? For we
do not.
Stop the wagon with
the upplee letter.
The Supplee
Alderney Dairy
Milk Cream Ice Cream
Medals I I
Anniversary Week Sale
1310 Chestnut Street
The woman who is thoroughly alive to the last-minute decrees of fashion, who
appreciates the Wonderful art of reflecting her otfn personality in the gowns she wears,
who understands what it is to be correctly dressed, will be pleased beyond measure by
It is more than the mere "trying on" of garments. It is the selection of the particul
model, color, fabric best suited to your needs.
Anniversary) Week. Specials
Anniversary) Pries
Values up to $40. In broadcloth, velour,
gabardine and whipcords. Beautifully tailored.
Some fur trimmed.
Special Millinery values and Anniversary
on ou oowns,
Fifty StaRelnnd Beauties Attract
Largo Crowds in New York
NEW YOltiv. Oct 7 -Fifty of stage
land's prettiest women, made radiant by
nearly t00ow In Jewels, I100,C00 In gowns
and $50,tO0 In furs, trooped on the stVge
ut Carnegie Hall this afternoon In Head
way's "million-dollar fashion show."
A packed house. In which there were
more men than nomirt, "oh-cd" and
"ah-ed" as the chorus of beauties swept
on to the stage In a scintillating riot of
color and Hashing gems
A vety dainty
confection, only
3Jc lb. Ffoen
Fine chopped cherries
mixed in a smooth, rich
cream and coated with choc
olate, this Frozen Pudding
is about as good a candy
bite as one would want to
taste. Very low in price
considering its quality. And
there are others equally en
ticing in the Martindale
Week-end Special List.
Assorted Pillows, in big,
wide-mouthed jars good to
look upon and very good to
eat. One pound, net, and
only 21c a jar.
Walnut Sea Foam Kisses.
Just as choice as this
creamy confection can be.
29c lb.
Chocolate-covered Smacks.
A real molasses candy in
the right size for a single
bite, chocolate - covered.
29c lb.
Vanilla Marshmallows.
The velvety smoothness of
this marshmallow tells its
quality instantly. 19c lb.
Chocolate - covered New
ports, 32c lb.
Assorted Chocolate Nuts.
This is the kind that usually
sells for at least ten cents
more than their price of
50c lb.
Foss' Famous Chocolates.
These arc of that luxurious
quality that usually brings a
much higher price. 60c lb.
Our Special Dollar Box. con
taining 2U lbs. net of delicious
chocolate in a wide variety of
enticing centers.
Mrs. Lee's Home-made Toffee
and Caramels, each a big value
at 40c lb.
Pastryfresh talced,
Dutch Cakes, 10c ca.
Tound Cake, 35c lb.
Oaten Fruit Cookies, 20c lb.
Apple Cakes, 15c ea.
Chocolate Roll, 30c lb.
Crescent Cakes, 13c ca.
Soft Ginger Bread, 10c loaf.
Cinnamon Bun, 18c lb.
Fulled Bread, 15c y4 lb: 25c
Vi lb; 50c lb.
We thall be glad to have you
open an account at our ttore.
You will find it convenient in
ordering by 'phone, mail or
in persort. We want your name
on our book and you'll find it
to your advantage in many
Thos. Martindale & Co.
tOlh & Market
HstnlilUlird lu 1800
klrll Phone rilhrrt 2HT0. Filbert 2S71
Keyalonr Itnce 500, Hare 301
Unusual Opportunities
Discriminating Women in
Blum Service
$19.75 and $25
Velours, broadcloths, Velveteens artel mix
tures. Some are fur trimmed. AUo Wry
ujuu jor unary
evening yv raps, r rocKs ana
Teeth Sure Mm Frm Death
Surgeons at tho West frillftdclphla. hos
pital vero about to probe for ft bulltt 1
the head of a young man who bad at
tempted to commit suicide by firing a.
bullet through fits mouth when his !f
entered carrjlng the bullet In her hand
It had struck his teeth and waa deflected
This was tho fourth attempt nt aulclda
made by William Ueeror, 34 jcara old, of
8059 Applctren street, a meat Inspector for
Swift & Co
After all,
Judgment comes
only from
Make the rounds,
then visit with theso
Suits and
of Ours
at $15 alone
C Tartan mixtures,
striped worsteds, blue
serges, silk-mixed wor
steds, cassimeres, striped
Oxford cheviots every
yard of which we bought
and made into Suits of
such crowded value that
Experts are amazed
at the price when they
see the Suits the cloth,
the tailoring, the style!
C Even then, you've
something coming to
you in the way of the
Ullra-Salisf action
that the lapse of time
will bring, the longer you
wear your "N. B. T."
Come and see!
"N. B. T."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
rp Pri
Week prices
street Uresses.
if .j