.- -T' . J L.. Jr kESUNTO MUTAMENTO DI PIANI ATTRIBUITO ALGENER.CADORNA Ro dl Grecia Sflda 11 Pnrln- mcnto cd II Popolo Ellcnico o Si Dichiarn per la Gcrmania VENIZELOS SI E' DIMESSO nOMA, Ottobre. jotlile dal quartloro generate Italians jlcono che II Renoraie Cadorna avrebbe Uvjuijonato l'ldca dl prendere la citta' ' xrleite, almeno come oblettlvo Imme- ditto della campaBna attuaie am rronte jiriomo. Sccondo qucsto nottzle Bern jr che II Piano attualo dcllo Stato Mag- liore Itallano sla queiio dl conunuare It m&rcla sull'altoplano del Carso non Vpptna H fortissimo campo trlncerato dl Oorlxta sara' cspugnaio-. in uii moao m for Italiane al lascernnno Trlcsto alia loro destra, conientanaosi ai laguana 'fwrl del rcsto dell'lmpcro. Si dice cho qucato piano o stato aeciso per Impedlro cho gll austrlacl dlstruggano Trlte bombardandola datlo montagna ; Instanno alio spalle quando cssa fosso i'iccupa'a dallo truppe Uallanc. (QUMtO nolizio aai quamcro Kcncrai? tllno, non ufllclall bI lntcndc, ma Invl .. a nualcho corrlspondcnte che era a 'corto dl notlzlo buonc, non dtcono nulla dl . Vnn a Btotn mnl Irian HaIIi DUDTU Aivii .. .... ..... Uw..v 'BUto Magglore Itallano cho obtottlvo lm Imediato dclle forze Itallano operantl sul jfrtnte dcll'Isonzo dovesso cssero Trieste, mblto dopo aver ragglunto qucllo dl srjorlila. Altra volta abblamo Bplcgato, In Jilcune note mllltarl In Inglcse, che II vero oblettlvo Immedlato del generale Ca liorna era quello dl Impadronlrsl del cen ttrl (errovlarlt austrlacl dl Vlllach e ill !tilbch, cosl' da potcr cffettlvamente usllsre fuori dclle comunlcazlonl con Vienna tutta la rcglono dcllo Alpl Olulls (d Impedlro cho gll austrlacl potessero Dlntcclare II flanco dcllo colonne cho tmirclassero su Trieste, cloo verso aud. 'Una volta superato 11 Carso, 11 generalo 'cadorna cerchera dl stnblllrsl sullo nvn "itlli Drava e della Sava, o solo allora ipotra' pensaro all'occupazlono dl Trieste, i meno che questa occupazlone non fos 'm affldata a colonno secondarlo cho oo ,t(Ssero, con I'aluto della flotta, marclare lunKO la strada costlera domlnata dal iclgllone del Carso. cho va da Monfalcone it Tfleste.-B. dl B.) h COMUNICATO UFFICIALE. ) II Mlnlstero della Guerra publlcava lerl Kra 11 seguente comunlcato ufflclale: ' "Kella zona del Tonalo nclla sera del 3 fOUobre uno del npstrl repartl dl mon I tarn rluscl' a complero la difficile ascesa JfcUa pVedpItosa sommlta' del Tariano, liltperdendo dlstaccamentt nenilcl che vl tn.no trlnceratl e dlstruggendone lo al lele che erano nncora In corso dl coatruzlone. Gll Alplnl rltornarono Equlndl alle loro llnee sotto un Intenso BftMvn Hell'nrtlpHflrln nAmtrA. Tl ftinnn f flelle nostre batterle lmpcdl' pero agll aus- trlcl dl dl occuparo la sommlta da cul erano statl slogglatt. "Nella valle del Fella nella notte del 4 Ottobre 11 nemlco tento'un attacco sullo nostre postzlonl del torronte Pontcbba, Bit fu resolnto. S "Sull'altoplano del Carso si ebbe la so- (Ute azlone dl artlglleria. "On nuovo movlmento dl trenl e stato aolAto sulla ferrovla dl Trieste tra Na 'ibrwlna e San Giovanni." IA QltECIA PER LA GEUMANIA La sltuazlono net Balcanl e' stata com- pUcatt da un atto dl re Costantlno dl Grecia. Questo re. che o' cocnato del jkilier, ha obbllgato Vcnlzclos a dlmct- itrti, per avere egu pormesso cne le trappe franco-lnglcsl sbarcassero a Sa lonlcco. In tal modo re Costantlno si Khlera a favore della Germanla o del fAuitrla, ed un telegramma da Atene dice che II re greco ha rlcevuto assl turulonl dal kaiser cho la Grccia non un' attaccata dal la Bulgaria se cssa rlmmarra' neutralo e lasccra' che la Bul Kria attacchl la Sertaln. II tt di Grccia ha cosl" afldato II Par- itmenio del buo paese, la cul maggloranza el era dl chlarata npertamente per gll au, per la poutica dl Vanlzelos e per PU&aCdo dell trunno nll.atAntrnvrnn U terrltorlo greco. A nulla valsero le Mortatlonl dl Venlzelos perche' 11 ro nSMltaSSe 11 trnttntn 1l nllsnriTn ih. In ,lejava alia Serbia e perche' prendesse a C" inieressi del paese. n re ha pyj prevaiere le sue slmpatle personall 4Ia.polltlca dl famlella. Chi nuo" dlr rh ruiAlt. .. . ,,rz ,r. r . ii.i lujivaui puimca non acbua costaro n costantlno la sua vita jd II suo ?noT SI dlco cho la Gefmanla e lAiutrIa manno promesso alia Bulgaria ratio II terrltorlo tureo In Rurnna. mm. prt Constantlnopoll. NO DIVORCE, SAYS MRS. KNOX 8 . Sfif. n t.. .. ui roraier nipiomafs Son I Merely Selling Household Goods (Wf. Philander C. Knox, Jr., who since ,f maty nas oeen separated from 17- -i ----. ".vy nun ui lorroer oecreiaiy rfiir'. KnoXl has announced the sale Mdti a 0Ilecls or next Friday, " vi wora received from New -, n..cio axis, ivnox nves. Mrs. Knox, (fffj her marriage, was Miss May O. HErli a "alesglrl of Providence, It. f. lJ-Wped Wtn younK Knox In March. EVENING LEDGBK-PmLADKLrlllA, WEDS DSD-A Y, UCTOBKli 0, 1015; IV ftp couple separated because, accord- iFJi .. 8tatenent mode by Mra. Knox I we lime. n hii.h.ti . ...i. ,3J?rt her properly. lie waa an auto. gr" "'"oun men. K5'i,5n?x..lenled that th Blll t her "mraira Indicates any Intention nf h. C5 Kal Proceedings against her f!2r'JlaV8 ben ,lv,nf aPart tor om kC , WT one knows." she said, "but E.I.!' ,ult r aeparatloii or divorce ilii BS? no action of any sort In mliid.- mZ J?.inf JWs Btuft because It la a Wo u.ea!tVn 8t0rae8 and X haV Heating ,.. nui WATER l VAPOR v STEAM J. MARfil 1I.IFS & ro Ft JJ25 So. 5th - PHILADELPHIA UMbla akv nl&e fram Uck of UJ to stave In kltoMn, DirsctcUfht whwa yttu wnnl H, tliu vU( eye iht etnd wate 11 .' iht ml lroprint,.cnw.or"attt.i OERTUUDE T. GUERNSEY LEFT ESTATE VALUED AT $433,107.08 Executors File Account With Regis ter of Wilis The value of the cstato of Gertrude T. Guernsey, who died In September, 19U, la given ns H33.107.98. In an account filed today with the ncglster of "Wills by the executors, Joseph C. and nalmund T. Guernsey. They claim credit for ex penditures amounting to $5710.03, leaving balance of 1128.337.95 awaiting distribu tion under the will. Among tho securities making up the es tate are B75 shares rtcpubllc Iron and Steel Company, valued at 30,M0: "34 shares Slonega Coke and Coal Company m.360: 357 shares Lehigh Valley nail road Company, $22,oa; 440 shares National Bank of Catasauqua, To.. $23,320; 199 shares Virginia Coal and Iron Company t23,S80; bonds. Dayton Union Hallway Com pany, $16,000; Atlantic City Hallway Com Pnny, $10,000; Lehigh Valley Ball road Company, $11,700; Stcclton and People's Traction Company, $15,000, and Market Street Elevated Company, $10,340. The will of Anna B. Newbold, late of 201 South 20th street, admitted to probate today, disposes of an estate valued at $123,000. Tho personalty of the estate Is valued at $100,000 and Is bequeathed to her children. Other wills probated were those of II. warren Terry, who died sin Chatham, Mass., leaving effects valued at more than $10,000; tho Rev. Horace F. Fuller, Cedar Grove. Olney. $10,000; Charles J. Butt, 1210 North 5th street, $2100. and An Jilo E. Sweeten, 143 East Washington lane, $2000. Tho personalty of the estate of Jennie G. nrum has been appraised at $5445.39; Ellen D. Campbell, $5091.62; Elizabeth W. Jo. $4685.58, and Annlo, J. Iludolph. NEW TRIAL DENIED "MIDDY" Cadet, Dismissed for Hazing, Re fused Courtmartial Hearing Thero will be no court-martial for Alex ander R, Boiling, tho Chestnut Hill mid shipman dismissed from tho Naval Academy at Annapolis for hazing. Secre tary of the Navy Daniels announced that the court-martial was prohibited under the regulations. Boiling, with his friend, Dwlght Chand ler Cook, of Ohio, who also was dis missed from the Naval Academy as a result of the hazing investigations, ap plied to the Secretary for a court-martial. Ho also asked that It be an open hearing. "The cases will not be opened," said tho Secretary. "Under the regulations a court-martial cannot be held when mid shipmen are accused of more than one offense of hazing. This Is the case in every instance of those who were dis missed and disciplined at Annapolis." The Secretary denied that he had said thoso dismissed were guilty of both haz ing and falsehood. He said he had not made known the charges. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Pawneo, New York, merchandise, Clyde Stenmonlp Company. Str. Farmand (Nor.), New York, ballait, N. J. UrancineM A Co. Schr. William II. Rummer, New York, bal last, A. V. Cummlna & Co. , Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. Name. From. Sailed. Standon Hall Calcutta Aug-. 1 1 Noorbotten Narvik ".Sept. J I Ellcnwontsdk Itotterdam . ...Hopt. u Manntnetry Suez Sept. 12 Krnkon Mam London Sept. 12 Myrdal Mlddlcaboroush-Sept. 14 Kllallno Lelth Sept. 10 Uor5S..V Cardiff Sept. IB M. Bblrlcos Olbraltar Sept. 20 Feliciana London Kept. SO Tula -Shields Sept. 21 Calcutta Oran Sept. 22 Remicr Genoa Sept... Annapolis Lelth Opt. 22 Illver Amies Oran Sept. 23 Faeenand Port do Parx...8ept. 23 Pontoporoa Liverpool Sept. li Hnnvlk Anlbore Sept. 24 Kelbergcn Itotterdam ....Sept. 21 Oooree Pyman Ilarcclona Bept. 24 Povlga Huelva Sept. 2.1 Kosebank , Valencia Sept. 20 Ruth Arendal Sept. 27 Hammershuus Italboa Sept. 2S Aymcrlc Algiers Sept. 28 New Sweden Chrlstlanla ....Sept. 28 Georgian Honolulu Sept. 28 Sir Ernest Cassel Narvik Sept. 21) nanan Tela Sept. 30 Gusto , Manchester .a.. Oct. 1 Cornlshman Liverpool Oct. 2 Manchester Miller ...Manchester Oct. 3 Alzerlana ,...,.. London Oct. 4 North Point London Oct. 4 A Suit of "Armitage" cloth tailored to fit you a well as your most com fortable pair of gloves. $45. This fine fabrlo Is Imported from Uuddersfleld, Eng . land I Choice of several stylish patterns and col ors. Workmanship of the Peterson standard! Other Good Suitings $35 to $60 E.H. Peterson & Co. Tailor 1119 Walnut Street "THE CONCERTPHONE" SI ss 12 s 13 CONCERftHONE ml Tl Lowest Price TalUIn Machine) With MUbMi Qfl"r Tom. m compares favorably with any 118.00 or f 25.00 Talklnr Machine now or the mar ket playlnr ten and Twelve Inch and also the popular 10c records. The Woodwork Is lo a beautiful Ma horany finish. . Ton.srm and other metal parts are nlckal plated. . . . The Motor la ruaranteed for on year atalnst defects In workmanship. Every Machine la thoroughly teta before leavlnjc the factory. SOAPED, HALF-SH AVED, MEN RUN FROM MP Blnzo in a Barber Shop Pro duces Merriment in Ridgo Avenue A man ran out Into WdRo avenue this morning- with n long white bib on, one cheek covered with soap, tho other not, fingering- a partially dissected iroaten doomed to removal, nnd all because ' thero was a fire In tho barber shop. It was at 1812 Ridge avenue. In the neighborhood are quartered numerous felegatlon to tho Stato Firemen's conven lon, and the heads of volunteers popped out of windows to see h'ow city folk tackled a conflagration. They had a chance, to seo Samuel Zimmerman, tho barbtr, run out upon the nidge In great distress, railing for Instant succor. Presently tho fire laddies rushed upon the scene, In much less time than It takes to tell about It, much to tho delight of tho Inquteltlvo hends at tho windows. A brave man mounted to the second floor ond rescued tho two children of the barber. It had been n. cnndle dropped by n workman repalrlnc something that had started the blaso. When It was all out the visiting delegates applauded tho ef ficiency of tho firemen, nnd remarked upon their cosmopolitan cool-hcadedncss, n sentiment that was summed up by ono spectator ns follows: "They know how to go about their Job. They sure are city-broke." A DOOST FOR THIS PORT Effort Made to Make It Slipping Point for Pacific Freight Heads of Philadelphia Industries today were urged by tho Chamber of Commerce to mako this city the shipping point for merchandise destined for Pacific sea ports. Thousands of appeals aro being sent today to manufacturers. Tho present campaign Is tho result of several steamship companies, Including tho American-Hawaiian Line, discontinu ing their service between this city and California seaports. Coleman Sellers Is the chairman of the transportation committee of the Chamb-r of Commerce. He said: "We want manufacturers to use Phila delphia, their home town, as a port. Every manufacturer should become Inter ested In this movement." Says Loss of Wife Made Him Steal Loss of heart and courage after his wife eloped with another man led Wil liam M. Turner. 21 years old. to turn thief, he told detectives In New York, micr nis arrest mere on tho accusation ' that he had taken Jewelry and clothing worth $100 from Edward McQolrlck, or H2S Catharine street, this city. Turner was arrested In n boarding house on j ircai oun Biiceu .Accoruing to Detective Turner, the man said ho had been mar ried last June, and that In August his wlfo left him for another man. EH lsHWTTViilBslwil M nffi alalalalaW ri ,ffl Hsl I LnSHtwHsSaa3s!sMNRH 4 "BHwh'fflr'IffFiCiTiiyir IV L JaaMB-JsaMBsMssyrosBawie mmi "ij ersVesBBBBi llT iBu-IPSlVnnBjLlBiV)! am a young and inexpert' enced housekeeper. I have enjoyed your articles greatly and I have come to you for advice. We are building a seven room cottage and would greatly appreciate a few hints as to the decoration, espe cially the reception and din ing room. The house faces the north. The dining room is on the northeast corner VVe are going to paint the kitchen and southwest bedroom. What colors would you suggest? Thanking you for any help you may be able to give me, I am Very truly youn (from a letter) Good taste in house furnishing indicates a very advanced stage in civilization. People who are inteU ligently ' interested in interior decoration are, generally on the lookout For other good things. The Woman's Maga zine goes every month into more than 250,000 homes and your adver tising message could profitably go with it. The New Idea Publiihing Company New York THEWONAN'S MAGAZINE Is one of tho three magazines called by advertising men The lUutterlck Trln .ml bought as an adrcr- riuingunit. U lie other members of the Trio are The Deal mm n1 Thffrirtlnin Tl.- areragc monthly net circulaUou of Tho uwiencK ino is guarantee! to be In excess of 1,400,000. RaV 4? H X 1 JCaV mastai.ll B3"l 7tl i Wanted a Position of Trust An active. Intelligent business man thoroughly up-to-date wants a position to take care of an estate: or the a ft a Irs of an In dividual or small Trust r?n T LsjMleet the rents, rent the nron, rR.M. look after the repairs, etc. collect income xrom investments. Keep a correct record of all the accounts. To be a, help and advisor In making Investments. To (rive his entire time. Unques tlonablo reference as to character, honesty, ability, etc. Address if IK. ledger Of Ace. Why the Piano or the Player-Piano you select for your home should be a Here are some of them: TONE T.he Lester tone is the deliht f musi- cians and all persons who have an ear for music. It is full, rich and mellow. It lasts. DESICiN Lester designs are rich and chaste, " imparting to any home that touch of re finement and distinction which discrimi nating persons desire. FINISH The Lester finisn is suPerb. Only the highest grade materials enter into the making of Lester cases, and the workman ship is the best in this country. DURA- tester pianos are fully guaranteed for tfJz t,S r ten years but tney last a lifetime. Ask B I L I X 1 e man w as owned one for a quarter of a century. - ' PRICE elng direct from factory to home as we "" do, the purchaser is saved all jobbers' and agents' expenses and profits. This gives you a high-grade piano for what you would pay for one of inferior make. T F RMS 0ur terms are absolutely confidential, i .Li ix iv jl kj rpy are ketWeen you and us ONLY. No one else will know them. There's no club brand on the Lester. When you buy a piano you are taking into your home something you expect to live with for years. For that reason you should select care fully in order to avoid regrets. If you choose wisely, it will be a Lester. Your Old Piano Taken in Exchange at Full Value F. A. NORTH 1 9AC PLi.J. C-i Pianos Tuned JJJ VllCbllAllL tJli?v?L Factory BRANCH STORES OPEN EVENINGS KENSINGTON WEST PHILA. CAMDEN, N. 3244 Kensington Ave. 302 S. 52d St. 820 Broadway READING, PA. TRENTON, N. J. 15 North Sth 5t 209 Eut State SL WILKES-BARRE, PA. 170 Sowtk Main St NORRISTOWN, PA. 228 Wett Main St. '( j&r by sJj?y . Experts Sf$$f jf X J& o JF ,.- v- oy xws j$ i S r X& JFW ..- ...' JV .. D --g3a jwpppegassj y SCRANTON, PA. Z6 Spruce Si. f TBSB N H i i i i' I I. srl muX "gagpt 1 1 . II inhi 7 aBah rrttnaid t'or tlKn tMSO. g8-HAk( J-il!:!! rMcrtiUM TjMmUm Ca "-" " 1 1 rnTiii ; ) 1 '' I " mill s)sMsnsr