EYENiya LEDGERPHILADELPHIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1915. A three-time Want Ad costs only 12Vc per line per day. It tells its message in both Ledgers all day long w TOR SALE RCfrtrric Rniirllt All exchanged, 8c. Bell rxt-oru; uuugm victor. Double-Face. o .anfl BOci. JM3AnMft (bertJlumblaK KuOF anTTvarn paint. ,5e. per" gallon", com rt linn of palnta and glass; lowest nrt-esi tlvered anywhere. Dlelean, 1D30 Poplar it. t Keystone phone, rark 5341 A. '" . Fireproof?" slightly td, all sites. SAFKB Bargain. Special terms , Repairing, Open"-, alt mikes, low price. lint Frankford ve. iXl?KiSrflrproo7, closing ouf on, slightly used", hH .largaln 81ft N. Fourth at. VTcUlithCORl. biggest atock. real seaf. Lauder and Hawaiian, allghllr ueed. Look In my window, bo convinced. I'aul, Z8ZI Kenslngtonav Open svenlng. n$.V-OOl.D-FILLEO WATCH' lgln or Wattham movement, sn-vear guar, IFPEIfH I.OAN nFncn. 1!a Morsel st EaRo1" SAFE. Hilt: Tn perfect condition; alo irTIc -..mllure; wilt aacrlflc. Call Til Wat nut Room 2. INSTRUCTION Mnalcl fcXPKHIENCI.D'planlste will accompany" Sat urdass for ,olcc lenvona or mutual pleaaura or stringed Instrument, II R44, Led. Cent. MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOCoSt ANTI-FRICTION' METAT. "for lining machine beartnga ao far hi we know la the beat that can be found; this meana .durable nesa without a doubt. IKON and BRASS FOUNDRY, 143 North Second JAMH ILnjUM o HUff, t'OWtafl.I'l.ANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, bollera, ateam and olt en Bine, pumpa. air compreaaora. FRANK TOOMEY INC 127 N SD ST. . rlTERLlNG" la another nam "for Rorid'l llackhona netting; pure oak tanned leather. Write for aamplea and prlcei. 1IONU. K20 rchatrwt. . iJi.N A1IOS. motora and machinery bought, aold and rented: armaturea repaired. Call Main VI, Market !Wa. Ycarelef Company, 2it N. .Id. I'H'K MAClllNB No. 4 Eaton-Cola & Durn ham," with dlra; In fine condition. 8CVFEIIT8, 47 North Sd at. LOT SMALlT JACKET" KETTLES 'for elec trotype, uae. In good condition. J. NUTTALL. 1748 North 6th at. MTJBICAL INSTRUMENTS EESTEfl pCAYnil!veryeheap; nearly new; beautiful tone: 24 rolla; will conelder email caah paymenta. F. A. North Co. Branch. 3244 Kenalngton ave. Kensington 021. Other bargains; aend for Hat. PIANO UAnOAINS 180, Harrington piano, walnut caae. $1R5, Player-riano. fiS note. 11ELLAK. 1129 CHESTNUT BT. $85 CinCKEIlINa'fJrRIOHT riANO. . HOWAHD VINCENT, 898 N. 0th. OLD GOLD Ot.lt GOLD, elher. platinum, plated ware, old atyle Jewelry, teeth plaice bought for caetu Kt. 170. J. L. Clark, refiner. S07 Sanaom. OLD oSLTv-Caih paid for old gold, allerT antique clorka: will call. Hell phone. Locust i2in. noonifa. 27 s. 17th. IIIUUEST .'U1CCS In the city for old gold. Kilter, platinum, false teeth: old coins bought and aold. Jewelry Exchange, 21)4 S. oth. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS atonea, gold, sllter. platinum, false teeth. I'hlla. Smelting & Ref. Co., lis S. 11th at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS WE coat leaky roofs at small cost -and guaran tee tbem 10 years: let ua estimate. American Hoofing Co., lKIJ ltldge ave. KOOFINO CANVAS, guaranteed quality. H. A. HUMPHREY'S SONS 1021 Callowhlll at. STORAGE C O N T 1 N E N T A I. STORAOE WAREHOUSE 2UTII aV. AltOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING. SHIPPING Ttugs. Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Pell. Locust ltXiO Phones Key., Race 4100. FIDEIJTY KIREPltOOF WA11EHOUSE3 1811-I81U MARKET ST. WEST PHI LA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHILA. Auto, packing and uhlpplng. WEST PHILA. B870 X.ANCA8TBR AVE. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE 8torage, moving, parking, ahlpptng, carpet cleaning. Ph. Paring 752 for estimate. Market and 37th. MILLIiOUnNF. 8TORAGF. CO.. 22 N. 62D. Belmont R82S. Carpet cleaning. West 421. Autnvana any time, anywhere. XtcCANN8 8TORAGE HOUSE. 1748 N? 11th at.; moving, pac'tlng. ahlpptng; auto van. YVALKEIVS Storage: separate locked rooma; auto vans for moving. 2H12 N. 15th. WANTED Cast-Off Clothing Wanted Wo positively pay the highest cash prices for gcntlemen'a aummer or winter discarded clothing of any description. Also wo pay a special high price for ladles' Butts, street dreasea. e.entng gowna, opera cloaka. eta Our buyers call day or evening, city or suburban. SPI lr.9f.HN "T" AND SPRING OCLIVjatniN GARDEN STREETS AMETHYSTS, antique furniture, feather beds, broken Jewelry, false teeth, gold. silver, dlam. . bought. 785 Walnut. Ph. Val. 7020. Est.'C0. Old gold, silver, curios, coins, pls ANTIQUESj tols, false teeth, furniture. J. II. , (.BOSS (PeopIe'avStore), 288 S.Jlth. CAST-OFF CLOTHING " ,wo muat have goods to furnish our two stores, 227 and 241 North 8th at. Wo arc now In a position to pay you more for men'e clothing than other dealers. Phono Walnut bo05, 8CHULTZ 227 North Uth at. CAST-OFF CLOIHINO Will positively pay 00 per cent, mora than other dealers for ladles' and gentlemen's cast-off clothing, hats, shoes, etc.; also full dress an.! tuiedo autts. Call, writ, phone Poplar 6771. Prompt attentloo PaM to orders. BLACKER. 123U Poplar at. CAST-OFF CLOTHES Highest prices for gents' sack suits, full dress, Tuxedo, shoes, etc.; prompt attention. Phono Poplar 6382, or . write. SELIOSON. 808 Poplar at. 'URN1TUHB UOUGHT FOR CASH ' Will pay highest prices for household furnt lure, piano and office furniture. Ennla Furnl- "" o.. i'12 B. nth. I'hons Walnut 1WB. FURNITURE, planoa, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought tor cash, no matter vrJarga.JDBnNSTEXNUSWtldga ava. NATIONAL CASH , check-printing reglaterf JHata apot cash price and whera it can be aeen. P 108. Lodger Office. PAINTINOS WANTED WHI purchase a good example of Gilbert 8tu art Thomas Bully. J S5B, Lodger Central. im.0 VICTOR. Columbia, Edison roeorda; maohlnei: Vlctrolaa: buy. sell, eichance any thing of value: Keystone phone. The Reliable Shop, a 8. 2d. ROOMS rOR RENT JUST THE ROOM TOU WAN Can Mry llksly bo located tn a few minutes by eiarolning the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which ara on ma for your Inspection at Ltdgsr Central. An Interior photograph and an aware to ovary qucatlon you would ask are sere, ao you can decide Intelligently; free -wrvlcoi test It. BROAD, 8., 1039 Second-floor suite, private bath, comfortably furnished, elect rlo lights, hot-water heat. CBDAR AVE.. 481T-Jrga S atory front room, southern exposure, gentlsmgn preferred. r 1-hone Woodland Uttld W. CHESTNUT ST., 2044-Slnglo and an suits; private baths; all latest Improvements; owner. Phone Spruce 6258. CHI98TNUT BT. 4020-2 rooma. furnished or unfurnished,, with or without prime bath; references exchanged. CMKarTNUT. lWH-Deslrabla single or doubt rcissas for business gentlemen; private baths. CHRMTNUT. 2005-Checrful rooms, single and on mite; baths, hot water; reference. CHESTNUT, au0T-Dek-ble single and double - jus, permanent or transient, cHcnrNur, imt miitk of rooms', bathi .ALSO BiybLB ROOMS. " ""l CXT "T B"tHully fun. rsoea, adj. At pimi, JL, 1st jtsor; unoh. llghtT C11IJT. MoO-MMte or on suite, (urn. " s"wwvt; iue svmuBSUus, i.; paswh; ntmtd s r WV..WUMtilmlr t ' fUrmtshed rnAa&a ' Ml SMtUl tt kavtaj. ' BT., IMa) Cmm tr.qul. co. un : sj aatM, tws ssimu., private Uthe, hot-water, -SSff t. areacel rof.Mylron ; owner. onfuni. reeaaa, jiwarly poser! and Jm,wd, -rtCt'srr, lto'tXTton.Apts.) alia4lty twr, Hi si i .cei.JUsth. accan.i reftwJ; Btkoni. LO'"iJl, lS-lWg.nierlwerly"lurii75 osar Lolh; leaUsaies w, Walnut S6V. UtCVtrt, Mils Waely furi-SkeslWrailoo? frosu alas 3 Xeiutn-lloor roowe; aUst Uaas u: ymrtr tsnants,- refstencea. HOM HoiuJt JS, Photographs and R00M3 FOR RENT OVnntinOOK (802 Wnnwood road)-I lira aunny rooms, single or tn suite: prlvata bath, attraitlrely film.; prl. fam. 25 mln. 10 City ..Hall, reasonable, refe. Belmont 71 D. OXFORD, 1401 (cor Carlll) Irca brlcht rooma, with or without bathi unfurnlahed. PINE, 1620 Two com rooma, furnished, suit able for bachelor; running water.Locust 0813. POWELTON AVE.. 3.107-Wcll-furn., bright. airy rooma. single or en aulte, private baths; II conveniences, porch, near I. and aubway) rcfcrenrea eichangcd. POWEI.TON, 3110-2 nicely turn, rooma. tin -,5Jr?iL",ll,!.'tIn,,t'rJL.Brln. 'l?sJh, IUTTENH0U3E KQUAnE I21D 8. tMh at - I ante, airy rooma iind apt., beautifully fur hlhJ: 1 or rooma. private hatha, hot-water brat: first clasajn appolntmtnta and service. SPRUCE. 1115-Benuttrully furn. Id-floor room; other veca . running water, electric llichta. spruce. tit7-w.Kt..-FriiNi8Hi:n noots. BISULKOII EN SUITE. NKAR HATH. HPItl'CK. ..31. --'i-funilehed rooma. . water neat; gentlemen: reference. hot 8PRIICE. 1208Newly renovated front rooms, -'lSl..ol'J?,!lunl',,t,raTi elegant serv.; phone. SPHtJCK, ITtT-nooma. etngte or en aulte. prv. bathe; prof, offices, steam ..eat, electricity. BPltUCK, 1134-Largr 1st nnd 2d floor apart" menta. with balh. single r.wms. BPRtTK, 17.12 Furn. rooms adjoining bath; . aleam heat: reference! exchanged, telephone. SPRUCE. 2022 - Attractively furn. bachelor ..'JL rooms nd bath; fireplace; phone. VENANGO, W, 181S (corner) Furnished or unrurnlshed rooms; 1 square from Tioga ?!5tmn;electrlcllght; hotater heat. WA'.NUTl ,", ,Th", Strathmorel-RunnTnT viater Allrooma: pop'r rate, Invcs'te: elev'r. ,V,NV'r' f,00;,-Newly"furnlshed" 2d and"dd noorfront rooms:near !; all conv. .?.?. i.6". 10 l"Two "roomaT second floor front nd back; runnlnc watrr: reasonable. 4IST. s 603-Attracthe furnlahed or unfur- 5j"nedrooms, single or en aulte; phone. IlLACK OAK PARK (Pine near S2d)-Mosfde-slrHblo lot at Ion In VVtet Philadelphia; gentle man sum wife will' ehare comlnrta of Httrac tue home with single gentleman: large room: aimllght; nindsrn. P.elmont WW. ' "i.?.1 'U-AN wishes to communkato with reflnrd man and wlfo or mother and dauThtcr, who would pay J-;o rent for a well furnljhed homo for housekeeping. J aio. Ledger Central. OP1-ORTUNITY to rent desirable Sd-ftoor room! en suite, or single, with or without private bath. furn. or unfurn., central fashionable location. Phone Filbert .110!! llMt-OM:LY furnlfhed front room In large, mo.i,rn. prltat home electric lights; 10 nlnutestoCltyIJnll.Tclephone Rarlng415. WELL rurnlshed room, convenience, exclu yi. neighborhood. Phone Raring 1480. LAROE" room."nlcely furnjshed with all con wnloncca Phone lxmt :d 2SI0 W. BOARDING IJROAD. S.. 7T0 (The Graham) Cool, attract- lely iHrrn",'JaJLcon,"' ho,el erv ; J7 up. LI.IIIOH AVT:"., roome. good tablc;nevymanaKement. Phone Tioga h.".'l. PARK. Nr., 2121 Working men," room ond liunnl, V home cooking; wash Incluiled. POtA ELTON, 40.17 Attract, room, well furn." qulet. refined home; near L. llarlntr 1027 I). SPRING GARDEN. 1800- Boarding." rooms"; mod. house; bathe; porch; table board; phone. SPIlUCi:. 12S0-Attractle rooms, single or en mite; prl. ate batha:tableboard. Bl'RUCE. 1224-20 (nrlimonde)-FurnfoomT sloglc, n suite; private baths; tab e board. SPRUCE. 1028-10 Beautirul IM-story sulier turn, or uniurn.to ;er. couple; choke table. WALNUT -ilHI-Attractive rooms, refined sur.; KemjiiconpleijBobtnWeIlelmoiit :isi:i v. lOTH. V 1741-47 (Tha Parker)-Lnrge. "hufmv. nanusomelv furn. aecond-floor vacnnflfa; well heated,hot and cold water, 2 bathrooms. 40TII. N.. ::2 Pleasant light rooms, exception- i al tableiporch; near L. Baring 208S W. 4IITH. S.. .'21-Ileauttfully furn.. single and double rooms In attract., mod. hojse. Ph. Woodland 110.1 W. Photoi nt Ledgor Cent al. i'llIVATK family owning large" rcsU'encc, ex clusive section of West Philadelphia, offer excellent board and room to gentleman of reflrement. J 312. Ledger Central. PRIVATE FAMILY will take Infant to board: ief a.exchanged.L125. Ledger jOfllce. SPRUCECyN. "305 South 41st St. Miss sTm! HANLEY, formerly of Chestnut st. DESIRABLE room, private family, gentlemm, near Queen Lane Station. Ph. Gmtn. 41.15 Y. Suburban allKMANTOtt'N, 235 W. Rlttenhouae st, (be tween Wayne and Greene) Comfortable furn. rooms; good table; conv. Phn. Gtn. 1373 X. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT BTS. Thli 13-story concrete and steel structure reaches the highest point of development as yet attained in apartment construction and may be rroperly styled a perfect place of ultoje. An earnest effort haa been made to offer a mat-hlcss home to those whose first con sideration la not to count the coat, but to procure that which they dealre; where there ih only perfection, the slxe and character of vhkh miy be selected and ahaped according to Hie distinctive requirements of the Indl ldml. Suites are arranged from two rooms and '" -Mth tn seven rooms and three baths. The locitlon Is excellent, being convenient the business and ahopplng centrea and jet not ton m-ar. 1 "lai'V" '" " forma"' opened Novemfer further Information may be obtained and reservhtlon inado through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. WALNUT AND 11TH ETS. (8. W. COR.) Mod. suites; exceptionally attractive; large rooms; high ceilings; abundantly lighted on throe aides, also 104-S S. llth at.: suitable for houa.) eeplng If desired; rentals Jill and 473. Janitor on comer premises. OARUER. HART.MAN & CO.. izui Chestnut st. BROAD, N IXM. Two large rooma and bath; unrurnlshed; very attractive; plenty of sun light; electric lights; ateam heat; porch; hard- M OOil lltMit trillthsrn dviifleiirai nilnilnw mma . " . AsvuV( n.nun e.us. bookcases; open fireplace, etc.; meals optional. 105 S. 11T1! R1V ItflKhAln. onarmAnt.. Ann. tlonally desirable 2d-floor suite, 2 large rooms and bath; every modern Improvement; tf?:.?Ton femlsos; steam heat Included. BARBER. IfARTMAN & CO..1201 Chestnut. WALNUT ST.. 2205 AtTractlve apartmenta, 2 rooms, private bath and hall: electricity and gas. plenty of hot Water; well heated; larg rooma. Janitor, or phone Locust 3.140. LOCUST ST.. 2001-2 rooma. bath, kitchenette. unfurnished: aecond floor; phone. SPfttNO GARDEN. 1817-Excellent apta. In different houses, aom furn.; kitchenettes. .SPRING GARDEN. 2101 (corner)-Bac"heW apta.; well furnished; open fireplace; elec'y. J401 OXFORD, cor. Carlisle Two large rooms; private bath: unfurnished: attractive. ' 113 B. 20TII ST, Beau. fur. apt, eh aulte; . private baths; desirable location owner. REFINED couple wantedto taka amall furn Ished house 10 miles from city and board nwnier. UlJ mPloyedV for rent, Ilox 37, Rutledge. . Pa. "n ,urS!.,.h3 , "J. unfurnlahed apartments N. W, Phllsdelphla and Tioga, see ua first, Mchoeppy fe Co.. 1517 Montgomery ave. WH.t'Ii' room; bath, kitchenette; K8 to X3B. 1822 Spring Garden at. West 1'liUad'lphts CHESTNTTT ST., 8612-Sati-Elegant apartment, entire 2d floor, consisting of 2 bedrooms, larg sitting room and porch; private bath; furn. or unfurn.; finest residential section; dining room. Phone Preston mil DUBK1NOHAM, 4414 Walnut at.-Thlrd floor, ssven rooms, 2 baths; $75; first class. Apply Janitor or Geo. Flee,k, 60 N. Bth st. r PETEY DINK He's Training: to Be a Soldier - r VtOC.I RleitCDUP A l)Mki AcrivBrvllii TO "TMbT kNlerMiLiTADu9 ITRAIMIMC ATHOMr'BMV. VI4 W NW III. rrctvCTISr CHeVReilNO" ' 1 Via VkvJ if 4l 1NT -. description of comfortably furnished Rooms in refined APARTMENTS WEST PHILADELPHIA GREY GABLED 312- . asd o . . . ..7 3 TO 7 ROOMS Soma furnished All outside rooma. Reaa. APARTMENT HOTELS THE CLINTON "JjL"! 200 1100M8. BVKHY CONVENIBNCE. lurnlshtHl or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently, suites of on to tour rooms, with bath. THE PARKSIDE AAvNFNUFnAnD .. OJ'POSITB FA1RMOUNT Park' Furrhhed and unfurnlahed n.artmeiita. Com plele hotel rcrvlee. Phone Baring 221. 'THEN YOU'LL COME HACK TO US" This first jenr we com with our message to oui the second and third and all the other frsrs the irmembranr of thla year' will bring )ou back again and again. One In a lifetime "MINE' HOST" ta born, not made. J. Warren Friar, for 20 years of the Hotel Wnltnn and way back before that of the Old Lafaette, haa taken the Lincoln a new and KlorllliM Lincoln, reflnlahed and refurnished throughout nnd will welcome ou for ray n day or so, or for all th winter season. With elevator service, running water In every room nnd the klim of dining room ou didn't think eould be. You will nnd all sour living trouble" over nnd jour problems solved If sou will Just call and talk things over and then make jour reservations with Mr. Friar at THE LINCOLN, MTH AND LOCUST BTS. "The l'vifcrt Apnnment Hotel." or NORMAN S. nil ntt WOOD 14tl WALNUT ST. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" THE MORRIS 13TH STREET BELOW SPRUCE IDEALLY KES1DBSTIA.L Situated In the heart of Philadelphia aristocratic residential aectlon. Within walking c11.tnnca of ,the shopping, the atrical and business district. St'lTKS arranged according to your needs, rrom 2 ROOMS and BATH to 7 ROOMS and 3 BATHS. J. II. HAWKINS. Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORTAtll.C SUITES : One or more vvcll-furnlshed rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. THE DELMAR-MORRIS . .. -. Ol-RMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION PHNNA. RA1IiH.OA..V. -' MINUTES FROM BROAD hi'. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISIIBn St!ITt;s AND HOUSEKEEP INO A PA HTM ENTS. THE TRACY .10th and Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals tn families and aeekera for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE 11th and Pine ats. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND S. E. COR 12TH AND SPRUCE BTS. Desirable suites with private batha. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WALNUT, 2012 VERY FIND HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT; SIX ROOMS. THREE BATHS; UP TO DATE, 1512 OXFORD ST. Beautiful apartment, two living rooma. two bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, mald'a bedroom and toilet. Inquire Janitor. PINE. 0001 AND 4 ROOM AITS.: EVErV CONV.. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS; FURN. OR UNFURN : MUST HE SEEN TO HE AP'KD. 23D AND PINE STH.-De Lancey Apts., i rooms 1 bath to 0 rooms 2 batha. Apply Janitor, or CUMMINS. Jj03 Chestnut. 1STH. N., 10.W Fully furnished first-floor apartment, with private bath and kitchen; X27; suit two pcrona, reference required. RITTENHOUSE SQUARE-Leasee ofapart. facing square will offer Inducementa to satls- f?tenantfor bal. of term. Ph. rilbert 5J4 1. 12TH AND GIRARD1 AVE.-I. 2 and 3 "room apartments; bath and kitchenette, hot-water heat; low rent, Waldman, lllO W. Olrard ava. N. H.COR. lOTH AND MASTER Two or three rooms, bath, kluhenette. . ONItOOM,PltIVATElJATlLS.(JO H7 N. KITH Second floor apt.; two bed rooms, bath, llvtng-dlnlng room, kitchenette; corncr, light 4 slues. OLitAUSEN, 1305 Arch. 2010 DIAMOND BT.-Thlrd floo"r,0oofnsl hardwood floors: rent X3.1. Phone Wyoming 200, or eee McDnde. agent. BROAD ST.. N.. 4li25-5-room spartment. IKrch. running botvvatcr; phone lerv Ice. 1BTH. N.. 1503 3 cholc unfurnished rms. with ball- and kitchenette: quiet: refined. THE MONTEVISTA OD AND OXFORD 8TS. IN THE EXCLUSIVE OVERBROOK SECTION AN IDEAL SEMI-SUBURBAN LOCATION WITH EXTENSIVE GROUNDS M SURROUNDING affording abundance of light and air, and . within 25 mlnutea of city Hall. THE with ST. CROS.STQWN LINE RUNS D1RLCT TO O.ID ANDOXFOHD BTS. and the building can bo reached via any car running nest with free ;uss to both at. !.,... Lrosstown lire SUITES OF ONE (1) ROOM AND BATH TO SEVEN (7) ROOMS AND BATH renting from 25 to 75 per month. Dining- room, located In building. Agent on premises, or phune OVERBROOK 4708 INFORMATION relative to and th renting of nearly every desirable apartment In Philadel phia may bo conducted through this office. CALL. PHONE OR WRITE Automobile service to Inspect apartments. If desired. NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD . 1411 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" THE TIOGA 16TH AND ...... TIOOA STREETS Few desirable vacancies, e rooms and balh, porches, electric light; all conveniences; ap ply to Janitor, on premises. PALMER WETHERILL . APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Eatate Trust Bldg. Walnut 143. THE NASH 1527-20 spruce btreet ... HOUSEKEEPING APART MBNT3 and PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. HOUSEKEEPING APTS., all parts of city. Rents S23 to 70 per mo. Call, phone or write for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Cheatnut. CORONADO. " 22d and Cheatnut ats. A few desirable vacancies, large and smalt. Weat Philadelphia HAMILTON COURT 88TH AND CHESTNUT BTS. Very desirable housekeeping apartments of 8 rooms and 2 batha, 2d floor. Chestnut st. front; yearly less; also housekeeping apart ment u. 6 rooms and bath, Apply 11. E. ihaiuimi, jianajer. THU RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. 64TII TO flSTH 8T. 0 and 7 room apartmenta, with. all th latest conveniences. (.17.50 to 115 per month. ROBERT A. PITTS, AGENT Bell phone, Belmont 413.1. 5143 Locust at, mmm -zr v4mmkmYmmm & a hzss v 'a -7-t i yrr K-y - -w sj i n-" ""r5H.c" ) S ssM'Z&ZZ&pZzi&Zi&s. jAw i m' , i r vi-tiuiggg I VIK s r S A LVf Yit,-! T ' k? A FjJ r-'T? yrr ' vry maw -w w?- .& "' , '.'.'".. " ' .. ..'.'.. " ' --Bl--R "trS.XV.:tt.- HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS West Philadelphia . THE MARLnOROUOIt 54TH AND CHESTNUT HTS. Most convert lent location obtainable; hot-water heat, else trla tight . in fact, the character of service and comfort which makes a vacancy In any one of these apartments a rare occurrence, two or thre deslrabt apartments are offered now where tenants are leaving th city; rentals, 827.30 to t, THE PARKWOOD 4STH AT WOODLAND AVE. (on block south of Chester ave.). faring Clatk Park To thoe who desire trees, grass and open air surroundings, the apartments will make a particular appeal. Tennis courts on the grounds Two desirable apartments for rent, one vacant and one to b vacated. LK BLANC APARTMENTS MTH AND WALNUT BTS.-Housekeeping apartments, with 3 rooma and bath, with try modern convenience and with the sott of services which will muke you glad to live In an apartment thla winter; on first-floor at 15, two second floors at f-1T, THR PLOEYDBN 40TH AND 1.0CUBT STS. Two suites of 5 rooma and bath each may now be obtained In this particularly desirable 4-sloiy lire; root apartment house. I also offer a large variety of apartmenta at varied rirlrea and to meet almost any re qulrement Call or send for Hit. Automo bile servlco to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN K ntinnwoon, 14tt Walnut sL "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" PARKE APARTMENTS. 40th and Eansom aln., 142.50 Beautiful 0 rooma and bath: het water heat; electric light; Janitor service, open day and evening. DAKtN KILPATHICK. 8133 Market eL PRIVATE "PARTY desires tn sublet apart ment In the Walllngford, 38th and Chestnut; parlor, den. 2 bedrooms and bath, dining room, kitchen, maid's room, toilet: U modern conv a.; rent twi; Im. pos. I'n.l'reston 47011 vv $45 ATTRACTlVlTd-floor apartment, with private porch, 0 rooms and bath, The Alba nar, 40th below Chestnut. TAYLOR SON. 24 and 2lt S. 40lh St. DREXBt. APARTMENTS OVERBROOK STATION After October 1. one first-floor aulte, 8 rooma and bath; elevator; public dining room: oof gnrflen; apacloua lawn. Phone Overbrook O.VJS. LENOX APARTMENTS. 8401 to 540S Chester ae. Furn. nrd unfurn. housekeeping apart mcnta.See Jantlor or ph. Woodland2i0 J. ESSEX, .14lh nnd Chetnut: Monterey, 41d and Chester- Belmont, 31th and Hprlng Garden. Inquire Janitor, or Cresee, 30S Hale Bldg. MANY DESIRABLE APARTMENTS- oJ TV) Q KERSHAW & CROWL, 8215 CHESTNUT. Germantorrn LOCHSLEY HALL 418 to 314 West Mldvale ave., Queen Lane Station, Germantown. Ideal homes: large lawn and porch. HOUSEKEEPING APTS. WANTED UENTLEMAN WISHES""TO"sUnT.RASB 4 OB 6 RMS.. HOUSEKEEPING AIT. FURN., FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD RKPEIt. ENCES EXCHANGED. P 022. LED. OFF. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2115 GREEN ST. Three-story brick dwelling, good condition: steam heat; 0 bedrooms, 2 aths. ca. terms. WILLIAM C. BENKERT S. W. corner 13th nnd Arch eta. 1220 CABOT (12th and Olrard ave.) 7 rooms, bath; rent 118; tax $27, water $8; Int. on mortgage $80 40: profit fOl.OO: pays 11 per .cent, on Investment of $800. Farrell.710 a. 20th. . 130D LOCUSt""st; " Handsome, modern 4-story brownatone dwell Ing. Especially fitted for professional offices. Low price and easy terms for quick sal. PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SALE IN PARTITION TUESDAY, OCT. 26, 19 IS, AT 12 M. Public Salesroom, Phila. Bourse VALUABLE CENTRAL CORNER LOCATION BETWEEN MARKET and CHESTNUT and OVERLOOKING SOUTH PENN SQUARE Nos. 20-22 and 24-26-28 SO. 1STH STREET NOS.- 20-22 LOT 40x04 FT. NOS 24-20-28 LOT U0x4 FT. To Be Sold, Not. Subject to Approval of Courts, Without Reserve and With Good and Marketable Title .. Fir...IU" deacrlptlon and particulars eea handbill. , BARNES & LOFLAND AUCTIONEERS, 147 SO, 4TH STREET SPc.,A,hJ,A,,0AIN8-0my 200 'sno 1712 Wallace, an WOO house for .'.O0. S,7 &. -JJ"- reduced. $.1700 to $3100. 1014 Mt. ornon. make offer. . MARSHALL 11. SMITH, loll Chestnut st. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" IKK) Walnut at. LOT, 100x1(10 feet, fronting on 2 streets (un '"'"e'l). In the northeast section; price $1IVI0. BROWKR & SCHWEITZER, 2JU East Cumberland st. GROUND ALONfJ N. E. BOULEVARD JOHN G. WILLIAMS, 727 Walnut St. Successor Lewis II. Redner. SALES-RENTS EXCHANGES ALURECirrs 373 Drexel Bldg. 2414 W. Lehigh ave. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for "rale or rent! YARROW VAN PRt.T N. E. cor. llth and Chestnut. INVESTORS. SEE WARD'S HOU8ES" AT 4200 N. DARIEN BT. jur r il. ft Jl jv. tint ST. WARD'S PARK-FRONT HOUSES"" ARE WOIlTII INsPKcrinn OFFICE 42J1 N. UTH STREET Itiyf.27MEN'r.-::00 fet fo Parkway; lot i?xJ?? 'Jy - trnl" no restrictions. Owner, II 711. ledger Central. SALE-lOS-tO-12 Walnut at.; fllx47feet.""W. BRUCE BARROW, 130 N. 12th at. Building Its, Factory Bites. Etc. FACTORY SITE. 105 ft. on Belgrade, OO'ft. on Monmouth and Birch sts. ; $2800. A H. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut St. Aldan. Pa. EXECUTOR'S SALE 23 acrea; ready for de v;lopS,.n-t nn.Z' rteam "-ontage; 10 mln. utea BOth at. i 17 minutes Broad St. J 453. Ledger Central. ' Stores and Dwellings 2712 W. .LEHIGH AVE.-8 rooma; desirable business location; suitable for many kinds of bu.lne.e. 11. J. Miller. 2128 W. lihlgh. WEST PHILADELPHIA 8 400 POWELTON AVE. Semidetached stone-front house, containing 12 rooma. modern plumbing, hardwood floors: convenient to centre of ilty; n b bought close to asseasrd valuation. W, H. W. QUICK A HRO., INC. 8 South 40th at. 33787"FAltRAGUT BT.-8 "rooma. hot-waTer heat, all Improvements. JAB. N. MITCHELL, 46th and Market sta. - 4 Gallant Bayonet Charge RKAIi ESTATE FOR 8ALE WEST rillLAUKLriltA LARGE LIST . . New desirable homea, 7 to 10 rooms, hot water bent, electric lights, have )ou seen our New England doorway housesT. IS. S NOCK. 55th st. and Halttmor ave. iARGE comer store and apartment, corner oi two main streets, store 48 feet front, good active location lor any business. E. E. NiiCKjJSlh t.jiiKl Baltimore ave. BErTD I?OR 1.1st. SAl.E OR" IlENT JOS. M. IIAKER B2d and Bsltlmor nvs. 0-r6OM, comer house at $2500: ear can b nut In basement. E. II. Al'LEY, 8th and tjpnngneiil nve, vitKONrn Homes OrtTII AND PARCIIAl.ti AVE. Apply 1(111 CIIKSTNUT8T. CoiuTKli Only $480d: 5 moms on second door; every convenience, could be altered Into store 510 . f7th st. MUST SELL, leaving city, two-stoi brick; U square from atd st, elevated station, square rrom I Ledger Centra j ou. GERMANTOWN 138 E. UPSAL BT-.1-atory cor. dwg.,10 rooms, porch, hot-water heat, lot 25al50; make offer. North I'hlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erie, $l3,liuo New detached dwelling, on lot (VI by 150 feet, only ono minute's walk from sta tion, 7 chambers, .1 batha (one with marble shower), large double-deck porch, hot-water heat, electric end gas lighting, open fire placa, luirdwood floora, etc.; splendid train service. Open dally and Sundays. Trains to Stentnn Station. Chestnut Hill Division, Heading Hallway. FRANK MAt-RAN, 210 Land Title) Building. THREE HTORY, porch front. 10 rooma nd bath: ateam heat; gas, electricity; asaeaied $U'00: ;iiice$40on.H 144. Ledger Central. RESIDENCE SITES-Ground In best section or Germantown and Chestnut Hill. B, U. LISTER It SON. 5012 Germantown ave. WE CAN assist you tn find that house you are looking for. Germantown Trust Co., ejneiten ana ucrmantown nves. IF YOU ARE ToOKIN for a home In Ger mantown. Mt Airy or e-neetnut mil, consult me. A. R it n than, 0747 Germantown av. Chestnut Hill NEW 8ALF. AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy arid Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO..n740 Germantown av. Tioga VERY WELL BUILT modem 3-story dwelling, 11 rooma and bath, Including hot-water heat, every modern convenience; lot 10x100 feet: rot fS.MKl: offered nt a bargain and on easy terms (o close an account. TOCUM & POWERS CO., 20 B. lBth at. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN KENNEDY A RAMUO. 3740 GERMANTOWN TWO 3-STORY DWELLINGS. 2101-2103 Tioga sL Inqulro at 2103. OUR FALL BALE LIST mailed upon appll cation. Hnbson. Erie nnd Germantown aves. Lognr HEAL ESTATE, mortgages and convey ancing. WM. D. CHAMBERS. 4038 N. Broad at. LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad St., opp. Logan Station. SUBURBAN CHOICE BUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, Langhorae, Pa. SELECT PROPERTIES Country seats, rarms. List orders now. . LEWIS T. BROOKE A BON, 1414 So. Term eq. FOUNDED 1878. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale oi rent, on the Main Line or Reading R. R, WM. 11 WILSON A CO.. Morris Building. homes for sale or rent Mccormick & Mccormick. 1011 Chestnut, and Elklna Park. SUBURRAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent: Attractive locations; prlcea right. Maurice ! J. Hoover, ileal estate Trust mag. 8UBURBAN REAL ESTATE Main Line, Ger mantown; farm; Reading R.R.Send for lists, CHARLES J. HOOD & CO.. Morris Bldg. Ambler, Pa. SEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, country seata. building ground, etc, I have a large and varied list In Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing tn th way of country real estate, do not tall to get my list before sou buy, THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. FARMS, country placea nnd auburban homes on the Readlng'a Bethlehem and Doyleatown branches. H. J. Pager. Inc., Ambler, Pa. Colwyn, Pa. 215 8. 3D Modern brick dwelling, 0 rooms, heater, bath, mantel, 2 porches; 25x100 to street. BWOPE & SONS. Darby. Klklna Park, Pa. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, near train and trolley, at decided bargain; all Improvements. Box P 100. Ledger Office. Glenslde, Pa. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. RENNINOER A nENNINGER Broad and Walnut eta. J1AIN LINE. TA. n. IL BEST LIBT OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, at all orlc... HIRST A McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place an3 building sites to ault all requirements; Main Line. II. c. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. Herwyn 6 ACRES, $12,000, cheap. A. D. HEALD West Chester. P. NEW JERSEY Haeldon Heights. N. J. LIPPINCOTT I)TS AND HOMES HA i: DON HEIGHTS, N. J. W1LLET LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade, N. J. THE ORHATEST privilege of the 20th century Is to own i. little one-acro farm close to Thlla., and remember, J3 down buys ono. fi ninnthlv nnjs for It. For a square deal Vail on or writ BARLOW A- CO., Mapl Shade. " J- Mt. Ephralm. N. J, ... t ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm. N. J adj. Haddon Heights: ?"lL s.,m."" Jrom Camden: 2 stations on trace $300 to $000 per aero; title Insured; free deed: no taxea for 1MB. Camden County aar den Farma Co.. 520 Market at.. Camden. N. J. Mt. Holly, N. J. AITRACTIVE 2-sty. 8-room cottage: porches; conveniences: garage; sljng trolley; $2650 A. W. Dresser. Burlington. N. J. ' National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. '$100 cash. $10 monthly: lota 23 xlBO, near trolley; conv. to river: National Park. Get off Red Bank av.."e. 'agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co., 33 8. 18th. Woodbury, N. J. $2200-For short time, I can build a stucco home, 8 rooma and bath; all conveniences: 1 acre ground; -lose to trolley and electric rv,olondburJyhy, $"" "'- t-. SEARIIORK Cape May. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction; attraetlva plana submitted free. OTIB M TOWNSEND. 'ocean City. N. J. Ocean City, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a rellatl builder la a aatl(artlon, attractive plana submitted free OTIB M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N.' and Its Disastrous Results m homes are shown REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE PENNSYLVANIA FARM8 $80 PBR ACRE Prodtictlv 150-acr farm, on atons road, IS miles from City Hall, H mil from trolley, atone house, new barn, woods and atream, great Investment. OROSS MINGLE, 5210 Marketit. 4W PEN NA "an J N. J.'farma for ale. What are our requtrementsT We hvj a .tarn i for )ou. Writooi call. JACK'S FARM AGENCY 215 Btephen Olrard Hldg,, I'hlla. 23 AlTlllls. STOCK, CROPS, good hulldlngj; $25PO: half cash. llUNSBKIigER'B ARM AGENCY, Green Lane, Pa. FARMS A"ND COUNTRY8EATS B to 210 acres; apply for catalog. C P. PETERS c BON. 0"8 hestnutst..,, t) ACRKS, near Norrlatown, on liard road; st.ne house, barn, fruit: good neighborhood, $200. A. II. TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. REAL ESTATESALE OR RENT BUY A HOME FROM US-Monthly paymenta $17 to $50; N. I'hlla. and Germantown; Price $1800 to $7000. siercnanis- union iru ." 715-71!) CI Chestnut st. Suburban CITY AND SUBURBAN properties '"'.-I'S or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Co., I nd Title Building. Philadelphia. Pj , Bala-Cynwyd. Pa. LARGE LIST houses, sale or rent, at all prlcea. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr., Commercial Trust nutldlng, 16th and Market sts. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTED Equity In cottage, Btone Harbor, for equity In house, good as new. SHOWAKEH. 30.13 N. Broad at. REAL ESTAT- WANTED RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort carea und fire Insurance placed quickly. Be Kane for prompt resulta. 2528 Tasker st. 1 WANT 0 ACRES; largo house; near city; good train service. , . . . llltUaa AU.NV11.E.. QH tfiav.t. -.. . WANT listing of country seats and farms. II. B. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut at. "Don't rorget the Number." Suburban COUNTRY PLACE. 8 or 10 acrea, about 9 or 10 room house; modern conveniences; garage. J 245, Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY 1210 SPRUCE ST. Desirable residence, con talna 10 rooma, Including 2 bathrooms; suit able for doctor's office and resldenco, or Mrimmt liniiRA! rent S1O0O ter annum. WHIT1.SIDE A McLANAHAN. lBth & Pin. JEFFERSON, W 1910 Nine rooms, flrst-cisss order; porcelain bath and alnk; convenient to cars, schools, churches; rent reduced (Oesu Parish. 2344 MONTROSE ST. Neat dwelling. $11.00 rooma; has range, bath, gaa. etc.; good condition. Key nt 028 8. 23d st. 1917 RITTENHOUSE ST. Improved; 8 rooms and 2 baths. EDGAR O. CROSS, 1411 Walnut at. 151-1 N. HOUVIER 12 pleasant, sunny rooms; cood neighborhood; fine condition; rent re du cd. Myers A Barth. Ridge ave. and 10th. 1510 N. ORATZ ST. (10th and Jeffereon sts.), formerly known aa Centennial ave. 12 rooma. aide yard; rent $J0.' Bertolet. 1010 N. lutli at. inrio N. rtANDOI.PII ST. (Oth and Oxford) 3- story, O rooma. hot-water heat: rent reduced. wm. u. jUAVfci.'M a una. iao re. itn. 1715 ARLINGTON ST O rooma and bath; newiy paperea ana paintea; iu; open. BTORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX A CO. S. F. cor. Oth and Callowhlll. BARGAINS In up-to-date homes, northwest section: $10 to $30: time free; aend for list. OEI1HARDT BAUER. 2341 N 22d. $18 PEP. MONTH-Coty, 2-story, 8-room porch dwelling; all conveniences: 2330 W. Firth st, I near 23d and Cumberland sts.); key 23.17. RENT LIST Wo will gladly send you a list ujon application. WM. G. OLENN, ;IOO-01 I.and Title Bldg.. 1517 Columbia ave. LARGE HALL, 38x60: suitable for lodges, dancing, club or business offices: reasonable rent. Armstrong, 4233 Germantown ave. $30-DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS Hen1 for 1tt. Continental-Equitable Trust Co.. 21 8. 12th at. THE LAND TITLE AMn TnilHT COMPANY 1 road & Chestnut ata. Send for our rent list. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. floor 4TH ST., N.. 110-23 Manufacturing floors; steam heat and power. Annlv Penna. Co.. S17 Chestnut at. H.UUO KQ. FT. IN MODERN FACTORY N. IS. cor. 23d and Arch ata.; steam and electric power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatlo sprinklers, watchman, R. R. sidings, extra larg wlndowa; owner .management. Apply G.P. PILLING & SON tO..on premlaea. FOR RErNT,"""$30" per month, 2-story factory building at 1105 N, Front at.: also. In the aame vicinity, lot 80x100 ft., two fronts; will erect factory building for satisfactory tenant. Apply Morris Well's Sona. 837 N. 3d at. RENT OR SALE FACTORIES W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12th st. Established 28 years. FLOOR 8PACE at northeast corner llth and Washington ave. Apply on premlsca. C. J. MILNE & SONS. METROPOLITAN BUILDINO. cor. Broad and Wallace; rooma 8000 to 40,000 square feet on a floor. Apply to Q. F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th. MERCHANTS' BUILDINO NUKTIl 4TII ST. JESmABLEjtOOMS. POWER AND LIGHT HAVE PARTY who will erect building, cen tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut at. FACTORY FLOORS anil wurirnnm, I.... . U small; centrally located. a i.i.m 4. nAunur.jt, :ii s. iKIn at. FACTORY ROOMS, from 3000 to 23,000 feet! ,"". . wimoui power; iota of help. 102 West Columbia ave. OFnCKB. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. Bright Attractive Offices 111820 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & BROWN f11 DREXEL H---i9-.Oi;FlCES, Annuel Rentals. Suites Suites Corner EI.L18 P. WILLIAMS. 5t!0 Drexel Bulldlnr. OFFICES for manufacturers' agents, sal... "P-iiW" 5 ractlv rents in Comtnerl cla Uldg.. N. W. cor. 8th and Chestnut: freight and passenger elevatora. -'-nu.; J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 18th MERCHANTS' BUILDINO 41 North 4th st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. PLAZA BUILDINO Offices Single and En Suite. 1B05-07-09 ARCH BT. CENTRAL OFFICES, 8TUDI08 AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. UTH HT Professional Office. 1BTH ST., B., 81T-8 room, physician or den. tied electricity, hot waterbirdwood floora" newly papered; good light. noors, !014 1 CHESTNUT ST.-Pbyalclan, office; lt.et tnod.rn Improvements; owner. Pnon Sprue bPRUCE ST., lBJW-Offlces for physician or ?enenc..'.,tf" h"U "r'C,i Xt.?l ARCH. 1821-Offlces for physlclsn; heat llsht and servlcjrunnlng water; reference ' CHESTNUT. 2020-2"arg phyalclan1. '.m. ; .tam heatjelec; n.wlyrejXVn,0?'.:' CHESTNUT, lI32-De7lrab7o"fflces fo.-S1 tordentlst. or .tudlo?ru'it.fi,.rl,- W'ALNUT. 2205-Sull of' i! large rms . UrrT?. hot and cold running water; electrulty. ' . m B y C. A VOIGHT ..,., ft''"! f-w, ", suo, s7a. S450 2 rms.. 11.18, llfio, $175. $200. $223 40' i rms.. $180. 1275. Loo iiw' JI'ItJ.. suites. 2 tn R rm SVkO ' Jin-AT ' at Ledger Cental REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Professional Office 15TH, ai 314 Physician desires to sharT7 nfflce: well-furnished rtcentlon rttrm " PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, IWllJ t-hssl at. A fw suites for physicians or d.ST!- J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and I , KlIlHT-tJL.AH3 OIT1CA location II 1. . ' r - dentlsr-bSfl ness establlahed. 5402 Chester ay. WEST PIIILAHKLTHIA DW14LLIN0S BTORES AND WM. If. W. QUICK A BRONC1- .S2Ti!. Overlooking FAIRMOUNT PTB HCU8ga 4210 'Parksld ave.' r& 'ffi0.',1!! POTTM A Tovvlklot-virc '- J1 VSTi .UHA'.. JlOMES -pusi aj)i i mum Hi AVIS, (1ERMANTOWN .ly- CI'AriER ST-- roof", bath. ls.atTrl hardwood floors, hot-wster heat. iS;,.?iril room, convenient to Wayne June i V.fl JJlbsSELLWINDER. 0l0 W ayn. ,a.,.Slll r.rli D,.it.... n'- ..- yne ave. "- owi ux i,.it r. 14 rooma sit .. m an.h.I..'saS2 ."f. s": SsnTft!! - - IU 11. 1 i sv. - - Chestnut Hill DETACHED DWELLINO at Mermaid Ststi B rooms; hot-water heat; wrten ehirt"l fruit: rMttii. cin. t...r.Jni cnickeaafl .. j.". .;-l..,' ". iui tvxiou. s '"M KnvST CO.. (1740 German-, lYJI UrV.LUNn8-20 to Month7lM-l Pelham Trust Comr-nv. o740 Q'nniiiJK- Tioga 85S,..nJ" "JV "T.-Thre. atory. tciTut Oak Ijtne eroVERAI. PROPERTIES for rant In oTk s Lane. $30 to 4: vrv rt.irM u " i BROWN & BAltR. th and Oak Is.. 1 SUnURHAN Secane. Pa. FOR nrewrn!,.!. .M ., , .. ... . ' In r..,r.i ,. T".'"AU' ""'"." M.1 ... .w.. viurn ii.ii nil cQnveniencei MJ I?.'.. 5a "n-ys bath and linen i efaJRj with half acr of rrnnnrir i .h.. Sfja with half acr of ground! olef shad.- P?,? dene, road, near AshlanA ave" 5 mlnitSl walk from Secane Station, Central DlVlii SfellSSS-PhliJSKS..- BunliDt-S(a D'l MAIN LINE, TA. It. It. MODERN DWG.. 15 rms., 2 baths, steam h.!. larg. lot. old ahade: near .t.tion "JL'S.'R.' n e ivriw iim. . ...". d -. .. ....., ,.m v.ncacnut St. Overbroolc FINE COLONIAL HOUSE, with larg lot .Hi S?tA,Sa' ?2J ?f,r.,n,JUh.-,...ARllEMl "- -'""w uuiiuins. Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES.-7 rooms, all medsria conveniences, electrlo lights, etc.. $19 SJI month; others at $21 50. $26.60. WiS SZ JAEAL EBTATS5 Wynnewoed FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBIu'f HOUSE NO. 40 MANOR ROAD WTNNEWOOD. PA. JUf.i1','?' llh 'I Peceaaary convenlenci;3 ffisC's viSsr lot " ssa. 'wun-x Automobile storage, $5 per month. WALTER BAS3ETT SMITH WYNNEWOOU. PA. Haverford DESIRABLE HOUSE, near station. 10 rooms. 2 hsthH. ,,a.. Warnock & Emleii. Commercial Trust Bldg. 1 NEW JERSEY ATalon. is', j. ilLis JJUnUALHWS -ntta-. J -....( ITlfnt for rnf fnTi.li.i. 7.IT .. all modern conveniences; ioardwalk, Catlnoav enurehs. all t-,-i -.. anr f.S?.ct-?.0 you. dooX dallv: Ashing, boatlnr. Hi-".! .and5port" c" Phon or writ ferl ..- a.uuuiiiH, x-ngiaaeipnia. fa. KlTerton, N. J. J25 TO HO Jl momth - i- -.- --..-.. lSSV."" " a pr,ce- 41 "PPlncott ill, FOR RENT FURNISHED Chestnut Hill ATTRACTIVE French villa garage; possessloa ..w. " n iiniiiiis. Lt i.-.io, eager central. MORTOAOES LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACB H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY FOR MORTOAaES $500 1000 $1200 $1500 $1600 $5000 W. H. HOOD. 812 NORRIS ST. FJ1WT MOnTQA-E of $1000 for sale; InSrut , 5 4-10: secured on 21U1 tJ Rih t n.mnn : brick dwelling with convs.. occupied by'J vni, vaiue owu; vino insurance inciuaea; all paper free. H. J, MILLER, 2728 W" i.iiisii live ,j0 IX) LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ecurJ ..1. "y'. immediate) settlement; payable $2000 desired. EDW. u. vnr.r. 1 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MOHTOAOEH IN AMOUNTS OF $1800 and $2000 at 5 per cent. JAMES D. WINCHELL N. W. cor. 17th and Hansom ata. J. It. MASSEY A SON 13TH AND GREEN ST8. FIRST AND SECCjND MORTGAGES HUlUlJIPiU AHaociATlON FUNDS ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE, wunrv ttlllrrcr. MAURICE II. MATSINGER Real Eatato Trust nidr. $100,000 TO INVEST on mortgagee In auras from $1000 up; also building association j money for aecond mortgages, a. C 8EIDI 1 oc V.U.. sin ana ijailownill sts. LARGE building and loan association deslrtf ; applications tor good first and second men ' gages: no premium charges. Apply Secre tary, P 103, Ledger Office. W nlf RRI.I, 855 NORTH 1TTH --.. , STREET FIRST AND BECOND MORTOAOES $100. $200 TO $5000 TO LOAN, $50 LEWIS A CO. 1227 W. ntrr,1 ave. FIRST AND SECOND, ANY AMOUNT City or suburba: aulck servics. JAMK8 C. SIMPSON. 1420 Chestnut st. LOAN8 ON INTERE8T IN ESTATES IlEAKONAm.n miAnriFH JOHN A. BARRY. B07 LAND TITLE BLDO. ANY SUM. ANY AMOUNT Placed at One. I-owest Rates. F. X. DELANY. 1112 Lincoln lUrtr. $100,0011 FOR nrst, second or split mortgsgss, , See us first." ALERNETIIY. 2724 N, 6th. , 13J BKth, ! $50"TO$50pO TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Also ouiiuing sssocisiion funds. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD. 1218 Chestnut st. MONEY for first and second mortgages, build 1 Ins ass'n and lnstslment mortira:iM. Willis , Winchester Company 1001 Chestnut t . LOANS Lars or small sums on real estate juusiiivm iiuiva ur uiurvsages, loans on unset tled estates. Dctnpsey A Co. 27 a. 16th. FUNDS for first and second mortgages, asf $ smount, quick answers. CIIAS. W. Mlli LER. 401-407 Commonwealth HMr. OWNERB If your mortgage has been" call i i win ishs iv up; siso xa mortgage money. CHEBTHR D. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut st. FUND3 FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE ah ir Aaui.KI P01TS A THOMSON. 2621 Frankford at. HEADYFUND3 for good first roortgsjw; bring ua our application, 'S CHAB. U BROWN A CO.. 21T B. Broad st. 4 FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOaJ MfltlTYlAriTra VOll OATV THEO. E. N1CKI.EB. 2518 OERMANTN A$1 hub. jriinua ror nrst morlgag. ic.nur.cari a HTtsritUN, LAND TITLE BUILDINO. PRIVATK AND TRUST FIINDd 1BT MORTGAGES 2D MORTOAOES iEDWAHD LUTZ, 240 N. 17TII BT. MOllTtiAnr-fi iMVRaTMeMfa " COLLECTIONS. CALL. WRITE OR PH0V FUNDBFOR FI118T andTeconl'mortgaas 1 U. A. AllIXMlUlv, 1S30 JIIIXIU AVK. ': rnis na laverests collected in ny pn nltv I'! inamn Obi s !! " W"7,',"M' 4ai4 Awimntun ai.tiiuf flOOO. $0000. $40,000 WANTED at Sl'tO, a tint morttmgra: no commissions, . . BituvvAKtsit. ao N Broaa j HUILDINQ "A8SOCI ATlONtarppllcltl im ui. mo secona mortgages; meeting nis soonWrlts Dlravtora. J 642. Ledger Ceat. , rit"-Lfio . "" " , W-lli- IMT1 1'PrIK"- . At vou r- -.-.-, ..iiii-v-i fiuiiainvi ooib jywwi - service 1 1