EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, obTOBEB 5, 1915: 12 FINANCIAL NEWg BROKERS HAVE DIFFICULTY ARRANGING LOANS WITH BANKS Institutions Drawing Line on Too Much of the Indus trial Shares as Collateral Bigger Margin De manded on War Specialties as a Consequence NEW TOIIK. Oct. 5. Most of the gossip In Stock Exchange circles today was centred nbout the difficulties encountered by some houses In arranging their bank loans. These are houses which have specialized In the war stocks and which naturally found themselves with much moro collateral In these shares than In seasoned Industrials and standard rails. Tho banks havo been tolerant, but, m stated In these columns last Friday, they havo been drawing a line on the acceptances of too largo a proportion of Industrials In tho loans of brokors. The houses needing extra accommodation Friday got It, though somo had to go for help to brokers who have done little business In tho war shares and have a capital that has been little Impaired by speculation. Friday's loans carried over to yesterday, the clearing hour being 2:15 p. m. Brokers clogged with the industrials might havo arranged their accommodations and probably expected to do as they did on Friday. Tho trouble was that thou sands of new buying orders came In by mall and telegraph. Borne of the busy brokers accepted all theso orders first and thought of their loans afterwards. Going to tho banks, they found less toleranco than on tho days of last weok. Brokers from whom they sought loans asked for higher commissions than last week. Somo of them wero caught In a predicament at the top of their pros perity. One houso has been so clogged with business and has so expanded Its loan account In consequenoe that It has demanded that customers Increase their margins on the war stock to 60 per cent. More than a third of the house's customers did not have margin of moro than a third. Most of them wero in no mood, even If they had tho ability, to put up a margin of moro than 331-3 per cent. The result has been today that brokers in this house havo sold out their customers and, perforce, closed out accounts. Another house, which Is known In many Interior cities by Its letters praising the war stocks, has posted conspicuously on Its bulletin board this ingenuous advice: 'The speculation In tho Industrials Is now overdone. It seems to bo timely now to give serious thought to tho rails." Thus tho breaks In many of the Industrials yesterday afternoon and today and the gains in many of the rails today may bo directly traced to the shaking out of Industrial accounts and the efforts of brokers to shift their customers from the Industrials into tho rails, so that the brokers might havo more railroad col lateral to offer to the banks. Tho success of tho Anglo-French loan, It being estimated that tho $500,000,000 Issue, books for which closed today, had been oversubscribed by anywhere from $50,000,000 to $100,000,000, was not reflected In the market for foreign exchange, rates being a trlflo lower. This was attributed to the fact that tho success of the big loan had been discounted. The success of the Issue had a very good effect on the financial community, however. Tho stock market was very Irregular throughout the whole session. Thero wero many raids, during which prices were carried down rather sharply. The war shares were under the greatest pressure and declines of several points' were shown in many parts of the list, Baldwin, for instance, being particularly weak, at ono time being down nlno points. The railroads, on the other hand, were relatively firm. During tho day new high marks wero set by Bethlehem Steel, which sold up to 400, and Wlllys'Overland. Declaration of a 5 per cent, stock dividend on American Coal Products made that stock strong. It was up nearly eight points at one time. Later it went off some what. The regular dividend of 1 per cent, was also declared. Exchange May Close at 2 o'clock If activity continues to expand on the New York Stock Exchange It is possible that the trading hours may be curtailed. One of the Board of Governors said: "The board has seriously considered a suggestion to curtail the hours of trading If tho congestion continues. How that may be done has not yet been discussed at any length. It Is possible that If the neces sity really arises the board may be closed at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Instead of. at 3 o'clock, or the governors may decide to postpone the hour of opening from 10 in the morning until 11. Tho matter, however, has not gone any further than discussion on the floor." . , New Stock Exchange Rulings Tho New York Stock Exchange has madotwo Important rulings regard ing odd lot and marginal trading.' Beginning today, trading in odd lots will be at prices one-quarter of a point above or below the market quotation, instead of one-eighth. No order will be executed on margin for Jess than CO shares. NEW YORK STOCK SALES Last cloae. Alaska Gold M 32H AlHf-Chalmen Mfg.... 45' Allto-Chalmen Mfe pt. 73H Am Ac Chemical 08 Am Aer Chem pf 05K Am Beet Sum 64X Am Brake 8 & F pf trl7S Am Can Mil Am Can pf 107 Am Car & Fonndrj... 90 X Am CarftFdypf 115 Am Coal Products 154K Am Coal Prod pf..... 119 Am Cotton Oil 67X Am Hide & Leather.... 11 Am Hide & Lpf 47H Am Ice BecoriUaf 23H Am Unseed 22 Am Unseed pf 37K AmLocomoUre 70H Am Locotnotlie pf..... 09J( Am Malt 6H AmBmelt&nef BOH Am Smelters pfB 81 Am Snuff ISO Am Bteel Foundries.... 64 Am Sugar BeXlnlnt....l08tf Am Tel & Tel 123K AmTobaoes 228U Am Tob pf new 110 Am Woolen 61'i Am Woolen tr 60H Am Woolen pf. 09 ABMQBda, Copper 72JI Anted Realisation 6 AtvT &8F 103X BaUwIa Lose 121H BaHUaora & Onto...... 87H BsWOetiem Steel .305 Breekljn Rapid Tr.... 84 BattwicfcCo S3K Butte ABsBerter 60 CalPettolesm SO Cat fetfolesm pf...... 46 Canadian Paetfto. 1S8H Cent Leather Oe 62H CwtLeatberOopf... 107 Chesapeake Ohio.... 61 CMKI&Pac ZiH CUao Cower. 46H CM Qt West pf.. ...... 82 Chi Mil & St Paul WA CU Nortsurart 12aif ClueUreaiOo 75 Claett Pea ft Co pf... 107H CoMrado Fuel ft I .... 60 Cemtoclc Tunnel... 15 CMMOlldated Oaa 128H Continental Can 115)4 Com Products Rat.... 10 Com Prod Bef pf...... 86H Crtmible Steal 103)4 Credible Steal pf. 109X Cabas-Am Bufr.,....ll7 Cuteo-Am Siftr pf ..101 Datesarc Xu4bea.. 144 Dm ft Wo OtMde.... 7 DwftlUoarBt. 10J Defeat! X4la...,....127 DkmitmT ssmmMIm.... SM Oamelimw 31K BaaUe Mk BaWaty.. 76 ,. , MM JfcWS vH WH Can Ckamkat 989 Oawmi Wtmtfi ,,f...WK ro Mi , c..lleM Gajaaafeeks) Xssfs ... MH lata MkM Co tr.M..SM later irteksl tt tr..,,, .. 1st Agricultural. ...... Mm Ib imiiHtnl .,.. MM .hlsCaa Carp's...... Wi IstlUi K J.. ...... .UMK Istw Mat t 6..... tt iBtnmrtlmts. Papar.... 10 ..tons Paper pf mi taolmnrwi uppar..,. 44 gB dtti bout.... mi MaUttuni, M Mmmi I u. . ...... lys feaktttetl 7 UHpaMv 1J inum P c. .. 176 atumfi lsstM . 66't feu Uftm bt f mH 7 87 81 ISO H 85 81 ISO Illgn. Low. Close. 32H 32W 32H 46K 43K 4VA 73 72W 72W 68K 66K 66!t 00 90 08 04! 64 64 172 172 172 66X 6314 63X 106 106 100 88? 82 82M 115 115 115 162 154H 156 118 117 118 mi 66H 66W 10H 10H 10K 47J 46H 40X 24! 23H 24 73H 21H 21H 39! 36K 39f 70K 66 67M 100 100 100 6 85 81 160 am mi one 108K 108H 108H 123H 123U 123U 227 228 226 109K 109H 109H 5214 61 61 SOU 40W 49H 68U 9SH 9HH 73H 72i 73 104K 103K 103H 123H 112 114H mt mi ih 400 300 393K 6 &1H 85 33 33 33 Wii 6014 69W 2ou mi im 45H 45H 4SH 161 160W 101 KM 61H 61H 107 107 107 61H 60U mi 24 1WL Ziii 46H 40 4Wi 82 32 80 120 75 109 68 13 128K 129 1UH 123 18H 18) B5H 85M 8SH 103X 05H 05U 109 108 1081X 117 117 117 10O 100 100 ltOtf 140U HDH OH 6X OK Wi II 11H 124 124 124 Mi 83 22 22 76M4 74 32U 31M 31M bu aai sox mi mi 40W 30 999 290 1MM 175 171 m aw aw t l ik imi urn 4TH 4 4 M WH MX mt W U4W iip up no mf -mh mi m mi mt IN W W mi mi mi u mt m 200 ao wo ' xmitmi m 1Vi 1TOM 17 87 129 76 109 61 13 129 127 10 32 86 129 75 109 66K 13 35 22 74 , . , Laat cloae. Mexican Petroleum.... 8!! Miami Copper 33W Minn ft St. Loub 13 Mo Kan ft Texas Hi Mo Kan ft Tex pf..... n Missouri Pacific 4 Montana Power 68 National Bkcnlt 129 Nat Cloalc ft Suit BOW Nat Enamel ft S 30H Nat Enamel ft S pf.... 93 Nat Lead fg, Nat Lead pf notf Nevada Con Cop 15H New York Air Brake. . . 157 NY NH ft II 69 New York Central. ... 96J4 NY Oft West 28 Norf&West 114 North American 74(4 nonnern racuic llOJj Pacific MaU 30H PacUlc Tel 4 Tel , 44 Penn It It H2 Peitibona-MulUken.... 73 PhlladelpuU Co 02 Pittsburgh Coal 30J Pittsburgh Coal pf... 105 Pressed Steel Car..... 74 Pullman Co 164 ity Steel 6pg S0!f Kay Con Copper 25 Heading 152H Ilep Iron ft Steel 63! Hep Iron ft Steel pf.. 10J4 Bumely Co 6 BumelyCopf. 12H StLft8F2dpf 6J4 Seaboard Air L pf 37 Slos8hef S ft I Co... 61 So Porto It Sugar 92 Southern 1'aclflc 93 Southern By ig Studebaker Co.. ...... ,140 Tenn Copper C5( Texas Co X68 Texas ft Paclflo.. ...... 10)4 rblrdATenue ,... 57 Union Bag & Paper..., 7)f Union Pacific 131 U S Ind Alcohol....... 103H UBCastlPftF 28 United It7i Inrest 25tf United Itys Ins pf 44 U 8 Rubber 64U U 8 Kubber lstpf 106X U 8 Steel 79U US Steel pf 114 U 8 Express 07 United Cigar Mfrs 61 Utah Copper..... QHH Va-Caro Cnem 41)4 Va-Iron Coal ft 0 6514 WestE&M 131U Western Maryland 29H Western Union Tel 76H Willys Orerland 233 Weolwortb if WCo.,..109Jf Quoted ex dividend. 11W 3H Illah. low. Close. 91 H8H 6SH 34H 33 33H 12f 12Jf 123f 5 5 5 13 11 4W 3H 68 6714 A7K 126 126 126 86 85U 85H 30J 29W 29)1 92 92 92 57W liVi QSU 110 110 110 1614 15U 151f 150,'i 161H 151)4 70H 69 69H 08 97 97 274 27f 27H 115 114 IUH 73 73 73 U0! U0)f 11054 31H 30 30J 43H 43 43 113K 112U 113 75 75 75 06U 9214 9314 38H 3614 36H 106' 104K 105 74 71H 72 IMi 162 162 61H 4814 48H 26H 2514 25H 164 162U 162H WU 6114 52 10314 1025f 102H a a a 10H 10M 37H 3714 3714 60 68 60 02 92 02 0314 92H 9JK MM 1814 1814 144U 139U 140 66 mx eAH 167 167 167 11 10H 11 mi 6614 6014 7 7 7 13214 131U 13 H 106)4 101 101 M 2814 2614 27 26 26 25) 45H 4314 44 (AH 63)i 64)4 10614 100H 106H SOU 78H 78)4 114K U4)f 114)4 0514 65)i C5J4 01 01 61 09 67 68 43ii 41 41 66)4 tHH OiH 137 13114 132 20)4 29)4 29)( 77 76)4 77 247)4 237X 240 1WH J08H 108)4 11 6 Total aalea, 1,226,400 sbarea. compared with l,60B.6OO aharea ycaterday: tbua Xar thla week, 3;S3S.uoo aharea; nam period laat week. 8,bW, 000 fbarta. COTTON NW TCK. Oct. a,-At Of etMtilnr of tba Cotton Exchanca today price howed good ataa over tb aoal at yUtiif. but later In fa itay there wa a reaction alt around aa a. jMttk at heavy teaWatng aaa l4vreol IHn. watt Mre( bouaee were the larieet aellera fee prsMe. the commleejon houeea bouaht. In be afternoon prices recovered eoNMwfcet rw the break. TM aaeae were not eettrely maintained to the atii e the aeeetsa, anal iwicee belnf mww. , mm. wt. Advances oeeHiame: BBVeeSBAsVeWssl 4s4WBmBaT H ewer MaoJey7 wiml C lea. 4&Z t;J-H ssaea ...,y.i.aa.ev msssasseasssscsssE! te HCM. m 117 .... tb let tlMlllua. a t to S3 fwlAU New York Bond Sales Utah. Ixiw. Cloe. 1000 Adama nprees 4s . . 71 1 T7 TT fciooo Am Tel clt 4e .. W MH 8XJ4 1 Am Tl cvt 4e .103H 103ti 1H 10(10 Am Tohee clt 4. ...S M?4 wff IWO do new 4e 87 W 7W SiU mo Armour Co 4Ha . ... Mti 1 Olji IO11O AUIiImn cv 4a m ..lm(I loU lfBU Sa0O do cv 4a ... .... MH B1H .21 4000 do ev He 1000 .... KOH 100$4 lm 1.10KO Allan Co tJno let 4e H7W 87H K7 jufirwi it.i. jl ii nix.- nnv. finu 100U do cv Sa ....'... KIH Kii K 7fllVl Ail Am Mil HflM ft 2700O do ev 4t WH -') W sow) no PI.HAWV 4s M4 sou w JinoO II & O Hwn H .... Mt .K1 ,52 00OO Dcth Steel 1st fie ...102 103 1 lflooo do rfd on loou 100 ion 2000 Trk H T 8s .. . .101(4 1014 101H WOO do B 1018 1004 100(4 lUOk 1 Brook I n Kl lt Be. i"0 m 1000 C C C tn 4s 70 70 70 niOOO Cent Lealh let Be. . . I0J4 f" ?J icrw Cent I ae 3V4a JJMi 4HOO do let 4s Mh M ,? . 1000 Cent 11 11 N J Bs .! 1 1" 14OUU0 Ch'le Con 7e ... . 12, 1JJJ4 120H SIW Cbes & Ohio cv 4He. . 7RJ4 VWt JhVi (KioO iTiee & Ohio 4Hs ... M4 JJ JJ 10UO t'hi Alton Its .... M 82 J 7OO0 Chi & Alton 3js 4JH 44H 44H 1000 Chi f,t West 4 Jgli JMH 5J WK Chi Nwn SVts 7$ 7H 7S 1000 Chi A Nwn n 4s.. W M M 1000 CM & N deb 6s 1M1.101H 101 OT eiooo c-hi ii & q Joint 4s. oot pc pox 2000 Chl U & Q (ten 4.... 90 IJO W 10OJ Chi II A 1U 3Hs... MH "S MJ4 2-'0O0 Chl Mil & St V aen 4s 8B 85$ SJJt 1000 Chl Mil A H V ClV 4S M 4 8S 88 11000 Chll M A B V cp Ka.lOCli; 102 1KM ."000 Chl M A 8 P cv 4Hs 00J WJ M iiiOU Chl M A S P gen 4V4s U7H 0i MTH WM Clev Sh Line 4ta . fOH 24 W 4 74XW Col A Mouth let 4. 87H J7H WW snflu Ool A South rtif 4He. 7I 79 ill. S8U Con Os ev (ta. .1174 117 . 117V4 1000 Cumberland Tel S. MH UJJ4 .jJ 1Sio IVI . Hud 4a mm. .10OV4 loos lorn 3001) Del Allurl rfd 4. 4(lti 4BV4 40 iooo Pen A mo nr 4e iw , 57 8000 Ten fL lllo O 4H 74 74i 74J4 1000 do B rfd. .... 4fl? 4jU 4JJ4 r.VXK) Die Secur Corp Bii . . 0 . f74 W'i lnotil l)u Pont Powd 44S..10JH 102 102 rK) Ilrlo renv 4s eer A... 5H J "J B"ii)0 Krle conv 4s eer II ..71 '., " z 80O) Krle prior 4 MH4 MS JWH 2000 Oeorir lac let 8 lm ion 105 2000 Green Day B 10B 104f 1U 1000 Oen Klec deb Be. ...102V, 102J1 1 BJ4 1000 Hud Man Ino 8a ... 2V4 25 5H .1000 111 Steel deb 414a.... 87H 87 WH 4000 Indiana Rleel Bs lIVi 101H 1J1H Bono Indiana 111 4s. . . M . M 4000 lown Central ref 4a. .45 4fl 45 6000 do Sa 80S ,80 HO 14000 1ns Cop rv fla MB ...175 172H 1T2H 24000 Imp cv (Is 17(1 171'S 171 14000 Intcrb Met 4'4s 74S 74U T4V4 37000 Interb It T ref Cs... 0H 00 H 32000 Inter Mer Mar 4Hs.. 77H 70J4 7I.J4 1000 Inteml l'aprr cvt Sa . ftlH MH IH 8000 K C Ft 8 A M 4a. . 0'4 H WV 1000 Kan City Co 1st 3a. . m m bfl 2000 do Bs I 87H JTW 8 4 4000 Knn City Ter let 4a. 84H 84 8JM1 1O0O Lacka Steel Ss OJ ,, W 20B000 do Bs 1US0 5H WS 1000 Uiclede Oes rfd Ba. .100 100 100 31000 Lie Sh deb 4s 1923.. ..03 92S 7000 do 4s IUH I'-'tf 1 , ,"HJ4 2000 LlK A M T 7a. .. .122i 1M LKH 4000 Long Island rfd 4s... 8JH 8. H, H 2000 Lorillard Bs 90i OTW UJi 1B000 do 5a 12lk 1214 12JH 2000 Irfuls A Nash 4s 91 01 1 8000 Mox Pet Co 0 Ser A..107 107 107 10O0 Mri Pet Co Oa Per C..105 105 105 8000 Minn St 1' St S M 4s. . 8SH 8S 88 1B0W Mo Kan A T 1st 4s... 74V4 74 74 Vi 0O00 Mo Pac 4s 3.1 3.1 S3 8000 Mo Pac COl Bs 1917... S2H 82 82 8000 Mo Pac cons Os 94H 94 4 91 U 120O0 Mont Power Ss .... 01 ji UHi 914 1.1000 N Y Air Broke cvt Os. .102H 102 102V4 24000 N Y C L C 3V4 71 72S 73 4000 N Y C-M C col 3V4S. . 70'1 70H 70 7000 N T C A II 3 78H 87 87 108500 N Y C A H Ca ret. . .lOflV. 10BK 103J4 7000 F Y C A 11 4Hs R8V4 6SW JW4 1000 !f T C II 4 87 W 87 1000 N Y City 4s 1057 ...102 102 102 4000 N Y City 4a 1958 DBVi 5 II5H 9000 N Y City 4a 1919 08 , B5ji BSJi 3000 N Y City 4B 1003.. .102 102H 102H 8000 N Y City 4Ua 1905... 102 101 101 1000 N Y City 4Hs 1904... 09 00 , 09 180W N Y Oty 4Hs Nov '67.1024 102 102U 10O0O N Y Gas 11 A P 4s... 81 81H 81H 1000 N Y N II A II reg Os.llO'i 110S 1104 1000 N Y N II ft II 0S....10.H, 103 lOIH 12000 IV Tlwy adj Bs ... 4S 48 4S 08000 N Y Tel gen 4 07 011 wpj 1000 N Y W C A B 4s... 78 78 78 2300 Norf A Weat 4 00U, 8 UQH 8000 Norf A West Div 4s. . 87 87 87 17uOO Nor Pac prior 4s 90 00 00 K0Sot Pac gen 3s. ... 2 I2 JBt 1000 Ore Short L ret 4 88jl 88 S8ti um Ore A Cal 8 9ft po o' 0000 PaUflO Tel 6 97 90 97 2000 Penna 4s 1943... 07 07 07 01000 Penna gen ct 4s.... 97 07 97 7000 Penna en 4s 100 00 103 6000 People's Oes Bs.... ..100 100 100 2S50O Hay Con Copper Os. ..129 127 12S X)0 Reading gen 4 92 02 ICS 0000 Rep Ir A 8 Be 95 91 05 0000 Rio Or A W clt 4s... 09 M .4 B0O0 Rock Island 4s.. .. 81 Rl 81 80UO Hock IaUnd rfd 4s. . . 65 05 05 39000 Rock Island Bs 40 45 40 0C0O MIIM48J1,. .. 06 95 95 2000 St L A 8 F rfd Ct St 4s 01 01 01 1000 8t L A 8 F gen Bs... 09 $ O'lH 8000 Bt IMf gen ct sta ,4s 42 42 42ii 2C00 St L A 8 F rfd ct 4s. 07 07 07 1000 Pan A A Arsn P 1st 4s 00 ) KM 9000 Seaboard A L, ad Bs.. 05 OS 5 1000 South lac 4s 8.1 83 83 13000 do cv Its .......... 82 82 82 27000 do CV ret f p 6s '34.. 101 100 100 28W0 South Pao rfd 4s .... 81 81 b3H 0000 South nwy gen 4s .. 00 00 0 32000 do con 6s 97 97 9i 1000 Term Assn . n:i ' ,!?7t ,:7 10m dn Bs 100 100 100 8000 Texas Co CV Os 103 103 103 8000 Third Ave new 4s ... 81 80 80 8000 do ad Bs 70 .6 76 jiwt Tt a neaHy Bs . . . 65 05 00 000S S Rubber OS ......102 102 102 143000 U 8 Steel 6a 102 102 102 1000 do reg Ba 12 lfr- 12 HOOO Union Pac 1st 4s ... 03 91 93 10000 do CV 4S ..... 91 91 91 152000 Un Bwy 8 F 4a .... 60 48 49 1O0O Va Car Chem 1st 6s. 95 05 03 47000 do 6s 09 99 00 5000 Wabash gen Ct 4s.. 142 142 142 1000 do 1st 6s 101 101 101 2000 do 2J 6s ........ . 90 00 00 138000 Wab Equ ct sta 4s .. 13 12 13 105000 do 4s 1J 14 14 860W Wab-P Ter 1st ct 4s. 1 1 1 65000 West 13 A M cv 6a I.137 131 132 1000 West Shore 4s ....01 91 91 2000 West Union 4s .... 02 01 01 1000 do 3 ............. 98 08 08 2000 Wheeling A L E 4s. 85 85 65 Total sales. 3.837.000. compared with 13. 007 000 jesterdayj thus far this week 7,444. 000; same pwtod last week. ll,9C9.o6o. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOFAH STOCKS. Uld, FOHEION EXCHANGE Sterling Opening Demand 4.70 Cables . .-. 4.70H Kmnra Demand ,,8 80 Cables .... 8.T Marks Demand . MH Cables .... ."-i Vrs. High. Dose. Clnae. 4.70 4.70 4.7IV4 4.70H 4.70V4 4.7ly, 8.80 8.79 8.80 8.7 8.7 8.78 U 83H 8V 834 8SH '! Sales in Philadelphia " WHEAT BUOYANT; BULLS JUBILANT Export Sales Totaled About 2,000,000 Bushels Ocean Freight Rates High CHICAGO, Oct 6-Duoyancy wn (jlvcn to groin prices at the opening of tho mar ket today by tho report? of tho overaub rcrlptlon of tho Anglo-French loan. Heavy trndlntf followed and prices rose steadily In tho early, hours. Bulls wero jubilant, and their predictions that l would bo reached won realized before noon. Tho few surviving bears predicted that the bulgo was only temporary and n brenk would soon follow ns receipts grew greater. Dulls said that tho II wheat would again bring tho speculator Into the market and a boom would fol low. Millions of bushels arc said to be changing hands In order to allow shorts at Winnipeg and Minneapolis to cover. Advances over yesterday's final wero shown at the closo. Export pales wero raid to total 2.000,000 bushels of whent, chiefly Mnnllobas on old contracts. High ocean freight rates continue to restrict new foreign business. Chicago cash handlers sold 110,000 bushels for seaboard delivery. lading futures ranged as follows: ioy ivneat open, liisn. December .. 09 1.00, liny 09 1.01 corn (new otiuery; Low. Close. 1MSS 60 33 38 Oct ber December May . . . . Outs December May .... Lard Octubrr . No ember January . Itlba October . November January . Pork October . December January ....10.72 -ma. TASKea. 8.80 8.57 900 0 02 0 07 0.20 13.05 13.81 6o; 3g 0.02 0.00 9.20 M 63fi 59 1M a 60 '38 8 47 a 58 8 97 D.12 0.02 25 6!if 14.00 10.92 1,1.82 10.70 110.83 138' 0 02 0.05 0.17 t9.12 0.17 0.23 13.07 14.0(1 cloae. IIS 99 88 54 55 8 35 8 45 18.90 19.00 X67 13.40 13.72 10 57 Books Close for Allied Loan NEW YORK, Oct. 6 Without any formal fuss or flurry, tho syndicate books for tho (500,000.000 Anglo-French loan were closed at 10 o'clock today. That the loan Is heavily oversubscribed was stated at the offices of J. P. Morgan & Co., but jUBt how much the over subscription will amount to was not stated. There waa a wild rush of late applications Just before the books were closed. A flood of telegrams and letters were received from outside bankers and Investors. Close. w T X4w. ViK l ill i!.a iswrrwf wr AsXHHurrAtra Wti4 FhMIs Amnnmtmml ,77 11 20 30 .10 Jim Dutler Midway Mlspah Extension Montana Northern Star " TAnnnah Belmont ......,.... f?7i Tonopah Kxtenslon ..... J Tnnflmh Merger ....,...... e4 1. ,.,,.... 6 i.a ,...,.... '0 64 Tonopah Merger Tonopun wiuuia Rescue Bula .... IVL jia .,......... OOLDF1EL,D STOCKS. Z7 03 41 ,1 02 , 03 .08 .05 ,04 .45 ,,,,, ' Atlanta lilue Bull booth liulldcg '. COD Combination Fraction Dlamondfleld D II .... Daisy Florence Goldtteld Consolidated .,,.,.. Cloldtteld Merger . Jumbo Extension i....X.ja Kewanaa ., ,. .J Oro ,,,,,.,,,,. .oo Band Ken ,10 Silver Pick 0 MlSCELUlNEOUe. Kalry Aatao t 1 Klmberly JJ Nevada Hill ," Nevada Wonder .. .,,i.o Aaked. .70 .13 .21 .32 1 Si .56 .28 .04 .45 .01 .04 ,10 .or .00 .47 1.4.1 .20 1.20 .35 .08 .11 .09 Northern Pacific Annual Report In the nscal year ended June 30, 1915. North-" ern Pacific earned 7.58 per cent, upon the J-'I8.-000,000 stock, against 7.02 per cent, last year. The balance for dividends was 18,822,820, and the surplus after dividend payments totaled 31,402,820. Freight revenue decreased $4,322, 190, or 8.98 per cent., and passenger earnings foil off $2,087,886. or 13.20 per cent. All reve nue train miles during the year were $10,387, 562, a decreaee of 2,573,074 train miles. Ex penditures on capital account totaled $11,302, 237, and the report says they will likely be smaller hereafter. For the firat time. Northern Pacific Included In lta Income accounts the dtvldenda received from the nurllngton stock and the Interest paid on Northern Pacific's proportion of joint bonda Issued, together with the Great Northern, secured by the Burlington stock as collateral. Thla Inclusion was made to conform witn tne revisea interstate com merce Commission's rulings. The Income from llurllngton stock and the bond Interest paid exactly offset. Form Protective Committee NEW TOnK. Oct. 8. A committee has been formed to represent the Interests of the Shtr TiBli. ehreveport end Southern Railway first mortgage 5 per cent, gold bonds, due June 1. lull. Thla road la part of the Missouri, Ksn sas and Texas Railway, which asaumed the above bonda and guarantees their principal and Interest. The committee will consist of R. Walter Delgh, New York: F. H. Whit- comD, MuwauKW, ana i. x. wuinn. vice prea Idert of the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance company, Philadelphia. Tes. eloaSj 100 Anaconda ...... 80 Am Illwya .... 23 180 Amer 1-oeo 72 100 Duff & Sua t e . 13 82 do pret 42 1203 Drill J O. ...... 63 T Cam Iron 44 10703 Cam Steel 07 200 Cent Leather... ,. 600 Col Fuel 00 200 Chl 11 I pret 718 Blvo Stgs 78 200 Erie 32 80 Oen Aephlt... 34 10 do pret 71 TOO Great Nor Ore. . 48 10 Ins Co N Am. 23 000 Lake Sup Corp. S 20 Lehigh Nav 76 101 Lettish Valley.. 72 80 Leh Val Tr prof 38 24 Little Behuy... 62 00 North Central. . 83 100 N Y N It AH.. .. 100 Miami Copper.. 32 11 North Penna .. 00 Oil Penna Railroad. 60',. 1880 Penna Salt Mfg 06 1 Penna Sleet ... 00 212 do pref 05 400 Phlla Co 47 100 Phlla Co cum pf 43 740 Phlla r.lectrlc. 23 203 Phlla Hap Tran 12 290 do tr rtfs .... 12 100 Rsy Cons ...... 23 IT Reading 76 100 Tonopah Del . . 8 232 Tonopah Mining 6 60 Union Traction. 41 301 United Gas Imp 86 7T46 U S Steel 00 J?. ...do 1"' ......113 22 Warwick I A St 10 20 W Jer A Seash. 43 110 Wm 'Cramp A S 80 4 York Rwy pre(. 31 High. 72 24 89 12 42 64 43 OS 82 88 23 76 82 83 TlVi 46 23 8 78 73 SS 82 S3 10 S4 01 86V. 108 00 04 48 42 23 12 12 20 70 ay GH 41 86 so 114 11 48 00 80 Low. Close. 72 72 24 21 RS 68 12 12 41 41't 00 63 43 4.1 67 AT 62 E2 88 S8 23 23 T4 T4 32 32 33 83 71 71 46 48 23 23 8 8 76 76 72 73 88 38 82 62 Kl 83 70 70 84 84 01 01 86 86 103 105 90 90 02 92 46 47 43. 43 25 26 12 12 12 12 25 26 70 76 a 3",. 6 6 41 41 85 80 78 78 114 114 ion 10 48 48 DO 90 30 SO Total sales, 29,180 shares, compared with 42.- 831 shares yesterday; thus far this week, .1,711 shares; last week, 318,207 shares. DONDS. Last prev. sale. High. Low. Close. $3300 Am O A B Ba.. 87 87 87 87 lOOrfElc & Pco Tr 4s 78 74 74 71 1000 Leh Val Coal Bs.103'4 103 103 101 31000 Pa cons 4 103 103 103 103 1000 do 6s reg 10. .. 102 102 102 1000 Phlla Co 1st Ba. .. 100 100 100 218 Phlla Co sep '16.100 100 100 100 43 do 1918 98 08 PS OS 2O00 Phlla Elec 4s... 79 79 70 70 2000 Reading gen 4s. 02 02 02 02 2000 do ext cona 4s. B4 95 95 93 2000 do Term Bs...l03 110 110 110 1000 Span-Am I Cs...l01 101 101 101 Total sales. $31,801, compared with $148,803 yesterday, thus far this week, $200,004; last week, $196,018. LIYE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Oct. 6. IIOOS. Receipts, 8000 head: market 10620c higher. Mixed and butchers. $768 80: good heavy, J7.2O08.IU; rough heavy. fO 8567.10; light. $7.B88.30; plga. $7.2507.60; bulk. $7.4008.25. CATTLE. Recelpta, 7000 head; market steady. Ileevea, $5.22810,25; rows and heifers, $.1.2508.00; Texans, t6.759B.75; calves, $0.80 11.80. SHEEP. Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady. Native and Western, $336.23; lambs, ftssoeo. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Atchison, regular quarterly 1 per cent, on the common, payable December 1 to stock of record November 6. Massachusetts Breweries, regular quarterly $1, payable October IB. Kelly Springfield Tire Company, quarterly 3 per cent., payable November 1 to stock of record October IB. fit. Mary a Mineral Land Company, $1. Local Bid and Asked - . . Today Yesterdsy N Bid. Aaked. Bid. Asked Buff A Sub t o 12 13 12 31 do pref 41 42 41 41 J. O. Brill 02 03 .. .. Baldwin 114 127 127 do pret Ill .. 114 Cambria Steel 67 67 07 67 Electric Storage 74 75 li 74 General Asphalt 32 S3 33)4 34 dopref 71 71 71 71 Keystone Tel 14 14 14 14 do t c 14 14 14 14 do prof 65 66 00 b7 Lake 8up Corp 8 8 9 9 Lehigh Nav 75 76 7 7 Lehigh Valley 72 73 72 Wt Lehigh Valley Tr 18 18 18 lhft do pret ..: 37 37 87 S Penna 66 86 66 66 Phlla Elec 23 25t 25$ 23 Phlla Co 47 48 47 48 do 8 per cent. pfd... 38 40 38 40., do 0 per cent. pfd... 43 44 41 44 Phila It T 12" 12 12 12JJ dote 12 12 12 12 Reading 76 76$ 76 70 Ion Bel 3 3 3 j Ton Min 8 6 6 5 Uu Traction 41 42 41 41 V G I 86 86 85 86 U S Steel 78 78 81 81 York Kwy 7 8 7 8 do pref 80 29J4 30 Wm Cramp t 0 86 88 88 88 BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compare with corre sponding day last two yesrs: 1915.. 1914. 1013. Philadelphia $37,811,342 $25,383,481 $28,615,890 New York.. 881,795,042 2l4.8R4.14T 320,650.448 Chlcaro ... 69,628,387 80,670,684 67,150,254 St. Louis.. 12.097,036 11,373,931 13,891,334 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia 3ifft New York 1S2 Boston 3 Chliaro 8U04 Commercial paper, 3 to 6 months, Phlladel pMa, "4 per cent. Tlmew -)W 3( 3 FURTHER ADVANCE IN OIL FINDLEY. O, Oct. 6 The prices for Illi nois and Princeton grades of crude oil were advanced 6 cents a barrel to $L1T, Week's Trade Balance $35,469,722 WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. The balance of trade In favor of the United States during the week ended October 2 was $33,409,772. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Commercial bar silver vas quoted at 49 cents. Mexican dollars, 88 cents. .03 .04 ,19 1.43 New York Exchange Seats Higher NEW 10BK. Oct. B.-A seat on the New York Stock Exchange has been sold for 40.V 000. There were also sales of two at $63,000 and one at $r.O00. The last prsvloua aals Thursday brought $62,000, Intereting Companion! for Holdtr of v Preferred Stock U Owimr, te law advMCW In mtty pr"KTt4l tock while ethers have lata dormant the market , mc excel lent epjttsHtitlee to secure accrued FT! and Itwreaae Income return. We have pre pared a taUc Wiwtratingr the market position of leading in diwlriril fsreferred etecka and issggnrinr m advantagesMM Imvimmt policy. Smd or UU N. tTS WITAH aTHOUtt, Jv Manoear mohhu . VuV w """" ,.,, ,ttBr.h M WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that we have formulated and carried into effect the Brooke, Stokes & Co. $100 Bond Participation Certificate which makes possible the investment of $100 in the best bonds that are engraved only in $1,000 denominations. They are to all Itrients and purposes the same as the $1,000 bond that has been deposited with the Logan Trust Company, the Trustee, for safe keeping. Ten Certificates are issued against it and represent the ownership of a specific $1,000 bond. So the security is the same; the coupons bear the identical rate of interest; they are in negotiable form or they may be registered as to principal. Any one may present ten certificates of the same' series to the Trustee and receive a deposited bond. No longer is there a limited field of the best bonds for investors desiring to purchase but one or two hundred dollars worth of securities at a time. . ... Investing on the instalment plan is no longer necessary, Financial authorities agree that the safest investments, the ones that pay best in the long run, are the conservative bonds. The price is but one dollar more than one-tenth of what'it would cost to purchase the deposited bond on the stock exchange. We beg to offer at market the following; Pennsylvania Railroad Company Con solidated Mortgage Gold 4t,. clue Auguat 1. 1960, J . , . Series "B" Pennsylvania Railroad Company General Mortgage Gold 4y2i, due June 1, 1965 Seriea ''C" Reading Company and the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company Gen oral Mortgage Gold 4a, due January ' 1. 1997 Series "D" Lehigh Valley Railroad Company General CcmaoKfUted Mortgage Gold 4V2s, due May 1, ,2003. .,,.,,,.. , . . . Series "E" These bonds are recognised security, The plan is but little different from that pf the ordinary Collateral Trust Bond, Many experienced investors understand this bond participation certificate We will be pleasedyto tend full information where It ii desired. BROOKE, STOKES & GO. Mawaiawa PfctUsUliAU ihoak EaaUss, 1M aw WALNUT ?TM!KT- PsiMarisTsphin BALTIMORE OFFICK t CALVERT BUILDINO nF.AT, "RTTMORS FILL THE STREET; BID MADE FOR, BRILL CONTROL1 Report That an Offer of $75 a Share Was ItefusiJ Wide Advance in Pennsylvania Salt Shares It wns learned on rood authority today that a. bid of 175 per ahnre had been mad for control of the J. O. Brill Company, by Now York Interests. It la said that tho present owners nro holding; out for $100 per share and that meantlmo tho Now York crowd aro plcklntr up all ths stock they can get In the open market. Whether or not tho company Is to be actually combined with the Drlgjfs-Sea-bury concern Is not clear although some of tho recent buyers of Drill aharea nre Understood to be connected with the other company, which doubtless Is the cauio of the report gaining currency. Drill fluctuated erratically on Change to day. At ono time It was offered down rrom 6S to 60; but subsequently recovered a part of the less. Brokers who are watching tho gyrations of tho stock pro fess to seo accumulation In progress. Official announcement was made to day that the Bethlehem Steel Company was In no way interested In the purchase of the Cambria Steel Company. The com pany Is only Interested In the Pennsyli vanla Steel Company. This disposes of one of the recent favorite reports that a single big Independent merger J afoot. It now looks as If two or .' haps three combinations of Industry concerns Is In the wind. Incidental!?' Cambria Is said to be clearing Iiom V day from benzol and other by-products' i In connection with the chants of .? agement of Mldvalo it waa reported tbtii afternoon that a new holding coming,' would be organlsod possibly to take b certain other concerns as well, The stocks of all these Industrial. . relatively quiet on 'Change and that! price fluctuations narrow until late In t) day. when weakness In U. S. Steel tptW to Pennsylvania Steel and Brill, Stotaat Battery also suffered from Pront-Ukltw sales. Pennsylvania Salt, however au trarted somo attontion by reason of 'i sudden rise of 11 points or more, brlnt.' Ing it to the best of the year. Talk i an increased dividend was deprecated bI vno i van.?..., u....uuB. tit, auimuca e&TS! Ings were Improving. Tho company's ef.1 flees will be moved tosthe Wldener RntuJ Ing late this month, as present qusrtshl nre too small. Dr. George Fates EW1 has been added to the boardot directorM Financial Briefs The Kelly Springfield Tire Company raised the quarterly common dividend from 1H to 3 per cent. The vacancy In the board of directors of the Fourth Street National Bank, caused by the death of Itudulph Kills, was today filled by the election of Wil liam P. Gest, president of the Fidelity Trust Company. The Now York banks gained $470,000 from the Subtreaaury yesterday, and have gained $1,100,000 since last Friday. The Corporate existence of the Deposit National Bank, of Du Bols, Pa., has been continued until September 30, 1935. Paul E. Woll was elected a member of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. The seat of Arthur W. Howe was posted for transfer to Robert Cherry. Tho Miami Copper Company Increased its quarterly dividend from 75 cents a share to $1 a share. Bethlehem Steel Interests have sub scribed to $:5,000.000 of the Allied loan. In Its annual pamphlet report the Atchi son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway shows for the fiscal year ending June 30 last net revenues equivalent to a return of 5 40 per cent, on the property investment. E. P. Ripley, president, says: "The ability of the company to pay 6 per cent, on the common stock Is due to the fact that it pays an average of only slightly more than 4 per cent, on Its bonded debt, much of the bonded debt having been created when money could be obtained at or near 4 per cent." Samuel T. Freeman & Co. will offer at auction, tomorrow noon, a number of stocks and notes belonging to Martin Al bert Metz, trading as tho Alpha Knitting Milts, bankrupt. -The sale was ordered by Frank J. Sheble, trustee. The offering consists largely of oil companies' stocks and notes, and Includes 393,000 shares of Eagle Oil Company, 4000 shares Tamptco Oil Company and 1000 shares Moab OH Oompany, all par $1. The Miami Copper is producing approx imately 4,000,000 pounds of copper a month, the largest- output In its history. Profits amount to about 9 cents a pound, or $360, 000 a month. This figures out $4,320,000 a year, or $5.75 per share on the stock. ' NEW YORK CURB r.m. L . British-American Tobaxseo old i(J ...-n.u..M... wvwa.inw ... .. Car I.lrht Oolddeld Consolidated Oreena Cananea Int Marina ao pret Ksnart Cop Lehigh Vatlajr Coal Bales Magma Copper Ml)!-lng , Otis Ulevator Otis Elovntor pret Itlker-Hegeman Hubmarlni Sterling Gum ,, Tobacco Products United Clear Rtorea t'njtsd Clxar Stores pret .no World Film . Yukon Gold s si" M 160 i.i: R 404 40 US ".i ! M JIU' SS: :i Ice IK SI NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET! NEW ,YOIUC. Oct. B. Thera was s&iJi activity dleplsyod on the coffee exchang kimH tndiy, and the upward trend that has enA vatled whs extendod. Opening quoutlmil showed advances of 3 to 6 points. The mark' continued strong throughout the. remainder a( the sessions, prices moving up still furtlwri ttiiu hi mw viuBo Biiuweq gain qi xrom B t , in .mints. w Today's opening. October . November December January . February March ... April .... May .... June .... July .... August .- September Bid. Total sales 11.750 bags, Today'a Yesterdar'ia close. cloae IS .... B2ie.a 6.30 .:. 6.36 0.42 e.'3 ' 6.'Te6. " e.2S$alj B.BMTB.3S 6.2fteiJ,;j 6.39(88.40 6.0MJ 6.44I&6.45 6.3(D,3ES U48J36.50 0.3S5lJj-, .... 6.4396.441 0.6330.00 6.49JHWi .... UMiHSI .... 6.2(k. .... e.eafefl.W'i 0.70&W1,! NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Oct, B.-BUTTER.-Msrket firm: receipts, 1S.765 pscksges. Extra, 28US i 28c: higher scoring. 20H29e.; Stats dihV, 27Vie2Sc: Imitation creamery. 22Ue23Uc 13Ylflfl HTa Ir , titvh arr,4a Aotwav. a.i Si uuw. .uu.ni.., ..... A.KWDI. .tl.l.D., lOWCipi. J 15,776 packages. E&tra nrsts, 32834c; (lrtl.f L1UU.(, .1VK. u, nu.. . .UVIDV, I111ACU WiUr, l sooDci roirigaraior nrsts, invAdc: nearoj browns, 36337. Savage Arms Co. Sold -': UTICA. N. Y.. Oct. B. Ths controllng is-'' terest In tho Savage Arms Company has beta! solC, the price reported bslng $3S0 a shin.' German Interests are suspected ot being be hind the transaction. Approves Rediscount Rates WASHINGTON, bet. B. Tho Federal Re.' ,io mubiu uu o-ffiuwu lug lUllOWtflg If discount rates: Cleveland Trade acceptance up to 00 days. SH per cent; 60 to 00 days. 4 per cent. Kansas City Commodity paper? J per cent. - Commercial Markets on Page "5. I Our Widening Circle of business friendships is best shown by the follow ing statements of. Deposits September S, 1900 $11,471,000 August 25,1905 '...., 15,480,000 September 1,1910 20,505,001 September 4,1912 23,967,000 September 12,1914 -.. ........... 25,116,000 September 2, 1 9 1 5 .w-.v. 29,639,841 October 2, 19 15... ......... ... 31,130,000 There are reciprocal advantages between customers and bank, both of high standing. Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Second Al) Have You Arranged For Your Compensation, Insurance? We advite immediate actjoa. Cowult u. "rm BEIDLER & BOOKMYER General Inturance 424 w.Uttt Sw, WE WISH TO UY Fsnnsylvaiila Cwnpny 3J4s, du. Hevriw, isis HT PAR AH INTHRMT w. wm uu "Jxxtxx ""' W CHAf. C. HAltltlSON. Jlt & CO. BJINKIM pirrif ah emtrwrr trs. hiiuimlh R rarsa) Honbrl iSKl.... 4t r m tv. VUEk