MMniftfl" - i f lr fc L w NEARING DEFENDS HIMSELF IN FIRST OPEN STATEMENT Takes Issue With Dr. J. William White in His Defense of Trustees POVERTY TABOOED TOPIC Dr. Scott Ncarlng, ousted by the board nf trustees of the University of Penn- B aylvanla, taken Irsue with Dr. J. William White In seven points made by the latter In a lengthy contribution to "Old Penn," n University publication. The reopening of the "free speech" Issue nt the Uni versity also was marked today by a lAt- f ter from Wharton Marker, one of the L' trustees, to Deor-re Wharton Pepper, also clares the whole situation must be re considered by the trustees. Provost Edgar Fahs Smith told Doctor Rearing, the latter says, that Jnlk against child labor and poverty "hurts the Uni versity." Doctor Nearlns declares he never advocated a redistribution o prop erty, as Doctor White alleged to be the belief of "sober-minded, sensible' per rons," and also denies Doctor White's as. ttrtlon that he was offered n. continuance of salary until he decided on his future course. The reply of Doctor Nenrlng Is the first public statement he' has made since the trustees declined to reappoint him. In It he takes up and numbers the points made by Doctor White, answering each briefly, and concluding with the follow ing: "I find In Doctor White's entire let ter no other Important statement of fact regarding me. It Is upon these state ments, whose accuracy I havo ques tioned, that Doctor White build his ar gument In Justification of the action taken by the board last June." DOCTOIl NEARING'S STATEMENT. Doctor Ncarlng's statement In full fol lows: "1 have read tho open letter written by Doctor White, an alumnus and trustee, to the alumni of the University of Penn sylvania. May I call to the attention ot Doctor White and of my fellow alumni the following statements upon which Doc tor White bases his justification of the board of trustees? First. Doctor White states that "on numerous occasions" t presented cer tain views which were construed as "fanatic" and "extravagant" before "lay audiences" that were "qulta un fit to appreciate or digest them." "The May audiences' before which most of my public lectures have been given fall mainly Into four groups teachers, wom en's clubs, uhtlrches and labor unions. I do not know which of these audiences Df.ctor White believes to bo. "quite unlit to appreciate or digest' my views. Second. Doctor White says that sober-minded, sensible persons" be Heed that -I "advocated the ruthless redistribution of property." 'l have never advocated a 'redistribu tion of property,' ruthless or otherwise. 1 have talked only about the Just distri bution of Income. Third. Doctor White suggests that these samu persons were convinced that I believe In "the personal Iniquity nf tho.e who lived on Incpmes derived even from their own savings" and that 1 "thought that the alternative of work or starvation should be presented even tp the old, the feeble and the dis eased." e b "I do not believe and have never ln fi I'tted upon 'the personal iniquity of those ' who live on incomes deijvcd even from r their own savings,' nor that I 'thought Pi that the alternative of work or starvation should tm presented even to the old, the leeme nnn me niscasca. Doctor White states that "Doctor Ncarlng had been kindly and consid erately asked If he could not lessen this growing feeling by a bet ter adaptation of his arguments to the understanding of his audiences." WHAT THE PltOVOST ASKED. "I was asked by the Provost not to talk against child labor and poverty, as 'such agitation hurts the University I know of no other advice to which Doctor White can refer." With the approval of the board, the Provost offered to continue Doctor Nearlng's salary until ho decided on his future course : but Doctor Nearlng, with commendable Inde pendence, declined to accept the offer, "Neither the board nor the Provost, nor any officer or the board, has offered me a continuance of salary. Obviously, therefore. I never 'declined to accept the help proffered." Doctor White cites "an a'rtlcle In the Ladles' Home Journal, In which he had declared himself, or permitted himself to be described, as 'Professor In the University of Pennsylvania,' when. In fact, he was but an In structor." I "Inquiry would have shown Doctor White that the tltlo 'Professor was JQded by tho editors of the Ladles' Home Journal, who, like most people out side of academic circles, refer to all Uni versity teachers as 'professors, and fur ther, that the moment tho error appeared I had It corrected in tho later articles of the series. , Doctor White suggests that the Uni versity authorities when approaching potential contributors who "are often not averse to being supplied with a good, ready-made excuse" find It "pos .ulrely harmful to be handicapped by statements llko the following put forth by Doctor Ncarlng: "Private wealth has been able to control polit ical parties and tho church: let It not control tho school. The schools must no; take a dollar from any private donor, There must bo no educational donation save the tax which all the rtople pay. so long as you nave your college presidents and your college professors on the payroll of corporation foundations you will have h policies of your higher institutions - learning dictated by these corpora tion Interests." BTATEMENT AFTER DISMISSAL. ''Doctor White lays great stress on a iement of mine regarding private en ?Wmen,U' to PUb'lo educational Inatltu. ons. He does not note that this state nt was reported tp have been made ih "?, .,n Julr" '15- Ml" connection with tno I nlverslty ceased In June, It Is pre. aumably copied from the reprint of a story based on a public lecture ven in July, IMS. Such u news story 5" not Pretend to be a verbatim report M my remarks. Prior to July, 1M, I ver made any public utterance regard- Wit DriVfllA tnilnumAnl, ' '' .?" ,n Doctor White's entire letter roing me. It Is upon these statement, nose accuracy I have questioned, that JOCt(jr Whll. k..iu. ...1 i.i , r,k!i.3c?tlon ot the -cllon taken by the t.paard last June. 'BCOTT NEARINC!.' ' Third Vewe Added to Quaker Une The lki,.i ... .- ..- -,..,. . . K uh y the Oregon-California Line, will r- namsnip yyiineirmna, according JS J announcement made today by L. . itoxii Wlll r-m nana, agents of the line. The lmlna will load bar argo of gen- merchandise at Pier It, South Jrvw for delivery at Caclflo coast THIS CITY A OUETNA GRKEN Young Couple From Elkton, Md., Lcavo That Marrying Community to De Wedded Hero Elkton, Md., Is Philadelphia's Gretna Green, That Is, the chauffeurs, cabbies, pastors, hotclkecpers and storekeepers ot Elkton do a flourishing business through the marriage of young couples, who, for one icason or another, go away from home tn wed. Philadelphia Is Elkton1 Ciletna Green, apparently, although the receipts from the marrying business here nre not as Important an Item In tho city's business Income as they are in the Mary land town. Malvern T. Jeffcrs nnd Josephine Knox, bolliof Elkton, and, therefore, living In an Btmosphero of marrlng, did not carry coals to Newcastle when they got mar ried. They camo to this city and ob lalncd a license and today wt-.'e married, far from their native Gretna Gieen. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES 8elon Morgan, E. Schac'er, II SK. Illrch t and Ann ( r.nieraia at. Earl A. Kustnood, 2 X. Bih at., and vun. c. Kulencr, sn.i N, nth n 'CV.l ,A-. Jnhnson, Wll'dwood. N. J., and Klliabfth Sloan. 24i .V. Opal at. Johannes Wallin. ,VW Ulenmore ave., and ljno Htnionain, M.II l.lenniore ave. MMfor. W, Wotonoa', aw .New Market at.. and Ivnrnelkn Stochintka. 1100 Fouth at. Marmnl. H04 Klmhall at. FTi2-r.,co t '''i-"00; V1.,. Federial at., and An tonetia le Farlo. mvn N .f'hllln at. "fKn? 5?5,neS,,.Uh ' ''n,, U"""1 "SouJar'at-ST".,?' ", K,,"b,h Srla,WSf.sS!h,K,en,, " ,nd u,u,,e William Krenaa. 3011 N. S6th at., and Eliza. bull Schlemmer. asm Mailer at. Charlea Sllvinnan. New York city, and Hone Rosenkranti. XU n. lrrnca at. 0fllWt.A,,,.n, Wf,h "Md, and Julia Davla, ISiJ S. I'ntton at. Ali"nr2.'I' ,rS."- 'r".J?20 "rav's ave.. and IvHtharlne K. Mornn. I2d and nraja av, Andrew Mciltihon, 2ir,i N. camae at and Ac-elalde Ceatello. P2.1 Tork st" I'lnrence K. Bmith, .12211 Weodtand ave. and Margaret M. Oleawn. Newtown Square Pa. I1,e'rg.,1.l?i2r':!2ll8.,M" rt" 'na K,h" nu'n Cbnrle'a jy sV-jman. Vovt Haltlmore ava., and Marie M. Miiller. M.1 K. Mentor at. ,5.'iA;,,n.,'ifa&. xyu" 'nd c"ro- "SeTJe'r.'ISy'KlSp,1,". A"'n "' nd "" m..a?ssk5.--j.;?.1 tS'S" ,r- ",,d An- 'ne:l;e.vJ?0P.S,!eerOe,?, 'U "' M"' r)l reo, mm harten et. h"mii''Vi.,.y,6,,',r,ir.b'''dr''- s,,, n Kthel M. Otll. Chefapenke ntv. Md. isssu vwsr.v .-iv vzxszrff t- Bnd JAradYeC','nN;.,iT,.ht "" J" D!i,,k'ylmr R? S2S; -V: nrt Kth" AAton n. Itni. niUahfth. N. J- anrl Arl.tln. D. TAml naxn c--a ' -' "- """MNi'Jii, rvuiii"ion, J . -i. iieiaii. nnis ronlar at., and Flor. eneo cohh. rosi Allinan at. Joaeph MUamollo. 141(1 Moore at., and Taullne Ouallelnio. ISlo S. Itoaewnod et. 3Vy.A- 0a,lf..h.rt. Darby. Pa., and Hoae M. Murrav. 2117 Moore et. AuKiirt II. Wetherll'. isno nittenhoiiae at., and Rwlna n. Ilruner, Sort Tie I-ancey at. 1 Martlno D'Ipnollto, Itfln nmlly at., and Uoae- phlne nucRlano. nil g. nth at. Albert Watera-. 1RI2 Ludlow tt.. and ndna Ttonev 1Ro I.udlow at. Kenneth W Wllllama. rooo rheter ave.. and Mildred-K. Oncnihaw. SMS Sprlnisfleld ave. Taul Gana, ::il New Market at., and Mary Ilva, .124 N Front at. Loula Itklea. M."2 Viola at., and Mollis Oilman, 1222 S. Sth at. Roger Dutton. 200!) Wilder at., and tna Evana. tilt 8. 21d at. Thomaa M. I-ox, S21 Natrona at., and Sarah A. Maar, .10 Otlva at. Hummer rkillock. 1017 Ralnhrldce at., and Olivia CorMn. 74A R. Chadtvlck at. Hlmon tchoent run. KeaaberR, N J., and Helen lllrrh .t2:.0 xJord t. Olei'a KoAtoui'k. 1W7 N. Hope at., and Mary Gollneka, 1SIT N. I lore at. rteere Campbell. Llanerch. Ta., and Anna Mc- Klnley, -1402 N. .Id t. Charles M. Voode. Mt. Vernon. N. Y., and Valeria Walton. Oak Lane. Mlrhael MrKane. r.ft 8. Wth at., and Margaret M. O'Pea. 117 N. Md H. John r. riea-l-r. I32S York it., and Ella rayne, 2cCS Arlrona at. Maurice rarlln. .VM S. 10th at., and Minnie riapln. 07 H 10th K, Jan TCankH, VUft Itoberts ave., and Antonlna lleni-t. 10.TO rllovbl1 at. Svmuel It. Lev In. 1.110 8. nth at., and Sadie norirrnakl. NVU 8. at. Fvnn'ett l. 1.ewl. ISIS 8. 5Wt at . and Martha Well. 2102 Dickinson at. Matter I. Trover. Camden, N. J., and Alice I Punk. n?24 Paynlnn at. Wi'll-m oni.r.i 2(14S Sterner at., and Anna Mullen. !.0R sterner at. Max Port. PI" N. 7th at., and Utile Kauffman. na, N. 7th nt. HiiKh Cannon. 1402 N. 2Jit at., and Jetta riovle. 14ir N. ?1et at. Antonio flatto. 1727 P. Wamock at., and Itoaa lii.n. 1S2.1 8. TVurno-U at. Harry O. Mandel 2120 Paletharp at., and Florenee A. Coulter. 2fl2 N. .1th at. Claude Anderenn. Mlllvlll. N. J and Louisa n, Schick, 2.12S N. Carllale at. Howard n. Wlhle. S12 N. Uth at., and Mary O. Tuttle. l?2(l E Soequehanna ve. Max M. llaab, .m21 Market St.. nnd Franco I Senn. 120 Tine t. Frank Pltihelmer. 2727 N. 21 at., apd Cath arine Ponlean. 1S40 E. I-ehlRh nve. laadore Sabel R00O Glrard ave.. and Grace 11. Goldhere. 1H02 N. Frailer it. Francla n. Watklna Montreal. Can., and no- mnlno Taylor. 4V(1 Chettnut at. Ralatnn W, Ilereher. 411 N. Mth it., and riertha M. Dawaon. M2.1 Parrlah at. Carmelo Catafano. .110 New at., and ito.a Portna, .lit), New at. Tlenlamln Sllher. nrlitol. Ta., and Rebecca Msht. 1720 S. 8th at. Stanlalaw Po'ltowikl. ton Pemberton at., and Antonnlna I.vaiewika. 101 Temberton at. nobert K. Jonea Lanalola, Ore., and Marie M. Schmidt. 817 N. 23th at. Sliall it Le something is for you distributors of their goods. May -we allow you ne advantages oi these unusual garments? Their cost is no greater than for clothing ot the usual sort and there is marked difference in the value. Suit and Overcoat prices hegin at $15, Jacob Reed's Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET rcVEHIffG LEDQER-rHILADEIPHTA, MONDAY, OCTOBER ARTISANS' ORDER IN NEW CAMPAIGN Committees and Meetings to Work Up Growth of Small Assemblies and Big Rally M. M it. A. Harry C. smith called to gether committees from 13 of the "smaller assemblies of the order for the purpose of aiding them to Increase their member ship. The plan adopted contemplates a union meeting of these assemblies on Tuesday evening, October 38. The fea tures wl t be an entertainment by good talent nnd the Initiation ceremony per formed by the most, excellent officers. Tno qunrtcta of these assemblies will furnish the musical selections. Committees ;) cairyiout the arrangements aro as Jol lowsi Quartets-Curtis P. Calver, W. . lijers. William McCartcr, H. C. Hucklcy, lMward Ilonsnll. Ta ent George V. McKlnnon, FredcrlcK .1. Gay, I. V. Maull, Iia Karl. Charles ltonnen, W. H. Keslcr. I'ubMclty-i:. 8. Woudrow. V. C. atlpln. V P. riko. David P. Haven, W. H. K Magrady, Hnmuel MncFcetcrs, N. Helver son, V. 0. Chalmers. J. It. M. Gard, Ilob crt ICsncr. One of the mot cnlhulirttc meetlnaa In the Matury uf Germantuwn Auiemby vvaa held un Thuraday aVenlng UU, ai wulch Iheie were MOO tnembera preaent. A number ot vliltora (torn otlie. aaccmbllea were pteent. amonic wnicn were Maater Artisan Jaon h. joruan, ged a aolendM entertainment nt tne mai mcetlnr. llrother Arnold la a truly up-to-date t.ue.M c-....e .. ...,.... nrim Ha, ;':",M.'L'""J '. ..' "T ' r:""I ' .."V,. ;.:.; n I ii iiiiiv I'Tcviaiuiin mtc.w iuvviivtu avi -.. in.. predict! that Rt. Jnhn'a will perform crealt- aDiy in tne ner-t tnree monitw. The official vUHatlona for October nre an followa: October 4th. flartrnm: Tih. Under down; llth, Scrnnton: 12th. William Patton: 14th. Weal Philadelphia ; lflth, Pottagrnve ard Alvlra, 18th. Penniylvanfa: 20th, Kcjstonc: 2.Mh Columbli; 28th. Trenton. ltartram Aa-embly will nlve tonight a hearty welcome to M. B M. A. Pmlth nnd staff. He eorder lllcalne. Tlrother Fmlth'a pradeceaeo-. haa keen knowledge and appreciation of the executive work thla ear. "" " William I'atlon Ataembly, In the Parkway Bulldlna. will celebrate lta flrat annlrrraary at the next meeting. October 12. Lehigh Axtembly will have a good program at the next meeting. October 21, Including a talk on the "naaeball Game of Life" by the Ilev. T. Davis, (Southwestern Assembly la preparing a mon ster celebration of Hi 2.1th anniversary on No vember 4. The bowling league held lta flrat meeting for tho purpose of reorganlilng for the aeason and to conduct i flve-man-tcam tournament. The following officers were selected: C. n. Hlg alns, of riartram. president: Joseph Avll, of I'nderdontn. vice president: L. E. Knapp. Le high, secretary, and Harrlion Patton, ot South w estcrn, treasurer The present outlook tt (or 18 teams, divided Into two eectlona. eight teams In each section. The following araembllea are expected to be. represented in the league: Northwestern, champion of tcctlsn A last season: L'nder down. Progressive. Adelphl. Pennsylvania, Houthwestern. Ppartan. champion of the league; Lndordown. Fidelity. Oak laine. Union. Le high. Larch ood. Harmony, Northwestern and ll.irtram. Urothers Hill Qreen, of I'nderdown: Jos. Avll. of I'nderdown, and lllll Harwell, of North- estern, were appointed a committee to draft rulea Hnd reg-ulatlons, The lengue pmm Isea to jret under way aa soon aa all arrange menta are completed. The enthusiasm among tho Artisan bowlers la Increasing rapldlv, and thla aeaton promises to be one ot great rivalry among; the various assembllea which have teuma entered. Interest In tho Artisans' rally, which will take place at the Academy of Music on Wed nesday evening. October 27, eontlnuea to In crease. All neaembllra In Philadelphia and nearby hue entered Into the spirit of the af. tulr with tnthualaam. The prtre of admission tickets for Hit, big event at the Academy nf Music haa been nxed at ngurea which will joat allow the committee to clear expenses, Tho aile of reata opena at 201 Parkway llulld ng at P n. m. on October 11. The commit tee nn talent la pursuing a course whkh will mable It to keep Its promise to the members to make It the beat entertainment they have ever had. Aa a preliminary to the affair, an automo bile parade will ba held on Friday evening. October Vi. The route to be taken will bu deilded upon In a few daa. I.npensea al ready received Indicate there wl,' oe more than 100 cars Jn line. The having the parade In chaige. ronetata of George F. lavvling. chairman, 1100 Vine street; William II. Pollock. Dr. C. C. Sticker. Theodore F. rjarhran, Alexander 8. Johnson and Dr. II. H. Lott. JwMkuuuHiwuuway(yuu Vr the Best or not so good? It to decide. or i-roiperl l'ark Aeemb, , I'. M. K. . ' !.,"'"?,"CM ,""" . ". " "u1 '". ,"""'r'.." l" "iter tne initial on. or presontnt on, ' ' ", ".,-""""jr iiee. No. 20. at Lanraa. .. ..J JJ'aSS:. TA ,LLJ,fhK-iV.2HSS: I "'S "n'.ce'neTl-'.-orT.i ",':: I ? -" that .very month' during the ' vm?" No? .-g .V S?J,?ff"W .ttn l0'?.00 nlld temlary all of whom made intcre.tlng talk-, ""nil ''ore December III la aj-wrvtj je winter. I wo i hunt ml nnd firty applicants , VmhV "e ,. ti' N'C' '-'?. at "rtandale to Tie JJelHieatOr i lu.. i..j.hi ,u. ..Bi i.iiiuf i a'loinent. aa It the nrevlniia cnmnnlun two wrr i.lArit,! .,. i,n nnnnn.u ..... ., ' ."ir.ieite io.)rp, n to. u vn4ti.. ..., I mw -ww w r nur ! Cook Mi Tier Art ian t.erman own ounell procure.1 ne.nli thla and Icel ' ...jljv.. ..clo ,mc.,.. to i.tiierne hodae, No. 14 at HaV e on.' He ' Prmnn onrl SIT naiiwVf anrnVr'.'. """' l"" thleVplmdlil ar,n,emet. arTTerfec.ed tor tne a. ' K. WS& '.arThe ' . ?, Vt , Kffi ittl&WW'XSl&SStSl I-Mlade-,.. Ceunc, ,e,d an oen meet,,,, ' CV.-ift. AStM': No & . 4 0, I ick's jModen December at. ff rWVVlarnlleV' ''u,,;..nK',oniVr'o''even,nr.' """' ,hKcrneie,X,,S"a.v"e".S fi ,n'h ""- Circulation of . , Sneclnl entcitvlnirent wh. ptvulded. The eale I , and lie hnJ 1 A.5 iSl l'i h '" al V"? "l's. - Olrard Aeembly had a homecoming nlEl't of pnekBKej lor tl e benefit of the bowline team unl;r Cliv lievlew, nir. filuinM avenu. I any nf S iood iiiin,LJ'''?".,!.r" nf '.'" ""' Uo.000. nnd nearly everjho.iv waa there. Several retulted In aciumvilitlim n too 1 emn. Mra. N "HI "Imi the blithday 01 the aaau U- and artlvc vvnrkera n'Ucr of ,he K"1"' orriccia " memoera or me v;ommuteo or luu were iren r.. uoeuei. hieniient or me 1 ail'ea Aiixiiery. 1; ,,' mmi"m i,v .- tn.iiK neu. wnen arcai on October 4 th tr.., M... . ... .. m and contributed largely to the enjojmeiu of n;ude an ..l.a. Thi-. rm. -le . "J terlea will l -levenel' by ilnao In Hireka l,,!ge. No II T-ctnb?r 11 P vfJi'-Un1 I O apprCCinte the ocemlon. tloiia renrtereil hv -vrr:ii tolnlata MIm ' htrge. Al. the members are ver nrou.l I I odae. x" 'i Vl.t..""?.' ".. ninitl e . . II Ile'trlci Katon. iv Hnii-hfer o tie gran 1 ' "" '," "e W'J blrthitav of the aesoclat.oii 1 lodge. No. 5 iT.'tob.r " i,;J V )'vatila if- jp nerPQCnrv in . . .. . . . ..... recent s.i. MHknl.ri. i then- la inc.llberth In of more than ISO.OO11. I IS. ikijL. '. .V.J..'.- Amcrlra. Lodge .Nn It ia Iiv,vv.a3ai IU nroiner I'nuip Arnniii, cnnirman 01 ine r.u- ; -" 1 ....... ..... with -linre limn ss,ii,nn 1.. n i,.rt. j I v ""'-' -;. "HeninqioM tartar. No H r tertalnment Committee of Adelpni Aa-.embl). V.ord T111S ttoVt "tKOiin.1 tiff EurOPCm -,..,,,m.n. At ih, I lennlvnnln ul l nnnrt ,i nltbt l'i.'1.' '.' "'O.e inilll lr IU U.INhl paid to. (IIS' I three todZCa nre In.nteH I.. 1,i.ii j J.i., J .' ul -, vw,n B.un.a n ..ituuhi i-,cii.ii,i,i ... .... ...... , - ,-.--..-.-. .--.-..... -... ... ..,.... -.,. , i.,.,, nn. n ,.. . &, .r .,. ' " .... ... ...itnnpii.iii.1. S, John, Aemb,;,. back ,n Ita -.r,de. J 1 S S tlHS K? ST, rheCb.rih?na Comml.Ve0e,OCaVkCforrMnnew. ' Seeieta,,- Shoemaker announced .be .'eat., f ' min"1"''- of the Kla ,Vgan 8?enm& Ine '"vvhh n Peml eV? tnT,nunrr in orter to athnuVate ' ,wn '"'m" """ irembera of I enn-vlvnn'a I M Mtrv tlAron. of Phl'nd.lhl tlevtcn. ! i thr tmvln- 1.1.1 n . ,t' i!,C'1 rw?rr.T tb. .mhlv' offered f e-leh rile to I rn,lnr,, "rethet Alexander Mlt.hflt who i 'Penilltip two weeka In Una nn aid Mra ..h T-vi! ." V ,.."eKS " thc 1,el"- !!. r fhr.1 mJmherVT who rut Tn th- create., 'n'merlv flllr.1 the poeltlon of trcanirc. and i ;V' o-eu-li. part commandtr Mrs niit 1n,p a!,tl allsslsflppl ltlvcrs. He was hut Slkh It Si5?i.. .m w lSVllt llmtrrr v . Imirell Hi n-cr or a lonK tlm- Hnnev. .onunanr'er. n,l VIis "Vinne vla 1" oil when lie rntcied the .mnlr,. rb,?eV0r,,.rJ,Ckow.'V,l"'a..,v ' renn. ;rm,. ..attended I tli. o A. It. Hn- . a.f the Klnni,, I,,,, ," C S , Z.,?'0 There are a few man ufacturers of Men's High Grade Ready-to-Wear Clothing whose produc tions are exceptional for their .finished style and exquisite tailoring. It is our privilege to he the only clothiers in Philadelphia who are the ROl AL ARCANUM -, , , ... - Extent of tho General Growth of tho Order Last Year The ofTlclnl statement of membership for 11S shows Pennsylvania Jurlsdlctfon In the lead of all other States In point of number. After deducting all suspen- o' inoro than G3.0W niembern. vvnlic the little Washington Jurisdiction, with a mimboraiup o. itXM. siiows the best nvei- H4C gain, they having SM net Inorense to Ulatllct uf Columbia makes with Utile Hhodo ineir vieuil, the third beat lsinnd tollovvlng very closely . ". . 1. It. O. R. Wallac. Whltaker. Slaiira ant 11 1.U1 on weie (vein .,f icnvilKlitol counc !. aim njrlaie., .n tiie i..ulatlon ot .uur upplleaiua. llrtttner Wulliie mate a at)rrtiiK auidoea ti tun new n.Hterlal. Itcirtahmmte ud enter Ulnnieiit tolloenl the cone o. a very aea III Annthur vlina oi new inemUle . promiatd lur the mejjiiu of ortotcr tin when nw nitlve Arcnnlaua Horn other vovinills n a lni.u.i-0 Ip bo on hand. Ilia Oetolcr mtctlui: of the Carnation Club, whlih will I r.e.ti tuulalu at the lllll.lMm Hotel. tiuml4a to be n very Imfwrtant iei Mn. A achoiule of vlatia to tounc l cr hi'eo wir v.111 le dtcucd nnd the vvlntac entertainmenti will l nrmnael by the vhiIjui ciinimitteca. Ilia AmfcHlnted lnun,lli nf Phllailelnhla held I then mom hl meeting Ian Saturday evening in.- irHHi liuiminc, TH .chedule for OttoWr vIMt, by Phlladel- Phia Oeputlea haa been rlrculaleu. It will be known uie wniuwinti cHminnau. .-.,. el er liililn Alrnnluh !. I., all ne,4fflieil duty mid evcij round I In the u.Hilct ia to le MtU bv "i"-lnJi-ttor" lelcrtii. inm iho eierul auxlllailea. It le the t'erlto that ever J eoutcll will have at one In' niEbt In A almnit appeal will lie readi' to iu'h muiirlla that have bern Inactive, who P 1 e . i ouncii win ret apart 11 for the ladle- Tr .nuncll will te !-.ted l 1 a till tan I , emit r, nn Hie tilffbl n IV- lohef . hr.,i i,r I n. i n ft wi'liam It. nn-l tl U Wrilnm , i ae-a. a a .. a tmitiip, in- .'fH-k m roiai" r'nii iin nni KNIGHTS GOLDEN EAGLES -.. . LarRe ClUS3 Initiation by Combined Castles of the City The combined enstlcs of Philadelphia will admit a larKC class of new candi dates this evrnlnir at m 1m Temple. The opening, cloiins nnd three desrees will he vvorltert by different teams. The cas tle will be opened by n team picked from Ivnnhoo Commnnder.v, No. 2U, under com mand of Cnptnln John 13. Dormer. The first desiee will be conferred by the de gree team of Wnvcrly Cnstlc, the second decree by a team from Delta Castle, nnd the third ilesrce by a team from Clear view Castle. Tho cloving of the ensile will be b.v a tenm picked from A. C. Iyttlc Commnndory. No. 101, under com mand of Captain Fred K. Lyttel. The hall will be crowded, vlsltlnjr members coming from many points outside of the city. The public reception on next Wednesday eve. nlng at Horticultural Hall promises tn be the finest affair of the kind ever held by the local Sir Knights, During the evening there will be an exhibition drill and Inspection of the mil iary branch of thla city, Thla will ba con ducted by Brigadier General George ft. Greg- Tennesseeans Will Be Interested In historic booklet, en titled " T h o Memphis Special," iaaued by the) Southern Railway Apply S. E. BURGESS, D.P.A. 828 Chettnut St. 'Phone, Walnut.708 - " ",,u "" - -' jpnn.vv. rorn. Sunreme Maater of llert shows a net Increase of 051. The total I !.in. " iF'JMM"- .i?nl Vlej Chief John i 'i he EntertalnmeSt mimbcishlp is .fo. who have outelamd i.i (lailaahir'" in'tiT e..,in,r.w iT'Ui. !." ! c,V,i",w,. a Junsdlctlon comprising a membership ' BEnVhi n- -Mh.,Vl,.A"L.5L2'ErLlS . n,,m'- 1 ej ivaiiia una K'nnn irr-eurer , - "i"mvmi .., ,, .i-nnminn, it, t. .,in , .,.., . .....,,. ,u .3 lirtiiuui mm makes shaving a 1 I? aJL positive connon You tender-faced men who can't get a comfortable shave without wasting precious minutes on after shavinfj applications or on steam ing with hot towels will be Class A Resinol boosters after your first shavo or two with Resinol Shaving Stick. That's because its creamy, lasting lather is full of the Resinol medica tion which physicians have pre scribed for 20 years, in Resinol Oint ment, to heal skin affections. So it leaves the face free from smarting, tenseness and shaving rashes, no matter how hasty a Job you have done. Resinol fihavlnc Stick has "been used for many Veara by men who annreclata something a little better than most first-class druKKlsts keep "" ii youro ocean i, write to uept !-M, Resinol, Ualtlmore, Md., for a trial sire stick. E2 ?" rA',s"'' anipnn1ed ly a larae num "L' L."'" .,,,fr AdmlMlon to the i-iubllc la ' r7cl.M lnl' Supreme Chief John W Few I WJU&CT ,,!!iYrnkT.,hVrU.M ' k Jl!i "'un' convention or Chetlrr and l)el i5mm.lftr,JMLVln1!'ll "i0"iriU.0rd'. mnmii,.LF Saturday. October 11 The local tKTj "i!rwt Prd '' t Inidlneii fminn. I nfT nil la alfaarlw K ..I,.,! ... i-i. Vft nmmfMrdrrl !.! promlntnt nm J5i.."l ih6.P.r1"' nn whom nre Puftrtme recorda The offtera nf it. inmi iwimhium 1 T,ii ' TrSi''.n- w'IHvin RoMneon. timmrer. ' Urake Tlk,'; aecretary. the liv. l.lan c. ulS ?& Jer rnlrAr5eJnit,,.h2!C ! .oJ." brallon b nfr.X?iTJ""nTllh'J ZL! '.!: ' -....i. '. "' "v'" ..,.:,,:T. .FT",t . : venlnc. Tho'e In ije namnere- i nuien. thoee Chllrthin flm tended the Prov roiwi cmireh were preached by the pa'lere. MACCABEES ASSOCIATION I Busy Women in Campaign for flip; Class Initiation A meellni; of the commanders of the vnilotia tevlcvva In the city was held nt the ofTlce of supieme chaplain Mlas Min nie K. Murgln, 5141 I.udlow street, last Saturday evening, to nrrange for the I aamin ?,'!" 1Cnm,,Rn' for wh,lch '8 ' ""mission fee lias been reduced. The i ,pn win iib inuinieil near ThanksglMng. ana win voice Hie seiitlnier.t of the mem bershlp fov nil the new benefits atrnnged for by the last supreme convention. A meeting of the commnnilcrs ami record keepers will be held every two weeks un 1 nhl,,. u, , ,. :,-' c. .... ..1.. .1 :. ,eMeed irtmbera. a net Kiitti of n ore than ialvu t . r "... "" .MU" "' innio Viian .WU '.?'" '"" r iiapue tne business (..epics '"I" Ml, i ... rtnn iinnie i; iiiHeTin. Ajprmif- ...-.eiiti, ine iniinnnn o iic-pr iir I !.:.ii- nt ,hcIr teom In Cnpron " iui Piirci irnp nvtion i t IITH. Iitnr.'l.inii Pntrl.iti.l lli.nt. , mander. Mis small milkman, past mill, nn mrr. .irta. Atilm T vilaamr,h a-auittt-il Keeper. Mra Jennie lax. Ilnan.-e nudl'or. Mra imieii.-cll.ile, rlmpialn. Mra llenhn Chr'a ll.inen. Iitlv.nt.nima. Mra Knsenli Sohnlo.lf r, Mra. iisumh I' afnllrel, I'lor- iivc yanitrne jacKet .Mra. Henrietta llornna. i "'""Icrm, I. uh s hnelrter: color bearcia, Annio 1 Ml'l anil K' rutin, lllll Thi committee nn tlie "frea.i o-lal - to li Qielil on rucMl.n renlntr. Uetoher '.M. repnrtel Kood proRrtM Kefrealimenta cloa-d n tileiaant eentnir. Mrb. i. I.oulee Kunu, of Wll.lama lert Revlev. No. I", nar a vinltor I. O. O. F. Manchester Unity Pereeerance I)die. In lonjunctlon with the , flood of the Order and Propnpstlon rommlt- I teea of the Plillaiielphla r latrlet, n rtne , coneeri ana Bmoker at M u Hall. They en DIXON The Dependable Tailor EalabUthtd IISI Study, Skill, Experience In the Triumvirate re. sponsible for Dixon Tail oring. Years of pleas. Ins well-dreased men: a h kill oil organization trained to regard errors na Iniquity; tho ability to meet n custotner more thnn hnlf way as to his personal preferences there's the Dixon "reason why" In condensed form. And yet wo've a scale of prices which the man who buys with Judicious economy doesn't consider exorbitant. Write for our new Booklet, i3.jcfjolosp of Clotfjes 1111 Walnut Street HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MBLK Un lose you say -HORUOiCS" you may qoI a Substitute. usual, no , It In.! vvue Memorial Prratirfartan s mm . . i. .V.V".'"."' fr." ?H,'t'n";r.!Li,,r-n..,JilAr:t I BtrL' TrH,irras'SE johr iW, MiUV.. M-i. I fw7:: !i " Preretive bank villa n; Dlatrlct REINOl! XHAVINCMTICH 4 1015. tenalned the aiui m-'.,n" '""deiphia until, t online vi iniTl r? ,,r W" In Phlladelihla and iilreii f"",Vrt v'm- ' PreiMed. Tha 51 "J ", Jeeme was mad by P. l. O. M. iWi,.' "rt,,."H he addreaa on behalf of J fliMrtelnnlM llllr r4 n. f, 1 l flMrtf Smith Rllaha n HlMfm, m-' llrrlnv VSSt.r2, 1 Illoh P. Vn ch'w.."wihiJ l predated i rj oitrer llemlnawav anoke th? fin -i'5 "?M ,rr,,r ba liven during rl.IS m,!,.."crunl" he elara Initiation ta be kill? . S-A'' " "" teer in will le a ,, -- """ "imirr. molt NintlMAltx. ttnmlttA f Vtr tilKh.jr- commfndttl ftr it oi i urn i ana rren- KnIKhts of Pythln-4 l!il,,,? ,,J hrM n open mcttlnj and Br- ilenTh.?'vf,?ti '"' lht ldGIia elnRer. V.T?. W'"."leonave a. recitation: llrother ' .-:"".' llM !!. ll.lmilll, tT- I!" ' ."l" lek Joe". laat chancellor Jhn lou leil the favorite eong, Fulton .H Order of Liberty nn.'iBIiVj,0y'"'' Vo, f,' lively eetilon. wn. ti."T"L..ri,1.ka,l0"" or membarihln l?Ler Lw."h,,,,,: """ranee that a much ThJ Wo"1'1 .be In for next meetlnir. limihi;h,r'i,r",J '"'"', ""nmlttee. of which vSirt ihS1."1 .i'!",b, '" hn'"n. made a mIIS , iiR1 '"'J thing vvaa prruntaalnB nleely. tie i!I,tVd?,tv he .secretary of the commlt-atm-k K2W ,,wt "Ifwly a lre amount of ?? ,. V, i '" "!a: "" hl "he felt that itt. .V0!'1!1 .".X"'1 n flln'' ,,,ra enough to S1'" '". 10fl IKr draervlnit children meet?nrJ,'iri5,n!f,'.K M,,r" mn"'r at tho SrThi eJPif,s"1 'hemseivta to work with a of ii! '?!" ,r,?w Uf"" ecemlr n. the time ? iVt l"l"''lnrnent, when the dividends will in nil" .'.,u'-, A. KCB "HI mndo nri.i , "t, leant .'.f) new membera during for lecurlng one or more memben. Shield of Honor Oiaml Jin-ter Hereon haa made Old Steamboat Man Dead "," ".V'"" 1' mr.wy "n.ul yarH aRo, 'li'iivn i tt ti-.Ai, . - a ... . I'MUMKimn attemwei i nay urr nnd Itntn vv.n.r .mi-.,... inV. ". wrvi sve in imuiiL jr . SBDitia -- i: "..aiH. v,irari.-rimr latwyrtrai iifirnuiii. r. nrricidi i .,,. ,," ,; " mii i-years aRO, me . up'nin. " llp" thf-v discontinued business, nn vm r imw ..-1 Interrupted scrvlfe of 57 vears Durlmr V nJL,'1;?' "vll War Mr. Van ScWcr a "5 teniii! '.dv- r1,n.rB, or, n cl,l" f boatr chattered i from his linn hy tho Governnieiit ' -.- Don't try to wnjh your curtains. It takes lone ex perience and special equip ment to prevent shrinkage, stiffness, color-running and fabric strain. Have your curtains done up by the Neptune Laundry 11 rA K laul '-''""'Dia Ave, I JLj i i A itAX i ' The Philadelphia Art GalleriesN 8. E. Corner IStU d ciieatnut Streeta AKPr?i?E,SALE BEGINS THJS AFTERNOON AND FOLLOWING DAYS AT 2:30 O'CLOCK The Famous Collection of Oriental Rugs and Carpets itepre.enllnB the llfe-lone work of the noted ruj dealer of Northern tli. Uti MIR ESSAD TO DE BOLD BT ORDBR OP W. S. PEECH, ESQ., LONDON, ENG. AND HIS ItEPRESK.VTATIVK MR. GEORGE MINASSIAN, NEW YORK CITY NOW ON FREE VIEW (Catalocura mailed free upon request) ::: The . Bell Directory Goes to Press TO-MORROW Call "Filbert 2790." For telephone service or change in listing, ask for the Business Office. For advertising space ask for the Directory Advertising Manager. Don 't put off 'till to-morrow wftmt you can do to-day. MJ9 w Slater Beatrice VMfe FHaT4'Ifor "Hlstar Iteatrlce," the heroin tt th French battle front, stopped here today long chough to vlalt a friend Wore rliah Ing lip to Canada, where she will con duct a campaign to raise the needed med leal auppllea for the coming winter "Sla ter Ueatrtce" la known In private life aa Mrs. Heatrlce Bartlett, of the Medico Mil Itnlre Francals. Mrs. Dartlett, who In distinguished by her purple cape an white robo which she wears on the bat t'efleld, waa drafted Info the army service when her work came to the attention. 1MJ the French medical authorities. One Agreement Between England and Germany In two such alien and antagonistic nations as England and Germany, The Delineator is a leading mag azine for women.' At both London and Uerlin there are issued separate and distinct Delineators, published in and for their respective countries. In England The Delinea tor has a circulation of more in Germany (printed in called Butter ilevue) has a more than these figures recall that magazine circula tions are comparatively small nnd that, therefore, these figures are relatively large. The Delineator success fully appeals to women all over the world. The Delineator understands and serves the "eternal feminine." The Uutterick Publishing Company New York Delineator is one of the three magazines called by advertising men The, Uutterick Trio and bought as an adver ' Using unit. The other members of the Trio nre The Desipner and The Woman's Maira- rinc. The average monthly net circula tion of The Uutterick Trio is (ruaranteed to be In excess of 1,400,000. I ESSE lawn 1 L,-" UTtrt.f 1 I SjHeTsaU rn B