PHOTO SHOW OHiNSMmfMlTAN iberts Introduco Hippo me Entertainment, With m Awl Luke and Real Swans vr the Photoplny Editor ! hard to nav Just vthat wfts the tst rt at--tho big ntcrtalnment displayed lh Metropolitan's opening Saturday UhL K tSpfjdci on youf'ungiSmental physical, It you liked color and M ft proscenium box It wm urely th ns of tho setting: fcnd costumes Ww Jmrnlaturo laV which glinted alid hed where the orchestra pit tyied to And no matter where you eat or at Vour personal tastes were, you didn't deny the novel beauty of tho and Its electric water lilies, Its amntlc fountains. Its littler roae-clrt nd for the orchestra and Its swans, rimming speculatively about. , As tor the program, the music lover en- yed the orchestral numbers and pos- My an excellent renaerin? of that try old hymnal Jove, song, ' O JPromise " But he sot the most fun xiut of an nbltlous mdloy selection In costumo m "The Mikado." This "Mikado" a la atorl6, rendered by five good sinners end I klarge, good-looking chorus, proved a onaoriui indorsement 01 wo uuuert ana slllvnn method. Almost alt the story k( there as blear Us Uay, even though th the, dialogue and Koko were miss- "Hamlet" with Hhmlrt left out rht not be so bad a show, after all. Ul this for decoration very excellent pleasing decoration to the backbone the entertainment, the movies. They ere varied and plentiful. "Salvation fell," a five-part feature, adding Beatrix Mrhelena and a good many exciting ents. to Edward -Sheldon's play, was eked up by a King Lardner comedy. feber & Fields, some remarkably lino ave! pictures In color from tho 1'hnroa 11m Company, and rresh news pictures. Ive latter showed, amoncr other thlncs. tyles for the stout How nice to think Mire Is still n career for the mannequin ho accepts too many lobster dinners. ."Jack and tho Beanstalk" Is being Imed with tho assistance of Mrs. Gen ii Tom Thumb and General Auger, tho int. Essanay erected n replica of tho Illinois Lesembly Hall for the photoplay "The Fable of tho Statesman Who Didn't Mako by Oeorge Ade. "Tho Salamander," a plcturlzntlon of sen Johnsons widely read and ma ssed novel, which In play form had a etropolltan hearing last season at the arris Theatre, New York city. Is rapld- approachlng tho completed atage under guidance of Arthur Donaldson. Tho loss Mutton Picture Corporation Is tho onsor for It. The British Government has decided to movies to boost recruiting. , In about a month's time England pre sses to send mm operators to France other parts of military Importance '"' J THIS WEEK'S PHOTOPLAY PROGRAMS ' I ? n"CMo.dr. Ctartl, Chaplin in I iJ.rsd.. The Spendr.rrlda,. Er Tho tilnner " Tuesday. "In the tiunaet Country. ' Wednesday. "The Man in tho Chair " Thuraday, 'The Broken Coin." No. . is rriaar. ine onrieK in me lEni oai- furday, "Joe Martin Turna Them Loose. dar 'Th. Heart of a Tainted Woman." Batut. day, "Th Gooao Olrl." fA8HINfiTON PALACE Monday. "Neal of e Navy." Tueaday, The I'rlie Story. .dndy. "The Sea Ohost " TliurajihS' 'Taity". Plucky Pup. Friday. "Uv Wliono XaniW' Baturday, "The Old High Chair. BGTOiUa THEATRE Monday. Tuesday and rweiJn.sday. Htty Nansen In -Sons of lute. -Thuraday. "Tbo Woman Next .poor." J rt- y, "The Wbeela 01 juaiice.- oai-nw,. HVOLA Monday, "At the Danquet Table." rTuesday, "Tho Broken Coin," No. p. Vled- Metday, "I-cra uorrintion a wuis. ".'Vl! y, "The Country Qirl" Friday, "The icarlet Sin." Saturday. "In Mlzzoura.' LPEHOCKEN Monday. "Tho Little uuicn BlrL" Tueaday. "Little Sunset." ednea alay. "The Ivory Snuff Uox. Thursday. "LadyAudley'a Secret." Friday. "Jullu Caeeaff" Saturday, "Who's Who In bod- Ml." AR Monday. "From tho Dregs-; ruesaay. Tin and tha Treasure" : Wedneagay. "A tHartllng Discovery". Thursday, -When My Xjidy Bmllea". Friday, 'The Witness" ; bat urday. "A Fool There Was " X Monday, "The Path of the jiainoow"! ueadar. "i:ye That See Not"; Wedneaday, "Tha Sldow of tho Pat". Thuraaay. iem. er"t Friday, 'Tiie Girl I Left Uehlnd Me ; featurdar. East Lynne." AilR-Monday, "Tho FlghtlnB.lIope": Tues 4r. "The Little Madamolaelle" . dnef.lay. Simon, the -Hater": Thuraday. "Thy I'rtco e Her Silence". Friday, "Kllmeny"; Sat vrday, "Tho Master ot the House." tASCHA'LL Monday, "Wlfle'a Ma Comes k", Tueaday" -A.I for Old IrelajJ ; 'Thuraday, ''Neal of the. Navy"; Friday, ' Thj Two OrpUns-i Saturday. 1Th Millionaire NELHAM Monday. "Hearts Ablas.; "tuea. Say, '"The DelugV'; Wednesdaj, "The Ca;l a? Pawtucket". Thuradav. '"fho Wblrloojl": Friday, "Ilualnesa Is Buaineaa"; Saturday, "The Beirchllafit Gun." URKET- Monday, "Tna fixer. ucu.. WS2 ion. ixii." Wednesday. "Itoda of Vrath." Thursday. "Venjetta." Friday. 1 "Fatharcooa, paiuraay, m. "" "- Ltar. ... .. .-. m V1afna" KSJl-SyS' V,T'W Love"i. icked." Wednesday, "Tho Diamond From $ Bky." , Thursdsy. "Ft jrainer.- x. T Kblgbt ot tho TrallV Saturday. A&$5fn!2$. ht." Wednesday, "Th Song pr "ate raday, 'Tne ivory anuu "" i'"'" M Kkidllns-T" Saturday. "Tha Master tf t U jt ai ' Al. TMKATnEMondayv "Tho Runaway Fife." Tuesday. "Wlrni My !-ady Bmllea " ednMSay. "rue uiri oi.mtumr huraday. 'Th. Scarlet Lady." Idea or tha Tlma" Baturda suradar. '"Th. Scarlet Lady." Friday, The (lea or th Tlma" Saturday, 'The Dev- I's DauiWer." HAND THEATRE - Monday. , "Marrying Money," .TueJay, "One of Mil Ions," ed- oay, n. race in mo wgciniiRui. ..r",:., , 'Walls of Jericho." Friday, "Dollar w ti.tunt.v 'n..n Purrjln. itty Nanaen In "Tho Song of Hate." Wed. ,it. "Tha Imrjoator." Thursday, "A ar. "Tho al Family. Iday. "Tne Ivory Snurt ftaturdav. The Outcaat." aNKLIN TJIEATRE, aza ana tiirara Monday. The Man With the Iron Heart." "Caught." Wedneaday, "Hearts Tuesday. TH STREET THEATRE -Monday, " , Diamond From tho Sky " Tuesday "11 The om- ' WaUAaaday 'Tho Castlve." Thura- winnsinii' i rias i.aHiivB. ash aiv. "Bound, on tho Wheel," Ticiay, --ins '-r:rr-rt- ,K..nir jj BroLen Coin." Saturday, 'tSucb a Little Queen. jMBERLArTD-Monday. 'nierltar..". Tuea- FaWy. "Th. Dignified Family." wednesaay. m Flight o th. Night Bird " Thuraday. LTh. jraee irs ins aureor- r nu.7 . lOil) STREETPASINO - Monday. -The UMdar. "Th Srond In Command" VVe.1- M,dy. "Nal of th Navy ' j-nursaar -n-na t ?Sru Orphana." Friday T7v Ooddeaa.1' Sat. IROEN-Mnedav "The Ahaent "Tueaday. Tb ftub?" VVejlnasday "The Two Orphans." 4y fojMff BESQBT3 "iwdiaNTicTciTY. N. J, iwrnofThcwwuDi K'XKnnflm TLiTPIt,jOI,n . x. J. -wtaHip ioiit lH)T . ur wmmar HHffMQI UK4HMI' HOIKS, Id (U ltorl.j , m .-(ir Ti .jw i"f jf3F H- T-SLi F'ftj0l)i., tiU.IP lOVbB ikwMu A Uuck, r,f, hm otw." Wrdnwdsy. "The Om ofth; Boa" ur.Uy. Tw Ilirw " KrMsy. "Tb Way ifk." Suray "The Boul of Tlerre " Ml to photograph for posterity if there are any left-Important scenes In connection wlh the war. While these pictures will bo rcUlned for historical record and In struction, others will be censored and exhibited In Hills throughout' the king dom to aid In chcoursglng recruiting No single firm Is to be accorded a mo nopoly, and permission to take these pic tures Is to be granted to a number of the leading fllm producers of Oreat Britain "Miss Sticky Moufle Kiss," the first story from the- pen of James Montgomery rtagg cvrr secured for motion pictures, has been put in production by the Vila graph Company under the direction of Sidney Drew The story was plcturlxed by Mm. Sidney Drew, who, together wit i her talented husband, will be seen In the portrayal of the principal characters. Compton McKcnxle's novel, "Carnival," Is to be Alice Brady's next vehicle In the World Fllm schedule of releases. It will be cal'ed "The Ballet Girl." Theatrical Baedeker BROAB'Daadv Long-Leaii." .i"w'Sl'.j! popular comedy, allien run the lnt jearon through In New York. Open rig nlht. LYRIC "The l.ltac Domlr.u " A Vlennejo operett. produced by Andreaa Dlrpel in which a very .Mlahtful score and produc tion osrrj off the honrf. . OATtniCh. - iwnnh ft Perlmutter A re turn encarement of the popular cornea;. Good noting PHOTOPLAYS. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE "Salvfi tlonN.ll." fMtit e photoplay! a conc!en.ed "erilon of 'The Mikado", the lUrnod-onie Ouartet. a patriotic tahleau. "The Hn tit : of TO"" sjmphony orchestra, end aquatla effects. i( ... FORHEST-'The lllrth of a Nation.' lth Henry n Waltlwl Mae Marsh and Spnttla "node Akin I) W Orimth's mammoth Photoplay of the Civil ar and neconatruc tlon. founced n ltt en TIJomrJl.on " Clansman A mnrveloua entertainment. AtiRI rtllA-' The flermin 8Me nf the War" kicellent moving pictures of the great war from the Teuton nnulc ARCADIA-' I'luc OntM," lth Tom Vl. PAT CF "Tb "one of the Wage Wave.' STANLI-"""?" Paulino Frederick Engagement extended. STOCK. WALNUT 'Toll of the Clrcua." with Edith Valla-err" ti- '-miliar pent mental com- 2dy aboTt th.lrcr rider and the mlnl.ter KNICKBIt'nKVn "tlotisht and 1'nld For " with tnc. K- kerbocke- riaer George llroadhursfa teneo Hnd exciting drama. VAUDEVILLE. KKITIt'S-rrttsI SVhMT Ilcrtha Crelehton In "Our Huabsnd" Al Lvdell In "A Native of Arkanms", Metropolitan Danelng Olrl; Wltllanw and Wolfus In "Almo-t n rlanlut Fr"nk lcnth and Oeorg- Terry. Foi.r I-on-dona ten tiera tho Scebacka. and Hear.!- ..'.n'Xlv.,.,. In "The 3 w Donnian and Maile Z De MtchH e nrnthera Du.llev and Mer rill ' 1 oe ard Wilbur. Tlto comet'y pic- turna .ii.av hv Peter oi)Bn-"nerAboly." an sllerorv, O Itatte th- lx Fnnitnrd' Maxreid. in The Msrtrtjr, O W ,ion ana 1 SoddaM nolo. n. " ""r L. ..i"..t-.i. tllll and Itae: mm; o.n- . . e ............... .. nneunri .kinric ft i " - ----- - well and compnm and McLellan and Car- . ??51 --. t-i.. K1f n' nifk Fnnir of a?"llV:.i',::.. Vi.ii "Th. nlalm Nations." "0.n'.- w.'i" i',.. MrVto-i Scott and inrk ard Warren and Ilrorkwy cJnS" KrYC -lret hrtf "f cck- '.Co'onlat naa" Prnn nnd Jarkin. In "At th riMh"-- ll-ley and llnnlev Cameron Do w"tt In "ThVorrv.m Foreot ' Al Wll-on. and La Telle nnd Williams, aerlallsts. ItKTtTnNlNO. Tii-npt r' "nr'nsln? t'P Father," with John ??ne Ous t ll" Prediction of the cartoon comedy based 1 on deorKe McManu.- llURLESQUi: ni'MONTP-Dumont e MlnslreH. In "The nl imteir Flrerren." "Widow Iboom-Leu- anJ Sth pSodS.. sorfgs and skit.. Enoch CAVUaA-McnJa, "The scanel &in. itic'. tlay, -Tamlnit .Man." Nednenlay. Tale of 2i Storica." Thuraday. The Broken Coin.1 No. 10 Frlda. "Mf Flirt la Wrong QLOUE M -nday. "The Middleman. Tuesday, "Tho Continental Girl.' Wednesday, "Simon, the Jeater." Friday. "Teas of tho Storm Coun'ry." Saturday, "Marrying Mone " CEDAR Monday, "Tho Bowl Bearer " Tues day, The Diamond From the bky." Wednes day, "The Woman Who Lied." ThuraJay, "Tho Necessary Sex." Friday. "The Shop. Ilftera." Saturday. "The Ralah's Sacrince," tHl'NSWICK Monday, "Nenl of tho Navy," "Tho Dratent of the Brave." Tuesday, Willi. iniAn'. Rithmflrlna Pltiires.h IVirinfra. diy, "Judy rorgot," Mlsjudsed." Thurii day, "The Little DeceUer." Iathe Dally current Kvenia." rriaay. "in mo isisnop-s Carrliigo." Saturday, "Tho Whirr of the bnlmilnz Wheel." ItlTTENIlOl'SE Monday, "Wormwood." Tuesday, "The Cub." Wednesday. Ilesslo llarrlscale In "The Mating" Thursday. Tho Drill Daughter," featuring Thcd Kara, Friday, "The Mnster Hand." bat urday. Earl Williams and Anita Stewart In The Sins if tho Mothers." WAYNE PALACE Monday, "The Diamond From the Sk." Tuesday, Charlie Chaplin In "The Bank," "My Lost One. WeJnes day, "Tho UodJess." "Dimples and tho Ring." Thursday, War Pictures. Friday, "Tho Mystery of Mary," The Call of Motherhood." Saturday. "A Continental GtrL" LOGAN Al'DITOIUUM Monday. Vllan Mr. tin in "The I.lttla Mademoiselle," Tueaday, Iho Spender" Wedneaday, "Irom Out the Fnowa" an I 'ller Atonement." Thursday, "llanron'a Folly." Friday, "The False Clue nnd "A Royal Family. Saturday, n aelect program. SHEHWOOD-Monday, 'The Whirlpool." Tuea. day, iai uooawin in ins juaater nana i uooawin in ins juaater nana iy, "The Dictator," featuring John e. Thursday. "The Vampire' with rova. Friday. Miss W'oodruft In .w ednesuay, Barrymore. Olga i'etrova, wild wind Saturday, "Uiarissa," ten turlng Hazel Dawn." BLUEBIRD Monday, 'The Fighting Hope." Tueaday, Clifton Crawford In 'The Galloper," Wednesday, 'The Master of tho House." Thursday, "When a Woman Loves." Fri day, 'The Money Master." BROADWAY Mary Plckford In "Behind the Scenes." Tuesday. "Neal of the Navy." Wednesday, "After Dark." Thursday, 'The Goddess" and 'The Woman Hater ' Fri day. "Hearts and Roaea." Saturday, 'The Man from Mexico. JEFFERSON Monday, 'The Soul of a Wom an." Tueaday. "Mlatress Nell." Wednes ' day, 'The Lure of a Woman." Thuraday, 'The Sign ot the Cross." Friday aftd Satur day. "Silver Threads Among the aold " LOCUST Monday and Tueadiy, "The Majeaty of the Law." Wednesday, 'The Clue' Thursday! "Poor Smalts." Friday, 'The Bridge, or The Bigger Man." Saturday, Tho Flash of an Emerald." EUREKA Mondav. "Grauatark." Tueaday. "The Ivory Snuff Box." WcdneBday. "Herl areat Match." Thursday, "After Dark." Friday. "Lady Audley's Secret." Saturday, The Night Stage." OVERBIIOOK-Monday, "Fanchon the Crick et." Tueaday, Jose Collins In 'The impoa tor" will te screened. Wedneaday, "The Moth and the Flame." Thursday, "Judge Not." 'The Broken Coin." Friday, Melting I'ot " Saturday, "Snobs." Tht 3 Victor Dance Hits (Sphinx Walt (Popj) ) 12 in. 354GHnd Tallo-Ho Vox TrotV " dJU j McK.e'a Orch.tra) $1.25 S Hello, Frlaro Fox Trot) 10 In (From "FoIIUa of 10ia")V ' ' Jane Mcdlay On. -Step) $1.25 1 Eatelllla j 12 in. ISiTit Valaa PathetlquaV . ' J ,M') Klalne Valaa He.ltatlon) $1.25 Come la anil pUr the new October Victor recorda. Victrolas $15 to $250 17 S. 9th St. Opposite Postofllce Your ROOFS Paint and Small Repairs NOW May Save Tliem for Years Let our experienced men give you an accurate report f their condition without charge. . Residential Work a Specialty Real j&sttte Rttfiiur Ct. P43-M44 Wall K. PHONOGRjg J,- EVENING LEDEB-PHIIABELPHIX MONDAY, . OGTOBBR CROSSES CONTINENT PiaUitaHialsalHHilBslieHnil9Hialsa afflaiaiaVVtB It raf M rf ,!' ijf nt JpaHBefci V JpjB WjWff jiHilisilisilisliailB & .iit R K" Anita King, the photoplay actress, who has driven her car alone from California to Pennsylvania carrying messages from Western Mayors to city officials of tho East. She 1 caches Philadelphia Wednesday. CONTINENT CROSSED BY LONE ACTRESS Anita King, of the Movies, Ar rives in Pittsburgh, Driving Her Own Car From California Anita King Is coming to Philadelphia. She'll bo here tomorrow or next day on her way to New York. Flvo feet two Inches of blonde blue eyed feminity drllns ncross the continent alone In a big automobile Is carrying mcsstiKcs from the Mayors of I.os Anselcs, San Tranclsco, Salt Lake City, Omaha and Chicago to Mayor Mltchcl, nf Now York. In nil probability Mayor Illnnken burs will fall Into lino with a letter wish ing New York good luck, and tho little traveler declares that while she has had wretched weather on her long trip, she Is going to bring sunRhlno to Philadelphia for the world's scries. Trotty Anita King is 22 jcars old, and since sho seems to like hardship so well. It Is not hard to believe that she Is a motion-picture nctrcss. Before the month of Aurjust had departed she bounced Mnto tho office of her manager, Jesse l Lasky, with the statement that sho was going to drle from coast-to-loast alone, without so much as a mechanician to accompany her. .Mr. Lasky was astonished, to say the least. "You aro not," he replied. "1 certainly am," she said "I've driven In lots of races and I can do nnythlnff a .noro mnn can do. No girl has over made the trip, and for that reason, if for ( no other. I'm going to do it. Besides all , that, I want to be a star." j "I dop't see what this has to do with It," Mr Lasky replied. "You wouldn't i llvo to appear on the screen again " He thought she was Joking, but when he at lafct was convinced that she was In do-idly enrnest, he (.aid "Well, you go nnd see Mr. Hodklnpon He's the man to glvo you permission" Tho little actress went to the head ot the Paramount Company for which Mr Lasky 1 a producer, and tho upshot of if wna tlit nhn Rtnrted from San Fran cisco on September 2 as tho Paramount ) Girl on a wager wnich win mean ner stardom and n brnnd-new automobile thrown in If she is successful. The Imperial Theatre was packed the i day she held a reception there and nt the exposition, where hcr daily progress Is bulletined even now On tho stage she received a scaled messago from Mayor JameH Itolph, Jr., and after a short farewell speech, waving her hand to the audience gathered to wish her godspeed, she started on the first lap of her coast-to-coast trip. Qeraldlno Far rar herself bid her good-by and gave her sold for yenrs at 25c mantle on the market. and advanced methods of for us to add. still another the mantle, we lowered i . Formerly 1 TKe II I Brilliant, Durable I I "SHIELD I Ga.s Sf Now 15c i and actually more brilliant, more durable, more necessary to the health of your eyes, more profitable to your purse. For upright and inverted teas lights. Awtrdtd Grind Prltt, lllghttt Honor Pinsoi-Pacife Inttrnilhnat Expoilthn 100 rVn Exctllcnt. FOR SALE BY Cos Company and Dealers TO PENNSYLVANIA love to oil the "film fans" whom Miss King would see nt Paramount theatres throughout tho country You Bee, she Is stopping at nil of them nlonS her rputc, telling tho patrons how motion pictures aro made and of tho many stars she has met at tho studios of tho Famous Players, Lasky and Morosco companies, to mention n few of those which help to mako up the Western film eglony. She reroHcd a proposal en route. A lonely sheepherder, nftcr detailing all his earthly possessions, asked If sho wouldn't like to take him along with her and make the trip their hon nfoon Sho refused. "I don't believe In promising to lovo any body always," she said. She carries a revolver, which sho has had to uso onlj twice, onco to shoot n coyote and agnln to force an apology from n man who Insulted her. Her cos tume was especially designed nnd In cludes real trousers, over which she slips a skirt when tho nunrs civilization. In Philadelphia she Is to be roally entertained by tho 22 theatres In which Put amount Pictures are shown. A din ner will bo given for her by them and tho agents for the Kissel Kar, nhlch oho chose for her trip. Sho will be met probably In Norrlstown by a delegation of admirers who have seen her in "Snobs," "Chlmmlo Fadden" and most recently here In "The Ex plorer," In which sho played opposite Lou Tellcgcn, the French actor. Then she'll be escorted Into town, where sho will collect messages from New Yoik's chief executive, be guest of honor nt n banquet to be held In the Bellcvuo nnd visit tho numerous theatres before leaving on the last lap of her Journey, which sho hopes Will mean a day's va cation. , Mauch Chunk "The Switzerland of America" AUTUMN I.KAF KXCUItSIONH Thursdays, October 7. 14 linil SI Suturdii!), October 0, 10 nnd 1 $2.50 KiT Philadelphia Kcadlns and Kallway rf Q.UALITY jJaWMDJprrriir3fr-f,A NJ8j UKaiLilllMP MexivtL always the most popular Its vastly-increased output production made it possible advantage: while improving the price! TOMBSTONE REARED IN BULL'S MEMORY Marks Grave of Glenwood's Mainstay, Famous Guernsey, Killed by U. S. Inspectors A modest little white marblo slab lias been erected In the pasture on tho farm of Kphralm T. 0111. near Hnddonfleld, N J., over tho grave of Olcnwood'a Main stay, a famous auernsey bull, valued at 112.000. which wns killed by Inspectors of tho United States Bureau of Animal In dustry last March because of the hoof and mouth disease. The slab, which la 3 feet high and 2 feet wide, Is Inscribed as follows: "Olenwood's Mainstay. Advance neg Istrntlon, No. 6067. Born May 13, 193. Died March 6, 1315. Thlrty-ono daughters nnd M others of tho same blood arc burled nearby." Tho Qlenwood breed, which was pro duced by "Kph" Olll, as he Is famlllnrly known, is recognized by many cattle raisers all over tho United Slates as tho highest cattle development In America. When tho hoof nnd mouth disease was discovered In his herd nil of the animals were killed. Mr. Olll placed their vnluo at J5O.O0O, which wns tho prlco they would bring nt public sale. A bill was Introduced Inter In the New Jersey Legislature In Mr. Olll's behalf and he was allowed $18,000 for his loss. Mr. Olll explained today that this sum nardly covered tho loan of tho unborn calves, the milk nnd tho butter which tho animals' would have produced. In addi tion ho pointed out that his barns and haystacks hnd been burned, for which ho allowance had been made. He said that ho fully Intended to go out of business nftcr tho loss of his famous herd, but that his Western friends would n6t permit him to do no. Mr. QUI said that ho had received several presents of Guernsey cows which were direct de scendants ot his Glcnwood'H Mainstay and only a few weeks ago two high-class cows wcro sent from a friend In Indiana. Tho Gill farm was purchased In tho Kcvolutlonnry days by John Gill and has 1 een handed down from generation to generation. Alt of tho family have been noted In New Jersey for cattle raising. LUTHERAN SYNOD TO MEET Delegates From Eastern Pennsyl vania to Discuss Many Problems The autumn meeting of the KaBtern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church will open tonight In Tcmplo Lutheran Church, 62d nnd Itoce streets, tho Rev. Dr. A. Pohlman, pastor, Tho sessions will contlnuo through to morrow, Wednesday and Thursday fore noon. There will be discussions of Im portant topics concerning tho denomina tion and synod. Many prominent speakers from nil parts of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey will participate In tho program. It Is expected that about 200 clergymen and many delegates will attend. $500,000 To Loan From $5 to $1000 Lowest Rates No Extra Charges United States Loan Society 117 No. Broad St. (Parkway Bldg.) Branch Office, 414 So. Sth St. W r (SSJ3T NOUTI1 BLUEBIRD imOAD and sua QUmtANNA AVE LAURA HOPE CREWES in I "THE FIOIITINQ HOPE" r . TVT-Ln. uiioad st . nniB & Cireat Northern ohiimantn' aves DAILY, 2:30 P M EVENIN08. 7 and 0. "THE TWO ORPHANS" I Teaturlne THEDA BAHA an W. E SHAY Broa.. Jtreet Casino BB0g,nn,H Matinee. 5:ri0. EVfnlmr T and 0 IRENE FENVVICK In THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR" HAM COMEDY OTHERS NonTinvitsT JEFFERSON 2DT" ffiSS3" EMILY STISVENS In "THE SOUL OF A WOMAN" Playa Obtained Thru Htanley Booking Co, DADV RIDdE AVE. AND DAUPHIN rAKN MAT., 2U5. EVO, 6:J0 ear Our J. P. Betlurp Orehtitral Pipe Organ "The Fighting Hope" "JM," Playa Obtained Thru Stanley Hooking Co r L.1J THEATIIE. 20TH AND Lumberland clmuhhland stb "UPPITAnF" with non lkonaud Hb.Kl l AUt ,, n,,LA nAVtl "THE SCAR" YORK PALACE 020-31-83 YOIlK BTItEET Charlie Chaplin 2-Reel Comedy "The Sinner" Others We8tAUeghenyM5lltth1?,A5"7;hv:o. henry wood: "Man and Hi Mate" RUFF In " ... "NEAL OP TIIE NAVY" PATHE'S WEEKLY LEHIGH Theatre "M?, avE. "The Diamond From the Sky" DRAW1NO THE LINE" "BIDDY BRADY'S BIRTHDAY" r-l U! Tl,-f.. 2TTH AND VUIUIIIUIU aitwuiiv COLUMBIA AVE. SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Washington Palace Snts. "NEAL OF THE NAVY" 2d Eplaodo "WHEN HEARTS ARE TRUMPS" "THE TOLL OF THE SEA" "The Floating Death" "Tht Showdown," RP V RIDOB AVENUE Ct V AND OXFORD STREET TIIE PATH OF THE RAINPOW " "COMIKn J5F THE KINGDOM" No IB Road o1 strife. "HE'S IN, AQAIN" "REVOLT OF MR WIOOB " irMTAI TI1 AND COLt'MRIA AVE. 1UHVL.. MAT 2PM EVO T . THE ltlTNAWAY WIFE," 4 Parta "IIF.R MOTHER'S OATH" "THE SERPENT'B TOOTH" THE TAUNT" PASTIME 0$3g,KB SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTIONS LQOAN ,Logn AMditorium TJajffi, "THE LITTLE MADEMOSELLE" SPECIAL OKCUKHTllAI, OROAN JIKCITALB 8UlfBOTIO!f-"TUa APEUB WALTJUSB." LOGAN THEATRE &JS V L. e, K. "THE GREAT RUBY" With Baatrlca M0faa aad OcUvU Uudworth 4, 1015. WORKMAN HURT AT BALDWIN'S Old Employo Injured for First Tirno in 60 Years' Service Something snapped In n rnBChlne at the Baldwin Locomotlvo Works t0,?.'," plc of metal w-ent flying through tho air, and the record of a machinist who nad worked at the plant for 60 years with out a mishap of any kind w b"',"n Jacob Haas, 77 years old, 6633 Summer street, received a bad gash over the head and was knocked unconscious. Own'1" his age hef gave a remarkable exhibition of fortitude at tho Medlco-Chlrurglcnl Hospital when physicians made eight Mltches In his scalp, refusing to take an anaesthetic. As a result of the accident Mr. Haas wos forced to miss the first day's work In moro than half a century. The accident occurred five minutes after the man reported for work. He does not know Just what the cause was, but It is believed an emery wheel broke. Ho woa unconscious when taken to the hospital, but wns soon revived. Not onco while the phvslclans were sewing up the wounds In. the scalp did he whimper. The doctors t,nv that tho operation Is so painful that even stalwart athletes usually faint under It. When the lacerations were sowed up he wns asked whether he felt the need of a drink of whisky to stimulate him. "I have never tnken a drink In all my life," ho replied, "and 1 don't want to start drinking now." ONLY ONE APPLICANT ELIGIBLE John E. Allen Passes Examination for Engineer In Survey Bureau The name of only ono persons appears on tho eligible list made public today by the Civil Service Commission for tho po sition of nsslstant engineer of designs In tho Bureau of Surveys. Tho successful nppllcnnt Is John E. Allen, of 1516 North Marshall street, nnd his average Is 80.24 This engineering position carries a sal ary of 12100 a j car, and the fact that only one name nppeara on a list of eli gibility of which Is from one to three oars Is most unusual. FMUADELFHiA Pearls Diamonds Watches Clocks SterlitSilver China G-lass Lamps HffiEzszKsairij PROMINENT 0j5 ff PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS WEST PHILADELPHIA I OPIICT B2D & LOCUST STP.EET3 LULVJOl KIMDALL ORGAN Mata., 1:30 and 3 PM. Evga., 6:30 to 11 "The Majesty of the Law" Playa Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. flRAlMn 82D AND MAIUCET STREETS ViIVrlNi- MAT. DAILY, 2 P. M.. 8 eta. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "MARRYING MONEY" El I P P V A 0TH AND U I&rvA MARKET STREETS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "GRAUSTARK" IMPFRIAI 60TH AND CI1L. WALNUT STREETS l'UANCIS X. BUSHMAN and MAItaUERITn SNOW In "The Second in Command" HI rRP B8T" AND MARKET 8TS. JLJDC Dally Mat., 2:15 Hvga., 7 9. ALBERT CHEVALIER In "THE MIDDLEMAN" Playa Obtained Thru Stanley Booking Co. THE PCn A I? THEATRE POPULAR CLK ooth & CEDAR "The Bowl Bearer" 'THE GREEN IDOL" THE KNOCKOUT" SHERWOOD S4TII AND lUT.Tinrnnw MATINEE, 2 :30 EVENING. 0 :30, 8 and 8 :30. NELL CRAIG in THE WHIRLPOOL" The BALTIMORE baltVmoI&V. SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTIONS RITTENHOUSE MDifAVDERFORD Wm. Fox rI0'RJM0D-, M..rplece OTHERS FRANKI IN 62D ND 7.r, 'ti I.r.1 l: OIRARD AVE. "The Man With the Iron Heart" "Double Identity" Others GARDEN B3D WredV&o "THE ABSENTEE" Featuring nonERT KDESON1 OTHERS Broadway Theatre "vay avben MARY PICKFORD in . "BEHIND THE SCENES" RARTRAM THEATRE and AIRDOMU ui i IV1V1 i5th ,0W Chester ave: SPECIAL FEATURE ATTRACTIONS 58th St. Theatre 68T nIve Matlne 2PM Evening. 080 "DIAMOND FROM THE BKYi'ch.nt.r Charles Chaplin in "The Bank" BENN HTi,I.A.NIJ WOODLAND " MAT.liSO. EVO in ii "Tha Diamond From t hi Sky ' .nPrh Billy Beglna Ufa Anew" 7h, Earl'a Advent tura" Charlea Chaplin In 3 in iiJ 11 que.t, "Neal of tha NaVy. tc"' "y "" PASCHALL nB&AV!?0k$F.M BTcK.a0DFrL8e1." V WI,f'?" CbK8 "NEAL OF THE NAVY M "aueat. OVKKBKOOK OVERBROOK uxS ave Bao'l Frohman Pyaent. ,h, ffffi "FANCHON THE ORICKSrritS R.ela PORllftCIIARLTON ILL ON EVE OF HIS TRUM American, Acdusetl of "Honey moon Murder" in Italy, . i Under Doctor' Care COMO, Italy, Oct 4 Porter Chirlton Is under a doctor's caro today on the cvo of his trial for tho "honeymoon mur der", of his beautiful wife, Mary Scott Charlton, In their villa on tho Bhoro of Lake Co mo. , Tho news that his chlof counsel, Cata pana, had suddenly withdrawn from the case wns a Bovcro shock to the young American. His nervous condition Is such that physicians havo not permitted his remaining lawyer, Cattanco, to visit his cell. Tho courtroom today was put In read' Iness. Several extra benches were drawn In facing the Iron cage In which Charl ton, like Bomo wild animal, will sit ' throughout tho trial, guarded by carbi neers. There will bo a big throng of spectators, eager to hear tho dramatics details ot tho murder. Legal experts glvo Charlton two chances out of three for ncqulttal on the ground that ho was Insane when ho Blew his wlfo with n mallet. Both Prose cutor Melllnl nnd Charlton's attorneys bellevo the trial will last about flvo days. VANETTE Stands in a Class Alone Jewelers Redding Gifts NORTHEAST niRARH AVENUE THEATRE VJIIVrtrvl-' 7TH AND GIRARD BETTY NANSEN In f "THE SONG OF HATE" Baaed on Sardou'a "La ToBca" STRAND 12T" STREET AND " OilWAIXL GIRARD AVENUD MARC McDERMOTT "EUGENE ARAM" 5 Parts TIVOLI Theatre ,TALoVvou,?TA: KnBm,B00t At the Banquet Tahle,i "Mountain of Justice." Others POPLAR CT" AND FAIRMOUNT ankl,naand "i1V"iVJ P . VAIRMOl NT AVE. Special Feature Attractions KENSINOIO.V STAR 6th AN-tx ininaii RTnrn',Fi5aV.?'"E UREOH" STRAIOHT.jANVAm.oW PATH" "ON THE WRONG TRACK" Brunswick Palace -6il gtigTv- , ''NEAL OF THE NAVY " r' - AVB- "THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE" , "A BOX OF HAVDITS" I'Ailii; UAII.Y FRANK"! IM SD STREET ...-2 FITZWATER STREET "DIAMOND FROM THE SKY" "ISLE OF CONTKNT OEKMANTQWN Wavne PalaPf Grmantown Ave. Abcva ,m Z. a,aCe Hunting Park Av. "The Diamond From tho Sky" "Pat Hogan, Deceased," 5 c. Cayuga Theatre AvArTgJXx "THE SCARLET SIN" OTHERS Tulrjehocken oeumantown ave. "THE LITTLE DUTCH GIRL" THE FA's,cfNAAnTOAUF8,R-DE.LI8" Featuring Cf.EO MADISON OTHERS VEHTHAh Market St. Theatre m uSgSir BICKEL and WATSON to BT,,EKT SOUTH PIHI.AHKI.P1IIA f jj "An ALL-AROUND MISTAKE" Z "SNATCHED FROM THE ALTAR" ,"j V I C T n R I A MARKET BT. A "SONG OF HATE'" NINT" Featuring BETTY NANSEN and aupportad by ah all-atar eaat. SAVOY 1211 MAKET FRANK DANIELS in "CROOKY"5 Reels Complete Weekly Program , of Tket Thjke Apptara to tne ntvracoluiana of tha EVEHINO LXOQKR avary Uonda, (11 V 3 "J
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