B3 J t. V a A tiVKjNJ&Q LiiJDOEK lJHlLADElrXJHlAt MoJSiJDAl UO.CO.bJb-. lUlu. J ;tAEBSHAIAINVIATO UN nJLTIMATUM" AL (MERNO BULGARO Ojla Bulgaria ftompo lo Rela tion! Con Gormania cd Aus tria o l'lnviato dello f 'Ozar Lascia Sofia SfpEDIZIONE "ttL" ITALIANA- . JIOMA. A Ottobre eghonma da riMroburirQ dlce'eho iJI jtflliBrtti, dl Jttisfa hterefHUtoprrsiio la corte dl re Fcrdlnnndo dt Bulgaria ha Mccvuto dal suq gOVerno ordlne dl pre- sentare at Rover rto .buliraro un ultimatum f-ftitl qiate la. Ilusnlfl mlnaccla"dl rlchla ; ffMHUt S$fla, II rtuo raMre?cntrtntp dip- -lomatlco e nel ermine jjt 21-orell gov- erno bulgaro non ivvra troncato Is sue espuUo dal terrltorlo bulgaro tuttl gll rclaxlonl con fill lmperl contrail cd ulllclatl tedeschl d auttrlacl che ora vt 1 trovano e che, pare, dovran.no dlrlgero le operazloni mllltarl della Bulgaria con- tro la Serbia, Le altro Potenio della Quailrupllce Intesa, e clce' la Ifrancla, l'lnghlltorra e 'l'ltalla. annoirelano dcslcamcnte la mossa C delta Russia, coslcche' fra poche ore la .Bulgaria dovra' flennltlvamonte--Uectilero circa II uo atte?rflamento ed tssero ton- tata. ira I nemlcl dell'Intesa o tra quelll della Qermanla o dell' Austria. St rltlcno " ormal che II prcsldcnte del Conslgllu bul garo e lo BtesHO re Kerdlnando hanno dl i,Kl' fatto la loro rcclU ed attendono solo ' cne n mobllltazlonn oeu easercuo sia completa per aseetare 11 loro co'ixf tou rs, iro la Serbia ca aiutara en auBtro-ieucsim Mjad uprlrsl II varco verao ConstntHlnoplI ij ivia. la uuigana avra cumru ui c buuiw fSX tutto l'eeerclto greco e quello Bcrbo, e 1 "probabllmente anche rorze della Quadru .pllce Intesa. IXNCOQNITA RUMENA. tJ' anrora Incerto l'aKcgglamento della Rumania. Questa nazlonu o' rlmasta T llnora srettatrlce degll avvenlmentl ed 11 La. suo esccrdto e' solo In parte mobllltato PW' SI leriqra che cosa csBa Jara", ma In certl L clrcoll si rjensa che. dal mOmcnto che a Bucarest e" regnata la calma flnora, e' ij posslbllo cho la Rumania abbla gla' dato el asslcurazlonl. alia Quadrupllcc. II popoto Eifrumeno v? unanlmemente In favore della - QuadruDllcs e rI erode die tuttl ell sforzi f-,; fattlva, dagU lmperl ccntrall slano andatl n lain a IulUmatum della Russia nlla Bulgaria, presentato derl nel pomerlgslo, splra ft, quest'oggl alia alle 4 p. in. SI sa che l'lnghllterra no rltardo la prcsentazlone, volendo prima esaurlre tuttl gll nltrl , mezzl e solo In caso dl Insuccesso rlcor- rere a mezzl estreml. E vl si e gluntl intattl. parche' II governo butgnro non ha voluto o non ha potuto, dopo aver concluso pattl prcclsl con gll lmperl cen- "Lft trail, aderlre alio rlchleste della Qnad f rupllce. L'ultlmatum fu presentato dletro accordo tra tutte le potenze della Qudd rupllce Intesa. Un telegrarama da Atene dice che I bulgarl hanno concentrato 350,000 soldati 6 in va.ru puuu aeim luro iruniiera. VI SONO ANCORA SPERANZE? Un telegra.mma da Sofla al Mcssaggero , dice che, mentra la sltuazlone e' consld- 1 erata come gravlssima, pure vl o' ancora o la speranza che un conditto sara' evltato Is se gll alleatt dell'Intesa notranno cre- r sentare at governo bulgaro proposte plu' VL . 4. itlti1r Ann I.. nnnlnn.lnnl nn.tnnnll Est bulgare. SIccomo la censura bulgara ha r. lasclato passare qucsto dlspacclo, clo st X consldera a Roma come un segno che II j governo bulgaro e' ancora dlsposto a & trattare. f No'tlzle gtunte qui dal quartiere generate ltallano dlcono che 11 generate I'orro, sottocapo dl Stato Magglore, ha avuto parecchl colloqult con II presldente del Conslgllo, on. Salandra; con II mlnlstro degll Estert, on. Sonnlno; con II mlnlstro della Guerra, generals Zupelll; con II mlnlstro della Marina, ammlrogllo Corsl, e con II mlnlstro del Tesoro, on. Carcano, circa la possibiltta' dl una apedlzlono Uallana nella Penlsola Balcanlca. Oltre alia truppe che furono gla' da tempo Invlate nell'Egeo e che occupano r ora risola dl Rodl e le altre Isole ltallano dell'Egea, l'ltalla ha concentrato a Urlndlsl o nele vlclnanze contlngentl dl truppe surnclentl per formare un corpo dl spedlzlone che potra' essere mandato dove sara" necessarlo. THE WEATHER m Ofltcial Forecast WASHINGTON, Oct. t. For eastern Pennsylvania: Fair and warmer tonight; Tuesday partly cloudy; moderate south to southwest winds. Fait weather prevails In the Atlantic Stater this morning under the Inlluence of an area of high barometer that Is mov ing1 slowly olT the coast. A disturbance of moderate energy overspreads the Laku regton and extends southward to the western Gulf coast. It Is attended bv showers and somewhat higher temDera- I tures. A coot area overspreads the north ern riains maies ana most oc me coun try from the Rocky Mountains westward. The pressure Is Increasing rapidly over the Plains States'. , tJ. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Obicrvadoni talitn at 8 a. ra. naitern time. Low , H la.t ruin. Veloc- ; Station, a m. n't latl. Winn: itv.tr-.jih.,. AbUen. Tex ....62 00 ff 10 Cloudv ' CP .i - Atlantic City . Kl M SB NW H Clear Cl-.r 12 p.rintiv W 10 naln B 18 P.CIoudr . Cloudy 0 Cloudy irar m boss, n. d. ji .; .6. nw id aSf Buffalo, V v! hi B Chlcaco. J1U .. .fiO m , CloveUnd. O . . ttl 63 uuenp rnt t(i in m l tH Molnn. Ia.48 48 ',. y Meiroii. Alien . . cvi oz . . h Dnluth. Minn 40 101.12 nw na ti.,.. Upalve.ton. T .K2 74 tS3 SW 10 Cl.ar T ItArrlaburr. l'a . fiS ro . i oiH,.., EI-IUIIeru, X . C..T4 nu I n .. CUar' iSTf Helena, Mont 44 4 ,02 v naln Ej, Huron. B B. ,.,4i 4a ,2S NW 8 Cloudy f? Jacksonville, Ma 78 76 . fb !7 ci.nr' 'Kansas City, Mo BO Ml ,54 NW 22 Cloudv rEoulavUle. 'ky 70 C8 '. S" jo Slti?r acempnu, Tenn .72 S sw . Cloudy Now OrUana. Ia 70 74 Jl BE .. Rain NB Clear NW Cloudy N Cloudy NB ;; tjvear E Clear 8 i - 12 Clear W .. Clear H ., Clear W ... Cloudy K-rToTk, N. V 84 Jli r. j'bMie. nd 4i -iu Dklahnma. Ok la TM M .Philadelphia, Pa. 54 01 Y Pt'oenla, Art 4 l ritubvrsh, Pa, CO Portland, Me. 4R 42 Portland. Ora ..44 41 'i 3uobo. Can -42 M 2 t&U Ural. Mo, as 68 .1(1 NW 10 Cloudy t. Putil. Minn A9 Alt na 1W rt t. ' Salt l.ke' t'Ub 44 4i , s P.Cloudy Sn Frsnclaco 80 no 8 . cfear Scran ton. Pa , 4 42 - clear Tampa . . 7ft 72 ,0 NE .. ClJar wlnrton OS ra NH Clear .WHkflm .68 31 NW 12 .Cloudy 'f1 DANOINO 8,i i i , ANCE DeLITE. ACADEMY H-46-48 Germantown Ave. DAKCJNQ EVRX NIQUT M Nlkhta., Wed., Frl , Bat. ftnwntlnn. M,Ml anif -k.tva c.. - Bealnnera' Claaa. Tueaday' K.' -m fc-av -uu n A-Baoo Civen Keilr an4 bla stntlemaa and lady a. -H)tlon.. Wed, and Frl. Bta, ""r Da"iu ,, zoo IATEST STEPS UBOPOLOti 0CHmiA COD CABPJCNTEK BTUOIOS. JUS 4 nuBiarous branchea. mi ami evwiln. ctavaa for WfiA " - y- sr2LL".J., pgwigi My-n.i.. i m PI i uiHBfllllll fP Wny-f( - pm n'wwi kiuf ravy (o mmm you. M4W tar (trie aT JAs eaiit im.lH 1123 he.. for rJ5 SHELLED BY BIG FRENCH AIR SQUADRON i , Centlnned front re One bard the railway junction points and sta tion behind the German front." Fighting- In the Woovre district Is chief ly confined to big gun dueling, but In the Voages Important Infantry engagement are developing. Allied aviators are keeping up the greatest air offensive of the war. Within the past tt hours the following Important towns behind the German Jlnes have been shelled from the air- Zeebrugge, Thor out, Thlett and Courtrnl, Belgium, Doual, Cambral, Kt Qucntln, Iaon, Ilelhel and Voualers, In Frnnce, Luxemberg, In the Grnnd Duchy of Luxcmbcrtr. nnd Met In German Lorraine The AUlea have lost some machines and some of the bravest airmen In the service have Been killed or captured, but It Is ordered by Field Marshal Sir John French and General Joffre that the Ger man lines of communication must Ire crip pled; so the work Is going on. This Is the 10th da of the CTeat bat tle, nnd the end Is not et In sight. In fact, Sir John French describes the op erations of the last week ns "tho first phase." Doth King George and President Poln care have spoken words of the highest praise of tho French and nrltlsh The great drive, however, hns been costly Thousands of wounded nro being brought bnck from the front and the General Start Is establishing scores of new hospitals Hundreds of the wounded are being taken to Kngland on everv transport that leacs Hare AGED MAN AND WIFE RUN DOWN BY TRUCK Dazed by Trnfllc, Octogenarians Are Injured nt 10th and Market Streets Georgo McCord, 83 years old, and his wire, Mary Kllen, aged 81, who live on the northeast corner of 51st and Haver ford nvenue, chme to the city to do somo shopping. They seldom come to th,o heart of tli city and the heavy traftlo dated them. As they were proceeding slowly up Market strict, arm In arm, they were apparently confused by the traftlo on ltth strcot. Auto horns, trolley bells, whistles and Other noises distracted the pair until they were almost helpless. At tho signal tor tho 10th street tralllc o cross Mar ket strett, the couple, still arm In arm. walked half way acrosi the street and stopped Severnl persons shouted warnings, but before they were aware of their danger they wore run down by n wagon drhrn by Harry Coyle, Jr., of 2235 South 3d strcot. Tho tongue of the bla truck knocked the octogenarians down, and theN heavy front wheels passed oer their legs. Cojlo was arrested. HERMANS DEPRECIATE VICTORIES OF ALLIES BERLIN. Oct I The German General Staff, In reviewing the situation In the west, assorts thnt General Joffro planned to force the Germans to retire over tho entire front whereas tho biggest gain of the allied troops was 13 miles. "This result was duo chiefly to as phyxlntlng gases used by the Trench, " snva the General StalT "Hy no tritch of the Imagination can the success of the Allies bo called u brilliant victory, not wlthHtandlng tho fact that they hnd help from most of the munition factories of tho world, Including thoso In the I'nllcd States " Abraham Mayer's Funeral Funertl services for Abrahim Maver, who died Siturday nt the age of 83 ears, will bo held nt 2 o'clock tomorrow nt his residence. 3211 Fontnln street Mr Mnye-r, who was a pioneer In the coal business, took an Interest In helping poor emigrants, having emigrated to this coun try himself from HunEarj In the early 60s He vvns the founder of tho Austro Hungarlan Heneflclnl Association lum bers of the Hcnellclnl Association Kra knuer Chevrn, Ilappaport Lodge, No. 33 I O r. S of I . will attend tho funeral. Interment will bo In Holy Cross Ceme tery Mayer Is survived by a widow and two sons 50 CONNECTICUT TOWNS VOTING ON LICENSE ISSUE 159 of 168 Towns in State Holding Their Elections Today NEW HAVEN, Conn, Oct 4-Ono hun dred nnd fifty-nine of the 168 towns of tho Stnte nie holding thilr elections todav Towns not holding elections today wero Ansonln, Ilrldgeport, Derby, Hartfoid. Naucatuck, New Uillalii, New Haven, Norwich nnd Stamford New Haven holds a city election tomorrow ns docs Water bi'ry Flftv towns me voting on tlcence Of these, 40 are now license towns, nine lie no-llcense, and one, Brnnford, Is "dry" In one district. WOMAN'S TRIAL FOR MURDER OF MAN REGINS AT MEDIA T - - II Mrs. Catharine Strlngfellow, of Ches ter, Fights for Llfo MEDIA, Pa , Oct 4 Tha trial of Mrs. Catharine Strlngfellow, who is accused of murdering James A Dowen at the home of her alleged rival, Mrs, Charles Itoatron, of 617 West 3d street, Chester, began here today. The shooting took placo while Ilowen was standing on the porch talking to Mrs. Itostron after he had accompanied her home from church. Mr. Strlngfellow was Dowcn's house keeper nnd she allege that he beat her and threw her out of the house about two vears previous to May 19, U1S, the day of the shooting. Mrs. Strlngfellow Is rcp reentcd by John E. McDonough and former Assistant District Attorney J, Itohrman Iloblnson. $15,000,000 DYESTUFFS CONCERN CHARTERED "Federal Dyestuff and Chem ical Company" Incorporated by New Yorkers PANAMA CANAL SLIDE ALARMS OFFICIALS 1 t Future of Waterway Depends on Solution of Engineers in Present Situation JITNEY DRIVER FREED George R. Roberts WILMINGTON. Del . Oct. 4 George XI Roberts died today Ho was 77 years old Me leaves a widow nnd a grown daughter Ho was born In Scotland, but had lived here mo?t of his llfo For many years he was at various times In tho circulation departments of tho Wilmington newspa pers. Ho had been a member of the Board of Education and City Council Ho was a Republican In politics. May we cut you a suit from this fine imported "Armit age" Cloth? This durable, handsome fabric comes to us from Huddersfield, England. Several attractive colors and patterns from which to select. $45. Other fine suits $35 to $60 E.H. Peterson & Co. Tailor 1119 Walnut St. Evidence at Hearing Shows Ho Did Not "Collect" Fares John Eckcrt. of 2G07 South Hutchinson street, who drives a "Motorclub" Jltnev cir, received cash fares from "passengers, but he did not collect thtm himself, It was testified before Magistrate I'cnnock In tho Central pollco stntlon todav, so he wps freed Detective WlRter and two other pas sengers, one of them a sailor, rode in Eckert's car on Saturday Eckcrt re fused to take the fares, which would have made him amenable to the ordinance governing Jltnejs. Instead, it was testi fied at the hcnrlnt: he naked th" sailor to gather them and put them In Eckcrfs coat. Tho sailor did as was lequested. The driver was arrested, but Magistrate Pennock agreed with tho defendant's at torney that .slnco ho did not collect the fares ho should be discharged. Joseph Cox, 1523 Shunk street, was fined J5 nnd costs He told patrons to put their fares on tho seat of the car, but ho was arrested when ho save change to ono of them. Mjj NEW YORK f onThe HOUR Steel Vestibule Equipment Parlor and Club Cars Dining Service Sleeper on Midnight Trains H Tlintntr Qorvln II 1 Sleeper on Midnight Trains I Philadelphia and I Reading Railway l Fritz &? La Rue, Inc. Announcing Fine Fall Stocks Oriental and Domestic Rugs request your special attention to the following important remarks on PERSIAN RUGS ,.. Havin foreseen the practical stoppage of shipments from Persia, and impressed with the anxiety of the people to get goods out of their country before such conditions became a fact, our resident agents were enabled to secure the choice of many fine rugs on such favorable terms that we shall from time to time, during this season, offer various lots of Fine Persian Rugs 'at Very Low Prices thus giving our patrons the advantages, which are extraordinary in view of the exceptional character of the rugs. It will be wise for any one contemplating the purchase of Oriental Carpets to carefully watch pur advertisements, for no other equal opportunity will or can be given to obtain rugg of such merit at such low cost. 1124 ChtMtnut St DOVEn, Del., Oct. 4. A dvesturt and chemical company, with a capital stock of J15.000.000 was Incorporated at the Stato Department hero today The new concern Is known as the Eed eral D en turf and Chemical Company. It plana "to purchase, lease, own and op crnto nil kinds of mining rights and mctal-bearlng lands nnd to carry on the business of treating, refining, celling and dealing In cotton fibres, sale solutions nnd other Ingredients necessary for the manufacture of dyestuffs of all kinds." The Incorporators are Hlalr Frailer, Newton James nnd George A. Harring ton, nil of New York. Ephratn Man Falls Dead LANCASTER, Pa,, Oct. 4 Kmnnuel Stcffv, "5 yenrs old, of Ephrata, fell dead today, a vlctom of heart trouble, whllo conversing with a member of his family. He was a Civil AVur veteran und Is sur vived by his wife and three children WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 -Tho great test of the Tanama Canal construction now confronts tho engineer responsible for It maintenance. The elide north of Gold Hill I gaining on the dredge. Seventy six vessels, laden with valuable cargoes, are tied up on the Atlantic and tho Pa clflo Ide of the great waterway. And today the last word from Colonel Hard ing, the acting Governor, Is that It prob baly wilt bo tho latter part of this month before the canal can be reopened. This Is the worst tie-up since the canal wa opened, and on the manner in which tho engineers solve It may depend the entire future of the ocean-to-ocean passage. Of ficials suggest that the hopes of tho en gineers that the water would hold the earth back havo proven unfounded. The result Is that now the dredges must con tinue operations until all of tho looso earth Is removed. FATE OF 400 MINNEAPOLIS SALOONS IN BALANCE TODAY Indications Arc That Drys Will Carry Whole County MINNEAPOLIS. Minn, Oct. 4.-The proposition to wipe out the 400 saloons In this city is being decided at the polls todav. Indications nro thnt tho drys will bo successful In their cnmpnlgn here, nnd that thoy will enrry tho wholo county Hnlf tho counties In Minnesota already 1 avo gono dry nnd the foes of the saloon from all parts of tho Stato were here to tnko part In tho campaign to put Minne apolis In the dry column All the churches In tho city were represented at a mnssmcetlng of the drys last night John I.lnd, former Governor nnd Prcsl dint Wilson's envoy to Mexico, took nn active part In tho right for tho drys. The wet rnrnpnlBn was waged by the Busi ness Men's Educational League, an nlli anco of hotel, cafo and business men. $5 to $10 Men's shoes Autumn shapes. And not just a style or two at $5 but a complete line, that we're very proud of I Steiderutali Vjf 1420 Chestnut St "Where Only the Best Is Good Enough." J Solomon Was Wise About the time that King Solomon was inventing the "fifty-fifty" system of division, the Galilean wireless advised him that the Queen of Sheba was drop ping in to tea. Solomon had the advantage of some ordinary folks, for he didn't have to seek society. It always hunted him up. So, being wise, Solomon had estab lished a system of Quick Action. He pushed a button and ordered a Cold Collation for a few thousand guests. If he had only been wise enough to linger a few centuries longer on this sphere, he would have discovered a sys tem that makes his pale and wan by com parison. He would have found the TRIANGLE IDEA. ' He would have learned that the TRI ANGLE NIGHTS were about ten Jumps ahead of anything he ever showed the Queen of Sheba in the. way of enter tainment. When you come to the Chestnut Street Opera House tomorrow night, you'll see what real romance is, as Doug las Fairbanks displays it; how strong and vital real drama is when Dustin Farnum acts it; and what gales of laugh ter Raymond Hitchcock can produce when he is given the chance. And you won't have to take three hundred Mrs. Solomon's, and a Thousand Friends of the Family. TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION New York. Box Office now open. Evening pric 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 and $2. Matine including Saturdays 25c, 50c ami $1.00. ESTATJS LEFT TO FAMILY John J. Sulltvan'a Will Bequeaths ?1G6,000 to Sons nnd Daughters An estate vatucd at J166.000 Is disposed of by tho will of John J. Sullivan, of 1C05 Mount Vernon street, who died at Atlantic City on September 25. Tho be quests In the Instrument, which was pro bated today, show that the estate jroes to two dauHhlers, Alice M. Sullivan and Nellie S. Winch, nnd two sons, William J and Albert J. Sullivan Tho executor aro Albert J. Sullivan, Alice M Sullivan and Jacob J Winch. -vWter providing certain sum for rela tives, Jllnorva C Kreuser, lata of MO North raxon street, leave tho residue of her estate, which in the aggregate l valued at 31,WX, to tho eiecutor, Charles;-; ji urnKeion, in trasi, wuu uiroctlons to - spena tne income -ior tno rener of such worthy distressed families its he may from time to tlm select" Other will probated wero those ot Frances B. arcs, 1021 Clinton street, who left nn estate valued nt J3S.OO0 Anna V Mundy, tlM Farrntjut Terraco, JSS.000, John K Shryock, 1414 North Bouvler street MXX); Julia M. Flshburn, who died 4n th Presbyterian Hospital, $6000, Sarah T HalRht, 429 West Urlnghurst street, $2TtO Anna Schneider, 2350 North Bterner street.' JW03J Charles M, Summerfleld, 4C01 North 1Mb street, MI1. The personalty of tho estate of Julia M Flshburn has been nppalscd of $5403 7t that of Thomas Whittle, $3000, and thai of John W. Krrlff, 2ltS01, Make washday a half-holiday by using Get your wash on the line by noon; The naptha and other harmless cleansers combined in Fels-Naptha do in 30 min utes' soaking what it would ordinarily take you hours of hard, tiresome rubbing. Not only for washing clothes just as wonderful for aH household cleaning. Makog any Wedding Gifts Tea Varons Curates Tea Table Tea Trays Candle Sticks Book Ends Chimes Tabourettes Wright, TynJale & van Roden, Inc. 1212 CHESTNUT STREET jHiiif J m LJ' L'E-'s Iffijt Bt?KE' R'l'lBI' ' "-I pyifca. urn rcyz-vr 'n.ni3JXT4 m m The Greatest Event of Your Life This country -will not produce another spectacle to equal the great California Fairs. You can't afford to miss them. Now is the best time to go. when cool weather makes traveling thoroughly enjoyable. Take I hf 5irrOY-k (Xri- ..It .i1 , doily service between St. Louis. Kansas City nnd ban frrancisco over the most mocnificcnt scenic route on the continent. Via Missouri T5sgifig- Denver &Rio Grande Western Sgifig- The Scenic Limited is the only through train between St. Louis and the Diego! FarC indude8 tri to S For information and booklet oil or vrita W. E. HOYT, G. E. P. A. 124G Broadway, New York, N. Y. 64-Nl Jte wum