Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 04, 1915, Final, Page 15, Image 15
IhX ncn ' . .i TIC MnvlCt; AKl JCE To A-l " - t-tl-EO HI: -"- ' 1.qH AH (0D uufciv r AKI) FLOUR rwrt."--, ,,...,,,. Tin. -Receipts, a"".-. offerings Br? gallon. Car lots, in Octo- fi.wo Nn .'I mvl. sr'iwoin.w . :H01.oV4; I'WtioiaWJ. il.010.w. . . , . i .- .ir.tfc aw ." ."o."K;"-,r do W I1R "".'.' .,;.-. flcciweu .-. v. ..-.. .HE? i ample, yuototlons Car P1 nine . do., mourner . .. -.. In 'cstern . ellnw. rH""V.i yellow, T2l.Jc.; Delaware n .. " ..-. ..-..-I- Tl,. mar- "tHrHl weak to sell. Quotations - at rv7 nnsiiHiH. Kir .. u ----- , mniin 3!ift . rone here; "'," "ViV ;uy felSSk 1S bir.nrt 1.412 !.S74 .-. ,-t- -n,l wi.fl ncni ii ' lien l.wcM1vt f hun ire. Quotntioni MMtn iTrry """..'-- i iitij imi .in., 1 Kwc4. .-"" r"-S.S : !v via S.4U, 8fwU.?-;,-!.,K"Bfei llll.. jutos tealtO, pnns ',". " r"" ,T.' ojir imtent Egmtnlfti. V.VJ.'. 1S.7M. an., ttvonie ui"". i-"-. u.i Id.. n,1 fancy pairnt., j. PUaUr ftei "',er' cloa.r' P' 7:. .23W BrW & rt.ir -A STuS?1" !s. PROVISIONS ?..( ruled iteady. ltl tr-Jo .f"'.r' "Vih. onoUtion: City V'.. H Kr'CS Sf tfiera fceef 'Vnuci e, and , Under. IL50BS2i Bm. o. .-. vui j ii ;v"--: r!. cmiSci laUttlitM:.. 'other hams, SlS? ESS? "mo-Wen, curedi L'S!5S!l0610J,e tlfHfes. In pickle, ac- i ii " J""a n2 a."7- J."' '."' u lira, eaiern. rcru. vn-t-, - "i T j- ...v.. nuihiiuc lard. 4rM. ?: ""i.r t.v ; :;;f iu.i ER eUMSttB rendered; in tub,; , REFINED SUGAKS T.t m-m rtiiUI- hut nlnntK. OUOtft- Jituafiwa granulated, l.boc,, extra Hne -u iuv iv.wiiri-i ."p.. coniection- LfiTiw . ftfi tAk. 4 (134.GSC. . DAIRY PRODUCTS ffrtlt-Ttie market ruled firm and lc. Mcwr nsDi onermsa ana u .airiy uf tjtaiiid. Outilde advices were stronger. r- " -- TTfrn AllH.rL'irk -ri rrMmerv. t iptdali, S04c . extras. S'c; extra l V.12Sc.j Units. K2r.Hc. : ueconds, 23Vi jCJOU-by prlnla. Xancy. 3c. ; do., aer- , suqjic ; uo.. nrsis. 11.11;.; uu.. 'Wc,, Jobbing sales ot (ancy prints. KC-Ttere ai a quick outlet for the UA iMvInf Af (Inn iiv.1fi!i! .ifi tirifi KSA rated flrra. We quote as follow h: sajei. crarrnr extras, sac. per uoz.i nrsis, ! kCI .WllUftlU LMC. IICUIVJ tUlltll. IC- I IS.1W8 40 per case; Western extra tliotji per cate, tlrats, JS.l(Jii8.-tO per HUTiitffsrlttff u apa tnAilAfA t.Bi an,t 41is& n mien ntcaur, wiin iraao lair, iuoih i.Sew Yerk, full cream, fancy, new, 15V4 jmSUc, part nklms, CSI2c. ; POULTRY Jtbere was a fair demand for desirable J.Woi market ruled steady under mod-n-tbtiatt. Uuotatlons- Fowls, as to slzn "SJi'Milje. roosters. 12nl3c; spring ji.J7-.-v P.. w Mumiiy, 1.13111c; nueKs, t'rMlr lirTiAT' ""'r' lv-VQ- uo- SSSrfrSJSH W. """ "Kh '- SJLtS,1,1?",1?. .re . ' quotations: IKS' 5 "fitid. WJK. .rJS UblnAtt KwurSlbs. apiece. HWiiTc: wclxhlnsr twVkrv1?hHa"V.rs.darpof: I? 1 M&. ..'.'"'"'""sey fancy . tim'i" .,;' ""ruy .ancy Drolora. 1 iaJSl'" '""ers, weighing iugi2 is H?Wla',0rihu.eTh.I1Uno.'8- tancyyellow V . i'H?m. n lbs. and oier. 20"ii. lie t ifl w..' -fwie; uucrb near 1? PrJSilS' white, welsh na 7 ii,m. " No. 1 il" : d"rk' l-6"1.7Si p hlESH PHUITS N."0Qu.?itl.nJ a"0"!" "'"i lltaiii wtu?5i. Apples, per hbl - TJ fflnr. WIBtV.1 wi.,?u' -Nr Wl Li;vn2m'r ml. $21503. I'61 7i.r Vcr"y'"- 8M.B0 No."a IWeirWMt vi?,;I,e"- Pr bush., iria. ""l.Y'flLlna ad rennsvli ILfiWlM. VlVvW?.. Pr basket. wsft. irtoVod1; ss aTv.HSfi. is !2W . Pears, per bbl. R.wST m00': &LK&.S"?2S" S i:fr -&"-,o''r CaiSrCf'' C'P ttod, i.r bbl &ij.?ysK CWlWMK K"?"' '& t i"82Jcf itlSn.UAk,,7D'hw XS&S& Mr'fl.tCi;.u.1. ft ---aara crst 11 ,.;.-. "Jinan.: ' M I7591M,' 1"" 78. Water- VGETAnLES 3JiJ..rn on choir. .ti,. .. 2Le7 aissu. s,r Quouttewt Sfc t2, ao?15' 1-. JN&..1 li bba"0nn' Mr Jofc BN.w. domestic, , 4.Wtffi.ii'5 j.tr'eVr.'0 IUDELPHIA Arrlvtncr T-l-.. " a iraiiv TOW'- cn,"' . KW,,, b,lu,t Ulla.t, ilunson "Jilaiia, fHLli'M' Newport. v Mtnerj, Aouraouth. Ulla.t. fsvttsrTfla nq luer Transporu- 47..M-9?li . ... r. iv";. wnu j assnerH Miuvri Lallan. e "", K,w y,i. CJWk. .ta. f . . purchandiitt WMLIIICH-QUICK-WALSINGFORD W-U SAY Y-U CAK act.? SIT in tHat CHAIR AND LETS SEE. MiT ' A TU Jiu I lHtM - irapv. tetm, Yr :- .'Mjjrj. rrci-T ivi ,v "ri I ii - t -" i f V V'v V -pt I ttlji i hW , L Lv-Pv TEACHER'S FUNERAL TUESDAY Dr. DcB. K. Ludwig, Former Hcnd Mnstcr, to Bo Buried Tomorrow The funcrnl of Dr. DcDcnncvlllo Kelin I.udwlr;, former hendmnster of tlio IIH tcuhotiae Acnilcmy, wlio died Saturdny, will bo held tomorrow at his home. 3739 Wnlnut Btreet. Ho wnH 7fi yenrs old. Doctor lititlwli;, who wiir tlm son of a lawjer In Hcndlnij, enmo hero from that city when a hoy, and wan graduated fiom tho University ot Pennsylvania In 1KB4. He received tho desreo of doctor of phi losophy from Lafayette CoIIpkc Ite served as headmaster of tho nittcnhouso School, which was at 18th nnd Chestnut streets, for many years. OBITUARIES WILLIAM G. MENDENHALL Retired Iron Broker Dies Suddenly in Wilmington WILMINGTON, Del.. Oct. .-Wllllnm G. Mendcnhall, a wealthy retired Iron broker, died suddenly nt his home, Ht 1401 Pennsylvania nvenue, today. Ho wns 70 years old, and at tho tlmo of his death was a member of tho Hoard of Park Commissioners, a director In tho Wil mlnston and Brandywlno Cemetery nnd Is Interested In a number of other con cerns. He was an official member of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Ho leaves a wife, but no children. Charles Derrnh, Editor Charles Derrah, owner nnd editor of tho Canton (Pa.) Sentinel, Is dead at his homo In Canton after a Ions Ulnessi Mr. Derrah worked his way up after starting in tho employ of tho Sentinel ns an ap prentice. Ho was active In tho lifo of Canton, was secretary of tho Union Agri cultural College, a life trustee of tho Gteen Free Library, und wns a member of the Methofl'st Church, tho Masonic Fraternity nnd tho Odd Fellows. Ho was secretary ot tho Sheldon Manufacturing Company, of tho Hclmar Manufacturing Company until compelled to resign be cause of 111 health. Mr. Derrah Is sur vived by a widow and one son, Ben jamin, who Is a student at the Jefferson Medical College here. Thompson Irvin ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 4. Thompson Irvin, banker and prominent churchman, dead at his homo here, w.ib one of the ilrst large merchants In tho shore resort. Ho camo from Philadelphia 40 years ago nnd engaged In tho dry goods business. Ho was 79 years old. He had been 111 for several months. IN MKMORIAM SCHDIMi:i,. In loving remembrance of my darling son, ANDREW, ad, died October 4, 1014. Dearly loved, sadly missed. FATHER. SCHWARTZ In memory of ERNST T. M. SCHWARTZ, who died October 4. litis. THE FAMILY. SCHWARTZ. ERNST T. M. SCHWARTZ, died October 4, 1P13. Sadly missed. PAULINK AND HARRY. HASH. On October 2. lfllG, WILLIAM J., husband of Catharine T. Hash. Itelatlveu and friends, al.o the employes ot the I'hlla. Rapid Transit and the llldge Ave. Relief Asso.. ure invited to attend funeral sen Ices, Wednes day, at 0:30 a. in,, at his late residence. ZI21 N. 18th fct. Kolemn Requiem High Mass at Our Lady of Mercy Church at 11 a. Jn. In terment private Holy Cross Cemetery. HKItG. On September 30, 1015. FERDI NAND C, son of John and Elizabeth lierg (ree Nagle). aged 22 years. RelatUea and friends, also employes David Harvey Sons Company and lllue Hell Kuclul. are Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.30 a, 111, Irom his parents residence. 3077 Martha .t. Requiem Mass at the Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, at 10 a. m. Inter, ment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. HUNDICK. On October 3, 1015. MARY A., widow of William Wallace Rundlck, aged 07 years. Due notice of the funeral will be Riven, from the residence of her ton. in-law, Frank McConnell, 202.1 Snyder ae. CAMI'llF-M..--On Oi-tober 2, 11115. ELLEN b.. widow of Samuel J. Campbell. Relatives, and lilviids are Invited tu attend funeiul services. 011 Wednesday, at s P. m at hor lato residence, 2537 N. Oratz st. Interment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may be Mewed on Tuesday, from 7 to 0 p. in. CAUR. On October 2. 101tS, JULIA, (laugh ter of fella and the Into Patrick Carr. of Murrln, County Donegal; Ireland, aged 20 yutra. Relatives and (rlends are invited to atterd the funeral, on WednesJay, at H:S0 a, m., from the resldencs of her brother.ln Ijw. Hairy Sweeney, 2(53)1 Hear st. Solemn Mam of Requiem at St. Gabriel's Church, at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CARSTAIRS Suddenly, at Chelsea, N. J., on October 1, 1016, MARY W. CARSTAIRS. widow of James Carstalra, In her 7t.tli year. Funeral at 1019 Spruca at., on Tuesday, October S, .at 2:30 p. m. Interment private. ClIAMllKRH. On October 2, 1015. ROUERT J., Jr., son of Robert J. and Katie II. Chambers. In his 4lh year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Tuesday, at 2 p. 111., at his parents' fealdence, 2U00 East Ontario st. In terment private. CHILI). On Tenth Month 3d, 1015, MARY W.. wife of Mahlon M, Child. In her KSth year Relatives and friends are Invited to attend thi funeral, on Fourth-day, Tenth Month Uth, at 2 p. m.. from her late retl denco, 1.120 South 63d at Interment private. C1IIVKRTON, On October S, 1915. JOHN KUW1N, sun of William L. and Fannie Chlverton, aged 0 weeks. Residence, 1124 N. Allison st, Interment private. CLIFl'K. On October 2. 1015, ALICE, widow of John W, Cliffs aged 57 years, Funeral private on Tuesday, at 2 p. m . from her late restdence, 115 Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. Ben Ices In the Church of St. James the Less at 3 p. m Interment at Mount Vernon Cemetery. COItQKE. On October 2, 1915. ARTHUR F., widower of Elizabeth Corcee (nee Stein meyer), son ot the late Thomas and EltLabeth Cotgee. .late of 207 Jarvls st., 1st Ward. Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at Z p. in., at the residence (if his son, Thomas Corgee, 816 W, Somerset st. Interment private, Friends may view the remains on Monday, from tl to 10 p. m. DALLAS. On October 1. 1015, WILLIAM J. DALLAS, aged U.1 years. Relatives and friends, also Equal Rights Lodge, No. 484, I. O, O. F., and offlrers and employes ot the Western Savings Fund Society, are Invited to attend the tuneral services, 011 Tuesday, precisely at 2 p. m., from his 1st residence. 2033 N. 12th t. Interment private. DOLAN On October 2. 1015, ESTHER M., widow of William A Dolau. Relative and friends are Intltcd to attend, funeral, on Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her Ute residence, 118 Cuthbert st. Solemn Requiem Mas at St. , Joseph' Church, at 0 M o'clock. Interment private. Holy Cross DSuimiN On October 8, 1918, CARMEN i: wife of Wlllum F Doudwln (nee Dough erty) aged 21 years. Relatives and friends era Invited to attend the funeral servl.es, en Thursday, at .' t m, precisely at her tat residence. 2027 Nicholas st Interment prl vat at Feruwood Cemetery. Frlcada kiy SU Wwla8i UltfT iViHl fiVENINCr LEDGKR-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER By KEMDLE Cop right. lOlS, E. W. Kcmble, " I DEATHS i:.Vn,RD. On October 2, 1015, HARRY W., husband ot Annie II. Engard (neo Sell) and son of Pnrnh end tho lato neorgo Kngard. Relative and friends, aim Lincoln Castle. No. P. II. of A.. 12th Ward Ilenettrlnl As sociation, and employes of Aschenbach & Miller. ur Invited to attend the funeral serv-' Ices, on WefneJday, at 'J p. ni 11 1 his late leeldence. t).- North 10th st Interment nt North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Rcinnfns may ho lc-ved on Tuesday evening. EVANS. On October 3, 1015, THOMAS DA Vta, husband of Louise Lachat Evans, aged mi years, Relatives and friends, also Stone masons' Union. No. 3. of I'ennsllVHUla, aro Invltmi to attend tho rumral services, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt his tate residence, H3S West Johnnon st., Oerman '.own. Interment at Ivy 11111 Cemetery. Tleose omit (loners. Remains may be viewed Tues day evening FAIRLAMn. On October 1, 1015, SARAH A FAIlt'-iAMIi. wlfo of Joicrh II. Falrlamb' r.elsttvos and friends arc Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at the reldenco of her huihand 31 tllenolden eve., Ulenoldeu, Pa. Interment private. I'l.ANNAGAN. On September 30,1015, LAW RENCE, husband of tho late Ann Flannngan. Relative and friends, iiIfo tho Sacred Heart and Itoaury Societies of St. llridgefs Church aro Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday, ut 7.0 a. m.. from his Fon'a residence, John P. Flannagan. 3571 queen lane. Fails. High Mass at St. Hrldgct's Church at 0 a. ra. In terment St. Mary's Cemetery. ri.Ofll). On October 1, 1015. JOSEPH J husband of Annla M Flood and son of Francis II. n.id tho late Mnry Flood. Rela tive and friends aro invited to attend fu. peral. on Tuesday. ntSSW . m. from his Kte residence. 2000 Almond street. Solemn Requiem Mas at Church of Nntlvlty. at 10 a. m. Interment Now Cathedral Cemetery. I'lTXK On October 2, 1015. WILLIAM 8. FUNK, nsed 77 ears. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral servlrca, at tho residence of hi son. Dr. W. Warren Funk, 7000 Ciermantovvn avo.. Chestnut Hill on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Interment private. OI11SON. On October 1, 1015, WILLIAM C. husband of Emma W. album, aged Oil caia. Relatives and friends, also Survivors' Atto clatlon. t)0th Iteglmcnt, Pennsylvania Volun teers; Relief Association of tho Philadelphia Firo Department and employes ot Cramps' shipyard, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday at 2 p. m at tho apartments of Oliver II. Rntr, 1R20 Chestnut st. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Friends may view remains Monday, fiom 7 until 10 p. m. GRACE. On October 1, 1015, THEODORE, husband ot Elizabeth Clara (nee Luecke). Relatives nnd friends, also St. John's Assem bly No. 2S, A. O. M. P.. Harris Castle. No. so. K. of G. E., and empln)oa of the Powers. Wolghtman & Rosengartcn Company, aro Invited to attend funeral services, nt his late residence. 2427 W. Cumberland st . un Tuesday, nt 2 p. m. precisely. Inter ment Northwjod Cemetery. HAIiriEI.D. On October 1, 1015. ELLEN A., widow ot Joseph Hadfleld Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from the residence of her son-in-law. George II. Alburger, 3880 Dexter st., Wlssahlckon. Services In Wlssa hlckon Daptlst Church, nt 3 p. m. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. HALL. At Salem N. J., on October 1, 1015, ELIZABETH MORRIS HALL, widow of Clement Hall, In her 03d iar. Funeral services at Ler late residence, SU W. Uroad vvay, October 5, at lO'.'IO a. m. HANSON (neo Young.) On October 2, 1915, ANNA E., widow or Joteph Hanson. Rela tives nnd friends aro Invited to attend tho funcrnl. on Tuesdaj, at 2 p. m., from her lato residence. 2.110 N. Hancock St. Inter ment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. HAZLETON. September 30, 1013. THOMAS P., husband of Mary E. Hazlcton, uged 57 jc.irs. Relatives and friends, also l'erkln.i I.O0BH, No. na F. and A. M.. Palestlnu Chapter, No. iW, R. A. M.. I'hlla. Council. No. 11. R. and S. M. M.j St. John' Com mandery. No. 4, K. T.: Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. N. M. S.. uro Invited to attend funeral services. Tuesday, October 5, at 2:30 p. m., nt his lato residence, 18.11) N. 27th st. In terment Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Remain may be viewed Monday evening. HONECKLH. On October 3, 1015, ADA MAY. daughter of Frank Adam and Georg imna Honecker (neo Thompson). Relatives and friends, also the Church of tho Atone ment, Columbia Home, No, 8, 11, of A., are invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at her lata resi dence, .IMS N. Marshall sL Interment private, at Mount Peace Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday evening. Mahanoy City papers pleaso copy. )U.l'i:it. On October 2, 1915, ANNA SHAW HUNTER (nto Wallace), wife of William Hunter. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday. Oct. .1. at 2:30 p.m . nreclselv. nt her lato residence, 2U33 Oakford ft. IntermenUI at jioum aiorian. uemains can be viewed on Monday evening. JONES. On October 1, 1915, MARGARET JONKS, wife ot Grant L. Jonus and daughter ot Marnaret Orear and the late Andrew Jack S'n Crllley. Relatives and friends, also Chamnlon Degree Council. No. S, D. of L, aro Invited to attend the funeral uervlcea, on Tuesday, ,nt 2 p. in., at her late residence, 5120 North 12th st.. Logan. Interment pri vate, at West laturel Hill Cemetery. JOV. On October 3. 1015, HANNAH F., widow nt Maurice Joy. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Wed nesday, at 8:30 a. m., from her late resi dence, 2122 Arch et. Solemn Mats of Re quiem at tho Cathedral at 10 a. ni. precisely. Interment rrlvatc. at Cathedral Cemetery. KANE. On October 1,1913, JOHN J. KANE. Piii:enl. to which tho relatives and frlenus are Invited, on Tuesday, at 8:30 a. 111., from the residence ot his eon, Peter J. Kane, 1338 Hhunk st. f-'olemn Mars of Requiem at the Church nt the Epiphany, at 10 a. m, pre rlely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KKE. On October 1, 1918, MARY J., wife of Georgo Kce and daughter of the late Robert and Mary Urines. In the 07th year ot her age. Relative and friends also Golden Sun beam Circle, No. 2, I.ady Foresters of Amer ica: Philadelphia Lodge, No. 20, S. of II., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 1 p. m. precisely, at the rest, denco of her daughter, Mrs. Herman H.rdt felder. 5010 N. 12th st., Logan. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Auto service. I.AYTON. On October 3. 1015. MARY R., widow ot E. C. Layton. Relattvea and friends ate Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Tuesday, at 8 p. m.. at the apart ments of Oliver II, Ualr, 1820 Chestnut at, Interment strictly private. LKITKNHKKOKH. In (lermantown, on Oc. I. 1016, riHUBTIAN F, I.BITENUERaER. In hi 00th year. The relative and friends of the family are Invited .o attend the funeral, from the residence of his son-in-law John H Parker, at OHM Haw avo , nn Tuesday afternoon, tho 3th Inst , at 2 o'clock. Interment at Riverside Cemetery, LKN11KH. 'On October 3, 1015. WILLIAM T. LUMIUR. Relative and friends may view remains on Monday evening at the apart ments ot Oliver H. Ilalr. 1620 Chestnut St. Interment at Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven. Pa., on Tuesday, at 3 p. m. LOK1IHANDT. On October 1. 1918, JERE MIAH ROY, son of Jeremiah and Lillian I okbrandt. Relatives and frl'nds are In vited to attend tin funeral services, on Tues day, at 2 p. in., at the residence of his par ents. 2117 Not th Woodstock st. (20th and Diamond). Interment at Northwood Cin- LOlDKKHOUGH. At Oakland. N. J., on October 1, lots, MARY ELLEN, widow of Harry Louderbough and daughter of the late Alfred Ilnston, of Charleston, 8. C. aged 05 years. Service at 2 p. m., October S. In St. P'lUl'H Church, Duncan ave., Jersey city, N. J. Charleston. 8. C and Urlstol. Pa., paper please copy. ' M!lm'IU On October 2. 1015, DellENNE VILLE KEIM LUDWIO, Ph. D.. aged I 78 leal Relative and friends am Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday. 5th Inst., at II a tn front his late residence. 3730 V1. nut t. Interment private, at laiurel HI I Cemetery. Automobile funeral. Funeral service and Interment of CAROLINE iiaiL LBTT LUDWIG: hi. wife, who d ltd July 14 1015. will be htld at th same tlm and place. MANNINO. On October 2. 1016. .IAME8 MANNING. Br Funeral will take plac orr Tbosday. at 8.30 a. ni . from his lat ,,,1. dence, 1707 N lUmbrey St. (near 2th t. and Columbia ave ) Solemn Mas. of -nulem at Ht Elizabeth Church, at 10 a I Relative and (rlends. also Cathedral T A II, Society, ar Invited to attend. Interment at Holy Cro Cemetery. "' MAYKU On October a, 1915, ABRAHAM, husband of Yetta Mayer ReUtlve and friend, also Krakauer Chevra, Rappaport laidge. No $5. I p. F B. ot I , Austro Hungartao Beneficial Association, are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Tuesday 8 p. m. precisely at Ids lat residence, gift Fontaln L. Interment at Mount C&rmsl THAT- 2,pTj . VCRY C,Oop . Nova TWi-T A RIT. Tr4VT3 IT, FINE FtHE-f DEATHS JliCRKA. On October 2. 1016, THOMAS W. MiCREA. aged, 07 ear. Relatives and friends, also the Survivors of Company 1, 17th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m at tho residence of Slmnn Harvey, 41ft North With et. Inter ment nt Che"ervlcw Cemetery. JleKINLKY. At her residence, The Avon 1nl Apartments, .'tilth and I,oeiit ta nn October 2 1015 AnniB WINCHESTER.' be" loved wife of William A. A McKlnlev Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the apartments of Oliver' II Rnlr. IS.'O Chestnut at. Interment private MeVKKUL On October 1, 1015, JOHN Mc VEltlll. Relatives and friends are Invltod to attend the runeral, on Tuesday, at 8 a m frbm tho residence of his eon-tn-lavv, Franeu P. Murray. 1M4 Tasker rt. Solemn Requiem Mass nt tho Church of St. Thomas Aquinas at 0:30 a. in. precisely. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. MKT7.INOKK. Suddenly, on October 1 loir, MARY THEItESA METZINGKR (n HiMnilte), wllow ot Charles Metzlngcr aged 7u years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral on Tuesda. at s-:io u. m , from her lato residence, J0U2 N Mar hhall et. Requiem Mass at St. llonaVeniiira's Church, nt 10 a. m. Interment private nt New Cathedral Cemetery. MKURKH. On October 3, 1015, CHARLES A., husband of Clara E. Meurcr and son ot the lato Charles A. and Sarah A. Meurer aged 52 ears. Relatives and friends are. In vited to attend tho funeral services, on Wed nesday, nt 2 p. m., at the apartments of Oliver II. Ualr, 1S20 Chestnut st. Interment at Woodlands Cemetery. MILLER. On October 1, 191.".. MINNIE AMELIA MILLER (neo Wendt). wife of Charles Miller. Relatives and friends am in lterl to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday, at 1 p. m., at her lato residence, 1137 Durfor st. (Uth and Wolf sts,). lntcnnent Private, at Northwood Cemetery. Friends may call on Monday evening. Automobile funeral. MONTAGUE. On October 3, 1015. HEN RIETTA M. MONTAGUE, daughter of tho lata Francis and Ann Montague. Relatives nnd ft lends, also St. Joachim's II. V. M. Sodality, Sacred Heart and Altar Societies, aio luvltfd to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at 7 .Ml a. m.. from her lata residence, 3U.IU Frankfoni ave. Solemn High Mas nt St. Joachim's Church at 0 a. 111. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. NAULTY. On October 2, 1015. JOHN A., beloved husband of Catharlno Naulty. Rela tives and frle-ds. also employes of Drudlug Brothers, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning, at S 30 o'clock, from hi lato residence, 110.1 North 4th st. Solemn Roqulem Mass nt St. Michael's church, at 10 o'clo-U. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. NEEI.II. October 1, 1915, KLI J. NEELD. aged 40 e.irs. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral eervlces, on Tues day, nt 1 p. m., at his late residence. Village Green, Pa. Interment private. NORTON. Suddenly, on October 2. 1913. JOHN J. NORTON, of 021 Locust bt.. son of Harry and the late Margaret Norton, aged 41 years. Relatives and friends are Invite! to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.30 a. m., from the apartments of Oliver II. Hair, 1820 Chestnut st. High Mass at St. John's Church at 10 a. in. Interment at Holv Croos Cemetery. Friends may view remains Monday evening, OVINHTON On October 3, 1015. ELLEN 1IELU vvldoVv of William 11. Ovlngton, aged M Jcars. Relatives and friends arc Invited to attend the runeral services, on Wednes day, at 2 3d n. m., precisely, at her lato ivsldence. 1141 Frnnkford ave. Interment strictly private. PIRJIAN. On October 2. 1013. HENRY.hus band of the lata Mary I'ost Plrman. In his S7th ear. Relatives and friends aro Invited 10 attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at the residence of his son-in-law, Frederick Klelndenst, 2312 N. 30th st. Interment private. POTK. On October 2. 1015, JOHN P.. son of the late John P. and Elizabeth Pote. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral serv ices, Tuesday, at 2 30 p. m. precisely, at his late residence, S13 Richmond st. Interment strictly private. HAUhCII. On October 2, 1015, WILHEL MINA (neo Schneider), widow of Carl Ritusch. nred 75 years. Relatives and friends, ulo members ond Ladles' Aid Society of the German Fifth H-foimod Church, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m,, rro.11 her late residence 2J27 Tulip st Intcr.ncnt at Mt. Piace Cemcter. Auto niotllo f'inerul. RAYMOND. On October 2, 1015, JOHN D.. husband of Martha L. Raymond (nee Hughes). Relatives and friends, also Lin wood Assembly, No. 7. A. O. M. P.; I. It. of II. lfocnl, No. 2, and employes of the John . Winston Company, are invited to attend the funeral services Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. 1424 North 1'elton street i;id and Master streets). In. terment at Arlington Cemetery. Friends may vlfiw remains Monday evening, from 7.30 until U;:io o'clock. RITTENHOUSK. On October 3, 1015. WILL. 1AM A. HITTKNHOUSE. son of the late Stephen and Matilda Rlttenhouse. aged 5J car. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 2 p m.. at the residence of J. Wesley lJowen, 1018 S. 2d st. Interment at Fernwood Ceme tery. Remains may be viewed on Monday evening, RORESON. On October 1, 1013. SARAH F.. widow of Samuel Levis Robeson. Rolatives ond f 1 lends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Tuesday, at 10 a. m., at the residence ot her brother. Walter H. Bromley, I2d Sumac st., Wissahlrkon. Interment pil-. vate, nt West laturel Hill Cemetery. RUSSELL At Elizabeth, N. J., on October 2, 1015, MARV A., wife or Alrxander D Rus eell (nee Selllck). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral Wednesday, at 2 p 111., from her late residence, 701 Central ave., Camden, N. J. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday after 7:30 p. m. SAAI.l'ltANK. On October 2, 1016, SUSAN, wlfo of Dr. C. W. Haalfrank. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Tuesday, October 5, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, DUO Rising Sun ave., Lawndale. Philadelphia. Interment at Ivy Hill Cemetery. SMITH. On October H. 1915. WILSON I SMITH. Funeral at late residence. 133 8. 18th it., on Tuesday, at 11 a. m. Interment private. 8TEARN. Suddenly, on October 1, 1915, EMMA, widow ot Henry It. and former widow of John L. Richardson, of Wllmlng. ten, Del., aged 75 jiars. Relatives and f 1 lends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 12 m., at her late residence. 2S04 North 15th st. Interment at Hrandywlne Cemetery, Wilmington. Remains may be viewed on Monday evening, S1T.UKKWALD. On October 1.1915.IIENRY STKUERWALD, husband of Frederick Steuerwald (nee Schults), aged 83 years. Rela tive! and friends are Invited to attend funeral services. Tuesday, at 1 p. m., at bis late resl. dence, 1928 East Pas.yunk ave. Interment Fernwood Cemetery, Remain may be viewed Monday, at 8 p. m. 8TKATTON At Mulllca Hill. N.J., on Octo ber 2, 1015, Colonel EDWARD L. STRAT. TON. In hi 17th year. Relatives and friend also member of James 8. Htratton lost, No 82. O. A. R.. and 12th Regiment. N. J. Vol.. are Invited to attend the funeral services, without further notice, at his late residence Mulllca Hill. N. J., on Wednesday, at 2 p"m Interment at Baptist Cemetery. v TAYLOR. On October 2. 1915, Mrs. FRANK TAYLOR, nt Flower Hospital. New Yerx. wife of Lieutenant Taylor, V. a. Navy, and only daughter of Mr. and Mr. Clayiuan, ot New York Funeral services on October 5. at 10 a. ni.. from undertaking parlor ot Thomas & Hon, 732 Riverside Drive. Relative and friends of Philadelphia are Invited to attend. Interment private. TET1. On September 30. 1015, LUCY, wife r-f Domenlck Tetl, gd 33 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tbe funeral on Tuesday, at 8 JO a. 111.. from hsr late re. denoe, 924 Mountain st. Solemn Mass of Re quiem at. the Church of Our Lady ot Good Counsel, 10 a. 111, Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery VAN ht'IVKIL On October a, 1915. JAMES C VAN SCIVER. Br, Du notice of the fu neral will b given, from th residence of ht son, 812 8. Slst t.. West Philadelphia WALI- On October 8. 1915. KATHRYNE. daughter of th lata Michael and Margaret K wall, formerly of Con.hohocken. pi. Relative anl frtrnd are Invited to attend th funeral Tuesday morning, at 8 oMork from her 1st, residence. Him Cuthbert st , West PhtladslphU High Mass at Ft Jam' Church at 9 a ni Interment Ht MMheis' Cemetery. I5'uhouorkn, Fa, Remain may UvUwd lloniiay evening, t to W. Auto- WALSINGFORD KNOWS THE FINE POINTS OF ACTING J QflEAT. VoUR& on To I SEE - UT Yell X - V---- - DEATHS WARRINGTON. At his residence, 02d and Westminster avenue, on October 3. 1913. JAMES WARR1NUTON. Notice ot funeral later. WILSON. At Johnson City, Tenn., on Octo ber 1. 1015, KKNNARD II.. husband of th lato Sue K. Wilson Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the runeral services, on Wedmsday. at 2 p. m., at tho apartment of Oliver II Ilalr, 18-0 Chestnut st. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. WILSON. At Ocean City. N J , on Ortnhef 3. 191.1, MARTHA, widow of James S. Wil son, In her 8.1th year. Duo notice of the fu neral will l given, from tho apartments t Oliver II. Ilalr. 1820 Chestnut st., Philadel phia WOLU. On October 3. 1015, JOHN. Sr.. hus band of Barbara Wolf (nee Retchert), aged 50 years. Relatives and friends, also all so cletles of which ho was a member, aro In vited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 043 Commissioner st. Interment private, at Northwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday, from 7 to 9 p. m. ZIMMERMAN. Suddenly, on October 1, 1013, in West Norrlton township, Montgom ery County, J I Il.I.ia. husband of Jennie Harvey Zimmerman. In the 01st ear of his age. Relatives and friends aro Invited to at 1enl funeral, from his lato residence. Schuyl M!l nvc. and Ridge plkn, near Jeffersonvtlle. Tuesda), October 5. nt 1.30 p. m. Interment Morris Cemetery. Phoenlxvlllc. Kindly omit flowers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TTPE (or like this) One time 13e. Three limes one week 12Hc Six times one week 10c. Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cent per Un. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two tlm rate for ErctiNO Lrftxjta and PObuo Lsnain combined Is 1U cent per line with the exception of Help Wanted and Situation Wanted, which 1 16 cent per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which I permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Personal. Boarding and Room, add FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATLS. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS TO MOSES R. BYRD. Anna Hill, Florence Wood. Mr. A. C. Fatterall, Mrs. Kathrlne Davis, Mrs. J. Hefforman, you aro hereby notified that there are due G. R. Lenhert, trading as Monarch Storago Company, at 3S70 Lancaster ave., I'hlla., storage charges on household goods stored by you and that de mand was duly made for payment, and not having paid said charges said property will be sold at the auction room of Samuel T. Free man & Co., 1510 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, on October 20th and 21st, sule to begin at Id o'clock a, m. And to Mary F. Keely. Mr. K. Baker. Mra. Anna Pollet. Mr. Ed win Clinch, 27th and 2Stb, 1015. Sale to be gin at 10 o'clock a. in. FOR adoption, bright boy, 3 months old: Protestant preferred. 11 85.1, Ledger Central. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPERS, CLERKS AND STHNOG KAPHURS seeking positions will receive val uable Information and exceptionally helpful SERVICE by consulting Mis Dean, Ledger Central, by personal interview or letter. She will aid you with your ad. list your qualifica tions in the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT and use every effort to locate a position for ou. During the month of September 83 YOUNG LADIE3 SECURED POSITIONS through this SUnviCE. which is free to Ledger Advertisers. CHAMBERMAID and waiting, white Protest ant: leferences; meet emploer at Ledger Central office, Broad and Chestnut sts., Tuesday, at 0.30 a. in. CHAMBERWORK and waiting Prote7tantiln the country. Apply 3717 Frankford ave. COOK, chambermaid and waitress (2 girls). Piotestaiit, good reference. Meet employer. l.eugcr Central. 0 a. m.. Tuesday. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, 2 exp'd girls, with ref. Meet employer, Monday morning, 0 oclock,Ledger Central, ClaOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John& James Dobson, Inc.. Blanket Mills, Scott's isne, rails 01 pcnuyimu. COOK, experienced, at once. Apply Tabor nome. near ijoyieseown. COOK, white; good plain cooking and down stair work, reliable woman, with reference; email family to suburbs; good home: good wage. M 750. LedgerCentral. COOKING and downstair work; whit girl wanted. Apply 2206 Qreen st. GIRLS wanted between ages 10 and 21. Apply Monday, a. m., between 0 and 10 o'clock, Emplojment Bureau, Welsbach Company. Glouceter,N. J. (HRL8. experienced, on covering machine and turnlng In; also learner. Sth and JVIUow sts. 1IOUSBWORK, experienced white girl; must be good cook and waitress; family of 3 adults: Ardmore, 1'a.i up Uundry; wage 17 per week. M 63, Ledger Office. iluUSEWORK Experienced woman for-gen! oral housework and cooking, Protestant, with references. Apply Monday after 0 a, m. nt 4010 Walnut t. ' IlOlTBKWORK-ProtetanrgTri for housework! 2100 Ontarlot. KNITTERS, "experienced, on iprlng beard needle mahine. H)glenlc Fleeced Under wear Company, 2(15 N. Howard St. MOTHER'8 HELPER. h!f-grovvn girl wantedT Apply4840 N. Camao at. NURSE GIRL, well educated, to take charge child ot S. Mr. Mathews, Hotel Walton. Call Mondy; SALESLAOy Gentile. German speaking, ex? perlenced, for dry good store. 2723 Qlrard. SECOND GIRL to assist with 4-yssr-old child 1 llrn Mawr section. Call Room 230, Ledger Office, at J2 noon, Monday. STENOGRAPHER wanted," high cchool gradT uat. and one who can use th dictaphone preferred. Address . In own handwrltng, stating age and salary expected. M 129, Ledger Oftlc. ' WOMAN wanted at once, " well bred, well groomed, well Informed, not under SO. for position ot trust with large concern; tnuat furnish very best reference; only tho will ing to work hard to learn new business need apply; sslary to start, 160 monthly. D 10, Lodger Office. WOMAN for chambermaid and waiting CleanT Intelligent, trustworthy woman, willing to help hum with children, no washing. H 28. Ledger Branch, 4013 Market at General v,H,ltKa Womsn wanted as govt clerks, iTV month Fun rxanuua.i 0 .i ung. sample qucs'ioni t 1 ,111 ni Dept, (U a, lux he 4, 1015, THE GAME. DoNT Nef NT NEEX3 Toj HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT PHOTO TRINTER wanted, steady Job to tho right man. Apply, stating experience and salary, to Bachararh Studio, in W. lxlngton St., Baltimore. Md. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, quirk, ac curate and good worker, with experience; five reference and state (.alary expected. 134. Ledger Office. BOY In stock and bond broker' office. C 432. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR wanted, understanding Ford and Overland cars. Apply 1827 Filbert. Monday, 0 a. m. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Anr.lv -Tnhu & .ames Dobson. Inc., Bla lane. Falls ot Schuylkill James Tobson. Inc.. Blanket Mills. Scott's CUTTERS Experienced assistant cutters on smcwal8tI BRODCO.,800 Chestnut. DELIVERY Boys for deliver-; reference re quired; under 10 need not apply. Century FlowerShop.i112 t?outh12thst. ELEVATOR man (col.) wanted, with license; 20 per mo. University Hospital, 3400 Spruce. HOTEL night clerk, middle-aged man; i- boaid and room; state age, experience and leferences. J 1158. Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK Wanted, man and wife, to gether: must be good cook: In country. For interview. 1501 Pine at.. Monday. 0 to 12. KNITTERS, experienced, on spring beard needle machines. Hjglenlo Fleeced Under wear Company. 2413 N. Howard st. SALESMEN Men experienced In technical lines, to call on architects, engineers and manufacturing concerns; good position for 4 to 6 live men; only men desiring permanent employment apftly; state age, experience and give itt erence. M 744. Ledger Central, General SPRING GARDEN MOTOR COMPANY Latest, most modern, up-to-date AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL By our new method you learn to drive and repair automobiles quickly. JS WILL START TOU. 1001-15 Spring G&rfr.n. Day and night classes. 011 N. BROAD ST. Robertson's Old Original AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL teaches you how to repair and how to drive autos. Oil N. BROAD ST. MEN and women with common school educa tion wishing a Government position, 170 monthly, should apply Immediately for full information. M 128, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK, by an experlerced Swedish woman; re liable; wages 58; widow. West Phi la. pre f erred; no mall. 1351 S. 46th. COOK and chambermaid Two experienced young white girls, cousins. M 617. Led. Oft. COOK wishes position; good experlenoe. Call 252 N. 50th St. GIRL, capable, wants work where she can at tend school three nights a week; housework. cl lldnurse, or elderlv person's attendant; best reference. Apply Monday, 10 to 12 a. ni.. Ledger Office. Oth and Chestnut. MI3S THOMPSON, Household Bureau, Room 230. entrance on tith st. GOVERNESS. North German, kindergarten graduate; sewing; 12 years' experience. Wrlte 2730 W. Eyre st. GOVERNESS, visiting; German. French, Eng II ih, reference. C. K. Lorenz, 3435 Walnut. HOL'SLKEEPER (managing), school, college or private; exp. and ref. M 023, Led. Oft. HOUSEWORK, without washing; good cook; capable; Protestant. M 014. Lodger Office, HOUSEWORK Girl want position general housework. Dennis, 001 Waterloo st. LADIES, two. deslro positions, one upstairs work, the other downstair work. W E.ast Walnut lane. Germantown. LADY, relictd In circumstance, having had thorough bualnrsa training and buyers' ex perience, desires to act for xeverol families us family purchaser for shopping, marketing and arrange dally menu; very moderate com pensutlcn. 11 M.I, Ledger Central. LADY TEACHER, highly recommended, de" aires care of children afternoons, assist les sens; good French, music, painting. II 42, ledger Central. SEAMSTRESS, experienced, quick, hand or machine sewer, wishes family certain days each vvk.. from 0 to 6; 12 day. C 420. Led. Off. STENOGRAPHER, young lady, stranger In city, desires to get In ref. home or with some one deslr. companion. H 240. Ledger Central. bTENOGRAPHER. exp., know), of bookkeep lng; moderate salary. Phone tfpruce 0552. TEACHER, experienced, wishes mentally de ficient or backward child; psychological traln lng. articulation. M 130. Ledger Office. TRAINED-NURSE. educated, refined, desires position In doctor's office; .1 years' exp.; best ref. 173. Ledger Branch. 32d and Market. WORKING housekeeper In small adult family. city: no washing; reference. 2U0 Fernon st. DOMESTIC science grad.. pos, as teacher. dlet ltlon, or hskp. (managing). M 628, Led. Off. Service la a Necessity as well a a convenience. Through tha COMMERCIAL SERVICE DE PARTMENT at Iadger Central competent, experienced STENOGRAPHERS. SECRE TARIES. BOOKKEEPERS. OFFICE MAN AGERS and CLERKS of all kind can he secured by communicating your requirement to Miss Dean by letter or phone Walnut 3000. This Is a FREE 8EBV1CE to ndver User and very convenient. Prompt and In telligent attention will be given to your re quest. SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT. 36. 15 year' experienc; ref erences. II 9(0, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, 31, 11 year' experience, for perman't or sub, work; ref. Llanerch 192 M. CARPENTER and millwright want steady work. E. Slevers. rear 2828 Germantown ave. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, single, white; wishes situation. -willing and obliging; sober: 1 oars' best reference) from last place. C 321. Ledger Office. UHAWFKUn T years' experience, willing to take care of furnace, know town and country. II 760. Lodger Central. (JHAUFFKIJR 0 jear experience: careful driver; do own repairing. C 402, Ledger Oft. CHAUFFEUR-gardener. first class, 38; utility man: rountry preferredirf, 1344 Parrlsh. CHAUFFEl It. white, single. 8 year' expert enre; unquestionable reference. O 422. Led. Off. CLERK. 22. 5 ears' experience office detail.; auditing, sales departments, win make good Itjipportuntty Is offered. HJJ44, LedgerCent. COOK Japanese. 12 years' experience, will take entire charge; honest, aober, trust worthy; Al reference. Phone Baring 7125 j. CORRESPONDENT, "well " educated, familiar with wholesale sale rec 11 658. Led. Cent. ELECritlCIAN-Practical wiring, all equlpT: also stor. bat. and elec vehicles, construc tion, installing, repair., ref. O 407, Led. Off. jANITOn wants situation, beat reference; S016 Federal et I'hlla. BAN AND WIFE. Japanese, want position a cook and housework In small family 23 LedgerBrarich, Mth nd Cherry sts. MAN AND WIFE. Japanese. wlsrTpo.ltion.Tn small family, man as took, wife us ehm bermald; long experience. Mato, 1tt3 Vine BALES MAF-AOER Executive, well connected; 10 ears' expert. ence; can show suaceasruL elean record and big reult. now employed, but want to expand; would consider change where future looked good: highest leferences; salary or commission basis W L Karnshaw. Box &., lavlur Central. "" CTJc " V -. 15 - O TBP. VGUt. - (o fjf WHM YoU SBTTlKf'orS A TAC WATS pMiNlN INTER Yo GOY GoUT HAUF A foeOT. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE PAINTHR, German, wlnhes prlvatu work; beat material, cheap. 120 17, Hewsonjst. PORTEtl want sttaatlont -best referent. 2qtjl Federal st. Philadelphia. r- . . REAL ESTATU-Young man, 25... with InTtlaf tlvo and ablllty.thor. understanding bus., de sires good opening. 11 853, Ledger Central. BKXTON wnts situation; best roference. 2018 Federal st.. JPhlla. STE.VoaRAPHER-aeneraT'offlca. man. ca pable of taking charge: nt correspond, f II "" : beat ref. 11 851, Ledger Central. WAITER, colored, experienced, highest rfr. ence; private and hotel. C 310. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. 21. desire chance to learn commercial drawing: experienced In lettering'. J.67, Ledger Central. , . . . , . . ,...7;" - -1-- r iii- '' t"'1 '', i xOUNG MAN, 21. 4 ears' banking experi ence, desires to make Change: consider any reasonable offer. 1166, Ledger, Central. , . YOUNG MAN, white, deslrea position as house, min, cltv or country; city reference. J 251, Ledger Central. , COLLEGE MAN, with 5 yrs.' accounting and sell exp, flea, an opp. where efficiency. In Itlat vo and application are .the. desired qualifications, ff 842, Ledger Central. j c9FVf'K. German, speak English;, woman for cooking and housework; man can drive car, gardening and milk cows, grooming horses: Boodreferences. 221 Master st. ' , STUDENT, young, evening Wha rtoii 'scfiooC "?". hutincss exper., mfg., R. IL, Insurance, leTlcahsecretarlal work. II 032, Led. Cent. JAPANESE, first-class butler, valet, can take care of gentleman, wishes position; best ref erences. H.. 308 N. 18th at. . JAPANESE COOK wants position In private family; ha good references. Tokloo Iwa, 30a' N.18t.hst;, JAPANESE COOK or butler and houseman; . good reference. 1634 Vine L STUDENT In accounting, evening Wharton. School, desires position. H 6.17, Led. CenL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLS, 1010 Balnbrldge et.. has com petent butlers, second men. Swedish nnd French couples, cooks, $23 to $73; 2 German and Swedish girls together, waitresses, cliambermald. nurses, ladles' maids, gov ernesses, kitchen maids, parlor malda, etc; vacancies Monday morning; butlers, second men, add. cooks, waitresses and chamber maid for country; chlldnurses, temporary waltreas, laundresses, German couples and cook, housemaids. Phone Locust 2130. MISS MARV T. MCCARTHY. 2T07 Christian (Locust 1393). supplies, wants first-class Protestant and Catholic male and female help, all nationalities. MADAME ASH, French Employment Bureau. 1533 Christian St. Reliable help supplied and w anted :all jwtlojialltleJProtestantJtr. Cath. WANTED Couples, butlers, cooks, watt'sos, c'm'ds,h'm'ds:no adv. Miss Platx.255S.Camae. AUTOMOBILES For Sale PEERLESS Limousine, 1911, 4 cylinder; me. ciiamcauy j. ev.; urea lire new; need paint, lng; price $450. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market. Locust 450. H. A. JENKS. Mgr.. Exchange Car DepL SEND-FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS GORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. BROAD ELECTRIC BROUGHAM. 4-passenger, lit model; Ilka new; cheap, to close estate. je-tio, uger i-enirai. COLE"l0t6 DEMONSTRATdlts 8IGHT-,Y USED, FOR SALE L. S. BOWERS CO.. 245-47 N. Broad st. 1011 WHITE TOURING; 40 II, P.; 7 pas senger; good condition. I. C. MOSER. 210 N". Broad st. 1918 STANLEY STEAMER, electric lights, feed-water heater, copper boiler, fully equip ped. J 42. Ledger Central. CADILLAC, 1918. touring car; overhauled and repainted; full equipment; price $800. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N Broadst HUPMOBILE "touring. 32. electric starter: looks like new; mechanically perfect. Qui. 1433 W. Wantrd WANTED Model O 1913 Bulck, $500 cah. M 740, Ledger Central. AUTO LIVERY AND OAKAQES THE WEST END OARAGE FORMERLY SHORTS WEST END STABLKa AND. RIDINO ACADEMY BTORA1E FOR PLEASURE CAn3 flNLT MODERN DAYLIGHT OARAGE: UNEX CELLED LOCATION . ABSOLUTELY PERFECT1 BERVICH 21ST ST. ABOVK CHESTNUT ST. SPRUCE -3118; . 'RACE la. WANTED Garage to accommodate 18 crs. n.ot. " ,-.xl'd. " "" ' Write ml state full I irtlcular and when can ber seen' " o -,irv " TAXI SKRVICETRls6NALT5"liATE5 'PiYI ilri--e rvAnivtv f .-,- lg. , -w yay- I h 138 N. BROAD ST SPRUCE 4252. . V RACB f30. TO HIRB-Ltmouatne. McClemantvnt W. Phil. -.-6-, y.o- wiiwui bi. uennqni faier. TO HIRE Brand-new S-pussoger touring carl $1.2S per hour. Phono Poplar 181T W, AUTO llEffAXBINa J SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE T T T 8EEBjLLYJ-5tt-N -BROAD T CYLINDERS HBUORKDi new. piston ajirf - ring rurnisnea. weleling and. brazing, II H Underwood Co,. 1Q23 Hamilton t., Phil. AUTO SUPPLIES" BALL AND ROLLER BEAItlNas. GWILI IAM CO.. 131A Arch. Thoni- Walnut 3197. AUT.0 OTBE PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. Gasoline, 12c. per gallon, ORIM'S. 26 North Broewl t BUSINESS N0TI03 SUPERFLUOUS JIAIIl removed liy eUctrolrsTa. th only permanent way. -Eyebrow arched. Miss Smith, 401 JCtltn. Blog. ' Mis lloppe, halrdrwslng and facial mutut: formerljrMlnt Arcade, wllh Miss Smith. "" FULL DREHsTeiTlTl' Cutsways, TOxedoa and Hack, Suits To hlr nd msde to order, NEUBAUEIl, TUB TAILOR, 10 N, Oth L Bell Phone. Walnut 21(, l)KllT8 AND ATCOL'NTScoiTecteaI3aitT mor and Maryland, prompt remittance. Joka . Pratt, 411 North Ann st, Ualtlrooro- H BUSINESS OPPORTUMITIKB ? PATENTa-ArftWelKe.'Tlji-iTiuvT , I'hlla.. mechanical and electrical eualnMrr ' eglslered patent atUrney, aubll.litd bel) ers. Invention dvlePe4l. paleut., tHMss tusrk. copyright nitnj aba ltlMt4I iMy wher rejected KPWlcattoos proMcutMlt w llmlnary ad vies fru. . t UU81 $1UU0 111 ISOtO Yoin( luall Who k tLt ou-n nd -u hufti tan tmcua iotei ad Loll i.m iai pue'tlu with iiu'tw tru k . having e,entrol t Ptnjjjral Nw Yi.k ud New liaaUwl. H Tt. L4wr CU. -,. -, - , j-- . NI!W8F.8 PATKNT8J eECtRlTIf BOUGHT' HOLD EXrilANaEIlt JAM IX I. aAKFIK-D. JtlH CheMBXf, N H No mr far IIjln; ;rj-r, v