14" EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1915. FINANCIAL NEWS .WEEK STARTED WITH CONTINUED DEMAND FROM THE SPECULATORS Many New High Records Established by Specialties. War Stocks Reacted Late in Day While Railroads Became Strong NEW YOnK. Oct. . Th wck In stocks opened with speculative cnthuslnsm unchllled. Again brokers specializing In the war stocks had business up to their ability to execute the orders. More than 400,000 sharei chatiRed hands In the flint hour alono. Westlntshouse and Can common were the most active and strongest of the special stocks. Wall street report hns It that both companies are assured of largo additional war orders as soon as the money on the Anglo-French loan la In bank. T). a. Held, of the American Can, Is said to have come for ward handsomely In il subscription to the war loan nnd to stand in high favor at the Morgart olllcca. ' Tho bull argument most frequently heard related to tho wnr stocks exclu sively. It dealt particularly on tho success of tho Anglo-French loan und the assurance that enough funds will be at tho disposal of tho Allies, whatever their resources fOr other purchases. Wall street Is keen to hear tho list of Individual subscribers, for It Is naturally felt that this list will point to tho companies moit likely to receive tho big war orders. It wan announced by J. P. Morgan & Co. this afternoon that the subscription books for the $ou0UU0,000 loan will be closed at 10 a. m. tomorrow morning, en earlier time than had been anticipated. The early closing Is duo to heavy subscriptions over the week-end, Tho nmnunt of the subscriptions has not been tabulated, but a largo oversubscription Is assured. Many of the largo subscrip tions will be scaled, so as to accommodate small Investors. The London market for Americans was heavy, with losses In most of tho International rails before tho New York opening. Foreign selling of securities continues, and the effect Is still noted In the market for seasoned securities. In the continued uplift of the specialties on the exchange many new high records were established, most notable being liethlehem Steel, which bounded MP 24H points. General Electric also reached a new top, over seven points above tho final of Saturday, as did Wlllys-Oveilund, which at ono time showed a rain of 13 points. Westlnghouse Kloqtrlc touched a new high mark, but lost some of Its gain. Lmrlng the morning little attention wns paid to tho railroad shares, but when It whs announced that the subscription books for tho huge Allied loan would be closed tomorrow It was a signal for demand for those Issues, and the majority of the group became strong, being led b Heading. Late lu the day specialties reacted under profit-taking, while the rnllrontW remained strong. Tho rapid upward pace In the stock m.irket, especially In the war special ties, which has been going on vlrtuully unubatcd for tho Inst 10 days or so, calls for consideration as to whether the market Is moving upward too fast. The consensus of opinion Is that t Is and that a halt In the upswing ut this time would be beneficial all nround. The rapid strides which prices have mndo toward higher levels have not been general throughout the list, the leading standard Issues, such no the big railroad shares and others of the more stable type, coppers among them, have been lost sight of in the urgent efforts of speculators to secure the specialties. International Nickel Stock Dividend At a meeting of the International Nickel Company directors this afternoon stock dividend of 10 per cent, was declared on the common shares, pa.vable November 1 to stock of record October 15. It was explained this was In addition to tash dividends. The usual quarterly preferred pavment was also announced. GRAINS ADVANCED IN CHICAGO MARKET Large Receipts Rapidly Dis posed Of Less Demand for Oats CHICAGO. Oct. 4 -The grain market at the opening today appeared to bo well supported and opening quotations com pared favorably with those of Saturday's closing. Scattered commission lioune buy ing In the early hours held prices firm in wheat. Bears and bulls are about equally di vided. The former, viewing the record breaking crop and the difficulties in get ting orders to Entern and European buy ers, predict an early decline. Bulls are confident that an" early adjustment of eld difficulties will bo effected and tho consummation of the Anglo-French loan will Improve tho foreign demand. Tho market In the early hour was ex ceedingly dull. Trading was light and th changes In prices were confined to a narrow gauge. At the end of the day December was up nearly 2 cents and May ltt cents. Receipts are continuing In large quan tities, but they are being disposed of so quickly that hardly any Increase In stocks Is noticed. Corn Is entirely a weather proposition. So far the crop has been greatly benefited by the continuity of Warm weather, and each day the frost hOlds off adds millions of bushels to the harvest. The present prices are such that Argentine corn s knocked out of competition. ' A falling oft in the demand for oats has caused an easier feeling. The un dertone, however, Is firm. Exports from North America for last week totaled 9,112.000 bushels of wheat, of which 1,144,000 bushels went out as Hour, IM.OOO bushels of porn .and 2.008.000 bushels of oats. Light receipts and Inadequate shipping held the Liverpool market steady. 8pot and cargoes were strong and well supported. Leadlnc futures raniea ronowe; Wheat Open. High. December ., VV tu , May S WH com tnew Qtinrr Sat'd's Low. Clou, close. tau oc w 3TH Ocior-dr December . . May OaU December . . MLU- - October .... November .. January .... wds October li January , ... 0.03 Pork October ..... .... December ,.U10 January .. .lflSO llld. tAsked. B9 K) 83H 88 3M 800 0.00 9.10 13 T2 18.57 OI1V4 ')6 Wfc 07$ MK 10 TK MV4 50V4 63 'UK '33(4 ttlM MTO 31H 3VA '31 'HU ,.,. "S.35 8 27 .... 45 . 8.T7 18.00 8 80 S.T2 10 00 8 83 8 3 0T 8 03 .... ata 'mso 1S.ST 18 72 13.A2 10.22 18.67 18.13 Sales in Philadelphia 600 21 t0 3000 170 m: 202SS 10 no B47T 2. loo 4X 3 100 3 '00 12(X) 23 3 100 138 33 71 $M 142 40 1S71 100 75 ST13 30 7 300 30 110 100 460 138 100 140 101 tftt 2SS1 7 201 10 IKK) 100 Sat. close Allla Chalm . 47', Am Gas I&t'i Amcr Loco .. 70'i Am Car &. Kdj . . liuf . Sut c pr 4I J a Drill Cam Iron . Cam Steel Cent Leather Col Fuel .. Wee storage Erie Erie Ut pfd Ot Nor Ore Gen Aephalt Gen Aephalt pfd. 7115 Ins Co N A . 2T, Insp Cop .... IJke Sup Corp Lehigh Nav . Lehigh Vat Lehigh Val Tr do pfd 38 No Ctntral. ... 8J14 Miami Cop . ... Fcnna n It.. . .W4 Perna Salt Mfg 0V4 Penna Steel .. 40'j do prcf ... Phlta Co . do cum pt. I'hlla Elec ... P It T tr ctfa Phlla Trac Ilumely Ray cone ... Reading . ... So Rwy . Tonopah Helm Tono Mln U 8 C I P A V V S Rubber.. L'n Trac ... . 4 J United Gaa Imp it V R Steel 81 do pref .... IMS Warwick Ir A 8 WH W J A Seaihore 40 Cramp Sona . KiK York Rwy .... 8 OS . 41 tii'i 7V4 32 34 01 7d T21. 18? . So' 47k , 441, 23Vi . UV, . 70 . 25, . 7liv, . 13IJ, . 3 Z High 47', ion 7414 07 42 70 44 hfl S3 HI', 7BV4 32", S.' 4SI, .14 71 i, 42V. 0', 7, 72', 18', .18 M .".-'V. 00', 00 08 47 44 Sot, it 70 "Vi 214 76 18", 3",. 3V4 IA) 511 41 Ml SIS in?, ioy, 40 80 Low Close 47', ', 105 10", 72S 72'. nit; on, 41 42 04 01 44 41 Wi'i G7'j 3.1 33 Wi t0' 74 7B :.2V, 3.", :,i 32 45 4'.', 31 31 71 71 2-l'i 2.1'S 42'. LU, 8', S'fc 711', 70', 2 7") IS', 185, 38 38 81 h. U's iiS 3ti' Mr,, UtiV, .'0"j l)U IKJ ut to 47 47 41 41 20'j .'I', 12V4 UVa 711 7U 54 '-'J 2",'4 2Tj 7U'i 70 lsy, wi 6S oMi 30 M 53X. S3i 40 II (O't Ml M)', Ml', in'4 ni' i ov, 111), 40 4'l N7H 81 HS . BIG GAIN IN BANK SURPLUS Local Institutions Report Nine Million Gain in Reserves An Increase of 10.103,000 In surplus re serves was reported by the local clear ing houre banks today Individual de pots increased W.tSlMO. Loans also expanded moderately. Details follow Oct 4 '13 Increase. Loans ...1437,028,000 Il.lZI.uiU Depoalta (inOIVIOUail .. w, mu,wi Zl.eai.iniu rlPLUlatlon T)ua from bank! Depoalta of banks. Kx. Clearing House Reatrrt held RaeerY required purpiua 11,070,000 7.0ui A1.314.00O 4.133.0HU 150,272,000 l.klS.UU 2fl,7S3,000 1I,U20,UUI 140,764 000 11.U1.UUI 7I.4MOOO s.nraooo rO.2T8.000 V 20I.0UU aiirolua under old form October 8, 1DU, lia- S4 960, October 7, 112. 7,0rtl 000. October 2 1011. tlt.200,000, October 8. 1'JtO. $,J11.73y. Deere tf. BANK CLEARINGS lle'nk clearing, ' today compare with eorre Hdm, day tosjjgo ",,. ,913, MaUew . po."pi,ti t? 1 t aw gn.y 4W VaOZb ,, , 24.704.OTS 17.1W12I 1S6.V2.W0 fteaic York ,A,M7.! 304.8J0 M4 210,4:7,851 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Tim. Vfaw iYAi . NttW faVHt ftfMiHIUM Hf f4 t'4t ",-. ,, 0)V't $, ri 4per, thrM to i monthi. J'h.U f ik rtm. LIVK 8TOCK QUOfATIONS CeUCJkOO. Oct. 4.ltoarJ.-Hecelpts. 17.000 Maf Market aerie, 1 Mltaaerr. 8M.MMOI.li; fooJ hea r!Swir Miivm.9 light. A gut eailvTia twn, v4U.a and heavy, 7fK.zti; l.riVO. Ml led l 110 03. u. (S.I3W10-2O! cows ilig.i market iOo. U-Wi Total 103,229 uooo 31 100(1 180011 5000 1000 4000 lono 450C0 1000 38000 472 1000 bOOO 4000 sales. 42.331 eriarei, ahares last Monday, BONDS. Last trev. sale. High Am Gas it B 3a. 87 87 H Cam Pt scp '16.1(10 101 I'qu HI Gas Ss .10514 103 Lk Sh deb 4s '28 . . 1)254 L Nav ens 414s. 09', 0014 l Val gen 4Us.,l(0 100 do 4a 87b Pco pass t o 4s. 7RV4 I'enna gen 4H.. 07K do cons 4s '4S. 07 Phlla Co ens Es. 87K do scrip 1010 100 Phils. Kleo Be ., 101V4 Reading gen 4s. D2Vj Va Hy Inv Sa... 74 compared with Low. CIo. 87 87 101 101 10m losi. 021, ii.i, 8714 70H 07 4 08 87K 100 102 02(4 74 OO'i 1K1V4 100 ion 87H 8714 7814 70V. 7H D-.U os pa 87 uo 102 87 100 102 02S 0214 73 73 !l M1"' MIS.BOO, compared with 150,29: last Monday. Local Bid and Asked Baldwin . .... Bun & 8us t o , do pref . . Cambria. 8tte Klrrtrlc Btorsge Uentral Asphalt do pref Key 'Tel do t e ,. ,, do pref , ... Lake Hup Corp. Lehigh Nav ... Lehigh Valley Leh Val Transit do pref . .. Trnna I'hlla Kle I'hlla Co do 3 per cent do 6 pr cent Phlla It T ... do tr ctfa .. Reading Tonopali Belmont Tcnopali Mining L'nlon Tra.'lloli , rnited ( as Imp f S lel ... . rork Itw do pref .... VMi Cramp t e pref. pref .JT?d'. Saturday Bid. Asked, nid, Aked. sil ??fJ 8 7i 73( n 74 11 7114 Tl 7111 J4 14JJ 14 li(t 14 14 14 14 Oil 87 00 07 814 0 0 8V4 75V5 704 70), 7tl2 72 pZ 72tJ u 18(4 18j 18 is!; 88 S8VJ 81U S8 8l SB',, 601 50V4 23(, M S5 J 40' 47 47V4 48 88 40 38 40' 4 1 44 41U 44 l-'ll 121i 1214 i'-'(; 121, mi u2 7iiv, jivZ 7111 ; 7n2 3H :iji sh -14; 4 4 & M KYl m 8J Ml "M . "I "4 211U !;ol4 V'li Ai 14 Hi 8J ' M 83 HEADS FIDELITY TRUST William P. Gut, wlio baa been lce prealdent of th Ktdellty Trust Company for many years, aa today elected president 10 succeed Ilu dulph Kills, deceaaed. Mr. Oeat ) the son of John n. ilest, who was former president ot the company BAR SILVER NKW TOrtK. Oct 4 -The price or com ir.irclil bar sliver today was t9 with Mexican. OblUrs at 8&H ents. v New York Stock Sales Last close Alaska field M 32)4 Arile-Chalmers Mff.... 451. Allle-Chglmen lift pt. 74)4 " AjChemleal fl9 Am Arr Chem pf ... 07) Am Heel butat U6U Am Beet 8uar pf 88 An Can 65 Am Can pf , 108 Am, Car a FounJry .. 05 ArwcarJtFdrpf .. .116 Am Coal Products 157 Am Cotton Oil 60 Iflgh. Low. 32H 32)( MIMtCTfMY OK AtXPNTANTS) ruUU AreoMlanls 11)4 60 23 'tl 'SM 71U Am Hide ft Leather Am Hide A Lpf .... Am Ice becutltlM.... Am Linseed. ... ... Am Linseed pf . .. Am Locomotive Am Locomotive pf-.-Am Malt Am hmelt ft Itcf 854 Am bm ft iter pr . Am Bteel Foundries Am Sucar lteHnlat Am hugir Itcf pf . Am 'lei ft lei .... Am Tobacco Am Woolen 6JU Am Woolen tr fil Am Woolen pf CO 40)4 a 72 05? 0GU 83 08)4 103 OS 115 15H 69)1 104 50 '.'3)4 22)4 38 7H ibH 73H 08 05)4 r-4.14 83 r 107 00 115 ClM. 32M 45)4 73)4 08 9tf MM 83 04 107 00 115 164X 151)( MK 57)4 00)4 100 0i 74 87)4 11)4 474 23 21 37'f 70 09!4 04 85 11)4 4714 23M 31 37) 70H 00)4 014 80)4 108)4 10S54 103) 108)4 01 07 04 01 IUS'4 IOS'4 108V4 I0J)4 110 110 no no ,ViAt i I2JJ4 12 228 228'i 22'))( KS'l Anaconua Conner. . A wets lleallzation .. Atiti I isr Alcli T ft S K pf . Atlantic Coast Line . lialdnln Loco llaltlmore ft Ohio . lialtlmore ft Ohio pf . Uetnlehcm Mecl liethlehem htccl pf llrooklvn Itaulil lr llron Shoe pt. . Ileum IcK Term... . lluttcrlck Co Ilutteftduperlot. .. . Lai Petroleum Lai 1'etroeum pf. ... Canadian Pacific , Lent Leather Co . Lent Leather Co pf .. Chesapeake ft Ohio .. Chi It I ft I'ac . . . Lhlno Copper . .. . Chlcaco tireat West. Chltil West pf ..... Chi Mil ft fttl'aul . CMftSjtl'pf. ... C C t ft St I. CLCA4ll.pl ( hi ft .Northwest . Colorado niel ft I (.omstock 'tunnel . tonxilualcil Uas Continental Can Corn Products Kef . Corn l'rod Itcf pf Ctuible bteel Ctucllile Steel pf . Cuhan-Am huear Drcer ft Co pf . Dlstliliri' securtllos . Dome nines . . . Llectrtc Mor Battery trie Ltle 1st p( Krle 2U pf . . ted Mln ft hm hed Mln ft sm p( . Lcneral Llectric . . General Motors . General Motor pr. . Goodrich 1 Co . Great Northern pf 74 5 51 HI 00 71)4 0 Slf 60)4 08U 72J4 6H 61 50)4 00 72H (I .law 104 lam ioii .100 100)4 100 100 100 no no no .128)" 127 l-iJ)S 121)4 . h8 hhS 874 7h . 74i 74M 7t 74) 300)4 375 5UO 104 10JM ltU)4 .375 .100 . MVi 84 . 7 . 35 . 00' 4 . 20 4(1 84 85 7'i 30 01U 2- 4(1 84 85 7)4 3.1) 01 10'i 4.i M 85 7)4 :M bO 20 40 1574 IbOU li7)4 159)4 5.1)1 54)4 o&i 62)4 100i 107 60)4 61)4 107 50)4 21)4 40)1 12 80)i 107 61 22H 40) l-')j 32 80' i 22)4 22) . 47 47). . 12lf 12)4 . 32)4 3.1)1 . 87 80'4 125), 34 31 . 0) 01), 1-7 129)4 128'i 120)4 0J'4 tkl 13 15 l.'5l4 12U4 125 .)i)i ODi 50 15 34 04)4 iO 15 1.10 4 120i 1.8)1 12f)3 110K 118)4 1141a 116)4 101, 87 llt'i btiV, 19 hll 10 fcOlj .10511 10H 102 4 1131a 110't UO 1U0)i lUJ'l 117)1 11 07 . 334 . 22)4 74 . 32)4 . 61'4 . 40! 4 35 . 51)4 178 .350 112 78 117 07 J3)l ll'i GIN ifs I r ore prop. 43)4 117 97 07 .44 i JJ'i 22 21 t 70 4 71 32)4 31'i 52)4 51 41 40 37 30'4 51 51)i 1854 17514 18W 300 350 357 112)4 lli!4 112)4 79)4 70 1 701 118)4 110'i 118)4 118), 32)4 51 40)1 37 51)4 M. B, MeHCHiAM Pone Lorabara ). 411 Walnut at. Guggenheim Kipl'n Inter Niekel Co tr... lnt Agricultural . Int Agricultural pf lnt llarv N 1 Int llarv N J pf Inter Lon Corp'n . . Inter Con Cor pf Inter Met vot t c Inspiration Copper hah LU r-outhern . Kan City &o pf . . hlti-co bSLO ... I aik Meet. Lake trie ft West pf. Lehigh alley Long Island. Louis ft Nashfllle Maikay Cos pi Manhattan Llgtd . Maavteil Motors Max Motors 1st pr Max Motors 2d pf Mexican 1'etroloum Miami Copper Minn ft M. Louts 48 i 474 47i 07 0714 06)4 0014 .213 22 01 210H 221 . 2.1 25,i 24 2V1 . 47'! 68V 40 55'i .106)1 1064 100'i 1004 117 117 117 117 10' Ml 10 4 42)1 -0'4 . 60 185 . 88)4 . 21)1 145 15 10 1 734 20 41)4 1 5) 105 8'14 21 19 734 104 1111 -'(1)1 51 IOj J7 I 145)4 114 10 15 10 7 1)4' 20 4'f 2051 50 10 . 87 21 144 45 122)4 122)1 122)4 1V2)4 00 127 64 . O.'h 414 8J4 . 31)4 12!i Mu Kan ft 'lexas 5 05 123 5C4 15 47)i 02 3.1)4 134 1)4 11)1 44 5b't 804 MM (8 10 158)4 157 70)4 00 98 3l'i -M 115 7411 111)1 31 40 05 123 51 01 45)4 88)1 31)1 1J 4)4 11)1 3)4 68)1 814 .404 07 15 90)1 31 2H 05 12 551! 944 454 804 334 13)4 4!. mi 4 68)4 80H 30H 08 15)4 167 00 90) i 34), J Mo Kan ft Tex pf. ... 114 Mbsourl 1'aculc . . 3!i Montana l'oer . 69 Nat Cloak ft fault . 87 Nat Luaiuei a. a . . 32 (Jul Lead 07 Nevada Con Cop 15 New ork Air Drake ..1M N Y N 11 ft II 08 New ork central . u7 N Y Chi ft St L . . 32 N i U ii. nen. .. . -7)4 Norf ft wejt . . .. 113 115 HJ'l 114 North American ... -74 7411 74 74)t Northern 1 jcuil ... . 11U 111)1 1194 111), 1'aUlic Mall 30'1 31 304 304 IdcUlc'lelft lei . 40 40 44 41 leun KM Peoples Gas Chi . l'ettlbone-Mulllken 1 htladeiplila Co. .. 1'illsburgb Coal . 1 itlsuurgn Coal pi . l'ltts C C & St L. . i icnsixI bleei car. . i'uiirnaii Co..., ... Ity bUrei apz..-. hay, Lou Copper. . . lie ad In.' Heading 1st pf. . . Heading 2d pf .... I. el, iiuu ft ateei. .. hep Iron ft bteel pf.. 1034 10-1 hex. k Island Co pf 4 H itumely Co 0 04 1I2H 113'1 UJii 1124 117 117)4 1174s 117)4 70 95 Wl 74 100 614 25J4 73 OS 95 92 384 o0'4 105)4 105), 105 734 70 75'4 76)1 73 1054 100 51 50'! -54 -25)4 73 92 3bJ4 105 764 74 105 50)1 154 112)4 1544 152)i 152)i 81 t 81 o5 81 8M'l uort 81 81 8i)l 81)1 uiil o.iH 1034 103)1 KuinelyCopr 10)1 121 bt Louli ft b F 4)4 3)1 ttaLuam Air Line lo4 10 reaboard Air L pi 36)4 37 bean Hoe ft Co 154)4 155 t.ou-shef b ft 1 Co... 0.'i 01 bo Porto It bugar 03 93 tuutlicru 1 aciao 03)4 14) boutbera Hj 1M)4 19 boutnera lty pf 504 67)1 blandard Milling 73)1 72 btandard MlHIuj pf... 81 8J )4 6'1 10)1 :1 10 304 h a 1-44 J), 10 37 161)4 155 01 02 92)4 lb)i 57J1 u fctuaeluker lu Mull 1444 139! leun Copper 60!1 07'1 04 4 Texas Co 171 Texas ft Pacific 11!1 InlmAveuuti 504 Union llag ft Paper. ... 04 Uulou Dag ft I' pf 20)4 Luton latlllc. 131)4 Union Pacific pf 814 L b led Alcouoi 04 V 8 Ind Alcohol pf U b cast 1 f ft 170 103 11 104 67)4 67 8 7)4 27)1 27 13314 131)4 1314 81)1 81 81 105 00 103)4 1014 lO.'H 101)1 1024 84 304 .7)t 28 01 02 Ul 18)1 67)1 72 8J 1.0 Uol 163 10 67 7)4 27)1 sterling Opening. High. Demand . 4 7tf, .?1V(i Cables ... 4 IIT, 4.7 tH, llranrs 8.78 A.1. 8.77 8.17 Demnrtd Cables Marks Demand Cable 81 IV4 81 S1H IIAN0E Bat. . Close, Close. , 4.71V4 .MKi , t.tlYt 4-7H S.7B S.I 7 8.78 8.79 ))' 4U mu 4V4 New York Bond Sales High. Low, Close. 11000 Alaaka aold er oa....i.w w 1." ium Amcr Aar Ss .. lira liAW Amer Bmelt Beo . ...luO LONDON PLEASED BY LOAN'S TERMS, EDITOR ASSERTS Financial Situation in U. S. Justifies 712 Per Cent. Interest Charge ASSISTANCE WORTH IT By FRANCIS W. HIRST Kdltor of "The Economist." Sjiteial Cable to the ienlH0 Ltiotr. LONDON', Oct. 4 The conclusion of the Anglo-French loan Is regarded with ant Isfnctton here ns ccrtnln to benefit ex change nnd fncllltnte Mar finance. We nre not surprised to hear that tho loan if proving very satisfactory on your side. The Manchester Gunrdlan point out hnt, allowing for taxes, commission, etc., our Government must be paylns 7 per cent for nccommodatloVi In New York, as ncalmt 414 per tent. In London. On the other hand, IntetllKent critics here real lie that tho high rate was necessary, for they understand our financial situation Is dlfllcult, because during tho ear yon hao been repurchasing securities from Europe and lending far more money out sldo the United States than usual Sea clal circumstances of the moment tin doubtcdl rmlto the loan extremely valu able to the Allies Wo are Kind to le.irn that subscriptions ore pouring In. The successes In France and Klandera liavo given much encouragement here. The military situation In Ilussla looks bet ter The adjournment of Parliament will enable the Chancellor of the Exchequer to lmproc his budget proposals Tho war profltB clause needs revision and tho project of deducting Income tax from In terest paid on deposits may perhaps bo dropped Withdraw at of the duties on commercial motorcars, plate glass and hats makes n big hole In tho prospective tevenues. Our piano manufacturers havo already raised prices, nnd motorcars, old and new, are dearer. Neutral repot is from Germany Indicate depression and earning for peace among tho people at large The movement for the annexation of Belgium Is trnld to hao col lapsed Our bank return, showing a fall In private deposits, points to a continuation of dearer money. lsvui Amer lei clt 4s. . .. H luw Amer looao new Ha ., ltfrt iUuo Armour Co 4fta... ... 04 CoiM Atchison ad) 4s . , M LhamJ Atcuuon cr s laii. . 114 luuu Atcnison cv 4s ivuu.. iuj 101 lvU MH lufi VI til 101 lot 1O0 lM'l R IOJ tU'A l(l luuu AUbison cr bt 1017 ..luiH 101U witi 4UuJ Halt a Ohio JV ,., viv. 210U0 bait Ohio 4s. .... S7fe aniuu iait a Uluo cv 4tts.. rvu IwU 1' l-a.Mt V ,s . mm Iaui Uait c CI110 Bwn J K 4 ww ueiii Bteel nu As , Iiajh mx 111 00k ell 1st os . IOU71 41AM luooKn lip lr 6s ,. ,lul's 17uuu muukn itu lr Ss 'Is .luo 'mw tiruok Ln Eiv 1st it wi -vii taut ac bus ir os 1B-U. M5 MM Lanaua eouth &s , ..lKi ouiM vein oa 1". me is . .1W llvuu Le.it Leather 1st Bs .. M.14 lo Lent 1'ao 1st 4 Ml, linw cent II it fl J (imi, lu 'iA,VO U K U II ll A III 4S,. 1-1 M(I ones . Ohio cv 4)4... 7bV, 7w co tStt 83 UUJ OO M ...... llttK luuo Chi Ac Alton .Pis .... 4iH iWt Lnt tt Hit HI us...... 07 iltlM) cm ut West 4 U7V. .AAA) clil c Nn 3W ") JUI7, tiu'a . to . 03H ! LESS COTTON GINNED Census Bureau Report Shows a Heavy Decrease WASHINGTON. Oct. 4 A cotton re port Issued today by tho Census Bureau shows 2,!0O,O07 bales, counting round as half bales, ginned from tho growth of 191 s to September 25, compared with 3,333,-75-' for 1911. and 3,24000 for 1913. Round bales Included this year arc 32,263, com pared with 3J9I for 1314, and 2!,9S3 for 1913 Tho report by Stntcs follows WIS 1014. 1113 Alabama 3VI.I172 3J 217 J2'. 73S, Al Kansas 00,057 Hi.HI 70.0Srt Florida JVi7l 111, KIT Utorcla 7H127 7iS0r. 4111,311 lulslana 1 11.210 W.ll'i 77,-ti5 MLallupl . . 17 11 81I ltn,N lJOf.'il N.rth caiollna. . SJKIS hl.MT 411 OVI Hklahoma ... . 2.110 104 lot 14M.U7U bo'ith Carolina . SSu.oTi) an.l.7U4 1 .1, IIS TenneKaec . . . U.ltl K032 1H.13I lexjs .. . . 1.H1.4W 1,131, 11J 1.727.IVIS United S'atrj , 2UIOOI7 :,3U.I,73J 3,.'lU.(x3 .tU uo ceh fia 1U-1 IWI CM 1! J joint 4s, iiiM uo deo 3s. .... 414a) Chi II ft U Den 4s . luJ Chi 11 11 111 3Wa.. jik-i hi Kill ii. Hi I. j- uL -lot) (.Mtlbl I' HIV 4S . Ml WM C'hl Mil i St 1 cp As. lOIVt .VJAI 00 CV 44s U0' IOih) rtj gen 4Vjs. .'. . 07i, IKM) Chi It I A S 1U5 U40 U 81 I' SI A O deb Ss.. IwH imi ciev ii t.ine 4ts . .1UP Col Industrial 3s... NM) Col Ji South let 4s .KH) do rot 4H . ;itrl Col r' I trn 3s. NK) Con Oaa cv Ha . . :tuuj Corn Trod re 11134., lv l)tl A Hud 4s '10. . 70HO Den Mo or 4s 3i0 do rfd Ss 2bV do 4'k lvioo DIs Secur Corp Bs.. 1(00 Erie conv 4 Ser A 10.M do .conv 4s Her II 410i,0 do prior 4s 2000 Fla A E Coast mioo (Jen Elec deb Ra moo III Hteel deb 4'," .. 8i0 Indiana Heel 11000 Ins Cop cv Ca 1010 230O0 Inap c (Is . 0701)0 Intorb Met !, 7000 Interb ft T rcf Ts o3roo inter Mer Mar 44s 7000 Internl Paper cvt Bs root) Japanese new 4i4s THI Kan C 80 1st 3s 12O10 do Ba 20000 Kan C Ter 1st 4r. r,Otiil Ijick Steel fl 1021 2M0IO do Bs 10V) 1. 1" intirno U.I9 J,l im 1UL, 2MK Lk Shore deb 4a 1031 IUH lOOi) I.eh V of N V 4Hs PSVi rooo LIe A M T 7s .03 2) Inc Island rfd 4a R3U 20110 Ixinllard Bs ni4 rvvio I oula . Nneh 4s ni MOO Manhattan eta 4s. .. ST4 Bono Mcx ret Co is .. 005, 1000 Mich Cent P 4s 1020 . S3 1IK) Mo Kni & T 1st 4 4!i 3000 do 2d 4s. . Ml 3O0 Mo Pac 4s 10 "000 do Bs llliO . 73H .OlO do fs . .... Ol'J 1000 do N Bs .... 107. ltono Mont Poner Bs 111 vl 8H luo 10UV4 luivs nwv tin 83 luov 1U.1 wH 8J 11J 1-cH 78 83H UT2 1H Tins lUlf, Wii, no 113 M 83U 8UW lui't ' 105 WU 02 ul, siU eiiM b ss luo leutt loiH lJOl tu 83 1U.I", 103 H 8.1 , 1U 78 i4 loj, 44 Vs 07 U7lt 7U? 101 a IH1! Ml 034, wi, 83U MM, 101V, U7l, 103 Ml4 7U 87 t 1VW Ul 'i i 70 87U MU 70U 79(4 114 01 IHIi 117Vi 117M H4S lilt, 01 icoi, 100H "'S 71. 745Z 74V, 41)1, 4UH 4UU 71 74? 742 "Vi 07', 07, 03 03 111 72J4 724 7.-H SOU so sok 414s 87f, S7; M lo.'U iojiJ wiy, 87 17 R7 ioiv, 101 mm 11m 10714 17114 17214 ins 74?, 71 nnj: nun 77K 77 !HH i'l .3"i 73 . 73S rs 88 8114 11 1 0li 1U1, lOTK) N Y Air Brake ct Cs.102 1000 N - C I. S 3Ws. 18CO0 N V t" & U ret OS 14l do 4s BOOO do 4Ms 1000 N Y City 4s 103T . MK1 rlo 4La llltO NEW HIGH FOR COTrON NEW ortK. Oct 1 Following the publlca tlon of the unfavorable report on the con dltlcn of lotton bv the tlo eminent, the cotton murkrt became btrotig and actle, buslne-s rlvallnir that on the Stock Lxchanxe. In the afierroon session prices nere up as much aa 01 tolnts. The repoit Indicated the smsllest crop since IPO) and It did not take Ionic to puih irkcs up to new high letcla for the season. hutures contlnuedito climb ln tho late trad litf, the adurrcs extending oer 70 tolnts ln t.ome tiontlis March went uell Hboe If cents. Hilling that fol owed the publication of Go ernincut flsuris whs general nod was or both a MeiUatlie and Invcrxment natuie, rather llutn of trade origin Bat close, wpcu xiisn lyiw uioee. January . December October .. March Mny July . . Spot .... 12.14 l.'.'UI 12 87 Z 10 l.'.7U 12 00 U'JII 12110 12 It 12 Mil 11.70 11 MI 1 III II 81 .'. IJ L I.' UIU 1113 l.'ail 1.107 ,i;m IL'HI 13 32 12.711 If 27 ..l. 12.811 l.t.30 12.73 1124 11.81 12.BO 110110 do 414s- 10(13 COOO do 4 U No. -67 10"0 N VOIUPO .. 30IO N Y N 11 . II CV 3V6 7O0O N Y N II & 1! 6s . . 1000 SVOA W 1st 4s.. inooo f Y Rwy ref 4s lfiOiO do ad Ss. 18000 N Y Tel gen 4!4t . HJOO Norf & Wist cv 4000 do I'och 4s 8.V1O do 4s .... Binoo Nor Pac prior 4a 108000 do gin 3s 10i) do Term 4s liioo Ore. Short I. 4a IO10 do 1st Us 2IXO Oro Ily & N con 4s Kino Pacific Tel Bs . , 28000 I'enna gen ct 4Ha Broo do cv 4Hs "OOii do 4ljs 1021 IOI110O nay Con Cop 6s 300(1 rteadlne1 gen 4s 7000 ftep Cuba Bs 1004 jsnro n,p I . s 6s 2000 nio a tc w cit 4a , inno Rock Island 4s 33roo do rfd 4s . . liono do Bs 2000 riasp gen Ss .17(00 St L Swn 1st 4s 2000 do 2d 4s . . 3000 PAL ad Bs 2010 South toll Ss .. inooo South Tac 4s 200 do cv 4a . 27() do cv ret f p 1 hai oo Tin 4P. . . 10000 South Rwy gen 4s. 8C0O do ccn Ss . . SOiO Texas Co cv (Is 2100 Third Ave sdj ,'s inno Tol Ten ft w 4s ?(ino tt S Rubber (is ltWO It R bteel Bs 8000 Vnlon Par 1st 4s Bono do reg 4s . . von uo cv 4 1 conn iTn liwjs S F 4s . iMmi a uar enm us 71 KirtH 8R14 8S 04 81) 101 T, 101 Sli (11 112 70'4 . os. ... W 4s. 114 V54 (11 oo'; 03 110 S.8S', IO.S'4 871, . im'5 . 07V 103tl inov, .128 11214 04' 03 0014 . 81 . or. . fii . 01 . 70y4 . . . r 03 .... 071 82' 8J B '.14.HO, . (U'l 71, 0714 87t. 8, Pt nt 101 0114 081', 03 8.114 in 14 8? !- 83 4H BO 30 7H4 IU Mi 107 014 102 71 lots 86J4 88, 01 01 101 '4 101', 81il, no 112 $ 484 114 M', 8811 ooti mil 110s 881 i lnscj ni. (17 07', 10314 7fi'4 . BO 102, 102H 034 . 02 . 01 14 40 0H4 11 00 Va ft V con 4s 1st B. Ot 01 . It 1ooi 14 . ItH 101U 0714 103t 1001, 12VJ 02 04 V. IMS onvi 81 03 4(1 09 7014 Rt 03 07U 82 V4 82Vi 10()I4 84'i nfi4 071 103' I 7fi'4 BO 102, 102 03 02 01 14 48 01 Ot 04 It 100V4 UK 101 1 74 no 77 ni 73 08 88 81 nt nt 1011', nui 081, 03 83 U. 001? ni 87., UO'l 8.1 741 Ml M 7fi 114', 107S IIIS 102 71 1U3I 8V4 88, 111 irj Wl's lot', 81 ll'f 112 7IP4 "Ma 48'4 S 114 80S 01 0014 03 liov 8811 10814 8711 nn'i UT 103' 100' 128 0214 045 W44 ()14 81 Ot 40 no 7014 ra 03 07 82(4 8214 10 lU 8i'i muj !I7, 103V4 7n' ro 10.-U 102 n-P on, nt 04 it 100U 0014 13 it 1 milt lots intii int'J 14oi, iitj itnj ... ii ir 07Vi 07'4 0714 COTTON CONDITION FALLS WAHHINdTO.V, Oct. 4. The condition of the cottm imp on September i't was t0 8 per cent, of a normal, tho crop reporting boaid. Depart mint "f Agriculture, today estimated This furecan s a IM per aero of VtX luunds liidl nitlux f tctal proluctlon of in.orOOOO bales, of .Vsi pounds xrors, compared with lil,13t OTO laics ginned list vear. The September condi tion compares with 00 2 per cent, on August 2 lart. 713 on Hiptember 23, 1014, and 08,3 the nicrage for 10 jcare. . 4U , 4 25 i)H a 75 '.I 4K, Mi .100)i 107 81. tllH 11 1H lit),' Ul 4U 31 75 41 bH 4U M 30 75 .61 41 Ml lOO-i HWJf 7tf 70 1 U b (J 1 1 & V pf . . U H lied & Hot . U 8 Itcalty 3i Imp Unltod It II of a F Ltiiiru uy IttVtfit .... '-'ij UuiteJ l(y loi pf..... 45 li b itubber 61)1 U a Itubber lutpf .. U t bteel., U ti bteel pf United LUarMfn ., UUb Copper Va-Caro (Jbeni . .. , Va-lroa toil & U . Wtbaib pf W'jt-u & M Wwlcru MaryUnd ., Western Uuloa'lei.., WUljl Orc-fUnd .... 00lw01U1 t WLo., WublwoUb pf ... . Cents per share. CJuiUd ax dividend. Total sales, I.IKKCSOO shares, compared with 1.318,000 shares last Monday. Financial Briefs 01!, 6d. 4J WI a oa 0!) 43 U'J M OJii USX 4 IX t6. U" 114 e.i U8X 4 Hi 00 a 13HX 141 4 13.1 134U 30 Wi -JQH UUH 77 .'-24 70U 70, iM V33 lluH lloit IVWI IMi l'JIH 1201 1-JUH l.Vtl it i7 HPKC1AL OTlCL8 r3S ALL l'KKHONS AKE HUHKKV OAU- a tloru)d against harboring or trusting any of IbeYrew of the llrltlsh 8. & Arthur llalfour, trom Cardiff, Wales, i W. btorru. Muter, aa no debts of their contracting will ta paid by the Master, Consignees, or by Kara Una Steamship Co , Agents 40a Hullllt Bldg. Z35 THK'JIKMHKHH Of PAI.KMTINK a3f' Koyal Art Chapter, Ho. ), will meet at the Masonic, Temple on Timeter altersoon, October fl, sit li43 o'cloc, aud unit with Perkins Lodge, No 40i, V, and A M . to attsndlng the funeral of our late companion. Thomas Y Hasleton. UKNHV . NfSLKTT, SexreUrr. The London Stock Exchange will bo closed next Saturday. Tho Now York bonks Rained 154,000 from the Subtreasury on Saturday, and $610,000 since last Filday, The Crucible Htccl Company will reopen its Norfolk plants, which have been 'closed tor about ln tears, Tho Reading's anthracite tonnage In September was about tSS.OCO tons, as com pared wun 1,101,000 in September, 1314. T,he order for steel rails received by the Pennsylvania Steel Company from the Baltimore and Ohio Itnllroad will be be tween 10,000 and 15,000 tons. The annual report of the Pittsburgh Steel Company shows net earnings In creased 1459,024. The surplus Increased 1451.609. Additional securities of varloqs compa nies ha.vn lieen nlnreri nn th -,rttn- !! ct the Philadelphia Stock Exchange as follows: IS27.1C0 American Telephone and Telegraph stock. 164,000 Soyre Electric Company first mortgage 40-year E per cent. Inking fund bonds, 1947, and J47, 043,000 Pennsjlvanla Railroad 4V4 per cent, consolidated mortgage bonds, 1S60. There has been struck off the regular list lis, 000 Ohio Connecting Iiallwas Qtampany lrtt mortgago 4 per cent bonds, luc re tired by operation of sinking funds. noon Vn Hwv Bs -ki w.innsn 4 s . . row) io nt r, .. .. HOti do 2d Bs . . 1'inotl Web Kqu ct sta 4s. 104O0O do 44 lninco do 4s .. . -ono vet Klectrlc Bs . . men do cv ti . . K'-TO IV K Mnr'iwl "om West Union 4'ts. . XK'i do Bs Total aales. 11,007,000, compared with SB 23s . 000 last Monday, ' N. J. Banks' Resources Up TRENTON. N. J.. Oct. 4.-The resources of the New Jersey financial Institutions were H0.O33.71S 07 more on September S "f tW year than they were September 2, 1014 nn,i there wa an Increased of lis 772.78S .13 in deposits during the year, according to the report of flanking and Insurance Commissioner George M. lAmonle, made up from Ogurea secured aa the result of last bank call? sggg-gsseg WMmEmMMMMW$ I : " NO OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION OF MANY DEAL RUMO New Yorkers Made Most of the Money Out of the Rec Spectacular Advances in Local becunties. Cambria May Issue Stock If the official replies to Inquiries con cerning the many rumors of deals, mergers, etc., of the tnrlous Industrial concerns are any criterion, the officers of the local companies Involved know . - . ... 1- -.I ah tl.fin Inn tens Huoui wnm is kuiiih " " - leading Wall street nnanclers. In nearly ettry instance so rar tne mannnenicino havo denied nil knowledge of anything In tho wind, excepting In the case of the Mldvalo Steel Company. In several in stances officers of certain companies have actually advised the selling of stock hold ings In their concerns, giving as a reason that iornlnp.8 did not Justify the high prices to which they 'pave- recently risen Local traders have made relatively lit tle out of the big ndvances In certain Issues, such as Baldwin. Carrfbria Steel and others. Most of tho big buying has been for New York account, where knowl edge of pending war orders was first obtainable. When a hanker knows posi tively where n certain order for material Is to bo placed, It Is a simple pronotl tlon to quietly buy up n good-sized block of the stock of the company which la to receive the order. When the news finally leaks out the shares run up rapidly nnd the banker quietly unloads. This Is said to have been done In a number of cases In this city as well as ln New York. Today Urlll moved up to 70 nnd then fell hack sharply below last week's clos ing quotation. Cambria Steel was nlso active nnd Irregular, but Pennsylvania Steel prefencd advanced sharply and Electric Storago Battery was also ln strong demand. There was qulto a re vival In bond trading on Change. Con siderable blocks of rennelvanla 4M,s. Lehigh Valley 4s. Philadelphia Company 6s and United Hallway Investment 8s appearing on the tape. Allegheny Valley 4s were bid up from 90 to 93V4- MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. , , , , ntd Asked. Jim Puller " J Midway 12 .14 Mlzpah Extension 20 .21 Montana 30 32 North Star JO .12 Tonopah Helmont 34 .IV lonorah Kxtenslon 2, 2vt Tonopah Merger "4 Sd TonopHh Mining 614 S ltrscue Kula 10 ,11 West End 00 .62 GOLDF1ELD STOCKS. Atlanta 27 iilue null 01 ni Hooth , 42 4t Hulldog 02 .03 O O D 04 ,0". Comb.natlon Fraction OS .10 Liiamonaneid n B ot 07 ;yiy 01 on Florence, 4t ,47 Ooldfleld Consolidated 1.43 1 BO GoldBeld Merger IR 20 JumLo Extension 122 1.27 Kvwanaa 1 31 .37 Oro 07 .08 Sand Ken 10 .11 MISCELLANEOUS Fairy Azteo 01 .03 Klmberly '03 IS Nocixda mu ...:.:::::::::::::; n w :evuda ttonder us lUo In the afternoon Pennsylvania preferred extended Its rlso to M. high price fur the year and a gain of 0 ft ..Mini e , taSt v 1 M I .. w ),vnia .w... .- ,,cnn ,iia llgure. small 101 01 int common sold at 90 a a record quotation On the other w Union Traction slipped back on llg orrerings. The rise In Pennsylvania Steel ferred was not maintained to the cla The last previous sale of Pennsviv Steel common on the exchange w4 4H m Moptcmoer ah nut a very sir amount or tno siock is owned by 1 cnMvania, iccaaing ana other The negotiations relating to the cl lirla nnn i-cnnsyivania fteei Compaiv nre sam to nave renenca a stag wh the Interests concerned are unable to t cuss the situation for publication and 1 official confirmation of current ren. were obtainable. It was rumored that M sale 01 tne r-ennsyivanin, cjompany mlat bo effected today to Charlct SI. 6ch-i As ror Cnmbrla, best opinion has It ti the t5.000.000 treasury stock Is to be Inn. nt par nnd that possibly a still greatSI siock increase may oc irmac. APAHTMENT3 NEW YORK CURB Braden llrltlsh-Amerlcan Tobacco old do new Car Light ' ' Goldfleld Consolidated Greene Cananea Intcrnatlonil Marine do pref , Kennecott Copper Lehigh Valley Coal Bales .... Magma Copper Nlpttslng ' "' Otis Elevator ' do pref IIIker-Hegcman , Submarine , Sterling (lum Tobacco Products ' United Cigar Stores do pref Jin".'? I,ront Sharing new '.'.'., tor!d Film Yukon Gold Bid ... 014 ... 13 ... 14 ::: !1 ... SS ::. si ,. S3 ...ISO ::: lh :::iiw ::: ; ::& ... OS ...110 ... 114 ... 8, .. 2U Aak. ir 13 OM " Vi 40 7 J3 StlJ 100 14: 7l 7.t 04 oH 42V 214 4J 103 12t 11 3 2i4 N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. trC' "f U"JS !5l ikH. Jm Wi&itk mi isit"lilJ 9 V3Mrr'rr"rtnI. fclS'V yMWaltnT?TaMal , - " Is! ,(11 tcl 1 I I NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Steadiness character zed trading ln coffee futures during the morn, frfc." ,oday' Dc!"" . moderate. nd E 2h cnar"J" V w'h'n a narrow range: Further gains of as much as S points wera u-TV,'. thV!0"' .T,oW "lea amounted to Ui50 baps. Prlcca follow: Today's Today's Saturday's September .. . ?&" Cl0"' Cl0"' SSSSTr?'..::. :8B Jljjss 6- February . nirWiiw 5S5!ta 3n 0-3880 39 SriSS!! nr 0 40 ., H.40HIM1 j una .... 4, . yijysj t iugyu.i".vv.:::6S9062 :?.m,a ttlo8,1 llld. lOffered. n This 13-storv concrete and tlrenroof structura reaches th hlirh est point of development as et at tained In apartment construction and may be properly styled a per. feet place of abode. Tl An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whoso first consideration Is not to count the cost, but to procure that which thev deslra: where there la only perfection, the size and char-1 acter of which may be selected and shaped according to the distinctive! requirements of the individual. U Suites are arranged from two' rooms nnd one bath to set err rooms" and three baths. j 11 The location Is excellent, being convenient to the business and shop ping centres and yet not too near J IT Building will be formally opened Novomber 1, 1915. TITI Further Information may be ob. talned nnd reservations made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET 'A 1 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS GEIltlANTOWN Jfatffax gpartmente FIKEPnOOF UUILD1NU UN QEIIMANTOWN) WATNE AVENUE AT SCHOOL LAN! Suites ot 1 ana rooms ana j. oaens. Solarium covsnas vumv uvuit. u.id service by the hour. Blsvater. II. J. JOHNSON. 308 Bailey Building VI g ' $1,250,000 City of Birmingham (Alabama) 5 Gold Bonds, Due July 1st, 1945 Free of Federal Income Tax PRICE TO YIELD MORE THAN 4.80 m Kountze Bros. 141 Broadway New York Graham & Go. 435 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 1 It no easy matter shipping Fl i I no easy matter b.Ipptn a big lot of lumber tho day we get the order. Vl But the harder the job the better We like it I EdwardF.HeflM&Ct. structural Lvmlrr and Tfateer l'044w Miwt WksriM, rut. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company has moved to its new Home Office, Southeast corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, and its busi ness will be transacted there on and after Mon day, October 4th, 1915. r - The building in which it was formerly located, ' Nos. 921, 923 and 925 Chestnut street, will here after be known as the Horhor Building
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers