attractive affair GIVEN AT MERION CRICKET CLUB arming Debutantes to Assist at Tea for Miss Boyd. invitations issued oy Mr. and Mrs. W. C. I Scull Personals rn. AND MRS. D. KNICKER- BACKER BOYD, of 21T Aberdeen (Jfrenus, St. David's, have Issued cards r a tea. to meet their daughter. Miss rbara M Boyd, on Monday, October 18, ift the Merlon Cricket Club. Tho recelv L party will Include Miss Margaretta ftion Myers, Miss Sarah 8. Myers, Miss i r.irnnor Pepper, Miss Theodora K. nti Miss Margaret O. Bemak, Miss lirtha T McAllister, Miss Christine II. vir,H. Miss Kleanor II Vemer. Miss T Marjory Taylor, Miss aertrude I. 'rincoast and Miss M. Claire Spencer r dinner and dance will follow for tho fKtlvlng party, at which there will be tut intents present UMr and Mrs William Carmalt 8cull v Issued Invitations for a ten, In honor Of thWr OaUH""". '". U1.I4II, ll ...Ak. October 19. from 4 until 8 o'clock. "".. .-..U..m Uttmm HI T. QaiiII am it their homo In Bryn Mawr. f ,Mr. sr.d Mrs. Thomas Love LAtta nnd hmllv ' close tneir nomo ai. uevon io- ... anA nnmi thilr town hmlHR Ht e northeast corner of 30th and Spruce reets Mrs Otis Skinner, of Bryn Mawr, and Krt Horatio Gates Lloyd of All w CiJ.rfnrH. are nt Atlantic City, where titty will remain for an Indefinite time at 4e Traymore. i The first meeting of Miss Kathcrlne cke s uurreni lupitu i.i" " Id at the Germantown Automobile Club, .m.nter nnd Emlen streets, on Tuesday ..inr October 26. at 10.45 o'clock. The ommltte In charge of the class Is as fol .. Mr. Walter O Sibley, chairman: Mrs Morris W. Ruddorow, vice chalr ..n'r Mrs. William H. Hobson. secretary: Mrs. Joseph J. Werule, treasurer; Mrs. Charles Atnerion. jr. 'Many Germantown residents will read Vlth pleasure the detailed announcement of this year's attractUe program of work for the Germantown nnd Wltherspoon Centres of tho University Extension So ejty. Among the many lecturers and artists who appear In the winter's pro tram are Judge Ben B. Llndsey, Mr. Winston Churchill. Mr. Norman Hnpgood, Prof. John Cowpcr Powjs, Prof. Thomas t.t i rtAV.A Aflaa Klttv Phf.itlinm. Mr. JYaricIs Wilson, Marlon Craig 'Ncnt worth. author of "Wnr Brides": Miss Janet Richards, the Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadmin, Mr. Ernest Thompson Seton, Prof Earl Barnrs. Prof. Edward How- 'ard Griggs, Mr. Charles Zucblln, Dr. Ed ward A. Stelner, Mr. Ernest Harold iaynes, Mr. Hans Klndler. the German town, Choral Society, the New York Sjm phony Society, Miss Emily Krlder Norrls, Mr. Herman Sandby, Mis LcUse B. Bell, Mrs James M. Castle, Mrs. Wilson Pot ter, Mrs. Samuel S. Sadtler, Mrs. Walter EvSceley. The patronesses are Mrs. Ilob lrt Alexander, Mrs. T. Homer Atherton, I Mrs. Charles L. Betts, Mrs. Samuel B. iBowen, Mrs Elton J. Buckley, Mrs. 'Frank, 8. Busscr, Miss Agustus E. Chas, J4r Robert Chevy, Jr., Mrs. Clarence B. Collier, Mrs. Henry B. Currnn, Mrs. vWalter H. Dllks, Jlrs. Charles Flaron, Mrs. Samuel M. Firth, Mrs. John J. Henry, Mrs. John W. Humphrejs, Mrs. George C. Rclm. Mrs. Norman Mellor, Mrs. R Marshall Trultt, Mrs. Coinellus LWeygandt, Sirs. Walter Wlllard, Mrs. Fred Wolstenholme, Mrs. Dald T. (Young, Mrs. THomas Potter. Mrs. Forrest 8. Pearson. Mrs. John T. Roberts, Jlrs. ,Xewcomb B. Thompson and Mrs. A. W. TUUnghast. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers Shattuck. f 13 West Tulpehocken street, gave an attractive dance, at their home on Satur aty evening, when they announced the Mtagement j)f their daughter. Miss Kath 1B Shattuck, to Sir. Coleman Sellers, IH, son of Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Sellers, Jf. m lUlle. Marie Marechal, who spent the 'Kramer as the guest of Mrs. George Rote, at her summer home In Old West- Itury, h. I., and cruising on her yacht, the Crescent, and later visited Mrs. Jcorge Barnet, at Wakefield Manor, Is In this city visiting Mrs. John Avery, 1237 Spruce street, on her way to Newport, 1: Mr Walter S. Dowlln. of Downing- town, announces the marriage of his feughter. Miss Rebecca Jane Dowlln, to Mr. Louis Edward Fldier, of Phlladel Ma, on Wednesday, September 27. Mr. na Mrs. Fldier will be at home after November 1, at 1433 Sparks street, Phila delphia, Along the Main Line MERION Ml TVhnrnh Rml. nt Kaz;lhurst avenue, who has returned to fcer home from Pocono Manor, Is enter Wfllng her guest, Miss Dorothy Lock eod, of Yonkers, N. Y. BKYN MAWR, Miss Sara E. Rogers, uuu road, has returned after spend- a month with her sister, Mrs. William y, of West PItston. -Pa. Mrs. William H. Walker and Mr. and Swlthln C. Walker, of Chadd's Ford, Mrs. Henry Thompson,! of Wllmlng were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ion Barnard, of Morris avenue, over week-end. Mm. Harold Roberts, of Rosemont. has iea cards for a luncheon on Wednes ; October 6. WBEMONT.-Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. wtlln, Jr., nnd family, of Lancaster norwooa avenues, nave moved to aey road, Haverford. . DAVID'S. Mrs. John II Lofland la talnlne hr f1niierhti XfM PMwnrri Williams, of HIout ntv. in tnr a fw 144. Mt nd Mrs. II. T, Hartman and Mrs. MIMvlalMntfV. . . ...H ir. nr - ""tuna .. miu aitn juiuu iu- gir at Spring Lake, N. J. Chestnut Hill Mm, John J, Henry, of Lawanacher, ri MCtln'i. ixrhn Ytnm 1tiat rtiipns1 frnm Wk Harhnr Ma whsr m MAn k KEf?1"' ,eft a tow flfty aKO for Ban lir"v'o. v;l, wun ner eon, Mr. J. lywJ Henry. IsSMS Edith IT i-a m.-.tA- u- .-i.H Mum n ltl.-l. r.,... " .1 .. r t" -kiu vijr iui itio miitci, Kfj Charles Tyler Cowperthwalt waa mio cuesui or air. unanes uiair lSld. Of Vntv Vnrtr rohn lt lhr 7fk on a special train for White Tvj- i. r " v,. remain ior E'wvitatlon rolf tournament. . Walter Miller, of 621 Mt Alr ave nd Mrs. Edward B. Mason, of M wpsai street, will entertain the fS Of thulr hrMi,. .I,.k nn Wrf. f, October 8, ' MonntM UMi lr.MM.u i.. MUme3 from KW Hnmnihlr ttihr it the summer. - m Mrm. jvrinur emien .-xewopia, Kugene Newbold and Miss Dorothy ami! r . . . .. d frftm Va. vi- -" tww urn. Germantown hn DMnn Jr., of Pelham Court, mime her afctlH nt v,hbi.ciIb .t.ta f Srsf, one wlU be bIVjj In 71 f rirt Bker. o JCt Phil- m! wU rviurs nec wets, trout to be ' Rar Head, N. J., where she spent the summer. The Manhelm Evening Dancing Class win have three extra dances during the season, to which special attention will be given. They will be the Leap Year dance on the cenlng of January 1. the Bal Mas que on March 4, and the Easter dance on April 29. The Manhelm afternoon dancing class for children will again take place on Frldajs at S 30 o'clock In the ballroom of the Germantown Cricket Club under the direction of Mrs. George A Brooke nnd Miss Charlotte Brooke. The chape rones will Include Mrs. John McArthur Harris. Sirs. William R. Beard, Mrs. Jo seph C. Huston Mrs. J. Nelson Pur ylanco, Mrs Walter Henderson, Mrs. Irvln King, Mrs. Kern Dodge. Mrs Joseph Doyle, of 178 Herman street, and her children have returned from on extended stay In Beach Haven, N. J. Mr. J. F. Penrose, of 77 Pastorlus street, has returned to his home from a lonir stay In Mexico. Along the Reading Miss Ionore Lever, of Ablngton, Pa, has returned home after spending sev eral weeks nt Wlldwood, N. J. T-M.r" n",l,Mr"- H. F. Kasselbaum. of l.lklns Park, Pa., hnve returned to their ?m.e. ,nfJer "Pending the last fortnight nt Wellsboro, Pa. Mrs. 'William McCcy nnd Miss McCoy, P'Pont. Pa , have returned home Irom Wlldwood. N. J whero they havo been spending tho months of July, August nnd part of September. Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry Stetson nnd family, of Pleasant Vnlley, Juniper ae nue, Elklns Park. Pa , who has been on a motor trip to Saratoga. N. Y hao returned home, as have also Mrs. Stet sons father nnd sisters, Mr. J. Hownrd Lewis. Ml5s Emello Lewis nnd Miss Mil dred Low Is. of AVnshlngton lane, Elklns Pnrk, Pn. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gilbert nnd family, of Rcdtop, Rdnl, Pa., have returned home from Eagle's Mere, Pn., where they have been spending the summer nt their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dunlnp, of Chelten avenue, have Issued cards for a dinner-dance, to be glen In honor of their niece. Miss Esther Harwood. of Cal ifornia, Saturday, October 9. Miss Har wood will arrive today arid remain until after Thanksgiving. Mr. nnd Mrs. Archibald Wenner, or Wyncote, Pa., are receiving congratula tions on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Wenner 'will be remembered ns Miss Agnes Cully, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Cully, of JenUntown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Stltes. of Greenwood avenue. Wyncote, Pa., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son. Byron Megargee Stltes. Mrs. Stltes will be remembered as Miss Elma C. Megargee. West Philadelphia Miss Edith Green Piper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Grant Piper, whose marriage to Mr. James Ballard Zlnk will take place next week, will be attended by her sister, Mrs II. Wnrren Lutz, as ma tron of honor, and her bridesmaids will bo Mlsi Janet L. Shontz and Miss Mary E. Peterson. A small cousin of the bride. Miss Mildred Brown, will act ns flower girl. Mr. Luts will have Sir. Spencer Mc Kenn Reirf as best man, and the ushers will be Mr. H Warren Lutz and Mr. Jo seph P. Brown. The ceremony, which will take place In the Wayland Memorial Baptist Church on Wednesday evening, October 6, at 7:30 o'clock, will bo followed by a reception at tho home of the bride's parents, 5627 Thomas avenue, Sherwood. Miss Janet Shontz, a cousin of the pros pective bride, will entertain the bridal party at supper tomorrow evening at her home In Oak Lane. The Rev. A. J. Arnold and Sirs. Arnold, formerly of the Marlyn, are occupying their new home, 4011 Baltimore avenue. Mrs. Walter Stevenson Brooks, of 4813 Chestnut street. Is giving the first of her at homes on Wednesday afternoon, Octo ber 6. Mrs. Brooks will be assisted by Mrs. John Robrecht, Mrs. J. Stanley Frazler, of New York, and Mrs. W. How ard Brooks, of Cynwyd. North Philadelphia Mrs. Jennie P. Slugg Winder, of 2553 North 11th street, has Issued Invitations to the marriage of her daughter, Miss Jane S. Winder, and Mr. Marcus B. Wechster, of Westvllle, N. J on Tuesday evening, October 12. in the Gaston Pres byterian Church, 11th street and Lehigh avenue. Miss Winder has selected her sister, Mrs. Robert II. Mooney. for matron of honor, and Miss Bertha Winder, also a sister, and Miss Reba Wechsler, tho bridegroom's sister, for bridesmaids. Master Edgar Jones. Jr., will be ring bearer. Mr. Wechsler will have his brother, Mr. Paul Wechsler, for best man, and for ushers, Mr. Harry Winder, Mr. John Winder, brothers of the bride! Mr. Edgar Jones and Mr. Robert Mooney. Mr, William D. Winder will give his sister In marriage, nn$ the ceremony will be fol lowed by a reception at the home of the bride's mother. The at home cards are for after November 15, at 4813 Sydenham street, Logan. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Hlrsh and fam ily, of 2215 Green street, have returned home after summering at Lake Placid. Mrs. Theodore Greenwald and her daughter, Miss Miriam Greenwald, who have been passing four months touring through the West, have returned to tneir home, 2260 North 21st street Roxborough The October meeting of the Woman Suffrage party, of the 21st Ward, will he held tonight, nt the home of Miss Ada Gardner, Uli Ridge avenue. Mrs, Emma C. Cooper is leader of the district; Mlsa Blanche Heldlnger, vice president! Mrs. Charles Martyn, secretary, and Mrs. Al bert C, Rommel, treasurer Mrs. Joseph Schofleld, of Ridge avenue, will entertain at cards on Wednesday afternoon Five hundred will be played, and the game will be followed by a buffet luncheon The guests will be Mrs. Nor man L, Asyden, Mrs. John Cantley, Mrs, Clarence C. Keever, Mrs, Robert Cade, Mrs. Joseph Schofleld, Mrs. Jpseph Bchc fleld. Jr.. Mrs. Harry Cade, Mrs. William Dtvltt, Mrs. Marlon Hale and Miss Ger trude Peoples. Notice for tho ffoclety page will b arctpled and printed In tho Kieolnc Lfdftr, UM U such notices nut bo written on oae oldoNif the paper, must 1 tinned la full, wl(b fuH BddrrM, and wben ponlblo telephone number niut be sivoa. aad all sueb eommuilcatlon to "Society K4Kor," ! U4f, CM Cbeotout otreot. , UbUm tbM rotttroMMAt ewriod out to tfcat vorMoa44oa Buy bo ponWa. tlMi will ma bo prtttshio. Q LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MOffPAT, . OOTOBEB MKS. EDITH HATCHER HARCUM y J .V 'HiiiiiiiiiiWpW:'. '.- . NaLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK.. fl Kil'H VfiffivliiiiiiiiiiiiHKIsS iaiiiiiiiiiiBrHiiiiiiiiiK tV 9a7 c LaiiiLiflSLiiiiiiiiiH f noto by Marceau. Mrs. Harcum is nn accomplished pianiste and well known in musical circles. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldschlld, of 842 North 6th street, were at homo jesterday afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock In honor of tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Mildred Gertrude Gotdschlld, to Mr. Harry K. Lax. This assisting In receiv ing were Miss Jennie Abrnms, Miss Rose G. Mayer, Miss Helen B. Rice, Mrs. Sam uel Helmerllng and Miss Jacqulnetto F. Goldschlld. There will bo n meeting for the Hal loween party given by the Girls' Social at tho home of Miss Edna Johnson, 2602 Coral sticet, on Friday, October 8. Miss Blanche Rostow, of 1220 North 7th street, will give n luncheon tomorrow aft ernoon, when covers will be laid for 12. On October 29 the Oaks Club will hold Its 21st grand annual ball nt Quartette Hall, Germantown avenue above Lehigh avenue. South Philadelphia Dr. And Mrs. P. McCohey, of 1801 South Broad street, who, with their family, have spent tho summer season nt their cottage In Atlantic City, returned to the city this week, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Rnbold, Jr., were guests of honor at a reception given on Saturday night by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rnbold, and Mr. nnd Mrs. -B. Adair, of 1419 Jackson street. In honor of their two wedding anniversaries. " Mlsa E. E. Owens rendered several musical selections assisted by Miss Schell, Miss E. Strieker and Miss Louise Klrchner. The decorations consisted of autumn flow ers and foliage. Frankford Miss Mary Bryant and Miss Edith Bryant, of Foulkrod street, who spent th summer nt Capo May with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lockhart Bryant, hnve gone to Glen Grove, L. I., to spend a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant and the Misses Bryant will re turn next week. Sir. and Mrs. William Floge have re turned to their home, at 1615 Haworth street, niter a three months' visit to the country. Friends of Dr. N. T. Jermon, of Holmes burg, will be glad to learn that he Is re covering from his recent Illness. ro Av..yiirrv ii rT- . -tpsviw ftfj m ua w u .satauius. Bfflmffi'ate .ME BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE Philadelphia's Ilest and Larseat NIGHT SCHOOL Is dally opening the door to success for young men and women. Why not for youT Positions Positively Guaranteed Telephone) Lombard U06-lt07 LAFAYKTTE 11UILDINO 6th and Chestnut btreeta Alter Nov. 1, Penn Mutual Bldg. BERLITZ ALL I.ANOUAGKS Supsrlor native teachers. Terms reaaonabla. Band for catalogue. The Ilest Method Day and Evening 8eslens. Classes and Private. SCHOOL Free trial lesson. ' 10TII ANI CHESTNUT 3THEETH Loder Itldg. (over the Hiker Pharmacy) Ilerllta 8chooI lessons are not lectures bat conversations entirely in the foreign Ian gauge between teachera and atudenta. SPANISH, FRENCH an Most rapid of conversational methods. Grad uate and competent natlva teachers. Also IDIOMATIC translators, Tho Technical Teachers and Trans latore Association 630-81 Perry llldg. Telephone Spruce 4288. La Salle College bkou1Raahbdov, Engineering. Arts. Pra-Msdlcal and liuslnsss Courses High School and department for Ilttls boys Gymnasium and supervised athletics, gcbolarihlps offered. Evening classes. UHO DENIS KDWAHD, Prssldsnt. PHILADELPHIA TUKNGEMKJNDB School now open (or fall and winter terms. Ws teaoh gymnastics, German, drawing, needlework and swimming to children, T iq 10 years, tor a psr cr. enroll your cnu- drsn now. Broad a snu Columbia avs. Strayers ButinoM College 801-M7 Chestnut St., 1'hUa. Practical courses Moderate prices. Positions guaranteed. Day & ntgbt seniors. Enroll now. KXPHESSION AND DRAMATIC AHT KLUAHBTK I-WKNIJK.K eH'HKElNKR 171 Chestnut S. yhoaa Bruce gin. TEACHERS' CLASSES Oral expression, stsg art, stary-tallliui. KMiUE KHIDKK NOHRlg. ITU Caastnut. WK lUKSCMHACK ofaaot w Itt'f" tola, im. ' sMsett s urn. JrSSsgaJ. """TpWfiZ- Tioga Mist Gertrude White, of 1319 North 19th street, entertained tho members of the Phi Sigma Delta Sorority on Saturday aft ernoon, when her guests Included Miss Helen Palmer, Miss Helen McFadden, Miss Marie Merz, 'Miss Sylvia Broom, Miss Marian Wilson, Miss Isabel Jackson, Miss Consuella Rulae, Miss Grace Fulmer, MUo Grace Vandcrveer, Miss Emma Bat tersby. Miss Anna Evans, Miss Laura Firth, Miss Glad j s Heacock, Miss Mabel Heacock, Miss Margaret Sosna and Miss Dorothy Mooro Mlsi Sarah Eans nnd Miss Emily Wells, popular members of the socrlty, havo returned to Sweet Briar College, Virginia. Mr. Harry Goldstein, of 1920 West Erie avenue; Mr, Hart Joseph and Mr. David Berg, of 1715 Jefferson street, are tour ing to Mount Clemens, Mich., for a three weeks' visit, stopping en route at Buffalo, Nlasara Falls and Detroit. On their way home they wilt visit Indianapolis and Cincinnati. What's Doing Tonight Northwest Bualntas Men's Association, 2336 CotunWa avenue. 8 o'clock. 'Free. Chwt'r Avenue Improvement Association, Flret United ITeabyterlan Church. 32d atreet and Cheater aenue 8 o'clock. Free, Isasvunk Avenue J3jsineM Men's Aeiocla tlon, Paeayunk avenue and Moore atreet, 8 oclocK itte r t . Klilatita of the'GoldJrTEails lnrtatlon. Lu Lil Tp triple. rtato firemen's convention, owning recep tion, iiromin Kite Han, a o'clock. Association for Discussion o: Labor Prob lem. Hotel Adelphla; 8 o clock. Free Alumni, IJnlverally of Michigan, University Club. 8 o'clock. Duslneea Men's Christian League, SOS Filbert street; S o'clock. Free. Reopening of Temple'Unlvereltyt 8 o'clock. Christian Science lecture, Willis F. Gross, 40th and Walnut streeta, 8 o'clock. Engineer' Club. Dr. John A. Drasbear to apeak: 1317 Spruce street. Eastern Pennsylvania Synod of the Evan gelical Lutheran Church, Temple Lutheran Church, 52d and Race atreets. Suffrage Events Today WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY, 8, p n Sixth and Pike streets: speakers. Mrs. William Albert Wood and M. Relnhart. 8 p. m. Germantown avenue and Tlora street; speaKers, jano jueyer ana Mrs. J. u. Phtlllpa 8 15 n. m. 2S8 South &2d street; speakers. Mrs. Marlon Holmes and Mrs. J, ;. uow )owell. EQUAL FRANCHISE SOCIETY, 8 30 p. m Broad street and Snyder avenue: speaker. Bertha, SapoUts. s 30 p. m. Germantown avenue and Diamond atreet; speaker, Anna McCue. irft, J WrS..ey rrrAt-.i ffiru iv tviirz PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTS ENROLL NOW Training in HIGHER ACCOUNT. INO opens to men unexcellsd oppor tunities as EXPERT CORPORATION ACCOUNTANTS anil CERTIFIED 1'UDLIO ACCOUNTANTS Thl. Y. M. C. A. courtie Is taught by men who ars recognized authorities. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT and l'ACTORY COST ACCOUNTING A course for managers, loremen, aupenntendents and accountants In manufacturing concerns. The best experts from Philadelphia, Chicago, Uoston and 1421 HCIENC1S OF MERCHANDISING . . Advertlnlng, Salesmanship, Ilusiness, Arch Ijw' Spanish, Commercial English. " COMMIfltCIAL and HANKINO Sf CREDITS Practical course taught M by tb President of the Philadelphia Association of Credit Men. PUULIO SPEAKING Course for business men taught by one of the foremost speeoh specialists of the country. 100 other courses. Send for catalog stating your Interest. CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE xo "Country Day School for Boys" Wynnsisooif, Pa. Rev. Gibson Uell. Head Master, Phone Ardmore 1822 Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping, English day and nlgbt sessions. Send for catalog. Mercantile Library Bldg . 10th abova Chestnut. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE Course now be ginning at The lonklln Institute School of Merlianlo Arts. Also Mechanical Drawing, Mathematics and Mechanics. Apply at once. IB South Seventh at PALMS NIGHT SCHOOL Thirty years at 17tb and Chestnut Streets. Business. Shorthand and Secretarial Courses. The Villum Pcna Charter School 4.1UU1 DUUin Ittl.uUI BTJIKET -n r pcaa pepiemoer tfata. West 60th and Oirard avs. Business courses that wla busl. ness approval. Day S12 00I Night 14 00 Philadelphia Commercial School NOxKS SCHOOL, 1720 Chestnut Street Correct English. Elocution, Publlo Speaking. JOIN OUR PLAVKBH CLUH JAMES F. WILLIS Tutors atajra KsvMlaJly 'EuelUATS. MAKY HKKVAKD KO BERTH. US N, l(H .. sMocutlonl Votoai day acg avsnlnsT elaaass. MAHKK PREP. VUTHKHWOON HLDO. College. Law. Med. Day. Ev'r. Univ. Ret. GEKMANTOVTN WALNUT .LANK SCHOOL SM V. WALNUT LANK, OERMANTOWN. sKrocg. Oensrat Course. Domeatlo BeleaM Dipt. Koardlng Dipt pbsm St, MMs, M 3eb cM Best, SfHtV to JhiJ-" y7jsva- 2mm WEDDINGS TKB marriage, of Itlss Ellen C. Bender, of Drldesburg-, and Mr. A. Watthmsn nhodes, of Mil Christian rtrett. took place) Saturday. The, wedding- and re ception were held at Atlantic City, the summer home of the bride. The cere mony was performed at St. Nicholas Cnthnllo Church. There were 350 a-uests present, nmong whom were Mayor Itlddle. of Atlantlo City, and members of the civic gov ernment. The bridegroom Is a graduate of the class of 1905. Central High School. He Is connected with the transportation de partment of the Pennsylvania Itallroad. Miss Mary A Bender, a sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The best man was Mr Frederick Welt. The brides maids were Miss Gertrude Bender, her sister, and Miss Margaret Wilson. Mr. Carroll J. Fenerty and Mr. Harry Ben der were ushers. After the wedding ceremony and recep tion, the couple left for Bermuda where they will spend their honeymoon. They will be at homo after December 1, at ES42 Christian street, West Philadelphia. CORBIN-rLECK. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Marian Graham rieck. daughter of Mrs. Annie Blck Fleck, of st street and Baltimore avenue, to Mr. James Iloss Corbln, grandson of Mr. James Glrvln Mnrce. of 4 West Chelten avenue, Germantown, nnd son of the late Boss and Josephine Mnrce Corbln, both well-known musicians. Tho ceremony was performed on September 4 In Shang hai, China, where Mr. Corbln, a mining engineer, came from the Philippines to join his bride, who sailed from this coun try to meet him. GILLISPIE-COUI.STON. The marriage of Miss Virginia L. Coul ston, daughter of Mrs. Charles E. Coul ston, of 1947 North Pnrtt nvoniio. in Me .Raymond I.. Gllllsple, of Harrlsburg, Pn iook piace at noon Saturday in the Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church Tho pastor, the ncv. Robert Bagnell, per formed tho ceremony, which was n quiet one. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gllllsple upon their return from their wedding Journey will live In Harrlsburg. CLARKE-NUSS. The marriage of Miss Adeline S. Nuss. daughter of Major and Mrs. Henry Niis, of 204 North 33d street, and Mr. A Nel son Clarke, of Merchantvllle. N. J. took plnco on Thursday. September 30, In the homo of the bride's parents. The bride wat attended by her sister. Mlsi G. W. Nuss. as maid of honor. A wedding break fnst followed, after which Mr. and Mrs Clarke left for their wedding trip, and on their return will bo at homo at 744 riymouth place, Merchantvllle. TpRRANCE ROSSMAN. The wedding of Miss Idelo Rossman. daughter of Mrs. Ralph Ezeklel. of 1517 nrown street, and Mr. Langham Tor rance, took place on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock In the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Al exander Leo. pastor of the M. E. Church at 15th and Mt. Vernon streets. Miss Amanda Weakley attended as maid of honor, and Mr. Fred Thorpe was best man. On their return from their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs Torrance will be at home at 1442 Mayfield street. Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick Develln announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Doris Develln, to Mr. Eugene Berk eley Baker, on September 20. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will bo at home after Novem- oer i, at 7IZ6 urcshelm road. Mrs. Baker waa graduated In the class of 1911 from Dana Hall. Wellesley, Mass.. and Is a member of the Merlon Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Baker Is a graduate of tho class of 1913 In the Architectural Department of the University of Pennsylvania. Satin and Crepe de Chine Underwear At Very Special Prices An exceptional selection of washable satin and crepe de chine undergar ments in flesh and white; tailored and lace trimmed. Washable Satin Night Gowns Special . . 5.90 6.90 7.50 Washable Satin Envelope Chemises-Special . . 2.95 3.95 4.95 Washable Satin Petticoats Special . .3.95 4.90 5.90 Crepe de Chine Night Gowns Special . .2.95 3.95 4.90 Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemises.SpccwI . .2.00 2.95 3.95 Crepe de Chine Bodices Special . . .69 1.00 2.00 Women's Glove Silk Wests Standard makes, extra quality glove silk vests in I ap -pink and white reinforced. Special Value Vt5C Women's Glove Silk Embroidered Vests Special 1.50' Women's Glove Silk Union Suits Special . tr . . ..2.0Q.7 Women's Glove Silk Bloomers , Special ,...: 1.50 Women's Negligees and Robes- "y . usaniiiiisi i ... ii i ..... i, , .i, , n . . , I., . 4, Women's crepe de chine negligees in pink, blue and I j a- ' ' rose; accordion pleated skirt. Special Value 0.VfJ- ' Women's superior crepe de chine negligees, lace trimmed Special 7t9Q ; Women's corduroy robes, attractive colors Special 3.95 ' Women's Mandarin Coats, hand embroidered, silk lined Special" J790 . Ml i Worsted Sweaters buttoned to side with Brush Zephyr Worsted Sweaters, Angora finish rose, white and blue, convertible collar, Norfolk belt. Fibre Silk Sweaters with angora wool back, in rose, green and purple; shawl collar and sash. , 1915; STREET CARNIVAL TO BE'OIVEH IN AID OF WAR SUFFERERS Berks Street Beween 32d and 33d Streets to Be Brightly Illuminated Cake Sale Held by Club on Sat urday Other Affairs TONIGHT and tomorrow night a street carnlvnl will be given on Berks street between JM and 3Jd streets, for tho ben efit of the war sufferers, under the auspices of Mr. D Arthur Magailner and Mr. George Welnrott. The committee as sisting Includes Miss Ida Bloom, Miss Julia Silverman, Miss Sarah Hendler, Mlsa Elizabeth Hendler, Miss Rose Perl stein, Miss Mary Weinberg. Miss Tetts. Weinberg, Mr. Max Flepln. Mr. Nathan Bloom. The Tau Delta Sigma held a sal of homemade candles nnd pastry on Satur day afternoon and evening, at 137 South 62d street The proceeds are to be applied to their charity fund, and will be used this year to buy Christmas dinners for poor fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs, Hlrsberg gave a reception and dance at their home, 909 North 6th street, on Sunday evening In honor of their son, Mr. Edward I. Hlrsberg. The guests Included Mr. Herman Fields. Miss Mnry Black. Mr. Albert Zimmerman, Miss Fannie Black, Miss Lena Zimmer man. Miss Lillian Hlrsberg, Mr. Jack Black, Mr. Charles Carney, Mr. David Black and Mr. Harry Flecker. On Sundav evening n surprise party waa given to Miss I. Isreals. Among those present were Dr. Charle Horan. Mr. Max Kauffman, Messrs. Putzman, Mr. Ben jamin Savadore. Mr. A. Levy, Mr. B. Zee man, Mls Daisy Rosenberg, Miss Fannlo Marlon, Miss Savadore, Miss Fannie Kan ter, Miss Anna Telthbam, Mlsa Sadie Klein, Miss Jcanette Master and Mr. and Mrs. J. Isreuls. The Delia Club, consisting of 11 young ladles, gao a package party at 3d and Spruce streets last night, the proceeds of which will be devoted to charity, as are tho dues of the club. Those who en deavored to make the affair a success were Miss Anna Snyder. Miss Florence Lleberman. Miss Seccy Pollock, Miss Anna Pollock. Miss Catherine Yogel, Miss Jean Goodelman, Miss Sophia Waxier, MIbs Jean Langsman, Miss Edna Gold berg, Miss Sophia Cohen and Miss Anna Marks. .w.NWwt)v.-'r,ms; eorde j., G 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 TOMORROW kssssssssssssHi.Maspsass.sssssaasasssssssasBaBaBaB( Hats ror Street Vear w I 1 83OTSKSSKK Oppenheiw.llirs& " Chestnut and 12 th Streets Very Exceptional Values for Tuesday Women's New Fall Sweaters. ' '" ' """ " IISSSSHSISISSSIHISM - ..I. I I 11,11 in gold, rose, Copen, white pocket. The Rear Admlrnt William . Betmrn . Garrison. Army and Navy Union, will he44 a campOre and smoker on. Thursday ,m. nlng. October 14, at its headquarters m the PostoOlce Building, at the comer et ,, Chelten and Germantown avenue. Mr. If. Oden lAktf, of Washington. D. C national commander of the Army and Navy Union, and Mr1. Joseph "W. Breen, department commander together with his staff, are expected to be present. i V Mrs. a W. Van Artadalen tvill act a hostess to the members of the Oak. Jr Neighborhood Club this afternoon at her ' home, C5th aVenua and Camoo street. She will t assisted by Mrs. Batsman ' Laddlngton, Mrs, Edward B. McCall 'antt r Mrs. Bates. This win bo the first weetr ing of the club this season. And among those present will be Mrs. B. O. Hitch ner, Mrs. A. W. Dudley, Mrs. II. W. Thlssell, Mrs, A ,B. Parker, Mrs. Ferdi nand Frltschf Sr Miss Matilda Wlrth. , Mrs. Ferdinand FYltsch, Jr Mm. Wil liam Robertson, Br., Mr. Willi am Rob ertson, Jr.,, Mrs. Reeves, Miss Cora Reeves. Mr., J. A. ParkOr. Miss Xath'.' eryn Parker, Mrs. Owen Hatten, Mr Edwin Waller, Mrs. Peters, Mrs Wilier. Sr., Mrs. Howard Miller. Mra, Meyer, -Mrs. C. Fling, Mlsa Sarah Topham, Mrs. Eugenie Klehl, Mrs. J. V. C. Xiehl, Mrs. F. K. Moerk, Mrs. EJdwora B. UeuEHisor,- Mrs. S. Hunsberger, Mrs. George Ocha. Mrs. Herbert Maxner. Mlsa Grace Parker, Mrs. Bux, Mrs. Albert Gee and Mrs. Pan coast. Delaware County The Ridley Park Clvto Association Trill entertain over fifty clergymen at Its "clergy night" toniorrow evening. Among those who vni attend will b the Rev. F, B. Barnett, of Christ P, B. Church the Rev. John H. Day, of the .Baptist Church: tho Rov. Samuel T. Unton, of the Presbyterian Church; the Rev. "W. J. McCallen, of St. Madeline's R. C. Church, and the Rev, B. M Shay, of .the M. E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Denne, of 2M East Glenolden avenue, Glenolden. have, been entertaining Mrs. A. Ralph Serven and her daughter, of Washington, D. C. during the last week. All, VIleTi. Inc. ., Original conceptions with t ur-trimhied orna ments. Very stylish nnd serviceable. All reasonably priced. 56, $7, 58 Tho unusual value of these will be instantly appreciated. Street and Evening Silks 30-Inch Plaids and Stripes 42-Inch Chiffon Velvets LOO to S3J5 BlClS " io 7 T'd .. . .. v j ? nTT Colors S3 to se yard SS.lneh Warp Print Taf- Wonderful line fetas and Satins for even- Millinery Velvets SSS y""-00- 3 i"a co"rV : ::.v.Vii Z 15 30-Inch Satin and Taffeta Fur cloth 50 Inches wide Strlpea for evening. Mole, African Brown. Black SI. CO, $1.75 WiS 7rd and green In emerald S: ' l J. UK . II Special I vv I :k oiy 1 Special w"'w" ' sssssssssssK 'v m t 1 If i ' H