i E ry r n i" AN ENGAGEMENT OF INTEREST ANNOUNCED IN TORRESDALE Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Announce Their Daughter's Betrothal to Mr. Downing Miss Warden's Receiving Party Other Affairs Mil. AND MRS. 1IENIIT D. PATTEn SON, of Torrcsdale, announce th engagement of their daughter, Miss Mae Durosa Patterson, to Mr. Spencer B. Downing1, eon of Mm, Robert W. Down ing, of 1G24 Locust street. Mrs. William M. Hunk, of Haverford Court, Haverford, announces the be trothal of her daughter, Miss Edith Hoi eey Hunk, to Mr. J. Thomas Llgget, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard 11. Llg-get, of 133 South ISth street. Miss Hunk Is the sla ter of Miss Evelyn S. Runk, Mr, Marshall H. Runk, Mr, and Mrs. II. Ten Rroeck Runk and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Darcrott Hunk. Mr, Llgget Is a member of the Merlon Cricket Club. , . Ono of the most attractive of the debut parties to bo given this fall will bo tho dancing tea for Miss Agnes Drocklc, to be Riven by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William O Warden, of Red date. School House lane, on Saturday, October 18. The receiving party will In clude Mrs. William C. Morgan, Mrs. William Hrocklc, Mrs. William Gray Warden, Miss C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Theodora K. Llllle, Miss Sarah C. Nell son. Miss 'Mariana W. dowen, Miss Eliz abeth Norrls, Miss Madcllno Carey, of Tuxedo; Miss Elizabeth W, Downs, Miss Sarah Franklin and Miss Elizabeth Grif fiths. A dinner dance for EO guests will follow the tea. Mrs. Charles B. Wright has Issued In Tltatlons to a tea, which will be given on. Wednesday afternoon, October 20, from 4 until 7, at her homo In St. Mar tin's, to lntroduco Miss Mary Eleanor Bohlcn. Tho card of Miss Rohlen's mother, Mrs. Woodvlllo Bohlen, Is In closed The marrlngo of Miss Edwlna Elklns Bruncr to C. A. Heckschcr Wcthcrill will be solemnized In this city next Saturday Instead of Elklns, W. Va.. as was for merly planned. The ceremony will bo held at noon In St. James" Protestant Episcopal Church, I2d and Walnut streets. The change In the plans was occasioned by the Illness of ono of tho servants In the household at Elklns. Mrs. William Caner Wledcrsclm, Miss Druner's mother, was advised by physicians to postpone the wedding for a few days, but rather than Inconvenience her guests, who had made preparations for the affair, Mrs. WIederselm decided to have the wedding here. Mr. and Mrs. William Masters Camac, who have been passing the summer at Bar Harbor, Me., will roturn tho middle of October to tholr home, 2131 Walnut street. The Compass Auction Club, conducted by Mrs. George A. Brooke, at tho New Century Club, 124 South 12th street,, will resume Its meetings on Monday morning, November 1. The class will meet every Monday morning during tho winter. Mrs. William Townsend Wright, Mrs. Reno Gulllou Hare, Mrs. Theodore E. Wledershclm, Mrs. William Carmalt Scull, MIbs Mary L. Scull, Mrs. Sheldon Catlln, Miss Adeline L. Fisher Pepper, Miss Marian Mulford, Miss Eugenia Law, Miss Elizabeth Carpenter, Miss Eleanor S. Carpenter, Miss Elizabeth S. Myers, Miss Marian Myers and Miss Elizabeth B. Montgomery nro nmong tho committee appointed to assist Mrs. Thomas T. Wat pon for the. dance to be given In connec tion with the harvest home fete to be held at Walmarthon, the residence of Mr. "end Mrs. Charles. S. Walton at St David's on Thursday, October 11. Tho dance will be given on the broad piazzas surrounding the house, which will be elaborate decorated with a fanciful scheme of Illumination. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson Curtln. who have been motoring through the White Mountains, have returned and are occupying Brentwood, their country place at Rosemonttfor the early autumn, where they will shortly have as their guest their daughter, Jllrs. Lawrence J. Drengle, of Morrlsto, N. J. A delightful supper and dance will be given tontuht at tho attractive Motor boat Clubhouse on the Schuylkill River by Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark Rawlins, of Roxborough. About 40 guests will be J present, and the decorations will bo un usually attractive. Beautiful variegated roses ' will decorate tho tables, while witches' hats, cute Mandarin hats with queue and Japanese parasols attached, and airship balloons, which when released from the guest's place will float around the room, causing quite a little merri ment, will be anions the novel features. Tho guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Newbourgh, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Tlly, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert J. Tlly. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kinder, Mr. and Mrs. J. V, E. Titus, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ayres, Mr and Mrs. Maurice D Long, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeburgcr, Mr. and Mrs. John Storey Eberbach, Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Plckford, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G. Child, Mr. and Mrs. J, Charles Parry, Mrs. Anna Lawson, Miss Edith Walton. Miss Helen Baker, Miss Elsie Mlltenl berger. Miss Mabel Mlltenberger, Mr. William Schultz and Mr. Thomas Maskle. .T)pnlt tha ifclement weather, the country fair at llansdowno will bo held today. Along the Main Line NARBERTH Mrs. Emmor Marsh and Miss Harriet Marsh, of 808 South Nar berth avenue, are spending two weeks with Mrs. Marsh's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Phillips, of Atglen, Pa. BRYN MAWR-Mrs. Wlkoff Smith, of Morris avenue, Is entertaining Miss Eliza beth Harrison and Mr.f John Harrison, of ftorrlstown.. , Miss Annie E. Gallagher entertained a number of friends at the Horse Show yesterday, ROSEMONTV-Mra. Edwin H. Fitler, of Montgomery avenue, has been giving a number of box parties at the Horse Bhow during the week. On Thursday Mrs. Fil ler gave a small luncheon, BT. DAVID'S-Mr. and Mrs, Thomas B. Walton and tholr two little daughter have left on a motor trip to Lako Mo hawk, N. T.. where they will Join Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walton and Miss Martha Walton, who are returning by motor from Klneo, Me., to Walmar thwr, their home In St. David's. Friends of Mr. Harry K. Leonard, Jr., wilt be glad tq know that he Ja recover. ' lnjr'from his severe accident anJ able .to go to Atlantic City, where Mr. and Mf. Leonard are stopping- at the Tray- WAYNE-Mr, and Mrs. J. H,.Jefferls have sent out Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Muu Katherlne Martin JelTwIs and Mr. Leon Whtdden Stetson, t 'Boston, Mass., to take place at their hpi on Tuesday evening, October w, 1, at 7 o'clock. A reception will follow 'Mtf ceremony, "Mr, and Mrs. William "Wood and family have closed their cottage at Spring- Lake, N. J., and, return to tfelr home ot Lan- .Wtr avast. ,, Mfr U4 Mm. Jf. V, P. fJewtts aava re- V" to tktr hcaase m WaJswt kvumm. retarned from Atlantlo City to the Knoll, their home at Ithan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newhall, of The Old Place, have returned from James town, R. I. Germantown Miss Eleanor I, Town, of Short Hills, N. J., will be the guest of her slater, Mrs. William Buehler, 512 East Johnson street, during October. The Friday Current Events Club will hold Its opening meeting on Friday, October t. In tho parlor of the Young Women's Christian Association, German town avenue and Price street. The fol lowing officers have boen eteoted for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. E. M. Hull! vice president, Mrs. J. J. FlUslmmons; secretary, Miss Margaret E. Wayhurstj treasurer, Mrs. Dixon. Miss Mary Craig, of 281 West Walnut lane, has returned from an- extended stay In Atlantlo City. Mr. James McMahon, of TOG Locust ave nue: Mr. Michael Manning, of 5703 Ger mantown avenue, and Mr. Peter P. Mc- Rvnr. rtt K707 n.,nian4fun ..... l.-..- ----. ... -.-. ... ia.,,wn n.V'IIU llttvg Just returned from a motor trip to Al- luiuowri, x'a . Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. George Klotz, of Chelten avenue, Oak Lnne, will entertain at a theatre party this evening In honor of their daughter, Miss Mario Klotz. Their guests will Include Miss Marlon McCarthy, Mr. Edward Kuhn and Mr. Walter Duncan. Dinner will be served to tholr guests at tho St. James. A watermelon party was given to Miss Josephine Nachod, of Horace avenue, Ablngton last night by some of her friends. Those present were Miss Ger trude Wells. Miss Dorothy Dunlap, Miss Esther Passlster. Miss Clair Fusse, Miss Beatrice Kuhn, Miss Pauline Prlmm, Miss Marlon Graham, Miss Ethel Graham, Miss Martha Tyson, Miss Lillian Burke, Mies Margaret Conley, Miss Adclo Fuller, Miss Agnus Kirk, Mr. Harry Gllpham, Mr. Henry Thomas. Mr. Phillip Tyson, Mr. Albert Maxwell, Mr. Hugh Wood, Mr. Ralph Talley, Mr. Franlc Mullln. Mr. Kirk Smith, Mr. Jack , Berry. Mr. Thomas Berry, Mr. Alfred Dunn, Mr. Walter Foulkrod, Mr. Jack Smith and Mr. Harry Harris. Mr. and Mrs. William Howard, of Ablngton, will have as their guests for Reveral weeks Mr. and Mrs. Millard HInes, of Petersburg, Va. Miss Evelyn Cully, of 415 Concord ave nue, Wilmington, will arrive today at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goll, of York road, where she will be the gueBt of Miss Vivian Goll for two weeks A number of entertainments aro being planned for Miss Cully. Miss Pauline Schlag, of Cheltenham, has been entertaining Miss Frances Kauss, of Wilmington, Del., for several days. Lansdowne More than 75 members of the Lans downe Council of the Knights of Co lumbus will take part In the flag raising which will take place at St. Francis' Home at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tho parade will form at their clubhouse on Baltimore avenue and march to St. Francis. Representatives from the Army and Navy Union, the Fire Company, Camps of the Sons of Veterans and other organizations will also take part. An address will be made by Mr. John V Loughney, of La Crosse avenue; Mr. James A. Flaherty, tho Rev. Father X. Wastl, and ex-Senator Coyle. Among the knights who, will parade will be Mr. James A. Barrow, Mr. Thomas Farren, Mr. E. L. Mlngey, Mr. John Sullivan, Mr. Alexander Morris, Mr. Thomas Foy, Mr. Joseph McDevItt, Mr. William J. Uhl, Mr. Andrew V. Kane, Mr. John C. Schuppet, Mr. James McCulley, Mn James McCuIlough and Mr. William F. Culhane. Mrs. Frank Moore announces the be trothal of her daughter, Mary Gertrude Moore, to Mr. -Harry David Wagner, or Philadelphia, formerly of Hanover, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Colladay and fam ily, of Ridley Park, returned yesterday from spending the summer at Ocean City. During October, November and Decem ber the regular Saturday evening dances at trio Spring Haven Country Club will be held every Saturday night. They are October 9 and 23, November 6 and 23 and December 4 and 18. Roxborough Mr. J. Lodgo Nicholson will give n bachelor dinner tonight at Kugler's for Mr. Charles Galnford Cope. The Northwest District Baptist Young People's Union held the fall rally In the Falls of Schuylkill Baptist Church on Queen lane. Rev. W. E. Chalmers, sec retary of the Philadelphia Young People's Union, gave an entertaining and Instruc tive address on "Hitting the High Spots." South Philadelphia The many friends of the Rev. George Herbert Toop, D. D., of 332 South 21st street, rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles, 21st and Christian streets, will be very glad to learn that he Is gradually recovering from his recent serious illness, Mr. and Mrs. James Curran, of 2655 South Juniper street, entertained this week In honor of Mr, and Mrs. John McCormack and family, who have Just arrived from Belles Hill, Scotland. The guests wore Mr, .and Mrs. John Qulnn and Mr. and Mrs. John McCaughan. Girard Farms Mrs. Charles A. Lull, wife of Lieu tenant Lutz, U. 'S. M. C, has as her guest at the present time, her father, Mr. Hiram Seelye, of Atlantlo Beach, Florida. Mrs. Lute's mother arrived In the city a short time ago, and both parents will remain at her home, 2337 South 21st street, until the end of October. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorre Van H. Potter, have closed their residence at 2503 Bouth 20th street, and have gone to Atlantlo City, where they expect to remain for about a. year. Mr, and Mrs. 3, R. Cummtngs, formerly of Bala, have taken a house at 2129 Porter street, In the Girard Farms, for the win ter. Their daughter, Mrs. H. A. Sutton, and her children will spend the winter with them. DANCING The Oakes, 12tk & Ontario Sts. The School of Clean Dancing ADULTS' BEGINNERS CLAW. MONDAY, TUESDAY. THiml)AV & VKL KV'dS. RsctptKm Wad. Sc Sat. Evgs. CHILDREN'S CLASH SAT. 3 P. M. Th OrijU-q Mwl of OM P-aetog XTWHITE'S NEW DANOgPALACB g. B. Cor. lHh ClUsWMUY T., M How, &CtA WftJTsk yjij1gg: EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAT, OCTOBER West Philadelphia Miss Carolyn MeCay, who has been visiting Miss Martha Whltmer at 4701 Klngsesslng avenue, has returned to her home In Baltimore. Mra. Helen Waters will glTe a birth day party tonight In honor of her daughter, Miss Helen B. Waters, at their home, tSlt Pearl street There will be muilo and dancing during the evening. The guests will Include Miss Helen Cal lahan, Miss Mae Haggerty, Miss Jane Haggerty, Miss Frances McMcnlman, Miss Mae Milter, Miss Katherlne Coons, Mr. Joseph McDonald, Mr. George O'Nell, Mr. Daniel Leary, Mr. James Haggerty, Mr, Joseph Haggerty, Mr. Thomas Mills, Mr. Thomas Dowd, of Norrlatown, Mr. Samuel Carelly and Mr. Franlc Mc Carthy. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Clafty, of 21S South 49th street, are entertaining as their guest Mrs. J. Btanley Hanford, of Fort Worth, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Carpel, of 8944 Girard avenue, are receiving congratu lations on the birth of a son. Sidney Her bort Carpel. Miss Rose Segal entertained a number of her friends at her home, 1803 Bouth Falrhlll street, Sunday evening. The guests were aa follows: J Miss Ida Brlnn, Miss Anna Derringer, Ilss Anna BorlBh, Miss Lena Byben, Miss Reba M. Kohn, Miss Bessie Rosen berg. Miss Eatelle Bchlesslngcr, Miss Pauline Schuster, Miss Bella Segal, Miss Bella Shapiro. Mr. I. Alkrude, Mr. Harry Balls, Mr. II. Baylcson, Mr. George Burrlson, Mr. Samuel Corson, Mr. Charles Derringer, Mr. Harry Goldstein, Mr. Charles Kess ler, Mr. Howard Kates, Mr. Albert Laschner, Mr. M. Llpschutz, Mr. Dr. Charles Selgal, Dr. Charles Woorman, Mr. Hart. North Philadelphia A number of the school set were enter tained this afternoon at tea by Mies Lor raine Shcrwood-Stahl. Among those present were Miss Marlon Tark, Miss Ella Brunet, Miss Ruth DIbert. Miss Marian Wclhenmayer, Miss Anna Sykes, Miss Estclle Laubcr, Miss Leonetto Rch fuss and Miss Dorothy Zurn. Mr. and Mrs. II. Oberholtzer, of 2301 North Woodstock street, have Just re turned from a delightful trip to Trenton. Miss Florenco Redden, of 2050 North 25th street, gave a luncheon and shower today at her home In honor of Miss Mary t. Clausen, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam H. Clausen, of 2512 Diamond street, whose marriage to Mr. Thomas Irving Rankin will take place on October 7. Au tumn flowers and ferns formed the very attractive decorations. The guests In cluded Miss Marie Van Rodcn, Miss Bea trice Van Roden, Miss Adelaide Pries, Miss Martha Harley, Miss Mary Bennett and Miss Grace Ilaupt. Mr. and Mrs. Russoll Wilson, of 1924 North Park avenue, have closed their cot tage at Chelsea and have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCaulley, of 49th and Catharine streets, on an automo bile tour through the White Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Btackhouse, of 1813 North 22d street, have returned homo after summering at Wlldwood. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. B. Grabowsky and fam ily, of 1525 North 6th street, have returned from Atlantic City, where they have been spending tho summer at their cottage. Mrs. B. Brown, of Denver, Col., who Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Kahn, of 1815 Clearfield street, has Just returned from a short Btay at Asbury Park. Mr. Murry Rlngold, of NcwYork. who. has been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rlngold, of 2030 Frankford avenue, has left for Norfolk. Va,, where he will re main -for several months. A "500" will be given this evening at the home of Miss Florence Scanlln. of 2316 East Cumberland street. Among those present will be Miss Nan McGarvey, Miss Florence Cramps, Mrs. J. Crnlu. Miss Mary Crouse, Mr. Victor Frld, Mr. Ed ward Gregg, Mr. Henry Sparks and Mr. John Squires. - An announcement of Interest In the so cial circles of this part of the city Is the engagement of Miss Mary Sonne born, of 4237 North 7th street, to Mr. James Lappln, which was recently an nounced at a luncheon given by Miss Henrietta Collins. The All-Philadelphia Club will give a straw ride to National Park thla eve ning and will leave from Its clubhouse, 2421 Frankford avenue. On Friday evening, November 12, the Eleven o'clock Club of Kensington will hold Its 15th grand nnnual ball at Co lumbia Hall, 2d and Norrls streets. Mr. William Elder, Mr. George Gray and Mr. Clarence Katz are spending two weeks at Mr. Elder's bungalow at Stone Harbor. Notice for the Society page will be accepted and printed In the Evening Ledger, lit all such notice, muit be written on one aide of the paper, mult be aimed In fall, with foil address, anil when possible telephone number muat lr clven. Bend all auch communications to "Society Editor," Evening Ledger, COS Cheatnut atreet. Unless tbeae requirements are carried out ao that verification may be possible, the notice will not be publlabed. DANCING MARTEL'S ACADEMY 1710 NORTH BROAD STREET RECEPTION EVERY WEDNES DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY noth'a Danjorln Orchestra Latest Musle. Beginners' Class Tuesday Night FOLI.OWED ny RECEPTION ORCHESTRA PROF, J. F, Frlotl, lot of Dance it Dance land, and alia BUZA.UBTII COPB, lata of OanUn of Danoet, Atlantlo Citv. INSTItUCTOIia AND DEMONSTRATORS Frivol Lona Daily . Bend for Ttrmt. CLABBEB TAUOHT IN OR OUT OF CITY Competent Lady and Gentlemen Attlitanti. LOESER'S NIXON THEATRE BLDQ. 34 South E2d St. Classes Tuesday A Friday with Orchestra. oW Continuous Dancing 2u Herman's Celebrated Orchestra Formerly of Danue Da DaoceUnd Barrett's Vocal Banjo Orchestra Fine Blncers and Entertainers. EXCLUSIVE SOCIETY NIGHT UeslnnlnsT Next Wednesday, Oct. 6. ItECLI'TIONS MONDAY & BATUIIDAT Practice Class Erery Friday Aft., 4 to I, Wagner Dancing School dtr8SAd Scholars' Practice Dance LINE LESSON, 8 P. M. ORCHESTRA 8 ISO. Mon., Tues. and Thursday Evrs. g Practice Class raiDTP -cbaecurkND Trial Lesson amission Special Dance Wednesday Evg. uia Dance Parnlval N,xt 8t- MUSICAL lJu,tc UanilViM Evening 2 Real Orchestras ,?,?,; Director KERR C. ELLWOOD CARPENTER STUDIO. 1111 Chestnut. lSasart prl. Instruction day and arc Adults- oUh Mon.. Taura. and Frt. srsMsss. Mich ilehool c1m Tue. and Vrl. afternoon. CstMaa'a a, S-tucaar afternoon. WROE'S XBHTM THHATMK BLDQ., " V""i Aoult CU-s (u, KrUWr. Oct. 8. CnMsi" Riiio-y a4 oWtuAay 'AKentooaa! C3SS: Rey aM tiW 'jJUri'. if 1 m'.lBllllHk 1 imii i Bbbbbs i i i tBJSJSSJ lmm TSSSSJ , SMBSJ ur njMsssm aMBaaaT BjKjRaHvBajjgsssfcOHBttsaaspB rhoto by 3, Mitchell Elliot. MISS CONSTANCE BURNS popular member of tho younger set, who is acting as on aide at tho country fair, which is being held at Lansdowno today. Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McFadden and their daughters. Miss Alice McFndden and Miss Edna McFadden, .of S260 North Broad street, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brouse, of 2241 North Broad street, will leave today tor an automobile trip to Albany, Lake George, Saratoga Springs and Thousand Islands. Miss1 Marian Bertolet, of 3516 North 18th street, Is visiting friends at Head ing, Pa. Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. Howard Byres, of Media, aro visiting relatives in Harrlsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Markley have returned from their wedding trip to Niagara Falls and are occupying tholr new home In Media. Mrs. Markley was Miss Melynda White, of Wllllamsport. Mr. and Mrs. William Hussell, of Media, have returned from a month's visit to their daughter In Moslnee, Wis. The Civic Association of nidley Park has elected the following to serve for 1915-16: Borough Beautiful. Mrs.' Mar garet" Ybungj Flower Show, Mrs. John D. Shattuck, chairman; Property and Publlo Welfare, E. J. Berlet, chairman; Hospitality, Miss E. E. Stamey; Photo Contest and Exhibition, R. Louis Lloyd; Postal Delivery, William E. Brooks; Bird Encouragement and Protection, William J. .Wvat. Vacant Lots. Fred J. Mitchell: Health and Sanitation. Dr. L. A. Klein; Membership, Mrs, H. W Buse; Nature Study, C. Victor Cross; Council, J. W. Meckert; Tree Preservation, Thomas M. Kellogg. Wilmington Dr. and Mrs. J. Harmer nile have Is sued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen Harmer Rile, to Mr. Walter Rosslter Robinson, to take place at tho bride's home, 617 Delaware avenue, Tuesday night. October 19, at 7 o'clock. The Rev. Herbert Randolph, minister of Orace Methodist Episcopal Church, will officiate. The marriage of Miss Christine Fritz and Mr. Wlllard Hall Porter, Jr., will take place October 16, In the presence of the Immediate families. Suffrage Events Today WOMAN SUFFnAOB PARTY. S.T50 Mat atreet and I'olnt Ilreeza avenue: speakers, Mra. J. O. Phillips and M. C. En. sard. 8:30 8omerton, near Byberry road, Estolle Russell and Dr. Kate W. Baldwin. 8:30 Uroad and Rockland streets, May Macken and Graham Coze Woodward. Neff College- "Only one In 25,000 people think." Dr. Eucken, University of Jena. "The American, people do not think." Helen Keller. "At .least two out of every 25.000 can think." Dr. Montarue, Prof, of Philos ophy, Columbia University. "Of the twenty or mora powers of a well.rounded man. not over a fourth are used by the people generally." Dr. Nstr. How can I sain mora from life. In sat isfaction and In money? Hera Is tha answer I)y using your un used powers. Bend for "Education and Bucoeaa." It will Interest you. Day, Saturday and Evening classes now openlnc. New catalor. 1730 Chestnut Street HOMEMAKING COURSES Household Management Marketing Cooking and Plannlnr of Meats Claasea and Private Instruction MIBS MARGARET C. LIMERICK 11B a 42D 8TREBT The Phillips Brooks School Boys' school, opposite Clark Park. Athletto neld adj'ns bids;. Larse full-equipped syra naalum. Experienced teacher. Year Book. Howard 8. Eltxal, Hdm. 4224 Baltimore ave. TUB EASTERN CARTOON SCHOOL, & It. cor, loth & Cheatnut bta. Pernonal Instruc tion by well-known Philadelphia Cartoonists. Commercial and newspaper art. Vail term opens October 11th. Write for booklet. Harton K. lluntlnatun. Director of Art. NOYES SCHOOL chkst'n'utst. Practical Training in Correct English, Elo cution, Public Sneaking, Stage Work. JOIN OUK PLAYIIHB CLUII Strayer's Business College got-MT Chestnut St., I'hlla. Practical courses. Moderate prices. Poeltlona guaranteed. Day jfc nlghA aesslons. Enroll now. ITALIAN LESSONS oBwi!o wTi" BFJCURB ANOTHER. L, 257. Ledger Central. Tk Wai.'.m Ph Charter School A KiallT XOUTH TWELFTH STUBS! MTth Tear Ojtena aWMaber lUHKK MUtt. WlTMKUsUPOOM BUM. College. LV, Meat- Day. v'g. Mass-. ejt JAJIJM jr. WgAiTs .tfP... Frankford Mrs. F. L. Degener, Jr., and daughters, Miss Mary Degener and Miss Grace Dege ner, have returned to their homo on Penn street after a week's stay at the Mount Pleasant House, Mount Pocono, Pa. Announcement Is made of the betrothal of Miss Linda Threlfall, of 1818 KInsey street, to Mr. Ferdinand Melsner, of Brldesburg. Tho members of the DIsston Memorial Presbyterian Church will hold a reception In tho church Tuesday evening In honor of their new pastor, the Rev. J. Marshall Linton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Twelves will bo at home after next week at 5207 Bal timore avenue. Mrs. Twelves, before her marriage last week, was Miss Rachel V. Ullchrlst, of 1620 Dyre street, Frankford. Camden and Vicinity Miss Marlon T. Bird, daughter of Mrs. E. F. Bird, of Camden, will be the guest of Miss Isabel Reynolds, of Bryn Mawr, during the Horse Show. Mrs. John Starr, of 5th and Linden streets, will leave next Wednesday for a montns visit to ner sister In Toledo, O. Mrs. Benjamin Boyer, of 521 Linden street. Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Clar ence Binder; in the South. Mrs. Binder rormerly lived on Penn street, near 6th, and was president of the Women's Club. Mrs. Marvin A. Street, of Broadway and Stevens street, will return tomor row from a visit to relatives at Cleve land, Ohio. BRYN MAWR HORSE SHOW BRYNMAWRHOUNDSHOW September 27-28-29-30 October 1 and 2 BRYN MAWR, PA. BANKS BUSINESS' COLLEGE Philadelphia's Best and I.artrst NifiTfT Rriinnr. Is dally opentnc the door to succeas for young men and women. Why not for your Positions Positively Guaranteed Telephone! Lombard lt9Mt07 LAFAYETTE BUILDINO Mil and Chestnut Streets Alter Nov. 1, Penn Mutual Bid a. Central Business School Y. RNIimr. unnr Well planned courses taught by thoroughly trained men of praetloal experience, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Allied eubjects. Secre tarial couree complete In three years. Class-room appliances and general equipment unsurpassed. Positions ae cured for graduates. Gymnasium. Natatorlum, Library & Read'g Room. CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL INSTIT UTB M. C. A. 1421 Arch St. A GOOD SCHOOL for you. Established SO yeara. Benn Pitman Shorthand. Double Entry Uookkeenlnr. Touch -i ypewnuns:, v teecnera. f aimer Ajethoa Pen manship. Day and night sessions. Now open. Send for catalog now. PALMER BUSINESS SCHOOL Mercantile Library Bllg., JOth above Cheatnut, West Philadelphia Commercial School 00th and dlrard ave. Business courses that win bust' ness approval. uay wi iMignt M.oo INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION In Bookkeeping-. Shorthand & Typewriting. Day Evg. Eater now. Temple University, Broad below Perks. MAKV UKEVAKU KOHEKTS, 111 N. IStb st. aUoeutloni Voice, day an evening cluaia, LEARN SPANIBIt or FRENCH Conversation class mod, cost; central H 744, Led. Pen. GBKMANTOHM WALNUT LANK 6CM09L H W. WALNUT LANE. OkMlMAttTOWM. sKrou, Qenerai tours. uomMW I UvU jKarsUng Dent. osne Be. M Pl t. ojena swt. sswm. oiiTt iMrTMiipiaii. ray ' BISHOPTHORPE MANOR ts- ' IJ JjL C , 2. 1915: iATT?.r.r.TiMn rt?.t.tjcs to prwri ALONG THE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Towimn4. at Of brook, Bride of Mr. Clarence H. Ckrk, 8d-4B Halbach, of Wayne, and Doctor Hill to Wd ONE of tho most Important 01 fall vuMlnr InOk DlSCO tOdST t noon, when Miss Eleanor Townsend. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Townsend, of najmham, Orerbrook, be came the bride of Mr. Clarence) K. Clark, Sd. Tho ceremony took place In the Church of Saint Asaph, Bala, and was performed by the itev. iibjtuh B. Wright, the rector. The brides only attendants were hor sisters, Mrs. Qeorg Jaques, of Uoston. Miss Townsend wore an exquisite sown of white aucnoss auo witt in..- ..in tivjtt which the soft veil of hand-mado' net, edged with lace. fell in graceful rows. The matrons of honor were gowned ntii,A in mif.m1am taffeta., trimmed In mauve, with mauve straps over the shoulder, and the sKirts wore mauo in pannier effect, trimmed with tiny mauve flowers. Their hats were of gold net trimmed with mauve tullo, and they car ried yellow orchids. Mr. Effingham B. Morris, Jr., acted as beat man, and tho ushers Included r- ll.v.n.p in.. Vin.ll XTr. IVIlll&m ..... fl.VAClUC, WWAV ...., .. - Churchman, Mr. rcrcy C. Madeira, Jr., ... . ... .. . . . i.i. . Air. AiDert smun, Air, uouen unuin, -" Ilobert Qllpin Ervln. Mr. Herbert Jaques, Vtn.tnn. Xt m TaVm T TTntl In ir wnH h Mf. Norman Story Mackle, Mr. Palmer Town- scno, Air. .Laurence Morgan, uusion. A wedding DreaKiast at mo nome 01 tVi fcHAn'a nflr.nl, fnllnwnit thn CATA- tnony. Mr. and Mrs. Clark will make their home in Merlon. HIIA-UALBACn. A very pretty wedding will take place this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Halbach, of 305 East Lancaster avenue, when their daughter, Miss Elsa WUhelmlna Halbach, will becomo tho bride of Dr. Lcroy E. Hill, of Hazleton, Pa. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev, John E. Hill, of Philadelphia, brother of the bride groom. Miss Halbach, who will be given In marriage by her father, will wear a beautiful gown of white crepe meteor and Georgette crepe, made with a court train. Her tullo veil will be caught with orange 'blossoms, and she will carry a shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Helen Louise Halbach, a sister of the bride, who will be maid of honor, will wear a frock of pink silk draped with white Georgette crepe and trimmed with white fox fur. She will carry a shower bouquet of pink roses. Doctor Hill will have as best man Dr. Philip Schwartz, of Philadelphia. Only the Immediate families and a few Intimate friends will be present durng the ceremony, which will be followed by a large reception, after which Doctor and Mrs. Hill will leave for an extended wed ding Journey, and upon their return will live at 233 Lenoir avenue, Wayne. They will bo at home after January L EVANS-PARK. A very pretty wedding took place this afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CHarles W. Evans, of King of Prussia, when their daughter. Miss Athalla Wilson Evans, was married to Mr. George It. Park, Jr., of Wayne. The house was beautifully decorated with laurel and hydrangeas. The Friends' ceremony was used, the bride and bridegroom standing under a bower of laurel and white asters. The bride's UUN3LKVA URIES oj 7c?iisrs.TRUCTOi THE WILSON NORMAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ESTEY HALL, Walnut at 17th St. Advanced pupils thoroughly in structed in the ART OF TEACHING and prepared for positions as teachers. Special bourse in higher English. THE SCHOOL OF PRACTICE Accepts beginners at a nominal cost and develops them carefully and with out loss of time from the primary through the advanced grades along rhythmic, melodic methods. CLASS & PRIVATE INSTRUCTION APPOINTMENT BY LETTER BEN STAD VIOLINIST FIRST PRIZE Royal Conservatoire, Brussels Oraduate of Louis Wolff, Caesar Thompson and Carl Flesch. IZaa removed his atudlo to 1608 Pino Street, Philadelphia and will resume teaching October 1st The William Hatton Green SCHOOL OF 1'IANOFOKTIS PI.AYINO LESC1IKTI7.KY I'ltlNCIl'LUS First Assistant CAItltIK IlICPIlUltN MATCIIIN rrogressUe Herlea of AKT l'UHLIOATION bOCIETV Special Normal Couree for Teachers Faplla prepared for Concert Performance. Children's Department. 1712.1714 Chestnut tit. X.i.u.eHrnlKn CON8EBVATOIHT ennnntouiu of music 109 W. Chelten bt., Geo. C. Kvlck, Director, l'lano, Voice, Violin, Mandolin. Oman, Harp, Cello, Ilanjo, Uultar, Elocution. Conreea In all departments, thorough, modern. Write for Ilooklet. l'lione Gtn. 4S3S. MME. MARTIIB CLODIUS OF NEW VOHII VOCAL INSTUUCTION French and German Diction In Phil. Frldaya 1 to 0. Saturdays B to B. Fuller Ilulldlns, 10 Bo. 18th Street New York Studio, 118 Meet 7id Ht. MAY PORTER 1,A??AN' OroanUt St Foul's I'resovfertan Oiurc IJIItKCTOK CANTAVE8 CHOltUH 95J Haiel Avenue PHILIP WAIIHICN VOICE ESTEY HALL COOKE F. EDMUND EDMUNDS VOIClfl (ITALIAN HI3TIIOD) 1714 Chestnut titreet Residence. Cynwyd. Phone TSS T WALTER PFEIFFER VIOLIN MEMUKH rilllV. ORCHESTRA Studios. 10 Bo. lth at. egfl Bo. nlst at WALTER ST. CLARE KNODLE 1'IANO, OKUAN, HINOINO, T1IEOKY BTllDlt), 17 10 CH KtTNDT BT. SAMUEL S. DUNK PIANO THEORY DwUht Wide".. SO H. lth Street. HELES ACKROYD Vole Cufiura HAMILTON - Art of Slnclnc Contralto Soloist Church of the Holy Trinity, BIUBIB, gvstvj timu, ,,,u mi inn en. ARHURST Voice, l'lano and Directing. IStO CHESTNUT STKKKT MtrOBOUVn ev Ualtlmere Ave. ROMA1NE CALLKWDER, Prln. loth season. akSw KENNEDY $W lilt CMSUrTMCT sVT. ! CATHAMNK WW, STUDY VIOLIN VJHsSBe sKeeBwVafBjBH s V.sHp f. ' mM Oroam PUkm. ?!3m. MAIN LIKK TOlKi own was of heavy wfctto atte M ;VV,," ' ?"" V5F .il . "'ier oraenc, or ween UIH $!".- h."?. wne e4,v. vZ V? J?ri,1ralls, -whs. nn M J? "Iti " EJMn. Mis Mary 8. CU ton. Mlaa naht t i ' . "h J Moore. Mlw EKoTirtfSrS ft i11.1".01 W' Wlte0. -rJ"11 ruffUd Bk,rt "" : Iw ender and two pink, and thay eoh smr color of their gowns. The flower girl. IKUe Mag Star Thomas, wore a drew of net rvmm E.? t1afetta JMkt and oetrrte, i, KBt Or nlnv . ... " ". tci UUU, CTTrlnrrl aJ f eim. - .. Mr. Charles M. Evhns, brother of U Wayne, waa the best man. EICHMK I.IEBKRT. - u V "wus wi piwom iUAiu(uuKii mis morninr wnen J r ranrM imvia T.fiTn- t . .!.- ite Mr. Peter Llebert, became the brKJ u& AJl, A'UWWlTn A llMMMAMn h. 1 J,,.,,,,,nto aji. uwj niuiijr wuh solemnized in thoChurch tho Asaumntlnn ne ih. -bi.-T-m --- . -.. w -, .viu.uuwi vir Miaij. vunHrrnn .imii, .mm.. Lk-- -. aNuntlal Mian th maim h is. A. Gantert. eirrtrlAttnv tu. t.Ls-. - . i . ---. ...0. a.q itinn hih. , """ " quiiio wmu lace) araped rrj ' 'er rune veil waa arranged ntl umiiKe oioflaoms snn t,.m,a . tt.. , of the court train. Orchids were f bined with Utiles of the valley In bouquet. Mrs. Peter P. Llebert atte the bride as matron of honor, gown was of pink pussy wlllof""' A pink hat and a shower bouqu1 ruees completed ner costume. "" J Doctor Elchman had for his Mr. Peter P. Llebert, After the -. a wedding breakfast, Xorb-tf7l , tho young couple, was held at ,tM of the bride, 327 Green lane. Ti&iag Mrs. Blchman left for an extend ney and will be at homo after Ja nt 410 Lyceum avenue, noxbOTOui-""" SMITH-SHARP A quiet wedding will take placQ In St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal O when Miss Katherlne Sharp, daugl Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sharp, of 5S16 nolia avenue, will become the brft Mr. nalph P. Smith. The Rev, Sa Upjohn will officiate. Miss Sharp, will be unattended, will wear a darj traveling suit, blue1 hat and a cc bouquet of pink rosebuds. Mr Smith will have as best me brother, Mr. Roy Smith. After a tended wedding Journey Mr. and Smith will bo at home after Noyt, 1, at E310 Magnolia avenue. - WRIGHT-BELIGMAN fa The marriage of Miss Florence.C. man, daughter of Mrs. Charlotte K. man, and Mr. Maurice T. Wrlgtt take place tomorrow at noon In tha nome, loss ituscomo street. Dr. .. Krauskopf will officiate. A wd breakfast will follow, after whlcVne Mrs. Wright will leave on ihet wln trlp, and on their return wlU after November US. -i.. e i soft .pread di a MLTSlO'o Boa .5 -aajastralght hadn't ""rako In n possible detail Coitttt3ft All branches of Muslo. ' and Sramatlo Art. Facult.Ur playsl of twenty-seven eminent a of four enced artlata. " ,, 'jfi. SS04 NOKT1I BROAD ' uPBl08 nronch, Solte 2010 lucky rresaer Uulldlns;, 1714 CKgtB 008 Send for Illustrated cat iruuuo ,m, o,,.v. a( --- of pro- Zeppellna ' eOTeslEPfe Orcanlst of St James ChT Jo ft 22d and Walnut streets. lIvM ORGAN, PIANO AND THE Orran pupils vrltl be assisted In In positions when compete!!3E StlO SANSOM 8TKEKT ROLLO MAITLANi, PBLLOW AUBRIOAN QVILD OF OHO, CONCERT ORGANIS1 "Recital one of the finest yet clven Auditorium." Snrlncueld Heputllcan. trttt ruction In Organ, Piano, 3 Eatey Halt. Kealdenee, IBM N. Ked a z E C K W E PhiltdeJphU Musicai loll upruca m. ean seaeosi s Sept eth. Branches 80S 4ss town Ave.t 440 8. 63d St. sMsk Artists In Faculty. Proer i majsj Edw. ShippenVanLaif' TBNOR VOIOB OVLt bolo Tenor, central Contrrecatlon Church. .Brooklyn. CONCBRT ORATOIUO BONO RBOH STUDIO FULLElt BLDQ., J0B.-WJ WM. J. BOEHM, Mas. OltOAN TIANO Organist Cliambers-Wjlle Mem -tU Studios: 1413 No. 18th at, and . qiiaj' SAUDLn GONSKIIVATOKY OF HID WO. J t Qrt allT. J O. WIU Dl, A(X Wtl 1IAVK VOU MEAT"-W DR. ADAM GElt a The famous blind composer, lectTve. tertalnert Descriptive booklet llt 4 W. PALMER HOXIE Italian Art of Slnclnc 10 S. 18TU ST.. P1ULA, and 4D1B CEDAR ATS. J. V LEn VlollB, voaoi Frederic Peakes & VOCAL STDDIO, 10 B. lSTtf Teaener or many weu-Ktf wa HENRY GURNEY TKNOtt Udhn flnhOAl Af Uiul 1T14 CHESTNOT STREET '3 Edwin A. Brill! iou rnv c i p - "e-x: KURTZ Y0IGI , JWP- to g. is., ofttrnm- ANN1 MI sCHIWI, OF I HTCOLE HaVTHAN FRE?" 1T14 Pull of Hah wtJ CARL TSCHOPP !4ANljWNwiiAi.jtj .t nji CpifAn 1s M r"n' r9 OX . l I S it IHlt Wlii -ITsk sVMIT.UCIITV Ml -aiv hvvwimw w . ""bMsW I t&mm Pr" "u7 ! T-fSrv I.frs jwnEB.a. niuni :m dsA.sssVjTaW , . DU1K M'K(. .. UKOMOC (IIAfllP ' I ,wi MV, KW Ak s WV. aVMi ., liNa, A. JUHaif