ac- .STR. SATURDAY Octobers, 1915 VVA v mF-b famttnn kr Mk. ntantt PERSONS AND PLACES LOOMING BIG IN THE DAY'S NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF SPORTS In Hk - v , ,..i " - - " -- .piPBfcagMfc . .'W JLuM--jMml'i '"""' LW !! " r '-! i. HU " liBWwWikWSft "S .. 3 'L&' x'EaaPVafiaLKSutSSii&vjSaBlw wBm- 'L'JJI 4 li K 9 a m 1 1 LOOKING DOWN ON THE PHILLIES' FIELD, AT BROAD AND HUNTINGDON STREETS. WHERE AT LEAST TWO OP THE COMING BATTLES IN yJBKBBBSBBKmP FHt At the left piles of lumber may be seen. These are being converted into seats against the right field wall, which may add two or three thousand seats to the present WBBBBBBKB tk. cPWx bbbbBY BBBBaBaBSMEBBaBaBaBaBaBas v vtTV, -ffiSv t d. ' S BvaaaaavaUaaflflB s ' BaavflBB'BBflBBAaEat'3&$Bf9H9VftajF u$4&oElVss5GBaaaaaaa l IbIbbK, iBfliiflifi&BKHSMlHiHHiB v f 'SfrV imBt bSHbv t iJ bbmIbbmSbbbbbbbBL v jHBwBBipcmBlwffMl .iiiramB!iEJBiBiB W Bf:". bbIbH EbbIbV iT:' aBlBBBMBBBiMaB3 .y "-r .iiCWg i. . , .-'- j.ft JaiBMBMSflBMWPB?thtaBMiBllBBarBiMa A wi.VTMn TAnirT.w rr pn,iiirnv nium An incident of the Albright game, when Eyester, Albright's quarter, was downed from behind, with four other Penn men advancing to the assault. THE MORAN FAMILY, NOW THE MOST IMPORTANT IN PHILADELPHIA Here is the triumphant chief of, the 'National League champions, with Mrs. Mornn and little "Pat." survevine the battlefield where the Phillies won. wr . -..-. -,. fp k f .-! l"rU. tfm.t in- iW1': MbKv''- K iH - ''iLBr- ' id UENKKALS OF TUX HARVA'iW fALL,CAMRAIOri ."V Trsintr Dsnovsn,' Coach Haughtoa Mi CUl)MiWui 'ottt'W ImK w I Th lut named ia Um ealy raaaaiainc mmkm f ilaat jaui a&r NAVy TEAM'S NEW CAPTAIN wto'fifforad U ta' Aanapolia backflald laat V aM(aa la-piua. taia i. I- ar. ffiaiSA.S15 ASR AUQQBILE CUP BACK """ Btr,K. X, but ta avaai hM, b. p.touad cTUawMt ti ra&u : -