Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1915, Final, Page 17, Image 17

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'A Talo of 19th Century England, Pull of tho Thrills o Advcnturo and Spirit of Romnnco
l Copyright, Wl", Little, Iirown & Co.
Mm Copyright. 1B). uttle. nrown uo.
riu jtr Vlbart, an Knalleh rholar. de
li pendent upon Ma unci, sir Oeorre Vlbart,
L In bequeathed only 10 inlnaaa (IIS) by tha
r eld man. Maurlo fliuck") Vlbart, a no
r AiMia nrli fishier and rake, a cousin
ir reter. la left 20,000 pound (UPO.OKI).
Tha Will Rleo iruiiun a.n',vw ur inn una
who man-lea the Lady Sophia Betton within
a rear, reler. aaainit tna proientaiiona oi
Itlchard Anitruthar, deeldee to to down
Tha Hroad Highway" ol Kent and lire.
t. nimi to work after the money la tone.
tl Book I telle of hie exciting adventures
C until ha reacnea Slaelnthurat village, where
(The becomee a blackamlth In tha emptor of
Er "Dlack" Oeonte. I'tter goea to live In a
haunted house in a nouow. The rrin-
;ufli raiura in tha nret book la that
J( . ftmee mletaken for hie coueln
m .Maurice. The. only dirterence between tha
two la that reter la clean ahaven and
Maurice haa a beard. At the end of thla
hook "Black" oeorge, convinced tnat itu
once, tha Innkeeper'a daughter, lovea
l'ater. runa away In a Jealoue rage. reter,
:a- however, merely conaiaera ner a a enno.
5 reter, at tha beginning of Hook II la
IF suddenly awakened by a man'a volca call-
lng "Charm'ani ' ituening xrom ma oea-
room, he flnda a atrange woman about to
.hoot at a man entering hla home. It la hla
.coueln, Maurice, whom he beate Into In-
"''eenelbltlty after a fierce atruggle. A pot-
(Ltlllon helps. Peter remove the proetrata
S" .....'.. T,.. aai-h,a hnma AmrnA. f-ha
? tnlan. thinking he ! hla coueln, darta at
him with a knife, but she. realties her mle-
.. ,.. in time. Tha next morning feter
&.aakea to find hla gueit gone. She left her
Srloeket behind a a memtnto. When Peter
libteachei the village he learna that "Black"
UeOrED IB B ...... .iiuinn ... . ....vwa-
CHAPTER V (Continued).
"lOT tur'ble drunk, 'e did, over to
VJT Cranbrock throwed Mr. Scrope, the
LBcadle, over tho churchyard wall
knocked down Jeremy TuUlngcr, the
.watchman, an' then went to sleep.
While 'e were asleep they managed, cau
i. ttous-llke. to tie 'U legs an' arms, an'
"locked im up, migniy secure, in tne vea
ttrv. 'Owa'ever when 'o woke up '8 broko
i tha door open, an' walked out, an' no-
Kbody tried to stop '1m not a soul, Peter."
"Ana wnen wa bji inisj-
"Why. that's the very p'lnt," chuckled
(he Ancient, "that's the wonnerful part
?' , .1. TOaIa. Tt nil flnnAn1 rm Ct.tn,
inllht, day aforo yestcrdayas ever waa
the Very samo day as I says to Simon,
E 'mark my words, 'e won't last the month
fcouk' "
("And where Is he now?"
f "Nobody knows, but theer's them -is
Lsays they see im makln" for Soft on
"Charmlan," said I, again,
LWoods." Hereupon, breakfast done,
Iroee, and took mj hat.
'"wheer away, Peter?"
VTo the force: there Is much work to be
4one, Ancient."
"But Jargo bean't theer to 'elD ye."
p Yet the work remains, Ancient."
' "Why then, if you'm coin'. I'll ko wf
jrei Peter." So we presently set out to
lfther. Kau aooui us, as wo woixea, wero muto
evidences of the fury of last night's
storm: trees had been uprooted, and
Teat branches torn from others oa if
by,vthe hands of angry giants; and tho
btook was a raging torrent. Down here,
r,; -w MVIlun, kilt? UL'ailUVUUU IIUU UUV1I
iijeje. but In the woods, abovo, the giants
14.1101 ll.n.lrJ ,1.-1.. II, 1
a.M4 numcu 11ICU Will, UI1U IllUIiy UM
empty gap showed where, erstwhile, had
miou a tan ana stately tree.
LTAM at the forge, watching the deep
'tnlng Blow of tho coals as 1 ply the
ieJlows; and, listening to their hoarse,
Bt unmusical drone. It uvmi llkn n
rHsiIllar voice (or the voice of a familiar),
Ijwoeii a somewhat wheezy one, speaking
ESP wo In stertorous gasps, something In
lr,"CharmIan Brown desires to thank
r. smith but because thanks are so
Hor and small and his service so crreat
rneeds must she remember hlra "
Jiemember me!" said I aloud, and, let-
BC CO th ahnft nt th hollnura tho hat.
Jjr to think this over. It naturally fol
d that tho bellow's grew suddenly
. WnereUDOn I seized tha handle
recommenced blowing with a will.
remember him as a gentleman,"
eiOd the familiar.
JTehal" I exclaimed,
-yet oftener as a smith"
pml" said I.
i. And most of all as a man"
"AS a IHlnl mntA T .....1 ..!... m...
.V ,., bwu a, miu, tumult, Wf
IJJ upon tho bellows, I sat down upon
uvn ana. taxing my chin In my
JM, stared away to where tho red
'SepI Of old AniAl' nflatkniiH n.n,d
;5Juak tbo swaying green of leaves.
,?r nioar- saia i to myseir again,
jSS? Ie" dreamJng of this Charmlan.
Bl.J - " , saw ior liuw h aiiu
PiSi". l PPearea, tall and fierce and
2ll ut M Hho naa bcen vhen sho
.$ed to bind tin tlia hurt In mv hrnnr
W4th her deep eyes brimful of tender-
ua ner mouth swcot and compas-
uUful eyea aha had. thouah whether
t wer blue or brown or black, I
mt .ur me me oi me rememoer;
J knew I could never forget tho look
had held when she gave that final
to the bandage. And here I found
I waa turning a little locket round
round lit ray fingers, a little, old-
hm, heart-shaped locket with Its
t Inacrlptlotn
ybo nnvna !,--. .A..ia i.. .- ,
fce a iaatll maa aad atrong-,
M sJUIdk thus, plunged In a reverie.
a snadow fell across the floor, and
ST UD I batke.M Pniiljtnm. anil
htway, slipping the locket back Into
sent or tny sWrl. I rose to my feet,
Mt shamefaced to be caught thus
face waa troubled, and her eyes
as from recent tears, while In her
, ,n ,a ft crumpled paper.
-vr sue otgaji, ana man
. starlnar &t triA
'!, Prudence?"
OU VOU'VB aenn lilrnt"
S.,'"rhom do you wean?"
-. wnai sbouM Make yu tWnk so?"
ir' P Wt-you'v Mi
'.. kupDosimj I nava-that la now, of
George's doing t he and I are very good
friends why should wo quarrel?"
"Then then It weren't Jarge?"
"No I have not seen him since Satur
day." "Thank God!" sho exclaimed, pressing
her hand to her bosom as If to stay Its
heaving. "But you must go," sho went on
breathlessly. "Oh, Mr. Peterl I've been
so fearful for 'ce, and and you might
meet each other any time, so so you
must go away,"
"Prudence," said I, "Prudence, what do
you mean?"
For answer, she held out the crumpled
paper, and, scrawled In great, straggling
characters, I read theso words:
"Prudence I'm going away, I shall kill
him else, but I shall come back. Tell htm
not to cross my path, or God help him,
and you, and me. aEOROE."
"What does It all mean, rrudence?" said
I, like a fool.
Now, aa I spoke, glancing at her I saw
her checks, that had seemed hitherto
more pale than usual, grqw suddenly scar
let, and, meeting my eyes, she hid her
face In her two hands. Then, seeing her
distress. In that same Instant I found
the answer to my question, and so stood,
turning poor George's letter over and
over, moro like a fool than ever.
"You must go away you must go
away!" she repeated.
"Huml" said I.
"You must go soon! ho means It, I
I'vo seen death In his face,", she said,
shuddering; "go today the longer you
stay here the worso for all of us go
"Prudence I" said I.
"Yes, Sir. Pctcrl" from behind hor
"You always loved Black George, didn't
"Yes. Mr. Peter."
"And you love him still, don't you?" A
moment's silence, then:
"Yes, Mr. Peter."
"Excellent!" said I, Her head was
raised a trifle, and ono tearful eyo looked
at me over her Angers. "1 had always
hoped you did," I continued, "for his
sake, and for yours, and In my way, a
very blundering way as tt seems now, I
have tried to bring you two together."
Prudence only sobbed. "But things are
"yott have come then."
not hopeless yet. I think I can see' a
means of straightening-out this tangle."
"Oh, If we only could!" sobbed Pru
dence. "Ye see, I were very cruel to him,
Mr. reter-!"
"Just a little, perhaps," said I, and,
while sho dabbed at her pretty eyes with
her snowy apron, I took pen and Ink from
the shelf where I kept them, which, to
gether with George's letter, I set upon
the anvil. "Now," said I, In answer to
her questioning look, "write down Just
heie'elow where George signed his namo
what you told me a moment ago."
"You mean, that I"
"That you love him, yes."
"Oh, Mr. Peterl"
"Prudence," said I, "It is the only way,
so far as I can see, of saving George
from himself; and no sweet, pure maid
need be ashamed to tell her love, espe
cially to such a man as this, who wor
ships tho very ground that little shoe of
yours has onco pressed."
She glanced up at me, under her wet
laahea, as I said this, and a soft light
beamed In her eyes, and a smile hovered
upon her red lips.
"Do he really, Mri Peter?"
"Indeed- ho does. Prudence, though I
think you must know that without my
telling you." So she stooped above the
anvil, blushing a little, and sighing a lit
tle, and crying little, and, with fingers
that trembled somewhat, to be sure,
wrote theso four words:
George. I lovo you."
"What now, Mr. Peter?" she Inquired,
seeing me begin to unbuckle my leather
"Now," I answered, "I am going to look
for Black George."
"No! no!" she cried, laying her hands
upon my arm, "no not If 'ee do meet
him. hehe'll kill 'eel"
"I don't think ho will," said I shaking
my head.
"Oh, don't got don't col" she pleaded,
shaking my arm In her eagerness; "he
be so strong and wild and quick he'll
give 'ee no chance to speak 't will bo
"Prudence," said I, "my mind is set on
it. I am going for your sake, for his
sake, and my own." saying which, I
loosed her hands gently and took down
my coat from Us peg.
"Dear God!" she exclaimed, staring
down at the floor with wide eyta, "If ho
were to kill ee 1"
"Well, said I, "my search would be
ended and I should bo a deal wiser In all
things than I am today."
"And he would be hanged I" said
Prudence, shuddering.
"Probably poor fellow!" said X. At
this she glanced quickly up, and onco
again the crimson dyed her cheeks.
"Oh, Mr. Peter, forgive me I I I were
only thlnkln' of Jorge, and''
"And quite right too, Prudence," I
nodded! "ha Is Indeed worth any good
woman' thoughts; let It be your duty to
think of hlra, and for him, henceforth."
"Walt I" said she, "wait I" And turn
ing, sh fled through the doorway and
across the road, swift and graceful as
any bird, and presently was back again,
with something bidden In her apron.
"Ho be a strong man, and terrible la
his wrath," said she, ''and I love him,
but take this wf you. and if tt must
be use tt. becausa I do love hbn." Now,
as sho 4 this, drew from her apron
that samo brass-bound pistol that had
served me so well agauut the "hot"
and thrust It Into my hand. 'Take It, Mr.
Peter take It, but oh I" here a great
sob choken her voice "don't don't uso
It if U you can help It, lor my sake."
k.il Lead vary Unttoriy. "how can you
"Why, rruer nucung nor
go I laid asiuo mo ewi"" u, ciappine
on iV bat, atrod. out Into tfa glory of
the' s,Ummer morning, but left her weep
ing In the shadows.
TO KINO a man In Cambourne Woods,
oven so big a man as Black George,
would seem as hard a matter as to And
the needle In tho proverbial "bale of
hay." The sun crept westward, the day
declined Into evening; yet, . hungry
though I was, I persevered In my search,
not so much In the hope of finding him
(In tho which I knew I must be gulJed
altogether by chance), as from a disin
clination to return, lust vet. to the cot
tage. "It would be miserable there at
this hour," I told myself, "miserable and
Yet why should I be lonelv: I. who had
gloried In my solitude hitherto? Whence
men had come this change?
While I stood thus, seeking an answer
to this self-imposed question and finding
none, i ncard someone approach, wills
tllng, and look about beheld a fellow
with an axe upon hla shoulder, who
strode along at a good pace, keeping
tlmo to his whistle. He gave me a cheery
greeting as ho camo up, but without
"You seem In a hurrv." aald T.
"Ah!" grinned the man. over hla annul.
der, "'cause why? 'cause I bo goln'
"Homel" said I.
"To suppor." ho nodded, and forthwith
began to whistle again, while I stood
listening tilt the clear notes had died
"Home!" said I, for the second time,
and there came upon me a feeling of
desolation such as I had never known
even tn my neglected boyhood's days.
Homel truly a sweet word, a comfort
able word, the memory of which has
been as oil and wine to many a sick and
weary traveler upon this Broad Highway
of life; a little word, and yet one which
may come betwixt a man and temptation,
covering him llko n shield. "Roof and
walls, be they cottage or mansion, do
not make home," thouRht I; "rather Is It
the atmosphere of mutual love, the In
timacies of thought, tho Joys and sorrows
endured together, nnd the never-falling
sympathy that bond Invisible, yet
stronger than death."
And, because I had hitherto known
nothing of this, I was possessed of a
ffreat enw fni- thla nvawftlnti, na T
walked on through a wood.
THE moon wns rising as, hungry and
weary, I came to that steep descent
I have mentioned more than once, which
leads down Into tho Hollow, and her palo
radlanco was already upon tho world a
sleeping world wherein I seemed alone.
And as I stood to gazo upon the wonder
of the heavens, and tho sereno beauty
of tho earth, tho clock In Cranbrook
Church chimed nlno.
And. presently. I descended Into tho
shadows, and, walking on besido the
brook, sat down upon a sreat boulder;
and, straightway, my weariness and hun
ger were forgotten, and I fell a-dream-lng.
Now as I sat thus, chin in hand, I
heard a little sound behind me, tho rus
tling of leaves, and, turning my head,
beheld one who stood half In shadow,
half In moonlight, looking down 'At mo
beneath a shy languor of drooping lids.
with eyes hidden by their lashes a
woman tall and fair, and strong as
Dlan's self.
Very still she stood, and half wistful,
as If waiting for me to speak, and very
silent I sat, staring up at her as she had
bcen the embodiment of. my dreams con
jured up by the magic of the night, while,
from the mysteries of the woods stolo
the soft, sweet song of a ntghtlngnle.
"Charmlan?" said I at last, speaking
almost In a whisper. Surely this was
the sweet goddess herself, and I the
wondering shepherd on Mount Ida's soli
tude. "Charmlan!" said I again, "you have
come then?" With the words I rose
"You have come, then?" I repeated.
But now she sighed a little, and, turn
ing her head away, laughed very sweet
and low and sighed again.
"Were you expecting me?"
"I I think I was this Is I I don't
know!" I stammered.
"Then you wero not very surprised to
see me?"
"And you are not very sorry to see
"And are you not very glad to see
Here there fell a silence between us,
yet a silence that was full of leafy stir
rings, soft night noises and the murmur
of the brook. Presently Charmlan reached
out a hand, broke off a twig of willow
and began to turn It round and round
In her white fingers, while I sought vslnly
for something to say.
"When I went away this morning," she
began at last, looking down at the twig.
"I didn't think I should ever come back
"No, I I supposed not," said I awk
wardly. "But, you see, I had no money."
"No money?"
"Not a penny. It was not until I had
walked a long, long way, and waa very
tired, and terribly hungry, that I found
I hadn't enough to buy even a crust of
"And there was three pounds, fifteen
shillings and six-pence tn Donald's old
shoe," said I.
"Sevenpencel" she corrected.
"Sevenpence?" said I. In jsome sur
"Three pounds, fifteen shillings and
sevenpence. I counted tt,"
"Ohl" said I.
She nodded. "And in the other I found
a small, very curiously shaped piece of
"Ah yes, I've been looking for that
all the week. You see, when I mad my
table, by some miscalculation, one leg
persisted In coming out shorter than the
others, which necessitated Its being
shored up by a book until I made that
"Mr. Peter Vlbart's Virgil bookl" she
said, nodding to the twig.
"Y-e-a!" said I, somewhat disconcerted.
"It was a pity to use a book," sho
went on. still very Intent upon tho twig,
"even If that book does belong to a man
with such a namo as Peter Vlbart."
Now presently, seeing I was silent,
she stole a glance at mo and looking,
laughed. '
"But." she continued more seriously,
"this haa nothing to do with you, of
course, nor me. for that matter, and I
was trying to tell you how hungry how
hatefully hungry I was. and I couldn't
beg. could I, and so and so I I '
"You came back," said I.
"I came back."
"Being hungry."
"famishing I"
"Three pounds, fifteen shillings, and
sevenpence Is not a great asm," said I.
"but perhaps It will enable you to reach
your family."
"I'm afraid sot; you ae I havo no
"Your friend, tbau."
I havo no friends; I an. atooa to th
Obi" sate) I, and turned to stare tttto
tho brook, for I could think only that
.she waa alone and solitary, even as I,
which seemed Hko an iovMble bend be
tween us, drawing us each nearer the
other, whereat I felt ridiculously pleased
that thla should bo so.
No," said Charmlan. still Intent upon
ta twig. "I v neither friends nor
tawny nor we say. ana so Deing hungry
tare, agu. gu U all the
i "
Cook Now, you chaps, hurry up with
the tea.
History in the Making
Count Rcventlow having proved thai
British supremacy la at an end, his
Imperial Master poses for new design
for German coinage.
Heiress Ah, Albert, I am wretched!
Father has been speculating and has
lost everything!
Albert Then, dearest, far be It from
me to rob him of you, also.
Irish Stew
1 U W A A L I
"Are you the mate?"
"Nope; I'm the guy what biles the
A Sneaking Face
Purcy I am sorry, my dear chap,
that you didn't succeed. You must
have read a refusal In her face?
Haruld-I did. Bhe "nit" ber browsl
BaaaaH ll vf SL -"""- !
Li .Br '
,.V34ftrVlM.jrer t,m-rr?i
London MalL
that water, we're waiting to make
Get a Bedspread
Editor There's been a robbery at E3
Park place. I want you to m down
nnd cover it.
Cub Reporter Er, w'what wilt I
cover It with?
n Mm
' . X
J (v ) I
1. y
X -
," 0
- . N.
. .
A Woman Crosses- the Street
a. . vtW
i . mBWISji )i mi ii? i II i I I
Willing to Comply
Mistress And remember this. If I
have occasion to reprimand you, I
don't want you to answer me back.
Mary Ann No, Indade, mum; I ain't
that kind. If I've got anything to say,
I'll speak it to yer face, mum.
Playing Safe
"Wonder what brought Newlelgh
back home so quick?"
"Oh, his tailor died, ao it'a perfectly
A:. ..V
t 'rltiw
.,e.. o,i
e, i
Ae e ZJy
I . ...
Had All Jokers
The Sketch.
The Instructor tof tho Sporting Vol
unteers) Squad number!
The Squad One. Two. Three. Four.
Five. Six. Seven. Eight Nine. Ten.
Knave. Queen. King. Ace,
The Mocern Maid
Robert My darling, when will you
be mine?
Gladys Never; but I don't mind
marrying you.
Not Idle
Kind Gentleman My little boy, have
you no better way to spend this beau
tiful afternoon than by standing tn
front of the house Idling .away your
Boy I ain't tdlln away any time.
Thero'a a guy lnsldo the house with
my sister and he's payln' me a quar
ter an hour to watch for me father.
v v.