r I It It l-A s o w A three-time MUkXi MTATE TOR SAM fwatatnvrJi. wfft. 'J 41..' I,.- ., l...........,. 14 room. 3 bath; (tract. 2 acre: good w canon. frrrwinM i.itin TiTi.ir. nttit.niNa. ir.ADi Worn MM N. ItST ST-S-story comer house, porch front, 12 noinn 2 baths, steam heat, r and electric light, qure from train or ji J? trolley, llion owner, Tioga 6027 u condition; lot 17x101, all Improvement. KDW NAUMANN, N. E. cor 10th ajMorrtgomerav iz4l WESTMORELAND 8T -Desirable porrh I front dwg.i rood condition. reasonable ptlre. HARRY U O WILLIAMS. W2Vnlnut t 8240 N. BROAD ST -Best condition. hot-water heat; 15 room, a hatha (nil andelectrlclty lllls-WlnchesterCompnny.100l Chestnut at VERY WELL BUILT modem S-itory dwelling, XI room and bath, Including hot-water heat. every modern .convenience lot lOaioo teei, cot $S600i offered at a bargain and on easy term to close an account. tocum rowrsna co . aa a isth t. WE HAVE! riIK llOUBgOJJ WANT KgNMEDTATHAMnO. 8740 OERMANTOWN f"vVO S-8TORY DWELUN03, 2101-2103 Tioga st. Inquire at 2103. Iog . IrfMsAirB PhfcTTiE8TltOMB-ETrT nioa rn fiatura. substantially built and art'stl ally finished, combined to produc a ' real oro"t Imposing terraced front, "elect and unusual equlpmentt; Ruscomb street, eoutn Ida, 18th to 10th. lust west of station, open dally; larie porohee: deep lot! 0 closet; high. Hint basements, with cemented wallsj wrsnslvr numbing. "Arco" beating eritemj A, 'Ideal- feollere : $3S00I walk west on Fnera sift fe "" then M block south to ti' Ruecomb etreet; S trolley ltnee on York road. B. C. AtTETtNETirr. 2724 North Bth. VTORE8, DWrLUNGS AND APARTMENTS For Bale or Kent In Beet Section of Logan. . . WH. D. CHAMBERS, 4933 N. Broad st. LOGAN REAL ESTATE BALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad st,. opp. logan 8tatlon. Olney ""OR "AUIV-KARBHALL BT. (between 6th and Tth ta.), outh of Olner ave. One and one-half blocks to Tabor Station, P. A R. R. R.. and excellent trolley service. Built In patra. on lot 20 and 20 8 by 80 6. Street 1 84 feet wide between house fronts. Publlo ewtr and paved etreet. Contains 8 large room, 10-foot porches, ce ment tep to porchee, parquetry floor In liv ing hall and dining room, fireplace In living hall, laundry tub In basement, with entrance from yard; ehower bitha, hot-water neat, ga and electric lighting. Woodwork flnlehed aa It enould be. Without doubt the beet value In the city at the prlcee-f.SSO and 3'10. Two corner home at 14300 each. A. B. A C F. MU.L.ETT Builder, on premise. eiw 8118-21 N. FAinillM. BT. Another fine home, luet finished; S room, bath, porch, laundry In cellar; has lot 108 feet deep; all modern convenlencce. J. CHRt.E.S YU.NDT. SOI W. Tabor road sununnAN Beautiful Thoroughly Modern IT rooms; large Dutch-hall residence. In beet ectlon; ft bath, hot-water heat, hardnood floor, open fireplace; 1V4 acres: attractively laid out; 14 minute by train, halt hour by trolley; Interesting term for quick sale. Owner. 1202 Lund Title Building COLONIAL. llOUSB-AXL CONVENIENCES; stable 2 acres, (lno old shade, hot-nater heat, electrlo light, modern plumbing. Near station In Huntingdon Valley, convenient to Oolf and Hunt Clut House contains 12 rooms. Living room, 17x30, with largo open rlreilace Price tll.600. HEHKNF83 S. BTETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING. S-RIOUT stono and frame dwelling, 13 rooms. .3 lMtlis. nil inodrn conveniences, stable; 2ft aire, price ll,"O0 II. B McCOI.LUM 1314 Walnut st . Philadelphia. Appointments by phone Walnut 4215. UU1LDINO AND LOAN bargains. St. David 10 rm : Bryn Mawr. 10 rme., folllngilale, 0 rms , alenoldnn, 10 rati , lllghlniui Park, D rms.; must sell. O. M. Aman, 1201 Chestnut. CIIOICU BUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorne. Pa. SELECT PROPERTIES Countrv seats farms List orders now LEWIS T. BROOKE A SON, 1414 So. Tenn sq. FOUNDED 1870 Ambler, Pa. BEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc, I have a large and varied list in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing In the way of country real estate, do hot fall to get my list before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ampler. I'a. AN UNU8UAL opportunity to nuy a country residence with 12H acres. Including stone house, all modern Improvements, abundance of fruit of all kinds; old shade trees; spring house, stock and Implement Included; price Interesting. iahkuw it vaw pelt, I7th and Chestnut, FARMS, country places and suburban home on the Reading Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. II. J. pager. Inc. Ambler. I'a, Colwyn, Pa. 215 E. 3D Modern brick dwelling. 9 room, heater, bath, mantel. 2 porches. 25x100 to street. SWOPE & SONS, barby. Cynwyd, Pa. BWTAUHE'D JBTONB AND FRAME HOUSE roomf. 3 baths; lot 81x300. or more If wanted: gas and electrlo light; porch en' eloaed orwlntmr use: convenient to station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ. EUtlns rarlt. Pa, O GO N T Z HILL BS TORK ROAD NEAR EXJUN3 PARK STATION, OVERLOOKING CHELTEN HILLS r Handsome new homes Just completed: very on a different style architec ture, and containing everything to appeal to discriminating good taste. Conveniently situated: York road trol ley pass door; Reading Railway. Klkln.rark Station nearby close ft Huntingdon Valley and old York .load Country tluts. 8eo these propertle. Send for our booklet on S)?nJ!."., "lT'n" Pnojo. Pln and full description of every house. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title BIdg. J?ota Phont: ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE Beautiful stone and half-timber house near, lew completion. Htgb location, alth fins view, Mreh I'aefnent window Open tatrac fcwit. The only bouse for the money la the m road section. Term to ault, Ihoads&paul s W E S T V I E W CIW PARK-Beautlful building tracts: lyca.Kor riwauea view over nu Mmefl :ikVi Park, near train and 4-lxHley. 114 and upward. Our autqawtiria inotntwent. Plume Melrose -iS74Wv, punirvCjPiin imb ,.w..ww . . ,w. KLKINH PARK su' CGJJKTHY SEAT, WITH H ACRES im, In tit vicinity of th. Wldener and TMKNMS.S tc STETSON 1.AIX1.' TITLE IIU1LUUJO, TACnTVELLING, recently coin nlld; ntnute ngn ground 3 m '.?! ft MK-ormlck.. 1CU Chestnut it.. Klkln J"rK, Now is the time Want Ad costs REAL ESTATE FOR SALS Klklns Park, Pa. OWNER WILL SELL CHBAP-New single dwelling, 2 minute from station, built about B months L 247 ldrer Central. DBSIItAflLrj large mrner tot, ft minutes from station, will e-,11 cheap. 1. 24. Ledgtr Cent. Qlenollen. I'a. FOUn ACnBS, wlih good 12-rom house i all centenlencee, barn and usual oulbutldlnss; running strrnm, railroad frontage, R mtle from City IU1I, will sacrlDoe for qulek sale. TOCUM ft IKWHMS CO. 20 South lftth et. tllenelde, I'a. MAONIF10KNT stone and shingle rc1dnce, containing 12 rooms, bath, nil modern con veniences, large lot with stsble, convenient to train and trolley best location, prnperty could not be duplicated for ten than floirno, will take fionrni for quick sale, several other unusual opportunities ItKNNIKdKH ft RBNNINOBR Olenslde. In , and Broad and Walnut sts., Philadelphia. Pa. -r -- 2SP0 WILL BTJY perrei-t nome 8 r-ms, bath, hester, sewer, watar, lot W)1S0 esy terms, a lifetime chance Tall todsy Bnnlnger Ilennlnger, nienelde, andBrrad and Walnut. MODETTn HOMES, beet locatlnn"Tull3lnRTots an 1 acreage mnny rare offers. Call at Olenslde nfllre today Rennlnger ft Rcn nlngcr, Oleoalde. and Broal and Walnut. WILL SACRIFICE my largo lot In Olenslde; hsa all street Imprvements, no reasonable offer refused I. 128. Ledger Offlce. Huntingdon Valley, Ta. ESTA1E sale. Interesting price, CO acres, high, rolling ground, choice InilMlng sites In acre. age to suit Within 8 minutes' walk of station. MAURICE J. HOOVER yBidg STONE FARMHOUSE, barn, four acreTToIl hade; beautiful view. IIERKVBSS A STETSO'V. 1.AND TITLI3 BUILDING l.ansdale. Pa. SUBURBAN resl estate of all descriptions; Oak Tark bungalow Ask Harry Richardson lAnsflowne, Pa. 00 PRICE AVE New, detached, 0 rooms, hot. water heat. Indirect lighting, essy terms as rent, come see It LESS THAN COST quicale Nearly new house, 11 rooms, water heater, fireplace In living room; gas, electricity, etc. Owner remolng, will make ery ensy term . C. 1'. rETEHS ft SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. IJanrrrli, I'a. AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN A detached stone and stucco house, 14 rooms, steam heated, gss and electricity, all In per fect condition, large lot 125 feet front by 1ST, feet; price. tuJOO. little cash required, beautiful grounds Seo photographs WM. H. WILSON & CO. Media. I'a. 33-ACRB farm near Iloso Tree Inn, Media; modern etone house, all conveniences Includ ing hot-ator hent. electric light, oien fire places, etc., new barn, plenty of water. Ap ply JOHN B. MILLER, 415 Land Title Build lng. Ilyilal. Pa, STONE COLONIAL RESIDENCE Thoroughly modern, en Cleverly lane over looking the Huntingdon Vallej . 2H acres 1URKNHKS & RTKTSON LAND TITLE BUILDING South Ardmore, Pa. TUB BEST PROPOSITION ever offered In 10 room bungalow In the suburbs of Phlla.; Ideal location. 350 feet above the city, south ern exposure; lot 75 by 123, 2 minutes to trolley; cars every 15 minutes, gas and elec trlo lights, hot-water heat, laundry trays, beautifully finished; $.1000 1st mortgage al ready placed, price KilOO. Wm. S. Davis. South Ardmore, at station Thone. bvvarthmorr. Pa. 1.I.ROQM HOUSE NEAR COLLEGR Ilot-wnter heater and all conveniences; stable, pcultry house: shado In abundance. OVFR ONE ACRE FINE LAWN Choice surroundings, Immediate poss Apply C. V. PETERS ft bON. COS CHESTNUT ST. Wynneflelil, I'a. ATTRACTIVE STONB HOUSE NEAR TROL ley and train, 12 rooms, 2 baths, all con veniences, lot 00x140, for quick sale price will be lowered LOWER MERIOV REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO. FOR SALE All-etons Colonial house, T5 Wynnefleld. 12 rooms. 2 baths. Inclosed front and back porches, nearly acre land; large and small fruit, vegetablo nnd dower gardens; .10 minutes by trnllev u 1 15 minute by train from Broad St. Station J. W. DOUGLASS North American Building. MAIN LINE. PA. II. It. SUBURBAN HOMES, country -place and building sites to suit all requirements. Main Line II, C. HUNTER, Wayne. Pa. Olerbronlc COST, tll,000-PRlCE, $J0OlX Six minutes' walk from station, 2 minutes' walk from trolleys This unusually attractive residence, 11 rooms, 2 baths, steam heat from central plant, gas and electric light, Over hrook artesian water, hnrdnood lloors. open fireplaces, flnlnhed throughout In white and mahogany, modern nnd up to date, old shade and shrubbery; surrounded by beautiful home and located on a wide avenue, ready for occupancy. Thl house Is ottered at h bona-flde sacrifice If sold within tho next SO da7. Small nmount of cash required. CHARLES J. HOOD ft CO. (Morris Bldg ) 1421 Chestnut st. WE) HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF HOUSES for sale In this most desirable suburb. List, with full details, will be sent upon applica tion. Communlcato with us Price for de tached houses ranges from 111 000 up. LOWER MERION REALTY CO; LAND TITLE BUILDING OVERBROOK HOMES r A Urge and complete list of properties In Overbrook for sale at prices from $00 up. warJ, several bargains, also complete rent list. CHARLES J. HOOD ft CO. (Morris Building) 1421 Chestnut st. Merlon ATTRACTIVE STONE AND riMSTER house of 12 looms, 2 baths, nil modern conveni ences; lot 85x151; located In attractive purl of this handsome suburb: worthy of consid eration of those desiring a place close to t0n'LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING 4J4-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE with residence stable, old shade trees, fruit trees, lake ana stream of water; this place Is surrounded by elfctfant estates, and can be purchased for value of land only. It Is lo rated at Merlon, one of our choicest nearby jtuburba. and will enhance In value. Bee us WM. H. WILSON & CO. a Narbrrlh BEAUTIFUL 3 story, 12-room single home; hslf square from station; forced to sell; a bargain If sold quick; lot 00x123. O DSL mUKtf VBMHMi NO. 2 BROOKHUUST AVE -7-roora stone house, lot 30x200, M780. Walter Bauett Smith. Wynnewpod, I'a, Wynne wood HANDSOME STONE AND STUCCO HOUSE, It rooms, a baths (S liambers, modern ap pointments, fin location near station; lot 0xl4; worth Investigation LOWER MEIIION RKALTY CO. LAUD TITLE BUILDING. Haverford A CHOICE COUFfRY ESTATE with exoellent modern residence, stsble. garugs. cottage, etc: on 11 acre land, with wooilMnd stream and beautiful view, can be purchased fcolovr value, Seo photo and examine. WM. H, WHSON & CO, ggggf Wayno FOR SALE An old farmhouse, with old shade and fruit trees and a garden on Montgomery ave . near Wynnewood. WAtTBR BAS SETT SMITH. Wynnewood. Pa NEW JERSEY t aKRCHANTVILUC and Cotllngswood home lor saio ana rni, some great pargain. 8 M. SHAY 431 Market st , Camden. N I. KulIdlog.Its. Factory Sites. Etc. lNB'MILBFROli CAMDEN on main roai, large plot with building bflxluO, room for Srowtu. railway sldln. and artesian well. Iak offer WM. I' lULLlNOUU, 6th and Market sts, Camden. to kiy o rent EVENING LEDaEK-PHlLADELPHIA, ATm only 12c per line per day. It HEAL ESTATE TOR SALE Camden, N. 3. COME TO CAMDEN Opportunity to Secure New Home ONLY $2000 New T-room hrlck Colonlat'front; every mod ern convenience on four oar lines; B-mtnut servl, 10 minutes to Philadelphia 10O oash buy, balance HO per month. WILLIAM F. KELLY, owner. 4M Market at, Camden, Colllngswood. N. 1 EIGHT new two-story twin houses, 130-ft. lots centre of buelness district: rented to good tenant must be sold. Particulars, H 67, Ledger Central Frnnkllnvllle, Pa. M-ACRE FARM m dear, 20 acre woodland, new double twin house, with porehe. 12 rooms, shed, cement cellar nnd foundation, chicken house, SOxlS, two colony house; 7S apple trees one old house, one bam, price IOOO, ran) terms, owner, or will tske groc ery business part payment. W, F. II W50 Gennantown nve Haddonflelil, N. J. UNUSUAL BARGAIN L . ,k No. M Katnte uvo , one block north of the finest driveway In Jersey, one block from trolley and station, Sc. fare, house contain IB roams and bath, hot and cold water, city sewersge; lot 'HixlSfl, cost $); make offer; must be sold. Apply owner, Interurban Realty Co., 4510 Frankfort ave , l'hlla. Haddon Heights, N. J. LII'PINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HACDON HEIGHTS, N J. wili,ui- Lirnnuun Maple Shade. N. J. THE ORB iTEST prlvlllge of the 20th century Is to own a little one-acre farm close to Phlla., and remember S3 down buys one, 93 monthly t) for It. For a square deal call on or write BARLOW ft CO, Maple Shade, New Jersey. Mt. ICphraltn. N. J. ... . ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Fphralm. N J adj. Haddon Heights: only (t miles from Camden, 2 stations on tract, 100 to $000 per acre, title Insured, free deed, no taxes for IMS. Camden County Oar- den FarmaCo , T20 Market st.. Camden, N. J. National rnrlt, N. J; BUNGALOWS. $100 cash. $10 monthly; lots '.' xla), near trolley, conv. to river. National Park Got off Red Bank ave , see agent with badge. Gi eater Jpw Jersey Co., 83 8. 10th Mooclhury, N. J. $2200 For ii short time I can build ou a stucco or ncbbln dash elngle house, 8 rooms and bath, nil convenlerces, INCLUDING AN ACRE Ol' FERTILE FARM LAND; on trolley to Phlla. and close to electric tialns. $2200 TERMS TO SUIT YOU JOHN AllltAMSON. 21 N. Broad St. Woodbury, N. J. BUILDING UI1S In the best residential sec tion of Woodburj, pnved, graded, gas, eloc trltltv nnd sewers, short vvalk from station; fco tmlns dally, prlct 150 up; easy terms Thco Schalllol, Amerlcin and Delaware ts , VAoodbury, N J. wooniiitm HOMES $1700 TO $10,000 CALL OR HUM) I OR PARTICULARS W EARL .Il'tSUP. 13S MAPLE AE WIXIDBURY. N J. SEAMIOHE Cnpe Mny, N. .1. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a aatlifactlen. attractive plana submitted free. OTIS M TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. COTTAOE erected by a rcl'.alle builder Is a satisfaction, attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M 1QHM.I..MI. Ocean CIti. N. J. BLbl HOTl.L Sll'U Ocean nve. between 11th and Uth Lotigstrect. r.0.11 Greene, Gtn, v PE.N8LVANIA FARMS MEDIA FARM, 4J ACRES Farm houre, barn, etc , old shade, spring, running stream, convenient train and trol ley nnd tho Rose Tree Hunt Club HERKNESS & HTEThON Land Title Building. NEAR SCIIWBVKSVILLE. 20 acres, $.1000 stock, crops and Implements Included, StuoO cash down, fine buildings. Jack's Farm Agency. 21- Biephen Glrard Building. PhlU. Rl'CKS CO 47 acres, flno atone bides , 11 head CHttle ISO chickens, all crop and Implements for $V.(K) A lITibON. Lansdale. Pa. GWYNEDD 100 acres, excellent condition, fully equipped barn and house, fine spring water. II 417. Ledger Central. TULLYTOWN, PA -17rt acres splendid build ings, barn, suitable for stock raising. WORRELL, 0.VS N 17th. CAN BE BOUGHT RIGHT HJ-acre Brandy wine farm flue old farmhouse with Improve ments, good farm buildings, 12 acres In woodland exceptionally well watered. War noi.k & Emlen. Commercial Trust Building. 400 l'ENNA and N. J farms for sale. What aro your requirements? We have a farm for von Write Ol call. JACK'S FARM AGENCY 2tT Stephen Glrard Bldg. Phlla. 25 ACRES, STOCK, CROPS, good building J.'VIO: half cash Hl'-NSHtRUER'S FARM AUISNCY. Green Lane. Pa 86 ACRES. $7500 Ono mile Bradford Hills btatlon. Main Line. A. D. HEALD, West Chester, Pa. NEW HI IISEY FARMS I PROFITABLE BURLINGTON CO FARMS Especially .illrnctlvo U7 acre Colonial country seat. Including furniture, crops, lmplo ment xltt.'pOO 122-ucre farm, very desir able. $12.R0. 103 acres, good buildings, alio; foul Hi, acres, potato farm, Crosswlcks, $1500. SO acres, ilalrv, Mt Holly; $J5UO. Farm list free. Established 1808. A. . DHK33EH. Hurllngton, N. J. 8 ACRES, half hour from Camden, Gloucester Ccunty, all good, high land; only $150; pay able J'V monthly. Ely. 473 Drexel Bldg MAHILAMI FARMS ELK RIVER 100 acres; water-front farm near Elkton. 1'ARKER. LH N. Aldcn St. FARMS WANTED FARM of G.1 to 100 acres, within 20 miles of Philadelphia. Box C'u, Ardmore, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT RENT OR SALE FACTORIES BRUCE BARROW W, no n 12th st. Established 2H years OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from $17 to $50, houses located N, l'hlla. and Gtn , worth from IISDO to $0250. Merchant' Union Trut Co., 718-710 Chestnut t. OEIttfANTOWN HOMES Let me know what price you want. R. T. MITCHELL, B.'08 Oermantown ave. SUBURBAN EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE RESL DENCES and country seat In the Old York road section. In the Huntingdon Valley and In Chestnut 11111 and the Whltemarsh Val ley, Advise us jour requirement and wa will send you a selected list. HEItlCNFSH & STETSON LAND Til LB BUILDING REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SPLENDID BUSINESS PROPERTY-2 store and 2 housekeeping apartments, net Income about $500 per year, want to sell or exchange for other property valued from $1000 to $7000, Kershaw & Crowl, 3215 Chestnut. SALE, heap, or will take exchange, 15-room house, 16th and Pine, business building, 10th and Arch business building, 0th and Arch; large piece suburban ground, 7 minute from City Hall Marshon 135 Land Title llldr. SEND MB DLSf RIPTION of the property that rou have to exchange state what you want; will make ou an offer at once, Ql'IN 21 B. 10th st SEVERAL CHOICE 2 story, good renter, re stricted section, for desirable suburban or city residence (owner) II 740. ledger Cent. SEVERAL small dwellings; rent. 17 to '$al subject to first mortgages only; net Income $POO per year Livingstone, Broad & Walnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 10 or 12 room house, with sll cop leniences, 20 acre at ground; 18 or 20 tpllea from Philadelphia; would like to rent with privilege of buying. V 601, Ledger Office. . RENTS AKD'iNTEULbT COLLECTED, morti BJI and fire Insurance placed, quickly. Sea Kan (or prompt reiults. 2528 Tasker at. REAL XSTATE FOR RENT CHy CORNER lONip AND AMERICAN STREETS Lars building, excellent Itghti will alter to suit tenant CHAS. W. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth Bldg JEFFERSON. W lfMO-Nlii room, flrst-clas orJerj porceUln bath and sink, oonvenlsnt to ears, schools, cLurches, rent reduced (Geu Parish. that home. Many attracjive offerings in thae columns today. Read and inspeel REAL ESTATE FOR RENT C1TT BROAB ST., 802 N. Modern porcnWronl dweldng, 12 rooms; moderate rental. CHAS. I I1ROWN A CO, 217 B Broad t. . S35 BRANDYWINE ST. Three-story "Swell ing. Just renovated; rent . Taulane, wo Walnut mt 812 CHESTNUT ST., 4th and 6th floors 217 Hsrlan st , 2-story brick, 4r. A bath 703 Ionic at , 2d. Sd and 4lh floors... . 2210 8 Juniper t., 2-sty brick, 8r. bsth .tonl N Lawrence tt , 2 story, 6r. & bath Kkl.1 Master st , 2 story, 8r. nd bath 1013 Montgomery nve., 8 story, 10 room; 1911 Montgomery ave ,3 sty ,r , Incl shed 82 Mt netsant ave., 8-sty. brlrk.porch, 11 rooms, 2 baths .... 02. Mt, Vernon st.,3-sty.brlck, 12r .all cv I7SS N 1'alethorp st,, 2-sty brick, 4r .. 2027 N.vn Pelt st , 2-story brick, 7r .. IH211 N arnock st ,3-sty. brlck.Hr Absth 2l E York st.. 2-story frame, about gr $0 12 xo 13 17 -s 20 20 W JO 10 10 17 17 40 123 N. Plh st , 2d, .id and 4tn noors, ir 2d fc 21st st, 4-sto-y brick, 18r ..... TImp 1?9S M U7fh at ?.alnrv brick. 4r t, 14UO 10 Wis N. 20th sU j-story brick. lOr A bsth BJ N 46th t., g-sty. brick, porch fr Sr. and bath ,, . .. " THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Brosd and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Trust Department. 23 10 DWELLINGS 22SN. 19th St. $100 OO 4009 Pine st, . 03.00 1W7N. 17th st . 03 00 :ui N Marshall 45 W 6.17 N. 4Vth St., 4UtU 4412 Locust St... 4000 828 S 43th st... 40 00 48.13 Walton ave, 33 00 a 1.1 N. 12th St.. 35 W 32 H Et. Brnrd 3J 50 jzil Iurens m 447 W Brlnghurst . 40 B230 Archer st....... W 13t7Knter t H2 132Seltter t 20 2214 N. Van Pelt t. W V20 Melon st 1" 409 George at ...... J 610 E. Thompson it 15 3130 Brandywlne St.. 10 2432 N. Marshall 27 00 1012 i;. uusqu, nve,. .v 1807 N, 6th St... 23UUI2120E. SusQU, ave.. iv ssisliav-id ave.-uuui - CONTINENTAL-EJUITABLB TRUST CO, 21 SOUTH 12TH ST. COMMERCIAL BUILDINO 2824-2U-2S MARKET STREET Lot 40x105 Will be altered to suit tenant. WILLIAM C, BENKERT 1500 Arch street. 2115 GREEN 8T. Brick dwelling. 11 rooms, 2 hatha; steam heat; price reasonable; food condition. , WILLIAM C. BENKERT S W. Comer 13th and Arch sts S E. COR. 20TH AND SPRUCE STS. Splenutd residence, southwestern exposure! 10 rooms, 3 baths open fireplaces, tiled baths, hardwood throughout . J. A. PATTERSON CO, 110 S. 16th st. 346 S. 15TH STREET 11 rooms nnd 2 baths. .... MPARQ S, RRnWN aOJ S. 15TH STREET 1000 GREEN Well-located 0-sulte apartment house; 2 rented; good opportunity. vUHHe-l.l... 553 N. 1 7th. 463 YORK AVE 11 ROOMS, BATH. ETC.. $23. O. C. SEIDEL At CO., 4T11 AND CALLOW1ULL STS. 418 N. AMEIUCAN ST., 150x78. Rultnhln for stahln or irarase. O. C SEIDEL & CO . 4th and Callowhlll sts. 18J2 CHfcSTNUT ST., 20x2J3 feet to Saneom st ; alterations to suit tenant. Apply JOHN B MJLLER. 415 Land Title Bldg. 205-JU7 CHhSTNUr ST. Five story office ami warehouse Apply JOHN B. MILLER, 415 Land Title Bldg. 2507 N. UTH bT. 8 rooms, bath, good condi tion (key corner): $0. (1. C. SEIDEL A CO., 4th and Callowhlll sts. 1B17 R1TTENHOUSK ST. Improved: 8 rooms nnd 2 baths. EDGAR a. CROSS, 1411 VValnut st 117 VINE ST. Store and dwelling; first-class condition, t.10. O C SEIDEL A CO . 4th and Callowhlll sts. 102& ARCH ST. IK rooms (4 baths), first-class locality: rent $75. Wm. G. Glenn, 300-01 Land Title Building: 1517 Columbia ave. 2121-2123-2127 E. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. 3 story, 5 and II rooms; good order. Keys 2121. M L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1616 N. 7th st. 20J4 PINE ST 12 rooms; first-class order, open T. F. NEAL1S B10 S. Lilh. 134 ELLEN ST. Six ftomi, good condition. O C SEIDEL .1 CO , 4th nnd Callowhlll sts. $18-2127 WALDEN (above 21st and Arch), 7 rooms, conveniences: side alley. SIS 2(111 Federal, storo and 0 rooms. $101421 E Berks 0 rooms, conveniences. Northeast. $10 to $lfj 3 and 0 rooms, conveniences. ABBOTT. N. E. cor. Broad and Rac REDUCED RENTS 2521 Oxford st 10 rooms 2411 Turner st 0 rooms 2528 Turner st 0 rooms 3010 Colona st.. two story 8 rooms F. L. CAnRE, 1720 N. 24th St. RLNTS reduced, one week free 1712 Wallace, U rooms, side entrance; 1614 Mt. Vernon; 016 N. 17th MARSHALL H. SMITH, 1011 Chestnut st, LVRGE corner house, 2033 Spring Garden; en tirely renovated, largo rooms, fine baths, but ler'r pantry, lsundry, sleeping porch, sunny exposure; openfor Inspection. fT-212S ARCH, 12 rooms and bath: porcelain tubs waehstand, two toilet, many closets; good repair. ABBOTT, N. E. cor. Broad and Race sts BARGAIN'S In up-to-date homes, northwest section, tin to J.I0- time free; send for list, OEBHARDT BAUER. 2343 N 22d, Business Properties and Stores N. W, COR. 18th and Market sts. 25xG0 ft., 4 stories and basement. 1803 Market st. 25x00 ft, 2 skinca and basement, lhOS Market st. 18x40 ft,, J stories and basement. 8 S. 18th st, 16x48 ft,, first floor and basement. Apply J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 18th st. 1001 RACE ST. New and attractive front. FINB, LIGHT STORE, 18x72. Upper floor suitable for offices and business rooms. Steam heat, MYERS A BARTH, Ridge ave. and 10th st. NO. 708 LOCUST STREET (Opposite Washington Square) Let SIxiO feet to street; especially suitable for publisher or printer. EDGAR G. CROSS WAI?NjTST. 202.VPRANKFORD AVF 16 N. 0th St. 2U-31 8. Rth St. 17JJN. Broad st, 131.53 N. 0th St. CONTINENTAL EQUITABLE TRUST CO. 21 8 12T1I ST. 607 CHESTNUT THROUGH TO REAR STREET Store, basement and 2d floor; heat Included. C. P. PETERS A BON, 608 CHESTNUT BT. MARKET STREET, 625 Entire building to rear street, lot 23 3x200. Immediate possession. Apply Penna, Co , 617 cnrsinui st. RACE ST. 1228-30 7800 sq ft floor space; will divide and Improve. Apply Penna, Co, 517 Chestnut st CHESTNUT 8T.. 53J 15 feet by 110 feet. ply Pennsylvania Co 617 Chestnut st. Ap- Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor 317 DE LANCEY ST Well-adapted manufac turing building. 4 floois and basement, good light from street to street: 20x100 "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 000 Walnut st. OTH & WALNUT 6-story bldg . 36x80: ele. vstor, high ceilings, good light. ALSO 2 story bldg.; fine for garage, manufacturing or printing; 40x13. best of light:- Apply 213 B. Oth. OTH AND SPRUCE STS. Entire floor, 00x95; light on all sides; elevators; low Insurance; central location. CHAS. U BROWN A CO.. 21T S. Brosd St. BANSOM STREET i Several good floor near 17th at, WIlMs-Wlnchester Co., 1001 Chestnut st. CrWTRAL MANUFACTURING OR STORAGE FLOORS Steam heat, electrlo elevators, modern build. Inge 214 N 22d st., 68-132, communicating rooms, 40x132 1522 Tidlow st., 26x100, S floors and basement 22S-230 t. 224 St., 2 floors 60x00. elO Kansom St., 4 floors, 20x100.' 1 115 Wood st , garage, 31x72 Reasonable rentals HARRY T. SAUNDERS, SI SOUTH 18TH ST. MODERN FACTORT FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet N E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STB. Steam and electrlo power, 2 elevator, tow Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman. R R. sidings, extra Urge windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply O. P. FILLINO A SON CO. on premise. SUITABLE FOR SHOW PURPOSES ROOM OR LIGHT MANUFACTURING AREA APPROXIMATELY flOOQ SOUARE FEET. DKHIltAllLH LO CATION. FREIOHT AND PAS SENGER ELEVATOR SERVICE. APPLY TO PEOPLE'S TRUST COMPANY N E. COR. 12TH AND AHCII BTS SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING, about 40x00 ftet; a stories and basement, main street. Darby! wui rent. ii or portion ana alter to suit iignt .manufacturing tenant) comer porptrty, ex. celluit Ught, etc Apply to J p. Fuller 10 8, 18! h st FOR ' BENT $30 per month; 2-story factory building at 1105 North Frpnt st.t also. In the same vicinity, lot 80x100 feet, 2 front; will erect factory building for satisfactory tenant. Apply MORRIS WEIL'S SONS. 887 N. 3d st. 5w RENT- Broad abov Cumberland, floor. 10,000 squar. feet eacbj fireproof, WOBKELL, 0e N, 17th st. - TRAY. OOTOEE'B tells its message REAL ESTATE TOR RENT rectories, Warehouse Mflt.gjoor; FLOOR SPACri at northesst corner 11th an! FW?.n.n,tocn .ynrcm.... wtlilcclrn5 a floor Apply to O F lusher. 147 N. lOtrh MirRT5iiX5TsT?Tj I LDl m DESIRABLE ROQ1HS. POWER'AND LIGHT Garage NO. 709 DE LANCEY STREET Modern garage In rear of No. 70S Sprue street, with man'a room above. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST nitNTAt. LISTS THE PDNNSYLVANIA COMPANY, , For Insurances on Live A Granting Annuities, 317 cneeinui si. umn pnoncs 24$ S. ISth, 13r$-t M .It' s lith. lwr 1150.00 2020 liOCUSt, 15r. 13.1 34 1410 Pine 18r., .108 J4 1420 N 10th. 17r. 80 00 Bill Green, lSr. . 75 00 POSPlne, llr ..70 00 1J2S. 23d, llr... 55 00 ItutUreen, l-'r ..50 00 1121 Glrard 14r. 50 00 12-1.1 S. Broad. 16r 50 00 4218 8th, 17r , .Ui0 I70S Wallace, 13r. 43 00 2004 N. 22d, 12r . 45.00 Iin N 17th. tlr. 4100 1340 Pine, I6r, ..los at 420 8 Broad. lOrlcmoo 1302 Pinet 13r . 73 mi 131 N 18th 18r. 7". on ivia fine, lur... iwki S. 2lst, 12r 53 00 012 N 16th, llr, 50 Ol lool Poplar, 13r 50 no 318 H. Id, tar., 50 on 500 8 11th. llr. 45,011 f-M Rare, 3r... 43 CO 327 N 5th. IBr.. 41.671 17.13 N. 18th. 13r. 40 00 828 R 4th. llr .. X2.UU 1531 Master, 18r.. 41.67 1140L,omDsra, nr. i 1714 Oxford, llr.. 40 OO 1710 N, 19th, 12r 85 00 150 N. Fkln . 12r. 80 (XI 1019 Mt. Ver'n.lOr 30 00 2331 ColiTbla.llr 28 00 1418 Wharton, Or. 28 00 020 Falrm't, Or.. 2S.00 3.3 N. Oth. Dr.,. 27.00 2022 N. 11th, llr.. AO 00 1016 Fslrmount, Br 28 00 mi n. ttn. lor. 2J w 117 W.Shsrpnack llr. 1611 N, etti. Or . 23 V) 3418 S. 1 Hll. Hr. 23 00 70S N. lotn. Pr. 21 on SI 41 N. 11th. Or. 23 (Kl 21 su Master, iir.. .w 1 17 JON. 26th, Ur . 26 OU u.jguiiuni, in.. v w 2411 Master, tlr... 23 00 120 N. 1 kin, Or. 23 00 541 N. 10th, Or.. 25 w H20 N. 10th. lOr. 24 00 2110 N. Uber, Or. 2-1 00 720 NewMkt., Or 21 00 2(114 N. Jessup, llr 21.UI 2211 Balnbrl'ge.or 21 00 248 8. 2d, dS.l'Jr 20 00 Ml lttlmer, lor. 20.00 2002 Turner, 9r... 20 00 JU2 Wallace. Ur.. 18 00 17: ON. Uber t.. 18 ou ln N Rlng'ld, or 16 00 217 ntrwater, 5r 16.00 101J Carlton, Or.. 1300 .1 Leid'a ct.. Or 13 00 035 Nectarine. 6r 15.00 1314 harton. Or 00 580 N.Or'na. lOr 21.00 lOlOOgden, Or... 10 00 1011 Rodman, llr 20 OU 1420 Stiles, 7r... 20 00 m n.camac, Br in oo 614 Parrlsh, 6r. 18 0i iwi ,1 iarv., vr 1 ' 106 N.Carllile.Or 17.00 831 N. Ame.6r Hhki 16J0 Olive. Or... 13 00 11 W Hew'n.7r 15 on lool Imon. 7r.. 15 oo '.1)J7 Page. 7r ... lloo 1033 Spring. 6r.. 15 00 SIORES AND DWELLINGS -.i h men, l.'r.ftu w 12 N. 2d. Sr... 41 Hi 114J Rldee. 12r.. :i7..V lwio Poplar, 10r...$41.67 J51 N. 2d. 18r... 40 00 1W12 Oxford, llr... JO 00 724 N. Front,llr. 1.5 00 2313 Ridge av.,llr 23.O0 1610 N. 2fith. 10r. 27b C1SN. 3d, 8r... 23.U0 818 W. Norrls Or 25.0u 417 Green. Jr... 22 00 1003 lairmnt, vr. .w 5J2 Vine, Jr 22 00 250J Amber, 7r... 20 00 L.04-0 S. 2d. 7r.. 20 00 204 W harton, 6r. 16.00 123 W.Oxford.Or 21 OO 11W8 2d, dr.... 20 00 120 South, Jr.... 2U.V0 J. It. MASSEY & SON S. E. COR. 13TH AND QREEN STS. 323 N. Mar.. pr.$45 00! 620 N. 12th. Ur. 45 00 8.12 N. 10th. llr. 40 00 1731 Master, 13r..$50 00 1702 Mt. Vn, 14r. 4 00 044 N. 11th. 15r. 41.00 1120 Wallace, llr. 42 00 473 N. Oth. llr.. 35 00 (X)8 N. 11th, 10r.. 33 00 1111 Green, llr. . 32 50 1J34 Fmt. ave ,10r .10 00 13J7 Melon. lOr... 30 00 1129 Green, lor... 30 00 liio N. Front, llr 25 00 1 107 Parrlsh. 8r. . 25 00 6.11 N. 10th. Or 23(0 8.12 N. 20th. 9r.. 25 00 10221orlt. 10r.. . 2100 111.1 Falrm't. 8r.. 22 60 HOJ N.Carlisle.lOr Ii 00 122J Brown Or. . . 22 00 S E. 12thAFmt.,8r 20 00 1214 Green St.. Or 20 00 1 MM Melon, 6r. . . 20 00 1705 N. .Id, 7r. . 17 00 HSJOgden. Cr... 17 Wl HOT Olive. 7r... 16 00 UillSeybcrt. 8r.. Ill 00 12tn Wood. Or.... 15 00 S73 N. 10th. 5r . 15 00 1110 Myrtle, Cr. . 15 00 1112 North, Br ... 15(0 1214 Potts, Cr ... 14 00 1129 Wallace, lOr 40.00 15.19 Mty ave ,10r 37.50 1220 N. 15th. llr. 31 00 828 N. 11th, llr. 35.00 (MS N. 1.1th, 14r. 35 00 1222 Wallace. lOr 32 50 10.10 Green, llr.. 32 50 . . inn. lur. jHiuu 1331 Mt. Vn, 12r 30 00 1128 Mt. Vn, llr 30 to 043 N. 12th, Or.. 30 00 13.10 Marsh'l, lOr. 28 OO (!7J N. 13th, lOr. 25 OO 101 1 Brown, 10r.. 2.1 00 1107 Parrlsh. Or.. 20 00 1O00H Lemon. 8r 20.00 1011 Ogden, 8r... 20 00 421 N. 20th Or.. 20 00 1115 Melon. Rr... 20(H) 1122 Mt. Vn. Or. 20(0 1201 North st..9r. 18 00 1015 Olive, 7r.... 17.(10 1408 Melon St., 6r 10(0 1100 Ogden, Br... law 1021 Olive st., 6r law 18.11 Bucknell. Sr 15.00 imitMvrtle. 5r . 14 00 021 French. Br.. 14 001 M4 Nectarine. r n mi ,, r, ...ii.,.. T ,1 n 1300 Carlisle. Br. 14 001 430 E. Wlldey, 7r 11 00 lOllImon. 7r.. 14 Odl .14 IU N. 13th. 3rl2 00 243J Perot. 8r.... 13.001 2..0) E Flctc'er.Or litO h run liN AM) inviju.iNus 1406-10 rmt.,2r $121 001 1220,10 Rldge.Sfl $180 00 229 N. Oth, store. 25 00 819 Bufvvood. 7r. IS 00 1163 65 Rldge.2&3t 35.00 HI R Walnut. s &d 8.111 1309 Bldgo av..3fl 70 00 1307 Ridge, 1st fl. 20 00 SAMUEL T FOX & CO. S. E. COR. 9TH AND CALLOWHILL ST3. STORES 252 N. Oth St., large store. 9 N. 6th et,. sto e and floors. 1000 Race st $23.00 STORES AND DWELLINGS 251 N. Bth, 9 room and store, conv,...$70.00 136 N. 7th, 11 room conveniences 60 00 1407 Cumberland, Or. and atore, conv..., 36 00 8. W. cor, Warnock and Thompson 30 00 2101 Perot, 0 room 30 00 80S Buttonwood, 8 rooms and store... 20 00 409 N. Oth. 2 rooms and store 15.00 DWELLINGS 252 B. 10th. 15 rooms. 2 baths $60 00 714 N. Franklin, 13 rooms, all convs... 55 00 1715 Master. 12 rooms, convenience 50 00 1126 N. Broad. 12 rooms, conveniences... BO 00 1126 Callowhlll. 12 room 45 00 3.113 N, Brosd, 12 ro ins 40 00 IriO Norrls. 11 rooms, conveniences 28 00 710 Buttonwood ... 27 1028 Tmompson. Sr.,$.'0 1J61 N. 11th. 6r...ilS tSOl Falrmount, Or. 25 833 But'w'd,cor.,Or 25 2347 Meredith. 7r... 17 2511 Perot. 7r 17 2211 E. Hunt'n. 8r.. 16 005 vvood 1845 Marvlne, 8r... 1407 Park ave , 8r. . inn Olive, 8r 311 Darlen, 7r 507 N. Perth 1020 Thompson, 8r. 25 22 --I ivm cnarswooa ..,, 10 mi Melon. 8r 16 1749 N. Alder. 7r lfl 201 20 19 2830 Reese, 6r. U 20 TIOGA B. E. 18th & Tioga, 6 rms , apartments.. $G5 00 3449 N. 18th. 6-room apartments 45.00 1808 Ontario, 12 room 40.00 1620 Ontario, 8 rooms 19.00 3410 N. Smedley, 8 rooms.... 18 00 EDWARD LUTZ, 210 N, 17TH ST. DWELLINGS 857 N. Broad, 15r.$100 1708 Vine. 14r 60 ICO N. 2 1st. 12r. . on 1010 Mt. Vnon, 12r 35 7115 N. Broad, 9r. . 3 SG2 N. Watts. 8r.. 20 110 S. 10th. 15r ,$100 1720 Vine. 15r... TO 55 40 .15 3715 Walnut, 14r.. :ii4 N. loth. 12r. . :zi N. nth. llr.. 1215 Button'od, llr.. 26 6J0 Wash'n r Or. 20 1B10 Winter. 7r 16 2105 K Chelten a.,10r 23 10K2Gtn. in.. Rr... 50 1K24 Addison, 5r.... 1JI 820 N. Carlisle. 7r.. 10 19 15 Carlton, Or,,.. 12 414 Diamond 7r.,,. 11 102 Master, 7r 15 R. 2218 Summer, 3r. 10 024 League. 3r 9 R. 15.10 Knrinr 3r. . T 1300 Addison. 5r, ... 10 1 II lUiu cuthbert.Sr 0 R. 171S Carlton, Jr. 7 It. 1309 Carlton, 3r. 71 APARTMENTS 1704 Race. 4r. s.'Ol 216 N. 17th, 6r. .$55 .$73 , 10 . 18 .. .STORES AND DWELLINGS 614 B 3d (73 (114 S. 3d 1512 Vine O0ll720 Callowhlll .i. nvv ,,,, iiwi.i jtace ,,....,,,, 8TORES 1525 Vine t)23l2.1d and Summer sts. 0 S. 43 st... 721 S. Mole ... 3210 Bpencer ter, 1021 Ingersotl st 305J Helen , .$20 2800 Orlanna st. . 20 UU N, 4Jd .... . 17 2S01 Orlanna ... . 14 luu Wlllard .... , U 2221 Orlanna ... . 12 2(116 r.atharfnn . u ,. 10 . 10 . 8 300 Cambria AU'BED II. WILLIAMS 522 Walnut st 511-10 N. BROAD, store and upper floors. 707-709 Arch St., store and basement. 722 Chestnut st., store and baiement. 4(0 Wslnut St., ground-floor offices, 244 N, Delaware ave., store. 240 Market et., entire building. Apply GEORGE H. LEA. 700 Bnom st. 1512 N. 20TH ST., 0 room 123 00 2220 Jefferson st, 0 rooms ,.,,...,,,,.. 2000 2117 Bolton st. 6 rooms , 11 00 181.1 I,amtert at. 5 room,, 1000 C P. COWARD CO . 201 h and Jefferson st. OFflCr.H. BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC. 1TTH ABOVE CHESTNUT (Middle City Bldg.) Deslrubl Offlees and Studios Some with skylights WILLIS-WINCHESTER COM. l'ANY, 1001 Chestnut. 124 8." 8TH BT. (Bowe Bldg i-Thlrd floor. 2 elevators, etc.- $15.83. a. C. SEIDEL & CO. 4th and Callowhlll sts. " 1809 WALNUT ST -Offices single and en suite. Aptly JAMES D. WlNCHKl.r. N. W. corner 17th and Hansom sts. jr .AUftn u. ivinv OFFICES AND STUDIOS FULIjER BUILDING. 10 S 18th st WALL BUILDING, 1710 Chestnut sL Slarket .u1J,ld,no. B-"orner 18th and No 20 S. 18th st Offlees, business rooms and studios: larr. and small rooms, single and en suit., ,1s vator service and al modern appointment ult architect, dentists, artists, murtctins snd other purposes. '"M Rents $15 per month and upward. V rlto or apply for list J C. FULLER iu d xain st DREJCUL BLDG. OFFKitB. annus! rentals" Sing!, rooms. $100, 120. 150. $200, 275. w. Suites, 2 rm. fits. lfA llli, jod. Vjs VSo Suites' 3 rms.. ilsu, hit. $106 I50 Itw'. JSu Corner suites, 2 to 8 rooms, $500 to 11650. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 5UO Drxl BuUdlrur. Bright Attractive Offices U 18-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & DROWN " ' , it DESIRABLE second-floor corner suite! 3 'large rooms. N, E. corner 15th and Walnut sts.l also single or communicating offices, elevator and all conveniences ' "" CHAS. L. BROWN &. CO.. 21T B Broad t. urrikiw tor manufacturers' rrii;.B ior manufacturers' agents, sales: clal Bldg.. N. W cor. 8th and Chestnut: frelaht anA wuMn, . ,t.i- vwutj J. A. J'A'ITKHHON CO . 110 ,- .- ,i-rr:'-e?-T'- w. w. B. 15th MEKClf7T8SulLbiN(T" ., . , nwia sin si, V.ry deslrabl pffloe. Heat and llt. 2, 1915. in both Ledgers REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFTICvtS, nggUfEgg HOpM8, KTO, PL A 7. A B U I L u I u Offlees Single and En suite. 1605-07-09 ARCH STj TCTrRfitraMS Ss, r4tsA "ws &A,mzM private n Professional Office. eon PHKSTNUT ST. Physician' offlct; latest 2 modern Improvements; owner, rhon. Sprue. 525S. 18TH ST., S., 817-3 rooms, pnysician or o.a tlst. olectrlclty, hot water, hardwood floor I newly papereai gonu ns"t. ARCH 1829-Offlce for physician; heat, light and service, running water, reference. CHESTNUT. 202(1-2 large physician' offices! team heati elec.; newly renova'd; long lease. SPRUCE ST , 1529 Off Ices for physician or dentist, light, heat, service; running water; SPRUCE ST., 2119 Physician wanted to har suite with doctor; corner; ressonabl WALNUT, 2203-Sulto of 2 large rms., 1st fl rl hot and cold runnln g water, electricity. Dill ST., 8., 2.17 Physician- otnee, iarg furnished reception room; runimn ww. 16TII, 8. S14-Phsldan dellre to har fronl e office; well-furnlsbed reception room. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES 258 8. 10in st, 1522 Locust St, 1700 Walnut st, 1826 Pine st, MtCATta nrtnWN. 202 8. 16th St. F1R8T-CLA8S office location, dentist busi ness established. MM Chester ay. WEST PHILADELPHIA S2D, N., 605 Porch, 11 room, stationary,, tubs, porcelain bath and sink; redyced. Open 2 to8. Cn-vULLOWB AVBNUB HOUSES, NEAR PJU THE PARK! 6 BEDROOMS: FINB CONDITION, porch fronta. gardens: very desirable neighborhood PBMBIJITON E8 TATTJS. N. W. cot. 68th and 'Willows ave. DWELLINGS t ANDAPAJtTaIENTS WM. II. W. QUICK & BRO INC. 8 8. 40TH ST. POTH Overlooking FAIRMOUNT PARK. ESTATE $J5 to $100 Per Month. APTS. ti Apply to A. J. P. GALLAGHER HOUSES 4210 Tarkslde ave. Ph. Bel. 4JJ8 POTTS A TOWNSEND WEST PHILA. HOMES 4903 BALTIMORE AVE. $30 11-ROOM residence, near 66tn and Wood land; lot 30x140. (1 042. Ledger Central. CHCRMANTOnN 131 W13T TULPEHOCKEN ST. Semidetached stone house In a charming neighborhood, 13 mis., 2 baths, now being renovated throughout; lot 38x215; garage In rear. J. A. Tatterson Co., 130 8. 15th t. OD E. DUVAL ST. 9 rooms, steam heat, porch, good condition, $21. G. C. Seldcl & Co.. 7th and Callowhlll sts , or at McCafferty's office. 6721 Oermantown ave. J31 COLONIAL TWIN HOUSE. 10 .rooms and bath; unusually attractive. WARNOCK A EMLEN, Commercial Trust Bldg. Chentnnt Hill . DETACHED DWELLING at Mermaid Station, 0 rooms; hot-water heat; garden, chickens, fruit: reduced to $40; lot 40x250. PELHAM TRUST CO , 0740 Oermantown ave. DVYELLINGS-$rt to $150 month; get list, Pelham Trust Company, 6740 Oermantown. Tioga k 1S32 LYCOMING ST. Two-story porch-front house, 0 rooms, Hll modern Improvement, hot-water heat, reception hall; rent $26. Ap ply 1344 Lycoming st. JOHN LOUGIIRAN. 3014 PULASKI AVE. Porch, 7 rooms, hot water heat, electricity, Dutch Hall; $J1. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Erteave. 1710 ONTARIO Elegant corner; largo rooms; good condition: $35. Oak Lnne W E NEVER HAD a better and bigger list of modern house for rent, $18 upward; some vvlth garage and 2 baths; keys and full par ticulars. Oak Lane office, opposite the station. J. T. Jackson Company, Chestnut and 13th. SEVERAL PItOPERlIES for rent In Oak Lane, $10 to f43, very desirable. BROWN & BARB. 8th and Oak Ian. Wayne Junction $25 MODERN and most desirable three-story porch-front house at Wayne Junction: all conveniences; 2 minutes' walk from station. 4441 N. 20th at,, above Oermantown ave. "BUB CUBAN COLONIAL HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS and 2 baths; stable, one acre, shade; situated on square from train and trolley; near the Huntingdon Valley Country Club; hot-water heat electric light, gas, etc.: high location, overlooking golf links; rent $100 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDO. nala-Cynwyil. I'a. BALA-CYNWYD fl bedrooms, 2 baths; garage . .$123 00 loo CO 83 00 80 00 75 00 (11 Oil 03 00 61.00 02.50 Dearooms, 1 uuin; curace ,, 7 bedrooms 2 baths .... n bedrooms. Bleeping porch, 3 baths 7 bedrooms, 2 baths n bedrooms, 2 baths, , r bedrocms, 1 bath.....,,,., H bo 1 rooms, 2 baths, 7 bedroom, 2 -baths,...,..., ., fl bedrooms. 1 bath no oo 5 bedrooms, 1 bath 42.00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 329 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 201 BALA AVE. CYNWYD, PA. Elklns Park, Pa. $16.60-STONE HOUSE, 10 E. Church road: key next door: front porch, large lot, new range, porcelain tub; additional land, $0 a year. CHAS. R. ALEXANDER. 110 8. 4th, Olenslde, Pa. BEAUTIFtTL HOMES, up to date In every detail. I.-3. 130. 3.1. $40. $50, $00 upward to J150 per menth. Call at Glenslde office to day. RENNINGER & RENNINGER. Glen side, and Broad and Walnut sts. Jenklntown, Pa. A.A IN THE WYNCOTE SECTION Attractive modern house, 0 rooms and bath. $30 per month ' HERKNESS & STETSON ujntj inm UDJU. MODERN resl lence. In excellent condition, rooms. 2 baths; garage; $70 D B. Cha hers, 710 Commercial Trust Building. 14 Ridley Park. Pa. SMALL COUNTRY place, all conv.. 5 mln rom station: $25; large country place. 14 rm.. $50. N. P. Sloan. Ridley Park. Secane, Pa. FOR RENT-Brlck and frame dwelling house. In perfect prder, with all conveniences: 10 '"SP1.. B.5d Pn"Y bath and linen closet: with half acre of ground; old shade; Provi dence road, near Ashland ave, 5 minute' vvalk from Secane Station, Central Division. h." ".'.mS? W,' R' 1' P. "'I" from Broal ?,'',, ?.U,,0?V. J'ne A. Bunting, B02 Drexel Building Philadelphia. " Sharon Hill. Pi FOR RENT. 38 E. WOonr.AVn ivw n. ron Hllli 8 room and bath, largo lot. old hade; convenient to station and trelliv JAMES A. BUNTING. 562 Drexel Bldg ' MAIN IINE. PA. R. K. MERION 7 bedrooms. 3 hath; garage .... 7 bedrooms, 2 laths .... WYNNEWOOD' 7 bedrooms, fl baths, carace 7 bedrooms, 2 baths ... . l bedrooms, K baths "',. ..$121 .. 75 1S5 , 121 , no . 73 i 63 n ueurooms, , pains 0 bedrooms. baths... ARDMORE .1 baths 3 baths 0 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, fl bedrooms, 8 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, n bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, n bedrooms, 6 bedrooms, 8 bedrooms, A bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 6 bed room a. $20. S3 166.60 150 00 , 113 31 110 00 101 00 83 00 80.00 78 OO .1 baths . . a baths .. , ." ..' 8 bath ......,:.!' 3 bath. a baths' ....":: " a baths,....;.,."; ;" ; s baths ;.;..; 2 bath . ... ...'.."'' haMhSrd 70 00 67.50 4 taths; garage 208 SS . 123 00 ., 10000 100 00 ,, inooo 2 baths. hathai rarn 1 bath ' " 8 bedrooms, 2 baths 4 bedrooms 2 'batbj SAMUEL C. WAG'NER,"j'R 70.00 COMMEnCIAT, TniTHT tit tvi i 15TH AND MARKET BTS. I'iULA. aVrVi10014 ' " Pr mo. $03 to 8150 MERION .... , Per mo, tlOo NARBERTH . . . Permo $25to$50 XynMAitF000 Pernio. IS J $100 ARDMORE Per mo. $7Mo 1100 ,..,9Tl!iI?S.,r VARIOUS HTATIONB IfARBERT st CLAOHORN, 204 Bailey Bldg Narbert BRAND-NEW H0U8E&-T room, all modern convenience, electrlo lights, etc. $10 p month; other at $21 60, W6.60. $28 60 up. safe,. INA.rVl,?th,.AX -gjpj R?ii U9,USB -! P'il.J'nProvem.nti.'wTTri lot wm reel aeao. ror auR-rMu (TER BAS4HMT WMITH, Vy r montn. wiv ynnewood. Fa. all day long SEAL ESTATE EOR Rgya, . rTynnevreea FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTO t HOUSE NO. eO MANOR ROAD WTNNEWOOD, PA. It Is modern, with all necessary convent. contains 18 rooms, a ki. '-""'P' rooms; has liberal lot of ground wit. Automobll siorage, $5 per month, WALTER BASSETT SMITH WYNNBWOOO. PA. Ardmore ARDMORE. Pa., Church rotd-Thres .i-" room, a bthA porch. good-.liSd lotrS. iib.1i (canunnoie renu 1HE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPj Broad and Chestnut sts, Phils, , J Haverford. Pa. OLD HOMESTEAD, attractively mod i-. wrairai, stono, ii rooma t,.. . rage, near station. Sutton, oi p.tiwipt DESIRABLE HOUSE, ne'er station iu room. 2 baths, garage. i Warnock A Emlen. Commercltl Trust Wg 26 WEST AVE O room, "l.aih. ... .. ia?k. rford Bta.. Phils, A Western: 2;' iitSSH condition, b. B. Chambers.710 CentL-r?. Vs!3? NEW JERSEY Avalon, N. a. NEW BUNOALOWS, cotUgta Ins Mania fttm .!... m . . a -" menu for rent, furnished; moderate sOnf! ii all modern conveniences; Boardwalk. Cssta! ' t. churches, all kind of stores, farmers diSrrS w O product to your door dally; nthlng? ijiSlT li Unni and sports. Call, nhons or wrtSTI 5?. oookltt. Cha. It. Hall, 1416 Real Krtaa e-n. - - "...., ....rtMg.yM.M, SB, Palmyra. N. J. GOOD train Rtcnviria rn,.. -.... lent schools, houses for rent at $14. JlB7? $18, $10. 20, 21, 1 23 and $26. Send tor lis aii me uengnia ox tne country with convenience of theKltv. GEORGE N. W1MBR. ralmynu Itlverlon, N. J. $28 TO $40 A MONTH-0 ta 12 room h.ni lo lots. A. E. Price, 416 Upplncott a' FOR "BfciHT FURNISHED qERMANTOWN HANDSOMELY turn. modern house, llrv bathrooms, sun parlor; electrlo llxhi muni Kitchen; near station. Apply L 251, Le Chestnut Hill ATTRACTIVE French villa, garage; posfesttal ..w.. q, u .,iiii. ij oo, Asaser -.enirsi. SUBURBAN ATTRACTI VB COUNTRY 8BAT NBAS JENK1NTOWN btone house, containing 14 rooms, 2 battel oi wnicn are bedrooms: electrlo lit: Springfield water: all conveniences: nni chauffeur's cottage; 6 acres; well fundaaea tor ino winter montn at xioo per month. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING tTTinKriOTItrtk xtrwma on im cikA k.A Oermantown, Mt. Airy. Chestnut Hill, 0a Lane, Jenklntown, W, rnua., Overbrook. Had erlord, Bryn Mawr, Wayne, Lansdowael ovvariiimure, etc. List on application. Photos at office. C. P. PE1EB3 & SON. 608 CHESTNUT run. rent Furntsned. for a year or lets. M splendidly equipped summer and winter re4j jv aence, near tne nuntincaon valley counts f Club: the owner absent on account of biusXt rrr i tf kr fl tl( nBD 1 th lrf Of ri gs4Ti.nl! l.Cestl.tv. ncss. For particulars address M ill, Ledfif-rj mace. NEAR the Huntingdon Valley Country Clu tspienuiaiy oqutppea aii-year residence, garage: rent for year or less: owner s on account of business. H 036, Led Central. Haverford HANDSOME STONE RESIDENCE and I-Mri lawn; enaoe. garden: iu rooms; iuo. bUTTON, 301 Franklin Building MORTGAGES ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIAL! X500.000 TO INVEST IN FIRST MORTGAGES In the City of Philadelphia LOWEST MARKET BATES Apply to HA2LEtT& MOSS J. 518 "WALNUT ST. atn 175. Lombard 32M.' 1 LARGE"XmOUNT TRUST FUNDa FOR FIRST MORTGAGE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACE H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON 13T AND, 2D MORTGAGE LOWEST RATES, QUICK DECISION also mm.iiiNn ass'N mdnrv J. J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St MONEY FOR MORTGAGES , S500 S1000 S1200ii $1500 $1600 S50001 W. H. HOOD. B12 NORRIS ST. Id ct $50 $100, $200 TO $500 Mortiraire or note, real estate security: D able easy terms; settlement same day. r LEWIS & CO. ""anSb? IjO TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secw to lty; Immediate settlement, payable u fviw ucsireu. EDW. M. MOLL, 133 SOUTH UTH STREET, FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT Prlvato or trust funds for 1st mort(s Building Association for 2d mortgages, eft or suouros; quick service JAMKH C. SIMPSON, UJO CHESTNUT FIRST MORTGAGES for sale, amounts S1S0O. X1400. J1KOO. tJOOO. J.'SOO. S3000. M500. tJSOO. SI 000. S450O nnd $5000t Inl 5 4-10: title tnsurance Included and all per tree, it. j. Miner, 272b vv, Lemgn X10O.OOO TO INVEST on morlcare In from $1000 up, alto building ainoclt'l money for second mortgages. G. C. BCli & CO , 4tii and uauowhiu sts MORTGAGES IN AMOUNTS OF $1800 ami SJOOO at W, per cent. JAMES D. WINCHELI, N. W. cor. 17th and Sanson! -sts. ALL AMtDUNTST 1ST AND 2D MORTQAO OulLk answer. MAURICE II. MATSINGER Real Estate Trust Bldg. UNLIMITED FUNDS In moderate anion lor atraignt ana punaing association m gages, lowest thalgfs WILLIAM JA KEOQII. 603 Drexel Bide. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNlS jutirn u vvji,i,iAAin SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 72J walnut st, WANT well secured first morfsaeesln amOUW of $5000 to $10,000 or ov er have ready tundi jiiAivi.r,n JJ. iiituvvr Ac vu 217 S BROAD ST LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES I TtKARnMATII.M fMrATtriKH JOHNA. HARRY. 607 LAND TITLE BLgSj t50"TO J5000 TO LOAN ON REAL E8TAT1 Also building association funds. : ARTHUR J LEUPOLD. 1218 Chestnut rrtJ BMERGM1NCY FUNDS placed at oncei"' sum, Inunedlate answer, lowest rates F Delanv. 1112 Lincoln. Broud and Penn MORTGAOKS PLACED, Building Aswcall TIahI tnt snld. Tr,ntH r.illtsd. C It RHOADS, 16th above Susquehanna 6WNERS-H your uvrftgag. has been eali ... ,n ,b vyt mat, ., luua i,.,. ,....,, . CIIKHTHIt D. ItOTTNFin. 1420 Chestnut as FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOEajl ANY AlinilNT 'I POTTS A THOMSON, 2321 Frankfort ave.. "FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOe vintiTninvH von siat.tc THEO. E NICKLE8. 2513 OERMANTN'. Al TRUST FUNDS for first mortgg. HEItKNES? & STElhON. LAND TITLE BUILDING. IF YOUR mortgage ha been called, placJ In a building association; new aerie October. M G1CTZ. 16th and York. MonmAnfs Have furfd. Desire fua4) Albrecht'. an Dreiel Tlldg , 2414 W. LSJ MORTGAGES INVESTMENTS COLLECTIONS .LL. VRITK OR PI TJ A. MINNIClt IRIS RIDOD AVE. $100,000 FOR FIRST.' SECOND OH mortgage. (tA. ua first ABERNETHY. 2724 N FHttfJ WELL-SECURED first mortgages, SH!it va ou amounts, jina 'tine poiKtesi papers n . West Phlla. and N E. J Arthur 1220 Loe' WORRELL 8 north n F1RBT AND SECOND MORTGAGES H FUNDS FOR FIRST undsecond roortgai rent and Intetesta collected In any butt tlty Cameron, 2S11 Kensington avenue BBEDS drawn. 1 inortassrs tlM. nsiiacs, iiu i.incoi uuiiaingi potn pa . .. ...n .'.."..... ". ' .. t i . i: cli toi rf ,5wi t a hi iB! ;, '.K L M u bt et 1 si In re t ct ti tt " I w a ic -tr "m (Su i'