Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1915, Final, Image 14

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    A V"K n 11& t Ia Ui lltSr Jar,
8BSMf1ElS1n:j:,'. r; - , '.RPHILAPELPHIAr SATTtttTMlY. OOSBBtt 2, 1915. . . LY
wn tNp7
it Pianist to Speak for Po-
Sltaf Funds, as Well as
PUy Music Notes
.la ene of the four cities
by Tdrewski tn "which ho will
i ncltala, the entire receipts of which
to be tamed over o the Polish
IteltoC Fund. The first city was
FrajMlneo, where he) gave such a
Wat wetvUuStiesecond will bo
th third Now York and the
t wilt give this benefit In the Academy
Saturday afternoon. October
wffi.be an event of more than or
r latorMt. for Paderewsk! will be
Itf tike two-fold capacity of orator
tout. Tho'. subject or his address
"telmd. Past and Present." This
fattowed by a recital of Chopin's
PoUab. Victims' Relief Fund Is dis
td equally among the sufferers of
Ha. and Russian Poland, and much
riven to such Poles as
irt of East Prussia which
last year,
lb Is to slve a concert in
C Music Saturday after
M. She will have the as-
Ice Harrison, the English
Tad Frank fit. Leg-erc. the Aus-
N Mhtet.
' delphla Orchestra will begin
'- h season with the opening
i" 'October 15-16, with only four
""Phe personnel. Those changes
mar new first trumpet, first oboe,
jioa'" and first viola. It Is
t. .amarki that but few orches-
'yea can show a record equal
'i PhlltarlolDhla Orchestra In
k t chani'es In players. It Is
A j.rk, fo- there are plenty
: . Is dlfflcult to hold good
w Jwamtalni -car. The most im-
The ilrnn orchestral body Is Its
with Inr'y "between players and
" " . this is .produced only
tjm&y nott the case of the Phlla-
'ginning vth the result
arly a permanent organs
'".st sense of the word,
t Th fcrrfcriean orcbestm
X 1 per cee new flrt trumpet.
I , -orapaaussian Symphony Or-
wvoiuuirork. The new first
fcice theiteau. Is a graduate of
m been ttory- perhaps the most
iao iraining 01 players
rumenta. Gardell Sl-
- ?ne. has had many
Jpff both In orchestral
tf,.mlle Mlchaux, solo
i from the Brussels
Xtarinr Sepwlth the first prize
loaded cars orj
was n,883 abor
3Par, the totajjeratlc Society la
erapared wlth'ions the coming
were Increases ataJi-tur"sodety
eeptlon of, "isJn Butterfy."
s Butterfly, Marie St 'no
W?uJuki. Shlppen Van Let'
f. d Horace R, Hood a'
b00" January 27 there will bi
, -.'PaEllaccI," by Leon Cav-
Buarw.jae,..,, "Dances of the
?lfrba,lot ""ranged by Al'
?Vvf5 V In APrfl th0 oclety
Ul8 ' jrmance of Ve Koven'
Ob f'j 'Rehearsals for "Butter-
t uoce',",'l;v' arH " neia "
uj.ir the direction of WaslU
w tir and basses for the
Th." watcomed,
tn., ft Quartet will give twocon
Purapoafi Hall on Thursday
CuWnary 6 and February 10.
BnlUts, among the moat Interest
Wei, Wts of the seasofi, will
weekdar taw auapleea of tne de-
,Boriajmata or the University -
1 j. Jb'J
The New Vmm afNino as
Siff !??. Jrrwiw. Period
kuu tiiewiftar-
.Ua tbreBottt the
OnNovembf was , w less
?? J?1?1 J tf,an th0 cor"
btra wlios ert. Wlales, 3Ni fe
tnembera are "WUtliiV 72.
to, tueoeed tH' on communicable
eorg N. - are given. This
O Olaji aver the number of
7t week.
M at t Infanta: Bricht'a
j-gTw cauaa of death of
. M aaawai la credited with
JIbb Mb a" eauaaa eath
Tfrfli? f
Tra sjajajh f
,talBBBHRBIBM f ( . T (
-fM fb
a-tJ !- 9
) a . a) t
'Ma bajast
,1 tha jw
tome; :
t ILS&m'
9 .MHafvM- 4h
"u JMalK"".'.".'.''.";
'"" ' ' ' ntrj . - " ' . . " C, . J
,- ' , - , -JT , Z .3 O , IrU WHDAH AH Los PAT WHTi" v r'H
- I S W" i"w w- , ' - C.i (C Vf i I I 5
But Ho Must Know All About
Botany and Bo Under 40
Years Old.
If you're out of work and understand
all about poisonous plants, botany,
zoology, elementary chemistry, and have
a bachelor's degree from a big college,
and are under 40 years old, you can get
a Job with Uncle Sam for $1200 a year,
providing you have had your picture
taken during the last two years.
These somewhat odd qualifications are
essential If you answer the appeal of
Uncle Sam for "poisonous plant Investi
gators." It seems that poison plant ex
perts must bo scarce, for the United
States Civil Service Bureau Issued a cir
cular today urging such geniuses to enter
an examination which will bo held on
October 20.
The commission Intended holding the
examination on September 8, but It Is
highly probable that lack of applicants
caused the postponement. No one knows
definitely what caused the poison testers
to hold aloof, but It Is possible that the
rather peculiar conditions were largely
For instance, it Is definitely stated
that each "applicant must submit to the
examiner on the day of examination his
photograph taken within the last two
years." Therefore, If any one seeking
the job happened to offer a photo which
was taken before October 2, 1913, they
would be disqualified.
The fact that each applicant must be
less than 40 years old Is another exaction
whtch probably frightened many away.
Just why Uncle Sam wants to "Osler
lze" men at 40 Is difficult to understand.
In view of the fact that the world's
greatest chemists, botanists and ana
lytical experts are much more than that.
There is considerable solace In the
thought that toadstools, ivy poison plants
and others which are dangerous or an
noying may be removed when the full
corps of Investigators are at work.
It may be necessary to employ a Sher
lock Holmes to discover applicants, for
the city directory does not rive a single
name with "poison plant Investigator" at
tached. Jenkintown Reading Room Opened
Formal opening of the Jenkintown Club
and Reading Room for the winter was
held last night, several hundred young
men of the York Road section attending.
They were received by Frank D. Clif
ford, the superintendent, and the board
of managers, constituting the Reception
Etui II. Dlcney, 223 E. Wlldey t.. and Eliza
beth Hiccardi. 23 B. Wlldey u
Dametrloa l'aldas, H2S South it., and Dlonlila
Dalea, S South at.
Chnetopl'.er nock. 4il Van Felt St., and Mary
Chaso. 2101 Lombard at,
Emilia T Hollenback. SO N. 62d at, and IJdlo
bartholomaa. 28 N. 32d at.
Maurice L. Ueber, 338 Catharine at, ana Ber
tha Muacovlti, Norma, N. J.
W. Leltoy Marahall, 120 N. S3d ac, and Kath
arine StreUisuth, 124 N. 53d at.
Jacob Cohn, Vlneland, N. J and Ida D.
Collin, 1710 8. bth at.
Charles II. Boyd, 4007 Sprlneneld ave, and
Murjorle Menamln, 4708 Hazel ave.
Horace OriKin. 22!) N. Aldea St., and Almeda
Uonper, lb.'J Christian at.
WIUMm A. Alllecr, Cynwyd, Pa., and Alice
O. Warner, Hala, Pa.
Andrew McCronn, 2710 Ringgold at., and Cecelia
J Yeudall, 2710 Ringgold at.
William C. Wllllamaon. Oak Lane, and Ethel
It. Durk, 1237 N. Broad at.
Jimra H. MeDantel, Camden, N. J., and Annie
o'Uea, 4U.U N Lawrence at.
Junn R. Deckard, 2710 N. Slat at, and Grace
II. Dlahop. 2743 N. 20th at.
Mike Szlnko, 281S Forter at, and Anna IlaazuL
2812 Pa, er at.
Otto L. Wnceman, New Tork city, and Sadie
Young, SK N. Slat at
Eugene G. Healey, Trexlertown. Pa., and Alice
It. MeCalmont, 1303 W. Someraet at
Archer N. Tevla, Waablngton Hotel, and Helen
E. Dlcfenderfer. 2210 N. 21at at
Ernest A. E. Amodla, Olaaaboro, N. J., and
Bice Ronal. 1228 8. 13th at
Horace C. Lang. 622 Uaul at, and Irene M.
Interman, 618 Miller at.
Albert W. Parnea. 1826 S. Bth st, and Beaale
,D. Echwarts, 10O8 South at.
St&nlalaw Qerzo. 3205 Thompaon at, and Ver-
cnlka Kawa, 8265 Thompaon at
Alfred O. Joiiln, 2128 Lee at, and Agnes M.
Baltzuer, 06 Bnyder ave.
William A. Zleache, 1H28 N. JSBth t, and
Loulae C. Bchmldt. B148 Hoopea at
Ialdor Blacker, 017 Dickinson at, and Frances
Epateln, 827 B. 4th at.
Harry Ruck. New Tork, and Dtta Edelson.
808 McKean at
Joaeph lilnn. Torreadale, Pa., and Mary O.
Rlchardaon, 1800 llalnbrldge at
John F. Farley. 24S0 B. 20th at. and Elizabeth
V. Bexton. 2411 B. Lambert at
William Myers, 117 Balnbrtdge at, and Anna
Kurczewaka, 10 Beck at
Henry H. Miller, 2S3 & Blat at, and Helen
V. Welsh, 1012 8 Ithan at
Frank K. Leland. New York city, and May O.
Hopper, Oormantown.
Vlncenzo Brandollm, 1043 Daly at, end
Antonletta OUrdulll. 1146 a 11th at
William Blackman. 2103 Tulip at, and Emma
U. Srhlndlcr. 2013 Birch at
John Potje, 1B3B N. Hancock at, and Ger
trude Bchade, 1830 Columbia ave.
Domlnck Amodel, 740 Federal at, and Sophie
Blanco, 1147 8. 8th at
George A. Rice, Dlllwyn, Vs., and Grace
Casaelberry. 1017 W. Cumberland at
William B. Durham, 122 Dupont at. and
Emma D, Hansen, 4770 Bllverwood at.
Franda B. Hurley, 1010 Brown at. and
Bridget Morrlaaey, Eaaton, Pa.
P farms! Maczuk. 472 N. 4th at, and Marya
Juraa, 472 N. 4th at.
Walter Bllble, 2S46 N. Marahall at. and Emma
Komhau, 2S46 K Marahall at '
Doroenlco Item!, BIS Clymer at., and Maria
Campbellone, 4048 Cambridge at.
Roaarlo GUetto, Dlrdaboro, ., and Beraflna
FlorlgUo. 1849 B. SarUtn at
Joaeph lUrblerl, 2623 Livingston at, and
Jennie Zelalta, 2510 K, Kdgeroont at,
Andrew J Hart. 42ti W Ontario at. and
Helen Llat 4017 Falrmount ave.
Fred Ehriutt 22O0,4 Columbia ave.. and
Emllle HellUT, W4 N. American at.
Maurice Gray, League Island, and Anna
Hrndlon 14. W ITICe at " M
(uael Potzowaky. 1148 B th at, and Ooldle
Buaaman. BO( 8. Randolph at.
Pr. Abraham K. Cocke (Hen Cove, L. I., and
Helen M, Broalua. 4820 Walton ave. '
Maravt W. Koi 6MI Uroomall at. and Ida
"Ttlik, 1417 U Edgewood at
WHIIam DU. ejiq Vine at, and Catharine
H. Armbruat 0004 J at
Nlklfor Folomarezuk 231 Outtonwood at, and
MarU Jakob. 21 Buttonwood at. '
George B. Mycra, Jr. IMa Dickinson at, and
Mar-nret II. Leonard. 2420 B. 15th at.
Henry I.tngmann, 2128. la Clearfleld at, and
Mary V. Wcrenbeck 21B7 E. Lettarly af.
Sam Rublnateui. New York elty, and Till!
Mick. 648 N
Marahall at.
John wi
alnraaa, 4s02 Frankford
Edna Bpotta. X7 Mulborry at
u, wv vikuaiwu in.
atiracaemauD, ovt nuaaeu at.
Marmun H. Hughaa, Haddontteld, N. J., and
5ioel'a Tlfha. 1019 Point Breeze aye. '
WUvUw Zl.rolne. 28 Catharine ' at., and
zratanirna Wychowaka. 107 Kenllwarth
2392 N. Mh at, and Ida,
4a9T laatttar at. ajtd fiLmaii
Scoreboards to Flash World Scries
In anticipation of the great crowds
which will congregate about the news
paper bulletin boards during the world's
series baseball games, the Evening
LxmaEn bulletin machine, formerly at
Broad and Ellsworth streets, has been
placed In front of the Broadway Theatre
Broad streot and Snyder avenue, It hav
ing been decided that the latter location
Is more convenient to the many "fans'"
In that populous neighborhood.
Other EvENrNQ Ledoer bulletin boards,
which are now operating tn flashing
"quick news" to tho public, and which
will also carry the up-to-tho-mlnute news
of the world's scries games are located
as follow:
Colonial Theatre, Main street and Chel
ten avenue, Qermantown.
Nixon Theatre, Bid and Market streets.
West Philadelphia,
Peacock's Pharmacy, northeast corner
Broad street and Erie avenue.
Ledger Central, Broad and Chestnut
Ledger Main Office, 6th and Chestnut
Philadelphia Girl Meets Him in
Shanghai for Wedding
A young woman of "West Philadelphia,
now living with her husband In the
Philippines, Journeyed almost around the
world to Shanghai, China, to meet him
when he found It Impossible to return
to this city. She was Miss Marlon Gra
ham Fleck, daughter of Mrs. Annie Rick
Fleck, of 41st street and Chester avenue.
The husband Is James Ross Corbln, a
mining engineer. He is the grandson of
James O. Marll, of 421 "West Chelten ave
nue, and a son of Ross and Josephine M.
Corbin, formerly known In musical cir
cles of this city. Mr. Corbln went to
the Philippines several years ago. Ho
had not seen Miss Fleck slnco that time.
The young persona corresponded fre
quently, however, and finally decided that
tho bride-to-be would travel to Shanghai
to meet Mr. Corbln.
Australia to Start Ship Line
The question of inaugurating a steam
ship Bervloe to Europe via the Cape of
Good Hope has again been considered by
the Australian Government, which has
decided to proceed with the project as
early as possible. It Is believed that a
line for the carrlago of malls to Ixmdon,
as well as passengers and cargo, could
be established for about $3,500,000.
AI'KKR. On September 29, 191B, JOSEPH
H. APKER (formerly of 1818 Moyamenslng
ae.), husband of Mary A. Apker. Funeral,
to wnloh tho relatives, friends and organl
gatlona of whtch he was a member, are In
Mtel on Monday, at 8.30 a. m from hla
late residence. 2408 B. 18th at Mass of
Requiem at the Church of St. Monica, at 10
a. n. precisely. Interment Cathedral Ceme
tery. Auto funeral.
tlAXTEIt Suddenly, on September 29, 1015.
WILLIAM C, eon ot the late David and
Mary Baxter, huaband ot Catharine Baxter.
Relatives and friends, alao Sandy Row, No.
IB. L. O. L.; Philadelphia Royal Black Pre
ceptory. No. 2: L. P. A.. No. 63: Oriental
Lodge, No. 383, F. and A. M. : 30th Ward
Republican Club. John Chambers Men's
Friendly Union, and all other organizations ot
which he waa a member are Invited to at
tend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at
hla late residence, 2723 Federal at. Interment
at Mount Morlab Cemetery. Rcmalna may be
viewed Sunday, from 8 to 10 p. m.
UELhON. At her residence, B440 Pine at.
on October 1, 1010. EDWINA L., wife of
Frederick B. T. lielson, aged 70 years. Serv
ice and Interment strictly private.
IIKHG. On September 00, 101S, FERDI
NAND C, eon of John and Elizabeth Berg
(reo Nagle), nged 22 years. Relatives and
friends, alao employes David Harvey Bona
i.uiiii'uiij' nuu uiuc aj'u dui;iai, are invjtou
to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at 8.30 a, m.
from hla parenta' realdence, 3077 Martha
st Requiem Mass at the Church of Our
Lady Help of Christiana, at 10 a. m. Inter
ment at Moat Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
UL'CKI.KY. Ruddenly, on September 80.181B
at Boston, Mass., HORATIO B., son o( Both
and Elizabeth II. Buokley, In hla 21st year.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
tho funeral, on Monday, at 10 a. m, precisely,
from parenta' residence, IIS Beecner ave..
Cheltenham. Interment at Oakland Ceme
tery. Frankford. Remains may be viewed
Sunday, 6 to 0 p. m. Take Fox Chaae cars
to Five Points.
CALLAHAN. On September 80, 1918. AN.
NIE. widow of Patrick Callahan. Relative
and frlende are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Monday, at 7 a. m., from her late resi
dence. 1210. North Allison at (B5th it. and
Olrard avej. High Mas of Requiem it St
Gregory's Church, at 0 a. ra. precisely. In
terment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
CARI.IN. On September 30.1010, WILLIAM.
eon of the late Jamea and Matilda CarJIn.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
funeral, on Monday, at S a. m , from hla late
realdence, lf0 Conarroe st, Manayunk, Re
quiem Maaa at St. Mary's Church at 0 a. m.
Interment Westminster Cemetery.
CHAMllKRS.On September 80, 191B, JOHN,
huaband of Lizzie Chambera. Relatives and
friends, alao the Brotherhood of Andrew and
Philip of Bethany Preabyterlan Church, are
Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Sunday, at 1 p. ra. precisely, at hla lata
residence, 2800 Gray a Ferry ave. Interment
private. Automobile funeral.
COLEMAN. At Lebanon, Pa., on September
20, 1915, ANNE MABON CHURCHILL, wlfa
of B. Dawaon Coleman, daughter of the lata
Richard Randolph Cuyler Churchill, U. B. A.
Funeral and interment private.
CHAIO. On September 80, 1918. MARY
CRAIQ, widow ot Jerry Craig, In her 00th
year. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. ra..
from her late residence, 833 N. Orlanna at!
Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery.
CROShCUl'. On Beptember 80, 1018, EMMA
widow ot Daniel L. Croaacup. Relative and
frlenda of the family are Invited to attend
th funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p m.
at the residence of ber son, Charlea A Croaa
cup, 2323 W Thompaon st Interment Weat.
mlnater Cemetery
DALLAS. On October 1, 10IB, WILLIAM J
DALLAS, aged W year. Du notice of th
funeral wll. b given from hi lata realdence
2U32 N. 12th st '
DAWS.- On September SO, 1918, HENRY B.
DAVIS, at Sunbury p. Funeral service
will be helJ on Monday, October 4, at hi
late realdence, L.S Market t, Sunbury, Put.
10:50 a. m. Interment at J'omfret Manor
Cemetery, bunlmry. Pa, uur
E8C1IKN11'.L1)EK On September 29. ELIz.
widow of Jacob Eachenfelder. Relative. Si',!
fiienda ar Invited to attend th funeral eirv.
ices, on Sunday, at 2 p. in., at Ur late real"
dene. 2002 Worth 4th at,' Interment lit.
JXANNAOAN, On Beptember 80.1918, LAW.
HENCE, husband of the late Ann Flannagan.
Relative and friends, also th Sacred Heart
and Rosary Societies of St Bridget's Church
are Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at"
T.SO a. m.. from Ma son's realdence, John
p. Flannagan, 88.71 Quuen Ian, Fall. Illrh
Mass at St, Bridget's Church at a, m. in
terment St Mary's Cemetery.
FLOOU On October 1, 191B. JOSEPH J..
SranliVlL and"Yh. late Mar? FlSSi. "SrtK
'z.wUhyifirrrrTr: :,, -." j 4 - . -rrp-" v-rV . TTTT- --sT Y
DEATU8 DEATiia HELP WANTED rEMALE SITUATIONS waJtiflu-ii.Liitui.iia j--r
rltr.EROROCOH. On September 29, 1918,
MATILDA, widow of William Freeboreugh.
Relative and frlenda are Invited to attend
funeral, Monday, at 8 30 a. m., from the
npartntenta, 1526 N, 10th at. High Maaa of
Solemn Requiem at 8t Edward's Church, at
10 a. m. Interment private, at New Ca
thedral Cemetery. Please omit Howera. Au
tomobile funeral.
OI11SON. On October 1, 1915, WILLIAM G.,
husband ot Emma W. Gibson, aged 69 year.
Relative nd trlenda, also Survivors' Asso
ciation, POth Regiment Pennylvanla Volun
teers; Relief Association of the Philadelphia
Fire Department, and employee of Cramp
Shipyard, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at the
apartment ot Oliver H Balr, 1U20 Chestnut
st. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
Remain may be Mewed on Monday, from 7
to Ki p. in.
GILI.IEH. On September 80, 1918, ANNIE
LAVELLF. GILLIES (nee Welsh). Relative
and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Monday, at 8.30 a. tn., from her late resi
dence, 2328 Turner at. Solemn High Masa at
St. Elizabeth's Church, at 10 a. m, precisely.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
GRACE. On October 1, 1918, THEODORE,
husband of Elizabeth Grace (nee Luecke).
Relatives and friends, also St. John's Assem
bly, No. 28, A. O. M. P.; Harris Castle.
No. 20, K. ot G. E , and employe or the
Tower. Welghtmsn & Rosengarten Company,
aro Invited to attend funeral service, at
hli late residence. 2427 W. Cumberland st,
on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. precisely. Inter
ment Northwood Cemetery.
GUYNN. On October 1, 1918. LAWRENCE
OUYNN. Relative and friend are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8:30
a, m., from the residence ot his son-in-law,
Thomas Earnest 1212 Wallace at. Solemn
Requiem Maes at the Church ot the Assump
tion at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathe
dral Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
HAIGIt, fir. On September 30, 1918, AN
DREW, husband of the late Jane Ann Heigh
(nee Towlerton). and eon of the late James
and Charlotte Halgh. Relative and frlenda
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Mondav, at 12 o'clock precisely, at his late
residence. 1308 B. 22d at. Interment at Oak
Hill Cemetery, Vlneland, N. J. Automobile
IIAN'SUERY-On September 80, 1918, Mrs.
ANN HANSBERY. Relatives and frlenda
are Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Sunday, at 0 p. m., at the residence of her
eon-ln-law, Loula McMenomay, Barrlngton,
N. J. Funeral on Monday, at 1 p. tn. Inter
ment at Fernwood Cemetery.
IIEIRI.KR. Suddenly, on September S0.101B,
HANNAH N.. daughter of the late George
and Lydla Helsler. aged 77 yeara. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
eervlces, on Monday, at 1 p. m., at her late
residence, 30 Carteret st, Camden, N. J. In.
terment at Mount Holly, N. J., by auto
mobile. 1IENSEY. At Salem, Jf. J., on September 30,
1015. MARY, wife of Michael Hensey. Rela
tive and frlenda aro Invited to attend the
funeral services, at her late residence, 22
Olive st., on Monday, at 0 SO a. m. High
Maaa of Requiem at St. Marya Church, at 10
a. m Interment at St. Mary' Cemetery,
Salem, N. J.
IRWIN. On October i, 1918, VIOLET L.,
daughter of William T. and Fredericks Ir
win (nee Yeager), In her 10th year. Rela
tive and friend are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Monday, at 2 p. ra.. at
the residence of her uncle, Oeorge G. Lehr,
102 W. Allegheny ave. Interment private, at
Greenmount Cemetery.
JAMISON On September 28. 1918, THOMAS
3. JAMISON. Relatives and friends, aleo
employes of Blaslus & Sons, John F. Rey
nolds Post, No. 71. O. A. R.; Ioska Tribe,
No. 371, Imp. O. It. M.; Washington Camp,
No. 2113, P. O. S. of A.; Ioska Lodge. No. 2,
S. of A., and Gratitude Council. No 682,
Jr. O. A M.. are Invited to attend the fu
neral, on Monday, at 2 p. m.. from hla late
residence, 2031 E. Cumberland st. Remains
may he viewed on Sunday, after 8 p. m.
Interment at Oreenwood (K. of P.) Cemetery.
JONES. On October 1. 1016, MARGARET
JONES, wife ot Grant L. Jones and daughter
ot Marcaret Grear and the late Andrew Jack
son Crllley. Relatives and friends, also
Champion Degree Council, No. 8, D. ot L..
aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on
Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at her late realdence,
6126 North 12th St.. Logan. Interment pri
vate, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
KANE. On October 1.1916, JOHN J. KANE.
Funeral, to which the relative and friends
are invited, on Tuesday, at 6.30 a. m., from
tne residence ot hla eon, 2'eier j, Kane. l&Jg
Hhunk at Solemn Mas ot Requiem at the
Church of the Epiphany, at 10 a. ra. pre
cisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
KEKNKY. At the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. JAMES C. CLARK, Baltimore, Ml,
on October J, 1918, THEODORE M. KEE
KEY, aged 63 ear. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend the funeral services,
on Sunday, at 3 p. m., at the apartments of
Oliver H. Bair, 1820 Chestnut at, Philadel
phia. Interment private.
KLUrKEK September SO, 1918, CHARLES
F. KXUFKEE. huaband nf the late Sarah A.
Klufkes (nee Conover). Relatives and frlenda,
also the members of George 'C. Chandler
Circle, No. M. R. ot A.; Supreme Circle and
Grand Circle of B. ot A. ot Pennsylvania,
are Invited to attend the funeral services,
on Monday, at 2 p. m., at his late realdence,
430 E. Thompson st Interment at Northwood
MANHFIKLD. On Ninth Month 80th. 1916.
GEORGE W.. husband or the late Ida Mans
field (nee Jones), aged 62 yeara. Relatives
and friends ot the family, aleo members of
Camp No. 03. P. O. a. ot A., are Invited to
attend funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from
the parlor of J. E. Stiles & Bona, 1417 E.
Susquehanna ave. Interment private.
McC'ANDLlIhS. On October 1, 1916. LESLIE
A. MiCANDLESS. Relatives and frlenda
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday,
at 8.30 a. m., from hla late realdence, 4412
lino st Maaa of Solemn Requiem at St
Franda de Sales Church, at 10 a, tn. Inter
ment at Holy. Cross Cemetery.
McKEOWN. On September 80, 1918, nUGH.
husband ot Theresa McKeown and aon ot tha
late Thoma and Barab McKeown (nee Bal
lam). Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend funeral services, on Monday, at 2
p. m., at his late residence, 2167 Dreer at
(Trenton ave. above Norrl at). Interment
North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remain mar
be viewed Sunday evening.
MeMONEOLE. Suddenly, on September 80.
1916, HUGH, husband of Mary M. McMone
gle (nee Dougherty), aged 88 years. Rela
tives and friends, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Monday, at 8 a, m.. from ht
late residence, 192t McClellan at Mas of
Requiem at the Church of St. Thoma
Aquinas at 030 a. m. precisely. Interment at
Holy Croa Cemeetry.
McVElOH. On October 1. 1918, JOHN Mo.
VEIGH. Relative and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 a. ra..
from the residence of hi son-in-law, Francla
P. Murray. 1814 Ta.ker st. Solemn 'iteqlilem
Mass at the Church of St. Thoma Aquinas
at 0.30 a. m. precisely. Interment at New
Cathedral Cemetery. "w
MKHVINK. On September 80, 1918, MART
j., wife pf Paul Mcrvtne (nee Allen). Rela
tives an 1, friends are Invited to attend fu.
neral aervlcea, on Monday, at 2 p. m.. at her
lata residence, 417 Buttonwood at. Interment
Mount Morlah Cemetery, "'
MOliaAN, Suddenly, on Beptember 80, 191B
ALVA I. huaband of Mary B. Morgan! aaad
Myear. Relative, snd friends sre TnviteY to
attend the funeral scrvlcea, on Monday, it
2 p. m. precisely, at hla late realdence. 453
W, Brlnhurt t, Qermantown. Interment
MCLI.IN. -On September 29, 1918. MARQA
RET. wife of Francla B. Mullin and daulh.
it the lit Arthur and Ann McCready!
natla of, 1'srl.h of Greenlaugh. Comity
Berry, Ireland. Funeral on Monday, at 8.80
a. tn.. from her late realdence. Vouthei.t
rner 03d and Mrk.t au. Solemn RequUm
Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church it 10
J. m. Interment at Holy Croaa Cemetery.
Relative and friend are Invited to attend!
HKWUN. On October 1. 1918, MARGARET
daughter pt the lata Thomas B. and Kathi.'
rlne NwUn, atflier realdence, 1516 Arch at"
l)Se notice of the funeral will be glvK New
York pPrs plea copy, " mw
rflKKr-O" October 1,1916, MARY a. ponn
Sue w William M. Porr. aged 63 ;?,.
Relative and frlende r Invited to attend
funeral ervlc. on Monday, at 3 ?5a
it her late reaidenca. 6808 Jackiou t wfc
Sinoralng. Friends may call Bunday"'1
to P. rn. Interment private, at MaihSii
Cemetery. M "
IMlltAMKV On Beptember SO. lain.
CAROLINE, wife of August mbr.rn.ky (nV.
Mtou.n. In her 86th year. Relative jS
tilend. also member oVatok Jed PhlladeU
ROnERTB At Providence, n. I., on Sep
tember 30, 1018, ELI.A MAE, wife of W.
Walborn Roberts. Relatives and friends are
Invited to attend the funeral service, on
Sunday, precisely at 2 p. m., at the chapel ot
Andrew i. Balr & Son, Arch and 19th street..
Interment private.
SCI ANZ. On Beptember 80, 1918, CHRIS
TI'N, husband of Augusta Schanz. Rela
tive and frlenda also Prospect Lodge, No. 6,
O. of F. B., are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Monday, at 2 p. m., at hla late
realdence, 2810 East Victoria at. Interment
at Oakland Cemetery. Remain may be
viewed on Sunday, between 8 and 10 p. ra.
SIEGET.. On Beptember 80, 1918, LOUIS
SIEGEL, aged 43 year. Funeral and Inter
ment private, from hla parents' residence,
6225 Westminster ave.
SMITH. On September 29. 1915. ALFRED,
husband of Mary Jine Smith. Relatives and
friends, nlao tne members of Star of Hope
Lodge, No. 6, s. of B are Invltede to at.
tend funeral, on Monday, at 2 p. m., from
his late residence. 2026 B. Ekhart at In
terment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Re
mains may be viewed on Sunday evening,
att.r 7:30 o'clock.
STEARN. Suddenly, on October 1. 1918,
EMMA, widow of Henry R. and former
widow of John I Richardson, of Wilming
ton. Del., aged 78 ears. Relatives and
frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Tuesday, at 12 m., at her late
residence. 2304 North 15th st. Interment at
Brandywlne Cemetery, Wilmington. Remains
may be visaed on Monday evening.
8TKVENB. Suddenly, on Beptember 80,1918,
LOUIS N.. on ot the late Charles W. and
Anna B. Stevens. Relatives and frlenda are
Invited to attend the funeral servlcea, on
Monday, at 2 p. m.. at his late residence,
837 South Hancock st Interment private.
Frlenda may call Sunday, between 8 and 10
p. ra.
8TEUERWALD. On October 1.1918.HENRY
STEUERWALD, husband of Fredericks
Steuerwald (nee Schultz), aged 83 years.
Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Tuesday, at 1 p. ra.,
at hl late realdence. 1025 East Passyunk ave.
Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains
may be viewed on Monday, at 8 p. m.
STUNE. Suddenly, on September 29, 1918.
JOHN II., husband of Bridget Stune. Rela
tives and friend, also Electric Aid Society
and Local No. 21, Electrlo Workers, sre In
vited to attend funeral, on Monday, at 8
a. m., from the residence of his brother-ln-l?"'
JT,""1 , Murphy. 1446 N. 87th at.
West Phlla Solemn Requiem Masa at St!
0.".orCs Chnrch at 0:30 a. m. Interment
at St. Denis' Cemetery.
SUMMERS. On September an 1918, WILL
IAM W., husband of Anna n. Summer (ne
Shreve), In the 51th year of hi age. Rela
tive and frlenda, also Covenant Lodge, No.
456, F. and A. M.: American Star Lodge. No.
405, I. O. O. F.: Northewstern Assembly. No.
54, A. O. M. P.: tha Men'a Friendly Union
of the John Chamber Memorial Church, and
the 20th Century Republican Club, are in
vited to attend the funeral service. Monday,
at 2 p. m. precisely, at hla late residence,
1627 N. 82d at Interment Mt Morlah Cem
etery. The remains may he viewed on Sun
day evening between the houra ot 7 and 9
o'clock. Automobile aervlce.
TETI. On September 80. 191B, LUCY, wife
of Domenick Tetl. aged 33 yeara. Relatives
and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Tuesday, at 8 30 a. ra.. from her late real
dence, 024 Mountain at. Solemn Mass of Re
quiem at the Church of Our Lady of Good
Counsel, 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Croaa
THORNTON. On September 30, 1918. JOHN
R., aon of AmelUand th late Thomas O.
Thornton, in hla 21st year. Relative and
friends, also employes of the Excelsior Laun
dry, are Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Monday, at 2 p. m . at his late
residence. 1003 W. Montgomery ave. Inter
ment private at Fernwood Cemetery.
WALLACE. On October 1, 1918, ALEXAN
DER 1 WALLACE, aged 71 years. Hela
tlvc and frlenda are Invited to attend fu
neral servlcea. Monday, at 2.30 p. m., at hi
late realdence, 1716 Unity at, Frankford.
Interment private, at North Cedar Hill Cem
etery. WALTERS. Suddenly, on September 80,1918.
HERMAN WALTERS, late of 820 Ei On
tario at, husband of Henrietta Walters. In
hla 63th year. Relatives and friends are In
vited to attend funeral, on Monday, at 2
p. m. precisely, from the residence of his
. eon-ln-law. Edwin II. Bunney, 1634 Dounton
t, Nlcetown. Interment at Hillside Ceme
tery via funeral car. Remains mav ..
viewed Sunday evening.
This STYLE TYPE (er Ilka this)
One time ..................,, lfio.
Three times ene week 12Hc
Dlx times one week loo.
Situations Wanted, three times one week 10
cents per Una,
Place your order for three or
more times and It will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two tuna rata for Eraaiva Lawsa
snd Fcbuo Ltwis combined is 19 cent rAtr
Une with the exception of Help Wanted and
Bltuatlons Wanted, which is 16 cents par Una!
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which 1 permitted In all classification ex.
cept .Help and Situations Wonted. Lost and
Found, Personal. Boarding and Room, ad
There Is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
CHAMBERMAID and waiting-Clean, lntelll.
gent, trustworthy woman, willing to hlp
nurso with children: no washing. II 20. Led-
cr imnm, wa juaraet t.
CHAMBERMAID and waitress-Settled Prot
estant woman) assist nura with children;
S.hw?n.,ni ,?"", .JSW- Apply 428 B.'
CHAMBERMAID & waltrea. exp., whluprot.
fam. 3 adults: rf. req. Apply 4054 Spruce st
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John &
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Bcotfa
Une, Fall of Schuylkill.
COOKINO and downstair work; also laundry;
white girl) reference required. Call 6439
Jofferaon st., Qermantown.
COOKINO and downstairs work, whit alrl
wanted. Apply 2205 Oroen st.
QIRL for general housework, small family.
aiRLS wanted, between ages) 10 and 24. Ap
ply Monday a. in., between T and 10 o'clock.
Employment Bureau, Welsbach Company,
UWUt.,H, ttll.
managlnaf-Prot woman of
le of takjii full charg or
ury. M 61iT, Ledger OMcV!
derlngl ref.; count
HOUSEWORK, general White girt, no"
attend first floor, wait on table! small
llyj auburbs. Meet employer. Led. Cent. OS..
U6UueWORK: general)-Girl In eountryT
lly ofB: Of washing, Apply 12M Lou
Saturday, between 6 and 11 a. ni.
Q"- .-. ..-. ..... ..wwuy, t 1VUS.
"". et.r
nroUHTSWORKTseneral, Prot. girl; am. i-4J
suburbs; 1,0 washing. Call Saturday, bat 1
WI . . - " .1... . MM..., Iaiff.
aomsais BLran-iapiieocl Pi
younar woman wanted for year-old
ord 'lJtt,b,ir,;"cJiur,
MOTHER'S inSLPEn, half-grown girl wanted.
Apply loio -. "'" -.
WonMd?1' E?S1,nc.lr!o will
nut st
Aro you seeking a nrst-class position? See
Mis Dean, at Ledger Central. She will
advise you how to secure one, help you write
your advertisement, list your QuUfll:,i'on"hi1
(he Commercial Department. Mis Dean has
helped hundreds of young ladles and will ex
tend the same erurtesy to you. This Is a
free service to Ledger advertisers.
. CO.
months snd boy 8 years: must hava exp. and
rer. , rroKBianu w. , aiu.i.'i -
WANTED CHAMBERMAID, also assist with
washing; Prot. with ret. Box 07. Ambler, Pa.
WINDERS Wanted, experienced soft k
winders. Sauquolt Silk Manufacturing Com
pany, 18th and Hunting Park ave.
CLERKS Women wanted as govt, clerks; $70
month; Phlla examinations coming; sample
Suestlons free. Franklin Institute, Dept 713
, Rochester. N. Y.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, quick, ac
curate and good worker,, with experience;
give reference and state salary expected.
L 134, Ledger Office.
BOY, 18 years old. for position in office; an
swer own handwriting. H 747, Ledger Cent
BOYS, 16 or over, to work in wall paper fac
tory. Apply at once, Becker, Smith & Page,
Water st. and Snyder ave.
BOYS, 17 years old, to learn trade. Apply 1800
Wlssahlckon ave.
CANVASSERS Wanted, four stalwart Repub
llcans In each ward; now until election. Ap
ply Eat and Mon. all day, 722 Sansom st
CARPENTERS Several first-class men. Whlte
slde tc Sons. 2115 Wallace at
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John &
Jamea Dobson. Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
lsne, Falls of Schuylkill.
DRIVER for laundry route, not afraid to can
vass; salary and commission. Apply 1242
G hard ave. Sunday, between 12 and 2 p. ra.
DRIVER, for two-ton coal wagon. Waverly,
54th and Whitby ave.
ts-ttjm rMlvn?
Night duty In large plant near Phlla.. ex- j
perlence necessary, preferably as captain of 1
city company or in cnarge ox private ongaao.
give full particulars, references, etc Lock
Box 1371. Philadelphia.
HOUSEWORK Wanted, man and wife, to
gether; must be good cook, In country. For
Interview. 1504 Pine St.. Monday, 0 to 12.
INSTRUMENT MAKER on fine balances; ex
perienced only; references required. Christian
Becker, inc. i etn Jersey v.r. x. j.
LABORERS WANTED. 23 eood ditch men.
white or colored: co-hour week; good pay;
steady work for good men. Apjly 4127
Frankford ave.. 3d floor, over pontolflce.
MAN for cost keeping ot machine shop; must
laKe UlCULllOU AUU uu.,l.wuu uiu, iJlliii-,
uis wanes. exDerlence and age. V iXXZ.
Ledger uu
MAN and wife, German, English speaking, for
General housework; plain cooking; two In
omlly; references. It 643. Ledger Central.
NIOHT WATCHMAN -wanted In national
bank; must live In Philadelphia, not be over
50 years of age; salary fbo per month; per
manent position; only those giving names ot
references will be considered. C 412, Ledger
PRESSMEN Leather belt presamen wanted;
steady work. Apply 41 North 7th street.
SALESMAN Electrlo appliance salesman
wanted; prefer man with experience In sell
lng campaigns for central stations or rnanu
facturera of appliances; state business expe
rience, salary desired, with commission, also
age. L 133. Ltdger Central.
SALESMAN Wanted, hustling salesman to
sell the only theft-proof Ford automobile
lock on the market; all Saturday afternoon.
SALESMAN', stock, wanted; muat have clean
record and references: exceptionally attrao-
suits. 11 849, Ledger Central.
SALESMAN Wanted, experienced plaster sales,
man with good references; none other need
apply) territory eastern part of PenAsylva
nla. Address U 117, Ledger Office. '
Men experienced In technical line, to call
on architects, engineers and manufacturing
concerns; good position for 4 or 6 live men;
only men desiring permanent employment
apply) state age, experience and give ret-
erence. ai is. Kmcr uemrw.
SALESMEN wanted to sell our new wonderful
gas light Call at 10 a. ra., Saturday, ninth
floor, N. W. corner 18th and Cherry at a.
in uniwq ufti nuyrovpmeni company.
STENOGRAPHER Young man. good appear
ance, quick, with ome experience. Addrea
Stenographer, P. O. Box 1311.
BTENOORAPHERS. 21 to 25. exp.: muat fur.
nisn reicrcic. ai ., imcr uenirai.
VALET Young whito man with experience In
caruta vr itivs.iu, uisiii unir; witn goou
reference; suburbs. M 010, Ledger Office.
WANTED Intelligent, active boy, 16 years
old. office work with corporation. Call at
Ledger Office, 6th and Chestnut, between 10
and 11 a, ra., Saturday. Ask for Mr, Wet-
YOUNG MAN, about 21. bright, to asslst'ln
order department paper house; good chances
for advancement. O 404. Ledger Office.
Latest, moat modern, up-to-date
By our new method you learn to drive and
repair automobile quickly.
.-. .. 5 u START YOU.
1601-18 Spring Garden. Day and night classea.
UOOlCKBBPER-and ethnographer desire peri
manent poa 6 year' xp. l 847. Led. Cent.
COMPANION-Lady, Intelligent, exp.rtenced.
it,i" JS,t,?.n.V.e?mPan'on o elderly lady
or Invalid. C 825, Ledger Olflea.
COOK, chambermaid and waitress. 2 iri
friend wish poeltlona together. L Xoi.Led OS
DRBea4AKJ4K." French,' wl.hM"5t7MmTnr
at hroe orout; ref. Tel. Dlcklnon vSS v
OOVEllNEfiel. .Frenehrrnuslo" teacher, wish,
no. In Drlv. fam. A. TWv-.M i7;..,..w,,P.s
uuyismiee, Tencn, rnusio teacher. wlh.
po. In prlv. fam. A, Poccald. RoVemoi'
OOVERNESS. vUltlnaennairFFinch-Kn?
Ilh; reference. O. K. Lorens, aiaa win,"
.M, . w. v...,, o.ap vvainut
VlAltUtftrVD'tfll'U i ii ...
nvumiuMii ... wwiweinsi or COlDDanlani
oos. wanted by refined, van m rTj1.0.0'
German Prot lady,, QaOtt. i. 'ffja'
atCBMl'liat (rwnaatns), "cnoo'ir colKil
w """i - svi. am m, iefl Ol
i2i rXiT'
g-: I , ; i --- "-r mm-.
LADi, reduced la ouottscataaces. kavlnsr Vi
"thorough buatnew Ualnlag and buvj-J
Tsrea Insertions (n one meefc, He, a Una.
LADY, Swiss, wishes position with children!
good reference. A. Poccald, Roeemont Pa,
LADY deetres work afternoons in doctor's ef
dentist's office. H 48. Ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER and typist deslrea perma
nent pos.; exper.; good rets. II 749, Led. Cent.
TEACHER, visit Ref. Swls lady teaches Ger
man, French to children. Call af tar B p.m. A.
Cramer, n e. cor. 11th A Tasker. Ph.Dlck.5509.
TEACHER (visiting) French, German. Ital,
vocal, piano; European training. Mile.. 182T
Wallace. .
typewriting (experienced) seek engagement
wlth private school. Q 333, Ledger Central.
together: 9 years' reference: man understands
all lnslds and out gentleman's place: wlfa
nrst-class cook and good chambermaid. O
. 336, Ledger Office.
WOMAN, German, wants position for wahlng
and houeecleanl ng; good ref. 2148 Clarion st
YOUNG LADY wishes position in florist shop,
clerics! or selling; refs. II 748. Ledger Cent
LETTISH GIRL, Protestant recently arrived,
wishes general housework; German-speaking
adult fam. In W. Phlla. pf. Call BUS HoepeS.
Through the Cammerolal Department at
Ledger Central a large number et firms
have been able to secure oempetent
lOfllce help bookkeepers, stenographers
and clerical girls. The next tune you
are In need of an office assistant tele
phono your Help Wsnted ad to Mtss
Dean. Ledger Central, Walnut 8000.
She will seleot competent girls and sub
mit them for your consideration. This
is a free service to Ledger advertisers.
Three insertions In on ceek, Iflo. a lint,
ACCOUNTANT, absolutely first-class. IB years
experience, high-class business ability and
references. 3132 Arch et
ACCT. and production engr.. 80, seeks conneo
tton; excel, mtg. exp.; efficient to assume
charge: best references. C 410. Ledger Oft.
BOOKKEEPER and typist 4 years' exp.. de
sires position with progressive firm. preferly
small manufacturer; high school grad.; can
furnish satlafac'y refs. H 358. Led jr. Cent
BOOKKEEPER, competent, 8 years' experi
ence, desires position vlth advancement la
reliable firm; beet ref. O 155, Led. Cent.
BOOKKEEPER, capable and exp.. desires po
sition where there Is an opportunity for ad
vancement H 884. Ledger Central.
BOOKKEEPER, 31, 11 yeara experience, for
perman't or nub, work; ref. Llancrch 102 M.
BOOKKEEPER. 18. willing and Industrious;
try me. it mi, ledger central.
BUTLER or houseman, colored man, 85, sln
Kle, with unusual ability, wishes position!
. 6 yrs.' ref, from last erap'r. H 440, Led. Cent
BUTLER Filipino, young, experienced; first-
class reference. L 202, Ledger Office.
CHAUFFEUR" experienced, single, white,
wishes situation, willing and obliging; sober:
4 years' best reference from last place. O
321, Ledger Office.
CHAUFFEUR and coachman wants situation;
married: no children; strictly sober; first
class reference. H 441. Ledger Central.
CHAUFFEUR Two years in lsst place: do
own repairs: beat ref. Phon Gtn. 1744 W.
or anorega ima !;. uneuen ave.. utn.
CHAUrFEUR 0 years' experience: careful
driver; do own repairing. C 402. Ledger Oft.
CHAUFFEUR, colored, 10 years' experience;
reference, mp a. 18th at Phone Dick. 3517 X.
CLERK, youns; man, 7 years' office experi-
euce. aesirea Bosnian wnere mere is onner.
tor advancement; good ref. H 642. Led. Cent
COOK Japanese. 12 years' experience, will
uk entire cnarge: honest, sober, trust
worthy; Al references. Phone Baring 7123 J.
CORRESPONDENT, well educated, familiar
wim wnoiesaie aaiea rec. it oos. Led. cent
EVGINEER. mechanical, tnchnlral rrrjtnt.
18 years' exper. as superintendent of l.l.hlne
shop, also draughting: room and selllni. im.
desires to make a change. G 813. Led. Cent
HOUSEMAN, exp. and ref.; young Prot; Aus.
trlan. Ph. Walnut 7110 W, or M 010, Led. Oft.
LOCAL SALESMAN, Jobbing, milt supplies;
Iron, etc., desires change ot house; will con
sider direct representative proposition on
...HIIIUII.BIUII. ii .ti, ucuKcr central.
MAN AND WIFE, Japanese, want positions
as cook snd housework tn small family.
- i"p.' ninin.il, um ituu iierry Bti.
MAN, 34, educated, employed purchasing.
wants opportunity direct line of business.
manufacturing or wholesale. C 403, Led. Off.
MAN AND WIFE. Japanese, wish position la
small family; man as cook, wife aa cham-
ucrnmm; long experience, juato. 1G34 vine.
MAN AND WIFE (colored), wish pos. as but
Jer and cook; city refs. John Beckley, 74J
a. miui ah.
PAINTER, German, wishes private work: best
material; cheap. 128 W. Hewson st.
HEAL ESTATE-Voung man. University grad
"sts, thorough knowledge of buslnesa and
clientele of his own, desires connection with)
Arm or Individual, particularly one capable
pf handling mortgage transactions: now earn
ing substantial profit for present employer
snd will not be an expense, but moneymaker
for progressive concern. H 649. Led. Cent
SALESMAN, Sd, 2 yeara1 experience grocery
apoclaltles, thorough training tn handling
men; best reference. H 041, Led. Cent.
HAI'.?siJAN.. opfn J0T ngsgement. familiar
".w .,,, ,,, mi yeara experience
traveled the Orient H 655. Ledger Central.
BALES MANAGER or advertising man Young
.... "K'"vmi, uwh iqr engagement: rt
erence. H 140. Ledger Central.
STENOQRAPllER and private secretary' 4
years' experience, rsptd. accurate, nsxdl
worker; best reference. It 647, Led. Cent
STUDENT in accounting, evenln- Wharton
School, desire position. H 687. Ledger Cent
TRAFFIC MAN. 35, with IS yers' rallroal
experience rating, routing. classlfylns.
claims, demurrage, desires charge of tratflo
deportment. 11 857f Ledger Central.
WAITER, colored, experienced, highest refer
ence; private and hotel. C 810, Ledger Olnce.
W'HA? desire position; good reference.
M SlflV T .a4AM sal A
YOUNG MAN. having traveled United Btats.
Canada. Europe, well qualified for position el
trust. ufflelent Initiative and ability to take
responsibility and work from the shoulder
pf a buy man: can purchase or aelll willing
to represent reliable firm anywhere: capable.
II 156. Ledger Central.
YOUNG MAN1, age 26. desires position' In real
estate office; High Bchool andeollsga educa
tion, unquestionable reference; 8 years' sxpa
rience. H 456. Ledger Central.
ence, desire to inak a chancel conalder tMf
reasonable offer. II 646. Ledger Central.
ot an applicant listed her who can fan that)
exacting poltion, t.leplione Mr. llu? Laa
ger Central. Walnut of Main 800 We LeS.
ger-s Commercial Registry Bureau fs a frta
venlencc. Mr. Hunt usually brine tha TiaM
man and right job together.
MlBa mTRY T. Mc?AWTHT'.t4T rfaHfcjs'
- -,- -... muni, Bia, m ,
loymeat IktfMai'
ielp wpeMed a4
ret4at Cans. .
wntd; all nationalities. Pre-i
Vor Htlm"
FlLMAN, 1918.
(wr Ti
" ."1 "XU" z?TLmm . iw am
u,iy wim I
"ff?.-"0 JrH starter ai
w ii r .... I.. - .... wyan
inl'aa at., as taUta O.
uYS? MHi i
..iiue.i wimi and
n. kwiium aa lira aaai
Mmf BtoigimTtmttllShr
Jfeai carjinv