? 3- ySraw 15VEING LEI)GEB PHILADELPHIA,- BATTTBPAY, OOTOBBB 2., 1915; FINANCIAL NEWS - - EWE LOAN TO THE ALLIES VIRTUALLY ALL SUBSCRIBED It FOR mcement of Completion of Syndicate Expected Soon Speculators Disregarding Position of Com pany in Buying Specialties - NEW YOIUC Oct 2. Wth the success of the huge loan to the Allies assured, so much so that Is the opinion that It will be oversubscribed, one of the most Important things the financial world against the continued uplift of business has been ro ved. Although no official statement has as yet been mado It Is understood t virtually the whole amount of tho $500,000,000 loan has already been taken by banks, trust companies and Investors throughout the country. It Is expected a formal announcement of tho completion of the syndicate handling tho will be made In the near future, probably late today or on Monday. An Indication of the continued Improvement In general business Is contained week In the further gain In bank clearings reported for the country. This for Instance, there was an increase of slightly more than 49 per cent, as compared with tho same week of last year. When It is taken Into consideration the this Improvement has now been going steadily on for a considerable period 9t mutt be admitted that business must be getting better. Reports of various ttdes are also hotter, less consideration being given to the European war or rtsi effecta. Aside from a larger demand for funds from Interior banks there Is very fettle oiuuige In the money market, which It was thought would tighten up a Mile as the result of the floating of the big foreign loan. As this month wears ft it must be expected, however, that the demands for funds for the move fcMt of crops will Increase. ' While the market has been Intensely active and crloes of some of the ceMtve) stocks have advanced Impressively this week, the average of prices of tfcei statistical rails and Industrials has not moved upward with nny enthusiasm. Yesterday and today bearish operators have been encouraged. They have mado ,W"" In selling some of the specialties which have scored great advances In Weeat weeks. . J It hao boen a period of easy-money making for speculators who sensed the popular mood. These speculators have thrown away all tho old reports at earnings and condition and will not look at an analysis of a company's fetslaess. All they look at Is tho tope. One of them, a broker of wide ox Yrleeoe, starts every morning- with an open book. He takes his position gJMlcle) the tiGkftr And Tvtkltu unfll mnmt. atruV In wfelfV, .niMilnllAn Un . kAM .'twen shows signs of activity and strength. , He takes on that stock, regardless of its performances in the past. Ho may kaow In his own mind that the stock has never been of any account. That Makes no difference. He sees that some people nro trying to make a market maa. he Is willing to help them for a while. Ho has caught several wldo ad vances In this way and always closes out beforo the end of the session. The asse cannot be beaten Indefinitely In that way and tho sDeculator realizes it. .at whatever profits he makes he can enjoy in the evening. He has not tho worry or tno man who carries stocks overnight and dreams about the Germans. THO stock market today was not without Its customary high records, and were estanilsned by Bethlehem Steel and Westinehouse Electric. Thn kief demand was for the latter lssuo and It led the upswing in tho specialties, mining within a fraction of 64 points In the two hotirn nf trading whiio yBfelfllehem was up a full 10 points. As has been the case for some time now .there was very little done In the railroad group. The principal reason for tho jmwing in wesungnouse appeared to bo the decision of tho company's em 4oyes against a strike, and during the opening hour one-third of th mnrw. trading was In this issue. American Car and Foundrv wan nnntvipr otmno Issue, advancing 11 points. J ' Gold Imports Since First of Year Total $254,145,000 r , Since the first of the present year the amount of irolri wiiirh , v.-... CtSBPorted into the United HtntpH In nrflr n .nKI1l. st,. -- , l r - . . . . " -. iuu,..o .,,, iuicign ucnanga f market totals s2E4.14E.ooo. nrmrAimr tn n,,r-a i..,..i ... u- t--j . ard. Tho amount of gold exported was only Jll.077.000. Thn lmmn, im,i. hll.2C0.00O French gold which arrived yesterday on the St. Paul from Liverpool. ; Women Speculating In Stock Market ; It leaked out of the official circles of tho Stock Exchange tnrt. that ' the flashiest houses of the Street had been called sharply to account for fwuuuunmB a special room ior woman customers In an uptown branch office The Arm was doing a thriving business In the Inside room, but was threatened wun instant expulsion if it did not close the room and Mt th TO.. L speculators at once. The Arm obeyed, but women continue to speculate. They rwT J i lr ' Y V Bena me88enKe or use the telephones and ro uiutu jijLuimiibu auinuruiea are none tne wiser. To Pay Back Dividends on Maxwell Motors Tho Street expects a plan In tho near future for th mw t .v. IS per cent back dividends on the preferred stock of the Maxwell Motors Company. The method to be adopted will probably bn n inn,,. . leonvertlble Into flrst preferred at par for the amount of accumulated payments. ,.v w Mi,.ul, ul lUO A!,i uScai year, on August 1, the company's business jMM been well over double that of the same period a year ago. Financial Briefs .During September thfc movement of leeYded ears on the Pennsylvania Railroad ' was 83,893 above the same month of last yr, the total this year being 818.860, ernpared with 728.750 last year. There were increases at all points, with the ex ception of Dauphin. Ervin & Co. were heavy sellers of Cam fcrl. Butcher, Sherwood '& Hansell kevflht Pennsylvania Steel preferred. ' Business was resumed on the New Or leans Ootton Exchange today, the market , having been closed two days on account at the storm. On announcement at the, new devices a'aaucensfully employed to end the subma- Mae-boat peril, Submarine Boat fell six yeinta on the New York curb. The gross earnings of M railroads for the third week of September were U,32, t, decrease 117,213. Oewunerciai failures this week In tho ted States were MI against 82$ last '. mi,1i bA A1K tut val rte tmt1rm thfa t' -week 13B reported liabilities of (MOO or ' i- 'Oosmer exports from Atlantlo ports ' r stase Aestamber 1 total 14,827 tons, com- t sjars with 19,401 a year ago. I The New Tork Publlo Service Com i sslsston has granted permission to the j 'Jh4awfte and Hudson Company to issue s On November is the annual election of ; tfce reeVeral Reserve Board of Pblladel- ' hM. win be nolo. Two airectors will be kers whose terms expire. The retiring saemsers are "William II. Peck, of Bcran ton, and George W, F. Gaunt, of Mullica SUB, N. X. who doubtless will be elected aeosea inemseivea. me lerms oi M. La aionte, or isew jersey, a :s Q oiroctor appoiniea oy me rea- Jteserye Uaara, also expires at tne f thta year. taeetal raeetlng of the stockholders Mm Tennessee Copper Company will beta October 18 to vote' on the of issuing M.aw.aoo or 10-year cat. bonds, of which It Is pro- t sH t2,Oao,OM immediately. The New Tork banks gained JW,000 iota the vubtreasury ycsierasy. Tr4ssc the Anglo-French war loan, ' ,"1nnr1 started at 98 and 37U on the tH era Scettaage National Bank has sstbMribe to 80,60 and Its al as Jadlvlduals, to tes.OM ot the loan, president Charles a. that the baRk took this ac- of the buslaets of (haa as an Investment. sr ae H? L kBeoraH BSaH' tsLA aT'-LiS BgtW SSW Sf r t LftsJTfitsMsi dCik tf, saV m J"?li rathar ssSIh pit fSJ,r mJmr wjjfved M Ut JMtMr Cal Rat INOTOW, Oct. t.mie InltreUt Conv t,BU!on tixtay 4nlJ i4w tfvltca' llu, uiiiww v rCf caac. t M-JJIttaal (irtmrutor umtwiA. tke Wtarn idraBM Tb utwAQlMtHM salted tn axiwatt ou (t coal rates 1! DIVIDENDS DKCLAKKD m tfnlmt HwiiiM b1 hiiui uooiMuy. recuisr KmEiitriJ H M in eaaatiuia and nrr4, iy- ffJMl QBlotw e id w pi rvcoru ukuimt . New York Bond Sales" Ulch. Low. Close 0ji 84M W' .102 J02 J02 sit 1000 Amir Air D Cs. smKXI Amep A K. 1000 Amer T. dt 4........ 884 "MO Amer Tel cvt 4Hs joaS 2000 Armour Co 4H....". 83 1000 Atchison adj g2u ijISS S1.0" " 4 "50... BM iisX Atc5 &.B ok' 4e.... 83 Sm?i nillJl,s.CXJ!Jn clt M sotgVd;: g ffihtiOTO1 ' 1?S2 ?en.t fether t I06H 14000 Cent Pso lt s. . rr 50 Chill Co? 7s.....V...V.12od 8000 Ches & Ohio ev iUi fs 1000 Chi & AltSn 814.:r.' Ifli low chi h A q joSti: ::: Sth X "' u .9 IJ! H.. MTi 12S s st p :c aeb'a:: SS 1000 Cumberland Tel Ss. Ill eoou Dfn a mo oris.:;:: :25 H" fiecur corn ss.... 1055 Kri. prior "... SH 4000 Otn fcleo deb hi. ..''ya SS2 J". 8t"l " 4V4i .: 87U S00O Indlsna Steel BsT! lop iIS n" Ccl ?,v 1B..: 171 1O0O0 Insp cv Cs iri 10000 Jnterb Met 4W,.. , ju MOO Intert, n T r6s.. : oaS torn Inter iter Mr 444s" " 77 1000 Japan new a 8 4 Us" 73U S.VM Japanese 1st 4Vj Kn B000 Kan cr Bo &..""': 87U W)00 lake Rhor 8Us . . 55? ," Lake eh deb iois:; wli 11000 Lake Bh deb 4s 1031 . olt 1000 Lis- i M T 7e... 123 .BOO I,orlllart 7s . v 1000 Mo Kan fji .ir 70i)O Mo Kan A T 2d 4s!l SOU 600 Mont Power Bs.." nT ".SSSlfSfwWsftwSf.. 100 N Y C A Hud " sS 1000 N Y Clt" 4s 10M " 01 WOO N Y City 4s lUM. '. B5V 7000 N Y City 4Ss IBflO ' ' W irOO N Y City : 10) 102W 7000 N Y City 4Ul 1961 OB iSSS K J ' i5 :ioi 2000 N Y Oas HA P Bs. 102?! 1000 N Y Oas 11 A I 4, . itf 3000 N Y N H A II ' Si: lllS 1000 Nor Pao prior 4.. wo?2 1100 Nor Pao ren 3s J3t B3O0O Pf nna (en ct 4 He 0l2 4000 Pnna,0T 4Hs ioJ 21000 Itay Con Copper 6s. 127 lOOOOlleadlni sen Vs ? . 02K laooo Hep Irtfl 6s 7 ni lOOOltock leland 4s...'...' so 7000 Hock leland rfd 4s.. 6i8 2000 St Paul M M 4Hs.l0o8 1000 Seaboard A I. sdl Bs.. OIK 1000 South 11.11 Bs.?:... 08H 10000 South Tac ev 4s .... 824 iSS?2 d0 ov rrt t P 8a 1934.101 23000 do rfd 4s :. silt 2000 South llwy sen 4s. !! C6 JOOOOTexss ti. cvV.: foS 1060 do 1st 6a ,,.,., 104W 8000 tt h rtnhh. A. JS!2 68000 U H steel 6s .... H0"O do res- 6s ... " 1000 Union 1'ac let 4s 1000 da er 4s ...... 2000 do rfd 4s ....,,. B8H0 Un Itwys 0 F i. iww ,i war tneni os lOMO V On (U . . 6000 do 1st 6s . , looif iixou w" " a tt.. 14? iiH Bowl do 4s iil lull 2I0M Xab.p Ter 1st ct is. l2 "'' 1080 West Jad 1st 4s . .. 7o2 7oS jejooo Wt E M w 6 witisK 1ST 7060 Wt Store 4s ... OUJ ?ii 660 'do rf 4s .V. " " so m SWWet Union Bs ... Dig Sjg Total sales, M.811.080, compared wli pertod last wk. SM,a,sH.' BAK fllLrMK w lOfltt JWT, 102 ioj"" 102 . loiw ss 4JJ-4J ; sVcmj ForA; iSt'ocfc Sales List doe. Alula Gold M 32U Allts-Chilmen Mr.... 40 Allto-Chilmen Mf pf. 76 Am A Chemical. ...... C8K AmlleetSucar 07 Am Cn MH Am Cin pf losM 103 Am ur a Foundrr... 81 05 Am CatAFdypf noH 110 Am uai I'nxiueu m ifts Illfh. Low, Clow. 33) 3214 32)i 45 74H 09 COK 64H 103 84 X 110 157 40 74H 70 07a (LW 45X 74H 69 MH CSX 108 05 110 157 5HH 11M 50 23 22 3M 7 IK 09i &i 87 01 AmOottonOU 6054 67 50t Am Hide ft Leather.... 11 11! 11H Am niae & L, pi 605i 60)s 60 Am Ice Securities 22H 23 23 Am Llnieed 22 22)4. 22 Am Linseed pf 37 38) 38 Am Locomotlre 0SW 71W 08i Am LocomoUre pf 00H WH D9H Am Smelt ft lief wf 80)t l!l Am Smelters pf A 87 87 87 Am Steel Foundries.... CUW 65 0M Am Sucar lteflnlnj....l03H 109 108H 10$H Amrel Tel 123W 123K 123K 12W Am Tobacco 223 229 223 223 Am Woolen 61M 52)i 61W 62 Am Woolen tr 50 MX 60(( 61 Am Woolen pf.... 95U 99 05H 09 Am Writing r pf 0 0 9 0 Anaconda Copper 74 74 73! 74 AtChTftSK lM)f 103U 103)4 103)1 Atch TASK pf 100-t 100!f 100 100 Ualdaln Loco 120W 127 125 120 Ualtlmore ft Ohio S7H 83 87H 84 Bethlehem Steel 305 375 3C4 375 llcthtehcm Steel pf 158 1UJ liSH 100 Brooklyn lUpId Tr.... 83X 81 83)4 8JH UuttcrlclcCo 31 30X 31 35 Butte ft Superior 00U IU OOX 00K Cal Tetroleum 19! 2.)U 10H 20 Cal Petroleum pf 44 48K 45 4(M4 Canadian 1'aclflc 157H 168 1657a 157H Cent Leather Co 62H 53H 524 63Vi Cent Leather Co pf... 107J. IC.0'1 100H 100K Chesapeake ft Ohio.... 50) 50)4 60X 50H CMRIftTac 22H 23 22M 22)4 Chlno Copper 47M 47'f 4Vi 47 Chicago Great West. .. . 13 Ui 12 12U ChtUtWestpf S3 32)1 324 32)( Chi Mil ft St Paul -1)4 87 80 87 C M ft St P Pf 124)i 1253 125 125H Chi ft Northnest 12!) 127 127 127 Colorado Fuel ft I .... 63), 63H 02!i 62U Comstock Tunnol ... 10 13 13 13 Consolidated Uas 130H 131 130) 13U! Continental Can 117 113 116V4 llCJi Corn Products Hcf.... HIH 111)4 WH 19) Corn Prod ltef pf 87) 87 87 87 Crucible Steel 104)4 100)1 10 IK 105)1 Cntan-Am Sugar 118 117H 117H 117M cuban-Am Sucar pf ..102 110 110 110 32H 2254 74 32)4 61)( 40H 33 1S5J Dbllllcrs' Securities Dome Mines Electric Stor Battery Erie Erie 1st pf Erie 2d pf Fed Mln ft Sm Fed Mln &.Sm pf... General Electric General Motors General Motors pf... Goodrich 11 F Co.. 33 225i 74 32)1 5a 40)4 3.) 51 33)1 'Ui 74 32)1 51)4 40J4 35 61H 33)1 22)4 74 32 52 40)1 :5 52 170)4 178)4 175)i 178 .340 350 350 350 .112 112H 112 112 . 7731 78)5 77)1 78 Goodrich B F Co pf. ..109)1 110 110 110 Great Northern pf... .119)4 U9tf 118)1 118)1 Gt N cfs f.r oro prop. 48)1 49X 48)4 48)4 GUKenhelm Expl'n... 07H 07)4 67 07 inter Nickel Co tr 210 213!1 212!1 213 .. 23)4 21)1 23 23 ..40 49 47)1 47)1 ..100 107 100)4 106)4 id: Int Aericultural. Int Agricultural pf., IntHarrN J Inter Con Corp'n... Inter Con Cor pf 74 Inter Met rot tc 19)4 International Paper.... 10 Inspiration Copper..,. 42)4 Kan City Southern.... 6tf Kan City So pf 60 Lack Steel 8SH 49 107 10!1 73)1 20)4 10 43)1 20)4 69 89)4 19' 73)1 19)4 10 42)4 20)4 69 87M 145 25)4 00 54 02)1 44)4 87)1 30)4 119 5 3H 31)4 60)1 6)4 14H 158 63 96)4 19!t 731 19)4 10 42)1 26)4 69 88)4 145 25)4 60 64)4 92)4 44)4 89)4 31)4 119 5 3)4 32 07 0)4 15 169 68 97 Lehigh Valley 145)4 145 Loose Wiles Biscuit.... 25 25)4 Mackay Cos pf 604 60 Maxwell Motors 63)1 54)4 Max Motors 1st pf.... 02)1 92)4 Max Motors 2d pf 45)4 40 Mexican Petroleum.... 83 91)4 Miami Copper 30)1 31)4 M St P ft S SM 120)4 119 Mo Kan ft Texas 5 6 Missouri Pacific 3!1 3H Nat Enamel ftS 31tf 32)4 Nat Lead 67 07 Nat Ry of M 2d pf... 5 6)4 Nevada Con Cop 15 15)4 New York Air Brake. . . 169 160 NY Nil ft II 68)4 68)4 New York Central.... 96H 97 NY Oft West 28)4 27M 27)4 27M Norf&West 114 113 113 113 Northern Pacific 110H 110)4 110 110 Pacific Mall 3254 31!i 30X 30)1 Pacific Tel 4 To! 47 40 46 40 Penn II It U3W 113 11254 112W Peoria ft Eastern 9 0 9 0 Pettlbone-Mulllken.... 70 70 70 70 Philadelphia Co Ul!4 90 94 95 Pittsburgh Coal 37 3754 30 30)1 Pittsburgh Coal pf... 105)4 105)4 105)4 105)4 Pressed Steel Car 72 75 72 74 Pullman Co 100)4 160 100 160 Ky Steel Spg 5154 52)1 6051 5151 Hay Con Copper 25)4 25)4 25 25)4 Reading 153)1 152!! 15254 15254 Rep Iron & Steel 55)1 6654 54 55 Rep Iron ft Steel pf.. 10254 103H 103 103)4 H 54 H H Rock Island Co pf Rumely Co Rumely Copf St LA SFlstpf.. St L&SF2d pf.. Sears Roe ft Co..... bloss-Shef S ft I Co, Southern Pacific.... Southern Ry Eoutnem Ry pf Studenaker Co Btudebaker Co pf... Tenn Copper Texas Co r bird Avenue Twin City RapTt.. Union Pacific U Bind Alcohol 9254 0 10 0 6 151 62)4 03)4 18)4 6)4 5)1 6 II 95 10)1 9)4 9)4 9)4 5J4 5J 5J4 154)4 15474 15454 62)4 6154 62)4 93)1 03)4 0354 18J4 18)4 18)4 . 5654 66)4 60)4 60)4 140)4 142 140)4 14051 108)4 109)4 109)4 109)4 60)4 67J4 6BJ1 60i 168)1 172)1 169 172)1 66)i 67 654 66H 03 04 04 94 131)1 132 131)4 131)4 01)4 28H 49 4 6 27 03)4 23H 46)4 4 5 20 04 28)4 49 4 5 26 45 54J4 USCastlP&F 2351 USOIPftFpf 4554 USRed&Ref 4 USRedftRefpf 6 United Rys Invest 20)4 United Rys Ins pf 40 U B Rubber 51)1 US Rubber 1st pf.... US Steel U S Steel pf United Cigar Mfrs.... Utah Copper.... Va-Caro Chem Wells Fargo Exp , West K&M Westlngboose 1st pf.., West Maryland pf.... Western Union Tol.... Willys Overland Willys Overland pf... Woolwortb WCo... Cents per share. Total sales, 788,000 shares, compared with 1.072.000 shares yetterday; thus far this week, 10.071,600 ehares; same period lsst week, 8,J.. 700 shares. RAILROAD EARNINGS WAUAHU-PITTHIJUUail TERMINAL. De creams. 4011. 44)1 65)4 54X 100)1 100)4 100)1 10054 01 sm sui 8154 114)4 114)4 114)4 11454 01 05 6254 6454 69 69)1 08)4 685! 42 43 41)4 42 .111 11251 11251 112)1 13231 139)4 133)4 138)4 140)4 145)1 145)1 145)1 46)1 46)4 40)4 4054 . 76)4 77 76)1 77 221)4 225)4 221)4 221 109)4 109 109 109 .109)4 112 109)4 11034 October December May .. Oats October .. December May Lard October . . November January . lllbj October .. November January Pork October ., December ...13.67 January ....10.05 1113. TABKCQ, 101 B. Auauat cross 180.533 Net 10,031 Two' months' cross 162,063 Net 29.U10 BOSTON AND MAINE. Aucust cross 11,060,617 Net , ajo,a; Surplus ... ., 228,007 CHICAGO AND ALTON. Aucuat trots 11,373.068 Net 878,026 Two months' srots.,.,., 2,603,41(1 Not , SSI, OX) CHESAPEAKE INn nmn August cross 83,973,608 1164.641 Net ..... .100,126 '316263 Two .months' cross 7,ciu,175 'MJirjl Net 1.802.291 uilSS Increase. - Sl.81'3 lO.i'80 28,044 24,281 37,023 48.!01 48,167 44,683 134. bll FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bterllnc Opening. Demand 4.71 Cables ... .7tH rrancs Demand ,, B.78H Cables ... 6.78)4 Marks Demand , . M)l Cables ... MVi Tea. Hlcti. Close, Close. 4.71H 4.MH 4.7IV4 .7H 4.7IH 4.7W Ml 6.78 8.77 6.78 8.7814 B.78H MH StU Mtt U4 V "H WHEAT PRICES UP; SALES SCATTERED Receipts From Northwest Con tinue to Increase Better Winter Movement Expected CHICAGO, Oct. 2. The grain mnrket opened easier today with eaten scattered. Northwest receipts continue to Increase and bears are predicting- declines In wheat values. A better winter movement Is soon expected. Late In tho day the mar ket became strong, December showlne a gain of IVi cents and May 1H cents. Unless foreign orders grow, It Is be lieved by a majority, that the bears' prediction will come true. Millers, who havo been buying largely on the recent breaks, are Bald to be temporarily satis fied. Completion ot the details necessary lor the consummation of the Anglo-French loan. It Is believed, will speed up foreign business. , Exporters are confronted with a per plexing problem In securing tonnage for ocean transportation. When It Is possible to securo a ship the rato for tho shipment Is so great as to bo almost prohibitory. Corn and oats continued ralrly steady It Is reported that the corn market Is oversold. Unsettled weather In the corn belt Is assisting In holding prices steady. Oats sales were scarce. Export sales reported aggregated 400,000 bushels Manltobos and 300,000 bushels of oats. Chicago cash handlers sold for sea board delivery 160,000 bushels oats. Scarcity of Imports has offset the weak ness of the Winnipeg market, and Liver pool, whllo reporting restricted business, was steady. Cargoes and spot remained unchanged. Lc.iaint; futures ranged as follows: Wh cat-December May P7H 08 Corn (new delivery) Open. High. vbf vu?. Low. WW 0K Kl 137 8.20 8.72 8.80 s.Vi 13.25 St 35; 37 8.27 8.M 8.SS 8.87 1.1.32 13. to 18.20 51 6H 65N Test'd's Clore. close. W?i m.Vi tS !i C0 6.T. 65. 83 8.20 8.70 8.80 8.92 tlf'S 37 8 27 8 35 8.80 8.S5 8.03 33 875. 18.25 M3.30 13.62 13.R2 10.05 16.25 tlO.OO 8.20 R.23 8.U5 8.70 8.80 8.87 13.17 13.62 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Heavy Expansion in Loans and Re duced Reserves Reported NEW YORK, Oct 2. An Increase In average loans ot J 13,812,000 was a feature of the weekly statement of the clearing house banks. Deposits rose nearly forty eight millions, but the average reserves decreased 115,860,650. Tho actual figures showed much narrower changes. Total loans were $2,778,191,000 with total deposits of 2,837,034,000 and time deposits of 1122,666,000. The aggregate reserve was $684,010,000. Details follow: Clearinc House members, averaco Increase. loans 843.812.000 Depoelta 47,781,000 Time depoelta -10,824,000 Reserve 16,800,680 Clearinc Ifouis members, actual Loans I14.U0.0U0 Deposits 12,421,000 Time deposits 3,691,000 Reserves 1,701,100 Decrease. BANK CLEARINGS UP AGAIN Total for Week Shows Increase of 49.2 Per Cent. Another Increase In the volume of clearings through the banks ot the coun try Is shown In the -weekly statement. During the last week the total was $4,234,442,370, compared "with ?2.S3S,S3S,2S1 last year, an increase of 49.2 per cent. Details follow: 1615. 1914. F.C. Now York.... $2,870.832,436 $1,274,938,029 88.0 l4.:tU.IU 4-17.1) 124.170.003 4-16.0 31.064,663 11.6 Z3Z,414,14B -t-U.; 66,030,390 16 3 13,270,728 24.7 Itn.tnn 12I.II1II.U"N Philadelphia . 182.J55.178 Raltlmore .... 28,238,654 Chicago ...... 272,828,086 Bt. Louis!.... 65.170.642 New Orleans.. 10.000.000 Seven cities, 0 day I.. $8,062,183,294 $1,837,159,433 66.1 0o5yiC!t.l'.,.,.I! 670,218.608 620.417.047 9.5 Total all clttee. 5 daye $3,022,399,002 $2,357,677,380 63,7 All cities, 1 . day oiz.utz.iiia 4bi,xdo,uui -tzt.z Total all cities for week.... $4.234,442,870 $2,838,828,281 49.2 EstlmaUd. Local Reservo Bank Statement The condition of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia at the close of business October 1 compares as follows: RESOURCES. Oct.1. Sept. 24 Gold coin and certificates In vault $7,684,810 $7,393,620 Gold settlement fund balance 8,000,000 8,408,000 Gold redemption fund... 37,000 37,000 f,ffa.l fender notes, sil ver, etc 2,625,010 2.445.680 ,,.$16,316,320 $18,284,306 ... $270,108 $.183,203 ... 1,685,053 1,769,213 $1,965,181 $340,166 8,008,602 $2,144,418 $340.16 3,048,602 Total resena ... Commercial paper Bank acceptances Total bills discounted and bought Dnlted States bonds .... Municipal warrants .... Total Investments .... Due from other Federal Reserve Darks, net ... Federal Ilesen notes on hand Notes of national banks and other Federal Re serve Banks All other resources .... Total resources $26,835,143 $28,062,098 LIABILITIES. Capital paid In Reserve depoelts, net All other liabilities . . $3,408,638 $4,884,006 663.630 84,803 103,662 $3,389,050 $4,300,510 698,910 123,830 100,066 ,. . $5,266,600 .. XI, 008,432 $3,265,600 18,081,285 210 6,003,313 Total liabilities ..$28,333,143 $28,062,098 NOTES OF THE RAIL Authorization was given the receivers of the Chicago, Ilock Island and Pacific, Hallway to purchase 7000 tons of steel rails at an approximate cost of $182,000. It I sajd that the four railroad brother hoodo plan concerted demands on all rail roads for an eight-hour day and time and one-fifth for overtime In passenger serv ice,, on thi basis of S3 miles lntc;ud of IS miles per hour. Bank IImi Record Reaourcw The Philadelphia National Bank, at the close ot business last night, had estab lished a new high record for the amount of resources of any national bank la Pennsylvania. The total waa l0,tj,8, taU ltttasT th ftiwt time that the IMO.Mt. tJ saark haa IssaM SurvoaMd. fka. tatal BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with corre spondlnc day last two years: 1915. 1914. 1918. Philadelphia. $82,800,605 $80,445,814 $29,053,045 Boston 45,044,018 20,089,869 8.291,167 RATES FOR MONEY Sales in Philadelphia Tes. close. High. tow. Clots, BAra Oa 10IH 1WU 104H WUi 800 Am Loco e94 70H W 70V4 100 Buff k 8 t e pf 41 41 H 2106 J. 0. Brill. ... 63 70 H S 26SS0 Cam Steel .... 68 68 67M 07W 619 Elee Stor ... .78 74 78 73 200 Gen Asphalt.... 84 84 34 84 140 do pref 71 71 71 71H 32 Ins Co N Am. 23 23 23 JO 60 Key Tel Cb....l4'i 14 14 14 400 Lake Sup Corp. 0 9 B H 12 Lehigh Nav ... 76 76 70 76 43 Lehigh Val .... 73 72 72 Vt 110 Lehigh V Tr.... 19 18 18 18 100 do pref 87 43 87 38 68 North Cent 82 82 82 82 IO l'enna n R 60 60 M 66 270 I'a Calt Mfg.... 04 03 1)5 93 1503 I'a Btcel pref.... 88 00 89 02 Phlla Co 47 48 47 47 330 Phlla Klee 25 23 25 25 ISO 1 11 T tr ctrs... 12 12 12 12 10.1 Ton Mining .... 6 6 5 6 DO Union Trao 41 42 41 42 22 U Gas Irrfp...... 83 83 83 83 2',S5 U S Fteel 81 81 80 81 200 U H C I A P 27 20 271 200 West Eleo 05 09 00" 00 Total sales. 88.806 ehares, compared with .12,610 shares last Saturday: this week, 406,497 shut en, last week. 346,844 shares. BONDS. Lsst prev, sale. High, Low. Close. $2500 Am O A E 5s... 80 87" 87 87 18 Cam Stl scp '16.100 100 100 IS do May 1917.. 100 100 100 18 do Feb 1917,. 100 100 100 1000 City 4s 1938 102 102 600 do 1039 101 100 100 J00 102 101 101 73 75 1000 Elee & Too Tr 4s 75 75 3000 Leh Nav ens 4a 99 09 OT 00 1000 Leh Val gen 4s. 87 87 87 87 17000 Ta gen 4 07 97 97 07 1000 Teop Tass t 0 4s .. 76 76 76 28000 Phlla Co cons 6s 83 87 87 87 7000 Thtla Eleo 4s... 79 70 79 79 1000 Span-Urn I 6s. ..101 101 101 101 23000 Un Rwy Inv6s.. 74 74 74 74 iuim pain, to,uiri, wmDvea Wlin sto.,ou lsst Satuiday; this week, $308,897: last week. $232,026. . Local Bid and Asked Baldwin do pref '. .. Burl & Sua t 0 1.. do pref Drill J Q Cam Steel Eleo Storage Gen Asphalt o prei .. Keystone Tel do t 0 Lake Sup Corp Lehigh Nav Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr.... uo prer IVnnn ... 1'hila Elee I'hlla Co do 5 per cent pref. do 0 per cent pref. Phlla R T ;.... do tr ctfs Hnai1ll,i. Tonopah Belmont .... Tonopah Mining .... Union Traction U. O. I U. S. Steol York Railway Wn, Cramp t 0...... Today. Testerdsy Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked 127 127 .127 127 114 .. 114 12 18 12 13 41 41 41 41 8 .. 02 WK 07 07 csft rag 78? 74 73 74 83 84 84 31 71 71 71 71 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 60 67 66 U7's 0 9 0 U 76 76 76 77 72 73 72 72 18 18 18 1U 37 38 37 37 6flj 60 60 BIVT4 25 23jJ 25 23 47 48 47 47?I 8 40 38 40 43 44 44 44 12 12 12 12H 12 124 12 l'jaj 76 7B 7IW4 76H 2 v 35 3' 8 6 n 0 41 41 40 41 85 88 83 86 81 81 80 81 7H 6ft 7 8 29 30 20 80 S3 88 87 87 Ex divide: i, COTTON REPORT DELAYED Statement, Due Today, Will Be Is sued on Monday TVARmNrSTrW rn-t' erm, .!.. hurricane which has swept over the southern section of the Mississippi Vat ley haa so delayed reports from official trup curresponaems 01 ine uovernment that the statement ot condition of cotton and the amount ginned have been delayed at a time when, the New York Cotton Ex change and the entire country were on edge for ootton news. The report of the Census Bureau which was to have been Issued at 10 o'clock to day was canceled. This compelled the following statement from the Department of Agriculture: "The Bureau of the Cen sus having changed the date of Issuance ot Its cotton ginning report to October 4, the cotton condition report of the De partment of Agriculture will be Issued on the same date at 12 o'clock noon, the law requiring that both reports be Issued on the same date In October." Call. 84 tea s 1 IlifJj Philadelphia New York ..,...,.,...,. Loston ................ r.hicasa .... auru Commercial psper. three to six months, Phil adelphia, 3tN per cent. 38 COTTON EASIER NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-An easier tendency was displayed In the cotton market today and business waa more active on tho call than It had been for a few days. Offerings were quite lower, but there was some good Wall street and commission house buying. Octo ber was down 10 points at the start and other options were off 11 to 14 points. A de cline at Liverpool was believed to have been the cause ot the easiness here. Before the cloee slight recoveries occurred end the declines were reduced to from 0 to 12 points under Friday's final figures. The re opening of the New Orleans Exchange helped sentiment. Yes. close. Onen. lllrh. Ivw. r-in 12.26 12.07 12.13 12.07 12.W 12.03 11,90 12,08 11,90 12.00 11.70 11.00 11.72 ll.fi 11.70 12.62 12.30 12.60 12.30 1U.42 12.73 12.60 12.60 12.68 12.61 Jfg g-g tt M2 ,t,,l..UU llO0 . ., ..... ..... January December October . March . . May .... July .... Spot .... COTTON STATISTICS NEW YORK Oct 2. The statistical posi tion ot cotton Is as follows: This Last Last week. week. year. .B.w.v v........ ...... a. v,wuu u,u7.,o,a .,UI1,OVO Ot which Amer... 3,091,386 2,861,813 1,748.60! J. I ill BtSIt. VVlt As.iMV,s.t 4tOintttm t,l'XJ, MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Rid. Asked. .70 .13 .21 .32 i 62 Jim Sutler Midway .... itlipah Ext Montana . . , North Star .77 .11 .20 .30 .10 Jon Bel 8 Ton Ext S Ton Merger 34 3 Ton Mln Rescue lAila "West End .. .......... GOLDP1ELD STOCKS. Atlanta Blue Suit Booth .....,(. llulldoc C O D . ...a..................... ConVb Prao Dlarrrf 11 11 Daisy .Florence Ooldneld Cons ,, ,. fJoldfleld Merc Jumbo Ext Kewanas , , Qro ......... ......t., ........... Sand Ken ,, Bllver Pick MISCELLANEOUS. Falrvlew Aiteo ,, Klmberly Nev 1II1I Nev W'der .28 .ul .43 .02 OI .07 .03 .04 .41 1.45 .10 1.20 .33 .07 .08 .08 .01 .02 .18 1.88 .30 .04 .43 .OJ .03 M .07 .(HI .411 1.60 .20 1.23 .37 .03 .10 .10 .Ul .01 .18 1.40 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW roilK, Oct. 2.-BUTTER Market drm. Receipts, 8587 packages. Extra, 28c. 1 hlaher scoring-. S8e5c.s State dairy. 27KIWc. Imitation crearasry, 22B23c "..! EaotV-Markel, high grades drm. Receipts. 8190 packages. Extra flrsts. 312c; ftrsts, 27610c,i nearby whites. 448c.i mixed color, 27&S1C.I rrfrlgerstor nrsU, 24425e.j Brby browns, S5a(8uc September Financing: Corporate ananclnc In this country durbisT Beptsmbtr amounted to only 140. Gee.). tsa same as In July, the previous low.racord mixk s uw Hr. -saw ioisi, jtewsver. inres) Etnws ( iot in corn "- Mar. whs im run m tka WM war hJ Tyessr ulaJ us toi was imv is. !: aeastssi aJrfcfct la MM lev jb Masa far m BBSSLCS&SBBB- ss LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Oct. 2. IIOGS.-Recelpts C000 market steady and 6c. Richer; mixed butchero, 6.7o820: apod., heavy. 6,eoffl7"u5! butthera. ie.76820: good, iTeavr. AtMTrwi' CATrLIi-Receipts, 600; market slow and weak) beevea, e10.28; cows and heifers. u a23l jrjxana.. tL40p7.2icalves. I7.760ll.6a'' BlIEEl. Receipts, 3000: market ataajivi native and Western, f5.6090.40; lambs. leSlS LBQAL ADVERTISEMENTS DTCAL RUMORS CAUSED- RISE TM -RPTTT, AND PENNA. Sr XJL o.j.vj. - r esslr - New High Records Established Railroads Taking A4-1 Investors After High-Grade Bonds Although no confirmation of either the nrlll-Drlgg-s-Seabury or the Pennsylvania Cambria steel mergers was forthcoming this mornlns-, both Brill and Pennsyl vania Bteel shares scored further wide advances on the local exchange. In faot. the dealings In these two stocka over shadowed all else In the market and both went to new high records for the year. A factor which has gone far toward boosting prices of securities of late has been tho necessity of Investing tho Im mense profits mado by both Individuals and companies out of tho big war-order Industries. An Illustration of this was observed this week In the advertisement of a well-known brokerage house, an nouncing lhat It was In the market for high-grade securities, In blocks of $25,000, yielding the investor 4H per cent, or bet ter. Another Instance was tho reported bid by the head of a greaf powder manu facturing establishment for no less than 130,000,000 worth of the Allied war loan. This Is said to be tho largest request of the kind ever made. One large Philadelphia bond house re ported that the demand for high-grade bonds has Increased heavily of late. Dur ing this week alone It has sold nearly 11.000,000 of city bonds and considerably more than $00,000 of high-grade equip ments. The manager Incidentally stated that the market was practically bare of best grade railroad and municipal bonds. Tho Ally credit question has been act ing as a brake upon general business and trado for some weeks, and tho removal of tlita deterrent factor should cans resumption of tho temporarily caeows Industrial boom, led by tho ateol treju Already tho railroads are plaolna; lara. orders for rails, cars) and other equW ment. taking advantage ot the relatlvJ.' low prices still available. Bteel Is golii to cost the companies several dollars ton more next year, and as prices are steadily advancing those railroads that came In the market early have imm themselves a considerable sum ot money Prices as yet are only about half si high as they were In 1909. One Interest ing development In tho steel Industry It tho sharply Increased demand from neutrat countries. During the first year of the war exports to these was light. As already stated, the general local market remained relatively quiet, except for the two stocks mentioned. Cambria Bteel and United States Steel were well taken, and so was Philadelphia Electrla and Northern Central. Later prices re acted, Cambria going below last night's close, while Drill and Pennsylvania Steel preferred lost a portion of their earlier gains. There were Irregular recoveries at tho close. Approximately 26,000 shares of Cam brla changed hands today. It was as serted that tho liquidation of the Penn sylvania's holdings had been completed and that the Donner-Frlek Interests now controlled the property. A similar method ot transferring stock waa said to be now In progress In Pennsylvania 8teel In the late dealings Philadelphia Company stook and 6 per cent bonds turned strong; the latter advancing about two points. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts, 187.479 buah. Demand was fair and valuee were well sustained. Quo tations: Car lots. In export elevator No. 2 red, spot ana uciooer, e1.u3nj1.1u; .. - ?""! ern red, 8t.00ffll.08; steamer No. 2 red, 1.03& 1.04: rejected B, 11.0101.03. CORy-. Receipts, 6774 bush. Trade was slow- ana pricos aeciinea c. uueim. "c; ...--erate but ample. Quotations: Car lota for local iraae. as vu lw;iivii ..ce.v... '"-:-- low. 7778c; Western ateamer yellow, 7677c; Western No. 3 yellow, 7475c; Delaware yel low, 75077c. OATS. Receipts, 47.777 bush. There was little trading and the market ruled weak under ralrly liberal offerings. Quotations; No. 3 white. 3t40c.; No. 4 white. 34337c; sample oats, 30835c. ; purified oats, as to quality, SSQ40C. FLOUR. Receipts, 670 bbls. and 1.874.045 lbs. in sacks. Trad was slow nnd prices were without Important change. Quotations, per 100 lbs. in wood: Winter, clear, 14.000 4 90: do., ' sttalght, $4.8035.10; do., patent, JJ 1088.40, Kansas, clear. Jute sacks, S4.75S5: do., straight, lute sacks, 5S5.23; do., patent. Jute sacks. $5.25e3.60; spring, first clear. M-tW 4.00; do., straight, J4.b0Jj-a.10; do., patent, t5.10S3.30; do., favorite brands. ta.73S6.J3; city milla. choice and fancy patent. J5.75 0.23; do., regular gradoa, winter, clear, 1.754 5; do., straight. $330.23; do., patent, $S.25tt' 6.60. RTE FLOUR eold slowly at former rates. We quote at $565.25 per bbl as to quality. PROVISIONS There was little trading and no Important change In prices. Followlnr are the quo tations: City beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drled, 24B25c; Western beef In sets, smoked, 2425c.: city beef, knuckles and tenders smoked and alr-drled, 26327c. Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 20Q27c; beef hams. $28330; pork, family, 82L60322; hams, 3. P. cured, loose, 12Vl12c.; do., skinned, loose, 12U12V4c; do., do., smoked, 13Vi13MtC.; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, 13HQ14c; hams, smoked. Western cured, lSftOUMc.: do., boiled, boneless, 21322c; picnic shoulders, 8. 1 cured, loose. WSlOc; do., smoked. 109 lOUc; belllee, In pickle, according to average, looe 12012HC.; breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, 13H310C. : breakfast 15ty31flc: lard. West- 4GTJMIC.; ao., ao., ao.( hapnn. Western curea. tnhr fiUftQUc.: lard, cure cltv. kettle rendered. ill tierces, OUVOVtO-: lard, pure city, kettle rendered, in' tubs, BMffOHc. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady. Quo tations: Standard granulated, 4.05c; extra fine granulated. 4.90c: powdered, 6c; confection ers' A, 4.80c; soft grades, 4.0&34.C3c DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. As usual on the last day of the week there was little wholesale trading, but onenngs were mooersie ana alucs wero nrmly held. Quotations: Western solid-packed ex'ra firsts. creamery, .fancy specials. 20c; extras, 27VsC ex'ra firsts. 20K27c: firsts. 2.VS25c: set ones. 232 fc; nearby prints, fancy, 31c; do.. averaae extras. 290)3Oc: do., firsts. 26a28c. do., seconds, 24323c; jobbing sales of fancy prints H5S38C EOGS. Supplies of One fresh stock were small and the market ruled firm with demand fair. We quote as follows: Free cases, nearby extras. 33c per doz.; flrsts. $8.7030 per standard case; nearby current receipts, ts.wp s.tu per case; western extra nrsts, xs.TUirJ per cae; firsts, $8.1038.40 per case; fancy selected candled eggs were Jobbing at 3537c per doz. CHEESE. Offerings were moderate and the market ruled steady, but trade was quiet. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, jiew, 15H316VjC.; specials, higher: do., do., fair to good, new, 14H016c; part skims, 0312c POULTRY LIVE. The market was dull, with ample offerings at quoted rates. Quotations: Fowls, aa to size and quality, 16317c; roosters. Yl'd 13c; spring chickens, according to quality, 16317c: ducks, as to size and quality, lleiUc. ; large sizes preferred; pigeons, old. per pair, 18320c; do., loung, per pair, 17318c. DKESSKD. The market ruled firm, with sup plies of desirable stock under pretty good control. Following are the quotations; Fresh- kllled Fowls, 12 to box, dry-picked and lbs. jrind over apiece. Packed western. 4tt lbs. ir ltUc.! do., smaller sizes. IKM?. nH rnA,,. ers. dry-picked. 13c; chickens Jersey fancy broilers 2l32uc; otner nearby fancy broilers, 22321c: Western broilers, weighing lYjifi Ids. apiece, 10320c; northern Illinois, lancy yellow chickens, weighing 3V4 lbs. and over, 20321c; northern Illinois, fancy, weighing, 2U33 lbs., IbttlDc.; other Western, weighing 8H lbs. ami over, lOctf do., do., weighing 2UQ3 lbs., 17 (18c. : Inferior, 15&18c; spring ducks, near by, 10017c.; do.. Western, 10312c: equaba. rer dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. $131.73, white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dozen. $3.163.U3; white, weighing 8 lbs. per dozen, $2.53ti2.73; white, weighing 7 lbs per dozen, $2 1002 S3; white, weighing 830V4 lbs. a dozen, $1.W1,75; dark, $1,5031.75; small and No. 2, $L FRESH FRUITS The market was quiet and without Important change Quotations! Apples, per bbl. Jon, than. $3.6034.60; Crab, $je4; Twenty-ounce $301; Mcintosh. $333,607 lJlusU. $2.533V25l Oravensteln. $2.7530.25; Northwest QreSnlnr 7?J; Wealthy, $2.50S3; Crimes' Golden , wni, 11 ... , rjjnt. ., .. -j !-' li&oaa, wolf mver. $2.503, Alexander, $2.60 f3; (Summer ltsmbo, $2.6032.T5. I'lnoln. $2 60 82.75; Smokehouse, ,g.80o5.7Bi ' Duchess. $2 ,,, .uvuiai no. 2 inn ei. apples,, per bush.. 2560o. . Virginia. Western Maryland $131.60. Crab a reaches. West and Pennsylvania. Kiberta. r rni. rsCiiTv do., do., er basket, 353&bc.. do., Jersey, ier basket. 16350c. Peaches. New York. Elbertaa. per basket Double extras, 80340c 1 fair to tKZfm- IN THH OKI-HANS' COURT roii isss: Vjsr&jkn LEWIS, widow of the said dewdint: b. filed In the said court ber petition' with description and appraisement of the ,"a estate of the said decedent, to wit. premlii NO. 2418 W. Allegheny avenue. be!n sltuatj on the north side of 25tb strest, M fee elected to retain the sum of TbreV hundrTd dtollars ($f0). under the Act ofA 14 lMt, aal IW supplements, and that tiTUmi will be ajwroved by the Court inS-KS Octofcer a, A. D. 1015. unless McaBtJau tksreto W U aaar. lb., ul" excesJeajS " WAYNKiritA: W'lWtT'rwwaM, Jwi vvuv vaefiXBe unio. per DUn4 das ,-fl"lcyf. M75c.l do., do., fair to rood. ...j.. ...., w,,v, vwuiui.il, vt.wvnv.. urapos, t?elaw,i!?',.Mooro Brly " Concord, per eaii rler, JOOOSc. do., do., per 4-lb. basket, 630o.I do.. New York, per 4-lb, basket, Delaware, 18914c; do.. Nlarara. 10fid2o.i do.. V?tr4mit and Concord, 103d2o. Lemons, per box. $233. I'ineappies. per crate, rono iuco, f4.2536.26. Cranberries. Cape Cod, per bbL, $606; do., do., per crate, $1.7532. Plums, Southern, per bush., $1.2631.60; do., Virginia;, Damson. ger 20-lb. basket, (15346c; do. New Tork. per J-Ib. basket, 355J4oc; do., do., per 8-lb bas ket, Bradshaw and Niagara. 15322b.; do, da. Relne Claude, 16322. Cantaloupes, Colorado, per flat crate, 65376c: do., do., per standard crate, $1.2301.75. Watermelons, per car, $759 VEGETABLES Choice stock met with a fair outlet and values generally were sustained. Quotations Whits potatoes, Pennsylvania, tier bush. Choice. 60305c: fair to good, 60355c: whits fotatoes, Pennsylvania, per 160-lb. bag, $1,250 ,50, white potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 Rose, 4045c.; No. 1 other varieties, 35340c: No. 2, 15320c; sweet potatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1. 80340c; No. 2, 16320c: onions per 100-lb. bag. $1.7532.25: onions. Jersey, per -bnsh. basket, 65885c; cabbage, domestic, per ton. $8; celery. New York, per bunoh, IJJS 6O0.J lettuce. New York, per 3-dox. crate. $1,21(31.60: lettuce. New York, per 3-doz. crate. $1.752; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, 60a3$U PUBLIC UTILITIES The plan for reorganization ot the street railway and electrla Hg-ht systems at Kansas City, controlled by the Kansas tJlty Hallway and Light Company, as an nounced "oy the board of managers yes terday, has resulted In deposit of more than 00 per cent of all the matured notes and bonds embraced In the plan. A runner extension 01 time haa been grant ed by Judge William C. Hook for deposit of all notes and bonds, except those of' the Kansas City Elevated and tho Kan- : sas City and Westport Belt, to October 9, 1915, and the terms upon which further -deposits of the elevated and Westport lines will be accepted are to be an- nounced later by Judge Hook. The operating; Income of the Puget Sound Traction, Light and Power Com pany for July again fell under that of a year ago, gross earnings of $634,564 belnr J01.S03 less than was earned In 1914, net Income declined $10,780 to $282,427 and sur plus earnings after Interest charges totaled $80,8SS, a reduction of $44,449 from July of last year. The earnings of the Dallas Electrla Company made another decline both la gross and net for August, compared with the same month a year ago, though the loss In gross waa not as great as In the preceding month. Gross revenues for the month amounted to $147,914, a decrease ot $26,831,. and net earnings after operating expenses were $55,8S5, a loss of $15,416. The surplus -decreased $15,339 to $22,488. The income of the Northern Texas Elec tric Company amounted to $147,003 In gross for August, a decrease ot $77,697 as compared with that month In 1914. There was a loss of $21,815 In net operating revenues, which totaled $57,728, and after deducting Interest and other charges the surplus available was $30,097, against $53, 431 In the preceding year. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-The market for coffee futtrei opened firm with prices continuing to move upward. In the early dealings advances l - .t0B P.0'"!" ro shown. Further gains of about 0 points were scored at the close. Trad ing waa fairly active. Prions follow: loaay-a Todays yesterdays September October , November December Jonuary February March . , , April .... May ..... June .... July Auyust .. Hid. tottered Tout sales 6500 bags, opening. J close, e.000.63 ... 6.19 t6.30 6.2S3&35 6.31 O.UU 6.3536.40 6.60 clna. 6.6036.61 6.1030.1$ n.i'iSd.in 6.2230.23 . 1530. 17 o.iuae.21 32 0.23fi6.21 8.35(30.38 H.UTAL2fl 6.4030.41 U.32rte.34 6.4336.45 0.37476.33 u.fUttn.s.1 n J574t 8.60&6.65 tl.60AO.61 H.JHrtHIUl 0.5630.60 .... 6.600 0.51 NEW YORK CURB . Bid Asked lrf.1ff. : W OH BrltlshJAmerlcan Tobaoco old.... 13 14 8 British-American Tobacco new..,, 14 15 ar Light , Mi u oldneld Consolidated lg M Oreen; Csnanea , S8 40 Kenc't Copper 86H Wi Lehigh Valley Coal Pales......... 160 160 Magma Copper 141; J5 Nlplsslng 7 in 85 I?rrtor !!" 72H 73 SH E'fv'or J 01 M Rlker-IUgexnan 411 6 Sterling Oum 2ttr 2 Tobacco Products 43 41U United Cigar Stores 9J7 lo-y United Cigar Stores pfi ""M...110 JS yvnlli,font BluLrtn new:.::.: 1.,, V' World Fllnj sd1 SB Tukon Odd 2JJ j Another Advance In Gasoline The Standard Oil Company of Indiana ad vaticed gasoline anothercent Sr SBSf !Zii SSab.Au-55!1Sa ." . w pa of m refined oUtraeuartsV. of rjT V " ANNOUNCEIVIENT MINTURN T. WRIGHT ft COMPANY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS AND 1ROKERS MINTURN T. WRIQHT FRED T. LEWIB I OFFICES 412 MORRK 1LWJ. w rwwilMluw .Ale Wrske .pui i aMMsata wot fscaw.vsw. wwoa to w n.wMo.om fur Siuitui uz ua', :a U.'lSbW Mil st vear. la the Int six is rW ef 1 sssJg& W?",! if new UftlMr , A to m high record. wars mm a ssMeta M tas ipar. SS&