BVEKING LEDGER--PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1915; MR&CLWAINWRIGHT WINS.TffO MATCHES IN LEAGUE TONIS That Ws in Addition to Run nine Women's Interclub Championships at St. ' Martin's MRS SCHLICHTER WINNER v ST. MARTIN'S, Pa., Bept a -There Wcra number of txcttlna; matches In the opcnlnc round of the lawn tennis tour nament for the Individual championship of the Woman's Interclub League at the Philadelphia, Cricket Club today, and In everal of them the fenult hung In the Wtanco until the last point Seas won and teat. Mra. C I Walnwright, Philadelphia cricket Club, was an extremely busy lady. In addition to running the tourney, Mrs. Walnwrlght played and won two matches, and both went the full distance of three sets. In the first round. Miss Kalherlne Morris, Philadelphia Country Club, gave way. nt 6-8, 6-0, 6-4, and In the necond round she defeated Miss Alice Hawkins, Oermantown, at 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, Miss C. T. Chase, Merlon, and Mrs. I Hr Schllchter, Jr., Philadelphia Country Club, went three long drawn out sets be fore the latter camo through at 2-6, 8-6, M Several first class tennis have entered the doubles event, the best of which ap pear to bo Mrs. nobert Herold and Mrs. Jforrest Kerbaugh, Uelneld. and Mrs. flchllchter olid Miss Phyllis Walsh, Phila delphia Country Club. DECLARES VACCINATION VIRUS DID NOT LEAD TO DEATHS OF BROTHERS H. K. Mulford, Ofllcinl of Vac cine Developing Co. Says Tetanus Could Not Have Come From Serum BQYS BROUGHT HERE MEX COMES THROUGH AT LOUISVILLE TRACK Mars Cassidy Gets Second Money and Dr. Carmen v Third in Opener -& iwuiyiJUL,t,, Ky., Bept. Z9. Mex up eef calculations In the first race here to day, by winning the event. Mars Cassidy WAS second find Doeiftr Pam,n tfilrrf 1 'X The summary: First race, srlllnr. 3-year-olds nd up. 8 J furlongsMax. 100. lAPallle, KO, 17.00, S3.H0. wont Mars CanMy, 100. Judy, 13.60. 13, sec t ends Dr. Carmen, 105. Mott. W, third. Time, ' 1 14. Billy Joe Hawthorn. Buck Keenon, The c Spirit and Walcher alio ran. j aeconil race, 2-year-olds, maMma. cm fur- KKC"" ajpasle walkr. 100. Murphy, f T8 SO, 42.60, M.80, won; Incltatton. lOif A. Kelly, third. Timi, 1:09 4-S. Irish Wit, Some Reach That's Me, KtheJ Welles, Colonel McNab, 8au terello and Hurtaktr also ran. Colonel McNab imwnwi iirwt, out u aiaqununoa ror ioul, iniru racs. notha. Crump, irnrr. unennw ii m i.ij 1.36 a-A. Transmit. Commanada, Beach Cham: ow and Lou Blue also ran. 1 raca, -1-year-olds and up, mile Lady 87, Itnry, 46.S0, SX.70. $2. CO. won; KJ . 105, Kederls, 2,00, 12.60, second: Dr. Jugular Vein Severed in Fnll , William Qreenbalgh, SO years old, 6642 V Osnge avenue, a paperhanger, tjk-as killed today by a foil in which a steel tool psed for scraplnjr paper from a wall severed his Jugular vein. The M.n occurred In the vestibule of tho home of wiiiiam . iiarier, iu Chester avenue. A ladder on which Qreenbalgh was stand ing broke. Mrs. Harter heard the crash and found tho man lying; In a pool of blood. She summoned Dr. II. K. Allyn Who found Qrcenbaleh dead. jlrl Badfy Scalded in Ilotel By the overflowing of a big coffee urn In the kitchen of tho Hotel Vendlg; 13th ahtl Filbert streets, this afternoon, Anna Flyrln, 23 years old. of 776 South 20th street, was badly scalded. She wan rushed1 to the Jefferson Hospital, where he Is In a serious condition. Four Wills Probated YPHls probated today Include those of Samuel 8. Ashworth, late of 3404 Falr- mount avenue, who left property valued at J5000: Annie Henry, 1909 Catharine j .-Btreei, Dib; James S. Shields. 3847 , norui 13th street, 12200, and Mary Gal- THE WEATHER Official Forecast "WASHINGTON. H.nt For eastern Pennsylvania Fair tnniht and Thursday) frost tonight; light to loaeraie variable winds. mfsh barometric pressure continue. ., he upper lake reelon anil xtnfl. ,., ward this morning almost to the Pacific coast. In consequence the trmiumt,.... are generally below the normal In all of the Northern States and frosts occurred I joai. luiim irom .Maryland northward. The tropical storm la moving inland -.... New Orleans and the wind velocities are Increasing alone the mldrifA ... Light rains are reported from scattered il""" . me plains males and along the ln uuu ana souui Atlantic coasts. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a, m., BSurtern time: low S last Rain. v.iM. r Tr.un.' " 5 f N cloudy Atlantic Clr.... 6042.. NW 8 Clear pwnwaK. fl. If. 42 .08 W 10 Cloud v Itl S.I - Denial that It was vaccination vlrui filled with tetanus germ which caused tho death of two bos from Durllnttton, N J., who died today In the Pennsylvania Hospital, was made by Mr 11 1C Mul ford, vice president of the 1! K Mulford Company, principal developers of vaccine In the United States. The boys, Frederick and Charles Perks, S and 7 years old, were said to hae been victims of Impure vaccine administered to them by vaccina tion nearly four weeks ago. Aocordlng to Mr. Mdlford, who referred to a treatise by Dr. John T. Anderson, of the United States Public Health Service, to support his statements, It would be Impossible to contract lockjaw from vac cine filled with lockjaw germs. The ac clno prepared In this country Is devel oped under the eupenlnton of United States Health Service Inipectors. and none of it Is distributed until It has passed rigid tests Mr Mulford said It Is Mr Mulford's theory that tho boys' arm became Infected from dirt. una thnt the tetanus germs entered the wounds from the outside. The fact that the disease developed 26 days after the vaccination, he said, was convincing proof that the germs were not In the vaccine, because tetanus never develops later than 10 days after Infection. Tetanus, caused bv Imnuro vanrlnatlnn virus, killed Frederick and Charles Perks, and 7 years old, of Durllngton, today. The children died nt the Pennsylvania Hospital, to which Institution they were rushed yesterday when It was learned that lockjaw had developed, An epidemic of the almost Incurable disease was nt first feared In Burlington Parents of nil children vaccinated recently In the New Jersey town besieged phy sicians today to find out If their little ones arc In danger. Two victims were vaccinated 26 days ngo. Ordinarily tetanus develops within 10 days. Physicians are mystified by the fact that It tOolc 16 days longer before a symptom of the disease appeared In either of the two children. Frederick, the rounder of thA in ti died at 2 o'clock this moraine nu brother died two hours later. Physicians had been working desperately to save their lives, but to no avail. Dr. John S. Conroy. tho physician who vaccinated the children, blames the virus, which he said he obtained from the II. K. Mulford Company, chemists, 42S South 13th street, this city. An official today said that the company was not yet pre pared to make a statement. The mother of the children, Mrs. Harry Perks, who Is prostrated with grief at her home, 218 West Pearl street, BurHngton, Is a nurse, and heforo she allowed the children to be vaccinated she insisted on the utmost cleanliness. The arms of the children were washed In alcohol before the vaccination and only vaccine points taken from sealed packages were used. The changing of tho bandages was done under the most sanitary conditions. Be cause of this the parents and Burlington physicians unite In declaring that the virus contained the deadly germs. The arms of eight other children vaccinated with points from the same package did not 'take AH of tho surplus. vaccine was sent back to the chemists for an exami nation. "I am through with compulsory vacci nation," said Doctor Conroy today "While I believe In vaccination aa r.r. ventive for smallpox, I will not have my enna vaccinated until I am sure of the" virus." The three other Perks children were not vaccinated. More than to other children have been vaccinated in Burlington by Doctor Con roy. He Is examining them today and making tests for tetanus. If any are found to be Infected they will be sent to the Philadelphia Hospital and treated with the anti-toxin for the disease. Another victim of tetanus ,1s now In the Pennsylvania Hospital. Physicians are making a fight to save her life. She Is Miss Florence Walker. 21 years old 4(r Wallan street. She was taken to the hospital last Friday suffering from a scalp wound. This vaa not the result of vaccination. Her condition Is serious Doctor Conroy is widely known In Burl ltngton. He went to that city after grad uating from Jefferson Medical College In this city six years ago and serving In a New York hospital. Iff sHbbbbwsbLLv vk I 51 n 'JJJ rTwyji jl i ISlaSfllT aeVf8af'"lBk3m V Ml 1 1 w&iim 5 sPapar J Jt rMVfc ill Kfcilliflsalsaj'JpTk aH. ' " 'M Y?l?N TsdaaMpHTPSikaT' f jaaam '' LA CORAZZATA "BRUT SALTATAINARIAIERI Un Piccolo Inccndio ncll'In- terno delia Nave Hn Fntto Esplodtfre il Mngazzino dcllo Munizioni UN AMMIRAGLIO UCCISO BROTHERS, TETANUS VICTIMS Charles Perks, 7, and his brother, Frederick, C, died today of lock jaw, resulting from infections caused by impure vaccinntion virus. FRENCH TAKE HILL IN SOUCHEZ BATTLE contro t'Austrla II potto mllltsre dl ilrlndUigers. dtremtto uha base dl oper ation! td nceogllera percio apesso num erose navl da guerra, speclamente sllu- rantl, I 11 ,Minhl..lA .iITImIaIa A lllslrn NEL PORTO Dl BRINDISI I JKSJSSSK non dlce nulu c,rea rnWM Xa coraziata Benedetto Brln era atata Impottata net 1)01 e varnta nel 1901. i:rn dl un tlpo a parte che prendeva II home nppunto dall'lllustre Ingegnere navate Ilrln, a della stetso tlpo ' la cornizata rteglna Margherlta. Costava ,75O,000. Kra armata dl quattro cannonl da 11 uolllcl tSCG lnllilmttrl), qunttro da t pol- Hcl ed oveva quattro lubl lancla-allurl. Spostava l$,4t7 tonnellate ed aveva una veloclta' dl 45 nodi. La perdlta dt questa nave e' certo graxe, ma non costltulsee Un colpo vltale alia flotta Italians, che conserva sempre la superlorlta' an quella auntrlaca. Sarebbe nd ogal modo daalderabllo che una Inchlsata provasse te cause cho determlnnarono l'lnccndlo a botdo della nae, glacche' sembra nlmeno strano che un simile lncldente sla stato sla stato po'Mblle n ell a marina lltnllnna che era stala sempre rlsparmlata da Incl dentl dl tal genere. II Mlnlstero della Guerra pubbllcnva lerl ecra II seguente rapporto del gen erate Cadorna: "Nella xona dl Clvldale II nemlco tento" ancora parccchl attaccht In dlrczlonc dl Caplnna e Cedes. Ij'aasldua vtgllanra e la fcrma reMstenza delle nostre truppe recero si' che tuttl questl tentatlvl dl attacchl fnlltssero completamente. "Sull'altoplano del Cnrso 1'nvanzata del nemlco verso Sell fit dl nuoo orrcstata dalle nostre forze, e le colonne austtlnche furono contrette a rlpiegaro crso la loro base. "1,'artlRllorla nemlca lia lanctnto una qunntlta' dl grnnate Inceudlarle In Mon- fnlcone. Mandrla ed Adrln, ma II pronto ed elllcnce Intervenlo dcllo nostre bnt trrle ildussn at sllenzlo I'nrtlgllerln ticmlcn." Continued from I'aze One tlons no newly captured poilllons on that front The ofllcliil statement from the Ger man War" Office this afternoon reports that tho most furious struggle of the past 21 hours has occurred In the region of Vlmy. Berlin admits the fierceness of tho French attacks, but declares that In each Instance they have broken down, though It Is officially stated that German counter-attacks failed to drive the French irom a irencn section. BUHLIN CLAIMS SUCCESS. The Berlin official statement claims the recapture of positions taken by the Brit ish north of Loos The last ofllclal report from General French said that, "severe fighting was going on around Loos and north of Loos." but "admitted no British reverses German loiecs In Artois and the Cham pagne region up to date were officially estimated at 120,000 men here today. These uKiirus wire nnsoa upon the prisoners taken by the Allies and tho number of German wounded and dead found upon the field where the French and British mnde their recent galnr.. Today's ofllclal communique reports that the great conflict In Champagne Is contin uing. During the night groups of Ger mans numbering 1000 men surrendered In tho district to the north of Masslges. German artillery has oponed a vigorous bombardment of the French trenches north and south of the Alsne River, the French guns promptly replying. CAPTURE HILL 140. In a stubborn battle French troops stormed and captured Hill 140, dominating the Vlmy Heights and the. orchards south ward, east o Souchez, taking 300 prison ers, most of whom were guardsmen. ROMA, 29 Settembre. t'no grave notlzla glunge da Brtndlsl. L.i corazzata dl prima classe "Benedetto Ilrln," ch,e era ancorata In quel porto, e saltata In aria In seguito nd una eiplo alone avvenuta nelt'lnterno della nava ed c' andata letteralmrnle In pezzl. La dls gra7la e' avvenuta lerl. SI credo che soltanlo 37 uonilnl del I'equtpagBlo dl 720 trn ufflclall n snldatl id slano salvatl Sarebbero mortl dunque Sli Uomlnl tra urfuufTiclall e marlnal. Tra I mortl vi e' nticho II contrnmmlragllo Itubln do Ccrrln, she comandnva la nave. 1a notlzla del dlsastro i' slnta data dal Mlnlstero dtlln Marina In tin breve romunlcato nel quule dice rjie 1'osplosione fu cnusatn da un nrcldente. Xcll'luterno drill nnvo si era tnnnlfestato un piccolo Incendio che In brevlssiino timpo si propago' alia Santa Barbara, prima che potesso rssere eitinto. L'lnccndlo o IVspIohIoiip avvenneio In cosl' brcvo tempo che non si ebbe nemmeno It tempo dl nvvmlre I'equlpagglo e porclo' non al feco nlcun tcntatlvo dl talare Jn matt; le oilaluppe. ALTRK NAVI IN PERICOLO Fu foituna pcro' che II dlsnstro delta Benedetto Brln non ne provoensse altrl, percho' nl momente dell'esploslone II potto dl BrindtsI era occupato da molte navl da guerra Hnllano dl ognl classe, alcuno delle quail crano ancorate assal vlclne nlla Brln Per quanll si sa Mnora, pero', ne sun'altra nave fu avarlata dall'aaploslone. Come e' nolo, sin delt'lnizo della guerra si nininetle dm le vutirne dell'esploslone Vandals Damaico Fountains sono34i.comptasollconrammiragi.oae, , d.mttfeed ten memorial se'tte 'rnlhutT dope I'esploslone, coslcche' I fountains' and Aroughs controlled by th soli che si salvarono furono quelll cho si trovnvano sul ponte a sul decx oeua nave. InOltre. nonostanto che si fossero calate sublto le sclaluppe, lnoltl dl ecloro che al gcttnrono In mare annegarono, esaendo statl ferdltl netl'esploilone. L'on. Salandre, che come l a lift I'ln terlm della Marina, ha telegrafato al duca dcgll AbnizzI dl fare una scvera Inchlesta per aecettare la cause dell'as plozlone e fisssre le responslblllta' senza rlguardo a chlcchessla "asslounando cosl II Paese e la marlnn, che devono e desld ernno esere espostl nl col pi del nemlco, ma non al perlcoll che forse sono dler mlnatl da negltganzn, che se estate deva essere rlgorosamente denunclata e pun-lta" Sembra che nove uomlnl dell'equlpag glo dl una nave oho si trovava vlcinla slmn alia Ilrln rlmasero fcrltl, ma non gravemente. CONFI3IIENS5H DIPLOMATICHK. Ognl clomo da qunlche tempo hanno luogo lunghe conferenre tra II mlnlstro degll Bstorl, barone Soiinono Bonnlno, e I'ambasciature d'Inghllterra, Sir Pennel Itodd, alio scopo dl rlsohere la qulstlone balcanlca, e ptu' spcclolmento la situa zlonc cre.nta dall'occupazlone scrba e montenegrlna dl terrltorll nlbanesl, Secondo informazlonl nttlnto a fonte autorevole, le Potenze dell'Intesa avreb bero offerto all'ttnlla tutta o buona parte della cost dcU'Albnnl perche' parteclpasso alia gueira contro fill lmpcrl contrail. Nel frattempo pero' truppe montenngrlno occupareno Scutari e truppe serbe si sta blllrono A Durazzo. I PART1COLARI DEL DISASTRO. Quest mattlna II presldento del Conslg Ho. on Salandro, ha ordlnato una sever Isslma Inchlesta sul dlsastro delta Bene fit tto Brln. Sebbene I dlspaccl che glim gono da Brlndll dlcano che si tratto' dl un accidente, nl MInlstte Mlnlstero della Marine si sospetta che In un modo o ncl 1'altro una bomba fu collocata Bulla cor nzzata In vlctnanza della Santa Barbara da qualcho Hpta nemlca. Un telegramma da BrindtsI, nel quale JACQUES HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM DOWN-AND-OUT CLASS Blue Ribbon Winner of International Celebrity Tries to Sneak His Way to Dog Show, Is Lost by Way side and Rescued in Nick of Time DELLA MACK WINS Boston, Xaaa.... S3 43 Buffale. N. T... 44 42 CoL..,. 44 44 w, la.. BJ S3 Yell-.- A" -tx . Julon. Mlon.,.. e 40 "alr4n. Tax.. 78 78 Harrtakurr. 1'a.. 48 43 HUWU, it, C. 64 64 I Helena. Mont... an SA lHuron-fl- D Sa fta lacKsaavuie, jaa, 70 tvi.m NW 4 ji! P""Ji7. mo. ;; on .04 n io Cloudy nanrpriw, 'iviut.. o tu -. OrWns, Ojb,. 18 7iJ yf.Tark &3 48 Platte. Nab. 42 40 kliiaboma, Okla. 64 64 .rudalpbla ....62 H rxnix. Aria, , on on, liiburrh. Pa,.. 411 43 ttiaiu). Ma .. do 4S Ivlan4, Ore , BO CO HtV gall ,. 4H 4Z .. NW 1 Clear .. NW 4 Clear :: SS S &,ca'roudjr .SO SV 4 Rain .. g 4 Cloudy .. NE 10 Clear ,14 NB 10 naln .. N is p.cioudy .. NW 8 Clear .. NW JO Oloudr - BW 8 Claar WW 4 P.CIoudj, J UuU, Mo... B2 62 .. NB I'anl. Minn.. H 4N .11 HK Ut LAka. Utah. 48 4 ... n ni Ianclsco. . M 54 ..HP! Irantatt, Pa...., 42 40 ,, N10 ssidsi- . , ivj eo ni; lNsartoo4,.., 4S 42 . NW a o at ku 00 N 12 Clear W 0 Cloud 40 E 40 Rain .. NW 10 Clear N 4 Cloudy 1J liain 7 ..'NW 8 Clear S- 2 Clr i. NH 8 Clear SJX 2 .Cloudy .. NW 4 Clear NW 18 Cloudy WILLIE WORTHY FIRST Reading Trotter Gets Three in Four Heats at Lancaster LANCASTER. Pa, Bept. 2S. - Willie Worthy won the 3:15 trot here today after (our heata were run. The summary: 3 15 trot, puree 4M. n UV W"W. A. B. Cummlnna. Readier 14 11 Myth. Pine Oroya Farm, "cimi X l 1 Centre, N. T. ...7 Bon Ton, Oeo. M. Harden. Ralelah. H. C " 4 t n m Kosclud. McKlnney, W. J. Uouzh " arty. Paterabur. Va. ............. a s 4 4 Tim.. 2.18. 3.1B. 2:lBtt. 2.17V,. Runnlnr. about 8 furloncs. purse I1M) Mont SSil?-ii"pMf "?, Md.rT.on" H.rnark able, Mr. J. T. llarrla, Townson, Md., aec ond: AIantlU Stoil.r, Klk Uck. Pa., third. ?S.'n Eex, Oolden Castla. also ran.' Time. First Running Race at Trenton Goes to Fleet Filly TRENTON, N. J Sept. 28 Delia Mack. Tls True and Bertha V., placed In order in the first race here today. The summary: first runnlnr race. 6 turlonca Delia Mark. r..H.... i w-..l -- ww,,,iiiw,irr, .tlUIIUCWB. Won Tls third. I 1 1 .1 .1 3 3 4 4 fa. f.. by the iTue, n. ., second, llertha v., ch. f , Second race, 2.-22 pace. pur 1500 I'ejer Piper, ch a., by Teter the G Pitman .. ., , Betsey Hamlin, bile. m Bradley. ' Joe Burt, ch , lary ..... . Bid Dillon, fa. g., Phalen . Fancy. Jay Potter, polook, PIttle Mount and Teddy Bllvcr also started. P'rat race, 3-year-old trot, best two In three, Ida May W.. b. m., by Cazeaux, Short 7 1 J Colorells b. f., by Colorado, lary. 2 2 s Doctor IThle, b. a.. Turner . . 2 4 ! CznrHda. b , llloomneld.... . " 4 a ' Time. 2:2H.. 2 21V., 2.21U. V.aT;ait h''?u- Bertha More, Allenwood, Bell VVorthy, Lichen and Morning Gossip also Jacques la a dog of very determined disposition. He won't fuss around mar ble corridors and bellboys when there's nnvthlnjr solnf? on In the way of real sport. He has n habit of having his own way. Ho seemed to know that there was something dolnjr worth while to which he had not received an "invite." and he sniffed around the corridors of tho Itltz Carlton with an ugly frown and thump ed his- tall against the floor with empha sis. As he had been the centie of attraction In any number of dog shows, and won enough blue ribbons to supply a May pole, you can Imagine how lie felt In being overlooked while the people about the place were going around full of en thusiasm In their best clothes and looking happy. What aroused the dog's susplslon most was thaj they all carried cards. From previous experience at dog shows Jacques knew that cards and long pencils meant only one thing, and that was a dog show or horse show, or something tljat he ought to figure In. He watched his opportunity therefore, and when his mis tress. Miss Pauline Dlsston, wasn't look ing he Jumped Into her car and hid him self under a robe. After concealing himself thus, the prize bull couldn't Bee whtre he was going, but lie lay cuddled and warm until he thought the tar had reached the Bryn Mawr Horse Show; then he Jumped. But. unfortunately, he miscalculated; the car had only reached Broad and Huntingdon streets. Tho chauffeur saw him Jump and gave chase, but Jacques ran and squeezed himself through places that no touring car would dare to go. Late last night the poor prize bull found himself alooe on a lot. There were no corridors, no admiring bellboys, no eleva tors and no mistress. For a fow hours ho knew what It was to be down and out. Finally n woman found him Just as he was about to bunk near the stump of a tree for the night. She learned through nn advertisement that he had been lost and took him to Miss Dlsston today. Jacques was given a royal reception by Ills mistress and all his friends at the Itltz. Now he can have anything he wants and go to the Horso Show and meet old friends. Jacques has an International reputation uuu is nnimn in London and New York Just as well as he Is in Rlttenhouso Square Perkins Wins In N. Y. City Primary N'UW YORK. Sept. 19. Charles A. Per- ktns bent Frank Moss for the Republican nomination for District Attorney by a vote of about two to one yesterday In dno of the most orderly primaries New York city Iibb known In years. Women's renhsyivanln Society for iTcvcnllon of Cruelty to Animals H such an extent that the society lias offered a reward of IS for the arrcut of any one defacing a fonntaln, Tho police have been naked to keep especial watch. A block Of granite was knocked from the fountain near Woodland Cemetery, In Woodland avenuo, and carried away The plumbing was torn away from the fountain at ML Airy avenue and Clinton street. OysteretteB pre made to improve stews, soups and salads, but try these appetiz ing little crackers alone if ycu would know how good an oyster cracker can be. You'll like, them either way. ii , . i , 1 1 ' f ! n , pv- Be NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY The Combination Of Warm Tans makes this a very exclusive boot especially smart for Autumn street wear. Imported tan, Russia vamp and foxing; Ian buckskin lop. Stefderidalt 1420 Chetnut St "Where Only the Best Is Good Enough." St AND lOt ONCE you have tasted the goodness of these Graham Crackers,yoii will do as thousands of other families do, keep them on hand for daily use. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Centemeri Gloves "Isere" Imported Kid Styles, $1.50 Being the only exclusively glove house v this city we must carry both the conservative and very newest novelties, but grade for grade Centemeri gloves are unusually fairly priced. ?Pbc,.a,i,eparrce3b,eatlln!icbrSnkd0n S'tfS 1223 Chestnut Street 1 s Mother Saves Baby From Death Quick aotlon by his mother saved Sal vador Feccu, 1 year old, of 1B31 South Camac street, from being burned to death In front of his hom. The baby ran out to play near a Are, when the flames Ignited his clothing-. The child's screams attracted his mother, and gath ering him In her arms she ran with him to St. Agnes' Hospital. He was badly burned on the body and legs. I Jw HH aaaaaiT"? I . HD The House t a OlaSP 12 naln 4 Clear 4 Clear 4 KCIoudy H Cloudy 4 Clear Ilala OUmaYttens at Philadelphia B A. it. xarooiaicr . ,. , n 14 rapemtura , M Hind, ... . , , Northwest, V mile -L'Cinliatloa lLt Slhaura .'. ".'.'." '.' "" ' utiL itutiiajtr ...... uj I' 'Sflnum lenuwMure ,.1, j r mum temperature AbaMMwic of the Day IpACH Uneeda Biscuit ii -af just ;ike every other Uneeda Biscuit perfect as soda crackers can be made. Fresh from oven, they come to you in a protecting pack age with all their crisp good- ness intact .! 4 . ....... riM laaoarrow. 8 48 p.m. n o a.m. pra W Be Lighted W,. ,.... 6 :M p. ui. OUT aWCHafONI), . -,,,...,,.. ,..,., W.rii.m. ...... .. ...... . ...t . a ai ti.ta CMHrrtfT aWHataW WHAtWT. .' your lights should be put in order at this season of the year. Plan now. for eye-comfort, cheerfulnesi. artistic surroundings and economical lighting billt. First aid &&icAy&i "SHIELD of QUALITY '" Formerly VT 1 1 25c. Now 15c For Upright and Inverted Gas Lights Awarded Grand Prhi. Wntt,t ,... I fanaraa-Facfc International Exposlthn wf yilll A-AICUC.7, f. When Queen Elizabeth Went to the Theatre ,l.I',1.t,'":JCarIy days of ,the P'ayhouse in Elizabeth's days they stood up or sat on hard stools. If you were somebodv LThS onTrs. AS EliZabC,h "" a Bis odyTct; I , Then they raised the curtain, hung a sign on a side wall asserting that this was a Donjon Keep or a Ruined Mill and everybody did their best to believe it ' Play!' bCCn heari"g a gd deal ,ateIy about T"angle rlth wacsbeth,SJhcat5c a"d the magic marvels of the Grif ' made art Productions are the two extremes of dra- oL You'l! see these Triangle Plays for the first time nt thr Chestnut Street Opera Houle, Tuesday evening"octobe? 5 Griffith, Incc and Sennett don't hang out little siens on JitUc walls. They show you miles upon miles of woidcrM natural country; peoples you have read about only in books The.r geography is only limited by their imaginations and the resources of this planet. They don't deal in crude naint ZtTT'' SCy deal in big "atural effec!s; mVunfains rivers, plains ami seas. ' ""u,ua"s They don't hold you to one set of emotions either h,, rush you swiftly through the gamut of Sma ' They're . you comedy, tragedy, laughter, tears, sympathetic sraiSInd tense drama, all in rapid succession, and All in the very best theatric environment for thnf : vtfal part of the Triangle Plan-ComfoTQuality' Achieve men -the very best the best men can do YoilYoM 'rtlu lar theatre prices and you'll get value received, All you have to do is to go through the usini fnr,. at the box office window of fthcgChesmugt 80 HoJi? 1 ucsday evening, October 5. ven nouse, TRIANGLE.FILM CORPORATION, NEW YORK i i I ' C'I I y4 i: & r4'V 'i III "All jsai 2' 'IS ,' a ' 4 A ll t lf -t 4 JCXDIIL WT? a ttobiiaiiri a ,. 1 - - srsjtar 100 rrajar ...,,v,.,, , l.m a m. r.10. FOR SALE BY Cos Company and Dealen iti-iir WAttD, 't.L. NATIONAL BISCUIT i,iia, K Aiti COMP u, ri iI!jm, 42. a ' . u maKWM HHBCWHrii rjm-vte. ysi. , r. 'X f TaraaaBaasasBaaawBaaMaaaaMi r LarSan AsleBflE3EflaTjfcl Aias.J", n W gajQtB '"