W' K fr 16 GET-RWH-QUICK-WALSINGFORD cKO IfbO COULDhlTl ice LM., PULLET. 12 tbu MAN ER A PHILS' VICTORY DUE TO POWER, NOT WEAK FOES JBest Balanced League in , Years, Says Critic Bos- ton Pitchers FIRST GAME BATTERIES from the New York Evening Feitl Although the winning percentage of the Philadelphia team will he lower than the winning percentage of any team In recent years. It Is not true that the team holds Its present position because It Is the strongest of eight weak teams. In fact, no team in the National League may be considered weak. Philadelphia leads the league because It Is the strongest of eight well-balanced teams. In the National League there Is a dif ference of 13 points In the batting aver ages of the eight teams; In the American League the Detroit team Is batting St points better than the Yankees. Nearly every team In the National League has two pitchers who may be classed with the beat. Such men as Mamaux and Adams, of Pittsburgh; Toney and Dale, of Cincinnati; Hagan and Rudolph, of Boston; Tesreau and Btroud, of New York; Coombs, Pfeffer, Dell and Smith, of Drouxlyn; Pierce and Vaughn, of Chicago: Ames and Meadows, of St. Louis, and Alexander and Mayer, of Philadelphia, are teBponsible, to a great extent, for the closeness of the race. In the American League, Boston Chi cago, Washington, Detroit and New York have good pitching staffs, but two of these teams. New York and Washington, are extremely weak In batting. The Red Sox have live pitchers who 4l5-ve won u games or more. These five .men have won 0 games and lost 28. Just where the Phillies would have finished had they been playing in the American League Instead of the National con only be guessed at, but It Is quite likely their fine pitching and fielding and fair hitting would have landed them very near the top. From the rittsbnrgh Leaden Alexander and Shore seem to be the pick for the opening game of the world series. Alexander Is almost a safe bet. Moran must get the Jump on the Red Box In order to have any chance of cop ping the series. The ambition of youth might pull Shore through to a victory over the great Alex. It might seem rather bad Judgment to put In Leonard or Foster. Ruth might draw the assignment If the first game Is played at Boston. A left-hander, accord ing to the dope, would work better on the Phlllle field on account of the short right field fence. The commission will complete Its arrangements this week and the usual toss-up for the first game will be made. Nothing further has been done relative to having the Phlllle games transferred to Shlbe Park. By maintain ing their personal Jealousies In Phila delphia Baker and his pals are going to lose a wad of coin, as the National League park Is not large enough to make a' good sized chicken coop, while the Mack home can accommodate practically Jwlce as many people. hrbuNMANER YouALtKtM fo yy , -J KeeP mQy, J ' ' I f I I I ... . ,.,r,.-. t Tv-Tur A t.tb sTtem the QrveUnd ruin Dealer) Orover Alexander, the uncrowned king of pltohers for the campaign of 1916, Is willing to pitch five games of the world's series, should, the annual rolx-up between the American and National league cham pionship outfits go the full limit of seven carries. This Information comes from Johnny Bvers, captain of the Boston Braves, who Sundayed In Cleveland yesterday, and (he 79-peppery leader jof the 1914 tltleholders got ylt first hand from Alexander himself. "Alexander was making no Idle boast when he declared his ability to pitch five ' of the seven gomes," sold Evers. "For he can do If, The; two best pitchers In the land today are Alexander and Walter Johnson, and of the two I think Alex ander has the edge for he has a greater repertory. While he has -not the speed that Johnson has, he has more than the average pitcher. He has a better curve than Walter and a better slow ball. As far as I know, Walter has no fadeaway, while Alexander has as good a one as Mathewaon." Alexander never has been popularly known as an Iron man, but he has al ready demonstrated his ability to pitch consecutively without appearing to suffer ny strain. In fact, he gave one of the greatest exhibitions of pitching ever wit nessed when making the tour of the Pa cific coast and Honolulu, last winter. The tour ended In the metropolis of the Sand wich Islands. The two teams of tourists played a game on Friday. Alexander Pitched and blanked the American leaguers. He pitched again Saturday and allowed but one run. He rested Sunday and came back on Monday with another shut-out, striking out U batters. And, t aeeordlng to Ray Chapman of the In .1 i dlana, who was one of the men to face 'i alar aatttared able to have gone right on ma pitched Tuesday ana Wednesday and K we straws. sa lied Bex are getag to be ud analnat M as wore the Athletics in 1985," M Evers eeterdy, "Remember how the Athletics, who had made a wonderful oard ha the Amartcaw League, failed to at a run e Matty In three same In .ij world's sertesTjWelt, I figure that K - anumwr win vm ftm nnwr i Mua thewaesv '''!" "And don't overtook twa efer pMchers .' 'jkU FtUladelBHl has-Warer and ly, layer Is a pttoaer who has bwucr the trie of Issues, mC the Tlrs, sad Danes. u know, is one f the hardest pitchers ' i.i ror league for the Med Sox to hit. ,,, in? I the ealy southpaw that Moras i' ha that he would dare to end axstaat ' , IVxtt.1 '". Hisey V a good pitcher, ana t it wwuirf sMt surprise me In the least if he xoa Ms gasM. 7 lack for Ifayer EVENING V0U 2WAJ to pitch one game, nix? ens cam and Alexander the others From the Washington Start The comenaut of managerial opinion It that the Phillies will win the blr series. but It oomes entirely from National League managers. TUfts of reasons are coming out why the Phillips can't lose, whereas the only asset the Red Sox seem to have Is the Red Box. TODAY'S SCHEDULE National League Brooklyn at New York clear. Philadelphia at Boston clear. Cincinnati at Chicago clear. Only three games today. American League Athletics at Washington clear games). Chicago at Cleveland clear. St Louis at Detroit clear. Only American games today. Federal League Buffalo at Brooklyn clear. Chicago at Pittsburgh clear. Kansas City at St. Louis clear. Only Federal games today. (two Boxing at Gaycty Tonight, JtVt the Gayety Theatre tonight. In addi tion to the boys In the 118-pound class who will contest, there will be several bouts In the 105-pound class and the final bouts between Kid Winters, Jimmy Hammond and Louis Showers and two special bouts between Freddy Sullivan and Willie Burns and Joe Refus and Young Barry. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Btr. Delaware, New York, merchandise, Clyde Steamship Company. Str. noanoke (Or.), Liverpool, merchandise, Furnesa Line. Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. Name, fcYom. Btandon Hall Calcutta Hogland Narvik Senyu Maru Newport , Mississippi London Noorbotten Narvik Ellenwontsdyk Rotterdam ... Roanoke Liverpool .... Sailed. ..Aug. 13 .Bept. 10 .Sept. 10 .Sept. 11 , .Sept. 11 .Sept. 11 .Sept. 1J .Sept. 12 ,.Bept. 12 .Sept. 12 ..Sept. U .Sept. 14 .Bept. lo ..Sept. 10 , .Sept. lu ..Sept. II) ..Sept. SO ..Sept. SO ..Sept. SI ..Sept. .. ,. Sept. 23 ..Sept. S3 ..Sept. 24 ..Sept. 24 ..Sept. 23 ..Sept. Stl uuuaxe Metnit Manning-try Buei Kenkon Maru ....London Arthur Balfour Cardiff n Myrdal Mlddlesborgh EUatlne Lelth Eretrla Or an Korea Cardiff Manebeater En linear . Manchester .. M. Bmblrleo .Gibraltar Feliciana . Tula , Rentier ... Annapoltfl Fagersand ......London ...,,. . .Shields Genoa ...... .Lelth ........ Port ds Palx. Pontoporoa I.Liverpool Georso Prman Barcelona Clbao Port Antonio Hammershus Balboa PORT OF NEW YORK Steamships Due Today tfame. From. 8teamed. ..Aui, 18 ..Sept. 18 ..Sept. IB ..Sept. 18 Operoalto .Naples Unit nlted States Chrlstlanla .. Espasne Bordeaux .... W. Amsterdam Rotterdam ... Steamships to Leave Name. For. Canorlo .Naples Patrta Naples Crmrto ..Liverpool ... CtartUa Archangel .,, Date. Sept. SO .Sept.HO ..Oct. 1 ..Oct. 1 Movements of Vessels 8tr. Bt. Paul. Liverpool for New York, was 11BT miles east of Ambrose Channel llahtshlD at 10 a. m. September 2T. Btr, United States (Dan.), Copenhagen for New York, waa 260 miles eaat of Ambrose Channel Ushtahlp at R a. m. September 28. Btr. Sun. Phllsdelphla for Sabine, was 49 miles southwest of Diamond Shoal llrhtahlp at 7 P. m- September 28. Btr. Qreclan. Philadelphia for Boston, passed ninna ojw&i iiameaip ai noon Septem ber 28. Btr. Finland. New York for Ban Franclioo. was 1C2T miles south of Scotland llrhtahlp at T p. m. September 28. Btr. Oulfetream, Port Arthur for Philadel phia, was 80 miles north of Jupiter at noon September 28. Btr. Northwestern, towlnr barte. Phlladel- K" la for Port Arthur, waa 180 miles east of bine bar at noon September 8. Btr. Hanmersbue (Dan.), Crut Grande for Philadelphia, arrived at Ralboa September 28. Btr. Queenawood (Or.), from Philadelphia, ar rived at Darbados, weather damaged, Septem ber 28. Htr. Cameronla (Dr.). for New York, steamed from Liverpool September 28. Str. Clbao (Nor.), for Philadelphia, steamed from Port Antonio September 23. Btr. J. If. duffer, from Philadelphia, arrived at Port Arthur. Tex., September 28. Btr. Lexington, from Philadelphia, arrived at Jacksonville September 20. Dk. Onaway. for Philadelphia, sailed from ncaarlo Beptember 28. Bohr. George E. Kllnok, Philadelphia for Portland, arrived at Vineyard Haven Beptem- Bchr. Daylight, Brldgewater. N. su for Phil, adelrhla. sailed from New London, Conn., Sep tember 28. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Decided advances In rates are looked for In the near future and owners are holding off In chartering. Tonnage pffers sparingly, with freights offering freely. CHARTERS. drain. Btr. Tregtrthen (Br.), 80.000 quar ters. Atlantto range to Bristol Channel. 10s., October: str. llsrtneld (Br.), 82.000 quarters. Portland to BrUtol Channel. Ds. Sd. heavy, 8e. fid. barley and Ts. Od. oats, October! str. Lyngenflord (Nor.), 34.000 quarter. Philadel phia to Norway, private terms, prompt; str. Arthur Balfour (tlr.), 88,000 quarters oats, Atlantlo range to tba west coast of Italy, 8a. 7Ud., Octobers str. SaUmlnla (Greek), 21,000 quarters. Atlantlo range to west coast of Italy lis. M., late October, CoaL Str. Chasehlll (Br.). 2860 tons, Haiti, mora to Genoa, private tarme, prompt aohr. France M.. 1006 tone, Philadelphia to cay Francis, private terms; schr. Fannl Palmer, 1T2A tons. Newport New to Portsmouth, pr. Mlacellanrous. Btr. Tavlan (Br.), 2878 tons. New York to Vladivostok. TS., net form, October-November: str. Ilackneaa (Br.), 20S4 too. United BUtes and Far .Eastern trad, on round trip, basis IBs., delivery Untied fitates, redelivery United State or United Kingdom. October: str. Norman Monarch (Dr.), tilt tons, Australia to the United States, on trtp on tlaae charter, basis IS., prompt: str. Hermlston (Pr.). 2M tons, transatlantic trad, on trip, baste ., delivery Havana, redelivery United Kingdom, prompt: tr, Oretaeton (Br.), SIT, tea, Wilmington, K. C., to Otnoa. mi ton, lf., October: str. West. bnrr.'Br.). 3bs ton, from Wierta to Phlla. aAeWWte, or. 111. M.. prompt; echr. R. B. WMte. 411 tons. Norfolk to Jacksonville, fertlHser. and back to BaHtmer, lucaber, pri vate terms, lUtati Wins Frisea Mayoralty AN FRAXCIHCO. Htfi, JO. With wemer voting here for the rt time In a mayoralty wee. James Rolen, Jr., was re-elected Mayor of n Franeiseo in yes terAays prissartes. accordluc , retura today. AHhouh K waa ealy a primary Kle. Motph aserBy sMaiwd a dear jnajevtty 0 tfce veto eaat aad a sjeaerel sisstwss tin hi s ,v- -- .,.,. w ..,..,-...,1, , 2 : ANY BCJ.I. I i-wMi.. n.. ,ielJt. -y LEDGEB - PHIIiAPELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1915. Rv ?- OrrrHnt, Gave Rls Children Skates for Shoes Discarded skates, found In ash cans, wero the only footwear provided by Will iam Maloney, 40 years old, 2414 North 2d street, for his six children, Mrs. Maloney told Magistrate Olenn today In the 4th and York streets police station. She de clared he had not worked for 17 years and that ho abused her. The Magistrate Imposed a sentence of one year, to be come effective If Maloney molests his family, G. It. Meloney Funeral Saturday The funeral of Oeorge R. Meloney, SI years old, who died at the German Hos pital yesterday after nn operation for stomaoh trouble, will be held Saturday afternoon nt his home, 4809 Springfield avenue, with burial In the Friends' South western Burial Grounds. Mr. Meloney was a member of the 12th Street Meeting of the Society of Friends. He was an employe of the Providence Life Insur ance Company. Funeral of John C. Sullivan The funeral of John C. Sullivan, 160C Mt. Vernon street, senior member of the firm of Sullivan & Co., 817 Arch street, dealers of notions and hosiery, nnd a di rector of the Chamber of Commerce, who died at his summer home In Chelsea Sat urday, was held today from the Church of the Gesu, 18th and Stiles streets. The services were conducted by the Rev. Jo seph P. O'Reilly, assisted by the-Rev. Fathers McShnne and Stlmson. Interment was made at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Funeral of Twin Sister Funeral services for Miss Rose Jelllnek, of 1411 North 63th street, were held today, with Interment at Mt. Carmel cemetery. Miss Jelllnek, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jelllnek, was 19 years old. Miss Florence Jellnek Is her twin sister. Tho sisters were popular among the younger social set In West Philadelphia. Death was caused by blood poisoning, resulting from a alight skin affection. Adam Jacoby's Funeral Funeral services for Adam Jacoby, the former York furniture manufacturer who died suddenly at his residence at 6412 Chestnut street yesterday afternoon, will bo conducted In the Memorial Chapel In Prospect Hilt Cemetery, York, on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial will be made In the family burial ground In that cemetery. OBITUARIES Thomas H. Dalton Funeral services for Thomas H. Dalton, of 1615 West Huntingdon street, member of the Republican Executive Committee of the 2Sth Ward, will be held Saturday morning In Our lady of Mercy Church. Mr. Dalton died yesterday at his home following an Illness of three weeks. He had been associated with Thomas B. 8mlth, Republican mayoralty candidate, In the 2Sth Ward for many years. He waB a member of the Thomas B. Smith Republican Club. Miss Laura Paneoast The funeral of Miss Laura Paneoast, who died yesterday In a private hospital In West Philadelphia, will be held tomor row afternoon at the home of her brother. Dr. Henry K. Paneoast, Conshobocken avenue, Bala. Miss Paneoast, who was (8 years old, was a daughter of the late Dr. Beth Paneoast. She was a member of the Society of Colonial Dames and Daughters of the American Revolution. Miss Paneoast had been HI more than a year. IN MKMOllIAM SPAETH. In loving remembrance of our who departed this life September 20, 1000. PAKENTa AND SISTEI13. 3Beatfjg AIItKY. On September 2T, 1918, OEOrtOB E., husband of Annie Alrer. ltelatlves and friends, also employes of Central Postolllc. are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. at bis late residence, 1637 8. 22d st. Interment at Mount Morlah Ceme tery. Bemalna may be viewed on Thursday, between 8 and 10 p. m. Automobile funeral. ARMSTRONG. On Beptember 2T.1D1C.WILL IAM J husband of the lata Catharine Arm strong, aged 03 rears. ltelatlves and friend are Invited to attend the funeral, Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from th residence of his son. John Armstrong, 4233 Oermantown ave. High Mass at St. Stephen' Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. HACHMANN. At Atlantlo City. N. J., en Beptember 20. 1018. ANNA 11. FERGUSON, wit of U. It. Uachmann. ltelatlves and friends ar Invited to attend th funeral services on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, 1118 N. 40th St., Philadelphia. Interment private, at Mount Moriab Cem etery. BLACK. On Beptember 28. 1018, Captain ItonKIlT V. BLACK, In hi 70th year. Due notice of th funeral will be given. BOONE. On September 27, 1016. ELIZA BETH, daughter of the late William and Margaret Uoone. Relative and friend ar Invited to attend the funeral services, at Wt. Matthew's P. E. Church, 18th and Utrard ave., on Thursday, at 11 a. m. Interment Pri vate. BUHI.KIGH. 0n8epterober 28, 1016, En. NEST UUHLEiaU. Relative and friends may view the remain at the apartments of Oliver H. Hair', 1620 Chestnut St., on Thurs day afternoon. CURTS. At Trenton, N.J., suddenly, on Sep. tember 23. 1U1S. OTIB K.. husband of Louisa Curt (ne Andreas), aged 32 year. nl tilt and friend, also member of Phlla. delpbla and Heading HelleC Association, ar Invited to attend th funeral aervloe. on Thursday, t 2 p. m., at hi lata reaidence, 23 West Susquehanna ave. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Ilemaln may b en on Wednesday evening. DALTON. On Beptember 20. 1016, THOMAS 1L, husband of Mary Dalton (ne Urennan), and son of th lata John JL and Sarah Dai. ton. ltelatlves and friends, also members of tn 'nomas u. annul Mviruunnn U1UD, th 28th Wrd Executive CommlUe. Mlnaewawa Tribe, No, TV. L O. K. M., ar respectfully Invited to attend funeral, from his late real. dene. 101 West Huntingdon t., Saturday. at BUM a. m. Bolemn High Mas of Requiem at Our lady of Merer Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery, DEVON On Beptember 27, II8, JOHN A. "ion of .Francis and the late JeaaT. DeVife Funeral, to wMeh relatives and friends ar fnvlted. on Tnursdarai T:W a. m., trim bis Vat reeldenc, iM Taslur st. Bolsmn Mass of Requtem at Church of St, Thorns at tt a, ro. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. AutoeeoWl funeral. v,vm BBYHBALK; On September M. ibis, nER. "filA AUItIN. wf of Oeergs Drysdlle. sfr "T'.ZZZZ eii-i-'-. -'.P-m., Itertne4. arlvate. ' "rT mg&tm& i luaarai nsrvtee. - an., at ker let realieaoe. ,,.,-., u saouai M. y s vMiNtrea j8!-m..- lvoTIS ZSTJS l-vbunll- .rr" iurroitAiAKi7i .rsv ic ucu . j ,. ... aj v.vy i . at mmr CesusSB rv iavISM W UW KEMRLE WIS, E, W. Kmbk aAIinKTT.-On September 27. 1016, BEN JAMIN W1LMER, husband of Anna Iura Oarrett. Relatives and friends an Invited to attend the funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 40K0 Powelton avenue. Interment private. Oriental Lodge, No. 883, F. and A. M. ; Columbia R. A. Chap ter No. 01 i Mary Commandery, No. 36, K.T.I Lu Lu Tempi. A. A. O. N. M. 8., and all other organisation of which he waa a mem ber are Invited. Kindly omit flowers. Re mains may b viewed Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. GERHARD. On Beptember 27, 1015, CARO LINE C., widow of William Oebhard, in her th year. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, Keptember SO, at 1 p. m. precisely, at the reeldenc of her eon-ln-law, Harry C. Wilt, Devon. Pa. Conchee will meet the 11:43 a. m. train from Broad St. Station. Interment Srlvate, at Woodland Cemetery. Please omit owers. GIBSON. Suddenly, on September 27, 1016, LEROT, eon of Mary and the late John Utbson, aged 22 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Friday, at 2 ?. m., from hi late residence, 4.137 Stiles at. nterment Cheater View Cemeterr. ORIMr.S. On September 27, 1016, JOHN W., son of John A. and Mary E. Orlmes (nee Rourke), in hi 10th rear. Relatives and friends, also employes of the Drawing Room of Baldwin Locomotive Works, are invited to attend funeral, Friday, at 8:30 a. m from hts parents' residence, 2700 Cambrldgs at. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of St. Francis Xavler, at 10 a, nu Inter ment Holy Cros Cemetery. IIIF.n. On September 28, 1018. ANNA E., wife of Louis . Hleb (nee Brunner). Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral Friday, at 8.30 a. m.. from her late residence 4124 N. Falrhlll st. Solemn Mass or Requiem at St. Veronica Church, at 10 a, m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. IIOOO. On September 27, 1016, MART E. 110aO(nee Paylor), wife of Joseph Hogg, for merly of 2034 Oakford St., aged 23 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend fu neral services, Friday, at 12 m., at her late residence, 8731 Laycock ave. Further sen-Ices at 2 n. m.. nt Holy Communion Memorial Chapel, 27th and Wharton Ms. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Thursday, from 7 to 0 p. m. XSIIERWOOn. On September 28.1015.MART A., wife of William Isherwood. ltelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Friday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late residence, 1C10 S. S3d at. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. HAUL. Suddenly, at Plttaton. Pa., on Sep tember 23. into, ANNA, widow of Laurence ICaul, aged M years. Relatives and friends Rre Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs day, at 7:30 a. m., from her late residence. 4643 Olive st. Mass of Requiem at St. Icnutlus Church, at 0 a, m. precisely. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KINO. On September 20, 1018. ETHEL V., daughter of 'John and Catherine King, aged IS years, formerly of Mtnersvllle. Schuylkill County. Pa. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from nor parents' residence. 1647 South Hollywood st. (near 23th and Dickinson ats.). Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Gabriel's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. UNIOHT. On September 27. 1016, OEORQE M., husband of Helen Knight (ne Uergey), In his 35th year. Relatives and friends, also member of Washington Camp, No. 309, P, O. S, of A., are Invited to attend tho fu neral services, on Thursday, at 8 p. m., at his lat residence, ISO Hansberry St.. Oer mantown. Interment and eervlcea Swedes' Church, Bridgeport, Pa., Friday, at 1 p. m. KRtJEGER. On September 27. 1015. MIN NA, widow of Charles F. Krueger, aged 10 years. Relatives and friend are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 1 p. m., at her late residence, 510 N. Paxon st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Re main may b viewed on Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. I.EATHERMAN. Suddenly, at Allentown, Pa., on September 28, 1015, AMANDA, widow of Joseph Leatherman. Notice of funeral will bo given, from the residence of her son, Charles Leatherman, 2353 North 7th st. LENAHAN. On September 27. 1015, MAR GARET LENAHAN, widow of Daniel Lena nan. Relative and friends are Invited to at tend funeral, Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from tho residence of her niece, Mrs. John Barry, tun it. Rusauehanna ave. 8olemn Reautem Mass at the Church of the Holy Name, at lu a. m. Interment Old Cathedral Cemetery. LESLIE, On September 28, 1015, ANNIE LILLET LESLIE (neo Marland), wife of Jacob P. Leslie. Relatives and friends are invited to attend th funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, 807 North 30th st. Interment private, at Fern wood Cemetery, LEWIS. On September 20, 1015, THOMAS, hii. hand of the late J. Lewis, formerly of 1737 Federal t. Relative and friends ar Invited to attend funeral, Thursday, at 4 , m., from the residence of his son, Richard ewls, 1713 Manton at. Interment Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remalna may bo viewed Wednesday evening after 8 o'clock. XJP8ETT. On September 20, 1915, EMMA E., widow of John Llpsett. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence. 1827 S. 8th st. Interment private, at Mt. Mcrlah Cemetery. Remain may be viewed on Wednesday, after 7 p. m. MACFAULANE. On September 20. 1016. DUNCAN MACFARLANB. M. D.. In his 64th year. Funeral service and Interment private. MACKEY, On Beptember 28. 1016, a STAN. LhOf, husband of Marl Mackay (ne Witt), of 2542 West Cumberland St., and son of Carrie and th late Isaac Mackey, In his 88th year. Relatives and friends, also ML Horeb Lodge, No. 528, F, and A. M.J Oriental cas tle, No. 25. 1C. Q. E.j members of the Phlla. delphU Orchestra: Musical Association, Lo ral No. 77; Stephen Olrard Beneficial so ciety, and th Philadelphia Turngemelnde, are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at th apartment of Oliver II. 114 Ir, 1S2U Chestnut st. Interment at Mt. Peace Cemetery, Remalna may be viewed Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. McOARItlGI.E. On September 28, 1016, MARY C. daughter of John '. and th late Mary E. McQarrliile. Relatives and friend, also St. John' Alumnae, sre Invited to at tend th funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from her father's reaidence. 221 Dawson St., Wlssahlckon. Requiem Mass at St. John th Baptist Church, Manayunk, atslO a. m. In terment at St. John' Cemetery, MeGEEHAN. On Beptember 20, 1015.AONES L., wife of James . Mcdeehan and daughter of th lata Bernard and Mary Mllllgan. Rela tive and friend ar Invited to attend th funeral, on Thursday, at 8.30 a. m., from her lata residence, 2021 N. Stlllman at, near 25th and Norrla st. High Maaa at Bt, Eltza. bath's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cros Cemetery, MELONEY. On Ninth Month 28th, 1016, UEORUE R. MELONEY, In his Bid year. Relatives and friends ar Invited to attend th funeral, on Oth-dar Tenth mo., at 2:30 p. m., at his late reaidence, 4 SOU Springfield ave., W, Phlla. Interment at Friends' South, western Burial Grounds, MILLER. On September 27, 1818, JOHN B. husband of the late Marl E, Milter, aged 83 year. Relatives and friend of the family ar invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 11 a. m. precisely, from hi iate reaidence, northwest corner 26th and Parrlsh sts. Interment at West Laurel Hill Ceme tery. Body may b vlewad Thursday era nlng from 8 to 10. MYKHH. On Beptember 26. 1016, CHARLES MYE1IB. husband of tb Ute Anna Myers? aged Vi year. ltelatlves and trlends, also Tsutonta Lodge. No. 223. D. O. H., of Mana yunk, ar Invited to attend th funeral, on Thursday, at p a. m.. from hi son-in-law's residence. I'hlllp Kllnk, 4459 Bllverwood St.. Maniyunk.1 Interment at Levthgton Cm. tery, Boxborough. Remain may be vlewad Wednesday, from T lo 10 p. ' ' 0'BHIEN--Oa September 27, 1915, at Con .Kohocken, Pa.. ELIZAUETn'o-URiKN. Its", alive. and friends ar Invited to attend tb funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a, m., from her Vale residence. 010 Fayette st. Requiem Mae at St. Mattbsw Church at 8aoV It terment at Bt. Matthew's Cemetery, rANCQAOTV On Beptember 38. 1916, LAURA and Irtend ar invited to atlii tk eiuu.Ti t t-. ...!.. -- 'rr1 - ..m-. stv .. vm ,sunmi7 rirnoe. at lias oteck precisely, at th rteae OX w ur. rtsery K. Pence, tt Cae, 'ba.n, inirmnt peivees. mcATim DEATHS iJfc.li.t- W Am xxixa J .p. SiV v .iy i frossi rreso THE CENSOR rEACOCK. On September 27, 1916., IDA RAMSEY, widow ol Nathan R. Peacock and daughter of the late Jacob and Matilda Ba kr. Relatives and friend ar Invited to attend the funeral, on Thorsday, at 2 P. m., from her aunt' residence. Cordelia SMunter, 410O Richmond street, Brldeaburg. InTerment Northwood Cemetery. PETRI. On September 2S, 1915, EMELIE, wife of Edward C. Petri. Due notice of funeral will be given, from th residence of her son-in-law. William F. Hysore, 8712 North 7th st. n.USin, On September 28, 1016, ALFRED. husband of Kate Plumb. Relatives and friend are Invited to attend tho funeral serv. Ices on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at his 1st residence, 231S North Marvlne St. Interment private. tJUINN, On September 27, 1016. WILLIAM J., husband of the late Catharine J, Qulnn nnd son of tho lato John B. and Emma Qulnn. Relative and friends, also Southeast 1 early Beneficial Association and employes of tho navy yard, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m., from 1118 Bnyder ave. Solemn High Requtem Mais at tho Church of the Epiphany, at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Automobile funeral. REYNOLDS. On Beptember 27, 1815, F. MAY LAWTON REYNOLDS, wlf of Elmer L. Renolds and dsughter of Jabex B. and Alice A. Lawton, aged 84 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend th funeral sen-Ices, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at her lato residence. 05 North Md et West Phlla delphla. Interment Cheater View Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday evening. RUT.ON. On September 27. 1915, ELLA, wife of Captain IUrry E. Rulon. Relatives and friends of tho family nr Invited to at tend funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late residence, 2143 N. Van leil SI. iniermeni yrivaic. SAI'SELEIN. On September 27, 1915. THEO DORE SAUSELEIN, aged 75 years. Rel atives nnd friends are Invited to attend th funeral services, on Thursday, at 11 a. m , nt hts late reaidence. Maple Bhsde, N. J. Interment private nt Coleatown Cemetery. Friends may call Wednesday from 7 to 0 p. m. SHAltrr.EY. On September 28. 1915.CLARA M. J. BHARPLEY (nee Grospeller-Dufrene), wife of Hiram K. Sharpley, Br. Funeral, to which relatUei and friends are Invited, on Thursday, at S:30 a. m., from her late rest- dence, LW3 H. nun st. Hoiemn Mass or Re quiem at the Church of St. Monica at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment private. SIMMONS. At Spring Lake. N. ., on Sep tember 27, 11115, WALDEMAR MOE SIM MONS, of Brooklyn, N. Y eon of the late Edward Brook and Eliza Mo Simmon. Funeral services at chapel. South Laurel Hill Cemitery, on Thursday, at 10:30 a. m. SMITH. On September 27, 1915, FRANK A., husband of Katie A. Smith (nee Sullivan). Rela.lvea and friends, also all th societies of which be was a member, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. m., from his late residence, 2000 E. Clearfield at. Solemn Requiem Mas at the Church of th Nativity at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. SNYDER. On Beptember 27, 1015, ESTHER McCOOL, wife ot John H. Snyder. Relative and friend are Invited to attend the funeral services. Thursday, at 2 p. m., at her lata residence, 1520 N. 62d at. Interment at Montrose Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. STONE. On September 27, 1015, BARAII P., wife of Leonloas J. Stone. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her late resi dence, 54 Linden ave, Haddontleld, N. J. Interment private, at Harlelgh Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Wednesday evening. TAGGART. On September 28, 1915, MARY TAUvJART (nee McGonagel), yrlfe of Hugh Taggart. Relative and friends, also the Altar Society t$id the League of the Sacred Heart of the Epiphany Church, are Invited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence, 1202 Rltner at. Solemn Mass of Requiem at th Epiphany Church at 10 a. in. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. WA11I1I.OW. On September 28, 1015. BEA TRICE THERESA, wife of William Ward, low, aged 37 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thurs day, at 7:30 a. m from her late resident. 1011 W. Thompson st. High Requtem Mass at Bt. Malachy' Church at 0 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. WEIIIL On September 28, 1915, c!tXRLE9 A. WEI11J. ton of William It. and th. t.t Klltabeth A. Webb, aged 32 years. Rela tles unl friends, also Columbia Lodge, No. 14, L. I', of A., are Invited to attend th funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m. Iirerlsely, at his late residence. 1025 N. Van 'elt st. Interment rtrlctly private. Remains may be Mened on Friday evening. Auto mobllo funeral. WILSON. On September 25, 1915, HANNAH A. WILSON, In her 02d year. Relative und friends are Invited to attend the funeral, wlthour further notice, from her late real dence. 143 Chapel ave., Parkesburr, Pa., on Thursday. September 30. at 11 a. m. Inter ment at llepzlbab Cemetery. , WOOD. On Beptember 27.1015, ELIZA ANN, wife of George Wood, aged 8(1 years. Rela tives and friend are Invited to attend th funeral, Thursday, at 12 m.. from her lata residence. 1403 Kenwood ave., Camden, N. J. Interment private at Ivy Hill Cemetery, WRIGHT On September 28. 1015. CATH ARINE P.. wife of Joehua P. Wright (ne Devltt). Relative and frlenda are Invited to attend th funeral, on Friday, at 8 a. ra from her late residence, 1023 Moore st. Sol emn Requiem Maes at the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas precisely at 9:30 a. m. In. terment Cathedral Cemetery. YOUNG. On Beptember 28. 1015. ALICE, widow of William II. Young. Relatives and friend ar Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her late residence. 2021 8. 13th st. Interment at Woodlands Ceme tery. Remain may be viewed Wednesday evening. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or Ilk tbl) On tlm m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!, 15c. Thr time on week 1214a, Blx time on week , xOo. Situation Wanted, thr time one wk It ctnta per Hue. Place your order for three or more times and t will be Inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. .Sfo0!..1"? 'k '' for Erasiso Lanast and Posuo LkWEB combined 1 19 cent pr lln with th exception of Helo Wanted and Bltuatlon Wanted, which 1 IB emu fS tine. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Found, Personal. Boarding and RooiV id KlVlBCKNTa WW Usd-foANT W ABOvil RATsM. There Is a drug store near your home that wilt accept Ledger want ds at office rate. pgBgoyAxa I WILL NOT b responsible for anr"hlia contracted except by myseef. JOSEPH yRETZ. 1W H. Voce I St. HELP W yTBD FKMA.UC MUSINEM WOMAN, educated and arobttlou. wanted) opportunity to team sod buMnea: f0 9 ili starts reteewtoe. L ill, L4ar onto. COMES TO WALSINGFORD'S RESCUE CHAMBERMAID and waltre! Swedish, Nor wegian, German or American. 6021 Over- oroox ave. CHAMBERMAID A "altrees, expwhlte, rrot. ram, a auuiw. ret, req. siyyij .v. wy. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James Dobson, inc., uianaei aiuw, o." - James Dobson, inc., ui lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. COMPANION to lady, bright and cheerful young woman, x. a.,, imw wv.. -. COOK-Good, all-round white Protestant cook! no objection to very light colored girl i three in family, no laundry. Apply Wednosday, mj pnerwowi roau, vvr,mwmn COOK and chambermaid, white, thoroughly experienced: private family: no laundry work. Apply, with reference, Mr. II, N. Munger, 420 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. COOK (third). 23 to 33 year ot age: Institu tion In country: must have reference as to character. Apply 0-10, Room 230, Tubllo meager, weapesaay morning. COOK, Protestant, settled woman: experi enced; reference required: for small family. West Philadelphia. Phone, .2 days, Preston 3014 W. COOK for KUburbs; must b competent nd have reference: small family: wages 7; Prot. preferred. L 227. Ledger Office. COOK, nhlte, assist wash. Call 622 Market et.f Camden. COOKINO, houeework and waiting Two Prot estant girls. Call, between 11 and 12 o'clock, 4213 Chester ave. COP WINDERSApply John & Jamea Dob eon, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott' lane, rail of Schuylkill. DEMONSTRATOR wanted: must be willing to wrk and willing to learn; JIB per week; references. L 114. Ledger Office. DRESSMAKERS Expert waist and skirt drapers: good pay, short hours, long seasons; only those with references from the most fashionable establishment need apply. Call before 0:30 a. m., French Dressmaking Shop, third floor. STnAWnniDOE g CLOTHIER. FINISHERS Ball fringe finishers wanted to take work home; must be thoroughly exper ienced: steady work. F. W. Maurer & Sons Co., Wayne ave. and Bristol et. Take car No. 23 on 11th St.; get off Bristol St.; walk one-half square west. GIRL wanted by family of three to assist with housework : give telephone number and refer ence. L 135, Ledger Office GIRL, white, cooking and downstairs work; small family. 802 Pelham road, Oermantown. HOUSEKEEPER (working) ; 40 miles from Philadelphia; no laundry; woman with child preferred, L 225. Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Some of the best families in Philadelphia and suburbs have listed open ings with Miss Read, at the Ledger House hold Registry Bureau, for girls for general housework. Several good place waiting now for both white and colored at good wagea. Secure details at Room 232. second floor. Ledger Building, Oth and Chestnut sts. Bring this advertisement with you. HOUSEWORK White woman for downstair, cooking and light washing; good wages; must have good reference. Apply 1523 Chestnut st. HOUSEWORK (general) White girl, lu apart ment; eleep in. Call Apartment E2, 6223 Jefferson st. HOUSEWORK (general) Neat white girl: good home, good wages; Catholic. Call 2128 Bouth 20th sL . HOUSEWORK Smalt family in apt.; Eng. girl preferred; sleep home. L 282, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK White girl, cooking and gen eral housework. Chestnut Hill 1448 W. HOUSEWORK Colored girl about 30; good plain cook: ref. required. 4016 Haxel ave. MAID, white, for cooking and downstair work and assist with washing; three In fam lly. 8734 Walnut st. Phone Preston 2126 J. MOTHER'S HELPER; Protestant: French pre ferred: reference. Phone Chestnut Hill 2SS. ORDER TAKER, age 25 to 33, accustomed to taking orders for elegant dressmaking and tailoring and selling French gown In a very fashionable establishment. Apply before 10 a. m. or after 4 p. m. French Dressmaking Bhop, third floor, STRAWBRIDGE A CLOTH IER. SALESLADY, Gentile, German speaking, exp., for small drygoods store. 2725 Olrard ave. SALESWOMEN for women' suit and gown: positions of the highest class. Apply Bureau of Employment, before 11 a., m., BTRAw BRIDGE & CLOTHIER, BALKSWOMEN to sell membership In a Co operative stores company In Philadelphia; stores now open In prominent location: de vote all or part time: exceptional Induce ments offered. II 148, Ledger Central. BTKNOGRAPHER Lady wanted wltlTknowN edge of bookkeeping for wholesale lumber office; 30 to 33 years of age preferred, o 035. Ldger Central. STENOaRAPHERS.BOOKKEEPERH.CLERKS Are you seeking a first-class position T Sea Miss Dean at Ledger Central. She will ad vlso you how to secure one, help you writ your advertisement, Itst your qualification In the Commercial Department. Mia Dean ha helped hundred of young ladle and will ex tend the eame courtesy to you. This Is a free service to Ledger advertisers. UTILITY WOMAN. 30 to 45 year of are. tor tares institution in country- muat h.v. ... ence a to character. Apply Wednesday' 0:30. Room 230. Publlo Ledger. ,,con"a,y' WANTED, an energetic, trustworthy lady, over 80. with a fair share of business knowfedre must be Indorsed by responsible recommenda tion and be prompt'at her post. 1313 Walnut street. WEAVERS wanted, experienced, on Oldham Witch looms. Scotland Mills, Kensington avo and Huntingdon sL """ WINDETtB - Wanted, experienced oft silk w,n(,wfi.K8uau?!t s.i'k "Vmracturlni Com pany, 18th and Hunting Park ave. YOUNO LADY to take dancing teacher1 place during hr vacation: must plsy pianoi itst salary expected. II 40. Ledger Central. YOUNa LADY. tail, attractive, to display fown In private dressmaking show room. 1316 Walnut t., second floor. room. FRENCH Swiss Protestant to sew and help In car of children, at Bryn Mawr Kfi utXFn'i.! Bouth c"f5?e b'"" General CLERKB Women wanted as govt, clerks, avo month PMU .xamlnatlons "clngf "Limpi. HELP WANTED KAI AUTOMOBILE REPAIR MAN wadtsd 7 olas. Apply at 8598 Otn.av'.r: Chttuft llfi! xtruwwrvn -isnt.j v.' .l"..""' . ' mu.t b. experl-enced and ZS"'"''' f countant. 11158. LedgerCtntral. ' BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD waura.n AS CLERICAL ASSISTANT ANf.ANJEPH CLERK IN ADVEIlTlmNO DEA?I.VuKJfeS CV0T,S' rS!EA.V1M58 "a. Apply Joan 1 Janer DoMon, Ina, lltankat Will. S2... ten. Kll of kuv kin " '11'' oetfs lan. rem ot ecnuyiklll. .-. m ,ifc Ot-LIKtM ADUATK. Al. abaui a v JTT eeessate Uyi? f'' - Mate m sgfalif HELP WAlfaED MA1B FOREMAN Wanted, a smart workln f,IT rororaa rounary or growing concern. S3 tinderttsnd. thoroughly mixing metals 2 know tne buslhess well; steady emilovmiT with chance of advancement: state TpafTJ' pected at nrsti references required. xfaJSl Oyro Metal Work, P.O.Uox 387. Norteii, v? IEMAN Wanted, a first-class forem.. .. a email sasn ana poor mill: must hare. ei. rerlenco In estimating and getting out lui, glvo reference and wagea expected, c siV ldger Office. u 1- HOUSEMAN, colored, for refined apartnuaT must be educated and generally useful aiu! tools. II 21. Lodger Central. "" " LATIin nnd planer hand wanted. ABeiJ Jamea Barker. Inc.. Oth and Cayuca stt Wr MACHINISTS wanted: good general hmnt' Naughty & Weimar. Westmoreland aH MACHINIST-Exp. die maker and maeal fixer. Frlti drasa rv m . Sr-!"'?"' ". 1 1' - pcuaie7 are. MACHINISTS and lath hands. Apply-faM .. .rgninv-nm. n.c MACHINIST, on new and repair work. . Gross & Co., 22d and Bedgeley ave. Frets MAN, live, experienced, to take charge ef gre. cerles In department store November 1 flat Pennsylvania town, 100 mile from Phtl'adel. phla ; green groceries will be added to present department: man must bo capable manager v.ho can handle force and develop trad! exceptional opportunity. M 120, Ledger OftVa! MAN wanted, at least high school graduate! 20 to 33 years of age, and ambitious t advance: 1.1 per day to start J references, L 115, Ledger Office. 'MAN AND WIFE "Butler, house'n; wife, cook and chambermaid. Phone Merlon 408 Wed nesday until 4:30, and all day Thursday. PHYSICIAN Wanted, reg. physician (gar State) In high-grade medical advertising of fice; give description of self, salary wanted to start, Talldn, 00 Hart St., Brooklyn, N, T. SALESMAN Wanted, experienced plaster sales man with good reference; none other need apply; territory eastern part of Jennsjl" ysnla. Address M 117, Ledger Office. SALESMAN for class pins and college Jewelry: commission basis; unlimited territory. Q, jf, REIBNER. Lancaster, Pa. SALESMEN to sell memberships In a co-opera tlve stores company In Philadelphia; stores now open In prominent locations; exceptional Inducements to live salesmen. It 147, LedCen. SHIPPING CLERK Young man wanted to as sist shipping clerk In paper warehouse; give age and experience. C 312, Ledger Office. SOLICITORS, familiar with automobile acces sories; proposition will sell like wild fire if you are accustomed tomaktng money. Call and know our proposition Thursday. Accumulated Electric Co.. 1303 Rldte ave. STENOGRAPHER (male) Btate experlenc. age and salary. C 30S. Ledger Office. WANTED Experienced textile machinery fitters: only first-class men need apply: steady work, good pay: no labor trouble.. Superintendent, 1136 IanhattanBve., Brooklyn, N. Y. i YOUNG MXN. 18year3 of age: must write good hand and be accurate at figures: for work In marking and pricing department ef largo commercial house. L 126. Ledger Of flee. YOUNO MAN, about 20 years of sg. wanted to learn real estate business. Apply B 17, Ledger Branch Office. G00OMarketst. YOUNG MAN with experience as collector and Investigator; not afraid of hard work: good opportunity for right man. II 48, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN a see'y and companion to gen tleman with defective sight. O 041. Led. Cent YOUNO MAN wanted at soda fountain: refer ence required. Blank's. 1028 Chestnut. THE SCENARIO DEPT of the American in, soclatlon of Photo-Playwrights require th services of experienced scenario editors; re ply by mall only, stating experience, to th American Association of Photo-Playwrights, Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. HUSTLERS of neat appearance can mak from 3 to $10 flallv, commission baals. Intro ducing our free talking machine offer. Apply 9 to 12 a. m 1332 Arch t. ,. General 011 N. BROAD ST. Robertson' old original AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL teaches you how tofrepalr and how to drive alios. Oil n. broadVt, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT to doctor or dentist, graduate nurse, young; mod. wages. L 210. Led. Off. i;jlA&li)bUMAilJ ana waning e.aj., e,-. person want position at once. 110 N. loth St. CHAMBERMAID and waltres-Exp'd: ref.i rltv nr aiirhnrhe N. J. nref. I. 223. Led. Off. respect. CHAMUERWORK and assist waea: eettlej'j Amurif rniintrv rssfAt-t-riPA. T 230. l)d. OIL i ClIAMIlEnWORK and sewing; experjencedi p young uerman. Prot. L, ir.'H. Logger ui CHAMDERWORK or laundress, or both s, col- ; ored; city preferred: best ref. Poplar 2670 J. CHAMnEHWORK and waiting Experlencei colored girl; good reference. 1. Z3L lo- ""r CHAMHERWORK and assTst w"as"HTcn re'' erence. L 220. Ledger Office. CHILDNl'RBE. colored, hospital trained; ret. Phone Otn. 6317 W, or call &TC7Ambrost. COOK wishes position wltfi prlvat family la suburbs: with reference. 631, Ledger Branca, inn ana jacason. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, 2 sisters, experienced: reference. L 222, Ledger Offlc. COOK, competent, English IorToeslres posP tlon; good reference. 1620 Falrmount '"' COOK Young Oerman girl, experienced, want position. 003 Nectarine st.. bel. Bpg. Garden. COOK, competent. English Prot-Tdeslfe posi tion 1 good references. 1520 Falrmount ave. COOKINO and downstairs' wort Eiperncs colored gin: reference. 1713 iritxwater. DAY'S WORK, cleaning offices, apt, or wash ing and Ironing i reference. L 201. Led. Oft, j3REB3MAKER7i'rencE, TadTeVTnd children1! best work! day engagement or permanent position; private family. P 318, Ledger On. DllESSMAKER. French,' wlslies eugsgementa. at home or outs ref. TeL Dickinson 31)118 W. Hrebbmaker. out by darr remodeling don. 1GU2 Mt. Vemnn st. flanA nnatjtl. GIRL, colored, wishes cooking, with good r erence. Call or addres 4118 Ludlow. ilUUSEKEEPEIt (managing) Position wanted by competent, experienced Protestant worosa ui renncment, accustomed to reaponsiuuxri O 054. ledger Central. . HOUSEKEEPER steady woman from coun- wj wtaiuss no. napr, in wiaow-r s ay fam. , no trlfler need anwer. c 313. Led. CTt; HOUSEKEEPER YoungTady, good educattos, and refs., wishes poe. as aast. housek" Miiwirouin, . A., xa B. a t. HOUBCKEEPEH, working, no wash or " Welsh lrot.i sntall 'm. 1200 N. 26th St.. trsel A UUUBEKEEt'Elt. working) considered on family! Pmi.i rf. I. T ri ntfirA. HOUBl-KICEl'Kit, managlnr, public or pr.v ..a vw...(i.inni ' i"U) A4 ili "": HOUSEKEEPER. worklnrUAnta'.' or small 1 . . . n..." J -I. .Z.T. - . nt " mmuri rererence. u xat, looser !" HUUBUWOUK-Gerinan woman, with boy cook and laundress, l'hon Ardinor 70L. HOUBUWORK without washing. eiperMO woniani rsiwrencei. t, xis, imager ornci lltlc: LADY deslrr work afternoons in doctor's ef" dentist' office. H 43, ledger Central, M.OTHEIFb ' HELPER or Invalid nur ail light duties; exp. Apply B7M Klnssslng NUllBsi desires cngsgemeota: can gl " r iw, ioger tiemrai. pariCK AWI1TANT, competent chlr, mJSartHAm Mate mwbfVjrh.jii iT'jif J?