E.VESINO LULviER PHJ,L.xDELJ UIA, WEbMDAY, SLi , L Li,i:H 20, 1015. .15. II SUFFRAGISTS DEFY GERMANTOWN AGENT 'He Says They Must Remove Big fk QiTCiunvi x'luiu moorings, but They Refuse Oertnantown suflrairlstn are preparing to flnt t0 ln '"8t rt,,ch to keeP thlr bl .trttmer, which stretches across the street at Oermantown and Cheltcn av nuw. and which Says to tho world, "Voto for Woman Suffrage, November 2," from ktlnir cut from Ha mooring. It may bo difficult to fight to the Inst ditch to keep anything properly moored, but the moro difficult It may be the mora tho suffragists trill welcarfle the combat. The women have won tho first round atslnst Charles Schaefcr, agent for tho Vernon Uulldlng, who demanded that the big streamer be removed yesterday by noon or clso but. whatever ho said, the streamer atlll streams. It was this way. On Saturday, Sep tember jg, the Woman Suffrage organisa tion of tho 15th legislative district, with headquarters nt 50 West Cheltcn avenue, railed the streamer, with speeches and gone.' and tho playing of loud Instru ments. One end of it was hitched to tho thirl story of the Postofnce Building, occu pied by C. Jacoby's printing establish ment, and tho other end to a third-story wlndowslll of the Qermantown Business College, which rents quarters In tho Ver non Building and Is conducted by Charles n iiansel. The suffragists had the con sent of Jacoby, Hansel and tho police, all of wnom evidently are for suffrage. Sehaefer suddenly announced that tho streamer must come down. Ho said the Jone was tugging nt tho window In tho Vernon Building nnd might hurt It. Miss orace HUH", secretory for the suffragists, went to Hansel, who Bald ho had the riht to hang out streamers nnd that tho .rent could not deprive him of It. Sehaefer said If It was not down by noon h would have the rope cut. Both sides went to tho police station and (Sergeant Kilter went around to patch ud the breach. He retired In dismay, saying iney wuu, ..... ..o. . ... court. Schaefcr did not carry out his threat nnd tho women say that Hansel nd Jacoby will support them to tho last Jmch They think thero Is politics" be- although by some was ro- PHILADELPHIA'S OYSTERS BEST IN THE COUNTRY Timely Hints From Skilled Creole Cooks on the Newest and Best Ways of Preparing Them for the Table TUB oyster season Is on. Philadel phia has reason to bo proud of htr oysters, for she gets tho best of tho market, straight from the sparkling waters of tho t'heenpenko May. There nre many attrnctlvo ways of pre paring oysters, nnd cooks who make a peclnlty of their skill In this lino will l'o glad to know that the I.veniho I.wxinii has arranged with the "New Orleans Tlmcs-Plcayune for publication, on the woman's page, of some old Creole recipes for oyster delicacies. New Orleans Is world famous for Its recipes, for hero may bo found the choicest of tho French, Spanish nnd Creole cooking. The residents have pre served these old recipes for generations. Thoy have been handed down with as much care- as thj most priceless heir looms. The valuo of such a collection Is easily appreciated, and readers of the woman s page ,vlil not bo sorry If thry cut out ench day'a scries, nnd paste them In the hack of their cook books for futuro reference. The most famous dishes of our South ern cooks aro Included In the collection, and they cannot b had from any other source. The following oyster dishes will prove Interesting or nn Informal spread: Oyster en Drochcttes Take fine sliced breakfast bacon and cut Into thin silts about tho size of the oyster. Drain threo dozen large, fat oysters; take a long skewer of stiver or metnl that Is not dan gerous and string It first with a silt of bacon nnd then an oyster, alternating VESSELS IN COLLISION Quantlco, Due Hero Tomorrow, Struck Lightship in Harbor Slight damage was done to tho Mer chant nnd Miners' steamship Quantlco when she collided with tho Hoston light ship last night, nccordlng to wireless In formntlon received here today from Cap tain Thatcher. Tho vessel, which Is this ttntll It Is filled, tho extreme ends ter- . nn.,.nljcr. u exnoctisl to nrrlv nt mlnatlng with tho baton. Then hold,thc ?' "!"", q ',h 1P' , whlrf iL 1 to oysters oyer a hot clear lire nnd broil1 un- " dock outn street wharf early to til tho edges begin to ruffle, when thoy i morrow morning. nre done. In the meantime, prepare some Tho accident occurred as the Quantlco drawn butter by placing about a table- was leaving Boston harbor for this port, Bponnful In n cup before the fire to melt: A hole was smashed In the side of the place the oysters In a hot dish, nltornnl- j lightship two feet above the water lino. tho lightship until H was learned that the vessel was In no Immediate danger. As ft precautionary measure n naval tug and tho lighthouse tender Mayflower wero dispatched from Boston to the assistance of the lightship. Thn Qunntlco remained In the vicinity of Automobile Theft on Broad Street Heretofore the corner of Broad street nnd Columbia avenue has been a com paratively safe place to leave an auto mobile, but this consotlng Iden was ex ploded lost night when it thief climbed Into the Ford touring car of Ir. Andrew Anders, 170R Diamond street, nnd drove It slowly down the street. Several per sons watched the operation under the glaro of the electric lights, The police are looking for the machine. It boro a Pennsylvania 7507T license. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GKft.M.tNTOW.N HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ORrtMANTOWN Ing with slices of bacon! sprinkle with l pepper and snlt nnd pour over tho drawn I butter, mixed with nbout one tnblcspoon- ful of parsley, chopped flne garnish i with slices of lemon nnd whole olive, i and serve. The oysters nnd bacon may j bo served on tho skewers If tbey aro not j charred or blackened, but tho other Is tho far daintier method. Oysters nnd hncon Wrap three dozen oysters. In a very thin sltco of breakfast bacon, Lay ori a broiler over a, baking pan In n hot oven. Remove when tho ba con Is brown. Each must bo fnstcrod with a wooden toothpick. Serve with minced pnrsley and drawn butter, as given above, or the following Snuco : Piquant. Sauco Piquant Chop two onions very i fine. Smother In a tnblespoonful of but ter. When well cooked, without burning, add one tnblespoonful of consomme, or wator. Add two cloves of garlic, minced very fine, season to tnsto with hot pep per. Tako two pickles about two Inches In lengUi, and cut Into thin slices of about K n quarur of an Inch In thickness. Tut ! ffi this Into the sauce, with a tcaspoonful ui strong vinegar, ana lei inc wnoio uou ig jn for about five minutes. This Is very , JiaEiJEJSHSIcMEfiSJHJ uuu wnun ecrvca wiui com uouea menus. RjJiSE!fi3iaJSJi2fi5fi3fiiM 11 I i OGONTZ A VENUE South of Cheltcn Avenue $3700 Terms to Suit Thse hmiArft contnln Iatca llvlne rnnm. S hrrlrnnm nnil bathroom, oncn flrmlnrc i-rrehtlon room, ill nine room and kitchen. Ilot-wntor heat, electric lights, hardwood Moor. LOTS 22.9x96 FEET Robert Killough "rZVr Wayne & Duval St. gj v.. v.r... a s i iiuMiDiw Copyright 1310, New Orleans ricayune. ditch. hind the agent's move, although oversight the Vernon Dulldlng cently painted suffrage yellow. Alleged Flimflammors Held Tun vouths. alleged filmfinmmers, who were captured nfter a chaso over roof tors In which shots were fired, wero held tn $800 ball ench for court today by Mng : titrate MacFarland, of the 2d and Chrla tlsn streets station. Thoy arc Itocco Ferro. '35 Montrose street, nnd Frank Dl Lemmo, 529 Kater street. Their victim. Annunr.lo Coradetto, 417 Pine street, Cam- den. accusea un.ui '" - t, .Ivinir him counterfeit money In a handkerchief ns change. Police Court Chronicle A bin of soft coal Is Just as comfort able to Bob Small as anything else. He can sleep Just as well on a foundation of anthracite or bituminous ns he can on a hair mattress. And he Isn't particular as to covcrlots. A few potato bags, a bit of old csnvns or n bunch of newspapers are as good as tho fanciest quilt. With a bundle of newspapers tucked under his arm. Bob, who Is n rather agile negro, crawled Into a coal bin outside n storo near East fllrnrd avenue nnd Norri" street and prepared to make himself comfortable for the night. Some time later the grocer heard pe culiar sounds emanating from the bin, and felt sure they were Issued by a rattlesnake or a mad dog. Several times he -attempted to lift tho lid of tho box. but his Jienrt failed him. Finally ho saw Policeman B6b Seville and told'Wni of his fears. Bob nnnroached tho box cau tiously, nnd on hearing the weird sounds flung back tho door or tne nu or tno pox. Then he focused the light of his bull's- t eye on xne interior mm saw iwo niiiiiiuts eyes above n row of gleaming teetn. Black Bob, In the box, saw the star of white Bob about the same time. "Aln" doln' nuthln' but sleepln'," ho said. "Ah don lak to put youse coppahs ta no trubbll, so I jls dropped in hyah to put in de evenln'." White Bob separated the negro from the coal with some difficulty and took him to the East Olrard avenuo station. Black Boh didn't seem to have nny definite destination and said he was "Jls driftln'," He made no objection to "drlftln' " northeasterly, and will cast anchor In the port of Holmesburg for V; three months. FALLS TO DEATH FKOM SILO Llancrch Milk Dealer's Skull Crushed Ho Dies in Hospital Howard Kirk. 5 years old, of Llanerch died at tho Pennsylvania Hospital late last night as the result of Injuries sus tained yesterday, when ho fell from tho top of a silo which ho and other men were filling. When tho accident occurred an automo. bile was pressed Into service and tho man was rushed to the hospital nt break-neck speed. It was found that his skull was fractured nnd on operation was per formed nt once In an eltort to save his life. Kldk wns the owner nnd operator of one ot tho largest milk routes In tho Llancrch section. Ho Is survived by threo brothers, Oancf. nnd John Kirk, owners of n luundry nt 40th nnd Market streets, nnd Wllllnm Kirk, as well ns by a widow and threo children. odlcc, said he knew nothing or his wife's Intention f live In Pennsylvania. Tor moro than a year, Mr. Arnold said, ho nnd liln wife hnd been living npart. No legal action has been started nnd no divorce action could bo maintained In New York State according to tho friends of tho couple. The only ground on which a divorce suit might bo proocuted. It Is pointed out, would be that of Incompatibility of temperament or desertion, based upon their living npart. Ono year's residence In (his city Is required to start action here. Mr. Arnold will lenve for t'hlladelphla on Monday, It Is sold. CIIKSTNITT HIM, cnr.NTNtrr iiii.t. MAY DIVORCE PERCY ARNOLD Former Constance Berry, Who Left Husband, Comes Here to Livo Mrs. Mortimer Percy Arnold, who was Constance Berry, a New York social leader, a cousin of E. Berry Wall, has separated from her husband, according to dispatches from New York, and will ccmo to Philadelphia to live. Rumors that shn would start legal proceedings hero were denied by Mrs. Arnold, It Is Mild, but she admitted sho had rented n houso In the Ovcrbrook section of tho city for ono year. Mrs. Arnold declined to answer questions relating to reported differences between her husband and her self and Mr. Arnold, when seen at his REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OERjiANTOWN DEEDS DRAWN $1 Mart gage a 51, .10 M. J. WALLACE 1111-1112 Lincoln Bldg. Filbert 47-03 (Ou. City Hall) Ituce 24-21 jfJPBja. CRESHEIM ROAD IIKTWKIIN MOUNT PLEASANT AND MOUNT AIUV AVES. One Block From Lincoln Drive in the Beautiful Creshcim Valley Beautiful new houres with thret and four bedrooms and every modern Improvement, Including hot-water heat, eloctrlo and gas llfhtlnr, hard wood tloore throughout, tile bath, built-in tuba with ahower batht, larga lota 83 to 130 feet deep $4200 TTrraSedBe $5250 32 tralnn dally to Allen's Lane Station. 15-mlnute train aoheduU morning and evening 1 Mock south from station, 2 blocks weit of Uermantown avenue trolley. T"TU"rVT" "T A nul'der, on rremltes. J JLJLl VAVXTlJLVJ or 100 Nippon St. JfxssS .jg3Ra "Sir,ssirm REAL ESTATE EOR SALE (JUMUHBAN Torresdale Ave. (0500 BLOCK) NEAR PROPOSED ELEVATED Sura to Increaae In value very rhortly. Well-built attractive home". 7 rooms, In cluding hath, hot-water heat, laundry, eta tlonary tulin, etc., electric lights nnd all Improvements. Taatlly decorated nnd hard wooil nnlFh throughout. GARAGE PRIVILEGES Price $3000 Terms to Suit Jas. W. Orr, n" On Premlef, or ZX11 KKNSTN'OTON AVE. GKIIMANTOWN 1, .'- . .'"...,' ," - '("' ,A 'J HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS C1TV The Marie Flats 254-264 South 16th RACHELOn SUITES. MS TO $J5 HOUSEKEEPING APTS., 3S TO 1100 I'HVSICIAN'S Ol'I'ICES, 25 TO f 100 1712 Walnut St. Ilualneaa and Professional Offices A Beautiful Development in a Restricted Section With Golf Links and Tennis Courts Homes now ready for Inspection. Several In tho courso of construction. Can be finished to suit pur chaser. Tho Location Is "Unique. Within a few minutes of the centre of the city It orfors all the advantages of the city plus tho charm of the country. Two Railroads and several cur lines afford excel lent transit facilities. Otllce, Btokley street and Mldvalo avenue. Phone, Qermantown 3472, TO tBl Semi-Detached Homes In Beautiful Chestnut Hill Meade Street West of Anderson Six large bedroom', one or two baths, larce living- hall, open fireplace ; dlnlnt. Fnntry and kitchen, laundry In basement; hot-water heat, hardwood floors, combination Ishtlnx llxtures, slnsle porches: In tact, many features that are found only In hither- prlceo nomes. THEY ARE WORTH A VISIT COME SEE THEM two squares from Chestnut Hill. P. R. R.( Price $6000 One square from Graver's Lane, P. & R one square frpm Uermuntown avenue. ROBERT KILLOUGH BUILDER and OWNER Wayne and Duval Streets SUBURBAN SUBURBAN ( Lenox Road Homes gj tf In the Beautiful Old York Road Section Adjoining the Golf Links and Country Club Corner of Lenox and Meeting House Roads (MEETINO IIOUSC ROAD TO RIGHT AT TOP OF OGONTZ HILI,) M-.m,:C-nr. Unmoe ln a m0,t Picturesque section of the Old York Magnificent nOmeS roud neighborhood. Right at top of Osonti Hill between Elklns Park and Jenklntown. Lenox road Is well lighted no overhead wires twine used. TAKK HEADING RAILWAY TO ELKINS PARK AND JENKINTOWN OR YORK ROAD TROLLEYS TO LENOX ROAD. OPEN DAILY SUNDAY. SEE TIIESK HOMES AND DE CONVINCED OF THEIR MERIT PULL PARTICULARS O.V APPLICATION C WM. G. GLENN 100-01 LUND TITLE BLDO. , IIII COLUMBIA AVE. s QM WEST l'lIILADEI.VIIIA WEST PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GERMANTOWN ebgtotrit jfarm In the Highest Part of Germantown At Sedgwick Station, Chestnut Hill Division, Reading Railway .SKA M ?$83lm m app Jrtdfih f ! K5B IlIS P. .S2v.ul I Mr n Ira. iA pBBiiB B. J-'' b M. Bt A. M jiL 'ppppspWpHppppppLppppppI A SUCCESSFUL HOUSE The designing of a complete houso of such graceful and satisfying lines that will be a delight to the eye, both within and without, is something well worth doing. A visit to "Sedgwick Farms" will show the results of such efforts. A Number of Attractive Detached Houses Just Completed Prices, $15,500 Upwards Sedgwick Farms Co., 7014 Boyer St Germantown Mk Ota gtjtMM Fshmh fUigvUk SUUm w Gwwwitwn Ave. Cw U JM Sdgwkk Mrt, JUm.m 118 1)fi&W ? . !-&i I & si i l"v C2)aiZB tVF&-i sX2xX I S iMili5TiM i:M7s tili.LLrli HHPHsaVrfMaaaw: bH.PK.1 WYNNEWOOD ROAD BETWEEN Woodbine & Malvern Aves. OVERBROOK Heat from Central Plant Threo stories; Marble shower bath: Hardwood Floors: Superior Finish' Two Jlathrooms; 1 Short Illoclt trora Trolley. Room (or Uarage. PRICE $8200 One fare to centre of city. Take train or subway and pass up OOth i. to i)3d and Malvern ava. Agent m premises, or W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON 40SU LANCASTER AVE. HEAL ESTATE TQX At' REAL ESTATE FOR SALK OEHMANTOlVN tiERMANTeWN . f IKS:'-.' . ..,.i. A8Siy!0 .. .' .. . -,i'. 1 . kW$ High-Class Homes in a High-CUss Section at a Modal Figure UPSAL STREET ONE DL.OCK EAST OP OEIUiANTOWN AVE. Modern In every wny; built In pairs fcnd to meet the requirement of the critical buyer. Contain G rooms, bath, laundry porch and second-story balcony. Price $4200 : Terms to Suit P. J. KILCULLEN. Builder, on Prcmbei BUIlUItDAN BURURnAN IDEAL I LOCATION! iDEUcwrml ICOONTRY Ten minutes' walk on Garrett Road from 6th Street Ter minal of the Market Street Subway-Elevated, or inmates' ride by trolley. A conveniently located high-grade suburb whh fair rettrie tions. Just the ptace for a home costing $4800 to $4000. 150 Lots SOxlSO. All Improvements.- Old Shade Considering slie and location, prices are lowrr than aay is tUa rldntty. SiTfcUl Indncoments tn build Immediately. Sfreral bouses for sale. Not quite completed. A a-ood location arallable for hla;b-crade suburban store. COME OUT TODAY V. GILPIN ROBINSON ALBERT F. DAMON, Jr. FHANK W. 8TOUT, Sales Manager City Office, 1218 Stephen Olrard Building 25 Minutes from City Hall. 8c Fare HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WEST MIILADELrillA WEST rillLADELFHIA ANGORA TERRACE APARTMENTS 53d to 55th St., One Block South of Baltimore Ave. SiHaiaaHaHalaaHlsBIKsaaDar s rtfy ttyy-&tti9tMSK'mtA PrJrVrLjilHHHB?!; BaaaiiaBiSjSfilHaHaVnVttBMBJilBH'SHiBQ 1 ',...' " '"a"3i!aysiei! Aoartmenta arm buat in naira. llkm tlaevara houamw. and ulth beautiful and varied arcilfacfura. making avtry room an eursiaa room. If you are folng to live In an apartment this fall, the selection ot THIS particular apartment out ot the many, many you met on every hand 1 naturally a matter ot creat moment to you. But thero must be ONB UKST APARTMENT (or you where location, service and comfort everythlnr that toes to make a truly attractive apartment home la absolutely at ltM best, and this, too, for a reasonable rental. For 132 to $33 monthly you can secure one of these apartments, and this Includes most excellent and even heating, unlimited hot water, courteous and effluent janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, shades, screens and awnings la fact, everything to make apartment housekeeping quite the perfect way to live. Apartments lm five rooms and bath and are finished In both natural wood and white enamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges prlrace porches The price Is. In truth, the only Inexpensive thing about them. Wehava tattttuUy urnsAsc a Sampla Apartmmnt lNoS440 Angora ferraeo) whitTi ja open for intptctlon day and evening, and will give jou a definite Idea of horn remarkably attractive theee apartment e realty are. NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY HjliPfiP c Auction Sale Lakeview Heights " Tomorrow Begins the Last Week The most successful auction sale in the history of New Jersey begins its second and last week tomorrow. Beau, tiful, big, improved lots at Almonesson Lake, only 10 miles from Camden and with a trolley line running right through the property. Every day special cars take you to Lakeview Heights. Meet representatives wearing yel low badges, 1.80, Chestnut Street Ferry, and get free tickets. Car leaves Camden side at 3 minutes of 2. Band concert, an afternoon's outing that doesn't cost you a cent, $2000 worth of presents, whether you buy or not, and a chance to buy the pick of Jersey real estate at your own price and. take 2 years to pay for it. Come tomorrow guest, and see the ideal place for that home or yours, and which, if you but theword, we'll build and finance m '&r " ' f.Al?t,J One of the Pedigreed Angora Kltltnt "at home" in our Sample Apartment. 70 of theee apartment e have been rented etnee our firtt offering of five weeke ago? There are only 4 etlll to be rented and It le fair to ateume that they will all be taken within the next week. Early reeervatlone will therefore be greatly appreciated. WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., Inc., 8 South 40th Street AND NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut Street CITY CITY f miUt'. home of yours, and which, if you but SSlw lwKt& say theword, we'll build and finance JSfiiiiYiw WHmtifLr- y lforyu- 3 U fMT - " Progressiva RaaltK oors " "MH P-'1 -a. 1011 Chestnut Sjf 3HB N. E. Corner 17th and Walnut Strt8 Suites nrrftnged nccordlng to your reaulromeiits rrora two rtMM M VsBtfl f rt lAVun winrt, k m y )... l.ull.. mv - will aii (.in ww uaiuris ...... ?,nyi,UnnX.locw. w',.i,,ln wnlklnjr dlstanca to the shoBplac, kMM and business centres, yet sufficiently teparate4 fro the Uuvlnuiw MMrtMr LWo9veCmhgJ?Cl?VS Tur?a inorTAo NORMAN S, SHERWOOD, 1411 Watout 3t. .51 r Ui X '.J