EVENING- LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEPyESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1915. . ... ft ft PLANS FOR BAZAAR TO BE DISCUSSED AT TEA TODAY Chairmen of Various Committees for Affair to Be Held in November at Bellevue-Stratford Will Be Entertained at Tea Personals Tan chairmen or! the various commit to!'' to arrango the bazaar an dance to be- heW on Saturday, November 6, In the ballroom of the BeUevue-BtratfonS, under the auspices of the Philadelphia Auxiliary of the Southern Industrial Edu cational Association, will be entertained t tea today at tho Providence General Hospital, 'Wlssahlckon avenue and Lin coln drive. There will be a meeting first to talk over plans for the affair, which win be one of the largest and most suc cessful ever given for charity, to be fol lowed by an Informal tea. Doctor Itldg way who Is president of the board ot managers of tho Providence Oenornl Hos pital, will be hostess ot the afternoon's social hour. The Misses Blapham have returned from Lake Mohonk, N. T., where they spent the summer, and aro now occupy ing their hpuse, 2313 Do Lancey ptaco. Miss Lisa Norrls, ot Chestnut avenue. Chestnut H1U, who will be one of the season's debutantes, will return from Varragansett Pier about the 1st of Oc tober. HOUNDS FASCINATE ALLIES' COMMISSIONER i, ATBRYNMAWRSHOW Pfonsiour E. Simons Comes to 3eo Thoroughbreds, But Is u, JBJnchanted by Exhibit jjp of Dogs jgTO EDRES THUONGS BRYN MAWR, Pa., Sept. 29. Monsieur Sfmons, of Franco, commissioned by is Government to purchase horses in Oils country for the Allies, wandered into the grounds at the Bryn Mawr Horse Show today to look; over tho plot or this country's thoroughbred hunters and jumpers. He happened however, Into the tent on the polo field where the American hounds were being shown. Ho got no further. Fascinated by the display of canines, he stayed there until the last ribbon had teen awarded. T have never seen such dogs." he re marked to friends. "It's wonderful." His Judgment was generally sustained by experts at the show. Tho awards for the best packs were made in tho horse show ring and the novelty made an Instant hit "with the crowd. Interest as far as the horse show was concerned, centred around an unusual Jumping class, the last of the afternoon. Tho horses were, shown over the open course, which runs from the ring out over a portion of tho polo field. As nearly as possible, the Jumps that might occur In the hunting field had been erected. Thero were a brush Jump, a water Jump, an earth Jump, 'worm and picket fences. Forty horses were entered and the competition was unusually keen. An Interesting feature this morning was tho appearance in the ring of a new Mather generation In the person ot Charles E. Mather, 2d, a son of Victor Mather, who rodo one ot his father's entries. The elder Mather has been a prominent horse show figure for many years. Judging by the son's ridlng'today he is more than capable ot filling his father's shoes. The Whip and Lady Friar, Miss Con stance Vauclaln's entry In the tandem class, misbehaved and got very much tangled up in the traces. They were eventually given the gate when it was evident that they were unmanageable. Just because ahorse is a king on a track a horse is a speed king on a race track Is no reason for assuming that it can have things all Its own way in a show ring. So Captain Edward B. Cassatt learned today, when bis famous gelding Spring Board, wnlcli has earned much money for him on race tracks In various part qf the country, failed to place In a class for saddle horses at the Bryn Mawr show. Captain Cassatt is a thorough sports nun and took his defeat good naturedly, thoroughly confident in the knowledge of his mount's ability along tho lines for .which It was bred and trained. A.. W. Atkinson's chestnut gelding Field Marshall led the field in the class In tfrrttlch Spring Board failed to place. Weather clear as a bell and with the aided virtue of being as warm and tem perate aa that on a spring day, was re sponsible for an unusually heavy at tendance during the morning session. The chairs en the terrace were well filled and the grandstand, which the biting air of the early week made an unpleasant place, had its sprinkling of spectators. The most Interesting class on the ton bark proved to be the "abedlence" event. Bach contender had to pilot his mount ever a series qf Jumps at a. walk, trot and canter. It all required much skill on the part of the rider as well as manners and Jumping ability on the part of the horse. (William J. Clothier's entries walked away with the better ribbons, Leooha, XeRte Hill and Jim Legtno getting first, second and third, respectively. Mrs. Robert B. Btrawbridga, on her own gelding, Radnor, was the other ribbon winner. Mrs. Strawbridge's exoeilent rid ing and engaging personality make her a great favorite with the orowd, and her Appearance In the ring la always an at traction. The winners today were pretty thor oughly scattered among a number of tables, no one taking more than a, -fair Share of the coveted prises. American bounds occupied the ring In the bpund sbow tent today As was the case at the horse show, the ribbons were yratty evenly distributed among the va rUjW packs. Ttw Mtoolpal wtunois were: The Pied ct Pack, Glen Riddle Farms, the Rose Tree rack and William O. Little's. The hound. show contributes much to the gen tn plcturesquenesa of the Joint cxhlbl JMen, . Class 183. fur pony etalllons Won by Willie- ' ? ". Talk WUMrf! ssoood. Charles r IUHieo, HolypMt Fir Dance; thtro, L. J. ggMifk, 1tr, Ftnft Brtse, I I second OUwT fli.-Wea by Robert I Gerry. Hfjn Mk: eacaetd. r. Awtros CUrk. Red Oakj jkjrt, (ujuita'okw, Styx, first prise, ; CU aa tor pear Jumping, poalts sot ex-. SM4HU ji hBrio e etowaTbyV child Wan 6 Miss Princes Powell, Tommies mo JM, Miss Nan Mllsr. llllkeo. IVit prUe, Wi second prise, 1S uHSf . ' V& under aaddle-Wop by gjwhwtgr Farua mud, KKle: aecond. Del tar Fao-pui Itud. first Whip) third. Ml" X ...vlr' Heckacher. Bpaclal Warnlns! tfffU- Dalcheater Sirica eHud. Jluouroau. First prlaa, tS second prUa, 1S, vlaaa ka. loi- hn.u. In harness which hiV tabu TT. " I '. . "" . l , . nrei prise in narnaaa e.i racom.w !-:WuB by William A. Lleber, Uatton- i aaaid) second. Mloa Francea fowni.ua, Jal, third. Hlaa Conataoc Vauclaln, wa tourth, Mr a. Wlkoft wltn, Jliao i. OrlH. 15. uuinil Irlu. IIS. J IW. obadlanc claw for. hunt tr and . nakarlur FanaM WZZZ&.arS2J?Z m,J!XB Jtt.SSSH Mies Emllle La Farge Claxton, daugh ter of Mrs. William n. Claxton. who was one of tho most popular of last winter's debutantes, will return home shortly from tne Paolflc coast, where sho has been Pending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Qustavus Remak, Jr., or Prospect avenuo, Chestnut Hill, have issued Invitations for a danee, to be given at the Qcrmantown Cricket Club, in honor of their debutanto daughter. Miss Margaret O. Remak, on Tuesday evening, November 2. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spenser, ot St. pavlds. havo Issued Invitations tor a. Jf.j.t0 ln"duce their daughter, Miss M. Claire Spenser, on Wednesday, October a). The card ot Mr. Wlllard Spenser, Jr., Is Inclosed. Mr. and Mrs. William Buel Franklin, formerly of Haverford, who spent last winter in Lancaster, will shortly occupy apartments In this city. Miss Sarnh Franklin will make her debut this fall, while Miss Sidney Josephine Franklin has already returned tp school at St Mary's-on-the-Hudaon, N. T. Jjd.,2na4nor. Flrat prlia. 50; aeeond Claja p. for novice ponlea In harnaaa-W'on by CharlM n. Hamilton, Holyport Fire Dance; ?fnn1.. pdwln Hi Vatt, Jr.. Dllham Decora tloni third, nroadtawn Parma, (Jlendermott .'.'? J?! fourth. Ilobcrt L. Uernr. Mlsa Mutt. Flrat prlt. 2S, aecond priie, 115. t CLV? 3S Jter howa In hrna-Won by Mlaa Isabella anamnker, Imperial Princeaa; aecond. tha Valter Urlssa hldlnr Academy, IP" ,lli?3ai third, Stlaa Conatance- Vauclaln. Break O'lwy. Flrat prlie, $25; aecond priie, 15. Claaa B, for ponlea. pace and action only to count Won br Defcheatar Farma Stud, aiasterptece; aecond. Wiuiabrook Farm. Model Flra: third, c. Hoaa Hamilton. Jr , Olenavon Tor!:nsrourth. Charlea n. Hammllton, Holy port Fir; Dance. Flrat prlie, $28; aecond price, SLo. C'?87.J!, .'or horae, 4 years and under, moat likely to mako a hunter Won by Ited Oak, F. Ambroso Clark; aecond. Colleen. IJrandywlne SUblea; third. Amulet, Highland Farm: fourth. Handycraft, Mlaa Oertruda Houston Henry. Claaa 21. pony over 12 hand 2 lnchea not exceeding 11 handa 2 lnchea, ridden by child Jon by Mlaa Francea Powell'a Dark; aacond. ?., J.. O'Connell's Sammy; third, Mlaa Nan Fltler'a Ullllken; fourth, Mlaa Oonatanco VaucUln'a Lady Lose. HOUNDS SUMMAHIES. Claea 10. for beat atalllon hound Won by oio Troe Fox Huntlnir Club, Blue Duke; aecond. Meadowbrook Hunt. Madcap; third. Hoaa Tree Fox Hunting Club, Dixie. Flrat price, 10, aecond prlie, fs. Claaa 7, for beat couolo of doff hounds Won by oien ntddlo Farma, Bob and Phil; aecond, Olen Rlddls Farma. Ilock nnd Trouble; third, oo Troa Fox Hunting Club, Hojal and Duke. Flrat prlte. 15; aecond prlie. 10. Claaa 8. for beat dog hound Won by- Roae Tree Fox Hunting Club. Blue Duke; aecond, Cllen lUddla rarma. Jerry: third, Plodmont Hounds, Pat. Flrat prlie, 10; aecond prlie, 13. Claaa 3, for bait coupln unentered dog hounds Won hy Olen Klddlo rarma, Andy and Sam; second, (Hen Riddle Farma, Bowler and Rouse; tlilrd. Piedmont Hounds. Romper and Pat. Flrat prize, 15; second prlio, jlO. Class 1, for best unentered dog hound Won by Piedmont Hounds. Pat; second, Olen Rid dle Farms. Sam; third. William Q. Little, Doctor Steel III. Flrat prlie, 410; aecond prize. $S. Claaa 2, for beat unentered bitch hound Won by Rose Tree Fo Hunting Club. Dixie; sec ond, Olen Riddle Tarm. Queen; third, noeo Trea Fox Hunting Club, Junta. Flrat prlie, $10; aecond prize, J3. Class 4. for beat couple of unentered bitch hounds Won by Hoaa Tree Fox Hunting Club, Dixie and Juno; aecond, Olen Riddle Farms, Nettle and Qdeen; third. Piedmont Hounda, Beulah and Uugle. Flrat prize, J13; aecond prize, J 10. BLUE PREDOMINATING COLOR IN GOWNS AT BRYN MAWR Cool Weather Brings Out Very Latest "Winter Garb By a Staff Oorrttponimt BRYN MAWR. Sept- 29. The continued cool weather has made It possible for milady ot fashion to don her very latest winter garb. Some 'of the' fashionable coutourleres have taken advantage ot the Horso Show to send a number of mani kins out In tha, very newest of gowns. Blue Is the color which attracts the eye more than any other, showing that the woman of good taste has not yet been Weaned from her vvorlte hue. Miss Mary E Bohlen, the debutante daughter of Mrs. tVoodvllle Bohlen and one of the very prettiest debutantes this year, has chosen a stunning suit of dark blue serge which Is made with a wide kilted skirt and htp-length coat. Her small hat Is finished at the front in a do cldcd point and Is trimmed with wide spreading flat wings. With this costume. Miss Bohlen wore white gaiters. Another BUlt of dark blue was chosen by Mrs. John Hampton Barnes, whose rather largo hat was also of dark blue. Mrs. A. J. Antelo Devereux is wearing a good-looking suit of navy blue serge with a very full short skirt, and Mrs. Howard Houston Henry looks very welj in a sky blue sports suit and white hat. The skirt of the suit Is one ot the new kilted models. Mrs. John B. Thayer, Jr., and her two charming Uttle daughters. Miss Polly Thayer and Miss Peggy Thayer, were on the scene early, Mrs. Thayer woro a handsome black coat and huge white fur collar. Miss Edith Earle wore a lovely pink sweater. With her was her little sister, Miss Gladys Earle, in a sweater of deeper pink. Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan and her daugh ter, Miss Alexandria Dolan, were new comers this morning, having Just arrived yesterday from Newport. Mrs. XAolan woro a tailored suit ot black cloth, a large hat and white fox furs. Mlaa Ruth Wood had chosen a smart snorts suit of mottled green and a small tan bat Miss Helen Carson Brlnton was with Captain and Mrs. Edward Buchanan Cas satt The latter was wearing a fancy suit of olive green faille and a small white turban trimmed with a flat canary. Bhe also woro whtto fox furs. Miss Brln ton was girlishly frocked in white linen with a pale blue sweater and sash and black velvet hat. Much Interested in the hound show was Miss Dorothy Mather, who wore a good. looking sports sxirr. oi turquoisq oiue and a sweater ot the same shade, made with angora collars and cuffs. Her open work straw hat was bound In blue. Mrs. Alexander Brown appeared In an extremely smart ult of white duvetyne .n4 i black hat. trimmed with black Paradlso aigrettes. Her fur was a rose fox. ' A greater number of spectators arrived earlier this aftemon than on any of the TivAvImm days. Mrs. James Potter looking extremely amort In a dark blue gown wun a very full oversklrt, and a blue fox boa, was seated on the grandstand with Mr. Samuel Chew. Mrs. Mahlon Hutchinson entertained Miss Elsa DeB. Lennlg. whose engage ment to Mr, William McCawley was lately announced. Mrs. Hutchinson was gowned in Mack and Miss Lonnlg were a navy IiIiia nt aulL Mrs. Charles F. DaCosta had as her guest Mrs, Robert JS-eiso uaasaii, wno bad selected an Alice blue velvet hat and dark blue suit. . Miss Lucille Carter wore a smart com bination of blue silk and broadcloth. Mrs. George Fales Baker's brown suit was topped with a turbaa of v-rl-coored flowers. 'un. William Wlllcox Were a gray cloth tailored suit and dark blue hat trimmed with upstanding feathers. Her daughter, Mies M. Eulalla Wlllcox, was gownea in a ww iw"f ", m nnishad strawberry sports hat- Mrs. Alan Wlfson ! yery smart la a dark Vm r. TO ASSIST AT COUNTRY FAIR - f .wSBBBBBBBBW. I i i ' i m aTSeaw iEmsbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"-sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 swyj" sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbMMsK. VSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB .sbbbbK' sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHP'19'' ajaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 .SBBBBBBBBB? ."'JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV, Jjj RH sbbbbbbbbbbVjsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb' BBBBBBBBBBBNr&JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBkBBBlV BBBBBb! 5bBBBBBBBBBB m4 SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT &BBBBBBBBBV 3&iHr IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV SBBBBbV .FjSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB: .r TSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr bbbbbbbVNiL bbbbbbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB'' Jbbbbbb! 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Bhe will be accompanied by Miss Anna Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawkins, of 2119 Reed street, will entertain tomorrow oyonlng at their home. The affair will be an In formal muslcale, the proceeds of which will be donated to tho chandelier fund of the Chnpel of St. Simon the Cyrenlan, na anu need strets, of which the Rev. John It. Logan, of 1408 South 22d street. Is vicar. Mrs. J. Mills and Mrs. R. Jones, will assist in receiving. Mr. and Mrs. John Drew, of 2237 South 20th street, have Just returned from a month's trip through the Western States, where they visited the Han Francisco Ex position, returning by way ot the Grand Canyon of Colorado. A reception In honor of the Rev. W. H. Ramsey, and the Rev. Alfred R. Mc Wllllams, will be held tomorrow by the Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley, of 2631 Wharton street, vicar of tho Memorial Chapel 6f the Holy Communion, 27th and Wharton streets. The Rev. Mr. Williams has re cently been appointed rector of St. Wil fred's Church, Camden, N. J. Considerable Interest Is being manifested In the four-act play that la being produced by tho members of St. Thomas Aquinas Dramatic Company, the second perform ance of which takes place this evening In tho School Hall. No expense has been spared to make the production the very highest of its kind, and among the excel lent cast might be mentioned the follow ing well-known South Phlladelphlans: Miss Agnes B. Carlln, Miss Margaret E. M. A. O'Neill, Miss Anna V. Rogers, Mr. John Mulhern, Mr. John Malloy, Mr. Peter Roe, Mr. Francis O'Brien, Mr. James Connelly. Mr. Peter J. Collins and Mr. James Finn. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thomas, of Walker street. Wisslnomlng, are enter taining Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A- Duftleld, of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Duftleld will remain until Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hutchinson, of BIOS North Water street, will return this week from Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John Starkey, of 1W5 Bridge street, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Elsie Starkey, to Mr. William II. Dugdale-Walls, of Liver pool, Eng. ' aTra. Mbpv nMrtalil JOia n..,vi.t.i street, and Mrs. C. R. Wilson, of 1636 bonKiin street, nave Deen, spending two weeks at the Lyndhurst, Wlldwood, as the guests of Mrs. William OldHeld. 1 1. il '. mtiavt- . H-trl, siwiaau,-,! siva; " i;l: I 'V.S J '. f tun- S.. wAIUUti... Ill Ua-.t'" I .' out w-wn" 1 . '-! Ml PMEItsJIEDAND euASMcrsio STTP jsSbi JMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSsST 'BSMlll IS , A BY iteXft ts&""4 sasa sac i bbbbbbbbbbbV I flak '"Z bbbbbbbbbW 1 ( Pf V VsH 1 MRS. A. N. BURKE North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Ellason and their daughter, Miss Lydla Ellason, of MlddletOwn, Del., aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Houston, ot 3030 Clifford street. Tho Torch Bearers, of the Falrhlll Baptist Church, Lehigh avenue abovo Sth street, will give an entertainment on Monday night. October 11. when the Rev. Dr. Forrest E. Dager will lecture on "Shams of Society." Mrs. W. Ford and Miss Eugenie Ford, of 2006 North 15th street, have returned from Bevernl weeks' stay at Cedarcroft, Kennett Square. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. David Hoffman, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Charles I. Hoffman, ot Newark, N. J., who was recently appointed an In structor In the department of English at the West Philadelphia High School, Is making his home with Dr. Julius H. Greenstone, ot 915 North 8th street. Mrs. Edward White, of 2031 East York street, has Just returned from a stay at Bridgeton, N. J. Mrs. Hannah Blumberg, of Richmond, Va Is the guest of Mrs. J. Rosenblum, of 2020 Frankford avenue, for several weeks. Mr. ' Edward Fangburn. of Elizabeth, Pa.. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. Mathlas, of 2411 Tulip street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koeneman and daughter nnd Mrs. Samuel Paul, of Taoony, have returned from Atlantic City, where they have been spending the sum mer. Tioga Mrs. William H. Murdoch, of 1808 Cayuga street, and her daughters, the Misses Marian E Anna and Martha Murdoch, have returned to their winter home after summering at Cedarcroft, Kennett Square, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard It. Weltzel have closed their Ocean City cottage and have returned to their winter home, 4609 North Broad street. Mrs. W. Wear and her grandchildren, Dorothy and Charlton Wear, of 15th street, above Erie avenue, have returned from Atlantlo City. ). 23 "Yea, you can-me S. S. White' Tooth Paste juit as freely as you like. "It's as perfect a dentifrice as nature, science and sincerity can produce. "It's safely antiseptic, thor oughly cleansing, not over medicated, made by a house whose name is a guarantee to our profession, and you already know the fascination f its ex quisite flavor, because you ask if you may use it freely. "I tell all my patients to use it as often as they like." In tie Utbqa. Powder, ISo Una. At your drug git t'$ or tnoiled oh rtetipt 0 friet &! Mrs. Annie S. Shoemaker, of Newark. N. J., formerly of Roxborough, who has been spending the summer In West Vir ginia, is tho guest of her niece, Mrs. Arthur M. Sheble, 4538 Manayunk avenue. Mr. B. Emerson Kennorthy, of East Hermitage street, has been visiting rel atives In Buffalo, N. Y. In connection with tho tenth anniver sary of Grace Lutheran Church, Ridge and Roxborough avenues, the Rev. Paul Z. Strodach, pastor, there will bo a re ception and musical entertainment for the congregation tonight. FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL system takes first grade children and by thorough drill, small classes and systematic grading, prepares them for College in 11 years where our Public and most other schools require 12 years. Some parents appreciate this saving of the child's time and Educational Expense. Separate Departments for Boys and Girls in the High School grades. XVM. EUIBR DAJIRBTT. Principal, 1GTH AND RACE 8TR. PHILADELPHIA BLBitENTARY BC1IOOLB 16th and Itacs Sta. 3Sth 8t. and Lancaster Ave. 17th St. and airard Ave. Greene St.. Gtrmantown. TUB PHILADELPHIA TRAINING SCHOOL, for PERSONAL and COMMUNITY SEUVICH Practical cour.es in varioua branches train Ins men and women for leadership in nacre tlonal, Ph steal. Social and Industrial Welfare Work 14 courses alven by well-known leadara. Send for booklet-Central Branch, T. M. c. A. 1421 Arch Street. SCHOOL OF EXntESSION AND DRAMATIC ART Elizabeth Lavender Schreiner 1711 CHESTNUT STREET At Gtudlo dally, 11 to 8. Phona Sprue 3477, or write for booklet. STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Bav carfare. Evening- School, Dormitory, Expert Instructors, Individual Method, Swim mini Pool, Gymnasium. West Branch V. M. C. A., S2d and flanaam. North Branch Y. M. O. A.. 1013 W. Lrhlxh. rUILADEJJ'IIIA TURNGEMEINDE School now open for fall and winter terms. We teach symnaatlcs, Oerman. drawlnr. needlework and swimming- to children. 7 t 15 yean, for SO per year. Enroll your chil dren now. Broad and Columbia are. Strayer's Business College 801-807 Cheatnnt St., Pulla. Practical couraes. Moderate prices. Positions guaranteed. Day A night sessions. Enroll now, J. E. SAINT-SEINE, B.A., LL.BT VltENCH Conversation. Lstln and Greek. Classics. Comparatlva lit arature. Ml Perry Uldg. Tel. Spruca 42SS. The AJliam Pcnn Charter School EIGHT SOUTH TWELFTH STREET 887th Year Opena Beptembar 28th. STORY-TELLING Oral expression, stage art. Day and evening. EMILIB) KRIDER NOHKIB. 1714 Chestnut. PALMS NIGHT SCHOOL Thirty years at 17th and Chestnut Streets. Bualneaa, Shorthand and Becratarlal Couraes. NOYKH SCHOOL, 1720 Chestnut Htreet Correct English) Elocution) I'ublio Speaking. JOIN OCR PLAYERH CLUU. U'RINO OAHDEN INSTITUTE, 1'IIILA. ART MECHANICS ELECTRICITY Might Schools Write for llaoklet 3AMES V, WILLIS Tutors Bays KspeclaUy I 142T I Euclid Ave. ARY UHEVAKD ROBERTS. IIS N. ltn as. moautioni voioal aay anc avanins classes. Wp f C Shorthand Bualneaa Couraea e aTe We . ao.- . nirard Ava. MISS ORANOElfB School for Ueglnnera; es tablished It yeara; now open. 4213 Regent at. CONSERVATORCES 9 and E C K W E R ' S PrsSIwwSJfwala MusicaJ Aca4H7 1917 Spruca BL 47tb aeason opens Eept. Sth. Branches 0029 German, town Ave.) 440 S. C2d St. Eminent Artists In Faculty. Prospectus. HAVE YOU HEARD DR. ADAM GEIBEL Th famous blind composer, lecturer and en. ?.h.?.i"t DeacrlpUva Tooklat. 1018 Areh St. PHILIP WAHRKN VOICE KBTEY ALI COOKE W. PALMJR HOXIE Italian Art of 10 B. 18TU ST, PH1LA. and 481S CEDAR AVE. J. W." r. LEMAN Violin, Theory, amnaag i:onaucsur b -JSSSts. VAN LEER. Tenor ejn,i ... Celo Teoor. Central Congregational, alrooalya. Ceacert. Oratorio, Song Recital, .Votes Cvt Zn. rULLER BLDO.. M B. HrTM a. HENRY GURNEY TENOR Kahn School of VuaJo 1714 CH8STNUT aBrRMKT MtropoKtn ROMAlllg) tfALLB COIXSOE OF MUSIO 4420 llsltlmora Ava. tfALLENDKR, Prln. ISth seaaon. a.. AassaVatAaal Voice, Italian Hetkoal, AOSSTW rus aw ansae m borou-n sSsent AH W a j EDMUNDS, OT WjJl?"Z 1 ' 'P'afarfTV z nail wC stetaasi asMksat i i WU Qsaissiu aHraav saaaaas. tSMaM, HU MARRIAGE OF MISS LOUISE , McKALE TO TAKE LA0E TODAY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe HcKale to Become the Bride of Mr. Edwin Henry Burk. ' Otjier Weddings i ArRF.TTr wedding will take place this afternoon at S o'clock In the Market Square Presbyterian Church, German town, when Miss Louise McKale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thorpe McKale, will become the bride of Mr. Edwin Henry Burk. Tho ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Harold McAfee Robinson. Miss McKale, who wilt be given in marriage by her father, will Wear a gown of lustrous white satin and chiffon, made with a court train. Her tulle veil will be caught with orange blosaoms, and she will carry a shower bouquet ot lilies of the valley and orchids Miss Mary McKale, a sister of the bride, who will be maid of honor, will wear a frock of lavender taffeta and sliver trimming. 1 sssssassssssssssssssssssss.ssssssa.Bsssssssiisisisisssss.s.ssssssssssissssss.sslssssssssssssssssssss - j ..na.n.i jt'iaj, j-b jaxSssSaSSS JmM.JWoxflAJ CmLME Do you really know what la beat for your boy or girl to do In order to be eelf-aupporttng? Would you take enough interest to find out without obligating yourself? Wo can tell you. Telephone! Lombard 1208-1297 POSITIONS POSIT1VELY.GUARANTEED OR MONET RElTJNDEn Day School. Night School. Enter any time. y 15. M. Hull. A.M., Pd.D., President, Lafayette Balldlnr. Philadelphia. After October let, 1'cnn Mutual Bulldloa; " S2SSZZI! XSSZST2ZIIIIS3IIZSS3SSZZr33 NefF College- "Only one In 25,000 people think." Dr. Eucken, University of Jena. ..... "The American people do not think. Helen Keller. "At st two out of every 25,000 can think."" Dr. Montague. Prof, of Philos ophy, ulumbla Unlveralty. "Of tha twenty or more powers of a well-rounded man, not over a fourth are used by the people generally." Dr. Neff. How can I gain mors from Ufa, In sat isfaction and in money? Here la the answer By using your un used powers. . Send for "Education and Succeaa." It will Intereat you. Day. Saturday and Evening clanei now opening. New catalog. 1730 Chestnut Street Central Business School Y ENROLL NOW Well planned courses taught by 111. thoroughly trained men of practical -, experience. Shorthand, Typewriting, Li. Bookkeeping, Allied subjects. Becre- Atartal course complete In three years. Claaa-room appllancea and general 1421 equipment unaurpaased. Positions ae- T J cured for graduates. Oymnaslum, ArCIl Notatorlum. Library & Read's- Room. . CENTRAL EDUCATIONAL St. INSTITUTE La Salle College BROAD ABOVE (1IKAUD Engineering, Arts, Pre-Medlcal and Business r-m.-BM irfvH School snd department for llttla boys. Gymnasium and supervised athletics. Scholarships offered. Evening classes. BRO. DENIS EDWARD. President. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Spruce Street. Opena Sept. 22. MAIN LINE BltANCH Ardmore. Opens September 27. ELIZABETH IULLB LYMAN. Principal. The Phillips Brooks School Boys" school, opposite Clark Park. Athletlo field adj'ng bldg. Large full-equipped gym nasium. Experienced teachers. Year Book. Howard B. Eltiel, Hdm. 4224 Baltimore ave. Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night aeaslona. Send for catalog. Mercantile Library nidg- 10th above Cheatnut. PREPARATION FOR ANY COLLEOE, ANT BROWN PREPARATORY BROAD AND CHERRY STREETS MAUER PREP. WITHERSrOON I1LDO. College, Law, Mad. Day, Evc. Univ. Rat. INSTRUCTORS - Frederic Peakes and i ASSISTANTS VOCAL STUDIO, 10 S. 1STH ST, Teacher of many well-known Singers iielen ACKROYn VsiM CuUur HAMILTON "wWU'W Art of Singing Contralto Soloist, Church ot the Holy Trinity. Studio, Estey Uall, Walnut st 17th St, JAMES C WARHURST Voice, Piano and Directing. IBID CHESTNUT STREET Li-ig-,1 I? VIOLINIST altsn DOUGHERTY 5rr hall PIANIST ACOOMl'ANIarT INSTMiJ(?rieN Edwin A.BriUiiSuv WALTER ST. CLARE KNODLE UflUA OUillV ISUiUUa M.UMAU. ""' y "ST'SSSSr '1"V" sniiHu, nisi vsaawxaiUT sXT. KURTZ VOICE STUDIOS W aUls sjt. OatsJog-, F.J.Ctiwa Ayft Ui I KksU. rm. Hi a. ,....-. QSsnUJsl. BtllSSBL ChaiaUrs-WrMa MamyUll UlSNo. isth at. tD. KENNEDY riZ" VrnmnOVT T-4JaaU fMsraaJLaUMal . Tiny rosebuds are caught aier'lf folds of the skirt. Sliver slipper - rtooklngs add a dainty touch.' tMs Me Kale's hat will be of black ttlrel Uirnmaa! with tiny rosebuds and fur. She wtfl carry an arm bouquet ot orchids- OARnETSON-FOX. This evening at (.30 o'clock Miss JsaeU M. Fox. daughter of Mrs, Charlotte t. Fox, of S039 ateene street, will be ipap rled to Mr LeRoy OarrotsrJn t th heme of the bride The Rev Way Channel, pastor ot St Stephen's MethfrMst Episcopal Church, Germantown avenue and Manhelm street, will perform the ceremony In the presence of abOuV' W relatives from Chicago, New 'Torjc, ,aa4 Annandale, N. J. , - Advises Parents Without Charge BERUTZ ALL LANGUAGES Superior native teacher! Terms resaanAhll,. Send for catalogue. The Beat Method SCHOOL Day and Evening Seiialons. Classes and Private. Free trial lesson. I0TII AND CHESTNUT STREETS Loder Uldg. (over the Rlker Pharmacy)! Tterlttc MflinAl Imiam bba m.. i.... .- , - conversations entirely- In the foreign Im guage between teachers and etndcats. Wanamaker Institute 23D & WALNUT STa. OPENED SJHT. Sk Couraea per term (30 wka.. 10.60, Ala ebVe. Art Needlework, Cooking, Drawing, dress making, Engllsli. French. Geometry. Oerman. Italian, Latin. Mech. Draw's. Millinery. Pla Read's A Esttraat'g, Spanish, TalegraMiy,, STI Bualneaa Arlth.. 8; Architectural DraWsC Banjo, B'k'g, Guitar. Mand'n. Pal nfg( China Oil. Water Color), Pan'ahtp & Cofpond, Prt. School, Violin, SO; Garment jcut'g, stsn'saur A Typowg, 110; Vocal Lessons. 12i Com bin ad Bookkeepr. Stenography fc Typewriting. SIC Piano, Afternoon a. Eve. Write for Catalog jy CERMAKTOWN WALNUT LANE SCHOOL rT7T 232 W. WALNUT LANE. GEIIMANTOWhJ Strong, General Course, Jjomeatlo Botaa Dept. Hoarding Dept. opens Sept. 2Mb. XUr Dept. opena Sept. 29th. SWAKTUMORE, PA. Swarthmorc Preparatory ScIhM, SIVARTHMQRE. PA. Vi lv r&z AyertiterrferiWofOtW Schools -and Collage Appeared on Thit-P4j YterrJay' wcJ'Will AppMrAin Tomornrwi . ) MUSIC f 0I?BS CONsMYATOR Iht Vr i SuccsH ', aCsBsrWBVfn JaawHarsrarVV mtQ A Residential snd Day Sbs4 ajf unparaiisieia xacjuues) lor is C- lainmant oi a csmsieta sshm educatloa la am branrtirt from the lumtnuy u me eugbaat sianaaro. A School pre-eminent smsjur tka causa of Its !8iHnjnlEs IssUaB MtgteaJ aeo4e. t3SiMSu ESSS A School of -'- -.---. . SUfr . fcm5i43 ?CJ 9M ' r raJtaaas7j(m SILssWcT KAYSJ4HJM. VajMssJ. ltw . Srwul m mom HOWBLLrT ..jfLj MasaVar g MaaissaJ plsuo Uoluils SOr rapsMrtasra1. WrUatfar tlrcultf arrtlOIOf APT "TS lt-. atav. ci i AiLEs mm SSbSH HBjjf atAlKaH mi, JSBSiim k$! SSiBIsflsssssk atapp "Nj e HajssZTTayf l as V