V vt- 'f - .ar -' 1 jmp ".fwj '' byMMiM tv biS IPPBwy-iiiijiipjii Hi J tiwwi fj M'Jal"".mi.''4l" Ibsb1 7JtI-Wf"-WfHPT JBTBJNIIfG LEDGER XJilJUADJi;ijPIllA T U .EBJJAtf, SEXTEJi-JLJUill 35, 110 l rN y .-1 iiM MORE, DEBUTANTE PLANS ARE ARRANGED FOR THIS MONTH Receiving Party for Miss Mariana Gowen Is Selected. Engagement of Miss Large and Mr. Easby Is Announced AT THD dniigiint which Mr. and Mr. TiFrancIs I. dowen will give to Intro duce their r1n.URh.ter, Miss Mariana W. Oowen, on Thursday, October 14, tho re ceiving party will Includo MIm Barbara Ilcneon, Miss Elizabeth W. Downs, MIbs Marnarctta Dixon Myers, Miss Marie Thayer Graham, Miss Mary 13. Bohlen, Miss Afrnea M. Brocklo, Miss Sarah Franklin, Mlsa Sarah C, Ncllson, Bliss Emilia Posoy Kennedy, Miss Gertrude, L Fancoaat, Miss Sarah It, D. Penrose, Mlsa C. Eleanor Pepper, Miss Hannah C. Wright, Miss S. Valentino Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth W. Qrimth, Miss Christine II. Stockton, Miss Elizabeth Gushing, Miss Mary Dixon Thiycr. An engagement announced this morn ing Is that ot Miss Henrietta M. Large, daughter of tho late Mr, and Mrs. John Sergeant Large, and Mr. M. Stevenson Easby, son of Mr. and Mrs. John II. Easby. Miss Largo Is considered one of this city's most beautiful women. She made her debut some years ago and has been a. most popular member of society. She is a sister of Mrs. Charles W. Fox, of this city, and Mrs. Joseph Harrison, ot ColoradOjSprtngs. Her brothers are Mr. Mcado Large, Mr. Robert II. Vr Sir. John Large and Mr. Spencer (..rgeant Large. Mr, Easby Is a nephew of Mrs. Fred crick Thurston Mason and Mr. Cornelius Stevenson, ot this city. The committee In charge of tho Sat urday Evening Committee dances, of which Mrs. S. Noudaln Duer Is chairman, will shortly issue Invitations for tho series of dances which It has arranged to take place thlB winter at Asher's. Tho Initial dance will be glyen on Saturday evening, November 27. Other dates select ed by tho commlttoe aro December 11, January 15 and 23, Februnry 12 and 28 and March 11 and 25. Tho question of holding a dance early In April la sUll under discussion. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Do Witt Cuyler have returned from Bar Harbor and opened their house at Haverford, where they will spend tho greater part of tho winter. Tho Baron . Charles do Geer, of the University of Virginia, has arrived in this city and is staying at 1728 Chestnut street. Mr. Ellis A. Gimbel will entertain at dinner tonight at tho Philmont Country Club In honor of Mrs. Clarence II. V,an derbock. Covers will be laid for BO guests, among whom will be Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence II. Vanderbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Fletsher. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Herold, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blotter, Mr. and Mrs. Chatles Gimbel, Doctor Nleffer, Miss A, 'Irene Richardson. Mrs. R. H. Barlow, Sir, Davis, Miss Ellen G. Hood, Mr. Francis Warner, Miss May Bell, Mr. ClemenfB. Webster, Jr., Miss Marian Naylor, Mr. Franklin Dyer, Mls3 Eleanor T Chandler, Mr. T. Wledersheim, Miss Mildred Cnverly. Miss Sophlo Espen, Mr. Robert W. Lesley, Mr. Ellis A. Ballard and Mr. Harry S. Leopold, Mrs. Vanderbeck Is tho first Philadel phia woman who has won tho national o!f A championship In 15 years, the last being Miss Francis Griscom, ot Merlon. This afternoon a mixed foursomo will bo played on tho links and all tho team mates of Mrs. Vanderbeck who rcprcsont. the Philadelphia Cricket Club will par tlc -ate. , Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Baker, of New Windsor, Md., announce the bethothal of their daughter. Miss Helen May Baker, to Mr. Glenn Robert, also of New Windsor. Miss Baker Is tho niece of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Charles New bourg, Jr., of Llondrillo road, Cynwyd. Mrs. Newbourg will shortly issuo Invita tions for a tea to be held on Wednesday, October 6. from 3 until 5 o'clock, In honor of Miss Baker. Tho members of tho Woman's Auxil iary of St. Francis Country House for Convalescents and others actively Inter ested In working for the success of tho alphabetical country fair and market day to bo held at Darby. October 2, will meet at the house this afternoon at 3 o'clock to discuss and nrrange further details for the entertainment, which promises to be the largest outdoor fete ever given for the benefit of the charity. Among those expected to be present this afternoon will be Mrs. J. M. Quennell, Miss Helen Grace Smith, Mrs. John J. Coyle, Miss Julia Laguerenno, Mrs. James J. Mundy, Mrs. Joseph F. Gallagher, Mrs. A. J, Ball, Mrs. Robert T. Blcknell, Miss Marie Trascl, Mrs. Henry C. Esllng, Mrs. Louis Olry Lusson, Mrs. Charles M. Mul lln. Miss May Loftus, Mrs. A. C. Bryan, Mlsa Florence Bour, Mrs. D. H. De Veaux end many others Interested in the good work. Mrs. A. J. Antelo Devereux will enter tain at luncheon today at the Bryn Mawr Polo Club, In honor of her guests, Mrs. F. Sklddy von Strado and Mrs Ambrose Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Devereux will also entertain at dinner on Thurs day evening for their guests, followed by dancing. Mrs. William Baker Whelen. ot Clovelly. will leave tomorrow for a fortnight's visit with relatives and friends in Pittsburgh, while Mr. Whelen la away on a hunting trip. Miss Clarissa Anderson, of St. Augus tine, Fla., will arrive on Friday to spend a week as the guest of Miss Mary fltuart Wurta, at the aummer home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, In Qermantown. Mrs. Wurta and Mrs. Henry S. Grove will pour tea at the reception and dahlia exhibition today to be held on tho Dreer estate nt River ton, N. J. Mr." Edwin Burlr. whoso marriage to mi. T.niitBB McKala will take place to morrow afternoon at B o'clock in the Market Bquaro Presbyterian Church, will f ntertaln his ushera and best man at a theatre party followed by upper to night. Mr. Fisher Bally, of Chicago, 111., has arrived In Philadelphia and will attend the wedding of Miss Ethel Marriott Jones and Mr. Edmund C. Gosling, of Ber muda, which will take place on Satur day. October , In Bt. Luke'a Protestant Episcopal Church. Miss Anna Graham, of North Broad street, has taken apartmenta at the Jilt- ' B. Lennig and daughter nave ,to their apartmenta at the Hit A for the winter, 4l. S. Bedell will return to the house on November L Mr. J. Wood Brown ana aiarer, i Louise Brown, have opened their apart menta at tba Rlttenhouse for the winter. Mr. and Mra. Howard Merrttt are now occupying their apartmenta at Uio KH tenhouse, Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Pavia. of the tenga fiB, tump summer nt Lenox, Mass., will return to Philadelphia October 1. Along the Main Line ARDMORE. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Wis ter Morris are receiving congratulations on tho birth of a daughter. WYNNEWOOD. Mr. Marriott E. Smith has returned from Maine and Is now' nt his home. HAVERFORD.-Mr. and Mrs. William R. Phlllcr and Miss Emily W. Phlllcr re turned from Klneo. Mo., on Saturday. Miss Beatrice Creager, of Montgomery avenue, spent tho week-end In German town, where she was tho guest of Miss Elizabeth Raynor. RRTN MAWR Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Whyto Steel, Miss Dorothy Steel nnd Mr. Carl II. Steel, of Morris avenue, who havo been spending tho summer at their cottage nt Snranac Lake, relumed to their home today. Mrs. N. B. Browne and family, of 122 South 41st street, Philadelphia, who have been spending the Bummer months nt G19 Montgomery avenue, returned to their homo on Saturday. Miss Gertrude Rand, of Gulf road, has returned, after spending the summer at Stonybrook, N. T. WAYNE. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tycho Buck havo closed their cottage at Seaside Park, N. J., and returned to their home on Bellevue avenue. Germantown Miss Dorothy Ballentyne, of Detroit, Mich., who, has been tho (juesr of her nances lamuy, Air. ana Airs. worman ai. Jones, 422 West Stafford street, and who attended tho wedding of Mr. Lloyd Coates and Miss Theodate Bally, which took place, on Saturday, has gono to New York for several days, where she will meet her parents. They will remain at the Ritz-Carlton until they return to Philadel phia to attend the wedding of Miss Ethel Marriott Jones and Mr. Edmund C. Gos ling. MIbs Ballentyne will then be the guest of Mrs. Joseph Walnrlght. The Women's Annual Club Tennis Tour nament at Mnnhclm began yesterday. Play In singles and doublos began promptly at 2:30 o'clock. Mixed doubles wero called at 4:30 o'clock. Among the entries are Mrs. William Price Newhall, Miss Iola Seeds, Miss Daisy Tattersfleld, MIbs Isabel Swain, Miss Alice Hawkins, Miss Clara Hawkins and Mrsi J. Nelson Purvlance. Miss Leila W. Bear has returned to her home, 1B3 Carpenter street, from Ocean City, N. J., where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walker. Mr. Robert Rathbun, of Snn Francisco. Cal., spent several days ns the guest of Mr. AVheeler Lord at his home, 338 Man helm street, on his way to Yale Univer sity. Mrs. J. R. Kidder, of East Penn street, will return today from Island Heights, where she spent the summer. Miss Marjorle Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lewis Thomas, of 233 Pelham road, entertained at dinner in honor of Miss Catharine Flrey, of Kansas City, Mo. Miss Catharine Cooper Cassard, of 33S Pelham road, has returned to her homo from visiting Miss Catharine Bache, of Now York, at her camp in the Adlron dacks. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wayland Bray, of Denver, Col., have been spending a week, as the guests of Mr. Bray's brother, Mr. J. Horace Bray, of 6354 Sherman street. 0 Miss Mary Fltzgcrnld, of 80S East Chel ten avenue, has returned to her home from a trip to Atlantic City. . Along the Reading Mrs Howard F. Pent, accompanied Dy her daughter, Miss Clementine Pent, ot Wyncote road, Jenklntown, Pa have re turned to their home after spending the summer traveling through the West, where they visited the San Francisco Ex position, and were extensively enter tained by their many friends in Portland, Ore.: Seattle and Spokane, Wash., re turning homo by way of the Northern Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence and their daughter. Miss Eleanoro Lawrence, of Ablngton, are spending some time at Ocean City. Mrs. Ira W. Morrell Lowry and Miss Helen O. Ormcs, of G236 North Broad street, Logan, have left for Yellowstone Park and the Panama-Paclflc Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens and Miss Ann Longworth aro occupying their new home at C353 York road, Oak Lane. Mr. Isaiah W. Gross, of 7001 North 12th street, Oak Lane, accompanied by his daughter. Miss Anna E. Gross, and his niece, Miss S. Ella Gross, of Doylestown, Pa., have returned from an extended trip through the Canadian Rockies and Yel lowstone Park. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the South Oak Lane Improvement Association will hold a matinee "GOO" and bridge tomorrow afternoon In conjunction with the regu lar monthly meeting. The affair will be held, as usual, In the hall on North Broad street. Miss Jane F. Curran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Curran, of 6S02 Lawn ton avenue. Oak Lane, returned this week from a vacation spent pleasantly at Eagle's Mere, Mt. Pocono and Ocean City. Lansdowne Mra. Louis Llndenmayer, of West Al bemarle avenue, la enjoying a few weeka at Lewlatown, Me. At the meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary of the fire company the following were elected for the coming year: Miss Kath erlne Hefner, president; Mra. Cornelius McCullough, vice president; Mlsa Nellie McCann, treasurer, and Mra. Anna Crosby, secretary. Dr. Henry Hodgkln will address the peace meeting which will be held Fri day evening In the High School audi torium. - The annual meeting of the Lansdowne district of the Delaware County Sunday School Association will be held tomorrow afternoon at the Presbyterian Church. An address will be made by Mr. U. P. Orwlg, superintendent of the State Sab bath School Association. Mra. Ralph C. Stewart, of South Lans downe avenue, haa returned from a week spent In New Yprk. Notice for the Society page will b accepted and printed In the KveuUig Ledger, but all such notice must be written on one side ef the paper, must be signed la full, with full address, and when possible telephone number must be (Wen. Bend all such eeuimnnWtlons to "Society Kdltor Kienlitg Ledger, soa Chestnut street; OnleM these requirement era carried out so that verlftcatlau may ba passible, tu iwtlca wHi be yubUhL. HORSE THROWS RIDER WHILE CROWDS GASP AT BRYN MAWR SHOW Obstreperous Green Hunter Fnils to Injure Groom Con stance Vauclnin Tnkcs Two Blue Ribbons MISS HARRIMAN WINNER i Hv a Staff Correspondent iitun AiAwit, l'a., eepi. zs. An ex cellent program of widely varied events attracted a crowd of horse lovers to the Bryn Mnwr Horse Show Oval today. Tho events were of a sufficiently varied char acter to Interest every kind nnd condition of horse lov.r, from pony classes for children to pjlo nnd hunters' classes. Tho weather gods favored the exhibi tion ngnln 'today and furnished tho clear est of weather. Tho air was cool to the point of snapptness, howcer. and made a placo In tho sun very much to bo de sired. The more pleblnn seats on tho turf oppoalto tho grandstand appealed, there fore, to the ppectators nnd the more ex clusive) boxes were almost deserted. It was a vantage place, anyway, for tho terraeo was tho centro point of observa tion today. Classes wero Judged on the polo field and It Is thoro tho tent Is pitched In which aro shown the hounds. A slight thrill camo to tho spectators today when Master Beck, one of W. Hlnckle Smith's entries In a class for green hunters, grew obstreperous, reared and fell, throwing his rider, Jlmmlo Illg gins, a groom; neither was hurt, but tho mount was ruled out. Whcatlcy Kennels Fnrm, I.onB Island, made nenrly n clean sweep of the blues In ilx of the hound events run oft this morning. The single exception was In I nlnoa Aft TIia Rfin.n,.Al h.nl. n1r lira. ' with tho pair Faultless and Flighty Among those whose entries hailed tho Whcatley Kennels in the other classes were, Somerset Pack, Radnor Pack, C. Oliver Iselln, Jr., nnd Piedmont Kennels. Miss Constance Vnuclaln'a horses had things pretty'much their own way ngnln today, Actress and Lady Friar winning the blue In the harness and hackney classes, respectively. Miss Carol A. liar rlman'a green hunters did well agnln, her Sir Charles and Gwlncr winning first nnd third In their event. Wclllsbrook Farm made n "killing" In the pony classes, getting three blues. In tho polo pony events, Alexander Brown won both blues, with Silver Brook nnd Mellow Blossom. Tho second annual Hryp Mawr Hound Show opeped this morning on the polo field adjoining tho horse show ring at Bryn Mawr. From today until Friday hunting dOKS of nil breeds and kinds will bo shown In their own ring nnd will contest keenly with the horses for pop ulnr favor. The hound show wns Inaugurated last year and proved bo successful that it has been mado an annual event by the mnnagers of tho horse show, under whose auspices It Is held. One admission covers both exhibitions. This, as far as the hound show Is con cerned. Is known as Beagle Day, when all the classes are confined to entries ot thnt breed. The Judges are James W. Appleton, Ipswich. N. Y.; Edward II. Carle, MU1 brook, N. Y. It has been requested that the regular hunt livery be worn as much as possible when showing beagles. In the class for Ave couples of hounds. to be shown In livery, appointments are to be Judged separately, a special prlzo of $25 being offered, $15 to the winning huntsman and $5 to each of the whips. "Chcstnutwold Challenge Cup," offered by Clarence II. Clark 3d, Esq., for tho best five couples of beagles, to becotne the property of tho pack winning It three times. Tho winner In 1914 was the Wheat ley Kennels. Miss Helen Baldwin Gleason and Miss Ada Wetherell arrived In the early aft ornoon. Miss Gleason wore a very smart suit of dark-blue cloth over a glrdlo of black and gold. Her hat was a small black toque trimmed with an aigrette. Miss WetheTlll's blue frock was topped with a cream crepo de chine coat em broidered In blac.k nnd gold. Her broad brimmed hat was turned up sharply at the back Mrs, J. Harrison Smith entertained in honor of Mjss Elizabeth Adams. Miss Adams was wonderfully gowned In brcnze-colored cloth. Her small toque of brown was trimmed with a red wing. Mrs. Smith wore a stunning top coat of black velour delaine, bo fashionable this year, and a large toque of black velvet and aigrettes. Miss Barbara Blspham, another debutante, was a guest of Mrs. Smith. Her suit was of royal purple broadcloth made with a plaited skirt and long-skirted coat. Her hat was a large velvet model of purple velvet, trimmed with velvet cherries. Mrs. Archibald Barklle looked very smart In an all-white serge suit and white furs. The short skirt revealed black-and-white striped stockings and black- and-white pomps. Her hat was black, trimmed with whlto and black 'flowers. Miss Ellen Lathrop Hopkins choso a white serge suit and light-blue Georgette crepe hat. Mrs. Archibald Thomson looked stunning In a black suit and large, hat. A Greenwich sports' suit and flower trimmed hat were worn by Mrs, W. W. Atterbury. Mrs. J. Kenton Elsenbrey wore a man nish suit of white and black pin-striped serge and a black hat. Mrs. Norris Vaux chose a one-piece gown of dark-blue serge, with a full plaited skirt and rose fox furs. Her hat was a rather small model, with sharp up turned brim at the back. h-ummahies. Clasa 40, horses In harneaa, for horse which ha never won prise in double or alngla har ness Won by Actress. Mlsa Constance Vau claln; second, Colebrook Princess, Mra. Wikort bmlth; third, Sweat lirlar. Mla Jean Scott. Clau ISO, hunters and Jumpers, for thor oughbred stallion Won by Adab, Urandywlno Stables. Clam 119, huntera and Jumpera, for thor oughbred atalllona, 3 years old or over Won by Jingo. Henry I Collins; second, Adab, llrandywma Stables. Claaa 2d, ponies under aaddla, oer 11 hands 2 Inches, not exceeding 12 hands i! Inches, to be ridden by child Won by Becond Whip, Dol cheater Farm'a stud: aecond, Tommle, Mlsa Krancea Vowel); third, Iltlllken, Mlsa Nan Fit ters fourth, Tom Thumb, Master liarle a, B. ITnnnlnir. Class 22. Shetland ponies, for best stallion, to be shown in hand Won by Major Tip, Dol Chester Farm's stud; second, Angus, Miss Constance Vauclaln; third. Alert, Mlsa Con stance Vauclaln; fourth, Teddy, L. J, Fits iiatrlck. Class 21, rony brood marer-Won by Itamona, Mlaa Jane Gordon Coxa; aacond. Dainty, Mlas Constance Vauclaln; third, lionnte Scot, Mlsa Constance vauclaln. Lias irt, itaKiivy, lur ri.iuuih i cn,w viu Won by Wlllladen lthamar. Wllllsden Farm; aecond, Wynnewood, Dolcliester Farm' stud. , Class Ctl, hackneys, brood mares, 4 years old or ovtr Won by Lady Friar, Miss Constance Vauclalui second. Moonshine, Miss Constance Vbuelaln third. Tempest, William A. Lieber, fourth, Pride II, Mr. Wlkoft Smith. , Class 103, middleweight green hunters Won tiv llrnnton. Htrontla Farm, second. Lono lien. .1, A, I.-... -..- .t.llU. O ., AlA Highland Farm; third. Bt. Estepb. Pauline D. Mill! fourtlf. Pathfinder, Urandywlos Stable. Clasa 65. haeknsy. 8 year old or over-Won ,v aalloDlna- Major. William A. Lieber, second, Wliusaon laurisnip, m--.. ts ...t,si k.i-4 ilaaaVtin hV Sparkling King, lTld II. ..Tinker Dell nd ColetAiok Princeaa. Mra. Wlkoff 6mltb. Class A, pony stallions. It bands 2 Inches nd under Won by Plreboy, Broadlawn Kara! second. Talke Wlldnre, Wllllsbrook Farm i third, Holyport Fire Dance, Charles It. Hamilton. . . .. Clasa 16. ponies (herd class)Won by Talk Wlldflr and three mares, Wllllsbrook Farm, Clasa 1, pon brood mare on by fusing ton Amasls. Wllllsbrook Karm, rxoni, 111 Valley's Deit-of-All, Wllllsbrook Farm, third, Helen Miller. Wllllsbrook farm. Clats lOi, lightweight green hunters Won by Sir Charles, Mis Carol A. Hsrrtman, second, Warwick, strontla Farm; third. Twiner, Miss Carol A. Hsrrlmani fourth, Ueotblo, IIb land Frm. Class IS, ponies. S-yeajr-olds and undtrWon by 4'alk Prince Alice, Wllllsbrook Farm, second, Qlendermott Delia Donna, Uroadlawn Farm. CUss 80, lightweight polo Ponlos-Won by Silver UrooW. Alexander lirowu, cVd, Scarecrow, Drandywln Stables, third, 8hi-t-stop. A. J, Prxl l'aul, fourth, Decelv,'. Alexander Yarnall. CUsovMl, Juvjwelut,0iela i-Wari lrv ,? stasllMfe.. .PslslslslslslsBllslslsslsIsilslslslsaslBlsHsfew y. . - HiiasasstassisssssssssHPsflBeasssssssssK fe asssssleassssssssssssslasssssslssssasssssssCss Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssk P 'JlKrafjsna.iaaaaaaam aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsPB,ajBaBBB) rJBJBJPJBrX BPJEaBBBBBkaBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm 4VbssssssssssssH -'m Jsssf1slass9pR3ssssssssBlBBSssssssssM ; tPra ' ' $ J?H J " lf ssflssssssssssssssaP MISS BETTY SCOTT Miss Scott is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, Hutchinson Scott, of 2C1 South 21st street, who will make her debut on November 20. Mellow niossom. Alexander Brown; second, Maud Miller. Hodman Wanamaker, third. J. II., Ilarclay Mcl'addcn; fourth, Serapls, l'aul D. Mills. Class B9. chargers, horses suitable for orn-cera- mount Won by llranton, Strontla Farm; second, Chateau tjifltto, F. Ambrose Clark; third, Supplement, F. Ambrose Clark, fourth, l'ass the Mustard, John Hush Street. Class lfj, Indira' hunters Won by Choragus, Highland Farm, aecond, 1'oacher. Mra. J. Stanley Hrec, third. Echo, Strontla Farm; fourth, ralliin. Highland Farm Class 5, pon'ca In harness, competition open to children under 15 years. Won by Model Fire, Wllllsbrook Fnrm, Becond. Tommlo, Miss Frances 1'owell: third, Kesmlt. Russell J. Hoyt; fourth, Virago, Miss Marlon IJordcn Farke Class :ia, hones In harness. 14 hands s Inches or over, to be shown by lady. Won by Th? Whip, Miss Constance vauclaln; sec ond. Princess Shelli. Miss Constanco au claln, third. Suae, Miss Isabella Wanamaker; fourth, Meteor, A. W. Atkinson. Class 24, Shetland pony, under Paddle, to be ridden by child. Won by Angus, Miss Con stanco Vauclaln. second, John Hurroughs en try; third. Mace, Mlsa Jane Gordon Coxe. Class 114, pairs or hunters or Jumperw Won by Wild Irishman and Jim I-ylno. rickering rnm Ulahlas. BnAAn.1 (Itrnntlu l.ifrn nntrv! third, Robert 'i Gerry entry; fourth, Robert !.. Kerry entry, IIOl'KD SHOW. Clnss 37, unentered dog hound, beagles Won by Wheatley Senator,! Wheatley Kennels; sec ond. Vagabond, Wheatley Kennels; third, Iuclfcr, Somersot Beagles'. Clasa 39. couple of unentered dog hounds, beagles Won by Wheatle Senator and Wheatley Sultan, Wheatley Kennels; second. liacneior and waicn. itaanor lieagies. Class 41, best dog hound, beagles Won by Wheatley Senator, Wheatley Kennels, second, Wheatley Sailor, Wheatley Kennels, third, Wheatley Chancellor, Wheatley Kennels. Class 41, Ie8t couple ot dog hounds, beagles Won by Wheatley Chancellor. Wheatley Ken nels, second, Wheatley Senator, neatley Kennels; third. Somerset 'Watchman, Somer set Ueagles. Class M, unentered bitch hound, beagles Won by Countess, Wheatley Kennels, second, nighty, Somersot Beagles. Class 40, couple of unentered bitch hounds, beagles Won by Vanity, Wheatley Kennels, second, Countess, Whoatley Kennels, HORRORS! TWO HATS ALIKE NEARLY RUIN HORSE SHOW One Fair Wearer Defers to Other and All Is Well BRYN MAWR, Pa., Sept. 28.-In spite of the fact that two of Philadelphia's most attractive matrons appeared yester day on the oval wearing Identical hats of pastel blue silk, tho Bryn Mawr show opened on the second day with a good showing. At any rate, the little faux pas of yesterday was adjusted In the after noon, when one of the fair wearers had been home and changed her headgear. The cool weather made the terrace more attractive again than tho boxes today, and the chairs were filled with the early spectators, who aro always tho truo horse lovers. Topcoatu and fox Turs were much in evidence, and tho new wool sweaters with Angora collars and cuffs proved very popular. Some of the sweaters, were put to now usage, in that they covered the ankles, affording protection from certain green flies, whoso seaBon Is well nigh passed, who decided to have a feast while there was yet time. In one of the boxes early arrivals were Mrs. Thomas Mageur, who woro a very smart suit of old rose tweed, topped with a small sports hatl Miss Helen Boyd was In this box also, wearing a hunter's green sweater and a sports hat of the same shade. Seated on a camp chair on the terrace waa Mlsa Gabrlela Tllghman In a linen frock and an old rose angora sports hat, which had a band of grosgraln ribbon. Mrs. Wlkoff Smith was on Interested spectator. She was becomingly gowned In white linen, with a wldo-brlmmed hat end a pale-blue silk sweater and scarf. Dr. and Mra, Thomas G. Ashton were in their box, accompanied by their threo children. The two little girls' golden curia were the admiration of ull, Mrs. Ashton wore a sports ault of raspberry homespun, a whlto felt sports hat and white fox fur, A group on the terrace Included Mra. Victor C. Mather, who was In a white serge suit and a black hat; Miss Jo sephine Mather, Mrs. Paul Denckla Mills, Mrs. Harry Wain Harrison, Mra. Gardner Cassatt and Mrs. Richard McOrann. Miss Mather wore a white linen frock with a rose-colored aweuter; Mra. Mills, a white aergo gown and a slate-green angora aweater with green and white blocked collar and cuffs, and a white sports hat trimmed with a single jet or nament. Mra. Gardner Castutt looked very smart In a dark green sports suit and a brqwn velour hat. Mra. Harrison had selected a brown ATJTTJMN RESORTS ATLANTIC C1TV. N. J. ' Trrt ttABMG RCS&KT MOM. 8t THE WOKlfi ATLANTIC OITV, N. J, WNgaeHIP MHIMHT JSIAH WITC alONS COMPANY OWE ATLANTIC CITY TIIK LAItUKHr rillKPHOOr HEbOHT JlUfKI, la tha World ueiveaere itesiaurant iraymor m .C I r ''S.C.V.-vs X rrz.,. siMu ii t . lALWAva aaN .t.-t.Nvarr. IsKACM HAVKN.N.J. HOTEL BALDWIN SUfWut Ab.Arlpan ftnd EurfinUB Plans Capacity 4(KI privet balk, sua watit pat. sftJar VuU tntfo - i... IT! aH sports suit and a brown hat, and Mrs. Mc Grann'B bluo frock wns topped with a Bray coat. A debutanto who arrived early waa Miss lMlth Earle. who wore a dark bluo sports suit and a bluo velour hat. Mrs. William A. Llcber wore a white linen frock, a palo bluo sweater with black nnd white collar and cuffs and a blue hat. With tho arrival of the band and more spectators an ovch gayer aspect pervaded the show. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riddle occupied their box. Mrs. Kiddle wore a smart Jacket of violet moire, embroidered In narrow braid over a frock of black chif fon. Her lint was a black velvet model, effectively trimmed with osprey. The very last word In canine wear had been selected by Mrs. Riddle's "Grlffoh." He wore a coat of black and white checks bound with black braid. At the left side was a small pocket In which was tucked a tiny handkerchief. City Bonds Bought for Sinking Fund Members of tho Sinking Fund Commis sion today authorized tho purchase) of $100,000 of municipal loan bonds floated during the last seven years. This makes a total of $250,000 df city bonds purchased for Investment by tho Commissioners dur ing the month. Montessori BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL PRESTON 4432. 4311 WALNUT ST. Scientific direction of NORMAL CHIL--DltEN from 3 to 8 years. Auto service. Supervised outdoor games. A HECTUriE COURSE on the direction of Children of pre-school age, Including tha ntudy of their physical development, nutrition and mental activities, will b given during the school year 1915-1019. BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE will give you a firm foothold In the business world. When graduated, you will be capa ble of filling the position we secure for you. Graduates are guaranteed positions. Telephone: Lombard U98-K97 LATAYETTK lllJII.UINa Sth and Chestnut Street After OctAst, Penn Mutual Dldg. Central Business School Y. M. C. A. 1421 UNROLL NOW Well planned courses taught by thoroughly trained men of practical experience. Shorthand, Typewriting, llookkeeplng, Allied aubjecta. Secre tarial course complete In three year. Class-room appliances and general equipment unsurpasaad. Positions se ...iron fnr rraduatas. Gymnasium. Areh Natatorlum, Library A Itead'g Ho Oi CENTHAI. F-IlUCATIONAJj iigvnj, Ql. inttiiiuir, FRIENDS' CENTRAL And It Elementary Schools, epsa aa NINTH MO. (September) Zlst 18th and Hac Sta. 15th St, and lancastsr At. 17th St. and Glrard Ave. areane Bt. above School I-ans. asrmantew. Principals In attendance after Ninth Mo. at. WmTb. nAlWETT. lotn and Rac Bt. MILITAHT TRAINING Course prescribed by li 8 War Oept. Interesting, Instructive, beneficial. Government bear all expense. riasses being1 formed now. .Apply to Captain Aihsrt W. Aoguet. Third Infantry, National Quart Pa.. Armory. Uroad t. ab.' Wharton. NOYES SCHOOL cukhtsvt bt. Practical Training la Correct KnilWh, Elo cution, l'ubllo Spraklng, Hlaie Work. JOIN OUIl PLAYKIW CLU1J PREPARATION FOR ANY COLLEGE. ANT COURSE DROWN PREPARATORY BROAD AND CUERRT STREETS Palmer Business School Shorthand, Typewriting, Uookkeeplng, English, day and nlgbt sessions. Send for catalog, MsrcanUI Library Dldg, 10th above Chestnut. 7. E. SAINT-SEINE, ByATLLTB. FltKNCH Conversatloa. LAIIn and Greek. Classics. Comparative lit erature. B31 Perry Uldg. TeL Sprue 4Z3S. STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Cave carfare. Evening School. DormliCi, Expert Instructors, Individual Mtthod, Btrlm. mlng Pool, Gymnasium. West HraucU Y. M. O. At Btd and Hansom, Xertb, HraucU y, M. O. A., lots W. Lcfela. Bl'lHNU GAltUKN INSTITUTK. PHI I A. AKT MECHANICS KI.KCIKHJ1TV Klgtit School Write for HooVtet JAMKS V-W'IIXIS Tutor I lttT HeysLepecUlljr IKmjIdAve. MAUV MKKVAKD KOUEKTH. 118 N, lk at! Skwessoai yJi fUt aA ataaiJMt tliiaaii. &t f?""5P3U -n rPlrli!I -fl-fl jp 1-"'- , i THIRTEEN CLUB ENTERTAINS IN HONOR Of MISS Miss Christine Elizabeth Fox Gust of Honor at cellaneous Shower Mr. and Mrs. Comroe Give Party for Their Son Other Aff,r AMI8CELT,ANr?OUS ahower and a, very delightful entertainment waa given In honor of Miss Christina Eliza beth Vox, on Saturday afternoon, by tha members of tho Thirteen Club, at the homo of Mlsa Emma Desman, of 4284 1 Paul street, Frankfort. Miss Pox. who In tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Adam It. Fox, of 283 Itochollc avenue, Wlssahlckon, will bo married to Mr, Frank Sumner Whltcomb, of Lowell, Mast., on Monday, October 26, and her fellow club members surprised her with a dozen beautiful sil ver "friendship spoons." Yellow and white autumn flowers wero combined In the docoratlons. Among tho guests wera Miss Lillian Fischer, Miss Anna Broom all, Mrs. Ilnrry Leasing, Miss Edith lllshop and Mra. Ernest Kaseman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman M. Comroo, of 2151 Natrona street, gavo a Joint suprlse party last Friday evening In honor of Master Albert U. Comroo and Master Henry1 M. Goldstein. Among tho guests wero Miss Sylvia Cramer, Miss Florence Davis, Miss Sylvia Davis. MUs Lillian Wclnsteln, Miss Anna Niece, Miss Rose Brown, Miss Adclaldo Sachs. Miss May Sachs, Mrs. Edward Goldstein, Miss Jean ctto Comroe, Mr. Abraham Comroe, Mr. Maxwell Packman, Mr. William Pack man, Mr. Isnnc Linn, Mr. Edward Gold stein, Mr. Joseph Welnsteln, Mr. Simon Cramer, Mr. Samuel Sachs. In honor of Miss Elizabeth Murray, of 62 East Johnson street, an Informnl dance wna given, Friday evening, by Miss Roberta Jnrvls nt her home, 1913 Christian street. Thoso present were Miss Marlon O'Neill, Miss Florenco O'Neill. Miss Marlon D. Relz, Miss Edith Hlalr, Miss Mario Ocsterle, Mlsi Anna Ronon. Miss Clnlro Murray, Miss Bess Murray, Miss Roberta Jnrvls, Mr. Thomas Hare, Mr. Edwnrd Cunncy, Mr. John Dougherty, Mr. Thomas Regley, Mr. Harry Welsch, Mr. Augustus Schulte, Mr. Ted Jarvls, Mr. Joseph Creamer, Mr. Ray Barrett. A successful block party was held on Friday and Saturday evenings of last week at Thompson street and Lehigh avenue. The receipts went toward tho erection of a parish house for the Rev. James H. Conlln, pastor of the Catholic-Church of St. Lawrence, nt Albion, Pa. Thoso who nsslsted were Miss Ella McConnell, Miss Elizabeth Feeney, Miss Catharine Golden, Miss Sally Conroy, Miss Mary Donohoe. Miss Mary Smith, Miss Martha Conlln, Miss Cattlarine Conlln, and the Misses Burns. Miss Anna Beatty, of 913 South 10th street, entertained on Saturday night In honor of Miss Suo Grimes, of Brooklyn, N Y. Among those present were Miss May Perry. Miss Clara Grimes, Miss Mary Laffcrty, Miss Anna 'Bnker, Miss Mary Strain, Miss Mary Brennan. Mr. Francis Campbell, Mr. John Laffcrty, Mr. Robert Colter, Mr. Jftme3 L. Beatty, Mr. Christopher Grimes, Mr. Edward Keegan, Mr. Andrew Shields, Mr. Patrick Laf ferty and Mr. Harrison Williams. There will be considerable activity at tho New Century Guild, 1807 Locust street, this fall and winter, In connec tion with evening classes, especially In rinnrlni?. On Tuesday. October 6, a so cial dancing class will be started for ALL CLASSES evening work just beginning. in Register Wednesday or Thursday evening, September 29th, or Sep tember 30th. Full particulars in special catalogs. State course in which you aro inter ested and write, 'phone or call today for catalog T-10. Day and Evening classes Just be ginning. Office now open either day or eveninjr for registering students. Thone Diamond SSL TEMPLE UNIVERSITY I Broad St. below Ilerka J, Philadelphia Wanamaker Institute 23D & WALNUT BTa. OPENED SEPT. 20. Courses per term (SO wks.), 18.00. Algebra, Art Needlework, Cooking, Drawing, Dress making, Cngllah, French. Geomstrr, Oerman, Italian, Latin, Mech. Draw'e, Millinery, Plan Itead'g It. Esttraat'g, Spanish, Telegraphy, STi Duslnesa Arlth., SB; Architectural DraWg, llanjo, U'k'K, Oultar, Mand'n, Palnt'gfCblna, OIL Water Color), Peu'shlp & Corpond., Pub. B'hool. Violin, 9 1 Garment Cut', Sten'phy A Typewg, (10: Vocal Lessons. S12j Comblnsd Dookkeepr, Stenography A Typewriting. $15) I'lsno, Afternoon Eve. Writ for Catalog F. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1108 Spruce Street. Open Sept. 2X MAIN LINK HIIANCH Ardmore. Open September 37. ELIZAUUTH HILLS LYMAN. PrlnclpaL Strayer's Business College 801-807 Chestnut Ht.. I'hlla. Practical courses. Moderate prices. Position guaranteed. Day nlgbt sessions. Enroll now. THE HOLMAN SCHOOL, ttOt WALNUT ST. From Montessori through College Prepara tory. General course emphaslted. Strong Do mestlo Science course. Outdoor classrooms. Special attention to small boy and glrle. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL HOVS 140 N. 16th St HHLS All grade. Now otcn. pyit.Sdiol of Design for Woaea DROAD AND MASTER BTa REOPENS SEPTEMBER 27TH. The William Pcaa Charter School EIGHT SOUTH TWELFTH STREET iiartn Tsar upen Beptsmbsr aata. ITALIAN LESSONS SSBwffi!Sffi SECURE ANOTHER. L33T. Ledger Central "THE KIK8CHHAUM fkhool of Languaae lot Clieetoat Ht, (WelaMmao HtdJ gstah. law. Beaaa lUnickbuuw. 1'rbwjpal. NAtAKKTM. PA. SEND YOUX BOY TO KizarKk M Wttoy dm) gi.Uat v Uc In intrtoa tarklm 1 JUv, S, J. Blum, D4, riociina ladles and gentlemen, Wlwam and 4l vancea, mo lesson te m two hours M length, the tuition fas M ba Jllmnst nnn tnal and the teaching modern and thor ongn. On Friday, October , a, etaaw in .- thetlc dancing. Including jriiyatcftt culture.i rnvmmio movements aM WIK dancj will ba started, for ladteal fetrth lessor two noura. The betrothal of Mlsa 1orano Gr daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvnv II proff, of 2338 North 13th atraat, and Mr reaenc w. ileuter, of MM North UB street, waa announced on Saturday rtlng at a "SCO" nartv tvn W Groff. Among thoso present ware MM atnci urort, miss jwyrtl Krata, Helen Kratz. Mis tmu. Vnrns Doris Juleson. Miss Marion Bertotat Ethel West, Mlsa Florenca Habwl. Anna Wetheratlne. MIm nrt1l. af Mrs. Walter Metloua. Mr. Ralph Colen Mr. Fletcher Shaum, Mr. Prank Mamtl ion, mt. William Hamilton, Mr. Krccker, Mr. Howard Fatten. .Mr Ralph Fry and Mr. Russell Brown, West i'iiiladelphia t Mr. and Mrs. William Kolb a4 xaaatbr. WW a , ot 6131 Washington avenv. returned taat weeK rrom their aummar horn at IM , wood Crest, where they apest Hie anm-J mer season. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllltem Xk Ion and family, who Have the summer at their cottM te Baa. havo returned to their hsraa. aW laf 1 Bireeu Boys and girls In the vtctntr tup. ana tspruco streets nave mnuil an ganlzatlon, known aa U Club, for social purposea. Offtoan h been elected aa follows: FraaMaat Clara Mitchell; eccre'tary. Mlaa XartaMtl Jans: treasurer, Mlas Dorothy FlsbarJ Amnnir tViA mnmt nttttk mumimm a Sffauf Mary Heenan and UK Sanwel. 1 Meetliija aro held evety Frldf; at the homes of tho roraberar Miss Gertrude Pomlnvllle. ot N la visiting Mra. T. Bernard Robertoorl f.637 Ashland avenue. Sherwood. vs: Mrs. E. Wagner-Smith In jut Mrs. E. Wagcr-Smlth, ot Lanadol la In a critical condition isTihe M Philadelphia IIomeopathlcAJ JttsJ, rcrmg rrom serious inv -jeiv an automobile accldenfa rji .-it at j was riding with her krtTpin i rnnhlln whn the ma.tOlitZ?ll4m ed a trolloy car and thehVpAeJinto of the columna auppc tilnS?tuti cks Via elevated. Both Pd cwl? jtraut. f tho car, Mra. WagerVjwVj.g-tn coxnpouna iraciuiu vl u.,i7--r r7u Internal Injuries. Mra. WV5',r h uninjured. V Suffrage Events EQUAL FRANCHISE BOCIKTT. Noon Sheble and Kent, Ways Jun BpeaKer. Anna -a. h.-.u, , 8 Sth street and Olnoy avenue. Bj Bertha Sapovlta. 8:80 Ridge avenue and Dtamonl, Breaker. Samuel Moyennan. r WOMAN SUFFRAGE PXKl 8424 street and Lancaster avenue EsteUe Russel. ' 1 8:30 3d and Federal streets. Speaker. Marlon Holmes and Mrs. L M. Dimmer. I speaking. 8:301721 Chestnut street. Class in sail Neff College- "Only one In 25,000 peopl think." Eucken. University of Jena. "The American people do not V Helen Keller. "At least two out ot every 33,0 , inina. ut. Aioniague. atox. ox ophy, Columbia University. Of the twenty or more pow-1 well-rounded man, not over a X' used by the people generally."- How can I gam "more troaXj' lifactlon an.1 In money? Here la the answer By uslnc yoi usea powers. Send for "Education aad-SuoOM will Interest you. Day, Saturday and Evening fata opening, new catalog. 1730 Chestnut Street SOUTH BETHLKHKM. PaV. BISHOPTHORPE MA A sslect school for girl. Cell prsna nnlshlng course. Elective atudiea. Ada, I I. wymi, i'rm uox 304, o, xieinie OBRMANTOWN WALNUT LANK SCHOOL' ZM W. WALNUT LANK. GSRlaAK 8tronc. General Courae. DomaaUo Dept. Hoarding Dent, open Sept.' Sat b. I xiepx. opens oepx. aain. CAKU6LK. PA. CONWAY HALL Feamded 11 Hovs' Scbe Bneclal creoaratlon for Preliminary Examinations of Penntylva-Bia, i W. A. IlUTCUlSOk, Oarilai. Pa. HUSK1AX, rnMBS CONSERTATTH w Slit Yew ot Swwm 11 Enrolment LisaiUd :tt A Residential and Day unnarallelsd facilities t Ulnment ot a reatpL. education la aU bnaftU." Mic , standard. f mwwi yivvwru JOT" ! 1 A Scnool pre-emlD , . , j-, great conssrvaioriertTiTVw T' cause of It MrlLl'J-H1 original nwtkoAs, ji lion, died lasair . and modsrat c y1 idta 1 A School o( wl-. x preatlge upon the suocesi ot fta arad. students la fwsltlona ot xa sponslbiUty. abtMn aci.' th Philadelphia Orchestra,' TVs Ytar Deo) CsatatMAat t" ennaMaa rvt Tw. JK aiLHKKT s a. 1 -" AJ'A 1 J k a ' ' E 9 At .4skV . -"vV-- ;'