Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1915, Final, Image 7
ffiHH x I U if. IB . . : , ..'-1 ' w i w t w a. , ': . FINANCIAL NEWS IVENINO- LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1315; BIG BULGE IN BALDWIN; MAY BE COMPETITIVE BUYING New York Slock Sales Atoka Gold M. Last (loss. HUb. low. Cl. 32 AllbvChalmrrs Mf . pf. 7J1 Wild Day in Wall Street General Motors Hits New High Alcohol and Copper Stocks Soar Time Money Firmer NEW TOnK, Sept. 28. The speculators In the war stocks today utterly tllsreRtirded the Indifference of foreign markets. The brokers specializing In them professed to believe that a great decisive victory had been won. One of the more candid of them Insisted this morning, however, thnt it mmlo no difference whether or not tho Allies advanced. "No matter how the battle turns out," he said, "any body with half an eye cafi bco that they are consuming benzol, Toluol, alcohol, powder, copper, Bteel and Iron wlth an extravagance previously unknown." Tho war houses were clogged with business. Executl6n of the orders was the more difficult from tho fact that most of them were for small amounts. Odd lot orders wore exceptionally large. Not only have these houses lind more orders than ever before In tho two market days of this week, but the demand has come from a far greater number of customers thah"ever before. Speculators In the Industrials paid no nttentlon to the Missouri, Kunsus and TexnB receivership, but the rails clearly felt the "influence of this un favorable development. Most of the standard Issues lagged far behind the pace set by tho industrial group. Baldwin Locomotive was the bright particular star, with a Jump of about 60 points to a new high record. General Motors advanced to the accompani ment of reports that tho company Is negotiating for control of tho Peerless Motor Car Company of Cleveland. The company makes autotrucks that are readily salable for war purposes. Baldwin fell back some 20 points from the best at the close. With the general average market quotation for Industrial stocks mak ing new high records dally and wllh the volume of sales on the Stock Exchange reaching the proportions of tho biggest of bull markets, conservative brokers are beginning to advise their clients to obsere cxtrcmo caution in making market commitments, especially In the so-called wnr specialties. The banks, too, are scrutinizing -collateral with extreme care and requiring exceptionally large margins, particularly on tho Industrial Issues. To this, as well as to the fact that the railroad shares havo so far scarcely felt the Impetus of the genera) advance elsewhere, Is due tho advice of many of the best houses to new clients that If they wish to get Into such an excited market the most conservative course is to turn to the rnils. Tho results of these suggestions have been noticeable In the last few das in the decided expansion In dealings In tho more conservative securities. The end of tho month also has brought about a revlxal of interest in bonds. In the last St hours, however, n firmer tendency In money rates has become notice able, a phenomenon scarcely to be wondered nt. In fact. It seems Btrange that tho monetary situation haa not stiffened before, In view of the big move ment in crops and the heavy trading on the arlous stock and grain exchanges. Lenders of funds are less willing to make accommodations on war Issues, and borrowers nro being compelled to pay U to of 1 per cent, above the rates previously current. Some transactions were reported today In the six months' maturity as high as 3i and 4 per cent, on all industrials. In the case of the usual mixed collateral the- rate ruled around 3 per cent. Commercial paper remained virtually unchanged. The market at the opening was again one of war specialties, and many of these stocks made further violent advances at tho opening and In the early trading, causing Inactivity In what has been regarded as the general list. The heaviest dealing vas In Baldwin Locpmotlvc, which, on the rumors of chang ing control, was In vigorous demand, advancing, as already stated, to a new top. Industrial Alcohol on continuous buying, based on statements In regard to war orders, made a gain of seven points or more, nnd Distillers Securities rose about four points. The minor steel industrials were active and strong at tho opening, substantial gains being made In Pressed Steel Car, Great Northern Ore, Colorado Fuel and Republic Iron and Steel, with the usual recessions resulting from profit-taking sales after tho opening gains. Copper shares were also in good demand ns a result of the rise In tho price of the metal. Sales during the opening hour were 400,000 shnres again today, nnd tho trading was more excited oven than yesterday. General Motors made a new high, up 12 or more, and a gain of 30 points In two days. Altls-Chalmers stocks were strong, as were American Locomotive, American Car and Foundry and Tennessee Copper. v Tho buying of Baldwin Locomotive created the Impression that there might be competition for control. National Lead was also well taken be cause of the large earnings of tho United States Cartridge Company, a subsidiary, which has received Important war orders. Assail Minneapolis Reserve Bank WASHINGTON, Sept. .28. That John Burke, Treasurer of the United States, has assailed the administration of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank, charg ing tho bank with failure to properly acquaint tho Northwestern farmers with Its facilities for discounting their commercial paper, and had thereby enabled a combination of national bankeia and grain operators to depress the price of wheat from $1.40 to 79 cents a bushel by refusing reasonable discount rates, was admitted by Burke today. Burke's admission camo close on the heels of a rumor that the Federal Re serve Board waH planning to eliminate the Minneapolis Bank. Inquiry of mem bers of the Federal Reserve Board brought out the Information that no such plan was being considered, and that while the Minneapolis Bank was not an "active" bank. It was thoroughly acceptable to the board. Anglo-French Loan to Run Five Years It Is understood tho Anglo-French loan will bo for $500,000,000. It xvllt be In the. form of a Joint note, carrying B per cent. Interest. The notes will run for five years. At the end of five jcars the notes will be convertible Into a IB to 25 year Joint 4 percent bond. Tho bond Is to be redeemable at the option of the British and French Governments at tho end of IB years, and If not so redeemed to run for 25 years. The Joint notes, It Is said, will be offered to the public at 98. I IM't .. 04)f .. 04M 79 AlllvChalmrri Mfc Am At Chemical .. Am TleM Sugar ... Am Can , Am Cat & Foundry Am Coal Prod acts Am Cotton oil Am Cotton Oil pf Am Hide A feather Am Hide & I, pf Am Ice Securities 22!f Am Unseed 19H KIM 48f 77 63M 05'f MH 81 M 32 44M 7.1), 02)4 C4!i 03 rox lM)f 163'f 151 63 WO 12K ASH MM 05)4 12H tax 23 20 35 70U MM 3M 12H 485 23 18H 35 07 100 3J 455 76M 02M 64" i 03 SOW 151 MM 05M 124 MM 23 18)4 35 OS 100 7 COM NJM Am Ltnieed pf .... Mi Am locomotive . 00' 4 Am Locomotive ef .100M 100 Am Malt 7U 7t Am Milt pf 2M 29'i 20W Am Smelt A Ref 87 87)1 W Am 8m A Itef pf .. 10l lOS's lOS'j 10SM Am Smelters pf II .. S0M S0H 80M 80S Am tied 1 oundrles ... 58! 00 6SM 6 -on Am Sugar Itcrinlng... 109) 109 103 108) i Am Sugar Kef pf . .. 115 110 110 110 Am Tel A Tel .... 125)4 12.W 125 1254 Am Tob pf new 110)4 110 110 110 Am Woolen MM 54" 6JM MM Am Woolen tr ... 62 63 MM MM Am Woolen pf .... 05 Wt P4 1)4)4 Am Writing P pf 10 )H Qif It1. Anaconua lopper . . 73fi 741 7J'i 73 Atcta TASK 104K 104)4 103'f 103. Atch T A 8 K pf 100' 101 100)4 100) Atlantic Coast Line... 108f 112 110 110 UaldKln Loco 113K 160M 110 128 Haldnln Loco pf 110) a 111 109W 111 balttmore A Ohio S8J4 89 83 88 ISalttmore A Ohio pf .. 74 74)4 74 74U DatopUas Mining V,i M 1)4 1)4 uetbltnem steel 360 300 305 306 Hethlehcm 8teel pf 169M 16 j 105 lirooUjn Itapld Tr.... 80 85 Hron Shoe 37 33 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Tea Sterling Opening. High. Close. Cloe, Demand .. 4 70fc 4.701 4.10M 4.7014, Cable ., 4.7 1 Mi 4.71 4.71H 4.714, Franca Demand ,. B.7 5.V4 B.MV4 .M Cables . BsOVi S.e, o.,o 8 RA Mark Demand .. M Mtt MH SSH Cable . MY Wi '? "- TENSION ON WHEAT SHORTS RELIEVED Cash Premium Collapsed 7 Cents Trading Light, With Slight Price Variations Drown Shoe pf. liutte A Superior . Butteries Co Cal l'etroleum Lai retroleum pf Canadian l'actflc Cent Leather Co Cent Leather Co pf Chesapeake A Ohio thlno ( opper . Chicago Hrcat West CM Gt West pf Chi Mil A St I'aul C M A bt 1 pr Chi A oitticst Chi It I A l'ac Colorado Fuel A 1 Consolidated Gas Continental Can Continental Can pf Corn Products Kef Corn Prod Kef pf Crcx Carpet Crucible steel Crucible Steel pf Cuban-Am Sugar Cuban-Am Sugar pf Delaware A Hudson Den A ltlo Or pf Distillers' Securities Dome Mines Dul S S A Atl Klectrlc Stor Hattery Erie fcrla 1st pf Erie 2d pf Uen Chemical lieneral Klectrlc General Motors General Motors pf. Goodrich It F Co . Great Northern pf Gt N cfs f.r ore prop Guggenheim Expl'n Hav El Ry L A P pf Illinois Cent Inter Nickel Co tr .. lut Agricultural . , Inter Con Corp'n . .. Inter Con Cor pf . .. Inter Met Tot t c lntllarvNJ. International Paper .. Internal Paper pf . . Inspiration Copper ... Kan City Southern .. Kan City bo pf Kayser Julius A Co . . Lack Steel Lehigh Valley . . .. Lorlllard P Co pf . . Louts A Nashville Maxwell Motors Max Motors lit pf. .. Max Motors 2d pf ... May Dcpt Stores May Dept Stores pf -Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper M Mt P A t 8 M M St P A S S M pf Mo Kan A Texas .. Mo Kan A Tex pf .. Missouri Pacific Montana Pouer National Biscuit pf Nat Cloak A Suit. . Nat Enamel A 8 . Nat Lead Nevada Con Cop New York Air Brake N Y N II A II New York Central S3 59 31 20' 4 46 101 60)1 107 60'i 40 13 33'f ShJi 81 00! ( 31 20' 46' i 103 62 107 51 40H 13 33)4 88 81)4 33 84 MM 31 19 40 101 60'4 107 6034 45K 13 33 87 165 81)4 33 84 69)4 31 19 40U 101U 51)4 107 60J4 451 i 13 33 87 121f 125H 121)4 IPS 130'( 129' i 128h 1ISH -1j 20'' 20 20U fw'f 03)4 50)4 02U 130f 1311 130tf 1301 ViM 04'4 !H4 03Vj 107 107'4 107)a 107)4 iii)i an it 80 804 80 45 40)4 40 ion ioD4 ioi 10'1'f 111' 110 119 UO'j 11 102 10JJ 111 144 11)4 1D4 31' 22K 0 78 33 63 41)5 19 8Gh 40 ion lll'i 117 102' 4 102) 141 141 CHICAGO. Sept. 28. The tension on Miorts nan relieved by the collspee of the cnh premium when red winter sold on par with September. Cnsh went oft 7 cenU nnd created a bearish feelliiR, ulilch was responsible for the nervous undertone nt tho opening today. It Is believed that the larger ahort Interests hnve secured sufficient grain to fill nil contracts before the end of the month. Trading in the early hours was light In nheat, with alight variation In prices, Later the general tone strengthened led by September with a 2-cenl gain. The close was strong. Corn traders nre expecting; an adjust ment of tho cash situation similar to that which took place In wheat. Prices at the opening tndny compared favorably with last night's closing quotations, and they held Arm In the early hours. Trading In oats continued light nnd scattered, with prices ruling firm In the early hours. Stocks are rapidly Increas ing. Export salea reported consisted of MO, 000 bushels, with origin and destination withheld. A sale of 100.000 barrels of flour for foreign delivery was also reported. Cash houses sold for seaboard delivery "5,000 bushels of oats. Firmness In Wlnnepeg nnd light offer ings gao the Liverpool market a Arm undertone. Cargoes and spot whllo Irreg ular were firm Europe's visible supplv Is estimated at 9.. ,000 bushels of wheat, a decrease of I.IU.OOO bushels when com pared with last week. I-pAdlng futures ranged ns follous yt'i s "iient upen. men. Seplembtr . 1 at I December ,. IMS, OT4 liny . H7 n. corn, (new aeiueryj Sales in Philadelphia Tea. close. Mlah. Low Close. 30) 22)4 5) 77) 33). . 521a 41)$ 2SS 177,' 303 Uh 31)3 221 "i 71)! 4 32) 52' 41'i 289 2895 178) 173 375 305 ll'i :3 221 "n 7SK 32'. 62 IV 289'i 175 305 111)3 115 114' 115 lh 12-2 . 40'f 00)1 101 107 215 . 18)3 . 205i . 74 . 20)i ..10S . 11! . 40 . . 30 . 27)4 . GD4 . 80 78' 2J 71 121! 121 50). 40' 07' 4 10) 107 215 19 205.' 74)3 20' 05) 100 107 214 18" 3 20). 73' 201 1 121 481 CO'' 10) 107 214 lb 3 20) 73' 20) Low. 1 02 IUJ IK)', Close. tl.m September uetemDer . Mn . Mt -8ewtemler liefcembr May Lard rfViember October Januan . lllb Septi'mber October lanuary . I'ork SVtember tKtob " January- r tsit M M' 3j I .SI.. MS S7'. 3IH B44 Ml, TV, 3t :i; 8t2 S3 8 ST IT 12 in S3 uid tAfc-rii S.83 SMI 11 21 10 02 S 12 SIV) 8SJ fiS am, m 3SM, R ,Ti 8 32 t8W K" STB tW) 115 1". 12 tl122 13. S3 13 SV clore. 1 HI 111 lV 31 ST ', 13, IT-, 8.30 8 27 8.1T 8.17 880 IKll 11 111 13.82 r.0 Alll. Chalm 4 IS. 4T4 4S 4n'i 10 Am Una 102H 101 101 103 SO Amer Milling. .Odd 100 American Loco, BBS OTtt a;., M It 12 nnldwtn Loco. .112H Mi 120 144W R do rref 1O0 fHU, 112)4 113)4 4il nun A B t o pt 40 41 40 42H 3235 rtrlll J O 4TH MS 4SH MM 0M Cambria Steel TO 72U 684 6H !0O Col l"uel . . MH MK MVi tt 1J8S Hleetrlc Btorare 7T 77", 75S 75H 2( Krlo 31 33 R2S ISO den Aaphalt ... 32H 32'i 3m 31H 75 do pref . . . 0h CO. WH 0W 4S0 Qt N Ore.. . 40i 47, 4H l Ini Co N Am. . 23' 23H SH 23i 100 Keystone Tele.. 14 US Xt )i S Keyatone Tel pt 07) 07 t7 87 2.MK Lake Sup Corp. OH 10i 0i 10 2V0 Lehlah Na ... 70 77 70 7i SO IhlKh Valley . 71'i 73'4 i 721. 7214 200 Leh Val Tran 1SH 10 18 1 SIX do pref . 384 37 304 3(1 M Little Sehuylklll t.2 &2 62 M 11 Mlnehlll . . .104 r4 MV, W'H 400 Miami Cop 27 2 2S, 284 12 North Cent 82 82 82 82 742 Penna It It . . 574 R7 MS MS 27 Pn Salt MfK.. . 1)4 D3 tl US M Pa Strel ptef . 8R SS 874 74 2S I'MU Co .. 444 44 44 44 341 l'Mla dee . . 2.14 2SS ?SS 284 340 Phlla It T .. .. 13 12 'US US 1745 do tr ctf..... 13 13 11 12 29 Thlla Trac ... 70 76 7SS 79 20 Rep I ft 8 .... 334 S3 73 27S Ttcadlna- 79S "7 76S 74 30 South Pao P44 04 04 P4 10 South ftny 10U 1!. 184 184 1027 Ton Belmont . . 8S 3K 3S 8S OSS Ton Mlnlnc ... 0 0 0 8",. 022 Union Trao . 42S 42S 414 42 B17 V Oai Imp .... 864 864 "0 M 11 Vn Coi N J ..222 222 222 322 0880 U S Steel .... 794 704 784 78 MO Warw lr & Bt.. 104 10S 104 10S 3t0 W Cramp A 8 P0 PO PO P0 2(i0 West Elec . WS B2 02 02 KKI Wel.bach Co 414 414 tV IIONDH. La.t piev. ale. H'uh. Low. Clore I1210O Am O A E R 80 87 87 87 5000 Uald Loo lat Sa.lU3 103U 10J4 1034 BOOO Doth Steel Ca. . .. 11S4 11S4 1184 105 C 8 acp Feb '17 0T. P9S O'lS OS 105 do May 1917 . 100', W,, MS 09S 03 do No 1010 10O, 1004 1004 1004 POOG niec & Pco Tr 4a "I 74 74 71 loon Leh Val gen 44 00', 004 P4 UO0 do Coal 3a . 10.1'i 1014 1034 1034 11000 Thlla Co cna 6a. S3 81 84 81 11210 I'hlla ISee 4a .. so 80 70 T SOOO Hpan-Am I 0s .101 101 101 101 11000 Ln Ilwy Inv 5a 71 714 71 714 SPECULATIVE FEVER HERE; "BUY WAR STOCKS," fl Bears Scarce in Financial District Lei Steel Men Off to Look at Lake . Superior Ore Fields New York Bond Sales 109)3 10SX 10SH 11 40) 3S)t 28 01 83 82)4 10) 40)4 30 27! 01 83 80 11 40J4 37 28 01 83 81H BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnia today compared with corre-apondtna- dy to two yeara Philadelphia 148.681,433 121,012.300 (28,020,028 Boiton .. . 25 284 307 S0.108.30O 27,821.1110 New York... Slsiota.JJl 21J.30.O2T aJSJJJ.bO RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia . 3404 New York jSO- , Ilo.ton rhtn... . UMifitl Conunerelal paper, three to alx monlha, rhil adelrhla, 3&1 per cent. Time. 4 44 24 :t4tti'i Financial Briefs 3 140' 140,'i 145)1 145! 114 110 110 110 122M 122M ViSM 63' 61)4 631 93 47 52 00 01! 28)4 121 119 62J . 92)3 . 45)4 . 52 90 90) 28 122 128)4 125 . 5 . 11 4)f eo'f .124 804 . 285 . GO' 14! HUh. J3O00 Albany A. Sua 3"ia... 814 SOW Amcr Smelt See 0a. .1004 .0.10 Amer Tel clt 4a... Vsh (iiooii do ct 44a. . 10.14 Ki0 Amer Writ I'ap 3a.. (.1 2210) Atchison adj la... M Horn) do cv 4a 1911 024 11000 do cv &a 1017. ... 1014 7( Atlan Co Lino clt 4a. . M 2000 Halt & Ohio 34a. . 01 2IKI00 do 4a 87' SMU do cv 44 894 2000 BiOPLBiW V 4a 74 JOOO Halt & O Sun 34a.. 884 ItOiH) Beth Steel lat B 102 3HOHO do r(d Ss 100 b300O Oklyn n Tr 5a lOIS.KMJS HiOO Uklyn Un Klv lat Ba. 084 jiui uent latncr lat oa..iui 6)( 107. 4)f 58' 122 88 3D 08 14K .160) 103)4 157'i 158 . 00) 09 08) 00 07 07)4 00) 07! NVOl West 20) 29 28l 28) Norf i West . .. 114' 114' 113)4 1131a Nprr&Weatpt 80H 8U 81)i 81' North American 76 73 72H 73 Northern Pacific 110) 110! 110)3 110)j 02 45)i 62 00 88)3 27J K0 125 4!f 10! 4 58 121) 122 8G) 80)3 28)a 30 GG!i 00) 14)3 ll!i 0M 40 62 00 8'J 28 120 125 44 10! 4 68 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates rtoaton .1 New York.. 3 Philadelphia. 8 Cleveland .. 34 Richmond . AtUnla .... . Chlaio ...'. Bt. Louie... 3 Minneapolle. . Kanaaa City . IHllaa . Ban- rran... b 10 or Over 10 Over 30 Over 60 Over tea, uptpw. uptotu, upiotu mi, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .34 4 4 4 4 4' 4 f 4 44 4. fs7nM tnatnrlnr In not mors than 00 days Moured by cotton or other ataplea. warehouaed and lnaured, or In courae ot ahlproent. are dlacounuble at the aptclal rate ot 3 per cent. GOVERNMENT BONDS Hid, Aaked, 2a or 1030 reilatered 2a ot 1030 coupon Panama, 2a realaterad..... Panama 2a 10.18 reaietered........ J'anama new 3a reclatered Panama new 3a coupon ila or lwia reaiaiereti 07 , 0(1 .100 ,100 1 0b 01 ll'ln coupon 4e ot 1023 reaiatered ........ 4a of 1925 coupon lOOS 100,, 1084 08 lio NEW YORK CURB Am Zinc ,i liraden Copper ., ... nrltlah.Amerlcan Tobacco old, Urltleh.Anurlcan Tobacco new Car Llfht , 3oldnld Conaolldated Green Cananea . , Keno-t, copper ntA AKkit. Lahlth Valley Coal Salea Micna tjooyar Nip OilaKitator ptd (It ,j;ie.ato , TttkerOIeceman Habtnarlne Mmrlinr Oum .. Tobacco Producta , ...... United Claar fltorea ..... United Clar Htorea pfd.. United 1'rodt Bharlna new Tftnria rum Yukon Gold 14 lltt .,. 14 11 84 Ml ::::: ! M 644 Mas l2 ' jJ" 74" :"""" 3 3; " ; s? .. ?ii ii ....... 414 414 ,,,,,., 08 10.1 . ..... 14 2 "" 2(1 ,vtZ DIVIDENDS DECLARED rrgular qu.r- u ..C nmm r.lvlit fTomriany. 1 vuiivv .."" ..--- . . - : .. - - lerly 14 Pr cent, on prererrea. uayjoie ve tober 1 to atock of record Beptember 27. Hueblee-BIddle Hardware Company, quar. lafly- M Pr on Pr'"Td. payabla OcJoUr 1. Dallaa Klectrlc Company, reaular aemlannual an on Brat praferred, 2 so on aecono preierreu. on aervnu iirairrrvu. both payable Oviober II to atock of, record !!d Avenua National Hank, reaular aernl aiinual 3 per cent., payable October & to .lock vt record rlepterober 28, Chimpton Copper, Company ' dlvlder-d of W a alwre. making Zt dlr4 'Anatinila Onuwr. Muarty ahar. CetM i Yuri OH Company. M nU, paiable DtvWr II . ateck ot retord Octuber 4. A. A. Jackson, vice president of the Glrard Trust Company, Is one of tho pro tective committee for M, K. nnd T, first nnd refunding 4 per cent, bonds, All of the $15,000,000 New York city 4V4 per cent, bonds recently awarded to bank eru havo been disposed of. On tho New York curb Standard OIL of New Jersey advanced 13 points to 488, highest price since dissolution of the lompjny. Edward I). Smith & Co, and C. D. Barney & Co. were heay bclleia of Cambria Steel. The Southwark Foundry and Machine Works, Philadelphia, have filed notice, at Harrlsburg, of an Increase of stock from 1 100,000 to 11.300,000. The Texas and Pacific Hallway has sold to the Uqultable Trust Company, of New York, $120,000 one to five year 6 per cent, equipment trust notes, to cover the pur chase of locomotives. Chandler Brothers & Co, have taken over the stock business of Lescure. Snave Iey & Co, In Harrlsburg, It. N. Mc Garvey haa been made manager of the firm's new Harrlsburg office and will as sume charge on October 1. 1 The directors of the National Surety Company havo recommended to the stock holders the Increase of Its capital stock from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 by offering the new shares to the stockholders at $1(0 each, the proceeds to be added to capital and surplus. Payment of the aemlannual Interest on the first mortgage bonds of the Keokuk and Des Moines Railway, guaranteed by the Chicago, Hock Island and Pfclrlc. was authorized yesterday by the Federal Court at Chicago Negotiations are now pending between the Safety Car Heating and Lighting Company and the representatives of the Allies for the manufacture of a large number of time fuses for shrapnel sheila, The 'Wheeling and Lake Krle has or dered 70 gondola cars from the Standard Bteel Car Company and 200 automobile cars frpm the Western Bteel Car and Foundry Company, Tho Now York Central Itallroad has placed orders for 120,100 tons of steel rails to be. delivered In 19U. At the standard pilco of $M per ton the orders amount to $3,;g:.mu. Wig Ship Order for Unlw Iran "Works have l'aclflc Mall l'enn K It Peoples (las Chi . .. Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal .... Prttsbua'h Coal pf . Pitta O C &StL... Pressed bteel Car... Pullman Co lty bteel 8pc . ..... Icy Steel Sps pf llay Con topper..,. Heading Itep Iron k Steel... Hep Iron & Steel pf Hock Island Co Itock Island Co pf M Iluniely Co 4' 33) 31 33 114 113!," 113 117H 117 117 . 87) 88X 873 , 34) 38 31 102H 105)4 103 70 71W 00 73W 161! 101! 43 46) 03 01 T1K 23) 33 1131J 117 88 35t 105)3 71)5 71H t)7 72! 100) lbOH 43 45) 01 01 !h 22)3 153M 16.11 15JJ, 163) 6U 63) 52) 63 101 103) lO.'X 10JW H Ilumely Co pf , bt Louis & 8 F beaboard Air Line..., Seaboard Air L pf..., Sears Hoe' & Co Sears Hoe & Co pf... bloss-bhef S & I Co.. bouthem Pacific boutheru Pacific t c. , Southern Ky Soutnern lty pf Standard Milling pf, Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pf . . . Tenn topper Texas Co Texas & Pacific Third Avenue Union Has & Paper. , Union Hae & Ppf... Union Pacific Union Pacific pf .. U 8 lted & Itef . ... U H Ind Alcohol .. . U SCakt I P &.F,,. USUI P& Ppf .. United Itys Invest . United Itys Ins pf U S Hubber . UB Hubber litpf ., U S Steel . . .. US Steel pf . United Cigar Mfrs .. Utah Copper . Va-Caro Chem Va-Caro ChtmM Va-Irou Coal 4 C Wabash pf-. . West U &.M Westlnabouse lit pf Western Maryland Western Union Tel Willys Overland WWys Overland pf Wisconsin Central... Woolortb f W Co 7H 4 10 37K ! H 5 8' 4" 10)3 38 ) H 4) 7 4 10 37 HAN lltANCISCO. Sept. 2t, Contracta 1 mo placed wltb the Union Iron Werka nva larva vi emi,ivre. iw iur wi i nion Oil Company and three foy the Standard Oil Comvani. ine eia win nave ) H 4f 7 4)j 10 37 155' 165H 155 165) 1243 121' 124) 124) 654 68H 60 67 . 04 04) UJ1 03! .105H 100) 100) 100) .. 10! 10J 10) 10) ,. 57!68) 67 67H .80 81 SI 81 .141) 145! 140) 1411 .108) 108M 10S 108)a . 57? 6Ui 601 00 . 17J)i 17.') IQi 10J .. 12! 12H ID 11! .. 68! 68) 67) 68) .. 0J 7 7 7 .. 27)3 27 27 27 . 133) 133X 132) 132) 81! 811 81! 81) 2) 08 2D 45). 21 30 63) 106) 107) 107 78! 70) 7b! 114)4, 114! U4)i 111) 57 60) 65 60 08 09), 08 08 40) 41H 30! i 40 110 108) 108) 1081 05 01), OUj 01 a it it h ) 123 120X 132) 121) 110 140H 140) 140) , 31 30) 30 30 . 77) 77! 77) 77 218 225 210 221 J08H 108) 10o) 31)3 34)3 34), 108 108 108 4(i00(i Cent l'ac lat 4a 1000 Cent R R N J Ba 72000 Chill Cop 7a 4000 Chea & Ohio cv 44a 1000 Chi & Alton 3a... 20110 Chi & Kait 111 Bj ., moo Chi Ut West 4a. .. SO0O Chi Nwn 34s.. b.MXM) Chi II & Q Joint 4a 1000 Chi III.Q III 4s... 14.100 C M & St P cp .'.a ilOOO C M & St I" cv 4"a .XOO Clev Sb Line 44a awKi "ol . South 34a. lunon Del & llud 4a '111 40iio Del ic Hud rfd 4a. BOOli Del & Hud i'.ia .. 1000 Detroit Kdlaon lat Sa..l024 121000 1)U Secur Corp Sa ... (4 tkhiu iju rone l'OHq 48 .jui jibji) i.rle sen 4a 11HMK) Kris coin 4a f-er A. liHii) Krle conv 4a Sue B 1U000 Erie prior 4s . . V(j4ai (Un i.icl deb Ba IOimi ltaana 1 lee Ba... . SbOOO Houa i Tex gen 4s. llHaHl 111 Meel (lib 4: 10"r Indiana bteel Ba LIjOO Iowa Central rer 4a loon III Central rfd 4a . 'Jikxi do 4a HiU. "VHl Ina Con ci 6a '10 p:njii map cv ixk hq pa oa. .101 r,2tOn lnterb Met 44a . 744 .-.noon lnterb It T ref r.a H(.J 100000 Inter Mer Mar 44a 784 RXH) Japaneae lat 44a. .. 704 2U to h, C Ft B & M 4a 0SJ IOim. Kan City So lit Ba (174 17000 do Ba SS 1000 Kings Co Kiec oa -ST.. lis; KidiH) i-aLKH 0(eei dm in&i 140000 do Ba tU.V) .toon Luke Shore gen 34a 2iOi) do deb 4a 1U11. .. 1000 Llg & M T Ba ... .'moo Lorlllard Ba .1000 do 7h LMUO lAiila & naan i'i. .MKXI Manhattan 4s ., .VX)0 M K & T 1st 4a. BOOO do 2d 4a .... BOO) do rfd 4a ll(on Mo l'ac cone tis .. 140TO Mont 1'ow Ss r.nc(i Xh( Tube Tta . . 1(100 N Y A Urako ct Oa.lOi 4f() N Y Canal 4(x) NYC rtiin.V)0 do 0a ret llfiooo do 44 "'V socio js y CTty i ii" .. w 4000 do 4a 10B7 0(1 WOO do 4a 10VI Prt ji-on do 4i( mil . K24 210000 do 44a 1065 1024 14MM do 44a l'HH .... 1)114 .'i do 4a Nov in7 ! 1000 N Y-flaa.H & P 4a . M4 MOO doBa.. 1024 taKiO N Y N II & II 34a '60 70 4BO) N Y Rwy ref 4a .. .70 VfMMM) fin aril Ba Bl mi.. 8G4 112 .114 . 78 . S3 . 064 . R6J . M4 117 . R.14 .lnrs . IMIS m . 74 100, .101 (Kl'i . M . 73 . MH 10 v S74 1014 . 10 S.IJ, S2'i .14UU lyiw. Cloae. 814 s'4 1004 hSl 10,1( CI M Vi 101 81 i'14 W.4 K5 704 bSVi 101 UUJ, loou OS'f h 11 J 1134 110', m so lai mi ni 704 1004 4-i 1024 1024 (0 1U2 ."J I.V, 71 M 1024 IS" s4 1014 4H M'i M: 14-.4 l4 744 no 78 ? Local Bid and Asked Speculation has become almost aa ram, pant in Philadelphia of late as In New York. The fact that this city Is figur ing largely In a aeries of the biggest deals promulgated since the day of thu formation of tho United States Bteel Cor poration hns act the local financial dis trict In n whirl. Tips are rampant "Buy anything that In the remotest manner is connected with the equipment and sup ply of the belligerent nations" Is the slogan, and co far those who followed this brond suagestton have made money Nevertheless, the very violence of the rise should breed caution. While ordere Mtid earnings may well have Justified tho upruh in some Issues, there haa, o course, been a steady liquidation In progress. Certificates that hnve been locked up In strong boxes for years are mnkli'R their appearance on the street, whereas nbout the scarcest tltlnir In tn financial district todny la a bear. This means a weak technical condition. Wheir there nre only a few shorts to cover the market la apt to prove ex tremely hollow, and a stock that can jump 10 and IB points In a day can also drop Just as fast at any time. The probable success of the Anglo French loan, however, makes important foreign selling of our securities much less likely to continue at the samo pace as before. In fact, tho let-up In, this llqulda. tlon of late has. been ne of the con tributing causes""of the recent rise and, doubtless, to a great extent hns counter acted the Increase In Investment liquida tion noted In this city during the last few day. The sale of the Mldvale Steel Company, the stock of which never has appeared on the market, being held by only a few families, la a conorote In stance of how tho old Investor regards the present boom as more of an oppor tunity to cash In a good profit than to buy speculative Issues at unprecedent edly hlsh quotations. Cambria Steel and Baldwin continued to dominate the trading today. The former, howeer, was not able to reach Its latest top price, whereas the latter made another sensational Jump of some S6 points or more to a new record. Both of these Issues nro relatively easy to manipulate, as there Is a comparatively small amount of floating stock, Presum- sj . in .. 82 08 .102 .. 04 .1214 . 004 r;h . 724 Bl 4 .. 05 .. li ini llxlt 10.14 (! NI wu 1014 b.1 S74 'J4 ,H4 ht4 10J 1UU 1004 4 trj'a WJi 1U 114 78 B3 4 01.4 :j5 tM.i 4 S04 iai4 im in 70, 10O)4 4 103 10J4 074 102J o(i l.l! 71 804 l(i.4 20). N4 1014 46 M4 f-24 140 148 744 u4 78 704 118 74 88 1114 034 wvJ 08 102 'i Kid 4 C04 i si in a PS DO 102 nun & sos t c Oo pret Daldwm Cambria Steel .... Ulec aiorage . Ueu Aaphjjit t ... on pie. Kel Tel do t c da pref l.akn bu Corp LehUh .a LehUli Val Lehlt.ll al Tr do pref l'fll.la 1'ltlia L,Ut . .. I iu co .. do 5 per cent pret. . u t., evili i'lVi I'luU It 1' 111! t C . . ltt-aUlne Tonorah Helmont 'lunopah Mining . .. Union fraction u a. i U. S Steel York Hallway do pret u 1m. c'rama t c. 12 17 12 41 41 ollVa US 121 1124 irfi4 (.s'; k 734 704 77 .11 .!.! 324 Kl4 7(1 1104 . 144 114 14 , 144 H 144 , t.7 1174 07 . 1(1 IU4 )i , 7U4 77 7(1 , 734 7.14 .714 , 1S. 11 "lS'i . Jb;4 37 MVi . 6114 t.lA, B7 J.V. 2BK, 234 . 44 414 . 38 44 38 41 44 43 114 12 11 . 114 11 U 7..4 -XT0:iS . 3V 0 B . 414 1- 42 . SO S04 804 7S4 74 30, DO 784 4 Vt 304 13 414 11.1 70 774 324 70 144 074 w 7f 734 10 J7 874 234 444 40 41 uu 134 7C3j: U 43 84 4 84 u bty tho in exmtrol tain their )41bt. Rome such Mat daml M fill oeen so freowamtlv preferred advanced ovtf ' J. a Brill hr tlon today, ndvanelns further, while Lk nrm. a party of Ind including William K. the Cambria tHe)l Comt man of the Inmrd of e)i Pennsylvania ml Co Clark, president of the ' Company, and Jamea J. ident of the Tounntowa Company, will inspect th i oro news thl wexk. considered reaonM the report that a big Ini merger Is In the making. The Drlgg-&ebury Ordn uaiawins. Cambria. Fenni Youngstown Tut, Taylor I flckans-Mather ana J, o. ; are named by lextdlng at! members of the new Indus of which Mldvale hi lovkd nucleusv Over (7.000 aevarea et Ca itnannail Vtainitat t Ik a jAsaaa. reacted under last night In the laUfyt iii.b, A.i,i kvixv iw atui . mt m weisoacn moveo up oo un gti y Intention of bullaSni a new plauai (yJri purpose or. manuiaciunng oarrantsg. formerlr nurchaa4 In (tarnuLitsi 3 taking coat Electric Btorage lVamm point. Announcement that the People,') Club, the new "Jitney" subterfuge within the legal requirement of caused a sudden selling raov tho traction stocks, and Rapid fell back more than a point. It likely, however, that the new ment will Interfere bo seriouslr traction earnings aa the former all methods of the Jltneymen Traction eased off a substantial Sinking Fund Buys Ct r4flg! At a meeting of the Sir'. mission held today it wai . , chaso ilOO.000 in city b nt New;.. making a total purcbBobertaxji month of 1250,000. ood. ) W Injur PHILADELPHIA MARK MINING STOCK QUOTArriONS TO.NDPAH STOCKS. ma. A.Kea. Jim Butler Midway MUpah Eitenalon .. Montana Northern Star Tonopah Belmont .. Tonopah Extension Tonopah Merger .. Tonopah Mining . . Iteacue Kula ...... West l.'nJ .80 L2 .20 .30 .11 Hj. .it .10 .60 .82 .14 .22 ..U u 24 .Itl .1J OOLDFinLD STOCKS. Atlanta 2S .23 Hue Hull ai 01 Uooth 43 .47 Uulldog 02 .03 L. O D 04 06 Comb. Fraction 07 oo I'lamondneld U. B 07 .08 Daisy 05 ,W Florence w Hi .4( UoldOeld Merger 18 .20 Jumbo Extension 15-16 IS Kewan&ji 4J .48 Uro 07 .08 Sondatorm Kendall 11 .12 SiUer I'lck 08 .00 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aiteo .01 ,OJ Ktmberly 01 ,1 Nevada Hill 17 .10 Nevada Wonder 14 171(1 ..a. 7 (17 'i 874 1134 FJ." 00 8.' 118 102 004 1211J not K71 7: fit a OS 1114 oo 102 Canal Imp 44a.H4 1104 1104 C & II 34a .... 784 784 78'J n. rrl ... .KIAU 10BU 10(1 l(l4 4 -!) 01 a '.MH 40 C3)( 2) Ot'i B2)i 45) 1U 38) 62i H 05 JJ 4S)( 21 30 V1H 107) 78) -108 . 34 108 Quoted ex dividend. Total salts, l,83J.O0O shares, compared with l.MS.oOO share yesterday, thua far this week, 3.380,000 shares; sam period last week, l.eou, 400 shares. Kcysteio Telephone Selkj Bonds The Keystone Telephone Company bss sold 1300,600 drat mortgage S per sent, botida to liarper a. Turner, wba tvav placed them with netore. BAR SILYF.R KW YOItK, Sept 8 -The prl' of mm jmiio M V o-l rn 4ta .1000 Norf & Weat I'och 4a 8114 220UO Nor 1'ao prior 4a, , . 014 l'.'iion do gen .la CI4 tiiflo Vaclflc Tel Ba 004 1000 Tenna 4a 1006,. .. 111! 1000 do 4s 1018 00 , 01(K) do gen ct 44s. .. 074 uyio do cv 44s . , -.103 2O00 People' Uas 5s l'K4 fa rubllo Berv N J Ss .87 BOO Itay Con Copper 0 . 114 S7O0 Heading gen 4 01 7000 Itep lr A B Sa.. ... 0(4 BO0 Itock Ialand 4 80 l(Ji ,lo rfd 4a .... "2 4li(lOO do Ca 4B 4000 Seaboard A U adj Sa, 03 1000 do ata 4 80 7000 do rfd 4 074 loon South Hell Os , 074 81000 bouth I'ao cv 4s . 83 2 toon do cv ret f p Ba '34 1004 11000 South Pao rfd 4a . . 834 20000 South Ilwy gen 4a . 034 KXiOO South Ilwy con Ba ,,. 07 2M)00 Texas Co cv Ba ,. , 101 l-yiio Third Ave ref 4a 81 28000 Third Ave adj Ba , . . 70-, nnoo it H Rubber Oa ,, ..102U 420il0 U H Steel Ba ,, , .1024 .12000 Union I'ao lat 4 , 034 inooo Union I'ao cv 4a , ,. B1U Union l'ac rfd Is 4 10OTMI Un Itwya 8 V 4a. ,,,. 47 roo Vvl C 4 c lit fa. , 034 OOOO V Ilwy 5 . 4 2Kft00-Waba.il 1st Ba 1014 101ODO Wab Kqu ct sta 4a. 184 2SOIO W ab KU 4a . , 204 t Weat Klee Ba .. 1014 (1000 V eat Md lat 4a 70 181S00 W a k M cv 6 w I 121 2000 West Shore 4s ..01 toon West Union 44s , U2 2000 West Union Bs 08 Total sales, $3,731,000, compared with td.238,. 000 esten)ay, thus far thla week, Ill.WU.OOOi same period last week. I8,8a3.000. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EQGS NBW YOKK, Sept. 28.-BUTTE,lt.-Markt Ann, recelpta. i!l.2U packages. Extra, 274c. 1 higher ecorlng, l:'o2s4c , Stat dairy, 24S .SIT p, r. S70J NEW TOP FOR COTTON NEW IORK. Sept. 28 Further adtances were scored In the cotton market on the uptn tng call tula morning and price, reached new high leela for the moxement. The near inontha from HI to 10 polnta, while May and July were up 12 points, liuylng uaa gen eral. Wall atreet and Southern Intereata taking all the optlona. Liverpool tabic, came belter than had been expected, althouxh the murket had a feveri.h appearance. Uefore the first 13 mlnutea prices eased off on pront.taklng on a largo scale. During tho afternoon the market ree-sawed for awhile, but steadied at the close, about 10 to 13 points above la.t night. Spot was up 40 points. Yes. close Open. High. l.ow. Cloae. January 12 a- 1J.1U K.u u.oi 1.114 December 12.10 12 SO 12 BS is 4 1 12.411 October 11.88 12.10 12.22 JJ OS 12.10 March 1281 12.03 1101 1285 12.111 May 1202 13.05 1113 12.08 1107 July 12 01 ll.OI 13.14 1JDS l.l.U Spot 1200 12.40 Protective M. K. & T. Committees NEW YOHK. Bopt. 28 Protective com mltteca for the tarloua Issues of MU-sourl. Kansas and Texas Itallnay aecurltlea are In I roceba or being formed. The Uuarunty Truat Company will form a committee for protection of the first and refunding 4a, the New lork Trust Company for the eenerul mortgage 44a and the Union Trust Company for the second mortgage .a. A committee consisting of A. W. Korch, chalrnian, and Charles llsyden. F. V Duvla lias been formed to protect the Intereata ot the common and preferred atockholders, Chesapeake & Ohio's Year The annual report of the Cheaapeaka and Ohio ahowed aubatantlal galna In bath groaa and net earnlnga and a aurplua equal to 4.21 per cent, earned on the atock, agalnat 4.70 per cent, the prevtoua year. Detalla follow 1 Year ended Juno 30. 11)15 1015 Total operating revenue 130,404 077 Net operating revenue . 11,007,(123 Total income . . . ... . i..m;o.m GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. necelpts. 105,050 bush. Dernand wae fairly active and with bullish peOTlatlon In the Wist prices advanced 14c. Quotations Car lota. In export elevator No. S red, spot and September, 0981.11: No. 3 Southern red el n71.00. steamer No. 2 red, ILMft 08, No 3 red. LtKltr1.0' rejected A. 1.0340 1.034, rejected B, 1.028L01. COHN -Hecelpta. BOOO bush. The market was quiet with moderate but ampl onerlnc r the late deel ne. Quotations. Car lota for local trade, aa to locatlon.-Western No. J yei K W48H14C. W estern steamer K"JJ4 aK-'4c.i Wetern No 3 yellow, 7048804C, DeUware yellow, SOS82c. OATS Hecelpta. 104,170 bueh. Ther was little trading and prices favored buyerj. wuo tatlon. No. .1 while. J40c: No. 4 white. 37eJse.. sample oats. 3236c FLOUIl. Iiece.pis. wo ddis. jnu , .''"" Iba In sacks. Trade waa alow and yaluea were largely nominal. Quotatione, per 108 1 lbs. in woSd-Wlnter clear, new, &60Sl.op. do . straight, new, 4 8088 10: do., patent, new, u oSs.'40: Kansas, clesr. new. lut jacks, ll.ioar. 10; do, straight, new Jut sacka Ss-vuSSO: do., patent, new. jui a acks . J 50 Ji5.7B. spring, llret. clear, new. st.6Se4.U0, do . atralgnt, new, $4 8080.10, do . patent, new. 131085.30" do., do. old. 16 2586 50. do.. t.y?f?i ' -a. .1.1 tn unlin. citv mills. choice and fancy patent 18 8SB7.10; city mill5. reguUr grades-V Inter, clear, new, 4 7;.ji: do, r ratght. new. i583.25: do.. Vyb FLOu!? 2tQul.t and without lm norunt chair.. We Vol. at 6SB.25 per bbl.. a to QUal.tv. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady wih a fair Jobblne demand. Quotatione: City i. . " Smoked and atr-drled 24lSc.: W&'S& II. acta, amoked. 21BT25C.: city beefj KSSJt." ind tendera smoked and air-dried. -Jfv Western beef, knuckles and tendera. nW 37c; beef 'ham; $28830: pork, '""H,Vg: (T2I.50: hams, 8. I' cured, laose. 124124vt. do., slllnlieo, tooae, c-ujt'-rj'-. ". -- amoked, US134c.; other hams, smoked city rured. as to brand and average 1348144c: hams, smoked, Western cured, 1J414C: "' boiled, boneless. 21822c ; picnic shoulders ,8 P. cured, loose. UHOlOc: do. smoked. 04tl Hc: bellies, in pickle, according to average, loose 128124c: breakfast bacon, aa to brand ird average, city cured. -134816c. : breakfaat bacon. Wcetern cured. 1348100.: lard. Weat em, redned, tlercea. U484C. do, do., do, tuba. 04804c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tlercea, 4e4e.: Ird, pure city, kettle rendered, tn tuba, UV.8VVSC. REFINED SUGARS Trad waa alow and the market n again generally 3 polnta lower. Quotation Standard granulated. 4 .: extra fine granulated, 4WJC., liowdered, Bo: confectioners' A, 4.80c, sbft grades. 4 03430. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTEll. There was a fair demand for de alrable stock and the market ruled firm under small supplies. Quotations Western solid-packed creamery, fancy specials, 204c,, extras, 274c: extra firsts. 204827c; first.. JJU.URC 1 aeCOIlUB, IU.,i livmtuj i....-( fancy, .lie.: do., average extraa. yuujuc. f.rats, 20828c; do., second., .'igi.-ac; tales ot fancy prints, uSUdsc. KOUS. Strictly fine fresh eggs wer kept well cleaned up at top prices. Wo quote aa 1 fol lows Free ca.es, nearby extraa, 32c per dos.; Ilrata 8.40fi8.7O per atandird caao; nearby current -eielnte, 17.8088 10 per caao; Western extra nrMs, $8 4088.70 per caae. first. 7.SOt 8.10 per case, fancy selected candled egg were Jobbing at 34l(lc. per dozen. C11EE8E. Offerings were moderate and th market ruled steady, but there waa llttla trading, Quotatlona. New lork, full cream, fancy, new, 1BV4I3V,C.: specials, higher, do., do., fair to good, new, 114015c; part sklrnat 0812c. POULTRY IJVE. The market ruled firm with demand readily abaoiblng the offerings of desirable f stock. Quotations Fowls, as to sue ana .,'. ,tii7iint.. excoDiiuimi luin (tisitt. rmijlcr., UBltc spring chlikens. according West Virginia. Wester!'0 HJ vanla, Elberta, per burled Jersey, per caaaet. lo, York, Elberta, per basrT SSc, fair to good, srsi per bush.-baaket Fancba 40850c.. pears, per j oscHi, suwi. ",,uu,MJSi6e.7 Pat Concord, per 4-lb.baskeUJiviM: r& York, per 4-lb. baakat -lA-Vra V Lanado itj-V v sw ; yet r u sket. 33 oncord IK,, uu.1 Jobbing hurplus after ch'ge. tax, S.ndt B37 Itlviaenas Sumlus Decrease, n-,T uii, 2,013,721 Increase $A(KM,173 861,018 -'! 777 308,371) 2.5.M.20I 1,S70,20S US4 074 10T 81 704 10J4 1024 1)34 lll'i s s,u 1011, 18 20 'Si JSI 01 oiH 08 to tlUUllty. IUWwlc, ficci'liuiwi iwia ,h.v, . cluck., as to size and quality, I4810C ; largo slzca preferred, plgrona. old per pair, 18820c. do. young, pw nalr. 17fllc DnESSUD Offerings of desirable stock wero llitht and Hi market ruled firm, with trade fair Fowls were 4c higher Quotations l rh.kllled-Fowls 12 to box, dry.plcked and dry-iiucktd. fancy selected. 104c , weighing 44 Si lbs. apiece, 10c .weighing 3484 lb, apiece. 18.- . weighing 3 lbs. apiece, ItkJ 17c : weighing inJer ,1 lbs. apiece, 144fllS4c fowls. Ice-iwrked- Western. 44 lbs. and over apiece, Ht.c . do., smaller Uses, IMUHVjC 01a roost Niagara iuviuc; 4,ren K-r, ,,1;,, .ciitui.a, vwt via. f.vu, ,'iiit. crate, i-ono juco, .(osja, cranperRrt Cod, per bbl., I5S-8: do,. Cape Cod concoi si (ov: piuma, soutnern. per ous.pp i.ou, piuma, Virginia, uamaon, per ket, 408B0c: plum. Nw York, basket. 208BOC. olummi New York baaket Bredabaw and Niagara, lMJf Claude. 15822c , blackberries. Dla land and Jersey, per qt., 484c: !hj per qt., 688c. cantaloupe. Colorado crite. 6S8S0c: do. do per standi J1.50ST2, watermelon, per car., $ly(ff VEGETA3LES Tn general marxet nuea steady un eraie onennga ana a lair aeroajia wntt potatoes. Pennsylvania, cnoice nun-cue : lair 10 good, nntalM, P.nnivlvinl. r,A IS, 1.25-. white potatoes, Jersey, per t 1 itoee, ui3V!.; po x otner varvatw No. z. lOftiae. sweet Dotatoea. basket No. 1, 80r40c: No onions, per 100-lb. bag, IljWeJJ, rter st.bu.h. baaket. KVeraBc.' York, per buncn. 13iR5c-7"ittfuTJ Tier 2-daz. crate. gl25aTLIIfl do. dot. crate, S1.7B82; miashroooss, caaKst. Duccsi. LIVE STOCK QUOTA; CHICAGO. Sept. 28. HOGS." market steaay, oc .atC. "J-1 OOO? market IIMilv butchers. tn.SS4rS.45: aoM rough heavy. $9.as9e.00; II oilga, $888; bulk. 7JiO Xi. -'TrLE. RacelDt. B500: aaal atrong TMeTP4W4Ue10.401 cor ) ' a.' iWB's.lcr, xexana, Mttw'i u wii i ra native and Western. $3,708. u.'.j. Another Rise in Oil w NEW YORK. Sept. 28. Loulh Iiavs been advanced 5 cents a b light la quotea jc cents, ana cac ft cent a Darrei. dry-plck'l era M2lc ' lie , . n...... ifi(!tu. itnep nearbv fancy imviiv, -.-.-" t... r.:-i-vi--i,iio ,.- Wesiem uronern, ncaMiua 73, ,m. fancy rourrs, 1ufr'(b low. welghlni, 74 lbs. and over, suyxic apiece, low. northern chickens Jersey D M fanoy yol OV2I( 419 Ibi 'Tn. t imitation creamery. 224U3c EdaB Market firm, receipts. 16,317 pack' ages. Extra nrata. 208310.: flrats. 2488c.i nearby wbltss, 43815c, mixed color, 278J3c.i retrlseiator nrsts, 244923c , nearby browns, 340o0c. suooa barrel acb and will cost OB ui aveo i mercUl bar silver was Vt cenU, wlb U.xlcau h of about m.m 4e, liir at oaU. New York Metal Market NEW YOItK, Sept z Th following prim war quoted at th metal uarkt today. Lead, 4.600. tin, Wk.$X, PUDLIC UTILITIES The New York Consolidated Itallroad, operatlnc the Urooklyn Itapld Transit elevated lines, reports for the year end. Ins June 30. 1915, 169,031.(31 fares collect ed, a decrease of 2,678,113 fares. Only three lines show an Increase Canarsie. Broadway and Centre street. The rubllo Bervlce Company of North ern Illinois declared a qifarterly dividend of 14 per cent on the common stock an Increase of 4 per cent. The usual 14' per cent, quarterly was declared on the preferred shares. The l'enn Central Light and Power Company reports for 12 months a gross decrease of (3384. Net earnings Increased $27,111. The surplus Has U7.6s7, a de crease of 1535. No Interest on Maryland & Pa. BomU BALTIMORE. Sept 28 -Th director of lb Maryland and Pennsylvania Itallroad today de elded not to pay th Interest on the company' $5,000,000 Income bonds due October 1 The board felt earnings did not Justify payment. northern Illinois, X... ", -.-.. ...I.Mnv l.linoiv. !" "V"-.""'-7:.'" " 1 .nin. Atl,,. U'Mitni. welcnina act, ids ana over. 19c . do., do., weighing 2483 lb,. IT fitsc Inrcrlor, 15110c., spring ducks, near by 10817c, do. Western 10812c. squabs, iJr doien-Whlte, weighing 11 lo 12 lbs. per doien $48 T3 white, weighing 0 Jo 10 Jba. rer dote n $3 lBt(.(d. white, weighing 8 Iba, ner doien! $2 1042J. white, weighing 84 R!, a dozen. $1 0081.75. dark fl.B0ei.tt: small and No. 2, fl FRESH FRUITS Cholc (locks sold fairly and values generally were well sustained Quotations Applea, per ,tal. Crab. IHil Twenty -ounce. tAti, Ue Intoah. $384150. Jonathan.' $J3 50. lllu.li i.ii.i i Shi c40C-i I.' 7583 y; Gravenateln 1 23, North- We RecommenJ THF.?7REFESJtD. L.tulo Aflawfatotr1 JLr- 1 Vr thO.'i i at 95 andVa fiC for the followiftstti Tf vllrla wll over 1mtC Stability of earnings ia f trated bv its lilstorvi' territory served ia exiKJ inc unusual increase in s. uerity. l,. : . . . ti ,incicnt management nani mitted steadily im$r service to the public tat duced rates with accon ing increase in earning. ' The dividend has been continuously and latest year statements ahov earned three times over. The purchaser has tl privilege of buying; at J low figure a lintvtff amount of comm. -,)' nnn whlrh Ti. ATI J- is earning 20., market price. Send for Circulag containing complet WilBaM P. IttkrV MORRIS W8T""X'tJ- tpsVvti'lt.a.U -" SwVsrk ' loa4al Lonuenl William t oa rarl.t nonbrtght V.ii,m Oreenlnr $2 7B Wealibc 12 oOfcl Urlme' Golden. f.'SOtri Wolf Itlver, f 2 8033. Alexander $2 500.1 Hummer It.mbo, $2 BOW 2 75 1'lppln. f 1 502 75 hmakeluus. $2 50a .'75, Uurhess. $JU2 50. other varletl. $1.50 (2, No. 2 apples. $101-50 Crab apple, per bu.h . 25050c reaches, Virginia, West Vir ginia. Western Maryland and 1'ennaylvanl. Ulberta. per crate. 50075c , peaches, Virginia, Sugge; How TOO tATK TO CI-ASaH-Y DKATMH Bentember z(L 1B1B. UArrAflMNB. M. D Jn his MACTAKLANat On ril'KfAN UkCTAT Blth year Pun.ral stnicea and lU(erment prtvat DIVIUKNDS Ol'KIClS OF THK C M. (JKIbT COMPANY, Ijind Title Hultdlng. fblUdelphU. 1'a. Septembor 27. 1815. Th Directors of Itoanok 41a IJght Com pany hav this day declared a regular quar. tsrly dividend of one and oBe-tutet (H4) vwr cent, on th preferred stork of said Com pany, payable October 1, 1015, to bolder of preferred tock ot record at th rlos of business tht day Checks will ba nailed, C It WEAK, Secretary, -' - -' t" .'-J' 1MKKCTOKY OH A4X;04JNat4ff Cert fed xVUHo Ace. 'm1 S?Sst. iPugtaHJBUetj IkteM lisiAltll.yDr1 jt(Jait at. WaMtVaC INVFaltnirlt - JP Oioe A,tii aHfr lt . rh ..L-J ,U. ..- urlth 1 av uiuwm wac jut. .. -aaJ ?"J -A) KrAsrA