- i jjiJM1 flVESTIKG LEOPGEB-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. SEPTBMBEB 28. 1915: .. 'fi I It -Tit1 Mi tr- s & 3 A) I 'eii 'oi c u- f t . I .IT qUalifications for a better Psition in " - POR SALE ROOMS POR RENT Fnr Bale bend Fgn rni;B bulletin 03'i-En.VilUi 8KU ,"1 Packard 6-3S road- .!.r.LexT,ll!.nl.c.onm,on throughout: electrlo tarter, windshield, make an offer. Vood, 352. HUPMOBlLn 82, 19H, electrlo starter touring tar; looks Ilk new, absolutely perfect condl- a. ?1 ' m n-l''?!2- Qermantownl433 W, CaDIi.Lac, lopTtourlng car, overhauled Mid W,,ti'iKi,Uk1uJ.?"l'.n'.Jf'sO0.- auto "",llw w'v ""'"lUfl. la. . tiroaq at. Jflll WHITE TOURING, 40 II. P. 7 senger, food condition. ion. I. I'- IKII 7111 216 r. Broad it. COI.n, 1018, demonstrators, tllihtlr used, tor u a. bowers co.. 945-47 k. Broad at BHOCK AUsoilTJEilS" trlng cats.- uTS-NT Broad; equip very reasonable. Schults. ATJTO LIVERY AND QARAOE8 THE WEST END GARAGE Formerly Short's West End Stables and Riding Academy Twenty-first st. above Chestnut st Storage for Pleasure Cars Only Modern Daylight Garage; Unex celled Location Absolutely Perfect Service Bill .-none, rpruce aits. (evatona Phone. Tlar. 4.1ft. : TAXI SERVICE AT REASONABLE- RATES. TAXI SERVICO COMPANY, 188 N. BROAD ST. bprucb 4252. race m. COMMERCIAL HOUSE wanu to rent bullJtni (or garage, central location; muit be heated; accommodation for 13 can. Send full par tlculate to Hot C 21. Ledger Otllco. (TO HIRE Brand-new 6 pass, touring $L23 per hour. Phone Poplar 1017 W. PULASKI OATlAan. 3727 Pulaski ave. (16lh and Erie) Open for traarnesa: moderate' prlcee; N. Phlla.'e largest garage. Phone. Tioga 8843. t)P-TO-DATETarge and pmall touring car"TS hire at low rates: always oren. Crystal Pal- ace Oarage. Broad A Qtn. are. Tioga B227. TO HIRE 7 passenger, 1914 Cadillac; hour, day or trip; reae. rates. Tioga 8703 W. TO HIRE Limousine and touring cars. W. Phlla. Oarage. 8123-20 Bansom. Belmont 2310. B-PAS8ENOER touring car, $150 'per hour; go anywhere. Phone Tioga 7787 D. AUTO REPAIRING WELDING, BRAZING AND HHPA1RINQ PLEASURE AND COMMERCIAL. CA8 OXYOEN TANKS, $2 BO ItAGNETO AND CARBURETOR EXPERTS AVE BUCCEKD WHERE) OTHERS FAIL. PATTERSON QARAQE KEVBTt CLOSE D 1420 VINE ST. CYLINDERS. REBOnED. new pistons and rings furnished, welding and bratlng. II. 11. Underwood A Co., 1023 Hamilton st, Phlla. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLU 7 7 7 BEE BILLT-B18 N. BROAD. AUTO SUPPLIES 5-OALLON CAN HAVOLINE OIL-(2 COLUMBIA TIRE AND RUBBEin CO, 2220 N. BROAD ST. AUTO TIRES PULX.MAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. Gasoline. 12c. per gallon. GRIM'S. 230 North Broad st. . " - BUSINESS NOTICES SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by Electroly els. the only permanent way; eyebrows arched; Miss Smith. 402 Keith Bldg, Miss Hoppe, halrdresslng and facial macsage, formerly ICIai AAAta -tt n .a. .. whu vn-.upt wm anna omun. FULL DR3SS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Back Suits To hire and made to order. ITOUBAUER, THE TAILOR, 10 N. Bth St. Bell phone. Walnut 26-18. DEBTS AND ACCOUNTS collected In Baltl more and Maryland: prompt remittance. John J. Pratt, 411 North Ann St., Baltimore, Md. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMPLETE MAITOFACTLTRINO PLANT PXI1L HAL.F? FOR BALE at a bargain a complete manu facturing plant with modem flrit-clasa equip, ment suitable- for manufacturing MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR, LADIES' MUS LIN UNDERWEAR, SHIRTWAISTS and BKIRTS and kindred lines. Machines con nected with direct motors. Everything in first-class condition. Reasons for selling, owners retiring from buelnese. Apply 8. HEILMAN A CO. Band 7 W. 4th at.. New York city, N. T. ,'WANTEDCapable office associate u treas urer to Join praotlcal business man doing a email, conservative, paying engineering bus! ness which requires additional capital for expansion with railroads and Industrial rlants; company Incorporated and established 0 years; splendid connection for active and fierxnanent investment, or for party command ng funds; principals only. F 744, Lad. Cent. IB000 ti $10,000 to start a new company to cDuiDuio on a ir oasis, small manuractorleo oc specialties, that pay good margin of profit, but because of expense doing a small business, result at little net profit at the end of the year; give particulars. O 817, Ledger Central. PATENTS Arthur E. Paige, 71 Walnut at Pblla., mechanical and electrical engineer; registered patent attorney; established here 80 years; Inventions developed; patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and litigated any where; rejected applications prosecuted; pre liminary advice free. rniVATB PARTT (accountant) will finance and assist an hour or two dally, on or two small business enterprlies of merit, where cash and up-to-date methods are needed !-,a..:be--,et"n8'0 mr business possible. L. 101. xtdrr Offlce. ICE CREAM and confectionery business along with property for sale; excellent opportunity opportunity aetata must for fancy bakery: good location; estate must ba settled Central. ynvo e-v,uw, L 148, Ledger .DRUa STORE, central location; $3000: illness zzirKr. -'. uuainess -Tanarer isureau. 007 Walnut, J3USINE83 MAN with several thousand dollars wants enssrement. A. II. w., itoom 0, Key- stone Hotel. A' FULLY protected moving picture monopoly floor proposition. Allan Turner. PI nwa. imjnBuiaiv woriung 'capital; grounq. I'nuaaeipnia. 1000 $800 CASH will buy 2-eetabllthed room- lng houses, yielding iqing std monthly; no expert- enoe requireq. i-& ii East Cumberland". P1CTUR13 theatre for rent, $100, plete; beautiful, modem, no coi month com- camrwitltlanF r- flned nat'age: unusual op. Barriat. 214 N. 8th. Victor j. bvans a cd.. Patent Aitom.-.' JJKjhlngton, D. O. Write for descriptive Hpfjr BE BOLD to settle estate-A goo4 butcher business. 130 W. Otrard ave. CARPET OLEANINQ Thirtieth Year. THH JOHN 1UIOADS CO. 738 N. Holly et.. Weat Phlla, CARPET DBATINO. 8e. YAIID. tOKTIUItllmi i." iJ4;?.p5T CLEANING HOUSE 1 w i. l0TH BT- ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone. Locust 10-60. KSgiSJHH- MONARCH HTO-lAiiB- WEST PlffT.A. an Wn Vlnn CO. WEBT PHILA. 8870-72 LANOASTEn" AVB. DRXSSMAKING AND MILLINERY BEUBTrrCHINO, HINO. 10 cents yard, all mate ItEICIIARD. 1113 OHISSTNUT BT. RIAL HEVlBW PATTERN8 riaia. a. llKlun PICTORIAL DREBSUAKINQ taught: short, practical, lnex. K naive ooursea: patterns cut, 60c. Mao. i well. 807 Dencklu mag., lltn and Maraet. POR SALE BILLIARD .AND POCKET TABLES Also J.owJ!?"v, O1". ' paymenU. BRUNS-WIOK-BALKB-COLLENDku CO.,10oa Arch. fclLLIAiiD and pocket tables, snuffleboard, new and slightly .used: liberal terms: renting. repalrlnaT A suppllea. Rosatto Co., 222 H. 8tL jSlLLIAltD. pocket. 2d-hand tables, 'repairing. supplies, uiam-iierq urg, Co.. 2431 N. Front. MILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, . sold, rented, exch'd. Keafer, 821) ulrard ave. CASH RF.0ISTEI18. new and second hands to tal adders as low as $30, on easy moathly payreents: all regtstera sold by us fully guar. aMeed. The National Cash lteglster Co.. 730 DastKa. BilBg caBlneta. sfa, telephone booths and WBce furniture and flxtuna. of every de- eilptlon; used, but In fine condition, and vary cheap: free delivery anywhere. HUQHsW. 11TII AND BUTTONWOOP J5s5e);J Large astortment; also househoM furniture. Central Second-hand Furniture Company, B04-O6-14 Callowhlll si. siKAl'KHa and range vsrlove makes, 'little used: good condition: can be bouitht cheap. . MAKIN.KaeiaiCr HEAT1NO. a . 18TH W. LAUNDKY tubs, doors, sash, lumber, mantels, , -.molalng. Pa. Wrecking Co., 2534 Diamond. ma) lie. far U-ot POLISH (red label) StS.-am SAUB- Kfi.VS.H-rUAlS.lJ -OS. can U-KAN-PLATS (extra atrengtnj, ana A, 9mamb5?'kt Chestnut. Phlla. PhotograiJis and Records Boupht ' exchanged, bc. bii .r".' victor DouBU-rc. 0fl and BQo. 2830 Ridge (bOT Columbia. t1i.,:'An0E TALKING MACHINB (Colum Jla). with cabinet for holding machine and 200 records; this outfit Is finished In a beau tiful quartered oak and cost new IM; can J paid for at the rate of 75e. weekly; this ' aj 'clltint trgaln, as It la In first-class condition, equal to new. Write for complete i!it.ofD,irln ana peclal SO days" tree trial offer, HEPrE'a UPTOWN BTORE6 Comer flth and Thompson sta Philadelphia, Pa, I27.BO-PAKKKR BROS, double-barrel ham JJ"rls eun, damascus barrels: list price . tt.wt itipofri iwoan umce. law Marxet st. 2000-CALDWELL. diamond necklace; 77 finely matched diamonds; original coat 33300. "f"" w Lmn mncg, lo warKet St. 0O LADIES' diamond cluster rtffg; 38 pure white diamonds; a great bargain, nieder's Loan qrnce, K8 Market st. INSTRUCTION rOUNa LADr. visiting French teacher, de sires pupil, literature, translation: terms rea . eonable. 1. F.. O nso, ledger Central. LESSONS In the use of violet rays and other electrloai treatments, by physician. L 103, Ledger Office. MACHINERY AND TOOLS TOCOM ANTI-FTIICTION METAL, for lining machine bearings has durablenees as one of , , nrtconaitlon. IRON and BRAES) FOUNDRT, 143 North Second. JAMES TOCOM A BON. , POWnrt-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and ell en- Vii ; Tl,!, "IE!" lr compressors. ciuuiA LAJ1 3QMET, INC.. 127 N. 3D BT. "STERLINO" Is another name for Bond i;jcine umnr; pure oax tanned leather. Write for samples and prices. BOND, 320 titn iirrci. KSJJ AND BIinAH, No. 2 nOTERSFORD; OOOD CONDITION. SCVFEJIT'S. 487 N. 3D BT. SO 24, 28, 80. 80, 42, 4S INCH extractors, laundry washers, 00, 110 Inch laundry man gles. Nuttall. 1748 N. Bth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS All grades, cash or easy terms, 11 weekly up; S0 to 81B0 leas than downtown stores; our rrlcee will tell you what part of the downtown rents you pay In the purchaee S a I,,no: slightly used pianos, 130, 100, $73, 183 end 193 up. TODD MICHBNER, 1803 Columbia. 188-CniCKEniNO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, 838 N. 8th. OLD GOLD OL.U GOLD, silver. plaUnum plated ware, ti11:'! -Li J.wf uXj teeth Plates bought for cash. . Est. 18.0. J. L, Clark, refiner. 807 Bansom. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, JI.M. antique clocks 1210. ROOBRS. 27 B. 17th. in can, Bell phone Locus'; CASH PAID for diamonds, precious stones, gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Bmeltlng A. Ret. Co., 12S 8. 11th st. ROOPING AND IRON AWNINGS ROOFINO CANVAS, guaranteed quality. JU A. HUMPHREY'S BONS 1021 Callowhlll at. STORAGE CO NTINENTAL 8TOItAQE WAREHOUSE 90TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING, SHIPPING ",". Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust 1060 Phones Key., Race 4180. I FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1818 MARKET ST. WeI-SEEtH- MONAHCH BTORAOn CO. WEST PHILA. Auto and packing and shlpptn. WEBT PHILA. 8870 LANCASTER aVb. McCANN'B STORAGE IIOUSS Moving, packing, 'shipping; 'auto vans. ?... 8TOIL-AaI:J WAREHOUSE - Storage moving, packing, ahlpplnr. ,canet eleanln. in. nanng 732 for eitlmate. Market and 87th. wVi "y1.? STORAGE CO., 22 N. 32D. . .rn.ni -tug, nrpeta cleaned. West 421. au7trif.-B.STORA?B: "Parato locked rooms, auto vans for moving. 2312 N. 18th st WANTED ANTIQUE! furniture, bric-a-brac, feather beds. broken Jewelry, falae teeth, good, silver, dla. mondsbo't. 735 Walnut, Ph.WaL70-2a. Eat.'BS BOOKS and libraries bought, all kinds; send addrcaa; will call. DICKENS. 100 N. 13th at. r,SAS,'r.-.0,FP CLOTHINO WANTED GENTLEMEN AND LADIES. TOO. WHAT I SAY 13 MEANT FOR YOU; K JSyj'yj8" ANr CLOTHINO TO BHLI BEND TO ME, I'LL TREAT YOU WELL. TUB PRICE I PAY IS VERY HIGH: MORE THAN OTHERS. LET MBTItT. TELEPHONE MARKET 2000 WRITE OR PHONE AND I WILL CALL, ANY PLACE OR TIMK AT ai.t? -vt-J HEL108QHN. 8TH AND BP. GARDEN BTS. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire pr part houaes bought for cash; no matter how large. J Bernateln. 1354 Ridge ave. SELL YOUR CLOTHINO To SCHULTZ 227 N. 0th at. W.v ? b'"- Prices for gentlemen's clothing. Phone Valnut 8863. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a few minutes by examining the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on file tor your Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an awers to every question you would ask are here, so you can decide Intelligently; free -crvlce; teat It- --.-. OARL1HLE. N 2010 Renneri nrlvate fam. ilea, to rent nicely fur. f rt. rm. ; phone. CHESTNUT. 1B31 (formerly of 1823)-Rooms, single or en suite; prlv. baths; meals opt'I. CHESTNUT. 1883 Furnished two-room apart? ment. private bath; referencee exchanged. CHESTNUT, 2007-Desirablo elngle and double rooma; permanent or trantlont. CHKSTNUT, 2083-Beaut. fur. sing, rm.: adl' nam; pnya. orr.; itt n.; unobstruq llght. CHESTNUT. 2043 ADts.. alnsle rooma Uth eiec, not-waier neat; rer,; new management. CHESTNUT. 2046 Suits of rooma with hath. south, expos.; alto elngle rms.; table board.' CHESTNUT 8T.. 2100-Newly furnished roomaT "8v ui ruaui.vi un ut tvai.li. UHESTNUT, 4420-One or two desirable rooms.' furnlehed or unfurnished. CLINTON BT., 1010-Cent.. quiet, excep., aln., en suite, two expos., private baths, hot-water. mpiM, ..pal, uiiiaiMi iw, ciiyiroq. ; owner. JliFFERSON, 1806-Twovery desirable 2d-Aoor' roqma wnn ubih; pnyaig lamuy; pnone. LOCUST, 1313 Finely furnlthed third floor front; also two nice lourtn noor rooms; nrat-ciass noute: yeany tenants; references. Phone Walnut 71 tsrtTuiV 'mm n-u.n h ,.i -aa.. ..- ..-.h.'' . - .fc.--., ...... , ..-. aw... . ...a uiiu. soutn. euipiM-i acniiemen prer. wajnut euir-W UONTQOMEItY AVET, 1314 Deslr. vacancies; IWUw lJWjr -Mm. .wvmuuun IPeleKinilUt, OXs'ORD BT.. H0l-81ngle or an suite. uoA furnished. PINE. 1434 Single rooms, near bath; refined surroundings. POWELTON AVE.. 3307-WeU-furn., bright." airy rooma. ainsie or en ami, private name; all convenlencea, porch; near L and subway: references exchanged. RITTENHOUBB SQUARE (216 B. 18th at Large. airy rooms and apartments; beautl- luuy ibi-b.; i or s rooms; private oatns; hot water beat; 1st class In ap'tments A service, Sl'JtUdE 1117 WKLL-FURNIBHEpROOM8T BINQLB OIlNrEJBARTBATIir SPRUCE, 1116 Very des!fsbleacanclei. bean- tlfully furnlahed; eiec light, running water. SPRUCE. 1130 Well furnlahed rooms, not- water neat: genuemen; rererence. SPRUCE, 1203 Front rooms, furn.; running water; convenient to bath. Walnut 7083 W. Bl'HUCE, "1208 Newly renovated front rooms, single or communicating, for permanent par- Si'HUCK, 1887 Rooms, single or en suite; prlv. baths; prof, offices; steam heat, electricity. SPRUCE ST.. 1400-Rooma' for rent, furnliKf elngle or en suits. Phono Locust 1694 W. SPRUCE, 16sH targe 1st and SU Boor aparR ments. with bath; single rooms. SPRUCE. 2te Attractively furn. suite; two rooma and prlv. palh telephone; gentlemen. 6TrltUCE, 814 FufaUhed frost room, next 'to bath, hot-water heat; electricity. ira i w is n . w. uw. fiUBQUetHANNA AVJB.. W., UsV-FIno furs. rooms; -Tery cpn-i sieam neat; low rents. VINB ST. INK ST.. nm (cor.)-Nlolr furalshed rooms. private family: hot -we tar Beat; phone. TH. 8., oft (The Eerltoa-Dl4rable rooms Hob) Desirabla rooms id. a room apartments: for business men: 1 aad a room apartments? private baths; large and snail rooms, near bath; also Urea, . well-furnished parlor; com fort and thoroua), cleanliness aaemred. 15th. a. 11 aVjsU or double" rooms f or gen- tlemen. Apply ia) aoor. Phone Walnut 7lt, descriptions of comfcartoJJy iiirnfbhed .. in i 18TII, N., 182S-Tws unfurnlthed rooms, gat jndall convenlencesi 110. 10TII, N., 2323 Well-furnished front room; . run, water: wlv. famllr. Diamond 2381 W. I7TH, 8.. 233 Furnished rooms, tingle or en . suite: terms reasonable! all conveniences. 18TH, 8.. 108-Dealmble rooms, well furnlihed; . running water; prltate bath, kitchenette. sSTH, 8., 118 Clean, comfortable double and .us. rooms; aquit family. i'n.uanng iiuaw. 418T, a, 603 Attractive furnlihed or unfur nisaed rooms, single or en suite; phone. 828 B. 17TH 8T.-Thre light, attractive rooms. uuuiinspatniprivaie iamuy$pnone, ""(1K I Sd-fioor room, handsomely furnished; comfortable, convenient home for builneee man In exclusive, centrally located private reedence; electric lights. Phone Baring 413. Uly?? PATY in excluelveeectTon of West nnadelphla dealrea to rent one or two rooms l?.,,nVmn ' reflnfment: references ex- !!iI!red:L180,Ledger Central. BXBI?' tuslneie men, tired of 'boarSlng. to Jl..,"dl' niklng real home: share plan, -iH5liHJSnl.,n'cr. 1 111. Ledger Office, "5R:.K1',N0 SUlfSITurnlihed or'unrur 51. 14' .i'"1 room. 81.B0; single room, prl- ate bath. 4. Apply 1401 N. 18th. Ardmore S.?JL?nE3 wel-urn. roomi; beautiful sur roundings: garage In rear; meats nearby. Mrs, P.Bankion.84 W.Montgomery ave.MArdmore. ROOMS WANTED "UfllNEaa WOMAN wants two rooms, unfur Si w.i.r a1r,l' furnished, with bsth or uee SJ.,.1. lh.J Prlrile . ft""" P"r.i Protestant: south of Market, between floth and 41st ats.: c"nt I1"1 L raonaD,e- 80. Ledger BOARDING unOAD. 8., 770 (The Qraham)-Cool. attract- ...... ... ....., mu i-uiiva.; noiei eery.; 7 up. iS?.lT"VB'tu 0021-Larg e. newly rum. . front mom; southern expoeure: ex. table. CHESTNUT BT.. 8612-3614 VacancleaT ' single nj." ue. private baths. steTm heat. el?i! Hin1."wf! poloh.i 1nt realdentlai sec i!2!Ji "W'-o'a" tble board and service. Phone, I'reaton 0031. HL'ii011 AVE' 1818-16 Beautiful rooms, good table, new management I'none Tioga h.i, . SPRINGFIELD AVE.. 4720 Beautiful private .w...P. .,- piea nwwmi: poarq optional 8J1IN0 GARDEN, 1808 BoafairigTrooms" -"------ u.-.-wu.,, ,DUU .W .IU 1MB, lUVIli.1 mod. hOUee: baths: norch! table hnerd nhone. SPRUCE. 1023-30 Beautiful 2d-story suite. . Inra. or unfura. jo nr.cniinlii choice table. Bl'RUCB, 1224-20 (Ilflamonde)-Fum. rooms, alngle,n eulte; private baths; table board, BPRUCK. 1230-Becond-noor suite; also single . rooms, table board. WALNUT. 4044-Well-fumlshed 2d-floor front; m.memen or couple, iieimont a la v. WALNUT. SOOlk-Dcslrable rms.. 2d floor: ex- vncm uu.,pnone: oiec y; rei'q neignnornooq. 10TH ST., 8.. 813. Cravenhurat-Sulte or single . rooms: high-class cuisine; table board. 10TH, N., 1B39 single and double vacandee; -.gcv uvru ; private lamuy. 86TH, N .102 Deslr, rms.; good table; porch. Shade: eonv. tn rnm ThAna, lf..fnn rtrntt w !0TH. N. .12 Pfeasant light rooms: excep, table; porch: near "L." Baring 2098 W. WEST PHILA.. moat desirable location, beau- i"i corner, private family, will accommo- uis iuy or gentlemen. I'h. llelmont 2GW). 8PHUCELYN. 303 South 41st et. MISS S. M. nAiiLLi, lormeriy or cneatnut at, TWO GENTLEWOMEN would accommodate P. CILtwo Prof rational or business women In their home In West. Phlla. F 850. Led. Cent. ITANDSOMELY furnished vacancy, with ex cellent board; select Ideation: refined and exceptional home. 1338 N. 18th et. Suburban OERMANTOWN, Walnut la W.. 43 Attract ive front room with board; refined surround lags. Phone Qtn. 1800 Y. Photos at Led. Cont. OERMANTOWN. 233 W. Rlttenhouse it""(bf tween Wayne and Greene) Comfortably turn. rooms: good table; cony. Phn. Qtn. 1673 X. OAK LANE Plesasnt rooma, near station, rood table; modem terms. Phone Oak Lane SS8 W. AN ADULT FAMILY would COUPle to board: terse rnnma. like married second floor; attractive home, beautiful location: near sta tlon, Wyncote. P. O. Box No. 13. VOUNO clergyman on Main Line, good home, wlU .iKUr'. and care for boy; small charge. OW3. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 2010 DIAMOND ST. Third floor, 0 rooms; hardwood floors; rent $33. Phone Wyoming 209, or see lie Dade, agent. 1312 OXFORD ST. Beautiful apartment; 2 ltv. tng rooms, 2 bedrooms, bath, dining room, kltchenmaid's bedroom and toilet. Inquire janitor. N. a COR. 18T1I AND MASTER Two or three rooms; bath, kitchenette. ONE ROOM. PRIVATE BATH. $5. PINE, 600-3 AND 4 ROOM APTS.; EVERY CON'V.; ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS; FURN. OR linruiw., MUHT II). arjKN TO UU AtED. B38 N. I0TH BT. (corner) Steam heat. Janitor service: 8d floor, 5 rooms and bath $30. A. iir.Aiipt jmremimt, iw uirara ave. 18TH, N.. 1038 Fully furnished first floor apart. ment with nrlvate natn und kltrh.n $27 suit 2 persons: reference required. 28D AND PINE 8T8. (tM Lancer AntLl-ITt-- roomr, bath, to 0 rooms, 2 baths. Janitor, or CUMMINS. BOS Cheatnut. 1230 K. 10TH ST. Second floor, 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette; hot-water heat; $18. vYjii.uA, inu uirarq ave, 1BTII, N.. 1 BOS Three choice unfurn. rooms with bath and kitchenette; quiet, refined. i8TH, 8T N.. 1718 Becond-floor modern flat, 6 rooms; very large; light: $43. TnE MONTEVISTA 83D AND OXFORD STREETS IN THE EXCLUSIVE OVERBROOK SECTION. AN IDEAL SEMI-SUBURBAN IXICATION WITH EXTENSIVE GROUNDS 8UR- HOUNDINO, AFFORDING ABUNDANCE OF LIGHT AND Aln, AND WITHIN 23 MINUTES OF CITY HALL. THE 60TH 8T. CROSSTOWN LINE RUNS DIRECT TO IS3D AND OXFORD BTS., and the building can ba reached via any car running west with free pass to OOth at. croaatown line. BU1TES OF ONE (1) ROOM AND BATH, TO SEVEN (7) ROOMS AND llATil. renting from $25 to 175 per month. Dining room located In building. " Agent on premises or phone OVQRBROOK 4788. 1 OFFER a large variety of apartments at varied prices and to meet almost any re. qulrementv Call or send for list. Auto. mobile service to Inspect apts. If desired. NORMAN B. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" PALMER & WETHERILL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS Real Estate Trust Bldg. Walnut 143. THE NASH -B2T-29 SPRUCE BTRKET incnnou houbekeepino apart. MENT8 AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE8. corona nr 22d and f-hAktmi. -ta A few desirable vacancies, large and small. UOUSBKEEPINO APTS.. all partso7 city: rents $23 to $70 per mo. Call, tihone or writ te for Information. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut. HANDSOMELY furnlihed 0-room housekeeping apt. for $200 a mcith for 8 months. 4UU B. 16th st.. apartment 003. West Philadelphia ANGORA TERRACE B3V TV DO 111 a HI BT.. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF BALTIMORE AVE. Built m pairs like side-yard houses, makln n4 irerF ruviu iui ouuiiaa root and beautiful architecture. If you are cotnv to liv tn an anm-frnant hi. fall, the lctlon of THE particular apart uvu wu m. .- KiMii. luauy jgu aee on every hand U naturally a matter of great moment to you. Hut there must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you where location, service and comfort everything that goes to make a truly attractive apartment home Is absolutely at Its best, and this, too, for a reasonable rental. Foi $32 to $33 monthly you can secure one of the.e apartments, and this Includes moat excellent and even heating; unlimited hot water, courteous and efficient Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, ehades, screens and awnings In fact, everything to make apart ment housekeeping quite the perfect way to live. . Apartment-, have five rooms and bath and are finished in both natural wood and white enamel, with rtlstlc papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The price Is. In truth, the only thing Inexpensive about them. We hays tastefully furnished a sample apartment O-'o. 6440 Angora terrace), which ..?P.n 'or taepectlon dey and evening and will give you a definite Idea, of how remark ably attractive tbeee apartments really are. Sixty-three of these apartmsnts havs been rented fines our first offering of five weeks ago. There or only 11 atui to be rented, and Jt.l fair to assume that they will all be taken within the next week. Early ressrvai lions will therefore he greatly appreciated. WU. H. vV, QUICK ivBRO., Inc. 8 B.4Mh it NORMAN a SHERWOOD, Mil -Walnut at. N- V AaltaaA a LedSer Warit HonSTUTR-RPTWrt AvAirTMTSVTa HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Teel Philadelphia llALTfUoRE" AVE., 40fl-Attrac mod. arC. flneoutaide rs., op. Clark rk. Baring 782 J. DRHXEL APARTMENTS ... OVERBROOK STATION' Arter October 1. one first-floor eulte, 6 rooms and bath; elevator: publte dining room; roof garden f epacloue lawn. Phone Overbrook (U23. ... . TH" MARL7IOHOOOH B1T7I.AND CHESTNUT STB. Moat conven. lent location obtainable; hot-water heat, electric light: In fact, the character of serv ice and comfort which makee a vacancy In any one of these apartments a rare occur rence; two or three detlrable apartments are offered now where tenants are leaving the city; rentals, $27 BO to $45. ... LK P.LANC APARTMBNT3 B8TJI AND WALNUT BTS. Houtekeeptng apartments, with 8 rooms and bath, with every modern convenience and with the sort of service whlrh will make you glad to live n an eparuneni trie winter: one nrat-noor t $33, two eecond floors at $37. THIS PI.DKTI115M 40TH AND LOCUST STB. Two suites of rooms and bath each may now be obtained In this particularly dealrable 4-story fireproof apartment house. I atao offer a large variety of apartment at varied prices and to meet almoet any re quirement. Call or send for liat. Automo bile service to Inspect apartments If de sired. NORMAN 8. RHKRWO0D. 1411 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS A 8PKCIALTY" THE RUTLAND APTS., JU9T COMPLETED LOCU8T ST.. 34TH TO 83TH 8T. and 7 room apartments, with all the latest convenlencea, $37,50 to $43 per month. ROBERT A, PITTS, AGENT Bell phone. Belmont 4413. 3443 Locuet et. . KINGSCOURT 86th and Cheatnut ate. JUST COMPLETED MODERN HOU8B. keerdrg apartmente. fireproof floors, elevators. mibllp dining rooma Acnlv rHOMA3 II. SEEDS. Jr. 1207 RACE ST. HEADQUARTERS FOR APARTMENTS KERSHAW A CROUL B21B Cheatnut. BATTERLEE (4338 Chettnut st )-HandMme comer apartment, 8 room, 2 baths. Apply . Apartment 1002. Baring 17.0 J LENOX APARTMENTS. B404 to OS Cheater aye. Fum. and unfurn, houaekeeplng apart- . mente. Bee Janitor or ph. Woodland 281D J. flermantown LOCHSLBY HALL J,1 to 814 W. Mldvale ave. Queen lane sta tion, -rtermantown; Ideal homes, large lawn end porch. APARTMENTS DESIRABLE APARTMENTS 1 or 2 Rooms & Private Baths Centrally Located MbAKS & BROWN 202 S. 18TH STREET WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (8. W. COR.) Modern suites; exceptionally attractive; large rooms; high ceilings; abundantly lighted on three eldes: also 202-8 8. 11th St.: suitable for houaekeeplng. If desired: rentala $.13, $4u and $73; Janitor on comer premises. BARBER, ftTMAN A CO., 1201 cneatnut. 11TH. . 8.. 103 Bachelor apartments; excep. tlonally dealrable 2d-floor suite, 2 large roome and bath: eery modern Improvement; Janitor on premlaea; ateam heat Included. BARBER. HARTMAN A CO.. 1201 Cheatnut. TVALNUT ST., 2203 Attractive apartments. 8 rms., private bath and hall: electricity and gas; plenty of hot water; well heated; large rooms. Janitor, or phone Locuat 3340. BROAD ST."-N. Phlla. apartments, $23 to $45 per month: furnished or unfurnished. Apply st office, 3033 N. Broad st. SPItlNO OArfDEN. 1010-Excsllt.ft apts. In 8 different houaea. some furn.: kltchenettea. SPRUCE, 112S Two or three-room apts., with kitchen and bath. Alto office for physician. RTlrT.EYP tnm an,, h ,h .in ,.. ......., New- port, ICth and Spruce, d 350. Ledger 6cntral. TWO LA HOE ROOMS and bath, unfurnished 1401 Oxford. West Philadelphia) CHESTER AVE. AND 4UTH ST. (N. W. cor ner) Two and four-room apartments; hard wood floors, open fireplaces; reasonable. POWELTON AVE.. 4007 (comer)-B and 6 rooms, balh, porch, electric lights, hot-water heat; open day anu evening. Baring 1887 D. GREY GABLES 812-14 N. S3d S TO 7 ROOMS Some furnlsh-d. All outside rooma. Reas. THE BELMONT. 4142 Parkalde ave. Unfur nlahed apt.. 2 and .1 rooma, $20 up. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TIOGA, W., 1417 Two rooms and bath, eec ond front; newly furnished; reasonable. APARTMENTS WANTED ELDERLY MAN desires room, bsth, private fam.: mod, charges; perm. Q 858, Led. Cent. Furnlahed WANTED Small furnished housekeeping apt., 2 or 3 rooma, bath and kitchen or kitchen stte; In vicinity of Walnut or Locuat sts., or any good neighborhood: 2 adulta; no lease; not over $33. 11 43, Ledger Central. APARTMENT HOTELS "THEN TOU'LL COME BACK TO UB" This flrat year we come with our message to you the second and third and all the otJlT '.. y""" the remembrance of this year will bring; you back again and again. Once In a lifetime "MINE HOST" la born not made-J. Warren Friar for twenty years of the Hotel Walton and way back before that of the old Lafayette, has taken the Lincoln. A new and glorifled Lincoln, rrflnlshed and refurnished throughout, and win wel come you for, say, a day or ao. or for all of the winter season. With elevator service, running water In every think could bo you will find all your living troubles over and your problems solved. If vnt. will ill., n 11 -. ... -t., . v, ,. ( .. ... . wt,. -,iu ... mines over ana hen make your reservations with Mr. Friar at . TU13 LINCOLN. 18th and Locuat "The Perfect Apartment Hotel' sts. NORMAN 8. I 8. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. 'Apartments a Specialty," THE, MORRIS 18Tn 8TREET BELOW SPRUCE IDEALLY nSBIDENTIJLL Situated In the heart of Philadelphia's arlatocratlo residential section. Within walking distance ot the shopping, the atrical and bualneas district. SUITES arranged according to your needs, from 2 ROOMS and BATH to T BOOMS and 8 BAT1IS. J. H. HAWKINS, Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COMFORT ABLB SUITES t One or mors well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE SERVICE. THE VRONTENAC" BROAD AND OXFORD BTS. Offers two delightful 3-room suites, with every convenience: also a very attractive bachelor apartment, with private bath. The moat beautiful location on Broad atreetl se lect and refined environment with most excel lent cuisine. THE DEX.MAR-MOIUII8 . OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE, STATION. PBNNA. RAI TERMINAL W1NUTE8 FROM BROAD ..ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED J ND UN. rrU,N.,5!.,.?n?..8JJJ!2?8 AND HOUSKKEBP. 1NQ APARTMBNT8. THE CLINTON TBIuuDciw 800 ROOMS, BVBRY CONVENIENCE. Furnished or unfurnUbed; either by lease or transiently; suites of one to four rooms, with bath. THE NEW COLONIAL Yiu!" Beautifully furn. or unfurn. apt- 1 to 4 rooms, with hath; excellent table; new man agement: reduction on lease; hotel service. Tllin Tlilnv th and Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OR TltANSIENT QUESTS' Apocale to families anl seekers for QUIET SUHHfjWfolNOa TUB! TUPr.VTrvu-no. ',.-. C0H ,UT AND LOCUST (VE8T RITTENHOUBB SQUARE) UNDER HEW MANAOEMBNT' THE E S M JN D"""""" -?- .COR. IXTH AND BPRUCB bTL Dealrable suites with private bathe. THE GLADSTONE . llth and Pine Bte. ABSOLUTELY K1RKPRQOF. r. w J nn.-ii . .i . Rpoms in refined a j-t .fetafc.aal AcL The leading employers look here for ability I RKAT. raTATP tw uat.t I ' 'I ' - REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 2 h?ihmB.KN ATi-Brlck dwelling, 11 roome, 3 loniion ",1, pr1c ""Ohaol. ood "WILUAM C BENKERT ?-; Corner 18th and Arch sts. t... WO LOCUST BT. Handsome, modem, 4 -story brownstone dwell UV S'P"UT n'd for profeatlonal olftcei! . low price and eaty lerma for quick sale. ? 8TiBT.-8ullable for doctor; n sty.. U - . un,i, -iCf Iront. Rothateln newly renovated; 30-foot I" (120 A Co, Poplar et. 2?? rINlKi .-8. 4 atorlea, corner, S rooms; .nninj HWI. d$I40i price, clear, $15i)0. FARRBl.L, tlO South 20lh. ,02t S- 85TH-8 rooms, bath, range, heater, to). ' ;! $230y, price clear. $2300 If sold at S-XBEjAjJIlO k0th.. 2116 IX3MDARD AND 2129 TRYON, In rear, 3 slorlei; aateasml $2no0; price $2000. .. FAHRELL, 710 a 20th. , B.4t N.' JTIANKLIN BT.-S-etory brick dwell- I5fjw.,.room,i hot-water heat; fine con.; price $.1J0. N. Phlla.jrtuat Co., Broad AErle ays IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy," sell, exchange, or Insure, "SEE TAULANE ABOUT iT." . WO Walnut at. SALES, RUNTS. EXCHANGES . . , ,, ALURECT1T8 !gprexel Bldg. 2114 W. Lehigh aye. n!!ND ALONG N. E. nOULEVARD JOHN O. WILLIAMS. 727 Walnut St., Bucce-nr Lewis II. nedner. WARD'S PAnK-FRONT HOUSC3 ARE WORTH INSPECTION OFFICE-4231 N. BTH 8TREET WILL BXCHANOE $2,100 worth of selected oil paintings for equity In real estate. , B. A. MINNICK, 1838 Illdge ava, CEiTILAI' PROPERTY Aeaeaeed $9600. rent- fd "0..pr.lce $730. $950 caeh. Marshall II. .8mlth. 1011 Cheatnut st. 800 HOUSES, everywhere, sale or exchsnge. Bhowaker. Eetab. 1875. Office, 3033 N. Broad. Stores and Dwellings 2712 W. LEHIGH AVE.-8 rooma: desirable builneta location: suitable for many klnda of . bualnete. II. J. Miller, 2728 W. Lehigh ave. Factories. Warehouaes, Mfg. Floora MOST DCSIRABLE WAHElfoUSK and factory site, 3 equares 12th and Market; pa) a 6 per cent, over tnxea; 80 per cent, of purchaee money can remain. J 7020, Qermanlown ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA 004 N. 34TH ST. An attractive 3-story house In excellent con dition; conveniently located; owner will sac rifice: offer solicited. TAYLOR A sun, 24 and 26 8. 40th st. LOOK AT THESE AND MAKE AN OFFER Lasy terms, small amount of cash required. 2fl Market at.. 10 rooms, porch front, very deep lot, choice location. 4112 Powelton ave., 10 rooma, near 40th and Market ats. porch front. 600 N. 44th at.. 0 rooms, porch front. Will sell cheap for quick sale. M'CURDY, 4003 Lancaster ave. BERTOLET. 11110 N. 18th et. DESIRABLE porch-front side-yard dwelling, large lot, 30x160 feet, two street fronts, mod ern conveniences, u rooma and bath; to be sold at bargain to close en account. YOCUM & POWERS CO. 20 8. 13th st., 6040 Woodland ave. THREE-STORY SEMIDETACHED RE8I oence: 12 rooms; 2 baths, attic; hardwood throughout: built by Mettger; excellent con dition: nascsscd $70K): will consider offer near assessment. Potts A Tow mend, 4003 Baltlmoro ave. $31008 ROOMS, hot-water heat, gas and elec trla light, parquetry floors, shower baths, gas kitchens and all modern appointments. Daniel Crawford. Jr., builder, 68th and Had field tts. OLD STONE HOME, lot 60x73, can be bought for $300 above mortgages. In University sec tion of Baltimore ave. U. 11. APSLEY, 68th and Springfield ave. . 83 S. FARRAOUT ST.. 8 rooms, hot-water heat, all Improvements. JAB, y. MITCHELL. 40th and Market ats. WHELAN'B HOMES 66TH AND PASCHALL AVE. Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST. BEND FOR LIST, BALD OR RENT JOS. M. BAKER 62d and Baltimore ave HOMES, STORES AND APARTMENTS Sale or Rent GROSS MINGLE. 321U Market at- CORNER Only $4800; B rooms on second floor; every convenience: could be altered Into store. B16 South B7th at. BARGAIN to close, account 6848 Spruce st,, 8 rooma; convs. Q. M. AMAN. 1201 Cheatnut. OERMANTOWN $13,000 NEW DETACHED DWELLING, on tot 04 by 130 feet, only one minute's walk from station; eoven chambers, three baths (one with marble ehower); large double-deck porch, hot-water heat, electric and gas light ing, open fireplace, hardwood floors, etc.; splendid train service. Open dally and Bun days; train, to Stcnton Station, Chestnut Hill Division, Heading Railway, FRANK MAURAN. 239 Land Title Building. WE CAN ASSIST you to find that house you are looking for. Oermantown Trust Com pany, Chelten and Oermantown aves. RESIDENCE SITES -Ground In best section ot Oermantown and Cheatnut Hill. B. B. LISTER A BON. B812Oermantown ave. IF YOU are looking for a home In Oerman town, Mt, Airy or Cheatnut Hill, conault me. A. R. Meehan, 6747 Germaruown ave. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy and Cheatnut Hill. PELIIAM TRUST CO.. 6740 Oermantown ave. TIOQA WB HAVE THE IluUSB YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOOAN KENNEDY A RAMtiO, 3740 OERMANTOWN Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE BALE. RENT AND EXCHANGB M. M. Smith. Broad at., op do. Logan Station. REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES AND CONVEYANCING WM. D. CHAMBERS. 4833 N. Broad at HCHUHUAN ALDAN. DELAWARE COUNTY THE IDEAL SUBURB $4150 New detached houaes, every conv.; one aq. from schools, trolleys and trains, Provl- v. dence roaa ana cm ton ave.; come out ana l" look them over: 5c. from euth Bt. Terminal. Ad. THE ALDAN CO., P. O. Box 448. Phlla. CHOICE BUILDING SITES AND ACIIEAUE ARTHUR "SPTOWNBEND. Langhorne. Pa. bUI.ECT PROPERTIED Country seats, farms. List orders now. LBWIS T. BROOKE A bun, mt n. i-enn aq. iliu.nij.d joto. BARGAIN 11 rooms: steam heat, electricity: open fireplaces; lot 123x186; shade, shrubbery, garden and fruit. F 466, Ledger Central. LARGE L1HT of euburban homes sale or rent, on the Main Line or Reading It. It WM. H, WILSON A CO.. Morris Building. SUBURBAN real estate. Main Line, German town; farms, Reading R. H. Bend for lists. Chaa. J. Hood A Co., Morris Big., 1421 Chest. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for sale or rant; attractive locations; price light. MAUR1CB J. HOOVER. Real Estate Treat Bldg. Ambler, Pa, SEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farmi. country aeata. building ground, etc. I haJ s a large ana varied Hat in Montgomery and jiucks Counties. If you are looking for any thing tn the waj In country real eatate, do not (all to get my Hat before you buy, THOMAS ATKINBON Ambler. Pa. FARMS, country places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doyleatown branches. 11. J. Pager, Inc. Ambler. Pa. Colwyn, Pia. 21B S. 8D Modern brick dwelling, I) rooms, heater, bath, mantel, 2 porches: 25x100 to street BWOPB A SONS. Tlsrby.' ""w to Klklne Park, Pa. DEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location. ..... ... uu iiuiier. at aeciaea o: bars sin: all Improvements. L Ledger Office. Olenalde, Pa. WILL SACRIFICE my Urge lot in Olenalde; baa all street lmprvements; no reasonable offer refuaed. L 123. Ledger Offlce. MAIN LINK. PA. K. K. HiinimnAN nouirn country Dlacs and building altes to suit all re. auirt ements; Main i-ina- it. a HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. BEST LIST OF MAIN LINE houaes cither for sale or rent at ell prices. HIRST A McMULLlN. West End Trust Bldr. Narberth DESIRABLE CORNER PROPERTY-Lot 76 J?..;Jfn D Purchaaed at attractive prloo. WARNOCK A KMLUN, ComroerclU Trust Hullu in if. NEW JF.R8EY OoaHagewoos. V. t. I HAVE BOMB ELBOANT HOMMS for sals: some on While Horse pike; some ana homes for rent; fine location; all conveniences; old shade. St, MOeMtkWsl, Orsnt ave ' homes are shown t- V ii-tS. M-fwl tf" REAL ESTATE POR SALS Had.lon Heights. W. J. LIPPINCOTT LOIM AND HOMES 1IADDON HEKHITS, N. J. WILLTTT LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. J. THE onEATEST prlvlllge of the 20th century I" to own a little one-acre farm close to Phlla. and remember $3 down buys one, $3 monthly pays for It. For a square deal call on or write BARLOW A CO.. Maple Shade, Tow Jersey. Nallonr.1 Park, N. J. HUNUALOWS. $100 eaah, $10 monthly: lots S3 ?. '.' 5.Mr "olley; conv. to river; National Park. Get off Red Bank are., see agent with ..badge. Ureater New Jersey Co.. 88 8. 16th. Rlvenlde. N. J, IIAlVljftOMIC rnrhlarn ttAns skt-.r4 asVitnsvIa TMia $" 12 rooms, all Improvements; verandaa; . ALBERT W. DRE88ER, Burlington. N. J. . Wood bury, N. J, UUILDINO LOTS, 46 TO 00 FEET FRONT. il feet deep; $100 up. esay terme. . JOHN ABRAMSON 21 North nroad at.. Woodbury. N. J. SnASIIOKE Cape .May, N. J. COITAGF. erected by a reliable builder le a fJn'.,a5.tloni attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOW NHKNU. Ocean City. N. J. nn.n ntv r. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder is a ttnl'ja.cjlon: attractive plana submitted free. OT13 M TOWN8BND. Ocean City, N. J. BEST HOTEL SITE In Ocean City. Between nth and 12th sts.. on Ocean ave. PENNSYLVANIA -fAHMa NEAR SCflWENKSVlLLD. 20 acres, $3000: stock, crops and implements Included; $1000 cash down: fine buildings. Jack's Farm Agency. 218 e,tnh.n Ulrard Building. Phlla. BRANDYWINE FARM, reasonable In price. A. D. ltEALD. Weat Cheater, Pa. e4KE.s.ST0CK;. fROPS, good buildings: SA11 HUNRBERGER'S FARla AOENCY. Oreen J-ineLj. LANSDALD-Sell at half price, 2 large muah- depot. .--.., wuiiuiiiki, wiin 2 acrea rrouna: near Ml T m-r.... - r .. H. TYSON. Lanadale. Pa. XKW JERSEY FARMS LARGE AND 8MALL FARMS for sals: trans !. -Vil hualneas direct with the owners. . W. V. R., 6350 Oermantown ave. FAltMa 1VANTEH ""J," email I arm, about 8 ocree, with bulldlnga, near city. O 830, Ledger Central, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly paymenta of from $17 to $50; houaea located N. Phlla. and ?"! WnJrtn tnm lso to $0230. Merchanu1 Union Trutt Co., 718-710 Chestnut st, REAL ESTATE WANTED AXUNTiP clTr COTTAGE WANTEDTT? CHEL8BA, VENTNOR OR LIGHTIldUSU district: muat have at leaat 0 bedrooms and 2 baths. Pleaae send full particulars and price to PURCHASER 1102 tiarriaonBldg. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort gages and fire lneurance placed quickly. Bee Kane for prompt result.. 2328 Taaker at. RENTS COLLECTED v-l n . -,, ALDRECHTS 373 Drexel Bldg. g414 W. Lehigh ave. WANT listing of country seats and farms. IL B. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut at, Don't Forget the Number." RENTS COLLECTED Senir?i Business Properties Solicited. C. P. PETER8 A SON. 008 CHESTNUT BT. REAL ESTATE POR RENT CITY 112-14 s. 11TH ST.-Dwelllng portion. 18 rooms, 2 baths; atcam heat; reduced rent. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. 130 8. 15th St. 1520 N. BOUVIER-12 pleasant sunny rooms; good neighborhood; fine condtlod; rent te- ouceu. . MYER8 A BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th st. 1316 N. Gratx st. (ltith and Jefferson sts.), for merly known as Centennial ave. 12 rms.. side yard: rent $30. BER'KILET. 1610 N. 10th st. 1815 SPRUCE ST. 12 rooms and 2 baths, new. ...W.V'4 anJ P-inted. EDGAR a. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st. ... S3U MQNTROSE ST.-Neat dwelling. 6 $11.00 rooms: has range, bath, gas, etc.: good condition. Key at 923 B. 23d et. 1324-1328-1330 N. ALDER ST.-3-story. 8 T.0.0."1:. ane order, $8. Keys at office. WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1640 N. 7th St. 1712 WYLIE. (17TH AND RIDGE AVE.) Twelve room,, bath, renovated. ASK FOR RENT LIST A. HEATON MINNICK t i. 1802 GIRARD AVE. Bell. Poplar 189. Keystone. Park 819 Stores, Aptt.. Dwellings A Stable 88 to $150. 8TORES AND DWELLINGS in all sections of city. Bee our Hat In the Ledger Saturday. 8. E. cor. 8th' and CallowbilL CENTRAL PROPERTIES for eala or rent YARROW A VAN PELT, N. E. COR. 17TH AND CHESTNUT. $30-DWELLINa. 11 ROOMS. .. Bend for list Continental-Equitable Trutt Co., 21 8. 12th at IUSKT LIST We uoon arjnlleAtlnrv will Rladlx send you m. Ut Land Tltlo Bldg. wm. u, UL.ENN. 300-01 1X17 pAlllmMB a USSS,.tiS&,JPSg .-P' . .. Parties $32. 1044 N.' 21.1.' """ '"""""" ant! "at RENTAL IJSTS ... . T' F- Ncalls, 010 a 12TH. 2024 Pine, l'.'r $A)IM7 Trenton T ave i siaL8"1' 1!?,-: V ' JckS. Sr?.'.'.'.''! 313 Vj Cyprcaa. llr. .. 23 1712 Watalne 8r m i'r5i?HChr,i'?an(, 0r- .w3w K!tsr7 r. .'v.: 13 1000 S. 12th. Or..., 251 734 Race It ." it 1802 Carpenter. Or. I 23 2H8. cSlfton. 4r' lu 1316 Carpenter. Or.. 22I41SN. Alder 8r" y 143U N. Warnock, Or lo 2538 Annin Br a 1226Potta. 7r...'... 15 1440 n7 Aid erf 3r'.'.'.'.' t? STORES AND DWELLINGS. J34 Race et. store and cellar7n.V..r....$30 00 02TS. 12th at, store and 8 rromi """laBo N E. Cor. 10th and Noble, atori o rUl ,rJ nolo ;.i' r." ':Y' " S ra 23.UU 7Dii h n,h -, .. - - -'r--- y.' 1024 S. i-ni !,. eiora ana rooms 23.00 Factories, Warehouses. MfgIToore 4Tir ST.. M lie.."" M-tirM&.oro imJS"i'4pwW. B17 Chestnut st! MtHUIlANTS' BUILDING . .44 North 4th street very detirableoflices. Heat and llght, MRTROPOLlTANBUILDINo; cor. Brosd and n.ii.vri rooms ouuu to 40,000 square fi - uinir. nuyir io u. j-. ii,ner, i, tf ,tb- tl i Iflt Im A - rear. . . " r -". - - - T " '.l'tx."n?.-Wll erect bulldlni 7.lr ""r """ erect oui ding. cen. FACTORY FLOORS ,nd warerooninarge: email; centrally located. "" ge ana ItAItltY T. SAUNDERS. 81 B. 18th St t-r-- - - : v " - ovn at. Wathlngton ave. min,ua0'so1n,T"'"' . c. J. Btoree mn.1 riur.llln STORE and dwelling. 813 Peplar: sale or rentl . make offer. A. H. mAAJMJ Mi Wqinul' OFFICE8. BLWINEHgROOMW, nyrrT DREXEL BLDO. OFFlClls, aunual rental. '- Single rooms. $100 $120 $15o" $2oo'$.5, a30 Suites, 2 rm., $138, $160, tlli. Mod 221 v8 suite.; 3 rm,: jisS: I275: $400: iiSS: JS3: J SSIPK Jf'tJf:. to 8 rooms, $500 to $1630 i.ib u. Hiu-AiU, 600 Drexel Bulldln-. rRHrnit. AHBkirVv.a '-,,,. .Aj- AND BUSINESS, PIl6PKRTIES? J. C. FULLER? 10 B. 18th St. :.i-.a Z A B U I L D TTror OFFICES. 81NOI.H A nu .EN BUITB 1003-07-00 ARCH BT, MERCHANTS' BUILDING" DESIRABLE ROOMS, powi ER AND LIGHT I'refeeelenal Offices. IBTH ST., B 8178 rooms, physician or dan. tlat: eleotrlclty. hot water, hardwood floirsl newly papered, good light' "' SPRUCE ST, lB2-Ofrica for physician 'er i,25-e-iU',,' h"t' rY,C' MfDsStIj ARCH. 1829-Of flees for'pEyalcTanl neat' llihl and servlcs; running water, reference. tiTESTNUT. nSJ-DesTraTdToTfTc'es for -octorsT dentists or studio; running water, electricity bHE8TNUT7T2f-Wo olScea. lit floor "iE tractive recepUoa room, run, water? el" CHE8TNDT. SUM-i large phyalclan'a ofelciT ateam heateleo., newly renovated: long leaee. WALNUT.' 2i05-Bult of 3 lane rms" l.t'tCT! Pot ana cold running water; electricity r ' tii' ft-p' n"iv kn-.l-l-!l- i.l. 'l 1. ntll 8T.. a. Sai-Ph-ysTciio's ofaee; Wm furnished reception room; running watarT Ui'H, SU 8 Physician dealrea to share fiof ofllcsi well furnlahed reception room. PROFESSIONAL BUILblNG. 1831"chesuSI st A few eultes for physician or dent - J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chtst"ut and litlu WMT PMILAieKLPHIA COWER .BOTlTANDCAKAKINsiul leBsssa: feiioro'TvV. -?T' WBifc ircST audi --" '-..i"- hlaU fcath k; rtSna.4. Ofai 't H atledger CentraL tml&0fa&'m4i i REAL a-rTASI . V8QJ!IJjBle.li, qfflfffia$mn tor rent at $.10 to deetnib BSTH AND WILLOI tTas. W1X. II QUICK . A IOw last.. a Boutn ewes, sa. . , POTPtf Overlooking ... EBTATB dJ&lVSJi& 10 Parhaldo aw. $22-42 BSTH ST. Very DAKJN A KILPATRICTC. mm started et OKKMANTOyK ainV?CiyF-?n 8T.-Twelve.roeaj tin. we. mfntnT-' rasoWl choloe ssMrtte ot eje. oxruiT-r. Bread j "ris. vemon reeul id osjf C CrtUsBJM St .KI7'l.PJ5'fWi'. Pantrr.'hieKai . v i.twinuors. s DSthS SJ. - hta." Kfdw-ood",florri .p.n" !? with old shade; open dally and I trains to Btenton fi.lAnV.52S. ' or drive out IBSOO Nnrtkl Btenton avei. to Veraos rsjaii -Title Building. iwftK BAUBA8. fB IsaaW 5-; ROOMS a baths; geiraoe; 1 lav sVfi Bedgwlck Rtatlnn nn - " ---'. sv.-TSssr eon. 7014 Boyer st. Both pseieies. belro-witirlUat' "? l2ofc3 ' . E. Walnut Una? U " Cheatnut HH DP?.lh.mI'VTrum74ySer OAK U1NK BrVERAL rROPERTIEfl for Oast ."r'onarr! IssBsk SUBURBAN Secane. r. F?R RnT-BrIck and frame dwelllnr . In perfect order, with all cemTenvev - wh1.'?d.n?;i?r-i"?. i'? .. dence road, near --.... .,. nbaa vk Klwuilui UIQ mSOe walk from Berane station, Aaniano Bye.. 8 j Ll 1 -., . ana w. . n,; o St station. James A. Bi 'inc. Ml xjuiiuing. l-niiaqcinnia. MAIN LINE. Wn. IT, Overbed -ft nne ansae trees; iss p ma. HARBERT A CLAOHORN, 904 V. Narberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES, T rooms, all convenlencea. electric lights, ate., T month; others at $21.80 SM.Be hmi waryiARR,3. tAtTifti-if Wynnewood POR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOIrj irrmsn m ,n u..,,. ,,.,. - -- ..v. v MAjivn rtvsuv. i ..-.,.,-,, TUU, JA. ( It Is modem, with all necetiry com ncea; contains 13 rooms, 2 bathrooms i JU V kTHTtTT-S,- . i"C"5"i naa imerai lot of grounl. t r fn ,h'1A na lowers, and the reen is U than a 10-room city house. T Automobile storage, $3 per nwata. 1 WALTER BASSET SMITH. WYNNEWOOD. PA. Haverford. Frn. 1 ATZRACTTV.E oIa Colonial homestead, me era). .it , ii i..m. ., . l.. mm-, i 1 w--""'. rvonia a n oatn linBldr lawn; iioo. Button. 301 Ftan Wayno rrfilhlSIIC? ..or,nrumlaJied Nine-room co inn-Vrr . ' i " oatna. central nesting piaa j Jni53.,n bft cUon of Wayne. convesdZJ A -in-, , V "-"on; present tenant sublsl ?v25F.to-bu,ln,e" -anxes. 201 Kldhcad I ,-, j. i-none, wayne btz. NEW JERSKY Avalon, N. J. NEW BUNGALOWS, cottacss as m.nta for rent, furnlshedr modersAe Jh,,-0""1 ,,nyenlencesf -Boardwalk. Casrl n5ilJf,5f,'.U k,na" ot "tores: farmers delll fi?n.Cti'-n0 SoS ?M' --. hoat'H hil,i".ana"portA ca. Phone or write i -.-. -JM.imus, i-miaqeipnia. sr. Rlverton. N. J. $23 TO. $40 MONTH P to la roam hau iV" X.- ylCE. 8 XJPPI-I POR RENT FUSNISHB Cheatnut HIH Ai;iitAi.-iivifi ;rrencn villa, garase: i -Nov. 16. 5 months. L 23U Xedger Centra Suburban J1 ARDMORE-Attractlveiy furnished, on O tnttn e ft ae . . -i- . v -, v W-A-.AA4U-J.,, mmrnag room, d MUt aSE?01 n(l bath la aervanu wlwri ja, with chauffeur! room. Portlculara by r -. . -.-.. M., , 4-WHU aVII.17 UUUOlDfi MORTGAGM Large Amount TRUST FUr.1 wti iriKoT UORTGAGB Imniediate Aitenlirw HORACE H. FUlTf V 713 WALNUT ST. J MONEY FOR MOKTaAOBB ' $500 $1000 $1200 J51S00 $1600 $3000 Vjf. ll. HOOD, 612 NORRI8 8T. riiuri- mortgages lor sale, amount fUt .,uw, ...w. ..cn. e-iAi aivv, ajuun. ; $3300 $3800. $4006. $1500 and' $0000: el o -iu per cent; title Insurance, lnclu and all papers free. u, 4, mw. -JTJS iniaiga ave. IM TO LOAN ON 11RAI. WMfTirm $a0 aiIrJd?ne,1U, "m r:iw. iu. aioij. 183 SOUTH 12TII BTHB SeWA WB HAVE FOR SALE THRSHf 81RABLE OROUND RENTS. bearing 6 per cent Intereat. free of the I a..f'lt"iu"v' car AXES, 1101 Building. J. 11. M ABBEY A BON . 1STII AND OHEEN BT8. FIRST AND SECOND MOttlXJAGfcst BU1IJ3INO AbSOCIATION FUNDS MORTOAOES IN AMOUNTS OF $1800 and $.-000 at 6U per cent. JAMES D. WINCld5tV N. W. cor. 17th and Hansom -1. JS" .tSNVEsr T 'jsmgunTajSjui ...... -.vv- -' -" wuiiuuia aaaociat ub j A CO., -- v.v -rv'A'.wrrrf'r ", v. otiiut,i..a 4th and Callowhlll ats. UNLIMITED FUNDS In moderate amoui for straight and building association sasee loweet charxps. loweet charges. WILUAM JAMI. kEOGH. 663 Drexel Bldg. FIRST AKD SECOND." 'iNY AMOUJK" fiv ne biiKii hai a. . - - - JAMES C BXMPSOI42caetnutat, llASONAni.R ratinnim 1 JOHN A. BARRY. 607 LAND TITLJ8 BT.X.'ll WORRELL M8 SfSD FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOa-4 ioo. $300 to $5000 TCT J LEWIS A r-n J $50 1227 W. OJrard A'' 1 "TRUST FUNDS FOR F1RBT M5F JIERKNESS A BTETBOr LAND TITLE HllLDIM pltlVATM AND TRUffF 1ST MORTOAaE8-4!ll MORTOAOli. J. EDWARD LUT?. 240 W?17th ALT. AMOn-nf First and second root ta.es: quick a Maurice H. Matslnger. Kaal aBet. Tru. FVIUUa FOR 1KT AND D MOBTOAl. suitiuAu&n rnrt f"Ar.?- a - TIIEO. li. N1CKLKB. 261S UUMUA-tf ANY BUM. ANY AMOftte ruiuiu as- un Luvviifc r. A. MUAHti llllUNOtll OWKKS8If your mertse. a l will take ft uo: ilu O CHEsfTsW P. KOTTWBUT 1 FDl7DT"FOR laTrXNfjr-t) and Interests collected la CAMERON. -4111 Kee-etnert POTT8 A THOMPeKWrfa MONKY for first aud -.ria or VVIllU.Wlaclsaejtor .. loti JTUMDI for 1st and fa s-tsej quick BBSwesw. Ch... W Coi mgiosiweaitJi Uiilain M fv suod mT pili.ltn N a 10 sil u '.UAN Ul 1J '.t lj ( 1 At your servw t&ttMlim j&k. mBXLm&JL3S53ffl&r&i btJ3fa. iiB-. -as-. i j