Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1915, Final, Page 12, Image 12
rsnfrjr'n"Y sw-esywgr- -e"- V - -- - rrV - nnmf h I . ;,c jaff GET - RICH - QUICK tuaivtn l .-.. ..,... Hnwirirp erT .urnri MWWty,AvT YoUTTb T SM' VMK A rTUN( o (JWJWP S BARTENDER WAS NERVOUS ilWed Attack and Caused Arrest of Customer Who Confesses Theft The nervous condition of saloonkeepers themunlcr of one of them nt M id MerWet streets last Friday was rx ipltnect Jin n. little drama which rcnchetl the potior court ctnge today, Last night -e bertdnder at Frank Muliln's saloon, t nd anfi Market streets, ecrtfc.l n. drink yoiJng man AvJio, ho noticed, Kavo f placel a- thorough Inspection. He went nt and I returned In a few minutes for nnothfr fjrink. and nBaln his eyes roved '''out thlfl saloon. " T7!", nelct tlmo ho went out they watch- m atna saw him Standlnir In thn ' the elevated. Soon he came CJnother drink and returned to "JT.and phoned the police of the Tin KtrWlt Bnln TMall.. PaatahalToy and Clarke arrested tWt T i A i nation !. said ho was Ijiw loore, of "Wllllamsport He Is 23 ta ana well educated. He had no ft on him, but frankly admitted was a cocaine user. Ho had come ,(cJty last Thursday, the day be- 13 SnlOOn murder, nnrl iha nn!li.A U link him with that crime. Under nmnir lie at last blurted out that e i wanted In Wllllamsport for stcal lamond rlne and that ho had been m Harrlsburs. nr held under 500 ball for n fur ,reartntr before Magistrate Harris Steamship Vulcan Sails , a delay of 56 days. In whlrh ftlds of dollars wrn lnjit tVin rtaniat. ihlp Vulcan left this port today for uhagrcn with a carco conslstini? of f parrels of lubricating oil. Theidelay ,qtaused by International credit dim- -, Fi FllnM. nf Votnrnn Tiul.f fj funeral of Colonel Joseph P. Brln- Clvll War -veteran and la,wcr, who Kh his home In Devon RafnrHnv. held this afternoon In St.. Peter'u nt Episcopal Church, 22A and jt streets. Colonel Brlnton served Untenant colonel of cavalry on the R'flf General Meade. He was a former tent or the Richmond. Fredericks- land Potomac Railroad. ft OBITUARIES Malcem C Farrow, Jr. n)m C Farrow,, Jr., died Jn Jefferson o jl this mornlnc following a sur- 'V peratlon performed several weeks li fm which until a few days ago he rlmd to bo recovering. Mr, Farrow, U s about 30 years old, was the son ! -i -k M. . - sij ,wm . luraiiv, mr years tnier ot of Shamokln, Pa., and former paj Treasurer of Northumberland ImPCI TTnitl atmnl ,An- AKK !.. ,, ....... mwuv JVOi uuu bll tf man had beefi engaged In news- i efvork in his home city and In Ttm- Fa- ln September of last year JgatTa the law school of Dickinson atc Carlisle. Pa, Mr. Farrow, who ettrraduate of Trinity College, Hart- urarmn., was well known in this city. fU( Mirvlved by widow nnd daughter. VMfs. Henry Cabot Lodge iJANT.'h03v Sept. IS. Mrs. Anna ild Lodge, Vvlfo. at United States r Henry Cabot LdUse, died early i real uicir jiumu nere. ffieatltf tf -Peptember ST. 181S, GEonnK lutinu ci Annia Airey. ltelatlves and .ndfalM employe ot Central 1'ottoftlce. m Invited ta attend tin funeral nervlcu. on rlday, at 3 fi. ui.. at hl late reildence, 1BJ7 m at. liMermnt ai uouni Aioriah Ceme CHnnln may be viewed on Thursday, 3n km iv p. iu. AuiomoDiie runerai. f.AVT. At Mulllca 11III. S. J., on Sep. ur L IBM, JUIIN II. A8HC1IAKT. M. ia SC yfcira. Jtelatlvea una friends are. U ta a4tnd fnnaral aervlcea. st hi it Uoca. Mullica lillU N. J., on Wednesday, p. mm uMHumik MBuvum wvine- "VAKN. At Atlantln Ollv v t -iar M. ISIS, anna n. Vr.nmiinu Me at'B. K. Bachmann. ItaliHu. .nJ loMenda ,u Inrttad to attend the funeral p itm uu ""? " J.P. in., at her imiimi ,, mill (., fnnaaeiptila. lirmnt Drlrate. at .Mount Mnriih ,'-m vZV ratrtck aad Oridcat Uric, ased li tn , Salatlrea and frlrndi -i.V o. atkA'a T. A. B. C.Ueta- ijoclety and boya ,'. ath.' School, are Invited to attend . -unaral, em Wednaday, at 8:Jo a, m.. .taa reaadenca ot bis paranta. S71fl crwln at. nolemn itequlem Maaa at Bt. umirui, i iv a. m. interment at camctcrr. 3n September s, 1816, VIIIOINIA jtowira umem, iteiativea and nvlted ta attend the funeral airv. adnesdar attemoon. at 2 o'clock lVf late residence, li'18 Planer's imcruiciifc mitmiv. aiaaeniy. on (September 2. I V VJAMI'DELI. Iteiativea and ar lvMfl to attend funeral, on uUv. nt SVO a. m.. from hfa lat . T5oa, eottthwfjii comer 22d and Market iteiiOABalamn MtataVMaa at at. Patrick-. i "Vrtmkk at 16 a. ft Interment prlvata. ur . .iUI1 fuaienil. """Aiiiband of thaJata Sarah A. Clay. i lUT o, ".!!: if'"'"'' '."bi uoun L ' -P- r'.p- aff, 'vtta to attend " fll t, aervkaa. on Wadneadair at a p. dauchter'a realdence, Mra nauanicra reaiaence. Ve;! Lurehwood ate Interment " At I'.DI. an Alt... .. violet .Treuton. N.J.. auddanlr, on Sep. fiH1"0! QTia E- huaUtnd of Loulia "JUMlraaa). aged 3a yeara. Mela- rwutla. elan niembera of Phlla J Raatacj Katlef Aaaoclatlon. are -is. ra.. at hla late realdence. .'Wtaauu ave. inttrment at earn jaiuaiarr. iiematna may 4MaW alanine LfJ'Vr.a- M18 THOMAS aTTaiarr palton nee Ilrannani. n. auq parflD Ual wo mamtiera of tic,n uiun, the lea. Mlaaewawa ara rami, rtrnii i "aw hla Ute real. "2 at,, Saturday, badtal r.i.,. tolMUr , 11, t bla lata TTajaW ,., johS a aon of tt) late Jaaalc Ilavlln. li... fBajara' will bo alran. -On ut.mbar M, 1U, CIIRA evy ..a4 7 tun. eUtatlvea and aHfM Wtfaiati Lv of MareV fjwr al M Cstt .Vlt f"aB.,''" m , ". tM funeral ? m w- '-,'' ' ' . ., at the real- IU ir irn. ix if , Huekaall at. ' i. A,1 WAkltTT. aaaa 21 ,, ', j,n t., haMT jrnj ' ' i ! i i liig tkW ajeVaap a. ii' m vit Mt ,r bate) leal. .v ) i, ,i Wdi,,.da, (2iT-.l ' - i laiaiaaaoi vnvali "y. EVENiya - WALSINGFORD ..... - t TriUE.,-y I IBvqoNNlT ' ' i , .I i ' 3US HRNlKAM A UTTUC- DAT VfL I) i: ATI IS l-ASHlli:Mli:it. on Heptember 24, ISIS, 1'AUL.a rASSHENUEn. wira ot John Fa.i ben ler uaed 4 yeira. Iteiativea and frlenda arc Imltcd to atteml the funeral, on Wednea dty, at 2 p. m., from the parlor ot Oua A. htrchner. northwrat oornrr of 13th and La hlch ale. Interment at Ureenmount Came- l-l.l'l'l. On Beplember 20. 1014, ANNA, wife or Thomaa Flud. Iteiativea and frlenda, alao Council No. 10. Daughters of Liberty, are Incited to attend tho funeral aervlcta, on ihurwlay, nt 2 n. m., nt her late residence, .&:! f roa street. Interment at Mount Mo rlali Ccintery. flenialna may be viewed on edneadny evenlnff. l-'(lltltK.sli:L. On tieptember 2S,101B,JOHN, husband of Annie 1. Vorrestel (neo Carr), In the (ISth 5 car of hla one. Iteiativea and frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at S a. m., from hla lata reel, dence, Mil Olranl a. Solemn Requiem Maaa at fit. Gregory's Church, at 8:30 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. GAI.I.KN. On Peplember 2.MD1S,CIIARLE3, aon of the late Jamea and Mary uallen. Itei ativea and frlenda Are lnlted to attend ru nerai. on Wednesday, nt H.:iO a. hi., from the retldenre ot his nephew, William l'lumley, .1444 N. Delhi st. (10th and I'lke eta.). Solemn Itenulom Maaa at St. Stephen's Church, at 10 p. m. Interment at Now Ca thedral Cemetery. CSAKIIETT. Suddenly, on Heptember 27, IMS. HKNJAMIN VIL,Mi:ii, husband oi Anna 1-aura (iarrctt. ItelHtlvea and frlenda, bIbo Oriental Lodge, No. .18.1, r. and A. M.j Columbia II. A. Chapter No. PI; Marv Com. mandery No. :i(t, K. T., and Lu Lu Temple, A. A O. N M. 8., may view remains edneday. from 8 until 10 p. m., at his lain rrclrtencc, 4(iT,0 powelton avenue. Inter menr prlv itc. l'lease omit flowera GAKTMANN. On September 20,1018, MAItY KATilAHlNK. daughtir of Alexander and Mary Ituch (lartmann, aged lit yeara. Rela tives and frlenda also membera of the Trin ity Iterormed Church, llroad and Venango ta, Philadelphia, aro Invited to attend the funeral ncrvlces, on Wednesday, at 2 p. ni.. at htr parents' residence. 161 north USth at., Camden, N, J. Ilcmalna may bo viewed on Tursday evening. Interment at Northwood Cemetery. OAKMOOn. At Palmyra, N. J., on Septem ir 2.-. ELLWOOIi U., husband of Lllllo L. naruood, aged S7 leara. Iteiativea and friends, nlao I,.ncoln Circle. No. 27, It. of A., and Southwestern Assembly, No. 18, A. O. of M. P., are Invited to attend the runerai. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., from his lute residence, Washington ave., ralmyrs, N. J Interment at Morgan Cemetery. Train leaves Market et. ferry for Palmyra at 1:20 p m. GIIIIIIA11D. On September 27. IBIS, CARO. LINK C, widow or William Uebhard, In her Pith year, Itelatiies and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, heptember .10, at 1 p. m. precisely, at tho residence of her eon-ln-Iaw, Harry C. Wilt, Denn, Pa. Coaches will meet the 11:15 a. m. train from llroad St. Station. Interment private, at Woodlands Cemetery. Pleaso omit ftovters. OKII'I'ITir. On September 20. IBIS, STEL LA BISHOP omrnTH, vita of Horace B. CrlflHh nnd daughter of Annlo and the late Thomas V. Dlahop, aged 40 yeara. Iteiativea and friends, and all aoeletles ot which ahe v.a a member, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, from her lata resi dence, Cheater pike and Amoaland road. Nor wood. Pa., at 1.:m p. m. Scrvlcea In St. Mephen'a P. E. Church. Interment Chester Rural Cemetery. Train leaves llroad St. Station at 12.17 p. m. Friends may view remains on Tuesday, from 7 to l p. m. Oltl.MKM. On September 27, 1015. JOHN W., sen of John A. and Mary E. Clrlmes tnee Itourke), In hla 19th year. Iteiativea and friends, alao employes ot the Drawing Room of llaldwln Locomotive Works, are Invited to attend funeral, Friday, at 8.10 a. m.. from his parents" residence, 2700 Cambridge at. Solemn Requiem Maaa at the Church nf St. Francis Xavler, at 10 a, m. Inter ment Holy Cross Cemetery, GUOVKS In Atlantic City, N. J., on Sep tember 23, 1013. EMMA C, wife of Thomaa J. Orovea. aged 77 yeara. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tha runerai aer vlcca. on Wednesday, at 3 p. m., at tho residence of her brother-in-law, William II. Denees. 8510 North 8th street, interment at Grcenmount Cemetery. HALFI'KNISKY. On September 20, 1815, WILLIAM O., beloved aon of Robert ana Ida HaUpenney, aged 2 yeara 0 montha. Iteiativea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 1 P. m., t the residence of his grandparenta. William O. HaUpenney. 1733 8. 10th at. In terment private, at Femwood Cemetery. HOGG. On September 27. 1015, MART E. wife of Joseph Hogg, formerly of 2U34 Oak. ford nt, uged 25 yeara. Iteiativea and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services on Friday, at 2 p. m at Holy Communion Memorial Chapel. 27th and Wharton sts. In terment at Femwood Cemetery. Remains may U viewed at her late residence, H731 I.ayrock ave.. Thursday, from 7 to B p m 1IOLMK8. On September 26, 1815, MAT THEW S., son of Rachael and the late Jona than Holmes. Iteiativea and frlenda are In. vlted to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesday, at 2 p. ni.. at the parlora of S. P. Prankenneld Bona, C300 Vine st. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery, HORN. On September 24, 1015, JOHN II., husband of Amanda Horn and aon of tha lata Robert and Mary Horn (neo Simon). Helatlvta and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Wednesday, at 8Mu a. m.. from realdeuce or hla daughter, Mrs. Nellie McWIlllama, 1057 N. American at. High Mass at St. Michael's Church at 10 a. ni. Inter moat at Holy Croaa Cemetery. JUSTICE. At Pittsburgh, Pa, on September 20. WIS, KATHERINtf LEE. widow of Charles I. Justice and daughter of the lata Henry and Margaret Lee. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 a. m., from bar brother. In-laWs residence, W. C Warren. 3J0 Uroad way, Camden, N. J, Solemn High Maaa at tha Church pf the Immaculate Conception at 10 a, m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery KKLHO. On September 28. 1815, THOMAS o beloved husband of Elizabeth Keleo (ne RlcUardaon). Relttlvea and frlenda. alao Lin coln U O. L.. No. 25; IU n. p., No. 4. and order In general, and membera of Emmanuel" Reformed Episcopal Church, York and Sep. viva sts., are tnvlted to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Wednesday, at 2 p. rn.. at hla lata residence, 2023 North Front st. Inter, ment prlvata. at North Cedar Hilt Cemetery. Iiematna may bs viewed on Tuesday, attar 8 p. m. KLOSTKItMAJL On S aptembar 2a, 1015. ANNIE, wile of Herman Kloiterman (nea Riley). Relatives and frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 a. m from her lata residence, 117 Atlantic at,! Gloucester City, N. J. High Mass at Bt. Mary's Church at 8 a. ra. Interment at 8L Mary's Cemetery, KltUKOKIt. On September 27, 1015. MIN. da, fiuuw ui iiiauv r. ivrueger, aged 10 years. Relatives and frlenda ara invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Thursday. Mt 1 p. m., at her lata residence. 510 N. Paxon at Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Re mains may be viewed on Wedneaday, from s to 10 o. in. IJCNA1IAN. On September 27. 1818, MAR. C1ARBT LKNAHAN, widow of Daniel Lena. han. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to at. tend funeral, Thuraday. at 8.30 a. m from tha residence ot htr niece, Mra. John Parry, 1410 E. Susquehanna ave. Solemn Raaulam Muss at the Church ot the Holy Name, at IU a. m. Inttrment Old Cathedral Cemetery. LKMIS. On September 2, 1815, THOMAS, husband of tha lata J. Lewis, formerly of 1737 Federal at Retatlvee and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral, Thuraday, at J p. m.. from the residence of bla aon, Richard Lewis, 1713 Manton at. Interment Mount Morlali Cemetery Remains may ba viewed Wednesday evening alter 8 o'clock. TJPSKTT -On September 28. 1913, EMMA 10.. widow of Jotji Llpaett. Italatlraa and frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral eervlcca. on Thuraday, st 2 p. ra , at her lata feildence. 1827 8. bin at. Interment private! it Mt, Mortal. Cemetery. Remalna may be viewed on Wedneaday. after 7 p. m. LACKEY. On i Beptaniber Jo. 1015, C. 8TAN LbY, huaband of Maria Mackey (nea Witt). ot iii-1 Weat Cumberland at., and sin i of carrlt and the lata Isaae Mackey, in hla 30th year. Relatives and friends, alao Ml lloreb Lodge. No. SU. V, and A. M., iWinuiua. lie. No. 25, K. O. K., members of tho Phlla delphU Orcliestra, Musical Aaaoclatlon. La. ri No. IT. Btephen Olrard Uenenctal bo. cleir. and the PhlladelphU Turngemslnds, ara Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on TUureday. at 3 p. m., at the apartments ot Oliver II. Hair, 1830 Chestnut at. Interment at MU Peace Cemetery. Remalna mar be t tawed Wednarday. from 7 to 8 p. m. MANNING. On bspUmber 28, 1815. ED viaiiu ., nuauana ox Alice siamiina; tnee CuKay). Nelatlvea and frlenda. alao Cathollo atauenclal fMloa and Holy Name oWolily. ar. Sle late realdeasa. laaVoibt. i. '. aaiaas assaaa ax uaa I r -ner. ' . laV.'.V.A frm .., Urrjdmri . e - - - ar . - r -, -r - - iii mi i r . -a i . - r v r r Tin i a i n-tv. . "V Hrlf IN C1U. ' v!-r. I.. I fM.I 'IN K ii V ? 1 I i 1 Hi'f ' ". 7.30 s. Wj. m ton st CaaaVts Ckuratj U STl a, at. XWeraaaal r&xt cuaaae.Ca.sM. t txmmm. LEPaER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTA Alii MB T FEEL. SCRAPPY DEATHS McllRIDn. On September 24, 1015, JOHN J aon of Stephen and Rose McKrlde inee Leo), Hgetl 2fi eara. Relatives and friends, also numbers of llrsnch No. (II, (1. It, C. K of St U , and James McCafferty Club and the enipiovea of UaeJer, Adamson A Co., are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday nt K.30 n, in., from his parents' residence, 2.11 K. Monmouth st. (23th Ward). Solemn Requiem Maas at Church of tha Na ttMty. at 10 a. m. Interment at New Ca thedral Cemetery. MrGAltltim.E. On September 20, 1015, MARY C, daughter ot John F. and the late Mary V. McOanlgle. Relatives nnd frlenda, nlsn St. John's Alumnae, are Invited to at tend the funral. on Thursday, at S..H) a. m., from her tathei's residence, 221 Dawson st,, "issahlrkon. Requiem Mass at St. John the Raptlst Church, Manavunk. at 10 a. m, ln torment at St. John's Cemetery. Mrt'AIITIIY. On September 28, 1016, MARY A-. daughter of the laat John nnd Mary McCarthy. Relatives and frlenda are Invlt ed to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 30 a, in., from her lato realdence, 2211 North 7th street. High Mass at St. Ed yartt'a Church at 10 a. m. Interment private. Old Cathedral Cemetery. McCLENAHAN. ROHURT EMORY Me CLENAHAN, In the 7.ld Jear ot hla age, on September 27 1013, nt l'oit Deposit. Md Funeral services will be held at 111 late residence at 2 p m.. on Wednesday. Inter llicnt private MrUKKIIAN. On September 20, 1B15.AGNES I... wlfo of Jamca V. McOechan and daughter of tho late llernard and Mary Mllltgan. Itela ttvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 .10 a. m from her late residence. 2i2l N. Stlllman st, near 23th nnd Norrls sts. High Mass at St. Eliza beth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Crow Cemetery. Mcl.AUGIII.IN. On September 23. 1015, MAlUiAHKT J. MeLAIKIIILIN. wife of Charles McLaughlin and daughter ot the late Alexander and CattMitno Mtei, Iteiativea and men a. also tho members nf tho league ot the Sacred Heart, are Invited to attend tho funeiHl, on Wednesany, nt &'.0 a. in., trom her late residence, rear of 1427 Ualnbrldgo st. High Mass of Requiem nt St. Teresa's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Crosa Cemetery. MILLER. On September 20, 1015, CLARENCE D husband of C Delia Miller (nee Conner), aged 30 years. Relatives and frlenda nrs Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 P. m at hla late residence, WOO Chancellor rtreet. Interment at Arllng ton Cemetery. Frlenda may lew remalna Tuesday, from 7 to U p. m. Ohio papera pleaso ropy, MILLER. On September 27, 1015, JOHN S. husband of the late Maria E. Miller, aged 83 years. Relatives and friends of the lamlly are tnvlted to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 11 a, m. precisely, from his lata residence, northwest corner 28th and Parrlsh sts. Interment at West Laurel Hill Ceme Ury. Body may be viewed Thursday eve nlng from 8 to 10, MYEltH. On September 20, 1015. CHARLES MIERS. husband of the lsta Anna Myers, aged 8'J sears. Relatives and friends, also Teutonta Lodge, No. 225. D. O. II. . ot Mana unk, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at n a. m., from hla son-in-law's residence, Philip Kllnk, 4 1 Ml silverwood st., Manayunk. Interment at Levlngton Ceme tery, Roxborough. Remalna may be viewed Wednesday, from 7 to 10 p. m. O'RHIEN. On September 27, 1815, at Con ahohocken. Pa., ELIZA11ETH O'BRIEN. Rel. atlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a, m from her late residence, C10 Fayette st. Requiem Mass at St. Matthew's Church at 0.30 a, m. In terment nt Bt. Matthew's Cemetery. OEhTERLE. On September 20, 1015, LENA, widow of Christian Oesterle (nee Muller), aged 52 years. Relative and frlenda ara n vlted to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesday, at 2 p. m., at her late residence, 1131 Potta st. Interment private at Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Remains may be viewed Tuesday evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock. TAULSON. On September 20, 1815, of tvphold fever, EUNICE, beloved daughter ot Fred and Utile Paulson. "In her 22d year. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at the parents' residence, 75th and Island road. West Philadelphia. Also lurther aerv lcea will he held at Mt. Calvary Preabyterlan Church. 77th at. and Lyons ave.. at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Mt. Mortah Cemetery. PEACOCK. On September 27, 1818, IDA RAMSEY, widow of Nathan It. Peacock and daughter ot the late Jacob and Matilda Da ker. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her aunt's residence, Cordelia Hunter, 4100 Richmond street, llrldesburg. Interment Northwood Cemetery, PHILLIPS. On September 25. 1815. "WILL IAM li., husband of ElUa P. Phillips, aged 80 jeara. Iteiativea and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral, Wedneaday, at 2 p. m., from hla late residence, 1311 East Susque hanna ave. Interment private at Odd Fel lows' Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday evening after 8 o'clock. TUBBY. On September 20, 1015, ENNIE, widow of Joseph Puscy. Iteiativea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 1 p. m from the reel, dence of her aon, C. Edwin Pusey, 203 W, Oxford St. Interment private, Remalna may be viewed on Tuesday, after 8 p. m. (JUINN. On September 27, 1013. WILLIAM J huaband of the late Catharine J, Qulnn and son of the late John II. and Emma ulnn. Relatives and friends, also Southeast early Ueneflcial Association and employea of the navy yard, are invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday morning, at 8:. 10 o'clock, from 1118 Snyder ave. Requiem High Masa at the Church of the Epiphany at 10 o'clock precisely, interment at Cathedral Cemetery. REII.LY. On September 23, 1815. JERE MIAH, husband of Urldget Rellly, Rela tives and frlenda. alao Div, No. 8. A. O. II : 6t, Vincent da Paul IJranch I, C. II. U.; Holy Name Society of St. Francis Assist Church. are invited to attend funeral. Wedneaday, at 8:30 a. m., from his lata residence, 2U40 B. Olat aU Solemn Mass of Requiem at Church of the Moat Pleased Sacrament, at 10 a, -rn. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cam. tery. REYNOLDS-On September 27, JB15. F. MAY LAWTON REYNOLDS, wife of Elmer L. Reynolda and daughter ot Jabei 13. and Alice A. Lawton, aged 81 yeara. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Thuraday, at 2 p, m.. at her late realdence, C3 North 53d at;, Weat Phlla. delphla. Interment Cheater View Cemetery. Remains may ba viewed Wednesday evenlni HUI.ON. On September 27. 1816. ELLA wife ot Captain Harry E. Rulon. Relatives and frlenda of tha family are Invited to at. tend funeral aervlcea, Thuraday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late realdence, 2143 N. Van Pelt at. Interment prlvata. 8AUHEI.EIN. On September 27, 1815. THEO. DOHE SAU8ELEIN. aged 73 yeara. Rel. atlvea and frlenda ar Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea, on Thuraday, at 11 a m at hla lata realdence, Mapla Shade N. j' Interment private at Colestown Cemetery' Frlenda may call Wedneaday from 7 to 0 p. m. SdlELT.HASE On September 24. 1015 IXmoTHY. wife of John Schellhaia (nea Rumpel), formerly ot 7th and Wolf streets Relatives and frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral, on Wedneaday, at 12.30 n. m from her late realdence. 008 ailham at lAwndele, Pa. Servlcea at Bethany Reformed Lutheran Church, Lawndale. Pa., at S p. m Interment Hillside Cemetery. v' ' SCROLL. At Denver, Col., on September 23. 1815. AUOU8T. huaband of UiSlaaBeaol! (nea Schmld) and grandson ot the late Char lotte Bcboll. in hla 37th year Relatives and frlenda, also members of the 20th Century Republican Club, sre invited to attend W. neral aervlcea, Wedneaday. at 2 p. m., at hla lata realdence. 2323 Jefferson st. Interment prlvata at Mount Vernon Cemetery. Re mains may be vlswed Tuesday evening, from T to 6 o'elock. ' bCIIKAClLr At liar, residence, 180T South Falrhlll it, on September 23. 1818, ANNIK E, wife of Valentine 8. Bchrack. aged 'u years. Relatives and frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, Wedneaday; at 11 s. m.. at tha apartmenta of Oliver H. Pair, 1820 Chestnut aU Interment at Mont somery Cemetery, Norrlatown, Pa. Bt'lllVARTZ On September 20, 1815. AN. NA, wife of Francis Hchwarti and daughter of John and tha late Huaan Stickle, a gad 18 yeara. Relallvea and frlenda ara Invited to attend tha funeral, on Wedneaday, at 2 d m.. from htr lata realdence, 4731 Pecbln at.! Roxborough. Interment at Westmlnattr Ceniet tery. WJOTTy On September 26, 1815. KATH KHINB N. a, daughter of Thomaa J. end Etafrada Scott, aged. 11 montha. Iteiativea and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Wedneaday. September 29, at 2 p. rn.. 5 rem nor parents residence, isar B. SS4 at. nterment at Fernwood Cemetery. FKnHT JE& BUIT ME " "v . " ,X5? ' ? ,. V Fot)J- fW-W . . aLS.BH-i.ssi. un napiemrer as. MI1B.CLARA M. J. aVWARPIJBy ae GelUr-Duflne). wife of Mlram K. sUrpley. lar. Funeral to which relatives and frtenes ara InaeHed. on ewasval .WBaWT'e ewMtSaaweaaawreft 0aasrsPsseraa By KEMBL-! Copyright, 191ft, E. W. KemMe. CM M you ") 3'wwn, Q'wm( )T?uH away l-vbue rd You BIG-NO? T3... a v. .?.( T3I3K.AJav 1 Wll) t V " ' . I . , , -. . - . . . riHi vYe-vo n l .. JIl I TUIlTkE. 1 V -'-' f ' - ' ' T- 1 - . ai . i DEATHS SMITH. On .September 27, 1013, FRANK A., huaband of Katie A. Smith (nea Sullivan), Relatives and friends, also sll the societies of which ho vas a member, are Invited to attend Hie funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. ni., from his late resilience, 2000 U. Clearfield at. Holemn Requiem Mass at the Church of tha Nativity at 10 a. m. Interment at New cathedral Cemetery. SMITH. On September 20. 1815. LAVINIA EMMA, daughter ot Sanford nnd Ada Smith, aged (I months. Relatives and friends are In vlted to attend the funeral servlcea on Wed nesday, at I .. m., nt her parents' residence. 8U4 ttoanol-.e St., Chestnut Hill. Interment Mt Riverside Cemetery, Norrlstown, Pa. 8TONE. On September 27, HUB. HARA1I P., wire ot l,eonlaas J. Stone. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her late real dence. M Linden ave., Haddoufleld, N. J. Interment private, at Harlelgh Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Wedneaday evening. SULLIVAN. At hla summer home In Chel eea, N. J., on September 25, 1016, JOHN a SULLIVAN. Relatives and fi lends are In vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8:30 n. in., from his late residence. 1003 Mount Vernon at.. Philadelphia. Mss of Solemn Requiem at tho Church of the Oeau, at 10 a. m. Interment private, at Holy Si-nultlire Cemeteiy Klndlv omit flowers. WATSON. Ninth month, 20. CARRIE S. B., wife ot William Watson, aged 48 yeara. Rela tlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend fu neral. from her late residence, near Median, trsvllie. Pa., fourth-day. Ninth Month, "-T). at 11 a. in. Carriages will meet 8:40 a, m. train from Reading Terminal at Dolyestown, Pa M1LSON. On September 23, 101K HANNAH A. WILSON. In her 02d year. Relatives und frlenda nro invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from her late real, dence, Ui Chapel avc.,,l'arkeaburB, Pa., on Thursday. September 30, at 11 a, m. Inter ment at llepzlbah Cemetery. YOUNG. On September 20. 1915. ALICE, widow of William 11. Young. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her late residence, 2011 S. 13th st. Interment at Woodlands Ceme ter,. Remains may be viewed Wednesday cvtntng. YOUNG. IDA PETERSON, widow of James Ripley Young, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the services, at her late residence, 043 N. 15th at., on Wednesday. September 20, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Mount Peace Cemetery. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TTrE (er like this) One time Ue. Three times one week 12Hc 81x times one week 10c. Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per line. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rata for Etinino Lsdois and ruBUO Lidqeh combined la 10 centa par line with tha exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which la 15 centa per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS Cor like this) which ta permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Peraonala. Hoarding and Room a. add F1VECENT8 PER LINE TO ANY OF ABOVE RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. PERSONALS I "WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any bills contracted except by myaelf. JOSEPH FRETZ. 130 North Vogdea it. JuaBl" HELP WANTED FEMALE APRENTICE-Young girl for millinery. 1615 CHAMUERMAID and waiting; white: Protest ant. reference required. Apply 240 W. Tulpe. .......s -a... m-iiiiaitmriii, sjr LlllUnO el)a UtD, CI,,A.lUsi1f,i,i" BSS w.!.lrr.".. colored! MaiH .... w. .w, ov, i-uuiic A.euger, lor In tervlow, Wedneaday, 12 o'clock. CHAMBERMAID & waltrepe. urn .i,i. t. farm. 3 adults: ref. req. Apply 4054 Spruce at CHAMBERMAID and waltreas airl, whlteTno laundry; reference. Apply 2003 N. Park ave. CLOTH WEAVERS" "wanted. Apply JohnE James i Dobaon, Inc., Blanket Mllle, Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill, ' COMPANION to lady, bright and cheerful young woman. L 255, Ledger Central: . L 255, Ledger Central. COOK Eiperlenced. plain cook for Drltata lamiiy. uneatnut mil; Protestant: reference. Meet em twecn 11 and 12, Wednesday morning. COOK wanted, white; alao girl for chaml worn ana waiting; reierenca required, 64UT Wayne ave., Oermantown. Phone Utn. 230. COOK tor Cimtii.: must be comp.; withTefTi Protestant preferred. L 208. Ledger orflci coPKfcJhoroush,lJ' 'mKfitBti c"l lT30Sprucs at.. Tuesday, 11 to 12; reference required. COOK, muat be experienced; email family: no laundry. Call Cheatnut Hill 645. "'"'' no COP WINDERS-Apply John & Jamea bob: otnScnuyiklll. ' ' ' BCOiV Une- "alu jmBNCHrSwIss. Protesunt, to sew and help In care, of children at Bryn Mawr: ofii HeaSd'l2'a. ri? B0U" C"U',t "'" OIRL about 10 yeara of age, to file pacers a law omce. Xddraaa C JOO. Ledger cfrtf. uiitLb watte, conking' and downatalra worp emcli family. 302 Pelham rtairmiitowi' OOVERNES3, nuraery; muat bJTibie'to'nw' refarenre. Annlv f!VQ M n.-i. ".? u mmw . '-' . --- - ., nit ave, "S.",? EWI'JK-Seme of the beat famllieTS Philadelphia and auburbs have lleSd on.i. fng; with Miss Read at thi T Ledger How hold Registry Bureau for glrla for general foeU.?irkihR,vrai '"P " wSltlaS nor Rrcur.,hdeW.h.'l.0 .RtS?- JSrU "jBlf HOUBEWOItK-Fanilly of three In suburbs have good bom and steady -work for settled woman who can cook and aaalat with ganiiai housework I. fin T..a... rti."1" ssnerai ---. --. .... v,,i,j;b, IipuSEWpRK-Whlta ProtesUnt. cooking and downatalra work, laundry for 8 adult.; good home In suburbs. Meet employer. Room 230. "- .m.-wj, a m in. IIOU8BWOnKrVhtU iromiQ for dowuttlrf. hay good reference Apply 1Q2J Ch tuut tl t "" " "ry" es i,HHUUt 1, ,,i!i'ABW,0ilif-Wh,t,.:"1 to general houaa: Jly ii ?pMdr"nWooa Y- J"tQwai tro. HOU8EWOItlC--3lrl, geneial housework: OeTZ Sut"lfllT. ' """mPton ave., fcheat. ITpUiSwonKiWaotst, ' exparienoad general housework girl; refer. Phone Cynwyd 221 W. HOUhKWOItK Exseslanred whils'glriT adults, reference; esftee U. 4824 Locust' at. roiJSIiVtORK, generar; whits; email family: reference. I'.ll lln ' ,K ..' """ "l'fj LADY, educated, mlddfa aged, for position In Camden; experience not necessary, refer. enceart Address C 203, Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS, thoroughly coaipetant. Call 1160 . m., .mcj, . m xi leterence rati. NURSE, experienced, take complete cWxe'uf little UH years sad baby; referiocl re qulred. phot pvarbroolt 6M0, today " i'lPKR HOXni-Kxperieneed ceverlnr ma'csiae a at aeod waee to aula oataeMora; brlur girl with you to turn in. MllWa' 442 York NVbL WB " tb "" WWow ILaiilAljr.'O.i.ttle. Oerinaia epejaktr, asujT. 1st geaatt star 7miZ1 Z' -:- HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOORAPHER-Lady wanted with knowl edge ot bookkeeping for wholesale lumber office: SO to 30 years of age preferred, U 033, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, must be experienced, neat and rapid; excellent opportunity. Phone Pop Ur 2.121 BTRNOOnAniEnS.B00ICKEEPEna, CLERKS Are you seeking a first-class position! See Miss Dean, at Ledger Central. She will advise ou how to secure one, help you writs your sdvertls'inent. Hat yuur quallflcatlona In the Commercial Department. Miss Dean nas helped hundreds of )oung ladles and will ex tend the aame courtesy to you. This is a free service to Ledger sdvertlsers. WAITRESS, English, wanted; also pantry maid. Apply Ureen Dragon Tea House, 211 couin lotn st., -iuesqay morning, iu to 11. W A lTREfIS Thoroughly trained girl wanteS! Meet lady. Room 230, Public Ledger Tuesday allemoon, 2 o'clock. WANTED Three white girls for Bryn Mawr, one tor cook, one for watting and chamber, work, one for laundry and mending. Call Wedne-day. 10 to 12. at 3825 Chestnut at. WEAVERS wanted, experienced on Oldham Witch looms. Scotland Mills, Kensington ave. and Huntingdon st. COMPETENT, refined Protestant woman, about 40. to assume charge of bualneas woman's home, part care of child, 8 yeara: .1 In famllv; assist laundry, must be good . cook: nares SO; reference required. L 215. Ledger Ofllce. fleneral CLERKS Women wanted as govt, clerks; $10 month; Phlla examinations coming: sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. V13 Cl. Rochester. N. T. HELP WANTED MALE BOOTBLACK, colored, wanted. Homestead Hotel. Hot Springs. Va., Box 80. BOV, bright, to run erranda and make him self generally useful. Apply by letter only, Bailey, Ranks & Diddle Co., 1221 Hansom st.. Phlla. BOY WANTED In office of large manufactur ing concern; good chance for advancement; must be Protestant. O 550. Ledger Central. BOY Office boy, bright, active; must operate typewriter. Apply U148 Washington ave. BUYER AND MANAGER FREDERICK LOESER & CO., Brooklyn. N. T. Require a buyer and general merchan dise manager for their departments of waists, eoraeta, negligee, house dresses and sweaters. These departments have leng been among the largeat of their kind in this country and require for their ad ministration a man of broad and suc cessful experience, who can take full advantage of tha very rapid growth of Brooklyn. Applications will be treated In confi dence. CLERK Experienced pricing clerk; must ba fast and accurate; permanent position In large wholeeale house. L 124. Ledger Office. CI.OTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John & James Dobson. Inc.. Blanket Mills, Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. COOKING and general housework Filipino boy; must be Indus. 381 Qowan ave..Mt. Airy. GROCERY specialty salesman Knowledge of vajlrnir& taaa unrf eAffatetsi nsa'aveas t tmA-a I'nvswaiQ sne ea.au vuitnn Hicici Itu. UUJ-rvra - tunlty; com. basis. W. 11. 11., C I0.Led. Off. INSTRUMENT MAKER on fine balances: ex. perlenced only; references required. Christian Becker. Inc.. 147 8th St.. Jersey City, N. J. JANITOR, white, for ProtesUnt church; give age, experience and ref. C 301. Ledger Off. MACHINIST,' exper., die maker and machine fixer. Frltt Gross A Co.. 22d fc Sedgley ave. MACHINISTS Large vertical boring mill, floor boring mill, planer and lathe hands wsnted; steady work; good wagea; none but expert enced men need apply. Southwark Foundry and Machine Co.. 5th and Waahlngton ava. MAN. lTve. experienced, to take charge ot grocerlea in department atore November 1: fine Pennsylvania town. 1U0 mtlea from Phil, adelphla; green grocerlea will be added to present department; man must be capable manager, who can handle force and develop trade; exceptional opportunity'. M 120, Ledger UUIG-.. MAN, healthy, wanted: willing to give blood for sick woman; reasonable compensation. Apply tonight Norrls Drug etore, 21st and Pine ate. . OFFICE BOY Bright, Intelligent boy about 15 for work In newapaper office! 14.50 per week. Apply to Mr. Joyce, third floor. Public Ledger, at uoon today. SALESMAN for class pina and college Jewelry : commission basts; unlimited territory. 6 SECOND HAND wanted in card room to take charge of nine aeta of cards. Apply John & James Dobaon, Inc., Blanket Mills Scott's lane. Falls ot Schuylkill. " " BOLICITOIU), familiar with automobile acces. aorles; proposition will aell like wild fire If you are accustomed to makinr money, can and know pur prppoaltlon. Tuesday and Thuraday, Accumulated Electrlo Co. 1303 Ridge ave. WANTED Foreman, competent to take full charge of ticket, tranafer and bindery department! of !ys Printing and llthographlo plant; must have had experience In handling shew and commercial printing and Ilthofrapblnct state experlenca. aalary expected, eto.fi! first Led""' Olfl conBaen,tal' -"dress M 123. WANTBD Salesman with experience selling ahow and commercial poatera and kindred Ilneej etata experience, aalary expected and full details SS fj? tUSi ggJce? c""""-'"-' Add?.'e VARP DRESUEK WANTED. Apply John a. WATCHMAN Bank wants watchman. InteiifT s-.mg. tana sjt, ptiiuyia.111 gent white man not over 33 yeara: rood health, good habits and good 'record n. quired: able to gtve bond; aalary MOO Pas annumi give references In answering" C 303, YCjUNO MAN as i seoly and companion to geii tleman with defective eight. 01)11 Led Cent VOUNO MAN wanted at soda fountain:' rafe'r. ""'-, 7T " '"-' .-w. ..HWHIIIH, HtlBTLJHS of neat appearance can make" from SB ta lis daily. eunmli.An k..,. Irw 10 dally, commlaslon basis. TT.Z duclng out free talking' mac ft to li a. m law Arch at. or. Apply STENOGRAPHER, experienced tabular work! state age, rets., salary. H 40. Ledger Cent. BTENOUHAPHER tmale)-8tate experience: age and aalary. C 308. ledger Office. 28. 1918. BEGINNING A SITTTATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT to doctor or dentist, graduate nurse, young mod, wages. L 210, Led. Off. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and clerk, can operate t)peiv rlter. O BI8. Ledger Central. ATTENDANT or companion for elderly lady desires pos. In refined home. G 810, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER-21 jears old. 2 yeara' experl ence, good reference. O 344, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, 5 years' exper. i possesses ex ecutlve ability! rets. F 813. linger Centrsl. HOOKKEEPER-Pelrco rlenceil In nfrlce work. School girl, expe tl 4".'. Ledger Central. CHAMBERWORK end waiting, young. Over brook preferred: rer. i sin. Ledger uince. CHAMBERWORK nnd waiting Experienced colored girl, 752 8. Chadwlck st. CI1ILDNURSE. German, for small children or Invalid, wants situation. 1213 N. Franklin. CLERICAL WORK-sssistant cookkeeper, five years" experience: good on payrolls; accus tomed to interviewing people. F Ml, Led, Cent. CLERK A bright, energetlo joung" woman, exp., desires detailed clerical position, where responsibility is n requirement; thoroughly capable; asst, book'pr. G 415, Led, Cent, COMPANION-Mlddle-aged lady ot refinement wants position as companion In a family where sh can relieve her employer In any part of the household; best reference. Call Miss Reed. Room 230, Ledger Office. COOK, chambermaid and waitress, 2 slaters, eiperlanced: reference. L 222, Ledger Office. COOK and chambermaid and waiting, entire aork of house. Room 230 Pub. Led., 10 to 12. COOK and rh'maM. white, want rtln,.- tn gether; city; best ref. C 307. Jjedger Office. COOK, competent. English Trot., desires poel uonioorefejcesJwpFairmoujitae. COOK, first class, city or suburbs, best refer ence. L 220. Ledger Office. COOK withes position, city or suburbs: pri vate: beat reference. 1.V1 V Rl.t COOKING and downstairs work Experienced ....... ..., iii.iciiiD, iijj r ii.waier. COOKING or light housework, no wash; refer- ". v . .j....... .J..1.JU.,; jr p. DAY'S WORK, cleanlnr offices, apts. or wash- ...,M ......., ...cgHvc, , fcx ,ea. KJll DRESSMAKER, go out by day; tlrst-class work; reference. C 227. Ledger Office. Dim-3MAKCn' out r dayi remodeling done: we --..eause 0.1, DCI1U lajlIHI. j-Jt-asMAKKH, comp.. from New York, do- Birea engag is; nisn-clasa work. Walnut OiM. OIRL wanta general housework or chamber- Work! stleaaef. Imma 1T1T A J Ji ...M..u?,. . -...- """m"I alUUlBUIle GOVERNESS, nursery. North German, wishes pos.. takes children 3 yrs. up,; exp, Kln dergarten. 7142 Germantown ave. JOVERNESS. trained klndergartner, li. der- -iiii, s mm a v e JUS J IOB(, "SFSPPPF11 naglnB)'p01fon wanted by competent, experienced Protestant woman 0S?nfiKE. r?".U't.omed t0 responsibility. . ....., au.o. Miito.i.. y. HsJITJ B.. "and8?11? hYounB Uiy- f004 education llninroom. N . A.' 1-2S a. --f-;,-eper. HOUSEKEEPER, working.' no wash or Iron; WsMstn Ifrtt Dm-lll fnn tivi-i T n.a . . . .. ...., .4.V. 4-ie S.OIH . HOUSEKEEPER managing, public or private orcompan Ion. Prot,; ret L 217. Ledger Off HOUSEWORK without washing, "elilwTianTed v.nmnn- rnrnmiM r. mo . -.71 r A.iIO"vcu .- ...,,., ..... tn.n, ae-Viy K. .Oin BE, - , ..M,,.., mmic, "Si!?EJV5i-Womlln w"nt" senThawle.7g"ood . cook, good Ironer; ref. 2143 N. Sydenham"" LADY'S MAID to debutante, a younir school girl preferred: best of reference. Apply at ETfnTolace' "averford. Pa. Phone Ard- LADY'S MAID. French; alao cook. So; 27 Ledger Branch. 20th and Fltxwater. MOTHER'S HELPER or Invalid nurse and light duties; exp. Apply 67M Klnee?"" av" N4ffi5S-H3tt.5tys" "a. bs mothe?. Mil b'aiintiiM m..u in1. ... . ! ... w. .......,, bwu Bnwer. j liM, uea. Off. sxaB.4uuwo-eeiA.Ta1 UIU llHa POB1I10D With hl-rh- ffMil,?JlRS7 hou" Anrrel,her?rfc,: SEAMSTRESS, compt.j can cut and fit ladles7 "& e,0.tht;i, B fB.atht Jlutleireal- . ... , ........ . .,,, jjer-UKS.r unifn 8.STa7.WHJiJ!.hJliti5 - . . . . .,t jegtj. .jrj Qir.rei.fcT'A lV tti-ii-kl.. .' . - . -. e .-.-.... -... w uaKaaa ICli Jl- .-.L. IAI -rf "."...". a,.wvusjsiljr CXpcr.,ACap, Of tBK. Ing full charge, prerera position with phyl alclan or architect. Q 040. Ledger Central! STENOGRAPHER. Young lady, with exceptional, ability rood STENOGRAPHEH-Expert; Wm. Penn gradu". ate; 5 years' exceptional experience. Includ. Ing engineering, automobile and general com. merclal work; con, secretary. Q 62. "r STENOORAPHER Experienced. accuatom.i tA illctatlng letters, handling the buy'Sf D? materlala for manufacturing and offlcS um act aa confidential clerk. O 55. LrtlrrivS' STENOGRAI'HEft-Quallfied by 6 years' 'ei. perlence for secretarial position: very 5 with figures, q 51. LedgerCentral. y Pt STBNOaiUPHER and aaat. bookkeeper- T Yeara' exntrtfnt?ji f-.nr.ia - 1 ?."vr A bftlc. detail.; refeVencS. F 848. Ledger",;1 "" ".". . "".er ant a.ftujiAi-iiE,ji-ncllL..Alir, eXDerleni-.i familiar with lumber bueiness. aisS general commer. work; thor. cap. F 1)43, Led? Cent STENOGRAPHER. capabl"yo".ng lady "wit hi yeara' experience, deatres permanent n7iti.n. moderate aalary. G U53. Cffer "nfl. tloB' STENOGRAPHEIt. neat, dependable. wouM consider moderate aalary with opportunlti... reference. B 809, Ledger offlplul"u"' BTENOGRAPHER-lntelllgent, accurate on1. V-tra n-rn e tif rtttm ri oa' "j! . One " r' -- km a.fU. CI"P llsni.sl blSif,Ai:"5n' eapable, young lad-wTtK ..r-..j - y--r --penence. u S4. Led. Cent STErJomtAPllEil and bookkeeper - RecenT -'r'- d g"i rk; willing. Q ta. Led"""' -- : z . -. ........ , uv, 4vva( ijent. BTENOGRAPHER and clerk. 0 yeara1" thoTouTK experience, capable. Q 858. gd.i- 'can't. J,1" B?.N"A'E.-Wm. Penn Ililh-pTirT. -""""" y' -P- U 40. LsVltcr -.. i "hool.-udVnt7m..al.F'l,C,N,.l" UTEWOGRAPHliR. 17, competent, lndu.tr!-,,.-: (jerij-wrwrii. mit i" i .. lilrca cooq raia.i moderate aalary. Q 51. Led. Cem o..nuui(Ai'itiit 1 year's exoerlene. -iii substitute! la R.1I1 VV "n. SSv'-Hl. wHl i . .. .., j a uirard, TEACHER, exp. In elocution and naiiresTudT" . w shea engag'ta; best ref, Rdti Cheatef ay.' TLXEPHONB OPERATOR. 6 yearVe"xde. alrea hn.v nrlv.t- hmnAh -- 4.TT'. .P- a . . ..,.., , ... ,r, , . Ui,ri . ....- w.v. ,,0j ioog, uent. TYPIST and general office aes(tantri3"yeafs experience, a 14U. l..H..r r-T V " eara ... ......-. .,, ..ruicr -enirsi. SiVh iT.Trirr""A"."V,re, een teach -...--.. iiiw.it. .,y, A tririRT-r-r.ail. llaUlTnn ... . thoroughly experlenogiT t- efrf, tidg CenL aHUAN COUPLE, oooTeookadmItlerbeit . rata., want altuallons. 1213NT lrV-nCif-6"' S rough the Commercial Department at deer .Central, a large nuro.er of 'tirmi ve been able to secure com niISf office help-bookkeepers. atano?ah.?i and clerical glrla The next tlmV y are In need of aa of See asalatint tela. Phone your Help Wanted ad tS '"U as Dean." Ledger Central, WalnSt aSoa She will select eempetenl glrfs Md VuK mlt them for your conaideratlim.0 Thu f a fr service to tdge, adwUstt ACCOUNTANT, absolutely first class, ' 157? dept. or sssuey ,:!, E1"""J WOMAN, colored, wants wsahlng and ' lrnI lng at home. 20-3V. AddUoni"'' ' on Y9!? LAi,nowieageoT7talSir-phVa bookkeeping. 1 months' experience: moderate aalary; willing to learn. O 48. Led-er c." YOUNO.LADY In doctora office wishes dnr7 1071, Ledger Branch. 2Id .T,i rSSSiSW "-u.v. .1UX1. FOWL EPISODE AtaitiKT. WH.VP EtH " ' - w Do YA 'spTr.RaM cHtcKS-M ? Jife SITTTATIONS WANTED MALE ASSISTANT TO MANAOER. ," Married man. 33, with 7 yeara' experience In executive position, office details, sales, cons' spondence. elc.l ref. Q 834, Ledger Central, BOOKKEEPER and accountant, young man, exper., dealrea poa.l beet ref. C 10. Led. Off. BOOKKEEPER desires small set ot books tor evening or Sat. afternoon. G 044, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, young man, 5 years' banking experience. u HIT, Ledger Central. BUTLER AND VALET. Japaneae, experienced wants position: best references. II 30S, North ISth st. BUTLER, first class, English. Call Room 2.10, Publlo Ledger, between 10 and 12 o'clock. BUTLER, white, first class, wishes position! city reference. C 300, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, mulatto, married, 0 years" ex perience, ktrlctly sober and honest, wishes position with privets family; best reference from laat employer. Box 181, Langheme, ra. CHAUFFEUR, alngle, 6 eara" exn., will be open for position October 12; make own re pairs; best private ref. O 441. Led. Central. CHAUFFEUR, colored, 7 yeara' experlenca; do own repairs; drive any car; now employed; re ference. Q. M. 1620 Flora st. CHAUFFEUR desires position, good mechanic: good reference; suburbs preferred. G 052, Ledger Central, CHAUFFEUR, white, mar., 4 yrs, with last employer; do own repairs, o 742. Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, general man; married; best reference, ou-u uaymon si. CHAUFFEUR, single 22. with & yrs.'s exp., mechanic, reliable, sober, O 452, Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, colored. 10 years' experlenca; reference. 1210 8. 18th st. Phone Dick. 3517 X. CHAUFFEUR, gardener, understands heaters, good worker. 3 yeara' exp. Q 548. Led. Cent. CLERK, finished, 7 years' office experience? knowledge ot stenography. H 44. Led. Cent. CLERIC, graduate Northeast High School; will try hard. 1820 N. Front st. COACHMAN, single,' white, wants position; 5 years' reference; take care automobile. Box n, uverprooK, i-a, COOK Japanese 12 years' experience, will take entire charge: honest, sober, trust worthy: Al references. Phone Baring 7125 J. COOK. Japanese, wants position in prlvste family: has good references. Toklo Qwa, 303 N. ISth st. EXECUTIVE, long business experience, da slrts position aa manager or of trust; refer ence or bond If required. Q 852. Led. Cent. GROCER Young, ambitious, courteous clerk, handy advertiser, not afraid ot work, would like cojntry or euburbsn position. Box lb2, Barnegat, N. J. INVESTIGATOR Would like to Bet In touch with large corporation that requlrea aervlcea of first-class Investigator with 9 yrs.' exp ; r Amerlcan born. Protestant. 32 yrs. old; very aggressive; Initiative, sober, reliable, con- crete rei.; perm, pos. eaa, eq. cent. JOB COMPOSITOR: AL 207, Ledger Office. MAN AND WIFE. English Protestant, wishes position In private family: man first-class outler and valet; -wife competent housekeeper and cook. Q 544. Ledger Central. MAN, 30, single, seeks position on gentleman's plac, handy with tools; carpenter by trade; reference. Q 818. Ledger Central. MAN, absolutely trustworthy, good character and education, wants employ't. G 731. L. C. MAN and wife, cook, etc.; rets.; col'd; chauffeur, houseman, go anywhere, C 303,Led, Off. MANAGER or steward, long experience In busT ness, restaurants and clubs; exceptional ref erence. O II W. Ledger Central. OFFICE MANAGER Four years' In present position with large corporation handling- correenonde. -e, pur chases, office details; age 30; hi .est ere. dentlals. F 11411. ledger Central. SECRETARY for Institution or mercantile house, German, wants position: best refer ences. C 233, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARY Experienced stenographer and competent correspond-nt seeka position as private secre tary or sUnogrjpher to executive, G 01s. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge bookkeeping, ex. perleni-ed. reliable: ref. O 837. ledger Cent. STUDENT In high school desires work after - r. m.; hustler. G 015. Ledger Central. TRANSLATOR of Portuguese desires worfc spare time. O 852. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 23. of good personality and ad drebs, wlsbea to make connection along sell !n lines with responsible firm: good educa. Hon; sales and clerical experience. F bit. Ledger Central. ' YOUNG MAN, 3 years' experience In central office work, desires position with large tlrm: outside work preferred; can operate tyiH. wrlter; excellent reference. C 210. Led. orr. YOUNG" MAN. 27, with teehnlcaTahTbuaTnes. education, at present engaged In electrical engineering works, desires position with manufacturing concern. C 302. Ledger Office, YOUNG MAN holding position as manager and salesman for manufacturing concern do Ing S20,000 business desires to make a cliange. C 204. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN, 21 years old. desires position with undertaker; best ot references. O 130. Ledger Office. ' YOUNG MAN, 8 years' experience In real es tate: executive ability. O 541. Led. Cent. YOUNO MAN. 16. desires position In office." real estate preferred. O 046, Ledger Cent. BY THOROUGH HORSEMAN. Hollander; age 34. coachman with private family, or -river on trotting horae atabla or hackney stud farm; good driver; msny yeara' experience: Is provided with excellent foreign in Am". IAyK I!AD Kood falntn In a bank and con slderable experience In the stock brokerage business; desire position, preferably with Central brokerage house. O 857. Ledger JAPANESE, industrious, waiter, sen. hswlo. in small fsm.: best ret. Iser. lk Vine it. IF YOU DO NOT FIND THE KIND ot an applicant listed hers who can nil that exacting position, telephone Mr. Hunt Led! gar Central. Walnut o? Main sW The ed. ger'a Commercial Registry Bureau la a fr- M!2e.tbx,-,,W v -,,TU time and "aon. venlence. Mr. Hunt utu-1 y brtnga the rttht man and right Job together. EMPLOYl-ENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY. 1019 'Rittenhouse sq . has a V"Z -lrinMd German loupls, ok nd f"at'J!;,e?i,0.E?.h "" end PutleT cooks. fr.M?. T0. including Bwedlah. Irish, fcngllsb ?"i first-class butlera, secSftd. third and housemen: large addition vSulVaii .11 capacities Including nuraea. tralSJd Wa?t . Protestant chambermaids. paTlo? E?m,'l iVat" of 8edlah glrli coVplis! mafda. Sit"' h""en"n' experienced kltebaa W5TSPCoo.k'', chambermaids,' waitresses housework glrlsi cooks and 6ermanceok i',i'Ji"uJ:S,.e ?" -iSuaework glrla wTt M.I. tlona Mlas Ruse Dougherty. 1313 Qlrard a.. Til1,,.rA,,L1F..Ui u0I-AU haa lat-clasa cook'a" SfiLmi!erSld"' wf.eaaea. parlor maids, ": d lee maids, nur.ee. laundresses, butlera. val. ets. hnu-emen. rata guaranteed. 40B 8 24th FlROT-CLASa laundress Wishes altuatlon; bV.'t Mary T.McCarthyiuT -,tt,l fiV - .5 - . t-tnui. Mvuuai MiB Vftlil .- a Bimr. --"- rv "SS rrtiHrti.-"S T.1f b f mploymanl BoreauT o Cpiiatlan at. Reliable help supplied and vanteA,alljuUIlea,lr.nTPC? WANTED, at Eptewparoice7WBn2th"atT flrst-cUaa cooks, waltreaaes. nurses F?ench malda. house girls snd kltch.n" "'is. AT-TOMOBILB Fer Kale PL-J-MAN. IW, tt-tta T,.ri.Mn.., ' i-,,.,-.: KSfeT', "tar:r.' fw? JENKS, Mgr -Uchsnrrr.ytv-' H- -" HUDSON" f Ready for Immediate delivery, rehutu tu. tag Care. Roedatera. electrlo "gbtan 2r. era. Soma of our late inod.1- iIi-fl.. ?''" C0MMERCfAT7Ti61miSHrtVfi uyj'tfis? ?jrts5ate. V J , $ S szh$&$& lata ta M !. .!- -- . '?-l .s r ra-ri-jias. sLi&iiA., aeiueaaaiBBaaal